taw Plrfrlor? 1 Iccted?Tran.portat Ion
Qaoesa?**? fava Kern Kngiand
IT.??? \ Kit.
I lorterlv awaatSBf ?,f the f'hn-nlcr of
, ? ?1 at 6 o'elo ? ?
, , ? Bl .Ii'lin H. I'ut .-il ta UM
'?'.?' ? ' .
, ? waa th? ?':!'.!!.;? of taro t*
I ' ? of l'ir.- ton (nui? .?
? , ? itioaa , f Mr, ?. f, William?
e ? HenryC. -?,.tu?.
of Mr. !.. (?. Lt*4g*h, .Ir.. ?'
m red that a <*-4**m mitte? ,.f thn
? ??!?.,. m liei
? ? t?i fill the-"? \ .
< ited as the co ntniti??.? M
??i. .Ir., ?. i
v. '??,,, having rei il am)
? l um* taoy t. commi ?
? ? ?. . ? ?. ? ? ?
? ....
f r Mr. Brown and Colon*] 1.11. it. which
w ? r lingly .?..?.?.
tim Committee f.n Oot
? 'i ?.-?.? ? ? ; \? I: | . ''. Ulama,
? ! : ? appointed Mr. ?. I>.
d? ??
1 ????? I1.f-T*.I. TELKOJUPB.
Mr. I?. I'. .lehn-,?. oBmrmaii < t tli?*
' Il Ti -
fdtothe proposition to eatab?
' in, ????
? ister
?Ii til" H'
p , o? Il m? ?
IMAM. 1G -
. ? of thi
r Ited tli?' lol
1 ?
Mirraa wo, April :
Inland Irn'e (,-/? leave
' -? '. 1 i-y
t ? (? !:,:,,! I??.? I '
..?) in.-? ??
? ?
? by
' '
. . . .
: ? ...
Ohio, an 1 a . ? ? uu I "?et
?.??-., in Hal
wit? 11 the pr.ivti thai --?n
? - 1 . ' ' ??
. ? - ? ? ;
, l an-e In 1 my tl
... , (
? ?
? , ? perly
? .. -. ned ,-f. ( on .
oliai ?
hy I*, W. .-man.
:., inves
I ' .
. .ni and
- - -.? ? ?,., mal ? ?
agen ? ?.f
?. ? that ?
' nl alia
?'. tea, !i
? ? l * ' ' .'
? hmond
? ! ? ,?. lav In
. - . ? ? hipped
..IV vl...
? > ?? ta
. where,
: ? ? .
- '
- fumi '.
? ' '
that he nie , enl a;, ?
? - -I, . 1 -.,, I >
? . . -? to ni, ' ? itati li
? , ?
?? [ coiBidalnt ? ?.? ???G|,.
Ib) ?li Iirili*?.
U C toi saga, ( liMrmen.
ai ? n. '
V t , m J (tu,
- ? .? tn?
. ? , aoy, and Mr. \\. ?'.
?tion ????'?
m ?? ? ough the
? ? Ili? n;>
, anil n bills ol
? f n and un 1er t? re?
fi mill tu
? ? ti ? irati from ?.-<? !?>.?
, traft ol ??? and un li .
he ? ?.I? for Irla! on
. '
fui ??. ? Hiebes
li '
II. .?. 1?1 Kl ". ?? Tetar?.
. . ! tit? ,r till-? '
?. p,-rt ti,? .
? .I ubi i?
? li
? ? ? he bad ep.
: Mi J H. v> '??? ? iu |
???,?.-,1 to re.
- ' ? '
lod tho
BlrBUOSO, Apr 1 I
r Sir.? ? pul ??a? re.
: ? > ? of tae
?... ? ' ?
? ? ?. ?,?, ? ? , ? - intatlves .-f lb?
? litvlrg
I ..f III e ? , :
-, '
?? , ; .? if mee* ? ? ??Bl lo
tt? peepl?? ?
?JaaarBBBA*, Cb*li*-**a.
? waa u?'"; '
,: lituros authorial ?1 to
1 :?<?.
Die follo? r member* * '" rr"
aod urlili n ? nal* cl. ? t i ;
I L'a ? u*. m.,i tr asurar
' D. O ?-?".: ? rard Ini:!??
. Etti-iti Ain.sli?',
t: il:
J?v .
A c ?iiinunicali ? ?? WUllaiM I-une
.?ritieh 1 eral al N?*"
? >? lai l i?? ?' ?? falline
: w tli?*li
? ? beld iu llic Isl.i! ?; .f .lauiaicu in
?. and "tivia ia with
r'raril to how spttoe may bo obtained for
iiu C'.'tuiu '!? ?? on Hu<utics?
? ajj?- ?? ?
? ''.iiiiii.ii'ut?jii waa r?*(t(l from fleiMMS
?? ?'???!. ? turv ? 1 the N.-v. V,.i ?.
4'lia:nl ? re-olu
: by iliat body with reference
t?- iiu . oow before the l'n?t. ?
ti'*il "mi bo| to uiiici-.l
t- i., ? t..|.i. ?i,i. ?. t lakin?,'the ?l?vent li and
?u'iaequrnt "entrila? "
l ? feu ?tu* on Infonna
tioa and BUtk-tle*.
The Pr?*ai?lent laid before tlie Chamber a
letter mm (."ii.-iA, John it. i'<'okeeapi*e??*
lnjf bu reun? that owin* to mauv other
?a?? a?? en-ruth which will Imi until June let
he will mut t*e able to giro to the dutiat? of
director the attention that he would like,
snd therefore a?k?-?l to be excu-ted until
Mi?? date mentioned.
On motion of Mr. f. ?. Dr-ane the meet?
ing then adjourned.
.?.t??rUti..l.lrr? tt? Mert aod ftanetlon Con
? ??IM at Ion.
M-.r?. ileorgo ft, fmam. 0__?_ Putzel,
???..I Donald I!. Toses,? who Lave l>oen in
thecit? ?orerai dar? on bua'.ueee, eonntseted
With ????? rtrsti railway?, l.-ft (or N? w York
la ' night on the 7: I.i trata.
Mr. ? ksher, win, has practieallvdlratitad
the managetnenl ?.f theee properties ?in?'??
? ? of Maurice H. Hum.
? ?? ? '? ?' r t,, Richmond? He in
always kepi i-rettv im-.-, while here, ur
UT !iuriir<-<!?<f t lines that lie has
inly to attend ?.? personaUv. For
? u at work
' ? complete ?.|?i-ratioii,
ell "f the preliminaries bavins be<n ar?
: ?,, all parties iatsssstsJ
? "" sotten to consent to the plan
' thi'ir.uritiee.
i I ??:?. v, who are law
? ?? been condtn tin*? the le^al
? ons in New York, while
snd Christian, ?if thi*?
? engaged bere?all, of
-, working In unieon.
? oouBwa.
The organization <-f the t**o_aoli-at?*d
rl ;it the a-lj'iiir'i
? the Rich?
mond Kailwav and ?!, ? ? .-? fmnpany to l?o
ne w??- k froi
of H ? union Pasara?
gei t 'm,? :??. v. ,?? in,.??; to-morrow ?.- .
to ?mt? ihe tranafei .. ?Jr.
? ?- ' r : iry ol thia companv. Tho
'??wi?. fin-i the 1 com| ?
,; also nn el m a fi-w d :
? n. This ifl merel, a t. in. il
? ? mea will be
arranged in stirai ?
Mr. Putzel ?ays thoMarahall-Rtreet Une,
recenti? the cit.v I.
Compnu.v upon certain conditions, w?l l*e
fn ? ition. 1
Jirt.ui snd Trigs ?"?' corporators ?f the
which all of th?? old
? .???. at?
I. ?? Ur. ? labi : will l?o
Mr. 1 'G/..? \\?,???. ? r.liv (.limit
tli?? run or tha ? ? ,
, .? ,
I waa 'lui:??'
it lb? will be no ? banse of
Mr. M latmed
? tl :..? !?? :
tend? ?| ? in lief 11 ?-*.
will ? ?? :.-? ? mil ?!
Mi *??r?. Fialu r and l O' ei , w? re In Man- '
?u company with <?-.
??? ? ? "ii with I tmi tin? ? ii
-1 . ,'- ' ? l.?? unii ore,
' !i?f|ll-l
.. ??? ii Mr. ' liarlos VV, Turner,
of Manchester, wna prcaidtnt. Ii isconfi
?loDtlv ?
M.ii" -
Preparation? for the Vieltora Expected al
Ihe Honnmt nl ? nvelllng,
A Inr..-- Mai IA
Ii was held ii ? II be Chamber
ni ?ht. dr. H. VV. ? :
linsr, .1. H. Vfbitl. ?oit? tary.
' ' -, sp?
it the last meet ins. made I
report : Thai the as?ociation give
.; ?,? militan I sll npon tir?
?, of the m? "? I.? ?? nii'ti
? p? honoi ol iii?? ?, ?-, t iug Murv lami?
' othi i?, al o, that Ihe committee '"??
. or more b, I ??
Cl.uir,at hia pleasure,with full powerto
1 - - nee? ..'. \ ,.? rangement .
decide?] toer? I . " Ma \ land
si uni tine Ma ind ladiea and
? ?? Mm \ land arch at some eon
? ? ?. p * on the !ni>? of march on the
? he ball i? to be ? ? de r- pr imini nt fea? !
? lehration.
l:i ?;? ? ? ? b Mary hind reciment and
Mary lai Ine 8
Sew York and all oth?
ins militarvi rill be invited, with
I., o.
??? r and nil ? >tl ??? pi ominen!
persons will also be ?nrited guest?.
mo ? prominent aocietv
the cit.v ure Marylanders, and will
r - ? :.? ?,? ol ?';?? bull,
Thet will li.,\<- u meeting to-morrow
i.i !.. ' il., '' al the \\ eel ?
luti ! ? 'lull rooms and m.-iki? all
in? ?.. - in ??! mart.
? ? .it? aauoar.
.? ..? ??\|- .t to have 2,1500 per?
sona prisent at tbe ball, which will likely
take (.in ?. nt the Arm ry, in which tl ?
" : til Regimi ni a ill bave their
Ji? ??.(liai ! r? while '
? ? ? > t meel Dg of tl . in will
take ? n- Monday, April 21et, st which
. . ommitteea will be an
il? lunci I. _ _
?lit liniuiiil ?????|>'. ?? la Hold ? Joint M?-et
ln_ l?-M;:1tt.
? will be n p
? ???. ? Brot liei hood ?
Jam? ? ? : opal church Io?
ni ht S "' ! ' -,, ??? which
?!., public :?r. cord i'.?v Invited.
?..-?1 ' !iil
l>. i)., ni ? ir?? ??? church, end
!...'. it stil tof S; Paul's
Church Chapter.
mg 1 111 G???????.
tndi w wn-?
? ? few v. ara sgo in the citi of Chi
1 t
n, and ? ? ition ia
itica ??'.' the
? bipnnmbera
? kingdom among young men.
To at ? ?? ry member
? elf to ,.? , i\. its two rales,
? hieb are : "l. I raj il til* for the spread
\i"itr: men,
I, ui' the
? hood. -'. Make an earnest effort
bring si le ? ? man
? loan? ! "i Jesus
. ? , : buib in the aervicesof the
? ' oi m young men'? Bible chi
wish ?
! uni throu'.'h
? men >?? the I??
rhurch can ??? more a< I
lapt? r.? iu Uiehmond hare ?
? in I operation, the
by wearing badges
*?,. >. baler u.i .*??.. Baa .
Mlaa I '??? Bh >. '?.
? rdav ? ?,? ? ' lock at the
bal ? Banmgartuer,
? ... nu u Catholic ?hurin,
corner fou th and Marshall streets, Mr.
M.ii , M?-vt r,
. it daughtei ol Mr. Engelbert
,.? thia city, were joined in theholy
u? in the preaenee ol a
mimt??! of friends, wl ? ihowered their
the bspp, ri.upli?.
! U I !'.! MI.H'I'..
A i;lr ? ? .? of the fri.'ini?? of the
bled at i P. M.
,? th. privat.? pan
ihue of Bt. PatnoB'aohnrch,
t, to witness tha mar?
. , bich united the fortun ???
.? . ? ?., nback and llr. Ar.:. Id
?? ? solemn matrimony. Bota tra
: young people, nu?l received the
grstulaliona of numerous
.'?., i? vv.i?* Messrs. I'.
Charles B. John
lt.aii. nu I Charles Bottige.
Ili? mom is eu-Jii?.????! m OBatoS-i with
M? -si??. P. Btuinnf a Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Haag left on the 6:80 tram
oiitli'? evenni.,' .1 their marrii?-,- fi r a
tr ? North. I Ul trill return and Hicli
ii.oml tni'.r home lor tha futur?-.
.\iit?>-inri?! rayas M?a_-iTt*******i <-??<?
Tilt bbbbbI SBSftins nf ths stocklwilde-ra
Albemarls r?|i.r-Muuuiucturiu_
a? was held jrest? nlay.
This r-i>'-rt?? o? thi? I'reeident snd Bdere.
tary and I reaaurer showed that tbe concern
?a? in ? prosperous condition.
The ol?t offn ers w.-r<- reelected M follows:
? ? 0-alaasrs, ptsal-SBtt ??b-ms?. Hier?
-on. tt^reUry and treaanrer. and .. al.
Bo?well. asiwtaut aecretary and treasurer.
Metv-ri?. Frank Dav??ui>ort, ?.t Richmond,
ami William King. -Jr., ??f LtynehbBIf, Wt?**
added t.? tb? Board of Directora,
Halt-rbsum and all skin diseases ere
eur. 1 by Hood's Barttaparilla, the great
| Uoo4.p?ri_s*.
Another ludi? tuii-nt In the JaeS-on-Ward
G???.?. iiiioii?-I(.eal llitaie
Transfer?, Ac.
In Ike Kupreme Court of Anp?**?!" yttAUt?
?lav - nil ?h?? members sittint* ? Judge J
l'iiunt?'-r'iv tV livcrcd the opinion in the
BBBB (,f Daria and wife af*ain*>t Htran-ze,
from the Circuit Court of I.yncliburp, iu
Which ?he ??.,?.t court Was reversed.
,??,?,-.? Ilichanl-on andllinlon condirmi*;
IB the* r?ult and ?'< ? . L ? aud Lewis !
Mr. .?strniii???, ? v.-. ',<*? c:ti7<?n of ^
Lynch! arg, uta ?? nataral datighter whose ?
?,?,- her Waa a colored woman. Bh? wa?. |
bowevar. treated aa oneol the family by
Mr. and Mr*. ?Strange. The father -ent her
to Waah hen 1. at his '
expense, a mosl lib?sral education and
qoal h a herself to become a teacher, which
( nllni" ? be , - r 11 years,
'lh?? letters from father to daughter show
tin? u*dm -1 affection "a roinnntie affec?
tion indi ed," ?? ?? of the ,????.;??* ?-aid.
The father always promiS4t*d tli?! he :
iron Id ?: hern! I ? provide for the t-'irl I Alice), '
aiid wlmt i? liior.? Ii s wife opon 1-t death- j
bedi -?? bim pledge h<-r lo do
Adanehterof the lawful wedlock mar-j
rn d, nnd betwe? o hi r und ber busband of
tn?? ?.t." part and tbe natural daughter
(Alice) of tii?- -i*. (.ni part there ?
I.,? <?. bul the roui ?
?ori.? property in
110,000 worth ?-? tool
eatate ?
" r ,!;?,?.| si),? k?-|,' f ? . ,-,rs with?
Otti put? ?ng it on r>- -or,!. I b( I
to ber father w th thi .? I I.
wtaaadvised erroneously thoughj that it
? bi re waa bo valuahl?
II" t! 1,? new deed draws, ia
which fjG and great affliction, 4c, were
named as thi n<=. Thiswaaput
rd, and th? faci was aoted in tha
Lvnchburg papers. IVhen the murned
daughter ? who it
tided for ti I: o tothi ? ? will I
? gtenl
her l,u-i,nuil reproached air. Ktran** I
?-.rl?? bim ren nnhappy. II?? aud bo
thoU! ll? ll" '
? ? mornii ?. v.
attorney at law who bad pi pared a deed
? ? -? ???. Ur. Kl
1. .m. Tlie father was loth t" ask her to
lawyer pi led him.
did it with reliiotance. Thus ?
? ?, to the iather.
I'hi whole thins was done in* veirshort
tini?-, 'file father ?;
d. Alice was not pro
or in the will. ? h?? daui*ht? r Alice
la now thi aril ? of a *v\ law*?? r,
' .' I BUlt to
?-? ? n-; le tin irt de?
cided it-mil-: Davis and wi:-? and is favor
of Mr. Stilili-.?.-'s h gat? ? s. I ben the Davis'?
appeal? ,?
Judge Fauntlero.v's opinion was a vii?.l
? ti ion of the - , ??. He piirtured the
l"ior old father ?in?
. ,,i M ce n ree? nveyance; oi 11
hesitation with which thia Bas done, aad
how ? ?." girl ?a ba ?.. is thi a t ??? -
vi? Ided iii. , tearful entri I
v.Ithonl timo to think, \.ithoul timi I
consoli any ?? , ?? ly tbe pro- ?
old man had made i- r
b< .
Iiaedwaa ae! ms:,!,? by the Supreme
Courl l.ii'i*??? of undue influence. ?Tu Igt ?
and Lacy dissent? d.
? Kpression t.. ??
?? the cas ?, and Jo lees Ilici
Hinton concurred with Judge Fauntleroy
as to the n mit.
Throckmorton azainsl nvockmorton.
From the Circuii Conrt of Londons coun?
ty. Affirmed, .lud.:?- Lewia delivering the
.lohn mid Hundley Howell against Com?!
from Ihe Cin ail c.urt of ;
'. 1.1 .? anty. Reversed, Judge Lac*y de
livei :n,: the opinion.
instC? ? -.1 rom the Circuit.
('??ui! ? i Appomattox. Affirmed, Judge
delivering th,
Ufftei dnst Ford. 1 r,i?n the
Corporation Conrl of Lynchborg, 1.
v? rsed, Judge Hintoo deliverm??
1 . ? get ? 'iiin t ? ; 'h rt. From the
, Conrt oi Frederick connty. Ke
lelivei ,n * the
opinion, Judge Kauntl?
? '? iii.ty of l?mi DBl the
ppi and Ohio Railroad
' . ',, : : ? I j
ju l?*mci t of the Circuit < ' mt ol I
People's Nuli ?nal Hank of Leesburg
against Ruthie, Appe (allowed todecreo
the! it Court of Loudoun al
ber term. .
Argu d by Isaac D -, ?. ?*.
I ith ? Indict meal BOnnd,
? the 1'nited Stnt? - ("ir
roughl in another
11. SI Smith, ?r..l'. c. rate, Wait? ? ?
horn, Aucust Fisher. Willie Rhortell, A. B.
.!.('.( ':.n b ini J,
l'-ottrell. charging them with olisti
the voi ?- ? al t b< Bei - ,nd pi ? t ucl in .????',.
mn Ward in I noua] ? I??? tion ul
bere, 1888.
I ? i'.iiMt i- mi exact ciijiv of tin- indict? !
ment )? and againi
the offence is
? ,? -.i-!?? ..? of the First
?,?. -.ii.t. au I different
Mr James Lyons moved the ('?-nn to
(?uiihIi ih, ii. thel ? '.r vin
? ? ? liuti] ? \t ? ?-, \, \\ 11 ? ? the
motion in the other case comee ui> f,,r
m. The grounilaupon which the
? ''.nit i- ??-li... m the indictmente
ur?? the s.iin?? in l*oth oa
s ?I be discharged I
nn ? .. , meets m \; I u?
? be : ' jurors
-Ir .?.? ? for thi \| ni ti rm of the United
- Court nt Richmoud : !'.. I>.
Add ?on, ?',?, nstus Ar-.-Il. Joseph W, Hull,
I*. Miilni.u, .Olili I . Al n, Ji bn I
\, - '.. I h '- . \. l-alraer, C. II.
Kaufi It, John )i. Spotts, und William ?.????
.: ?. mood: ?. F.
'?. ? ichestei ? Robert
I ? n? h.of Hi rico ? mnty; W?l
Jones m d Jam? -, - I
?.. M. Jefferaon, ?It?., and w. C, Norfl I
? : ? . I. 'limi, ?f K. aver
i Amelia c nntv* John Daniel, of
. rille, Vu.; (?. Bruce, <>f Hampden?
? rard roantj ; -i. "
...I John Sil-i,?-, of Farmville, Va. ;
and ? . - of Richmond - I
?? ?a im) ,?:' ini thai ev< r* g*
. . " pi . ' "ii the
ns .'!' the court.and thai B ?m
? m ?ti od ince. It'
Smith, Beivi ?, and (vuigon ur,? so
il!"ir trials will prol :?. ?lw be bad I
imi the places of all jurors who ur??
? will I"? All? d by the Re
r?? nil of such negli cl o? a pia d
? a in ti:?' ! '
grand lury, which ? ould not
? ?..? b ? n done bad all the ?????"
cr.i'.- lummoned 11
11 n ?t ili-- - I otirl.
? Hustings ("<?uit vest rdiv Ciarles
Fot r was tried I ttslj ?"rotting
fi . ,d.u Ity*nd(*i**eu six months
, .111?i Ulli d -*. ..
l'altee f .u.-?.
? oing charg u
with stealing one pair of pants, the property
ol MorriaBarker. Theevidence faded to
. , ad Harris waa ?
\ rk taken ip tirona
on-house oa Wotlni sday
md his brother, ?before .i i-oi.??? -
D trotten, be r. siated BUtn?ully
aad ? attract? ?
. \,'iti-ui -ni and
wu? finallv r ??.-.isti'., but wus arr ?
o:n.? by D?1).?. i'S.'-G? and Othx
1 , charged "aiih
?.,- and tortBTIBg a inn'', the
proper! ?j ,,? , : p?-* . Fined |10
and e
Levi*A ileoo colored ?, Masaltlng, eursing,
and abuain** Mary Mantley. l'ine?! go util
< bar?es Bi-owa "????t????). iharged with
stealingfie.26incu.i.-.i-v,(htprop ?
<;r;t?-<v brown. 'I'm? ? vn'.eii"?? va? I
? : ' convict Charles, bul h
??nntv for hia g<
Lavior for six nioutiis iu the sum 1*4 ?rlW?
? I'roi? rly Transiera.
The f. .llowi-.ii; daadl "f 1 argain ami cale
? - tin ?tt * ?! to -vr..r>l V"stird.i.v iu the
Clerrs ette ? ,.f the Qbagoaty ?'ourt :
Bl'-tiard (.nllfiwaj. and alfe to Beverly Bovd.
'??feet nn tt.'i a.uih aide of Moor? etreet near
iiaiil-.i!, ?,:>:?
?. u. CoUtna, ?pedal comml*eicmer. to Krade
rlcg Mitiardiug, ftiu feet ou ?he ?nwl aid? of
eeveaieeuih ?ireet between Bruad and tirara,
BtcBard W. ?en?? aad WUllaa U. CarUtiaa la
foll?n p. ?tout?? tra????. Ceti f?et en t_e aoutB
*'?".??,' ?'?.?T?ir?etnearUur?11A-tl.??_?, _.__.
W lllt?m I'. Uwton, rlerk. to William II. ?"**"
ri-lei. IOCIl-?, '?--k??. Ward, la tbe Dam??1
I?r. W. II. lavier, for taxe?, f 1.0**.
????-? t?? ?am?. T0.T1. 170 ie-?t on B'i<-1*?a*-?'1-?1?
?trcrt in .;?,, k-n Ward, in the name of Vt. a.
iw, fortasohfMB ,?
K?me to Mm??. MO f??t on Brook ?vene, in
Ja-*?.?i,in WaM. in thi name of Louie M?ller, for
tax?-, \
??-ime tn .ero?, 5?-23 tret ca C?dar. NjJJ"
t**enfb. at,1 Hu-henan ?tr?*???. In Jerk??-n W *"-??
In th? naimr-f M. T. l'ago, for 'ai?e, 49 <***?'-*?_
.1. M. NorveU ?>i I wlf? to _r.|-? an-1 -n'"* ?**?,
Barer??*?, -vi r*<*t on th? wr?t ?id? Tnir- ?u?*??
Ulmen H-rl an-1 Arch. 13,85a
oatntrt ootna or ????.???.
?. G. Ai-thony and wlf? to W. 1>. Hart-. ???
festes tl.? ? >rih ?Moot Viood etreet
near Perealoentfe, iS'i.t?'?.
.1. W. C'r .1- aid wlfn to Vt. G. RoMns, ? fSSS
rn ttio north side of Clay street near Uutican,
Ifartsaa W. r,. r,?iinv and ?rife to L??'?
Ointe-. l~s ai-ree three ami a half mila, et*e*e
Birhrn-'fid. t.,'0).
(bari'? L Steel and v*>lf-> to Alice (?. Nixon?
' o-i the weet ai?!? of Park aireat cf ?r
1*10,4, "*).
ah Barton n.RRii.TBa
BiCBBOBB, Va., April 9. ???.
T<> th* tXAttar eftAt Disput?t .?
I'l.-ii?? riirr>.-taiir.rr'-rinyourtren?fer? ef pr??
pnrtv (,f tu-'ltty. Vou ?ay: " Doed fromTbotnaa |
1!. Hurpb, .-iii : "ifa t" ?. ?. Hat*eock, IJ) arre?.
f',"??" It ?bull bere been: "pe?d from
'i iiomiA B. Murph, ?n I wife and A. G. flabcock ;
to _. ?. Heal, IA) acre?, |;,'W
ino-*s B. ilrsrHT.
? staeeeos Beersd at the .tradern-?Mar
Beettral Chano. Ac.
? ini-h of fivmlriMerooni on thelirce
: tbe Acadi it. ? ol Music tvuii.'
I.i t nighl t'? r tl ? prodm tion of Mr. 1>-W!S
Morrison'? draroati ?acular ver?
s nr. .,; ' Faust." 1 be andiene ?
I year ago the piace a
plete and elal orate of t ?
ever seea on a Ricbmon
rips it that it now
?tMiilsa*?a revela! n it- osnio and me-,
il splendor. 1
to ? ic I m realism sn '?
, ? . . which !
?,? production ina
?'hi Cathedral, the gsrdsn. ana the vir-|
? brine ur?? grand pictures, ?-1
r I. an i tembl? " Bra
with its conelomerstion of ?
?pr?tes, its fitful b?rste of electricity, and
its marvellous pyrothenio diaplay is a
n picture.
rrobt the remaining tbr?
an. ea crowda. sndi a
Tut: m ti 11 -ti? m. onoava.
The finti rehearsal of tl ? Ms, l"?-->tivr?.l
Chorus waa held in?! evening in the l-'i
t church ?m Seventh st-?.?.?!.
; . nt of the festival wore
One hundred snd forty-seven ?
; and m nj innre tarili
? m ?h?? nei ' Importent
counter attractions keeping many tfxuy
1 in- festival chorus is ansasnri d
I '. ,? BALL.
? ' nt. given for the Boy**.'
Igh-Streel l
church last ? ght st Corcoran Kail \???? ??
,n was
the ?? ;? Misses l-inton, of
? ndered
aril ? fi ? diette n? gr?
ich la hter.
; . ut- rtainmenl with sn entire
? ? ?.
? ... TO-KIOBT.
,?' Which w;t? BdVI :
a "blight, catchv comedy," with
. ? ?? ten electi ?-lighi
waa pmida.lai ti
? he ; t. not st nil whst
to i"?, snd siti r the per
: ?.' of ? be I
thought it best I J the eompeny.
Ihe'J ? -.ed for
the remain l< ? of tbe week.
Tit? Claim? of Pire Caat-l-atoo Ber Cobo
mander Preaaated t?? tin- Board.
Tho Board I "1 its
? I the Itovi
Auditor of Pul lie fvcoonnte. snd ?
rer, m? t in thi * at u
o'clock yeeterd iv mornj "? ?ses?
sion until a I\ . nf tho
of tho
- tent? 1.
So a] ? waa made. Tbe b? sr 1
will meet a1 ? ? . ry day sud ? b
WHO WA* ? THB ? ?.?? '.
??- Captain Sethi
nd : VV. ]
ud, of
, : I.aii
i.i?!t-r, and Alexandi r Jm ?es, of Ms
Mr. W. McDonald Lee, ot La
!? ' r Mr. Meeriick; A. Brown Evans,
of Middl - ?. :? r Capi un I ??ret? r ?. ???
Judge 1 boma? J. ( tr. S. K.
Miller, Colo.
?? ? Jo. Lane Bt? rn, for Mr. Hud 'in, and
Colonel W. ?'. Bobina for Mr. Wo aland.
.Teff??:??. HI I."it .?* <'f ? .???> I ? ??-?>! .r?.
? be 11-f li rt
ihl!. Ih- re was a tuli turnout, and in
. ? by vinitors
from I nnit ?. ? '? irity, Ea '.-I ?
I hi? lodgi ? Dg the five yesi ?
? in,? lieb'
' ?:,| . riti,.?- , bai
? I man* bnn
Ige, ? ?:. :.
foi a pnbl
i, ?um ' ig ":'
the committee fruiti < tch li 11-? in t
? ? ? ral U naper
aiii ? : ; to be Tii'ld tbe bitter
lit thu ausi?. ....
? :
Base-Hall oa ????????? Par* To-Oa,.
The ball game to be played on bland
Park t'. ternoon betw? ' athe Bicbmond
an I Pat? ? on ? N. J, ? clubs proini
?nt to lover?
11,-? visiting iip_::iinz:iiion, which ??'??
arrivi? here thi? morning, is aaid ; ?
verj Btroneone. ? ?era ur??
f-p?-ii i leyera us S,n , lianiu? r, ?
! : lUtlll 1 U
'.' ill play hers to-ds, u
morrow, and on . [< ids, tbe
I ur. 1'lay will be
.; ion.
; ?MM-inu ????????.
The Bol Iii ? numen! on
T.iii'y Hill, which has ahreadv I.? built
abonl ? ?ove ground, aill repre
Bi ul Pi mpev's Pit . .
facsimile <?( tbe ? Uexan
dria. ? ia now read,
layer "f Ar . being
quarrieti, and the contract for the other
four I?1 era baa, :t; ?.?.;:< stated \> I
' ? . in r?s.I.
ted by
i ? soldier,
insist of th
? southern States will
-mbalaaee < ul!?.
The ? mu snmmonad to
th?? Tr-??'? ir Ir ?-Works at !
' ad a c ?lor?"! u: 10
who bad hi? 1?,- . h? ? .
At ? o'clock the am'iulance was su
. tinner, with hie arm broken. He
hai! fallen fi Id iu tbe ? Ighbor
hood. il?- s
Peeaoeratle ? li t
? ? sting of t tan ?"lui? bb?
nouncedfor la-t night waa poatpcined tor
one week. ?
? la-eel--attend ? :- ; _,,,f the Old
Club waa held hist eight, snd
ubera made enooo
au I ntl nsiasti ?,, ..,.-,,
abich im ?? ? .. Ward.
? ! tin- primary
and give them nnrtivided -tn?port.
I'irr tOftt Ni.!,?.
An alarm of tir- ,u ,r,,ni ?- ?.
?, --t::.?: .,?. M:i:u a. ., Il__rv?e ?_ L _. -
ly Hi 0 ?
!he bbas was m ., twMtory ttttw?
' '? ?.'???.
tn. t.harhn street cxten_io*_ The da?iiui,?*
Hit- hi.ti.M>v?-,i-; iu??.,.,-,,,ej, aad ?
posed to hatu Lcea ol ine?
tt .ta-Mf llalott.
William Anable, who U umbr indkU
mente*for forging the names of Captain
? 1a?u:s Bawbnga and Mr. Kdward Cummin?,
waa Uken oni of jail yastetda, and carrisd
; ?>ff_2_;^J*?'*??'_?*"? sud Uile?l (a ?
of f?? in each ,?*. tor bis api*earant?' ?,?
he May t nn of the court, ? ith L?r. L J
Haw?- as mirctv.
Tske Blmmons Livr Regulator sfler
your dinner, it provenu dveoeo_ia and
? ?udigeeUon. t*fW
Tlrglnla'? Advantages to Be Advertised?
Appropriation? for Agricultural
1aM State Board of Aj*"ri?**ilt-nre finished
th< .r work yesterday afternoon and ad?
journed to Julv.
Tli-y met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock
and the session lasted until 2 P. M.
The greater portion of the time was occu?
pied in di-etissin?? the report of th" Appro.
prLvivi ? ',,?? mlttec, which * submitted
U lay night.
l?I?nr.BtTTiiN a4*DBBT.
It t^? iloeuied to abokath the office of
irniuicratioii agent, w'n?-h was established
? hi? offioe is filled by Judge
Charles Orattaa, of Btaunton. Hi? salnrv
ia $i,(joo per year. EU traveBiat ?xpsrasiB
wer? also pai i l'V tin? bo ird.
Itwas i.n ? duty '-f thia officer to travel
in oth'-r s? ?(? -. as leap? cially tho?*?.? of th*?
IsO-tli-v- -?, u.;\ wi:.irin the people of the
advant.i.-es Virginia offers to iaom who
wish to follow agricultural pursuits.
To ADVKItt???*" tut* tn Ata.
???-? l oard concluded it wonld be
to advertiae the one climate and productive
aoil of the 8tate b***publisbin** pamphlet*
? literature, and to do
this they made an appropriation of ?ii.i'iK'.
11. ??- hope by this m?*ai ? lo gei ninny peo?
ple iii;?-r."-t--d ?? Virginia agrii-ulture, and
all information in detail can be furnished
titom Iron tl ?? tcricultural D-piirtincut.
??'? ?!?1'.()? IlIATI'iV-'.
? ho reporl of t'?.?? Committee on Ap|iro.
?t-was um? indad ;n several pinti,?li
ars, and va? adopted as foli ?ws:
CArmiemi li'pnr!?
I . f
' l in,? al word. -
! eli rk . 800
-ne he le act .allr ????
;.-r muniti
i . IV?
t'Iemii-r.l?. : ?
? . an
1 liuti?? ani tn i,l-ntale.t|,eo?e.?. I I
? - ? ., iitmtnt (pre; S* ,
H"-i!. . .no
Bipe-iaesci the I
. ? 0
g? dlaeld-Mital ezpensee .
ali ii. I," 0
: . -uve?.
' - ?!, Lut tO?*X,-??c.|. i/-U
The following molntion, ? ?- red by Col
tened to the Committeo
? iro :
t the Commitl s on I
? other tv. ti rn
? view of ?o amend in?? the laws of
this Btate us willseoars bb influx of out.
? .-ir- d b' ::
?, thereby giving ?
? opportunity to make gn atly
? ms to their prop
: Btuharlln offered tho following,
whi.-Ii wa?? adopted :
ed, That the Commissioner of Agri?
culture be suthorized t expend ? ?
lay of thi?1 month a sum
??' ? in ndditii a to the
; il.Mfl for the chemi it \ nnd thai
i I with the approval of the Chairmau
? I emploi auch -vietanti* us
? ? r?.? r
time or t ?have aaalyi made ol
under the t? rti-xcr act.
A NATION At. ??????
? v.? re ?- id from the
? ?? Jersey
ard to join with
: ? their el orts to furin n national
of agricolture and to orge upon
< - : ? act to transmit : I
all ? ? orte of the
?State Board o?
: ? ' ? .
? ih <'f these move
? ...? log t.? ? m? BM Oliai
Haneheetor llenas,
irte ? ' tur' of the Man.
? ? ami ? r of Commerce wa
. the Council ehnmber
.?hum 1. Clopton in tho chair and
leni complottati the I: ?.
? y addin : one member t.?
follows: ??n Commi r? al ?
-l. i!. Palt? ?on : Tn?.!" .Inland and ? fut
. W. II. l'i: -l'iv?-r lin
3. G. Bradley; ??',?*?;'?
? -u ; Muniei
. ?. D. Hall; Finance,
ed by .'Ir. .?,ihn W.
Arlington, waa a lopted:
Wbereos la rien ot the lar?? lutr?re?ia at
? ? otb la thia dt, Bad Riebmond durtog
? promut onl reliable laformaitoo from
] u it BB *! a tlm? ami li BU ti
moat ?aaU, distributed io
!,.? ?!
President of tt.l? ?barnt" t
! ?. and in? ?-1 ? rei v, r? qui ?ted t<> c immun '????
a preoldliii oncer ol th?? ??-in.'.
?ni e \?>*?* t.? adopt! u?
?oni-i fea . -1 ber by appoiotmenl >f
, ih? ui>
. ? ma, bo attela
The I me rnti
tine iiii.'iti- ?? ? ?journed. Next ? ?
tin? Board of 1 for tbo
?>? very important
matti r .
thi rxnuBT.
The City Democratic Committee holds
??. ? . [gbf to
perfect urr;,!? I r the | rimar*
held ? ? ol May t<> nominata city
?'_ iirmaa Ji hn \ ?/ preai led. ??' ' -
? isnuit?
? . - :?;ne hiisjt eos *.v.ts tra'is
? re re
? I to ???? prepare I to name the clerks
and ju ting to be held next
i bur d
? . mises t?? be thai I ?
. hi '. ? in Mancbeet <r f? r
is there are contest?? for aearlj allI of
tho g? aerai offle s t-> be flUed.
In Wednesdaj afternoon's storm por
a-Milt?? wars
? treet- ar drivera who happi-ned to
be on thi bridge had a pretty rough expo
. snd th? -?' ?? ? re frf td enough
?. r found the tra Arma.
I be iron ? ? ? thi? top of the
in?.?. Presbyterian charch steeple ws
over.and the ",: on tin- steeple
red Baptist church was blown
? ? off.
On Clopton'? Hill fences were blown
down,. oot ol th? bill ahi
ad ?? _lr. W. J. Bolin were
^ ov-r.
. ua an" ai '
The ???? : the City Council
bald -? t ' "'l?? k to-night
Commonwi ? aej P. v. CogbUl
fe, of Chester-eid, wure iu the city
1 yesterday.
???. ?}. Vi. (???-t. of Pnnca Kdwanl, is
vi itingMrs < bar?? ? ConneUy, on i'ort'-r
? ? ! ? ? ? nth.
A lai 'me?? engaged to
Belt Lii si rived ? ?'? rdsy.
?-tractors now ha?.?? s large Pn??? ut
': ??? ftheCh '.rfieldCoun
ty Conrt ? insMonday. There aw seve?
ral imi - i" betried.
Mr. James P. Il.rr- ?. ol the Danville
bar, wai in Ms W Inceda, after
A force of hands has been engaged for
?everal dava repairing the street-ear track
? itreet
?p.? Start ou a tour of
Ion thi-oturi onl the city and wul re?
port all owners m .
and ? ? a are garbage,
Bl . ?.... ?
Ber. ?. M. Peterson deHvered -? lee?
? .?. I Methodist church
??" Mr. Peter in ia sn attrsetivs
?? : iences
Mr. ?? tin, the engineer who
Jumped ? r? iu ids. rtgine on the Petersburg
p?. I v. en the trata
??'<? Bt ; ? roo ato ? '
- ths track, is sresident ??f tuie
... ,m ihe -huulder?.
bui noi - tonal] hurt. .,
? he Committee .?u Btreeta, Mr. James jr.
Bradley elu-rman. held u mi (ting bv.t uight
m u..???> of tho City Lugu?? I
traueartfii eeaaUMgafcle routine buaUMSS.
nireetor of tho Norma' In?tltnt?'?
The Governor veeterdav anfeiBterl Mr.
Thomas <;. Watkin?, of Peteroburg. a
member of the Lourd of Director? turine
Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute
tu-r Captain H. W. Veualile, r? ??.?.?.
?t?-palrlna the Damage?
Many perenna in thia citv. aa well as in
the surrounding country, wer* basil, ?""*
gaged yesterday repeinng the dea-ge dons
by the Btore of Wednesday afternoon.
Our people nuir congratulate themaelve?
that their lo?? was not greater, rio far at
ran he l.-arned there were no casualtic? in
thi? city or immediato vicinitv of any mo?
ment that were not reported in yesterday a
i ho heftvioBl ?damage done bere at anv
one ilia?-?? wa? at the Kichinond tUhemieal
Works, wh.-re one half of the roof wa?
rl and some of the timber carried a
great distane... An examination will be
nule ?hi? m.,mine with a view to a?eer
tninmsr the damage, which ?? covered by 1
?ntrarance. This misliav? ha.-) not at all m
t?rt.-r??. I with ooer;it;?>ns at the works.
Xhe storm was very severe in llenric?,
in the neighborhood of West
Brook", Mr. Qinter's beautiful "eabtaibaa
home. -l*h* dima* black do-ads were fear?
ful to to k Bpoa. The wind, which came
with ;i rush and a we*", took up a cow ttom
one farm and carried ner over to Bloom
. Mr. Milton I k] took farm. A
bull of Mr. Caycefo, which waa
, latore, inatoad of being frightened
1 ind with a liellow began to chase
everything oa tb* plao*. Alter munin**
mules, horses, and other stock over th?>
place the bull d*t?h?ed into a bouse? broke
iture, uud scattered things around
IY mona.? and Itrlef?.
Rev. Dr, H. N. s?,*M, of Norfolk, waa la the
city yesterday.
Tbo I "?irth l'recip.-t Ja'keoa Ward Demo
CIM.I,: (lut) will meet to-night.
Mr?. Th III Bar, the tH>rbly-??t?emed oatmnea?*.
of masteal art tu ibi* country, ?? ?Mittag in
Kl? hm. ni.
?? ? A ,1-len-T ..f Medicine ?nd Surg-rr wtll
m"? t Baal Tarnt lay and not loiiigh", a? ???
?- linead ty ta* carda,
Th ? h"U?i> apee wht.-h ?he roof cf I'l.-knk"? fr**?
tirv !e,l ?Jm ? '.?? tie
Mr. W. A. I??? well.
- ?t*- ? tetad la the rity Circuit Co art
yeiteni- "i?a?"alled, aal fiai was
continu I unni (ti.. neit term.
Mr. l: b?rt (?. Han ??, ?.?.?? dle.l In ??
a f,.-? dry? ago, wa.? a nembar ef tne Way bat
t-?ry of Untili nd ,lnritig the war.
Mie* Matti" .Mm and Ml?? laura Ful-h-r. of
N-tehviUe, ?>??.. are ""tailing BUM ?
ancle, -lames B? vanghan, .ili west t'ai y
The Btate Beard of M-il-al Examiner? flnUh
ed H.e ezamlBatlon ol candida??*? tasi night, and
tlie graduales Will probably be announced to?
> .Sake, -,f \Va.?i!iig(or.- Mr. Harry ?Teak?
r ?lew York, a I Br. wlatBrop "-argen',
? iellihia, aro on ?ustuee? ?
ni- ?. I.
? Mole Orpbaa tart**?? Suade, aftetmooa
next ?? ? Beater "?anda, a?i iluoo mil
.1. Wiicy Bledaoe will
JndfoFU burn, of the ?71 ? .??????
itckaooa Jutge wltl win
rtfoi? limi utitil lio ?? able tu retara to
lite tint
Mr. f. \\irt White, a Western-Union operator
In till? ci:;?, r.i ' :i r:i h- i ? r ui >??t, ? art! i
{? .1; ?tic touraami al la ?tew
\ nueleal r- --it will
?? eiv--i m ? tirtat Spiee- ? ?onday.
ai Vea? ?'ili eeat, second
- : . M.
The reported (>??????'?t?"?*. of the tt? . Dr,
?' rof the < burch o( tt," Epipbaev,
_M m, |i. r., and Miao ^?ry \? ??< ?, da-fb
, ?* aumenta?
Mr. ?'. ?'. Bonlfant, who wa? t.ikin from
Waabloa . . Ulla oreek on a
re,|ui?i.i>iii taaued b,tho .oremor aad tno-l ?>a
u charge 'i -? '?'..., la? boon oorjillttod. ani
? ? il) itordo,oB
turn to Washington,
Tlie Ara.unit ..G ttie Treasurer*? "Mlaap
|-i?" "i ion " In. 11 4 ,? il liy
[By telegrapl
day thai ? I of cou
?? ? boi State Treason r \r? ln-r
I of for 1 ? "???* ?ver
! ? s I bonds are ?
? he commit tee 1 his aft moon made
? ' ? '
ommenda that tho'Attorney-Gen
1 ut once to
rer Archer ? il perform?
an? o ol ? .
find tin tupell 1 i y th? .?
??! olii- d ' '. '
. ill ?ho cm;
thi ir ii ??, with th?? testimony
taken l - them, be laid before the Attorne?, -
General and the IState'e Attorney of Baiti
m? ?,- ci11 ??' , '.?? ,, I that - ach proceed.
? n ne the gravity of ?ho
case demands,
? D 'wnr ommAl? M
They chare* the Treeaurer witli offlcial
' ? e and with repeated misapDrro?
? ' ? ? ind the pro?
ci ? ili of boude ?,??.mein?* toth -
by him, and they Br* ready to lay! u proofs
of these grave ? re Go* ernor
' me aa be may oame for
a bearing after notice to Ar h.-r. Tho
committee have traced ||43,500 worth of
the boi but have not
been able to ?i-c.-rt.iin what b* did witu
it..? rem linder.
MDT*TT.sniV ?' XT.
attori ? -?-('??!.-"-d White said that Qover
; - ? ? ? -t :-. copj of the chargea
nnd a al mes.
senger to ?Treasurer Archer ut Belair, and
???, nr ?.. ? ire bim
? ?,?? an?
awer i" 'I
r,u.ri*:;i.;'. At ril 10, st.-ite.Trensurer
Archer was arr?ete?] to-night at his borne,
'? llazeldell,' 1!<- we* t?*? sick
t,, be r? movi d, and au o? soed ia .
the boo . _
???? ?h lAilence ?if HI? ??, ????|,?*.??(? Itnliliery
of Widow*, Oipliiiii., ?,nil Ig**?
I lilt t ?G??????.
;l*v telegrapa ;?> tee IMepei ??
b ,??.-? ,w. ?'?.., April ?". Freeh evi
if J. Monroe Bhellenbergi r ,
to pile ni?. Not?e
r. presentine al?out .? "?.' ? verehr? tight in
to-day by farmer? and oth'-rs living in the
surrounding country, mid the fugitive law
ver's shortage, il la bow --i ted, will
? :i- h *I2 ?,???. ? bere is no telling where
area will stoii. as eves**- hour I ringa
to light some eriaenee of bis duplicity.
Khellenbergi r's hu Orpha C? ori pi ? -
d opportui
itiuated '.?> hi - - ire, and
be apparei I took rtdvanto-ge oi
auch ? ?
?? ?.?? or roitoiiKr.
; mi --i f >rg***y has beea fas
.-?I Mclntee to-daj pro?
al not.? f.,r ffljtn put?
porting to be signed by J. K. Landis, which
?.. i- g . ,.? bv BheUenbei
security for money advan?'?-d. Lsndla pro.
notuii' M.m.? other
? un.) fraudul-nt ???, u actor ur??
, to b?? tu existent e. N?> definite in
formatii o can be ftbtaitii d ss to how much
of th?? ? -r.?'.? left l.v h;i? ?i?- eoe d ?nife iu
trust for li-r tour buys hge been need by
bought the amount
wUl be large. A meeting of tbe creditor*
h.ia been arrangi d for Aoril lath.
u*v ?**a? un aawnta.
I, which was
! in court on Monday last, inore
vers thi v.due of all th?* property
?? r nnd, ??'???????
itiit-? will therefi m -f.m.l but lil 11- show of
..?.' :i!. rthing at ?ill. John C. J
br -fu?*r-iij-lnw of the fugative. said this
* that be hud not heard from him
directly fir indirectly sines liij disappear?
ance. The f? "hi . ? -'
MO in bitt tu H with euch new nt*?
luti,m of his ui:scri*.|'iilOUI roiiberv of
aud poor ?uL-irant farui
ara. _
A nata* t farla** ????
(Spe.-i.-il tel-tgratu io tho ?i.nit?*?.!
G????.! ?--t??.?. W. V.l.. Alni lo. ???.
.Tentilo Ali-dei fed Hela* Ander?
son, * disappearaae? wae
-????,l.v. irriveil in this city thia
in??m Dg. Bhe re|...rte?l thut she was as
aaalted by her huebaad a f?-w ui?*hts av."?
while stopping al the house of a friend,
< and tearin*? that he would kill her ran out
in her night-clothes und conceal?-?I herself
? iu tb?< wo?,?ls uutil last night, wheu she
? -in,? U?????> in borrowed clothe??, 'ihe ?in
preaaion prevails at Frederick that sh?*? aa?
k:ll"d or had drowned herself, and the
! river WBB ?Ira?.".'ed there to-tlay iu hoi'??-? "f
! finding h??r body. TbJe afternoon she went
?Justice Sol-nan and atvore out a
? warrant lor Anderson's arrest, the charge
being -tsaault with intent to Will.
Nominate?! lor a Seventh Term.
Ksoxvilu:. Ten."?., April 10.? ('<>n?:r????"
man I.. (.'. Houk was nominated for Coo.
gresa to-tlay for his aeventh term. There
was no o'liio.-itioii. ("ougresamaa Tavlor
waarenounnaiesl, hut a faction bolted and
nominated ei-Con-rree-unan Butler.
Simmons Liver Regulator cured me of
general debility and loa? of appetite, -iin.
Aibnuod fif.on, Jfrom^Ori. Pa
our city gas-works;
?1?? to Investigate a? to Their
l'uri -r Municipal Mao?
The Mattssehnsetta Legislature ia eon
I d r ti_ tho proprist** of allowing all of
it? cities and towu?* to manufacture gas and
? here i? no ?*ti<*h general law now. The
passage of one? is atreuuoualv oppc#ed.
The fjaaand eli'Ctri?*-li?ht coniiiar.i??? by no
BBSS-M approve it, but many if not most
of th?? people do.
l' at a ?iu?-?tieti whether seeh works esn
be ratteeescnlly eoadacted by municipal
,-t all the- inf?*rtna?ion pos?? i Me on
thta aad?*M*gnatepointe the joint ('->mnut
tee on Uanuf-ctni*ss ?*4 the taro hos?eewss
ted to vB?t a number of ettleethat
? own th.-ir ?,_?s-aiideleitr?<'-ligiit plant??.
?.R?* (??MMI?T.K nr.B?.
1 - c'tt'.n-.ii tee rea?-lu'<l her? from 11? *a
' ton j esterdsy and took ?iiiarter? at the Kx
change, where they raejsts-ed aa follow?:
? *>f>uatoe* ?. G. laliuer, Minoou Ood"te, -tal X.
?S. Tu-?..?.
li?-i?r->?--ntative? ff, <?. Barne?. T. II. Ceonell,
?'. 11. ; n?.-r. L, It. ?-r.-????, i?'. T. <>iio?lbue. i'. J.
??.??>????? i. il. m. Bandera ami Mr. ? \. ?.?????,
?i inana_r?r ef the BV-t.-u Klectrk- ? ? ???
pan y: Mr. ?'. 1". QreeaoaeB, counsel for th?
Boetoe Ooe-ghl Cocapaa,: Mr. j. l. r-ar-.f-nt.ot
Lowell; Mr. Blmoon i/oOtr*-, Jr., of Weiiliain;
end ?bari*? ??. i arta, aaalataui aergraut-ot
arnis ot m?? Beses*
Me<tRr?. Gilb? rt, Oreenongh, Bargeat. sn?l
Dodge aoooupany tie committee bj invi
. tation.
iiERT". r.croRE.
This committee. Of et a eimil.r com?
mit t???>, ww bere a yeat sg*h
11? ? ??*p? then escorted alv?-?it the city
by Cokmel Bhepherd, of ths Dai ? ?
Company, formerly of Lynn, and byntun?
t >-r- i ?nr offlcialsand by several members
ol the ?Chamber of Comm***-e. ?esterda,
evening tbey wi re recil tente ot like attuti?
ti, in*?, and to-day Mayor Bllyson sad seve?
r.'.l oth? r public spirited gentlemen will de?
verai hour, to thcm. showing ? ben
our gas-works, giving them information
the? need, Ac.
rhisdut.t M leachusetts gentle?
men expe? t to visits number "f ont large
tobs?*ao-fsctories sad other places of in?
tercet, arrangements for which bave beea
ma I?? bj PresidentPnrcell, of theCha-i??? r
Ot t'-.llllll'?.*?'".
To-morrow Doming tbey go t?*? l r?
From Peters! arg the, im to Ah-xandris
end Washington.
Another l'inri?? lini; Afilli?! tlie Hlg
t .?n. cru.
(By telcrra-iU to tb? G!-r?t. h.l
Naw \? be. April IO. Ht-rarv \\ Ini
Ora). ?? ? ? ??, r -,G thi North-Liver .?
Beflning Com ? my, instituted another
pr?. ' ? ? , ? bug ?? ? ? ist. ui
which he niaki ? ?II of the mi ?
BugBr.Ri ' defendant ?. It it
claimed thai ? ? - whip
an I that the deed or agreement m !
which it was organized : ilh
? pronounced by the ? atari ?. ? Ir iy
for an account! ;, a ?
all of the companies In tbe trust, ?
lution ol the trust, and s diatri bu tion ??!
tho ???????-. ? ? - bold t
complaint i? inaufllcteiit ? > constitute .?
? ? r ? ,?:,, dea mi
1 ivi Dot been I i"ii 'hi in, .?nd that 'he
plaintiff hat noi :
In ? iham, ol 'be (Supreme Conrt,
term, beard argument in ths
? ;t?" to-day In ? ipp? rt ??f this d?marrer,
lohn ii. Psrsons,
I thst if th?
: ? waa nn ill?*gal one s receiver
could not secure p
rrsement -
character. I i????. maintained that ss the
North-River Company bad entered the
roluntaril, it ? roeeit -r hud no right
toininr? the partl?*ein tbe trust, Deciaiou
l'he I't?i?t>iier of the ? ?.? InnJ? Make? a
rieaa lln-Hst of Her i'riin??.
lliy telegraph to tin? DtapetcB.]
Ctttcsao, April if). -Knitiiu Btark. a --.-r
vatit under arresi ? , ? with putting
no -n m food -??- cooki u for I
? Ite l m ths death ? ! Mr.
ami Mi >. New'and ???"? the ds
? tildr? n. .'ms made ? full
confession, bines ehe was arrested th??
j*:tl hu-? denie 1 all
tng, but this morning she admitted th I
she put Rough on Rata ini
corn ehe ?--? ?.bio i"r the Newlende'
supper, ?,-,'? ling only to I igth.
s, ????-! i>? put mi sud t"
her existence, hut had no intention of
kilUng the Xewlaade. She at? mi ?* ??! 11??*
corn herself, abe ?ave,but ?! onl]
hersligbtl, sick, and. supposing its effect
?nuld be no mon ri? us on the others,
shes-rvedil for supper. [_e confeeaion
was obtained from th? ;.:rl hv Chief-of.
Police Marah in person. Rhe said ? "I ?Id
not, as,on thine, o tain the place ??
Newland f,.tn,iv srith the premed ? !
plan to kill I .1 piai >?
where I might 1.-1 myself tbat I
ih*? Levee Board Pally Preparad Bas* ISS
l'ina! String?!?? ?? It li tlie *dii>?l??lppi.
[Sp.?,|?l tol.-f-rn-n tu tbe Diep??-h.)
Krw OauuiB, April in.?-The rHcauenar'g
Vii ksburg ? M ?? - : The pt -
? i.t rise at this noiut i? threatening ths
I ouisiana levees from VLIIiln-u Bend
along the ir n ts of Madtaon. Tensas, and
Concordie parishes. Pr?sident Maxw? ?I
*..i? ? the dangi .- *? ?- ? i i he fin m ? Imega a .u'!,.
Il- ?ncHnea ? ? ths bellet that the wut?-r
will hardly go 01 r forty-sii feet bere. Ile
hit y eater? lav, accompanied hv Assistant
? t Bedford's
levee. The 1 I be th? iu
preme criais for the 1 reee aouth of Ome?
ga, aad the Levee Board ta fully prepared
for the final atrngi I nvi-r.
??.? ?.11?G ami ? li le Kuilrouil < uilipttiiy
Award? l'outre? I l--i H? M nu I.Ine?
|h, UM?grapb t? tn? MaosBSBk]
Mtr-Tri ki ?.. A nl iu. The tUreetees of
theOnlfand? lilwar Company at
ting bere t"--i ' the contract
to ? Chicago ' onetrnetion companv, uame
not _iv-?!.. fot the eon itrnetion and equip
meni of the me -in Mobile t.? tbe
Tennessee river. Ih?- specificati-i
fi r r idlit 1 and e-iuipiii-i.t of standard
??. The whole uns, witii -itat?.i.
ahope, round-bouses, telegraph
lines, etc., n to I"? completed m three
\?:ir?. English capitalists are behind ths
undertat '?-. f. 0. Morrick, of Chicago,
1? president.
In the KlioUe l.laud BJ?Bl of Ke*ire??nla?
(liy telegraph lo lue l)t?pat**n.1
rnt-W ?. K. I.. Ajsrij I"?.--There was
an Bzidtingtime in tne Hou** of uaysn?
res to-l.iv. lh?? l?emo?T-**te came
within ?mo rote of ad- pting a #.*? license
? omet and light ?? M*.
Th* B*tmblicana tbnught thia waa i
win Geriiiii-aiii'ri?-n:i votes. Dilatory
tacti?*? wer?? adopt.??1, bv the Kepubli.-ins,
:' whom runout of the Btate H ?
to 1.-ave tii?.? uraiimfily without a quorum
with tbe bheril < hn-nn?? them.
Strike of < ?i' BBSB au?l lirakenian.
[By tel'-g.-aiib io toe IrWT-aivh.l
Bt, l?_ggt, ???p1 in. lh?? tr.-i?:bteon<l(ic
, tors and t rak- meuuf the St. Louis
,,f ti. MM Ohio ladroad have
Struck tor over tiBBB and ?stanilard *t*ag*B>
, rted laid up ?it ?-.parta
? and others - ittswd ?lung the r?*ad. ihe
? engineers and !lremen receive extra pay
f r over tin ?? and the .?'.ductor?? and
' hrakcme? want to be brought in lin?? v. itii
them. ?__?__??????????
The Ule??lng ??? Str??ac Nerv??
1? recoveratile, not br me ?** of mineral ?ala?
tir??, but by a r?-?-?**a-?* to o?ectual ionio treat
meat. Opiat? ? ?nd U?e ?? ?? aboutd only bo uae 1
?? a.1 .liatlei". and Uieu M ?[??ring!y as i*-.-?.
ti-. Vlgin-us nerves ?? ?tatet one?, aad ibe
ui<***. dir?? ?ay ?<> ratidar (lu*m ?au lo relatore?
tii? vital eue?)?* Tbat ?urliug ?uvtgoraoi,
lio?t?Uer ? M.-ma, b H il ter?, will be fouud ail
? n.'ii.???? for ibi? purpta?, ?in-? It entirely re
mov-M ltupediroant? lo Uwroagh dtgeatloa aad
aa*tnillaii..n of tbe tood. a> ibal Ut? body la .u
?uied It? du? amoual of uourutuneu?, aed cua
?a-Vieiitly of ?la m lu a Bbeu alalie landau rl??
aad affeviloa* of tli? htdo?y? and Madder ar?
? U , emuler? lad by tb? tu Ilare. ?bWb t? M
?i.i-?ai'i"-t*aai me.tioiual sumuitnt. InfluItaly
purer irtan (*? raw ? it-tun:? of oommatxm, tro*?
react luj-jr lo nal y ngoa ?*? aerveoa ?vai? ?.
Look to Si mm--?? Liver Regulator ter
re!i--f from all ?icknoso resulting fn-m ?
diseased brer. ^^^^
I'.tlire ?
The police of tho SVeond diatrtet hawa
completed their arrangement? for the en
t?-rt(.nraent to lar giren at the Mozart
Ai*ademyof Moue Tuesday. Apnl 1Mb, at
8 ? .'clock. The programme is the moat st?
tractive that has ev?"r be?-n ? recent M to
th? publie l>- h<?me talent. ? h-< Kev Vtooea
1>. HofO, G>. I?., will '?-?tur-.; enhjMH.
' Running the Blockade.*? Dr. Th-noae
NeLson 1'iu.e will recite Batsettoae from his
vror_s, and Professor Jacob K-nnhardt haa
an?,n?ed a moat sttractive ninaieal pro.
t-r tMiiii?, and MB sweetest ainffor? will
neve an opiKtrtunit, to ?ing to b Tari;? aad
appreciative audience. The n-iisie will \>n
direotexl bv ProfSBBOV BHnhsnlt, who has
beOB BMfgettS in hii effort?? t<< make tha
eoMBft a SUCessS. In another e-liimn will
lie ?eon the pr-grani me. The l>oi-om?*e
will b<*opened April l'.th. Mon.
dav Hth. and Tueadsv 1-th. for the ex?
clmng* of ticket? for reserved ocaUwitb.
out extra chart:?'._
He who ?????? n.onev rather than ltfbs
one with impure blood ami no ?. B. 0,
llr?t nt the ?-?????.
Soft-Sh'll Crabs st Wffl-MB Rouget*?
Beetaurant. ^^^^^
Uleh Silt er-Plate.1 Wtmtt ,:if???-Der
? lor 1??. Tahle ftillerv. tiron?????. Be
The sales of the above pood? tv-t-nr st
10*i ?. M. sad? P. M. dailv at mi ai'--i.?n
\\ ? ?? , Aud loneer.
I ? l?andolph literary Bo?*?****"** of tha
?ten's Christian A***?<*-cMtit-*a mid the
Mi Siu'i'in RhO N-i-i.-ty of Hi.-inn.,tul I'oU
lag* will hold a competitive debato in th?
l'olle*??? i'h.ii'cl !?-iii.;!it *t I lj o?lavk.
Transparent G''*i*erine Soap, 45c a
Hlue Caatil?? Boa**?, Me. a lar for th;e
Wi ? nlv at Uoutt'a l"ru?'store, 1?>?*ob4
aud Main._
The ?v? Catalogue
containing new t??etira m?ale from parties
wbo have uae.l th? Virginia Arsenio Water
is now readr. We mail it on .implication.
L G. I'.o'vr.
Second and M nn ?treet*.
-I.e. Iti Daily ?-all??
ot Fine Sit?, ,? ?.vin?. Ten Set?, ".?ai????*. Ic*
Pitchers, Clocks, Brtmaes, lablavare of
all kind? at IP? ?> V. M. and 5 I'. M. 'i.uly at
my auction r?- m?, !i Ninth ?tr???!.
?iioi.iiK. W. Mito, Auctioneer.
Soring i? tb* ?????? Of Iif?? to begin
ri rot, and you cani be ?i""?; ?n uaing A.
l?. G. Alterativi fot tbe 1?'-??.??.
l'ir?? of t .?? s.-it??in.
Soft-Shell Crabs at William Reugeri?
Virginia ?rcenle, 1'r.imi-aa, and 1.1
The price of f h? above wnte.' ha? been m.
M **>.'..&?? per ease? i*"M by all drug.
gists aud by 11??? ??'? >iu\i un ?a .
l? G. Km it.
Second and Ma.? strocia.
I bavt? -?..? ?,?? *M?iNB??er ?lu. ? t*. tiMNten
ut ?>'? th? market. 1 BOMBOS It ha? gi?u?rellf
glrnii ?alt?f-irit.?ii aa alS-tsaai blittxl ? inner.
l ????! c- ntiinie t.? asari it m sbbsBsb i'Utes
a Juman 1 tor It.
l. WniNBa, Iiiuaeut,
< asnee stata ani iii.?a?i ?im t.
auassatag aaeaiame for punirlo? th? Mse?
an ? Beeui?yiBg tu?. ???|?? stse, ai line ?llitOO?
tioa ani Betti g MS VSfSI ??????? ef .t-o
poptia, ani for all kvln.?*? li BBtSS BBS TM or.
bono?KuutM ???? AssssM Brama \v*i?a.
There to su artMs ef BoaeoBeM u?? wtueh it
? > Imp. rant to obtain gen iln?? SS l'tatt? Aurei
tu!, so la lo aQaaottoe et aalet, So iti?? ?u-i pit?
perir, 'l'ut? public ars if?u>-ra?ly familiar ?Itti
UM ?uate-1 i*?n* ef th? BIOBS?Bl IBISta. BOB HiO
uiiiiiist cautlou l?atl?l*? 1 lui)in^ .'rum tu?
baust _
? mmmm?mmmmmmm?mm ? pi)
. ? ?.? ? ?. BL, fTO-BO ?tor?, at the
?.- nn ?u?t corear ?f lareatj "'fu. sai < lag
atre?*., alni Iwe fi?m? t- :?????. aStS a?kttu?
in ;.
JAM ? it. li. \M. ?. ". M.. rrn-k r-Mlilam-e aad
?.?- ?.?, -'.?! .??! Prank Ita atreea
_. .? . \ I I I *? IP, M., tari--? or w frani? <tw?ll
Church um. i.??'??? -n ? ???uir-ier-oiiu
end I??.. ???? ??,??? ?tn ? ?
VI ti I'? I Bei l'i. ? '.' I' ... tw? freme
????-?!???? tctueen Church ani l'excrr. ir
JAMIs ??. KI.AV. ? G. ? , BSW?-??-??fBtfc
? lei.???, et ?? 'f ' ?? ut? ?*>.-Milli ???? ?
stre.. s, ???! ? lei ou Twi-nl?? ???.-.iitU
?I -.--.-r?.?.
?.?????\;????\ BKoWB .? ??..*? r. w., apaw
l'.-ii-e ifi! ?-, tu--crn-rof ??????<1 ani ??'.??
???,.? ?, -i.i ,?.? irl, k?, ?eCuii-1-i.aiid
iiiiiifH-r, doors, eta?owa, .???.
B. u. BOWK, SB I'- ?- um: Una lutat the cor?
ner"' Bala aad ? im ?irui?.
11*. Np ? . ? . ? M a. *.f., n?w and
? ?-?...??? fornitura
WIII.MVi .liiNMNs-SuM, It-Ol'. it.. tana.
na?. I*!iif?i!s. ?'
J. Il VAL-tTINB, 1?V A. U., chamber ?ult,
i i? !.. i. kiaage. ? iirialit-rod?, Ac
? "?? " ' ? i i*?*****-***u
They'll Win You.
?' THE BO0T? ?? -M a atoreful of bea?
tifai Clothing !"
Voti can't go atnise in our stock for ?
Spring Overcoat you'll like. First, for
style ; next, fur the custom-tailored look
and lit it ; next, for the coat
Sec "jnc 0K?atei
?a??.?G.? ami llFMIM-DOU-?l
g?*let ; tl??? I-? n\ YAI.IFS in the Stata
Tho ?inly helmsman you'll n??e?l sniong
? uir Spriii? Suite ia which particular do.
sii/n you'll lik? moot You'll like more
tlian on?-. Which most? Still, that
?.Ica-in?* uncertainty BMiiros you of the
one you like m any event.
Vou'll tuktj e?_ual courage from oar
The Boston.
OPPOSITE ???t-omcE.
-z=^ - :
New Goods,
New Styles,
New Patterns
CU?ITISUf TO ?? OUK LUDI*?) attkao
A. k L Gans & Co,,
?? usi Mi? mm.