Newspaper Page Text
THE RJCHMON.) DISPATCH. JiY THF disfa reu COMPAJrr. The PM1.T ???G???? I* dellverel to sub ?jrrlber? at rtrrsas rtsT* per w??k. payabl? to tbeivirrler we?kly. Mailed at ft per ?en?:a t?lf.?r?lx m-niti?. IMI for Ulivo month*. BBS Serene ninnili. Ties' Ul-UKMv?Y DISPATCH at|3 paran auro,. ? fi lar six month?. t? ? Wi-KM ? DtlPATCB atti r?r?nuum. TWIC.tDAI DISPATCH ?* 11. W per annum, ? ? ?. for atti montha. Kubs.Tlptioa? li> al! cas?? payable In ?rtvaoee, an?! p?????? osai aaed attor the expiration of ?be Uni? paid I I p<?*t-?nV?o money ?nier, eh?, k. ?>r registered letter. Currency ???lit by mail ?I. st '-?.o rtSB ef the BSaEBB Kulsvrlber? w.fnlug ll.eir poat-nfr.e? eti?ng"sl Baaatajrtwawsli <?'<'? a? aefl **? Bjasr new poat %-r. ... r .-, ? :? .-? afe? <r? ? :? MVTKS. Bate taci oa t ?**. M'eie. . . . .I SO : . ....1100 t ? ?-? Minse, !.. ISS 1 month .t S BJ a* . .ir> o> ag taettsr t? ; . : -?. Card of rates for more Space f ?.p. ?br 1 ? a;? 1 AH Matar* an I isisgrani? inisttvaaddre????! U li., ? ? UMPABT, ? ? will no? ?? re? run ? DAI .OCTOl Mr. Barboor G A lo kl arti li ? .. an 1 a ?? ?? ti t lejrrain from \, to 1 Now \ ork /.'? raid ol ?. \ '--.??I'Mik in Vii arti? le "A j | '. The ?'h.. of the 1 ]. e.i ?. "i Virginia, baid i" ? that ti ? ?? ! Mr. IU? Bjora I "f the ; ? In nti . t 1 I ? 1 : t they II I \ t ] ' ' ? ? ? At ? V. . ? 1 t ? ? ) ? ' I I t J ? ? ?I ?hai ?\ ? * i ? t ? 1 ' Virginia 1;?? 11'. ' . t that will deft ? ? lie." The duty, I I ' ? ill* to teda* ? locality. Whal Mahohi and t!n? ? rthern politic tl Qotba an I \ andalf ?a aid bring up..? S th should little tyranl ? m hai bin ' ? ? 1 if the di.. ? ? Remi mbei that, ? -, and whili ? ??. Bai boi i.'- ? ? thai .v. r. 11, fl V - Reek. TI.? ten. 0??? ' mi st will be < \ ? nal -tru:.;.??? . i you:? l? ' call oui nil ?our ? ' ' u must? re i Into th< ? ? be roting-plaot s ? ' nil your fri.'lids and neighbors thai Un? la a battle auch will never participate in as ? ? lought' winch ? I tu?' white voi 'ra 1 1 I" 1.ti"? appi . ?? a ill ho 1 I It will be to . ?aite ] battle ? \ ? , naturi' '? southern : lutheru j It is aol I ? ili?? ;???.? t)f the ? :???1.? of !:? t population. Batan lag t?. oui subject, we wan the ] have left undone iag that W01 ? athbttted t" ??ur stii ight m ? ???! to d a the? should have di I inembei that ti ? ?. ? di was: UBj for Cl m ? ??. ' On?? htm Ir. ? and Bitj t iti \ irgiuia I ? BO ?S SB Bl \ ? ? . ? abo a aid ratht r h?.poit,t te "???'? ?? aegro Ri ? > ?. ? * > ? ? ? a whit.? Pesan pi al I ft r a atea ;? ? ? f eS?aas sa) p rh n ia thi s ,,, hesit eneinit - ? > ili v. We ta, !:: , , ,.Vl.? last year ??id nei attend th?? poll . Why ?houlil the:? abaudrcd thtmsanrl retan i It is a sur ? ? ?????? <1 | Wire v? hit.-s ami lioiv BOBBy 1). m...ruts W?? huve im Bseaaa ??) us arteialag. Bai era niav *ot it d.w:i us Sattain that at least lea 1.1 ? thousand..f :h-m aeseaegui Bill umili? all vote li.-X' In-??:?>. II "i.? ?hi:,,:l,i:- lataVstafjl at if tb' G> taUoas will work us faithitilly as tbe Jti'I'ul Haane are workiu;;. If Mahonk ?.an call out fifteen Un. Bl ? el Of th-SBS ? Ihe lieuiocrats . us-ht te be ul.'?? ??. ? nil part thirty or fort ? ??..11 ..-.:?. | . ?1?? m. li, H w-'t'l. we have the votar?. All wo have to dotato get them to the pups ? ..?,? j-gaj uri'l'-rtaka to huve Utesa then?, rain or aiausir Why not ? Tbc uegroca will walk through storms and wimls and tempests to deposit a ballot for ?ap?*?. Can you ? ! rid" M S'.nr votine-plsco, gathering to gethi-raml taking with >ou all sotir Demo? cratic neighbors? Dur fi dires arc not to?, lnrs'o. The ecu su? of i?<H(i shosvs thai the voting pop illa? tion of Virgii.-a ut tbst tun?? was 20rt,24H and lifl.iVi m-irr.????. The ? t put ? show thai our popaJatioa La ?.ni. m ten years, "r ?? t in nm" s?? tin.t ??.? there ntusl be m \ .\ ? ? negro rotati bi I OOP sv!, And yet lin r* W*I* only Bboa! ? .en for Presidi m ??; th? !':.'. ? v; >'? -. Desso* orats of Vil . ?? "s erayoarselvei aoeord sgly. if yoa tail to u dull? for the ? will become es a< iction. Yon Your rtf It r? ? and f atado ili" evil. Toa will fin 1 3 ourselves in a rondi* tion v? ? th ! I ? ??. peace? fully proti t yours. H"s fr >m all I a aiti? ? . ? . ni do nOW \ ill s?. lo if ItLtaow* fatten? I Commonwealth, ualeaa Indeed : "ti until j the method? ss hieb ar? ?omeof the states south ol in. Hut thi calculate U| ? . ?? tion?" Mr. M ? ' imereieL . ". "perfection ..f politici ?." We ?lo noi ugb it ?, ??? eine ? 1 ? ? :. t rut idilli, and ' remarked: they are never defeated when tared We quote from Mi - iv? r Courtb? re could not be anything pol tieal oi ???pul lu?m?. ?? Virgini : Republicans, m?l the t ? ?? the li? pubi ii ipac! as iii ??,.? till is;.??. 'ili I ? ai my i! lea i al pi ing at one hundred. Rvery ten men ol ti?.? [{< pul Ii. ? ? r tb? con!?"I of a ??:?. ? who dler one to ? ai h of bi lo a ? ?n : the c ?mm ? ? their . relativeduts ;s imposed ? up to tbe (?rand Ul of 1 ' b? oines ?? tmble m< ml I .?./?? wit b awe ?? Up ?? t! ' HOHE'? ? ine] " Il ' l?. ir ? and temperate rebtik? ? ' ortbern p? ? ; ti for tbo bem tit ol ite nume oal ei whose ? Vi ? tober 26, ?i reli i-v. ?J M \ isti id, ?. b, ?'.? leading ? Lap! ?-' -ii?? ? .tv. 1 ? li, OU ? ' Whiting, ?? r, l-s-.. mage aud after . "?li ? jail In the ab nppcor inci at the t on Monday mon The Virginia las,? provides tbat when a tor has chang? d his ? ? district t" I'd ill hid 'i,t. all'i t ha! i.i> nani? I, rased from the registra tion-lx ? ? Ii him :?' vote : in which ? ? ill be registered on th?? r< istrsr or judge: but in mtered by ? but only by the registrar prior t.. . -iti. se? tion : ire the elee! \ :ms. \t all events, at this -? ?tain'tv nn? ? ? rb of tlii* ' -tilt in bi HI?'He muco b? it "i l lemocr ?' ? otber : ? ? ? ia Tete. \\" do not admit that th??result is doubt? tul : ? ut we Democrat ; ? b over. Onfldent. Then a : but then there ?' " that there are and there is none if the ? their duly. We i ave the - li ss?.? don't ?'? t th p.ids u ?sill be "ur fault. \ i< ?? la s\ ithtn oui fail to grasp it. we will b all the wrongs and su Her ino and losses tbst will follow. MsitoM ires m ? ? id.?Civil? ? ?, in on in porti r, it ? ? ry per? son, whether an oflfcer of the Oov? ? ..r not, who n ?.? ?.? connected wil we printed last week, eall rlnians in oflce in Wi ion money, would be . cited. Be added: "I he one [Federal ossei r] I - ? t'. I .i tin. a ? In,-! of divi Interioi 1?? pertinent. Be is an ? presi . ? am confident that ?????.? we ras.- Is sufficient, judged tion." If .Vim* ? m. relying upon hia grip opon the Administration, darai to te tbo dragging before ? United commissioner st Lynobburg <>i jad ? - it electioo, whai will be not. dare ?b ?ulti . I in carrying the ? the (th and securing ia ees?? p with ins northern raaligaant sili?? ' ? of s ustionai election Lus ? ? d ? scry Virginia Basso eral should ask bio Ko Federal interference with our ?'.???? ? '??? ? ?.?. ,i' t t ' rat? !. There are to be no n ?bal?. W* ?hail conduct our ? In oar o?sn wsy. Of ?out-.? it will be charged that there Mas fraud. Bat ?.i n 4 ?listtirii ' . All that ?,?.? ni?-u:i le. our r?-mark ere will be ao election officers u< xt TaeedtSj essepl v*b?tinis*sowo olb cials. _ :y. has written to the Mea ?atk //.??..?-/ ? thai paper ? ? i- follows: " it!, '?. St; Whites Govern Kxtraor dinaryTheorie* Advanced i?.? Mr. , Bt?oe. ????? Attorney Brain?, N??? ballots, Make Democratic Majoritie? ami Keep the So ? Ante. ? Si Uomauiz?.? || " Ye?, we have the votes. All we hnv?? to ?I? - ? . .see that they are cast. Dosotfar? gettliat amollit th? OE* hundred ?'?,?? sand voters who absented th-ius. Ives from tbe ??oils lost fall there were uossibly?nav. probably -or.o or two of your nei?hlvr??. Several thousand voters, white find black, failed to vote last year oven in Iti'ditnond. ?Vet us oast rea tkotataad DesBoetalte vote* rin R'ulimontl, and IHO.OOO in th" St,to. Seize the Opportunity. On'r one ?reek remninsin which to make s- Brattea sur?? ?? roofirds burying forever MahoneitTii nini affordinc; ttM en? file South a cuursnl?'?' of proteetBT "f ?otitlinn civilization. The wavto ''.is is for III" Botiti Jlelil'" ;ty, town, villa;.'??, hamlet, and ? t ? gtrd up their loin? find work, wat'h, und orirsnize, in order to the bringing to the poll? of every DasBoeral le voter, fiotn ihe Potoraae to the North Caro? lina liti", ond troni ? ito 1 se.? border. Lit till' t-hibholi'tfl be "1?. mur testa, O I-rael," and bt it ho -????n to thai there are B0 ? '?un.I boovat-eoafldentawhen tin is fnirlv joined OB Hi" Mb. of No? rerober. Provide eoi 's the '.ninni, if any there be, and make i* a Im I ?? over-cou fidenl at their bornea, and point out the terrible responsibility t':.if would r? st npon :;. aid the fish, be lost I the De . Pel not y..ur trait in ? I< ction calcalationa of tbe civer-sanguine, >.r in t?; enti ii-.i-'n "t tie? campaign, eacour agine factors though these may ????, but pin It to s V .,i k. 'J"p(. ..yes of the Booth an 1 of the National Demo? cratic party are apon Virginia The ohi . opportunity to add anothi r imperishable, if not the mesi In , able, laurel to the crown ehe wears as t?o champion of indii ?dual lib? rt?i. g.1 gov? nt, and of thi if ? be people under the Constitution. Let hers. Mr, Bjey and Mahoae. What MaBORB SS BsTS. Mrs t-??. know- little about Virginia and Vir .Maii'nk did not tell him. ?. " and Mi We have read in y< terday'a Wash /? ' a o ilumn ?.( '?'. 'irks ,,ti tli?? iac ktupaign, In tl we found what we bad I og for. " This, of course, is noi un encouraging statement of facts for the Democr* tt ?? further faci thai for tli?? ? h kndidate "' hi* l'oli? e klculatcd t" ?'1'l t" 1:: I ' , as his pei an quantity. G pon the whole, il isa pretti tight :is it and if there i- no striking the belt I ?" lieve ih it Malion ? will he rity." if there is no ein ating M u . | : ??? M IIJOM ? I. II? SUI ? their last circular " \\ ! ??. pubi ? ? ? ii tha? a r. putahli new -.pu.>er < unid be found ? ? ' w itlt pi ? iotisui : t?o Supri i"I.I bv pari t ? li.- unable t ? : al." ? il oi? . ? enovcr a < aae lui ns ai . ' the io pubi Courl irtisan abovi ? ? isa Stai 1 a?? mrdin ? ?tlui when BCD kii'.'.vst! ? ?' ? .- erecti ? p?!" :i disregard and contempt of :li" Federal Const i l ? '.:rt re ? ? ih?? thirtei nth, I b, and ? stitutii "rv Justice knows th il ? ? un deci led th ? power to ? ?! tender: let (lenenti (??a?? ae appointed two court decidi . ? court <i > n ?? ?1? ?? '? . accordane? ; ? liticai opini ms, '?? it el 1 have ?? to r- nder auch ? t:.- ?? we have mention I - i 1 ri I m nal. ? ' .tilt Mo'l'.'l 1"? 'i.:hts tribun .i. ' TI - ??\? York il? y s thai Mr. lli.Aist- declined to run for Pi he was advised by ? an eminent Angl ?-American ph; at Florence, aud hiins? If believed, that the ? .??,! ot Un: ? ampaign would coal life. ForWadds: ' "Tho well-guarded necrel thai Mr. Maine suffered a paralyl c atlaek in Milan, and ? ph, sic,all's c'ir?? l!? nearly a month, developing, as !.? r ed. o hyp?.ndriacal mood in he believed thai his course wa? run I was'?Ioni for' ia now first revealed." Surely this was a weli-kep! secret if ii .Surel too, the presenl Premier do? s noi desci ibed bv the u Our advi - fn ? ti..? intelligence that the ml over the arresi of the ? ite county judges of election, and j they I"? Indignant. It is a ? " Mabokb-Qtjai ? of-fivo-Dt du \ administration combi to intimidate the freemen But lei I remember that the elec? tion ' ? November the 6th is one with which ??.t???! Stat? s officials have nothing to do. \'ir:-iui ? Democrat ?, go to tbe polls, do j our duty, and fear not. D. Bm ! is, E ?., son of ? Lewis and editor of I ?. Republi? an, bul be has too mu ciplo t ?.;. II " While we have stood many things, we , pori f.T ? he high ??? in the old ('.o,. pron d to be such a di oils IP ill." Mill a ? ? r Ma? boxi bj stay ins at be ae on ? "Dishonestand treacherous"? 1>.? j . doubt ? Th. arrest of the Charlotte ? lion jadeas is one of thi mi 1 polii kcal. in tii.? South. It is a flagrant attempt at bulldozing. It foreshadows to ???. le mind whal tyrannical ?? ? the Booth should Ha. Boom ? m carrying the s ate, i:?. - of Virginia, by rolling til' an ?ivi rwhilinini* majority for tuo Mal ? ? ratio ticket. Our State ? on fho Hh of November. It is an important elec? tion, and half ..? ?),.? ?), ?.retain Vir rol one ? ov.u. Will they d Tlorc is DOthlng i.i ? ? dl ??- in ? doriette victory bat to j;?t oat the \ot.r-. _ HK1F.F COMMENT. :h?? work of MsHova'a still-hunters With or/uii:.'.i!n.i . l>r. Rabbb's trite will aaeorapaay htsa oa hi- next jonrni'v in search of the North l'ole. Tho North l'ole will h? reaeased. When a woman wills, aha will. " The tiuybu vi?tmli espires January 1st. t After that d ite our fishermen will ! aaojvJsa some oth, t raetls of living." Well, probably they will go a-flsbing. "Queen Victoria will confer upon the young bridegroom tho Crowti Prince of (?recce the l?rund Cruna of the Oi 1er of the Hath." The (band ('me of tbe Order ?>f the Bath is conferred upon every baby? that is. tbe father think* so when be is waked up by Ih" racket the baby mekes upon being bathed. " The baby King of Spain is t?, h?vi? his picture plac? Ofl l "stin'e-stamps. U is M'ldoin, remarks tin- New York H'orW, tln>t ?OfOgdSft ?'? ? I??.?..Hi's attach? d to ?? ?? ? ? nlarlv when he ha^ lnk"d in or?l?r to iniik?.? him form tho at ta'hmi-nt. ? T*?C*A Th?? Chief neaeea tei ih? crea? lawwsot ! 1 in the fart 1 I M? ill W '"*? Iti?! , r?pttsb?e?U that i? ?talan? : .loiujt.r ?' ? Lowell, m*?* THE DEMAND INCREASING. Having" Is that a lady Invested In one ? f ? ur ? \i;t IKNM. irli-i'.V ~l I IS ?IK'.'.'s We haru rever kn?.!?!! sur arti ?! ? ni ire ! "palar. ?'???-'?sNNI. JBH? ed, Wim Jersey Bide-Sa ib. I?tl'.s . HO H KM ?a ? I PLANNELSUI INO al Kl ?. a y?? \ s? as Hi" usua. Silk Fringe Dress Fronts. A tit???? anortinent at low priesa, DRES6 FBINOl ?, all *1 Iti.?, SI pi ? ??- to suit. TABLE-CLOTHS at leu itimi ?ti" liVf iSelr ??la??. A .Teat chance I aide, at ? . t?. ? ? . . ' wide,at }i r gula ? ri? ?'? Table-Cloth?, I yard . le, ?? ??? ; yard? wMi. at ir price |13; I {s . gu tur prie krdi . .t one ..f t!.? ? match ' ; ??? ? . long. I . t in ?-ver, respect, at t ? ? salar ? . ?. ?? ?, ma wh"re. v-t.w nouns -usi rei e? .1 ? a ?; r i .s m all kl t ? "t?.-1 i-OTIls. MAT?. Hill . ' SHADE?. KAI'fcH-Ua SU ?Mm ?ttriti.ntiT? rpHE BEA 1 ESTIN?, en POSITION i\U!k\ ? ? ESP s V. ?', ? UN '. t|j\Y, 1 111 HSU ?. lit ! ?even ??? ? ? ????? i Mlilil I l'.Vs ?? ?. ;. '?-?"? AMI PARA CU! re p mi?. 11 ,,rs..--ar- ran ? ??? . BEAUTIFUL? AND INTER. I?ALATKA." nos at No. 1IC AST BltOAl) ? ? ? wbei ? I dur . , . . ' fi? m a ' ' ?. It iswltl .. ?. log KICHMOXn THEATKK. . . ONE WEEK, l'OMMKNCINl? Ml m? \Y. <)???. - IV l'Ai E ITI! ilPKRA COMPANY. SO People. ? a?. l STI DEN I ' ly, G.?'.,'.??; s 11 i>hs ? ; i ? . Mis!,,, Mgbt, PUS DIAVOLO. G ? Matine? u - extra . hare? ? I! .: OR IG INAI GALATEA ment at the ? now on :?:??. ? TUESDAY, W BDNESDAD, vnj ilil | Ad tu I Be. MOZART ACADEMY OJ Bi USB, 1 Ksiii ft Ml IBS, ? " THUS! I.\Y, OCTOBBB S?TO, SPKCI \L '?? lent "f Hi" Mu. fit E 1>B ??? ? sv s ?. ???my. ? ? p. "?las Ion Cad Eouiite Lank.' ' :. '. \ tl ', ??.?G \l ? ? tRMOR? FOR Tli!' .1 visi ????'-.? bis ; ? in har?a, iV'MM: MONDAY, OcroaiB ;i. l.H AN I? DI) ' IM AND DO INti.l?,? ? .' I-1 w jj?-V* oa, ^vjk No. I suulli Twelfth ?tioe IERSEY JOCKEY ? ? it HACES now ?Oinj oo. Un.???? calli?.l eacb .!'iy a: :.? P. M. ? ra ;k odds r? ? t? .?. a DI ? IKE ?>. the re ??.viraci r.n ? ?rlvld d.-senp tieii ?rtvea ol each rn ? a; run. _ ," l?-'.m LKCTI 1.!.?. ?? f\LD TIMES AND THE NEW," na.i. j. i.AftEHTy. AT VBNABLK-STKEKT CHITRCH, ' M , ?I TOUKIl -J-U. Al.MI-al M. Spadai ir for ancSn? IflTI p.??.pie lutti and Clay at 7:80, s?T,.u'.ii ani PraakUnat 'ti r.?. : Krsukliii. Koturnia*, leaves Bevonteonth a-nl ?j?.? ??7-tt ill s, .iiv.. LUT,Ee. rpHREE POTENT FACTORS IN I Bl SKILL, CAPITAL, SN!I G?? P1DKMCB, lie? ten former I have, the lutter I ?ai grad'islly (?aliilaj:. us my I has doubled iutlie last tw?. year-, ihan1?? le S ?its? . I?. hUCIIANAN. Uoidtnnti,. ill ;f?eL_ 00 K E3PON8IBLE PARTII -? VN rt'to MASI GOLD ?ii.l si!.SET? WATCUE?and DIAMONDS en INBTaL-*? MENT*? at cash price?. (.?x>d? ituar?! represent??!. Address RBUABLE, ivit-onioo Boi Ma tllU. ?c l'J--issu,ATulai I.IVK.KY WTAH1.FS, 4r. TO m PRIENDA AND ???^?, l'i ?? it'? ? bsveoaeaia at .??,. ?,??^'?G*\. w, ??. Broad ????-. Kiitsi'-rt.Ass BOAKDINO ANli BlKlMU STABLES. Horses boaMe.l by the day, weuk, or month. 1 hav?. also ojienod a ? ??El? HOMI ?.? m? same uumt-r, ani will kwti on hand a full supply of COKN, OATS, HAY. MII.UKKKii. HTM IW. Ac. PBKDEE1CK K. liOlsBMAN. <x? 1-P.kuATului Proprietor. BOOK AM) JOB WORK NEATLY EIBCITTKO AT TUB DISl'ATCU PitlNT IMQ.U0US& ULIUSSYCLE&SON US rast Broad. ??? HAIK-PINS. ???orted, 4c; ? pap.'rsllAlft-1'???. .1pap.-r?gr*?l 1*1 NM. 5c.; lArge-Hli:'. ??????-1'lNS, ,c. a ?lozen ; Ho. ?? ??????-???.?4, ?o. adoaee ; l!?n itNlNi.-i'i.Ns, m omis nettes, a? (rood a? Kll.y. Se. : Ladles' '?KM TOILET PIE-HOLDER.60. : . BEIORr-nEAD ?? i I?nini-I'ISS?,tic. ?.?'?.?-?????) ??G????? HAT-l'INS, Liten; BBOUT DULL ARO BRIORT MIAWL-PINM, Sa ? '! COM Mt-BITTONS, '??. a?lon>n; pi G??? BOOK! \:.i? r.V; -. :?. a dosen; 'rt lltMiKH ANI) Bl BS, ? .. 1 ? . sins'1 HOOK? ANii EYE?,le, ?.-ari : liest ? \HNI Hi-N 1 i H I I IT ? Ali s. .?:?. a ?!??? ? 1 II? ?! It . i.l'.Ws. ANI) WIRE only BDLBS, 1 bone and ?steel, I -??: RUBBER CORSET-LACES only ' : 1 r.1.1 ? . "c : LA MBH ? ,K1 i-.r 1 \< r. I BED M OHK1NO-1 DTTOR, 8c, a I a: 1 yard; ino.honk si 11? ur '?. i-v- spt*e*j ? I VNBlKlWN.fc; TKll.??' I8DOWN, sl'.h perfumory. BLACK KIDS Only R OLOBED-BOROBBED II Wi'KKIf? (UK!?' ' ILLA AND LEMON, 3c. a Best TOOTH-POWDER. 11 ?. s botUe: ? ? OLORED TABLB OIL-CLOTH, ? aid; f. * KMTTIN '?. ?':? ? t>all; ? n-'I iliiKs;? IIANDKRKCIIIBPS,5a: WIND .W-SHAOES,. uni pli le, Be.; ! N-l... COB . ?c a yard; ?OUBTAIBl i. mi ; ? il m ? l ?i.M-.s m BBLKl .' PROM. \is? ??G? CLOAK DBPAKTMBN G, VYB II \> E LITTI ti MOKE : HAN ? ? AHMPUL Mi sino. -HI.? s S, l'Idi .?. BON, ST BR ?AD. A. H?tzler's Sons, 315 EAST BROAD STREET. OUH ORI M' BPKl IA1 IV THISSBASON 18 \ t (JUICE SELECTION OP STYLES A3Dj ? LOHINQS IN ine Dress Goods B BDI CM PRICES, A fair examin?t! u of our stock cans "II. ?i.slii?.. STKIPES. and 1 s ? ? 11 INI ? lurpsssed Wraps, if raps. ? ??.? t.i buy a? LOAR, while tho a? oroplete. \s ? show the newest % cao I"? bad. Carpets. Ib Hila department we an meeting with area, ?ry busy, can ? ? ?? 1 asi?? designs in St' ' H AMI I'.iiDY Miti . ?re DOt In iti1? euy. HO?SEF?RNISHING GOODS ? can be A. H?tzler's Sons, 315 east Broad street ..? ?ni aPECLALSALEOF PLUSH COAT? PLUSH IDS I -, ' 111 ? I ?4 ?' - ? ' ' ??" hu ?? irij ! ' ? 1 ? 1 \|,s 1. ?.. many . an ? we a a ? |B ..; 1 ?.? 1- a ( styles . hy any ono ? hlli. tv?? bavr OSl w y.,u ut ?'S .Il? t?. ? lili' ..?. 1 . uueinai 1 ?a. All ? t ' . an ! a- ?"ir pri?es win acail. Hur Si)V!'; ? ? .Jr.l.-: ? Bad ??? I, navy, sn??. Mac] ftfiO; : TWILLED . 1 ,? 1.1,1 ? ,t - mod ; ?. ? it 106 a yard -tti?y are very SRIETTAS, yard aide in ??1? o? yard. ?. PANCY LAD!Km' CI >THS In Stripe?and plaids, all wool. ??. 1 i. k an ' a?..I pi . v.'ir 1 ; BLANEBTB and ? ILI - at pi with tliture? eom ? u.tTh 0<j ' D. & E. M. Reductions This Week IN All Departments. ? tment m <.f r , 1 HIAY. n 1 BSD WOOL MIXED, and ALL-WOOL BLANKET& PI la-?1 lallt) (???? Bl ?>1. MIXED Will 11: BLANKETS, value 14? si i IT, worth tL? Bl PL1 ? ? ?JKSKAS, an! S, n all fra le-, Stylea, an : ? ., bargalu, ?11 SKAL I'Ll'sll ? , full length and well mali ol ?>??? material, I 1 111IKS .ii-iiSKV JACKBT8?aew line lost re . ? .I.KsKi .lACKt'tM ?value ta?at ! SETS and XBWMARKETS lu ail Large aiHortiniTt of ? hilUrnn's and Mil???' I.Mi!.. ? ;iialltv . ductlonsln HKMP. ??.,?; UN, ????? .PBsTKY, bo UV BRUSSELS, a INO : ? l to !:.-, POOL TW :' reduced th!? Week 1 THIlKr I'l.V L'A Itl'KT-valu?? $1 a yard-re and RUOS, in Tap "?try an?! Smyrna, ' PELT and in ?KAiN DRUOOET9, In Verloni ei/. ??, a? t??"??? reductlona ?? nil i, anl"oai'' : MI KIN? ' NDBRWBAB has?? boeo marked ! way .lawn. . ezurs-beavy, SHIRTS now at?tSa LADIES' MSKINO VESTS??te, .piality?now Mi N s \s ?<.'LKi:n SlinU.? r.'due?H from 90e. ? too ?tati tegret a visit to our ?tor? mis I>, 4 11 MITTELDOREER, wta-TuftTh WALLIS k COS NEW ORLEANS Custom-House Cigars, ALI. LONt;.ri.KAIlIMI'?>HTBDTOBAiVO, ??? 5 CKNTa ARK CKBOLB AND OC? HAN HANU-.MMH. Absolutely pure an! freo from all adds, ex? tra- ts, palati, or flavoring, and are no: dipped. 1? a beautiful and porteci ?rigar, not a .-heap ci? garro or ehrrojt. E?tual lo any lucent cigar in i tho I 11 itisi states thai 1? sold regnar. This cigar ' bears th?? blgheit trstlmenlsis of any go ?U : known lu th? trad??. Inder??! by ono bundrud ' and ?evenly of the very largest wholesale Arms of lb? South, NurUi. Kast, and Weit, la by far the oest-a 1 vertlsed cigar In tbe Colon. Kegu lsrlr ?dverti?ed In nearly every nrat-elaes paper j In the Union; also, in many other ear?. Isa i standard braid. Ansel.itely only <ns Wholesale Agencv gf/en to e?vcb city. Write for price? and coairact. MAMSUALL A ttOROURE Wholesale AgeuU for Kkhmoud, Va. I ?e la-eodAa A Plain Talk About WraDS. If yon ara In want of a Wrap of any kind ron must not fall to [>*y our nous? a vt?lt, Wohav? n?ado extraordinary effort? ttilsseascn te shew *ucB a?t???* of Ladies, a)kisses, and Children s Garments ?? no Beaas la the city has svsr tWoro att??mi>t*"l. Our sntirn e?io?ind floor la evoored f""n on" SB*! U) IB* Staat at? 'h ? mi?t strli'li CS-ls proflu? el for ?..ils urtarlo. Ini','.' s|| wiiAi't ??'?? I'lnujof our pri'thu? tastasoB*display. BFe ctosed aal aertsja ???????** turere'l.'is an 1 will offer on Mou'lay an.| aiirl ?? tli? eatlre week sume ?xlraor lluary arel SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS /;/- This Patticiilar Line. PLUSH OOATS, SILK SBAL,atlBawertB It*; I : is|| COATS. Ml.? SEAL, a' |g] m PL?SU COA G?, 811 KSKAL.B ' ?; BBSS RfW!? are ????ii!)?.11? 1 by OS ?u 1 be f SB I la any ? BOBS* In : OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT I? tlie hn?i.'S? one m tl ? ? ? i t y. ir 1 ?'- BO ? ' '.' r W "?? ??? Iti? \? ore tre dtaplay? Den?*waeteealuaMeUawtnlo?*lagellOTet IBTOtB *tOCS tOBt ?< - :n, nu 1 .il ; oi eisen? Kveiythirik.' BOW la WBAPS yci lulu.: H INO t'BDBBWBAB, I tr ?rene aaretooB teooraplote, A largo Ils? ot BBAD WBJ ? .it at THALHIMEE BEOS'., Filin AM) BROAD STREETS: "?(xANSS & CO.-. The Beehive fr fr f > CORSE TS- IV. ?-i 'ORSE TS. I!, stdi . IB?? ?, w? ??? ?Be "LKAll ?'<?. ? ?? ? spKi IV ari'?.?.: "G??.? IH! : ? ? BATTEKN CORSET al 690. ???) M [L L \ X ERY. ?? doul'le ???? ?; ? BOBBI 1 RIMMED I?':?:; ? ? ? lati H ' ?? / ? ? " ? FLATS al ? Our eut aii'l - Ili." ? ? ? \ 1 1 ? BLACK '.V'IN'.s | Bl SKUNS of all kinds?1 k? ?:?. FANCY GOODS. Our ? f FA vo Y UOOD8 s| .Ml IN?) nid PINKINfl '?iiii.hi;k.-.'s ai.'i IM k! KSandOAl'? ? ? irlotr. I ?il! H? GAXSS & CO., //j East Broad Street, Bl ? Wi IN FIRST \M> SECOND. : - lid* III' USE? AMP M*E.VS? Ttir ????AP.Eonly??V;: , [fe;-noiAwtMav:j, BISTRIQUE TERRA-COTTA BUSTS FIGURES. BEVEB IIWK Tli: '.Lit SO CUBAI'. WE :>fi MEM', ABU Till ionio ?a to ' new an???:.?.? a? ara u ? ??* ".'.1 :? ". PIANO LAMPS. H, F. PHILLIPS 4 STEIN, CHINA.PALACE, WhiteFroBt 1013 II J:i(l?i?? 1>? unis de : in his opinion delivered in the Cir? cuit Court of : more City in the Tea Trade Mark Case, that III Ti:a ?ras "a pure and unadulterated tea." These are *? his exact words. ? ? ? The prue of ? F.-YO TEA is modi moderate by the largeness of the sale, and forethought of the execution, thus bringing it within the reach of all thrifty, home-loving people. Sen 1 at your a'lilresi and tkii ailvcrtite ?Beat? for aa amusing li-xik aa Tea (cost tu 20cents), exposing all the lylnlteratioru ami huml'U^^ of tea, illustrateli with 26 original .tsaj ASK VOUB GROCCR FOR HE-NO TEA. ANO TAKC NO SUB3TITIJT?. tCWHRC OF IMITATIONS. MABTIN OILLKT ft CO., (KstabIM 'J itu? Exchange Place. Baitimor?, Md. ( ?? H ? rpOTHE NOLANDINE COMPANY: ? ? d?ne, .. ? I 0.Q ! D l'.l* 1 'hf.l I ? . I ? ' ? ? At Tower* ? lAwOol ?*? . ?? ?1 e- G? ?S?? BEMEDIE3, ? "Altcratlye " "??p?^'1 and "????????^??^ "? ? G AI.TKRATIW:?? predicate ? B*| ;??? Bla ad. I . ?. i roa, ?.?tu-er. Tunuir??, ?, lironir S-n ?, l'itll?. Ululi he?,. ? ir. Urlili AUe<lloi??, CrysIfM-lii??, l'< /.e?ui?. A?-., Ar. "A 15 <" TOMI" ? I, . ? ? watt'In* -1;? Baaaa, SSth *.1 1<a?? t'<>nlliii?e?J (Olivi)?, >t'-?k l.niikrs. Ilvo n?? h III? 4'nlitrrli, ? li ron le l 1??? :?>?? ?il | li e ll'ivn ??. {)> ? lo |,??|,?,????? nil .>.t,lllty. I I IH A\ A li? st?! ? ? ? ???'?? ?? imi ? ????.??? G??. LISI ist.', ft.t'II.IAIt l'(? 1 ?. MAI.KH. A? u Ulule te ? ?> ?.????t?1 -r >er? ou? NyaO'n it is superior U? ?uy un tli* mark ct. ? % It V F* ????????*T" !.? n ? ? It ai ??* ? ? t', s: ?1 ? ia 4 uSsx lini ? ???? Bl.sMlot>oBBeeiloawllhtboMAsB?l G??. ?? il ?alo hv ?Ud? , or ? for '.oc?ala, ?1???3? aatasalag ??t ? ? C CHbVKAJ Hol. il, Va. . im) MINI BAJ IVATEI ? o? ui>. S'ore tba intr^luelioii of ate THOXFBOM-B UKuillNS AsttsssflC tt'ATKB Id this market. In July. lsrfT. tbe sal?? of it bas Booa I?''*???, an ? wbnu used tu th? .11*--. wiil-li It ta recoiuuieuli??), ? ' ? y m ?early alt <-????, and m many In ?lauooetb..? m001 VVt'M'K: ihave followed ill? HIS. 11 W? Wen lu I'll'iljil BBS iti of Uk? lottar? Wi? .-??? leltr? from . p-rvoos Wbo ti??? lieeu b?u?Rlisl t>y U w? ?. .in ? ?.? in la o.ti ? ?ta. <:i;r?. we learn tnrous-a ih? ??????????? ib?: nuinerou? otber Hroniiun Ant?ate Nuria?*? luve buen un? earthed, ?tud trie? delight u. iiiaslug v'onioart? ?oa? ?i'b itte fhmapaoB Mpt'ii*. \v> tfaaot iiiem lor ih*lr help la thus making- tbeOKItti N.Vi nu?! HK.stKV; :.].\ -i'til'i I. It, ? ? ?till better knowu, and iri.a< ibey will .?????..-? U? advertise us. ?Aht'.'K H?K PABl'HLBT. l'Ili: IMI.?. BILUCE UHM COBi'A.NY, oc IS-aodlNull cenerai Umita. noon a. *TATio*rav. a?, POPOLAR EDITI STANDARD BOOK8 AT . Bl I V , ? ITI I Mi? I! - ' H pel ? .. ? MACM'LBY ? ???????? < ? ? ? ? ' reg.?! lar . : < 3/) *T ' t. ?s? ? ? . ? ? THE '? m)i U \ ? | - j AM) ARD BLANK BOOl s W ' . ' 1.1 s I : OHI OS. Utili? IN???. Ar ELIXIR ."'.//.'/ ? ? ' ' pURCELL, LAD11 ? DRUNKENNESS Oil ? Ii ?? It caa be ' ? ? ? r.MiCHCSTe? S EN . PEiwHYROYAL ?! . ' ????? ? 1 - ?fVu.l. tlru**-!.! ' |??.?. - ' C J? r. I ?\ ? N??~- f ,-.. iW. t. ? , .?. r ? ?.? ... I ? ? ? ?JAB I I ?? . 'j'l?l. ??> IN? ; ! 1 . ! lt. ?. is I. . ' - I ?.?-????? RUOTI! t ' . ?? t ? uitiin m?*?*, ?t?. fULIFORMA i i.l ' ? ? VI.7. ?!. \i. ; ' NEW BUCKWHEAT, Map!? S\) ?NO Whit< ? f IL ? ? R? Chei Pineapple Clu> H. L CHRIS M IN?I |;\M | t'OWFAM I'll AI. iftSI 1 '.N' l OP VlUf.INlA. : This w ? ? ' . ? ML' Ul 1!.?11G??? I t .IL N LVIIU HWW. ..fisti' This I r? of ?u.'.ev.ial ci?.' ? all who wii?i to "..nume peli* ? low r??. - ?. I TllOM \3 HO . JOHN HLAIi . ? WILLIAM U. PUS: s ? O. MOLTI? .Kl), WILLIAM P. OKAY. S ?001 AM) Jon WORK NatATL. KXBCITED AT TUfc DliPATCa PK1>1 INU-UOCalt.