Newspaper Page Text
^^H*alsaBH_BBBj__a__B________HnaH|H THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE NUMBER 11.486. RICHMOND, VA.. TUESDAY. APRIL 24. 1883. THREE CENTS PER COPY. i.i* r *a ir *, th ir at Riroar. iKy tele-rrapti to the Dispatch.! a. ? -i ^ ttmtwSrTi * ; -I A, M*._Pur ? run ' "''"-s sud loria , Brunna, fair wea? ll*.! l'h"r" ?1*1 if tre+tt lionherlv Wt-S-SB, iiaanv fltaltllTT fellowed \\ <>dii*?s<l&y Y 'by r-if.iiK lamparatura. Ts? Wkavwrb ii Kn ittso-.p Ti-miniT was I*at Hr cloudy and {*4*aa*Bt. Kai.fe..! Ihermoraetar Ycsrerday: rA.M. .41 .4? N(V>T> . VS . . ?|ti<-er 1Kb itnit fsiarls. Th*, fits sn.: v.,mis in the!* : - atnie Um isltadtaroaa, TIM ? - rir? |>nlnful!y a Ballan-** tu perform anil a . f h.n b -i.. i bia Me-ma. h Hitters, thal - ,? . im: by - i : t a l.t. tars a's lad A SPEC FAL OCCASION mi DRESS-GOODS COUNTER. *o"e r-r.a-rr.en-e rA-laytb* >sv * SI ll-WlDI FRENCH DEBEIGE. ?> A- ? I i mad A YARD. - Si.vtJi anti Broad st ret DRIA, MEASL1 ? ? ? - ft OOM *.. MAIIO-tiKI, Slr. A FEW BOOKS i i rc HUNTER i. CO., 629 LIST BROAD STREET. ' ' I WE CLAIM I ? WON - LainLR an* OAKl*-CA**E*i - IN VITA 4 S ' -i W LAW-BOOK .'V ? "., IN VIH 6 l ile parts - ri ? i will (??* - Y'EW LAH S . I bl. ls - V Catv LAW BOOKS (sew so | Isa BJ l*s I 18011 THOMSON'S CELEBRATED GLOVE-FITTJNG { corsets; Never bars been equal *>.-. aaala Mure -,o|.uiai luau ever. A PBBFBOf PIT GI ARAM KED. I 'anirilis. Twelve |rad. a, UIOHKST AWARD! CHAN I hil. ii: BEST GOODS A Mi Cluapest /or (JualHy. rOH SALE EVERYWHERE. TUOMfcON, IANOLON * CO., NEW YORK, Kl* Iflajiufaotui-era. ?al. il*Su,Tu4%"l*Utalepar TOE COMMON COUNCIL CALLED S-8SIOR OF TBIS BOOT LAtT RIGHT. Street Improvement Ordinrinra Adopted Extennon of the Electric Line Wanted. The Joint Session Rcxt Month. A nlloil tucctinrr of tho Common ("(iiini il wns held last nklit ul 7 o'eloek. Bethel (preaident), Bodeker, Bowden, Bryan, Cntehjob, l'arrnr, Ferriter, <iuy, Bnd_sU,Hoghes, Kanfelt, Kaufman, K* Lange, Molloy, Murphy, Owen, I'arti ter, ii// m. Hpitxer, stirk., and Munn. Mr. Btarke, from the Committee oa ? ? toot of inspection- recoar* iiii'iiil: ? t improTements, ? Ititi, ? ? i na :i ? mored to take np th ? at tm. Ile K-uil iio liml ii"t ?? report, did d ?: kn ia whet ii , cont tined, nml could not vote ii>r it any . i-ntIv tliHii lu* conld for tire . men in thi ? hen ho only kn. w two or three nun on the ticket Mr. li.-/ iin moved to ann ad i ' nre only of money al? li i. he :; lopt* il. and ir, which called fur i t.i tim ttec ? i tc. ia n. follows, nnd all hut the four lust items were adopted : Tba Cot , ? " I ? repair . leading ? ?1 :'.'.*: ls tl . 'ii and . ",-i between tr. "i. ? - - ? north Bide I Fifth aired* of tilth el cr.-mite. ? ' .tn \. linaine. ? i Denny ? lng and pave granite ? ?? sooth o ' -..iitii m I iu nty-: a ? ? - ? - ? -I lr,*in - - Twi ti i, ii, N, : and rolHv ? ' sixth ? ? nty-flrst i ? li lido ? l fr..m ' I Rr. J. 8 ? 1, Bri ad and nth to , ... : pave ? - I."Uh i V: ti ' ? ruth '.., 1 - il iii Ol Siilli ? i Le] '* tilth ar.,', itreel lo the Market tn ie '?pall* the Bal k I'i Cary reel. ? ind para f . nt i ..ur* ami ? I ? ^ ind pave . : eel irotn ? au i pave ilrei I trom Du . M. <-- curbing ai I ut m. Jam - : - eui biog anil pave granite ol m. Jamel I ? ? re gran- ! ... ;:? i - .-I ttl Ol li j ni ' tireet. ? 11,, Malden i? ia. granite j ? Denry street Iron i rana adel salle ir Mug aod pavi ? . , ia alra* i front * anal ? set, si. ai,ft-7S to lay granitecnrblngand na .,i La ire] street troi tu n. rei , lay granite ? I ic lin granite curbing and pa* atreal from ' ? ? '. fr,ni , lay granite <-uri.i__ an,] f.avo ! gi.ult, g.,If i a ? > ' Il S flt! ? real Park nvMiiua. Oo. f-'M tm' io'-iy rutter, un l> otb. aide* I li n fl om ll, i.iy ii. ??? i ./ granite Hurtling amt paw, , ? I f.'-ftiUl I ,. *',ii HiieeL SS. tum to lay gramu) oarbtag and pave gre ulut gllttsr "ti ft'iWi au* ut t'terry Street from t?.ry loCaaal - tn. $',5Utolaygi?iilt''<'urbiuif ar?l pata graoita guttei ?mi nae*. aMe nt lle-ei volr aired from Cary to (.'ariel - ?t ti.* City Attorney ba directed lo pro. ruri- Xiy p.-i li", "wi. I-'111:1111',iii, ct .Hln-rele,. j put?eleni ? GoddtaflSrasI trow C'aliiouti i"1 rael -u ti, '? Bal tba 'tty Atu.roey be directed lo pro- ; core by pu.'l.iu**', robdemi?ition. or others Ne : huf'.-lrnl propel ty to widen Mooni street (ii Um arni tb able betwenu brook avenue andOltmer i 1 it, Thai taa Cit/ Attora./ be directed te sra. j cure by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise snfflctenl pmperty to opan baker Btreei from lillitbaueet. lal lu. Committee on Finance be .llrecVd lo appfOprtflBB lb" MB* ol IS,V>0 to grade Hi'l rrav*l Hi B*4 sired (rota I/om'jonly atreet to ths ir.I. ifully submitted. LBW1* D. C'BBVSItAW, J*., (fi ali mun Committee on bti eels. JOIN1- sKsslo*. Tin** resolution from tho Hoard of Aldermen pro, i.liug for * joint session nt 0*80 o'cl'iek on Maj "th to till tin- va? cancy in tho Board of Police Commis "OOieTfl ihiiul by the resignation of Captflin Ceorge A. Ainslie waa con? curred in. ?nu-, ru:* Tin*- lim:. Mr. Pitlili, by request of tho Union ? I ailwaj < c-rspany, presented nu oi.-innnco granting au cxteiiflicn of tlmt linc. The ponte laked ii: From its present truck. cti'.Ti' r of Scvciit'-ciitii uni Frank? lin strce!s: tloag Seventeenth to Cary le tm i. : Hi iee along Cary to Twelfth- tbence by donbl* back west wanlly t" tin- iMiroorstioi line. AN-, a Bingil truck boin thc company's preaent linc on Clay :it Brook avenue northwardly lo Baker; thence eaatwardly to st. Pani, snd to tMMirsecl with Wv pre-cut. lines of th'- company at thnt point Also, to extend thecotnpe nv's presufit double track from Seventh ind ! raiiklin southwardly on Beventb to ('uri. Tbe iirlinancf. waa referred to the Committi a on Streets. Adjourned. itt sim:*s?4 ami phi.inti. flTtflW ()rl-sA-i? Hhs ? lltioni lu Holli Ii! rc-llont. Tb" following shows the Crosccnt City*! tutu ? i ? ?" 11. or Comm awes,) Niw OlLCAKS, April 20, 1888. \ George A, Ainslie, Esq., President of t 'homin r of Comm* ri i, Cir/,, moou', Wt. : DesrBir, -It affordfl me pleflmre to i'i'i rm yon that by the election vestcr tinv our city is relieved from the curse of bil government by tbs ali 11 gentli men *>f high repute, ol honest in and patiiotism. Tho future ttl' Ne.. Orleans ia full of hope. Por over twenty-fire yi ira we have been i through ti-.!* :.!s t: -it would har,, art-cked fin I irreparably ruined any city not i '.ty t: people animated with iu-1 dom itable will, energy, snd patriotism, -.-lied for f-rvt ral yean that we were etesdilf progretwing, bnt -nice T, jy ,,f the Chamber ol Commerce, which gsve me opportnnityl of in- re closely v -its, 1 have ; ?.'nit .1 lo liioif cb aviv mark thc j sh pa npward. r \>ere there flo many Pmoke- ! stacks, more limn ol' railway, inure . esrni it efforts to build up Mmmerce, more watchful vigilance of oompetitori, . morecsrefnl attention lo details of bu?i- ' ir more nMaaeisl t*onfldence in onr city than the presi nt year : bnt now that we here guned political deliver* and |losses', in our future . trustworthy citizens* of eminence, I blink i vice th,* thonght of thousands of onr people when I state that the titlal wave ot suoci ss will swell beyond con 'ii. In i.riler that you may hive full and reliable information concerning om- re c-nt election 1 mail you herewith a copy of to day's Times-Democrat. Resprs*ctfnlly your--, H. I'-.'. .Cv:.ams, President. Thi i ' i tnrna referred to have already been published in -substance by the Dispatch, Persona's and Uriels. ii ction tal 'i the fourth Thurs hiv in May-the 24th, Mr. Wildon Haskins has gone lo Lei I baltimore on business, M. 1>. Harrison, Esq., of Duluth, j* of Bichmond, is hero on a visit Miss McDowell of north Hixth f-tr ? t. returned to the city yesterday after a . visit to Wa-lui,, ton. Mrs. Susie T, Wilhelm, net Sb-ick'nar, of Baltimore, will spend the Bummer months with her parents in thia city. Postmaster M. (ilennan. ol Norfolk, was in the city last night en runt, to the liiiuiic-ratiou Convention in North Carolina. A spca! brm of the City Circuit Couri will be held to-dsy to try coupon case-,. Sixteen pera oa l,,i\.- Men sum moned from which to aelecl a jury. Mayor Carrington continues ill at bis ashall stn .-t. Colonel Lucien ;.. Ba s, president "f the Hoard ! ol Aldermen and acting .Mayor, is abo ; I to his home by flickn*SS. The PoUce-Conrt docket yesterday morning wu i long one, but the ill of a inure or less trivial charac? ter. Light partier-, were tined tor diunkenu(s8 -toritwo920each for mis demeanor. Hunday afternoon a horse attached to Dr. Bobinson'a buggy took fright stan electric ,-;,r on Church lull and backed Against it. A lady who was in the was thrown out but not at all burt. No serious dsmage was done. The earnings of the Uichmond and lett irsbnrg llailioad Company for March, '11.06 : ? xpenses, $14, 846.37; ami the cammi's of tin- Peters? burg Railroad Company for the sam* nu rilli wero $14,430.72 ; expenses, ($26, 24& 25. Thc city ambulance was called out twice ii si.-rlay?once to the Bichmond Loou'iotive Works to ono of tho opers tires who had cramp, ainl later to a man who had an epileptic lil on the "street, but who rec .iv -red nm! walked oil' before tu- imbulsnce arrived. The Clerk of thc House of Delegates ii well enough to be ii bil office. In re fen ing to his intimacy with Colonel , J' ? Munit.i-.! before, during, ind Mice Um war, he states that he iii vcr hean! bim say unythiiig in regard to any private papers of .John brown being hid away in the Capitol Tho Commissioners of the Sinking Puid have bought $90,000 worth of new '.Vs under the old law-and this is thc hist purchase .hey will be able to make uiider it. The new law is ineffective on account of errors made by tbe legislators, who framed it in the excitement and hurry of the last days of the session. Th* funeral of William bullock (color? ed) took place from Lev. John Jaspers ch uren Sunday afternoon. The deceased was for niHiiy years Mr. James ll. Pace's servant, ainfat the time of his death was Ol Pnil.-1'laeo Methodist church, 1 performed faiihfnl service Binni its orgniizatiou. At the funeral i',v. Mr. Lvans occupied a seat on the p'atform of Jasper I church, snd among nt were Mr. James II. Pace and about forty members of Park-Place. I ire A n uti a jr fr v eu Iii.. On Sunday evening a fire on the prcmisci oi W. J. fops, Lsq., at No. 127 wiat Clay Btreet Uestrojed a shed ("iitaiuiug a considerable quantity of . ral vehicles, entailing u of aliont _4'.'t), on which there was no in? surance. While Hie origin of the tir* ia not cettainly known, it is thought proba? ble that it wis caused by children play? ing with lighted matches about the hay. Tba I ln-iMlora Tbonsas Concert*. The sale of seat* for the Thomas concerts, which opened yesterday at M. B. ilamos A Cos, was bij-hly successful, and aggregated over 51,500. This give* every assurance of crowded bc lists at each ol th* threi concert*. AVERY PIH3TTY FIGHT. HOW. JORR B. WISE VFRSTT9 GENERAL WILLIAM MaHOftlE. City -ipobliean Convention, DurinR whieh the Kahoaeitei Are O-tvoted and Bolt. A convention eoaaposed of flfiy-ono delegates, sleeted trom RepobUaaa meet-' mi's lnld in tlio twenty-four votiDg-prc- ' cincts of Richmond, BRKflkbled last Right in thc City Circuit-Court rnoni ter the I purpose of electing delegates to thal State ('(invention tn be held in reteni-j bora on the iTtii >.f May. WbcR a Dispatch reporter entered Uta ni 7:16 there were about twenty deleRstes present bot others soon arrived, and liv H oVItvk nil of tho lee and ninny outsiders vere present lt wai evident tlmt there wns tronble brewing. Winn llr. Wise arrived there motts seTeral advisers present, und first one aad th. n tbs outer held coanaaI with lum. Thara waa bIbo t<i b* ninny Mahoneit* s, who were using their bestendeavora to prevent the carrying ont of tbe progranune that had been ar rang* .1 by Wise k Co. The spectators and others were confi d* i.t they were to bavs some real fun, and in this they were not disap? pointed, for tin- utmost disorder n and at tunes tbincs looked lil*.' might be a riot The slate had been ar? ran:;, d. bnl there was much trouble 1 >e f. rc it was effeetaatetl. CAi.i.KU TO ORD-R, At half-past 8 o'clock linn. John S. Wine, thc chairman of tbe party in this city, took tbe chair mid, in oul 1 i:i_r tba body to order, aaid: "In poraoanee of tho call of tin* Bute Committee deb> gates have been elected to this eonvea lion, whieh is beld ter the purpose ol choosing dehjj st* i to the Stat'* (ionveu* tioo, H ? th* d pi ? sdi I to rend tt roll ot thc members uh made np from the ctb? dentiak which bad been *-? nt to him. When th>' name of Carter Harrison was Mr. C. P. Murphy arose and said, " I conteet thal seat Ha was told thal hia rights wonld be attended to bj th.* Committee ou Ora* iU ntiala, oUolNI/IN... Mr. Wise designated Mr. Ffenry Hud? nall ai temporary chairman, biri bis seat 1 b d Mi. N. J. Smith was snbstitnted, S. B. Clarkson was undo temporary arv. Mr. Wiso moved that the temporary organization be made permanent, hut tirman di dined to put the ont s* tion, asying that nothing further wns in order nntil the (lommitteaon < Iredentials had leen sppointed and made their re* " n's PACR_-t,n Mr. Murphy here obtained tho ear of the Chair and said: "Mr. Chairman, I want to leave my grievances to thc con? vention um I am satisfied tbat I cannol gel justice in this committee," Ap* When quiet wss ri Mr. Murphy continued: "Sir, T want to let the convention decide tLis qu< ition, for I believe the committee is I." [Prolonged applause ami cries of "Yea Mr. Harriaon yelled loudly to tbe chair* man, bnl it waa i ds before he could make himself heard, such was the stir ami commotion. He began to aay thal be, too, waa in favor of having the nu.tter settled in the convention, l.ut tbe ebainnan ruled ail of th i out of ord.". c'lti.iiRvri ?? The Chair appointed tlio following committee on cr* dentis- : Messrs. John S. Wise, A. ('. May-, John Ak* ra, Jaeob st murd. Duke, Woods, and Carter. Edward Thompson, who to all appear? ances waa leading the Mah. in* wing, of fer. d ii r. solution providing for another committee, tho members ol which were d to the Wise deli gah a. Che greatest disorder prevailed, hut the Chair refused to entertain any mo? tion, an l aft* r mach wrangling tlie com obeyed Mr. Wise's call and with repaired to the Sheriff's oflice, where 1 [uite a lively time be? tween the eonteetanta. iiin d__i ? The committee after bein,? out about for%-five minutes, returned and re? ported thal the following delegates were 1 to aeats in the doily : Ward : Jefferson A. Powell, Lewis Lindsay, W. I. J* hnson,John S. Wise, Jam* i t'stterson, Thomas Emory, nnd Qeorge D. V Monroe Ward: ll. _. M.r.s. Marlin Pil'lir. Il, (.. W. Liggon, 1). A. Brooki T. J, McDonald, B. F. turner. Clinton Du Priest Qeorge Keel, and Henry Hudnall. Jackson Wari: Ed Thompson, Lewis Steuart, E. B. ('arter. Bernard Crown, Morton Deane, John T, Anderson, W. \\. I .elds. Ed.! batham. Charles Young, Jackson Akers, Colin T. Payne, Lewia Frayser, Henry Hades, John Mitchell, Jr., A. J. Brown, Wilii*nn ll. Binford, .1. 1 . Baker, snd James II. Powell. Madison Ward: Samuel H. Clarkson, Lewis H. Curter, Jacob Slnnard, Wil? liam Custalo, Samuel Brown, nnd Ellis Bagley. Jefferson Ward : A. J. GuarpQhon, N. J, Smith, William H. Wo<i,!s. Carter Harrison, and.I. H. Childreys. Marshall Ward: T. F. Scott, John Venable, J. BL linke, Lawson lirown, o. M. stewart, and Anderson Evana, of tho fifty-one delegates only uino an* wuite. CURRA iou KARORI. As soon as thc rcjxirt was rea 1 and bl fore the question on iti adoption was ont the Chair Rqueeted all peraons not delegates to retire, ami invoked tin* assistance of thc* sergeant at-urns to tins end. The contestants and their friends protested loudly, but several assistants to the sergeant-at-arass were appointed. They only inooseded in a very small neaeure in bettering tbe condition of things, and ns to netting the speets tura to retire, it wai RC use, for they had no idea of doing any such thin*?. They went as far as tho out side railing, but further than this they would Rot badge, and tim scrgeaut at aruis and his assistants could do nothing whatever. CHRRRBI OR KAROBR, Ned Thompson arose, and in s few v -tibia nords Riged bis friends to retire in jnace, assuring them tbut full justice would ba dona all parties iute rested. Borne ono near thc door cried oat " Mahone.'" Pis name provoked ol Thompson Bsenred his frieuda that ho waa for Mahout and would see that full justice was done him, too. [Prolonged cheers from the Mahone sympathizers, who were n^ar tbe door;. Mr. Wise, while not pleased with this little episode, loot it cooliy, Baaing that he held the sti.iuj.vr hand. When the room became moderately ipnet tho vote on the rtport of tbs Com mitUa on Credentials waa taken, and at first tho chairman stated that it was adopted by 2.". to J'-'. Several colored sovereigns sprang to their feet, claimed that the count was not as stated, and they unhesitatingly charged fraud. A sectmd vote waa taken and the re? port adopted?ayes, 28 ; nota, tl. MAHONBIT-8 RBTIBB. About this time there waa a little con? ference about tha door, aad from tha wire-working seen it was evident that (oni-thin-* waa about to occur to change MB tide of ev. ipa. Muhone's moo wore Quietly nt work, and they soon allowed their hand. Several prominent Jla li'iu iles mot RMBtben of tho commit? tee) snd the ousted delegates walked to? wards the door, aud some ono set Bp the cry " This trill/ fur Mitlinur ! " NO M.,ncr was this said than delegatea to tho numlHT of nineteen took np their overcoats and hits and walked ont. Snch n step had been threatened by ono of the contestants when thu committee re? ported. With firs in bia eyes Mr. Wiso, in a very Bxcited manner .sprung lo his feet, ami ? peaking loudly, said : " Mr. Chair? man, now you see how true they are. They were elected lo this 0* nvention and seale I. and when they timi themselves beaten they withdraw." This had no ??lie t whatever ; Um hue of march wns kept nil There wns great con fa ion, amid which Mr. Wise sud: "1 suppose whee I go over to Petersburg, ,i I be so unfortunate as to get whipp ;1 as these have been?they will expect me and my followers to with? draw. But they nre wrong, ff f am defeated I will t.iko it ns a man should, and will, so help me God, fall ir. aft?r Mahoueif be wins, and follow him or v. la ever leads." BR DORM BOTS. When this little stir was over B. F. Turner offered the following : ?. /. /"ni. That tin-, ,',,t,v,'tiii,a deprecate* On* tuitinr.-'l autair.'ti.ani Iwtwern tho Ilou. WII 1iati Vain*!* and th"- Hon. John s. W'i-n. . That ~i? i?>.*oeiii/e In these two bbs too mach worts t<> lbs uran'i and uluru,us KepnbUcan party to encoorafs any bo.Ulo feelings by ai > act or aw l ol our-. ?. the deleg it<*? in c.iiTPn 'i^rniiT pspreea eui deuce in i "ta ttf., il. ns. William Rahooe air! John fc W-6, ani 'hat th delegatflfl rn I* elected to tbe Htate Convention he Instr*?rted ??? neeall honorable mean, in brine attoal unity ,? and a,-timm Between nil Isa I tho party. Tnr: wisp, raPRR, The readiag of the paper did not strike the average follower ol Win ts ex int!;, the right thine, so Mr. ('linton De offered the folIowiRR, which had I* . d prepare i for the occasion: /. red. That we are opposed to Ria a audio intel our delegate* to vot>> against the Bama both In tii? Ul Couvi ution-. I hal a.- '.aver arnon.Im : il ent pian of ?? ?mtv organI?itl*>?i now Ked I Ital > chairman he taiteu away front him and placed wuii the poop.i to them, and we Instruct onr delegates io imM oonvenu ? lo dment*. , ? f ina tit pnbllcan porty are due and are hereby tendered lo Bon. John >. ? i- faithful services '?> our pany hara t .i Ute leal iw,, yean, Hew iif>* han itt a on I *" han rust a inrL.' r Repabllcan tote than aver before, majority lowr t!;an lt has fallen for twe If yean. We her ? in Mr. Wise us an able, f.-nrl-fts-, and devi U I lt* pul 'imon.l ? for ii h. .1-' d B. i\ lae n^ ono of th>? 'U'louatc* at lixv-ii (or Virginia to tho Chic'ago i-invention, and In the evi natructed t,. tupi i 11 sn Udale fa del i igo (rom ibe Third ooognaneual di ? ,n? tllsE MIN.-. Turner, in support of liis resolutions, made a vi n common-sense short speech. lb aaid he considered thia difference be? tween Mr. Wise and General Mahone as very unfortunate, Ile ha.I come to the ution rather as a Mahone man, but be proposed to discharge bis duty snd nol to boll with his friends. Be mts for of the party, ami be believed il it vas brought as between the two men Mahune was a stronger and better leader than Wise. Mr. Wise said under ordinary eirenm fit.inci a he would not misc his voice in oppoa tion to thanking General Mahone, bnl after the manner in whi *h the letter hud reci idly neted he could not do other? wise than d.f.iid himself and his peo? ple who had stood Iv him in manfully. Ho waa vary Revere in his denunciation of the underhanded manner in which Mahone] ;ht to capture the Rich? mond del* gatton. .Mr. Wise alleged that Mahoi not made an open, honest fight, but had resoite.l to all kinds of corrupt methods. w fruin his pocket pajvers which l were in Mahon- i's own band writing, in whieh the latter made calcu? lations os to what he could do here and how it could be done, Bi I to say thst be did not mean to be read out of the I.> publican party, lt was in hm opinion moro probable that Mahone would be. Qeorge Mitchell (colored) favored the resolutions offered by Turner and made a veryplein, sensible speech, lb* thought rations instructing tho delegate! f* rWisewascarrying things too far. He appreciate,! the valuable Ber* i, but could not assent to what he* nothing lesa than ??Bag-law." Mr. Wise rejoined by saying thnt this was no gag-law. Ha was frank to aay that be minti d to be endorsed a** s dele and it waa for this that he had worked bo hard. Mitchell had voted with the Mahons men, and after being whipped, wanted to be token in with the winners to share the benefits. Ha wanted tha delegates instructed. .Mr. Wise, iu the course of tin- speech, Bald that in politics lie knew no lina. He bi ld certain principles and it was for these thit he fought If a white and colona! man were riiriniri*_r ter tin* Hiine oflice, and the former be con si ler..t the best, ho would certainly vote for him. Alter further diacnarion tho Do Priest resolutions were adopted by au over? whelming vote. DR-ROATRR. The convention then proceeded lo dael delegates to tl.,* State Convention, with the following result: Jackson Ward : .Jack Acres, John T. Ami. ison, Pleasant Jones, K. R, Carter, Bernard Brown, ll. A. Paul, W. W. Pi* Ms, and James Bayne. Clay Ward: Hon. .John H. Wise, Jef? ferson II. Powell, James M. Donnan, Th.Unas Emory, Hom Edgar Allan, and Hon. Lewis Lindsay. Jeflbrsou : M. J. Smith, Curter Harri? son. Major J. Cart r, n: 1 K. D. Ward. Monroe: Henry Hudnall, Clinton De Priest, T. J. McDonald, and D. A. Brooks. Madison: J. S. Dodson, Jacob Stan Bid, and S. B. Clarkson. Marshall: Johu H. Duke and James ll. Barrett Alternates: John Wingidon, George John Vf. Foster, W. T. Wright, William Flernnhainter, B. W. Bussell, Lewis H. Carter, A. G. Maya, J. C. Parley, Morton Deane, A. J. Guerpillon. William II. Wood, and Peter B. Shorts. a city none Mr. Wise here BSOved that the conven? tion adjourn sabieet to tbe call of the chairman, and this was agreed to. Ho made this motion, he said, because there waa other business which would require careful consideration, such us he did not think it would receive lust night. Be? sides tho split, he thought, /Rould be healed and the mutter (not men tio'.ed, but supposed to bo under atood by all) was ono in which all were intereattnl and would unite. At mid? night tlie convention adjourned. The following, taken from the call for the precinct meetings which elected the delegates to this convention, will ex? plain to what Mr. Wise referred : Hy a resolution of the Citv Committee t?ese detonates to our City Convention will also lie nm bowered to decide whether the llt'publicansof Hi. bru. ud shall nominal* ? city ti-lot lorinii ui-tpal office* thia apring, and to adjourn from time lu time until the convention uoinlnatet* a whole or BarU?l ticket or decides nol to nomi? nate ona. Tke 41 ..linnell, ft The withdrawing members- adjourned to Cushilo's Hall, Broad street near Sci (nth. Here an organization was effected by the election of Colan layne ss chairmau and O. M. Steward secre? tary. [These two were proposed at the otu**-Meting and defeateckj lbs toll wan called, and it was found tlmt twenty three legal dolomites were present. Tfie following were appointed ii committee on credentials: Drown, Custulo, Woodson. Liggon, and Brown. The committee re? tired, and during the interim tbs ing was addressed by Edward Thompson, who severely denounced the behavior of Mr. Wise, ami characterized his fol? lowers as "kickers." He concluded by calling upon Mr. L\ P. Murphy tor I flpeeon. Mr. Murphy complied, and saul that he had, after a careful ol timi, como to the conclusion that "John Wise was alter ofiioo for himself, and ho didn't tare a damn foi any one else.'' KOt'Oft on wist*. J. T. Wilson (colored i tpoka next, "John Wis** is," said he, "either a fool or a scoundrel, ami it ia through his treachery that we huve lost the city three bili's." Wilson alluded lo Wise in ?csthing terms, and designated Mahout* ns the "Lincoln of Vir/inia.' Tho Democratic press was against Mahone, and that was of itself a sufficient reason for the black mon to support him. DELEGATE.--. Tho Committee on Credential* re? ported that thirty-two of tho lifty-one Jeli'Kates allotted to tho whole city wero present. The following were elected delegates lo tho Petersburg Convention: Iv. P. Murphy, Iv. Thom psi >n. <). M. Steward, A. J, brown. Iv. Bagley, Mair Morrie J. IL Jenkins. J. f. Wilson, Junes Pall, rson, William. Custalo, H. I. Walker, Lawson brown, John Mitchell, Jr., lb D. Wortham, Samuel brown, Taft. Lawson, Anderson Lvans, Lewis Pray se r. OL T. Payne, J, L. Biker, Vf, J. Johnson, Lewis Stewart, J, H. Childrey, K. Scott, George D. Woodson, and W. H. Bioford. My a scaled vote these flcilfigatofl tl eeired 3,656 1-10 votes out of a po*ai l)le 5,208, about two thuds ol thc entire ' votes of the city. AMT UN .411 -. The plan n-iuiring thirteen alternates, the foliowin re,i :i* auch i H. Curtis. J. P.. (billin, John V.-uable. P. H. Bardaway, Da-rid Robinson, P. H. White, J*. Br, Powers, A. M. Burton, Henry Moon', ti. W. Liggon, Wilson i, W. F. Mealy, and Hiehsrd Curter. I'I-oiioki;. After tho alternates and delegates had b, ei t lietel the convention became v ry disorderly, ? number of delegates com? plaining that Jackson Wsrd hii'l Blithe representation. Pinallv kheyweri iued. A cornrnittee was appointed to draft (resolutions, md it ai,mit 1 o'clock this morning tho convention adjourned. 4.KOI Mil A ti II lit II.IIIX.1. Contrarls Awarded -.-Tbe nub's" I'uillion iii 4 li I iii bora zo Pn rb, *e. The Council Committee "ii Gronndi anti Building*st its meeting lust night r.-tl iii*- following bnsini Awarded the contract to the Southern Btove-Worki for slot of benches to be put ta Chimborazo park at 93.25 each, the si t* to be of hard timber. Awirded the contract for cast-iron Foil pips s to Bsrgamin a Ca The price w.t-, not mentioned, but the discount of this firm na** larger than thst of any of the other bidden, Ord'nd the City Engineer, in his dis? cretion, to Adverbs'' for 800,000 bricks for tii'* new City Hall, with the privilege of increasing the number to 1,500,1 deairable. Ordered the City Engineer to adver? tise for columns for th* second and third lim.vs of the new City Hall and Wama for the third Hour. ed the "Club" permission to ir ct in Chimborazo Park a sixteen foot Bquare ornamental pavilion. The house is to be ? Meted entirely by private suli D, aii'l Messrs. John Mann. Wil? liam II. Curtis, John A. Curtis, and others compose the " ( Inb." SO tl ll Kif. t.OVr.RVOIC**. A licet ina or Timm to be Held in "serin Carolina. Coveruor Lee, accompanied by Attor* ney-Qenenl Ayers, fckKjretsry-of-the Commonweslth 1-lourney, and br. ? l :..-*-. |. ft here it 2*30 o'clock morning "ii the Danville road for Warm Springs, X. OL, to attend an im? portant meeting of the Gorernorsof the southern States and other prominent citizens, who will confer and make ar "ringementa for tbe encouragement of a certain class ol' iuiinignition tj the South. In consequence of this trip tho (iov will be compelled to decline the invitation extended him and a number 'them aen?rslfl t.j attend ihe ban* quit in New York next Friday In coin ration of General Grsnt'fl birth diy. An i lie will abo be unable to "*** t'i. i tho meeting in Philadelphia on Thuraday of the Govetnori of the thir states, who will meet to perfect arrangements for the celebration next year of tho centeiiiiial anniversary of the inauguration of Washington as President of the United States. Deatli of Hr. "dcCtsrty. Dr. Janies H. Met airy, I half bro? ther of Captain Page McCartv ind a son of the late Hotl. Vf. M. McCarty, of Fairfax county, died at his residence in this city night before list. He was a graduate of the Medica! School of the University of \ irginia and ol Jflaterson College in Philadelphia, ami "served as a surgeon in the Confederate army ; of lute, however, ho had not been in active practice. Por years he had ben in deli? cate health, lie was a man of singular gentleneaa and modesty, and was richly entitled to tlvt love and confidence which those who knew him belt Saved upon him. His funeral will take place trout (bice church this afternoon at 4 o'clock, and a deputation of Lee (ump, of which he wm a member, will act as escort to the grave at Hollywood. The Mowllzera'Featliai. Ono of tho largest crowds yet assembled at the Armory was present last nil-lit. The restaurant, ice-cream saloon, all of the fancy tables, and all other branches of the fair till welL Tho voting was lively, aud at midnight the votes regisUred aa follows: .Most popular military company : E, 526 ; B, 878 ; Hines. '.'At , V, 79 ; 0, 42 ; Stuart Horse (iuards, 35 ; D, 20 ; A, 25. Captain J-mei W. (-Hinter, of Norfolk, was ahead'' u the sabre as the most popidar ar1'*' by oflicer. Lil-iitei Jiau{ieorge T. West led as the most pop jp Auntly lieutenant. Tlie iiV '. I the most popular young lady waitnrt-i.-sented to Miss Nannie Tillver. Thia i've,ing there will be an enter? tainment for the children at 5 o'clock. Every child receive* a prize. Hld Hum I alan sivertaaaled. Thestearhship Old Dominiou arrived yesterday from New York, after having been thoroughly overhauled and painted for tho auminor season. The Wyanoke ha* also been treated in the aamo mau ner, and they are now about a* neut looking aa new pins. 4'nstoiU'Haa*,- ln?|?rtii,*ineiii. Conr:re*a has appropriated an addi? tional sum of 853,000 to the custom? house improvement, which amount it is thought will he sufficienttccomplete the extension if the presen. plans are ad? hered to. The -.-ost-office people are rory impa? tient for the Bank-street front to be Iin iahed, a* the employee* in all depart? ment* there are too muuii cramped. VVtiia CoionsX Will eu s'KWst, Natl* . i...... ^^k-uut vising architect of the United States Treasury Department, was in tho city about a week ago toinapect the work lie said he thntii'lit the appearance of the building would -xrhaps be improved by running the two wings on the lusin street front up lo the roof instead of to the second story as contemplated. It is, however, not yet known whether or not be will make such a recommendation. 1'irracHooi.noaBD. Meelina matt Report ar Ihe superintendent. The regular moating of the City School Hoard was hold yesterday after? noon in the Bichmond High-School building ot 6 o'clock. Prbbbm; Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, chairman ; Hon. Wil? liam l.ov. iifttiin. Mr. S. P, Mi.ore, E. D Btarke, A. [_ Phillips T. Wiley Dui is, Qeorge Bryan, J.e. Dickerson, John B. Cary, superintendent; Charles P. Baily, ch il., fte, *i r-RUITBanawr/s monthi.vrf.port. Colonel John II. Cary, Superintendent of Bchoola, submitted bis monthly re IKirt, which Rives the following inf rm.i tioii in regard to the condition of the public schools of this city : Tho rc't-ort shows 16 principals, l?t* teachers, Uv schools, with enrolment for the month, 9,681; average daily at? tendance, 9,128. Total lui'olment to dat.*, 10.s:*'>-. percentBKC OT. The Sup- riarssndent mys that theie ia a regular nsoreaas in memben monthly, the number now enrolled l>cing 227 more than during thc previous month. The daily attendance remains aliout the mme. The Superintendent hos vi-? t-.i ali the schools rn the system evcept a f. w, and has conducted examinations ou all tho subject- taught The daily i \ eminationa for tbs past month show commendable /eal on tbe part ot both teachers and pupils, with here and there ; '.ion. The Superintendent reports several cases of discipline iii the schools and makes some valuable rwco-uneR4attona The board placed on tho sulmtitute list Miss Ivy li. Pear, daoghterol Um late .lames H. Peey, Jr., nnd Mes Emily ll, graduate of the liichm-'tid Hio.h School, and Mien Susie Tresuon, a graduate of St. Joseph's Academy. ka B ri suit of tba action of the City Council authori/m!' an increase of tho OBJ of the public school teachers, the board adopted a Bohedolaof salaries by whieh the pav of the teachers is itRRWOOaa from the 1' th of Aprd. 1888. Mr. R, T. Briggs off?red his resigna? tion as a member of the board, having removed from the First district. The Council will till the vacancy at the joint May. Tlie Injun! will commence the ammal visitation ol schools on Thursday next. After transaction of routine business adjourned. The managers of the exchange for Woman's Work, :_!7 "ant Franklin t-tic. t. wiah to call especial attention to a new Hand Attachment er Mwing-machinrs. lt ia the invention of a Biebmond indy, and can be attached to any machine. 1 h.y BOlicil orders for Ladies' and Chil? dren's Clothing, envelopes Addressed and Invitation Cards neatly aud promptly i. Hand-painted Menu Carita a ,1 ty. I levant Nllvcrn-re, Fine (lorita, Uranie I (.lirra, laUle 4utlery, .tr., lii'Dur. Tho sale of tho abovo goods com i to-day ^-ueadsy)at 10t* o'clock u' my auction-rooms. Bea auction no Uroror W. Mun, Auctioneer. lair, raf*. Fair. The ladies of Vsnabla Street Baptist church mil hold s lair every evening this week in their new building, corner Picket and Venable street- The rem is beautifully decorated, and a varietj <>f useful articles offered every evening. Captain Cunningham will singe:, day evening, and tue r-urt-Endbaad will lent on Wednesday evening. Come ont and help a good cun-e. Last entertainment at the Howitzers' ll for tho children begins at 5 P. M. mid last- till 7 o'clock. Fiery child paying the admission fee of Ilk*, receives a prise. Children who obtained I [pee at the entertainment last week will bring their pipes with them and tako part in the -.up-bubbl,; tournament. Various amusementa for the children have boon provided.' Come one, come all, and havo a good time Superb Ten bets. Wait rs, Ice Pitchers, new i.'esi.'tisiii Water -i!-, elegant Hand Painted Berry Hut*ls, Castors, Roger's Pine Table Cutlery, Spoons, Dailies, i | Dishes, Jun cns. .Vc., ac, to-day A. M. and ty P. M. at my auction house, 24 Ninth street. tirol'...;: W, Matu, Auctioneer. flowers for M-priii. Flan tl ??_. C-T. The lovers of ilowers should begin now to set out Howers, such us Pansies, . (limbing Vines, .vc. J. J. Har? vey, No. !> roi-t Broad Btreet, has a largo collection of line plants, and is ready to receive orders. Hus also a nice lot of cut Howers. All tho hading Hosts always on hand. Don't forget the exhibition gun drill at the Howitzers' Festival to-morrow (Wednesday) night at ll o'clock by a picked bectiou of the Howitzers battery. Mr. Vi. H. Moseley, for several years engineer at the Capitol building, and ons of tho most zealous, courageous, and ing Democrats of this city, will bo a candidate tor S'l'ireant-at-Arma of the City Goonal, aud it ia boped will be elected. A Vot__. Every Faintly Ira tba City should remember that Um Taunton Sil? ver -1 'late Company's goods now being sold at my suction-rooms aro the brrm kind of goods tliat havo been sold hero for thirteen years, ami an? oommeudetl Ly ev erv body. QrorrsW. Mayo, Auctioneer. imm .Nuilee. A. Fisken particularly requests all parties indebted to him to call and settle their accounts, aa he is compelled to leave the city in a few days. Special attractions for the Howitzers' Festival to-night. Clsepatra Drank Pearls in her wine, ani eaptlTated Cmsst with ber boauty and mag-nifl**en<-e. But it ar I j la thi* mouth are better, aud our modern beauties may have these tt they faithfully use SozoDONr erery day, and captivate all by eli?ply nailing to ihow th.tlr pretty wbtte leatb. F0RTY-YEAB8" EXPERIENCE OP AN OLD MRSK.-MKS, WINSLOW* bOOTHI.Nij-sVRll' lathe pn-H-rlptluti of ono cf tbu bent ft'iftialu pbyslciana aud nurses In Ui>> -tate*. auS bas been used tor forty years with nvvrr-talliut-safely and aucceae by S?Ulam of mothers and .'bUitreti, froui the fe?ble lnfaut ot one wot*, old lo tho adult. It cut rw~* a"i-luy of theatontacb, reUevea wiud-ooltc, regula--* me bowels, atv! givaa rest, bealla, and ro-f.irt io mother and child. We b?tlle*e lt the butt and surest remedy In tbe wot ll lu all esses of Dyven tory and Di arr nina In children, an.-u.ur atUlug from um tbi nf or from auy otner .-aitee. Kuli directions for using wilt accom-any each botUe. None genuine unless tbe.iW-?i?H-? of d'KT is A KKKK1NM ia ou the outelde wrapper, hold by ail Medicine-De-lent. J_ cenu a beetle. ap SOeodlw it i i HIM aai-Ka loiiti FRANK D. RILL * CO,St< V. a., three lou oa Williams street twtweau l aiter an I Klt-hle streets. GKOROE RT. NATO, aUva-wata, .nvliry, i ?*r >Bft.?a, On. *uaaau*iJ4,iw8t,; JET TRIMMINGS. A vary large purr-baaa from sn !mp***"t*W aflM sae rioting out hts smear mia Ma* ns lo ?sfss" *.'iii?of ths cheapest JCT DRE"**. TRIMMING! Ibat ware aver saan Id this 'Hy. Ifand'oma JET ORNAMENTS at IV..a*v*h ?s-ertii tta.i llari.lsoms .IKT ORNAMENTS at *-*--..sarh worth ?***,; Handsome JIT OK.NAMKNTM at 45<-..eavh wortti Usn' aa aa* IRTOHNAMKNTS it iii***, eav-h wortH*. H.V-. ; Randsoma 4KT ORNAMENTS at TV. each worth Hi Uan.l?enie .lEToKN lit KN IS at SC.-, t*AV*h worth SUS; Hain- .h. ? JCTORNAMKNTS st fl eevh worth SUO; Elegant (ll ENII IK HRADKIl (lALOONfl w*"v. a yar.l, never *..|.| t^fure for lea* than $1.13; A full ass..rtmr!,t of HKAI'Kli liALOONS frvaa lil-, np ut|l per yard ; I!KU)Kl) QIS*lsDl*in fl up Bi 14 per yanl. ar> "I-<*>! IIVT I DAVIS. lace Flouncings. Ant|,-tpating a larne sale tn this Hue of geed ie plsea.1 our or*l.-r* early fora vary large quia illy, fifty ple-as of willoh havo 'ult been dsllvsr i"l to n*. The styles ami qoalillss are just wist you want, am! our prV-ea ara aitch aa to anil the i-Io.ast buyer.. BLACK ( lUNTtl.l.Y LACE FlaTiTNCINGS al $1 per yar.l worth SUS] Bl.ACiv CHANTILLY LACK FLOl"NCIN08 a* ftM per yanl worth flj.1l' BLACK , !IA\TI_I.Y LACK FLoVNClNflS al 11.50 pe*" rant worth li': r.1.4. K CHANTILLY in I Kfor NCIN(.Sat*W per yanl worth |-.' 7' , BLACK ( IIANTII.I.r LACS FLOGNCINGS al ' j.-r ysil worth from ll* toSI; BLAi K I HAMIH.V I.A'T. h*_OUM4TN09 at I:. fi. IS, *?>, sa.l tr par var*",, and ara Just al gou-1 bargains** any ?f tlw*.abuve ; We al.-, offer eiirasnli.iary bartralns tn RI.ACIC ?.l M"'HK. I.ACK KIHI NCIN'tiSat $1. tLtO, I i.i". li.'. 12.31. li, ia .Vi, aji.t |A;.ar yin!; SILK ANO TlNsflL riUMMstN*.. lu elegant, -ombinatloii*, AU ajar*- now sr*.rn eta ba, niat.i,.-.| up nicely. Bl TToNS to ault all th* new shades In l)RKS*V(,o*U)s. Our Block of DltKSS TRIMHINCS I* BHHBSB-. sllv large, as the demand HW them has l?*a wonderful. OtflHS gooda anti loa pri.-aa form an Irresistible combination, BEADED WIIAI'S. This stylish garment In a largs variety ot .Ivies at price* Ibafmnsr please. HKADKD URINA DI NI tor making wraps*. KMIiKulDKKKD DLACK CASHMERE Flem-\, all btS'I.-. ap M _LavTt A DAVIS. ?saTCHECK bb WM L si rriMi, 27 in.-hea wide, al 1<*\ a yan!, reduced from **>-.; Double-fold (sall ni .-rae, full 31 in*h<*>* wi'l", st Zit: a yard. The atstortrnsnt inclu las all tt.a new shades of this sprta*", A lars;.' si-.i-titAnt ut I'laln and Kacey Figure*! Satin..a at aflflaa - rtmsuiof Fren.-h Satlnes ls esqulslwt. Finer Dress Gingham in styles and priest te ?tiltcvsry one. BABY-CABBIAOES. Bahv-Carrlage.?best make*, in finish. Hatiy-carrtages?low pri.-e'. K^v'.'srHMet ) W*"? -"? ?,',?Mt ? ?"*? Baby CarnsK-a I ?a hl?h?r LEVI k DAVIS, 1017 AND im<J MAIN STRUT. (ap 34-eo-l] - MILLEE, RHOADS AK!) GEKLIART. - -CESDAY, ArBrt. 24th. Crowds of people left our store yesierdajpuith a smile of genuine satis? faction at the bargains tliey carried leith them or left to be sent. Narr before did a dollar cover sn cf/ an area of dry goods, and ne err before dill they fl wi tulle away almost like magic under thc influence of our sa? crifice prices. For to-day ice add, the following to the already large list of bargains: tk\ UEAVT STRIPKDind CHIC KID SHIRTINfJ for 5*". a yard; Yai 1- wil* best itv. PERCALES for Sc ayard; $1.3.1 EMBROIDERED SKIRTING FLANNEL for SO.', a yar 1; tl EMBROIDERED I.AMBRF.O.ITNS for tUc. fl* jard; Ono lot WHITE MARSEILII0 CROC I ET 1/BtVbt whieh were ll.u for tl aacH. BARGAINS IN Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Para? sols, Umbrellas, Etc. To avoid getting ia ? rush ciU as Mri*/ ta Out diy ai poaalble. IDS ii CERBiRT, ir EAST BROAD CTiT?bvT. (apM-ltl IX VIEW OF MAKING IMPOR? TANT changes In our business I will frvmihl* day sall our entire retail stork of CHINA. t'LASts. sud liol SEnKhiMN*. .,mil*-A ai a rsdu.-tloa of ! li) per .-eu'. A* our pri.< are already low aasl : our st.K-k uew sud daslrabia lt offer* families aa uuu.ual opportunity to.upply ibeniMlvea. t lav* also made a good mauy .-.1'IC! AL BAR? GAINS IN FANCY AKlliLtS to wak** 1. all , attention. N>. out lu want of Glass, China or Uoiisskssfl* lng Uood* should lill to call ou me. f. K TAY LOK. ?p -M-st-daT loll Maila nr?st REIOVA1. ^^ . DB, CBABUBS M. SHIELDS, Ul* allot gt) rt) CORNER URTU AND FRANILIN ai'tlirs, ii.m Hoi as: * w ia, ?Ho \ (apStaSt) IIDMABb, ^^ 4 DMINISTBATOB'S NOTICE.? -A llavlug t|ua!itted as admlilawator af I. J.j ii PKAi'lC, iteA-tsaMd, ill pailittsluleMsst io t*a e?*tia ara vequemed ta coma "orward and*atUeti and all ?"-?tritca bsviag cia I ma agaiaat tSss-Ma.1 et Ueas to