Newspaper Page Text
new row LETTER, 0\? R OM HUNDRED KILLF? ?? ELEC TRIC rAR ?Xt,? Three , ?G???? l,?rHhr(, hy m ,? per' II ? ivall. U Pm?l..?e,l and IVr -.enlr.l t.hri.fnina Literal ?H TM.pafh. I prophet of.,, ? ? 1 ' ' I I ' ' . ' ' '? ? ' ' ' 1 ' ? ' * ? ? ' ' ? ujHin ? ? w ! ' ' ? I, ? ? ' I ' ' f its rapid t ' ' produced I ii"?l bat ? In th? ?. o 111 ? I ' ? tangled ? li.iilly-iii n to put up ti w ?G? ? igh nil pai . Limi: cm ? ? . ? ilitv, and tbe aiith? I ' wav tosll en?, p?? wielding wsneotMktsry intlu ? -iusaxtc&Xit: ???? At this juncture I pobUsbed a k !.'.;? utl? nti'.n to tl.?? a ?vini eon lition ?? the ?? which we ? are-light circuit? fairly without r.ivallv, au?i ini . - . , | trtcal Control to ij (?. ???ssiirM BSMsinnd to ?pgoniuit iutrtxmetioo <>i the fatal alter ? ? ? . . ! ? Ins ressarssius i>? sra ? the BOl* pur]."?" ol El "le tii-ility t" t'"' ? .. trio-lighting systems, , , order that the p?bUo way 1 it ht as cheaply ??? poseible. My .?..ih read before it, und all eotn imutea inur?-st< ?1 mer? Invited to iipp????* and discus! tl ' """'" ???. Many prouuu? ut men would uu- , uoubtetlly be ?l*<i to blot out the record ? tirr?u 'S**? ?* Alternatine fra G???,?? 1;,,,,"?'1? 1,!'"r??? ??"' ????<?*?????? ' ?R ,1,? '>' ;? current ut. ;?,?7 P^'ire. WS* "alsv?ut., G,1.1 "'.,1? ????*"?*! ?Hat -i cul.l t" ? ??.*.???? ,.r,K?,??,. death ??r sarkyeslB. .?'?. timi (twoald iK.t f,,r? .,?, are orde. " ? "?ino aboril the alternating current ?>r any. I ?im. f..r?'.'d, therefore ? il.'Otli .11? . urr?>nts, and I ap G1';*1 '" M? ? ?... l aaver ' ? thut tira? be m?. EXA01 ????tp rnRssrnv.. Mr. Bdieo&'s ' Ht lus ; i limi the alternatine |ir.~.mir?? of ?hile, when utili? the up. ontlnu. laced ao 111 el MJO 1 .:, j, WM :. I.l.t lim .1. ?t? July ?. 1BRS, I made a ? ?Board ' ? ' ? mal compi mented ? withstanding ? ' | ' 1!.' I il reply t?? : I ' i .? full jui iver the ? ? thoap ? h the wire: . .ll filili b any win ' ? I < ailed the atten? tile fa t till t'l tl unid in ? a* im expert ? possible .. r the ? .t if.Mayoi I I ? ? . . matter I proti I aft?i thy bul ? ... and it j ? v.?.u I I I ' tlieir ? BO, v. ?til til" Suo LU. ??-?-1--3 ? ?. I of ih" ? 1 ? . and ? ' - death inflicted by oir 1? ? report wn unnni ? ?t' lie' t'.n I r of ??. illdl . ? ? " in Ihe I ? ;- into fire i bo m hurt, ? ' ? or the otli t g tono A ? ? b irr?? .?(' ' fei ? ari it u s, an ?I '? ? ii produced kl ? puni. ?? they L limit r th. ir con? to l ?? used for "Mich ? autboritj ? apparut u* thi m mo to purchase U (or ? iry u|> : lie no with human lite, a type I killi 1 u number ? men who bad mad ? . wires. I > li;i\ i' : Li.? declarednn \ ,. ? ' ? hi ipi ? up the ilei'? u ?.? of Kemmler, the r, and illod, who ? how d thai l con ' . I, ??? acci ?uni of the lii^'li i?? i but u fraction . thus In .-n Inn slightly m ,'Uii il. inpp ed to pro ?.\? any . bow? \. ? per ? ieri For the State in the pipei - ? ? . .. lers, it \\U 1IIV 1 . -till: ;? 1 private papers ? attacks was kused by tl??? ? in th's ? ? . i I, llli'l ol? '? d offer was made t.. supply the execution appara. alternat ing-cnri ?:< ?which baa been bough! I ridently . i.til in,.? ?lytnu a rejected I ? \'U d. l'util -?- hand. ; ? it Judge Day's able ?? iv of the law i- ample rerdj ? ? .s? vea ? ? irk city within the past few weeks ? ?.:. I mudo ik ? ? Board o? Health. . ? of Electrical Oontn ? ? unwilling or unable to protect bu? fe. After th?? terrible death eks, which was witueeaed by thou Do difficolti getting to the complaint. 1 he - beard tbi-? took prompt net.un saawi I ?rilh me I .aing t.. ??? flighting ?., whose circuits un- compaia-! lively new and well Insulated. It etas rain? ine heavib sad careful teats of the * circuits showed ? UNskags <m the Mar. blah v. a* savate) , hau : - rennt?'.I t > produce any |>er*on ? luehing either win? j while standing on :? dump placa. The fol? I ? daj ? report was adoptad : mending that the picture of the aller. nating current nlmuld I?* reduced to 300 sad the continuous ?<? 'W <>r mw volte, and jjter tl ^d steps ha ve been taken . .nits will undoubtedly enforced. \s ? . the Inni?.- s???: by tbe Bonn! of Hi-altb it wili be elraoat impos-il'le to kill >.i injure any pers'ii, sinou the leakage duo t? three huudred volts of this siteraaLiag current would be below the death pr? This is ample reward for my stri during th?? past two years, and I (? ? safety t<> human tit" ?t?? ?in1* Invisible snd noiseless ?sMates o? damper will at last bt ?seated. Christmas iJTiauTritr. While nil the ?"il?l I -preparine tohec.iv ns Christmas approaches th? magazine edi? tor alonevlewi the eotstng bwidej with ?omethissj akin to ?liamav. tie knows that. ? f?r months ahead th?' inaili will be ? down with ? ii ? cripti destined t?. bel pia??? d U| on b ' ,; m unii, ? pat ion hie? ?.? ?achingan?) hii ?wimmingat the? u]i Intellect which he must Bcratiaise in the hunt for Chriitm*? litersry novel tie* ?nd, ?G?'???.??????1??. f...- the coming American novelist. ' It is a bum tl on in? ' ?"' livelj as . th.? week? tl ?lav. Thank ? .I novelist?, the writers ..f .?j.? ? ..?rat.?.! commi n im] ? ? for tanking deL ?.? m.;.?risrtii *rn BOUDAT. " ?"r)ri?trn;is ha? aliWntur?? ?>f its own." sfiid an ???! torwbom the writ? . ?U preparation ? lor I iliday. It is the focal toward whicb ?11 othisrs aeem I If one were to judge from th? ? ' ? ode I ' ? *' It : ' thi ber of manu of which on f r tin .: authors to bave te ? t" all other the Lu?. . ?? o :r ,??t in idaj S !l loIlL' w? ? i ? ir for ?ill kin?! Slid, we don't i. of esclusivi ? I Hut, ' ' ' ? . and we I ? not tome of sufficient ? I ? w,.r finit tbi ' I y deluged with < poetry, which, 1 am s? rry to saw foi - t WO .'I' III? d on hand. u?? that it. it tbe I . ncy of all ? . spi ??:?? chara-1< r t nu;, h more il te infoi u"? would , other. I I " ?? ivc you any tliacovi talent during "Y< -." wasanaw? ? tl he rita! : ? talented youi Virginian. Tbe Christi ? t will ? ? m novel. : thrilling tale of th? ?id the palo! ttlom? nt of Viri ? ? '?? is a remarkable writ? ? ? have found ? "Is this thi I erary " I think so. There nr.? ? ne ?jr two b it o! ? portante. A sively ? ?\ ni. . fontril : t< . I ? . ? ed od und -? ? ? ed and gilded with rare Dee. Un? it w .t 11 ii ' literary meri! it generali.*, . help to Bwell t ' .1 pile. Tl ? accord?i ?! . _ TO HELP FATHER BOYLE. An \ii|i?.ii for Aid in the Convicted Ra? leigh Pri?es. A W 1 iladcl. I ? ? Frei land, tbi I an ad. ? ""Inn.I, m nions to di ' ? ', Mill?, ?'. fuller, ' ? ha! hi? ?l,"iit wa not | ???? ?: ? ' ? ? .t. Mr. 1 i that ?1 ' und si-v?'i:il ?.( h? r i him ?'hi . l'ho cond? ? ? pi : iwerendoi this count], ? f 1??" ? latives still resille. Well Raid. RirjHMOJ ". \".?., October ? ' I'll? ??.?? not (.?nul "I to. : may bai ? the efl ? . ? thor? i luty owed tue ti i ? 1er 1 work ufe rather ti e ol youtl I ? ? ??d. " l can'l go to ? lu'., in??? tini gentleman of large meant and imi busin? the results ol .;. d by the Lab armur w! ? him. "I ! ? me t" meddle wil ii.?-. It's got to be such A dirty bus . . nt net ; and this gei only grumbles when be ii asked t? tribute to the noceasary expi campaign. It is not now ? au? I here is ' no long? r either old or luit only he who recognizes the importance government in our midst and is which | ? I when _ be 9 " The cause ?-t the people is the ca vii lui?! ' I;??-;?? ctfully, R . ? ' ? s???? I Wedding. '.??? I'.: ...I'.'tl.l itivea and friends gathered at the Glebe, in Ubarli . the hospita f Mr. and ati ? W.N. BeU, on 1 to wit lughter, Miss B? ' -'<? II? riiert Suini.I? r-, ti,.? ??.ii of our? ' ? ?, Mr. l. \. ? ? de, n lovely nu?l popu? lar youi ??? an arti.tio gown of white ? ? silk en train and carri? i ?? I h< bride ih ? \. City; Mis, | Ri e ??? I '?' ItitchelL, ?.f Rieb wore gown* of cream mull made in l?mpir. style. >? r-ilk girdles, and aquel ni.d nniidtii-Luir The maid oi honi r i iik?? u modest snowdrop in h-r ful costume of white silk. Fourlit ?egirL? Nannie Mitchell, N?>ra V . l.ula Bt nhstian ?? in whit??, with tern trimmings, bold the iii.inns which were stretched from tli*? brillili arch to the door. The groomsmen ? w.r?? Messrs. James ?? ?, of ? . m Qrsj . "I i;ichni"iid. 1? ? nionv wss ] Bti Mr. Tyler, <u tii ? Episcopi ? 11.meli. 'l'In? nappi pi.- were the recipients o? nun; present*. Aft. r their return (rom a north. era tour they will make a short - Richmond, ?md th?>n g?> to Bhirley, fatai* noni*. _ Not a 1'ulltlcal I'rracher. Hajsttos. October ?2.". To the Editor of the ?HtW?kki 1 have just 1.>:??????1 through vour paper of the letti ? i t.? th?? colored voters Purporting to be an SPpeeJ frog* th* oolorea Dkinister* "f the State to kb?*m to Bopport the Republican ticket in th?? coiniuL' election. I have t> tey that l am inyscli u Bepublioeo, an i ted to rapport the th publioan ticket, bul md sit.'? ?my such letter and did not sa? ,.?? one t?i sign it f?.r me. and this is my first knowledge <?f the ssistsBe* of such ? lott?T. I am uut a poli) i? a? preacher. Wry truly, Rgv. tl. B. Smm. l'osci uptiloti? Imitili..r. have sought to profit bv the high reputa? tion of ?liihiuiu IlofT? Malt Kstra? t. Be? WST* <>f them. Look for the signature .f "Johann H?iff " ?m tho seek of .v?-rv bot? tle, Kikiier A Meodelson Company, ? Bar clay street. New York, agents. HT LADY'S CHAPEAU. CORRECT STYLE DEPENDS LARGELY ON THE WAY THE HAT IS WORN. The "Metropolitan I.nny ??t*? Wear. Her II it on ttip MWIr-Amellr Klvr* Has ? htc.I Irotn Hit l.rrei? trlritlr? of lires?. (Corrospon lene* of the HI Um ??? ???G*' Bv] October M saeteadla ? ?p the t? ?t of ber '. carry the imprint of her bxn ? ? makes wearer'? iudg ? ' : part m ' ? '.:?:.? . ? I krtzed : if ?rude la color ??t re be may ? ? ' ? ? shoul . ?'?????.ir should I??? ch ? leave inittoraillin? \ a? man who di ' honn ' '",lk .1 look " But, madam," retun .1 crush a nei an heed, fully."_ fi ?""5 AN UTT-i s?.??; IN G?? G????. ? Ions are swallowed up in the superior one of style, A well ? '. : the ? errors may ? - tin? i. for the id ti : style. il what i ? newls d keta is 1 ? r (if a 'lll.l? G? ? find their waj to ? ? Lead. II nevi ? ire the na ?.' ir something new, bul give tbe milliners and fashion about. Tl '? ? ort but They \ develop : they analyze ??, the result beiri( . Like hey cui awe? all ?ni?* which appeal so .1 heart and which : he *h? ipkeepera ti ? . oi to : m?I?- the :?-. MS. New \ ? iplicitj and a car . ? 1 ?. und ? ? limitai I Mme ?n a cil ircuiii : cription hai ? habit, ? ? rise ef, of a bal rock???! upon on< owned on ; artli - effe? ' v. ben .: ? of the fin bion bull I; is in these pon/, s thai ? metro lolite differs ? towns, ? ' V w York in..? Ivle than s eonntn nnll I money, w mad ? !" r ? itr ? to ?he was gowned in u manne:? t i Iv ?esthel ? ofully pro1 .n her superiority . iments ? uents, bul 1 nnderstand - ii..un??? ? thai ? mes. ? includi What ? ind thai in which a ??? treib d . ? I? l?t I, rm ??\t ade, ahoppio ???? tur . .'.--ful form li hi low and : !. 1?' ?? cd veli ' it the brim, knotted i:i the si?le, or even !>e with a wii brough the ? ii der ed cloth. ? much m ? the f?. in. There Is s on Broadway which is v< ? .?? with ;v very low crown ' iw brim, i il- the ? ve. and ?- knotted kt the back, \? the fronl ? :. 1 requires a pr?t;. ktb it. ? BOCQUl rs. But noi all the beta are small The lare spi. i. ? ' . I-? not, now ? iroad-brimu ? from the < Irientals, ('??r time* ? ml pi.e and in your discrimination of them will ii?? one of y ..tir claims to style. The large hat i- sui t ableth : ear and ich ss weddings. It will I fash : u church; therefore, if j u do noi drive in an op ? can . - But they ur.? ' ' inting brimini t it t.? ?bst kin from wearing one. '?' hi t?? a ? to the face, catching . Il ita eil.?; ma. A dark, itline over which plum ningly, I n loi ? trap, I ?:le the ?es ? . 1 sew oi rk the other day und? rei - irk. it was ? h?? . . dainti head of s ? b ttantt. Her <? the color once kn [a, now called in Paris vert-vervain. ? bine green. The gown and ?. plain fai ? cloth and tl.? ? silver fox was about the I I about the crowi ? with its gray leavee and blue blossoms. As ?he bowled slong the drive, sole ocanpant of an open victoria, a gallant noreeauui kept pace beside her and engaged her in intc lf was the pi m the park that day. \ large hat whi< ; ! fur an older personiaof black ? Idas brown .??k oatrich tip*. ? in brini Is faced underneath with the brown sad shove with the ? lack. Bordering the upper edge ?* a two-ineh band of bnea feathers. Tbe low crown ?s of the brown salvai folded aoft and I., and upon it falls it if th? feuthi ? rrrc'BTOo octobxs bat. ?TiV -tiiiK t.. note that the bi??-hat whimaey of the staue has expired, pre? sutuably fr?)m nervous exhaustion, for it was greatly overtaxed. Bernhardt start???! the fancy, and it was Bruzad on l>v l?*ser liante who made it the objective point o*. I the stogo wnrdrohn. Who does not re I member [iban Bn***aT* ?simumju* h?t? nu?l what nn ep.snd? their ?tijioarniir.? vim in the dImj. and LtOW Maud Orali"--!'* pho? tograph exhibited her osa pretty accessory tos Eaaciful Wuji. a* uro due to Langtry un?l Mrs. Potter, wh?. institut"?! GG"G?? . l maie ideals. I of the monstrous stage-i it has departed; no manager at present would allow ori.? on | kit icards sad no -it?ir wosid toaehon* with ? ? pole, Even the fairy Lilian now ieekstb* ehtsaioinhei . ugh, though by th? way, a? if to indicate a family ?? Hiz<-<! I the re? doubt for mayor ? f New Yoi only woman in New York who * ill ?it an or bruiH- r head ' ? in"?! the ? ' ntric, ?o mu.? nk. 1 more small Hurk' .1 of bbv ? ? ? with - ' of.pari ;lv in KilTel ' ? G' ? addition mad* ' cloth t ? ind th* til?? -'d- t ? mlders rn felt ? . ' turbai rowu <?? fawn ? ' bj a hubly a ? : . ! I of tbe fur npi I and a Ii . I. tli und ? ? ' ? loth. ' wore a ? ly witl I folds of 1 ? fr.itit ot the bat. WADE WHIPPLE'S WHIMS. [for ? ? p?a ? v, ??? I ? Tim Keen ??. is i pitcher with .? Whi " ? ss he Amo. ap] rentici hip; ? in. il.?-Tim? ?.? Twinkle. " (' ;. Sulcun. . I ir." " \li itera! " I . ' that's ' ; tl t??ic Would Null ' | the mod . tavern. ' It won't. ? l ?" ? . nul?" llrsv. lug th?? ! inr, " ?aid Lulu, '? wh? u 1 ither, fun. ' ? beine j \ l-ll.t. ' \\ ?G ? .' we ? 1. ' ' tli ill the l'i.r;,'UiL.." NO Tl re? - ' lo'i.lll V. ' inquired Hi " Be reply. He'd 0 I Pa. " Roi 1 the ' ... - . ? ? I ' '" 1 didn't fa claimed I ' Uhi toni Most, "So 1 I, eh?' " V?. 11, Bronzely wai ? ite, but li ? v. I st.ituo of Aqt ? his, |an'( .? ?" '? It ? .and the bo ! cham ' rksofart.? lofi ? l! tuo. ? ?" "Well, fr? lately, 1 should ? : , when ho mad A Ret ? ???? ? ? raion. ' hai" i I ; pari- ?'? " " We r." ? ; the cloth?" U, it! hi? 0**C i ' about him. ' ? I 'it Dig Ailjuitiiient. fl?ce. 1 . it Inr.?? in yotir ich and that he can editi it Mu I him over to the Vienne lunch. Bis name implies that : adjust biniseli to ? baker*? nil." !1 ' Lease? iiiiiir. ITI WOXDIBFUL tli : ? G ON THE HVKIt, ????G??. BOWKL?, KIDNKYS AM) BLOOD, I r. Mcizluy's I.enion Elixir ?? a plsacant lenn>n drink thai po?tttvel>-cures all in:: ?UpatioQ, Indic-sUon, l!? ala ne, Malaria, ?? 1 - Bey Disease, I ?. ppetlte, >T*ver?, ' hui?, Pimples, l'aia I PalnlUtlon ot Heart, nil al otSet ? '. caused h ? disordered liver, stamach, ? ney?, the (Irsi cause of all faul .1 60 cents and tl psr I ttl?. .-o. 1 ny drurBMt?. Prepared oaly by ?. ??*:???, M. D., Atlante, (ia. LEMON Ho G DROPS. For coughs and cold??, take Lemon Hot Drops. Pil ?'?? throat and uruuchitts, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pnoumonla and Uryngetls, take Leinoa Uot Drops. lilt consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hoi Drops. Forali throat and lutg di?????*', take Lemon Hot Drop?, An si?gent and reliable preparali? ?. ?-oll h,??iruegista, ? entile p?r bottle. Pre? pared by li. Moaley, M. D., Attauta, U?. ritSSIOSNT NATIONAL ?AMI, McMInvine, Tenu., write?: 1 roin ?IgSMtVataM In m ? family. Dr. ||. Mosloy's Lemon Kit ? Ir has few, If any eepials, and no su parlors in mulinine for the r?gulation of the liver, stomach, and bowels. Dr. II. Mcsley'? Lemon Hot Drop? are ?uperlor to anr remedie? we baie ever been able to get for throat and lune dt?eas*s. W. II. MAd.NWS, ?ctVSuUplfr ?rrwhleatHaa?. WoitB Talkino ????t. BASS AND ?roMPA?nrs OVBBOMT ?TUCK. MINS, BOTS', TccTtiS' p?p.?????. At tho ?tart crjdit u* with having err jnii a? ??/? nrr Wo aro at tho Tory SarseaeM cf tho heary evereoel n?ason??very ; lino Is /? 7 an<l wmj/Ut* tastasi end rort//i>*. There will ho n<> difficulty in fitting you or la pleasing" roar tvto. ? lu tnaklnc up ? ?won ir? ncUct only th? pattai ?? thai a flftoon yem ? ' pi us will ma'. ' BS that ars . male for a general trs?lo iiiy wborn ant IBey can Sad a mark??! do net afford yoa : .rloty for selection? ngman : ? Ivan tage ::i ? dag seen largo hu> taen wn .-an .lictate ami i,? t (?? cbllRol to tako what a parcel of ?u to ?1 ?uip at tl.. J? < a matter of renerai Infor? tnntieti BBOng til? "SBOWlOg 8? ? "? ' . : AND I ] r' B| - - : ?1??G? ? wieit a bold stroke it was COMPACT'S ..-tallir? ? that? what ?i-'vu ilou??. atei 0V1BC0ATS tbea apaavecJalm a? pott .... ? ? FOB 11??? potala ? - I aoything aba yon MtBVO (bat ail ni nur haii'l?. ???*? safe l" doing thv. \\ ? _-UUARABTSB BVBB1 ??? ????G TOOlVg I" IBBAI T?O? -OB TOI 8 ' I? UBBB BUSVBCT TO TOI ? BVBBT si Is span In ' ? ;. i't?, mei you'll Bad DKSIRABLB lots that's f?? ?but WITH I KIND. gre li -1 * i?.?. If ? ? '?it Inno an ?? ?;.?? tu Ih ? ? - kUd tako I V '? ! in any :?? trim. : that*? what we've . I"! ? you'll fini with u-?. \\ -, Driving ? ? : . . ? If o;i " lock of I ? . take? a ? ???? ti-ro wo : put anota* ? rtoeli- ! - SAJIS may U> to I Wi likt ??? tktm, TBey are powerful argu- ? oarga ri.MI'AS'V'S ?of OUT Over. I coats lor tin? very small IrtVB IBS : OTKBCOATB kits wearera?and eat lia?? ef KB? I ???t^!?G????.?:< v.ih be a ravale? ? FOB Baa terna. W? ssaessa new Mesa Bien than wo .?)??? W!l TOO TOB, atri? ? ve r* | I ire and ! ? y fro?a ? 1 I S, tliefo ! paturnt ars dUfareat, ss AND believe to using ft* for tie {.UII.DHKS. Overcasts sieda Bp free that were woven ani pa ? .. . terjwsf. IA* wi r to. Bun roarer* oveV tbi.? n?t, ??.? OUR It'll glvu y >u a bottor ijoiuf wti?t in ?!<? ?rBJl US ?,,??? TASTES wo might ?rito about thorn: ??.? OTBBI OATS, reata, from f ? BOI "Ts, THE \. -. Jl'VESIl.K Sto M yeur^, from M tot?i ?? Krii.i RBI ' ?rasrtrsa aad Im ???? . ? l? yearn, from |3 to f li at curata, ' j years, from $3 to SSL ONCE. CAPICI ;i lo 111 yuan?, from ItM to $25. -? That's tho stock a* it is?and whether It's s $-'.V> coot or |J5 one '? -It's worthy of your ??on.-iMerstion and will repay your confidence - with good, honest eerrlc*. You'll '?? Uni some ol tlioee My'.n* la our pisco and, maybe, som? In au other, but It's a rare thing to Had ? all th?ae things under on* root - you won't anywhere el*, ia thi? : city tictpt Krrt. It's a chara'? ! te risilo Saks and t cmo*ny*i stork , ?; characteristic prie**. We place ! It at your disposti ?ad await your pleasure. 0-, The People's Popular im\\ 1003 Main street. HirwMOHD, Va., O?tcber 11,1*?*. TO THF NOLANI MM?, mMI'ANY: - thfe i< t? csrtlfy that I have bs.,11 a Kr.'st ?uBSfwr from Liver Com? putili for ?evaral year?. ! >lsti:rmlued lo try yo ? ratei V#,sv?ni? > ..lau? di :n?, ai.d after using severa! lottles I OuU ? ? "??! that I hav?? discon of It. My li r ?? ?...? in heiter than It fe?? ?-? ?. no?.,? jreasss, and can r. * si?i aaythlB? I wan f?ar ot ipon a II, ? earnestly ai : cheerfully ??? ? ?Ither .f tli?? aban ? compiatela Tou are m searfeel liberty to us* Uns?? yon may ?????? ??????>??*. Very truly yours. W. H KAN AtPow ??. i?? r* ? ??..?,. s rraySl-dAsCml rftAADE MAr? H ?-interi REMEDIES, Vis: "AltnraiiY?!J ''Tonic" ar?fl "Eipectorant" "A 11 G ALTERATIVE" i? .-onndently ?? noi leni?? Imparo ??????. ? -Tofolia la ???? ? r, ??.??.??, ? liront?' S?,r? ?, Unii?. l'I.??,h,-?.. VI ?rei ri.? ? ?I! cet Ions, In -'.?--. I.iti'iua, ???., ?t.??. -a ? ? TOM IC1 waanshserdte. es?, ?, m ? :i? Loi?;: 4'nnllnur?l l'oiiglia, Wi'sk ?.??1???, ilronchlll'i. dstiirrh, 4 liri.le ? leenttion off lie Bo?, .1?, li,a liability, i 1 IM AX Alt ????? ani? imYaixiBLE ufkidv t'oit nisi asks iM.rtuin t<? ??:. Ah ? tonic te Ih? ?ienerai or Nervous Byatean . io a.iy uu tii? "A iti' KXPEITOStXT" ?, ? - ? -, : In CORRI'flPTITE l'Hot - ? ? ? ??? k BCTOBI4 .?? 1 ,1 ? ; . ... I d I'lm'u???.??, sud testimonial?, . -? ? ? ? ?? ? . ? '. Va. 134ml mw0tm o!l J:oN$T/PAT/?/v\ ?-er?. ??? '???0M ? f. " ? viri ? - ?? -.? ?? ? ?? s DHOTI 01 I PITS, Di:Y : ?????? sii'.VKIt AI BI H l IS. .-...Ko", . 1 SU"? t. Rjcha B ? ?ti.sto au LIBER rOHMOND CIT? AND SEVEN ?? Ri? UOMO, Vi., O - <?? ?.?,.?.? ? nu irai ?? ? ? daily e. .. Piace a; ?: il ?. M ? and 1 u ?sa l'Ine? a*, in A, m . IM.,a far? ? ?tweea Uve sud twelve yuan, i ? 'eni? LLIMOTOB, ?il MsusKer. V. BRCBLIB, .Th.. M??!???:!?? Dir* *or KICHMOND, FT?DEKICKriBI l.f, AMI ? ?TOM ?,?; '.'?11.11"??>. ? ?ND rui'H BALI IV."!:K. >'t!ILA? Dfil.lHIl. ! ANU tAsTISH.N ANI) N. UK'S ? li Ik ONLT TWfi . nicu Mo.-? IMOttR IM fcAC'B . N net tlm? to other point* .?.:.*,?., ? low raie?. ? ? rATLOB, Bel , -?'eut. 0 ?????p?? or ?t?????*. Lu DOMINION STEAM ?BIP COBI" ~?? to:: N?W ????. I hi e:'.? ? ? BSOAT ai 1 r rtlHAY al i G. M. < usta. ?learner? lisave New T? ? ' E\KK1 vVgli.NL-DAl ?a. Mi Ill'Al al | P. M..arrtviug a i'canoni MuNdaY aal i-iU Jj.M MORNiM ?? 1 ?Jtoen^e? ueov .uno la' MBSL ?. er .t ti 1? Boas . '??? *f'.?r :aic oi ia? 14..14 00 . ., ?Villi ?.iln-llitell II. I. Ai ?. ? ? ? ,. fare -.i C? ?> . ?>h:o rall? es-, ? W? Canni ? l'u.ersburg Tickets "au ??? nia.n.-? a', ?. W. ?.ari - Maia atre?! Ut sapease ani < i .it company'? ?t, ?ad wharf. Recaerte Prelibi < > ' lading ? Frclgl M. Passenger? leaving u MONDAYS, vi-, vVIDMSSDATS, 1 llt.K?DAVs. end IDA Y S by .nu ? h-iaie-akeand Ohio rail? way >??. ? ? ?? A. M. aud bv Richmond and Pefreearg railr.isvl sam?? day, ? ' eul disks coaaeitkai ?? .NiJKr'd.K w!Uirt?>aiair toavie?? taoeedey?, LkOllO? W. ALL?', i ? ?.. A< - ? Wain ?ire?1 and ?Uli _Company'? wharL 1??>?.???*> ~I>iil?..U>i.l.llilA. tac ii-<??? MiAD A'JD NORFOLK UBA MS Mit? ?.O M l'A N f. Appointe! salilo* days, ttrrry TUBSDAI aiy KKlliaY at ?I'M. aud every ML'NiMYai ? % * Freight f'^? Tueedeys? and Fri lay* ?teaman re-fived ti.i UBI A. M.: tor Sunday?' ?ii-Aiaar M. ?eMurday. Frunai rv.ewei daily uu 1 r. M. Isrr, VV tor furiber Information apply to J. W. McCARRICR, tjcoeral Southern Agent, OSes Moctetta, W. p. CLYOI a 11?. ?ol t.aneral Aa-eula l'ftiUvloliibla \r i KOlMA bTEABlBOA G CviMfANY. for fid Poiut. Mor-, Ulk. I"' ru .n ou ???, Newport Newa Ciarwnuat, aad ?laiuee-rtver laaSing? dir ?km. by e?e.aui M?. <oa-?U>?mor AKlfcl, leavnv? ?<? kVSltY MONOAY. W tintai) At, USI t Ri MA Y ai' A. M. ?treet-cars couBect, CoaDocUous al OU foial and at Norfolk doMly wtib ?vii une? for northern etwe? naine afieniooa. Jantes r.ver Vf ?leyligaL ?a*?* giuriti lia? ?neaps?? ? ?y ule. ihrouga ticacie ou ?u-amer and aitiaro?!-?? Agen y. ??'1 stala ?tre??, baggage cUnkad ?ufi.ugti. r-iaie-room? eugagad ter day er nlgbk Kre'ght i?'eiv?d ?lady lor Nortolk. f\>rt? niouliv.Old 1?jut, Wavorly, UMfcator?!, Va., aud al poiaU lu k.aAl'1'.i Nor.h ? aro.iua, Ka*tera Vitgtaia, and ail regular Uu'liag? na tue Jam?* mer. al lowoai iato?, and ibr<xiga b??s lasueJ? LLViSN a. TATCIL vuis-freaideat, .No. ilIV Mala su eel ?o* KeckeUa Brmt WstetsssairralgtiiitaliAss?otiJW.\A*eV RAI! ROtl?*. ?ll^rPi A TLANTIC COAHI LINI! Ki.UMOND AND ???????G?? BATLBOAJ* TIMbVTAIILB. (??mmeadog SI'BDAV. Bay IS. ???, S? ! A? M., tratas on this road will RM a* foli?** _TBAINS SOI. riIWAK?J. __ '??a?- Arri ?e No.' Blebstood. Pst*r?hurg. G tHIA. a. 71*\ A a. 4?-????????>?????<>?. 3* MS A. a. ' Oli A. M. l?unl?r ?"m'fc a* ?*?\a.?. ? i>-eiA. a. ?hn>ug* t.-aia, 8? *?:t)A. a. ' KrV> A. tt. ArcouioiodaAio?. ?? ?*5?? w. ?.SP. a. ra*tm*U ? ?:m ?. tt. t??') F. B. a??-omniudSBssa. 87 7:46 P. M. ; S:ll P. tt. Hurylsy ??coi? a, _P:i - ?? " ?????. Arri re No. Petcrabur?. ! U ? Srsi A. M. ri"J A. M. Ta?? m*Jt T3 T-43A. ?. ? M -. . 1 if BtSBrafSh St. ? ?.? A. M. ?it ?. tt. Ac-o?BBsodsUoa. * "?. 11-40 ?. ?. ?- ?. mi.iodalioBV li ?, M. ihr????** ?rale. ? ?j ? m S? ? ley accos'a. ? ? Mir M. I 11 a ?'?? " ?Daily. tMatly ??<?*?? Sunday. Sl'iil'l'INC-r^ACK?, No*. 14 aal IT make no ?toi*? No. ?) ?????*** ?Igoal at t'?ntralia Ne. ?? slop? only m ?ifoal at ? hester, ('?Mitrali*, sad MaactiaeUir. Be*. naia* a.i .fiions Ne*, ev M. IM I?, ?V. "T. IH, au 1 ?J Will slop at ail ?Mi in? 1er passenger*. Plf.l MAN-CAU SKBVU'B. Oa Trains No?. 14 ani SI ?leaptBg BBSS he'wsea BawTses ? .i*ts? u?ni?>. Oa Trains Mo* iu.1 :?.??,;..<-. ars t>?'iw*ee Washington and Charleston ??? Train No. TS ????>????t-'?.?G? t?lws^o Niw l'ork aaB JAoSsssa?, ? ?iee^tag-car bel*???*? VVatbit ?tou ani v?\aaaati. TBK ONLY ALL-KAII. UNS TO N'KIMI.K. taava, ?a?:??. BieBa*a<ad....*ae) A.N. INorf > o P. tt, iti bau . :. ? P. tt. V. | ItK'btnun I..I1 *'' A. B. ?. ? Bichasen*" ? ? ? *. ?s f >f Karinv ? ??????? ?,??????, aa ? a'.l BtatlOH oo th? Norfolt ae I W ?-?i*rn rais? roa,:. It. M. et t.l V *??? ?-??? leut. i*. M?, asa. Oeueral Hiip?riBl*>1*el. ?. ?. ????* ? asseus-sr A<r at. il u?. ? raffl ? ? anacer. VTORFOLE AM? WE3TEBS KAILy ll Hii AU ICBIDCI.B IM E#?BCT BAT 11 I?* nroDAai : LAIMI j nuKMLI. two on: y ??a??? POLllKSnPsBj LBAVK ? li II Mi'NO. vi'*, m. Db .? ail faawsBaaaj rVll?r?! Uri?? al l'eterei??^?; i'1 ? A M. airi?.? at Surfont I SS P. M. /? \-li. ??*' ? ? .??t ani I ?leraming raili nearg '**? A. V. No. I lute? ? ? ? ? A. M. for Kai I.". .. ? ? iHjko, Brlsi . lei'iii:.?, sud all p.,tu - ?^ 'IL? vilo?.; .?? < kB TO iMii'i'Un. T:C0P. tt. .U;'.r, uaK bm-. 1 ani I'.^raoafg railrw? AlVlTW P*l?r*h>irg ?.. ]..?.? . ?. a- ? ".:..<* car It. - rfolk V?QP. V ' ? . ' ( railroad. ?? ?? ? ?>? ? I ? > im. ansrttug sttk IM. BBS K?! ??. ?*"?? .. . ini ?. ? bnu*. a, sul all poisw eu ita assi Went. PCIXMAN ?-I.KATIN . . AK AeO'MVR.n V. No. 1 Steeping ?? Iroin Petarsb-ip? M I without change, ? ? ? ira '"ir ?* M , avi : pai.. >..tu* wiiaeug ? ? ot I ?an?, and Boa? ? . . - lir?els, bacss ..?. ? :na?t..a ?au im sl.taiu. : ' ?? ? ' railroad depot, \. W ? and a. the co :;, up???? ? ?:. BBVlLla -iter \??**> ?'misi ?? .?io??,. ? ?. ni?DMON1 A Kit II UlloKiK'i ?! ?T BOITB ? I \ . ? 1 t HP h.lir.i , ? Isaia "* ?. 1??. - \ M. /-me li ?' .' M. 1 ?1? Il A. tt. , . M. a. ? "> u r. tt Airli? ?il.?..?? ?. ? w. ' I Arri?.. VteBsbura ?. , I . von id* st Ka] "in? fo? Chase l'I y. < ? ? .? , ? isiiy ?? ilreees? ?od an , ? ..o , at ? . rlBga. and ail ? in'bar ' . road. ' ? boro', and aVsre l.?il ? :, ..'.-, rills, II?? - ? -is it ? :? ? ?? Its ???? laand guata, Aikeu, ? ? asas, w'ta a.? r '.? ? IN, un anlta at ? ? A. M. ani 1 -> '? ?I ?\?ti:? 1AJB SB AilH?) ? - ?I A. L .Al IOB. '?a??? Bi ..? ? ' W I'. tt \rUilk-iUVLH LINE ?vu WJ?C POINT F?] ! HAY. '.?. *''W>-% ??? ??? ned? ?? "t u??. jty. - ? s?>. ??. * ? 1 . t >: \l ai? 1 '4 tl I*. VI. arriva ai halllasor* StA A. tt.; leave '.uit '????: .. !a' BASF tt. ar nv.? a. ? ?. -? ani Mi .\. tt. f- n r ? ii ..n I ... ,(J IBila dalphta. ?* > s ? : . ?"< B) Be .al trip, Wil.T.iugivii, 1 ? a*?* pais. $?. POINT l ? >?<"!>?????? t,eaVS Kidiinoal C! I Mre?l > , . ?*-?J A.W. A: Ire ?. . ? .n? ?: *.? ? > uure> . t*:W P. tta Ma. :y ?i .?,. ?.m lay. ????? ..? aa 1 ' ? . (tala'treet? L^-Iuwu uf?ca t'un..?r ? rn.i ml Main ?tr?e?*> .?? ?. ? ? ri.? ?a, (>eu*rsl la-?*ii^er A/aut. ? PaaB*a*T*f A<aut, lu amolli, Va> ???- ???-?, Trafile ?suasar. ?MCHMONi), b'UKDERICrLSfJUBa IV AM) l'i I ned si? cornmeu t ? ???!? u rtamlardi ? '.-.U A. M. leaves Byr-i-atra-a sta:-m dally. r > '?., Mil? . ? . o , f to Waahiu? li OC ?. "' ? ? ? :?.ly. ?*> .nlay. fc?P. W. leati ii daily. .??? l'irk BAO A. ht . ? a.l.j[i dAlly?, ? '?r*. ?latios :* ir ? ? . ? ? ? ... ?. ?.? *??G fivWai Wasoiaaloa and M?ns l'ork. 10:40 P. M. (irii????i I'....??! Mi*?t tWi.ioa dallr? . ASclLaND rBADBA DAii ? ?irsrT **rs*sa1Bi 44* A. B. !.. .ve* Kill*. Arrives at .Aablaal a '. X 1-0U1". ?. ? ? . -latina haves Hyrl-^tree* - ? ? ib *n I at ?> P. M. i-M P. tt. twate? Ell>a. sirlvss at Babiaml al UP. ? ?:40 A. M. aflve* Bib?, Uare? Atblaad atSeSS A. M. *.?> A. tt. a^v.inaio.l?tlon arrlt.?? at llryd. .itr-eisut.on teat?* Aahlanl at 7 it A. vl. fcSSP. sLarritM at Bisa, leave? Ashland U F. B. . . a , ah ' .:.?.-.. :*; n*aa* Agsaa K.T. D. MYBui,0?n?r*i"?ip?rtuUnd?aL iflESAPEAKE AND 01U? ilAXU WAV CO M PA NT BCHKOCLB IN EI'PCCT SKI'lBtta?K M ISSA, IBS l? Ridi M BB ?:tO A. tt. tocai, except ?mada/. tor Cllfiaa G?G,'?. ??? A. ML Baersss dally for Old Point sad Nor? fo.k. ll.-06a.aL Mad dally for ? .1.-innati. Put;?*? 1' to eum u t> ige. SsMP. tt. Kspra?? dally t-x Old Pwla* ao4 BerfBiB. I'iMinaii ? ar u> ?ii.l Puiat, 6JMP. tt. Aix?uim.)dail*ak. exjspt Sunday, for ?. r. a P. i iiouUoa. ttlftr. M. P. P. V. \ esi.i..u? Soseial. dally, ?1U1 DSaiag 1 ar rn,a*Cheriuita?r1ll? V> Ciu? uuia'.i and LoiiMtille. I'ulK man sle??i . ia"-l ar te (?a a iiusU, TB4IHS sanit? ai auaaosa 840 A. tt. aud Sal P. U. daily front c'lnSoaat?. 10-.U A. ML aud ;-s0 P. tt. Jaily tros?. Nerf ? ?:WP. M. daily ??.ept Sunday ire.-a CuT*a? sasBBi JAttB"* BIVKB f>IV|SiOX Oc a a. ?. ?.? ? ?at* aioMMoa? A. tt. dal'-> tor Lto.-huirg. Leiittg?oa. sai Clifton rOrg?. 4.'S P. tt. seoiiavilio a-.ixuiu.nla?osv ?aosfS husday. lir.O?i*. tt. daily acruiaeiodaiiua toe Lyacaburg ?ndcurt ??. iorge. TSAisw 4BSIV? aicsMusa COAF. tt. aud All a tt. dally trook CUttaa Far?*. BU A. tt, ttam SetMtsvuie, siusj*. Suaday. ?- W. P^LU?s\ W#AW%1 B^SBanMaVaalBist ^b?b^BbibV LT.*UaAaU)k?ieeef?jllaan?im lA C