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NATIONAL CAPITAL. WHAT IS TRANSPIRING UNDER THE DOME. Tl.e st??iM.m po?triiaaler?blp--T*ie Treel. tit nl'? Jtoml nal toa? Mlunr M-nttn*. irroro Our Kegnlar Corra*pondeotl v. April lO.-The M??u?v> wa? r at .?',- all -ay oa las ragliai ,? pn pnat'i'ii bill an?! ?lui tint reach .. -I.--1.I?.!. rti?.n ?-???until ? - .lay. ?. nt t...?lay sent t?-> flic Hr-nat?? ,???.? ?>f Kila-atil UeMabonto Im , ?. Vi*. It V.?t- I'.M - ? I sa i?g ?.'?? a- Ni.v??ml>er by ??nt t.fli. ml? to appoint Maj'.r nt fri.m ??me eeaee orotnei , ' ' - i.ii? li"t Ix-.-Ti forth? ? - There w?>r.? attnierotia f'r tin- i>-i*uti m, amone ? r being several rampant Ma? I ?? ? in arare dooned t<? ?? t ? .ut in t-eercb ul Iflajot M? Malmii is u railroad and oa bob a Boders ? :?> , ????'-iii. The department ??? ? took <???,??? a futi'??? to Major: afc t we ' ? rraohed tl ? ?-?:'.? lest (Imt Li? sete<*tlon r ? it.-r. ? .1 in Bepublicans laj ? the ?????!!"!? ? . r??.?.? w.-nlil atljotirn by t)?? i-t - f ? l?ber prominent Bepuhli? ai ? arrtn him. Thev t!ii?ik - : ? Vm re the 1st ol An.-u-t. liver an?. i Hi |>ri.|?iiit! Ions a- ? ? public on Betur. ? *.: ? a .. ?? ?? thought ti:?? lull will rgate appropriati na ol ? A CEUb^T_ED_CASE H.? Oaeraplae Hi?? Attention of Con? ti..... - H,.(?',il*tr ?'iirroepoo'Ientl ? ton, April IO. li. r- ? ? tion ol *-?-lllt1 ? ?G S|,-?li, ? ? .,? ?? bi ?-?.nut?? ol ?Vu. Va., (tarin** Vl.lllllllIl'.lH. UH'l tli? : t i|.-( ...veriiiiient, ? il II. .*,l:,,'l'l\ ;- !' ??? I... Il- l ?.u ?. i- seek. ieclai?a *?? ber ? ???? Im-1,nt!,i, ahi -?? *?? ?>?1?? -? favor. Il Mr. **|, .?,!;, r - ?? ;?? ? t?. t li.-nk thut ??..-. ? of ''i-r/'-r. the bill, end Mr. lini v<?),,, ri il '' ???? , /. ? ? box??* ?.f to. tine, aad 7oo ? of ? ? ? . ? ??? ?.?.? .??? seis? ? Uicboion I. ?. ". , p '?' lana - alma to tx ? ? loyal the <?-?? rntnent alii?. ??tli? authority c'ivh, I : ? :? ? lie the ., ? ?? t.? <? ??? , ?. Many in tbat 1 - a bi liffer? ot. A ? o Ben ? ?? on tii?- ?lu,m sod .1 ! IHE INTEHNAL-rt VfLNUF LAW?. A I ..?<?? ni.le ?? ?-..r? ?.?! Mr. Il?'. Itili I.? tin. (lor:i(e Tli'in. 11 rom (-ur Reg ilai ? orrevpon i- nt.) ,.l'.c, Ipril i" I in? Boom ? made ?t une?**?*] 1-v '- .-. H : ' ? ? Una, to A ma. and ri bave been ?n- ??. ?? ? ! in? measure. ? m thi th. ? he |,r- in,-??,! ? ? hied tor thi benefit ot :.v prose. ui.?.! and t" ? i] un ti,,? peo ble, while .it the atti the pro-ri - of the .i.-i-u.illy li? Poatal i.ii.i ??? I-..I.???. VY* ! ?? f.. ' . ( iu m. ( inward n, ? n, removed . ? - ? - m .*-,?, m county, ll, A. Hiokman, ? ? ? ? ?:'.?? ???> 1??\? i'.?ii catabliehedaafol? , \ ral county, Minili? - in ?'"Uiity, later.. William J, W aif? ol ??? liuioiul, "ii:il. I.J.I 0. W. (??.?.??1?, .-t i.\-. ll ' ? , t ? ???;.? : ,.: 1 bi M? lr"'?(,li THE PAN AMERICANS. /:.-? unum 111I.1I4..11. a? tu l'oit ???? ? unti nn li ?. p?.il ...nul tilt, ri, .in ll.ililt. [Bj letofTSpb t" iti" Dispai -fi.1 W?__p?(?t??, Apnl 10. To-dav tl -|Ml..,.l the Committee <m (?.? ? the m ?? ? ?th ? bree those i;. pu' I -, ? iiil , ii"l l'ai.? i mis tbat ? !?v. . II ml rcpublicsof the American hem. ?. ? . ? making 11 ?tone fo nliar ?t?????????- ot ti.? m nil may . I free ml" C e ?'tin r-, .??..?.? i.ri Port Im? ? ??ported vallili!? ? in l- - j?- il t?? . , ? ? ni?? made, it . . able t" compii lei* a ?>?? ,s ,11'jiuhfii lljuill Vf?--?!s ill tllf . ? commi oda: ? all ['"it ?'.??? 1"- lii'-r;????! into 1 , ?? ? ? be Kin-wii u- ? ?? .?..? dues, ? 1. I Lut f Ii? a .i'-? charge n!nill be ? ii?."ii the total ? spaoitj I bird, i teei h Qov? mm? nt fit fur it amounl t?i bo chare? i n*? ? ul with ?lu?? r? :.'.tr I to the . ' :., ? apon ? be ?abject, - Facilitate and i ?vr na* ,.? ;? -? ere beex? epV d froin the artii'li ' '_??. or I, under uuexpired ? outracts . . lu urine "bail ?? m tonns ?. ? ti an \ . . , \?l.;<-li shall ? I?. Il? 1 t ' put ml" \"'i t l'V ' ?.? ? .. i, nd other plea nr -. The re? ,-f adjoarn B ! und? r . ?n I I : he >?<????? ? . ??- between ? tb, and Central Ameri<*a will ? te and . tingle ? <ll. I ? .? ??? .?. ?oussi d ? mm b ? oonrlusioo ???? ? . ? ?, n?:.. ata here titilli.' "t COI Hinkiii.. ? ?? re? ? .Mi-Inn. ut ot an int?r , ? t.. t.? 1"? ur.? . ? ? ?- national ?harter. ? Cu several ' and a.? incident ?f tl??? . ; tv ol sahflsit? ..t tlie - lea thut, should lit' ? I ? in. nil t?? tl ? enact? un int. riiHtiiuial is bank !'-r ?!, ? ? ,?,? en? at ol ths ? -,.. Amori? OUR FARMS. ?spari ..? Ute ?, lierai DepartsseeB ??? .*>?* . I? nil u. t un I'riidi? I? u'ttl llo.urkttr Vll.lllMt?. ;!)!'. BBBSB to It'? IMspefc-b] W *-..?? ? .-1..N, April Ml ? ? 'l.ii.iitif ? i.? al in t: a ??t aprii, a? r?> |i i.i! ' . I Ml t.'i tbe . ib. th?? generiti ???t??? t-i I ing wae late in th? il ?'.'ilit-v be**sass ??f ?bout-lit, Slid t',?? ?oil uas therefore not IU tlie G..-.-t ?.. 1 ut th.? unid winter contilim-d the growth uutil the ?lai.t?? wore tuoluxu tuuaJ vioiasitadee - tr<?-?iH have cut d??wti ? - quite gencrall?. ami la wt m saaeaerfed areas the rooss ba\? I ? ? un? t?'i.i?rt?uf r?v ? Iperattoa liy ?i?r.?ntiu>_? ?UM reor.v?,?'d t-r.ath iu this region. Whern th? root? are iota-t't great uu|?r??vcutetit will follow h??.', good Wfiathei ? >< i*,t Inatti.? ???-??< well di-velo|>e?l is favorable to Una Ui-nrovetueiit. iii the bt-utli the ??ii vas lytmtu?lr iu better ?"?pndltlon. and ???arlvwioarn dcrrdop ???I rapidly und in December and January ??iiff-red iiirrrc ?>r I??**? from attaoka of ihe ???*?*???*?? fly. March ftraata were very ?j.?ii>? ral, di-tcoKirtn?* aud Boim-tiuii?? killlni? tho plant* ?lima to the irround, but not tn juniif the rout* except m wet pliic*?*. I'b?? crup ).M>ks brown in New York, 1 ut the Bute agent Hell??-.!?.?, it i- I,. ?ter than it l"<.ka. 111? other Middle Bute? n-turn whiat In **?><)d conditi?,a. The Pacific conni has had an extraordi? nary amount ui ram and *?n?w. which have delayed needing an?l injured early soa-n arttiiA. Tin? a*?*e?*a*-?** ol condition of the principal Butt? are a.? follows: New *iork, M; l'eDiicylvaiiia. ito ?. Ohi". 17? Michigan, 67: Indiana. 75; lllin.-i?. 76: *ili??t..*iri,i*:i.? Kansa?. BT, and California, 71. I lit- report of the cmlm.,*] of farm ani ????? makes av-*-*--j*?*jj aefollowa; H< r .?7.4* cattle, .H.1, Blseep, M.*] rrwin Tlier-erceiiti?-*?. of ?.,*-,?., cf farm animali ?by cHasasa, winter nxnaesue. ?ir of?*serwi*e it?. e?t-mated, aviira*?.?? 1...4 lot hot f..r caille. 7.X f.r sd.?.?!,, Mid 7 1*. for ?win?-. Th.. I,,?-.1 fr m win?.* expotiare of cattle liuveb'-en v? ry heavy in tbe Book** Mono? ? I and "Ij the Pa . . While it ie ?liD'uii to **et information from the (i that Motilniia, Idaho, "? 'i-hinrfoii, (.'r.-.'?. n. ami Californw bare ml?" ni botti Ii'tiIb and flock?) bv the eert-Titlee and deep .?.. ol the win. ?? r, which hu? ???.??? ( rkal.l?? ml in . K( te the losa l.v exporrure throngrurul the conntrv of mor* than a million cattle and Mill larger looses <.f she? ?,. MA RANDALL, ?a i? l\<i.t in n ?-? ini-4 ?>n?cl<ni? Con?! Ilion ?., ttaaae ?>i Opiat* . ? Fr t.?leKr?t.h to tlie DlapBt 1.1 "'i.i-i-.mi.N, April ?? \? . Band ,;l la ?aid to !>.? re-tu,? i-r this roornin ?. bnl I ? ' entire or th? Oral ?, . * I- k? ?,t 11, ?? -? ?.p clOO* COlllll ti ii I,y ti,.-ui.? oi Of*, it? IHK KM. IV ?-! I;?i ??..;?:,?i\?,? Randal] contii prow ireaker ???? weaker. The ? n<I ia in ? ? ??1? longer he iimv be a l .??. Aa ? r ? ail ot sa hia Ii ? r be mav prolong them foi ?lavs yet, ?? '?? Dgth en< ? now hardly iii'ire th*a asar? existence. He has ? t for ?v.-, weeks been withonl fe\,r. Be take* hi* nourishment well. There was no ohange In bla oonditioii thisafti rnoon lroui id cated in the m< itch. ?A!AM",i TlltS IN ?? ? ???????. rei. Mr. Randall's strength baa l another depletion,and he I ??? than In the moi aing. He bad a i.i,. the diairbceal attack dorine the afternoon, hut it was checked al leaal t? mpurarilr. At 8:80 < .?-1. ?<k he was reatini* ? ???? attack <?i u bad relieved tbe aepticremia, which ha- now lii'coln?' oil?? -,t th* WOnt fl of th?? ens??, ami his ninni vvh- nor* ir m ? bright. It baa been stated that Mr. Randall was nnoonscious the time, bnt hr. Malian said to-nlehl thai this ? -.,. Be recognized nil about him and"ci'.i-ioriall?? rr*>oke, bul an reatra ned aa le. Dr. Mull in and l?r. Lin? . I .-? ?? manltation this afternoon and they were the only perafini oulaidethe family who saw him with tl?.? ? ?? option of iter-General Wauatnaker, who daily viaits i" the ?-.?-k roan. 1 ,,M, MAM Al VIUNlr.HT. \t midnight Mr. Randall was r? nd there wan no forth t eh ? hu- < .militimi. THE OLD DOMINION LEAGUE. The < ??e AgaiBBl li? Prraldeal f.?r *t i?. I,uh,II of UM 1 Ivil *?.?? ?in? In?, (Ity l6lt-?r-t?'ti tu tti? ptepstafej Wabhinoto*!, April 10. In the case of Old DominioB Republic p l ? the officers ot which a ! ?? ????? ? instituted in the courta ot th? I ?? t for violationa of the United ? ; ve.? law, m has been deter mil ? d re all further prooeedinga and to ? ' he statement ol facia on the part le fendant, C. A. Newton, president eauRe, in order that the same may be passed 11 j ??? n. in ?? ?p?_?1???? court and s filial d? ' ?-i"ii Inni in the nupreme Court of ?lu? ?:,?; ? Ht aie?. Newton, who ia not a ? i, and who ?-, charge t ' mi of I'u ? ? law l?v soliciting contributions oi Oovi emploj ' a f?n camps . n ?a?? : : uiuli ? the civil-si rvi.??? Uta to solii it euch contributions bj one n ! in ???? employment of the Government, end u!- ? t? ? I quest ?.. v. In ber tbe ?-?' ! nl 111;' of II 1? Her l'V BUOh il ??? t" n lu,, - eminent employa arid tbe delivery the.f on In-? ' ? il?cita! ion auch a ? bidden bt the twelfth section of tb? civil, si ? vice law ; and ii' it ia a whether that law is consistent wil Constitution o? the I nited Htatos. Now 11.n't p??? ia important, as it nvolvi ? pi r ....... tutional Colone] Vv, E, Bi as, of Vir. ?. K. Brown, ' f Washington, and A. i pati ?, oi . -timore, have been r- - tai net] , Newton, i ?? ? ?. ?! tl at W. \V. Dodle.v and Itepr? ! .e II'?'!,'?, llf ? l'Ili,--?-' .'. Will In . atad with th? nn in the THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. The Tariff Bin to ?.??> ? ..?.?iraiiiv Beperted H? It ????????. ;G\ i.-n-grai't! 'o tue MBBa*a*_| W ? p?? ihn, April i". - to th?> "i-nt mil I?' Will !1 ll"' ! ' in? t t?- ; re the Ways and Meaua ?Commit? tee bv the Benublicau uminbem ten t?a..** aas calli ? up for final ih-? ? thin -. Without r.-u lui*? the long bill, a ? ..??? was taken apon 1 : . in? numi ? i:.un", jasl as ii was that Ib n part jm i lirniun McKinl ?y d I lo make the rei ?rt to tho ??? ? ? but aa Mr. ? ? quit? - rl of the minority, red it i? w da> ?' timi . the : ? ?tamii? ?"! that the b* 11 should be repoi ? il to the H? u e Monday "? tt ! rnmitt? ?? will ha* ? ? day, and will end? svi ? i" adopt .? ime for debate m tl?.? II ase. V li. ,?1 IOM 'U- ! ?.G- 'i-I ?*." ,?.??? New Yuri?, nade a br?i f I argument to-day ^eforeths committee in favor "i un ?rporating in the bill a provision covering ari ?quarea, ?? p iw kind of carpet, to ?-??? ?!i/?? the dut\ with th* in made in t n.? cane *?? othi r carpeta. FOR STRIKING APRIVATE. ?? ottiter of r.n Array to lie Pabllclv It? prlni.nittt-tl. .l?y tci,.gi?i,i, t.? tn? MspaisBul WasBia<iT-w, tpril 10, I he ? art-mar? ich tried 11 'Utenaat Bu ? Is : r eonduut unbecoming an und a ?:> ntleman f. \\ii t found him **utlty m him t ' I?? reprimand' d and to be confined . the limit , it for three tbe court have beea approved by ? ?? ' ander <?t tl?? I ??,. \i iasouri, and he arili ir?-?u>? ???? ??:.,?.??'!??_? I.-. atensnt Stnli?. Tills Will I'?? tit.' final iii-?i of the ease, as it is ? t one that calls for say action on tb< part oi tU?? i\. tho Becretary oi v\ar. it Waa >t.i ?., ??.ed. lS|iei'ial l?)ograiu loti?.? DtSpatoB.] W-ssn** a, D. OL, April 16, Tha naval monopoli] ? da* tn th?? House, and the WaddUl-Wiae election caes wsa therefore not reached. it will be called op to-morrow. mmmOter? _? v, i'tt?t..iasese for simmton, (ity telogra|iH to tut? UUi-atch.' Wafl-BBOfCB, apri] III The G: t?.-'U\ nominated Edward -Lullahoato be later for Stauntoa I ? Uhm ni in the Toll?. [Hy ti-li giapb lo U? Ul?, I Wnmvaa, If**., April ??. ?. F.. If. Smith, vrh.i left New lork in ln?t with a woman and afterwa I bourn? . ,, of Natchez, Ni ?30,000, wu*. arrested h re '? - s Pinkerton ueteoti ... Su,.!h v. ?- bo tua? ? ?? Ban tint Oompaay "t N.w V"r?, and is ?. ! i" be ? d? ? . aoonaiderable extant to that iaatitatlon. . He wsa can hi ??. \ noouver by the deteo : tivs after .'-.?.' i. Uowed through I ! mei t'iilifuriiia, uiul vvu? indu????? t.? return to the Htatee vm?i.uu! extradition. Vi h o 1 they reached I ?re Smith began to waver i aad vt,,? ttih,'?jn??il to r?tsln oa t'anada soil and flight any leaal pr<x*ee-_l_srethai might I lie broii/hi IB, lut l?i.-illy save in. Smth. lit? f? naie ?oiuuauioti, and the detective left for fi_??-ht_ thi*? mornine eta Bt, Paul. Smith haa squandered about Wm.ow. A Fatal Accident. (Special telegraoi to the I?i?_?atcli.! Cii*K_.M?iN, W. V*.. A)?rU 11).-?rant l.rigland?hile unloading tie? ut the Kan*? wha and Ohio iuclin? had hi* ha?, ahoul ?lere, aud bask broken by tie? taluni? on him. lie died a few minutes aiicrward. l>e?-i?<>nd< ucv can??'? hy a di?eaae<l liver ?m beevoid?d by tak?ig f?u_tuuu_ Lmr liuauUu-r. JTIIE OLD DOMINION ! NEWS GATHERED FROM THE STATE AT ?LARGE. The Tteeent f-ul?*l<le In ChealerfleM C??on ty?Hem? Caught tp. If orrrripondence of tho Richmond Plspatrh.J Ptr-nment*?*?-?, April 10. it* . Mr .1 W. W?Wr*lL who commit???'' **ul ci'l- in Chesterflcl'l countv on I?"**""?>? waa well known in thia citv and w*w hi?.*?'** eateemed by lh<ne who knew him inu mately. He was a Ma???n and bad recently obUined a (ru,-'? r-?? ir I with the view ?t joining one of the l?.de?** bere. He na?i been bright and hopeful uu to the pa-t few v**k*asd hie fatnOi asd i"'? >.???*?*-"A* hia mind wa? -JUsordi-red. Jostioe I ?r knia. o? Kttrick, wh?. pn-sid??] at ttie in uneal yesterday, told the Vispateh &*_*?. ?pondent, howerer, that from p.-r-?ti:ii ? -o-.rv-.tion h? h.ul ev-ry pu' 'J ta D*. ? -Innate man had n?-i beea entirely sajie for ?????" tun? Thobo.Iy of the roieide uns tat**!?*" in Mr. Warren is ?ai-l to have been well ? !J tLe "*ortn? THE HILL CITY. An ????,?? on tli? street Itallwav. ***p*-*l*l kttmgtom kstat Ottg*tog,i . Va? April 10 -A sixty-daf option wa taken oi ' ? '??"? - ,. l,v the N? w York < ? rire ? reed upon - II to-nignt that _ ?''''* t.. the ? rice paid for tb? road tbo syndicate will have to take np a m Inopi ipertr. Aa -?4>? aa the ni m rompan*/ ?*??' r?"* ?? ?ion ?-""? "??''" liiv :* new traca, ? rie cars an-1 run a I roperty .? Wi ?I hi, I South Lyuchl ur.?. \ -l**ntnr*" ? ? to tin amounl of ?. ' ? .i mad? for the eatabl -Inn- ' car-plant, A oommittee of l-m-rtaess-men hare been BDpointed to can\ and 11 Is thou *ht Ihe who!" amounl * ? be uu md in a few h? urs. HILL CITY JOTTIMCS. Bf attere ?Cenghl l'? ?ti -yW-bkaiB? [Upe '.il tStBSras* to m-> DtopeSB-.] L***t~__r**BO, Aprii 10.?Willi??? Bh?*r*#?T-t**d, terribly bitten l .y .. f?... prl ?,-1. Tbe dog was with difficulty b? at? ? off. Three convictswsre carried through here this morning by s guard from the West r . They eeeap? ? seve? ral weeks ago, snd were captured yesterday near Pelham, N. 0, Two were ander sen teaos for hoa r-breaking and the third was u life-prisoner fur murder. A oolored man nnd a colored woman, while Ashing in the river in a small boat just below Buchanan yesterday w.?ro caught m the storm and ths boat capeiaed and both were -Ir-iwin-ii. It Is reported here that s big fight oc curred at Appomatt tyeetOTdsysmongtbe colored exour leniate, und many broken heada and alai be ? bodies va?, ? he p A lai ? ass killed in Campbell couuty yeaterday, and ;itt?-r it? bead i.i ? ?.? mashi d it was notieed that lump about midway of the body te position. Aft? r s little while a large toad made ita way out ami hi-.pi ed nil appai? ntly unhurt. The storm v< terda.v waa very severe oo the line of the Lrvnchl urg and 1 reral dwelling houses srs report? d blown ! din ction. A large numb? r of capii diste from Boa? ?.?..?. Buena Vi ta, Buchanan, Gi? and other points oeme hare t" dey fur the l'ir?]?" ".?? organizing .? central city land and improvement company at Bucl ing ?? being held to-n . The nee t io_-ma??ter on the ?? ?-?.?<" ! at Osborne1 Kord tras Inst intlj killed -? few ds lo passing over a grade near large projecting atones. Prom some ad fell on bis ? rn thing hia ?1 nil to pulp. The tir?! locomotivo will reach Bi fini'mi tho 20 th instant on theBouth At? lantic roed. " grading has b< ? o complet? dandtrack-layingia being pushed ind day. ? ? ,- welcome will I??* given the Ars! train. THE RAPPAHANNOCK. \ II. ii\ Wlml-, II nl-, itiul ll.ilii-Sti.rm Tin ? intoni?. . . ttehj G?. ? li ?,??.??, Y v.. Apri 10.?The folk, which reach. ??? lier ? to-night, brought intelligenee tl.nt. :i heavy wind-, hail-, und ram atorm pre. e river j estei lay, doing considerable damage at Tappahannock, reat, blowing a? ? Inr ? number ol tree?, unrooting 1 urns, nnd ? isge, A UI'.OWMSIl ANO A Ml.. ?-???? IK'.M. 'i ? -? ?? '"'rollini!. -I Holmes ? l from a like fate, ? hey were h -ih In a ' Btruoh them, which u.'---t the boat, t row. ? m m r h,? river. McDaniel himself ? THI mUPOl <?****ST] IK. '. ? ?ht another ansaccessful attempt was made to have a meeting of trie ? ..iincil on the bridge qu be bolters, rented ii. It is rumored, however, that there will probably be a meeting : ?ht.asthe minority will then have ; poi '? read - SCARED BY A TRAIN Amt n Rather Herlon? ?eetdeal ton Lady. [Special telegram lo tli? Dispatch?] row, \ v., April 10. Miss h iteBnah. ? ? in nr ?? w Hope, ? ?., ?n tuguata ? - untj. 1 nt for severs attached to the Western Lunatic Asvluin ?. ctpr in the sewing d?*partm< ceived i*ainfal injuri?e yeaterday bb ?ho was, v. ? onnds ill!!! Ill I? 111..:.-?, tli" ter-"? bo. ? frightened ;?t a passing railroad train. Her ? sip a .? painf. and her ri_ ' ? ? ? at tbeankle joint, ? hurt. Mis Buahong bad proceeded but _ ly carried to the u- lum : and evi ? ? -i.lered. Rhe ie thought to be d ing w.-ll t'i-ii;i?, n view of the ?? v? re - and thi painful injuries re. BR0WNS13URG TRAGEDY. limi 111?- ???.?? ?/4? 1 ? ???? I" Ce*??? t?5i>.-~'al tel. ?ran. t-i ili?? DtapaSSBVl ! BOI . ??' 1 MilUr and John : bomi?iae. charged nmiIi the mnr 1er of It. and Mr?*. ?. ?. ?, in the Wulk. r. iffair, v. ;?? li, Ughi in thetjonnt** mg for trm!. I hi ? whi ? the ''n-?? w is called tbe ??ttorni j for the Commonwealth entered ? ? ; Of-rawere ? ?ir bon?iemen i? : . is ill! nn ?i. I . Milli r hu" ?*???' ?? - ?luitted. The action of tb.? ronrtto?ii?. ve? gcnor?!" satit ON JHfc DAN. I'i:l.lic--.lioul llatl.lliig?-Tli? Inraier?' Alliance. G**?., ,-lal tcteerae in tuo Dl?P-*?-h.l Da-tolls, Va., aprii ?a The publie. lildii f -? ?? ??'',1"; leclded Dga iii-T.) suitable. At a . .. , i tbu evening tbe . p in that .?irection wa.? ti.k.-u. ??? r ?le-itriiH. Ac. bat ad for. . '.?-n, - u Udou ' ii now used for publie - Alu- ret meeting of ta* ? ; artm ?-' alliance, wmoote? ?? 100 delegata* from the t*OT 1er oonn .i-l North Carolina, wad h. i 1 ! ??? to-day. ^^^ A PROJECT. Whal ? t-c.ov?r?i??r ii?/ U* ?? Beg? llatlng I ?>r. ISpo -i-,1 ti let-ram to in?* Dlipat?*!-.) Va., A,.r.: I I ^ernor ?, ?.r.-si.i.niot the I" ekbrid?*e ??got alun with the own r ot the famooa Pol ?a Hotel. ?? Florid , ?.. tha bnUdiagat tbe city of (vla-tgow ol n paUce hotel, to ? *t u"?11 '? luiliioii. OU the i.ianf th?? 11?,rida bou--', and tO Ih- ,1111 Uri a HUnillier-lioll-.?? ? a ? ? the ? ?-rulli winter t**att, 'lui.? tt: ? .... u.. :? I. it , 1,,-eil, will )i?-t ini? r fer.? v, ?th tie big hol.-l !IOW b( BaM| B*JW Bf th. -tompaay uullai-gi.w. A Urn. B*teata) telegram to th? giaafaaaaV] I v. ?-. April pi.--The resilience of '?Ir. ?,?, r was partially deatroyad by lire tin? evening, owinfr to * defective fin?'? no ineurauce. 'ihi*?is the t?o cond tire in three year*?. i ? t. r.l.uru I'lilnfut? (Corr?Mpoua?Dc? ol tlie Utcbuoud l>lap*tt*ti.] i'- iKKHaurU), April 10. ("Mfc The majority of Democratic voter?? here , are entirely Mtisaed with the coucliwiou 1 rettob-Mi bv ion Citv Cuutral (^mmitt?ie. It is quite well underwood tb*t. *_**? Il ? ?a which obtain ?*"? municipal politi.*?, a city conventn-n ? every r.-atrt-ct nramalaS to a primary? De-rid Tazewell. a ner-ro ?***"?*?!^ ployed at Oak'? warehouse, waa tb?* ***__ ing hcnteno-d to nxty davi?* -*?__azSmZ in jail for ?teitlrng tobacco from the **?*?G"** }.',?,'.-??. ?4??ltl for a ?Ig I'rlrc. l""p??-1?? talivgram to the D,epetct*.l Korfolk, Taa, April 10.-The tract of *__ 1.1?.ii.-:;tg ?,, ?he Knnka Imprnvetnen*. Company, an organiza ti on of colored pe* pie, of which the famous Dr. 'Jh-mia* . -f llecotis? ruction Convention m?** inorv. wa? preaidant, was Bold to-d*y ? fc? The tract contains thirty-?-*? ?er???! and coet the company #1,?W?** A pri'iK-rty was -?old lot ?iivision. Virginia New? Mote? Tlie city of Peter-Mur?* waa threatened with ahcnv.v ?fcorra vesterilav afternoon ami , the thermometer tell ftillv U depree?, I1''? y "ml a Beret* a-irnl-?turm, however, no namags was inflict*?!. l'-,;r?'.iant to adverti?ement the ?''? furniture in the eu^oin-honse at Peters? burg wa- * ??? 1'?.?? sol?! at public so Valuable desks and other office furnitir** were ?iispoaed oi at the chiapest figure**, ani the whole an mnl i*ali**ed ?lid a**"**? ?*??" pro-tumately, represan! ?>u?? fifth of tne n? ?nil and oneinal eost of the articles a??? pooed of. __ NEWS OF THE OLD NORTH STATE. 4 t..i.i Tr-impt-Pritti of a Finland BbbS" ?lonarT? High Wind?, "if. (?-; ? , ii t? legrara ? ine Dlepaft-t-l 1'." ?? ?. N. C. April 10.-I.a?( De<em1>?* ?.?? . osmi ? . Cook with me , 1 four children left Wa/n* coanlt tor ?.rUii-i.-. Heandl la wifedied - ? and tn. four childr.-n. two i?ui* an I two ? irle, alart.-'l on along tran ? old bom*. V-M-r,.:ivth.-.viirri?;i in Wayne oounty and ur.? mow wi? tesa? ...:., th( oldea. Is oidj four? walk*d Uva ontireuis I _ . , _ ?_t? .fili,.. Hot. Charles Carhtnim left Wilmington s? a ?,.?.?--.miry to 1 under the an pi( M \l_ Ni era was r ? I rday of hi ? brosurht on i>? ??-? in.-.tire during hi? mi?*f*i..nerv lour?, .m?"?*. re made on 1 111? wife and little child will return to WilmiMton. a* waa a nati? of Finland, but liad U***d?M North Carolina many yean, ,,?,.? il li? ait ??); ???. convicta in Rocklngham county Upon ? ? ? ?. 11. McKlnxle. II) luddenli br one convict wbeu tiir.then attacked htm. II- was knock ?ir.? ii'-r- ??? e?????>? ui.,.- ?? ? - - . ...1 down and badlv beaten aad robbed ol .-:?, IliarevoWer was stolen hy th- <???? vi? U, who then made tbin aeeape. II ?,, u ,. I throughout the . and are foliow*d be coin weather, ? li?-r?? Is ere**j prospect of a ,n iW m--rnin-_'. wlncii will do further damage I? fruit?, ? eases, an 1 *.?.?t-le-alreudyeo'wriou'-lyunri. RALEIGH'S REGISTER. ?-. in. ? a . Batee Ticked fp ?t th*. North ??I'll. Capital, p;orro?pon'tt?ni*o of the ftlrhmonrl Dispatch.] liir ? .??. H. 0., April 10, 1*80. Very earnest efforts will be made to -?? euro an at '?t the Insane Asylum bere. ? here ??.? bun??reda "f luana m ).'?,riiini-v- and jails, many of whom are i in a deulorable situation. The capacity of . [nmehould be doubled, f-o th?t it , can contain Uto ?? ? ? ? ?? ients. l tboritiee of the oountiea are si moving m the matter, and II ? ill be I the special metiers which will be brought ; tn tin? attention of the Legislature, The people of Keidsville rute next Mon? day oa the question of issuing hoods for ? tl, ? nn iru-'i-'ii nt' water-woraa. \ ong white man named Gowen Lain ' on ? charge of steeling ?-? in Bockingliam oountv. Fanny (.liugton, a well knownwomanof Reidsvillo, waa foui ? day. The pupils ol the Baptist Orphanage at ? -n spent I.; Trinil ? ? t hospitably entert ai ? II i-i- tl"it, n? mnt t'-r?. now look, tn.! over tw? thirds <>f their arili vote this year. Thev feel no | say, und their chief desire Is to in aome way repay tha a ite Ri uh] ma for bad treatment. ! t" 1-e ?..i n,?: I by th?? scar il ' plant* ' rill plani corn on th? ir in iln? plant-beda conti] le. bt ip is report? ?i t-> be nn en. ilare in parts of Oranville county. I ),,. lorrsea by foresi Area in various curt? of the Btate during tl??? past thirt? daja are nnusual'y large. Sum?' of tbeea tern tjouu t?? - have ?? ?) u great deal of valuable tim ?ight schooners from Virginia loaded on Hi ml ? permitted to ? bridge without mol? ? ition. I Many vessels have been seised there and t.-r?. confiscateci, while the captains fined. It ?- I thai Frank P. ! .-? who murdered ? ???? Oravi r m Du ?_?????? county, ia now in Tenneaeee -it ?* ? I in the vicinity ol Hash-rule. ? ?. - r? effort la being mads to capture him. ? Htate ? .... agon the Wi_ttoTi?8alem rail? ? , gin D Bl week, there wa iil-storm and rain-storm at Win ton last evening, Many people holieved that there wsa ?t -? <??? burst. The hail-stonea wir?; aa 1-r.??? a. parti r ? wo "t the pert* ol five reven ?- ? , who were charged with shooting snd kill? I mi: Henry -IcMsnner, the negro aohool? i? richer, in Orange county, nave be? ? bound ; over to the I edera! Court, The other three >it?' ? ? - discharged, there being I no evidence thai they were concerned in I I ? bound over are Kirkpatrici snd Patterson. It ia Cadet David Worth committed aui? ide i ueaday ui ? rxford, a ? lady there and that out of this grew hi-i , m.-luin boh ?t it it mind. ??? ?. ral l; i- n i!. \ ance trill deliver the annual address before the students of ftutberfnrd College May 21 at -here are over DO students -it this oollega, SCOTLAND NECKGATHERINGS. ?.??t?? ??f an Immolation ? ?.'eut ?Low tli?ter. ??. ? n,1.1, ? ot Ose ??,?a???-? Dispatch.] r ?? d ?'?? i'. ?. 1'-. April IO. ! An immigration ? I ok fifty ?? groea from thi?*? ptaoe yeat?***tl**y m was V locked down nt tin- depot ana ?! !n- boote.M He WSM ll"t U not return. The white ?. pie do n?jt car*ho* man] --t the negroes ? ?n:ii.-i n ?? ?,- allow labor further disturtied. if poeaible, until after cropa are made and housed, and they -. If they wish. ll?? Paaquotank Itiflea have a larger eom than th? ? have aver ba ; th.-ri? ,-ire new applii I og for memi ? re will proba'-ly be au otln r -vi.'i. The farmers o1 Camdeo arereTersing ti e mo t of the eastern oountiee, ? ? acreage in cotton will bela**g-?rtb*a usual, ,? in -.iin-it of the other contiti?:.?? il w.ii he *rmaller. ? in- thi .? i blue fi-ih wer* ? m ?.ire countv alii the net - . A n? ' line is l-? lug projected , tr.-in M il ? th City. Thirty familieslefI Washington countv : a few ? e -????-!. Forest ?? liij ,U,na?e iu that Mr. Char! :.-. 11 countv, Igo with a Ut and w.u drowned ni a dit ?a. LOW. Th* water in thu Upper Cape Fear i-> r?? |'. t . ? low, n, ni by th* Lii:u?? of Peter , Willisuu wa? fotiii.l ii. u,l ?u Kewbern?'? 11 ??? . ' epileptie fits and it was the rei ? I i.i-u- bt that he cam?' to bis d. ith fr m tallii;,.', canaed by fit. Newberne has ? ? lights, and ?pie -ire very jubilant over their suc Mr. G. W. Harne?. n?-?r Wilson, lo?t ln ?aw-mdl. oottoii-gin, and 3,01)0 bushel? of cotton aeed by fire Monday. Prepaiationa an .'.,? to replace r William, which watt burned at >???1???1.- uu Mar?:b Jt-t. ?WCA****!) 1UU A mau named J,,'ini Williams ?Bacai?ed jail at ?sont h thia -**aaa. He. got h?!<l ,,t -.,me tool? ami hi 1 them until he got a to u**e then,. The jail waa being Xf\ uir.-.l. ? I.IBVKtL I'ROl-OHITION Mr. H. P. Swain, of 8?.!ithport, offera ?V> dooat*SO an?, railr-Mil th-?t will ac?*cpt ,u thirty da.?s ample accouiraodatious tot depots, wharvc-;. warthoueaa, ?o.? that I mav be n.-eded for thu convenience of a , railroad terminal or railroad connections. Kvery county in North l"ur..liua has alli? ance organization? iieept S'ew Hanover. The Farmer?' Alliance of Pitt county I have nearly perfect-,I plans to build a vvur-iiou*??- in llrm-nville. The buca ar? d? potato orop ?i Fill county I h-ir first appearance l?*t Vnir wu*. on the 17th <>f April, while this year tbey appeared on the id. ; Why suffer with rack headache and baU iiusn?**?-' * m ? aimuions Liver K*milat?)i ?wiU cure you? row tutgatm BLOODSHED. 8ERIOU6 RIOTING IN VALENCIA, SPAIN. The Citv Heine Barned by an Aatl.Carll?t -fob? Many IVt-o-*? lajnre-l an-ite?ie, It I? Keperted. ? i 11 ?I. fBy Angic-Arocncan cabte to the ***ls**etcti.l M>T)Rin. April 10.-The arrival cf the Carliit leader, the Manjui? Corralco. et Va len'-ia tn-day was made tho o< ?--??ion of an anti-Carli?t demonstration, 'lhou-ands of anti-('arlt??temet and followed th?? Martinis to hw hot. I. They smashed many window? of tin? hotel und tried to set fire to the bnildin?, whon a ?letachtnent of troop? chariffd und Aparead the mob. Manv l*-i-.,n_ were wound?*- The excitement soat?woea. A MOU OF TWO TTtOPeAMD PKB?*OV?*. Leiter.- \ mob of -.000 per SIMM -SB Invaded the Carlis? Ctob and s?-t fire to the forai? Inr.?. \sdt-n the fiismen ? mio thi in < > - ? St?i t them. Tho nrni? then Btnaehedand burned aeejriage totheoourt vard. Another m..b tri?*?i t?? inrn ai-hureh. nut was prevswted by u detachm? ? of trooDs, The troops Ii.itc failed, however, to disperse the eonstaBtlv --u boring ??row??. The latter have belli two bam?, cades ta the streets. The military author? ive taken p?.ion of tho city and the whole garr-KMI i? nu.Ur uras. MASr j-ebsonh iNjritFt?; soM_, it ib bait?, BI1.T '?. . ti The rrotin?? eoa? tinaee. I ..? troops have mads -???verul ??????^-? t. M-ny peiwoaa bistre ?????? injured. and, it ia reported, some havo been Killed, though orders wars niv-u to avoid blood? . CAlil m CROWD. leverai members of th?-(.'r.r!ist dur/fired tteir r- crowd and three wi r- \?. -, led ? ! mob also attempted to attie k the .|,'?nur . i iollegC. ? Il ????.? T B?STOUKD. Order was ? ?cat after midnight. Tlie troopa occupy various points tl. out the ' ity. COLLISION AT MIDNIGHT. ?t?? HtBOnaeSS ?ouieT?i:?'tlirr lu tlie Kag. Illli 1 hurmrl? A 1er,,,, of IVilil (oil ftnlnn??to Live? fliy tniln-Amenoan ??Me lotti? l>lsp?'c?-l l..'-i?.?v, April 10.?The British rteamer North Cambria. Captain Roberta, from Baltimore, March ttd, for Hamburg, ar? rivi d at the dock tb 'aad with her ion ill of water. ??!? -,?- [? ,. Iliaion at m dni -lit with the pass? -? ??- r- .?.. tun r Avocond, from London for Dublin. The lattar wa? so badly 'lan?? as?.?- thut she ?unk. Ne bveewsrs lost, ? ? now. The North Cambria s'mck the Avoeand amidshios with great force and cal wn\ through her lm'l. There were twelve , ? teamer, m Indine teve ral women and children. A acune of wild confusi.,n followed the ?? ? riii-'l passengers rushed half-clad tr"in th? ,r l?. h!,, 1.1 the deck. Tin ti?.?? boats belotaring to ths st? tmer were cl?*ar?-d the pa engera and crew, which numi ored twenty-five persons, bastili ? u tered them. Etowing a short distance the bont? lay by for two nours until the kvo? onnd ?aak. The North Cambrle then picked up the people In the boate and car? ne of the personal effects of th?? passengers -imi crew were save 1. FROM THE OLD WORLD. 4 Ii miliei Inn ?in (?la<l?t(iiie. |Py AnglivAraprlcau ca'-le to th?? DtapBtch.] I " :- ??, ??p? 10.- Mr. Chamberlain, in a at Birmingham to-night, Hummed up Mr. Uladal me's home-rule p ",,r dee* t, nurtured by evaeion. and ? l m mystery." <'i'i.i:urosi)r\Tn ixrni.i.i.nnOM ITALY. . Vpnl le.- Lavelletto, correspond ?nt ,?? ii?? Paris .' ? Gru m wald, ?,?? nt -f the F llave I , il, ?m the thai they hare --nt to their paper? calculated to injure the financial ored ? G th?? kingdom. Tin? representative of the Haras ????? I . :i i\;i< ll? -1. A I,"-!' i I.I ?!'.' ? . l.iw ! tOOL?, Apr ! 10 .Th* M-mmi of Una citv aays tlm' tbe Poatmaster-iieneral is being preaeed to introduce a bill in the :. ? ' ? ' ; ?? '?? the :ir. riant made bj tl??? Government with Iwava at the time it took contract* !? r d ing rae telegraph 1 the rail. ?. eoi' charge on m conni of ti of way on theu linea. Th? ?Government, it i- laid, 1? - - OOfl annually by handling fl.; ? luv, n? is, which Is 1 D Urged tor seeking abrogation of theai rangement. l*.H-|-l Hl-IU.? ? Iii ? ???'. April ? ? mmittee ap* pointed b) the Land-Owners' Convention ! ?11 ha? re? solved that th< bill m its present form I would i?. -?; - injurious to land-owners and would fail to give tbe rail meeaure of itaadeaatas t elaa* of tenant*: and that it therefore requires amendment ili lui!.. '. r ?| ???? I-, g::i;many am? hub ahuca., Apnl 10.?Jl-rr Vohsen says that the <. -? ? p?' lient il D'i l-'i h-l whether Of n?,t t?. eonrerl East Africa into ? crown colony, In any case he couaiders the monej expend? i there . tmeut, ??"?b revel a I promising. ? ? ,.s ,,1 BMAKX'S PBXTXmaOMS. Umilisi, 10. Henry M. Bl has ainieil here fr? rn Cairo ?-a > . iewed u|i"ii hia arrival. Bp< min Pasha Ktanley ? lid huiliil noi Im ; lid attempt to rei onquer the I. [U itori ;l Pr ? An immenso effort, hi declared, would he ?ry to eject the Mahdiata, vvho have overrun the province. With rei nade bj the Geraana t-. territory in Africa, Stanley ?ai I ha waa astonished ? ? their pr? I iront ly I th.- whole of tl The ?red, . oui I ? [ippoTibiithej paid ?iim tao demandi .1. t??. BDBBra m sniViiir: of in??, usiveiwic. Under ma Stanley stated an ini t.?? ? which he had intended to lely in hw t : bonk, and that wsa that the Aruwhlmi forest, srhioh belongs to the Congo ?n? State, waa enormously richer In everything, . ipeoialv in rubber trees, than the Amaz??u lirica, he de> I, would he thu rubber luaeirolr of the uni 8T_M? I IMrilV II ? now, tpril 11. i u?? // raid prints sn w with Stenle in which the lutt?-r ? as that ti I ? : ? - Inflaenoe I he wa* sii _, an ' thut Emin doubt) ? I the pr ipoeals Stanley m,ell? tn him ? to escort him ? ? nca and in itali him in ih?? government of the region. Btanley thinks the Germani intend to annex and ? ? .'ii th? piai a. n I ' will destroy t!. whole value of the British coast pos. ? f the 8? ud m 1 rnment in Lur ?.. ine to undertake it. f'.IIN A.'. ? Bt m.!*?. Apri] 10. it ?- stated thai th : r amittee haa Bubscnbed 10, ?ti mai KB to El dition that the expedition rosca ? ? i he VoUablatl ?pul text "f a let t?-r which ti ? of the l'ari? Bocialt Id last June, Bent to the Berlin Labor Conferee?*?. M that the Si idciiti<?il with that adopted by the Labor Conferenee. which has ju?t bet u publlehi J by the Heu-hsaiaeiycr in _??????!?. WOBRM-N IllsMl? S-vea Liindi??,! workmeo have be. ? -! - __sssd from Um Oenu-aia dock?) at kn-1 0 -,\ irk ovvr-tunu nnlsss they received 23 por sent extra. m ? if v> ju-r aaBt, bs ?if | 'merit has provided ni'-n to repla?'?* those ?;nga_;ed in bu lim. irui,? 1 iitler l.ootl Aii'l-I"? ?? [Special tele.rain IS ?no D-WeOB-J l>rrEBflBi!Bo, V*.. April ??- -The Oytnna sium Cinti waa organised here to-night with a mem ?ership in exorae ?>f cm dre?l. The directors wer? (*!r???en troni aii?pic?r*i._ The Ml??U?lppl Kail? One Inrh. IHy u>letr?i?U to the lil?pe-'_.l Nsw Obleaka, April 10.-Hoth at ??;!?'-???? Ark., snd at Greenville the river fol -m? inch to-tlay._ The Carpenter?' Ulrike Still Oa. fBy iei?|n_pB to Uie UUpatot-l Chicaoo, April Hi. -The carpenters strike is etili on sud the men ''"i'?"111? confident of succ?s*. The owners "f,1:'r-*te buildings which are mann?.' compi??? are growing reati-e at the delay, fearing lurgeloaain rental?, wl___ li generali.? ? <* gtn on the let of May. They tim-at-n to nut their contracts ?~ other lian?is unleas work is rt-s?nmt.l e|K?ed>i?. tta the itrength of this there is a iu?"?* mt-nt ?a foot amona ??a?? ut the un-ui-en? of the Maitir-farnent-rV ?*~??*????-**. to diaeolve tnat l*tly ?.nd allow ita iadiri_-al meml?er? t-. auks whatever terma tit in regard to r.-i-ti-nir.ingtheun?**?*. Tin? they claim is the only way out of the <li leinuia, ataos, u? u rx?_y,th?*y decline re? cognition of the uniou. Influential ro?*m bersofthe aasoriation, how?BVcr, are ?>tv poaed to taking thi? action. riO-B-BOLUt*-! ?TTU-E. One hnndr??] cigar-rollers employ?**?! m the Columbia Cigar-Fact?iry have joined the fifty bnni-h-roakers who etruck yeater? day. I bey will all probably j.tin the union. The propriatur has ndrmiaed for non? union men to fill tho strikers' place*. THE SM-VERjCHJESTION. It ???-????? ?he AUooUon ot the Kepubll can < tut n? Called to Coiwhler Another Mattrr. * [?F twlegrapll to th? t)ier?eti*_.) Wtsmxaentm. April in. The two day??' notice ???-tired a full attendance for tlm cancos of Bejrablieaa r.?T?????nt?t-.v???? to? ? ?f tin'ralUaa announced by K.-pr? sentatiye Inngley. of Main?, win* 1. was tin? arrau'-'ement of an OVOSC of i-?- Bess for the rematad*, of the a?-* s?"n, bul it ???.-? tranapiri-d that the BUVse problem was of such engrossing interest as to thmw other inntter? into the back. ftrotu d. The subject wf_s broached by ? oger, of the Coinage Ootaistit? ? ??. ntly reported the niodi-?*<l \' bill. t?. _oni**r*_> wreno. iui.t Bi explained in detail the ? th.-1 : I, noted the changes that had beea made Windom'e original plan by the committee, and ?-???'? the r? f??r making them. Be Believed that tho meaaui was strong ?- meet the public demand for amore liberal sup? ply of money. It was highly expedient ? tthe 1 hould agn ? a??a I ?inn-? measurs ?>f this 1? ? a united front when the aabject came up for discussion in the Hoose. a. represen? from one of the new westera state?? ? spoke "f the n cessity fur spe-edy : ! apon the ? ibiect of silver. roa rana ooniaoB. Be w.H fur ire? ocAaago, and deolr?r*d thit it could beeeteblishedwithout and with great benefit to this ?-?.untr- ?nd the whole world. Eepreseutetlve ?? dker, ? \i ? Mchusetta, a member of th* linage Committee, advised th* RepubIi<**oa to support the committee'? bill. It S ' ally afford all of the advai ..f fr? igea id would not ap; be bo radical a ??-narture from thaeonser. rative .?? urie as would a declared trae. ???!??*?_'?> biil. ? 1\?'G.?^-???.??<. OF OKA I Il had by this time i,ic"iii" evident that a well-spring of oratory bu-1 opened tlmt threatened to overflow the other objects fcr which th?? caucus was called, ?? a ml?) was ad ipted limiting an.-be* to uvctnni Btes each. But ?hi- did httl? good, ss the members Interested ???? adopted the fa? miliar ' ? Ing a Men I to woui* tion in order to \i- Id bia tuno. tO ODIATI l'lKii?? In the oourse of the debate tbe Senat* cmmitte.? or .position to coin four anda quarter millions of silv. ? monthly ara* die. ??n--.-il. an ! ?? was not without adherents, who made a point by declaring thai age to tin- i?m.-tint wonld consume the ? annual produci of lb? ?merli so mine*, an?l munt, therefore,aatisfy any -n? who wished free eoinagein practice with?, oui referen ?? to theory, o j,, ti ,??? made t,> the Bouse cotnnittt? Was that ther- w.?- ' one to sell s?vet to the faoami*** at the markel pri?e, sa be - ? '?]?? more : - lily sell it at tli'- n treat m p kel .1 ? ; '.at tbe beni Sciai f-fJect woul?? that the ori?.t" silver would b- steadied and k pi a m inn. tii ? l The feature or' the debate was there? mursat-l-? strength of the freivcoinagemen, ami. us nn eastern member expressed it, tbeHous* la apparenti' i ir. m pa lyig a free-coin ly ir-m fear ?1,1? I'l 'ill V? !.,. ? The caneo- 111 o'clock, and all of the time was eonsu.d in the Bton of the adver question, "!? m. Mc? Kinley si ? < innon I '?. a pn ?? inent part m th?? debate, the form? r championing the I tin latter show ine ? decided leaning toward a compi between the two yiewa repreeented by the ? ??? propositions. t? aanaaoB a - ion. No attempt was mu-'.-- to t ti.,? a direct vote upon any proposition except one, which wae adopted, provtding for the ii|> pointment of u committee "i sixteen, to include the Republican members oi the nun: tee, Which is t" <-. oeidi r th?? entire aubject, conaull with the Re? in Senate committee, and endeavor to arrange a definite project ?<?? t?econ Bideratiou of the caucus, which will mi I again next liondaj night, -? WtKBOiriToa, April 10, The committee of Ilei ?? ? rged with the duty ?'f framing s silver h l? if , thai shall s? ? ' rt of a majoril ? rneet II!? to-night at the rea ?m. u a late hour they ?? m - -.."i?, and the result <'f thi ir d ?lil - ra? tions, it one was reeohed, ? oui ? ? 1 ?? ? that nothing defi? li '?____, und tha? a re meeting wi^Ve necessary i.? en? sble tbe member? I > barmonixethe liffer? enee of opinion that exists among them. WIRE-WORKERS. Tlie I'li/e-V*. Inner?? ill lue Nj'mniil I i-t ? grepMlag l'unrii?in? nl. (KV te!,vriit-h tot* ? ? \, m 11. -The Vii Paul ; aftern ??'? Hall ami. steaded to an . ? ill. It i? di? fir -f con. teal ..; | a the There are twenty-four ?rontestanta m the .Lu- competition ?'. At 12:4 ? ? morning, Friday, I - brought in ! I \ First prize, flOO. )'?. ll. Pollock?, 1 ? 0 w,,r<l? ;n five minuti ?>. Second prize, |70, t" W. M. ( ,- : . ? icters, Third pr ? P. -G. K'hm ; 231 Prize of 928 for the mo-it ftm-h? I ami ite aending in the quickest timo to W. I.. vVaugb. In Olaaa B,the f'ir?t prize, ?*"?", w L. Catlin. j.,i word ? avi ? ? ? 1> re ?Sec.,?,l prize, <*<66, to Waugh Third prize, | 10, to Prank English, 'I2i ?., ?*?_'?) prize went to .1. P. lir.nlt. A -|.?il pr-/?- of ISO for the ( transo isaiofl ? of spei ? a A. s. Ayros, of the ? Id-timers Another of aViO t'--r the beet ?? ?? end-ink ,?? went to : altavall, ??lit-r "t the ? A ?- _ TWO WHOLE FAMILIES POISONED. 11 .? it. ?nit of Kattag a wild Tarfceji "tvlm-li, It I* Supp.meil, Il.f.n.? It U a.Mint Ate ,.f ?'..?-..iiiii BtAXBafl OiTT, ?"., Ai-ril 10, V from I v I Ing of t wo wh ile families ?? report -?? from Browning station, l'ranklin oounty. Bix-I ? poisoned, and at tho ' t twelve of thi m were in a inditkm and not, ? William Browning shot a lar-*e wil?!. turkey gobbler audio?.-' ! litte with ? ? r- as belonging to the tw ' hj,hoe sat ??. t',.? table. S....II at* ? ' the tnrkay thev began, ?me ?. ?holenl vomii ing, and co (?ne..f tin ? !?,. s of the lirownnii; family was the only m< inber got taken ill, . ?-aie the alarm to neighbors, who hastily summoned m.-di'-al mgmiggaa. Pi or of the li- re l bv vomitili?.', but tbe other twelve are reported to ne ? ,? dying oun?liti"*i. It is supposed the tur? f re he waa shot ate of soii.u bait. poisoned with itryobnine, which had been set forwoive*. ERADICATES BLOOD POI? SON ANO BLOOD TAINT. CHVBBALbottleaof Swiff? Specific (S.S.S.) **-' ?*ntir.-!y dcio-ted my system of cunu^ious blood po-un ai tiw ?ery neara* type, V. ?. .-,. Loon is, -hreveooft. La. CURES SCROFULA EVEN IN ITS WORST FORMS. f bad ?CKoruL?. in 1S84. and cle-rued my * ?fitem entirely from M by taking seven bottle? o? S. ?. S. 1 luve not lud any *ym?.* U?_?ii___ CW.WlLI.OX, SparUohurg, -- C. HAS CURED HUN0RED8 Of CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Tieatiae oa Blood tad Skin Dhea?. mailed ras. bwir t Sr .euri. Co. Atl-uu. ??_? MARKET REPORTS, ANDIN CONNECTION TMERCWITM THE WCATH-R iBCMCATfOiNS. v-w ?tiriK _.NI> KI?flW??t?l? BBOCKS. Dally Reporte tmen lloUi Boa?*?*- Oetten. Orata. WBBBI BBS?? QaiBaSl ? ara (By teleffrapti lo the MapeS-*.) 1 ? WaaatBUVim, AprU ?a-Kor Viratale. . U-Ura-4 warnt ?r Krl-lay ?BU ???. dey, (/Vif. ""****'*rly *?lB<tr*, tteoailDf variable. I For Nnrtr?. C-aroltoa, fair Krt.l?? an?l ???'Satur-lay. w?rm?r tn th? InU-io?, ?la tluonry temparat'ira on Iti? eoe**, f??l W?i-1 **atar-ar by ri?lu_t temperature, reeUrly wln-1?, beoomB-g vari?t?!??. Tea tvaaraea in ??<_??>?? ???-???4? was r*oi*J?r, ?atta fr?<|ueot ?bower* itrtU? alterno?-. N_W YORK STOCK MARKET. New **oR*t. April tn.-Tti? ?toek i-nart-?l waa ?lall to-.lay. ae-l w_ii<? li pranzate?! a Orm front up lo the laat hour a tear ratti then t>?n?pit*teif ?*h?n-??-?l tb? ?-omplexioe of Oeallntr? and all the early fraoUoaai fain? were wip--d ua?. IB? tralina on Iti? ?bul? ois bnt ?luttiUy In ?acor? ot tbal of yesterday, but tra-Mittona ?a????)?? toan inipr?w?nlent??lly larre nuiaior ot aieeka t???-n ?i? ?: ni-? ed ioparimeai, where date??** ?xis'.o?! hwvtu?! of Ihn e>-tlun of the 'Mreernorg ?? p??_?:?_ o?>uir?tMh>a? upoa tb.?? ?tort? U*?? ?am? ?? In the r?e?i!?r '.'??'. Pomn racittc ww < .?-? t?f th? 1er. "I be lhaory wae (hai ih.? ! V?n l.r.'t.u having twuirht large?? into Ih? ?t.?-? ? ?rt? to be gtv?u repre?eat?tlon at tb? | B?x- ??'Kiel meeting. Tiers were many fevor ! alile livrai? of a-?w? the. morning t<> alle, ? vaine? I in ih? mar?-* ?e further r-dncU.-n ef ihe Han* I -;f F.ngUwid'? niluinnim rate -if ?*,'*?-ot-it tt?u? ? psseeaa. whii-. mouey In open mara?e there waalendiuB ?IS: tee report t the .-?min?* ? f I Ml. Paul for lb.? I?l ot April, ?howlng a ??.in u? , nearl J ? ?.?<?. ?- 1 tho preiimluary report ol I Ho?*? l-vNn-l. wb! h w.u. mere lavorai?!? than w?? eaperted. elth-.ieb 'tie tr? t?nt affer-tetl la thm* ! II lea? ?... ? mm too? wa? Imparted v? in? ! deai-_jr?, whi b imn-tl natii the l?M hour, ?bea ?.?? ? .-re atad? a ?? ?.?-? ?t Mi?eourl l'ariti??, ans lu ? !? ?;tally Ule wfinie mer*.??, on th? e-tiou ? f [ tli?? .--?nii-any |n (ivtnr noti??? tbat it woal-1 BSt \ ?end ? repr?e*nl?Uve lo tb? ine.-tlng ? *? SB? \ soctettoa. ?p???<.._?? i'neino w?-ai?o?ffe?ted i>y th ? no' erlfitntv ? liotild'a poalM<?n ou the aiar 1 Set it d.. IIII.-1 Irmi! TI?. _. mi,, and all th? ! other? ?ympaitilr.xd f?> a limiteli nwDt. Ih? aiar llnf dell and hoa?y generally. TI ?? SeaaS I wer? lare? ?eller? tn rti ? l?et raid, and ni?*>-rln1? ir lacraaaad Ih? ouuieadtBB *-?n lut???????, r ii?t"<l ?tn. ??, iJ6,i*o.i ?bare?; uuti?ie?i, , g.ii?n ?nana A*??*un<;.?".XeBange r-tilet lut ?irons at I? ?. 4?'. Money ????.? at ta*. S-iNTr?a?ury ?????? ? in, f'.-l! ? ,'??; eurrency, |l, ?,? r*\\ iievtuament? lull ? it needy fee 4'?: t ? 11?., Iti | ?x. coupon?, i)l% hid ; ?_> lutt?r?j?t. Stato ond? mttiaij seaiectsd. KUtnataa?Clama 4. ? to?.J0?'1*' B, gg.I'" ? lucrata r?. mortgag?-.,*?"?25 "-erth carotl-ia ?on?*?)??*?. ?"*? I"?..''?*?*? Borta Carolina 4'a..-.."??* South ? ?' -, ? Broaroi Tetin???*??? ?*,'?. .101 .10?? T-maaeesen..*L Tonn???????'? ?eltlem-in:.?,?.? ? ,* Vlrvtii'??'?.t?*1?? J!' Vtrilni???'? ?-*???*???,. -10 ..,???? ?ni "ht ?.? -J ?prtnwe?turn.?..??? Sortii?????? ?*p??*??,?GG<><1.jt_Ja Oalawan an?! Laelawaana. .'??'?i **ri? .-?? ?-S ?>?( i'?n??,w? rvr-al..? lAdf.snr.r->.*_? ? ? .?.i!?v1ll?an1 "??????*<???.-.???? *'** Memphis *?1?)??G???*??. ?M N ?iir?n*>an4 ?'hsttanootra.>?. ?**/.)!"?' Reaurlean-l'aciflal? mortgage. ? r?r? Ter*'? i-ral. .??*? Borfoia an?! Woltern oroiarrmd. (?"?f ."?urtaeru tnetam.- ? ** B..rin?>rn e?, ?a? i,r?(?m?l.? ???j racine Mali. ... ?a Healing . K!,v,ni,'0?1a-il Allo-ghanT.tant) ?' Hl.tiai -ulani \?-?t i-oint Terminal. ?? Kact i.lauJ. ?J . t?*. Ir*au!. t?U Paul iirnf^rrs.1.H- ? TesaiPanlll??. ?'''? 1 ?nuai>N4*>?i'>i*l itnl Inin. ?'?I ? mon l'aollc.?.. l*-**i ??ewJ-'Mer ?'?(??G?1.I'* t ?ei-ao'irl Fa.iOc. gM A ??tera Union. "*''?, i oiUin-Oii l'rust r..rtifl.-?t???. S1'S BnmaataS . s* sad Ok?a c?.-?"?i PALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BiLriMoss April Irt.-Virginia ????-???? 4W: ?I's fa ?" ; Piil'iei i'? IM Ohio ?lock, ? ? ? , ; N.irh-ru Central ?to***, I'iii.-loiiaii, iVanbiugti.n ani*? fir-.'?. 1 ,. M - ? ? -, Ml ; .1". tlire-n, 4.? , ; ciiu?"lilateii |M l-jinls, llSl^allls ; ?lu. su. k, 4*-4-.l*-v _ RICHMOND STOCK EXCHANGE. sag, Aprii 11, Hsej f*T>?1ne i-ioti'Aonsatt-t?-?t^it, Kttiange: (?orBamosr 4?j rain it. it ? ,... t. l'Ulte?! State? 4*?f*.1' ? Unite?! State? Vi.? ,....lit?! t-Tus ?s amai **?'< rth Carolina 4*?. ???,* a Noria U?roilna?'?.I?.' I. Vlrt/lula 4'?, .?>n?o!?. U Virginia ?-4-d 1*4?*?.M Virginia n'a asa. ?W??' M*?" Virgtuia ,..)-.?..? --? ????\ fuiiilatila il ... Vu gii,la consol coupon?, noii-f ?iid ? M?. ? Citv 4*01 ? r.?t? Kiahmondolirv?.IV, 1*0 Klotiiuun?! dir - ? ....,i'7 . . l;io?iri?.iili;l'r *?'* (l-i'-i IrflM)., ?100 I ' i.l-?nioul oiiyV? (1 Ml au'l l'iteri.Ill I! , HI ? m alclty ?'? ll*?-'l).. . MM _UUOSB c SB* A?., tata ?? l (.'barioit* ist rs.l.'iy 1st ? ?? 1 .'. g nur. tulNtreil-'i'?.!..I 1 >l ? ir ?, Y ?ni. ? alloy . . Ml caarMCol? ani Augusta i?t"?.p,-i ? i.itr . VoL and Anguila i 1 ."?.117 t'aar..Ook an! Au? mai'?.? **?* ? ,, Ci unitila ?ul (ire?-ivill.> l?te's. ...l'i) C IaiiiU.aa?i 1 ?/i'??- ?.vili,, It'? ?'?_ -.1 ?eix.Tgtai-aclflel?! fs...--?..Il*** ? ? 1 .... . ? ?ni. TV . , BB). ? .1 Iw W-nt. IB!? . 1 ?1 li fe'emiurgi'lassM I's.till 1 >, Mici?, ?- <i i)an. cmioi 1'?..loi ?. ?..ani Daii.gol'lfi's.II?. .... ? l*-'_.-.? ? ??.lui ? ? Man. g???, mortgee* 5s... B7 hl:h.. r.,r? It. an-l Hi??. I-IS'I_I.*'?*?{ ! , Kicnmi ? ia. ; ? ?? lit d'alo; k'.-'Muuuti au-1 AllngiiAuylsl iii'irt. 71 ? p ?,.-'.. fra . s?! ?A~.i-.ri? Sortii i anilina l?l 7'? (C| .IO*). 1 ? W< ttarnAorta taruiiu? ist tr* .?:, IB1I.-.94 BJ Btli.itfii"? r<te. AUanta an-1 ?'bari??***?.100 M a..*?, a. i*. <iiv. ?j?iig't.......... us ij? Disi st giga P-furs?iirgSaviiiifs Je In*, l'a ?O 30'^ ?l MISCH.!, is?? West-Be-! I.nil ami lui?>**-)v?maBt C-aapaay MoeS.?..?' %H% RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET, |10p,.r*.?? tbo DUpat.-li.l AraiLin, WjQ, .no ?ii?-*ton '>fTerlDg4 oo 'Change uv-lay. Iu(nru*l-r-iv?uui? ?*oll??ctiuu? : Cigar? and ? ?'???, Ili;?;,TU; ?***?*?**?*, IV-l?"*!--?Vital, 11,111..M. 1 rivale ?-ties reports?! vxlar* Fill e es, ?? '?,*? itji'it-rs, tl bogahna-l?; cutter?, 7 b-g? ? ratsi arapaara. a?Ja******eea*Mi ?Jar*??, t?iK.g*. aeaea total, tl ti-gitieai?. Sal foature. "iV>?tern r??x,rts from planters ?ay the ground Is too wet lag ???4 to li* ?orna or far pianta to ciaiure for earl** [/anting. Tb? ??aeon will 1-9 a Ule nut?, ^^^^^^ GRAIN AND COTTON EXCHANGE. Kicks ?su, April 10, lit!. otrtiasiii. WHBIT.? l.l'r.,4 bulbo)?*? ? <s po I 'isneia OAtBL B,*al b:i?l*K>la ? Ki-oKTtfo ro sgranTART. W*MBSTi ?**?*?*??? do? t-u?b*Ia prl we oa pri? vate l*i '..-- '-'? 1. Ijii ?,.-titils very guod at BJ fiu-bel? kooI at ?4-?. Shortberry. 1*0 - prone at tic. Total sales ol ?beai, 1.0J4 LUti?ulS. 11.ota. We not??. 1*11?, siVMSi-*?. superar?a, g*.7i? l!g;<il''i.?l>li?!.:i. ft all?, I tall? ? patoul fauni/, country, |4.7*M?*Ut*i COnX>*4 KKfaMT. ? .-* ??. era Qcovatieaa. Miontisi, 11 a low MlOBtls?. ?>??? ????? uaaiBASi. m MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. N-.V YUBB. \|-f Vous, Aprtl l.?aouthera flour firmer. WliMt i!i.-tt!-e, I'-lu- 1,-avy and dull; ?a * r?d, a??.*-'V'. *u ?-levalior: optioua atuve ,i. ?ink? ?. a* ; Ba .? red. At ? -l -??J ?ay. ? . '? . met w??t >r aad fairly a? t!Ti- ? .?to. -'. *<*?_*-*?**. in elevator ; opUea? falny aatrrs etaele* ?*??-; Aprii *?,-?.: Hey. SBo. ; ! J-ioe 39?. v. OaU e-nl'-r , option? ?eager; April, Bay.rtbkC.; J,ine.tHv? Coffe?.-?-pu...? ,!luUd?t? Mav, 117. Wal 17.? ; June, fir. ?a flT.t- ?? ei If. ?.!< alyaiid Iu fair d-rnand-, lair i*er?*?**e, HBM ?ugar-K?? Ormar aud fairly a.?? .. ig, 1 l?-lfc?. ; re?n?l a better do niaud bui -iii-ha- :?0. Malaa??? NsStfjl dui! ; M-te*t, ill<'-: N?w Drleana ready. Itlce Arm _,, ? m g-XHl demand. Peti-ole-ia ?tea-ly: r? Uiie-l here. ?7.10. I'oilou-ee?. ell Bra*. Orai: ?traiue.1. tx>_?_iuc to fuuu, $./7?,,a|L.i.-i4. 1 irpetiii-?? lower end t|uiet at tl \c Wool ?-y Pert flrii. .it.i 'iut??_ Be?f eaty. Beef bam* ?iro-g. lien.????! taw?! dull Cvit-uieau atroas; pick.???! ?boulder?, |6.7"??|4; mi ldiee Oitn. Lar?! ?w *a?rer boicruiet: waalara ateatu, t\ta%: ?nr st-am,H; -aprtl, tao*: Bsy.Sr-.M; June, $_?- Freig-U ueek; ta-tioa. it-ted. ? gram. rad. ? SA-TIBOBB. ?? tr riaoa?. April IB.-Cotton Arm; middling, 1 , -nr a ? ?. ? ?_t| very firm ; l?owanl ?ireel ard weetera attper, Stall V); dtx > .?.?..?. **.m?j_*.!~ ; do. da laialiy, ?_;_?H *); ttty mill?. I?i'. traed?, ?xtra. HtteHt-; ?leur ! w??at, pa.e.t. tt-tOaH?*-; ?print Au. ?ta. ?*? ???; tin. da. atvr-lgat, M-ah-M.**?; da da, ? ... . i. t- ?*??. WBes?.Bm*lhsra ?t-ve? sad I higbar: Kuli*. ?**a*?v. ; Uagberry, aa??*: ?a ? g, ?To. ; ?leamir. ?a I reti, (th.?.; amelara aaay; i Na i ?tour red. ???*, ?> : Asrtl, i*??a t?lrnc.; Bar, ?*>_*)._ ; J?uy,Ite-U?, ??*? i Bombera Braa, asa. -tvaaeee: veUe. ?at?a; yellow. taaWH?*-: weett^uetenaat BBSS?*! *pn*s ?T-, ?***.; April, .*?.,?|h?s. ; Mag. at)?-"SV-I ?lun?. "A?,?*', ?l~am*r, UVg?'. IM. OSS* ??? tl?? and ?troest; ?n<t?a?r? and P'nneylvania. '.", ?.tre.; WO?t?rn ?Ii '.. :,?.?.?.? do. ".,? ' % ?-??.?. graded No. t ?mil?, .*?_ K? b?it ?leed y ; prtev? t?, eh,-??, Jr\a_7". 11 ..* prtm? lo chote? ? ta. ity, fi a. p?** ? t. ? . ? -teady eu 1 uu- hai -*?l. M??*..*?*? ' ?t??. fll."?, Bulk-i-?*!? (leoaeV-????14<? . V ; long-uleer and .-.??r ni, ?wie?, s?. - pi--?led ?hou .l?r?, lt_ar,?4c. : ?ngar-etii ?? ? t ?boulder?, ????*?.??- ham?. 111 %__*?*. La d fined.7H?".: ernie, ?up. Huiler quiet ?. ? hang-? I ?,-?i--ru la-lle, Italy--; creamery. Ih? Vie, Kgf? ??-aly; ??warn, ita Carlee t|?i!?t an l ? . e?ty : hi.? cargo?**, fair, IBk-BNO. Mu? fiar ?tea?! V ?oft, a. topper n-dtn; G?*????, t'.al.v. ?Whl?key firm e> li, Fretgku lo uvarpool ? -r ?teemer -??ili ; cmtnn. ?Sa.; Sour per tuo in ?ar-k?, f-aaraa ; grata por h?_**L 1*4.; ?ort.f??r ordere,te. r*?.?*-Wheat,l?jN? -u*b*U; ?*orD, lUt\fJUU b_?i.?_. tilICAHU ?BiCkiKi, Aprii ?a?Caah quotaMoee werei :nl. No, ? ?piiag wheat, ?la*.lv?l No. S r*d, Blve. ?a t eoru, ?j\\<\ ?a S oeta,sans??,.. Meee-pof-.ti-vr?. L*r-i. pvitu? tn.*J Shott-rlr-, t_.*_ S_i,uld.,r?. t-***4t0| ?h?rt ,-ear. f_?U?t-->. W-t-t'y. Il.-L The leadlos future? ranged aa follows: ?nu Optmiaa Might* ?! ttnmt Ar.nL.___. ?S ?H *??*? May.._ ?, ? ? Mt? Juu??..m Kl* MS ? ?? ?.'OBS. April. .? S* H ?'S -WM Mar. ?? . ????' SI? July. si?? ?n ?a?? o*?js. May......- ??*?; SI* ??* June . IH St?, tt Mass fu a a Bay..-. Sia.i) IIO'O 9?"*% Jan?..m lu??) ll.wU 1L0? LABS? Mav.-. AX A? Art* Juna.- Ai*:?, ?.??-? ?-7?4 HmiBT-nia. May. A? .Tig Attig ?raie. a. _.?)? s???? Bf. ! ' I*?. ST. ??iris, April ML S*tSS_ un._ang?d. Wt ?at lo?t.*r: ?a ? r.d, ca-?.. ?'? . Ma?. ????*??",<?. a-rk.d; Jim -, -*?', e?ke 1 ; July, 7? lit. ? ra .?met ; No. ?> u.ik- ?. ? .-'?. *? ?. ; May. 11? ?,<?, bid; Juue. ?N X lue CtOee<% easy: N??. t <? ?an,'.??-. ; *?y, .??*. ; July, - -, ? aakn?. Whinkoy f I . ? * ?? ? -? tl .,-*|1????.?. Lari l*rim? ?i-?m. *\7t tut* ? l>rr-??lt-**d ii'.???!? ??!.>.ui,I.?-*?, tl ..?**-**"?_ . ? ?'??? aid ni?*, Ii.;*.; ahort-.-lear, |BS7lf)?a B*.*ea lera t*?*-*> 1*1* ? lotg?and rtl-?,|n? ?b???! ?l-ar, SAU _*sj-t_ Ba ? 4KJ-> I*I*4,*l*4*4All. l*I*rt***4?*?TI, April 1??Kleur -t ?It. Wfcea? flT'.ii ; ? ?.m reaatflj. ? ? mixed, ?rifai..-. Val? ready No. I mil-it, ? . ? ?te vi y ?t ?.?.?, a? IsM n?*n Bt ?U. AiiHt-nirau (I-m ?uJ ?in liMiged. Ha. ,?o, ?ni uik bau '.J. ? h'.e?ey ?U-aly ?I ! \V| LUI MIT? ?*4. Wiiiimto?, N. OL Vprti t.i.-T'UTentlaefl-T* ?? ??, 1?,? K?ln :lrio; ?traine?!, ?I.!*?; g -4 ***t??*??.|1 ". rar arra as BL 4?. ? ru-i? lurpeu. ? tin? Ut tu ; liant, ?L-.O; y el o? dip au?! ?.rgiu, | ??. JO. ??'.? Y?ittK iMiTro?" ?*t'Toati\ *4?w TOSS. April in ? .ition-Nel aud gnat? 1 '?,-?. (? it-ire? ,?!*??,! ipnet till Steady. Sals?,*.;?) la!???- April. 111. 1 .) May and.I-in?, fi. ,2 ?J. ! I'd ; July. |U .VaJI I. v, ; . |I1.MalU-*-?; Hoiueml.. r. |M. n?i October, tm falla s, ;????p?(>.??, ? ? ? U-.-euiti-r. II , ?< ?. .'mar-, t>?*.*-*a|Hl.t?): February, 11".?.lall'.' 4 . ?.?????-???, ?-?rr.)?? ?*?:.??.?. LlvaarooL, April I ? ?. ?an fi.-a-if and In fair ???*????*?.| : liiimtn inl.l Hing, ??,,I. - ?.?., -,-JJOO bales; ?pSCalBltsa and ?H-lrl, ,,.?0 bale?; .e-ei| ??, !? . ?>l luti???; Ainerl? ??. 1.',*? laie?, Kntur. ? ?,?..?1 eteady; April runt Mar, ?7-041. ; May and iiin-?, rt-"-"4 ?. ; J'loeaiel .1 ?Ill ??4?1. . .l-ilv p???I 4 ?* ml, ?nd |Au?.u?t, ?. ? l-'4 1. ; August and ? >p4 >iut??r, and Hvpienu I ? ?? jile'n! ?r arel "? 'ulu-r, ? &7 -*? lt. ?/'. ?.??????Ban good tldtlllaa.SI?**,? m' W . , ! , ?? ??, ?*, ?. ; ?nal .nit-??? ?, ?ctttaary.l n-???? -aie. ?,? Amen???,. ? s,'?-* batas ; a. ? ?. ?.pul and M*y, s ;-???.,-?.d er?; May and .dm?, - .lunaao?! July, ? ll-esi^ buyer?; .Inly .?'id ?ugiMl, alni ?i?igii?l, ? ; ?F?^ e. il. ??; tiig-i?t and ?4??>??1****? and s.-pleraJ . v-ii-r?; ??f?????? and l>< i,>l>?r?, -Id.. B.-I..-I?? .iiiii-r and N,f,mli?r, pilei ??? ??.?, I r.?. \pr?!, April ani May, *?* 11 -*aa ' May and I in-, '< ? HA., l-iver? . Juno and JalfH ? 1. , ? ! . li .v-r?; duly and Augi. ? ? ???,, ' . lalKMB ; Vuir-i-l aatl ??| ? iin.*>r, ?- il ?4??.. ??'lier?; S?plninB*r, ? II I *?ept?uils?r and ?? (.il.-r, t. ' Liter ft- . ? . i !.. ?,?!>?? ! ? ..??;, WM kl ? ? ???'??? STATISTI? *-. l.ivBBi-i'i'i, Aprii IL?Total aelea taf ili-wort, ? ? ai???, laarhas. tasrifl Balea; trai?* taking?, in-In-'liitt im .ta.-l.-l from -M-? - ltd?. ? t??;???. ? tal ?!.? g, ? Am.-ri au, BIO, ??' i??l???; letal at?-i, ? ??: taertaas, .".mo-ai???? BUBf-LB G????? H-JO-R I :??r ih? MapaSatal Aran IO Barasi atltaa Satas Nearest of prime grada? a ? the eoea? ? large, l'-llue, H?_e.; e?. lui ? lime, * ,,. ; f , ?. -?a-V.; -h? ?ii-.i. lust? -?.?. tesa ry I . il ?>?. ? ? ??"-?**? ?**-' ? " ?? ? 1 ? !? r?? :..???. III ufi ? The Ii-wa ??.?-!,? ) ? r-!*y <lefe?te1 the ?,? ?a?? felli i.j a ?"??? ?' ?? ? I ?? I. y-', tin? ...t th.? Irati Lumher ??m pali y, ? ,. ?,,,??. in h,-n..?,?.???1?.. I ? ? hundred lb? wand fe.-i.if innu-i eut. i.i.ri.?~t iu th? tallii, rae tessi lass Is ??.-?'. ?, m ?urani?. At Yelvliiglo ' ? ? ? l<\ ne?r . ? l| . I ?, Boi? Liu it ,!. 1 ?-?. I . ??. Peti, arfeo, with p. .i ? jaasaaa- w?g III n u,e wr?*? it n.?. f ?? ? BlBaaB SB ? . ?? lt-rk, wae ?ur? rendere l by ? B? of I ? ? ? , l-r.t n je?t?r lay en I located ?? e TBS ?ill of I! e late liuti | Une?, e ? February 11, tflM*. leave? bla vaat pi ? : '?,.., , ? . ? ? ? !.?.,ii.r? leS charilebl ? L_?ui i'Iob ; ?? ! ??*- r ? ? U... ?urr-'g?!-- ? Vort, ???'? ? ! ? ?rt-rn- -m ai.'l will !-? admitted tu pmt-at? Aprii li'!'. Judge M'K.-nn?, In the Halted Mutt-? ?'tr?-'ll| ?'uuri ai -? ailliine-1 the v.-r lt- ? li, ili | tri re. ? I niliig Ja > | a? ih?? i..???rn llient fl.lWl ptrually for ili? la portel ? ira t labor. The eaee l* t?. go u> thenupreute ? -tx.-al ?ay? ih- .?lUien? t lit- cavile fin,?. \V a-'. , ?i . f ih- ? i lUgl f ? Uli . ! . Mllolllllg Ut* DBtloUBlfl f r ul ! in - ? tilling thelr !<-break? lu tbclr lev?? aa ama aa ta? water wtll parati i-.-f'>r???.? ?prias ?l-?e aim.?? ni.>ii llii?m. ? in-inorlal wa? pr?*? par?d ami ?ili !-? forwarded Io ?.o__ra?*. G??'rn fi?!? t?. of -?.-??, ; Ih? l'*l?-? nr <1???G'!?, ?ad Ute Atlant? KM- ?, ef Alleala, ?ia | ?id ili? Metropoltiaa tight lafaairr, et Ja-* mure vue feur ? peel?? ni:-iui-i..r Ih? il,??* pi i/.e >e?t?r-iay ut in- ktonvill? In Ih? ?? .?. ? ?. -i in'-r.'at !" >. n*eyelistipasr a ?'Ivauiago ',.?rly - : n?. n an?! ?f*? ? Ilio ]lld(e? hold their tl?c1?toU aaiil tt .-night. Kir? broke out In th > toller ro-,tn*ot a? et? t?n?iv- abopeof tao i.ew!? * Kow'.nr Vlu?inf*/> ti.ring l mia.y.'ti Wtlworth ?? ? l'aik ai Bra dtlya, la?* iti^hL ??,-? i: .m ? ?steaded a u.e i*r_-?? ut? ? l.iite-?h ? ?, u,r? ,? ? ? . -, . taaal f.?iue, - <> ?,? SD '???!. ni -!'!? I- ur-> BiBauiecUued every. thing pt-rtAiiniig to th'? ' ? ilpaeal of tn? Br-^.t. ty a City ral li al. riti? bu?dtt.g waede.-r ? Un?W?r.,i.-". li?e|y overed by Inaurane?. The alio|?s ?.??? loyed Over Sta men. IiKAllls. ????? ). -?????.?. ?i'j-? .' leet it.ur'lsr mora. Ina*, ?l ili? i,-i Lie?? uf bl? jar* ? ? ? l S M.v?Iite?u'.ll -ir-'t, I1ARVKV LKK, lilfsBl SOO ol .Vleiandei aa-l Ida Bragg. * BKiiWN. ?Di.??!. ?( thu "Sbt-llertnc Arma," la KlcbiuonJ. Apri ;', !?'* , Vr?. LI ? Y W. UltuAN, B, lu U.? ???veiity.flfi?. year of her ?g-?. 1 )? remain? wtll be taken to tli? country fog luterai ?it,*. * h? ? W ?. -I)l*-1. at ber b .stand'? ?????-*, Bit ai-.ih l'In? -u---?!, y??*.. rd?y ta-niiiig, Mrs, HBNMIBJTTA a. BOWB; ag-d ttirij-?!? yarn, wife of J'bii ?. How?. Farewell, my bo?band dear, farewell, A ti-.l, farewell to lb???, A' I "ou, uir <l?ar ?blldren all, t ar.iw-ll, farewell to you. Our moilier la goca and w? ar? left The loe? of her ? ? . But mt) we hope to meet with orne ?,?.?, ? briet t-efur? i.-J ? thrnua Tb? funeral will take p4a?-e from tb? rtalde? a Tills frulayi KVBMN . at 4??^l?*ca. ? l*K.li04-r*r.-I>l4>l,ou lb __*m April UM*, a| ton minuta? lo S P. M.. I ??M??a H. VIP????.-? , tieloved wife ?if J. U. B.*toua*, ta a*.? ttirty. seveDia year of BBS age ? liner??? all? tak? pia?? ob SA TU HD AY, A?r?J , Utii. BIS A. ?. tr ??. il Mary s ?.?ru.?a Caino. ' lie ?'bur. lu t r?<?i?d? attd ?> ..ualniauc?-? aia . > ?????, tfutiy imiu-d a? tiisi eitavai furi:.?? U-Al-e. It* SVHTII -Died, April .i"4h. M S?*? t. M., ?Ita? iwaldeii?-?? ol bl? brother, ? i-*?irg? W. smiik, "??v Toi Tw.)iity-?iitb ?le*???? Bt.K-.Akt? t.. ?na ?4 Miaerva s. aud iba lata A, H. aa.t-.ti ; agad u.i?-ty. ? t?--.. y*ar* Tb? fm.- al wi'.l tak? p?a???, froto !.Ol?a-Siat..?-a cliiirb ??-?? ai ir. k Kri??-? aad a? . (.uaiaiaecea ar? luvliad le aitat*?". * ? I I ? 1 1,1 | HIIU.M? l"STEU.IOt*44**?a. _^.__^_ ????????* AJJ4A?4AC". Arsii ll.l??*. Sunrise?.?Itili 11-?.a fi db. .?-.n ?u. ,. i; ll?rala?. St*** Motarw??. Itct-ilBvaalag--??. ??? rum ut itK'iimunii. Ar*.-, tu, MkU A**IVB0. S-limiiiT RlBg D. ???. Ber.-to?, Kivckl-akl, La?*, M. W?ad?ats-i-g, roMTOg gtwrXiiTyigarg, Aran. ?s.i-aa ^ r r?i?grat??tJ saaiTaav (?MaaBkabip Barttshira, l-n.vdilaa?*?*, aad et?ktA tot Waal l'uiuv, marcU*udlna. ?Al?a Stoatasftip Orlon, Bostoa, ?seal. ?--*--**? ' ?m?m*snstmmanmmim*emmai UH*? ITI MB. 4a, l""Me%TO?~MLVl*-t, J-fl FURmMTUREa U(Mte*rsM?eaT-*a*.l?Bhaaaa?k?'a?