Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. $Y Til F DISPATCH COJ&AN The DAILY ltl?PATVH is delivered to ?u ??ilhersat rtrrts*? ossr? per week, pay?t.)* the carrier w.-ok.y. M at led at ?A per asnur f??? eli men'hs V-'" tor three mouth? M Ice one m .?nth. TheSEHl-WltRKl.Y DiapATl'll at|ii?ra nnoi, or ?I for ?It tnonlh?. 'It-c WRr'M.Y DISPATitl at It per annum. Th?>M'NPAY DISPATCH Si ll.V) per aune t . for ?u months. ftnawortptina? la all i-whi payable In an*ao and no paper ix>ctlnued attr-r BBS ??plratlnn tl^ time paid f..r BSSMl Bett-aHtoa mes? erden BBSSBb, or registered letter, turren sent by mail will he at the ri?k of the aaae> P?l?vailw.r? w'shlnif thetr post-office chang r i.M jive thrtr old a? well se their new pu Offl"\ r>?ni| In i\| >c? ften ADTtRI Iti HO 1 HAI t IS i Jtlm? . .t SB. I! BSS. * ? filme? 1 ? . -. ? II Inionti, . jj imonlhs f Heeding noll.-c? tn re?",nf.matt?r I Htesst le??, |i : in sosparatl I tad ad, Card of rates for aaart tpacs furatsked >n a plication. All letter? and telegram? mi?! BS attics?' IsTfil U < l'Ml'ANT. Ile'eoted oommunicsttoa? will n"' ! ? turned. rUTl RDA1 ..OtTTOBEH S I8f What Damooi I iid li i ? ? : ever Virginia's t Ineral ? M i it a rl 1 and tal i ?lb Hii"th"r : snd s ? inti ? ? H which we mus? 11"? t! ' i |. ? t i we ' m ? ' I ? ; ? ? rimini i bo .-. - - ? ' ' ' i r 1, ton : ? " V t . '? u n Liil ; tliff? t ? 1 any long? r. Mr. I t i i ? v os u .it in their own wa . none woul I nt ! No ule in rrplatini the pr Ut publican : n t.. I... foUowi ?! I Bouthi rn State -. I ! . -"i;i hen Huta rote with the Mabone (j test politii ??\.t were oomu tbe world be i.Mii ara ? Itcd by Thau. Bti >in ? Beast a, aad the real i ! Republ ? . ?wn manhood when they i i . the t hit t nth, and fifteen! b Ment-? int.. ilC institution. The j ? carries with il Whi a the m gro Fbep, D i St.ites vessel s It ti nil in hi ' ?vand Ihn ? ? th? ir orators. The ora .. h ? introduced t'? diatin gaishednn n attending tbe commi : ? Hoar long ? wdl b iatrodaced t" the ladies there? Will "? wa rule be negro ralef Why aotT Two thirda ?.i bit rapporter? are aegroes. Wa suppose wa m that nine tenths oi his supporters in Rich Htoad ara aegroes. In some count ? areaotwhib " to officer the ae rVba ? they expect al Mm?.m 's h,no!- ? .n t to take th? . i abb i" "rutie letter-carriers in Bichraoad, Petersburg, Norfolk, aad wherever there uro such carriers. They ? ipt t te p ?licemen. 'i'h.-v ex. peet t.i be appointed trustees of the public schools <?: Ki 'hmond, wh te ai I The] ?"Mi in the Theatre amongst tin Willie p. t i hev ore not oumoroua Bow, I | are t- LI by Mai: liis henchmen that thsy mast bide their tune; that they raaai wail with patience uiitil th. white peoplt uro " eda? ated " ap t i Dt eh it"l'S "VS 111 i ll r. ? i ? ms. u, -, j? ?a i. for us to i Uag t . the Ii luaion th it i ? aregoiagt ? continue long to elect ? ?flic? r?. Wake aas, >?? ...lid men of Bichatood. Ai "is. retir selves. Don't shut to the rum trhieh a ill overt ike yea if you permit Maiiov. i? heachan ato gam the Hctori whith will certaialybc v-'iir- if vi will rsaly reach ool buinis ai.d graap n. Do not be liketht Btau with the muck-rake. " Hut reeotleet thut Bahrt tafl is not a da* toted Foraker man by any m? . Mpporting Fi raker fi r Oovi rimr. Lut him arlt for United 8Utes senator. Si.he bulls the I.egi?lature and heart Foraker. v.. ar. Basai tO i ".ncrai. are not waging a h ?. liaat the < Hin. malignant? w tat Democrats have a Letter chance for essrving tbe L?gislature than for oWtiug ' Ooveraor." /."/./..?o? ?iipattk. We believe there wa? t^aething said aouio turn av<> atMiut Mr. HaNtoad bei eaiid'-deu? fur the United Mate!. Bepate, - may l>e allowed to remark other matters of greater interest to him I ... i'... occopying bit attention that he had unite forgotten the alleged oHi 'niai y uni il remind.d of it by thu IH*. ?saks . led it i..- noted thai as au claim th*? Leiiirilatuie to be Bepubliosn on joint beL l'.t Hamilton county. We claim it Outside this OOUnty. -OoMmvrtiaLQaxttU. That is to ?ay you a<-knowledge thut your party is already a.? good i in Hamilton coaaty. But what has be? come of tbe tayiag, "As goes Hamilton county SO goes Ohio " ': Ji will amuse tbe Democrats of Virginia to learn that Colonel lime* It charged by the llcpnblienns of Ohio with floodincr I ?ill "boodle." The De**B*a***f ? that Mate h .? ,,-?(,? I their Virjriniii j brethren by compelling QOAl '<> l>"iir Re] abliean ' Htnt" from the i hitclii i of th" OOrttgUertng ! ' -erais. _________?__ ? g for Ymv D B*BtO ITtWS, Ti, re ??still tlaso between now and the n forth"organisation la - ?? b I mm Tlllagt. anrl rnagisterial dial ? niittci'iii?iv ha? led if clubs of activa ? onng Dei crate, whose daty it shall be to see that ? l tu Democratic canvass ha- been aa an? I tamp ! r uat*. Bui apli d with the furthi r feel me disaffection exi ts la Iheraaki , of the whites of tho I m plomen! of danger. They lu< e some men a I who ure nt ?-, ? i pi vate busin ss. or who live loo ? ?? p..!ls. (n angled tbi ir duty, Ives th"t the in be spared. Evei D ' Tote will be di - tied I VI ' Ted 1 i shi aid ? onfldi n ?? ah di p i I mee should | not be placel in - In tbe pro We 1 most ol ed Ma- ! it ion to ? ,v II noi be to safety for the - ? ed. <*? ? involved in organisa? tion, .m-! two pi ? : poten! fac - tnd the providi ,. ug voters to \ 11 ther m ill ,.v, d to , rotiug thai II i - its thri nghoul ' ? Li will weigh ? ? need have ; ition will i ver bo ! ? , allies. lint. - ed uudi n. and ? ? |p put ?rde or the of. ho h.iv. ti ? , thi t. I 1 y oui [Co| IN 1 IA, m, D. C. October ,11 ('. '? ? I). T. Godwin-, H ! \ ?I. .1 \ , \ ? ? ? . ? I Uepubliean ? ? ? ' ? lent. ? ? ? Ei?AM*a i threat. - ( hi: II '. ? re have left Winsl ? '? three go 1 I nia to be \ . 11 : watch the border ? ntics. i i 1-day. ?? ts OM Mai Rtaun. II. C. i. l.i v?i* as f..II ... " It lulu, k Henry were to rise fr dead with all 1 '. fealty i- ?i go I nt when ?t asks me to vote I [ know to bi become i vici m i. I love my par! -, bni I love Vii . and I believe ti tinn of \\ illiatn M ihone woi >\ i ? ped toorgai i ioan party of \ : . n there ? t,:t? men gottei to do it. i for the tick? I i f the parti si de and count i ev r since that, I i liall not now." This is the character which is given to Mabonb by a Republican whose veracity nobodj wonld dur. t i question. Tic-. Tbt*tb I',.. '?'? ? ave the Philadelphia Press credit th< other daj for told its party friends in Montana thai a would not do t,i cheat tbi crats out of the Legislature. Will the l'a ts allow its Wai bingtou cotTespondent nnrebuked for such false stateni? nt j n- the foil?.win;; concerning the Virginia II - We quote the coi been posti and evi n.e, is given for taxi The Constitution of Virginia d i to pass a laa .? the paj un nt of any tax a pre:, qui. ry is manufactured out ? f tho whole cloth and ;?? as true as and no truer tl sn tho - imo ci : ? n , S Wo s I :. SI:,,re dono! Cl ill.! OU " till K? pnblicani from Mahoct and the i onseqm I victory." Then- is no tellia ? betwi ea this and bIaboxi an 1 th. ,a ! ?ot -us if tho Bepuh a u i si ? more solid. Is Mi ure oontrolof the I ture? Why, of curse l?e j.s. A ma? jority ,.i one on Joint ballot in n S wonld 1menough to return him to tbe United ? , und that one voto hi anAong the senatori to t> ? this year, who will hold '. Ton will elect m riryears, ro tollect. ?, ? lay._ BRIEF COS&EHT. To-d iv is lb?eistration-ilny. A cotiteinpuriiry asks, "What laaFatV. Atnerieun I " llu ought to bo ?i!! putriot ism. ^^^ The first duty of fvrrv Democrat this saeraing ?? to see that be m prt*perty re? ?. The New York Prrsa drops into poetry thus. Oo, register, ere you forget It, l'on t MSB your vole, or you li regret if, , WeefaaTtaMaVti the coupkt to ull Ln-mo. crata. ^^^ The Philadelphia /?i'/uirrr *nys: "Having uKcapcd tiuhnriiii <i from Chintgo and passed safely through Milwaukee, ihu Pu \ cans muy consider themselves pretty WOO BSTStslmStOd.*1 Hut bars they Visited ,'hilu delphiH und t;iki-u the chances of the bier there > .._____^_____ "hiopthief.",tfcm'tsssnlona.Tatii buy a bottlo of i)r. Hull's Cough Syiup. So HALIFAX CONFIDE?! SHEEXPECTSTO SFNDGOOD TIDINC FROM THE ELECTION. Million.'. noodle and ??till Hunt-Meet Ii ??r ike Ceuaty Desseeratat C"??i?> m It t?*-.?. ?rorresp.iti'J.mce of the | | Halifax bopc and eipect ? the Demo i luis not bei n, il ?? ' but "i ' H. n. Wil i ' onr i an i? H km?. I'.'i . and II >B. Jo P H tnd.cai ?l making ' . " i ! Il.'.i H ' ne maj ritv foi t'aptain M K" nnrlfl ? i ? i ' I t that ? CAVi ;. v Con It ? I" Idress tti" !? will I ? ? - ? 1... t : md Di point and ?? the worl ,. i- 1" ' . i the "way-uj yonder-iu-thi -sk\ " order. Hon. Paul ?'. i ? ni por end ? if hi? is n turned t . - ? , 1 ' ?vi d. : ? . ? To-day is '.' Yn \] p. ul !.. the \\ lil!'" Inbabl v irglnla. ' I ' ' . - ' truth? ?' r I. win ? ? " t; by John t" - ' Y\ diiaiu Mab ne. Ii Virgil rrii d by William Mu ? to t .11. w. already ! l'.il'll; V i i e'ie lerutii . . tin fe never .- dut} Who are trO ? ish lu? i'lh with the ruh : 1 indui : . be the trui | pl< of al . u? ?nti rn d-reveni \1 ud tin ' . all th; living, l?un ?te -n;,r. m i . Lei doubts the important ?? "1 this ? read "Hayti; or, l . R ?m emini at anl hi r, Sii nil. Lei him rea ling a count of tl practi Dg nit. Iren l?> ting off then heads into bui kets half filled with rum t i hi dr.iuk L;. the hi luous wretel . ng t.i be il An wo to come to tl '? in \> i ? country. I' am no als ? re is no ? i ? I am : them now have for ma : wbii I i and go ? .11 rote t"i W . in- I? - lo not u? pr< | portance >.t th.s moment i?n. I ?. j them I ? np .. it befi ? I of which Wh? n i nment ' ; . the first ral * of hit class at Harvard l ? ? a B . s monster in human form, win. i,i the - in one of the i. brutally butchered in cold elevei ?mi n, and chil Iren v. ho we:-.; innocent butcheri ai badder \\ itb horror, This tame John Brown utte- down at Harp? i Ferry in broad da i in the i nof th'ir pui . Aad yet to-day his name i- emboJ roof the Bepubli. can part] : He isthe beau ideal of all that publicans think Is good an ' i v.r. tehedcivUii il ation of O? James on, and Thou i 1 Btoaewall n. Virginias i can ron doul which civilization yon ???? uld choose ? The lb? \? illiuin Muh?mo the other by PhiUp W. HcKinner. lei choice. _ | ,14M. i i lh t!;stintion-iluy. Biu-Stom: Cap, Vi., October U, | Tu On Edx'?r of the />/*,.! ? W IH ".lui plaaat correct a statement that Wat mad" i:i vour pup." of ahmit ten dan four Lyaenl arg correspondent, in u:ii!.t iv.-w he bad a,?, it la nie ' W, H I ? Lyachburg, says that atshoaehsd a difficulty with <". YV. Evans, and that Kvsnabad turaed against him and would cur i v Juo vote? ajpuBst Mebonc I wu?, as I found out ?iiic" my return, wrong]] ii: i about Mr. 0. W. Evans turning ? M abone, aad t" do Mr. Evans ju? hink it right to bare the above pub. lathed. Yoiire truly, \V. 8. Palmsh. Huh the (Salvation Oil ?h sud you will ruh t'e out. Get okly the genuine. ?t? cunts. Wonderful Success Dr. A. <:. Vfcllard. at 'ilehmnnd. Vs.. u having ile has cured i,m ire i, j i i ms ?< i In : irabts by otbi r phyat etana. Knife not used. f?"nd stassp foi reply. Office.Sa7nortb slafthssresl wii?r.. ! Baoadi v?, HOB, ?OHB I HASSET, ? Wot,un ir. CliAiM"',. , ?,?, s.-?.; UXV, s -. LAMHSTI!, hlrbm .:. \ a.; ?. r. mom ro.v ". p., i ? : of Vlr ? I ? . I ? I have knie- I I I ' 1 m- SB I IBS? ?as i for m si '??'?sP, ULI ? It \ .a; charge la lie is n( lirir' '. | I bars no : ? i i.l'C-8. ? CERTIFICATES. ? I ? ? - f who are ? I kn >w ? glvet reliable gentleman, and V ? i I bad ? t,. grow larger an I more pa ?? ? wn? lii : ?i. I ? A. i i Wollaril. of I . I'?it sir. -I ?M glad ti.'i' 1 --in Inf ? ? ? Bali ? Bai Dr. ' - ? - ? ? H M'.ill.l.. t-",ir the ; ? ? . . who ba? i I sly, an i I a:r. well "i !? '-I with lb? ?? ' ?V, IN. !t;. "' ? ? ? in.- tumor : my eT,' ?.?(!? V. tgh1 'i, tbe Ii :. ? -o t ,r to n . l: \ i,' ?.,- irnei sh lilt:, Ill ? Thin 1st I ha tide ol my I ? gri w - i.. Wol ar I, ,,t Hi, : l. hi d ti?- undertook my .?v.; and after ?it monil illrely ?-I!. I smsider II ? ? having pa ?-? . - ? l S :ti cancr !o n-,p . : , ?j,-. \\o isrd. v'y i ' , v,i. li. r. bAKI . . ? ? ? -: ;-? of it," I ,if tli.? ' uenc) of a dus ai moat earnest! i recoi ? and i to ai all th n youi treatm nt Ai ) . . i . Bsv. j. it. V. '. IENEK, is PlTSRFr.l?.!, VA.,f.lTTI8 turn II STBBST .III! ' i tending. '.I.ea- IBSS?. lai when I i tu Or. V. -? .ol. I BOW ' an i can Ma4.fAKA.ll 18*44. /'/. .1. ' ? my brea fortuit? . J ?il' a ... Ire. I i ? i I ?. Hr. A. i . Wollard, ol I br. i? oltai 11 ? ? . William n , uesiNsain cotrsrv, w. va.,1 - . , This I? to certify that I rruflered with a ob my boss of two years'a large, eovsrtng bssi n s . itwa ; incer by several pny ? ? ii ver. " '??: to all who may antler ??un enchdlaeai Ifully, A. U. Ii LSI N aareA Dr. .1. (-. n styB it the y ear 1S7T a Basalt lump " ? - ? ? | sligbt batooeslsBtdbKbarge. it wus not pata f ll, l?u whs quits mmenced ???. ?i? ui^ard oa -, i' aviuK an . .,,?? very aiei m ks] sharp, lai l wa-, satlsfled it m . i malignant character. It was then to !'r. mo li wai a rond cancer. II hi? treatment of my casi? i.' day of January, lags, oBd bIs plaster remnloed on there until the nth day of May, Nsj, , came off. leaving a olietii rear. It m n w i su* two yearn ?Ince it came of", and i? BOW perfeotly I wall sad spartest cure. With a ? I I give toa tlil-, my ceitlflcate. aad trust that any ?Terer who may nee tin? may cal I be bsalsd alee. May t?od, mu . rofsMt, stid defend ymi fresa all harta, mr you ?van In your old uit" lo that yea ataytaHag health and t,a|,? thousands of auOarer.s, ts the praver of your grateful friend. JOHN Ml A KP. ItEXBiKii, Easts OQSJSTffi Va., Jan. 1*>, l??-. Dr. A. 0, Sal bear Sir. - 1 am banpy to inform yoi that my f?e? i- well, and il given mo much alsi aid my teslitnouy to the raauy teitltaoulai? that you already have of your professional akilL I i a*?ure you 1 would uot Save that ugir. tmuble ?.,inn tumor bark on my face for many times what Its removal baa coat me, and 1 uuhesl tatlugly advbc all person* ??fti- ted with cancer ou? affe-tioim 11 avail tb"mselvoeof ymirwell attasted skill without delay. Years truly, .IAMES HCUONALD, Minister of tbe Mothodm gpw.-op-il t'burcb. South. oo lS-eaxtAwiuir JWr FIBST EK0LI8B LUTHERAN ('IM ICH (northeast rortiT of t;ra.? and ?evonth ?irret? .?Kev. 4. H. Hrmas. pastor, will preach at II A. M. and 7::?o P. M. iBl feet - ra .riling sor men: Is the Custom of Ha'slng Money for th? lort? Treasury by Kalre. Concerts, Ac, Berip turally IttghtT ?SBBSBf school at Friday ?vouii.t' ? M lice at H o'clock. ?eat? free. IFeletase t.all. HarFBIFAhS. MEKTINO FOB irrtet aarakrs Kvisv lAUAfi Hoaaiat ntu . srn fre?. and all aro ara above First ^arrices t on V. r.!??K-:nY HOSSTS HfHrFBIENDe1 MISSION (TWEN TT I'lFT.'i m Igloos ?errleaa ?"id arary Braasi al t ? v- ?? P. bf. rorskla a M atHeck tti -y PatBAt NlUIlT. _ t? Pir BEVENTH-STBEET CHRIS 11 IH CHURl !l I irvlees at il A. K. ?n i ? P. ? ? i a . tt'v. Jasbs Hall. Ruadsy ? t? tuf FIRST I* R E8B Y T E B I A N CntJRCQ ? ' '? i Made i it. p. kr.iti. i'. ?>. i . M. and 8 P. H. also ?' WasT ii, n- i P. H. ttanday sd A warm w? '. ?it. _ t? ?BIAN ? .... . su at .". P. '.!. T' i!! n' s P, H, CHE D PB I \ N i ? ? Presett? ing at 11 A. k ?it prsyer* Bl s ,. _ - "FOI RTB PBESBYTEBIAN ?. ii' i A. V. an I to'cli >k P. H. bj I I Wed H. PBEET PBE91 Mas V i-AiK. i?. n. A. H. nu! s h \. H. Wednesday I ?? ? is \.T. METW ' 'AL CHUB.? " : H. and - P. v'. - g a" 3)4 P. M. ' ? i METHODIST ! ! . M. LAUBEl P METHO I IK, I'BS I? i HODIST CIlt'Ki it (tirare sti i th and ? ? i. a H. an " at - P. M. II t? METHODIST I ? ?? A. and g _ is UNION-? rATION METHO ? bingat 11 a. M. anil 7.3011 ST. JOHN'S PROIES ?PAL ' H?K? I i-. ?? ?ail. Uku.i. Rev. Pitt P >wg| I, D. I ! Nl. riled. : s CHURCH. SEB \ h ?> ! - ? HI .':!'. A. M. [NTSCHUBCH (Madi Reo'.or.?Morning '? t MONUM1 ' B ?BCH ? ! , " "? . It . ID W ILL, Of %' I IBST BAPTIST CHUBCB t. H. and s p. M. : \. M. ra-STRBBi CBArtu?Kav. B. I IND i ' VII tST CHUBCH (corner Haln and SI W. W. I. imiK'.'M. 1>. I?.. Will preach at 11 A. M. a:. I a P. M. MsrOBACE STBEET BAPTB3T ?. m. by Dr. Bill d< - I ? (ore fi - HI m ! Library I i :CBAPT18 T i ? - H. I Wi . . ?? ; ln-ii a ?:a; ? ? i : tSOAT NuillT ' Nl ,.ir by Ur. I'ui.i.aro. I All eel te i PIN! ITB !' I. !' BAPTLST . .1. Ii. IM rsos", Pastor. u A. M. an 17:30 P. M. Kev. I!. D. RAO LAND Will pC P.M. mr WEST-MAIN -BTREET BAP lain aid Beech ?r. Rar. -. a. '. .....?win, I). 1?.. .a' it , 'dock A. H. and h P. H. ?"??in lay - ' le A. M. Praysr?BM. . .;. AU aie si _ Is HT OLA1 STREET BAPTIST i H' Kill corner it Clay and Grahams! - !. A. Yi. ?? a 11 A. M. and : i I'reyor-meetlti,, . at T:i.', P. M Young men = mootiu? aeturdsy al MS P. M. u UsT-VENABLE-STBEET CHUBCB ieorner of Twenty-?njt aud VetisM?*,. BOkeOl at fcIO A, H. li'l. hing by Rev. iC ii. i'lTT, stll A. H.and T:3u. P. il. U HasTHOWABD'S-OBOTE BAPTIST riTTTHrn risaatlin ai li ... :. -k a. m. ana 7.1'; I', it. ?yl'.'iv. Mr. HeOASTtT. tsUssB V ??!. nsSlBilm WlllBBSHF TtlUgl. flo toserkHfc, by Rev. c. ic ? ko"i;.?iiask?. ??????????????MwaaManMHMi FOU SAL?!, A UUUHQTOH TTFIWH rEK, No. -?, vvini DUE, ??heap -lu flrnt-olaa.? con litio a, ad good as new Address J. W. J., Hoz 9W, city. oc 14-31' R Htiimt-wanns. HIIOND LtK'OalOTIVK AND MACHINR-WORKA, rtlC'HMoNO, VA.. MTKAM IHU1.NBS AND tl ?ll.KIt?. Our facilities for the monufaolur? of U1QL' OLAfHI H AJL*U IN IKT are dii*urua??*L If you aeed ?Mam power fur any purpose call u? lhr*ugL telephone, and we will ?eud up an ox pert to nuiii oeumates and mu?? price*. ItlcUHLiM) LUt'OMOilVfc. AM) HAI.'lilNaV nui.!.... my It ly OVERCOATS. FALL OVERCOATS. ; ,i nr. HBDI1 B, \M> BsUvT-WBIOlT siki.K'N?, os - ruits, DIAOUMALS, WOBSTED. Cil "???Il 1 WILLS, AND i tSBMIVn $5 TO $30. WINTER OVERCOATS. CBIN1 ur ; \-, FOB BEs Bill LTLAND .. \: gRMO I , $8 TO H'"""?. ALI. NT.W GOODS AND KB** Henry n uuHEN FOURTEENTH AM) MAIN". ? ?1II4I '!?> - RICHMOND T) - I IIL'KMD FOBTilKEK NKilll - ' 'AY M \'I I Mr. J. B? POLK, ti o elli ? ? ef mil ? SII.I-.N r PAKT" ?? I KICHMO?D THEATRE! ? ril hKA" ?N i , I WITH Wi UNi 'ii\,i asm SAI! [IDA Y MA li? li.WV. ? ? ,r .cu i .? "? Opl ra 1 ' v II roR 'I Ml. - I. 'Ill? \l". KINi.'X ? SATI'KDAY, i ii-'iia'. ' ? M if : sic. TU It El ? - '?II'. ARMORY mi; THE ? N ? I ' INCH DIN? tU ' : . ? ' 'h li.'.cr ?> Ilh I -lip. ' i ' , , , 1 I ' , r- r, J Lill/ 11 i. [ 1 ? till ? ! i I i.I"Il RACES , . P. M. i A l?l ? ( '??It HI KM. ?le. i tALlFoi m\ ri;i v 4T l.l i NEW BUCKWHEAT, Ma pie Syrup % ? White Clmei Flo i ILL o-li New Rochefo?i? Ch; AM? Pineapple Cheese ?T O-I! I \\ NOTTC'K. ANCHESTJ f i . i .??? : be a Ided t.. t City hn i ;s. i BRON ?I till ? TasAiuags'i ornea, Hsyaico coosmr.i Vouer. TO HENBICO COUNTY .1 tX-PAYBKS " ? fl 8 BlATB A.NIX ut N : , ?. Afi?r . tionai ttiii?. On aeoonat of lbs ta oouBty warranta re ?? ? UBuaiig K. ENDS a- I Us . . . I'llMIIU. I HEREBY APPOINT RICHARD L PRY a n \, us 11 v.A r.u.N-WUHKS, lsui Byrdstn .??no -il* ***. i mo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 1 We ?. s of the i .. our sgesi .. liKNEBil SERI ?NTH K Bl I ,, bat win, , ?? buy aad Olvsa under our hauls ,'ny of Augupt. 1--,. I ?A. Ml ?(?KB. oclt*-:w .VitY * CO. FOR SALE, AN ELE lANI i ? MUU. LADT. S PHAETON ?*? with child i ?eat. A ti ir/alii cau bo : owu?r haviug uo furthrr i?.? lor It. App f ?'? W. C. SMI III, ;,i north i-iftii surest \\r a SafTTH, ('AliliMilK; *?**?, i vf . MAM l-'ACTl'P.fcR. "tu nerur.VsHBC Fifth etreet, rtasPANELBI i S - '? il?; BIDI -BAI BL'i HIES, V I ? 1?' oadles' ! PIIABTOlfa, ISO to ??Ml; I'AYHtN WAUOM4, $'.?) to SltO. A niuul.erof SKCuND-IIANI? III u. HIES, PHAETONS, aad WAUONS os haid al ver> lew artesa A sail ?"iietted. Kiu.'.irtiig of ail kiuds done at ?owe?; pricaj. - ,,n PAINT?, VAHMMtl.^. 4c. i^LOOR-STAINS, PAINTS, f ; PLOOR VASUUUsV, w MATERIALS POB HOUSES SliiN-, COACH?, '? ANU (..U?N'KT-KINI.stlKU.s, AMI l.i.A. ARTISTS' MATKUIALS IN BUST Sl'PIT.Y. It will puy you lo call or writs us. SOL J. blNSW'ASuKK. .l"i lost Hroad ?iro?t. ?o ISTiuThASaJm lUchmnud. Vs. ?Wv I B 111 THE I nt: MADE ONLY By "' GE0.A.MACBL7 '?ft? . HE-NO ' ' ? Ik-nnisde dared in 1 mort." City in the that Hi Ti a wa ? "a . ?rds. lit V 1 TEA is m by tlu i thrij I u and . ask your grocer ron l-'E-N-i tfa. and raKt ri)TI HI..'. MiTATioaa MAK. ' I ? 1 rnoTl 1 i. ?? i i " '***. "-T-.-T?? ?/ . '\\ l? 4" ALT1 ? i eradicate Impure bl. ' f Cancer, Tumors, 4'hroMlc Sno>, lioils, niotcbe?, HerrnriuI ? pela .. i i "? nil?, ate, ? i. ??\ ?!< 1UM( '" . . r 1'owtlnu > Weak i m:';., Rroncblila ? i?' . 4lir.mle I ! : m < U. i?v? pi'l?-.!...' i IISA'c All ROM IK AM? irst'AI.I.IBI.K HI 'lt.(> Y foil DIHKAHEH I'M 11.1 ?R ?. ?? II. .?; ti.iv, u ., ;.,,.. n ml ' ? >i riotiM Sy?tf m ? "A II 4' i:\l'l.<IIIKt\! ? c 1 ? <: . a ? ? . ? a I. I K4>l 111 IS ?.% 114 MlMi ." |1 - A Ii ?wmm r?*?t ^afsJ^S^?. ... a pc nr/Vr. cdfjc rcH $/CX-H?AOACH? CONST/P?T/O? ? ?CAO St Au OSuC?UTJ ? ? ? SUD rCH l>A?iPHHT .\\ \cmb GROMO mraiQA taw it/it Lt, nr. ?'* - WALLIS ?c COS NEW ORLEANS Customhouse Cigars, H ,." ' Kal< MfORI'BDTOBAt > ?, Kult icsurrt, \!tK' dm i;\N HAM? HAJMb Absolutely p'iro and iir. a ? ira te, patato, . r rlav la a beautiful ai garro o: al loajy HVeset clgar lu tat TTaltti tiatas tas ksitar b?ars f. ? uns of un? gt>d? kLowit tu the irai?, lu L.rsod by ose hundred and soveuty of tho ?cry Iar?e?i wholes? .th. Hi rti?. Htat, a el YYe.t? 1? by far tfc? he?t-alrertUnd cig*r iu BBS I'alotu '.arlf BSfVSrasS 1 to nearly every Ci alse, iu usny otker wa ? Standard STSt L At Bl it.'ly .. '.r e \\ Agencr Rlvea kl aask city. V? rue tot prier? and tea .n MARHHALLk -VON?. UBe, WsMslssttt Ag?uu fur liwbmuad, Va. stlt-eodtn OtMUlH T va CHARLES A. MEKCEB, urn ils r. au s-?wkL'Ua ?7 BatsT X. ai? rrratst, I14MIM-4. ?Il AI ms , ,< , %r popul?r ; ? I STANDAR I) : i - i a? ?>(>j . i LANK IHM ? ? i >i ? i. ? ? ? ..OfAl : M^?/ I / r V.l! ? (?? ' I Ois. IH.MN Vit ' . ? ? ? ? l\sl ? II' \ Mi - 1TUT?AL i rats w . ? Intba IIRi: LUI l'i.lliMM? Il PERI l\M\l. POLICY. - V - tow rat"-- ? r. I>. ? JOHN HLAl IS WII! IAM 11 Iff.i ?? \ |-KI?l'Ua?1 H rpo I . - ? I ? I ? ? rilO BUILl 1 i. ? rial? an : ? ? ? . lie il? li in reserva I ? I !.. W?i.. t'aptaia uf ?u.lae.r? l ui'.-l Maf? ias *?n,U.eer. rum and M-Ui Jistrwui? ?c n strds*t