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THE RUNAWAYS. (Longman*!.] i. The same year that Lady Jane Mag nua p-fwienlied her beautiful daughter Adela, Itord (Ucnoore wa* the m?tch of the season, .hist of age, of an old fanniv, with vast -rro-ascssions, and a beavv nut r.'ll. swelled by a long mi? nority, the mslant tho hawk-like eye of lady .'sm* fell oa the young poer a thrill of joy assured her tbnt there stood the bnst.and Frovulence had provided for Adela, Little matt/red it to Lady Jsne that I-ord Ulencore was silent, awkward, moat -painfnllv shy. given to blush to the very ?root* o, his hair if a woman but a*f dressed the moat commonplace romark to him. Adela had l*een too carefully trained lo pm her faith to externals. Hesides. aa regarded msrriaRe, Lb.Iv Jane always arranged thus little iffain for her daughters. She bad brought ont three It fore the *dvent of the love'y Adela, and DOI ont* of them, she in? wardly boasted, had ever reason to fling S syllable of reproiuii nt their mother. " You think it is all right, mother, do f'on ? " Adela ventures! to Ray, (.rowing a ittle nnoiisy when the end of tbe season drew near, an.) Lord tilenrorehad never a idressed a sinple remark to her which could by any possibility be eountrued into love ?? Perfectly rich!, The society papers liHve coupled your name* lo pether: an approaching marriage has ?Mats then one* been hinted st, lid, ??? matter of course, now wherever people ssk na hs is liked.'' "I know; still other people ar* not the f-ame ns I.e.'' "Quita)tbs rime. I underM*nd the Mflitioi perfectly well, BJ love. Men of his hind wonld remain silent nntil doomsday unless a suggestion ans mad* t ?? Well, lari ?" ?' Desi chil I, yun may lesve it *o me. Don't yon think io?" And an expr s reproacb was shot from the xnr.! " Do yon fancy that, if I gat* the t * "f uncertHinty ] si ? lyn'fl invitation fr 0 '.'ItT'ol, knowing 1 t Qlenoors won't be ri '?Wonl Le? "*\hv, where is he go? ing J " "Nowhere. I Mcertained that, yon may be sure. ged to remain int m I < rsl! n >t bs * f*; ml left for bim to ipi -ninehnsiiieas with hi*> lawy, ra, be Hid s.nd said it in a j- inted way, I fiery red," aai I be fiancee di-dainfiilly. i flhook h? r head. " Never t is tbe meaning ve are Ciincrnt d in. He joins us imme? diately aftei atTborndesn. 'lhere von aiil Ml ' I :tiiiT will he *..tisfic ti.r-Vy ami I irton luis ??lelia h aiy of letting yi mia.' peo ple be i an I r. and from the rir-t 1 ed to he very much ? i embra 1 her mother with arrac- f-il eil rsi, n. ?' Bow ci- v. r yon lb* paid sdi -1 ? ? ? ?* l bare msnsged ' t for 1 ? .roy Good ?* I free, When I am a Connies*. mamma, it shall ht* very nice for jon." iT Certain'v I I week bid left Lol woi pty. Yon did not meet ? repeab 1 this fact to himself meei cheerily ash*- walked along Lid a iillv with it heart and a 6tep us a s bil i iblfl circumstance thst a std wurt ? I bia ' ?mi ma*-,, r. ah!- : *i::?1 t?n wh. re he chose, flhonld bs in abject thr to a .v wini w <? beni ' v ? ns, bim to marry L> r dang] ti r. " And I f., 1 sa if I ebon! I l?e mn.h- to do it, too," poor Olencor* had aaid of late, driven last corner bi tbi rsl tiona of a'l I.k ly tal of floe horrid jiaragnphs in thoa* ? of which had * fsi d sn esrly dst* flit-il " arrisge "f a lorely dchutantt ot this a.a-,.:i end a yoong Tari recently of age, whose ancestors ? ? Con I'icror." ? * ??? ha.I it in his h'*art to envy the shop? men, the cab-drivers the crossing-1 aweepert?to envy a ?! aingled out by Lady .'an* Msgnusto be her son in-law. If ho eonld bnl plnek np conrage to aay he di-! not mean anything, never had rne?iit mytl ing, never meant 1 mean anything : ti qnite hap- ; py as he was ; that h.* never inti oded to niBrrv anv oi wonld 1 ?? not gue ! Hut in face of that terrible Lady Jane and fa r lovely atatnieaqne daugh? ter he felt pe**sly**ed and tilled with an abject conviction that he would have to ?uccumb. If ho only I me to rovt-'ic in?s'tim- one whose adrics he : felt wms given for his good ! but tl e pi or young fellow Btor.d. as th* i" ? sors of vast property often do, absolute- I ly friendle*s and alone. His kin.liv, ??triple nature was despised by tho** around him. Withont psrentfl or any near rchttives bs had been brought np Ly fltrsngrrs, who had f-iirroutnied lum by Biich unnecessary cire-j aud lidi'u Ioub precautions thnt now, when bs was s nian. with full liberty given, he wart no more able to make gool use of it than a grown-up baby would l-e. Full of a "wild schem* which had l?tely come to him, that he would run off" to some far-dist-tnt country, he was mapping out tho details as he walked slong, bo occupied thnt he forgot how far he had come, until with a Midden atari he pulled himself tip. Ile was pass? ing the Albert Hall, clo.s. to that pleasant row of houM.-8 in one of which lived Lady Jane. The knowledge that he could walk boldly by and flings look of deliacc* nt the papered windows nnd clused shut tars?as he hal done the day before lent a thrill of satisfaction through the youngman. He drew himstlf up and tn rn wi bis head to?when, oh agony ! exactly a** he was opposite to it the door opened and a voice called out " Glen core ! " "Freddy! ls it yon?" Lord Glen eore managed to nay, seeing he was ad? dressed hy a weasel faced young gentle msn between sixteen and seventeen. "Why, how came you here? Ih -s-s jour mother? I.ady Jane with you V" Freddy's eyes were apparent! v so edu? cated thst in order to ni\o full i xpres sion to one he whs forced to shut the other, and regarding Lord Glencore through thi* single ojitie. he fetid, " You bet if she was, 1 shouldn't tie, here." <ileneor*'s heart seemed restored to ila "I'm v-iy glad to *??<? yon," he fluid, closing his hind over thc little tin I reddy had extended to him ; "it b .juite a surprise to ml." " Here, 1 aay." saul tbe astute Freddy significantly, " what a up'' How is it voa lill down thi r?* with them I " ??Well, I couidn't 1 have-tbstis? there is m>ui<* husiucs* for me." Ired iv'i (>eiui went doan like the cover of a l-ji. " Fleetly ; just so," he said airily, puttiiij' his thumba itito his armhole's. ".M\ *av* all over. I'm st my tutor'*, yon see, tao ph-ase to rememt?er thst it isn't j-oa-ibli.. lor vou to have seton me." Glt-nron* laughed cheerily. "All right, he saul ; "you're quite safe with ii e but what on earth are you up to? " This question seemed promjited by tbe sif'ht of a noudeftcript dog euri just If.i ip to the door. "Are vou ali byyour ?4-1 f hetti 'I " " I hire's Harris, my old nura*, snd Jim, her husband our butler he used to be- snd l'eggy, You know Teg, don't yon ?" * Peg! No, I don't think I do." "1 aay." exclaimed Freddy, "isn't it i W beast! y ihsm* th* way they alway* ? < ? try to shun her? And shae just aa good aa anybody. Her father waa my fatbcr'a eldest bob, only he married hia tutor's daughter, end my lady set tho Horeruor on to cut tip rough ahout it Ho the poor chap cot the kiek-ont, and then ne died. And bo did his wife ; and a jolly Rood thing forme, too, or I should have had to sing small. Only wait till I'm raaater, thtraif*, and if they try it on with Peggy, then I'll let them know. rihe'a older'thau I am, but all the same ; I'm her uncle, and?l say, you'll lie her uncle, too, if you marry Adda, and you're going to, ain't von ? " Lord tlleneore blushed furiously, and JFrefdv, taking silence for consent, [added with B snort of supreme couUmi-pt: j " It'a a jolly gi>otl thing for her I ain't i you. Oaten me marrying Adda! Oh yea, rather ! " Not desirous of pursuing thia topio further, l.or.l (ilencore put a question. " You're not going to drive that," ho I said, nodding toward the boree, a moat vicions-iooking screw, " are you f " "Why not? he's a real good ona lo go. Come in and ace tia atari ; it's capital fun. We'd a regular crowd round ua yesterday. Any one else but Peg would have bet n frightened to death." Incited by curiosity. Lord Olencore obeyed Freddy's invitation. " We keep all the front well shut." said Fn ddy, as lie marshalled the way to a den at tho far end of the narrow hall. Passing the stairs lie gave vent to a shrill whiatle answered by a similar one which have Leen taken as its echo. "Ain't you ready'*''' was pipad up from below. "Coming," answered a girl's voice, and at the aama m-stant with tbe word do m tha Hight of ataira, 1'iopon tho mst, ism. a figure which through tho cloud of dust si nt up Lord Ulenmora BurniiBid must ba I'i ggy. , no worry. 1 thought it was only Freddy -I?"and then, batter able to ? Mood there she gave vent to an agonized "Ok, lord Oleoorel" and i unable to aay more " Ire, who wai enjoying her con foaion to the full, lure burst ?n with " Don't mind l.iiii ; he's square enough, nii/t yon ? " " Certainly I am" ; and then, turning to Peggy, be Mid : "I've never bad ? ? ? leaaura of seeing vou Lere, have 1 ?" "So." "Bnt you've seen bim, haven't vou, And once don't icu remember when the door opened and I scuttled off .i frock caught and you tumbled down? Oh, I say, what a garie! It Tvas a ahuvcr wo weren't caught tnat time." P* r Peggy's face waa like a beet root " ! ii. r>. wean t anything to see," hho said to Lord Olencore reassuringly ; " it ' fur that We looked, but I I was so curious to know what yon were ? "ti ulated vi, lent ly t<. 1 r* ddy bi lund Lord (ileneore's b " \\ nit'** tbe hurra ?" res] I the young gentleman expoatuhitiv* ly. ? yo i w< l packed fl of a gurrei. wouldn't I r do wi h ber - sti k her anywheres ont of tho way." ".No. Freddy, no," Lord (ilencore it the c irner of lit-* eye "*aw lier Kiy. and hoping to change thc con -nil : "Pm afraid I'm making you lose tho best ol ti e day. I came in to a nait." Perbapa Peggy fathomed hia kind effort, for she looked at bim fairly fur the " Yes . " and she /ave him a little shy * "It's verypleasant, a iirive out of town now. \\ here are y. .u going ? " ?? To i lark," answerd the irrepressible Freddr. " Would you like too? We'll tnke you; there's beapa ol room behind. Why a y Int hey" 'lins waa evidently in ? | i more pantomime from Peggy. " lion (h ut want nie- won) 1 rather I didn't . Lord (.ilencore had turned suddenly and waa at-kin*' this que: I . irl, ? , uc ; it isn't tlmt, only I'm and here Peggy atoi ped and bmshed furiously, lorn wonder Glen? more iii i not Catch the I ' "nita perauai said, " Bul do b t me ; n's what I should ho enjoy." Then* waa un instant's pan-e, an i then they all began laughing ; and good feb lo wahi p being thus establisbetl, Borne twenty minutes latex tha three, Lord Olencore behind, freddy driving, and Pe try Ly bia aide, wer j on the road tu , RichniO-d. III. Tt might he tedious to retail r.ll the folly that fell from the Ups uf thia trio a* ni:'c- Freddy's guidance they pur? sued their way. Their united years did not make np the sr-bt r aga of sixty, a;, f tiny had tho spirits of schoolboys ont foi a holidsy. Lord Glencore bad nev. r f* lt so much at his ease before ; none of i tuo*>e who in aocietj knee bim would bare recognized bim hs tbe mine shy in? dividual. The boura flew like minutes lt was ?'> o'clock winn they thought it li ; and then to bare looked at tbe time wonld not bare occurred to anybody, only that Peggy, heaving a bremen lons sign, had supposed it would soon be timo to think of returning hume. 'i Le horse that wuss., good at going, we luv. omitted to state, had at a cert tin small hostelry, "(ioat und Compass" by Lame, shown siens of reb. Hum. Stir ? mt door he would not, and Lord re, to cut short the difficulty, hud proposed tbat they should leave the brute tl ere t<' get a feed while they took a ft roll in tho park. Retuning from this walk they passed the " .-tar ui-A t iart????. " I any, a dinner in there wouldn't be half bad fun," said Freddy. "Oh, 1 don't think so," replied Glen? core. " Why, 'nave you ever been there? " " Yea, 1 dined there twice tin* season with Lady Jane and your (dater." And a chill ran through the young > mun aa he recalled the drcurinesa of; BOl* mn ordeals. "Oh!" raid Freddy, drawing in Lia: back ns if about to fiuccuino, while Peggy burst out laughing. A bright inspiration cams suddenly to Olencore. " Why shouldn't we stop here now?" he said, "bave dinner, and go home afb r ? " Freddy and Pegqry came to a Budden standstill, absolutely dumb with the bril? liancy of the proposition. " l hat'a what we'll do," continued tho enthusiastic t.lenctire ; and be made bs if to turn iu at tho door, but Peggy stopped him. " I don't think we can," and she locked at Freddy significantly. " No," cam? the answer, a trifle crest? fallen. "I expect they wouldn t stand tick in there," was added lay way of ex? planation. "That isn't of any consequence to you," exclaimed Olencore. "It's sa my guests I invite you. Think how olten your mother bsa entertained me." "Ob, i'm not proud," laughed tho delighted Freddy. " Isn't this firbt rat., Pig ? Come on." Hut Peggy still heaitatc 1. "I don't know whether I ought? whether itu quite right witb you," and, though her face was turned to both, her eves were fixed on * ilencore. " And I your uncle that is," exclaimed Freddy, " and ho going to be. Knut Up do." And, considering this speech to lie conclusive, Freddy cut short further dii cussion by at once turning into the hotel. IV. Well, if any dinner ever was a success, !hat one was. What they had, or how ihe courses came, not one of them knew, | i Jut, to quote Freddy, everything was j tl, and plenty of fizz with it. Un- I l loubtedlr the fizz net all their tongues i i -uuuiug faster than before. Gradually j i >n Freddy it began to hara a slightly ] composing effect, ?o thu*, tho dog-cart having been sent for and brought to tbe ! door, he magnanimously insi-tcd th it f' toing home he would ait behind and rave, the ribbons to t>? handled hy Olcn ! core. The clock st nick '.t before they were fairly off, and then, Peggy exclaiming at the lateness of the hour, (Ilencore said : " Put it won't matter much, will it ? " "No." said Peugy a trifle bitterly. " Harris knows I'll look after Freddy, and thero'H no oue to bother al-out what becomes of nie." " You baie neither father nor mother, have you ?" (ilencore put the question gently, and, not waiting for her answer, went on to tell lier that lu* too bad lest bis pnp'!itB when a child. and wns, like ber, lonely, with no one to cure for bim. " Yes." aha Bald, "but you're a man with lota of money, and I'm poor and dependent ; and then it's horrid to be a girl. Ever since 1 csu remember i've heard nothing el?o hut all I owe to every? body, as if it was my fault that I owe anything to them. I enn(t help having been born. Hero I am, and until 1 die here I must stay. Not (Icitcmlent, though. I've only waited to be taught something, I've hr. 1 to owe that much to grandmamma." lord Gleacore remRined silent, and thinking that probably her troubles were of no interest to bim, Peggy changed the subject Directing hia attention to Freddy, row silently deeping, ahe man* aged to prop the lad up into a more com? fortable position, and assented to I.ord Glencore's remark tbat he did Roi seam like tbe n t ol tbe family. 1 hen t-i Mice f. ,1 on them, and for a time not a nerd was spoken. Suddenly, os if from out of what abo was thinking, Poggy said abruptly: " Aro you very much in love with Adda ?'. " "Il I'm not in love witb her at all." " Bnt you're going to marry ber?" " W bo s.iyR I Hm ''." "Why, evrybody : snd grandmamma, I know, means you to." "I sic, nnd that makes you think it quit" certain ?" Peggy lan "had contemptuously. "It wouldnl make it certain with me," abe said, "but Dieu se III dill'lTeiit j willi' alie chooses they do. Oh, I haven't patienoa to think of it," and tho great brown (yes Av- turned ou Ol sparkled indignantly. "Why, d unleaa i lorea aomehody dearly I'd immy him to p In am? ma ? Sever! Bhe knowa that us well as I do. ribo may iii treat me, bnt she can't make me do what 1 w-m't: Pd die Miall I tell yon what 1 n do?"?she wns I] ?? ry fft-t and ly " 1 mean to run away. You'll ur not to tell anyone, won't you? I mi an to go Ter] I 1 can tiny como borne. Other Giris earn their own living, so wbyabouldu't I ? I'm not Stupid, nnd Fm awfully atron ." ?? l.ut where ni!! yen go ? " " ' lb, I km v . bul I i I I d.m't mein lo tell. Peril ipa 1 on:'htn't to have aaid a word about it to yon, l ut it slipped ont, mid you won'i betray me, w.ll yon ? most of all, don't breathe a word to me, and?well, there'.*. : 1 -in r it ?I hate In r. VS ben ..? ': tl bl r-" " Which 1 never ball be," interrupted Lord Olencore decidedly. Peggy faced around and lucked ber surprise ut him. ut look like that a1 rn >," he s.tid i i: eau wh it 1 suv." " 'ion do? (ih, 1 am awfully sorry." " !'< r her or for me? " " I don't think I wm-4 thinking of either of you Lt waa for myself there's so b w i v--r care to be kind to me." . think 1 should be ?" I'., v didn't tmsl herself to speak, but hi r he id nodded as- ut. "Let me tell a secret to yon. Peg? gy "- ).e quite m. ? called her "Do you know that I run away too 'i " " Yen ' " " i - s ; only 1 want somebody to ran awav willi me. (un vcu guess who?" "Nc" "Som* body I've ceen to-dav." " io-i.y :'? T!ic eyes of each looked into the ot ii* r'a qu< ationini q t you gu* aa a! i? " 1 il i.i.Hores voice came tremu 1mi-.1v. "Oh, vou know," ht- said, "I eeo voa do." "Me!" Peggy spoke thia word brent ,i. saly. " lea, you. You will go, won't yon ? Youie no cr." to cari foi you, und I have nobody to eire for me. Why shouldn't we care tor each other? I'd try to make yoi happy, and I'd certainly be good to yon, and in time yon might get to- we I, to like me, you know." " In time ! why, I like you now." "You da < 'h, Peg j * * * * "Say! what's np with routwo?" lt -ns 1 reddy apeaki ig wboae \irv Nustcno* ti.ey had forgotten, but who, io common with all sleepers, awoke at the very moment he war/not wi to. " W!:Ht do yen tl ink ?" said Olencore in a whisper ; " hud we 1" tier tell bim." "Yea," said Poggy; "npto now my only friend baa been Freddy." So Freddy, thoroughly wide awake now, waa di-..rel to lean forward, aad beta en them the two conveyed whut it was their int* nt.ou to do. "I lay. what a ehouae for Adla'" roared Freddy delightedly; "but here, yon know, ton ll baye t.> marry Pa "Certainly; of course; that's what we mean to .io." "Lowe?" sud Peggy. "Ob my! Why, I ni vcr thought ol that ! " " 1 idn'l JOB ?" mud Freddy, assuming the air of a Mentor : "but I aid though. jon must be Lady Olencore before 1 bee the last of you." " hut, Freddy, think of grandmamma ; you would get into the nio*-t awful trou? ble. No ; it would never do." "Stuff nml rubbish.'" and Freddy snapped Ins fingers; "what, I ahould like to know, cun a couple of women io? Besidsa, I'm not going to blab ou tnyaelf?nerer fear. How can I help it i, while bm ruralizing with my tutor, (?on choose to bolt with Olencore ? " V. Arrived nt Thorndfan, happy and tm lusivctuig. Lady Jane and ln-r daughter vaite.l for Lord iilencore in vain. Fveii o "dear Lady Somerton " Rot a lino lad come from him. Ak every one --aid, t was ho strum?", so incomprehensible. ' You don't think anything could have lapjM ried to him, Lady .lone?" Viith a brave spirit worthy of a better voman Lady .lane ausweretl that she ,nd lot ieel anxious in the least. Lord ?i!en ?ore had spoken to her of having several noet impottant things to fettle, and natu aily at times soofa aa tln*Be? Lady Jane ' vhs toned into a little vagueness of , peech, a thousand thinga cropped np ', linell one IihiI never dreamed ol before. ?till her heart began to have misgivings, , md bar courage to sink a little lower, ??hen all was revived by n paragraph in ' j me of the papers informing all wboffl it lid not concern tbat Menu's. Bullion .v | told had beaa intrusted with the family | , ewels by Lord (iieucoro with tho view of .scertaining which bad best l>o reaet to nit their tutnre lovely owner. " Adda ! " Lady Jane signalled to her laughter to follow ber, aud in their ouu oom ahe pointed ont the notice. "Mother ! oh, I am bo gliul. I kept n thinking of those jewels. Every* ""Iv says the diamonds are more than nely." " \A bat a droll creature though ! " ox ..iiiued Lady Jane, " without saying a rord to you I 1 wonder whether he incies we uro getting the trousseau eady." " i ahan't do tbat; it'a bo unlucky. I riah be would settle it though. I want '- settled now. Couldn't you write, la-una ? " " My dear, I bara written." "And h*d no answer ?'* "Nota line. Colonel (lossett called, aa he was takoi, at the house, in town, ? nd was told that Lord Glenore waa away, his address not known, nor when he would return. ' " KxtrRonlinary !" "It is, but we must remem'-er ho is a very extraordinary young min." ?? I don't vi ant reminding of that," and Adda sixticd lugubrioualy, "if he wasn't an Karl, ' "No, no, no, dear. Never mind. Thing! of that sort are better not said even to me. In this world we must not ! expect to have everything, you know ; sin! women are bj fired a great deni ly not being too infatuated with the man j they fire going Ut tutirry." "Only this is such un awkward posi j tion to be pined in. 1 don't mind so ; much here, but we are due st the Fal j lowfields on Tuesday, and if he does not i turn up there, what then .'" "Oh, 1 dont merni to wnit longer. I I shall go to. town myself- that is, if we I don't bear- and question his major 1 domo. If there is anything to find out ! jon may sably trust to me." '?lt's more than a fortnight now," said Adda di tcosti ntedly, I.mlv Jane sighed. "There seeme to be nothing else foi me than worry." " What inolfl ': " "Oh, well, I didn't want to bother you, ainl if everything else was going ritr.Lt 1 abonldo't ht tins trouble ino. letti r I had trom Barris, t hi ?ayi thal Peggy, if you please, has ? to run sway fruin boms, Harris nop. s 1 won't worry my elf or blame her, as the young lily ins La i it in ber mind for Home time. That's gratitude, you know- after all I're doM ferber." '? I'm sir-* I thonld li t her he. she'll Direr "oin.'to any good end, that girl. Haven't I alway* -ul aa } " "All I hopo is sholl take -mother name; ours is loch a v. ry peculiar one." "And if Glenoor* ostm* to know it - be v.rv anpleaant f<-r me." ??Oh, that neill in no way fri ve you any trouble. Bl v* ry certsin ther* ll some one objectionable in im ry family. Of course some inquiries will have to tie mi h', but, beyond telling liam* to keep the thing quiet, 1 can't at preseit take iltler." " \ .ry likely bho'* buck ?gain by this time." '? I shouldn't wonder," said Lady Jane lb ? v! v ; nnd then, a'W ri mo pause, a ie ? idt tl; " IX* been think ng -ni po?" b-vira we go to tii'- Fallow I whs to writ'- to them, ami inai_.ii-.'!' to bring in sometbing about whether i (-lt limn', It'i jus! blt? that they may bari I card from bim." Adda considered thia sn excellent it les, and Lady Jane pat it al once mt" tion, managing to insertsquestion of apparently bnrnii ? -. shit h net d ed un immediate reply. The reply cari.,', and ha s postscript the writ- i was ao sorr" . i Hen ted coming to thi rn, fear ing it mi.-ht I eu disappoint*-! nt to Adda *? Sly dear," said i edy Jane, " i must ti an, i dare asy I.adv Homerton will guess uhy, altbongh I shall inrenl fl i;' rv I bar I whs in? discreet in losing flight of thia yoong m tn. Hut don'l despair ; nothing is be? yond remedy. If 1 c n i rl\- hr: 1 out where he is, rt st ar-tuied this will novel happen aga n." "1 always thought you wen-too san gnine," aaid Ad la, ri i ly to vent bardia : dy. 1 don't believe he ever wanted to narry mc, only you WO'lld have lt he Lady Jane went to london, was ab sf nt a wet K. ai 'i th' ii returned a - but not a wiser woman. Not a trace could she find of Glencore, nota word liHil abe heard of bim. "And Peggy," saul Addi, "what ni".ut ber ? ' '? Not a aylllbla She had been gone ami more 1" tore llsrris unit" to me, lt seems, however, i plsnned toing. She hsd it in her mind rt least a year." "I wonder." aaid Adda, ''will beever turn up again''" Uer thought** had i ' , I Glencore. -? ? If .,. use he will," sud I adv Jane decidedly, " ari i n. ii I I br the we bave 1 urned Iron. bim. Now, sr, go off mi i tell Stevena to come tome. I bavestryingortiBalbeioreme tosoawersll tbe questions that t! pie here will put I beard them in fits - over their afternoon les. I begged Lady Somerton to excise mo I r. ally don t f.-. 1 'is if I ?..?ni tin ri. Ah ! " ami L* iv .iiii," no i led bi r bead mournfully, "perhaps h.,me iiuy, when yon bave daughters ol your OWH, yon may know. Talk of martyrs I You have only td look lera" That evening when Lady Jane joini d tho guests lasembled in the drawing* mi.- noticed tbst every one ? nt her wi'li an air of inquiry. t bul i?-. n Agreed at tba r. queel of the I . that not a word on a subject ipper* vi tbe minds of ah of them should be mentioned until alt- r dinner. l'oor lady Jins, sitting in s louis paradise, actually fancied tbe obj-ct of h r ai,si nee ' :*it? r- st to rvcry b dy. Alas! a mine WU aiiout ti e'x 1 ode, ind I adv r-somerton, nettled at the want of eonfklenee shown, was tie one to Mt the match. Advanciiig to the comfortable armchair in which, the Ja? iling returned to the drawing room, her amiliiig guilt was reclining, she said : '?Of course, (bur Lady Jane, yon nive seen the announcement in tho Timi * of dav ?" "No, indeed; I wait d until I r .t here to look at th* paper," and sie stretched out her limul tor it languidly. ?? Anything of interest/" "io you, yes, of preat inte-rest, I plioiild say. Listen: 'On the 1 Ut I: of ' *-i kember, at St. Simons church, Bat tleses, Peggy, only child ot' the late Wynford .Magnus, bat]., to Llurrold Wil? liam, tenth I.arl of iiiencore. Adda gave a bound. " Piggy 1 " she shrieked. "Mothar! Oh I" Hut Lady Jane mtrrnpted her. With a Biiprenie effort tbs modern martyr r?s.o to tii ? Ov-i-n.-ton. -? Be calm, Jeir child," she *a;d. " See what your ooldnes* has driven him to. However, poor fellow, ia *piie of hi* disappointment, he waa determined, it seems, to marry one of the family," 4 arc-tit ai I a.i toa (t,t.r:*r.i "Tt mnstl'.' vt ry lun-'some lifting all hy yourself In your office balancing your hoots at night, John," laid an affecton ?te wife. '* lt is, my darling." "lhave laen thinking about it for some time, and m>w I have got a de? lightful surprise for voil" " A delightful Binpriso?'' " Yea, my tl, ar. 1 s* nt formy mother festerdav. aud I expect her every minite, mean to have In r stay with us qniie a Bini-. She will take care of thc lusise it niadit anil look uhr the children, md I can sto down town and sit m your ofice nilli you while you work." "Ihe dev ?- that ia to aay, I couldn't think of you going down town-" " lt is my duty, dear John. I ought |0 have thought of lt befogs, tint it never ?sine to my mind till yesterday. Oh, John, forgive me ! Forgive ine for not (nuking of your comfort sooner. Ult 1 ?ill go with you tonight." "To-light 1 Why. I-T-the fact is, [ got through mv books hst night " "Oh, you d.d! How delightful! Ind you can now stay at borne every ?vening I lui io glad ! " And the delighted wifo ran off to make irejurstion for th* reception of her nother, while her husband with sombre irow sststanugat the coals in the, n which he could Bee the picture of s nother-in-hiw'* reproving taco and a iokcr party with a vacant chair. What von need ia a medicine rhich is mre, efficient, reliable. Such ii Hood's Sarsaparilla, lt po a* ease* pecular eura ivi po wera. TUE BEST-DRESSED. HELEN CAMPBELL ON THE AMERICAN WOMAN ARD RRES8. Ii tha Avaraga Woman Ovsrdraiiad t-Er isatisli of Feminine Drisi Proaoitd Reformi. (Fer the PtapBHh CByrilgBBBd, I"KflL] Tlie woman of fociety demonstrates with fury that, as a rule, she hus nothing ' to weer, and that if, nt tba moment of 1 speaking, a few rags not quite unworthy of consideration may be found in her i wardrobe it ia a mero accident, lifo aa a I whole resolving itself into a hand-to 1 hand conflict with disssmaksfa, who j always provide tho wrong thing. The 1 reformer, armed with her divided akirt I and its accompanying necessities, waves | them wildly in the face of society, affirm ; ing that till women have accepted these | garmeuts as th? only solution of the dress problem, tho only road to tho higher | moralities, thara can bo no salvation. Jletwi i n thews two extremes marches ht pu ni iii riv of thu middle class, nn army mado up of tho "average woman,'' title h.'?- become tho aynonym for the worst abused class in America, Tba sable woman finds absolution be? cause she bus money* snd forms part of tbe spectacular life daily more anil more dear to the rich American. The ardent reformer ia forgiven a little over impetu be ansi* it ia at least amusing, and wo must make tbe most of such ment as is left for a weary general average woman comes under rh* ni. Bbs ia simply the em* bodim* nt of original sin, r< aponaible di? rectly or indirectly for nil arils in Church tte : pi.sci id st, and to, snd for, nntil if she followed one-hundredth part of the precepts laid down for ber gui dance not ono short life, nor ten. would suffice for the undertaking, -eleven now sho eannot be apared, and it is in the house of her own familiar friend that tho new blow ia Struck, and her defender sud advocate asks and must answer, " Ia the .'?? woman overdressed?'1 lt ia to tin* form thal tba question comes st lani. For it is impossible to deny that tho fashionable sins Beyond re? demption on this score; ns Impossible as it is to aflirm that the energ* tic re former can av* 11 ? count* d i offend* rs, and thu bur id. is weil in inatomed to sinh lend, and it is the petit nt, chable, moat enduring, average woman who ronat serve i trat, ,i sud afford anch reply aa can be drawn rromthe fa ta before one - thi; i -ifti:s rms oi i What ure the essentials of dress ? Tho with time, yet the an ewer, from thu old Greeks down, re? mains tbe bbi imfort, snit ability. No dr. ss that fails to unite ? ree can be counted as fulfilling h?i 1 UO woman who has not studied in minutest detail etch one, her mission as a woman. Beauty louds hy divine right, and will '.ritter what Latteries nre brought Hgiiinst it; but one must first learn what constitutes beauty. In borderlands one tixed lines cannot wander. Bnt when one <?,.,>>.- to understand what over in a certain ni for palpable measurements, and tbe a arc given when the three requisites of any dreaa arc laid down, lt ia be? cause the love of beauty is inherent in all humanity that instant prut, at is made whin angles aro offered us iii).lice of curr* a nnl all Sowing lin* a and gra ie of drapery denied. Th fi "n-plates may seem to bold denial of thia statement, bnt the faahion-platea are happily not the sum of growth in tin- know edge of beauty. Wu arc leinung it ina] fashion-plates, and costume, thai witb alight a odifications, is lik. ly toholditsgroun I, tbis being d sud unchanging fern;, but a combina? tion b. st adapted I what is most fitting, Worn n have learned to st idy their own figur their own coloring ; to settle definitely on what harmonizes and beat ? i both ; and thus it bas come to pas t ii An ri* in woman is now. if high authority may he trusted, tho beat dr. ised woman in the worl I. Her skirts muy still be too heavy, ber waist too small, her aleevea too tight, hut thia is tho tyranny of a fashion from which she moro and more emancipates her? self as time goes on. Ihe i\ny will come whoa every chill wiil be taught the laws of form and color in their application to dress, and any ; violation be held as an offence against to ba instantly fr.. I down. \\ hen that day the three essentials ?-e have speci? fied will enter into every dress. It is , certain that for many that day idy here. Common sense is ono portion of the average American womina inheritance, lt may be seriously overlaid with prejudices, bnt ii maybe hampered in n.-t action by fear of .Mrs. Grundy, yet every community has to-day its rei re aentativo women, leading moro and more ia tin ir train, and calmly ignoring the merely conventional, 'lheio women are not overdressed, whatever gi.ry of color or richness of ii . may enter into the composition ol their costumes, for with them it is no question of something to be worn twice cr thrice and then turned .mr to the dealer in se? cond-band garmenta It is only for era? sing festivity or gay lunch or afternoon tea that any deviation trom an aimoat tix?d unitorm is a 1 -eic 1, and here the very woman pronounced averil nmy have worn the tame costume, with the alighted variations, two, three?nay, ttven half a dozen J ..sriou made oowifs. Tailor-made gowns have brought about the r* volution aighed for nan* yt ara ago hy sensible women, and it is only here mul there that one si es silks and vi Iv* ts on the street, their appearance there in? ti'.?tin'-' t'nat the wean r is either under? bred and ignorant, or is wearing out her aid dresses preparatory to coming into her real kingdom and tasting tbe d of a simple, compact, well-made suit Hie shop-girl who follows always close behind ii learning this, and chooses now a suit of cheap mnterial, because nothing hut cheapness is possible for lier, but modelled ou thesevcrusiinplicitv I in the dre?s of bel bet t cuatom . . i nallah fashions may have led us istr.iv at times, but wo owe to them eer- i lain en .; ipationatbat conld hardly have ionic in any other way. rjeusihle womuu inl lung an;o adopted many of them, but Faabioaable women, 6ome of whom uro mt scumble, could never have Drought to low heels, and thick boots, md plain gowns, aiidsiniply-dre-sed hair 'f it had not been "bo English, you know." Simplicity is the lest possession earned iv humanity. On'y the hghost order jwn it, for imitation is not ownership, iud for many who have adopted u simple Rshiofl because it is Knglish, there is no eal inward acceptance of .simplicity, ind there will bo immediate roven..on to dd tendencies if tho pressure is re uoved. Yet one and nil, it clot.** pressed, rill admit tho disabillUaB ot much that hey call beautiful aud profess readiness br anvthiug demonstrably bott* r. Tho reformed costume has failed to nake its wai into popular favor- such ?ostnine, nt any rute, as emanates trom [*edj Habbertou timi other invent ho sumo order. It ia iinpos.iiId0 for the nost ardent advocates of reform t.i de nonstrate that beauty dwells in aTtiy of hese. lt waa my fortune lo meet at a icientiflc convention an English en'.hu iaat who wore the divided skirt, hbo vb8 fresh and lair and big, with tho hep, chest voice of the healthy Fug is- woman and tho calmest defiance of my law of beauty or proportion. Her tress waa a gray poplin hage, tep-mttog below, with a ruhla around he bottom, and a mere hne of white appearing above the neck-hand. It may havo been comfoitable, but it waa bIso hideous, and no woman with any real sense of what beauty means would havo tolerated it, even aa a sick-garment From the fashion precisely as it stands to-day any woman cnn plan for herself a costume easy, comfortable, and moat certainly graceful end becoming. Tho short skirt clears thc ground well, nnd is thus neither worn ROT soiled. The J drcM ia often n princess, made in ono pi? c., sud thus iiiriUntly BfJjtiateft 'lim shoes sre low-heeled snd broad; the stockings black or j dark. With half-fitting lacket or long | cloak perfect cum an\ looseness are both [ possible, and sleeves may be bs one will. j Woman's drem lins never in modern ; times licen more really what it should bo in all its outward expression and adapta? tion ti inc,bru needs, It remains to banish all bands and ligatures; Hccnre even layers for the whola body ; abolish hideous" steel bunches, and support the dress so far ns it needs support by per? haps a flouncd back to th--underskirt, and behold tho modern woman einanci pattd, yet not s terror. icu Titr: sritKi'T. This for Btreet snd ordinary house dress, the quality of the material need being dependent on the purse of the buver. I'cr evening ther" is greater latitude, and nothing conld well be mer.* grac 'f il ' i intrinsically beautiful than many of th** costumes worn. ?? : maid, 'i ba mat* rial i*. oft* ii of thu aim pleat nnn'a li ru for thi wearers, and muslins dotti dor embroi? dered for tlie ycuti". ronea: bul the efl* ct pn doced bysuitable rombinatiousisbe vend nny to be secured by mere blind iture for the costliest thil rated thnt a dress may bu m coi iti ri led as toromain beau* tilul e.. Bite Bp it frmn any ex? isting I'sin,m. ned many women with very limited means but kc n orti?tic ire provii d appearing h an entire season or more in what is call.**! "society" in tbe same dress modelled after nome favorite painter/a costume, and inauring always nu instant tribute of admiration. farmer'a wife or daughter, the busy woman everywhere, with whom there ;- re and leas opportunity for planning or *?/ srii al cos? tumes, cnn Btill ta ? phase of the beautiful, choosing color and ma? terial that will unite I ss and utility. I ;c;\ ? spathe of ov< --?'?/. brought i us by h .-ty travellers thi coun? try, for the majority of aenaible women - ir name ut leg on - liva below ?han alic. ? portnnitiea, and, indeed, their duty in the ? I hey um un br rather than overdn and hive mnch to learn before the lawa of dress are made | in.lem Campbell. Hie Heavenly Kelt. [For tl Th?y t . -.;, in i mbltyvllle, Twar BnU ?? it two year n?;o. ?i from the I,,pot a hill ii, . low. Uki: , -sana Aa ;> . a i name? Ihe "C-Urcliol tao ll... Marla's a member; w ?> h-asa, Bul -; ? '?\ come to sit belplor t.. tighten her cross Kn ? ? ril al bread, ' ?'...* wis thar, , . . - o' pra'r At th. ' Ibe iienveuly Rest." Os* Chria'mas she 1 - -. an'Ivum Totheeri'u wlva (bey told ol the Sarlourtl-st Uwlil. An then, whel .? w .th a'sa'rxi '1 Lat I'd I [ felt ai rri-et ca'?i In the ?? ! laveniy "leif. ' I went ridht alone arter tl at, f i ? tbe a'r aa tho rl'-h, -i^ar* 'Sm fi in'i I tho ties ? tumj eyei Tear tbe " Cbui li of tb* Heavenly Rest" It*** sir.tnce rna- or-ir>:r?i sin xe a- a holt On lt. I ? ; cc'. I - Sisi''.-' Iud For d ? 1 ran That * '.'???? - -ay, i tn'i , of "in -ti-i'. ? s aim. 'fist, An' t*'i-tt sra they ?<tt On tt,e "i burch. . rf et uri.-, first .. a lift pats fuss, : mi led An' t! -li i ks ' 11 ti.e stylo Ol ttnr teellu'a id a expri Thoy'd H-draw tba bull toa .ty-two t tbe Bea reit." The Dominie : ad on tba ' ?? ??? ? ? Braves, - I ;iea.k, ve-'ail a With .a ?? "ii ler in ft iippernoog creek. -. mi.y t> f. n ore he I be bl issed if he oat a Hen 1 It's sad I mlrhtr -si: Il'i a sort of s r-ratrcb On re . nr that littiecharch A* u lym'tem ol rn But Wt Jest ?** Marls rem ai ki when we go : 11, bavin' acta Tbe Lrrd won't permit ut po :-, ritter? to know kind of a Heavenly Heat Wadi tVinm ? R tye eui]ifniv Sui Tn7 frj' jifruys disasters ^k By using VJ p Porous ? fosters! "2. Wh?n. either lbl*Mg1 iden '? ora .:ns un i get oTerheut"d, soddenly, eateR Cold, Rheumstt.m, Nervous li:-...*- ler. and numerous -tl er troubles, the best tkint ti) do ts to .-ure yourself as c\ licfcly sa pos ~ nm ll pains aro net tobe DeglBCtad ex? cept st the ri**k of .??? aa K** iuovo them a'. OMS. lt .'au ba di ae t,y an ap ?? af eas ar awraol-_LC0CK*8 po ko us PL-STIRR, raoofnlsed tlie world ever ss tba best external ramed*/ err made. A?k for ALL. CO* K'S, uni let ao explae aRoa er BoRcitatlea Induce you to BOeapt a aut-eUtute. ap RVSa4rw SECURITY AGAINST BUFFERING DISEASE AND DEATH! 25 CENTS. . mt, and . ar" .rfu, o.itliy com - vu niag ll >ironap 'ii? aad apartments. 'lli-*y are fra 1 iiiv.gurating to ibe av k. Skin ail ? .',. iRaaaasarB ' Hairy puru, highly. *??*> nt. l medlciual Map fur itirvery, sod '"??atyia, and inf a t tmsUus ounu Hy to isrhv's Dental i'l'ist.-rM, which take iRaplaces! oplataaaad dan . ? - drops, ' maand ;.'.......i? .*a*iso no pain wheri* Mead'* Cora aad nulli..n risatara are UMeO. i h.*y <iu?.-ll; ailay lnflamm* tlt.a and i elie ve pain. Srnall-'.ol and oilier cot.ta ni * pieveuted ly nini: Scahill ya sulphur . .'li.aeu, i.-' boMa, M rd-, ages, cbIckei . * ? -SKAai Kt A JOHNSON, New York, fe ?aVSu.-ai'.'nr ?** im i 'in; Ml. SKINK THREAD, SKINK TWIN RR, LIN-**, COOXt, DORKWOOU, NMilM),*'. oiled i i.ornisi, a.m> rcbber boots. Lowe?t pi icua. L. LICHTENSTEIN'S SONS, corner Sei-enteeutu and Kr?akim t treats Klftthmoud, va. kile importers of Uie celebrated Lion Bread balaa Tureed, warranted io (tva saUafacUou. mb sw g_2_X_IH PRIZES FOR TO Fi .?**"?> *|?**v *s.t< X^' HANDS0MES1 BABY. Th* SCOTCH OATS ^f\TR fOMPANY. of 160 Fulton str^ \pw Yiirk (itv, havo Amm\ iq offer the following Priz^ frr HANDSW CHILDREN, rt-ir r.^^-.i: hai-.n-r bren so ph*>nomPnall> >nrrp^fnl aif-. *"? Hip lillie ono in all rliil.lrp.'r-* 'liases* S.'JOO Cor the Handsomest Child betwenn the oj of Iico fi> th eec years. $100 for the Htindstimest Child between the fl ? of one to two year. $100 for the Handsomest Child of one year of QQ ur under. P. CU'S: Mi Tnt* ci'MiT::tion* will hrjviiot-hT ano ? pnoT'V.KM'Ha. ff TIIK COMM1TTII 1W WH08S ll AM'** TIIK ymile ?' 'V- ? ' 's;> "'"- ' - " oi--i-n,i-: wm. n H-iiiriTTv -nvlK'-ri-iii'..i)_;-. J?"*? ?' ' '--^ "'??? l--! OF ME.-.SRH. J.iUS K .II1H.1P*-*. OF ? PARK ' '"!'K: ' -1 ? - ?r.Tr^vrrr'TuTT^'^tKK-r^i^N:. ?*?"' ??? '"??'"? au ,! - '?'?'?*?'? ??? PANT, JERME1 iJ2Y fl MOTHERS 7*1!.. 'AlsH TO COMPETf. MI"?r_sf*N|- a PHOTOORAPtt Of TW? <-LI wk ru no i'i.\iM.Y"o'N"iu'e BAilToy s.iin ruo i *."?.:.?* j ii "j ?i-l'"'_,_i-L" "v S*M?* HE (?WN NAME SSI* a:'I)s-.Kss7a;\'I) i Iii. i-Mll.I)*S_A';'.*. IO NO ATTSMTION WOATEVKR WILL BB PAlDTt - l-.*-: sk'*i, am' ui1 n : iii: nam;-:*, ..c.. i-T*? *' K (-*, TiiK i-ov'i'f-JiiiQN -*ur ;i.m\inj)I'i:n i Niii^jrvi. :. ;*?-, ami '?'* > M t- Tnt ,j^ ? 'f^^'TTjr^Mi Viii". I'l'.l/,-.." .'Ml::.! AM) i' -.? i ? - ' ' ' !i::--'BS* A* TH KY" iNslliKK T'ir. MAV!'i"MK*-T. ,i) pi!o'.*'t.''M'i:- hay r.F. **rsr io ths S. 0. E. CO., 760 Fulton street. New fork. OKI US. M EDI I IMA, Ar. 70 UND AT LAST. WIVE. PREVENTIVE OF CHOLERA IN" HOOS AM) FOWLS, AND A CCU IF i IN TIME. THf:ri[iF.\TV?::,TTil"\f.llOI.FfiH.lTiE lsttt> remedy. I *?* fluuflaafiillj for fears in'.he I nt BOW i' r I* in -t lian. Loni Jae! Tobacco ls known iHroug i I a la lu aUUogulshe i Iii 14 r. JOBN IS. * -? ? wns*. ft** aa ustug Al vVK**TIRN t UuLSKA CCU ii mv Hoff*, an-l atti I :.. I . tait! Ol ruy i.l?t" tttonll arti, my Cogs ha . ? ? . tb<. liberal - uajlim r pravsni cholera.' li is ' v Paths ff a lan - I I'syu*. rays: --I ban vary fins i-htcfcsns, anl . ' .- ? thara, lil wera droopy, otlasra vary rsi it. aad ? I. aad I tlougrii I would lose all of lbs m. i na-sr ? rnagit al ninenced in pr.iiu.gat oaoa Nornora died, ai I lu two or thr.lara ii-'"* were au wail u d thrifty, ? io gt v., it my most ?attn, ind 1 recommend its uss _o-h asa prov* ntlvs sod curs of cblckaocbolira.' For sall iverywhsra Pri.-a, :v-i i . ann, <.*t to iny addraas la ths United Sun* upea raesMpt of the piles. Trad* rappltid bf KAI '.KNUR A CR Alfi BILL, Wholeeais Druggist*, Lynchburg, Via OB POLKMILLF.R&CO.. WHOLESALE AGENTS, BfCHMOXD, VA. [ap is-iMraai L. E. SALE, APOTIIEC*iI'Y, IM VFNABLS STRUT. PCRITT (.I'AKANTEED. 1,000 jymnda IMPORTED CASTILI SOAP at 200 p : r.ilH.SI INK lil?,) KT KI) BAY RUM lt 100] .vf:', oil it * ? : 15c. sill bur DR. DAVIDS or PR. Bt'LI.S tl si Rfp. 15cwill ? iv i ?i: i KU'S, DAVID'*, or BRAN DRETH Pl - Ita atti t'iy KI(AY**EK*S NERVE AND SOM l-l N I M r . wlilbuyJC.MPF.R TAU f - ? ,: ls; 75c, will buy VALENTINE"* <?!". U-Jl'ICE; TSt atti buyWYETUS BIBf WINE AND N ; 75c. wilt buy PIERCE'S MEDICA!. DIS! OTaV B? : BM. Will HUP AYERS CST HOOD'S SAIt-APA lni I a.: ! LIVER KEQL'LA TOK; aili buySCOTCfl OATS essence; I. - * IPIC, large; v WILBUR'S cod-Ll VE-*, oil .(Mi LIME; 40c. will liiy ail 50*, COD-LIVER EMUL? SIONS; ?OC. ll DOHT, tl* *?t '...sMfrVa; 85c, aili b ly MEADE! BAKE'Cri CARBOLIC Murill-WAMl; SI trill fiy WAtiNER'S SAFE KIDNET CUBE; $1.10 will I :v KELLOWS STRl'P nYPOI'IKiS l-lll: .-. 10c ?.lil buy ALLCOCK'S POROL'S PLAS* 'I Kit: 25c. wi,i ttiy t pounda BIS I MIXED BIRD SEED; 75c. win buyLAEILlE*S,riOLET.or : ? DEI WaTEKS, worth fll?ta* baal par* tuioes Bold ; 50c will bul i.EV! INI KLOSTERF!'. I lt)'. ? .a . ITXRNON TOOTH-BRUSHES, VERNON EXTRACTS, VERNON TOILET WATERS, tor aili at drugstores*. PURCELL, LADD A CO ?P 10 Wholeiali Druggist!. li LAIUS CM/) KAL THYMOL has proved Itseif to Da A I'UWEUKIL DISINFECTANT. It hos prover, ted the s;-read of contagious dle*a.-.rt?, patti -uiirl)- |iip_tl'.s?rla awl Searls*, lever, tn familia*; ii hs* modifled t>s,l symp toons, iud ha* taTtea afJoidrd tinton rooms t>y l's s.-r*eat!e sud ihoruugt. lae lormng properties, ll bas sivsd lives lu it. | Kui- sall by druggUl*. .rico SC couts a ooma, dels _ I PURE FOB YUK DEAF.?PECKS **~' 1'AltNl IMPROVED llSlilONKU IAK DKt ll** perfectly restore tho bearing au-l per? form th* wor* of the nairn al drum. Iii. tvmtortsblf. iud liwara lu position. All i-oa , sud a,eu wki.pers, Uriel dl-llu. tly. Saad 1 i lil.iatiated boos with testimonial., fi***. AdilrsasDi-iHilei F. tlISCOX,a*WBi-v*vl??y. New "turk, Msutleu thia papsr. ipSsvdty W1HMK MOOKI, ITopilstor, Hlchuoad, V, Ifoasw^rsniij ri kmi i at, mr ll'E HAVE PLACED IN C BSSeB?tvs w_rerocma the foUowtnf gooda just manufactured for our "pring trade: MAHOGANY, WALNUT, cnEBR. OAK, ASH, AND MAPLE It FURNITURE. 1,000 Bedsteads, jan Chamber Suits, KK) Parlor Suits, WO Wardrobes, 100 Sideboards, 800 dozi n Chairs, WO Lounges, Bookcases, Desks, Cain'arts. Hat Harks, Fanni Chairs, Fancy Tut,!' WITB A GREAT Va KI ITV OF OTHER GOOD*. We invite all who ara la :?- -MTCRS tocal; sud examine BU BIteoStva stocc. S. W. Harwood k Governor street. 'JaJ?-4Ju.Tu-W* /. Vf. Masriv, j_, I _ Hswirt I?a'.e w:'.h Pr rafa B?'.Ti?) Martin ,y Ur witt, NO. ic QOVRRROR 9TRRRT. fi ii n liri; E. THE tnWIRT DtBIQKI TR Parlor, Chamber, Dinintf-Room, _nd Libra ry Suits* Far!or Cabinets AM* Rall Furniture, orncE KI-RM , (DR DraOLSTKRIR ? I HEWITT, _mhl6-r*.saj:W pSTABLISHED 183a PRE-ru*. BELVTR FCltMirit'E, "'Governor ??re ??., fftfflTBff-fl. Va % 4 SK-I4I.. n. 4\ 41.!>*.?.. *te. I* : BALE. . F1X1 I B . ii DAVID A. UNSLIEkBROTHER, ftju- sseu > Hallie R ?ona.i . KA. ? pi J. ARRIAGES FOR LESS MONET lil \N EVRR Ba*.\ r FEUED IH . -a' rartety sui liapalrtuif ?ud fi- . ? Al'AtiONS. WAGONS, W -OONtk lt NORRI ? I tia..* Ba ' ' SI HK WAU"****. BlsiMi-ft l? \ '4'N-N ri:ny vi i .uNft - l a ?> ni?nufa.*lur* I \ ? . - I ? *??*, TKI CBS, UK I Un-, of il wuiiiiug au.taiug h. - ' callina u ni*. Swart aile - fAll.. \ I ? nih'>-:??.>.ii ' Ku: ? rrtli: BRAD8TBE1 C C >MPAXT, J. CaUMJ-t f. CLARK, faa BKAOMTRbBT'l UCaHOB ?-. Heh IMka--1 hain btbrrt. la.aphuft,* Rctfi JU. ? eriniendaat. The Richmondenkehi? mere than k? ? ? with Uta rapid kn>? i ?J-i dejr-oe meat of fee terri*-* ? ? lt*..n#i-ta the tnervaulil;- -r Ii < ?*.*ii*>u all me advauiagesof aeyeieut mo ?up< i ifttftfy ft?f wB?a U kv, <u.aa* lu a??ry trade .e?iir? of iBe fti?^ lied woj-tftt, TTaat it to ia a ?po. ?-. *?*?-*? prepare* io Ruard ihe interval of na lixai peiruui ta ai? lee!*- by Bm IV t anal it baa norn a ~V9*r omtmssr oj t4.da-te.-re tAmm aa* ?4J_- ?*_->-..... a?aaa>