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BDRD-TT-'S HUMOR. THK n*i*vrWRITTR? OR TRK WALL OF A LAWYERS OFFICE. Xaa Nat Haathaa anti tha Modern Faih. ional'.a Caiurh-The Cup that Cherri - A S st pie Frohiem. -Mel. lSR"*.) ?, i i v,ent into I _>wy< r*. Bee. I eliabad np a flight ol r ? *>. ? - tm it* tb* nrlit, wilke*: deua s h I. li.iiKy pa-sage-way until I em et., a,i,or and knocked hara. lher? -*ss r>' i-*| c?k. Everything was tai I even to wiske an echo. Bo I I . ie in " to nivself sad walked iu. li tts- lett wann. I it* windows Wtneopen, HTii tl e hot sir rame qnivaring ia fron uf street and wast arooad thi , waves war; n'e t:... lc Br* . ts';.]". I' I thc c .:,.??- of tbe roon the eobwern ri ? nietta, A bl a I>hI??: t ? Stood lehind tiif st,'\, ? "-ea withrnstandatood01 :? pi cid ireMili st.^ne. west v eritl inset * idore, hall filled with tha aawdnat ol agc tr-1 at ? III ran of ki va, ball l ' d WllV i \ tried . . 1 ii tin* air, a- t ,,, e -r. ..?,? (1 it itu' t i fall rt i?vt li ? ?r. In a very eld-faah - - w-e ?'Ber, sn old , . oa ditian , a in his ii, n. rsc* ?i|. ?rr the eld, time looking ter raw All thc rifle free, ' '?? BrerS Corroded ? ' " in the ? aa nani hud dried np in a crackled r* s-vs. 1 hs ft nerrhair. t s head boag over tke ftheohair. Hie Month wss wide tight aa ?-Yrtrt? tabla A new. BO 1. He d' 1 i .lin! come ? -. ? v. h* in ? i i .- ? ? ? ? - irua sufa sc 1 : i ? 1 Iters ol (ot. tv." \n I phntie ? e I cart t i wak** 1 itu. I mt lt v.tli tLut Bl 4>lt*.er? See* I m. .insrv be il : " ?. - by i." rch us ? .* ? ? ? ? insry, ?- : heber* in i B ias ? U. ly * m tkst Le Lnuae that tkey kn ? sa thai I :. Ha is r;.: ? i ? be i a ? . . . ' -enls, aad bo ? ? to be a trust - i ept in lu t wn 51 * ? | ' ' a ? ? - Pctxr He*.'h. rt. ? I . .'t?en ?* .. i la ? fur . - : prayi r-saeetinga si d it nat ? " Who is tue v. ry ; - ! ct the way be : t. ? , aad Bl vi rr low as ). - a-*: r.'' c ? ;. i . r ? . ho . " 1 - ?::?> nsw -' ' ' V ir, rri . , wb*n : e ; yan, a: I r'.-t^d birpft-li l.v atriking ll ? ' ' ? when be bea funked, I tl ? , ? i by a tn i . He'i : tb' tb. ? " | ' ? ? ? T * r. (?; - JM-.t i. ll t,; ti - of the re auea he i their - choir ku . , ? * I .? Ift 4 UTI. "'J'1 e mp tbsl i no, my aon, thc jt tr - lt I ?- ? , | m IH back cup. ll ia I.'(.k tb? bra ll i, ? ? rthes ? - ann U even oa ? <>.J ... i ? ? .i down, . i. t it Raver boiler ns it dr.. i *? to n?iii im u... Parh_aaa. rt tbe rlchli : ? .. , caa down i ' ' paused with e chine mt Hi lull)*, ' .,? _ BlORiant lie ?' his rf - long yeai. ano, tn, invasion <-f hnfhsh no-. bleed af thai | iw to live without acfhrg, oki Ma-BBaduks bad Bworu a lerr.Wie raw never to slmvo tr wash his ! bb*-* ar con.k Bia hairnet a ai d then ho sp-Ka? " Ns.v, T am not scithad, good wot, bv laira oa aha atm st Jn time i lofve-tw ti.e nlaWlRal l n "f thia wild ? |. Tilef r. i ki.nep. a ii Ul ion and t. ?? aotrulr, miscalled enteiprun., and wisely | guided hy that conservatism whieli ii .*.r :i -..rt of my nature., held myself j aloof from tke tkoutiand ami on* inflated ' .'In-anea that hive prc-?ipi tated this rinsn ,-nl cmali and dimiuictod tim,*, l.iarlit thiiikful atti I tint 1 worshipped not at r ns shrine <-f thc god <'f Vnnimon, and faoal**dta|" tey operation* olniA'-lv ?tul rv- legit mite line*, 1 sm now holaliSg no .?.".'('ks thr* integrity whereof nifty l*e ia the least f-'Tected br the wreck | ef wild oat iQtttttntiona mid itu* collapxi*. of spernliliv** l'til'l'l'a. My children'l patrimony ia safe. Will von join nie V " And pn'nrtiia* the fofl-mn-* tomato cnn to the brim Uley drink tn lbs Safe old wayi of solid Imam, ss ali,I separated to pursue their, flail** conMrvritivtA op*ra* turna on old-established find cmiin illy* solid lunch-route**, ll is safe to SS"f tho worst ifl over. ??rite "*4let*rt or alie I.abortus-Mais is ?sweat." i ? ".d s'eej) are not, rnr? of tLc v. ar. A ii)?n in Ral. timors Ib% ilowu in a. toora on the se* cmi.l floor ol a h ladflOflM i i!*o-it 8 o'clock OD au slUrnooii in eatlv ?pring and t> n laleep, Ile lisa il i -. ?ilaooBt continuousl* erer i-mc-s, only I DOM and then lor tn cot. Ile is- a pnprr hflnr-v r, nv.l t r ? n:i?:-? 1 ttolemaly that bl would hive tint room finished bj early I I pu?y in Joly. lt ii no. ea however, thi ' will av. alton until Bi.nie timi nber probsblytbe ,'a-it we, k in Sept, mb- r. '1 I the borne m's not st iii anrprised or dis tnrbed. They bsn lin d ther* I years, aud huve lodged paper *>ri every Tear. \ papei will st <Dil more al-y-p tl :in a psinti r. bnt he cannot wbi tie one tun* all the week, nur csv - i it even fur a vt iy rt time es aa t-brU i key, Bnt then ihe stroi*ce?t punter in thw world cnn:,.! ut still on ? cornico in the blazing sun ind think io long is a ;'. edle t.xiltr. Tistooiet do? nol ear* to ponnd stir *vLi!t" tho himily is ont of Hi* | house, "f be hour (or fttmily wonlaip is his poi Tilar workim* hour. " Let me nia' 'i thc mof," b* says, " sad I care not who make*, the players" Bnl Tthen it cows t i utting on it awing* ii'ilTold sriil gazin-- -tarneitly in it the wm-JowB of yetir rlreisin^-rooiu the ob* ll ; painter wanders awny with thi mountain cake amid tbe envious -pushing of teeth hy kia amiable rirals is prac! esl ir. lustry. !n the*.* restless, high i*ic- ure day* what ii we*riiiir ont ? sriosn people is driTini hard work ana t. u little recrt ation. Ile linn lb* leal! nt Pi-Ici-b, Ma**!*. a: 1 that S-.-hulicit v,: ra os s bil] of fur.- it a It 15 s common thing for a ? his dinner, in.I if a t suggest s tn** * tren t?u ordinary musician i scots of i ?? land? lord * waitsr ii taking ibslf bar ia alway* bandy yon nee, theres no limit to this aort of thsa^*, find it's easier to - ..pris at a'ln than it is to **< t a dry napkin ind soiae . if richnbert had - dinner the esme day I id it, History ? ri.ine lo write about. au Wahl ah. Uah ? " Wal i ? f mny u rue fur a j nam* '.- " " No, ? I - gb, '? i fall I Lave to go to him so i'.;." ll I resh I at** lily, Illinois. Ir: La ?? (>h, y * a, i 81 ..rta;-'*, au I. lit 'fl herc souio . si. 1 I want yon to meet lum. 1 -Lu* ; Pursell sf Kaewlelflre. isman: ?? 1 ii a many children ? M ? ...i or triplet* 'i " iii'.- . RI ?'. Bl KVETIE, WADI. HHIi'N.ISS NON HI-..a NF. ??Doe! - ' f, how is (ii tion fem-li ai * ?r.-, there new' Don't n-k me :tr.-. 1 am only at liberty to t-il ,i.l hu tem* pent-uri ' le niiy-" Beg pi Until si! myan in the caa* han given in their reports as . mi tlicr*** ia ne o verdict attainable. Don't yan knew, .- r, that whu we get hold of a real: i person to diagsos* bim. Ea ol the tho rita! farts requires l custodian, sotoapsak. Now in i therei* Pr. Kiaona in charg* ol the liver and Dr. Hal* in (hsr-** of the lunga, lr. Vi? ra* ia charge ol the spleen, i r. I ? ? a ef tb* circulatory Bvstcrjn, I'r. .s ib charge ol th*-limn, sui thir? teen <;--*.era 'tn twenty or thirty stu* -V'S of the ; valid. Whi n tke ct o', their iirestigstioni ia amal* ? * - '.: and let-, down we can skim thi rivi:' iud Iel j a soi lathing of it Wr* .-i!-' uow, and if the ttenersl doesn't diedu* ring tie kiev orso of eui il [uesl ?*.*?*> wi 1 al '.ne mst, rial lor a new - '?But am indics ? v- * thst 1 am st liberty to speak I preaent, profe*sion*Uy, 1 r*:v" "Tl . Doctor!" lt will, h. Whs -eat? . A . ' - t in**t i ?. . rael; llas I . ? ,,*f. ?pa sad ersves s plaiter. lind; ? tts a ii. . iu liacoatatal] pocket] "Josiah, i *"'i w.ul.In ? i lifw me tee way you do by going io Hie* p in ch if -ii." - isleep; I ea t" '"M o' l "How caa youprevaricateio, Joeish? I could have Bworn ti.i?, fi"in your beary wei Hal 'p. Al aii v rsl I'll warrant yon can't tell mo what ?ont ?" ??"i.s i ,-. . ? .,. it wus aliont forty tmi, "Wb.j ? a-i old man? Becaose it's in? firm " hi ? lost much ol it*, flavor by . 'i .-ir ; } ul ;, Dun d ri ary friend "f on I fo in* a !t< "h relish. Ile bul led ly !.'ard it, Hud was met t-s-rtraeftei LsugbiJ on thc .med ns to tbeosuafl of bia bilsrity, be replied i " Weil, mr, I've j,,st heard thc fii'i i.iest ca '.ii asl ri i rn I ever heard il mr life. Why is bs, 1 ? ' why isu kc -ki why ia ? -ok's taiTlikt -like?aa old Ha, hu ! OrrsH Bpi You do, ch V awMMtnie ki ke ! i..-cHi)*4e voa eui pull it out! Uaw, haw, baw 1' (in the ball-field : ''That Yal mi -j there ii a lively fielder noa, amt 1 In re isn't anything in tbe Htatei tiiat c.v. rs meru ground than he does, VII bet you." ?? Knit-si it's the mertgage bis ps teok out te give hi** bia e?llc?--* "-ducatiou; tbst coven sliout a huiincd and fifty acre*." I poa whet simple jiervenion* oil sp-x-ch ire troublcu* rumor* sometimefl i baaed. Take the case of Mm. Sinister ami Mrs. trunk j " How do von Uke our new pastor ? " asked tbe former of thu latt. rona reeent i"ti. 11 Very aaoch. indeed, in Uie pulpit," waa tba reply; "bat," added Frank, "soe illy I think bim rather naughty, flo bears himself bm if he felt superior to his fl >.??. i'm my part I think a clergyman should be above . t. UpOfl Ins ??? D r. ., M.'ti." \\ hereupon Mrs. Bini about rejKirtiii- thst 'irs Prank bud < I her pesto) oul <d tbe world, "-dis? tinctly beard ber say," she remarked, ,i be ought to be above, looking down upon bis ooogri (ration." ] !. ? iilio In I ninb r an obligation is the most l ? Inns. Tho violinial lins no trouble to keep bs riI i it fr.mi tin; fiddle's tick. Tba man Uiat had bis 1 ack br ke wa ti Mn t i. ? -..., lo main? tained thal Ihe miafortune waa sot-back i ni it-* if. ma le up itt ? ne 1 in I of a salo ar, and thal *T!i<! riarlat'a rrlRasa. - makai in- i Prince whost i i, Aud Ufo rei .t a ba I reatb (.f Uta \Vh?!,' ir',,; 4 ? lenSei aii4 e.' ? An ll'. ? WflO-IM' ."'1-1-11*11. Ill \i.: ii e- my c . " Dennis, what have yon bi Who told j ? clucking old "ii tin* mantelpi* ce ?' " ReaTgin' ^er pardon, nunn, but it'*, Bheent-niaindedai am. it's thensasther towit ti) sit the lon jud us yersilf towlt ne to sit ths clock, an' pen me crintihia''e ?iva nit the Olock on the nist ? nu' oi have." 'tentaI ve. Mii.cnlnr 1 ic rclae. To tht I I, : Now t' st public attention has been di? rected of Ute to tb esl development, snd . i a hive i my ol tbe institutions in 11 ? J?* country, nnd boat club* unri bat b : sll dui i have I ? hu conman, it may b i proper to consider the limit,*, io whic I ' traiu may be cai ? - -j''*y to . itelleetual in ull i 1 moderate degree of cte daily and preferably in tbs open air, i h sn object in view, is ? vant to the working capacity of the brain, inar-nin.''li n.? it impr ivea the eon ? . r;vc- ita nutriment by * vi won an t respiration anil i I i .,1 to bu* .in i bf - ; loug _ither oue iuvelvea ' the vital t. hen un individual ir, tata pt a Itotk ho is burain both enK. anil b i grief if hw > While ole it f. rms I. e upon wUi.-h the splendid auperatru - old l?e well undersl ral and li la in all eil I m. if and bi astfu these that they ar* ^: workers in ths ? tat the rest arv drones or All b ie hsr.,1 un<l hi ray palms bi ?rt;t' * bliud i. fact thst t ? method rn* uta! ' -ed r.i far sa possible. A * been-aid ni the im] ly develop? ment te ble in regard to mental uevelopmi ut to the laborer. So i tior.s of na ind and budy tbat neither eau ?tt'4'u the beat results without the as-: Biatanee of ti >? other. Ail hoi -. tirnt as I ? a forces of ateai natural ag< , and bave transferred bo i ? ... rs ; vxbo bave tram' thr* Ir1 -i a, brutish unrest to an intelligent director and : to his eire. of modern discovery, in the annihilation, bo to and aiiace, fora what {rossita - kure and im prove!ui *? mass-as by ? brutish labor ; brain * -Hd of : ir. .'1. 1). 14 fm Will Help ll lui ? I'i :. ? Api . v ref the JJ ipatt lt: Will yon please give i?;ii'i--* i ? paper for this ince fur un unfortunate < lhere came a man b ago w ho ga' a bi ns i ie snd in very in? digent circumstances. He v,u.> of last Hinter by Colonel J, T. iy, an rx-< i r and maror < Mr. I gular nature. He imagiues tlint there is it largi t n bil tory which he claims to have written and furnished to p iblishers in Hemp Jenn, lie vi ita the ezpresa office day to I -: %- pack? age. Hi- * .mit is , . 4 .'? boree and gy. He appears 11 1. ive been I t to limo ' Though insane, ba has tine command of language, nml sometimes indul a short b?rsngue in which h>' i iii,' eb,,ir- t flo'-*,' ti** i ? red onv y* ar in the i . a regime] .' 1 ti. I'. Aad. r -on. lie bad a In. ther 1 Hied iu the L ile claims to have s :., Si it* iville, N. C., bul > ? hts nLit heard from Lim tinco J 1872. If any of his fi'i- nds or old COI ' f iel d spo led tu Basia! him any tn I j money-order or registered let? te] t i ? in. i Vt. ll. Bmith, j natl :. Formby, mayor of rJurnsvilh*. Ail nir.iii v will be pron pl for and applied to tue ns., of ur. rid ion. All letters i i im will be i?i wared. < >ce dollar ? es will greatly i | old soldier un I Bot bi* mi R d bl I i inr i J lian get. no j 1 fuel asi r* I thaine d aerving Ooafed erate soldier aili brm l*e allowed to suf? fer while nny oi hie brftive aoa_radaa sur? vive. .North ('uro ina pap rs will please copy. Reepeotinlly, W. H. barrr*. Irusl Ibaat llan-lll*. |li> t.i'r(trat'ii toUe Dir; Daw ii.i.r., Ya., April -1.-There waa a heavy boa! bern laat Right and tn.? I^r,,iiuii /ro/.i*. Fruit and. emly vege? tables suffered considerable damage. si vie* f t|?t her.. Dr. rJiggurs's Muokl'-bsrry Cordial ihould always tm used for children Rm thing- lt' soothes the child, softens Um gums, ttliavB ail pain, euroa wind Mila, Bini ia the beat rwmedy for the bowels. 'Iir it. EXERCISE FOR GIRLS. MARION HARLAND OH THE PHYSICAL TltAIRIHO OF YOCSrO WOMEL Som* CriMrithanlci Is Which Womiri Caa Intlnlara?Burelli Found ia Houri Duties -PedeitrlrtBiim. ur ttis In-lMl'-h-Copyrlgbtel. I , ? 'i forcibly Mid th.vt "wtj*riaSl mist h.- regarded aa woman, liot ss ? ? I. with gn il i ' milatioo t > man.'' :? i ritit my pur] ? " ttl ex* ? ; physiologies! n why <? la of bodily c i thal (in profit maa mk-uM i.ot bs par* ticipste i i i by i ar aex. Tbs limitations of a i ? v, however fainUi ?r In tole, izelnds o-.*'r puniness of ""peech. If dur (liri would rend and oomprehi nd why her tripartite nature Deena doti ? ,ent than her br 'flier's ?implei o gan -:?', h t bi r oooflult tho ?ts ii rt ni, -? nted by tho many valuable ti atiaea written for ber ? ht. it msy ii"' be invidious to aingi ' ?i BOOre or Ino.*-" ol' , ? il resding " Hy; v ne D*\ ts, 81. D. 1 irtberntore, thst io one will n.i n nee to a work winch I put ti ye*i *'f life md more est, loving thought for my set. than I can oner. I al* btera," the motto might well bo " Know (ll ! " thi flimplest sml mo I i ; t:io lace. en ia Dot -') tyrannical to women a* shs is usually rapseaed to be. i ne ? liviai*!! of daily Ishnr. Bs tacitly decreed ordisary ro'itin<? ol th?s bottse ' old, ? lilted. .M-n "goeth forth " unto his, from tlie morning eren onto tb* evenwi'.'. Wet feet, dump (Jtsthil , I flstl .ninr, li fi int-, and stand ^nd in werkaho-p. incidental ll .?.-... iabl* in the thst-har-re of busi nes* linties, are. nt the wer t, bul ineen* i *ne to ana, while they wnuld wari-, potiitiri injury to i weman, it fill physiologist* account what "bfhi i ousework " among !. healthful occupations of girls, Sweeping, when properly done, is an i of calisthenics To ; one should dress for tho tunk ss :?: the [*ya*] ii eliftio Jersey i r wsiat ml tthort .-.knf?*. \. 1 thu i, ititli h'-r hair put away - n csp, Our Girl ahoolu open it ". ind iw of th* apartment and begin, with loni ati.,;- es, tn Bweep tue dat i s i d tha cent ie of t; ?? lay ail aitbout uti ?treaa nj-on any on let, while the . to inti fro is the r .li. h ii col? in in tin milk-In of the ' r and da the lower part of dy. The ' dd be loag ? . and csr?* be taken not to at, ip . i ing it ? of tTni.'ic, iVuvy ? .is healthful ... So is dusting , - other , lo** i t ? rei_ 'V* th* ? tl carry ir iin-*;.-. I mal fl ti.o pro* t r wbiaking off ?.itu n feather - attering abroad, r.ot ?. n biri into tl.a a!r arid Bet is Ul fl few n '.? .t's, u fsir jr,, a finding lodgment in s .in-j> ii mf s. i lusting ie).,... thoron blydone. Th.* the rooni from ? ? wind does not biow ahould a ailie, ht* ewen while it t* V.on.en los* much of thal lg* sf honaework by cow in Stuffy, "aVlSM chauibt-r**. b ftt'OTmitaMSflS, il a nym for ni-ea-r-e. Shoal! the flow of (??'ld air belo etafjerly crisp ss to make the worker move briskly to keep un, Illly ? conscii hold, r ol hygienic priaripli s who b-ave-i 1-,-r pale BBotkei to utrv through with droaj ry, or com - cf th* iio!iii] to irre ? -*ks health ina lou I itional" abroad, would ead s<* surely, if not as t stare in the homely 1, <hir Tiri must walk not saunter- in the free, ? air eran di un errand as a raison pies*1 : oe nj on whom the " A walk without sn fud a inf my ran.bim." -? i- fllwsya au objsct, pr I ' nd of In* walk. of thought; firta grace af figure; elasticity of limb j ; and light fer the ere*. I he worooa v. ko "never walk when Ihey : ? * ? ince tl of tb** whol* sci* Mt Kies, that ore the ? ? ? of the era a law! which k*Ia peo pleupon tli.vr f-"t ard bida them use them be for* they csa talk. 'I be betrt walker I e>er ssw was Impe. lessly plan of feature ?by inherit. rn n i thi mointsin bots! i a*-* th* aumuier .-.-..wiJed to th* u "- h-T f*ri flt t:io Lawn or go down the rosd. J!.-r were of a modest length, just ?. ihe wore stout booti -. re wi ll fitted bp.'I trim ; as she ' u boll weigh! "f bt r body on th* ball of the foot, rism*- rere alightly on the ioe. Bbs held herself ct, v, t not stiffly ; chest , i abouldera down and back ; ber motion reminded one of ihe '. Dight of a bird, the , uward sweep of a es t! all flwift ind graceful things?| nerer "recalling the lonnge, orfllide, or ince, or pireon-like perk. . for walking with the bevies of. rue rue*!* every hour ,*n fltn et and road. Watch thc ti le ? ig ind bubbling along tho gn it therougsfsreaol our edies om' teri.non n you would fuls.ty er confirm the sshertioa I hat not ono woman in a thousand useB her lower limbs well, or learn how to employ them in any exirciie except daticiug. Where ono " strike** out " fraeiy and fesriissly ll hundred and nineay-aud-nine , - : ob, ami Maddie. Men killin it, if women do not. Ask your ''mun i-r< tin r willi how nmuy irirls in cai ki ep flt-ip oo a smooth pare _enl ?,s thout feeliig aa if hs w.n. hoppk-d ; I h iw often lie kia to exeoutothsb-uf-step that recovera the rhythmic pace royalty diaregarded br Ins lair companion. years a^o a petition WM ciir'i latcl among th* owners of large city samps hal, mi' that the saleswomen iu thees alight oe allowed -cats behind the tinnier lnr ni* in the pain-ca of active custom. Tho plea was humane and 'liic wonder is that it should !e,|, " 1 always fcivo up my "teat to ?n old lady." nidi youngman wbo crowes a crowded ferry* l mee daily. "Young women eas stand ss well as a tired fellow wno bm beea on his feet all day. W lu n they cums on board ?treet-csr or boat, 1 bury niyaelf in my newspaper." or.!. LAOlBfi. Ile was no mora civil te one cum* and no nore cruel to the other than tlie rank ?nd file of those who man " ?Mb*' ' cabins " and bald tho Bests of omnibus and tram. Let tu hope (charitably) that all are alika iga-orant of the truth that elderly ladies, unles* especially infirm, are sile* more abie to staad in comfort all the way across the ferry, er to hang jokingly for a mile to a roef-atrap, tlmu ??ir daughters, I have seen toay cheek* whiten. Blender, gloved hinds | clench roavnlsivelv in tho agony of the downward null on spine and hips until I bave lonr?i ..I ta cry aloud ai' the un eoriHeious barburity of thin-Hut.I.. 1, bnmd-burked men wio mint have bad n.otncr*.. whrea, ml daughters of theil own nt iii, Onr giri i t/ely and comfort? ably run two hundred yiird. provided ber staya ara not tight than st teen minutes in one spot I'i*. Davis reminds na in bis boob thal " thc andi nt Greeks, who surpassed nil other tnt .m la physical paltara, in their mythology lunn.' | il.-' I foid. d of morl'ils " Jumping i n boo ant of the pl 1 ritii s t mt -ding, without the liberty t ? site I ? ?(ight < f th?> lower tn. ? ? side I to th" other, I j for Our (url. When il ti from i tile or vehicle, i I 'd on hertoos, tlmsl* ? some i what th* i oi i. *" the apina! column, : S.-rii- : ?.-,? fol dcs or . lavebeenleaatl ! i a firmly-knit man. I the .n jr, e'.inibin band. .: . ,howover , healthfully they m ty .!*? ? - ? lon *.-1 in.;. ure ben. loial :: ? iratien, ? 1 moditii i bose ball. I ? ihers, better i .iu nets, sui I but th.* div* raion, aa usually practiced by "< , ibfl ' Slid " mr lly l-l era ot' tim "nini*.-' i.i,,i . ? . ' ? eiifi-a.i' ? all oin healthful i Tlie equestrian must learn lo carry brr shoulders back mid keep a square seal in the muscles of Ute whole 1 to irenic play, snd ii" reci needs be Liken in tho open mr'wh n once the preb?aianry lessens in t is ri,lui'* school ui * over, Tha ' T fl BSddl ' ' ?'?'tl is i ' on bs an objec? tion '.' tho practicability of making tbs habit toleral - which sr<* kept for bira are held at an exorbil good, it is ] s worth while to ' to th"* temptation i ?? allow? ance i?i iiii'fteri furl's ve,, ii this incoaaparal le i ' ii * hsr ; sqnippin ? bi rael! in a f..r til ? gra tnat outline *? ii. DAXWILI ' . Ot! il-I ?'l i?. us* f elabrallati -Tbe lobar ro Narkal. ff- - 1 Danvtxi , Va., kpril 21. John A (ega, will deliver the a?( ' - re t'.e 1'ierian Literary li*>??:(ity of the i'.-*.rivil.e College for inun.r Ladies at tho ap? proaching coram* As next I bursd j is anniversary of the organization of the ? ? hear a special lemon fruin Dr. .-Urr. The oeeiiiou will The CMtun-Sa'.' I city, are contemplating !*ir??o add to thr Tba mi. : ?? day. lt is now propose \ t.. douhli t.... add ? a i Diade the paay will employ one thouaan 1 ' ? i .ie leaf to? _??*"? i na mnrk ? *' of 'o' ?" ? i 'd al txn sta lt I tiiK th', i bottom aome time n^ro, and > market will bave an upward * prices ara lcd'': r tbe week, Th-r* Council I ing to JIU ROMRO-K * OTBR. A l'rei-bf Train V. re eli cd -Ttiro-ii Overbaard. V ' I.? SeTen train comin * to I'orts . wer-> wye. irning en the Raleigh and : I i neir "Weldon by thc train parting takin j and running . Tho I .:rt. I son dry doc;, nt thrown bia i o lar-bone broken rm i wan wired from I: to div tn an I men whu left tba! t a?.il is w&nte 1 bra The steamer did not put into rt, bul kepi ew York, au I - red the superiat* of police of .' v York to make the ar? ri it, I'er-ooal. Ex Secretary Win i im Ins poid the cb he built in Washington at a .-ott ,,f |lfj l.DOOto Mrs, Charles Mnas, ot Chi* I .O.RGO, The hom ?? la n iw o ? 'upied by I Jones, of Nevada. .Mr. Blaine occupied it at one time, th* n Senator Palmer, of Michigan, i trds Air. Warder, of dbi'). The Queen Ref i ul of Spain b ts a gr< I fancy br being ? jinny with ber children. A rec inre presents % moat charming family Kroup. lt i pouring tea .. bis hi| infsutaa looking demure and b in their plain white dn Joseffy, tl I ssbi en ri oeiving I rial .dteni."ti in Wisa- j ington. Be remembered having met Mrs. Clevelaad when she was - i pirl at Ann . " Hiv-* y gotten how wu Kiri*, bothered y* your autograph ? asked Mrs. Cleveland. H * lue of thens, urirten on the Biargin ?>f a conceit programme, is still ref dned by I ma aa a of that occasion." Two son* of a famous novelist are. en? gaged ia tba tnarattve boniness of "stock BB I atati B lg* Bl i " in ' ? ward Bulwer Lytton Dick.'ns manages! the Melbonrne branaii ol tr>e basinees, * ? .'iifr.*d Tennyson Dickens i kents tba tina in the important pa (?entre of Hamilton. A mid ot Anthony j Tiollope has a -beep station in the north* ern .'"binv of Qnttntlafld Tho Duke of !W anchester, tbe Karl of Denbigh, aud the Farl of Winehilsea are iatareat* ed ia pastoral properties ia the same colony. It may seem strum*** to who havo never visited tho I'nite.i Statis Semite tliat two members of that body should be aide to speak st the aaaie time for any extended period. beceatly, however, Senator Urottu. of (ieergia, uud Senator Keegan, of lexaa, arose to? gether. Senator Brown, as it his cus? tom, proceeded to read his remarks, while baaatar Meagan began si* speech impromptu Without noticing aaa an? other, the atateamaa continued ta deliver a kind of oratorical duet for some min? utes, 'the galleries laughed, and tinalty tbe presiding officer atlenccd one of the speakers. THE FASHIONS. THE USES TO WHICH BRAIDS ARI BE? ING POT. Hati for Little Ulrli-a, Tiunii Dni3 -A Revel ian -Popular Color, -c.Ae. (OarrasRi ? laaeaal tiie BlntiwimS r>i?r<at<-h.i . April 21, 188HL As has be* iv remarked in this column, braid is rietoie everywhere, lt is esed for tfdrnming all of tl *-. snd sill, for Miine other Sting as a faetor in mable millinery, it is not only used in binding the edges, or in border* lng the | ana, however, bnt ie employed Rvi ly for appliqu* embn i .-i%:. ? ? n< rally cream tinted utmu with .lurker materials for tbe street; excel? lent opportunity is afforded for tba thea bi dd embroideriea 1 ba fckiit ??iir.', am? ply exposed by the looped dra] rial, bas Its ? ? covered with graceful conven* .wis and fluril desi i same color as that nae I for the upper portion of tba dress, J lei B '? ... in app<ur. , co r, and suet rtiona . ? . tesl fully, : 'M d. For I wear, nothii A style of bat now very popular f<T ? ls is of Bl SW, i iviog a very broad, t brim and y high crown. U is trimmed with a very lirra bow or knot of ribbon, usually * vend pigeon-feathers stuck jaunti? ly through them. They are pictui and childlike. linked edges appear again the new out-door aa.1 teaniadreai ? only head gear consists of dsinty I * ihe predictions made fr rn year to year thnt t:.e iq u nur ; is d rs ? lis been verdi- d. Tbe Imstle is still of normnl ii/.?', and does uot pro 1 I' s An attrac I the i ai ? l fort he body i .' liar on the ? i'i edged wita broad - i -ut low am . I rest 1 - * bell at the tin hampering ? ? low the '1 he skirt , ? very long, i ? that the * , by ber sttire during I ? le up in any of the light summer inaWrials-?mi ' r i halli'". right to t ' and so ', the polonaise ita* '. I teepee res! the tris ? ? ' Bide by brosd rev< rs, and n exist. A NOVEL One of the largest here, engaged in the i i ladies' gowns, has in one of its " trying-on" reams a life-sized model of a -^?<1 with a aide-saddle, sud place 1 I i Inri pier-glatftS. When a lady, ordered a riding-habit, comes to try it . ?i. snd tbe i 1 he tftkirt, as every lady ia aware, forms the most important fyt of a riding-habit, and this annual is th*- - ? it lifo a i o'; i ai: CO irk | i, next ? ??'ru. The shape i notgreatly il weir tbe bodice I button to the collar, bul will be finished by a linen chemisette Tue are quit*) short scarcely concealing tue wearer's feet, i'oe is mounted. They are, therefore, less troul*ia.*-otne to manage on ? 'I he head-gear generally bow consists ?.- little untrimmed Diri-y bi J Arm ? iw worn for tbe red or itripe I bul They aro very (leci*lediy pn ? re is an excellent material tfti bo used a- tt-.a foundation of for * lady of i trimming should consi tof a . . latin, bia ik lace (liberally mad), sud bright scarlet, pe, oraag .milar light ; i.i ribbon. a useful hint far those who ara ab* it t > fm i > i i con! tined in buy mirrors, Mirrors aro Lt* naive i a- w,iii ornaments. _* 0. il. kt Here ami Thora. At Tolono, UL, standss house that has longhsd thereputation ol being haunted. inlier advertised it for Bab foi |1,100, and though it ooet moro than three times tho money, no one would buy it Thia spring, however, a Yl CS u along and 1 ought tha property for $800, lie moved bis famuy ib'o tho house, ii nd soon after ghosta began to make their preeenoa manifest Betook bis gun ami went banting for the spook* ile fonnd them located tn au empty alby, from which place they bau stretched a itring over lo tue Yankee's dwalliag, where it was fastened to a brickbat and droppftid tl me 1-t rk, which could bo dammed when tho string was pulled. He fired seversl shots ht tba "spirits" and gave thea* a lively chase for a long distance. They bave not annoyed bun ?ince, l'lacer mining is a novelty in Provi? dence, K. I. In ono ot thu large build? ings destroyed reoantly in tbe -treat lire in tbat eity was a manufacturing jewal sstahlishment hhortiy after tbe iii.* ibe that lay piled in tba cel? lar was carefully carted to and dumped in the cove lands, near tbe city, and baa bael ob guard there day and night ever aiuce. Now tho firm its mining for its cold and silver after thc old I'ali fora * method of sluice-washing. An engine pumps wafer for the sluice? way from a pond a few hun? dred yatds up tho Woonaaqiia tueket river. The sluiceway is about 400 feet lang ami ia made up of boxes or sluices each about ten fe?it long. They empty into a basia which containa the quicksilver necossary for securing tho washed gold and ailver. The earth and tha rubbish are thrown ia at tke bead af tha abieeway and waabed ami sifted by each linea until nothing but the finer r.articlea float onward to tha quicksUver basin. The scene ts almo.*t as picturesque us some of Bret Harte's descriptions. This novel " crain" is expected to yield $7,ON or 8?S,b00 worth of the precious Un-tn I. Guatemala's hird of liberty ie tlie quezzal. Its picture, rather distorted, is stamped on many of (.uetemivla'a coins and engrave J mi all the post?i<e sumps of tha) country, lt ls a bird of besutifnl plnmsge, having two extremely long tail feathers and a superbly-created head, lt cannot be kept in captivity, aad is therefor" sal*!**** *een alive, a* it is found only in a email portion ol th* roin'ry. lt is truly a bird of liberty, ami it dies .tiniest immediately when captured. Ita pride in its rear feathers Is evidently dearer than it* love for life. When one of them sccident llly gets soiled or broken ths bud goos lo its neat, nits down, and If st it 4 augat in a tr?p it ia il ? ' nu d deni, and when th* fwwam birds ur,- takea from th* nest they die st oin,'. (Icoasionally a qu-v./al ha* boen captured and in a few icconds restored to liberty, bat the cntaiuiuatiou of the hand cou iii not be removed with the grasp, and it dropped iifelesato th* earth '1 flowu many yards. The d builds a round roofed celt, like s .! thc wren, only instead of * ne boll there are two, directly opposite each Other. Thus tho bird avoids tbe tsil-breaki." - ol ti.ruiug round to casks it* exit Itf-nes mit oue side ami out it the either, md th* loog ts, which wive gently in th" air at, r time, aro fllowly and cautiously drawn in a?' How birds ar* able h> kflarp on the wing m long m they often do wm ex* ii I aome time ail ce I y Pi ?: a ? aper read I before i acieutifii asoistt meeting. feysor Trowbi ?- si I tl it b'rds of prey arid sterne olhirs have the pow* r to ther I ? part* of th* tba . vt*:1 I'd blthers l t ti;;, si tudiiu to t.i.r flukers of t;" hntnan hand. Tho action of the air ou the *aing iu this condition I* tii.- llboW, wiiieh i ? i ? p, ninir* too far by a cartila ;e, and Ihe wing* i i i, r au indefinite length <.: t' culor action whatever on thi pirtof the Wh;!.- resting io th.s u ,\ | . j itm iphere ; bnt if there be a horizontal current if may sl low itself to be carried aloag by it. a slight tendi'. ? momentum by which, wil i a ? of direction, it may riae ta some extent, itillwithouti sm"s. The I h1*o bel: le for a bird t*> fllet p on the wing. Indit-eussi ig thi* pa y mi I th ( he hid it a bir 1 v. iii vi ru: ? and *? ii ?' li- r, ba i it de* I. ll. bigh in i ?* i bsd never beea j. I Qt for tile !'.i > ol v. * ind sn lmtion in I i ?* "Tbe 'A Bet 'Vi there should bee*, r a aider union and tbe derided i a thia land winch should be p, rpli -- wbicb ? , ? r sud found ' I Absolutely Pure. va-t-A. 4 marva! IMtnsaaaa, Maro e.-,.. .... . i.tup.iiti>n wita lbs multitude I i ? -tat* p.*w|*r.. ? i. '1 AL RAKlNii POWDKR COtal'A*. l. ... - it, M. Y. i \Y *.*. aiTw. anti:d, pubchasebs fob Ia tn Ui gui ? . r usa i no ifni in kl .' ??? ? | ?? '?. Iii*.li. V. Vin*. p||t oil ! a;-.*....?i?* ?var atlara prwil t*S. lint gat a Typ??: . j eiairuns ths Rsrni agios, ?* ts* lie*t la always "ia! hal. I Na I "tarlington a i a four-drawir WaJaut CaMait, til j biw for ir.-ii; l .**.*. | hajt.tiigtsa. wtiti labia aj.i * . $e'V-Art!l! naw fur HM: i No. 'i Kemiiig'. rt, ] sith tabla and oevsr, SSS; l tia. vi a .cajti. ? ii - in* i>)?sr,fl4il*| 1 N ?. 1 I sug:apH, v. -a . ; Hall ' i *i!i? tv;,* \'ao, nrsr i*3j?-ov*-i K*rnis.- . i -, all stvle.; rsJe ? and aupplisa. Fl j. '?? *v?ata.| aad s' "-r b*lp j (ural Juli**. B Cl i/.v i.cai .1 Manager, _ c iu*, Va, \\A < ii-:'. TO LEND Slu.nOH ON ll CITY OU Sl'imiAM BEAL ESTATE. I A ran chane* fer min of Ilralfd mini ta p .r cbaaa aaaias, Alsa\*iiass fro ia uv '?? i -l would : do wail tu sss me. V*. L. WABINO.J-a, lin ; at. v.*-lt 113 ' "ot. i IITANTED, BOTS, Al' THE DIA >? IOND-BUJE MAM-l".*.clL'lUN . PA NY, IIB Bssis baak. ip.*'ll* \\r ANTKD.--A BABE CHANCE VT itilt HALI, sTOi K ANS l-'lXn 'REI OF IA T'i-i AND VAKIBT1 S*l"VlB, esui.ii.L-_ I twa . tttrs* y-iBiA sod nsw :?isg s - '-- l..w rait. Pries sud r?a?oii for asll e givau ?u apoiuaiiun te .."iv DDKS . ?_ '("--linioud, Va. BkBY-CABBlAOES A8P1 CLALTT. v\?ntea, tl* ls.l>r. 's kii..w tint snottier .: tn* ;.,.pu ai $;.-?'. I**, if, $:o.v), ii., -i, . i|. lo I.. I'AKIUAIES hava sr iv v T i,s gaaeral vanli'i I*'!i*T sis ** .1i*ar> aud the l*SAt miks In ArnflfllrB < all i.irly and Uti vunr .-hoica it 711 jsa-a street. aB-.-v-tf_ J0B7I DOB! IfJANTED. BY A BINGLE GEN* >> | I KHAN in t>u?lB*sa la ttiicity, OOUN* TBt Pi'A rf lifers part of ths suinioer. l,*va liOl Will (hs firivtlsg* *' ruor.ii.ig sad evsniug ?fymd. ALlress, aisling leran*, ll. ii. K,carool (JirrtarHa apss>lf W-'-NiKD. TO il LL A HEMING. >' V ron -TANDARS Tl I'KWUITKH. No. H, * ii -w, asuis Havlig U.u taken is pad :? tsr ons sf .'ir " Hammond " *frp*> Aa will sall itu-, [navillus at a bargain lt off our tisnl-'. WBKELWKIOIITJtro., Excloitvi Daa!*r? far lae ** llamaiond " for Vlr* gini.t, UDI east Main sirsei, ttlcuuioud. Va. _spSS-ll "IITANTED, SMALL AND MK v 1 D10M-SIZnDw7BLUBOI;a*?a,anUUi ST* ((tts-. '.Vs hava .-ash eunama ra for propirtr ?I ihe Hts,ve das-riptiaa. I'srsois Hiving su.'b for sal* will pt.*, .-uafer wits us. No cHsfgo uulsns wo male a ssl*. li INKY L. 8TAPLF.1 .t CO.. tu Si-lt_11(13 liam atreet, IITANTED, TENANTS FOR FIKST ? i t i.OOK n ioSr*. fiiriiiASslorunfurnislistl, Kent low. A<jply at rrio sast Malu airest. _ip23-2f Want I'D. if roo ham: a VV DRSIKAILB TWO-STORY IU1CI PW tel!.Its ti in ia? w*?Urn part of tbs Ott! whi.-ti "riii will sell st a pri ?? asl Vi iii*s?d |SJ_S you will flu* lt ta yaur lutarast to call in us. Wi eau sell tho propscy fas- you. fOlNDliXTKH A P.NOON, itoai Kstlta Agsula, ?P-vMt_lAii Iain ilreet,-*! \\rANTKD, A HOUSE 8EBVAST. Vv Must conn will r-ajoicmsadod. Apply Minday alMl weat frsaklln ?tx?*r, ap ft*-ir ?SsTOriOli-BY A SMALL Ol II.W -Ll of ttisssy any liva saan can Baila from twmty ta Uuny dollars par day. liafersu.-e chasr tully gtveu. AUdreaa wubin tba next two dais Ni>. l-_Osasl Msla street, Klciruoud, ts. sp jre-it* Do NOT NKULKCl "DE^BCrrVK rv KsltiST OK INJIRK TIIK SAMS by Uta usa of Improper ia* Infsrlsr glasa-s. Nooausa fur snob now. Call and bs rorreetly Btt-vl st a ruoSerato cost. EXAMINATION rilK. TS* reviattd adtSaa af aay uluau.tad ,-suiogus ainl last tyyas uialled to any adSraas upon a-jplk-a Uoe, Da rs. UALksKl, Cuasultiu* Optician, ap itt-ll Ali east Mani tito*. \\ ANTED. - A 0 BYTX" E MAI* V> wUbss BHIAKFAST aud 4-0i liKl DINNIK wtib a pr* vita ft-slly ta Uti West Ku*. Ajtetam*. Will tai-ai* par aaSItS, I rr. caro ot i>i*rauf ip* ^'EWECTB*?! Raaaaarler oreeiloe?e p~,T?a tn miii'nns et I aaa Nt 'a ^?ri'.irjr. Il i- aeaa By th ? ? -? i,...a awsst. tn SanaS t?V ?Be *???!? <,f ta* 'ir-a: I n,r?r?ltl?s . r > res*, ail Mia*'. M aUBfnL Dr. Pmee'eiYeaa Bailtnr r?~ier tata Aan?eela, .,.,-, ? I . *,. BOM culy ia pct. e. pa *'**<? r'imu:n DDL Rbw \uKm, i sir.e-r - ..octa : I . ? it -r'p) Haste. PART. I.KA\ WILL I I i* l*OAlff, . i 4 KV, Mi-.Ui Han i, oars ?. l< ? tv .-llw Vi' \ v ' : i). ci k t I I . ' ?- ? . - . ' liefs" (?? ? 1 -'vee I*-.,..t ? i rea lera ol (rapes, J . - ? . . \. M. v? a ? ? tn in of : i 0 ? ? ll lill I ' ITT AN ri-; i>, VT '., ? ,' "'(.lllMi, \i ki ns i ? tt ? ? ? ? i ".(Ala pABPEM ' 1? AT i -. *t. vi IA I Ll"-. . t * ? } ft V ri I Ll* HT ' Ll* HT *' . - r 1 a -a I ' 4, I - ' ' V I \ s . \ 1 - ? ' v V ! I Oil ii i:\. \ V . 1 r . ' ? l\r? : \ WI f !. ? . | . i . *. _ XI'AN i. Bl ? WAN iv. WHI 1 I-* " ? maa ciri Blatant ply to "..n Car ringi, tate. ' WAN . IfE I) KS I V V . .i : , a gi * '. . Staple arti- la of Sally layeaarge wi:ii , - ? . ? * ? V.I ll RA! f a,. . ll' YOU HAVE MEDI1 M -SIZED J lilVKI ? IN..ft.,r. ftMAI I. >n?if.- *l 'll 1-4 , see ??.,. I 1 . . -I ft ? aj^j-lw ,\. Vf. BOWR. U'AMT,:?. A M.*.IS!J RED OH vf ii. pm i. CLARK ui a-', to the \ Uley ol VlTfl Bia. Kl um luna g.xii rafrroucr.. State efl eij ieee, ead x.-y .i-,;- I, ?i'.? .4 I ii >*. _ ap] i WANTED, <>i.l> UNITED STATES Tv and CORRIDR IATR rotvTAOH STAMPS ii.?aa fioia 1-4M-. . Raaf a-e ti?i y ?ianaair>iii sHftmst fetter sr snsti aa I.*-.**-., ts?r i an .., anitra. *ata l.ariiri aiao hare . 14 Clea ot Mirra le*.rl',r, p-atag* alaini>? BflBHl Bar ? in-u'.ars. eapUlnU,( wtiat ta wanto- THOMAR StliMk*-. itu 114m* i ?, SlaBaaSrf. Va. WAM'I'li, l.V A rouNQ MW ?V of goeti **<lU'at;..n an-l i.Mm?v a KRU> TIOS BS -*.'. 'Ma. - b tn.eta, or teeae that wi. 1 pr.. ? 1 ur.-o years' e-partoace al rauiimg. Laai employer ejasaR out. Caa tarabh very Beet of refereoft-ea. Will bv g lad ti) bomr lr..ia *?>?,-' 'lia wini* af I ?. e. , I 4 ? i i 4 aarael Dtsps ai :? o. WANTED. OLD IM1 HAS V V BOORS, aUTuORAPIt** ea I 1 K'Nl-*,a_<l HOOK-, prlutra-? ale . libra rie? bought. .4 - i HUGH A. Mi.ft. ANN, lH0ih."tinit afreet, ap 17 ni I'hila lalpUia. Pa. \Y rANTED, l,o.*o TONS MOUE Na 1 W KUftftl-ED ULAClw-OAK RAUL Apply to A. h. -OOPR tl a?7-laa_Ro. S santa nftaaaui i WANTED, BOSSED ILACK-OAK v > BAR-. t'HIMM r, aid .--I'AM.'M-tiAK BAKE ia t*ia re'iga. Uigea.l ea d p. I ? . paul, da:.?T?e in Pa'er.'uif, U Refer Eb any mer client or back ta reie~.?*n t. JoMtd, l ASUHAN A, ? . epaVeoJi* Anpoft-aiui -ult. rANTED, m PUBLIC TO real u ? BAU l e4**ertl*eweert in aa ather .-ftil.iiue la rega.J w 1 - -.rH-vi. ot drage, u.iat arUclea, B . _Ja* WANT!.I), LAD. AMBfH FOR RL'K inrKOVIU COMSlNATiaN Blt. TLB-SKIf. I s. ReinoT*ola Bo,>pe, Caa aa lauu dereS. l.ate*t Parla aiyle. .Vee ag**at aaM XW la ColiuutniB last sprlag aaa matte %S*A **f>rt ,g ti a le kow. Adlra-ft, wlia?-,.rip, >. a. t WP R-LL? ll'., Vii west euee*, t BK'ego, _aa B-SB^|ttAW.g*t ^ ''ANTED. IO leKI.L-teCRHFBOIC ike prtee -uaalag ri.Vt-OBni KlU t?WiA.SW>ni!\p omt iftCWta, UM wsw t?anty--?t. sweeset-iae oa Bvife eaaRjpa aa V,raio*"i-ierah.UI7 W. W. TV-MI SM aaa BR souita Cberry atreel, -vhaatlfa **i>awSB!ffWI vv W'ANTBD, Si: MM EH IOAltIM-_flk ? I tye Wsmmmrtottmm mmWArn aaaJsaanaw I. ?: 'f iu a pleaeaat aaei-u.aia. vilSaa?k Spss caa be aft-cemuiovtaioa. Tanae eg Areaa Ukv. Bl A. H.-Ow well, gp lysyAV_ U'ANTKl?, A MAN OF TR-Df-M If ?*??'?-???-.ft.t-.ft.-- -1n'>j lirmRij-ir aoaiitftift. rei/reeeiit aa el >-iiii,la-aea Beaaaoa I111 ma biala, tvioiry fill tv Sin pmt aa?allb Rdfereaoea eiacte.1, al rKKlMSMnCRTMAR'rO ROOaR, ?t?eft-u?t ?-Raa-Bs??e\llewTsak