Newspaper Page Text
? MISSING MKS. WALKER A LETTIE TO TR" DISPATCH FROM HER DAUGHTBR. Hrs. White 8ayi that at ttta Time of Har Motbir'a Disappearance the Latter Was ia Great Grief At tlie eameal request al Mrs. White, the nmsthma ol Mrs. Walker, the follow? ing ta published: Aa 1 have bad topaSH t'.r.'ns*h so much t'.i.t i- .-..I-i.luted to wound ?e feelings iii\-ili mil family i tel perfectly mstitkble in Discing ! i pnblic n few hw* wi.i. liaid Ik- ii ii in tit t..t OW who an* tm! \ interested sud no doubt I, ;. .sh lot tl ?? < iin.'iift to digest. 1 do not wish si..ft . in who bas a newij-ajHr oar* in awhile ami oataide aaasip t<> depend npon \<* ho misled or have ani nm i; impression ia regard t<> tin- so-called _iy t< r , ia disappearance of my BSOther, Mrs. Marali k. W Neitber do I wiabanyonetothinl Anding fmiit, tor nil who bave tuen to lind any elna tba! will solve tbe mj ha\ | ero thanks, and gossip only ki i>w> what it bears through others, and if tha h.tent:,.a ia right they are often entirely ignorant ol the trot* stat* ot nt fair*-. n.i refore I mnsl sp. sk tor myself or leave a wrong impri >t>.>'?i. One of the articles in the Dispatt h mw. I., a-, d "Si ? rob for Trnl allan the case ti al ii bj c a ilirt ai. i mtrary, r- ...V d . all oombio nltimately end in truth. My mother i il a doubt I i ikea hearted, and il 0 by t '? wrong-doing (ft n) own borne, Vi bet] -1 .-i.t bs di? i or alive tins is true, Them are those who think che was taken hs of old. if I her out cf such I'lr.'ttit atanc* i as I mention. B WHS : ii r* d off, aol know? ing where she went If thst b* no, the qu ft* v. I naturally ari?e, What was t . fbo? 1 answer, , but mai j ber alive, while it ? i tin to hurt tlie th. i, I shsll not refuse to Boy who, if n< ceeaary. lifa tike bera, ' of Belf-sacrifioe fi r the good of i: . r tha j fae* makins bi r life bitter and full of ti ?rn heart is depressed -ni bal abe is, and try tia 1 ? ? nil things work to gethei think 1 ? - : if she did di -: wing wi,nt I ??? tl h.igLt lay it If nny ..- in publishing these thu * I nevi r ma ? myself so con ! inn only ? tba! wi i'L I f< el it my duty I th* and would bave ? ? arii* r but '? le to control my gr.* G. W. White. I VI >.M IR OED JTftTIC-. lari* e.liont Baal* of the I asea Iteforc the I'diicc i iiuri 1'aaSardav. ty* tterday . was a 1 '!;'-? one lor bo late in tbe week. w-breaki ri of the iw > k hu i save up th* lr misti t.> bec in a new one on. Ol the casca die - ' snl: ? I Alli n alias 'I hon as and John ' ? ?? ng and ent* ? dwi Din r honr-eof Smith Oranderson with i to .1 mk ind ? grand jury, iharged assaulting an I cntt ? I Ifut- 1 wen liing liqm r on Sun? day, '.pril Harvey Arri: ored) wis v ? t ol property ol the Tredegar Com] < tv*. ? t. ii li r y. ira t! a accuse I ? ? being whipped by b ry, assaulting and beating . Mal ? d y and creal i turbance t tbe neigh? bor! -? : y required forts months in the sum of SI '? William Harri! I fined $5 and ats tor cursing sud abusing Thomas Duke. _ neath or Vfr. I horn. . thia i*?*ie of Ihe death at bia borne in Washington, !>. * emf tbe w ? ? of C. W, Thorn >v Ca, of 1219 Mainstreet, tins city. Mr. Thorn believed in the South nod in Biebmond, and twenty .- furnished tbe capital for th* busi? ness thea narU-d in our mi i*>t a*, a branch of bia Washington boner, and ?- rwards au led bj th hat and atraw goods firm of Q W. Thorn k Co., J. l- I tobison, then ai now, beii I inaging and resident partner. Mr. rhorn was a popular and publio Bpi-ited o i n< rg* tic and rery He bad for a long time been in bad health, 1 ut until a few weekfl cast continued actively and energetically to puah the various entcr prriBca wita whieh be waa connect* d. CaSMSrweflaa lumpauy 4'harterrtl. A thai fi ' nation hu gru- I'owhutsn Construction Plant by Ju Iga Beverley ':. Wellford, ,ir.. of the Cit- Cir.-nt ( ourt. i nrpoees of tbe *?? rpors?oa hn lo organ?to gas <>r illuminating eompa ni' - .1" sopplv rail roads and steamboats wita gus, illumi natiiu', or (iii r pfiwi r. Thee .nf the con* [.any ii to be not less then |100,l 'ni nor more than f . ' ai urea f $1 i act Not ii on- than five Hen.sot rial estate is to i?* he'd at one time, i be principal office ot the eoaspany ia to be in the city t' Richmond TbeofBoers for the first 5*-*nr are : J, Thompson Brown, liresi ?nt, .. eratary and treae'ftirer. The din ct i*. are J, Thomp aon 1'it> one. J, lt. I John : -i*.e. Lel'.ov i.. i>rown, and Vi. B. i :. > trariloa RaSaa. Ora th.* 21et of May (W-tt-lfooday) there will ba an excurion to .'.It. Pleasant, aa lbs Chesapeake and ohio road, un ler the aOBpSOBS ol thu ,leO.. BeiiefioBftl and Social Moe Wish Anne Bhaw, who cnni-crons pur tieB of young Indies through Barope, will be Reta ii it mooth to net members for her uirt v ol thia summer. The saearasoa osaaaajen -Cflask, Ile* Dowell, and At. ? | wm ninan excur? sion tram t \Va,|,ingt'in on rial urdu v night, May 1911 Ail who tttke tina tup eau remain in Washington twodajs. I) RRspaea I Brother propose to have charge of bu excursion to the national raphal on Saturday night, Muy rth. '1 lui trip alro allowu'two nuva in Walk? ington. Armut aita Fruit. There was aaa_Mmhla ttont fcveral Bights last week, i-utt .eau. so xtrj that it is thought fruit suiT-ri-d little or no damage. ObaervaBf (Masons say tliat if fruit is not hurt inf,,re the fuii moon in April, which falls Mus on friday neit, the _7tk instant, it is likely to survive. A Raw Wsy *<> Obtala Meat Friday morning lust Metters. Christian A White's driver went to the residence ed Mt. Ho. E. fticbanison, west .Main Street, and left a ham for his Saturday j dinney A moment after Uie drivtr bad J left a small colored boy came in and said the driver had nude a mist.ike, aa tbe bim wrc* intended fur flomo one on Franklin street. Tuc ook, flu*>*-'fling it was all rifiht, pave tbs Ix'V thc meat, but so far neither the boy Der***** hum has turn, dui*. Po Mr. BJ"""?MMdflOn bid SO invest in another piece ol bmmI Opon iiqiiry it v*ni foul < Ustal thc hoy h:-..l do cotiti-'illili with thc establishment of Christine .\ White, but wai only wsteh* ing Ins opportunity IO st cid tins mint. ttlsllOPHIAM'S IMXH. Reirrul nt "/tonie stuns -Mr, VA'atte* hum's I iti.eeitl Ml 4 Bishop I cine will return to tho city k and sdi ? Mcramenl to ? large Bimbel of persona on rn xl Hrmdi** tho Suth iistsnt a! i1. Patrick'* church. The Bets. M. P. Dfanneen sud Charles K. Donohoe ire continuing to exsminc thc achools. Their work is a retry tedi ons one. The* bogia their exstnination r.t -.' o'clo k every nunn n r, uud in of ler ? examine, fol owing the old proverb, Ubi missa, ibbi if *< ?<? The city is now divided into live -.\ a : Ht, Patrick's pariah, which ?t ci tin- city eafli of Eigbtei nth . luiivi. ile boundary line of Ihe new pariah ' .1 lb art l r First md l ? la uni * st, u.b np I 11 .'oil il r ti) Belvidere an I Main iii nry -ti.. I a* fur ns i r..ok avenue, taking in all thal poition ti ? . mi.-. Th. i ll] thnt d . I the city not included in tho boundariea, and also nil of Mau - ? Mary's pariah ia acattered in every ? ie city, il berne compo** ?! ol nearly rdl tho Geraan-apoaking Catho* lies of Richmond. st. .;,>,. ph'fl psriflh ii composed exelu Birelyof colored people living in differ int .-? ctkma "f th, city. IT Mos ri HABIA sCADIMT, Ber. B. hf. Tierney condncted s re? in a' hi**t w ek io the chapel of tbe \ isi tstion Convent Ht Monto Maria for the ol tbe young ladies of that insti timon, h ns handaomely de* rotated for the occasion, an 1 ti ? doa I "festerday, were of th,- mo-t solemn character, A retrt at ia tx apecisl course of instruc? tions on the Bacramcnt and ilio -.'re*t truths of religion ; i; generally lnsis Ilya, the* whole of which time ii spent in si!- ition, mid prayer. ? tierney is specially lilted tor tins work. ST. MAKYS. Tho services st St. Mary'* church to? day will be of bii inter, "-ung liatnru. ll 7 o'i ock this morning high mass will .- at, which the membera of st Josepl icii ty will receive thi rr 1 d in a bo ly. The \ i ry Bev. i'nor will officiate at that mass, re will be *lso i ii aa nt fl o'clock and the parocbisl high mass al I ITNF.I.Al. or MB. WASEHAM, sn. Tho (uncrril services of William Wake? ham, Sr., took place in St Joseph'* I ia ;?? *?! rday. At the arrival ol the Richmond tram the church b il commenced to toll, mid tbe Rich* i tbe front pews cl the cr ? .. i for tin ni, the re* - Bili d to its iv wa* lill, d with colored people. Thesanctn ; ip,d in raonrning, ami tLo ry gate ir, h \- rv handaoi arran ed by Ni r. Francis Laul*e. While the clergy were preparing for the (loleiul tone* of the oOth Psalm Miserere, Mr. Frank Newheiser, organist of the ( a M .*??*. i'm br ir-. P. Talley, Miss Annie !'.. Kirk, and Darius Columbus, of Bich? mond, as the choir. At the end of the Miserere the clergy uud acolyte! from Bichmond entered tho asnetuary in the following <-r<i?-r: Mas ten Joaeph Mayer, intuit Columbus, ?ioLiu Murphy, Emmett Dsffron, Lemuel n lonit i. Jami s Dolan, Ed ward Rsnkin, Patrick Ken' Qck, and master ol m.,nr.s; Brother Philip, superior ol the Xaverisn Brothers* Ber. I-'.. B. Dyer, D, D., president ol tbs PbilosophicaJ De* psrtmentst st. Mary's Seminary Balti? more; i?:y Ber. \. VandeVyver, V. (i. ; Bera, P. J. Fahey, snb-dt - }.. Donahoe, den-on, and Rich* md Wakeham, celebrant. Tho iiiHs-s beginprecisely at 12o'clock. Ih.' isr^c congregation present were touched as Esther Wakeham, half nob? hill-.', sang the pray, r of the mass, Deus ?i-n '? - I matn rn, a c., the translation of which is n<- follows : ?"OGod, who commands us to honor our father and mother, gnoona.* pity on the emil of my fsther and I ?r *rive him bia aina and niakeme pro;,-e. with hun in eternal bliss," throngh our Lord Jesus Christ, amen. At the end of tbe mas* all tbe clergy and mu yr, ? present, with lighted t.i? > ih .u, arranged themselves mound the remains, the-Moes-besrer standing in thc- im ' . \?iy I er, A, A au do a v rrj t'liiehiuL'ly, biking for hil text, "If any man linncth nol in . be ia a perfect man.*' at. Jamel iii,:'. The absolution was then pronounced, aft r which in-arly everybody present look at the remains before they were tak< n to tho cemetery, about a milo from Columbia. Tin- following gentlemen actel sipsll* bearers: Measra. George Bowers, Wal* lie Smith, .1. Webb Peploe, .1. J. A. Powell, '!'. V.. Cowheut, P. P. Jenk? ins, ol C..bin bia, and ale*****. J>r. .John Mahoney, Willum Dsffron, B. J. Black, ind Clement Brooks, of l'lelunond. rwenosteiA Kev. P. J. Linke "stormed at the Cs t!ie .lal last week on hi* wsytorJt, An* Kristine, i'la, whero ht-Mill be fltetioned in tiie future. Lev. il. ,J. Cutler will visit Norfolk in the fall anti bike up a eollectiuu lor tho benefit of hit* new parislu Tin: mwn or mim ii??)rrn. li* .ttl, of Hr. Mt rt tl- tluntts "-lasbed ir. . i. and Personals. Mr. \\ i 'i ?: i Mdd died iii bia i*e*i* il'-n ., eorncr of McDonough and Fourteenth streets, st 12*30 P.M. y.-, tA-r.iny, utter un nines*, of ie.* ttian forty* ty*eight lu ur.**. As previously r< | M v.u* .str.i-k'u with apoplexy or psraV lysia Thursday just niter dinner, anti i.t vcr ates* irom his i,-l. il,- had been st work that Boning as usual, ind only complained of a pain m ihe head, to which he was subject. Deeenst-tl was at ons time a member of tho Cotiucil bom the Fourth Ward, and wai un fte-teemed lld respected eiti/*,i.. Hu leaves a fami? ly with rcver.d children. Ho wa* a m -in? lier of Manchester i od g.* of Masons and of DsisLodge, No. 596, Knightiof Honor, and bad for moro than thirty tive years t**en employed at tho Old Dominion Company a Works on Belia li! c. While at work at tbe Danville shops yesterday uiortnug r< pairing cms ;?jr. l.u-hard V. Oweil ninl'.ht-r operative whose iritni* whb not leurned bad their licndu ratflfht bi ts cen car-whi-els ami qnito hadly mashed, lt will be ptrbata two week* hfllotl they can return to work. A i-tated communication of Manchester Lodgo of M leons was held last night, when set, ral mw nu'inl-sra aere re? el vi d and degrees conferred. Thia old lo |fS ie prosing rapidly, and *pecial met'tin*** bave to bc bald nearly every month to get through with the work. Mr. Jamei bichmond, of Greenville ?ountJi vi a* in Ut* air ywit-trrday, sad was wsrmly weleosifd by many old j ac(|iisintoneea. He is an old resident, and has not been here before (oreighteen ; years. t I Tho Bpjiearance af Hip lb formers' ticket, nh,mill they upon mature ; tum decide lo bring intone, ie awaited arith moah lalareat Tba l>inoeraia of I tbe city ara becoming aroused nml nr wit ling Uka lyeavera, an I they intend to chet the primary ticket DJ a large ma? jority. 1 in* Hustings Court hits Wen rn RB-ed during the paei wei:. in tba eon tion of civil basin* a. Applications for liquor-?cans s will bo beard to morrow. Mr. A. A. Allen's condition eontinnes prri i lons, 'nt be a ia thought to be alii/hUy '."tt. i yesterday. ll tbs Central Mcthc dii-t cbnrch have closed. The < heater-eld Board of Supervisors meet to ima th*-?h)??:.i. itina a*va nm he*ru? ihtee veneers* ot I'aaenal Rxral* leuce rklB Vi erk. The* ?''irringut tie Academy on i richi-, and riBtnrda i; r.ii. v matinee thia week will bo in the i! I lit' li'UIl meuts. Mt. Tbomasbssthen putstionof being tbe finest of proRramme makers, and the three concaris bave entireij diffeient programmes ol gems ol modern und a music. Mr. Harold Randolph performi I I fal chic, rt * matinee les j liopin. j : I ene cnn bi ai a complel uitht nt, and S i. Randolph i n put il on hs a fine p ii it iti- ut? s them h tr'..'. '1 be chu f novelty in thc programme is the coi ? ? ito foi \ioloncello, and Mr. \ ictor I'' rixit i*-: tbe artist lb I raptured tbe New York audienaes arith his wonderful plating upon the 'cd io. I is technical acijulrrmenti arc equal to til s, and the tone he calla '? forth is beautifully puru and tu!!. ? Emma Jucb, the soprano who sings at * nch eat* rteinmi nt. ? sail] finest soprano in America. Her i ir> d in itrength, full m ts, and rictin* bs, h- r exec nigh faultless, her atage presence win? ning in the extreme, and her personal beauty only a titting snppli ment to h< r rsr* v. cul channa li. r ringing will be nc 'ompanied by the entire orel:, str*. un der Mr. Thomas's baton. Mr. ilex. Benda ls tbe solo violinist, Mr. Osterie the solo il it -t. and Mr. Schn lira the solo clarinetist, _ach of th* ft'* ranks high as an The subscription list indicates much interest ia these concerts, an l as tbe box-sheet open* to-morrow doubtless the desirable sot.-! t4ill be io demand. Personal* anil llrlcf*.. Hon. George By* i in the city, visiting his cousin, Mrs. Thomas A. Ea ? nn Frank Cunninghai concert given in Cbarlott.evillo Friday The Governor has removed the politi? cal disabilities of .Marcellus Lacks, of Fi t* rsburg. 1 t v. J, W. Ware will preach nt I ? I church, Henrico, this morning at ll < Attorney-General Ayer*- has returned to tbe city from a visit to his home, in l**onthwest Virginia, rnor Lee bas been elected nn honorary member of the ? !i imbers 1' re i pans ot Portsmouth, \ a. Governor Lee want to bis farm in ? "ruing and returned to tbe city last night The medal for tbe most popnlaryoung Indy Friday night snd the Howitzers' Fair was voted to Miss Kitl I Mr. Murren C. Arsell will have the first of the week for I ille, N. C.?where be will engage iu bus ' Mr. and Mrs. A. D. P. R New York, ar" rpen lil a si rt t me with Dr. and Mrs. Adamson, ut i iir ive bum, near Bon Air. Mr. K. C. Cummins, of this city, was yesterday notified ol his election: membership ii i Fire Company of Portsmouth. Dr. Herbert R. Scott, wbo bas just graduated at tho Philadelphia I College, left yest rdayfoi Mauch Chunk, J';*., whare he will follow his profession. in vino Camastri who kided himself Uy, will be buried by ? noon at 4 o'clock in Oakwood Ceme? tery. Misses I.iitie Williams, \lic-i Perrott, and I'.va Lufscy, of Chester Female. In? stitute, paid a flying visit to the City on yesterday, and t-ptut a pleasant daj among lin nils. B v. Dr. Goodwin, of Leigh-Street - church, will preach du i-.' Home tbis afternoon at t o'clock. Thc boya from the Male Orphan Asylum will furnish tho mm ?. I!. Vf. Rey, I). D. (i. W. P., of Sir Walter Haleigh Lodge, Sons of Ht. George, bas returned from Binni Aid., where he institut* 1 Victoria Cross . ni the Sons oi ht. George, with thirtj three members. Invitations from Mrs. Ann 'J'. Burch are out for tic d arriageof berdanghter Annie to James E. Unbend, at Fultou baptist cbnrch, next \\ edm aday evening al 9 o'clock. Attcr the church o* i Mr. and Mra. Unhand will receivefriends et their residence, 630 Lonisiana street, Tha ami-ring drama "Among the Breakers" will be given in Corcoran Hal! next Thursday nu I Friday eve? nings by a cast com].I of Bichmond people, Thc following will take part : Miasefl Barah All-n, Mattie We ' Lunu-ie Cunningham, Mamie \V and Messrs. E. '1. McC be, Charles Murry, i laorge A. t ramp, .I..-, ph East, Charlie I loot, atnl Jimmie Harwood. Tbe Cbnrch-Hill band will furnish tho' mnsio, and the electric curs v. i.i curry the people hoine. Tn Newspaper lto:-ftpra. All tho New York. Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and Wa??! Hun lay papers**eeeived to-day. No advance in prices. New Voik Herald, Bc, ; World, 6c, ; Times, ."c. ; J ril nm , ic. ; Btar, fie, ; Sun, 5c.; Morning J* Braal, 5c ; Phila? delphia Press, 6c ; Tim* a, Record, "c. ; Sporting Life, Bc.; Transcript, 5c, ; Bal? timore American, bo. ; Washing too ."c. Newspapers, daily an,! weekly, from all leading cities of the United fe Any of thc above pap. rs di livered to sny part of the city bj my delivery-cart by 1>-vim? your natue, and number ut Leonard's news store, 906 Main street .Special attractions arranged for th** Howitzers' Festival on Monday night. 1 )o not fud to attend, if you do you will regret it. lt eat'in ber tba ruo. TiV only place wln-re you can buy hln t t-mti-ic nt half price und r. ratal is at Sanders .V. Stay man's muaic store, 1217 eaat Main, EL, 1". Paull, manager. Send for catalogues. Howitzers' Featrval Moadsy night! Howitzers' Festival Tuesday night! Howitzers' Feativd Wedueaduy night! the Hy nifihoiij. Teachers, artista, musicians : Have you Been tbe (Symphony Organ at Hm., nor it Co. 'b ? Howitzers' Feitival continues till Wed? nesday night the SMh, - ?M - AGermsn carp weighing llj pounds was caught in the Mouth Anna river on Friday aud Bent to Mr. W. ti. Goode, in the Second market, wbo exhibited it yes? terday Ibalurday j. (Uti Platina la ai ten niara would seem out of pine,-. We have therefore determined to sell ail our -.-conti-Hand Pianos and Ornnns taken iu flrxebsngs for greatly redwood i>n'i? fo run th"in oil lM-fore moving- to our nen-sttre, No, bril.', Main street. OflU curly Bini tillea look St the b.irgnins W? Welter D. M I '., OH Main street. _ Every night till thc--"th the Howitzers hold hi' ii cittnaidl at tho ltegimt-ntsl Armory. .SB* ??? I'ntferits. Three Ihiwjsand I'litti-rns for Spring :i . I ;?',?? ??! of 1 ?*-.**??'. A , omplt itt h* . ni li r' idii i nml Childi, i. AH styles .' I "ll | All th-- i for Way tt I .< ic inn's N, wa St.,!,-. ."iV Mini. -ii. '. An *? un drill uiil be given at th* Howitsere' Fcstivsl on Wedoesd iy ni,'!,! next id " o'clock sharp by .1 picks 1 ? .... '.>.>. na ann Pi-inns ure '.'? ? trna enta of ths r ' io* them I efore ? Ktaya in, gi nersl it Main lugu< a aud information bj i Bowil i ' I' liva! Woodsy evening . ic IBU IS h ut ] lace to dence. Vt lint I'vonlr- I a!U Ahum. ? \ ? Co. < ii ni*h fl Piano* and Urgana at inch low Scene of action, lb - tivnl; lime, Monda*- i vening at 6 o clot tractions, i nod d lin." Sion- I ree l.eelnre wi'l Ix- -riven fir- ivy ,it I o'docl at the Vt,mi.- M. ii'1- Chris! Irate I I tenner ?? oi'?,'" " i,:( tin .1 of impart* ? aeh conn nation without a gram mar. ? 6 oclock al! will b ? allowi tl the i ? ol Ihe flo, r for lill "? oclock ;.; ti." Howitzer!' Festival, Begimcntal Armory. a Job i.oi of Ladies' Low Shoes at about half ? ? quick in fore your size Bra I I ? OM, broad stn si Don't forge! fha! th<-r? wi'l be music st th*- Howitzers' Festival Mon* faning frmn ll to s o'clock, and that all will be allowed to d mee. Excellent Photographs, larco siz**-*, bave I" i ii made by Messrs, t a,iii? >i>. ll A i iv, Photographers, ol thc mam arch vi;.- cavern in the Howitzei tivsl, Armory Hall. Secure .a season ticket to the Howit? zers i estiv tl. and I il ei titles * ? ad '..'lit distribnl Wednesday nigut next. Tickets only -vb 11.7.1. An tprighi Hisiiii, 11.75. Tbispiam has been very iligbtli new. Walter D. 1 I ?., vi i Main atp et Me. tl nsf Woman's vj'ssinnar*,- Noelety '1 bi n will be a ? onday the Urace-Str, et Bap list church at 5 P. M. Erery member request* d to attend. Grand free-gift distribution at the Howitzers' Festival oa Wednesday night ni .vt. TV un (lc rlnl. Tho ba . I'iinofl and Organs at Hume, Minor .v Co. s. There ls f-Jttlil at all the drugstoi ly that lins ? tail tl to cur** a cough, and every family pt s 1 ottl* md ket p it hendy, for in Coughs, I : i chitin, Croup, snd all Throat- anti Lnng-Di mperior, lt ha ? tri' .I by many and approved by all We Couch Syrup of Pure Pine Tar, Horehound, Wild Cherry, A C., A c. 4*- Canals anal ' oitta, and ail disesseaof the Throat and bungs. ciired by lin nie of Scott'a Emu!* a* it contains th* be ding i ii - cod-liver oil and bj pophospbitoa in tht ir full's} form. Ia h beautiful creamy , emulsion, palatable a- ly di? gested, end can be taken by t' e mi >-t | delicate. Please read: "1 consider Scott's Emnlsion the remedy par-excel? lence in Tub' viii..ns uni Strumoua Al? to suv nothing ol ordinary cids ini'l throat troubles"- >\. lb S. Connell, SI. D., Manchester, U. lo Tui-Payrrs. Ai.r. i r -ikse i ? l -ir. ?r*Ti* or rraoiMA can hr paid im ooi po . rAX-PATBR, By the pt of the! li from which the Coupons are detached I a i ax-payer - by obtain a receipt uni hart no! trouble i have a Urge numt er of Bond* h.-ir witfa which !mx eiii |e*y their license or orerdne rty taxes Ile-e. nu ti t.f the Committ, c of Vir "ir. William L. Royall, will produce the Bonds in court for my clii nts only. .1 \ l P. I IT.K, 911 Wain itreet, Bichmond, Va. Dull I lines?i lie ap Munni. A E t, a magniflci nt Pisoo, tin; i E Piano at S-ttXl ; one ti' at trom yon i.titiiinp to look, and will Rive yon from ? au busineat*, We must diapoe* of our excbtuiged pun"*.. Inatalment plsn if wished Call next the cornel of .Ninth btu ICamit B. Rahoi ,f. Ob, Four HcTTos- Km Gurri . isa sad Brawn, '? . r.t ?Jri.irs svile I Pox's. Phillipa's Digt'i'.ibl* Coeoi ts a valaibli aatMtltOB* fur tea or .offee. It . wliila n.ay i.u.y -'.nuiiiate. rior ilriuli i.,r euuiriii mij.1 tor MTVOO! BB* selle*** woi.iou. li is liiCjieiit from au otter . H.-iriirrvi.v Sfim 'I rr ni iBSTBtB by tl-.i ii--- ..f Mudb a Hake'.s sai-uninb DsttrStflCfl, ? in sp-BsSUy raaxv* ladslaaS tartar and Prto irtj * i. NSW SliADIM IN ll EN Bl ETTAS, lOt\, st Jilu*h HTtxa 4 Sosa Tn? v gi ? Piarisn*fl er Dibiivb morn*.*, ll li, ,'IV. ll va:-,-vcr ?' rat*, lesli**-, Cl**?*tSJt, an! HoiM-tlsliii 11 r sashts n*;uiio i, use Dakuvs I'ko ne Ti ian. Any ir.riaeiea surfu -*, ei- | or i-it.nial, traatc.l aim tlie Fluid will j y relieved. It tias effected eurea that .J: -tl nilli. A I'KiiHAM Si . i .ii : >. .ve li ey liane,- Meale a Illaara- de 1 .r.B"UC lorin-V. asm. lt i!?.:i (.flt serf* odor eaiisM nj ili.-a.stM imus sail d ,??? "hiv ia.t ne* iheiti to a boallby e..nji.i..;i. Iii.* tut* rents a Hattie Fancy MATTING!, 86 different styles. 1*1.c., lt .ItLils tttOUt 4 MOH'a AsoorrriA Hitteks not .ml/dlsttiigul*h them? selves by their flavor ac! aromatic odor, hut Uiey are also ? snr.* preventive for all dlsoasea of the digestive craaus. Hewars of counterfeits, Asli for the pen ul ne artlrie, manuf seture 1 by Dr. J. O. B. 8IBOEBT S HOMl MsKt<]uarisra for ilABT-CAsausfli, J Bil Bl ITOXI * ie*. _ MILLER, RHO ADS & GERH ART. ? i/fi commencing TO-MORROW, Monday, April 2 jd. Vie season has brm backward un fl trade hus brm duttfish. We arr accustomed to active busri/i and stock that hus imf moved on account of the cotd weather we will drive out ivithndwuloiisly low prices. In addition to our immense stock now on ham!, we burt dozens of cases oj Dry Goods on the road from the Great Consolidation ISalesin Fliiladelphia tliat were sold at ann price tontakt room in one house for the consolidation of two oj the largest wholesale dry-goodsstocks m America. xi ODS WERE Rill Cot* c. '. -a told fr..- o..., we ' Hi?? wt,Ie Bl Check ' T.111 *.''ii tor Sc. a yv 1. ri.1 ? i*. oaa of the beat R lal i st i'y cott'jti lu 1 1 ? . -. i-iiniity Turtey.Rcd Tat>le-i>e?task,'1-v, Me " Vue'.1 I -ri- nyar.l. fullM u SX-.ayaru. -? what fi t-nn.'iia t! ll ? - at 6c. a yard Dania-;.. ivar!. .ami |a.M ; ? '1 Checked an.l .,1 u> I'.'" I we will ' MILLER, RHOADS & GERHART, ur BARI BROAD ft il.' te Lace Pins, all i ? - : 1 u for 50c. BU ol BaraewaRasasef yard aaa asalf-wMe . -a Blue, Terrv('*'??a, New Drab, I Our assortment ot I ?ar.'l Knell.ti I-eiges Will BS mark..] down to V. a yard. *,--? RTIda a Cloths hate been mai ked V. a yani. All .mr r*e?r f-wlsof Indigo R'ueCah -oas .lown yani. Umbrellas that vera H. I , I ? I*, aod a If >oj fake .?ur ftlri'V you won't t-e'low tn t??*ii({ advaataffl ct sn, ti an eppostiu?ty. Pr. f B ?-edle*-' full a pair. ? thia etty 1 our Hosiery a 1 1 m v .' ar* perf. ' Ml ? nt ?<*" t pi MILLER, RHOADS & GERHART, MILLER, RH0ADS& GERHART, MILLER, RUO.! HT r. I-; u';>. . SPECIAL OCCASION AT Titi? PARASOL COUNTER. Be?idr*? marking .to-rn every FANCT PARAS Wc, we sha] out the I a parasols ofTored during tr..' sr.--.'. Mle r.t j' $1.4-9 KATH. Ths arrangement ct our PARASOL COCNTEIl oa ti," nr<t door sa you cn lerthe d yon aa lalight Into car n.-.,rtm..r.t at ri plane. THE CO LOK CRAZE IN wai:** stuffs. I fur ."ttaiti ?! '!.?*., fitch a- ? ' : an ex ' Bl i' tl red. II' ace ire an sk a large a ' . *. ll.>. u with .'cn at the very I the aea (IMMINGS AltE TO THE STRAW MATTINGS thli yesr are ni j ani pattern- ever iio: Ile?ca our Stock 14 mu'ti larger. Ihe stripes an I lar?-e tin, 1* se**in lo I I in fa^or. We .how all of many . *. > >nr qualities al ti.e nf>r ??in tbe money will rr,;y el.ewhere. We don't a.k you lo take cur word fT it. :n 1 ati! -.-e <f 1. |a - Pri'-e. frcrn 10c. a yard to 3>>\ LL VI HEXTER'S, ? ? ? ? ? - 1 - ? *- ? ? Sixth and Broad streets.] Sixth and Broad streets. Sixth and Broad streets. ? ? ? la ? T H O M A S CONCERTS! /?we rn*' fi 2 ' M1 '+nn<l rn* Sow ' /** ' rr Qt, mmjTj tm?'" ^ <\ YU* S S sm I I O ' / / WV W" kV te kV W MaA m J J B-^/r^Wrty PERFORMANCES: FKIDAY AXD SATUKDAY AND f"* .T el /t.mxr /*>,*** sm. /, sg I J ^W>V^7*-CV^ 0^/tr /\ S* T A / t M e-> j, f 'dams' in+> W Urey tr ^ uVsV Sk/ OF THIS WEEK. D n ? i 1 to $2.50, and 75e. to $2 for Matinee. ZkcUtts ai lUanCu 3. tiamat S: mo.'*. ?y leptt MS-SIU*t. Alllll'St."], at' a s iMi'oivrw r HEW law-book 1 a. lu ******* sui *oou to t?- |jub!i*h>?d by W_si, juUNrtlo 4 Jt CO., "coitiiissit>Nii:it.s is . inm kuy in vih niMA. by A. Mei di nm itu, of tha N... folk, tsar, cn n>| i rt si u ft a faa****t al Hi ? Mntuto law governing; f.i..ti,i*a..ii."ts la t*M*aea*r"*; tii.-ir Bssrarsaaal a-ne l and arrsuifo.! In se;, ira!-- purls ai: 1 nu 1-r -jroiasr title.A; willi exiilauv. . y mellis and refit . . f nasal ui'.Ii-a; and eoiitaluinc also a irlef ex|M>*ltion of tho law .?? u ??-n.liic ? niiiiierA BU lt IIIJIHIll ?sa*"-! for <-" .AVIerat! ni?ss not; e ., : reporta, ridu.-.urie*. lei-i.-!*-. .ii,tni.ur' ., a, ta t?rr-i, aunuities, sc.'onnlb,,(,-., and will lui |>ur> tl?b-*-l lu the bett style. I'tie iirii*tt will bo a sit ts. wtwr, JoiiNsiTiN .t (M., Bj)SJ OH Mnlu street. BLA.NK-B001CS, LEDOKKS, JOUR Nit.s, DAY-SirDK*, CASB-IOOKS, IN VtflCsVBOOll*, i UKCK-BOOSS, MCMOItAN UV M? of ail sorta ta aloes or mada to order al aaort noUr-a bv aa 1-assSS* rAllUAM I CO. NL; i-.oous. irsTlatMBatT, Ar. EW LAW BO IK SOON TO BE I'I BUStlED. SMITH la, of lortelkBar I OMMI3 IIOMISI Ul ('ilANCKrtV IN \ IIOIM1 \. Prto* Will ha atx.ui fa Orders aoljcltl-l, Catsv I.S0U I.wv b*O0KS ..liv Bad - hand) mulled on applicant OB ?t.l-l! tr KNOUia. ap SMaTW il 1 "(il Mata -treat N 4.K4M 'Baili, aaa. < ukbbin NuKTII CAROLINA NSW IIERRINUS * I i. i.i..'*\atid K01*? for sale by DAVHNPOKr I MORRIS, uc 1.-10_Dock airest. CONFECTIONEllS' XXX SCOAB tor Candy and Ictug; Aisuulnsantcisof NSW OBLKANS MOLASSES; HV. lia' CU-alt aud . IKKAfPiaS VtNKUAK, at tait* MC'AiHUt I UAYNIia ?.eioi Mtn v ac. VTEW NORTH ('All')!.INA il Iii NOS. - nient dtrr *l tn,rn tue, *?> titi i arxMiBa fl-tu* nee Ni'.U "i - *.M> itu al MKItKINi.S which we ifff i* lu th.. tr?.te at ,ur ?arvn<ji_ie Ra 141", UIR 1114. ii, I Hlui .irv ? ???k u> ail lnft|".'t(*?l iiy the authorised Stn?,. I* I'll Inspector. Bp l.-dt l HA KI H WA lil IN.- R co, W. E. DREW, SHOEMANUFACTUREB, Sl'CCRSSOR TO W. B. DREW k SON, 800 MAIN STREET, COBRB- OP EIUUlll. (aais-lXauRTuUeii I I 1 . *. t | a I . MONEY r > ij sit WI i ft: ?'? ro l .-.n:> ?. b si _a eeta'.a, aleoi >, et r?_w_e'...# I UL I ap ai- .. i Uaiu airret. i>it4>i*os*.i rn PROPOSALS FOB TOBAO Mk* EU Pl.i.l'i'M doree-l ?? i'r* *.*->>*?iii I ? ... - . ie r-e caived, t-. > . . ? filly, at tr* h .i*>'...ia at-ftt v, M nrlilng. ii, U C., - ft ?.. M. 4pni ??, is*m, _**l opened imiu* dUt->ir ti,crueller in ? tba -upplr, ga - ft , navy-yard, x- a \ > uit-id ead 9tif ? \ ti \ r* it Tie bids ? parMsaat,aaaBtart - I et knasofsCsr, *;. 1 ail tala -au>u re?*,.--? the artocie n*-uireit, lu.. prviiMaele niau ? 11.ale la implicate .m. -lie p *?-.-' tl?aa lena* ?mi SUmi nut os immHemlmo *t Ox* ?.mmA, VU* He perUneat reserve* tb* richi i? re).*'! any prov* aal not ftftftUuktui-Kl ad.a-'-iSHHis k^iBeiKi?u* meuk j *-Ur.a ifilK'v. ma Mr AA Vmrmxmo* tee-eiat, V. S. Bart.