Newspaper Page Text
Till? CANVASS. A REGULAR DEMOCRATIC. FIELO-DAY AT SOUTH BOSTON. ?Montagne end ????????? lloire on the fctamp?*, Splendid f'rowd ?*???????1 ? Tli?? lUp.iMi'ntt?. |Ba?eeWI Wcc.-im to th? nispvYl I WAS M ' ' erst* .? Halifax, a??1 I be Unit. ? ? - ?;? ?-. ?of Bi ii ''-"i" D'M? I wei to b? ?I Mr. A. -I. Montairae, el Btavill?*. and Colonel J U . ptoi M ,.| Moi on ? ? ? ?? -? , . . ? ? ? ;? - tit. Mr. A. J. lfm ? te in the c< ? 1 G. I thful l'Ut . rico aten. :? ? il ?? ? an il'il flight! . ? . ?. an ah.? ?? applanso, alluded In 1 - to. 11 '? ivor* (if til : ?|??. pru :. Mr Mon t? M ? : wlo I ' ar'? ? hone wen - with ? ? ?' ? t Bp ' 1 1 u ? H ? nel II , Al 11 . ? ? ild turn 1> ' ? ? w ili ? ? ? ? I ? ? >lr ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ?? ' ' ? (ED. e-; lag .?? \.? . ? .p ? house and Other Piar? s. I ? ? I ' ? l'|- ' ! Both oi ' 1 l>r. .1 .? ' ? t ? ' . Mai t . . ? ? \ ? G ' II? ? tho oui ? ? n..i? r .il ? hail "i' VirRinia woul?! be a imitj than t -n y par* ol the a ar. will !"? ; l evi ry day *?? night m tins ? unuty ihn ini? the Times u wurm aud ON THE. NORTH STATE CORDER. Tlie.i l'iti Not Biga ??? ;it lioiiiiit ratle Ar? Dispatch.] Dabtu ? ?. \ ?.. 11 ? ? of tin? co; cull. ? pa ? hem ? .i ?I : l.? '? ? BO* hi p .?lav. ? !;<? county ol ? ? ted up. and as t h< ? le sii 'Ms up the iieopl? ' ire and more arouaeu. A ? ?. ? I i'\ : ' ' and will leave In ?? at ? ' look t ?-morrow : r Htuart, tli ? Patrick. It will carry a thousand enthusis I ? I, to help whoop up ??til Patrick. O'Ferra J Gr?v n, ana .lll.i; ,?.nu will address tli?? people, HEERMANS TALKS. II? Is Not on eaj Third Tiek.t. |Bp??SSI talasiaaa Hi II ?? l?l? CnuisTtiMiu ' ?, Va.. ( k-tober 38. Mr. C. ?. ?? ? day bIkh tic.? ? ? Ins u;.?n? i-s -is n o m ?liil.ite lor At'.oru. \-<iiii.-nil:iii'l ?? p?|?1?????: " 1 am not a candidate. J in tas papers thai sonn ?? adria has put apa ticket with Lewis for Got ansor, Acnew tor Lit ateuanl iiiol mv? !t n? \ti rne.i-General. Ii ?toa* without our knowledge or com 1 IM.UI'I COtl-.ll a ii'-l.-1 with 1 men ii pn ?. >>r<-iit^ht out, bul l su,ill not support this an-eaul? I do I think any Uepub ild, It' ?re had d< ? ni.-.l it propel to briajfoui ? etti would have lu expri --?' l i.i 11 aii'l an t fort D roti I i"i liitemi ? which L ? ??:? :?......,.... | , ? MAHONEITE TRICKS. Wnnt? ???? lu Kont lut t ?t Vitriol* for an \poi iir\p!i.u Baissas?! IrtaliiBallaa] HtHMllt. r?t?eelal l?d?>gr?m pi tile l)un>ate!i.? WeetwrO " . \ ?., ut '., r ga i^'iito a itti?- eircli - beta t?-?! .? ) ? the di. * rj that ai WklH U".ili ? II . ;,;!, t! works . Iroad in >? . I ?. ? \ ml .??? ? mi; to pa? their fare if th? v WOBJi ?., ,m I Hi.? ?ntrr. ? : tho men byti ?? loi'?Ik un?, s?? fur a? can ? ? ol over tniv and lucimi?-* reit' f l.oth i. ,:? ? rerthe '' i Al?? ilfflTIUt: heavily on the e tliilv, Witti limiuitt t WASHINGTON COUNTY DEMOCRACY. SUr.liall aud Otli.r? l'.,r.lw.? tl.. ? . , my? Negro IUj uoluun* Harangued l?y Impuri?,! Orutur*. iSpeclai leUjrain to the Dlspatcb-l ?jBBBBPtat, Va., ftatobst ?-? "|: been - tor the D Wasliin:'t"ii <?.? ?, :?,. ,\t an early boor tbe "/ mi" tbe town, ami l'y il tVcJ ?ok tl ?? waa a treauatdoua gtowd, thi Dei ? ,. DasBoaraj , u joint ''?tlilKll. tijH'ji ti ? J>? ,. ure'l to ti: tv-i'oirt room. V'/urcor?*i?ondent nerer gaw th*> ovuxuruvui as lull as it was t*>dat Fverv avallatilo sps.e s-?, oeenpted, snd least ?.??? third of tins crowd ...uhi rmt gain entra?e*. Jadg* 1 . B. Hntton Introdtiec.l ?V. Marshall, <>f Craig conntj. * ? ? ?. ,1 applati ? r Stori tliiiii .111 hour ?uni ? Ine sp At th 1?- n. Daniel Trig? introdu ?1 liiohard I.. Byrd, i (??, SS.1M II.? d? in? r?-l un ,?.'?' S t] WOB t'i'-hi'.'i'i:? ? ? ri re. ble ad ch. i were D'I ?- - . of'Indiana, nported for the ??? ce ? I '? ii net the a bite people than , . ? ire delighted ssiih the ir it.? 1 efforts thai arc ? ? ins '"?' ?" '?? ORANGE COUNTY. ? he fiemo? t as ? here la Fine Form. to th? Dlspateb.1 I ? ? -? I; ' ? I . ' ; : ? VI ...eMail.!. G the H ?. ' ti r for I '. ? . ? ?'? I we ? ? The t ..!,.re.I Potiti? al G..?-..Ms. mister?. . D I ' . : ? i - ' ' ? l tu ? ' | ' ? our power, 1 !?. Tl l'I ?..?ve ti nei- no! ' I ' ' ' '? ' I .: : . ? . l?'lt 1 ' indi li1 ; l)v His ?. und it . . vaii th?? ?? ti,? h? it? r ii will ? ? ind all con : led t.. coply to idi ?d ?!; - white t 1... ? ONS ? ^US. ^r.?_- EBBI . / *" s r w ^-' ? FAC-SIMILE OF ? wir h BUFF FOR Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains Chafing Bruises Scalds Piles ?EXTRACT Insect Bites Stings Sore Feet INFLAMMATIOfcS and HEMORRHAGES POND'S t I MANO rONP'SEX ? ? ?? LPT No t?.?? FOR IT ALL PAIN THIS IS 1 ME only RlC.HT KIND PONOT TAKE ANV urttLK. liRKUtl??. WA?UOMN. ?tl?. FOU BALE, AN I'l.l'iiWI .?"?-*> I'll V M IDS LAD?? S : with .? A, ? ? ? bad, the owutir having uu furihrr us? tor it. App'y to W. ? . ?Mil II, eOSMt' -Jll n?.l'ili Fifth ?n ? \\r ('.SMITH. OABRHQE^rnUl? ? V . SI \N'I G?? "? I I'Kl;, till ?. Filth ?tree?. Pie? PANKLBI ?SINBifci SV 1QONS "K-li.w: 111 lit 11 ES, KO ?? ? I > ?'.??G.?? V-, ?SO IQ |1S?; ??? G??? ? I fig) lotii'i. Anual - ? |) HANI? ?? t?. ? WAt.i'N-i ..u haul at ??? e. a-ail ?etlotted. Repatrias ol ? 11 kind? ilou?? at l.;we?t prlco/., ?. li MilHIk? nmius. ??????? LuCOMu'HVK AND MAflllNE-WuHliA, siK'IIEOS?. VA.. aTKAM KNOlNfct? ANI? H ill.Kits. (m- (?eilitto. ta th.? isaiiufactureol 11IOII Cl iBB HACH1NBHT ?re .meuri a.r? |. If y, ?j ? iiiaiu pownr t?r auy purp?i?e call u, through telephone, and ws win ?>??? 1 up aa ??? ? ?rt to make estimale? ?nil uaian price?. lUCUMUNiJ HX?VIOTiVli. ANb ??????'?. WUKAUi. uu ?.kir RALEIGH BUDGET. TRIAL OF THE BERRIER LYNCHER3 AT LEXINGTON. ? Minier ..G lingo? Hollar? Arrested ?Heg ? ?,..1er.?? Besing a ? " "? ' ??' ?'s (utili ?.f l'l?h?lairs? (..??id Templar?. pipes??! letargnua to th? Miei Raudimi.N.O., October ?. Thepi dovi loptncnt? rei ? ' ?< bad been sp?cial depnl the Shi nlT tard ? and m l! ?e? rinelea I ????'?? ? ? ? and fli I. ? ter 1 ? S) ' ' - ' I ? ? ,?,? 1 . pui ' ' in it whs ?. ii. . . ? . ? ? . ' ? ?, and fai ? thrown M ? ' ? ? I . ? hi ?. fish ? ? ? li.?, ? : ' il" : 1 ? ' cr. ? 1 Mrs. l'atti? Airin ' ll ? : | | ? bll bel ? \s, d ' Jg| ?1 ?? Sii ? t-Lo . ill? - rood advice: Take " I had an?! I I r ? ? Ayex^s Sarsaparilla, ??,? >? J ri? . ? '- U'.'iti: 93 -? Imiti??. ?^ fe 3 <?:???> PRIZES?? , ? o: d H! D1I& rf. ABSOLUTELY PURE! VANILLA (?????) QUALITY. \sh i ill IBLI iMV \l| ' ?????,? HOUSE, lliiOr. rOK Rrkl POB RENT. MOB!?, ? ; ' NEW REN' ? iKt'i BLE BY (.1.1 J?S1 OUT. ALL RINDfl OP PROP! ??? POB BEST. -su,-, COSI J. THOMPSON BROWN . o?? ?.'.- :t __^_m . ' , Poi; BENT, THK FAMI .1 BOSTON BARi.A?N ???G8? n str??.?'. 'i bor? u?bly n ?w ai .?? ? m ib ? city. ?? ? ?ppi] . ar il sill bO tuo laf-.. ? ? ! :' ? C10R ? ? ? T, THREE-ST01 J BRICK DWBLl INO ?a 61 . rang?, !.. twaV. a boarding t??? ?-??. ? Kami. ? ?m ? .m; ?, ?li rooms, ?:, ?. sir????'. bul IO! -u.V.AlMt |..|i v pOR RENT, UPPER PART .1 ???. Mi iittiii utr?????., between Eighth ?? ml Ninth. ai? .. UPPBR PART ol No. I ! Ma] . between it Irteeatb an i ? ? ? lies. II. s ? || ,\ ? ,\\ !.. ??, .t:. n: ? Bank ? ree**, r?OR RENT, VERY DESlTtARLEl? I TRREE-8TOHY BRICK HOCHE, cu;-?! talnliig atxiit twelve room?, wttb all ? Improvements, comer t if il. au.i clay ? Appi) t . KUAN ? I). Uli I. ft t'U TAX noi ? ? . TSSiiUSBSM OPTICS, BSWBIOO ' : mv.i VOTICE TO BEN RICO 00 ? IV . ? kg PAT? RE -Mj . ? ??? will NOVEMBER 1st f..r in? purpose ol : ?ND COON : Y I V\r's POH l?WA \?;. ? : law Impos?e a at and allowi u ? ? ?. , . :'eie. Ou s county warrants r?? ? Iv? . r r taxes. OSO SUI iNOBRSOM, mir, oc 13-??oJII)el.tlWft.s,i!,IM M ANOHESTER G All persons paying tbn I.A??T HAM'of the City . ? ?.? OH BBPORB - 1st will be entitle,! to a rebate ot 5 per ?-? i.t, ,u the une fialf of the City Tax. _ -late Tax is eoe ready f..r ooneeftea? nv? per ?en? ?ni be eaSed leell 11? Clly an! behixd?unpui.l Doe**l*ef 1, J. W. BBOMAI lili, .Is., octe-tNoll Treeeurer City of Mau?heetor. rr.itao.%A1. To WHOM ?G MAY CONCERN! We have appolntud Mr. JAi'oii S. BAKER, Of the e..mi's 1. our ??,-eiit dal the ??.????!. M hit ? INTILR II. ai Bal?, lu ??idcoiiniy, nut with power ??.,iy to buy ai.d sell fur cash. Give* under ?ur hands this ????? day ot Augutt, ISU J. E MfHiHK. ec . j-w DiUiVYB? ?S CO. LEAVENING POWER Of tho ynrlmis Raklnsr .'anders Hliistrali'd by actual I. sU, ROYA L r. ui.-aa-aasjBsataaBBBBiaias^^ CRABTSMA!iir-.>....BBI RUMFORD'S? (frr-fii...? HABFORD'S (??lien frrsli) BBaBsBBsWaBm CHARM ? ? ' ???*????? DAVIS' * Bad 0. ?.* (AlumlSBBaBeBTBBl CLEVELAND':.??^????? PIOHEER ( ?n Franer?).??????? CZAR.BlBBs? DR. ?G-ICE'S.?????? SNOW rUEEtGf G?).BBBBB COBCRESS.?BBB HECKEITS.??? cillet's.aa HASrORD'i ruait* ? >. RUMFORD'S- . .BSJ Reporta o? Government OrV ??t:. ? ? 11 '??' I ? "TI .:i(in.lf. : IB l'h D " ? ?. -? " ? ClTT. Mr. A. K. Iliwii ' ? ? Alley?" ? - ? H ?1 \ I S. \\ -a.? , at ? ? ' ? ? WAN ?IAN, TT n TT ol . WASTED, ?COMPETl .NTV. TT u ? ! \\ A ? ? ? ,| TO VCR? T? Cl I wA ' S W.\ ?? ?? . ? . ? ,\'?? KD, ?.????. I vT ? ..M.G ?? ? . ' ? I PENI FI ?NI8H V 7 1 ' Box 13; W\ ! : D AN ACTIVE BOY AS M . WANTED, Ti " ?? ib to the WANT! !?. i'l'Ki ?TaSJ . ? t ? <;? ? ?? In n ? \'.'.\ ! 1HT t > , ? \ \ r ? ? ? ? ?, a r . i'.l: ? n ? ?..ili KB ??1> \\'? ? G ? .'. THE PUBLIC TO ?> KNOW I i I \ ? tu.'? r;| HI i:\lll. \\ ILL Bl ? ?? m il ' ' ? ? U'AMl.l?. ?.???.?-???.?-.?? ? f ? ION ?.ol. I til?? is H Bas . ???????I t ? ? QU?I HDEAL BUSINJ ? J l.l.'.r. MAIN BTBI : M .eral ap . 1 "ly ai. 1 : t roUNG M?N~ B?RVABDGR?S l\ ? ?.ih, WANTS A POSITION ma private school or ??: M albe matte*, Latin, 0 ?. Drawtog, ?cea il., car? / ? WANTED, A COMPETENT MAN ? T t s ?igW CTCLOl ? ' IAOI BIOGBAPB1 in (Il . . ? ?.ixly-two ;?: ? . ???? til. mo* . , ?a portraiture which ha* ever api ? mostrati? ? .litui ????,??1 - . : iti ?.. ??. ??? ortli ?eat, Washing WANTED, BT?DENTSIN BTKNO ? ? OB W'IIV ?.?)? Vl'iV. Kl 1 isa ? ?? ? iiious tor (trida?' tifr. No olher iliortl . . tt.e ??ltylias a ?ingle gradu?t* u ? Hog a position. "U.kUf. or .?1 ?NOOKAPUY, ' 1118 east Mali Ol MAC, 8DMAC, Si MAC- WANT ? ID, ? rerybody to know that I am pariDg th? hlitiesi 11MB ? .VEH ? i al BUT depot lu hictiiuoul. 1 ..; weights and guaranteed, WABBEBB . '?. -. . WAN 1 ED, ? ! ?RS1 -CLASS MAN? TI AOKRAMD WIFE to take cert of a gen? tleman* pia??? !a Virginia. Ouly aa educated ii'iy. state refareao*a and ?alary required. Aeoodaad permaaent boato win no ? for ihe right person. Address (. : ? strict. New Vor?. j?-TuAThvlw MMBT, NTBtTKII, ANI? ? ?? ? - i> SI R AY E l>. YJ-'-STl-lKDAYasx. mv statile, a Ml'l.l.'--c >!?r^H|B tila??!, with White *|??' ? '?.e lad an 1 Js_"rT. ?? t.- taime ito? r..r. ?? ??. a hi? ral re-^^-^ ward will bo gtv?u it -?tuiuel to A-.K-XANhKK T1SDLK, uc ?-???? ?wea*lt'raailiuaU**U ^^^AI'CTION SALKS-Thla I>*y.ywwx Hv I rank 11. Hill A Co., Ken! KstaU Auetlonnsrs. ? TRUSTEES 8A??E OF FRA ATE DWBLUNO AM! LOT ON BOBTHWEST ? DANCE AND RITCntB STREET?. IN TUB PLAN OP ARLINGTON WESTENI -'??' s?,i| ??.?-. I BOM ? ECTHIC UNE?By virtue ?.r ? f tru.t fr??? WH?? ? Moaro* and wife, duly reeonle?! lu the dark'? nf Henri.'?. ?i unty ?, lies 1 I took IIS, ??,? 3sl, ?lefaiilt having ?"???? noil" In Un? pai ?seal ef ? uole therein secursl, uni t>?-ing requested i>y it:?? l older ?'..? eoi to ?? it, I wid offer at auction, en ? ? des? ?* 'lini???, ?m ? u?o ??, ' - rossa ?*, at 4'? ovio.'k I'. BL.OM PROPEBTT ?!?<? tliSi ? rim Soase ??< BOW am! "? uta ??? ?. Lot f roete Sta! it : feel ? il Vi! Ca?h suHWeot i?> (?ay note ol fSTband ? lut'"est nn | .iponse. f ??I?; balance st -ii an<l twelve montbe. Interest ad h l. LOI IM tUWLINGS, ir. Hy Manning C. Raptes S ? ? igeate, ? | oa?t Mata street. \ s???? baleTop valuable ?\ PARM PROPERTT ON TRE DARB 1 1 ? ? ' -! - ? '.?!:.- ? I LOW RICHMOND. - -?ner, we will ?oil the ? ? ut pillilo sui'tloa, on TUESDAT, Ocn ?**, '.'?. st liVdock P. " the ' ': ob the l)?r Ins .87 ACRES, 7'? acres In ..".: on. Di ? 'Iwe?liig tw.? . y DUt-hO ? -?-s in good ' rl'-r; lino - 'bar t "t ? ? tri -. ?11 bisarla*: two I v,-ry Baa vineyard, wl imileeof . ? Uil" rn hvny. im?, and ae'-eminodatuig ' sale. MANNINGC STAPLES?! CO., . I, snd Prokers, ???, r, north Cenili M CJEVEN GOOD ????.???? LOTS ? TO I'..: SOLD AT AC? TION, WITHl L'T ' ?.; RESI KVg, l'i THE HIGH EHI BID DKK.?By .tir?? ?. ? ? . . mmlttes ? a land Buildings wn will ?oil by auction, j upon ti.- prera . on -?', 'lock I'. M., sK\ EN BUILDING LOTS . orlb line ? ' ? ? ..' ?.'.?'.' treei I Iront "f ?- ' by ?? feel ? : . ? it?. ! e; the .?tv > r ? ut) ? ? eurtng ? ?? ^"nerisl-wsrratity ?lee.l ? a plat of ' pir.y ?rill be shown at the lime nf". Lei it.. r?? be a good f bid lera " ?? .? ? :!. ?'. ; Hie remainder at -, -e.'urtM by ad . addtwL ? IIKWNl.M.A- ROSE, N. W. Heal ?.-? at?? iu lioneer. ?y SMC, ('! \i'i:.\LI.Y-I.'.<'A.TEI>, ?M> WELL-ARRANGED RESIDEN, ?, . ?Il K sut m BIDE OP PRANK LI ? . ?? ? HIHI? \ND FOURTH BTB I POH SALE AT AUCTION. I win. at lb? .It. ? ? Ifl'slli S?). . '. ' '. : "li ii.?? ?... ' or?] et, : will run???, u? an .."?n.a very ?? leadea t ? ? | N. W. BENT. ralu :? O? i.t ? ? ' ? ,. ??. ?. K. U. ??? ? 21 lly.l. DPEC1 ?L COMMISSIONERS'SALE D I,or on I AND OP '. l'A ? ! . ne.::..; ? . r l.i, ?-"'?, in tl ? . ? . '?!.. iti Ais 1 ?>.. PIECE O! ?? ?? ?.Il U.?? ? , ivo fe"t ? ? ' ? I . ? ? ? itili lu | ? three equal I , per a ft '.:ii II ? the titl??? to b ' , .? y m pal ? m ', lull ai red by Ihel : I \.N, . ss ILLIAMS, U. II. ' JAM! LYONS, ' , - Robinson'? .??.mi: ? '. \l -.. Iti ? ??.?? ?? Rich? , . ..? . "f ? I t.i | ~ I ER CENT. INVESTMENT. ? .Ustely after su,?? sal? W? Wl l -? I. a , li'.i VCHED PEA IE DWELLING, N". II ? I ?:. ? Ity *???.?t ou premia?, ?ni IS: One trird each; balan???? In -?? a : ?. J. Hit?Mi's? ?? BROWN ? CO., Aneti ' Bini I ; II l Main ?G""?, \ rjCTlON B A l. ? OP A LARGE ?. TWO-STORV BRICK Bl ILDIBG hill ATED OB TUB BOUTH BIDI 01 OAlt I ; ni RI EKNTH AND FIF TKKNl .i iTBEl ON ONE Of THE PRINCIPAL BUSINESS G?? Itnl (?ill iBBSOPTHRI Hi. At the roqutxtot the owmr we ?hail sell a'. pillili ,00 TUESDAY, OCTOBBS Bt, al 1 o'clock I'. M., th- at'"ve-i..s, rib. ? PROPER IS f????: oiitli?) donili Ime ?U i.'nry t r ii.utug bai-k the wh"le depth of tbe ? la tie? r "ir. r/bts property is very cenlraUy located and ts alte of tbe Wholesale tialo i lo tbe .lei ireni ? ? u 1er, it re? y deatrable n.r mane ; T*a*s: Al Mie. ON ,t co., I Hy A. L A tampon, itoal I wr sad Ineoraao? Agent, ... tiester, Va. t li TH)N BALE~?P A NEW AND .A < o Si I "?it t'A 111. E BOUS ? AN n LOT '- im. ?>s G?? ???? II siili: ?? Hiiv. BRIDGE 8TREBI BETWEEN ?'"W Alt I? IN? AS KM ? iN? NINETEENTH Mili i i CHBSTEB, VA. Atibe request ..f tbe owner ? ? . iloa, on ih? prema Il ESDAT) rui ?,???? day UKOrTo. vu, US?, ? P. M.. that VKHY VALUABLE \NH LOT v feet ?? the r Batnbrtdg. ?treei as at e-rlbe ! and runniog Pax?? 13) feet IOUSB t? new, ?-'intal'is Uve ritorce and ball?, ani is very OOmtortaMy errang.'.l. ini? and raptdly-tm 1. Any ? ne svautiug a gool bom. win ?i?> w?u t?i atteini tti a ?ate. ? : OnefOQltb e.i-?!. : end the talan??? in klx, twelve, an I eightecu months, deferred pay Mknag int'-resi train ?lay of sale an?l ?? ? ti-ust-deod. Kven more liberal terms dVMUSeelreL A. L ADAMM'iN. oc2?,-.'7A?3_Auctioneer. By J. II. Valentine, Au.-Uoneer, 1538 cast JUIa street. AT AUCTION." ??'-DAT at 19?i o'clrvk I will - .? NBVV BREW H-i.'iAJH.N.iHHUTGl'NS: i PABLO!? Bll Loti LOTH INO ami LADIES'CLOAES; BHOW-CASE, assortment ??f MEM'S end LA DIBS' ?????, LOORING-OLASSKS, ad <>ll 0 IONS, BAT8, '1 HEATING Mus ES, I < ?<)?1.??;-??\ t., ti ?I.NU LE Md DOUBLE MA1TKK.SSBM, au'l many oibor MiHCSLLANROL'S AltTlCLSSL or? SAI.KN'IINK, Auetioneer. ? ci HOICB .IRKsKl CABBAGE al liyrd-streot station ot Hi'-hmond, Kredencksburg and Po? loni?.? railroad at 11 oVlm-k by ?. ??. i.itiKKirii .tin., ?m a-U fxoaaaa Commueiua ilaa???uu. artTioa ?a?.???ratnr? ??t?. AUCTIONEERS UNITED STATES ? A BSE Al iLI ??' TRUSTEE?*; Br , the idstri-t Cobi m " ? I ailed ????? for the Batterli dlatriel of vin gima In r* John Mlor ???. one O'g-"? ?'??'"! I Dipper steaai Dreds? "li." In ?onilraity. ' ?ball Mil for cash, ?? aoetloe, m mon im. tn<? | 4th day ? ' al II o'cloc? l.oengat.??, f? o iw?nty-elfhib *'r" '? |,KK" ?'? "il," her BOAT?, -miW-, rACELK, APPAHEL, nn ? ? liNI G??? ?. ?. FABM, I Bit? d Marttlial; nWKN H. Mil.I., Trust? ?. Ily J ? Idia, Heal Batata Agent and ?????? Hani, an I ?. ISTBett H?reet*. 4TTRAOT1 ? ?.?.??? OOTTAI I ?A BBeTDKNCE, WI III LABOR lot ?? TACDI I'. ON ? ", : IDR 01 NOBTON BE CLA' IND ? ???? STHBBTB, 1 "? BALE BY ai ci ION.?At lb? requi owner I will .sell at public ? bbBmb, on THI RBDAT, ocre it r MmOmPEOPRET? a' ire referred to. The t m | sal and tabi* ? ? ? BB DWBI UBO ? lilt, w:i!i a lot ? ? ? teaant ' ? Marabi ! in a rapidly growlog and ? ? roving elty, aud fur n ? JOUS ?. GODD1N, o s: (JOBO ? TRADE BALE OFCHINA,CROCK \-M\, I I [ON. Oil WE ONE at 11^ ' ??auoer* . Tureens, nnd nil o1!i<m oc? K<U? f * MAGNI] [CENT JAMES-RIVER ? ? if, IILL AM? I 01 III ? I ?' In ? zecutl ? of a dee : of IrtlSl by an.-lt ? ?, a > o. 4 Bori WEDNESDAY, ? : ' ated od Ja ? - of till? II ? ' ? ' . ? . ' Uli, By ? ? ?j' ?? ! V SA : , I Iti al IP. M., ' ? In .? ? ? W] M.W ? ? ? ? 1 By (1 ? . fi! H 1 - ill! '; I IM Kl II m.s ' aud le l ' ' ' - : ' ??GEST-END ASHLAND-STRE] ! Vil stob, ? wini ? . I ? ', ? rioN ?? H i!) .1 ? Il I .) PER I [. VEST : ... ? WO ? ? BRICK W'e w< VHWA . ?. being DWBLLISOH Nos. ; culvert ? ? ? ?lib ?"-r'?. t. J. i Ui BRU!. KtTITH II PHI? II? ???,?. CORSALE PRIVATELY, SOUTH m I 1 HIBU-s. BEKT BK . (Jambte's-lliil ? ark. ? ? s . ! BACI l\ E ! ?? !" STORY BKIt ? KESl ?" . or, ??. 'ferma ? ? I?. III! ? .?. M -: ' ???t??? ?aTEW DEPARTURE IN REAL /*?> kTfc BEACTlFl'L IlOV iNTHLY PAY? MENTS Mil.? AN'll ? !I \I.F FB0B1 POSI STOP FAVINO RENT AND OWN TODE TIIREE BEAUTIFUL (??BE!? ANNE HOUSES BEABL? FINISHED. High, healthy location ; goo<i rater; no malaria: no ?haulms,, ae boost ; rl ?iKSH. BAfiTON, o??15-3m Nor". nuil rrtBttt. <*?. EGATHRIGHT'S SON, ft s Nos. IS, ?, ABB ? '.?? ?RM'aeTBg?T. IgW I heve nino lasas war? atta PAB I. ill. ?lIAMiir.l;, LHMINO-HOOM, .ml BALL N0\ ELI n.?. ? ??? .-a* ani it th?? li? -t manufactured . . 111 y of ???? t':l CLUNI .'iliil keep US? la*. | mil ILe I large?: au 1 liest asinrted ?'. . My t. nue am tur ca? li or luitalmeot?, o. ..Vom ? ^STARLISllED l&lf?. PKESTuN bBI.VlN, /?f* f u Rjy ? t ? ? e, UtiowBor ?treet. K::hiiij:il. Va IBB ??? PAINTS, V ????-???-,??. FLOOR -STAINS, PAINTS. PLOOB \ ???????*, BLATBXIALB POE ? ION-, COACH-, ANO < AHINKI'-KINISIIKKs, and ola; Il AHTISTS' ?.??? s [? SUPPLY. It will pay you to eall or write u?, SiUl. J. MNMA'tMlBH, ?ill east croud ?tr ? , M 15-Tu.IW?aviiu lUctuiouO. Va, *p?????? ??if* iiiiu-nsr?. Py dames B. Klarn, Beai astai? Agent and Aa t!"neer, 111.1 Milu?'? ? ??G?'????, c ? G? I.I DEALERS, J\ MAM II m TI BIBB, Bl II ' R . ?SD BEAI BSTATI DEALEE?, BXTHA'll?DINAl?Y SK.'K Bl PI II!.W THE ENTI: ? PBOCEBTT "? TUR : Of TBIB LATB COLONEL \. '.. ROBERTSON, OS BAUE, ' IN III C1TTO I'.' U AH ' WITH THE I ALL TUB KXTBNHIVI ! TIAI. BL'll DINO?, CAI ?* ?HI -. ? . ON I I ? ' ?r, tell iijf pub ? \ l I able PKOPBB ite ? Kote .? :. m ? In It? ??????? ? ... ? ? ? ?. and . id ? ..f inni ?. - , ' ? II Real STJRRAN V PBOPEBI ??? LATE ri in in ?;. ' R I \l: WITH I I BEICE SI ? ' H, l'I Iti I' I ' ' ? ' ' ' rnHK V'ALUABI ? ? l? A ? KKLONi ? ? . NEW HI ? ? ' ? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ' ' ? Ml. NEW * til AMI II ?. Il ;..'!?? . deed ?t I I ? ? RAI I Killll 1.1*1 ?*? RICHMOND, FREDERICKS! g - - ; :.A ? ?ICH. MON'i ?NI ? ? fJICHMOND CITY AND ? l PINE? BAU WAY I ? t ? ?17; A. M . . ? k. a.. U M., an r p?? ?. I trip I - m? ? loi V. HSCBLBB, J?.. B utfiKri Kr. m SEEABjESta. PHILADELPHIA, BIO H-<-?.tg> MOND AND BOBPOLE Il ? A M S H?? ? ? vi i' ? M f. ? ?tuoi? l'ir?? f--? . ?. . ? . - ' ?te? ? a ir.iajf. freight ?? ??.?? ; r B. Pare, l Kr I formation ?m'y ??? ?J. ??. V ' ABBI ?, 0?iierai Sc^tbrru Agtut, O? ? Kork W. ? ?o. Oeu*ra. Arf-uU i'tsl IMKULMA STEAMBOAT rtn, G* V COMPANY. fur -"fiRM. ? k. 1 L C?a ana Junee-rl? ? s . BY SKY MONDAY. W? ? ?uJiKiUU ?it A. V?. SO I . : . i . ?ita ali 'ine* ?flerut-od. ?I ? I ' 1 orsst tourtal nue ? ''<?? ?? ? BW .?a tleaal* u? ?; *mer?:il a?. Oariter** lla.a itr??.. ?, .{ivi ?UH ?. ??ge-i j ,i dal ' h is ?: ' ' moutb,Old PoiBt, Wavirlr. Mie?*.' ? :. '? | ?ugi-ii?, aad ali recular laud ... ? ? rifar, at low???* rate?, anj .. LLLirlN li. ? 11 ? I -.limi. Bo. in? Main ? ????? Wgl*iua?.lr'r?lgt.i*udl-as*?iig?? 0 LD dominion steam? Mill' lUtl'AM. F?K Mio Y. 1MB. Steamer* l?-a ????? .? HA ? ?'. i r. ?. vani: ? lag -o-atuer? leave N?W York KV*kY vVEDNEbDAi n KDA\ ?t t f. U.. arriving In t'..ctimoi,i ?lu.MMY ?ai Ita L??,\ Mt'KMN ?-. Paaaesaei ? M KiauuaurpaaeeL ? ?? La tare lo Ne? ira* root? klacluding mea ?nul lerih.f > )) . ?nulled tu uiirty dar? ifisr flaisri ni un - . M. -?????, Wlt.i Jil'?.?lJH'?'?. ? ? * ? ? ? ? > :?r? ru cnssa^oai" and Uhu ra.l wa?. .. NU ?a ia tor?ete lucutuuioi and Pei?:-*... . railroad. Tieketscaa ?? obtain?*! u ?. \? Maia (tree?, ihrsau????? aad i'tdu aad uoodaa ? u?p?i*. ini ?? ??,?*??'?, IBB Baiuhireet, and wharf, luvkoiu. frr.gtil forwarded and Ui uu?-U tdlls e' .?Hug . ' * . or?. ?^t G*?.?????a daily until ?. ?". M. raieeti-jer? leaving Ui. Liiioi.d ou slONPAlA MX, WKUNEs:?AtS, llUllil' t BATI BDAISbyth? ? U"*?ye?)ke?ud C'til.j BcVBOri ??? ? A. SI. au 1 i,v Eaahaseaa aad Peters bara i?uiu ? \. M., ?ill m*ke tu.iao.tiou ?'. NuKKi'l.K with ?learner .n?img thixko day*. UaOKoE ?V. M.LKN Sin., ?l No. 1 XII Malti >li?s ?u l aiUI Couiuauv ?BtiaiL Bm-gaUS. ?? II itti s ?? iisr?, NORFOLK AND MSI i\v?. llou. LP I ? ? I MOA. M ? r-cop. ? ? ? ? ' ? ?? ? .t ir ? ' ' ' ? MOM), i ? ? ( tUESAI'EAl ? ?. ?'. ? ? ' \ ?? ? '.. ? Miti ? it?'? ? ? - ? ? - ? II.?? (NE li.? 11 MOND - ?. s ' ' I eavs ' ' ' ? . ? ? - ' ? ? ? " 'Ds'.Iy SV?, il sn 1 17 mal Bigaalal ai < ti- - ? n ' . ?. ? I I '.--??. , - ? ? Saw Yon en! ? > , . ? : ? V. aihiiigtou a. ? iva ML UN* ' L??V?. ISSO?. KL-hraond... L M. 1 NorfV.k I ? 1er i.i. at l ail.- ?? ... , rviad. K. V ? . u . ?? ? ? ia, | ? -.-.oi A??>i - ' ??)?. HAAS, US*-?.' S?4HUV?, mmt.l