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.. (Longman?. 1 ?? \ G I I I I. BSSBSJ*. "There's young Miller perhaps he'll |%b j'oung Miller ? lies no pood to anv ?ne just ?t present. It will b?? a blessing for his inen?!? when he's married." " 1 <l.>i't believe there*? nny chance of the Khiva for a week <r so. an? OOW." Half a d.;cn men were lounging round a billiard-tubi?? in a Bombay club-room ?Baoktikg, gjomiptng, and leisurely ?iiscuss iiu; a fuinrn game ot pool, T' We'll try Milhr, anyhow," ?aid Cap tain Dtskson, nn ? Iderly young men with a well-wsvcd iioiiia. he. "Hello, Miller, ar<? ? on for pool ?" Miller was a tall, fnir young follow with S pl'iil?, go,?d-!iatur? 1. ????! ?? ? ? Wi** fu... lievi?? very > t and ?? ?. rally ?toboso?; srithont which he vas ? ?ret Inde? I. Every 1 iv Uk< ? >iiil?r who knew hint, anda go? ?! .pie did know bins, H ? ? rt-eighted, s! mbllng figure wae nn ?B?.?il_? id Bll odd.'aisM n: way o? stopping uywltereto talk t?. .? happened t across. Mill, r understoo I t'be a littl" "s .??.'? He played pool? badly, but he wannn imperturbable loser en 1 th? * tat I is own had ? Hut Just ? "I .i't plnv iiow."he said; "la'i ton.? ? Khiva come in yet. Miller?" said ?re with ti la* "NO. ? away, " bat bet : '??." ip us Miller is. she must bi SB ?? eoaunon mrr. girl who is going to p ' the \ "Well, 1 don't know," said * else? "Mill? r i? p<> ! ? ani h? s ib.? Civil. lb, haven ? al ? -.????. ' " 1 ooJj b? arti ol ." Paid G?? ib im, of i i * nty-fourth. " It's trino oi being poor, I 1 ? ther. " I h?:ir Miller ? I t. r i ? r t :? k ? t out here, and h?r clothe?, too, I ?l'ire sai." " i iv Millet is mad.? a ? - eon ?.? one an I mar-i th ?.. off, t ? show* hi ? Are y >u CHAPTEB 11. ' : - ? ? long ?. . ' I ? I ? '? I ? ? ? . ? rot ,*? f-nid I V. ! Mr?. ? - "l? 1 ? -. know, M ? "Pi mimed Mrs. Clevi I . ? ? d?- u.di, II. : : 1 tit m-. nd. ?1. anxiously. s lid Mrs. ?????? . '"'^, n"* f ? "ti in ? it as v.. 1 n- |? u .ir?? ?. a in?. ind then j oung Mil ler ? "li il. "I ? I ?" . limi volli wiiv. rnn't von? Tell me if you want anj altera tl"l "(?h! plie won't b? with yon for l?>:ig. you .11 o.jiir; Millet ra? diantly. " 8he musi iM ei real home till everything is properly arrangod, , s, ,?. ,t loo] ? a little bare just nt pr. sure there ehaace of the furniture from tho Btorea ? this boat i" ? U ? tv-is Bure, often, you --'.Ii-. I.. j .- \ . t lith ot it ?. ? a may be sui ? r all ? "But ?.'? ter, what el .ii. I could not possibl? let her II? ? t itn j.i? thing, aren't they?" and young Miller became quite distress? d. M Well, if Edith forgets she deserve? to e ? .ins. \\ Imi do VOU think, k'red .- . Cleveland gaily. "But don't be afraid; from ail i al <..?t ?nrl bave come t ? the conclusion that Misa l.e-t. r i^ a thoroo ?hly practical y/oang woman." "i? ,ahei .?..?.??? forget anything," said ? ? rlj *' ? will come in ami tell you, Hester, when the Khiva ii gi(.'iialb(l." well, dear, d KKUnight, and h;ivi> pati? " It's all \? tv well to *ay ' fa ti'-rie.?,' Hester," said young Miller, aliaking his, "but it is! it ? " And h<? took bis Mrs. Cl< v? land . r tho sham. bling figure a Her husband, when ? in lu.lf hu hour later, was sur nrisedtoflnd bei itili thoughtful und de. . f?>r Mrs. Cleveland \sas by no ? " Oh, po.r I thinking of him, I wonder ohi I won. der ?vili Edith I ? ?. r be g" '"' to him?" ? ahoahln't sin?, my dear?" said Mr. < lev illy. " \N by, ind? ?? -t fellow. Hut. ohi Will, fond as I ana of poor Fred, 1 ?-an sinr?.-?!v bnagine say girl content to lt>'k t?,? "1 Mtheyoun? pnejr ' I -h., may make, him a ? "d enough wife." ** It will kill him if eh? I heonoe ?b'uk- tl tee tor him. Oli! ? ? meto think how dssps? Sst''l\ et on it " " W? ?!, I ;?. ; J? .,, Wl,y Sfctmld he noi , velami. Biniliug t.ndiily at hi* wife's disti ffc'-e. And Mr?. CU-v? land WSSOonSOled. ?l'U'TI.UIII. ??? , VIMTOB. ")??>, Miiltr, where un? you going lor' ?"What! oh: LMckeon, I dldn'1 see you." Young M.ll? r had I??? u walking in hi* asiiai skisent fa-hion 11I..11L? the streeL He had his haiiii? ? leaped behind Ins back in I Li? favoriteposition, but he was evidently in a hurry, for bis ti-ual sannt La?! beai ex? ? ange?) lu r than Bad as bad coa? thewhola wa* ?lowu the street without cumini tu s single pe he wa* sraaatode ut im? nul* In saah?! Bent, obiectleaa way. Be had lookod Cap? I tato l>:.k*>ii full in the facewithoatthe bIieL"? ? >n, l'Ut in?* wave were w?ul known, and rui?lo? a interrupting hi* mi ?lit . " \\ bari uro you off to in such a hurry ?" he said. Miller was not onite mire for a (aw Sola? Otes. His thoagats liai wander? 1 away by a series of ?*?.?>' transition mer he had spent in Lusismi with Edith ?>*1???. nod ju?t ?t fjrut h?? coald not have told with sni? i-r< it certainty whvth?<r he ays* in KngUiid or in India. "I was tjoiiig i,'"iiJX lioint?,"!.?? (?aid,af? ter s tiaus*?, "judt to sec that ??veri tb: iitf anaf right." "I'll walk es far as your dicing* will? ?ou" t'aptuin Jin-kaon voluti!.? r? d. and young Mill** eould not r?fu*e, though he ?rotild have pveferred to be alone. giajMjbtmaskS, tuM, iWUl? him ISfil it SB? cesaarv to ask hia friend to come in when they arrived. Captata Uiekson was hy no mean* nnwil ?inii t" ecotipi. He ?as s enriotj* littl?? gaaa ?nad anxious to eee what kind of prcpara i uni; Miller had ???-????. '"V.ii set?, there i?? furnitnr?? to corn?? siiii," the beat exviained aasioasly. " Miss lie*ter chosr? that lierarlf p? ???p?1"? at tho HI oros. 'Hint is ? apod place for furnituri'. don't von think ; *? I really don't kaow," said Captain Pick sou ; " ? h.iv.? never had oocaeiaa to ga m for 'hat kind of thi "No," agreed vtrang ktlller, looMasj re? grclltilly at the tlappetlittle man in front of him. "I suppose this i?? ?till sufncientl] s tartera for a cigar?" sagg sated Captain Dickson, 1? eng Miller'?, politi ti???* prevented bis objecting, bai he was a little ji M. ?podio bin almost a desecration to smoke nul leugh and tell riamai st..rie? ae cording to Captain Dicha ??'." habit in a room so soon to be hallowed by bar pree eace, and be refaaed his inend'? proffer of r with nnneceseary < nergy. ? iptain Dickson saw nothing of this, ? anderstanding in matters of sentimenL He f. It disturbed and almostnntrrv when . Dickson besl ?wed a careli Bpection on Mi I actor's phol stood on a tabla "Is that the young lady?" h? said, pointing to the photograph with bis eigar. ?? v? . ig Muli r, taking ii up ntly. ? much g< l ':?"wiid Cap tain Dickson. it wa ? ? idee that niivtliiiu; could be said to young Miller, ana Captain Dick* ? was surprised at )?< slmrt snswei and the sudden ia bis pa ? behind tin iir specta - And young Mill? r was very glad when his companion left him. mo wns more frequently ? might have i.n it he pie, but to ? in be ? onld noi spi ak of hi r. b li?? did not himself quite know ? r hia love of ber even to her? self Miller i ad never be? d able to expri ^s that; be only knew nil bis thoughts to be connected with Edith, that his work and his amo his gladness or h I Miller was very glad and very sorry fifty times a day - ; '.' mix? ? up with thong] I I :ti. CHAPTEH IV. "Tlier?-', T're?), dear, don't kn^ek ?t?? 1 leveland retreated a few the impetui ? ??!" her ? r. Miller was desperately ? I ? rly bewil ' " ??? coming in!" hi ? bethi r ho - .va. " 1 ; . stay, l'on 1er hur? ? e ? i Jai?! ber bai d on his arm. ? in and 1 rei " " Well, whi ??? You . ?;.? ? red, I believe y< u have forgot? : vii 1? ntly. "No. I < ? ? think fully, able to find ihility, you foolish ?? ?. ' lev? ?.'" he sard, with a -olii??, "or will be looking out lo find ?Mill?,." ter looked half ?adlyal the ? ? r ha 1, after hi* in delightful would please her," he . I have put on the sui! I ?: ? ? ? : ? . ? , '- " ? " nftly. I l?" I to the CHAI R V. ?avi. evi ut ful walk :. ?I" COU] . and .????? arrivi ?1 after verseveral times, which, spectacles, was a icurrence in hia . ? p-posta what did he care? oi ds' delay t hi -?? pro ? ? ?, | wei utter indifference to him. And until the ? he .'"'in.I him ? it on board l< r was only . va( u< impatii nee and almost a pri id many people on dock ?:. Perhaps were surpr? ed at the elouching, ling loan, who look? i al one afti r . -.'U and ''?' .'? rly with frown? ? .? the att? ; ipl to ???. ? ? after all. ? hercreetinc, as she ! .1.1 her band on his ;".o MilUr turned round, Lio kind] . : with joy. . ? : "d little ?? '? on of ii ? ?? or BUI and . She was ratfn r ?.ret tv. though her ? her Blue ? very expressive, and there was an amount ? ? ? /y kbout ber w hieb Miller and filled Kim w ? ? admiral ion, I fon be liad ? uovi red the , and while ? ? ried him oft toa rner o? hip. ? Milli r simply Io? ked al I did ? " F1? ter said with a little embarrassment in hermanner which was ?ral to her. " I have ;o1 son el t?. tell you which will vex you, i ara afraid." "i ih : Edith, you are m<vre loviI. young alillorsaid, draa " Bui don't you besrjwhal I nm to von - ?g to till' ?. flush? " I was 1; ?? n in ? I t your words," he said reverently ; '* nothing can rei m? "? .ii you think in the least what ? mpatiently : "cai imagine \? hat would \< ? you?" " l su .??- you Lave f irgotton the furniture?" hi I. " but you edn't ? or anything else would vex nu? darling." He said th ? Issi word with hesitation und blushing like s giri, "Nonsense," said Miss Leeter with some seerbity. ?" l am very stupid, I know," said young Miller humbly : "bul cometo my sister litera krd." -, ? ?? ?, you :?.:: it listen to me." said Mise L? itely. "Yon know yon ha ked ma if I was suro I for yon; dont yon remember?" Perhaps ? ragna, sudden fmr ?, but if so :.!v momentary. The very peat? ms,, the utter overwnelmingness, m tlu< bich the lose oi Edith would bato him made it seem ko impossible, bo in? ble. "J luive wondered li<?w you cooldeara for a fellow like me," he said, looking ut ber, "?\<.?? who aro to beautiful and ? li ver." "V. !. I . d, I did think I eared for you. and l><- idei thi re are so many of ii\ ami we are all > p.?or -aud?you must not bo ? ' ? don't understand," said young Md ler, with bewilder M Leeter looked ut him uneasily. "Try and understand, Fred," she said, "and remember you uro a man and must re. I want'to ask von to to break off our engagement, becaase 1?1 fare for Somi'bi'ih ? ise.'! CHAPTEB VI. Mil. HAKDY. There ? silence. Young Miller stood looking at the cirl blankly, uncom ??. win not a v? ry heg??? person or ?<??? calculated to win a girl'sad? miration as he stood there with bis stoop? : dazed lace. And all he -ml ? (lid spelli. "1 dut understand," in a strange, stunned way. ! r made an impatient move? ment. " Fred, Fred," sh?? said. " don't make mo repeat it all over again, lam very sorry, ? but ?ne can't luTp these things. 1 met Mr. llardv on the way out? Ar?? Voll | listening. Fred? Do you m-ar what I urn! ? " abe added hastily, alaruiod by , bis blank ? "Total" she called a minute later in some alarm. Mr Hardy had only been waiting for tho right moment to appear, evidently, il" was a short, rather ?.??Uooking ?an of ?bout forty, genUeirianly enough on urnt ?ght. but ta a second ghinee there was ?"iM thing about him just a little too much wal??!.?-< hum. or too many ringe, or a trine too much cars m his attire- which seeined to argue that ho had once belong? ed to a different, status, ? XL??? Lester introduced him to aonne.1 Miller with ?orne nervousness, being well aware of her Tom'? hisppy faculty for sav? in;' Ih.? wrong thing, but oxeept a slight ?start her former lover ti??k n?. ????????? "I nm clad to meet Ti?, fir." Mr. Mirdv ?eid, holding out his tuia?!, which youofl Miller a. ????pi" I ol?'?. r.tlv. "and y<rr\- if I anilh<?. nuseol nnv -ah?annoy:itic?:to um : bul you ran un?l?r?tanil my ?-xcuse, and m matters of this kind-" " Com?' sway. Toas, w?? hn?l mnch bettes go" said ?fl : ? ? terwitl si mo slsrta. "I Btast *pologir.e f.r acting as I have don?', but there is mv best s| I Mr. Hardy, laying his hand ? ? Uissl ?boulder; "und that ? ? more inconvenience and eapetweth be helped I want t.. utT. r to take evi ry. thing "fT vour hands. The furniture 1 can't think of allowing ron to pay for it, sir; and after all it is I'd.11? ohoia " " Tom, Tom, con Lester. "Good-bv, Fred. SOU hud bet? ter ?_"? home, hadn't von?" \.m o Millet ike ur?. m to ray ?ister's, Edith. 8be la waiting, and I can?! tiili?? v?,u ' '?" . . .- mm . I " What doe? be m. an?" uksd Mr. Hardy in p?'!| ' , " (Onu awiiv." said Miss Lester. 'Don't ( there will l??? a scene if we stay, The sooner we ??> the bet ter." ?' But about toi furai! tre "Oh, come aloni ? ? ?, ?iid Misi . with no psi ?n hir CHAPTER ??. WAXTOra For. ??1G. KHTVA. ICr*. ? ! without :.' ? ?,e after the Khiva cam?? in, evenm be ooald ? ring with J ber Iplessncss in his on and bis a nd. At Ii '. when she beard that the K!.1 come ii t persuaded b.-r husb take her downto tli?? harbor. He would have goni : some ragne forel I " ' land re ; ind. : yonn? Miller ? ?ry ????. He ; .?" on ? ? il "? r??:' ? looking ?en ward, und got up to cr."-t them With s smil" of web "Youhm 1 to watch, <<??" L "? hat waa kind oi you must ^'o on board by mysi It'. Edith would like ' :??'." "Hut has the Khiva noi come In yet?" in 1 in surprise. "No! in very Boon nng Miller. ?? Hn? vou 1 r] waiting,? ? ve?an?!, with ;:: i :.? 1; Romebodj . expect b< r tl??? evening." "Itisi baa com* io, but ? ki ? I >' I ? ' and be turni tl aw ?; and walked over to ?? W 1 ! ? ' " Isn't it odd o that I shall not I'levi land ? nd nothil move nut? 1 with "I he Kbit been in for hon u I >w voice to his v. .v.- happened ? " " Oh, ' r 1 ? r, spi nkii . Try and think, l?? : it nm] will com.? in the " Jlav? they ma le von beli? v< 1 il will wait hero till sii" com' . ' < 1. vi.imG ? "Oh. "Will, it ? ? lid with " : rr If you . an'! pei '. ?? It may beonlyt And Mrs. Cl? velaud turned to hi r. and ' - '- S ?? Fr? 1. de u ," -,,'? r to-i ?1 ? ??:?,'' re plied :? ..un:.' Miller. " LI " ' ? ' ? we will arrange an t to you at once, I 1 1! would vex m?- so much to think for a little wl And volino Miller yield? rl. "?Iti- . . Ii. '? -." : gently, " not I Jim ? t? lith will exp? Mill? r walki : ? nev r ? lied, but Hi? ? neither won be ever disappi linti I. Alwa coi ?-. hut ? expeci in life than ? _ M. l; ? ?.? Capital "f Uontenegi... [Saturday Review.] I .itraordinary capi ???. It COI street, ? and ? lely In the fi? Id?. I he perhaps thirty or f? :; ,? w? rthily blocks t ? ? structure, but repn eenl 1 luxurj ? public placea are the prison, I ?? and the echool, Th ? ? 1 a Iiwu tl I bowls, with 1 . I? op. 1 .?".?? w.. ?1 in the monnl ? eva: nui ha] : r two fello victsan ? 1 and methodically. ? I ? and n tree citizi u 1- thai the . prived of his arm ?. 1 : .1 de? gradation to the u where. Clo green ? Inch is po] Dgthe materials. ? 1 .. long, low, ? d bail ling, known e the "Biglmrdo." 1 .-I thii ? lieb billiard-table hat in : l* n s. t np there. 1 be carrying of ture by fifty men over tl??? mounts tul lindo'? ' feat >N bUe thep? : I under the slate, a pilot stood astride on hieb, and shout?*] hi ! direi tioi to get round a* kward cornei - or the differ? ? nt Ministriee and a Pa The church is verj ?mall, ing, perhaps* 150 people. On either side of the entrance ar?? the tomi Danilo and b . Mirko ?? troviteli, ami in th?? chancel u sort of sarco] which is opened on solemn oc asion taintii?; tin. ? nib limed ? ! the -Prince Peter I The old monastery iacee t be palace t ifty or si this monssterv snd twenty 01 and it repre-eut???. the! iu u of C< - tinje. Behind the rnonsstery 1 I mous Tower of Skulls In '.he old davano Montenegrin war entitled to b? ? 1 ; an .??'!"-?'?'?????.? Boldier tntil ho bad de? corated tho tower with !l luad. ih. la-t occasion on which II in ghsitly decorations was after tho battle of Urahovo look place u. the nth of I.o n and brought in 4,non si:mis, ai least so ssyt traditi? account is mon or le?? confirmed by Inde, pendent wit m An - trian officer, counted 3,300 ski 1< tons on tin? field se versi weeks sftei thofsmo ; tutu bas, however, nowdiedout, having been sboltshed, together with most 1 of a isimihir nature, by : coman ?-ode ami Inflexible rule of Danilo f. AM.!.? ?ltli Me. Abide Witti rne, life'* rosy morn I? past, iitidr's suu hi? fullest rays ? ira ceit, Tim lengthening shadows In my path ' I'm lonely, lonely, come, abide with me. ': nn rr.y sight the dear, familiar face, Hushed Is Ih. > See, Just for a lltiio m in tin? great ?-|r. loot ?ternity I Yet, tills brief moment, come, abide with me. Abide with roe, tho d?rk'!i>e? drawetn nigh, 1 bo sun dips low adowa Ha' western ?ky ; II.ire. as I awali mortality s ?* ? 1 ?ball not fear If tbou abide with me. Tby pri .-sence, swcot burdens sorely pre??, A comfort brings that ?orda eaunit ?11 blK-niitiiFuiug my fallt, while doubts auwolvlng flee; 0, spirit-mother, come, abide with me. When I'm perplexed, the pathway right to Und, And ?n-idi-iiiy 1 ere where 1 was tetad, Witti lirini-r step 1 prose on hopefully In darkuse* safe if thou abide with ate. Ood doe? permit tbi? intercourse divin,, 1/ive lias tbo power i?? r. ach seros? tiio line; I will ol>ey and follow, follow ibee. Dear augrl mother, ?vim-, ahi le with me. Ox/oru, ?a?4. Eliza Laus ?a???*. Wherever an external rem.'.ly can lie ap? plied Salvation Oil will reach the cuse. 25 cent*. TO CHOOSE A PUPPY. SOME OF THE DISTINCTIVE POINTS OF THOROUGHBRED DOGS. A?Ulee of Great Value BO tli? Ams??mr lliijer?soin?-tiling Ahont the History ?of DoK-Ilreeillnir In Amerlra. iFortho r?!?p?>h?< o;.M'rtit-d by Bscheller * To e'i S dog. ? P?PPTi "D'I ufflcnlt a race. 8till tbeTear? certain rules that arelan! down which will lend a man material aid in choose a dog ;? intsan . aguide iti tie ? ' and which bj , 11.v un? jr. Uree in dog-ebows, ? , whiehsn the Wi atmin- : si? r L il beni h-ahow, ?-Square Oarden, tho j ?, Ko- heater, \ . Providen e, Albany, ; 'frov, I; ' a Haven, in fscl nearly ? ity of imp eg a kennel ? club under wl given. Al man; of ?? 1 l'avo been honored with the \< ?ition of Judge, Kince the ?? minstei ; lub in ? -iTT. which was iw given by ? regular k< nn? 1 club p? this <? luntry, I rougbl ? Were indili?. ce thi o improvement of nil . ? ' . ni? of rivalry been sr m*ed I m, the __ .?-?-; I)"* ?~-rrii. foremost kenn ? . but it ey rtnd tho dog is s bobby. ?ru. us obtainable by money ( . Nota ? 1 . 1- li ' "ri- re. I : i.i ?. ila ? ' I not whi ri aa the - : ? :. ITS. ] ' lar ?train, aa ? ninnine in aroutnumb? . their colora : . which o I ] ? ?i the ? ter on the Duke?J ll . Why I 1-; rials. ? h i Lavernek ai ? - '?as be ? no pi that I ? ? to pr.o. I red to j ild im? ! . : ?!. ' ? i ' rapidi; ' I lion the ? . ter dog ? bvtl e :' LsJbb^LvbBsIb^Hb^Hbw'^''? lieterf - VJ jvr-T. ? '?I >n . ? faci that lledo? ? won) ? ir win-? pnr ?? ? i ? ; n'oli . - ' ? ? rally. First seo ti ? ; rk, they ? I f??? 11 : id WI II ? - liachs? ( f ch ii": "terii ? ?<rs. rlufflcii cle should ? ? ? ur:s is pointer. 1 hunting lould be rather : build, r with a fair amount evel? pment of ?' ?. ribs fairly well sprung f shoulders, loins stroni and I which tend to insti 1 and ? re ill particular at ? be paid to the 1". - a id f? . ? ?? skull ahi ol I be ? h.oii.o end dark in color, well d I -k below ti : square without tendency to sum? ihdeka showing ?. knd bang? ?2* ^?^^BWaSTV... t? , ? *.?>'?I,_.- ?_; <XiA. ?" KXOUSH PEF.:: norvT?. t . the cheek, ?: her thin in t. s? th, perfect!" showing no throat ? u ? ?. si d slight? arch? ed; shoulden sapins? not beefy ori ?. t ? o.lined t.? ib'? 1'? <ly, but showing liberty of -? ' H well la-nt: tail tapering to ? i-oint and carried on aline with the Lark ; and ?-'out ?loso but not too line in texture. Thee?? Inte may be observad in ? of a s. it. r with the exception Of the coat, which i'i tli?? Letter should 1)0 1 ion ?; und'rath, r silky, Bbowing decidedly on the ears, back of the for? and hii and on the tail : the tope b nr on the le?* pefasfl termed the f' BtsB r, that on tho tail Of nil breeds of large dogi the Ht. Ber? nard is the most fashionable, A pappy of good breeding is worth ?tlOOat least, und as the doc grows in years his price increase* proportionately. A gpo?l pup should stand 1 siraucht on his leva. With all larao dorn ? here is a marked tendency toward crooked legs, particularly the bind le^s, where th?? hock joint? set too elos?? together, termed "cow-hocked," and which imlieates weak? ness, detracting from his activity. He ?ho.ild have a large, full ?kull, with a short, ?anafe, eaten muz/!??. There should be ? good depression in-inw tho eyes; ear? rotiier small, sitting close to tho cheeks. Oreat BBSaSBTSts ? ht s desideratioD. Ther?.Bt?tWB varieties Of St. Beniards, th?? rough- and smooth-coated. The former should havo a long coat, not particularly line in texture, lying al? most tilt to tbe body. In the latter th* coat should b* short and somewhat harder in texture. But two color? ata admissible, tawtMf orange with white marking*, and btiadl* with whit* ninrkitic?. Tho most fashionable color at present is tho solid Liwny orane? with whits markings ss follows! Bhtss ta I . paws, and tip pf tail. nave a preference for thebtindle with tin? - ime markings. The presen? t ? I dew-claws on tho leg? is favorably re? corded by many. Personalb. 1 am ? ; ;?. them si being -1 no possible boni fit to ?st impossible to find s th dew-clewi that itancu weu <?n bis hind legs, the effect being to thr?.w tho back jointe in and turn the feet out. The mastiff comes next in popularity to t] . i-t. |;. m od, andai out the sani?? points ?bonld govern Ins ?election, fhe two | col? r-, an? the tawny-lion snd brindle. Thecoat should He elose toth* Mtlv hard in chara??!?.-. lack mas;., small black I ears, snd nil face should be somewhat wrinkled. , ,, , il.illle ia tbe most useful of all doga ? ? r. In choosing a coll (neniar attention mus! be paid to his coat, ? as heia? ?posed to aU kinds of weather. Ai . tually has two coal ?. 1 be topcoat should bo long, dense, an?! hard. What is known ;i- the nnd Tcoal is a -hurt, fur-like hair which rend? ? ? t he animal almost, imper- : ?. lild the coll ouklbe rather ting extreme activity, He should have sufficient bone - him well. Hi* bead should be , moderately wide between tbe ears; the ?kull quite flat; little or no stock or do ? ? below th? mall and carried semi-? ? ct. ? ? lable ??.lor I ? Bable with white marking, though many of the older end best specimens aro bhick coming very popular in the Wc it. wh re a fee ? ago a? the ?1 . ? ut"?;; th og quite a fa ... v good puppy . ? i.'.iiits: Hi? ' it. Many bounds lack this important characteriatie. being too light, eepeci illy st I ;. The ? be round, hard, snd well , . soniewh, t, termed "liar??'' foot, . illy as serviceable provided it iructed. He sh mid be well ?. n?ch ?, ?? pe? iallj i quar. . mot ? than width. should t.?? look???! for. The stifles should be well bent, measurement long from bin ??> buck, to give propelling power, n I ; ? cl? an . ears, small ; ihouldi ???? ? : rihs. moderate? ? well sprung, und he should no fulness of skull or cheeks. Ih?> color is ol no special moment, although black is the most ? able. ? he fox-t Trier is a small und useful ani t bas atte place in the I. The best puppy isstron ?. ? a long muzzle, strong to tin? ? ? .; toward the eyes, and i!;s coat s] rate length and hard, and be should be ?iv built, ; great terrier . ter. . Blenheim ?poni ?!-? r.r?? now ? be tu? st fashionable pet dogs and have almos! The King Charh s is black-and-tan in color ? Blenheim is white with lemon markings, Tl.>lor marks the chief dif. ? he ? ? teds. The puppy has a round full skull and! ? ? b irt? r the mu ?zie ?: r. His ears should be long and I r profil-?. The .? ?.? curl in the ? .? <?: ?"iiai!". ? not of i and have n?j work to perform. H. Ci ti Glovss, 0. V. S. ItulllRR the Letter Market. ' Dear Cornaylius [hty wilcome yerletther was indade. El oi was as glad t'> see iverything, me face'd be wan broad sianoli?, from the crown of mo hid to the ?owl of me feet. It was a plazin letther,so . :n' to make id longer, an' : id. do .? know phut oi rj I, an' ye know I it it appared to be it did; .in' to In at 'im a1 wid the darlin' v.urn: wurkin' up to 'em gintly, a.s ef to give rne heart t 1 I ? pin', 'dadi? ! sind a kl-- ? ill 1 ? 'id Ulyethrate, so t?. sphake, an' whin Tim ay phi ? ae in be waj . m ?ind ye, that it iv. ry lotthi the flavor as foitiely preserved either comin' thro' the salt w 1 '( His gran'feyther doied t ' lift him 11 . ;????? tell me. ? . be sain' id whin he was in tb'ould' id a I to Ink at it all to it'd lave j ? r .>>. es open dhal bei wud. < >i t? ?It ' m, s,, qi did. that ?? t'ott? . ??? a ?: thin he cud spake widout tiddhn'on the front idgesof thewurruda .uir to give '.m th? agj. It's quare, ? ???.', in tli?? matther of rimiuy's interim!y. ? whin he Hi? mout' thrimblcson the verge of the opyration till ye get that foodled wid the tickle of i?l that y? r loike to ? ?? oncivil enough ye nn?. But oi mu-lit tell ? the n'yews, C lias. O'ire had tbe moomps, tool ? l .i the jaws of me, the way they ? ? i'd shwaU "d a b tlyune :?.!:' id WSS ihticfcln' in Iti?? in?.ut' : alni', ef "i'?l open me mont' ii to let in a paraty, oi' cud ?s crack ?dan?' down till me Did ye bear abo it yer oui ' OOowa? Thev were pullin'a pow. p?? plaehter off *im t'hutfa r day, an1 they pulled such a big bowl in bis back that a p ? got in there an' blew hi out, au' now whin I..? brath*? 1..? hai to itnsilf for sir, s<? be does. \n' shpakin' ?, ?ini ye hear of Bhaugnissy? forcnunef Bl .n' jist aa the dinti it was pullin' the lasht wan she lilt, her inde lavin'her, ?s it w?*re an'do ye know wlun the toot kern un at laaht there was a kemmyhoo bristpin hsngin' to the ? m a utnghta' fit 'liven vean beyant. indin' dl.i? letther, Cor. naylius, oi musht Irring id to a ?dos?? wid a few \wirnls ?.ut of the basement o' me : heart, Oiltrveye,ms b'y,wid* love that j kape? Bt* awake in in?? ?ihraui's. an' nicks , ?m? dhal lonesome bow nn' dhin that <>i do j bewisbin' ol wen? ?.??p?? twins. Some. ??i "raycho out me arrtims ai ; "Cornaynos,ar* ?* d?tete?''an1 whin oi ? bear ye answer " Ko, o'im not." oi can fai* ; me bnisum pappytatin' that faaht I boari khtanai stilili to listen. Come to me. (Ornailuis, nn' ef ye ean't OOflt* I kind yet brother, tot ye know ye alwaya iid m" jmigination was thesoizsof me nit, an' wid dJint oi? ud mind all dishcripan -. Wid more love than mo tongue?MUI ? .'mi Yuuer's till they foind the N'ort' Powl, .??? Ml'lcaiikx. fiottile AVrong l'ut lent. [New York Weekly.l Mrs. Brink?: Johnny, did the doctor call while I was out ? Little .lolinny (stopping his play)! ?. ???. He ?".dt my pulse an'looked at my tongue, an?! shook his head ami said it was ? viri Hcri'.iH ?use, and lie left this iire i.-riptioii und said he'll call a/juin before nlfht. Mrs. Hriske: Gracions, me! It wasn't you i sent him to see. It was the baby. Simply Perfect. The Union Pacino Railway, "The Over? land I toute," has equipped its trains with dining-cars of the latent pattern and on and otter August 18th tho patrons, of its fast train, between Council Bluffs ami ? ? 1.1 .t alni between l'nuiicil Bluffs and Portland, Oregon, will be provided with deli? tous meals?the best the market af? fords, perfectly served, at 75 ceutseaoh. Pullman's Palace-Gar Company will have charge of, the servioe on thtose cera. J FASHION'S FANCIES. SLEEVES IN GREAT VARIETY-COM? FORT THE THING. SUevos for Imtoor, Outdoor Kereptlon?. and What Not- On MsaBBaaj '?* ?*????? JetTrlmmltiu-New llro???le*. Ktc. [Correepondonco of the Hlchmonrt DiepaVh.1 ..i,t..l..T_-?'. Tliestibi'-ct of sleeves is one of thi Interesting a* well us important studies in the raace of the toilette. Th- Bhape and style of theeleavee eon tribute s?. tmi'ii to the eharacter of the nnpergarment end ha?..? so gri ? upon its appearance thai they d? ?? ? pecial con deration at the hende ol ?.sa and W< arer. , , ... . . ! This seaeon shows as mm" b latitude in, Uon "i the sleeves on . every variety <t eoetnme sa usual, but there Is a distinct tendency toward ful? n?es Tw ? rears ago, when tne tailor-made dress enforced the plain coaUlei p was obli.I to enei- one's arms ?? tightly cllng them above the elbov was an acrobatic feat perilous alike to tbe garment mid tbe imprisoned asm. aootac/i?' Nowadays one is si liberty to consult comfort. one variety of loose sleeve is usually < t different mat. rial from the waist, an?! ?' - velope beei in plush or velvet, tl wrinkled all the way from thewaiai up, giving '!'" a?? -? long Bm ?' nine glove. ; I -'? "vee ol nrid velvet inserted in ! ?? popular. Thi ?eusually termin ? cuffs, "M? n braid For in-do >r gowns, where the fabrics need are soft and filmy, a f'rm of sleeve much ? ry full and lo? se fri shoulder to elbow, but from tho latti rpoint fectlv, having th?. effect ol s 1< cuff. The two halves of the sleeve aro fre? quently of different materials. . B? me : iLde? \? ; knife-plaited cuffs of ? ? meration. A fancj ileeve, adaptable for a r? ception or dinner- town, is very : der, drawing in s fow inches below, to u ban?!. From hi ?? mit? sei?? of the arm 1- gatln p d up ini of fire plaits, extending lengthwise to a point jusl ? another circlet of ribbon and another loose pnff. After that, I velvet. ? <o dei powne ? ? ? ? non I ii it ? '? sell or her home n .il h ? as well dr ? her friends. : for home-wear fi p ? t??, bul ? ? i .r in? doors as foi rtvaria bly of dainty but ? then tin rs. At pr< ? .1"1 ? arc I al.1??: ii : ? l color, ? ilet, or any "I the ?lur It - , blues, and brown* are much worn. . '. : to lii epei tion and int. .?IT TRIMMT! For trim ;id for millinery garniture tl fair to be popular all wii Stri ? ? heavy : : "rovi ri the "reefer" fabrica : ter. These ?ir?? if ?' lighter hite. The new D ? which ? of the ?? is od 1 and ???? io ui" is tho ? ? (?thii D plain ? o -. or plumi rej Piatti - lidered ? flat all - lie n< k, 1 . worn by ver\ mall cl ildren. 11.?? poke . ins been relegated to 1 ars airo. : i:s new particularly : piquant. For tbe sti ? be m ;: ine per:??il I il, ni Shouhier- ? novel d all tl ? ?? ? wear, with wr:ips 01 We now ' well es ? Mod? ? kmong the re vi ?'. H. M. MALARIA. ??\? TO KBBF IT OKP: ??1 ? VEGBTABLK BBMBDT, yot powerful In lia ? th* was'??? ? Bergli ? and glv* ??,?? au 1 "lirai ? 'ti Malarial Parer In thi? ?ummei - ? f ho b -. an?l ...?..? very much reduced la u?ii, an l mi fri? l ?roui : ?::? I was Liver Kegalat? r ? : ? ?; .?. Befor* n ..c :i r . ? ? ? ? I wat entirely well of Baiai . not bad nn attack ol it -? , km nad a ?ever* : ? gatra sin ? ' ? htin."-j0UN? G. ? lUl'I'Kl.l, l'0|o?r Mount, Va. uc28-W(w)i HE-NO Judge Dennis de p^TsT^^ clared in his opinion fit? live red in the Cir? cuit Court of Balti? more City in the Tea Trade Mark Case, that He-No Tea was "a pure and unadulterated tea." These are his exact words. The price of HE-NO TEA is made moderate by the largeness of the sale, and forethought of the execution, thus ?ringing it within the nach of all thrifty, ?tome-loving people. Send as your BiUreM BJ Britta? ment, for an BSBasiag Hook on Tea us 20centsi, exposing all the adult?rations and humbugs of tea, illustrated with so original designs. ASK VOUR GROCER FOR HE-NO TEA. AND TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. BEWARE or IMITATIONS. MARTIN OILLET ? CO.. (???????? ????/ Exchange Ficee, Baitimor?, Md. (oc re-st] BOOK AND JOB WORK NEATLY KZKCUTJtU AT TUB ?t?fATCU i'KIBT L IJKi^aauHtil ? ssaa (?5, _, if,<H ??SEATENGl^ fcaSP? ? CUW^aftx fi r Bilious and Nervoui Disorder?, l'ith a* Wine" es? Pain In th* ! H#. ? ,-hf, niseis??*. f: In*??. ?nd Smiling*rt?r M?ali. W/iirns? ?r.e Ura**mj?i. C'? : ? ? ?f Ktat, Lnitof gopetlte. Shortneiiol Breath, Ce*l?*????, ?cur*v. Bleich?* ?r? : ? |i'?3m?. ?rdall Mrvoiis ind Ir?-nblina S?niatloi*. *c THE ? ., TWENTY MINUTES. This Is do fiction. Kverjr*wflerrrl |>U1??. and r*?V *?'" ,H>nrkrlfrWl*iife<i tobtet Won-ierfui Jf*./l<-|??.- ' W : ???? SI'.'l.I ' - !<??!, will rpirklyreefor^/VesMlrsf ? WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION: DISORDERED IIVER; they ACT LIKE MAC.IC:???/?*? Anarm will work ?roa iBunlBa tlit miisruhir Syste-n ; rcsnjrlngloog l?r-r to?np!?xion ?hi ? wlthtli? R0SEU0? OF HCALTH the ?wAot? pAg ? -;, . T'l-scs: tee* to tbe ? t L?ECHAWS PILL > ?????? MEDICINE l\ THE WURLO. I Tropared only by THUS. MbWHABL St Uni. ns, haavsaetjlra, ??????<|. fir,!* try nruftf/tst? >jrmof<Mf. B. F ALLIN S LO . . st* Yufk, Sola AscnU for Ibi latea, ?**?, (u B?"??* d?<* WILL MAIL BEFCHAri?'S^PIL^Oi^RE?lPT^OF PRICE 2Z CENTS A BO r iw .tSuljAweoeirn CAUTION w. r. Doi ? :.\~ ? saror v OtsjDH. Tage noie anless ?o ? . >>tUi? ? Inaler? maies moi - ? ? ?-i. W. U l'ro-S'o . IV. L. DOUGL. $:i si??;: * M ? ? I I ar? Il ??>.? IMi : ? ? 11)1 ?*. >,\ ' ? ? ? / l .."?. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 AND 82 SHOKS TM'.i <?!'G!?:.\.' I ? ? ? -i II ? I S! ? ? ? ? I j ' ?:nun:us ??..<'. li "li 1 -* ' ; TRUE FORM S3 CALF silo:?'. - . M. ?. PACKARD Celebrated $2.99 SHOE. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST Trya Patrol* our SPECIALTIES In GENTLEMEN'S FOOTWEAR, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50, $2.99. $2.50, $2.00. I r ? ? |. ? ; SPECIALTIES for LADIES, 81. s-'.i??. fJV.OO and 99. UNEXCELLED ouf?ABiLiTv. . ??tyle M.A.PACKARD & CO. S , V*.A. P.ickar? & Co., Brockton, Mas?? r or sal ? CARTERS iTTLI I VER PILLS. i VViliki Pic'/ ?? . . ? :i- ulil"?!rcl (1??:?1 ' ? ? ' , . ? - . ?s n.'tcr - ? .? ? fir most ?urine SIC?? m s '? irne I.tvn* Pitts are ?. . il? bowels. L'eu li toty only curisi p E Al I Ees* Bwj, would ? al ? -?? prsjeieas ?e thotm who ? ? ? I ?Tilt * ?. they e slthoui lucra. Uut after .Mi ?i.? I - ACH? Is th* tune of so naay lire? thai ber, at where r ?rest 6> as'., uu.- plils n.m It t:.-rs (?? ii"t CaBTBB'S ?.i m S l.ivri: " an I very "is. t?? tu* I make ? . ?.. flvofur?! s Id everywhi ? . auuL CAiTii uaan :... Ute 7:.?*. Mil hdfo tyikte fmy.1l-dco!ly4ivlrr.??>l HOOUS. ?MIIIIMSV. ilr, 200 hooks foi: ? sono. il???? sork. of tbe tssst aut?e re?vix: ?-ott. Ir? ving, Cooper, DU kens, loackeray, liulwer, allot the poets, end other SIANJi.MtU SjOOKSi NU'..!.Y B"UM?, AT ' jrw KAN DPI I'll ? KNi?U-H. SIMONS' BLANK BOOK COMPANY, S' ? s r r Aereases or au. Kinos or ???.??? HOOKS. We carry % lsruo at?! varied au_ci ot 1KK?K", allot UlUivUM MAM: 1SJ1 and UM Main street _ Ti'.ot hone Re, 5"1?. _oc li-Usi; \?7??? LEE IN VIBQINIA. I? A story of ili?? American Civil War. PyO, A 1ISN G?. ft cel^hrivsa ?""???II,?!? author lor yean? people. liiu?tra? le.l. i'lic.i JJ.W. All th* IcBOiiL ????IK.?? aed .teil oof. STA TIONSHY.MtDICAI. liOlJKSaud LA I 1.M' Il H U-'ArioMs lu all brauch?? of literature. W?ST, JOUNtsTMN a CO., ?mUI aU tasaskauaava J ?I ST] IIQI. .???'.? TERRA-COTTA BUSTS A>D FIGURES. NBVBBTTATE TT1RY BEBB AS I?A.TP?JrrKsa BBTBB *> CBBAP. WK SHOW T.: m aBSObTBi bkm, a rom*In an?s?? thi^i ani th? n-in-ir??!? ? r,??? Bittet?? ?? ar? 0G???1??? ?rsry ??.. tiav? a ?ri?at manr *uri>r?? . - ?#.- y I are ali la i!. . llgB?, JUST OFBKB9 A BRW I.I* ? o? PIANO LAMPS. IL F, PHILLIPS k STEIN, CIIIX.V PALACE White Front. 1013 MilMtaat Bridal Presents KVEK till TBI Late.' i before ???i -'isr*, LARGEST VARIETY LA M PS Evety /I 'cription B0UT1 E, B. Taylor \ Co., . mi!. BED FRONT. ? |N*I RAM ^1 11! ?1. ASSURANCE > r??*, orfici lata* ? ? nil IM UHWIM Bl \L OR los*?* *t n i", ?' ly p*A . -?ata? au ?ii?. ? ?? vita low reft ? Il ?".????:? ? * .-??*. ? THOMAS JOHN I . -. WILLIAM 11. PALMaV ? ' V ?. ?. S T. ? ? WILUAW . a ?Jail riMlK BtUDSTKJ L* ( Il \Ni. X * ClUKLiir. I -a :v. ...-., ?.r BBADSTUr... a au. ... ? ? JH. Wlill 11, ?*?9**?**??*???? Tbe Hifiiiavju 1 | u "*u **Pt p*>>e ?Itll 11.?? I ??ttl ??? melili?.' tu? ??. tl.p mar .. . auiauu. wui ? ? , la reco? ?.hum - . UrU wuriO. ili... ??>?G??*G?4 WSiarvi u;? mietet. ?: ..? cai *- oa a a*? W?*to4 Vf ta? tact tust tt t?a. uo* * .?*t^?t G unati-i? ?Asmes?*?*?? *???** ?*??* <