Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMON DISPATCH. WHOLE NUMBER 11,952. RICHMOND. VA.. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1889. THREE CENTS PER COPY. MILLER. RHOADS & GERHART. > f * * * ? Wfy Do m 0dveA?i?<e ? *t?t* ? picuoualy only to draw % crowd. , way they et rgel crowd* it:* <>r reliable faine that attract?, bnt it is the highly-pictured and very much overdrawn ar? -yap ? the el re?) that attract the bargain?necking and destin^d-to-be-disappointed publia Reliable poods, reliable styles, and re ? A system in erery department of our house that savors o? conscience is the advertising medium through which we ? to the publie. \\'. v, but not in overrating. Reliable advertising with reliable methods in business is a strong feature in building up a large Inda ? Overrating leads to distrust t what they are. Woolwl a ', cotton for cotton, ? ght name? and re] onto be just as wide as they measure by inches (not in imagination). : ? evi ry nie thoroughly sal ? f the ?n< ? ? i it is so labelled? kindly and oourteonaly, no matter what their station iu lifo may be. PRICE. It is the lowest in the State of Vii inia for reliable good?. It' purchases this fai!. ' ' ? the looms to you in Richmond. ? r buying and selling goods cheaper than many merchants, ? WINTJ i AM) WHAT; rO?R WINTER UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, AND GLOVES; ?OUB BLANK] OPENING WEEK. be OUR FALL AND WINTER OPENING WEEK. Souvenir? will be given in the way of LOW PRICES AND GENUINE VAI COATS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, RIBBONS, Ar. SOUVENIR PRICES.) ; W< Uh ? OPENING WEEK. IIOSIFRY " ? pair. I IV h r IMV ?; \ 1? ' r Underwear ? r?ntt from I. . Wftl . upwerdi : . D] wat-I?. SOUVENIR PRICES.] Our Li n'l 80c. Marino G?- ' tor tho . ! ni : t?C for t? ? >?:??. kind ; ? r? with un |1??a? ? RED FLANiNEL ?^,*^?"!?' , , t.. buy in*. rod, . ?ill l>e a fcrtnt : 1 Flau . s ?. a yard woi iti . . ; ? HANDKERCHIEFS. ' rcblefa. M"Wl!l Mil th.-m ofl ?t ? rerj ? at be , Be., I0&, Ujfe., I" ?^?ttMHOTMMaaaflBvaMBBMaaaMBnBWMaMavBMMaai OPENING WEEK. BED COVERING. , ' . - ? innnu ? Kxtra-UeaTT ? ? ' ? 77x90 inchea, ut |1.15 ? >rth ; \ . ; will lu? I I r aoft a 10-1 ? ?. ? ? 1 OH I?' I s " 4 il * twaon ? ? ? Ith. We ? o und li? ai ?? ? i k l'on : . Miller. Bhoads ? Gafar!? ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Jf you <!< sire wealth practice economy by purchasing your Dry Goo?s at Ihr Popular ONE-I'KICE House. teal Bayers will Profil by Readin? This Advertisement ami Paying the PALMS ROYAL a Visit. I XTRAORDINARY OFFERINGS DURING THE COMING WEEK. DEPARTMENT ? v. , . ; ? (f the < Urely fr??o ro)? 1 lASnel ?it ' -iMeavh ??, ? rt-tty style? 4? . . N'aln'noks. rWe ? .IP ft ??'? ? I?, yard in, 17a a ? ' fine-i lien ? I ? UMBRELI \-. ?, natu . ruutol ? ? ??'. i The Palais Rovai FLANNI L ANI) < LOTH SHIRT WAISTS FOR BOYS AND GIR iu in ili.- mi il tu I I Shirt-Watete, I All-Wool Navy-Blue 1 lanuel I II. ; | > are. A ?p LACE ? \ UTAINS. kin, three l : ?? half yards ?. ? 11 - fl . i-, Itiron aiij knell ye r yaMs lont;, - Ht IS ?. THE I'ALAIS HOYAL'S KID GLOVES G??? THE LEAD. . n.t " 1 hl'l I el f l : Him pmbrct Kl<1 OloTi -, neirciw em ' ?,. ? I ? ? ity ?? ? ? (tray, ' a; ti'. . ? ?IONS. tl, Hlaok end ? Uartei Webe ? le. a paper; '?.? !?, Bill balle Imp ?: * otton A pap . roniaiulug JfO '. ? at>ti . ?????, 'Oiitalniii? IDO lian- ?ni-, BMortod it) i"*, ei ? '. ; .y, at lita a bauk?juft half the regular ueol at ?.' -. a t.all. CMRKELLAS. Our own Importation ..r Knglitb <:ior:.t *lik, iriUi " De war. lur-at il..'!? U !. i.ii 1 fLS Number / /7 'Ih Kl! ?? HOUSEKEEPERS t our ( ??1.?? AMD BOUSE? 1 [ KMISBLMQ DKPAR1 MINT. 0 .??? right ????.?? think ?? wheu you Dna White ? ? kl t ?. ; kl ? ' ??. ? at 4c. ; Protei?< -si Ina Dt?:iirr Si I Uandeomely-Deooratod Porcelain Tea Bete et ? . ? 1 iii ai t blu Coq . al Pretty Oat-Moal Set? et ? Lampe, with burner and nil complete, at ? pine Library?! ?no Library-Lampe at |1.M irorth V>\ It Lamp ?;????? ? light equal . ? |ete, ail comi lete, oaly 11 I.nvfly Parlor Lamp- al 12.89 worth ! Pretty swinging HalWLampi at ti. .;> vorthtt; i ' ? ? r ? 11 ; ? u bita China Pitcbet M ? ,i :r:rt BmboeM ! ? in Bucket?at --. ; ' ' "? ; In ?? ? iked el lo, ; . - Ina ? hu ? ?r Boti of lii pli oee i api ani Saneen at Itjtfc. a pair; A complete aeodrtaeat of tho celebrated Agate? [roaware a?, mir popolar low ? LADIES'HEAVY JERSEY JACKETS. We ti*vi> a iirp? eaeortment Of the?? Jacket? : Boom .t-woar. ?rao All-Wool Jersey Jacket, medium ?eight, ai . Heavy-u eight ion y Jacket? a* | The fereey Jacket at |? in M>ry flue, all wool, au 1 buuuil all arjun ? with extra uro. ( MBRELLA8, Importen (?loria Sitine, with gild-plete han . wan nul?? I avi tj -?IH ur i'lian?. cast Broad street. I.OV?. STI?, avi I>. a M? Mill?. OTOLEN, KROM THE CORNEKOF l ' ?? ? traete, ?-1 ?.?av mi ? ibi Intornia ?. . O.U. Hl;AI KK, ^ u ? Market ]i>\ FISI DAY, i ; t HLACK ? - KFT- j unente, e tiutiuinn , - un, iin lalai ?. aV si. _L a BO? ?. _ I UTBAYED OB sto LEN^a? Kill', about : ? and bream reward will be !m muiuoi auy uiforaialiim loading to Ik.? !? ov? y. ;?.?_W. S l?lMtiNH.__ ? ?. WHITE POINTEBJfe^ f ? ,I'V. ouii bancal ejr<>, two black--?* . i'j?f, ' bal? ou an'k. K.wanl If re? to B?L <. JoNhs. ?t_lUKeaat Mam aireeU ?MJB HAMS,' FINK Q?ITAB IN .?-?fc-uj. ran?, I7.W, coat ?1\ Aooiy at 1519 waat Maia ?iroet, oc ?7-11* j i-raaoMi. r\y<) WHOM GG MAx CON? I ir? bara nppolntad Mr. JACOB 8, of ? " e went to eon? dud t!.e USNKKAL MKK< -IM." at Ha;? . ower only to m under our bunds .:? ubkj ?? Auguet, 18891 .1. x. MOORK, _ DJtKWKY ? CO ????'!: is HEBEBi GIVEN TO | 1 ? a!' ? -t the astate of EDMUND OH ?????? to i. d ,iy au ? I, for kettle? n ? m, an ? nil partiea owing nid aatnta will please cal* at uueu nail M I a M. yt'AHl K-, C. II. IiAi. W 00 SS-eml^t Kxeruturs, Xlii Mala .nr^t. S ?TIMES, LIQUORS, ir. SPECIAL NOTICE. rarttes'lrMrinftopur'-hier?.;. Bl'MUARIWER A SON'S fUMI "YS Will^KrtV. ? ? i.y Mutet, Myers ? < ?., can llud It In '?uantillet, eitber by wboleseleor retail, at m ? jri.lKN BINVOKD, JS9K Main street, ae3t>lnt_Btckmand. Vn,_ BOOK AND JOB WOKK NEATLY hXKcniC? AX TUn DlSl'AXCU HUNT ihu-uousn? Ml I lINt;?*. 10BGANIZAT10N MEETING <>i Hi.?; [TlZBMS'BUILDING ASM* 1 VIIi'N. ? ? i. It waaoneof the lar??, ?el ? . bon s Hall. Tb.? r.. of !?tocx i" still open lonny one wteunc to be? come a member of Um immolation. Apply to C. ?. ? ????.?, Seventeenth and Main streets, for in? formation or attend tiie nest meetiag \???> S i.-nA'i ^ ? KM NO, ? .. . ?1? Ball, Sereateentb and Main straeta. C?MILK-S A. ?CBM1DT, ?-? '.T :t 'ary. f?? OFFICER? AND MEMBERS ? ??? It R, LI! ? ?1 MCIU N'a 11, Jr. 0. I . ?. M . a ? l.orei.y notified t.i atiend a regul?r meet? ing of their ? otta II on TI KSDAT, October mm, n? business of vast Importan -e to me order will I.. irauuft ? ad By or 1er of the Council. c. I!. KOMXTf, concilier. E. B. WiuBToy, Maoarfflsg Secrutary. oc ?.7-It* A BO ABBINO. ? BOARDERS CAN COMMODATED at No. t west Marshall street oc ?7.1t* Mas. KINO. Isaac Sycle k Co., IAD STRICT, NEXT CORNER TBIRD. THERE-ARE-1! AKT ?REAL BARGAINS? G? Ut TOO ?HEBE DRKSS GOODS. CEU HENRIETTAS-?Mie. a yard : 'BLACK BENRII TTJ ?> p M-iii t, Ali -V...HI HABIT CLOTn? yard ?uni, Min. li VLL-WOOL HEAL BROWN ????? ? -ii fi : ?in ? ?1? li atvl fheci ? Beautll [MERE-?aud KERUB r;. \lli^. '! I I-. PEARL 9HIUT* (.?.!? ::???. miai? i ai le. ? In pie to t. yards, . ?;??,. I Ci <? : ? : : woi ib Se -al ?' . a rar L : si \>i: D PILLOW-8I1 ipleadld ' ? ?. e |'?lr ; ? i n ? K'.\ -ki:i> WOHKINO COT II in (warra Ask t.. ?*.? <? ?? " IH CUES?" COKS wortb ?l ; P.( ?, . FIT! ;-.., ? OR ?El ...??. w-irtli |L , , . -, g BEAI riFIJl PLUSH Ji it IKLT5 worth in ; BEAI'TIFLL-G? ? Ml JACKETS?at |1173 BEAI ?? I I.?PLI .-il JACKE1 . ' 4-Loop ri r>n COAT? .iff!?..::. w..r:?i ? ? ri.; ?? ? Oh t ?? ! nop PI l'SII COAfa I JACK ? G? 1 NEW UAKKBTs ? altquallUee; : CHU DB !" ? ?'?'!' MISSES' I . OAK*. : : Hon rom : ( . : ? : Heeoiirh-.vy?4M l?'?1?1 ?WITK BLANKET atti See our b. ? ? I WOOL-MIXED WHITE BLANKET a;?l.:': G?? BIAVI WHITS BLANK? ?.W; See our G.1.?? G all .?.'.; ? ? s s id ? ni $S w.irtb IT ; ? um lot ?lightly dust-so!led ??'??? St. UN Ssttog of PANTS bUIKTS ?for (?entSnnen?Ladle .andcnil dren ? ail .piallile* at groa! redu loo In price. . t CHILDREN'S?-ALL-\\Oo I SE\a?Navy?Garnet, ani Brown?Wc, -CARPETS AMI Til 08 ? -BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS?? -M'LEMDID VALI KS ? A LAB I '? HEABTU RUG for $1.23; SMYRNA RI OS at $1.75 worth 13; fMVI! ?A RI'? - ?MY H S t ?? ? iS at ?1 worth f s : ni ? ??rho piala at loca yard; KLU PM1XGI?Double Knotted at 17?. a yard. ISAAC SYCLE & CO., 303 BROAD STREKT, NEXT CJRNKK TITIRD. NOTE LOCATION. H \ ?? RBf, .11 u p uv.Ac. w RESIONSIBL?PABTIESCANas. PURI UASl GOLD and SIA'KK?yAs VYATCBEsand DIAMONDS ?a IN 4J - at ca*n prtK ? ? (.?uarantoed as Addreas RKUAI LE, ? Box No. J10. a,-u,ATulai RJBjn ???. ,^w CITY LOTS OR COUNTRY FARMS surveyed. Maps male. Calla from Rich? mond answered by telephone at tbe Leader building or by letter Bniffa Manchester posi? office. Address ??__ oc 17-If W.L, GARDEN. A whole page of newspapet talk wouldn't approach as a Catalogue for the ? no Things that make their appearance here in tico days. Sixty-six Departments now, each oc? cupying a full store-; oom. EIGHTEEN VARIOr ?KIKD80V ?i ? yeoterday, rffl bere ?tali?? l at lee? than tho ugual ?ti ' ? 'lut, At> ?. and Nottingham. Nottingham I . ?d? ral': I lrl"h Point, Witt) Applique or Tambour | f ' a pair; kmhoor, ts.40tof30apalr; imitation Bruaaola, |4.Mto|8.94a l'*1*; Heal Bnueele,|;r.:8 tof 18. Madrea, Chenille, Tur-ornan, Ortnoeke, and ? urtai"?. All <>f the Cartaio* you Ret from h-r? a-iitb and length?bo matter how ? aro bere acato. ?.-u ik. Tho lailty ae tbe former. Ten centi nyariu tal pi - klly Bold at ?1 a yard ?hnm with th? . . ? ' ' ? ? 11.4?, ' OTH. ' lUnlsome ^~"?^"""?~'""*~l an? ? atrl?? I t?. lU'-orss In thll DrCSS Kill,"!' Thehapbaeardkind ? ? * art? left out. Tho study Ot art in ti ? ittra ?? '. Til? prfcoa areanothor. Bereise ? ?tep-iad lee of values yon can look to only In ? of this. The j *.-r!e? them for your tOneflt and ?-??,???. | ?- than j M frjra other ??Uh bere and buy whero your interest Plain and Rtapla Or?*?* rabrl?** from 5??. a yard Fancy Noretty Dre** Fabri.?* bon li.?) a rolt ? lai !? an 1 Btrfpat tri ? Ita a yard to |LW; Easy ononith to buy ? iMDKEROHIEFBi The j a? when eoaaMered wl'h what you jay for tnom hero now must e wonderful ' ?riinon-mao. ? that coat ISe, la rie?a j at ? With au ele lai -every letter from At.?/; lyaaDrawn? : irawn)*n * a?:' Fifty various patten?? of the sama family to from?a ? ?. Handkerchief or a dollar ?to on lea* than Sta ' ilar. REAL | 4 Xi>? ?l-ln-h-wlde, silk It'll !' ???. : IWry ?ros-r.ralnSnk.f. The usual kl Quality, all suit an 1 the best of wear, .,"?.; ? ? I '.?towool Cord?new efTsft this season? ILSJ an ? ?.48; India xiiv^ Bank ??ally aeB torTAn are ?a.; The Ame-ican an 1 Imitation of the India?all Bllk-Sta Unir lt?lit-piiik and blue jiiit ?*,*. The ??>*? of *h" eetora will b? tr. au.if the Imponed fancy suit?? fron II'? ? yard. All llie etani" ever}--?lay-wantlng Silks. One of the fo< sun DapaitaMnteot the I'nltod States Is here. Nearly all made to our own order by the b"st Kreuch SUS manufac best of wear with : Some spedai prVes. Ilunlrc 1? of rtylea, Aa aseen. In the fit as in the ftyie. ??p?? gmrmante are ? Wr;ip< I merchant yon get them of. The maturili*, make, fit and style mue? hare an art: .? . Some speda B?eweek. Jacketathatahooldbef 10ara |l and so with ? ball loien rartous tinnite tu that depart ? r done bere. I?ery I ?a???????' Stampine} kll the little fancy nan? ______ ?. r ali tot ?tie sea ?n In In?, crocho'ing, ani other Fancy Work In the department We claim a naftas t.. you of at l.-ast ?."> por nani Pitee all the varloi? wares ? If this statement bears value worth your attention. Imported <t ?- iI.ASS uoHl.BTh com* to ?a faff ?'- OdoBOOl en ther for ?'..9? ; to mavh harMs, ateoami Imported GG?-OI.ASS n'VaNTKK!?, ?4<\ ; th* I arger, Efe CUT-OLA"** BrTTKR-IMSIIBB, MHAM, aad MVMiN-HOLIir.K1? for it.? neaal heJf-t??a?. EMLM kar? m \hih"Mk ????."<>???? ki>i>inser? BIT; III MfaraakaMMff tO?J imported; ?.Ineb BA1TDB0M1 ?SCORAG?? REAL FRKV )!? IIIN\ G???????. Ho.; a-la.-h WIUTK ???????? HlvtiKKS, ?a.; :<??. I. r an Imitation CCV^MVABB ?.VOllOKT, witht.'?<. ?nCATHEeUTRIFfl ?ara you ?nongh furlta /.h U> tbwibl ? ? I ?.? ?o. a foot. m Tup Milliaeq DeptrtBMa > a bun h "f lUnlsotn? OSTMICBJ FEATUBRSforM . that oaoailp ??? ? ?.'.. Tho be?tpr kedtO In all thm**, Tb? . ??!? Hii, Th? 0 io ?*. an I 11? .tig. 'he Cohen Company, lUMM??iltoiiSt, PIRJ1 AND POOfBlaa J. TDALIIIMIR. GrAlSTSS & CO. - < (, The Beehive." 'sets?W. B.?Corsets. t-riyn ? ?* a? ??.?? at il: at 11.79. at 73c. TI.?? Inai ? ai t ft ne-er Phown in th!? city. Wo are tbe ?ou aconte of tii ?? to wear well, and are superior to any 4 ?.? re. I? "LBADIR," at 35??.; "OorBIIT." at afe;M STYLE "C B.ALASPK1T, LEBRATEDWATi U-SPR1 NO, at $1. ;:>; "FRENCH WOVEN," at it A O. CORSETS. s? . . UTTEEN CORSI lady wi ta m be au 1 at our s:.???re, as we carry the largest and most eom I ? y, MILLINERY. A new lot of PELI rURBANS and LARGE 1 p we make a specialty of at TV.? worth ' A NOBBY I RIMMID PILT SAILOR BAT al li. rani ?? ? a ??.? ri ATI at greatly radaea I fifarea. Dar , In aH abane ? ? yery completo, aad comprise the odd* ? np wards | BLAl - ? ' PA ? IHDS, HO RETI rS, ?s. ttreoatred. RIBBONS of all ktnda a iway. FANCY GOODS. Our stock of FANCY GOODS Is very oomvld?, an 1 cur space la too limited to mention the 3Am<> .n detail. l> kinu a ape CUlLDRftt ? a?-?ad ?A'-, ? 1'i'i.h sad cashmere, In endless varlsty. Call aa I b ? ?OBTtS '??? I Of what ?n ssy. GANS S & CO., /13 east Bio-ad btieet, BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS. ?ACallMJMJ????. KIMOND LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE-WORKS. ?ICBMOMIk va.. STEAM HMMNEI A>D nolLF.KS. Our faciline* for the manufacture of IIIQII CLAIW MACUI.NKKT are 4U*urpa***d. If you aeed steam power Ir any purpose rait o* through telephone, and we will ?end up ea ?? pert to make eetlmetes and rami price*. HICHMON? LOCOMOTIVE- AND MAOB1NE WORKA ?X 14-lT LECTURE*. ?? /? LI) TIMES AND THE NEW,' Dm..r. J. LAjmatT, ir WBNABLE-ATKEET CHITRCH, ?'.L'EMI \Y.OCT0?BH?'B. ADinaeioK.? ctvn. ?poetai Eleotr.r rar for fihoekoe-Rlll people leaves Beech "treat and Orove avacu? at7:10, ftfUk and Clay at 7:80, Heteath and Franklin al 7:3?, oottoectlag oloeely at Seventeen? and Franklin. Kewrnlag, leavee Heventeeuth end VenaDte at 10:?i oc tf-tt i;ICH.Mund, Octobbb 27, ? -?. ?NUINE APPRECIATION We are intensely gratified end tot?afied with oui patronage daring tho peat week. The atore hu? lu en crowded MUE bajen every any. l'In* ?? uut ?trange or anaccountable, boworer. We have studied the parohoi ate end inailo it to ti.? ir advantage to bay from u->. We off r good? for low Agon ? et which no? body else can cell them, and daring the pest week we nata | ? ? mdm-u menta in the way of discounts and rednettoni ? oar removal to oar new st^ri'. Tbeee indnoementi will conttnae antd we more, which will be in about t'"u days, BARGAINS. ?Titpt let ?? oaU yonr attention to a few of the bargaius you can irot 'luring the nest few da] Kobby 1'? 11 Bailor Hata, all colors only 25 fonts. I't if ib k] m Wool Felt, bound, lot Lovely Ta > Toned Trii ? ? I Wool Sailor Hati, extremely nobby, 43 eenta, Bofl Felt 1 lata, all oolora and black, 02 osata. A btuiiliiul line of Freni ? Feite mall duiiruhle shape?, iildck ami colored, 08 Fall line faahionable French Felt Botrneta, all ihapea, only M e< nta. Theea bave joat l" ? a received and are told by oUm r merchants forgi..".n. We give ? discount of lu percent thie week on all Trimmed Millinery. DECORATIONS We are abowing now a full line, m all taaagiaabti store, of StifT Win ira, ata on Wings, in colore and black, l ? * eenta each. F.x'piuito t?. riety of Bird?1 Winga, Aigrette?, Tips, and l'lumte.all o? which havo come within the ? ale of our redaction in rerieee. \ ANTS AND CHILDREN. Do yon want I':. Its ? G? -? for thi ba^it s or the children? If you do, we have them at l'.l <'?"nts and upwards. Do yoa want any Zepbyr Knitted Baeqoee? \\ e I ove ti.? m at only ~?'> cent?. Wo bave liner once, too-ae good at you want. We hi > a variety of MftteM aa aan be lowad, Bt at in mi i that our atore is the beet plaee -the hea linartere? for In? ? tant?'end CI ? ? Cape and Cloaks, This week th? re will I*) many new ad-. ditiona in thie department Hie attawation will not ealv be the *tyl?? of th?ee ? goode, bat aleo the price at whieh we will offrr thaws- a??? tu* uanal it will be lower than 11 where, Itdoeanot follow, thotudi, that beeaoeo the prie?? of an I art.el?? i? low that WO Bel] it ; we do do cot **doct ?>:ir it ok wit'i this idea in tiew? ? ? bave a reputation to msiutain, and w? never aal <.r bay a^ytUng that we ' cannot ? eoo ?.?ml, und when you come to our ?!?>?? we will tell yoa plainly ea??? se? ? ? what the article will be worth to you. CORSETS. In Cor?ete our variety in still completo in eizce and onr st?k embraces brandi of the best manufacturer? abro id and at home. The fifty-cent Correteare now fold at 38 cent? at:! finat grade? proportionately higher. JCcwffit&itn & w (,13 east Broad street (As* M TAX MOTI? ?. ANCHE8TEB TAXES. Alt persona paying the LAST HALF cf the City eud ?chool Tax ON OR BEPOfcl NoYKMBSR 1st will be entitled to a rebate of J per eeot. en the one halt of the City Tax. The State Tax la now ready for col'.ectioa. Kit? per cent will be added to all aSSSI 'Mate, City aad School? unpaid December 1. i4JS J. W. BRo.NA01H.Ja., oo m-tNoii Traaaarer Cttv of Mancheatar. TILK AM? HHICk?*. _ a a UASkLL, ITes. jmss a. we ara, Oen. MfiSk Ornes or tus camma ? lay wua*i?<i cu,i TiUBAsr Mam sTBiar Kuaa??o. Vt, I MsscracYvRT, cusstaaSTATiox, f vfUSNTU? cossr n-aJ ?^ABMKBS' ROIND OKAlN-TlLsV FAVINO AND COMMON SUlLl-i-PrllSR oo applicai too. All goods sold free on board cms of the Atlantic Coast Une, or t the r^mvUteV and rOwheun railroad, at Cheater asatioa, CI torfield county, ? a., or en wharf Hundred, Jeme? nver. Lowest ratea< ??curad for out patrona lo all potuta rali or ??ter. oo k-eedttR siiot, Lsr?. as iirmwAa 'asm :