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THE RICHMOND DISPATCIL 95Y THE DISPATCH COMPANY. Tka DAIaV DWATC1 I? e-?lverad t* inb scnbem at urns? oat**** per aeak, i*y?M? to **.? earner ??-??Air. Malle* al t? par anno m; fl far tax -aonih?; |U0 1er ttrae -aeotn?; Wo. lor ?a? mor.?*. Th* SKUl-WKSIUT DISPATCH al SI G?? an? a?na, or |l "ar six laeatha TBe IV Bftk IT ?laPATi-n kl 11 per annum. The Bl'ltDAY DIsPATCB -4*?.**0 V? aonum, or 75?. for ?i? meati?* Baliaf-rtptfea? la ail ca??* paysV.? la ?'vanea, aa?1 a? onpnr Mila???* after Uta ?xplr ?Boa of Un? Urna pate for. tan* ,.*?-*.. e ?., oo*y nrdar, cttaeg, em t**iatat*d letter. (urr?o-j ?aat ay mall wBI b? at th? rtak ot tb? ?ander. f***b*i*1t*r? wishing tbelr p?aVi>ffl'*? changed a?',?i gtva .hoir old a? w*ll ai tbelr a?w **-<**t ?meo. BaaafBB copine tre? ADTEBTl.aiNi? RAT*C\ nti r ISC* OB u? ?Uma.? W Kirne?..".Ill?) SUB??.H"*) SOm??.II TO MUitta?....m_ S ?p I avontt. .S S M) S meal*?.S? <"* Hi?4ii{ arti. ?? In raadlog-raaiter typa, ??? Boa? or lee?. tu ; lo aonparlet leai-i, tv. Card of rat?? for mor? ?pace furti?!!*??* oo ap *-.ll?*aUoa. AHl?rtt*r*and talrtgram? mint te a*?r????el aaTUB DISPATCH COB PA XT. B??act4*il -?B-aunlt-aiiOl?? will no! la re turottd. FKIDAY.?G?.?G. 11, 1*00. Exemption-Onre Mor?*?. Wa are ini linci to think thai the Nor? folk l/mdnuvk did not read as carefully a? it eenerally reads ?roch articUs onr leading (?Mlitorial of th?? fir-t of tbi? in..nth on the nilijeet of ei?*mptions allowable tiudor tbe Ptale t-.institution. We say this onr Norfolk cm temp? ?rar ? 1ms ?, any of the farte mentioned in that article, but for rea-iona which will proeeutl.v (-]. pear. A few days ago we said : " If exemption? n<>t nfM Tied in th* Con? stitution are ootoatitutional despite tb* plain language of the Conetitation to tb* eontrary, theu bo future State convention to revise the ?Constitution need trouble it? self to try to proviti?? tor equal und nniform taxation, the lan?us;.*?? of the present Cou stitiition b*big entvirttlj iinambignous, G??? this little parairraph the lMiidinark eornmentsas follows: "The praetjcal difficulty i? that tho de? risions of the ("ourt of Appeals <!?> in-t agree with tlm vi'-w.? of tb* Dispatch. That ?'? -nt hold? that exemption* i?r>- constitn? ti-'iinl. Neither tbo opinions --f lawyer nor editors hav.? th?. nif. .t ,,f ., decision of a docree of court if th.-v did th?. Bnpwme I'.-nrt wiild be ? ' ? ty day m tbe Mar, ll ??.,?-?. ? is limply what is the law t " We think that "iir Norfolk contemporary ?s wroni* iu f*BppaaL*Be ? hut the Supreme (,'ourt of Api-.-uls of Virginia Iibs cvit fi-rinnlly tl. ? ?.1? d the QUeetiOB which is Involved in our liitlo piirajirnpli above ipiofi-d. One of the ino-t d!"tbtg*BJah*d lawyer?? in Virginia tells ns th if th? re are but tw?> der-iaiunaof our Cunt of Appeals (?-?> far as he recali? th.-iu' directly in lK>inl--to wit, H'?'?*rtm?o?4 rf. Mantgy, ?? liikir, 3.*) (Jratt.. ?1.17. and fgtm af tuoni',? tt. fMBBSfMi other?, 7? Va., 325. Wa? the Bjae*t"oa nn br ? ?n-nd'-ration riiilly decided in cither of tboaa eaaesl In thefirst of them Judge MofM ti-.i. did not sit. In fact only four judges aat in thut ?r?*?*?*. .Iiidr-e Axnaaso-i in hi? opinion content!. e?l for th"lir.'.id proiiositioii tbat ttMBBWBI rolimitt?? the power of tii?? A --? t?> grant exemption??. Iu thai opinion Jutlge 4*HBisru?4 concurred, twAngg BrAVUB a**> ???al-vf, and Judge Hhuks in a brief state? ment, whileeoncurrinj: that the exemption might be granted in tlio particular cuse, and for the r< ii-, ms hostales, declined to ggmamuny opinion "wbeAhet or notti.e power of exemption und? r lh?? Constitu? tion is without .limitation, and ext. ???-1 ? property pot-rally withiu the uncontrolled discretion of the lx??"i.slatilre "? -?R>iti?* further, "*? ih? ?pienti. ?? is a verv gru?. ?-?-';-?, and ui the view I Ink??, ixod not be tli-rided iu tli?? prc-??iit oaB*.M So that tli.iii'ii th?* particular question was decid-d. th?? ??>???p?1 ?|ii< Mnm we are discussing ?is u?.t ?i. ? id; I. JgtgnMogu fSJBB*? on repeat, did noi Bit in tbo cane; Judge ?t??'1-ui ?lis-ent.-d; ami Judge Urina concurre?! in deciding only th. < g . before tit*? court. We. do not reooUeel exactly what thai- question was; tut If il was whether the St.-ite could en mpt liei Uiudsfrom t.iXiiti.ui, a judge un*"lit well decide it in the ?iffirinativv on tho ground that the (Orist'.tut.ou pr ?vnhs that all property u-?ed ?x< lu?ivcly for State pur? poses may b,? exempted. We quote ??ur lawyer-correspondent : R?> in the second OmOU ilootmof DansmTAt :. Judge Uoneure waa al m tit isen "('. Virginia, \mgO '?'?. after title paifi*, aiul the not?.?: "Jfidj.??? Mornure did not sit iu nuv of the caaes reported ia ihn volume. He di.-d oa the 'Jlth dav of Au? gust. A. I>. MB?.*1 ? N.?r did Judg? Btaples f.t In tbia eaae,though bia abaontx wmim*4 noted by Ike reporter. I presume th? ?.rder-l'o.k ot the C ?uri of will t-h-.w th?? fact. There ?were ont three judge* sitting ?n il.?? ? .i-<>. Judge ajader? o?on in his ?,iiini,n r? ?t'-ia!???! hi ri*wsex ?uensaed iu tn? first eaae, au.I -fudge ?Onria tmn concurred with linn. Judge Burks " coni*urr?il in the neaifa" only, und is therefore not committed tithe pr?, positi, io aaserted bv.ltid?.'?? ?i!ideis,,n,tl d tbe Legia ki'.Mie had utilimited power to exempt. Bo that ll) but ii .?! ? the de.-i-inli that the Legiabtturewaa witlntif restrio tK?n in respect to exemption ?ai the dees? eioa ot rteofudffetnw,!?? in a court constitti tiouaily compoeed ol live ju-lt-es. ? Books-Trie D-t-ls? Tho BOMBS t'onnnittee on Fo-?t-0fBce?5 and Foet-Koads hiving ugn-etl to report foTorably s lull to asi lini?? from the mails as aecond?la?a matter all the various *' lilirarie?" and publications ?-? lik" na? ture, eniiira?mi: compii ti? iiovoIh ami ?>?? ? r Work? which are BOW BO pOgS?ST Sfttb the people, the publishers of these ??-????? are endeav<>rin_ to euh n publie opinion iu behalf of tht contin?an? e ol the law a- ,t i? and ae It ta now oouetrue?- If nom? but g.?t?dj ur valuabl?? booka were thu?? BSU( through the inails we should favor a law allowing put'?sutrs to Bead tli? in with? out having to date th.-ui as if they were eerie!?. Wu like to advocate whatever measures ptOSBtSS to euhgbtea the miudo of the mu-.e- and thua im? prove aud ?levate the ? ??iiinunity. The c??>mmitt??e whieh ha? iiu-r ? t ;.i r< pc.rt in fafor of the bill a?x?ve referr?*?l to wa? moved h, a deatre to exclude from the mail? the I_MBBBb4b and tens of thouaaxuls of trashy publication? which are u?>w car? ried from BoalO? to florida ami fnuu New York to ('.ilifoiuia. aa if they wen l>ul?lu-itti"us of valu??. It wa? BOSSI in? tende?! Bf the franiti** of the postal law-, aa thev now stand that Looks should be rarru-ii i?y the NeMMke DeportaMMi aa if they w?re tWPAAui in good fai.h utonthl, or weekly. The expedient of dating lx?ok? a.? if they were ??rials lius Ud the PoeWOfhee Hepartment into the practice of carr.? mg book* under false pre. tencea. We nay, th? n f.ue, that either the law ?hould bo chati??<l SO an to bring booka within the t?_un of the law as the-e Were inW_dt?4 to be eonetmed, or book? ahould be carried in the maus t-ul.v ae mer ehandi?e. If any mean? can be devued of excluding dealh-?leali__ dime uowU 1>???? the mail? and all.?wine all raluable books to be uarried. let ua hare auch a law. Wo have supplied our patron? with thousand? of meritorious books?with the works of some of the moat durtinguiahed of au tbors?aad hope to be ablu to continue the good work- but we cannot *.??- that it u out duty to encourage a continuance of tbe condition of things hereinbefore men? tioned. _ Tbe Miaaissippi-Kiver Problem. Among the msny "problems" which are Bow ?waiting solution not oue is more im? portant than the Miae_>*ippi-ri?er pro? blem. Tbe Chicago Tribune says oo this subject: "Tbe true solution of this problem was pointed out long ago by Captato Cowdeu, of Mew Orlesua, in hi? phut to enli-rg?? the OttUrts in place o? ?-alar.i.- the basin Itself, which to the ?t-?????? of the lerne systesn. Instead of exncetins* the river to discharge It* water to mu g ? an inaunVient ?tutte* Vii mil??? in length ! below New Orleans, ho recotnuieudc<l making an mu Ut ??ix or aoven mile? I in length onl ? from a point near the battle-ground in New Orleans into Lake ! borane, through which there would l?o a quick end steady outflow, as in ordinary stage? the river is about six or ??ven feet lii.-hor than the lake, and at present it ie probably twelve or fifteen feet higher. It wa? also proponed to tup the rirer ?till further tip. near Plaqueunine, and carry off a ?OStl OB ol the water down lato Atohata?sra '???, and meanwhile the Red river micht al?<? be tapped above its junction with the Miasiacippl and carry off it? ?iirplus in the same direction, thus rsUeviag ths main river. Then? run be no question that Captain Oowdnn's outlet st-i-m i? the correct oae. Mote tbaa thi?. it i? the only one that offecr? any real ?prospeet f?f re 1..-1. ? he levee system lia? Ix-eu tried for nearly forty ? oars at the ooat of many millions of dollari?, and baa never prevented the spring overflows when the mighty river nses high. On the other hand Ebe, have ?Uatlilv grown larger and inoro d<?. strootive. It h worse tana folly to con? tinue it any lonc?T. Its failure has never been mor?? ooaspieu- asly d--m'instrated then now. It will require very little Uns and iin.rmv to make a ?nthi-i? nt cip? r? aaaalaltost of Captain Oowden's plan, and Congress ought not to hi ? ; -to ordering it done. It i? criminal foil? to waste any more time or money ou the mud banks." An Electno Plant. Tn the F.'hHyr of the JNBBBial ' You hold fin common trith tbe writer) that the cities sbouiil own the natural m?? n'-polie?. pas-works, water-works, et??., and under this head mav very properly be in? cluded electnc-light plant?. The us.? i.t trater-power for running el ?-? trkvligbt macin?i?: ? iu tin? chuinte is far ensenes and mor?? reliable tbaa anv otli.-r, and our citv now h-a th?? opportu? nity of BSOSrtaa ?tt ? v*r\ Beali cost on?* nt the most aia-labl?? sites with splendid wafer-power for tl"? setabltsbinent of inch n ?'mt. Tli?? Bower ? ampia, tbe founds tiouH areali lai Y and tbe location iscentrsl. 1 refer t?? tin-sue of the tl-uirinill nt tiie coruer of Canal and Twelfth streets, E_n*B1 I.. Srier.---. Mr. P?TT'Tt*****' batrodnoad luto the Citv C> uncil ut its inst meeting a reeobatkai lookiui: to tin- ???.'.iblibhineut l?y tbe city of a plant of its own. The city father? will ehooss between tho available ?it*?.. Tin- oa? Nd to by Mr. St ?purs may be segood asany. We leave tho d?cision of that ????. -.tion to tho Council. __________________________ THE MUf.DCR OF CADDALL. Kxclteaaeat i'?ni?"l by Hie Aunuunt-ement o? Arrest. [t-fecta! t??le-r?m to the Dispatch.] O-BBS-ISMBI BO, VA., April in. I '..n-?ili r ableexcitement orasoanssd here this morn bt tbe sunounoement that the murder eraol Mr. Oaddall, the I'nla-ki ir? had been arrested near town. Bnt meagre |.iu ticiilnts can be obtained, owing totne faci tbal tbo arr?-??>? were mud?? about 5 o'clock thia morning nnd tbe partial bar ried oil to PulaskL it seems, however. that an BlTBOl of ? nian bv tho iiaiii?-?.f Smith hud been made in Hint county, who confessed that he was with the party who did the thing and gave their names. The ofloen could noi wot t due to th? irwhere abotits, but it imv :?;??" ?;.- thut they have beea her?? la our mi?st for tbe past wet k. On Tuesday one ol I; a mea asm? d Vsnghaa exhibited a gold wat-h to a who told it to In? emplover. Thia circum stati?-??, with a description of th?* man, reached the saia o4 the Pulaski offlt?ials, woo ?ame at ???.? and stade the arrest. It Is said that the watob bas ben i-lentified us the "ti?? whi >h l> Iimgi d t ? Mr. l'addali, and that a ob?*ob for iwenty.flve dollats (which be had at the timo b< was killed) was also found in the poeeeasion of Vaugban. ? he i-irtv e insisted of three men and two women, but their names, ? \. cent that of Vengbaa, could not be aso r? tamed. __ IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES. The Baaeisl of tv. ??. -t.nM.-i, (Corrc*_>o_iltine of the l.'Ich-ir-tiJ ]*in_>ah?-.] PBRBUBRa?, Apnl 10. IBM, The funeral of W, ?. Tappe, took ptaee this afternoon fron the Beoond i*resbyterian ?????p-??. It- v. B, K. NN ititi oficiatina. The ? burcb w.v erowded, and amon-those prt?s?-iii wer?? manv members of se.r.t ordera here, ri presentati ves of the Chamber <?f Commerce and the Young Men's Christian Association. Tbe musie wae very beautiful. Mrs. John ?. G1?'? ??atita, of St. Paul's church, Rlebmon 1. sana the Hria bom Elijah, "Oh, Reel in the Lord." The remains were interred in lllandford cemetery, Mr. Tappi ? hada verv successful tur? er here. He was a hard worker nnd a verv intelligent one. ?I?? began Ufa in Petersburg aearty Hit, reara ago ae e blacksmith, and his smithv was on Washington streel "U t>, situ of whieh he afterward?! creeled his foundry. Petersburg 1ms never had a belter citiz.-n or a more valuable one, Most of thu members of dis family were present at the funeral thia afternoon, tin.? ??f hie daughtcra, Mr-;. Dr. Prank (fines, ?f Corsienna, l'ir... was unable to roach the city intime lor the lun? ral. SOCIETY'S SURGE. ? Brilliant 4.?miau in IVter?burg;. ICorraspoiideii'-eof tho I'lebmonl l)!*pntc*i.l I-rn-r.siirKa, April K>. UM 1'uder th*?iirection and onatieronagi of Mrs. (lem-rul William Mah roe and all John Medili ? brilliant german waa given at Library Hall to-night. The -?.ration?. i-tuii??, at. Bud wi -?" errai ?ad by a distinguished florist and d? eoralor. Among tho-. whd were present w.i- alisa BUennan, daughter of Senator * ? mau, of Ohio, in whoae hon? r, It is un? derstood, th?? affair wa* mainly arranged. Those pixrtioipating in the german con? stituted a brilhnnt array of thi folks la this section > ? Virginia, ?"here were also M-;t,'i- from other States. The niu.-n? was l'u?i.islu d bj act*??? Hilly- at ?? cted orchestra. an?l it wu- in..?, ,.??',?? fine. ? teature of th?? event was the magnificent supper, which wa? BBPfdied by ? well, knows caterer. This german waa some? thing of a novelty b.-r.?. The ezpenaei wer?? all boruo by Hie TOBttg ludi.?, sud tli.ire-seorts wen doli e-,. ,,ru d io Library Hall by lui? tuir:-st ai..! gatti lami of miti,!..un. DICKENSON COUNTY. Iff UM troni I'llntwootl -tir? en-i.oml?, Ac. (Corre?pouileuc?i>f the UlcUinouJ lii*]>ati*hl O-DtrwoOO, April H 1 -William Vaiwvsr, commissioner oi tbe re\? mi?*, was mai ned a short time S?BCO. Mr. Van over M neai esventy-ysen of sgs and lost bis first wife about two ,< imago. Tbe bride \?._- Miss Oassis MaxwsU, of W itlltV. Deputj united Btstes Marshals MoFall ami Cm arrested thres moonshiners oa yaatardaj ubo were m the aot of operatili?* ih? ir distill ;> "U the far ?ule of tli?? t-iitiiiiv. They bars not yst hail a hearing before Commi si >m r bu b Tba Democrats un- iub?ant ?-ver the Kcutiugof Joba \. Buchanan In ?????tG??? 'I'll?-? aggravating Irregularities of the ?till prevail. There i? a great deal of ooaapleiat being Diade, and it iato be hoped that something will bo don?,. Ulne*? i-f ,1 tillan McLaughlin. fS.'oei*. t.-u-cran ?.? the t?i?i-?*--ul InillT-TlT, Y*.. Aj'til I1?. -Private infor? mati,?u received here ??-da, reports the ?f .!-.. ?. . William IfcLaagblin, of th?- lhiftci nth itnlii-ial circuit, who was taken suddenly ill while balding conn at Harr.soiiliii' .-cot parti!v*?is ami that his ?-?iiidition is dam*e*rOua. Much eo licttude for his safety is teil I I'urcliHio of Iron Lattile io Franklin t tiNllly. B-rroot?on_?nce ef tha ??- nm._ 1 IMipetchJ los-KT MontT, V*., April S, 18*J0. A nundt-r of Hoauoke capitalists have ?ecured valuable iron property ten miles from this place, ori one of the surveys of the K.iaiiokt- and ?Southern radroad. HEADACHE proeeert? from a Torpid I iver ami imi uriti-?? ot the M.-i-e?-?, and o-u be Uivariat-ljr cuimmI Ii you ?111 oui, Let all ?bo suffer r?-_?_iber tbat Sick and Nervous Headaches Caa bo piOvooU-il aa auoa aa tr.cir -inapto?ia UiJu ?t<- tbo coning of an atta k. "I use BimnioD* I.lver Kefuletcr ?vb?c troublod ?erio-??? wltb -o?davb?e .?eu*e?l b, t'on?ttpatlr?n. It i?rvJuce? a fart-rat?!? result wit.out bin lerlne mv rrmiiar [?urani?. In bii?l BW"-W. W. Wna?*, Di? Molu??, lone. aull-I*JS_,W*? OX TIIE_EUZABETH. GOSSIP OF YESTEROAY IN NORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH. Tha Navy-Yard?Another Fraterniiatton of the i.ity and th? Bin? -Norfolk a Heallby Towu?Other Noi???. (Ci*?*T<*e*-?*-ri<l?B<*e ef th? Kl'-hm.-nid DUpatch.] Nosroi.g. April 10, l-'.*o. The health of Norfolk is evidently gTeut lv ??'i.roviug. There w.-re .,nly -.??venty t-A...i.-Uhs in March, which 1? cons.dera l.h In low tbe mortality of previous year?. 'Ibis favorable condition of th? health of th?? citv is doiiLtl4**B attributable to tbe Wann?,? avstctnof ?sowaeeostaiili-h???! ? several vctr? BfO and still being *Xt*nd*d to all patte of thecity. It i? fair to ?ay the h? nit h re.-ord of Norfolk will now co upara favorablv with that of any seaport on the Atlanti* totttt and valetudinarian?? fr m the North for nmroni winter? huv.i axp -n enced tho beni'h?'nl cffi-its ot ?' Bt this pott andpreferred it to going lir ther South. A DrST-BVKU G??G?.?????. afa] or L. M. 11?nry hr-.s I-? n pre.-idnit of the Buameea-Men'i A Bon, a recent organi?ation lor the proino the commercial aud oth?-r ko of tina section, particularly in the line of souring new manulrcturiug euterpi this vicinity. A ?? UAROK. Thelarjestbarge ever built on ?his bar- | Lor th.? Dixie, oliabout.1.000 Ions but I? ? wa? launched to-dav, and will be engaged | in th?.?'-oui trade Cor ? BdKOB linn. dcath or a rnomsE-vr cin/.::\. William I'.. huis a prom.?*?, ?>? rinea*. man ?? ? ,r ??lit in the plumbing bu Ini s-, died getterd*y from oonaumptirrn. ? > ? ??: e?????.a?.?. it. BBBJTO named Randolph Pet4*>rson is in jail for burglary committed in Bichmond, awaiting th? arrival of ani*>ffieer bum tbat city. 6*?F.AR-Ti!ir.vr?, BAltO?*** The polios "t both cities bAve made quite a haul of saeak-thieves lately and tbe ?ails arepretty wall filled just now wil ? character.?. A SOCIAL SrCCTH.(. Th?? r?'iini"*i ban |U0l of Bl ? >n?'v?-a!l f'amp. Confederale Veterans, in l'ort-on'nith, 1 ,-t nicht, was tne first -iuc il organisation, six years-??t?. and was en enthusiastic no? eta] BBOoeaa. The thrilliuc incidents of the war related In theaddreeee*of Mavor E.M. Henry, Mayor J. T. Raird, Judge 1. H. Qar n,t-, Judge C W. Hard m "h, Captain l?. 0. Ilarabaifi?aad other*, need tne old Bold**!* and mad?? the reunion a ? rv bapnj ocasi?n. The ofBoen of rarragut l'o?t, O. A. IL, wen- gnest* of the camp, Hnd their fraternal hpenches wero warmly applaud???!. ?GG???? WITH ???.???G,? ???'???, The fun crai of l'ufi;? ?. McCoy to ?'? place in Portsmouth thia afternoon. He was buried with military honors, TB*S Hundreds of ??? Itors Bl* at Ihr? navy vard daily to see the bis Oruiser Ball m the Simpson ?iry-d.n !.. BATT-TABS I?i.Rs'iN'.r.a. (On inodore Weaver, of tbe yard, is in WaabiBgtoa wills Ins fami]**, and Medical Inspei tor Marmlou, of the yard, is m ? .-, York. ??? KAW-VARIi VOi.V?. There are now MO men on the navy-ynrd rolla. _ STUCK TO HIS POST. More About th?. Train Km ape on 111?? ltlch nuinil an<1 l'?-tci-?liurg Boat!. [Corret?i? the-Kli'l.iminl Dispatch.) Panaaatiao, April 10, 1890. 1 h-? local train ?a????? let! liichmon 1 \- - t? i-la\ aft,-rn-iou at ,'ll.'? Inn-1 haVO had ? narrow ?-.-up??, judging from the account iven hi passengers. The wind was rerj high hire at tbe time tbat the train wss due, and whan the engine? r lumped from th-train near Swift creek in order t? avoid t be results oi a collision with a tree v. bleb had fallen rt4***oBS the track there w*s avi ry t- r??*wn to apprehend a terrible disaster. The Degro fireman, who stuck to his post, WBS i>-,? ;, 1,1 by an*paaeengera.who tookupa subscription and presented bim with ?ittite ? Mlbstai'tial pu ?????.. Th?- Si M m Was of tin? wor?t ever experienced her*. Tbe clouds were s ? In-,ivy that tiiero wa-s alini.-t entire darkness at l P. M. The ware enveloped in clouds of do t, tree?- wea* blown down, and in Prince (Jtootgo oounty it ;i reijmted that eon siilerable ?lainage ?avi- d one t-? fruii tr?.-. Several houas* w?re also unroofed, ami ni:?,." tiler tbe pepi- of tula seotioa ar> *?f*r*ed tbat such a storm has not been f? ? here for many a y? ar. WERE THEY INCENDIARY? An Inveotigatioii Into tlie IVterahurj. Fire. [Correspondence ot tho Klch-ond Dlspefd-] P-t-B-BUBO?, April 10. ISBO, Th?? disastrous iiio vvhu-h ooourred her?? eariv m November last waa,in the opinion of insuranoepeople in the North, ilii?- to the work <>f incendiarie*?, Deteotivea were therefore ssnt here from Biebmoi from New York, Imt the BBOSt imiu tn us jiolico investigation lulled to develop miftieient evidonoe t-o warrant an arr.-t. I' - ? ty, h rwever, tin* city has bei carde?] with postara signed by tbe ?'??*1 Vor. Underwriter-' Association offerings reward of ???? for the detection of I c ? diaries or for information which wnl lead to tht ir -Reata MM OPRINQ HUMORS, whether It. hii... baratflfi ' bloee.BB, ?, a!?, crust???!, i.iinpir. sr Blown, wti'-tuer ,-f tti? BUa, ?call?, or Dlood, wnh lo?? of bair?wlietber slinpl?, ?t-i'ufuloui?, 01 Lore.lilarr ir.iti iuf.tu.-y to as??, an? now' ?(?oetlilv, pernia? li, ot*,, ami oeoaomicall, cured by u?at greaieet ?? all knowu Liiui-T cures, Ibo (uticura Resolvent a ?kin and bltx?d pn.rlfl??r of Incora ??-??? purity and eiiialive power. Au auSBB ?lOllfd opoclBo of ?ortd-wlilo celebrity. Bnttr??!, vefe'.able, ?af?. luuo? "nt, aud palatable. Effect' daily nui * Bi Ml <-ures i>f ?kin, ?i.-alp, aud 1.1.--1 bun all uitiur ?mn ani blood rrui?dn>? Before the puMl?*. Sal? crosier than tbe combtnod aai??* ??( all tuner bloodai.d ?kin remedie?. f?eld every?ber*?. Price?**? I'ottkb Dkuo ABB CnB-uui.tOttriiB-TioM, lit-etoa. ter" Sand for ** How tw cur?? **??1?? Humor." UMORS l nib 14-1 * 1 -??AmhJUMt ) ?tB-BTINOB. M" AKONkV ? ? G ICE.-niEjT mu-ib?re of IKIVK L(il??._. No. ;.l,XX A. t-. -ltd A. M-, ?111 atlend a ?tated coin? ^ Diualcatinu ol their Lodge at SU Alban* Hall, ??orner Main and i turd ?trenta, on THIS (FrMaj KVi.MMl, \\ rll llih, ai7 o'clock. J*t*inr**?r? r?f itst?r ludjtea and transient brulbron fraturu-lly iillltxl. U y erter of tbo W. M. ap lilt_It. T. AIT.'. ST, '.* rt?tarr. rpilK MEMBERS OF FOUKTH 1 PB-CIBOf JACKBOltWAltD t'Ll'B are most urgently rot|!ie?te?l to att..uJ to? recular weekl, uie-elltic of ihelrt'l-b ??-????? ,?? .1-1), April Util, at I iV!?-_. Itu*li,?es of uu ?iuriau,*e demani? tbe altouUou ? ? ?vor, ineui ber. by enler of tho Pr->?l*ont spll-lt BOBKNT WYI.IR.Sei'retiUT. A GESEUAL MEETING OK TU ? _V S'lt)CKUiJL??BRH ?* TUB R1CBM??ND UNION PA*?B*?__K-BA-_WAY COMPANY ?ili be he d at it o'clock M. ou Uie G.*t_ DAY to *<AT, l!*vn, at the oiB.??? of tbe essapsarr, ??. MB Hank etr-?ot, la the city of BteBBBOad, for the pui l?>*?< of autbortziDS a cobvm*??uo? nf tbe pro? perty aud rrancblaee ot tblo com pan, to the BtaamsS?I ?tuiway aud i?ectnc i.ttupany and of acliug uptei ?ucb other nusiuoa* a? uia/ l>? briugtt belare the moetinc. lr ,r.ler ol Ui? Hoard of DlreeWtra. apll?Kl _ BtBBOB POT-BL. Secretar,. NOT1CK.-1 AM DIRECTED BY Uie Hoard of kiaaaaer? ot th?. TUBACC- ? THAI?-OK 1 UK ?. ITI ?>!' BK li-OND. VA?, le call a cenemi me.-tinj of tbo ?ai 1 T-bec-u Trade to be held at the Tobatvo Bicheare on KKIIJAY ? ?XT, April lttb, at the ef i?> M. Importuni matter? will b- preaea.ix! at tbi* Bta?Maa fer lb?* ooiieHt-ration w BBS I rat?, and full aud prompt ?iwudaace ia urg?utiy r?---ue?-.t ?d. KMpocUuil,, CAZN-AU -CLKOD, ap ???? ?St-croia. y ol Ut? 1.. la. TUE BR.-DSTREET COMl'ANY, C11AM.K. F. i.lai?KE. PaaaiusMT. BRAD-TltSKT. B1CHMOND OFKK'_, ?a ?MM -AST MAIN eiHKtl. ??1??_?-?? No. li X IL WHiTTY. Superintendent the K.buii'Bd oBlcr- h ?e mon? than kept pee? ?Ita tbo rapid ?t???* ih ut the city end d?r?_>p mesi of the lerntory tributar, to It. It ?fter? at lb? RioroaoRI? coin m ? 11 i y of thi* ?eetion all ibo advaut??; ??? "t a ?yat-iu in? ?upt-i 1 ,n ? ; ?hi<-b u rtK-oguU-d ta every tretle oeuUe oi ihe dril. U?iel world. That it l> tn a epociai tea*?? pr<jpar?d to auard lh? loiertnt of He Im-al patrons la at l-??tt?l by t_? G?? -t mat tt ha? ao? alurytr nomare It teievrtbtrt then unyvtlter mercantile af*ac_-. m^^-??*?*****- Ptng^-*?***??n*g r ? tv... i fornir Si, Ui und Broad. SEW MILLINERY BBARilKT, Our milliner? baro deilga-sl many NEW FLOWER TOQIKS, RIBBON HATS, LACE AND NET BONNETS, ?ve can trim to order or ?ell niateri?Ii?. Our BiyieaaraproDoui I the prottlost ia the city. 9^5r*tt*v^- ?^fP&i#cgc? 29Zrj,*vf& - gg? &7&iu>txc& Special Bargains! FOR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AT THE PAI I . ? - ! AIS . : AL ????--??" \? CLOTH Mliiti-V, il : ? Preti, "1 TINO-CLOTH-??bin . ?:y!c? . . 0X1 l'I/? . ? 1 lut-Il ttox--, ? ? ?? : . S ??> Y-iii ; . Ml!: O.lil Iota IIAM?*-'?Ml.!.Y-:?i:, il'.:. sai ??.?.?, ?era I till! ?'?- ?? ' ' ??i-?.??ell ?veiywberc St .'?? PBBCALBl OLLABSand CL"KF-,7_a ?et??ortb more tn??n double. -."PORTEO WOOL OCTIMQ CL?TtlS, ?5c? w-?rlii< ??. _TAMPRUPIL_OW--HA_ie,'o- ?ood cotton, Ito. a pair. ??HAY ami BROWS B??KD bini.? im, DBB8B _OOD*l ??? at Ittc KN?-UAVl.;i-l!\N'I) t ItYSTAI. ?_OBLB?. v? itti litte, so Bite. ? NEW ??'???? ? IIA 1,1.1 l'a at ' fan 10-211 ,.?**? - ... *?-?... DR. SCHENCK' Seaweed ????d I? a l'etili ? 9 Cure for DYSPEPSIA ??? ?il tokmndeet ?rth? T)i * err ' >l..-.v,> or mi-i,????, ??????? wii?i twoflAl ?,, , f,.r ?-ni? Ij all ? ! ? 11 .. ?t ? ' I < . I - ?" 1.1.1.i... I.i? ? ? ??, ? ?. Or J.H bchenck ?\ Son, P'.iila. .^fiNDnftKEpiLlS DR.SCHENCK-S PllLMONIC SYR?P STANDARD FCS OVER HALF A CENTURY -?1<?t?, f-rnjr 5tom?--h, ?-nrt? ! : ? ... ?1.4 ??' l'i??-???'? ? f i"j,ti?*m???, Infl?n,i:.. ? ,?,..,..i>i,.. Haw?*?; -...??. Jauuitic?, litui???. Ha-vil?!????, W?n .-. .. ,?, l.!.*r ?", ??|?1*??,?, .- . ?liwii?; f, ?(> ig-d ? , 1 '. ? h.y cl?**n ti.? mu M ,?. ? . ? Igvel??* WllitCUN '"COUCHS C0LD9. it? ? .:,.?t,..?i..i V'V; ,,:?,. ,Z * .-U-i. ? bR?? er taf. AadA.lI?..-?*-. . ran THROAT AND LUNG*. It ?? |l<??unt tn th* I?.??, PURELY VEGETABLE, ?*,??-..?,??.???:???.p? ? ?=iTRirTIV RrLIARIF ot . |.i?m ur ????????? ? ?-1"1*-'1-' KtUSBLt, mu_!' J?gh II*" andAQSOL'JTELY SAFE. *__ ?"???????,?*-'? Iv ?II iTutrgiiC G???, ? 11-AT ? na, Ma 0 cte. amfeet***, in-. ii?n<-k?Bo..a pat u??, eta: ar nal kj sa Obbm**| H*b bbI m Cm?, ?Ball, ??-?.,?? Ir*?, on r-??? ipt ..f |?rU ??. n,?il* I f. Al?r*M Vt.i.M ',.i--M,? .i Son r. ;!w?-;ii.u, I*?. Dr.J.H.Stnencli* ?on,Phils. Ima T-K.Su.lWAw&rSm) NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ?oat resolved ofonro?_ti rn the beat Enirllsri ar.d Kr?nch potterlea Our ?took ot! . '? ??-8-G?, sad ????:??'??)??.?? Is coiupletoanl at price? far below their tru? viluo. ? ? Moot 'f rRBTtCB, CHINA, ?-il OATILSB-D CHINA, DITOS-, t??:.-,, OTSTBl, ICK CBBAM. _AHK,and 1 ? ?arle 1 thin emr itefor?*-an.l at pru*..? toeult the tiiup?. Our atot-t. ol li-? ?Bl ? -Nt-HlSO .OOP- la large aad well aaanrtsd at low prie??. ol ULASSWABK ?-1 ? amp?ete ?nd of the luto?t pattern? ani d-?irn?i in BOWLB, WA TBB 9B1S. ICH-CKKAM - ? t, PITCHERS PKBa_KVrB-_T_*?,'DS, SUBAB i?i?.|ii-.( r.;:.\-i-i'i ii in ??, OOB-Brs, rt MHLBKt.and mn...? otherartlclM la OLASBWABB, trota the ohoapeat to tbe Beset. Ouratoekof ? ? : n WABB le lerge sad vmieiandof i.? t ?t rn..?? ??. ?Ve have a large ?L?X of t'ANCY 0?>OU.*> woll eultrtd to tb? want? of tb? p?M?pIe f-r bridal pi II I We lavile all ?ko may noe-giO'.?? la our liuo to give us a call. Wo ?ill tr, to make It to their inter? <t to purchase ?if aa E. IJ. TA YLOR & CO., ion cast Main St. lai-3! rUmm>UmmOOmmm%mm%uaSeas)SUUSsp^ PURE.SOLUBLE.CHEAP Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing. Having a peculiarly delicious flavor?a food and drink combined?at a half cent a cup and fit for a prince. Van HouUN's Coco "BEST & GOES FARTHEST." S***V*?N HOI'Tl.VS COOOA ("once Irled, nlwuy? used") w?? inv?_t?d ?nd ta ?nd Um-tie Iu Holland. It ? * ?.?.'? ?lodfl i tiy the ntott ?ra.nent doctor? ??. ? ?? ? ?; ? IBal h) BM ?..?clal lr-*_l_n-tit ViN ???**8?*?OOOBS hu uinlergvo*. 111? aulu'-llliy t?f the Och-f-ruil?? . ,.?,? ll-trnl ? I? In. ?-.u?*d dfly prr SS-Sh ?_?? Ihe whulrt of th? lii.rn? ar? BafMMd ?ad renlrred mor? p?l*tabl? ?id dl4??til '?. "1, :.,, '. u.? m tiw wor.d." Ait, for VaM 11 ?,-?.? ? tutti tuke no other. 67 t^r**tr?rerr*esm^*sm^r?r?o4y?s*ettt'**re*st*r*rr*rrs?s?*e**etss*sji CARSI ?-.?*?. WAU?-lJ, ?e. \\r ('. SMITH, Mil XmiTII;.-S*J?B> ? ? . ? .?. viirroKUS. hcum I'll A h'l OSS, BI ?.?JIK?-. ri.Nr. WORK, I rVTBST BTTIJBB,*! i?w*>?t i>rica?. All ('-??.-.luplaiag purcli-miiirf .-UouiJ ca I at-..i M? ijv etaOk. Aleo .? Bead it f, ? go?* BkCU.ND-HA.M) PHAa lUNSai.d BUltHllBS. ?*:1'??;?.???.?) : R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, MANTPACTCBKR?? Of ??? CAltKlACK??. VICTORIAS. PHAETON!", araiCAhT*?, ami VtUI? -Ktiof overy d?***crt*iU?i*. Agent? for tliu co.eUeted carri?,ra Lou??? ol J. B. BREWSTER & CO., OK KBW TOHK. HBPAIRINU and H?PAl.Vl INO ?lone l-i tt?? be?? ni-nn?-. U bOl'Tll Ni.MU STRIKT, UCEMOMII, VA. o.l A B. LIPSCOM1". 7 1 /V? Cary ?tr>?t, MrttWOSBaj V'?,, ba? oa band au<i mit*??) in ur llar Oa*U*)KRY-*?V.\(.(>N8. ?PHIW? DkAY*", Rirt.i.lKs, && ? i ?je. several SgCu*4D-ltA5D V. AUOh't? aud ?l (*?????*1 for ?alo. lVt:i ?all low. A cardi aulldltr-U. 1? 16-?e?Uiu Rk ______________m UX"OM?TirC A?4D MAi:UI.N*{.WU)tK*a ^^ aicanoND. va.. STKAJi KM til.Nil* AJ4U HOILIR*, Our laot'it??? for Ui? manu'aciur? of H.'fill CLA8K a-?' Ml-NKKT ar? .?usuria???,?. Ii *??.? ?aal -4?? m po??r t?-r ?ay pur-ma? eaii a? UtnaigB uui-toan, ana w? will ??itti up aa ox? Krt tu taa?? t-aii-uai?? and caia?? prie*?. CUM0.1U LOCU-Si.riVg. ?.???, m ACU?-SI*. V. ????, ?ay 14-ir ??-???-???. Ornes C0U.BCT0B or Citt Tirita,) BW-U-SB, V*., April iid. 1?'". i LICENSK-TAX.-CITY LICKNSE3 for the year 1-JVO have bt-ea placed lu my band? lor collection aud ar? no? due, aa fol? io ?va: Aeon's? Chenil*?*. *>e<*-a_ro and Ex- ?. uy t?-*\ -n-fer. nr.???. ? ..iunji?i>tiju HeeS?B?BA Denti??. ,????, Puteotivo Ag?nr|t?a. I at? r, Kxpreee Compa-iee. Land, pah and ??y-Uora Maaufaoturiiig Arti, r'rutt-??tanda and Bas tris. ___________ Botola. Jtio- Lleali?rs. Ll'i'.'or I>-t!ere? VVb-ilecale, Retail. Wholeeale Matt, Ilott.ilif Btrr. Liver,-?? tablea lx?au-i IT.???. Lumber Measurer?, ilt-r.-anlll? Agendaa, l'h-iU.rapbera Physician*. Primate llantera Pattile Beeesa Po''aiiraal-?. HiihK Storage. 'telegraph and Tele? phone Componi??*, Veterinary Surgeon?. ?fe?. Ac '*-_________? Beeil-? Hou??!?, Ka, In ?ad Tl..??., ..-?bip Line?, An-hit?!* ta. Attorney*-at-La?. Auctlooeei-? Oeaaral, Rt??l .?tale, Totr. Comraou Crier. Bar-Roo u. Htlllar-1 Tantea boat-ini-llo-aee. Broker?? Cattt?*, OouiinerclaL I aa 11 raaos, Mer.:*?andiae, Pawn. Railroad Tluaet, BBS,, Tob_??oa 1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1'srtie? falll-e to pa, tr?;? tax oa or boforo APRI, au, lax, win t*e?ui>?e?-t to tbo penalty ?tssatibe.1 b, tbe City Ordinai, ?e*. P. W.CUN NINO-AM, ap 4-tMyl Colloetor ot Cit, Tax?* oatt ua?. muDtcaaiitaujku*^^^ p AIN To. We offer at lo?eat market prices LEWIS PIHB LBAD, PL'BB L1B8BBD-OIU aad all MATERIAL FOR DOI'SK-PAlSTlSu. -vor, article guaranteed to be atrvily pura Pl'BCBLL. LADD * CO.. mh? WhelesaU Drive?*?* Special Sale OF Special Lois AT Special Prices FPU TO-DAY ONLY. These Prices arc for To Day ???? ?/. On? Jot of I.INFN WIM?? iW-SH \l?i-:s?ionia with fringe and ?.,me WKU dado??aorta from BOa toll ?????????>?your choie? o! Buy at 2.*,,?. apiece ; <*oo! insilila CAI ???**??? 4<-.c. a yard; Fine W1UTF. 1G.?.? DR DACCA nt Cc. a yard ; Fine BLACK BAI I*? ? it if, ? ?ard; One lit ol CBILORKNI JEHSliY RIBBED fgtftgnt', : ? One lot of fit? Bl ?DID WRAP"?) ut II.*'1 atra shape* ; One lot ef "Kte. COMRIa? ? ; AM)!H)?-i'iiO?.IN ? nl TuN. life, ?yard; One lot of PCKE-MNI.N BORDIBKO HAN") Ki.lii ill!:i-S-e.,iii-d a little tiora display? at 6?.?. ? : Ono lotot WIM ITAlit-BI?Ti-It!-:**. ? -. r?, One lof ef ?? INO (T.oTM-tat ?",,?. a yard ; Ou? lot of QgKTIJUl***.*! a . Tin f'-r ta*. apiece ; One lot of INFANTS? LAC1 CAP??! 10,?. ; Onelotof FN1KA-W1DE TORCHON LACK? nt 8V,<*. a yard; YAHD-WIDI" Bi.EAi'llKI) CoTioN-ia naut??at 4'???. a | ? l. HELD & THALIIIMER, 609 Broad street? [ap lilt! LEVY&DAVIS. DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS. ?AMBtJBQ BDOIBOBaad INsi'iniM;??. TOBCBOB KDOINilS and IS-KK1 INKS and a Isrg? ????ilmfiit of nil ?In I? of LACKS, VAHDTBB BOQIBQ4 ani TRIMM-BOB, ClllUlRKN'ri KR ?!" ?11 .1 Vi . CUILDIU-N**? KKADY-MAliK l*KB**t3SS? Another larga lot of Al'ltON??; TBeehsepeei ? INSN QoOM aver offered?, l.atyo ail litli-ii? to oar ?tx-k of LA?I DBBWBAJI; FIM'M [BUI ar, 1 (?KAPERT UC->? I.AC. CCBTAIN8 auJ I.ACB b-l) BITS. BULB 0UBTA1MB; Tb?? beet MM. ?'.??.???.???.? ?IilliT in the ?oild: 1hebe?ttl LADS! KHKl) SII1HT in tliewrrld; 0_N'lL_._BYii RI) -WBAU, BARDKIBCHIBPi, OOLLABB, ? BU8PBBDBMS, LE??& U Tho largest ani brat-assorted atoe, ot DltKHS (????)??? tb??city. apS OUTZ-ffSSONS. 3? EIST l?lOlll STREET. OCR ?Tulli* WILL Ilg CLOS.D ON FRIDAY, APRIL lllH, on account or HOLIDAY. ??p 10- '.'t| CARTERS "TTLE IVER PILLS. CURE Sick ????dachten', relieve ?il-??? trouble? toe! deal U> ? um -u? ?tale ot Um BJ ?t-tui. auoh ?* Di_u-e?e. !?'?? ?ea. Droasii.eaa, In*tri?*e aft r Pain in the Sid?. **?* while their mom res-ir-*bie ?ucc??? baa l-eea ??.own ia ??ring SICK "???deche, yet CAarraa? ?.?t?- Ijraa Prua ?r? equally valuabl? to CoaeUrall ?a, ounng and preventti-j. th!? anno-lag oouiplalnt while tb?y atoo c<j?-t*?o? all diaordor? <lt the ?loa-iab. -?-_it.--.t~ the Urer and regu_?L? the bev?!*. ito- - ?ty only eared HEAD A-k? ther w-aild be ??p-??? *?**?<-?*?_? to tbem ??..? ?ufTer fr?? Un? ti_tr?-?_.g oomp'aftit: but f-xt-iiately tb?ir goodneSB tioaa Bot ?nd here, aad tlmee ?bo ooee ury these will fled the??? little Dilla vat-uai?.? la ?o many way ?that they ?ill aot be ?Wing to do wit-out thou. but altar all tick bend ACHE hi the bane of ?" many Urea that her? le ?Bere we mete our great boeat. Our _^_U cur? a wail?? other? do aot C.aTBK a Lirrua Li vsa Pitia are very ?mall aad very v-ij to take < ?ae or two bills make a doe?. Tbey are ?trietly vegetable ?_.d do ? .? gripe or purge, but by their pent!? action Sie.?- ali ?bo ua*. Iheaa In ri?U al SB e???*??. vt, for ti. Hold ?very where, or ?eut by nail. CAiTM __-.*-_*- CO., H*v Tat U? fe:ll*? fall Fra fwy ?fl-leodly-atyrepl UI.NTl.Tft. JOHN BL-HONT. ?_ DENTIST. ?*?___? fomnci iy ot Wayt A Manon y. ornes; *??> -**??"? ?treel. bei??ea Slith and Boreal-. Btcbiaoail, V?, OOloe hoars fr?ret A, B,totr. *t- Ja?l7-eo?l Imperative Reason wriY you SHOULD BUY NOW. I'tj-cnnai? tbo pri?*??-*?? are so low. Yon may not need tlit-ee articles at present, but it will pay you to purrhaae whilo yoa chu trot them ?t our l'u-nn*-. Look, go to other etores, then come to our*, ami jou will fimi we citi edi'ise all others on low pri-ea. Look: Black or While Largo "rial l?ate?the %mg, grade 1".??. ; Black and Colored Fancy-Straw-Brim Milans in tiitocn atvli?h shape.??, largo or email, -?V,? gold elttewhero at ?I???. ; Thoae Btyttaft. Btoh Luco ?Straws which will cost y.-ut'.Ji?. j.niaill l'uni hero uoir at ;'?.>. ; ITair-Lai?? Ktiaw lint?, Turban*, and Bonnet? in BUrsk only- large variety of rhti|)C9 - i3e. ; Fine quality in Barn? ?-t.x-k, Biaok and I '..?.'G-??tho %?8 (?uitiity now '-'?????. We snow tin? Un-eat variety of Lcg bon . French Chi****, ani high-grado N'lV-ltitt iu lu.? Miliitt Fancy Strtiw Bali, Poni)??!??, und Turbane ever dir? p'i.iy. d m this market, and our price* arc folly 26 por cent, lese than elso wl ? re. To enumerate our stock of Trimme?! and l'iitritiinic.l Bailors for Children would n??'iiire a pa?"? O? thi? paper. Wo will fow : Black , Navy?, nnd Brown-Trimmed ISauon*?, alisi/??-, i?g, irmwill h;t\o to p:ty 2."?c. for them horeaftcr. Trinirm-d Bino and White and Brcwn and White Mixed idtraw ? which Mt-11 for?18a e'.-owhore wo givo ii\v<iv at 28e, G??? Trimmed Sailiiri--l???, Thrown, Bl ! Navy, made with rowe of plain nnd fnur*y tstraw and tri-iimd witli strip? - t.! ' OB I?.iu?l ?uni ?-trtvirut-rs? r. duoed fr-?m 60 t?? '_."<?. Two I'-n 1 Bollore, satiu-ribbuu ban 1 tlie'-'S*. quality forffic. ; titi?*-r | Trinuued Milan l-kilors iu all colors fimi |ri??.'*?. Flower? foi trimtpi.nj* suJ d*KJO**at_Bg -??- have in infinite variety. ? ? ? p warrtt ? . ? in Richmond lit-for?*. ? '- ? V\r?_t_.-i (-OBI 8e. up. ape, Rosea, Jonquils, Popptea, ? '. all tii?- ? laute :ti tli?i ? are have ui oui ? 'it. Our milliner? pari?'rsar.. un the ? private and apart from the jostling of tho nt"!?'. 1? lit an.l t n joy your ? orehaaeand make youre-leo t.'ou ua coinfurtalilvas if -roawere Bitting in v.. ?r own bi r. . I ? <-!pvator i? ? all day, and we would be glud to lid-, jog ? -i up iu it. KAUFMANN k CO., BB0J3, CORKER FOURTH. ?-??????., m tun* ? ? ? ?pASTEB CABD& ?a ?a?!!??? ? ?riel V fr, iu le ?? ?.'.? BOOKLETS, baa mini, cb???p. noi aurttij ' pr?eeni?tion ?faoieaala ??? retat!. ?hUl-l??? G.???' l.rilft ENtJUSII. lai'sKSKsra ^JOZAl'iTACVM.MV OF HUBIC. IlinuiK, J.titrii ?t Mr?.-, ImnwooottsA Manager-. IMT*tBT?l*?iMK*IT ?'-'i IH O?" SltiOSO lu-. TKli'T. ?AY, Ainu, it, i-ao. phoobavmi ?. ???? nus t. l. Quartette?Spring Boni.Pin?ut, in ?. Ja ob u-i ?,-r it, Mra. -i.-hall. Knowi??. M Bar, aod w. u. Oraat, *fe 1 Bru? .(ter m-?d Mr. Jamea lt. iir?o<-tb ire?BttBolns tt?? Blockada he?, ktoeee i>. Hog?, I'. 1?. 4. Soprano Boia?Alpine Bora.? ? laoob Kelabar tt, i raetObll_*ato t-y.ioiin ??.???- L. vv nn all H'.-r fault? I love Ber Suit.1. M . Vose? May. li. Ha.. Bua. i M??*?. ?? ??. Meeds, sad ValeaBaa paar ai 1. Plano Daet?Badleua?.OettseBaUi lliaaea ilei??? aud Bttelie floral 2. Duet, Tenor an 1 l't. ? tue " ? tie i !*!_<?r 1 limn ''. .. ..' -?? Mel ara it ?>. Watsinaead ??. L l-ettwi. t. _ Alto S'io?"Mo.???? bye.Baby '.t'aualug .... nit'j?ie_ ?. Ra It Dr. 1 limila? ? el ?On l.i.-e 5. Tenor Sol???M'l ?11 -* with ?Ottl Syea" Captala B. W. ( utinliigbaii ; ?, Solo an l t'itoriia?"Pirau?* of G????? BUlll?rtL Mr. Jame? It. Uran?*, and othera ? ?)__? ?t?*)? : ?.'apt. J. ?. Ang!?, ItoBeasBBB A. J. Wslb a, ? ?Inr I ? BBSS ? Vt. It. -numi. Sorgt. J. A, d Pol wa aa T. a. All ?a. Bergt it. I. broo-?, I'oil? ?man C. IL lal.ey. AlralseioulL 1 Ba box-office at tt? Araleniy will h? opes or ! thel-th. Itth, and I6tb of April far tBe excBaasa its lor i- -?orrod Beata ?Ubo chant?. _ ap ?-I ,*-iiAI?Jit R-UHMOND THE?TRE. Mita, W. T. 1'owii.i,. Uaoagor and Bualne-t? Msasaas MONDAY. TC-**UA1 sad WIDNB-DAT, Aran uni. lana ?so tera. Bpedal esgagonieat -?. a m. l'A! ???? gr*>?it e?t cf ?- -ai'-ar" 1 rie?'.ro tu' oeasss. ? ????IN X Ut ? I. (Osatpaeteo I'lay to ?? lim the Punraan.") Ma. AKTIICK tO_K_.vr sad east, : Ko?a Itai i. ".?.Mgbieat tb? ??? -Square; .??'nal the llaymarkei, Lon.i'. i. : ti, l.l Ba ..'? ?i'-r? all uf tbo original appoint Maata tu.? "f ?-?ata opon? SA'ITjkdaY, April at > A. M. ap li-it t ? LI?HTFCL ENTERTAIN -?}!1 ... ? DBUOBTPUL MUSICAL AND I BMTEKTAl.NMBK 1 will be given ' Ki iS'-opel . ? BdaP-seBoot TOO.?. Icrn-r Vu.nai.le and Tw?nty-?*?i?-ou'l ?t.. : 1 lltb. at ?1 p. M. Ada - -.liaren, lw, ?Jome and ?.??? ? _ap 11-1G DEI ? FAMILY EXHIBITION. L TUiSBVBal*?OBtB.*e-r>*laca,ta ?; taberu? -,,-,ru?r (?'? ? u '?, (juli? ? novel '-iiieitaliin. ul w'.ll to givm, By t?... I ol ?ira. i-Sn? ?i Bapti?! ?nl? 1? ? liumurou? esiiiii ?.??? M Ut? ??-.*."?? Jt'Aiai I \ ? ? re nation? aud muele by MlasllAl u 1 HOMI'?-? is, ?! ?. W ?.???-, au?! Mr. ! Kl?* I WICH. A*ml??i.u uiily lea count. ?llll-lf _ ? 1 OZABT ACADKMY OF MUSIC. liBitiigR, Litm * Mv???. L?i>a?u?auil Managers. THKKI.M<iHM ANO ?.?.TfltDAT MATINEE. I'lrnmouclug A I'l'11. lOTH. The NMBIll atn-ricai. r r i KWI1 MOKKISO*!. aa"BlErUlt>TO,"tn hi?*ut),iri,e?..?-nicanl 'ra? mane ?i'-lU'liuU ot >1 Two car-load? of m ?gain, oat ?:?n<**-y t?y P. B. Hughe? ?al (.. BBefMg A Young. Tb? niarvellou? *? lii-oc?.??n ?. ene.?' ?*?.? moat brinimi and ?on eerful *:*?-tric ??(.? i? *r*r tmeu ou any ?lag.?. ?????.?? MOW OMMIX ?|?? .--i,W,ln.l-4S-?i*. L D*oa, BOOK-MAKE???. ODO* LAID ON AIL RACIN? EVENTS. DIHKCT WIRB TO THB TKACK. A fuU d??-'rt|.tu..a ot aack taca ????? a? 11 u? bel?g ru?. TL'WP kXi ilAM.K. ?p lo-la? cort-er Bank *??! Taelfta ?traota men?f exclanue, NIA S SOUTH TWBLt-TU BTKirr. Kli ?????*. VA. IHMCCT M. IH? TO AU. TOC l'UlUt'IPlL KACS-?'???'?? TUHUUUHOLT THI CMTKD BTATBH 4A1V* LB A CALL, ?bu 11*4*1 QOeugTt A ?CO, ? ?? .9 TO fl EN ??????? -?S> a? .> r.-wi?4f?n Nere trita aie Iba?t? w?ii ?. r . ? . ,, down wi- ?, v,?r ?... <?..;?. T, h uu r ? ? , Momie 'low?! ity?rl long Bf a fealf-yar-l ? ?. Belling for So?, ora n .0 Net ? [HI. i|, ?? ' ? , , * ? I to lh? ?>*-?' TS-Iij,!? - - Bas, ?? ? yar 1 ; A Mis liase ? I ! - vain?? will ?urj BBB NaeAla ? ? Nfir ? " ? id ?! ? ? ? PI ll? "' Tl.? -ii? ?untara*?! ? t r '..'?. r'?,l ? ? ' it - dal r? . si (Be. . ' '.??.??- . New S\ i-1 SIllU ? plain ari BraBea, ?very to?ve ? ? Tbei?- ? ? mill: t.?at ' '? ample] er-no -???-?? ? ? good MM I im: ??-.. FREEZER AM) Bl ' ? 11.?m ?? ' ?il itila,? ?. THK HOUSE.? -REI 1 I w?- Bpeaed. Not ago?*! er, '?-.., tbi.ii A li'in'i? I ' er? ?Bl pri?e? aad ? tl ? - ? ? led rtdual I K-g-??-- . . ? ?> Tbe ! ? ? ! _I? - -_ ' _ ?-**??? ?" *-*"" ?? : CHILDREN'S REEFERSJ , ___ I ?? fi ? ' I *? II. 13,15, :::? Iii CAUTION Tbk? ?? . pria ai? ?? Bottom. If the deal? ??>?...! illrett t?. factory, fiitl.on.g ?-(? prit*. L W. L. DOUGLAS j ?p3 S-IV/i-. CENTLEMEN. ; i ni.? l'air. Heavy I <?d Orala ai? ? I ' ?.?.?,,? \? . Ite?? In 111- ?? ?rl.l. 1 ? ? 1 I < a-..?)-i i,i\i ;m h \n ?- -? vv ? ? Hi.tifi It 1M> -.? V. I !l tt I I 1 *?????G. I ? 1.50 l ' ?? ;> ? ? : ? ' ? ?HOB. ? ?'*..'..? I ? . 1 t V tl Ot..". a ?.: VYOIth ? *. i'a IK ? J.iki aad Bl MODI - Mill B, til _l??le I $3&$2SK0?Slaf0?,.s. ?LIB ?Hu? POH - ? ? 1 fir at Material. ! ttea* ? it'ina , O/. 1. I.,.... I . ?-! . 1 ?1.?.1.?? ? CO., ? ???? J. K. OOOUK, ir . . ? -a?. Ma I? ' . A. 0. jsio-ras.-ai PACKAR 0 ? CO.'?**? Celebrated $2.99 SHOE. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. TryaPairof our SPECIALTIES tn GEftTlEMEN'8 FOOTWEAR. $5.00, $4.00, $3.50* $2 99, $2.50, $2.00. ? Baa - ? SPECIALTIES for LAOiES, tH. ???.1?1?. ?%1.?*>4> ????? *!. UNEXCELLED ooka-jilitv. aitkt Im , . M. A. PACK ARO 4t CO. ? . ?*? l ? *-A. PackarO ? Ci.?., O re?? t? ?on. M ?es? For ?al? oy I.LCLCMWTeer?l .? tAa? M?-.u Ml ?cll-P.Sui-r 1 l\-t ? t ?. > ...u ? ?. -. oK-ia*?!iJtr.n ib?**. A?S??E?^j RICHMOND. '?ASSETS -_-$600,1 Thia old Virginia ittoUiultoa Kau*? a '-' ?tort -??* ouiuprelter??!?? pulley tram ot t*? ?trigiloia aal liberal ib ita term? au! ?.*"'?"? OllaaX'lXillS?. , n._.~ g ? *4Ol.T"**"0. *- -?? AliOV*?' CAFtAi?. C.kO. W. ALLBX. TUOMA*. IOTI*. 1>B. ?"KANCl** l. ? ILL?. ? ?? aa.-? WILLIAM ?. l-ALMI?, ItSBMa-? W. a M??C**T*IV, rlwowury. g Moli. r*taasa. A-atolani mnotatnty. taget? -OOOK AND JOB WOHK N-^J^' ? HXHClifKU AT TMJB DUI-ACTtl rMWI Ui^MOL-UL