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PRESBYTERIANS. fltCORDS OF THE ASSEMBLIES PRE? SENTED ANO APPHOVED. %7nlrtn Trtrolngl? al Kenilnarv Old Ttlrec tore U. appointe! Stftiinton the Next l'Ini?? of Mefllne Hearing Me? morials? S?IJ?>uriir.l. ripeclM telegram to tbo nupalrhl Wrxrnr?Ti ?? M ' (el SjbSR. Ire devotional oxarriw edectod V? luv 1 W. McCorkl?\ '?' | p ported i'li ? ? -m w ami ail sp 1 ritti minor exception*. 1 >r I V il,...(.-r pr. senti?.I ihi report un the 1 ?? ?. ? i>c reciuni. ? dation m the report ?civ. adopt? ed. l\-, 1? aiti was thanked for.' ttficnicnt and gratification a that the i.. niente b? greatly . ? pprovcxL ') rnod ipjirovo.' : '.?? ??.? ii.ltiHut t" Ar ? ' board to tab? . ??. I ? t- nn of .tri? ? liad IH ? M m mai thai :>? ? ???? urn.'4 fiui'l- ? : ; ?)r. Pi pai.) t!,? : rical Semiti f. t ita He would ?? farti ?mino mm, . intag?? ??t |>r? afilli m .?- Ihere ari? Ibi Oli ai ??: mi );? ? H ? W?l ?. ri. ? , . to r?? ino vu u ? ritti,, ??. .1 t ? ???.?-?1????-: ? at then ? ? nry. p. ?. ?. ? li ni nn in. ? * 1.. IT t.? lowmeut O? I ' Dr. I. !.. l'r ?' >n pn f r: i a p . r .ml ? !? .? deficiency ?'ach I , ? ; ? : til.? report ? 7 I I arili" taken up t)..? -? I church. I . ' ? 1 he 1 irst > ? ? li.iiiio I '? 1 ? ? ? 1 ' 1 f It. W. ! I . ? . ' ) ? ? I ? ? 1 ?. ' t ? ? ?? ? lo l'i.? ? Uiuiovor 1 ? ? I I I it 7:901'. M. __^^ ALBEMARLt AROUSED. jLeiiiiJ ?>? r\ i. ?? -Other Church Matters? ptlon to the vt.;??. i,?,?.. [Con? 1-- >. ? I ? I either pai I - w ho 1 I, and ( aile 1 I j ml y. and Ihc I >i orators pt bu y trots D until II ? mol 11. ? j . . owing t inclcni? ul <??p wa which \ ud I) barbecue will be b- M it V ou next I ? ti tlij .1 T. li. IL '. M. ne. .1. 11 H. \ football. 1: . ? N. I'lllill. IlioI Otl '.|..-cti I In In r. and t! e M?m ieell ? I will furnish Boom of tl A meeting of stl the 1 rimiri;?, ? Will U> held Hi the tu D V ?. ..hi. ..? blond i\. ( ?? for the pu 1 1 Of till! part) Republicans are by no means inac. I ??. ' arranged to I ? ' : .11. ? riea ol rei iva] s.'t\ ici ? have been h?*kl in tl:? M? ' ' ? ii-t church bf this ?it v ?>T tin? past two weeks, and th- r?? ln?\? ??? u h I ? during I tor. Hi r. II. M. Hope, I ' during the meet? pi tin to Sir. Wal oftbeChri lian church, and Revs, Air. I la rda, in I A C. Ill? rl ?, of the I Th? ii tere t in tho ? .?? d. I.? . -i. li. ? irpin, pi ktor ? I thi Baptist ehurch, and Mr. J. I thi? Votukg M d'i Christian I ociation, hare both risiti I Lyuchburg this w?3ek fot the ptirpi???? of hearii ? !.?*. Bam Jonen, till? II lion of tiri ari? now : . ? ? prepara )iapti-t ? ?: Virginia, filili h . oui? with 1 he church tin? Util of next ? D two II, ethi ? apaai in arit on< tl nrovtng and bt utifyiug their church edi 1 ? baa ban thrown i ? . il h in hai ? their aors OB ?' : nt of 11?'_? in rums "f the past moi The Indie? of the ?uivernitj M anil .-fi nu.!., ? ? ' Tues? day evening. Th? reception willb? in Um int d under thi : thi i" . ? Mi :i - Christ an ?*- >. nation, and is intend? I to bring the \?..rk of lois institutn u ????? proniiutwtiy be? lore t!.? students. THE SOUTH SIDE. Vax. M .tl.?-. m line ImfimWliM Colored Melimi?-It.?imi.II? ?i.v \||?. ? ill. Ill? huh Nut??.. |Oorreepon'je!..r<..f BM Hi aasseei. sMgaaSoaJ kastrao, Va., (ht?? Ko Democratic ?\ ?>:? ? r li, tnor- fu\. ral li il Iban Ooloot in Prim?? * lay mid again mat ? ? tonel 11. 1ft ? faiil.v ... tanta ye*tt-i.lav. Appearing an a stranger faMMMMI I bam, be .it a' on. u ? Smd aroused an eiitliuniasui whicl ! I in tiii?. can pu : KUett la himself ?MSthvaiaetii* In the Dem ?ans??, un.1 h eloquent words, ?p^ ???> wincing arguinxiii ; . tuiscanraaa Imparted to Lis ? uv.n feeling?, anil iiuptw ?d them with the momentoua ?BUKirtan? ? < nlopel Kllett on h!* n-turn t.. t aVrf11. "'?11' h'1,1, aguien'e Bt 'Ul.ot I'? t.-r?biui!.t<.ll? win?/ in In ?f*e eloquent ?uuugtHJiit;i.*eiurtn fumi tins F district, tlieTl.,1,. ? ( ?ad the imj>?. ? - atad here was so MstAsAth? dasire is mpreaspil ;. Ebav?'liii-?-?..?.. .neri uivht next week in Pe? ril nr? m tL<- liifl'-rciit wanls iu tin r. Vi ,. ut nuil aoul in th tsit, sod last night p? addreaaing t?. knaetiug of the workini;mtu mad the ?loareat and strougeet sikh? beanl in 1'? tereburg. At a meeting of the colored Malioue ?{?v G binane, hebt last i.ijLi it wu . *.-?-* ?1.-.? tl, inasmuch as (??lierai MsROOO ami his ?tate ("oiiiiu.t.? <? hud i!;itA refund to r? Johuki. LuukhUju iu this cooteat. the. colored peoni o t rtemselve* should in? vite him t" speak for the Republican Stato (leket. It was a Botieeable fact ?hat the Maders m this mooting were ntostprata? mm h""? The Immediate frteaea of Laagston took no part?a tt Laagstea Is now In oino, and what reopoo ? he aiti make to this invitation, eosalmi a? It Is net known. Then? ure aome people, even saOBg his own color, who ttint Laaajstoa is too much w s mas ha? too much principio te oTorlooh tao anab? ? ml from afahnae sad the oat? . treat mont thai bee constantly bowa him i" speak for the master who refuses to reeoguise him. Only one colored preach? r in Petersburg the pol?tica] circular santoni by the ne ???. minister? of the Sfate. tration ha* been progressing pretty active!) in all of the wards in this city to? (withstanding the faci thsl s iteady run ha* boon falling. There, ie aa intenae in this ei. iti..11. and the sign? indicate thai Pol ill give the .t baa e\ ? twilled. Si ? Republican boodle have been mail" appa? ri ut. bnl the people an- lookioB t.. the ? f the Hep ; ;itni corruption, ?t*t?*"t? iioraa. The Pet? rabarg trihub : to be held hue next month. ? folk and ?. .-it. 1 it* intention to don il ' ?r, and ind Ohio Bailwsj C im? .I'll. ? ?, BKM ; ?lion bas prepared a \erv liberal premiums fur the fror. ?? ? abiliti ia thai the ? (bibita of tbo wood will bo large, varied, and rerjr rooeipts of new cotton st this port usually amali for the seaaon. it is ?aid that th< r dl* in S< lifferenl tins year more so t Man bas bien known foi m and this maj aci ount for tin I . ' - unt of ? ; out from Itepi ? tin? Ninth congre.rial district, to be I allot." Among thus honored it ia I I Democi ite for flovernor. h ' par ? ? tl'i- resi.I Mali ?no great deal on s mtba ?riais, bu! M kjor Ti 1er savs b d to ?;-- k| t moni ? ? kvsMo? > r. ' I ? ? e irt< r atre? t, ?? Donai ?.of thepolice corps, nghthand inptiug tO ::: II.I D on. aceti ? ?? .? ;it the residence it. I. Me? le, in this city. 81 ore end high 11 Robu .U>aiu. IN TROUBLE. Serious Cbara* Vanin?r one of Mahone'e Colored Paotora. i?? perlai ?, ;. ???? ktek ? Noarout, Va.. 0 nsation was -te kted in uoloi l.v tbo ', ? . ' ?li. Ihn leading colon d by H ? ' ? imed s? Ima Whiting, chnrgiug ? hieing her in Noti mb -r. \-- ', '? after ' morning lo ? lony. ? '. kd '.vele pro? li some timi ntnitteo ?.: ? :t V ? . ?? ber I Ih r taken to aise m ? ? ioli. i has he. D l . u Wall - nnd Major Jami ? G. red I ; ? ? Rev. J. M ' ? ular ??. the colored \ ? u> unfriendly to their ? Council of I ' ? : from the .urne beri . a wild Mad'? for a p-i--t< r in t!.a* _ ALEXANDRIA AFFAIRS. and Daughter Burned -S ttled in I ull-IJe. line, to Kim. IrU tei? Piani t.. tt;- '? \ ? ? . ; ? -??.?.? the-Iti 1 . WCn? l.iellv 1.111 having ai d 1 ? r da ? i : .iure ' '.Il . Mrs. Du fly : Me--: I ? : . in 187?, f ? ut t?? ail their creditor? to-day , I ot' their ill Mr, l I '?es to run as a I Oil thO iria Iud< ?? iblican State Vfoal Potati Dora. .? ?h.1 Point, Va., 0 rhel el? ? ? ...-d the I th< ground w ?ill. s.\ente ?? bundred balea of <??:?.>t? were put into the Oxford to-day, and the work ? ?? load > ? ' ? to-night. ? to-day WOW THE CHIEF OF POLICE TlilnUs Bo Has Taerotl tl<e Murderer. (Ht te!ofrr?i h lo the DUpatcb.l I'm; ??? ? im \, Pa., Ocl In a dispatch ?etit to the ? tl s last night Chi? f Wood asked ?f ' one lure who could identify Tascott. A tel ?ram can ? ? thai no o lelphia know Tase >tt, and requ< iting that the pho? tograph of the man under arresi he sept at one.?. He was accordingly photographed and the pi. turo will bt mailed to-i t'h.? t ?,,, ? mu close) id with t' : murdi era) >? ? bile to-day. After a few prelimi rig man ii he v>.?- not Tas? cott. ? ?lored ? rcepti bly, ?ml then be ? ied in a halt-l ? way thai i..? wan that not? ? | son. ('!:;. ? W Im a de oenption of the murderer, and the d tempted t< argue thai the points wen? not II" uckm wh dge i thai npper fronl toeth bad l?? ? hopped out 11 ? pper fronl teeth are said to have been gold-filled. The man also .:< know 1. dgea ' ! travelled ? stensively. ! to aaj ?me word about h?< parents, deolarine thai they . :d he would noi for the be was a thief, He ?! '. ? the frequenters of a well-known bil 'us having played peel there. Heia <;iid to expert game, and in thia reaped b< With ???-? ott, wl 0 ?? rer at it. Bi i u ter view with the pri? soner Chiol W< od la i.. ? r eon viuced thai the man ia none ?.?tur than the murder? ? ...f.ire u reward of ? ? ' trie Ugfc*. [Bjr ?????G??G? to tuo DtepStCB.] RawToax. 0 lutionswere adopted ' ? cothi nueh-mootod ??uhi wire queetiou by tlio fclxecu II a] I'.leetn, - Light A*.iation to by. tfter reviewing I tbe importaui e of ti e queatiou of the dia? li the question of lbs tension of the eurronl the commit both direct m d alb mating, ol the intensity of the ??? ? ree now io use in tins and other cii ? of th< conatry ure sbso. the ' sue ' reduce -oiilie,!. il theenrr uta BOW in use would "n crease the cost and cripple ti. on w^ the cause pie l with restrictivo I tiou a<e! divided re ; , which gave ? repairs. Safe iasulaUoa of bi.jb-teuaiou wirea is ?l'le. ???* Vork?, Beaajaattwasl BaSa, ri'T telegraph ?o lb* UUiiatctLl .VawToax, October ^?TiideweatMhkat regiaUation, thegraud Intel roach. lie totals fur the pre\ioua :???. m,M; i?7, 238,436,and urn, 33S.6B*. tie ? .- . . pe'tihar curative merit, und m much eupirior to other preparatioao. AN OUTRAGE, THE ARREST OF THE CHARLOTTE JUDGES OF ELF.CTION. One of the Ilo?.'? SjgteSOMS <?G Intimidation. Aulirlo Oemiirrallc ? Irr I ?mi. r?neolal telegram to the PlaDat?i.i Bom Boston, ?*.. Ootobst '-"'>? 'Ihr-nr ? tin? Judges .>f el? I pinwall i.u?. inci, m Charlotte count). by s United Btatea deputy marshal b"H csueed much talk sad Mir hers is D?mocratie oirclcs. Great indigoatioa it expressed and rosai? feeted khd our people ars becoming highly wrought up by such methods of r.'tty per secut on and attempted intimidation. The s. -it >i Boston Democr iti? clubs thi Hint: Issued tbe foUowiog address to the people ? f Halifax: Bonn Botro* DsMocsAitoClobs,j Boi ?ii Bom ' that u Pnited states marahal. acting under the direction of William l&abone. the Repub? lican ea Q ' I : and tabeo to Lynchburg for inai befor s United Btal ? I election .it- Aspinwall pre mpl to drap, the iudioial ? rmine into the mire and filth of party polities foi persons] ends lows tne deeper it which liafioni Is reduced, and that be will resort to soy mesi u .] would even trample the lib irtiea of the peopl ? und? fool to < lect (lovernor. Ii I? well known tbst the of Halifax sod Charlotte counties are the special objects of his hatred and if over them he u II 11 - m.u be but the be? ries of diaiiol cal acts ? ? lo timidntc the lodges ol election und pre irformiOR their dun. s on ? tl ? . I.. ; ti.'? peoni, of l m this. It's ili" ? ? tirant .nu! doari ever} man fit) aside 1 s ir* private business end woTk from now until the polls. lose on election-day, and rebuke this tyrannical u ?ir;?? r ol powei by giving the lari est D?mocratie mai..n'y Halifax has ever given. If we will 1?? true to ?? fern the r< alt. Arise in your maji ty sad might and bury for? ? hop - ol this Virginia _ ?? LYNCH BURG. The Judges Befar? the United States Com? nilSKlnnrr. [Special telegram to QM DlspatCh.1 l,i?.. HStrso, Va., Ocl il W M. \. H. Bmith, und Ali I awaon, of Charlotte county, were or >ucht b?i.'.a? by Deputy I lutes Mur. - hai Harvey ai d ; ISl tes ? rier Vi ti. Tinsley for ei a the United ? ct-Attorney t in be r Jobo VV. ?1 a al, N. C. M ti n, Jr., A. 11. Bur? ina J. C. Edmunds appeared for warrant opon which the . m oat by one Bo pi rvisor ? Hows : \. Jl. Payne, Isaac M. Smith, mid rli r Lawaon, judges of elei I Chai lottecount the .'.'of tin? ! I?'. risi d stat a? s ad hin lered an ? re m th? them to li." v oat or Daniel moved to quash thewar ?.? the irround that it Was vague lefinite in tli it it i.i led t.. epeoify ? against whom tin? .cit^ charged, was I I, or to arshal or a deputy I, or even to ? whether tho had was ? Federal or State elec He : nit the gen ; th meo had t?. ??? ?? ? I br. >ught here to stano trial on ? vague war? 'rait, and that, too, when there was a I States commissioner at tbeir very door. In reply to Mr. Daniel Mr. Craig nd ? e ..? rai t \\ is not drawn op with the degn.t accuracy required of pli ? ? trial, but considered tbat it soswered the ? t thi? i'\ He said the ; :.. this city ? ?. and be chsrsi i? f unjust the imputation of the < ?>???? ? ? in ? is act u e d in any du by political ? Iji urned oi Monday morning at Hi o'clock. Thi - t do not hesitate to de? is ii ? political tru k and s malicious I ? - ! for the accosed weri ? ?' ip iken in their di nunciation. AT HEAnQUARTERS. How the Kewi Was Becelved l?v the I?, mm rat Ic Committee, 'o "??? Dispai ??.! \ lndkia, Va., October 26.?The State Esecutivi ? '..????. ?? bere this afternoon r? ??in icy of intimidation and force v. . ? from lowed, Tbe committee have infon .? two ? ? Aspinwall ?iv.- been ar i? -'? d by s] oc) .! d< put ios of the I I f riel .?( Virginia id at the ?t? tiol election and ?arri??.I to Lynchburg. '. ,i to the ? ? ??: a special view to the intimidation tion of the and the few member*, of the committee ? l tir?) li.?!.luit; a ire s fuir lui lot und irci? count m nil sections of tho State. They have determined tint every ? ; ?tie I to regi itration ?ball bo ? 1 and i bat be anali osai h and have it cuntid at all bazar Is. DESPERADO AND TRAIN-ROBBER. He anil a Pal Tu ice Surrounded, hut >tako Their Km.? pi?. [By telegraph 10 the DkvpetOh.] BrBMCtoBAM, Ala., October ?NL?Sheriff M Blooot cu?n tv, was io Birming? ham toi-daj. and told the folio wine etorj of an unsuccessful attempt to cat eh the ont ! desperado tnd Lrain-robber Kobe Burrows: ? Rube and one of his pals had been in Blount county ? week or more, and 00 ? lay last the officers of the law got on tbeir tru '.. They found them at night j iu the boose of Bud Aehworth eatii < per. Tbe Sbari ft' and his posar eurrou id d the house sod called for their surrender. ; When the <l or w.?.s opeoed the two ' rubbers rushed out, with ? woman fol. lowing and screaming, l.-r fear of killing rs did not shoot, und the men ? I .. aft? ? noon they were overtaken and surrounded in a swamp, but when called upon t.. surrender answered that they bad rather die. and told tbe Sheriff to pro?.? with bis si ootiog. Pire ? ued, and aft? r some hundred shots deputy sheriff named Ander? >? ? io . | id were found deed. Robe ami I ran oil through the woods. They were followed r, where they \ver- watched while sheriff Sifoni? came to i!im supplies of Winches! rs and bloodhounds. Begot them and went back this evening. this occurred is several ?? mi the rail? The G???-American Party, f?r mlegnipti le tn? Dtepa?Sb.l Sion Citt, le, Ootober M. The later national America] ? train reached ?'it?.?, 1.1., this in. nine about 8 o'clock. Breakfast ?as bad on the traio, which wai surrounded by ? ? r ?wo* of peo pli curiousl] watching every morsel of ????ate??. Just before I o'clock the local reception committee took l charge sod ? 1 them to the < >p irs-House. Here Mayor Clelaod and Governor Larrabee W< lr? 'tne?l the city's ,*ue?.ts and iotrodoci .1 Senator Allison, who ?a?.i that th- dele ?.? re now within tbe great corn-pro ?iiii ing region. Here corn was kin?,:, rbs nl watch???! with great mterest tbe developmeot ? f Booth America and Central America. Each continent produced something not peo? dooed by tbe other. One trouble that we had m the paat was that to seoftrs ion? mutiication we mint, ninas and reel ? ut we irare now read lines of d.I oommooicsuoD. He also m tint tieur future that tho I ?. ? oeesoi aslffbt be uaited by a esosi which would bring th? people ol Ameri?** pesrer. Although iu tbe heart <.f the continent, vet Iowa was on th?- Mi.. aouri river, and therefore navigation was opea to the i.ulf of Mexico. Ho hoped that the delegate? would judge from the ex preselo os ol the people how idud they were to w. '.com?? then to Iowa. Bettor Silva, of Columbia, in response Miil that it wss causo for HTi tion that the address of welcome should have beep made br one so eminf-nt ss ?senator Allison, Hs truly represented the people, and hi? amiable expresMons were the faithful <?' lo.f tli.? sentiments of those in whose osais fas spok?. Th? delegates' vocabulary of thanks was already exhaust? ed, but tiieir hearts lev. nled from ?day to day the sentiment of fraternal n>'uu>at.h.y of human esteem for the people of this great republic, which they had alwavs regarded as a friend, but which from to-day must forerer be ?aamrdcd as their elder listar. John A Rsaeoaoaid that in his know lodn" of diplomatic history ihsTs hai been Doeoch importan! gathering asthl gross. For the first time the diplomatist? unsealed their lipa, and from oaeliberty loving pe.pb? eame the measafeto another liberty-loving people of fraternity and good will, tt marked an era in the annale of di? plomatic hiatory. ?Te tanghi the Jd world that WS tablish lilwr tv amoOg the pis.pie of the v. sphere. at the conclusion of the speeches tiio itea were sh..w-? that beautiful and unique structure, the corn palace. Prompt? ly at Llo'olock tin? specml train glided I ? toaba, umuia. Nan., October td. On t1 \. braska plains, under a cloudless iky. with a genial warmth ol or. tbe south) rnera t.> d.iv for <!.? ? : a the North I oh:i Indiai? upon bis native prairie?. Situe the -im ' ? expedition Little He ulet, m Pondar, forty miles fi .m Bious City, I m holding : version thai should ' interesting, noon the tra - beeidoa little depot ma Ion. u prairie. On one ii leahnn- | died . r two hardy lookii women I r?n the platform, while m the open 01 ? U bed a nnm? ber of Indian teep ? I ig near v. ,s a jittli drov? oi bronchos sad lied and bri? ! standing was a land of Indian* fr theWinebagoa and Omaha?. The visitors gathered about and stadie curious Intereai the bandfnl of North Anen m. Finally a | circuit ???is formed about e creai drum apon the ? art'i. I'tie 1 t???? fa with a Stick 11 The chief lifted his voice In a discordant way that startled the visitors, und a? gone through witb. The tram ?t .1 P. M. Isi di d 11 Florence, five mih ? oui o? < to .i ? ? he party remaina here until 8 \. M. Monday, when it starts Coi ; ? la. UNPRECEDENTED CASE In the HUtnrv offrirne In Tcnnr? ilegrapb io thn Dispatch I K? "t\ n f. October 26. The Rupreme ? ? ? ideda case anprei in tli" hiatory ol Tsaneoaee. List January Henly Button, a pr lock-buyer of, kcount d upon by men in ! ' and kill? 1. Su . ? ted to five ??? John 'or Big Join John M. Eliaba. and Clinton Barnard. They : ?ire closely related t.. each other anda tanni;, feud 1 e! i n g been raging b . id the Buttons. The Barnard? were I and tried m < I l( of Hancock on 1 be asms indii md ? I..1 senti need | An appeal ?as takes to reme t brined the sentence of the lower court. ' They will be banged on Decombi r 28d. It is a remarkable ? *e in several particulars, ! si I ? ? ? t on rei rd where l. wi ??? tried for mm ? ? I mnnt and convicted. At the same term of the lower court six men were sei ten? ? -. i t ? ? ? ?? - entiary j ? terms for homicide. The lirst sen? tence to hang ever given in the ? was nisds at that term. Hanc . long ml- and fatal si effraya, but on to-day, it is t, will atari a new order o? th . the mountain*. AfTnlr? in Mexico. fTty tol??rapti to m* Dlapeton.1 ?'?tt or- Mexico via Galvxston, 0 1?. ?? ... Government an ?? | i " irks I??. ? in?,; his credentials as Minister t I: . The negro colonization bill! ? first reading in the S nate. '?l?<t bill will -?? d and approi ? l, bul will find hard times in Mexico, aa thei are v. rj unpopular bere, and besidea the landa Bel? ted are am tig the most unhealthy in the country. ? he ' ? 1 and Bpaniah the ? co and the United Statea to revive tl ? of the ci invention of 3 to eurvi iting bound? ary-line betw wesl of t be ??? ' Grande, und t... ? | me for the ei ? Dish' Oca and Cur" ? ? <?, lebrat tuglo-Amei ?can Corop. ? The Croata Trini, fry : ? PtapBftra.1 ? trial timed at the usual hour tin ing, The first witnese was C ! 1 H< ? ifii I that ? y Dr, Eg. 1" rt, bis aai combination to tbe vault in which tl with the false teeth taken f ?. m ' ?? luth was kept. II [Odd) I Inot ktb. lir. D. G. M?? re, I .t the . wai c died and di eribed the woundi and marka of identification on the Patrick Jl.nin. livery- i il? testified to gard ??, hiring of horse and buggy from him by Dan ? After long a ol ? ' m b> Mr. I which witni ? duv morning. _ Fleet Inn (?????p????.!. |Ht telegraph n. las Dispai b.] Sa?, ? . Ocl ? .?'? o! H? t? . re: the r. - ! ot M itaafa aa ? nsmoa by t'.? chu t-1 ; the various di H waa expresaly provided that Mataafa should - ..- ???.? uni mont entered int" powers Then, if' necessary, a new election will be held. Tamas? - signify theii in. ? be correspondent ? ' ? follow? er* "ii ?. ii m .1?? an I kafa's : ' HIS a.?. 1 one humir d warriors left ? pia??? October lUtb ' Thedepai the warrior* for Kavaaii makes certain that , Hired..:, thai island ? rday. Culling nil (Interinili n! Officiala for l'unii?.. ??? telegraph to Ike Dispatch.] ;s rroM, October 26.?U baa been brought to the attenl ion of the ( . viee Commission that the Old Dominion Republican 11 agu? of the lii-irict of Co lumb a bus had mail? d or .hliver??.I to per? sons in service in tbe mi at* ut Washington circular contribution* foi polii ol the offla rsof th | ? an? officiala in th ment. The commission ?- taking ne . Bteps to brin . tontiou of the proper authorities with a ?? the prosi found to have violate v I : tin law i. tating to pol?n. The I.oiiUiumi Homi Steel. [Hr telegraph lo trio IMepaiehd Raw Obuabs, Oetobei ?. ??? grand jury to-'i kj niade a sp? bond st< sL They ?tate thai '. b? irn Deuced ai far back aa 1880. Durine : F260,000 of consolidated ihanged according t.. law : ? pei ? ts, known as constitutional bonds. j Notwithstanding the exchange .. positivi of th. law requiring im 1 mediai'? cancellation, these bonus were re i ?. ined intact until May 6, 1882, and wi :?? use 1 by 1 A. liurk- for his private ? .? ? - I v SJ found li-' twi nt\ a dicuuentsagainsl Major ? III.. S|.#?dr .ludfc-eV Work. li-v t?:eri%pi '"?? MseateBvl Bir.uiNoinM. ??.?.? ?? ber M. A anecia] ? tuffer? l from I says: Joe ilari..1 oolored? wa ? tardar iva negro detective for attempted ? man identifli dthe man and hi guilt. The officer started with him to the Columbus jail and a crowd of k bini ani hanged him. [hone? . snxioes to punish him us tbe whites. _ trinai ila ii iaetuataa. [By teleurM'b to thr Dlsuat-b.l Ni:w toas, October M. Ike New York agi nta of tbe Hamburg-American Company have received information from Hamburg that the American mail, which lett New York by the steamer Columbia, of the Ham? burg Liae, October .) 1, era* distributed in Hamburg on the morning of BatU toiler 12th, at Ib.? name time aa tbe mail of the Citv ot Pari*, which left New York Oc tul>. ? ;jd. _ An Ki-CoagreMinait Head. (By telegraph to tbe DUpatcb.l KnOXWI.I.K. Octob. I H.? Clouel J. If. Crazier, a prominent ante-bellum lawyer and politician, ia dead. He served several terms in Congress, serving one term with Lincoln. He was an ardent secessionist, and since tbe war closed he has been living a very quiet life. Even in Honolulu, ?apitul of the Hand wirb Islands, they une lir. Bull's Cough rarran. L?EOS THE STUMP. THE GOVERNOR'S FIRST SPEECH IN KING AND QUEEN. Messrs. Pnllnrrl. Scott, Mntifurd. Stuhbs ani Jenna Also Hefen.I Ili-mect alle Ilo. triti?? ?Nerd, <>t f:liee>r. fSpeelil telegram to the Plepatch.l .f.vh.iit, Vs., October M, The lie. mocratic rally bere to-dsy -.ras a I. Colon??! ? i I, ami B, B. Mm.: rd csi od t?. West ton a spe. nd trun und c u le over bere, Iffajoi ?. ?Oyloi tl I mei Mort, ? Mar--. Senator ?G. 1 I Colonel W. I. Robins came up from (iloti? little after : | Major VY. ?. Saun ? and Queen, lotm - Governor Lee theGovi mor made ? ? the people of King and (?seen in their ? ' ? I; did not make ? applause of'tin crow l imi the good * 111 ? f ne. Governor Lee was followed by Hon. H. R. Pollard, who review in a clear ami fi ? ible manu . Mr. Pol lord i- e very logical speaker, an I I with pb fit? bj tin people of King and Quoen, whose standard be has so fr< nuentlv ???????. ?. The s;., akei to J. T. Blind ? Brother's I pie bad ut in the wi t roa 1. It was ? hi ed tli il tin k] shoul ' epe iker should left off. an the thri idol Mr. Poll. ? h. Be ? effort Mr. ?. ?. M ke. He elee tifi ex] the audii nee by h fi ; vid elo?|Uenee and In . 1 lottdlj 8] ? d. 1 pi tc with humor. He told of thi work being douo While he s^.ok.? w< rd? ? Mr. -I ? f.r the II. use fr ??:. l; I bad been so her gp< akers : liencelon :. He urged the peopl over. I county? for the u:':.' r end ol thi ' a num. ber of ladies ! . r was served entl.u !.. in 1 ? Scott, ' Mr. Muni', ? epe? ial ? ig well, ring at Hill, in tb BEIRNE AND TUCKER. They AlaUe I-ine ti peci h? ? ?? ? : irge Audi? e In I armi ule. ? infoili. ????? I ? 1 ard P. Beirne, of would ai Farmi Ule on ili. ss tl . -?? at 8 ... ; ppoint ed tu? e for ? en was Boon spa? im lied with ilnding a porti ted into i"d ex? prolonged the mi l ? ? ? iir and ? half, niten. tion w ? ?? utterance. ? Demoi th out 1 pre ? i.' . .oi only to am ? pi il b-. Mah ' Mr. ? : . who, of d I? ir Bur. row? ?? thin t of hi- I i.i * is all wrote.?. [1 t this ?uni ture ? flash s .ut Mr. oll. "! i ? rolline -?? stanti tory is perched it] in \,,_ ? r. A club ol ? ? day. _ ? io? klexandrla Worklngtuen's Demo? . rati ? ???>. ? Dtspetfh.1 ?. Va.,I Ictober 26. The Dei - u's (Hub l."l 1 a large Dg iu tl ??.? ' reet to? night. Houe>K. W Fairfax count?, .address I the mi ting in a of un ? 0 D by the ti\.- hun I VY, II. F. ? unable GREEN B. RAUM, c?f llllooi?, ? ommisslon? r of Penatone, ' ral Baum was born in Golconda, G 111., 1 ceived a cumin u school law, and in W in ?-??. : i\it!i In- ? niiily to Kan? sas. II Illinois At the I as major of au Illinois regiment and was mad?- nontenant?? ? lonel, then coloi then breve! ? brist - em i .<?? ^ '? iv 6th. R tan ?*tt< ? nodi r I '. tu the Mississippi cam? paign of 1862. At tbe 1 nth ho ordered and 1. d the ohar ??? tbst broke the . levate left and captured a battery. He was with General Grau! st Vick and waa wound" 1 ..t t.,- ut?: ary ltidge in ???p??.,?t, II '? During tin* Atlanta campaign be hol ! the Une of communication troni Dslton t> Aoworth, audfroui Kingston to Bom??, (in. la IBM be obtained u ohsTter for tbe 'airo ami Vlnceooes Milroad Company, sided iu and became its tirsi president. He was elected to Congress und served March 1, lhf?7, to Murch S, 1869. In 1*7? he was pr.? lideat of the Hli .:? pobUcsa Convention, and iu the same year he was a delegate t.. tbe nation? al . ..'ivi uiion of that party in ''incinti '-ti. Hewas appointed Commissioner of Inter? nal Revenue August 2, imt?. an.', ictaiiied the of?co uutii May ai. l?tt. During this period be collected $860,000,000 and rlis I a? MM t'lO.OOO.iiOll without loes. He wrote reports ? f his burean for seven successive (Jeueral Raum i* author of "The Existing Conflict Between Republican Ooverament and Bouthern oligarchy/' He has practiced law in Waahingtou, 1). C. NEGROES MAKE TROUBLE. Th?? White? Att Promptly end 1'revent a ?taw, r..r a time reeterday aftemooc ? ment ran bigri ia the aaaghkorl , Fourth end Leigh streets. But tor tbe ooolaeei and determination of ? few whits m? ? the tn likelv have resulted sari? . rty. in. rwrtmmra eaoao. About 8 o' look Mr. ht vT. G ? walking I Igfa atreet aa ' met three them waa Alt ? d Botta, againat whom Mr. Oavloaccidenti* ton. bad passed. Botte h around rerj in nil ? to Mr. G i.l". the letter struck tb sari* Dronghi b Botta ? ' up a bri? .pon tue head jui temple, an ugly gaeb. The white man was ? triokling down his cheek, made for Botta I ."im doe a. wo osi eras. A crowd by this time isemble' and Botta appealed to bis race for help. ? ? raw a) Mr. Gayl without striking : him. Ai."Ut this time Mr. W. H. Moselev and a gentlera in ? imed Childrej :,-. <t km ?? of Mr. U tguna in their bands, at the sight . t ? ? irb mee, ? ? '? av. TBS ' of Mr. ' cl ol negroes followed and atti b their way into ti. ? l tiil thai they .. ?. in tbe doo ! held the crowd at baj \ .? ? '? ? ? ! , the st..r>- it ? ? their de ire t< r< ? -1 the ar tl ' man and ? quietly Mr. ? ' ktcly figuri d in I 1 ' ith he was ? : i and for tLii- costa m ras. I ' ? drunk and violently re non. i ? ?. in the neighb ? Vielj led to " ? ' ir.v. " Armory ' ipl kin Henry C win in mt>any It - ? ? Negro Impudence. ? and lady ? pie spi ? ? ' [??cori ' Pi ?... da ami ? '? Are ? ' !? " Well, so Id. of th" ? trip to ? ? w If Ri s her dut; ti?.? ? will I ? ?. Hie ?;. Greg ry, of Chai Vf. Va., Katie 1. Dyson, atC! In the Police C ? ted to h nt of the Norfolk and Western telegraph, who ri e ivi ring, Dr. C. I. Cu llipp, ex. : Of Stewarts toa ? G ?., '? ? . ?? ? he ordei ho is the .'? . 'e, ' ? ? I M. a< tl ms will ' ? ? . ' dation is growiaa ted t ? ? it -.'II in . in the lati thirty da . ill Ward '? d 7 . morn? ? ' ? thirty-one years ; ? tied m Ri liiie ? teen years. He was ? ? ? impf. A newapap ir "ft' " .. ,. |iilS tie? foli ? a gentleman who has many trii lie (Jhurcb ..? ?.? 1 : " Mi. .1 .-? ? b Bren ? again in this ? U I mini . He tnond, Va., to visit his At thi ? . "iith and Main Btreela, the ? suiuR ? ? r?,-?: President, A. <'. ? .1. Creer j ?. Schmidl ? . <'. c. ? ? J I <r. John W, Gilhatn. !.. G. Bn wn, T. M. traits ? any, und j, Vr. V. tor, John M? The ? action Trouble. . U'.r ? ?toh.l LoniaviLLK, ??., October 3?. -Themafl? ? 1 ;?? a il trian ' Howard's forcea C urt (ilit.i. A Colored Dapaxtaaant Ottteft [Myteinrrstn to me uiep*u-a.t tur?.? Batchellerha , I Milton M. D. to be C on in the ? ? office, Holland is a well-known coli red la??? Tu. y Ua ! ?talked aa 1 ree 1 and ? ios '", 1 tie mouth* like adrea ? ?** '. ? Ad? bo? ti ,uy ? beli h miei Mr.?? ill* ?t: " liooilby : ' And he Ugbtod a cigarette, While abe yn-vu-J bebtod ber tan. ' Ta ta ! ' Ana liioy ?%?*?.1?tti*t ????p??G girl Ami til? immer y?nug uiud. YOUNG. C?Pil? Are *o bable to Croup, ?u Men Cold*, and vi? nous tLroat trouble*, that no fansly ihoula be without AVER'S Cherry Pectoral It ?rive? butant relief ana effects a pernia ;*j?l neat curs. ?? ? asveuse4Ayor*s Cherry Pectoral In my funilU f r ihirty jnirt i!wa)i?i'.iiii " It th?? r.est remedy for cruttp, to which co? and bave al way ?found plaint my children have been ?ubjeot."? Capi ? Carisy, Bn "Ui>n, M V. r irci in) . Iiililr.'ti wer* taken down at ?ne? Inn??, the |ia>< winter with ;ntbiei./a: but they ?rere ?????ni etnee by las oae ci A\>r\ Cherry Pectoral and Ayefe Pilla." M rasters, He.! Ledge, Montana? Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared hr ?? .1 0. Aver It Co., Lowell, Mm?. Hold ty ?11 IlrugKteU. Price tl ; ?I* Urtile?, Si. BOOK AND JOB WOBK NEATLY *XK* ! M?l> Ai TU* 1>1*PA1CU MJ?IT iXU-UULii. REGISTRATION. HOW IT PROGRESSED THROUGHOUT THE STATE YESTERDAY. Very Active In Oitnvlll* and North Dan? ville ~Th? Work In (he f .unity. fspeclal telegram to tbe Dtspat-h.! Damtilu, ( ? be pest two 1 ? gkvtrstlon b ?? b ?en ei ad North ? lai vilh l\ . Iti DsaV 1!'? the ne. groes heve registered verj renorelly, and l their full ?treiv't; ? snd wben in? 'nt verv !? d in v whit" men eatiti? I I failed to pis.?? t t.??? list. In 1 ? ? us much activity m WS* expected, am! I.tit ? ?? gone on thi H tire. ? I tbe whit t.? be an ?peti ? itrars. _ FREDERICKS3URG. ? Ooed It.-piirt from All ??-?????! I he Un. j;. Impelai tole?.Tim so the Dtepel Fssoi ft ?. ? ? been raining here ? ?? ini lem? both politi? al pi ' ? . ? , ? ijority ? ? the kilidly ? i _ ? 80 of whom are w . !. r, 15, ilav mid min h in! ? ? ! ml.dan; and si ? ? ltepul ? this sec! ? ally givi u up all bop? ? it lahingtoa County. is: telegram to tl ?? Disi tl Abixodon, Va., I fifty-tv ? ? Norfolk ami Portemostth. '-]?? ial telegram I I I ? part of In port usual. I'he m w ? ! At \\ lacht ? ?? WiNci Va., 0 . I ? ? ? rithsl ? Wh-? lor th? I ' At Pi tersburg. DtopetobJ Pi 11 ' _ HioiikIii Broken. ;Hvt? Mom . ?? Am., ' >?!?>> ? ? ?'?. ? I 0 '. . M irk- ? After w?)i kiii^ it ov< r . to only ? IlOUSt. WlIO CAM TALK ! ? uni of a " 1 ? over a en an equine rifted ?itti r ? ? a aura? le : but s . r?. rar? ntlv a cure knewlotlgcd ? ? . . ill a?.) I . . a I . uloUS, but ? i alise t.. Js t:< ? ? . l'i ? en -? fair U ., ?"' make new Uni<*?. !? it it will ro .ii? lithj ? b? ii ? ? or strengtb restorer, sltcrut ? an?, nutritive, ?? Ueeh-biilldi r, known 1 ? ?'? ? Hi mi hm t.urii In tbe II. a l. sn l nil Urn ? it is an unequal? <t rein ??!>?. Ii. of the Btouiach, Uvi ? and bowel r lijan. ?,sia. Il;i; ini M.ih. ai lils r cure In ? very. h?*; ? nei?!.?.!, or money ? lid ' ? it will he promptly p fun led (.'?jpjTTltflii, 1-??. ii\ DB '?Inn I S300 OFFERED w t "*?~ ?**-^ ~^*^ ? factur? era o( ?? ? Kenv-ly, for an Incurable caie of Catarrh In the Head. CARPETINGS AMI UL RODS OF FLOOR COVERING, CURTAINS, LACE AND HEAVY, BEAUTIF?I PATTERNS. B. P. RICHARDSON k CO, (Pace liloek.) -09 i: AM MAIS??? (se Mu? 11 HOW TO MAKE S.o. ?an... ?IS fuir far.? "'. ? l ? U??l? vsteni *?????. S?? m ? ADIPtJ->MAL?NE. kUJ?v'pLM?BJ !.. . -? ? 14 .1? i; . * ? , .?1 ... MV. fr.p?. way t?4i m ' ? ? I by sewjaSska LSI ?.M-ll A to.. ?Hit? MadlM? ??,., I'tilla4av- ??. tau 30-weow3ta.Se 1-?. - \??y DRI?M. tHiniMV .?: r. "PKBVKMS ANO CUMaV" EUX IR BABEK, a positive cur? '"G MALAKIA, PRVKK ami AOUK, Contains oc? ?? dolne or arsenic: al?. lutely vegelshlr . iuip.?iu<l. S..11 a'. .Ir i|( al ?? .ente per bottle; three for ti. *&, oc ?il in pUiiCKU., LADD i CO.'S ????310? Of CO? LlVkU OIL WITH llTlOi'bO?i'HlTES. this preparation has been used tor the past ten rear? with tbe fi-.-atest ?etUfacticu le phj/ti ctaus ani paUeau os a nutritivo me lici?n In ail waning tlUoaSu?. i'rice fide, aad fi Ml bvitla, oo I / Absolutely ? Till? powil : ? t ? ? COMPANY. 1 I MENSE CHOCOLAT PUREST, HEALTHIEST, Ask for Yellow Wi ?taf? IlilCH - Standar/J ?? ?a?: \ s X HIGHLY V; HOUSE'.Kf.i . . . , ? ? j e? .. .. ??ko? r airs. ?e. ?ALU Ol M \ : ?. ? ? ? ? ? Vi W BDCKWHI Ai. I IN? NEW BUCKWHEAT, Maple Syrup, White CI Vi ; Il ?. I New tara. Cheesi Pineapple ( AT tlRIiil/t?. SHillM, .Ir. I?OR BALI , ? ? owuer (.mu?* ? > fui W G. SMITH. c\ vT . ? ' | ali itimi* doue a ?aTABLISHIb I ? H. li. lii'MIK?' U V.."N-. . OH ?.. t'I I : ? ' UjiaU-i > ? f? i7-*.>i ? I I II l?|N<- r I M> COUP IMI -. [C H MONI) G?????1 IL BUILD I ttoaal E. i> ^ ? p \? ; ? ? ? Pre.?? ? \ ? < WILLIAM LOYtKSTBI?, * ? dar; Thee.imp.-iuy tus*t^ . MKM" . ?uaaaol fi en ? up? . ? lowed, UM ?um e cannai M - ? il). . in a. stfely ? ? eaey term?. I) DI si i-i* ml e IS3 ea?' i' '? ? reel. 1 A R I> . 3 ? Il ? i ?. oils MAHON ?orraer.y ,. ' ? ? orni * ta ??io ?. M. .?.?? I MUMIU. G?1?? SAVIN? d BASK I MONDI coBMBaoF RiBviNrii a>d ?atteaaaasa, K.A. PATTK?: I. /. MOMMI l?ut; ? Val uKUbiiS; ?. V. ? ??????,?, ? . Depots received lu ?um* of Un? Dollar as? Upward?, and allowed. loans y.\i?K on BJUi e* Nefo'.iaUle ? ? Opeo d?Uy MM tl I Hi'" i IVKB1 >? atti i "i rpo Mi' PAUSND8 AM? lHHr^p 1 1? IUC: I have opened at .V< ???? - ^^ weal br,?,l etreet ; ins k S PIMI AM) II! KIN?.. SlASl.KN Horer? bwiiMed DV tti.i .la?, ?eek. or mou.a. 1 b ?v ? ??>" .'peaed a futi) ST?? ? ? al ine ?awe aumoer, ?ad will keep ou t*nd a fui ?appi? ol '? \ BAY. ????-?????. ?TKAW. ? r'U?Muiva ?. UOl *r*M\V 0c4-f,?uariUiu li pniM