Newspaper Page Text
VIRGINIA SYNOD. THC WORK Of THE nODY AT WIN? CH? ?TtRDAY. ?lie ( ., : tat?! "?-., (',, I , ;:,..,?? vr-P. ??.?'???.? He? ii All... I ,?. I ? ? I , ? 1 ? I \. ' ll. 1 ?' 1 , ? ? H I i ' ' ? ? i ? ? ? ? I ? ' . - ? ? ? ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i . ? Mr. 1 I ? ? I ? ? ? I up- ! ill III lliel.t. ? ; ixMiraiice ? ' I the ci f Del ? l ? ? ' ? wlm li lot UsM. I ? ,i, centre tu Uli I Opeia-H?ll e has I it tllf .a 10 WiUOB CAlSt' 1 ti.lVUi-tlUUt I?C i ardir? ! . inn cl ire wart* ? Suhl iu-,,1 v Ityfor the entire tick-1 ? i lay. THF. EASTERN SHORC. the lanraae Arrima ?hi i raood B4si ? n.'i' ? I rtern Kho ? ? ? -, i I 11 i i 11 ? ; of i ? .ne Im rank M. I ?' 1 th.- rial?, and n Committee? . m cant ? ? ? ? . . ? : ? ? ? : ? ? ' ? I i I 1 ' ? ? _ in- flyati ' It - . ? ' ? : Mr, M. .1 : in- ilUtlii i ' ? ? ? ? . I ? I!, ?, '? II' ? ? ? I'll! ? ? SOUTH WE i ? ' i1 i.' ? ? nt Montgorw rj Spri fill ? \"\ . ? i ? ? i tig to 1 .\ ili .? .i the l?*o,i ?!?? In -t f. itlltH !??! I ? i n t y. I Roano ndiil ?? evcral poii i a ben- m ?'!> ? ? whom W( ? ? ? . , ? ? ? ?tile MllllOl Palmi ? will tul : S ? '.-. provided \\ uli i . -nt. ?CRATICHEADQUAR : Ipiiulu) .nt? t<> Speak Other Matter \i i i !:t mad tuiiiittri ' -. elllle - ft, :"?, . ' I 10 . ?ill. ' II ? | . W'l ;! ? . ! ?day, No h i,. Coloin I I. <,i W si] ? ti :,. ? ? It. Fishc liiarter ??? it li tin ? i ? Id pre ! i I \ ?i lllBf liu.v i;l lliirkn Ilia. ?rain hi las DUpetefs.1 ? ? , roduci - remix r, tin. I-ut ? ? urnor a Mies* them. Ii i~ u ? ? . ,\ ,11 !??? polltxl. KeptlllllcHII V'MllllUlt. I II.. Va . Q I. ISS?. . held s tin, tina hem 1 ? \ti. John M Ayloi this county, to rep ? uinutrd ..? KtanardgviUe last aed to i nu. Drtiui.geii Sy toes ?ressvaa. rj r ?|?,-iuj.'i tofhS flltualch.I I.BMis. !?i: , <>.-? . as -. [sooner prank ? front Norfolk foi Port . ?ved here yo?t?vrday taakina Iv .she lost and split ull Inr lower sails ,-iud luid I-r i|. ckH nwi'iit m tin- ual?* (>t Octohei liitli to 171-1?. rHtewnebiowi m ( i?| - Muttern*. Workmen are viigafcd Ul j : bar, I THE MISSING CREW. STEAMSHIP BALTIMORE BEING RE? LIEVED OF HER CARGO. Knrtlier Detalla of Disaster? on Hie It.n. Rivers Ht?ing-A tTssaaa Killed i?> - : Noan ut, Oi toi ? The ? i i. ? -i the i"ai b m ? iS IK.i r I t!? -, morn! m 1 1 ship will lie saved <?f tbe ? tlir- wn ' ? ? ' 1 I tor', rl ? " ""tlie lili" I , 1 n II. H I ' ? ' II ? i.| risi I IS ( , . , I 1 I ? ? ? ? I ; .nk o. Di na ? I ' | II \ | .! -U" s. ' till i line. ? tuat lamenta N ell il-1 : :! dip. win i -,:.' I.lll!:. 'I the 1'.. ? ; 1 : Il i'le !?-. i : \v, re 1 N ? Wi NOTES. . if ?;i. hrnond and Dam ill Shipping Matters. ?grata t.? in? i)"i. l Wem Pois , Va., O ? ' Him?, VV. II. I ?l. H. I1 ? I ?un vil in y lui- i--. ". " ::-.'. !' Ii\ it. i ' 11\ ? hen witb .i view to ? : ? i 1:1' 1, un ?si,7. : which lier-- aboi t B O'cl ?' I, tin- I: ' 'Muir ! ? ? tel, ?! i-, :it Will 1"' ' 1er to-day j ' !" :?. i . ' M0RELIGH1 RONiNMUnCLR. i .Via? lin Uni . . t'Ollfl I I ? . ? .. i (Lui 1: I m n j.i .' . kcpl i:.- ? \ i il "A lll . I : ... .11 liai tlilli tii boa ? i" the (':*>!-.'u cot? ?? I ? ,i participo] t. 11; s story I: tolleffei . lin ? man, it ia ai !..- ..: tbat Bnrki , propos* ?! "i . - ii member theexeeut . ill-..n cottage ? p..le e ana i ??? ' i ?na tu unravel tur the last ait moni i ianve m ill? ut i m s, but bava d till tboritiss, TakiiiK e\ ideiice in i Ui ?ii-u ti~ i "?i continued the pn - ientiflcstioi found m i be - steh basin ."is thai of Dr, Se\. ral witness. .for th par : identifying tha bod). Tin- next Hint ti 1 taki ti up Stag i ? . tinilinu ut Iks body in theeatch'basin, T'%? ? who discovered the I tifietl tha p iet ?int toe pollce incu who were sent und axtisted iu rt>J SAOVtnc the li.ult were sworn as to this ?ding*. I i I' . ntndo iminal ion oa th?s head vae*j" the wit tlic priK eedinfr? in (,"'i tbel Ott* witli ??.M. a? ?-. Dr. Cronin'B body ? ii -Iii, m the I ariooneoTtaae t.> tl. ? 1 r, night frmn I ? morning '" tfao ? ml , srefoll . kepi unt;l ? : crowd rtathi ? , gtil v.'ivs tul??n i ? ?-wagon ? i .11 d ? of this ? ? ? wh . bad i pera montb. titled! ly. Hi . r, eti . !-?? ? ..-.I ai i r. ain. and ? ,ise. r phv ? ikcn from the a i ; ?? I ,i- -, rili tl ? ?ah by ? i after u,h : it tun ? I . ?:? itb. the /-??' ith did ? ?ii was llera Cal : ? ? ? ,lll| IS ? Printing I UK ,1 :l ' ? ? ?uni of il the .'iiin.l,, r about it b 1 ast. No i hum I ? Aftel tini and ? ?? .,? , i. No ? advt. ? ? ? -?.!? 0(1 in'-. 1 rin l| 1? of ? money ? I be 'iu|,,' . iti il - i i.- Irli Ity. ling by i ? : ? i'oiirt ? ? ? to Sing Sin? ? ? ?. ,-r, I II i . man Mr. 'i Illinium 4 "in?ndl. it to Ntop Speaking lij Hirkneas. i i Mien G i ipellcd || Rtlip ? ? ??? ?! more i ords were i ted lam ? be hull who a down. A ? II,- regretted ? , v.,I for tbn Km to ; ? ? tin I. WOll; i ! 11 ! ?? . i iplnnshlp. ?. ' 110 0 h n 0 0 h o I ? . ! ' .:.,! Vi 0 i 1rs -Town Records Lost. ? ? " * . ? 1 the I Kin i. ! dol II oed. \ t'en) ? tnnlvi i . ? - N. M R . Charleston, S. i ., .uili in Oil. . . tpatce.1 ? at tii" Douds \' ? pted. [By !? ?!? graph to '.t." in?. ? d Tu!??, V\?x.VAO e% \e Tim Chief Itraaon for the great ?aceetaof 1 , Sartaparllla 1* found in the fact that Merit Win?. It 1? thu beat blood pariser and actually ai-t'omplitbee all that ti ela'.oied tor IL t?-?4uc4 val; by C. L Rood c u., Lowell, hut*. RAILROAD HORROR. A Tnilri Threes Rosas the Track by Van? dals. fUyUlegrarh to the iH?p?t'"h.l Int.iat.*!-.,! t . fj Th? aorth frelght train. N". Hi, oa the Leke Erie and Weal ? ked .?t Kokono tin? rnoraiag. The aegis? . ' ruction al ! na switch un the "tii akirta o? tha cil ?, srith eiajhH or ten '??f. a i- thrown from tl -i evpl.i'li"! iu ?, Ore to the 1 Two ears ni merchandise in-l f >ni irf < tl were i eonsoined. Engineer Menl, Fireman Kd wsrd l. Head Brakeui , ? ??? > "i Speliman were thrown hem . S w.irk of . montl -. Th? h tin -1 kllle.l li\. I si P ? i. ?1..I. funden?!".! TwlecrsBBS. aaaaMHI 'War-man i s are acOt est oa a strl??at I-...7 .'. I n? torse stsf fact > Plab , Company ui Psterson, v : , lastroy ed by Ore y^.Mrlar. 11." toe? was | A t'?- ,'i ? fr in i ? I ? and th- Dul Th" i^r-e-rn?--" ?! . ra- !? ft ' ? ? t.'ii rs ? i Important rapen, si attorney'? l ?n old . ? ? ?n.-...'-w -.i- Galena bas h> : board ? ? ? > ? them I et ti,.. -. .... ? . ? ? ,- ? > v plating their I can party wa- pre* - la i v ' aigbt 'tie party ui ity. ? . \ way i . I ? r-iroent ! Ks ? ? i ? ? alt the Li ?ew York lu i. ? ?.na romp ai - . -? terrttoi ladrtd - l?ge? i ? ? ! a -, i Com ? :\ T i . - Y0J1NG.C1J ?-, roat troubles, I ! Ayer's I It the tx for ?"ruin i t i . N. Y ? 1 lilren ?er. i iken down ut one i ? Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ANOTHER LINE COMPLETED. KILT 3 lo 7 YEARS BOYS' ?I (0 !? YEARS COATS. ' and i hi' ! II ! SX ? appri - . . : ? ours?as I | . 'I !> A ?; :: roiT. SCH001 t!;Q". " ?0 M' .. | ' \ EARS l,AUV eir/LV . mua, t;., r . .., a j.^ ? one. Wl . - . . REEFERS '' ' " warm. SSrvlcesblo garments. -, I i)\" r"nT 'l i'l. 1 . ,,? psr ( 0 ITS v <i:'1 '? ? rary |.nr;:i ?.. ULol r.i".\ f i ; - |- ;? along a I"t ? ' V l> 1-^ ? Lett year? had ira of Itself?as diu it? ?U.V. la. pre,le. We .-airy Coats for tfce little midgets just leaving off tho bat.y cloak? up tu I are large enough to g<> as a Blekt klgsar ta tas men'? stock. Osu?priesa are trad'' aria r.n. u's trade bolder?. You'll bear In mind tbal all the o'.h?r lines? Suit?, 1', list-, et"., are in ?hsp?. u 100J,Main street. feMHM K?MET BBPOBTS, ANDIN CONNECTION THEREWITH THE WEATHER INDICATIONS. SI '.V YOllK ASt? KHIOKIMI -TOI K-l. Daily lloport? front Hnth Hoard*?lotion. llriiiii, K?.mr. asad Other t*ii(?tntion?. [By telaeraiiU to the Diapatch.1 ?? -? - | ? -toiser O??I nnu ?*in! ?. *??r''i and !?outh ? ,ir ,llun. n i fj.^lfj preceded liVtalr on tb?c tstapei ? !a wast *i rn iM.rtien?. southerly win Thb WiATnsrt m Riciwoxn TiSTinnav was el >ii It. [tang? of Ihetni meter Yesterday: I A. ><. . I Noos. I .:4 r ?'. -l HtAtalgSI . Mea.. tsBSPsratitre, .5? 18 | '' YORK STOCK MARKET. ?a are' agala ; tort market to-nlsh*. !h?m?r?ot? e activa i- :? rtrosg taxlay , favorable cbs ? i ? . . lylog .i. th >, as were i . ? ? ?... i , ? . . t- ? s w.i ?-,ci mlsslon - .. ? I aaylag for lb. I r i ?act,,i ' ago aie! - ? ,7 mid ' ? ... igsr was west HN fail la Iba : ? . i i i ..trnrr, was B ? ? ? .- 'Hl u ? . lion in tl" ? .... log t ?war i 'i. . ? .. Ml .H' and Den . . it',. ? en 1rs . North?ru :- ? Si> ran?',? quiet and ' ? ? ???r-:,J ? 'I' l M I.', coup BS, 1 ? .. I ? .\iaoauia?On/- ? < '??oruln. T*. 'i . . ? n. rat . ? Vii'/ir.lai . . . ? ?tel . . . i 11 : . ? t . . 11 barle?ton. . . : i', ? . : .... ?3 ' . i ? land . .... ' . ?v-.tiTTi L'nioi ? ? ? la RICH"1 . ;k excha - ? >?rl. ? '.'a-,'. ... .1 i ? ?..!. I| Mais -?. cs rist, ?ri. i t : .i .? i ii i .nj ... . .ii, I ? ;?. . .' - , ... i,i lu . Kau ,. ? Ist T*l.Ill 1 ?l ? . .... I ,..110 ? . .. - let 4'?.....?.|| >, ?ii Kg . . ? i ... : .i ? .US ' j ... ? ? .IS Bailboai?*m rar. ? , ; .tersDurg.1J0 Jb., t. av P. alv. oblifb. Ill Hi Merchants d Planters8av.... ?J is HMOND TOBACCO MARKFT. ,. ISS9. isl-revenue I . saltii to-lay , | i md dga i . ? i'iir'eys P xri? las o? H if, Thers is ??? . : - i.ts t?os ?t plug men v, : : SnUgS "f. I bfl . ,d ,siii ! ..i.irai-t Strong II I I sts and .S"rtti will mal" a veiy ; gany wra r-iri-y. latertor tnsrfceti report brtgbJssttO to das, ? BS, Itro.ilis ?re pSi f,ir raarkst _?? GRAIN AND COTTON EXCHANGE. HiciiSDMo. October .:!?? tsa Watt itSj l ,A. Kve.?1, balbs t* 'i?.<r4o m seeeeri t*. (u?hela ve.-y gool at : . -. SUxed, "?0 ou?tj?l? ?dmo 'm i good nt ?-.-. retal .-i b ?sh'jis very good on pri mil. Uys,??"n bushst* vory good st iOc. ". | ?/? in:? i?. ii,?A|ir,1 ?ipsrOaa ?2.75a : fl fsntiy. IUKW palan. jii?J-r.f ;.??a4?.-'? ? ..: Markst Mrn. (M cTAriOSA .MlDULIV 1. . I.OW Jill'llMNI?. !I*,C i.bti/uaaiMAKi. ;s,c. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH SEW YOKK. N'bw Teas, :i dull; m'.l dllog, 10',.-. ; low middling, lUc ; net raeeipu . -?. 1,1*1 tilled; SSI I I ".l.e,, , .,',?, . rwsrded, ?25 bales sale?, <55 bales-all t ?ok, ll.i?i? bale*. Southern Oour Wheat dull uud uusettbsl. No, g red, ;.tiens leas active, ir I ri'a-ular, snd J,aV up and siaady; Nu, 8 red. .; November, BSV'-: Hay, 88}.4c 1 t.'oru firm, ?caree, cud vt?,n higher i Jj-.aJi1,.'. in elevator: onUoni) more aedve and ! airouga.-; October, :u\.: ; November. 40l,c. ; Slay, tl'.c. Oat* firm und lea? aflttvs; opium* dull and steady; October, *??.??; November, llopasteady and uulet. Coffee?optlune closed baruli steady ; October? ?H.W. Noism ber.fH??Istl?; Msv. aiSatnil?: ?poi Rio ?rong SugBr la? nominal an I w>'?t ; r-floed b? fair l -m i'i I xl i ??/?<?? Kmeisu nominal; New ?ir leum. d'iil. !ti-) t?!rly se.lve and flrrfl. retro leen. - tfb?v: ? r il., m ban-l? 'Parl*r<S1.7.S0; rafl'i?.) IpnlO. and Baltimore, 7.*>". (.'niton-- kte< H* ; yei ine flnn sod BJSBBt, A'.?l firmer and In heiter demand : d?? in.-.ii ? n-?.?. Besets.; petto*. 'J3a4ic. rot-a ? . i t"r. TIStDSd . ll meats Arm; pLl?l^d billa*", ptetlsd basas, ?Hafk?:; , ; , HI '-l-sarai. L?nl ? ^er, srfc?$ bM and!".- ??Sad; Novsss . ".M>|.1: lie. ?rav K-eight* Ur:-. . grola. rill. i ? - a-h .(.intet!??? were: ' . Ko. t spring wheat. TM^aS No, .' r S nata, ?sv>v. Mee?-pork. II 1.7". Lard. ta. 9\ Rhor.-i itder?, H.ViatAiT.':.,. ??key, ?LOB. Til?1 -'Bilng t il .i-1? i-ani.-: as fwnuss wwbat. optmir. anseht, c/oe*??*. r . . "*'. Vay. s . v, ?i e jp. May . <)?Ti. i- , bl . . pass. I i ? "1 'in " i. a La an, ? .?i ... .i tOJ .lamiaiy . %M '? ? ? ??BOUT-Iti a?. Ni.vemtier. |..' I. m i 4.::*, BALTISOHt BaATUfSBBV . .--laiir i?.l?f ?nl .ia?r Wheal iro dul ? ? . ? , -u m atbern ? are? mid nominal; whi'e, |ls4V y.'il ar l.ivll : w. itSTB I! I ri -.-. : r..?, ?* , ? ? ? '. ? ?, ; rim? t.. i ? stsady. Hese- port . $ " ir au?l .'??r nu Sides, |AS>; sugar ?motad ? i. i - sosaU, ? i .n. western, flas?*. ; dull; \ i , re; Boa ? Klour, .; wtiMat. 17,oofl I . - vr i Sr. T? ? ? : tsadr. i a ? ?er, 77 \? - . ? : ? ?'nu n -, " t. ? LOCI? ?am t','m. Wbaal les, I pack? I, - .: . rl boms, " Sal 'Iilst und ? '. 'I ? - P k i arelj - . - Bull . WILMINGTON. Wll MINrlTOW. N. >i-ei>nttns i ? ; ?trained, ?.v. : ?rule titlne linn, harl, 11.J". yellow-dip and ill,ill. ! ii . ptm kr?. - dtv. . i ? ' ui.I !>? . . .i, t- t. v . \ " -. ft I VI ? I Mil", a . I', : faney. Hop the I ilium i ratas ? ????si ,'. pro ? I.' Utlt | ... . party ? ? - ' II ,h. John T. ??..I. \. ? tllowi ?I ?'? Hi.lei..on. - fr, .in . I ? en re. . : town. t> l/iul? of Cba ? e k inns' " . s. nit. r Itlllliin, w?v , temper ? 1 sound "And ' ? ' ? ? by i.'.i. . wl il IKRI Vt.l a. MARTIN Harried, I, ? MAltTl 1 Mi?. Alles W, UOL 1)1 I 1 Ur?. BIKGKK -Died, last ulgbt at ' ? ' '.lor-! ut Airs' year ? after. * . , | M . ' . -11/ \ v. site of Isaac Pin. ni,, si Jr. i n-. m (jrso Bpls LetbeU. i . daugbti " and berta HcpowaU; ago 1 ten i-ir? and ' ??'? 7 : ! : - A . ,iag. I Ml i I little OBACiB m Rea '! ?K"n from ? i -anty row ui .-?re. a, lovely darling, To Itve M n Iks purs and im > H ire to Hearse PINDLKTON. !';? it tas I f ?i-tll air. ,u. H, lui...; Boaef ' a. wi!: ba auu'ii.need here ' RRA1 leset Mi ?:,;.:. n.HAIrl .d s. ii. Bead !.. I. 1 ? i ; u*ed Uiirty. ? ' ? " ???????-????'???????????i?? >1 HUM INThl I.K.I N< B. MINI ITURI Al MANA?. O.T. LIU* . MiuuTiua I "u-.- ? fc&| ?lug . S:y?7 rOKT OHsUCUIOHO, Oitobbb '?? AKSIVga ni. New Tork. mer . i passe'igers; Ueorge W. Allen A Co., ag siII.VD. ? ... rloau. New Tort, mer. ??n?. (leorge W. Allen a Co.. eat , - trie!, l'.iyo, Norfolk, mer-haali?,? ? . r A?tii?til, Tuonlll. 11illad?lphia, .ml paaeeugsr?; J. W. H-Cartn*. . agent. | PORT UP NEWPORT NHWS, tlCTOBtt ?. IV) I "i?itr?pa.i ABBIVBD. j Soboon-r K. Ii. U-rrlrtiao, Norfolk, to load eoaL Bajtaa Mua-h. Liverpool i?i Norfolk, , nieritiandiae. ?r H. II. Ogd?, N.ew York. ? r- th barg? BSOgSB klug, B'j?. . too, a au l|oH*?>ai. til I.?74, I'Ott, *e. Ft?H BALE, PITE SOUND, Yi'l'NU Ml LRs. | :,,-. \^K W,.T%. ers, warrante 1 mijui: , trtuu lar, and from tve i ? , Id. ?'an lie seen at W. U. v "tablea! tlineuu >aturua>, t> ?It' . RTT Al'AliY. ijW. s WINKS, IIOIDHS, *r. SPECIAL NOriCE. Partie? desiring to purohase J. H VI A ?UN's li KB KY K WaUaKBT, ?dvsrtisad be Slater, Myers A Co.. can flud It la i)uaatiti*s ett?er by wboleoal? Or retail, at an - Jt LIS'a t.lSrv'ltli, IHM ..??I Mam itr? ? l?*?.lra Ki. **oiid. ? a. IVA A tOAs ? *-404yrA<>' BAVE YO? SEEN THE WINDOW FULL OF LADIES1 AND MISSES* JACKETS? CHOICE. $5. Corner Sixth and Brood ? sraa? ? ettU ftae w? bar i Julius Meyer&Sons lull ami 503 BittM rtitft ?liHl RELIABLE DH < STORE. ? l ? M \ 1S BEAD Hi' rBEMESPi ' sBAMalXS P9 I'C mil HEU D1 BIS? I ' l?lir DiuorroKTi si?, pool i I BALr-trooi ?-Vi-ii-H tSHMBM,gasal fall ? ? S*sc ; .;?,-.? i : ' . . ? Hlill.lA s i , i ,no|.l> Paralan and ? c-' ,iy *-. worts s i,! IS |'l MiOXAl K, , Keel eolsftBgS, t'Alf W'k.I, au'l fine ipiallt} this "? 1 ; ? IS l*te. ritlS IH'Hi ? ?'., api si * an I Hi I ?d, bow fell i sad s rth iTcoaiy II l?' . PLAID tND ALL-WOOL Ft ANNKl, all ? A . , II \ ?- . ?r'evut > ? 's'foiS ? ? m. ., U ' : , l< ???. ; \\ bit? ..ii. ' riauu H i . i abaker riasnel la aaelt and Ona |uallt) tlrav I ?? ? .. i ?m i lean ig,ii,> \\, ,,i |, ,? MONEY CAN BE SAVED ml B GLOVES.JEWELHY, HAT TrBBHIflGS Al Palais Royal. POI'IIUR Luff I'illCES. Baal otvi nt. ? iu a ? lltle-l I.-I I. I ?tat | i,ere at ? !? il TIPS, three la a bui ' . >\ > ! vVIM.s Ibal ai- ? a. i mi i are soil to N? i.,. i m ?LOVE lu Dark '?let i jtif i , h ail ss. and HI -1 ' ?? - ilOUE ?. ' ? ? I tin-giisr ' , Ml-,-?- II' i.!A>'. K.1 at sU sad ? Mi B LOSO ? \-IIMKKK i.l. ?YgSat TSs D< ?..- i . . '? BY ara fully . Sere , LOVKK'S-k.NirT !'!V.,- u, Mlwr, Oilli/?d, 1111 II. 1 HEA*i ? f: >LL : la. ... : KB BINC ? al Ullis IKI PIM ? i.t Si?l It? GOLD Mil IN h .full lis at,ii|.l? Hills: ..,,?.. TAL?IS KO Y AL, '.KT. BVSI) yORE EXCITEMENT HAS HESS SI ""N'? TUE LUMES ?Il t in n ci it "LA rAl'.lrtlKNM. " JKUSKY HUIT3 than by any aru-'l" ?hown n, u '? n* while, lbs .eylc? a ;,i lliat itere?.i.? Bra appreciated. We tiave lue a? 1 .-.?,< ?air of ?t saos Slid Meurs? .meor more. CABPI is ?rtaiiiiy tell e?ll IbU year OSS Brada las . sors tag Bares is oraer rs preetptly. i*?t.?-|i?iii,'? witctiwi ol all ll.? basl grade? and guaiautea oui - . . S Ii? l..W?H. (??r Ut llSars u. arly all lueed out at our low price?. ( l.( | OursU'ti?' ?no.*? fron?, ii?. ?uae ?? la?? 'fi ? i rartoaa ma?. sa le?! -tyl?? ou iba N KW MAUKE i s, pLL'SB SfBAPa, . , ax<5 wrtti yo.r a'.leu'.kja BOOIsa " - r??ular fl : 4V. for l'?u worth 4L A? I ail or write for es! I a POSt lu $,* NI Urdus l?ur aaaoriment la very good and wa cao save you a tew d. liar*. i ?-?.TAINS. la e i irU ne srs toomlngwtlh ti?-eursiyleS ? 'Ulia.'Uvr. POST IEHI S with us are far I jw?t than priese Usually eased. No belter time than now to cad at LEVY & DAVIS'Sa 1017 and 1019 M a i a si reft. B t.-eASin Et-.vTiiKU'irrs son, j ?Bat . i?. ?SBistiovsk... ? ?rssrr.l I bsve uluii '?rge warer,?.,m? filled with PAR. L "K, rHA?UKll. lUNINi -.'liH'tl. ?ud if ALL? Mil Kl lit-.s. I havu th ? lateei deeigaa and none but Iks ne*i manufacture?! gcvua I abal. meA" ? ?? ? ? PAJLLOB Kt'KSl. aed keep ike latest ,vvertt.g and SkSj la>-ge?l and beet aa? a ,r i ?i, ?A to be fouid la tas . ny. Uy term? aro for oajb or lastaUaeak*. VSB*\ ~~aT PHE?ruN"BELVl!t; #Tg"| r IK XI TUR E, -? tievaraor .iimsi? KkJtau-id, Vg, ls*M?_