Newspaper Page Text
THE CAMPAIGN. WOW IT IS PROGRESSING IN SOUTH? WEST VIRGINIA. PToarnnv Ma*e* a Splendid tmpression at III i?tol-<.oo,l?iin The I'eoplo \ i ..lined. t?r>rrear?i''llJe|)rr' r.f the Klehmnnd TUspat h.l .?ridi??' H. va. Ploarnoy wa? advert ? ? . t C . .N-'ii. Mr. It. r.l, of ?r??! to ad ? ?""I ? ? i put up at tin ii ? Washing. I all?, i ! Oi-Kvl' poke half au hoar. Mr. ltvnl replie I in a halt-hour's apeech :, .mil put :' hcaw licks :'.ir Hi ?I irnilton ?p ike f.." an ? rdtotellfn lvwhnt p. :t..m be I i- set mit by i'. as ant mat n I i I n? ?.f Y ol his il. hole in the v? ?ate tl at be - ? ? II 1!. The trot g . i he a ? ?\\, :-a -k \i ?? i ilng i n hour's ? - ? ?i " ? " ' \ . i never 1 ' LIA AROU I Hos;e Tylei es Ike ' ? ' ' ? ? ? ' I - . ? i ? ' ? ? ? t i ? . ? II ' J ' It nl - ' ..i Mi i ? il-hoiu-o ildren." "Ye d I did ?II I b? npoi ? .: lift) bat i 11- OnllIlM |. Ill I Hpt w ! J ?? it . : the p. ?? ' mut . K. <i. . ' I..,,..I. n l \v. ; Rtlrrtag Deonorratlc s.,,.., ? . i 11 ?n. R. v ? loti ni 11 ikli I ?\itii Bepnbli and both ma le tt.rrii.; ? ! i . ALEXANDRIA JOTTIN lient.? ?... i;.iliiii;- Independes! Its imlilU in. - Attempted \s..,ult. ai tolesraaa te tb? Di ; aion.1 i, V.?., Octi \ Di i nidria i utility, Hume. . Ir., and Howard H. i ou Tin i ? .1 bold ;i meeting at Walker i t" forward ? i number of Re? state will unit- i Dzie and other v. ?turn ?m independent h J.'liii F. Lewis, of i :. ; ?; us, of Al ml ??::.. I?, for . r<> attempt? tj to i young whit i m. She v.l.-. returniuR t fi ?in ii i ? when the man ? anee. I ut tb ? HILL CITY DUDGET. A Number of Hem. <..?Mi.i.,i I,, the Di?. patch turre.?mu,dent. (Special 11 sOtaeetea.1 ' \ 11 . cia.ioK robbsriee here been report ring tl" ; . Lfi\ dollar in m I pden-Sidnoy, ?i 'nl. Thi ? rtolk and V. i . n ?) i. ? ? il . irry, J. t'. <, nu?l J. \. 1>.\ i Ii. and Mil 1 A'lsi'iu" ? ?1 t.i tbe seetiol La* tin ?AM o Alih?iU"l". the ware] Jones 1 lioi ii aoHtiug ca tatvity of ut icu?i a thotr?>uud peraoaa arc turned away nt every meeting. All Ute le spare in the wureliouse-vard '.is voice reachaa is also oecupfi ?!. I hold on? service fur the colored i,c:i|i',e'iiri>w iiftcriiiH'i). mid ns tin? liaxe h.i'l no (.pp. rlunttv I" beer htm fei ii is thought Inn audtenoe will beimmenee. i lored people seem to be us much IP over .Julies BS t In- whites. NAT I It is rcyortc-.l hero in.,! iv ?!, it n vetS of natnraLsfas baa been dtetTOvered Bosse wh*re on the Near river in the river-bed, mu? I lint tii" I! uif ,r,l l.nii'l l''Uii|)i?iiv hns ? i ,n mi 11,09*. urn* i if ii ? ? M. (iVTIOOft. bai becas al atas. iv, and bad s irreal rnllv. \ ,, |, nmti i ? ,' Southwest ountiee are much en! , ? -i. un 1 the l>' ni"' i ?, I and organized than ho lie river n "ti them, and he pre? dict? ihc larg? ?in- history <>f the Sew- frmn independent ?.Ora/son conn ',. the eflcct thtit "Cyclone" ill divided time there with J. I.. u ,thoville, 'I uesday, ai ? sinning as be never I fore. At I hal had i" beg them to .m,I lei him speak. He run one railroad into on? . and il el, ? lie debt int'i ?he other. is unparal. i RALEIGH'S DONATION. Tin? ?.\est.rn Snrtli Baptist As ?ix latios. - Brakeman i? i i led- The i:?niliis i n si. A ? ? .? ?;rnin to tl.i? DUpBtd 1 The Ihirtv ntion ,,; :!??? W nac? ? ? ?terday al It cf the 1. ? '. N n. called the r prayer by Rev. Dr. B. (Irittith, of Philadelphia. Offlci r- were elected for tic ' nsuiiic ve:ir n-. follows: ? t . .D.lLlS'i Ison.i 1 Ubevillc: ? . I, iv. John A m m on -, ,.| ,M. llilliard, ii county: ti rol . Ki v. \l. \. ? (j ! ? ' u, Kev. I) I.. J ' ? rroll.J. I licv. .? ! "itlcntic and : ..ill hold ;i r 21st to iteuding the oveT and in rnoon. i I ? ._?!?. ? ^ ? ? ?? wish .?m !:??! is ami s nple n.en ? ? nuntr, i. II" In! I i t Hiin-r barns ? i ? ?,' ? ' ? blast, ' tl. Potter's ? ? nue oifici s :n. In I! i son of \v. p. fl ol In- bair .' I i aecid n( of . ,,; her l>. i m mil;.'. ere? lo il to. ? ? lo !.. . D delivor ? object? Mid ? day be ?i" i. ed n laree i came u< i Edge . r. f'rowi II night. Tli" loss was . ami tin i : illnesi of the i law, IT V DISH. The \'t ol i N'rgro in North CaredJaa. ? V ?'.. 0i t"i,' r 25. In Martin small white children were I m fronl nt the resi. ? >? n, their irrandfather. i Mini \? i thou 1 p t.seized s three-veur-ohl rhilrj by the : trncS it m i? with ids fist. The agetl gi thei ru bed I ;-...? tli.-i- with n ra I. I te- father of the child e une .. ne anil the negro ?truck him w ? :i the side ol tl literall tbocbees and i tpo a rin in"!-. by Sim Huruett, jti ? 'i ?p irate re istance and lodRi ?! n \\ til J iittstoQ jail. The n< ? ? influence of id perfectly sober at the i houefa there is Buch 1er perate resort was laud the law will he ted tu tu punish tlm negro, To-daj ,i.-:. bn-dav. BCr.VS, SU'iBtJENn, BIABRH?A, CIIAF IROS, BTIHChl CF INSECTS, PILLS, S0r?i* EYES, 80EE FEET. THE WONDER OF HEALING! ?-'or PHsS, lilinil. Ulel-lllliR or Ittll !*???, ' g_< -?ti rciiKsly. V .r Hunt?, su h Id?. V\ omuls, lit ?if?r? ' ami KaralMs, it kansqualed stopping tain I ami in a::, ? m u uitirii I.? ? inaBBsr, t ii Inllniiiril ?in! Surr K.yrs.- ItscffiVt i vskaw in I , ni h le Ciiniil iii.i?, POSD'S B?TBATT, a -n.iiKi,,.? i the greatest bea\*Q_ , Km- Visera, *>??! Nihti. or Dpsu WoiiniK, '1 .?illiii, lie. Farrathr, Hiles of lassais. Base S*eet, it* amiio? ujmju thceo able. XMCOMMEMHW HT r/M su /.I.Y.v .' VM? u I : SI |*mrOOB RHITB. V. D.. S. IL. f. I*.. o? Eryla'v. ' ' -.. :;li ni ' II. ;. , ? I ? s. N *? 1 I I lllv ll-4'ful." th'illK l.l|\M.-,. _. D.,,. of bod l'ON?'S EX- ? 'Un JOBS B. llflt'I.Tf. ! ly when lend iti rbci 0.1111 . : i orasll i I ibu absolute i ? ??*' * i.rutcJ prima donna. In Itottle? only. I'rhe?, 50c., SI, f 1.75. .Yirf? our turnte on i rrry uTttfjptr und labrl. I'rri*n?d nul; ?j l'OMi s KXTttVIT tO., HEW TORI ARD LONDON. KOKAiiarisi. THE HHAK8PEARE CLASS. CON lil l'TKDby Miks UAKIAHLAlK.wiil be re openr.i wko.nksday, November otb, Na 301 east ,Mo?u, at f? e'cUxk. oc ??No?-? OX TUE DAN. HOW THE COLORED PREACHER RE? PAYS DEMOCRATIC LIBERALITY. TheTaaasteMarkst -in?ch?r?,eii .lanital dation liy Itevenne ?ifflier? In I ?vor of Mahone. f?pe.'1nl telegram to the DI?DSt??i.l Dawimj?. Va., October H. I Jimeraon, ?u.f the colored nn who signed the appeal to the colored peo. j.le to rote for Ifshone n? published in t<> DtTrjxaka. was formerly pastor of ? Street African Methodist Episcopal church, this city. While here hit church fely in ??* bl and he arm tl -I t?> the white Demo i il ito aid In paj lag uff the chareta debt, rhea ? Demo? i sd to the nail, and bul for their contribu Uont Jlmeraon's chnrch would have been sold under the .i.".' tion ler's hammi ; ... nits )o re are getting very tired of aiding three colored | ano convert their cbnrchsa ii,t < > p ?liti? al to ai?l Mabone. TOT. I ' TTiere m a large quantity < ?f tiiiioeo on i be mark? t Uvosy and tafea wi re blocked. Offerings were bright andaold very high, ?rappers bringing as much as sixty it is now believed thai the ? Danville railroad, will be open to Nun"..Ik b.i January Nt. Rev. Dr. Thames, the new pastor of the : 11| i :?t chun b, ha that lie will not be hi ro until the first Sun. day m December. atSCHABOl li. s. rend ]>< nona orr? tetl? "i the eh being in- ? - 'TV to the murdi r of I l-'"l? y at the Patrii k-< ounty corn- hncking have been examined and discharged, as there ?ens no et idi Henry Haley i whitt l and Poti r I ? di, wh ? man lered I ?!? |, hi been captured. INT1HIDATIOH. Tt !? isid thai the ? H ting to h ' : ? indn e il,?' ?Hers to vote tnr llahon proneb a distill r ticket he pro) . but ii' f??r Mi I. tlvi -?'?I t bat the ? till, i ?will promi o !<? v-, bush the matter up, but it not be must ? consoqueii i Hi in) North Danville are tho roughlj in -1, iiii'l will pull i i ill . - and W. A. P? !? had n difficult} near Cbalk f/ct el, lb day or ti u ing which a tl" buuib ol ? unatelv not luir". I*. ? ,;i indicti I ? if the ' ? irt. Moo vi?s! | Vote? i i ? i I' I ! ? ? ' to hav? ? my opiuion in .it thi ? ? ?'- di pul ??. - 'i with bills against whit? ? old. I . - ?.r: is-'- - .. i ? HEALTH AND BEAUTY. ? ? i - .Vic- Asm. Thi ? Swift SrF? inoi i | If I SLi? FOR TOKPE3 LiVER. * torpid liver dssnstsges the whole sjrs? tens, unit pr.MliM-i ? Sick Hea&acLr, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Fiheu matism. Sallow Skin and Piles. Tbers ti BO beller rerueily for III??? common dlaeaaea iliun Toll's Liter fills, un o trial r. Hi prove. rrieo.iiSo. Sold Everywhere. ?."-Tu.Th(w)8atarai] ELIXIR OF OPIUM - Is n pr?paration of thr? Prog l>y which Iti ?ire removed, while tho le medicinal propert M (. es - all tii.- sedative, :. ? rs ol Oplui i, L .! pr i Itni ?- ? the stn noch, no vom? iting, no costiveness, no headache, in ao?t?* nerum? disorders il s i h ? d :?> recommended bj tuo Is ilclsna. E. FERRETT, Agent? in 2 Poarl St., New York. [ap 13-S.aly] BLR-ROOM FIXTLTRES, COI N litS, Bl IH-PI HP, ' . BIL? LIARD. AM? POOI ?'?>' -uti street i st I 1 D-DAY nil SATURDAY I y Bp| pre in ?my 7-6111I HINDERCG.?ftS. Thunntys-T"'>.:?' fa? ' 1 1 ,lp rn-nrr-i Co ni 1 :<? to. fi .-1. 1. .. ? ' ..? 1 ?' s V. ?^Stt CO ?MS ? ?V? PT i V E ^AnkitTSOlK?ESTOlSiC. ?l?i w-isTcuifo. s-". L? t.-.rT*'? rr"e^1v ; i-n I : ?Vom a*focti-<? ? - ' ??. Take la lime. Wl. i-^d $LM. (Be li-??.?".vlj-,rc 14-balyj GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. " Py a Ihoreusk kaoeledgs of tea natural laws Hhi "ti govern Ui-> operations of aad nutrition, an 1 oy a . ?flu: . la* flat ?wepsrasa >.f areH-sals Kpiis ha? provided our break I ??i lal : m ?un .a dslleatalyhavored Bsrrerags wii many h'-avy : i liclo ;s ase o? stiok arHrilea ol diet thai a coast may tie gradually liait up until Strong - r\ 1 f :.-'i isa ry to of saeta? metadlas are ?letting sr toattaofc wbarovar tbers i? a woau iroim. v\e u. fatal shaft by - 1 i ?! li iiiiro btOOd an 1 a I'rop.-'riy nourished truie-, n* 'ni Mtt*. Mad.? simply with b-iiliiig water or mil oniv la : im? oy grocers, IM ?i 1 PPfl A CO., ?"to mist*. London. L'nglan 1. su IT-Sa.1 ux I hly B riaaaciai. KXJAM1N BK0THER8, bTOClv AM> ?Il AUK itltOKEUH. KHTABLIMIIDlftW. MNKW STKKRT. MW YOHK. AM) I? TOKKN II YAltl?, LOMDOH, KM.LAM?. UOW TU HAKI MONIyIjY IIPKCL'L.A.TIOH IN WALL aTstsufr. Writ? to Pajujamto Hrother? for ?iilaiiauiry pamphlet. Poet fro? on appli?'ailju. No i?n>.-ir age unl?se a prortt 1* mads. Harglus from I pur eeut. Proflt? unlloitiod. an l-?so<ttm LEAVENING POWER Of the varions Raking Ponders illustrated by artnal t?>. . ROYAL (Pun-)! GRANT'S* (Alum)...J RUrSFORD*S* (fredi)...! HASrOnD*S(vlicnf.-?li)l CHARM* (Alum Powder). DAVIS* * and 0. K.? (Alum) CLEVELAND'S. *?!OHEER('-ci Inncijro). CZAR. DR. TRICE'S. SHOW FLAKE ilir-fT')... CONGRESS. HECKER'S. GILLETS. HANFOP.D"S,\,)n-Sucli),w?.en n' PEARL (Andrews A Co.).?*___? RUMFCRD'S * fPk sadists), - .SSB Reports of Government Che" 1er 11 comp dienta it d ItijUrcc i iWABT 0. J.ovr, Pn p.?' "TBo Boyal Brdd the pni | oAred tothepttbttc. " A. Mutt, if. r>, Ph. ' ? ? ?t'l of nny I rol wlili ii I : "V. ? ? .;,-. I'll 11 ?' arc : " be Bvmdcd a ?' m deletion iAVi/k*?**/i' ____ CITT. 1 - ? ? ? ?Al led 1 Alii ? 41 A M S. MW VMS A roSITIOlN ? : ? WANTED, L ! v 7 fo ? \IfAN ; ! \ ? ? ! vV LTB v V j ? II.'AXTEI), B' v ? SI 1101 ii -. ? \\' A N T R D, Tl ? '? ii i 8 ' \\ \ 1 T ? . S V I .? V i ION i . m ? ? ? w ,ii *, ' STEP, LADIES 'Ii? KNOW i f that I ASH DlttH-MAKIM, ? i ?U.MAC SI MAO, >IM \C WANT ? ? KI?, 1 -I ' ? ? ? ?:?? LIME, CEMEN r, an 1 PLAHTEK. \\'E ham: shorthand stu 11 HI S . 4 fifi ' U*! ED, ., I BOO K-K E Kl'INO, V. m l ISO, Al H 11 ?El I1 . Ac., ? . ctilj. ? U "ANTED, U.ENT8 TO tie PINI KHH CLOI IIBS pins i ? - i I'll IIK I.Im. COMPAS M tee. LOST. St II* VF I?. AM) HU M?. 1 OST, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, I i , Price A . '' - "a ti.k ? ONE l.i'Si. Mol KN1NU ? KILwttl . reward? I by returning it to Mi rE*iVAK'l,_l ?* rER_____? I WHITE J PI PPY, ? ? . aal if re In s?, !.. ? . JONI -, 1119 ,.|wl Ma u s:i WAKEN i ? GARPI A Tni er !S!1, '?? "HI,', Sill | ? ?'?Ule fo J. : . 44 \ trill-:?.. .IKW ELBT, Ac. | ADIES' cold WATCHE8. D. I J 111 CHAN \S s llANK-1 It'., ' er Inst liment s in u-?. ii works like sebsrm, and every one bow in Ii i- ?all?a i, -.\ i . ?ber DO !, an I || ? y ? -, ;, D. iil\ II ' ?? l:l T)i. ?PARTl?SCANi I\ i-t i,, n W A rCUEl and Dl \ n!hv j>-, oh IN- | !.. : I : ului ros r.t ?. i F .-Il l.'i M', VERY DESIRARLEdj_) MBEE-STOKY BB1CK HOUSE, con-H tatalng about twr!? -i modera Inaproi ? nei i..i_ and Clay strssta PRANK D. ; I-Mil: ONE MILE 1"' ??Al i' ni \ r antb SIX ACkES UB uooD ? OtHSiaW I if i Staus, kiic ly |o M. I. IIAHKtsiiN. ? .* . taa sti ????t, RENT. ?TW'? Sl!( ?uXU-ajay AMI IIAI with kin in a, lu i asTvaataT rooms la rant, ad juat t'Ui m ,.iter, ate : ran kiln stresl , Kir.i aiu Second. Al*? BASI ltd' ?MS in i?mt liouae for oftlco?. Apply Bl ioa oa?t Mala sti cut lor part?cula'?. b.SsAautf I,**OR RENT, A FINE KAUM oF|? gO ?CttES, ou tbe Hermit??,? road, half li? a mile from the city, l I by Mr, i\ L. Blantoa as a dairy. Possession given January ' ine tiuiMIng? of all ?ort?, sutSa a dairy aad u-ucg-farm. Apply to oc rt-eodlt MAN NINO I -4lU POR 1 Bl BOOK AND .lull WORK NEATLY KXKCITED AT TUB DISPATCH Pill.NT IBCT.UOUB-. AirtTION SAI.FS-Thl? Dsy. Pv .launa? |L Elam. Us?t Islate Agent an I Auctloseer, 1113 Hatn streeL / <OMMIBSI0NEI.8ACCTIONBALE \J or Till CINTBALLY-UMATKIi AM) DESIRABLE lltttC'K DWEl I.INU No. 80.1 MAYO ?TKEET. Ho?vlsy ) ,n fbe Chl?,r,ry Cotlrt ?f ?tu? BSBUadSf.?? ) cltyof ltlchmond.Va. In pursuance of it..?salarse nf May i*. I tho sbovA-namM csasetaa andsrstgned, gpscisl in ?irrii??lon?r, will ?cil I ?y BSlbtlc auction, on Ihn promue?, DO ?ATPHPAT. Ooroaaa as, llaek P. M.. the atmvo-naniid DR^IIIA iti K HKDIUH-8IZI BRICH DWILUNOof two . , ! it'i s ato,? bssenant, containing n room? with the usual rosTSBlcnca?, detached b !? I klWbea ?if fmr r-ai'iis. lot front? ing l?', loot so I szl ., i hack between paral t i a'? alley In rear., well-arranged .Iwolling, i ..i i ad ooovsaleat Ineallon, n 1st ? 1 . mni'iii'l ti" al la 'anting su? !i ?i or a g. o i j : ?)n" tosrtb ea-h ; tbs residua in sqsal Instalments by neirotiaw? notes at six, twelvo, and . utitenu montas, '.?ru Interest adrt ? la (uiiy psld snd s conveyance by ADD1M? t.. BOLLADAY. mmlssloasr. .1. I!. tbUT, Aoctso. BOU.ADIV,". u . ?. inrtT IIoti.inAV, Ac. UtrBKBAMTa la t:ik iiiAsi?r.v cover oi ma ? rrt oi Kicbsi m?. I, Charles W..ldio.eterk of the asbf eonrt. cor if y th.i' tt.e bond required ol iba -. i been duly giren, Giren nndoi my hnt:?i this IVtb ?lay bar, I? oc ?a)_CHAR] 19 W. OODDIN. H. W. Howo, Keal Kstat? AncUotuvor. A SNUG, OENTBALLT-LOCATED, AM) WEIX-ARHAKOaT) RESTDEHCB, ? THI BOUTHIIDBOF FRAVK I.IN IHH THIRD AM) FOURTH ITR1 POR8ALH AT At IT! i anil, at lbs ? v'r. c. 0?B. Cowordlo, i uni"?"? bouse, ? '?'.! at public . on. WIDNRsDAT. OC1 ittl S3, 1899, .a- i ?' k 1 H., tl - MOf : (CILLENT ?tl.sllll M r ? ? it: ! tl. "r tar?e ?i .id . ham ? , ?. . - .. cry Optra! ' ? . ? a vary - i ! rarneat aliout sell ? >. W. B ?WE, A : tttoneer. MENT. '! he a' vs sal ? ?? i ? rain u H. W. BOWE, lui tl.?er, RICHMOND BAZAAR ?rvj-, : is- -TI.F.rr. i?-v TilOROI ?y li rtwT. - ley nail Hi t? : I-:, p.. i TilC H MOND !',\'/\\l.. tV No i en PAY nmence i m lier of , PHAK 1 \\ Ai.i.Ns. ?> H \v.. In prime i r 1er ; obi roi ? I : i . an I HARM 1 FAMILY 1 TWO '. ALL, UOKSE, and IIAlt ? : PA KM .? .. I HI litilEs an i . K. U ?.i.-iii. AI ? IIOV II?,. B !'. !'. i i . ? ' . rTiRUHl EE'S A: CTION SALE "V I i? : -. Vill !,0 ONN Vi V HILL. PROS I ? S ?AKEK AMI IH S AL ? i 111 UK li?>"J : : r."i IN ? in: ' ? . ?. ? i?..l. t -. . 1 i 1 ral i. 11 ?HAY.? ? M . tie. PROPIRTT ?! ?eel Of i .el. ?vUtl I and be? ll, lr- nt , reel, be. - . ta "? on Hi?" plan ol Savj Hill.' Tkiim?: i ash fore] ? landtnpaj a , with 1 a:, 1 ha n:. ' I 'li tSI 'n* to i .- i; . 1 Bl JAME? E. M' KKNM '? . 1 Ti i?t?e. era. oc 17 ? . 4 MAONIFIOENX JAMES-BITEB ?TRUSTEES' SALE OF ELK HILL AND A PART ?i! h I lv |s|.\ . i>. I of s deed ol i under ???? ! 1 lUl A .' lUrt, ?e ,i aond, Vs WEDNESDAY. N'OVtSl rn 17, . at 1 o'clock P. M.. THI? NOTED ESTATE, Btto. im l .in i!.-- ?,i bmond on i y railroad . i? ? mil bmond. couli . res ?'( ebIch ?? Kik isib': i, and it ?? !, m, t wo? d ., ai 1 tb? ? sprodu lim? of "th. w : grass. ? -. . a.: i with vera ? i ? in i farm build? ings, n. ? ?In linn or and variety an i un u I l "?i will emu pare favorably ?rl bony In Virginia. mut to pay coats of naie and ai.y ba.-k is..- ? thai itir.> !.. pay th? l-!?i. a -r. Ill as to H1M0 unUl August . alih Interest thereon fri>u. August 13, : tbs re?i i,i" ai -IX an.I twelve - ?lin In -Test a i led. and all credit paym . rty .'in i by policy of luiunill e ,,u tiie I il?llllrf. duly - I. IL KM/HI 'I Hi?M \s Y , A. I. BOCLWAK?, o- si_ Ttsi ? ink D. HU? I Kcal E.?tat? XU'-'iuDeiirs. rpBTJSTEE'S BALE OP ?FRAME I DWILLING t?... : ?TON H0RTHWB8T ' .( DANCI AND RITCHII BTKK? I >. IN Till PLAN Ol AHUNOTON ?WEST INI .ONE s.^tiAifK fui.? ILBCTRIC I iNK.-t?y virtue of I tmst fr.ioi 'A'ir.'ii Honroa and wife, duly recorded in tu? clerk's ofBos of Bsnrice i '? un-y i ?art. Dead-Boot . - . default ???li ina '... m the payment of a not? ?herein h red id belog r?,...- ;?? t by iba bolder taersol uif-ii, 1 wliiutler m a . .< .llaiV", nil Ti'i'.Miw, ? i rotsa .-i. at 444 B'etoaH P. M.. tka PBOPHRTT de?ertbe?l .".? said deed, i'h? hou?o ia new and e a ? ns t tor or !!??? n .? I??? 1khh.<: Ca?hBttlBetent to pej notoof twTSand rale ; baUnco 1 twt-ivu inn ? . U Loi i.? KAWLING By Han Ding CL htapl?? A Co., I , ll?J4'? east Main street. \ DOTIOM BALE~~OF VALUABLE i \ IrAUV I'KOPKIII'Y <iN IHK DAKBY POWN K?i\l>. BRVBH Mil? BILOW KICUHOHD. - BaiBfl BS re fleeted t?T the owner, we will sell the ?ibove-doaorltKxl PKoHKIU ? st public auollon. on TL'EflDAY, OOTOSSa. !W, 1SW. st 3 o'clock P. M? that ITHI KAUM on the Dar l,)i..wn ruad, eoulslulng l:;," At'KE>, 71. acre? lu nue culitvation. new dwelling tao ?tones btgb, and all liwaaaary out-huuses ui g.o>l order; An? yestag '.rL?nJ ul l?? ir.-<?, all bearing; two neiesof very tin? vineyard, within two mile, i?f Port Lee atatiou, l'be?apt>ite and Ohio railway. ThUtsan elegant home, and a..-.-stnmisla'.lag terms will be made on day of sate. MA.NS1NGC. dTAl'l.EMAl'O., oa 1 litnA-LIAlUciSKltd? AucUoii?ors. AVCTION aai.r.Bl-rsinr? nava. By Manning C, Htnplo* A Co., Koni Bstats Auctioneers, No. mill, .??In ?tr-et. rmuaTEES' bale of valtwrle I BUILDING :.<ii> us THB NORTH I ' <K (?f BKOOKLANI NEAR 1 ill LIMITS ok KiciiMoMi CITT. ity rlrtaa rrf as?rtala dewinf trust dated October SO, MS*, recorded In Dssd-Beos 140 l. In Hserieo 4> laly ( ,,'iri.default ksvlog n. ?n tuado in *ii? sarment Of til?? d?lit tie , , we win ??ii m the blgnssl t Ider, OB Kltlli.W. Sovs.rsR I, at 4 P. BL, an thai osvlalBLOTOI I \si>, front lostUfi .-ii line of Brook land atreet, In iiiiinei'ii- ?'aiinf thiy'H laud, in 1 liA'-k t., ir: '1 1 ?) 100 I???'. ' erected In tlila I :!! r'ciiiiiiii'iel lb Is lead to tors. TBBKs: Bsmarkabty es ?. nui mad? known at sale M. L. SPOTSWOOD, Trusfea M?nnivo C .? A es 'JS. Bj I u K"n' , iser, 111! " ^ n i:v VALUABLE BUB?RBAN v PHI ESTA TUB LATECOLONE1 ?. <-. Bl Bl R1 ' B. I ?Rl '. LOT, AB< wn.'i i ? i.i.ini;, VERY LAHOB BBJCK si ii?OH i ('S. TO IV ;!i?N'. ? auction, til! USDAY, is roBBR II, ISI?0, n' IV o'clock P. M.. ? [NOLI . | ? \ . ? uat( rfi sod I. strs ... haul? i t :1c? ,-if . . . ' ,t> s?l I ? - .'ii. snufac turlng : u reaalng ; ? J. i . * EST-C? RY-S ntEET SEW Bl : AT tUCTION. \\ By ( Real !' tal ' tion, hi THUH1DA1 . ? ? i>?\ ELI gelber ?? tl ? ? r.j .i ? ? . ? HILL I I ? ? . tw -l?r ?, ? I ' S?BU i:i'.\ N ! ? son, ci'Mriii. l'Ai;: . ?n T I SU Ml 'Id UK Sdl By n at 12 o l< 'U M., I AND ? . ime ? ?. ; i'a ? i i - ? ? at 11 o Keal : rflRTJSTEl OFSMALLNEW 1 PKAMK DWELLINO Si IltTEENTH AND ! Ol Kl ,. KKIDA' I ? ,;, ad ol Ii u I duty i led ft certain ? - 1 HANK I?. Ulli., . ? KAI rMTATB-T rraiTATC ill.'. CORSAI ' l'RI\ iTELY.SOUTB ' V THIKD-si ; ark. - roRT , BKICE RESIDENCE . r, ..m-., modem . . . . \'i:\V DErARTl RE r, REA .? i ESTATE. BEACTIVTL HOME* ON MONTHLY TAT .MKS IS MILE AS i A 11 VU PBOM STOP PA?ISH BENT AM) OWH IOTJB lio THBEB BEAUTIFUL tgUEES ANSE DOUSES HEARLT l lMstihD. High, healthy ; : wa>r: nnrnalirla; ? ? BARTON, oe lvSra ' I/OR SALE PRIVAT! LY, < ' ? I Oi-"l I IK BKST Hol'.SI r-l ?tr, ? Bl ti ? rd .. Lot auxisti I? terms v. ry easy ?'? D. HILL A l >., OCtttJ -lift. I/or BALE, A F?R81 M O I) hi II S TIlRsE-SToi?*! RESIDENCE, well arrs 1 On I i,-?, . ou tklalu str? ( an 1,0 <t n bargain. Apply to ?? ? I/OU SA: We ha . ' ? ' - ?* CB PRO. PERTI en Ma and lieau'ifui - Tblaadndratil? location, ?. atauttal Insproi a being delightful residence property, Is admirably I for a seminary ora rj it-class t> J. Tl!U" w l7-3tAtTu,Tb .>? : ill i Vain atrewt. mi : KM. WAT1 A ( A B v' Mir'i the ?ntm luc THOMPSOS*S B KOMIS I 1 IBBNIO WATER In Hits market, lu .lulv, i-s7. ibo salo of it bas beru large, and WBSB USBd in t! whlcb ii is n?'',mm ? as been laar in sianceoibi- un ni WOBUERJrt L KShl LTSaavs followed its uie. If we. Brers lo pah isli SBM twentietb of tno letter? wn rsostVS from ?,'rateful persona who bave neon tieoeilied tiv It wo could not Mud room la cur oatsJogne. we learn tbrnugh lbs NEWbPAPES- mat nutuerou? other ttromine Arsenic Spring? . ear:!,,? !, and th?? dtdtghi in BMklBS orapart. aons ske rbornpaou spring, vv'e ?bank ti.i'Ui f...- thrlr li a(, :u Ihua making l?, OKlOt- | NAL and DUEKVkDLT-POPULAH SVATK; still 1, taw kn,mn, sad iruat ihsy *t:i , ,,uuuue 1 tosdvertl?.. u?. \> KITE Polt l'.\ Ml HI.KT. TUB I'OLK Ditto COMPANY, oclieodtNoll Oeuvrai Agents. ? ?HtlOV ?III? fnliir. Day?. By .1. Thompson Brown I I Real Estate A? ont? snd AssaS/syjaSBsi 1113 oast Main ?'.reel aplOIAL C0MMB8I0NEB8' BALI I v Qf ip?t hi: AMI LOT OH BT. JAME?? MTKKITHKAK HILL STNIIT AND OP A VA i \M LOT AH.Ui INT TBIKITO. Hy ?Irtu? of sdserss ot the CbaBcery Court ol Ui? eity of lil li'i.un I, entere I (? t"to>r l'J, l??i. .i |i|?i cailSO of Hoots r* lobiasoa'i altalelsiiB the undersigned. spselS] OOSBBIUU ? l. ?ui ..ner i'>r sale alpabila ?u?-itou, ujioii the premise?.? n TDMOAt, oitiiMR i??, iw, it ?:Ti p. M., rtrst. Ail that CIHTAIN LOT, III !" OR LOPLAKD, wl h .all thareoa, begiaoiog .it a point twenty wo feet > --tl! Ill tl?>? BOQtt! Ol til" In' ' i set wit!i be ? Bill strre', taon.-e oxt aadlag ? utbwardl ? west ?m?, of -? .ill f'.rlv.-"". ?'.. f* f.-,,?r fees CU II.lili? ti?, i - . . IlSTllIl? a width . 01 LAND adjoining ? ? ? ? ninnlng back tai fast ami having a el lib In r?ar ut torty-two .'et i. a I ?KM? .h lili : Uns t .-'t' ? money In e??!i and tl I v.'.lti mtertist added a h lay./ aale, t la notes i f tne full ar.-l a conveyance' o-.i ? ? CHAI ? Wl. .1 IHIk LYONS, . ' -- \ ? - i Aie., i'.' ? MOND. < ' 1 K PEB CENT. ISt B8TMES i'. o. ? . a tW"l?" : . .1. Ill ? By - K al . t. POTION SA i, i. OF A I UK'.i: -.V 'I '.". 11 Mil ?TED ON ni! - 01 CAHT l 'i 11 "? l liiil' ' ' publl . ' ? ? i CCTION I ? .M'.!.'; ? i . i M . ? ' - ? - ? rtT i ' iJI'.V! i > ,, ,: OLD A ? - ' ' . ? ' ? : ? BAII.R44AD l.l a r ??. RICHMOND, FRED] i I UUK?H i . ; .11 . S ' MA, >KW ?oHK, tiASTI Kits i II !K . ONLT ' ?Hj.Mj AN.? BALI DIKE! ? n Ungir quick liai ? ? > - i?d O', los i ? ? nol UN QMOND ?Ht ANO SEVEN IAILW Al ? - ..i:, r. m g. On si -. ., \ v. ni. 1 1 an : . M. Ova and l ? ??P?inii oi erKAaiKB?*. iriROLNIA i; . ' ?AT ^3?d - tl'ANY. for < . A. i . r.. : .? nues rtv? ? landing) v hA?IU ?SUM? W. WEDNESDAY, and I 1 a : V M -.: ( oiiiie-1 oas at OU l ... r . ' , ? ,;u '.ci- ? i^ti r. amer ? - . - i s, and all ?? LU? IHN H Ptrui WBieieta. Vreiset sodPaai O LLI?UMINH'N HTJ \Al BHIP COHPAKY. .3 T-Y foi: NKH VoHK. IDAY ai i r. a. ? ? > . ! ? - 14 .M..ainvit.rf m \i ?ai r;ti D'.v MOKNlNWa. Pasaeuifi - Cabin fare to N'W i-iA mg mea ? a . : I 9 11 a. i ? n '???:-. ?i'ii s itaual i l o-.u ? ? . . : : i - Ma.n sue?-'. L'besapessa ai . v i' Hain -?? . . - .\6 i lai y i i-, U BDNIaDAl \ I Kl ??DA i vaut ?..i - br tii - ? b waneaks sa .. f . - . < - ? ? .lai- a 'J.;.' 1. M., will ' . ? N?Kr't'l.? with-t?-am.?r leavlag loose laya y ? No. P?UI Main si rue., an l ? . i iinaar'sebarL Kecketta pUlliADlMiUA, BIC il ??2^ HOM? AM) NOISFOL* l'i 1. A .U ?? Il I f t O M i' .4 \','. Appointai s?l!uig day. Ivery Tl ?uaY ;.. :?H. aiid?y#ry SUNDAY Si | L M. ireigtitfor TU?days' aad Fridays' ?teim*.? rs-eiv#itl:i tl.XJ A. ?.. f,,r -iuulars' , ? till 5 P. U. aaiurday. Ir'.'eight r?.?i?od i . 1 P. M. lax?, $4 for further lufo-mstim apply to J. W. VnMRKliK, U?ner?l ?oaiheru Agent, um-- tUa-fcetts. W. P. i L\l>E Jt i -.. _ ?ol tien?r?l Air?uu PbUa?V.i.iuia. ?O TEAM ER ASHLAN t'<X?2fk t^ .?apla'ii PSBVSUd will *?U tr???as?la? ("Uli Mlrl.l'IllA li'-MUKrlDW Sunday? MOKN ING at ti o'clock. Kar? for paaeeuger?, W. au lD-!**3? i n tu road r.rwr.s. CH?8AP1 'IIORuVj vy vu. f J) SCHEDCLsr. 8:*) A. 'i. ,.., .. m. .. ! 11:0-. A. U. Vf, ?. i ?WOP. M , . ?, P. M. ?:nri A - ? . ? ? ?. T. II A lili i A un ir?: " . i ? ?? ? * ? i i N -. II ' ? : a ? . - . ? ? ? lu i ?? ? o . CttASI '. I ? RI< h Leave K. ? ? - ' AI .-I ? ? ?. ? " At Iva . i i . ? ? A I Von X ? 1 ? ?. Leas - Ut'l ? ? ? ? HI . A. ' 11.*? A, M ?:.'.*> T. M ? 4:00 l'. *?' t&| P. M. i??v?? EIH i ' ' ' . i - Ista - 4.-4*1 A M. arrives sUba. ' . tal 10 A M ft? A. 'i ?. *r"v*s a tgsslaadaii a. a. t.:SSP. M. arn.ei ?t tila l"*vee Aabiaal ?l . ? a. C. a ! ai U)R.O*s*rsJ liehst V?ea. E.T. D. Misas, Oauvii?. ? ^?lUiwudeju Hal