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T??R RICHMOND DSPATCE ???G THF, n/sr \ :. ?? COMPANY. The T>AHT MSTATCI Is delivered ?? ????? BPrlber* at rirrxxa c*'?v?< por week, payable?* Bkecarrier weekly. MallM si BA per sanara te for alx mouths, $1.:?> for three moaUi?, We. ?or one month. TbeSKMl.WRKKt.r prsrATtn a?,*? perso BSm, cr |1 for ?I? months. The WRKKI.Y DISPAI. II at fi per annum. TheMNPAl PlspATX'Hst ?I.V. per annum. SrTV. for *tx months. Subscript ics? la all c***t |>ayahl* In a<ivaac?, ard no paper OMtUHsBd BIB I the expiration of Saw time paid for. Send poet-ofrtc* mosey ?Vder, Check, or reglslereJ letter. Currency ; ?eoi by mall will be at the r*(B of the sender. | B*Jb*cr1t>er? ?n?hleg their poavofTIca cl-anged Bnu?t give ttclr all a* we'i se their new po*t ????.?. IwaBfleeeaieefce* ftavTUlMM ????9. ? Air inch OBbcaa. Itine.t sn lume?.I 1 00 llime- .S 1 f<i Stime?. .< 8 70 Il Unies.I 5 '/I .t "1 WI Imrntli? . I Beading BSSJeSS In n-adlng-matter typ?, Cte Bao? or le??, tl ; In nonpareil lea?! tar 1 of rate? for more space furnished on ap? plication. A11 letter? and u :?gr?m? must be addressed It THE DISPAI ? H tuVPANY. Rejected coxamunlcaUoa? will not be re? tome t hi\IV\Y . G>? ?. DT 1)? *v -? '. "Vi it dotta ta f. ? 1 lie |g is the < aver? I an<] baro with ttae j reads the an? liotii- ? Wn ? IAM Mmi"m?? has rau>.? .1 to be ein -' l ? y ; ?I? pirv re krshal and drs 1 , ? I : ? .t upon ?? I 1 t ? l the device of s desi < ?.-.- to the D . offi , ? i -. I l?o. Ai ' ? ? ? 11 inisand ? ? 1 t ? ? ? stimulus ? t f ' la : ? ? ? - t ? ? ill be - ? 1 ' 1 a ii? ? ? 1 . ? ? e ? ? I I I ? itodly 1 ] ? I . ' ? 1 -, ?. J ? :i.. ?, ? ?????'_'-. J t 1 ? ' , I "Shall ? ' I Idoffl : \> ? M sali th. ?. tion that Ma bmwi. la "u tari roti are to lx carri??:- d, ? t ? ??., Av., U they will only aje?*Mai an ? be Governor. .Mm..m: ??mid do anything to humiliate the white ?i t finia, HU'l especially tl ???u.i; ?ini so we irprised that h> .?? should advise the ne i to voti? for the candidate who will aivoiut to . ,; "bright-eyed" negro ?Vu?. Lu tin way.wi have been expecting in tata tl:?? Democrat would ask swUastanwrlkiletonthe ? ether to Bresald spp .t si ? ho truste?? *uf tin? puhl Wi? ? re ? ?- '? r extract from the negro organ o? ?1a??????. it winds np with a Ikreal? The /'? " 'ih?? Demoorata endeavored toi il W,ul? uli, Ji Vnr 1 II? ? ? 1 truly that if the tactioa adopt? Vnril were pui-u? I lu I'luy Ward ' >] ? ,1 ami riot would The -' tln> whole matter is that ttuvro hai ? of thi* facL C !? red o . , ? such proci i ? uii.l tli-'\ will give them ? ne li an? announcing what they w. .,il?l do in such au . \ ? vthrr ??? ' ai Deal atas/ not ?ru tassi (a pini, li - "Tl.. ? Ward are gor o? tail paper, kith inga e member of tin- Oil? ? ass u sufferer tl We have ? ? among rs/ru't.." Il sa ere Lv a ????. a ? indicate by t ?re icoiuK 1?? <??>\. their "cinlui.ii ? Th?? Beajra ? ? ; " %>iv.?. seadyoni p'.ik ?. Isk?? then, ? We iuiiku m? oonuaente. White s pro?it l'y th? ador. Tho Kiokers. Why ahonhl Mtimxi m the tartas with ?he kickers? \ :??1??? liandsf Are they noi d ing exactly what he woulil bave th.m ?! ?? II, for th? G????<??1 Sin, ??* ???? ito aa well as for the gubernatorial i.'il? Ij t ukeall the lie will not allow any ota** a ta ?? trinan of th? jpuhliiruti Ktn??' r ?.tri1 Commit te? even whilst he i? the Kopuhlican nomini t. ivernor. Il-? wil t haven? ir hi: . V body who will not do hi* bidd | Li?' ,:( (),, | j. own. li- i* a "? wants l? none but iMieearili? inni tv ?aiviBiTh. "Atlviscrs" is ?food in thi-. V* ' ' ?"". sLasoxe is Mahosb'b only ai. iW^i^?. H aa ?'.,??? ? th?.usami n, . I et ! .?. hook auil cali, ani will use the bow | ptririf npou any ?L.tu man who attempts I- lo ast op as a leader of hie sable I I ?seal BO Mtis white In ai bjMBa * Hut lot os retara t?? the striker*. Ia it ?r*o? clear that if th?*s?? Repabheaas vote for Msaoas's nomine??* for the flrnate ? id ih? JJ?JU*e of i?? :.? :,v |?. f Toting for Miiicm ? I? thi \ me in euni-st j when the) declare that tt Je 'h? ir desire I ?wi ptir|H>a? to put au eu<! to M\Hosy\ ?domination of tho /(? puhlican party of t Tiriii'i's, the?' uiiist In-hhiitl iii'l-cl not to -'?. faruBo? the wusauiMuce-'? which will ut ces-1 ear'ly follow their support of ?ap???'? OSSsiidstiS fot tbe I^sislnttiTc. ? MaJMkS Is'Kislntiiroin ltWOforeshadows a MASSIMI l-ciris-ln'iiro in 1S91; for if ho cliH-ts a friendly I^irislalurc this year lie will nsiuri'illv or?l? r Lis tncm!>crs to paea such laws as will make it impossible for the Democrats ever to regain pitssisiaion of til?? ntate government. He will wreak bis Vengeance uj*>n the kickers in every way m make them nu? the d.iv BfeSJ went halt-licnrt??'! into a kittle against him. He v?.ll essai* the Is** man of tlicni to l'ite the ?lust. His siicce?s in Virginia would gtv* him control of all the fuaStal offices in Virginia and ! nil tiki G? dirai pAtronag? ull >'t I 1 to Vir . and wolllil enable him to \ .mist ration troll) rSOOSjnlSlDg a sili? cio ?uie of tlifuii us entitled to th?? hast consi.l.Tiiti.>n ni Wsssilnglon If the kick? ers are ngtafShlSM. to fa???? sucii ? tnture, kl. them ?apport Mi ? :in.luhit?s f..r th* le-^slature. If ' tate* arc not ?rilling to be OSt>?j*ised Ir own party to beeome parishi when t ? their own ?oiiiitrv -then let them avail ItheRStslv? the mean? tit th-ir ? ominan?! : Rght BSJSJasI Mfnea It ? foil] ' Bf ofjie.-r and nt- ! tempt to fraterni/.? with .miitiils. and w:ii ju-t us ? t your be despair of being ; ?ration which ?ill ! convey even ? conception of tbe | iksble unwisdom which will mark ? ersif I ? ory "??????.? off" when anv of their number propose I I biiu ' The ' received fr.-m Stasi.kt ii?).. at to est tblish tl..? tad that bs ? nd is msking iiis way to the east f Africa, but for the rest serves to di epen ti mrroui ding t of his expedition and tin? , '?..?il. 'l'In news ?? ?! by rlin, and continu??.1 ? t.. Brussels, sta! > is scoompsnied on bis msreb to ? mis Bey? Signor Gasati, snd E ' inui'li of tin r- ?. rl ? re?? rato] o etrsdtct news ? h\?. It ,: Elan? uns in ? being relieved, snd be bad frequently de? clared tbat be would not di m ri bis ? But the most interesting item in tbe ? ironse the most ?i ? Eng. the Intrepid explorer. I ' ? ? ? tfi ,i from tl ? Junction ?? ? oui impression is tl i^ p port lack* ?tion u ?loes not lack resso rticnlarly in view of the Immense D :. iny and the ' ap that t? : ms ex : ? ? IB th? '? embraces ? . Annuii.' the pi u ? ? ? (rom te rbera through the Somali andOalla ? i'.il Al rail and 'ioii from Suakirn r?a river mouth of the /''"il?? i, but I . ? in- tnsport i . f..r the pi trnl territory extending I ? ? .. It is tl?? impro ? ???.-? expedition i oul tbe , ivii.i \ La mpl ?h? il, tools. if. n. .f. L M. Ci m v, gei ral ? ?? ni of the ? ? und, makes an ap i we publish this idtotbepub ioIs of the country. His arg d by the national pub. lie. Virginio .- deeply interested in this - to support the hi mi: bill, or s better lull if ? -1. Th? p? is, " of cours.?," no ? nincance in I it this jun< I ? : . \. r? rth? lee the I ild fire tbe heart oi Virginia. The most pitiable piece of cowardice <>f winch the Caucasian ; guilty ia the pretended fear ..f the Demo? to im. white poop! Virginia, that the in intellect, energ] cation, ambition, enterprise, and num ? in ??. r ? - e me the dominant race ? ? \ rgtnia, -..t. That would certainly be tru?.? it ? men deserted their own raoe and "flock id" with th.? negroes. But th? re is dsngi ? ? he raccesi cf u party comi.I of u bundled thousand n< groes and only ball - would of ooursehaveit in their power to control ? ? and tlnir whit-? allies "faithful sili? ?." according to (..'in M IHOXl win D t!:?:. . ? might have it in ? h? ir power t.> the Dstrnc lys. It ii not the negroes only tbst we four. It : carpet-bag? ger?, snd '.t ? ombined. The Du e.?The rk Time* of yesterdaj ?ays: " Nothing Malm!.,? can lu can injure his ? of his own State, and the utter nnscrnpulous bis disrepu ? formidable weapon in such a campaign u^ I nice nml the .? old Be much m ?re then local It would amount to snsl 11 on ? ful ? ? danger is that the LB havi the . ? . . ? manentlv ai I mischievous factor in thu polit I \ Luis." Itsppi ? ? ontrary to the theory of th?? utttunidstion in? ? ? f th?. Ch .:. ty ju.l m sileni I !.. vThy, if tl Intel the law, were ? months Tho Wi ?, lent of tho i ? ''?axnongtJ .? ?,? thonssnd Washington, whose material condition wbetWrfuSan that I number of workingmen In snj pan of the world, who..' opportunities for edi ure practicully unlimited, having a sin tor negro ?I idents and an a-1. college for women, more crimes are com? mitted m one w?... by negroes against n?? UroeMtlnm mi. .oh?, >,?,?,|;!;? ,Um. ,,, IU1V by whites igainst In commentili;,' on this tho Albany Ar.pu ".'""? negro BsedBpreti against the vi . .more thanu-aiust athern white." 'ru ? paragraphs. The negro is a peri.-el tyrant toh .sown race. Two BSfro iinachers in Bichmond don't know of ..lie lieino? rut iu their lai Otte. What ?* the use of addressing arguments t, em i, voters? They flock t?> i'he sheep. Truly they are grega? rious. _ The srreet of Charlotte ?.?unty judges of election is oBs of the most ttsgrsut cssob <.f attempted bulldozing that P.os* Ma ?05? ever cone? ived. _ If no political motive prompt?"?! tho ar? rest of tho jmlges of election al AspinwuM. charlotte ctintv, w'uy bit that they were arrested at this particular tun??? If th.y were nn.ctiuble t?? proseouti??:? they should have h?>en arr?Mted at Ihe time tin . raittad tliotr alleged offen? ?. StiAKsroNlfii.t.. Ta., Oeaobei at, I TV) the bMBSS1 BBBii Can aman hold tin office of ? er <?: the revenue and a seal in the ??? o of Delegati ? al the '.ame tin ? I ?? answer through the Wctkty Dispatch. ttespoctfully, N- 0. H. K?, j. t ?? kried otaoe andar the siat?? gomita? I elected" t?. the Bestes el Dal Viri;!'. ' ? iv not Ilio Ica?! at teatloa to the cFnrt at mtimidstioa In? volved in th dragging, at Mam?se'* iresti? gation, of three Deraoer ?.' tioa of Charlotte before e Dnited Statee coaunlaaioner at Lgmehbarg. The licht of the .Vii of November is one with which Federal officiai* have nothing to ?lo. We ere aaable to read "Citizen's'1 eoa?. ktion. Its illegibility mi ?lue not to p? mieiii hip bal i' a bad pencil. Lei thePamoeratlowatchword from now tit:t.1 the6thof November be "organise." ? pur. 1 Tavn: ;: fa BUS of complaint again t President ?a??????." Who 1. _ A penny's worth of organization is wnrth s pound of enthusiasm. '?'?? aber that. Tirginis Di " The scheme of Washington city to se? cure the World's Fair of ?: to be pad." What, arc the figures ia ?'?':? "There la a growing demand in E fur human-skin leather." Well, thi einb Democratic canvasscn cao supply the demand. ^^_____ The Boston Olobi says: "Virginia has n. There ?\ ill be one of ? politica] Dature shortly, when ??????- will be buried out of sieht ?W the present." Bo mote it be. mm The Philadelphia Inquhtr (Bepnblican) position for thi re? lonizi ith thi ::;. Mi antimi the southern j ? ,;i,? g protesi that all they want i- to be lei alone." m (humKr don'! V?JU let thetu ah ' .?? ? Book. tory, Man ? ; ii|{li*li-Hpi itkin^ v rom tl \ ? ' ? I ? : I ? '..!'('? ' '.? " l'.xpl,. ,??: ? ? ". " Land of :t Sun.'" 4c. With 1.360 li? nei Map. In two volum?*s. Volui ' - 1. and II. Ni hab? is for the t'A A fe ? '.:?'? on evei H? t.? us .! work. ? ? ? due. ? ?.e.. ? ? ? l kW Itoiil?. We bove r coin tl Vol. Vili, ofthe fe] ' - ? : I heretofore that tl .lain the ci genera] Mil?: il itoequent t" "America! i1 American Beporl last resort ofthe several S led, and an? notati dby A. C. I steoditorsof the "American Decii The book i* a valuable one, and comes from the press ot the Bsncroft-V j m San Fran? . i' bi l. ere think, of J. r7. .ru & Kni-.i.: IB, Washington) Notes. [By telegrapb to the Wapatea.1 Wasbtxotok, October 26. The bond ac ? - lay um. ui ? storv thai he has res ?. l Privat e-Becretarv Halford replied today aa follows from Fori ?'?': ? t l have heard of it." ? w? re opened to-day at thi I Department for the construction ol the three 2,000-ton <M by aol E I f 8? ptembcr 7. I8H. The do ii"t include the armament or equipm tall -hew a I'll speed of ?'?? ??1?"1? 1?11'?? all hour for four hours; for every ? knot above thai tho contractor ia to ? - ceire s premium for every quarter knol below, a penalty of a similar Mini !?> be cxa "ted. I neri w? re ?vo hi I-. us follows: riunii iron-Work*, S.m Fran? cieco, for ? - for tw.. ?' : for th:? f2,054,C h. ?. G. Palmer, Jr., ? Co., Now York, - ? ?? cruiser. . Columbian Iron-Works, timore, for one cruiser, ?625 000: cruisers, $1,220,00 . ii was tho luv . ? ? contractor for tho of t!... giinl ? .Bath Both, M??., for on - cruis? r, ? three cruisers, S)2,02?,000. I!.;rr u Lorinc, Boston, Mai ., for ? of these biela were oi Class 1, hull and ma? lo i" buill ' ? thi plan - I f thi oil bid - the appropriation mudo by Congress. kblegrara from Yokohama hi received at the Ji ition to-day which ii nel is u I lie only CB : ling to isists in tho ml Kur?.da freni the ' - al il of Prince Banji inet. Kentaekr Race*. ? ? ? ? the DtspatOB,] ??., October 26. I meetin ? of I 8 tu iky it ',1ns aft? rnoon. I irsi race ni furlongi Swai uti.l. Emily Maul Beoond r.?. :. 1, Man? Mac tinn?. Time, Th.r I In half furl . ?, Princess Bowling ilo? Ml'... ;? ??, ? Chi? mi' : WOll ; 1 ?,Catalpathir 1. 1 im . bl JieOliVL? FOR MONDAY ONLY. K.&W. COLURS, 15c. each; E.&W. riIT?,25c.apair; P. K. FULL-DRESS SHIRTS, Laundered, 98c. ?U-?ULAR THICB, 11.50. Henry Cohen, nLoriiii:(t, datter,ami gemle?en*s 1401 MAIN STREET. UK tf-UI ULIUSSYCLE&SON tlS cast Broad. ttlltkS. CLOUS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS LADIRK^TRtPBD JACKETS only f?: sTKII'KH JACK ? IS, excellent quality OX th. only ' iAdlefi' .olid Venetian Stripe, all wool, only 14. ' ' : ULDIEI UN, .Kill JACKETS, all abado,, only p tailor ?ssdej LADIES' DmiCTOIBI JACKETS, trimmed with three row? of .-ord. only frt ; LAMB?* l IHK? ?oiKR JA? KP.TS. very heavy Jersey Cloth, only ' UkDIaW ???? BIATBR JACKETS trimmed with braid and loops, outy | neu BPfOBl t? please t?>i; mis ?. IN Children's and ' CLOAKS BUBPABSBS ALL OTBBR SR.t. <-v IIAVI | \i?>s. ABO PLAT TER1AL I Long l'lxih ?"oat? ? DATS. | The.viui.btn thU gar? ment c?nst iu.'.io than 1 ."I. FlaeetSeel-Pluent armeni Plush ?Ta S| rUily ?l ?Icaigns In N'ewmar m:\vmaiikets. ? et?.. While this Is kept attr/i. live ly ws.'Uly annuls of ? wo will ma..? it ?vea mors ?? i>y bavtng a i?;.?.? rlal sale Monday. IMPORTANT TO BUYERS. CHEAT lUIHillH ILE (IF liLA.NKETS. Merer before have we offered such | barcnins In ltiaukets as t'.o??> n.nv r.r py us, -all fra?!.?.., ranging from H ?. to |17 ??? r ? itr. lag pufhhaewr mn certainly get suited ??? to prie?? aodqaeJtty. One or me ? ? lu this stock is our tuo Blanket, ANOTHER GREAT OFFERING THIS WEEK. A ' ? M : '? arci ends. Remu?t? ?M SHEETING. COTTON FLAl QINQBAMS, DHESS QO Special | lo mi movo. CARPETS, MRPETS, CARPETS, " - .iri,-o for till ? ? r. 'in? ?? ? bel re ? Pinchaseis can ?ave about SO p?! OSBt. I y buy? :? ' ? ?: ? Uri a. Il . marbled and co lore.! ; e ; ABLBOIL? LOTIIonly Kll PILLOW-SHAMl ? CROQUET ?RIBTSonly fi ; OENTL1 - IRDIOA? JACKETS, $1 worth ilo?-?: CARDIGAN JACKETS, garnet sad Plue, |1.7'. w.rth | CARDIGAN JAI RETS IO ftt '.tie large manna. troll a" the ?mail "isn: CARDIGAN JACTCBT8, with quilted ispMi ; WINDOW-SHADES, mpletc, .??-sii tDBS, ipriog roll oi.iy 87a ?. D M > ? made, LADIES' INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS only It) ??? ; OENTI ' KE LINEN BANDRER CBIEFS, lf>??. ; GENTLEMEN - ? "?<-; ? ? HH> BAN CBII ?:'?.; One lot One lot of BLACK KJ?JS. with narrow c only II , 'WOOL, LABGE PLAID HENRIETTAS. LAB PBICEl ? ? FANCT 8TRIPBD HOSE, 10c. esmple lot -regular prt? o 17c. : BIBBEDBOSE lor ehlldreo, blacks only, price ?? ol fan 7 II ? * at tjc,?thll AH As. DBXTER'S RNITTING-? OTTON.Te.a hall; LADIKW RISBBD SHIRTS only ? ?. LADIES' ILL-WOOL BIBBED BHIBT8 onlyji si'fVIAl PRICES ON ALL DRESS GOODS ? TOBEDUl - REMOVAL ? Our stock ol TRI?ii.MI.N(iS. I names ' ?? ? ' Vt< nt?. and ; of the largati in the city. Dur prices a ? than any other ! s COBB, TOOTH-BRUSH, II AIR? ? i: USB, BAT-BH1 SB, ? : ? BRI SB- In fact any klndol BRI sil ?? ? ?.Hlf, as au of t!.? ? gfat fnm first banda No ; to pay. WE HAKE \ SPECIALTY. OV CHIL? DREN?- CA8HMKBBI LOAS ? IMDCAPB ? rjTOGBAPB ALBtTB tor 10c. , 8ILK GARTER WEI ? of I FLORIDA WATER, 10c a tiotlle; . ' BAND Black and tan, only i BBW LOT OP riGTJBBD CHINA SILBE. ; All shades of IATI ?, 8>c ; Extraquauty of ??'?-- PANTS tuions for 2*c ? u ?:? of bei hoM-keepers to our SlegSBt ani largo assort? ment of TOWELS, NAPKINS, LINLNS, aud BHSETINGS. ARC TIC ANI? BIDEK-DUWN VENTI? LATED COMPORTS ONLY ?a. 's Furnishings. Our Men's Furnishings department is replete with all '.h?? novelties la N'ecxwuar, Collars and CutT?, Oloves, Suspenders, Plannel Shirt.-, ?to. BARGAINS IN UPHOLSTERY GOODS, : LACE CURTAINS, AND PORTIERES. FAILLE FRAN?AISE, In Ml new shade?, 9ic worth THE LATEST NOVELTIES LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS. New stylo VEILS only 17??- a vail ; ?? ? iOBBBAWD Ulli.S; Special BLACK GOODS SALE this week. Julius Syele & Son, 113 east Brdad, 01 OF WORTH'S LATE8T IDEAS /at Stieci Wed. "la imm Jersej Suits. raiMMBD ???? VILI PRICE $2.75. BBAIDfD, WH I I OB ? PRICE $2.75. ??? JEBSET PEICES4. FLANNEL TRIMMED, WI PRICE $4. Hade I Bis Snvj th for r.a k IS'S, Sole Agents fur Richmond, Va. G A. HoTZLER's Sons, 315EA8T RRO.YD STREET. ? U I CIloi' I -'. ? '.'.? ABO cu Fine Dress Goods Afa!r?xar. ? cannot fall to i. ? ' I Wraps, If raps. Now is the:, .' LOAK, while tb* as? sortment I? jtxiu a.? tbe/ eau ? Carpets. ? ? la Aapertmeat tve are maettag wllB sroat | ?man ?? at il ti ????. VI t ?'- ?.?? BODT BBL'.h?ELB thai are nut iliown by an. ty. HO?SEF?RN1SHIN? GOODS In gr'St variety sud at tho loweit priced can be I Li, A. tone's Sons,, 315east Broid streit. [eeasVa^asTTB] * ? a? ? ? ? h r , .*?.-. EOATHKKIHT'S SON, ? . NiA 12, 14, AND 14 UOVBBNUX STBSBT. b*ft I hare nine terge warerooins fllie'l with ???? ?/iK ' UAMllKK, DIMNU-BOUM, nul BALI. BOVBLTIKS. I liar? tun !at.i?t Jeiiaas and nous but mo basi iBanefectured ? [BUUmU*S?peeUlt| ol PABLOS Fl KM ?G?? sad keep the latest severtag an-i me larBMt ?nJ lit'.? .'^orteil ????? ?? ?* fOfl I lu the ctty. Mr terni* aro for cash or liuUluioat*. Beta-Saa_ -p?TA?USHE? 183a ? iKKaroN mavis, /?p FURNITURE, U?OTsrnor *tro*t, Blcatuoad. Va. tau iti _ BOOT AND JOB WORK NEATLY KXtri'TBU AT THB mbPACl'H PBLST INu-UtiUhK.. GRASP THE OPPORTUNITY Ei 140? Main sheet, give, you In the Ovation of Bargains offered. The lever power alone of ?eif-lr.?? you t? Investigate as*l , il soo what wo ar? doing. ItwUl bo a n< w I yuuon low prices. -:o: UNBATCBABLE BLANKBT BARGAIN?*. Whit.. Blmketi a' 7V. per pair worth M : Wool Blanket at tf DSll An All-Wool White Ulaaket at ?:..5 per pair worth I . Oi r gn at, ?oft, fui!-Ki.-e Welsh Gray Plnnketsat ? 1 sir --?.?'?! ?J 1 Wool Blanket? oo aarth a? i 1 r pair Tor::. k3 ; lankete nre worth S3? IB FORTS Al .in ? CHI?. ?. LtSq i?lltyfor$1?full stse; Batting, 1 Calico, at |;.T??a f lualtty. YOUR! HANCENOW FOR KID OL I ?? 11 ? . - -, s, ft and pil? ante, at .sr 73?.?. A grand 4-hutton, lai red ? id 1 Hove, In new Mi.n !? -, el ... ... ?? |ual 1 ' any fl Kid Glove In thi Special for thi? week 1 rnedll.I Kid Glove?, ne.? embroidered back, loo, ' ? an fi.'-"? any ? : ?- ???! in.Ir'eje 1) at $1.1.! wortl im ed " Fontaine " . ai 11.89, ?. rth |>, ?;: I ki'I. OIY1 PARTO TniSfiN PLANBBLS, 1 cas? ItMaeh wl-le stylish Bkin ibi? t? rsKirti. . ? lot a' J.-vj. . a? tua! ? - ,- ."T?t:i Plani 3-1 Ail-w beavy. M ed '?H! Flan .-illiy. We are d? . D Flan? nel??every uunii?r II quality you pay 83?i& fer ai ? , aast for an ejtra-'.eavy one at ?',??. ? er rir 1 >. ? ?ay i ? to J?i,c. anywhere el?? fur I RAOKDIBABY BABGAIB G? ' AUOoodChMhaal fi. I . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |3 worth rr.M, aa?! at 5:. au Immense vartet] t.? ? SPLENDID 1 KDERWBAR BARG ? ? ill ty ; Gentlemen's heavy M? Drawers . " 1 for tuie weefc'i Gentlen l>r?v ? ? ? re.-nini , "? ?, quality I In ? I I s Odd ..'?.ii e. ad In your orders. WewUl tin them oarefti Fati.-if.'i ' Strause Brothers', GREAT MAIN-STREET BAZAAR. / ?oc Main sheet. D J al Sa L? HP We st.sll of! t tt ? PI t'-ll COATS, lull 1 ? One quality ol plttsh, : SHU and lino L' ; ? ? ?-' The m illty Is the ? I Hin . a??? limited .nation. : ? ? many ? a U Ini.? v. ??? ) u Lt ; al o?.? fr ? m f ? . (1U m .1 ? 1 IMI : ? . and a< oui . will lind U to Our MA (.il ' in I the k-bli od, na . . ?'ARLE TWILLED \l'il.- ( I.' I /ire very ; 1 Af?, yard ? loriogs, at ?.".1 : ; yard: h, only . ? ard , LAD1KM'CLOTHS In plaids, all wool, al su??. ?)v t and s . 1 ?I 1 Liu ? SB GOATS. DRESS.ID : Aemall loi of SIBP80N*S CALK OES I ? .? 1 ? I G ' i. ? TON FLAM? IH.' ulNGHAMS, pretty ?tyl ?. il ?? yard : Woven ? - I ? BLACK APRON rilNGHAMs, I "?? ; GENTLEMEN'? ALI WOO FLANNEL '. DBAWRIU ;??':????? At strali ?? WOOL Mill'., s Bad DRAW! OEM Li MEN'S PINK I IENI II WO\ E sitili I - .? ? - VI KINK MERINO VK ? ? atlon FKLl aud PLI -Il I A.MBRI WHITE ?TK,s'. ?lightly ? ? . it GLORI \ I MBRELI.A tvttb roWEL In ? URI . ' N ?G . ? ?' 1 ? \?:?.??: DAMA*K worth i ?-. ? . . le rk, only ?-*?'?. ? UNI ? WINDOW-!* lADBS wiUi flxtui - 11.1 - at pi UK!.!) ? I ' A Plain Talk About Wi ? are lo want of a Wrap of any kli .t. Ladies, Misses, and Children s Gatments ss ? assevero ifore attempted Oui redi 000 end . ... WRAPS we ' ?, . ' "leJny and aurini .?.?, r ??,\ SPEC [AL INDUCEMENTS In This Pa) titular Line. -? COATS, So R r'hptn; .1 CO VI'.-. SILK PI .'-? COi ? rth ttQ. trolle 1 ?.y as au ? ? O?R (LOA ? DEPARTMENT lo the city, tad Ieri ors wedleplaj t lock that you can ?elect Tom, ani at ? c. ? ?.? i's yon ran gei In l'i:? .YEAR, OLOVES, HOSIBBT.eaB atl otber ? . lete. A largo liao ut BEAD WRAPS below oast at THALHIMEE BEOS'., FIFTH AND BROAD STREETS: [oc x7-Su,TuATh] w W A , I H ' A ? ? K I), ? AI - BD. ? ? four day* : r t.ut'or L?fi>re chanalogownership of creamery. AND MILK COMPACT. WANTED, THE PUBLIO TO V V KNOW 111 ?T M I.II.VKA C'OLI ?TENOOBAPHY WI ? : : ? ' a? Bull ; . Ol two : ?? In ih? ??? (???!??:> ? ularly sill Bad Ibi* su ' agreeabl : .1? a result we look for a ? nage TIT ANTED, MY FORMER PATRONS M {..?, kno? I bav? Bsovtal U) WBST M \1N Si BKBT, ai.l Lavi ; UHE&H- : MA KINO and ? I So .erre tny old 1 . AJ ucwuuea, . KJ_ DO YOU wish TO BUY FRESH QILT-IOQB BKTTEIl id 7 \\.? bave only four ?lav? to close out our ai 'anse of own BICUMuNUCKEAM, BUTTEM _AMI Mll.kO'\irANV._ W'ANTKD, A GENTLEMAN WITH Vv m ? sdvortlfter in purchasing tl." patsai tign In th.? >;a;n uf Vii^mia o( a ? 111 [.aten?. ? '. l'In?.?.? ?. usas 1 e liars ca? be easily niad?? with thi* article la Ihre* or four month* and ?t ? ? rlik otner tlian flr?t co?L Adir?s?' Bl ? ' y. oe/T-lt" BOARDERS WANTED. BBIQHT, sunny front room?, Hood fare, Loin forts, and reasonable term*. Apply at : lluy ciroot._o? \y.v.NTi:i), TO BOARD FOB 1TB me, a HOUSE for light drlrlug and riding. Ad? dress M., care of /,'...???? offloa._ocTMt* RANTED, A WHITE MAN. ?ingle or martini, to do milking at Cbatswortb l?rm._loe 87-IsJ_?. E CBAFi? IN. VI/ANTED, ? ??G?? ABOUT BIX *V THEN TO EIOUTBE.N YEAU8 OF AOE A8 Bl'SIM .K-WBAI'PKM, Apply at lh* PALMS HO\ al. w tut Broad sirvoi. ?x #-? U'AN n:i>, TWO ?,???.KM! vv food education l V Mi I ION AK Y, ' M. il?liilSi, 11. M. ?1 IBKEA tl ? . Main ?tr?.????. W'ANTEI'. IN ? WHOLESALE V? ?- , VSII G. TELLIOEN1 ??G??! MAN for lb* ? ?- imi l:< ? ' ?-. Ad ? II/ANTED, E V ER Y BO D Y TO m saoa l uni iti lUbM e id, Va. ari a CIJ.9" PIANO Tl N !.K ladepan I* do?l'T?i or muele ?toree, rieav WKIi i'KN order* DID TOT east Fraaklln ? eal). C. IL WEuN?K, formerly Piano Manula-urcr. tt lt_ ??? GOLD WATCH |38 IN IN i^i'fy t STAI MBB ?-. H ;. liL>:- | BEH G?'LD WAT! ,.m, or - ? \M r M il BBBtl (.1 ABAN ? -??. b . tul?? each waieh. ?end four a-i u. Mi < I I. _?v ?T-lt?_law east vium street QMITHDBAL BUSINESS tel. O utai. 1111 MAIS HT II E?T. K'.?tht new student? ?a?l woek an 1 ?sreral ap fi f..r book-keepers aadabortb* ?ay aud nl/rlit xfieieu?. ladle? an I g?:. rtt>nl. Irati??! instruction gi? clai? in writing, oo r7.*u,Tuiw)4Sei CITY SALESMAN AND COLI i ? - TO ? WANTED tor a ctgar-ta ? curlty required. Only exnert 'need. Stats salary expected. Address Poet-Office box Mo. _ ??G??????-?????? W ANTED V? at tbe LS OOVtOlSSBI ? CH.AK-FAC TOMY, No. 1407 east Main street. ??? *7-lt* A PARTY WHO !S LEAVING TOWN aiaaes to BILL? a NIW ?>'..?.*% wim ? STOPS. C?n be ?esu at HI Laurol street, city. WHt goCkttap. oe Kt-ll* WANTED, OENTEEMAN AND V? Wirf. >r ??1 NO MEN U> ...vupy nice large KKo.Nl PAKLult, bot and Cold walsr ou same floor: go?*! tablo. Address Hu.MU?, car* Carrier Bo. a, ?By. oejfMf WANTED, LADIES ANDUENTLE-1 V V MKN Incur or country wUhiug to san i S3 ?? {d a day al taeir own bom?* ; no canvass? lug; work turulsbo-t and ?eat by mall any dia- , Unce. Address wtlb ?tamp OBYsTALLlZKI) ' PLUTO C??UPAN?. ClacianeU, 0. oc tf-aaiit ? D. & E. M.< Reductions This Weck is All Departments. " whet Depai - ? I ? I gain? Ii ? III ? . OKAY, ? ? BIZBD 1er quel ? I, at ? ' ! ,07. LA DI IS ? at Si ' ' . ? s ?. ? ' DlEJl??ELl 621 Uron w a? ? Vi " \VA W-t, . ? ? : ' \\ ' ? ? ? ? ; '. \ M PI Y? ?' t ?Ol'Nt? L? D? il m ? ?? ? w W *? ? Il ai- n? fi ' WANTED, ? ? lai atl? ' \\ AN! li?, LA I? . ? y ? ? \\'.\N]V'\ ('v f ? Ur A ? T1 - \\??|\ Ml?. \ Hi. ? t PIANI ? YOUNG MAS I . \ ? ? \ \ ? ?NTED.? M ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? _I.?Mr, U'AM'I'i. ? Ni-; V V ..' N ? r ??!?.?? leicb .tre .. tir ANTED, ? ? ? 01 ? !?BW ?.: ? . ? ? rubier | ? ??????? e.u.t?. Ileautlfi a Agent* Mllalx a U. ? : ?. Il ? avi PBI ?. I WISH TO EMPLOY \ FEW LV X Dir.- ? Of UiV t> ; fui, n?.. lauto, wag?? - partii:: PlUebutgu Si d Si? 'Whsl ? I ? ?-.-.. ? ? :t streets, loulevlli ?. Ky DO YOU USE I ! WObTTbTB Mew SjaSai - f ? M in. secret of "light. | la sa boar, i'?*? highest ?? tl.'ulars ?uclrse stamp ? > . (?>????\. Jcaosum Bulldkug, t..a - ? ll'ANTKl), IkPOerriON ???( ? ? !?? VV ir bOuK-KKs'PEK by an ? saper 1??>?'??? maawiB?**?<ue. ? - '?'J??** penen.??. Oood rv/srsue?*. AUJl?. ? Hit, otaua. ?? * ?> - > ?