Newspaper Page Text
AI.IUIY DAY. iOTH PAHTIC9 HAVE MEETINGS in OJNTON. ?urij l.?l? <?" ? Ill-ill llorso and I* ? ' I? on o, || , ?III . ? s.,, .'I.'lll ' ? I ? lo. I ?? ? ? I 1 ' ' I ' ' ? : II ? ' ? ' ? : ? ' ? ? ? I ? I I . I ' 1 t ? ? ? ' ? ? ? II ' ' '. ' ? ? Huh ' ? ?in 1 tie -? mop. it ? ' ? ' ' ,?!. ! ami ? 1 ? . OLD PI' - ARD? ., . ? . 11 . ??? K.i. "'? Ant: kj ,lo null's, ' ? harlt s ? - s, ??.???? ii|.,.i! wbal . ?: ; . I ( ? . . bave m?! l.-nil'? ?'ttr i ? .o ./..?., ? . ? ? |.f"\'ll ? , oblioaa part* and to th? y.itrrs nf ?he Fourth district- therefore lint s?.?, tbe BMaaben of that elan, will ander nn cirenmsUnoc? casi ???? linn, and ??.? ? ?r.linlli invile -ill fn. i.'llv to th? ? !? - lion of th.? ||,,n. Joan ? ? oat ?:nt> nn?! i>; bra "ml ander ti?, condition? will ? ???.???.? ,.f i, as role : ? ? ss,? furthi re thai rill p??,.?;?.? t.? t!,? '.'??pul.h- an iiiirt?. m ??? i.rm | I <? ?! astone 'ill Hi?? ! - W? are ?|. ? i?" ' ' nal m I upon n- fi method? Ipr ive nml ,r svm|i"s ?? ? I :,ts . ,? " ' 'I H s. ?m?! ' ?? t . .-dand ?l ; ; ?i..rk in pr> . Mi ? icticed ' ? ? ?? I". ? - : never I ? ??? ?< 1.-? t?l the ? t I|l"'l ? . tl II POINT. ? ? . ,1 v... . . 'il Colonel i ly. I ! ? : I ? I le? v. nr,. Mr. lien)?, : ' ins cotton t?? ' of G 11. I ? 1 ' . lier?' III til" ' ' ? . Outlook Very Hrlglit. ? I ? ; . ee of tlie I : ? up ar ? . Il lu? till ? ' ..f !.' ?? ' ? ' in?!. ?niti.'ii . ! ' ' ' HO (iULLDO?!?. V l I < as? ?, ? I? ?.?mil Li. I*pl ?' \v. 1 I nrresp nid? ? . ... n??. "If 11 ? ? ' ' ? ? 1 ,?. \ 'deci . III.,,I. ' ' ' : tied to a ?livisjou . f ? ? I . Tli.i a"lit :?. I u el. mum strony an?! ? . ? I.,?, ? t r anil wid??. ? I'. Appointment i?> Speak. ? ipa ??. l 1 ? II. 11. \t"S|.? r I' . It- ' ? I '>,,?. : ? patch. I In a fire ? til >,??'? Ibj lo ? ? hieb ii> l! si is 1 ?.- itteaapt? ?? Montana t et?s-B( laltaE? tra] . | ipplii :i : ' .pietn?? i lin US ".'Uipellint? ? ? t.'.l reiiirns ? ? l'i .? , bs t. ? Ri - itic .men i. Pei nrned until J this ??11. I mi, il stili.??. ? ? u -, ? ?- \ al lini (li/ telegrepb u. ??,? DiapateS.] ? ?-e? ?. . i'V 0 Secret nr.V e . I - 2,000-1 m ' ? . ? contrae! for the , ? ? -?!.,net ? ., eue 11 o? Whom !>1?1 ? tt ISMJ 1 ,,?. ' . pel ti.) I ? - than irmen hav? -"li e ?.t-1 M ..? evi-I". SS'??. . tll" COUl ind then tii ? ir? conn! p -..ree ? ini I \ nion I they ?ropoee : that will strikt ? last* StHtrsiiiuii. rl . ?MegrapB ? ? ms ?)?????!??.? I ? _- Il ? Mmnii-r au hu?1 ?? ? aor "i SIiiui.ol u, ?li.'il this in? mmWmmmmmmmmmmmm?mmmmmm I ... I Ir,?,! firmili h ih ??"!!? ?????????. . ?. ?., says: it to ?.???? i wat ttnaoie ? ordinar] ?m:-. Ins I.rum'lire.l ami <<?????-??G ui uuthe hast un-nlul ??.?-rlioii. Initneili.-ite ?.nel ultimate recovery followed." A ROORBACK. MR. BARBOUFVS VIEWS AS TO THE DEMOCRATIC OUTLOOK. lie Mali?-? a Itili Disclaimer ?if Hie View? Asri-ltietl I? lllm hy the ?? iv ? ork l'apers. . ? IS ?he Dlspa ,i. Va.. October ?*. N" "if in Vir.-mi ? i.? lii red the ?tatemi ; Harbour hadt ? I lorratio aera e and ?? d?niai ?? I . bol in ? . s, ; the n a? had ? : i: , itivelj denti I \\ ng mad I. ?in the did not! ? 11 tention waa call? 1 ' ? ed Coli of till .. ? I. In with him. Bo fa ? ? .0 ot, bal ? ' I . ? to him ? if I !...'. : ? . Ii' all Ih?; ini ? ? if ,? full ..:. I be - ? ? ? ? : ? ' ?, Mr, !'?. ' ?IT?? .Ml. ss? TRAIN DITCHED. - kreiden??Political Not? 0 Petersburg It? ? ? ? oil?.,?; ? doni ' -???? ?.; ? I el 'it n ? ? ???. Mr ? down ? ? rapi il -.Ills ? ? ? . ? ? I : | ?.: a] it?? lilowi ? ?und. tl?' ill ?| ?.? ? I: In th?? II ' ut thi~ i: ? ? I I ? ' . ' miti tin I in i.i. ri\ ? It r??; ? ' SAM JONES'S POPULARITY. Option < ampaijrn I ?lki d <>t Ham ?_.?? luir :il -\ Negri ? peaks Aaulnsl ?lino.??? ? "? 1 Irnrd nil \ ? ? ' ?il-,I ],? ? ? ? ??" thin It ! . ' ? 1 ? ? the ? miri ???? n. At tl kuon n. ???' I"??? . . .. Citi mei Clark, ti. " S\. lltlt'st. ?. J. ( l'i Owing to high water u r nver ? I Ii?? nv. r tl It is reported thai eleven ear* of a The ??;???.? ?: ?:voi lu r lui? ? I ? ilied 1 ' rar. THE CH? JUDGES It ?In te Hie t oil? d Male.? Court. :?1 lelpcram to the L?lifl.?l 't.! I ? \. ??:? : o. Va., of ?. H. Pari ? ? ? ti,,- Charlotte i:? t!??!! II. ardai ras not ' called for trial until int ???? on acoounl of Mi. : the al? a per? forming In? duty ?. who wen' back to Char it i:;.u o'clock ? lus aft? ? a ion and ucladed t ? 11 ?? <?'?1 ? k to-night, hinged on ono qo *l whethi r i d :k< ? bald a legal .?"ii was ni.i'lf oui while be on the ok* n? ?- H I he ; ? - were seal ?n to the lintel t the March t nu of Judge Paul'* ? tv. The llitll-r.irliniu <:,.<?. ? in? eaaa oi ili?? Basila, whieh . ILBarhai seal dal King William Court Testarda] ai d ti tiiiioii.v ooeaaieaoe ?. I rilutimi Nule?. I?ti..i<?-ial teinjraiii io ir.n l>i?:>.v fe ? Lexini.i'.s?. \ ?... O , ?? Oqre? mittee ol ?rraagementa haTing iti th?? ftfteonth annua] aeeaion ..( ti ginia Colle?;?! Y"Uiur Men's Christian Asso. ? iation hnte bat 20th and aOth imi l).-e.-inli..r 1st as th?? itavi svh'Ui the i-.,iif?-r-? "?? will Beet nt WaahitiRton arid ? ti?? ?lut?-, Hovembet ? ?? ? ?, hi I ?.? " ' ii.i'le. .?Inni?, ? lisplain at the preached at the . bur? u Hum! iv morning ami il?? in 11.? ? fine inprea km. highly ???.iin""i??l uml well-known aged lad of loas of vital font? , bnried tl. MONKEYING WHITE CAPS Can??? a Dealli?A Vomir; Min'? Frnnll? pie?.? Kenn.? , -1 I.? |?? w ,1?? r a nil it.?II. rllvteleerrapn lo the ni?o?t:b.l mr, ?. ?.. ? ? m Northvill I I I !. irii'!? ' : ti : i v ' ' . ?if. It man named ? 1 ri.-us bv Ins ? : r and att al --??? ' bim . . ' IS ? G ? ? ? m, be u f hi? "? IV. \ ? ? ? ' ? ? ? into ?. Tday. . ' PERILS OF THE DEEP. ibi? ? s. hooner - V Broie? ? .? ? .?. ? ' , t'Al ?1....I' ?ri.'; ' rnki'ti "!?. .'Il - Il 1 l> - ? ' ' . ? ?.'G? ? Ite, for two men U h ti," ' , Could Noi ??. . 1 l'ari? lut.t-iiit-iil Other Item?. in ih ? ' i ' 1 ' ? .1 1 I s. !,.? , I ? Patttl I ?re. :? I. ?:?? .? lot ?. I ' ? ? I, Htl'l ' ? s I ? ? a . I'l.It ' - ! ? I '. ? I - ? ' 1 ? ! ire a Arthur (?rand Chlel Kngl. Ii??. ? ?. ' irthurre . I Uill..- -.till oil Ihr Kim. tl.? ' eure d . I ? thai ai l ?? ? I a killed, |>U| ' ? ? -??, 1 he : I. s [.ario ?' ver, an ? ? a ? and fir?? troni aiii ? .?? , puig at boni???? th lr wi?y. (nil* n?s ?*? I ? ?If m<. In? r, ?bo b, . . ?: in?? : ly, an.I mal ti tli ? ?Ursel.?;:. m wi.i-D ih, pairar, BOlag. The Stariti Oie Conference. ' ? M . '??;?. aii'l m? . ili t ; ??.? ? ?? a ? ' n in. ?;.? b) Delega Iti ? l'in. i ' ? ?n ? i?? ? ?tea wli.'ii b lOO hy i??'!?,;??. ? ? ... .???. the nasi, et iti? .tans t? bed*? tnrattteo ?| ala? ???. ??! ?? .-1,1? eai i Oalilng vcsju?..?. An areeelmoui w?.? ivi??; . ng that a slilp ?vii!, ai .?? f reui??t sb?|| .arry a ma-i light ne puri ef UM ?bl* ai a h?lphtai ? hull not laee ti.ati tt Min ?tils, me i height of t.'i-i !i,-?t, h. weT-r la uo osse to n? -ty Ieri. It ?vai? ?lucida! ? bui il.?? finsi j lagalaUeu? and ?grr,.?uenis .-f ttie coalertac? print '? lu ProDCI, Kur ??,, ?nd Spau ! Isti. Adjourn.? ? until Kriilay. ^mmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmm " Is that r.-tillv tru?'? " DragghR: "Yes, ' wivluiu. L?r. Hull's Cuugh Syrup laouly ?aV? MICH ??????.?????. BOSS CILLY'S PORTSMOUTH PARSON FRIEND SENT ON. Tlislimirnmeii! VI Ir??? II?lag i:-paired ? A Fatal Hia ?*????? In Ilistrrss. Ar. P"t><**lal te!ser*m to the Dtspal NORron, ?*., (??? . ' fMony charjre li Zluo BspBal , ] r all . ? n before Miyor.l. T. I'.sii.) t..I?,, BDS ? upi-l tbe n ': be ens* ? I people I eionc ? ?. of ths two ttet?* ?res very popolar ta ? ? ?? ?'. Martha!; un ' ?? ? il Jor ti. -. it. urim-i f "' Il eealtb. ; or twenty witnesses ?vere aiata laed DI mu . ' ' - ; . . . - ' ? ' , ol ? ? tf ,.( the Si . ' ? fi ' I. ' ' ? ? ' : ? ? ' ? ? ? IOLI ' ? - ? " ' . ? ? ? II ? ' ? ' : ? ? ? i. Wie ? , ? li " I ? ?? VIRG G??. A Talk ? ? re; : ? ? ' ? ? - 11 ' ?? I li , .'?"?tiy ? I tarty in \ irgtn ?U Mei - ? -. ?t sud I em i.s much a Uomo rat a? La l: aBepubiican." le '?? ? Ci other ol ? .oll. tETBttegrapB : ? the ni?? .irr!*on, rat G? ? : . < lis* not ?.?:? . :???..1 lo I I ... II- wa- bon ?. ? * ?ort in ?ame io Bt ! oui ? lu i -? k Ho and b ? nr?t si.hito . steamboat bu ; ? served for tw?nty-two j ll.ij M:??ouri l'arll)?? railpal ?? o O?r r haiidaaud wa? loot uutll Ui? ro:id ; ?assoni to Jay (,ou 1. Bea. ..i l.eftuus Of j WasLlnftoo, G? C., ? work of political (irup??-*tlon ta vu?lala bjao Iti'tlnc Riib?erlptioD* dsapltn the threats of ( Ivll* innl-islorifr Thompson to bring It to pnslsbuiool. The Turk? In Creta er* ceasing ?heir cruel? ties. The ?eefcS at Eoanlsburg. Pru*?l?, w*r? burned yeetoftl?y. l.o*a heavy. A loan lias t^ten obtained to bulli ? rallro??t ? In llulgaria from Sbumla to Son?. ? eoatateraMe revo'iitmn ?* Bsapaasaa] in li'iat. m..le, sntd to be bftfl by New ?orS '-?? Ib s?,,ut?, Half.'a, "? amount ot the m eroi'?, are ?aid to be ou the verge of starvation. Ihe lt'f"i~mn, ot Home, declare* that Vatican pllgrim-i.? .m? po itli-ai demonstra- ? tl.ii- a*?iu?t tl.o unity of Italy. A freight train on the l>enn.?ylvanl t M ? ltahway, ?..) . last night. ? ? ???? rau Ulto .1 bouse. Three nieu were fatally I T. Cowtee, one of the gecural-dellvery j . ngtiam. Ala. i was arrested yo*lerd.iy (or le>iroylag mail at? tt?r. ila have had ?h'-ir 1 '.mi -r. a?UriD*Ote*J oy mea ?*? the kfce and Ohio an I I.o n?rl:e and Xaab k| wtil buy ?i-apo? lle, Mlun., the lirf<-it in tli? world, ?t 0?( I ? ??: dollars. ??'>rd?y. I thai ?Vili II ? t- ' ? ? ???it?. Ven?*? ' . ti Ilo Ililpk? It ? of a?' 1 rer ? R laaaa ? ? .Taut ? ?t???? with th?? party. Canal street. Be? fsney ? ' ? -rial at CI : ? ' ? '. '??'. - . tand when tli?? . :'.'', C ? <- ? ? BUK h lon.-.-r, ? ? ? Il Th?" w.e ? Miss V " D. sss CANCER OF 'MF. TONGUE. t - I I .? \ ? ? - L ?I - ir.ti, ? ,? ", .s ?? ? vi'.Miii:. im i"? d? ? ?."i lllIS. ? I ? ? ? ? a .piarfr pa ? : ? ' ? Is attraetlve, and y" ? ???? bara to poll and Dt ?? ?? Uli ? 1 . ' of 1 liai - they 1 1 fin! i , kl ? ??1. si Kii ? ;? Al.L . Ive-dol : Itles, A boy'l ? ? ' ?' 1 gel lato lbs M / - hn m f? or t, ? (ii IBS, tvtih and WltbO ll a ni corded (reata an 1 beck? for tt" ktaway, sad ft?- 'k lit*. ? iiey're are all ' tu* ye?. tad act a lot of ad i< roi ked over into ju knl ?.any oi .? light-, ? ? ?lid beevy-wetfbta -aad '????? the "rei n?. .1 ? IB* plain ?*'k ??'>M\ ?npe-i-oai*, aud for th? collar *?etaer that'? eoaaiag -?.. ?w-e ,ia 1 roa Kor a long 111 kd 10 b-i beugtit from in n't got over that way ? ? ? ? ? ase* thorn In our .-?? -k. It Isn't ?hlra ea* they ll?e, bat Bl ? Two and a half to six years?troni t?M0 to f IV how any mio can ? tenue outfitter* unless they carry ? Stack Bl I Rat* and Furnishing*-?!?? rout With, u? retri! aad that iiio?dj? every Item uuder tli?t head you ran thins if?on our : floor. Tho Hau are looked attar ? through th? r?gulai- department*-and form a ' large factor of the*?? a ? u 100S Main street. PIQBON-8HOOT1NQ AT BEVI \ MBBS ri>-UAY. Train lo?v?vi at It M. aud ?:V> V. M. ce ?VU* MARKET REPORTS, ANDIN CONNECTION THEREWITH THE WEATHER INDICATIONS. NFV? YUIIX AM? UH IIMOWII MTOCKS. Dallv Ite port? from H?.?h Hoards?Cotton. (.rain, floor, \i.?i Other Quotation?. !Hr teisgraph to tho Dtopatch.l ??.\ ?'.-'."i.?'?, ? ? a-r -'?. -fer ??G ? F?l? fYlnl? ?nd North (??..1???, fair till Wcd I 'nef'ay b>h-M, no i-hanst" In temper?? fare, ?? ?rlli w.? lori y wind?. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET, ?*??- 1 ?'k?t 10 ?lay easfljtttet t?- ?! Il ?ai f"T?rtiih ani grnerallr weak lb rough, at ax . aad eseep, ???? ?M'ti r>s .???.>.| Bii|iiK,rt ih?? ? ?,,?^?,?. than oa nelurrlay ? ?ia, t . can*?? f'irib " Improvement la valar-, ? na t.v din hank? on itr, ??! ii.lll? ? , aotiui lo t.uyei?. wtille tli? I"? i'.I fr?ini western <?"? :,? .?? ? -.,.- Ili . f earnings f ?? ?. ..teiiitM'r ?a? a*, quit? ? , : - -u . <ial ks, wl leadtae ?ni l.setsa i < aad i?? tors t ? ral ' si. ?" ild ? Interview In ??t?b i.?.ti?-r hopeful Ideas wen mad? a . t II up?ni IM ' ' Denver, lei ?? au . i uri ? , . ,??'-?~? ' ' ? ? . _-ar, vii. bed IL?? . ?a! of h? Ilei, ? ' - . ? '.III I ',. Ut? aa I ? ? lied ' I ?.' ... i I . ex lai; ?S*, coupon?, lOj,, ex. int. ? l ??. n. I -, ? ? ... > ? ' ' . ? ? ?:???;?.. ;? ? a: ? > ?auna IN? ?"1) *'.' .}\* ?? 1? ? - ?? ? . '? ??'-???? ani W.iit.rii pr?tsr -1 ? ? ? ? ore ferr ?id, . ? ' ? . . Weet Potai Terminal . ' ? ? '! Oll'l??- M . . ?,?'???' ... ? . MARKET. sfk'sl. ? . . I ali u k'*? hood -, ? ? KCK ' ? ? v. Is-s-l. ' ? . rs burg railroad ? . ? ? ? ?, ? 7 s ??????' ''t -1 : s , t ? t S-,. t 'il.. ? ? ? ? N? -il. ? .1.11 1k. . u ; Vtreii li ? *. ? n*. lundahle. Si . ... ?. ?. ...1 :' ni ! I .?-1? 11' mi lour vi Ila! Il ? ? ??..-?.? I?? 7'?.I ' . 1.1 ? ' . ..?.Il s? ' ? . . ? .... ? II?, !.. I ? ' k '. '? ? . rar. I ?let-sour,.IM ??., ? . .. ? . li i*> > .41 MARKET. re dull a it, y. m t stoeks ? Bi m? t?? t I power. ? pert of : ? ... .?. I and I ? ? ? HI I*?. *. ??<>? ? ?. . ? ..?.???? f . ? : ?pints I * .Iran-? ! I' - '?. weetl ? Il giva as ? ? ?? ? 1er layer? ere ? ??? ?Iowa. O., ani ind I ? . in.:??? ' ? ? n, I.OIIsSM I ??. -?n t.?. hs , ? 0 ? - ? : ? - Mr. A. IlarU n. ".re", ?liti 'ti? ? Sai ?? ta ? . . past fe? u red t.. ??m, - ? - , , ? . largely ? ."?? of tow gradee? .' the ???????. . .? > light and ?? pi t. ale sa - I Gf?AIN AND COTTON EXCHANGE. musD, Oc io her ia, issa, Vsl'KSl ?.'Hl !? islilla, t'OSN. ? I,?mi buabel?. ? ? . M Cal. ???.?. ti'.itf?D ri s.-asrtsr Wiir? . prii u -y g?x 1 al ?7??. ; %?' : il tu bel, ?j.i|at ? ???Be?* fair ?t su?. Mlxtxi, ?*' ? a ? lil .i ??? Ii aal ?I, ?s.tnm.. ?I -T'. : ile v??ry , : I ? ? ? 0 bushel? fair at et* ; ti busa??* f-.r a?.Ta.-. U buaheU coiuinou al Tic.? 1? hush?!? com avia at av. ToUl ?al*? of wh??t, ?? busn*?? ?ura.-Winter, iti ihmbvn eoo? ?<? pr?vete tere?, _ nona. Wen'iit?: Fie?. ?45????.?*. ???t??*. Siria t * ra,?l ?MBAT?; f ?<nlir. II*!?-?. ?*??** Uniiiy,. -.ion try. ?*.7??4?? ComiB KBPOBT. Marte? flrrn. BBBJBBJHBBi Minnuea, lot/?, LaW Bl."iL|tf<*. 9',?. OoobUaeijiaaT. s ., RlCHMONO LIVE-STOCK MARKET. Richmond, (ifto'-er IK, Rer-lpts : ?AS b**d if ?p ?'?.) la'-ll-s. lUBajBJ?, s*!.?*: BM t,? %.l (4 '-?ttle, 'iri.?. ????? a-i I t ? 'hog*. l'ri'-e?? Best, life**, gr.rtu ; medium to good, lea H '\ r, la?'..?, fro??. >ne..p - ^?i ?roe?. I Kill? :-??s , ?. groe?. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH BaTBj t "Rit ??*????.'? ? , a' >?!e?, I I . Bel reenipt?, ' ? ?:-i ? ; common . ? ? . . w. ?W . "?>". I? - .?? esny??! ? ?. ? IB? amount on pas.???.?. I,.. . ?? reel ? :, - . Bay, I ' . f*o ? . ? ? ? Bay. . ?uni m an ? ? Ural - ? Ma y and qui ? . ni 1 ??.??.?.? ii!? un 1 ,,,?..-l ??. ??. ? ?*|??:?; . Ms?.. |ll -' I . I ???? ? , lai'',??. . whll s". ? . ' \ BBSBsS ? ) -n-ket ? I easy ; II ? ,IUO ? . ? ? teas* ? M .t? se? lf < "illl.VS. ? ? ? ? .? ?????. 11, kl??! 11 , t -t etear, ?"?nip'i ? dull and ????y : ?? i ' eased; I'-? ? al., a* , :. 1??*?????? Htm. ' 111? ? ? ?. ? I . ri ? ? < . ??. -? .'il.ler?, f? ??. il ? tv Wbtakey, fi. os, kdlag ? ? ?a foil ??? WBB4T. .?. 1/v'?'?'. ' s, h) \l.i . ? "?I , U", .????, ]'- ember . "v. . "?r?. Bovember.. . ???, Mat . It?] Mi-is PO??. f ? ' "t, ta w ? as? *?? " Nnvemtier. ton r.? ?, s Tear.. - ? SHOBT-Btaa I ? " I .9 ???.? n??,ma fUt.Tin.ise, ' flour flat. Wh'-at ? Southern In? I ?ria? . ? ? ? ' ? a and I'ennayl ? ? ?. quiet; ? ? ?rgOea t.'.'r. ?? ,. j , ? ?vi v, '. '.- rei? . The?'. ? ' ' ? ?. ? : ? ? -' ' ? . . I . : | ? Il \s ? , ? ' I ? Una,?:? < IN- IMEATI ?. -. ' ?? tarn? ? ,la dear? I ?' ? .'. ILM1NOTOR I . virgin I ?. ? ? Kai ? ???' ' 11 ; '. r. ? 1 S>?; ?. ' ? Il k-t r s I . ? ?/'. W I 1 - t needy il Brei : M IV III I I?.I v < . . ? ? ' ? . . , . . ?-?? <.?s, g? V? . kti Bani . .i?m?? ?ay. POKT OP Mr. s . ?i?,rayo-J ,?K fa?*rly, W?et ?reist, ? ? ?? m?i?? S? ? \ -rk.aut ?ailed for .New Wk. m ?All k,i. ! Stsamshtp Kaoaw - I ?, o?L BJJ III \l II?. V?-|)OWK!.t.-l>i.-.l. at III? ?elk*?I tk? t.T.11? ? I ? t?ia? at ? ???-???* pa?- 1J l: M., Mr?. I - ; 1.1 :/lllr.Til. ?? low . ?. Dowell, In ' M age. id the PiutvHtreet ' s ? k ee Moudiy allem?*.!? at is ? ?eniy.ot b??it failure, la ? . >, ,.II G??\\ ! ? i >ii|.C : burg. Va. ; In lb? ?emniy-.Ms.vii 1 year o? tu. age? I- . KKKIV -Died, sullenly, Mania*. ?> t?. . ?l tbj Murrav-Ulll .New lar, rtty, JOHN wTKWARl !?? l ???"?, Hlgbl he.. ..??..?-k-? IS !'? lento and *tvrk?> ??Waart Peieikie; aged Ivur year? I U ' I v- '.. '?? oday uiorntag. O-i'iber *s ??.? olaeteeeih ? .?- I h.rage. MAH IB Von lai ?v. ??:? iiii.nrai ???? be p.??? a?"t at a?.b??aiaa? H? ?at? ?ad .,?:..?? ?A-u? ut uie tamil} aie iu,?U 1 to annuii *