Newspaper Page Text
CONGRESS. TH- MONTANA CASE AGAIN IN THE SENATE. Tbe Home la < ?-?romitiee of Ihe Whole os tht? Naval Appropria 1lon Itili. (By telegraph to the D-patchl W_*m>*iM**i*o-. April in.?The rf"T******** election oeee wam a-rn?*. tak?*-n up, end air. Call addressed tbe ?Sonate in o|>|>o?ition to the report of the roa-oritv ?f tin* commit? tee declaring the two l?einiMican claim? ant*. Moaar?. Bandera ami Power, entitled, ?pon the merita of the ? a??*, t?> Bl at* in Ute S'-nat?? from the Slat? of Montana. Hi? bald it to be tin? ?lut? ol e******** ??'ti.ttor to ?xpro*a hi* opinion in the matter and to f;ive to th?*? Senat.? and country tbo reason or that opinion and fBdgtaent. He dc*chir<dthat the ?-?entry waaverpinp Boon a con?iitii*?D of things ander which tnen wore t?. Imi?! ?<? its in tin? Senate in dc ftenoe of tin- p'iiMic will and of the obli- ( gationa of tbe Constitution. It wa? fa??! ? approaching the t Be v> sa political power waa to 1.?? the end "i all action, and no? crvnaervatiam of the (??\?< minent anil of Its renoua d<*Tiartii?ci?t?. In hia opiuion the action of tin? Beante in thi? f-a?e m dia r*-_nlin_ rhar and anqor-ationabie law? ??!' the State of M'-i.???nu . ?, 1 th?? i-rincltilo-a of law, ae declared by tbe Rupreme Court??' the fnit-d Ma:?**, ?a? oinj ?>f thelOBflOei stridra in that direction. 8B-B8I in?**t ???? t?? QUnSIJUB, Mr. Bear said 'but hew add like to pat Into tbe debiite on?? r?r two considerations wbn*b lift?! not 1.? dilated upon. |;?f.-r> ?? got any further hi? remarla Mr. lorian railed attention to tli?? fuel thai there wa* n<? mi- ?rum press?t and ?.an) that be would like very mach to bave ? (*BOrBta treeent, sopeeially on the Bepablionn side, ? hear the Boaatot trmii llaseaohnsetts. The l'r?"**.i<lent pro _mj*-ori ?1,r?? ted tli?' roll to be railed, ainl. ?? ? itor? baring ? ?nred tato tbe cbamti.-r while the call wn? Dto eeeliri-, fifty-cic-t ??nitori anawurod to their natnee. mb. huur wrrrt Wta UIBI jorf.. Mr. Hlair in prseeatiag a memorial in favor of In? educational bill remarked that ?ahile that lull wh? under diaovBBkm It ha?l never 1>????? a????? aarv to ?????? ? ?-all of the Senate ia order to obtaia an audi? ence. Il-tu^'bterJ mh. WOAM BM " Mr. Hoar NBUBOd his I'-riiark? on the Mon tana sleotioa ease. He alltut???! t'? some of the Psmoeratie speakeia having epokem of the ttsnaeftioa ?? ? piene <>f *? il lainy, ami bo th nghl it worth while to re eall t<> the ?Senate what w-r- the s:im?l? f.tiiit? ?n th?* cu?e. ih?? majority of th? ?ruuiittee on Privileges and Electiom ha?l thoaghi that it WM ell r, in dmputal Iv, alino.t impregnablv, ?>n tbo ?-vi ?? ????- that tin- qualified votan of Silver How ooiuty bad l?r a fair niH.'ontv sleeted ive BepabUoen fapceaeatativrs is thi l .>??,? slatun iwhoeel t la t ion or nr in <-i? i-i inn t: ? Je in tlie whole trai.sai timi. ? li it v.a? ?? ? of fa??!. Coming d wntothe rejection of the vote? c.i-t ut Prec Ml ? . M. Mr Ilo ?aid that no one had the leaet idea that any of thosealien voters had taken t be ne i-eeeary oath to sappori the Con*tituti?>n. Ho spoke of th? m as Armenisns, Bo Beatane, arni Turk?, win? WOW working on ? railroad line at that point on the morning <if the election, aad ? t one ol whoa* tras roadlos Ibi re now And these were tin tuen, ho sani, whom ths HenatOT from uetaware (Mr. ?-t??) bad spoken ot a? I?? i'.i: "disfranel ?sea" l?y tin? action o? th?? Jkittnli'i Canvaassra. T_y. 1???10? tiPTIt1 MAJOl.ITT. The mfljontyof the Committee on Privi? ' lei,???? ?nd Elections held that these mei Were Bot legal voters, and tbat, therefore, ihe majority ?>t legal votera of Silvei Bov wen? in lavor of liv?? Republican repn seatatives. Tbal ?a? th? simple proposi? tiou OB which t!i?? committee ??):?.i the ISS its of tl At iln- election in Fr?? riuct it', of f'.lnr Bow COBI tv ??11 the mark - of honesty w? re ul ??-?-i.t. and i! ?vat not de m?d that if the r.-sult of tli" election iri Silver K"?> county wan ohanged at all, it wee <-i inged bv ? . -1? ? <?f Hi? ? who, by tli?? express sutute of the Lotted States, were noi (lualined voters. HeaBbmitted seri?os!?* t.? Desnocrati- ?enatoreand loso much cf ? li?? I ?fi'UM-r ?, ? ? ? had anj reati sint by tsason of ? ?ard for troth (and he had in? iloui't thai tua! I ss mach r?. A*ar?i f? ?? truth ? the pressoi any oth.r 1-nrtyi |*??:.. ti..." from '-ir. Blair].who. ?l'i?.r the position taken by the committee warranted th?? uae ??f snub Invectives as lui beeu appli'il t-> ?;. M?, ?luv roi; im itmocuat! Mr. Gray disclaimed for nimaelf aad li*n? fleoaociatoc ?<??,.?. u?- the application ?>f iiv.ftiv.. to tie- s.i.-it)- from Maaaachtt. aalaS or to anj rrfhin ?euator. That invi * lira I,.?,I 1 ?????. api'1'.'? i" wlial bado in Mont ui... ?',-???,?,: ?I .?wi t-- ? - elimini I ? of voi a ? t ??.?. red thai tl ? .-I. obje? tion, ? ?. '.. thai olisalnatl aftei thought, and ? .ii do ?un objection bad been inailo bu. f .t?? tha ? ? ': Boartl by the aatMialawyer* who wanted t?? bava the*? vot.-s thrown ?mt. I !>? ? ma !?? t-wrn w.-r- : lirst. tint the vot-s 1 ..? p.>t bits, ? ? - :.t in a "**gi*rt<a**( d - by mail to the dirk of the co;)ii?y c:u ? :-> r-, Li.t bad 1"*??? '???liven il t,? him in u in'.'il package ! \ OU? of tlm ju'l("?-s; and, ?-.?''Uid, that th?? re> tiiriiswee?signed bj tbo tadse* and at ?? -t. 1 bv the rlcTks, im?11 aa oi being rign? ed liy the. clerks and aateated by ?I,e -. The Senator from ataasachnaetta lini not consider either of thoae objection* v.lid, liut beewgbt up aa objection which lui not been u.ii-'.e m and Which wa? an after-tli"i?,:ht. Mr. tlray rcpl,?? 1 I?? fie objection made tbv Mr. H?,ar by tn?? aaoertioi] thai Preoinot M was *i"t peculiar and alone m baviag the Totes of alien* ?-a-t, but that ll??? ?an,?? thin?; oc' nil ovei th.- ?.-t?????? ia that ?lay's election and in all election* foi y-ars ? revionaly. Bethought, in conclu? sion, that Ihe point inaile bj th?? nilin.iiti ra?lbe?n 0*tauli*h*d t?? wit, that ther?? Was not fourni m tin* bast?s of Ik* ?va ItepiiMii an representativea froan ? Iver How connty Bitting in the Iron ?flail Leigislatin?? the certificete? of any board r?r ?a'?-er aiilhori/.-il by la* to make it; and that, on th- <oiitiiuv, t'?? ln>- democratic rcpreeentativea from that 4?. untv siltini* in the COnrlhuu??? Legiela? ture sat there in conformi!? with tlio re? turn ot the countv I.? .urd. mail??a? directed by law and under th?. mandat?? ol a coni? li, t. ut conrt of inatic*. Mr. Teller, another member of tho Com ttitt**? on Privilege* and 1 lections, in ad vo?**ov of the majority ? i*ort, bpoke at eor?i(.erahle l"ii?;th. The debate then liecami? ?? ninniti" one betwnn Mi.-r? Sheiman. Kd mu ? ds, Tur pie, Eu?ti?, aud Vo?.rhc.'?. ? r-ueation having besM pt*opo?ed bv Mr. henna as to whet her forty senators, with unquestioned crrdrntlala frrrtT two beine n ?iiiorir.a could go I'? vvorlt and organize and i?-i?s ti-toii the c**d?nti*la 4*1 the other fort t-two whose t;t!> waa qui**? tioned, Mr. Hear said tliat hewoaldlike to think it over before iiin!?*Jtuk:ii?.* tv anew er it. T_? BI*I***BI.1CA?*B PO KiTroVI TO TAW. Tbat waa praoi??-lv. Mr. ??a??_ ?aid, the ?bmM-B tbat prsesatsd it??Jf fas tha Mob? tana cat??. lte.?pc?ii*-''i? to tbe question trere inaile by M??*r> ll<ur. l?aw? ?. Polph, Imt Mr. Kenne ?uni tlu.t none of tbem came Strsight to th?* point. Than, at l? 16, the ?-.?-nate ad.ioi.rn. .1. HouMof Ii? ??? < -<m ?? ?v? ? Thenouae w??nt into Committee of tho "vTholeiMr. BBtterworth in the ?hau) on the naval *M*propiiation hill. Mr. Herbert. ?>f Ala!.ama, offered an amendment provnl.n" for de oonstmetioa of two (.instead ot thr? e ? coastline butilo? Ship Mr. Herbert 's amendment was hi?t?31 to.*?-, Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, Offered sn amendment authorizm-? the S?'??rotary of tbe Kary to contiact with private parties for the construction of two vsasela <?: vu h type and ?*???<? a? ehall reader them ape.-ially utlaptalile a? armed "ruser*, it? l?e hudt on tbe plan? submitted by the Navy PeaOfft-M-B. lu the event <>1 war, tin? Government aball bave the niirtit to charier euch veeaela at euch na?.iu.?tliteriii?as the Srvretary of the Navy muy prescribe. Kuled out ou s point of order. A LOMO P-BATB ASt? A PIVBMKTTT or VIEWS, Mr. Peters, of Kan?**, moved to ?trike out Mae entire siena? fea the ? ut-re??e of the navy. Thi* proposition found ngo?>d many fneuda in the llouee, and debate upon thi? frenerai BUbieet of im-ruaaiug the nuvv ?as oug aud dsVelooed a irreal diver?.'tv ??( view?. Finally Mr. Holtuar. moved t<> ?trike out the .??-.f/raph provnJtng for IMBB battle-ships, lut leaving in the pro vision for unarmed urui-u-r. A_;r?*ed to PH to 70. Mr. l'etera thru withdrew l?ia motion to strike out th?? entire clause. ?Severalmlier amendmenU? wore offered, but all trat? either re-oct-d or ruled out on points ot order, 'ihe bill wa? then favorably re. ported to the House, but no final action mb tiken, and the Hotue. at ?:i5. ad? journed. A fa? h a'? Horrible Vengeear-e. A horrible story ornee from Moroeco. A large box waa recrntlv brought from the inUfnor to the port of M s-a?.'a ? for ahip pifut. When Ofieoed s ghastly sight was it-veiled. In the I.<?x. packed eloeely to? gether, were the b<-d_w ot* ant??en tou-i-j w'-pi? n, one man. sod s negrees. All the vivili.? Ltd u?.- Utj'.'iu'itsisi? aad th?u head? were t??????''m*. Their b?--f*?,i?e wer* emI?alm?d. and ha?l erldently been In the condition in which they were found for a Ion- ttsae. Ihe ?lanetit<sr had been, to all ai?t)??arance, the work ot -?ome pasha, who thus visited vengeance on his harem for untaithfuluess. _ _ FKANTICBYFEAR. ? nal II more Uoj'? I'Klfiil Dread nf llelng llanged. In a BBt*e*s*" battle between white and ne. aro boy* m baliim-r? ??.-v.-ral days a-o T'arnel Hank?, a colored lad of Ion venr?. w.-i? ?truck ?m the head : nl d;e,l y ester day \ from lh?? injury. Twelve-vear.??!d Willing Voi*?l, n w lut?? I ,y, "*tMar*reSt*d for throw- '? ini; in?? ?tono that cnti-ed Hanks's death. I During tb* eovera* ?luya that Willi? has | beea a prietn?! al the polie* atatlon s ?.ait ing th?? result of theeotored be**?** injury he has b**n in a pitiful ?tale of terror, hav and night he ha? walked the floor, Bobbiag and ? ".ui'iii? and refafaug to he comfort? ed. 11?? r? in see to eat and cannot sle-p. Either hia mother or father ha? been with bini all the time. When tlirouuh a ? ar? - less remark of one ?if the officers be learned that the ??? 1 >re?l boy was fie?*] lie beeeaafl hv?!?'rical. "Mother,'' he soToamt'd. burying his curlv bead lu tho <listress?>d woman's lap. " do nn-t let th?-m han?; m??." nnd then (ailing <m his ki.s his pale lips Bovodin ?hildis*? prayer to lie saved from the aailewa? The ofleers Irrougbt him ean?iv and tov? in the hop?? of diverlin? his ?unid, hut pa\ ins> in? attention to the ? laytbinga h<- ] b-*gged and i>l? a.ied with them m?! to bang h'.ii). 'ih?? l?tlo. fellow's nerves W**re j ?0 un trutii: that at MlltlYS lus body shook a- though be wa. -?'?t????: from nciiiil. One uomeul h?? Boba in gru f over the fatal result ol the bo***tah battle and Ui* next iiiomer.t his fac? bMomea ? Manch-d with fricjit and he fears tha? he will be sammarily iTunged. The child is naturally of a nervous tamperainent, and ti,e do. t.,ra who examined bim said that Mnlaas be ?s removed out cf light of the ?.?? ?" in 1 everything done t<- divert his Bind be in??? t.. cm?? Imp? 1---1?. insane, He was removed to lii-? home ia'.o la-t muht. _ DECATUR'SFIRE. Tb? I..?? Tu.? ? Tli<ili?:in<l I?. |Bf t-legiapti to the Pl.patch.: BiaMiNUMAM, ??a., April 10, - Later <bs. pateheal ,? tur -a?? that tii-lire in lh? united Btates Roiling-Htock ?';?? Workawae di ro**v***edin tbe forging de. I'artuieiit-,? the car*worka? Thenuu?nine? sh',|>, blacksmith-ehirp, bolting-rooin,and engimvrooB, with all their contenta, in? cludine a 300-horse power engine, were d?**tr?jyed. The loga i* B"M0,t?30, rappos?*d to be lull) covered by insurance, ? waa a'??-).h-iital. Th?-???- ar?- the -ur w.iii. winch were removed from urbana, 0., two ? ear??-- ?, and ?? re thi large?! in theHouth. The in.?.iu oiid iiti-s where the wiwd-wor? * are uninjure L |? ?.-,!,, ni.irrli. ??,-?????.??????.? ?,-. ?:?? .. . V ??*?!'? S.'.-ii .? II ?. vi'l.'.rli I? pernii ir tait* ? Bm4*S Sirtap.iri?.i f-!.'. I,y druggist?, "Mi ?It forjfi. !'r<-*-ar?-.ibyC.I. II..mi .4 (,,.. l.ov? ?11. M*??. 100 Doses Ono Dollar BARGAINS-WALL PAPER III) I.AUI.Mll uni ??.?? ? Bl I.K'TI ?? ? TO? I? ... Wall Papi r? in l',!. el,,?, ?Inch we ?eil t?, Ilio c,?r.M?iuM ?I ?. I?..?, ?air? ?, .rt.ll.-ll I .' .-..nd l..r ?vaiiL,l?-psuM? couip?r#<?ur ot?ln LHlSO? ?, ?. mLLli?, lu inih ?.)-::m) um FREIE ! ?d.aiid price? -.?'->?)? *?i.. Illl I , .. I I RICHMOND TRANSFER COMPANY AND GEWIU, lllILI'.lliIl 11 STE.U-0.P TICKET-OFFICE Thlaeompritiy otti r* facttltiea t" iti? irav?lltn?r public tiiur ? m noi beobtBloed Boywbere else la ittecuy. Raliroa-?tle_ete aold to all poiataaa4 bagsagechecked at realkteaceeaad ?mt??:? to <Jes llDBttOO. Tl.-k??t? ??!? ny all flr!?t-cl??? ?tearn-hift com paule? Sed tier?i? ?>r ?'.a te. rimiti? ?ecurej. Agein-iou ?II iritius le Sltesd lo p?M?eng?r? ani ttielr lisg/n^e. PleSSOie cat,-lag. ? ?ltU '?.ilici? ni Urei I t irntsbed ni ?hurt notice. A. W. QARBBH, Proprietor. mh?*5-ei?lliii liOileaet .Main *_?? ItOt I? Iti I tl. 11. 'i B-TBA'BBBWKD 1 un. BBKR?eld ?ml insi? lo?. The BOBBBT POBTMBB BKBWl*tQ COMPANY, Ibroash ni-u p. palar agoni, Mr. l'ATItl?'.. M. l?i?N<u:?IH. of tal*city, wtU sap? pi?- ili-li --? lomera fot 0N8 WBCB OMLT, from APK1I. Ili uTOAI'KIL 17th. -itti a BPB Cl.M. ANI? BXTRA G???. IHK'? BBBB tuti-r.l ?inrlug Hi- BMBt-BOf October mil November, MtaLBsawa !ii'ln_niii? ye?r ami ?il monili? ti?, N.? extra pi ? " t ? be charged, this being luteu.i i'iiia e ir???-, lo their patreae aad Meada UOH-U'l POBTKBH Itili?. WIM! tOMl'.lNY. Doiot : vas aud ?io ?jrest Kioad street. ap ll??,t PttNVIIHtl ALLPKR80N8 WHO BAVE PRO ?????contributto-BOl l'wi'Y AUTICI.KS orT-BAtX*Oto He Preabytertaa Boo th at the Vomii; Meo a? lui lian Ar? ?. ?????? Ila-iter aiti re i'i?-?it-? ? Bes 1 ???? IO in?? Voting Men'? ritritila,? Asm?.,?III.u Hill on MI ?S MAY. April Hin. MBB, QBbBQB WATT, ap ll-FABult_Chairman. ? LI. PEIU-ONS \Vllt> BAVE V??O tUHKP i'UN I ItlHI'lluNS of I*ANC Y AK III LB? to tba BAPTIST TABI ? at tli? Young ileu'H flu iailaa A ??tr? letion itnr.aar are leqoe l rii ??.? ?t-it.I ii??* ??in? ?o lie n,.??? 1 ifih ?ir-.-l on BK1DAY, Ai'iii int.. t-v ? o-loeB. Mas. II. B. FH/IU'i.ll, apl'l? t'minima. tiu min ??. (URL Kl-EHRMUNl), AKt'UITEt G, KICUM?.ND, VA t??*i* *?. Room ?a V, Kueg?f ? Building. la*-J-3ra l?l LI NQI ? ? l'I AXKS. j\.__?Nyri-:xT tax .notice. Uffici ur roi.Lfii-TOK OS DB-MURMI Taxbs,) i?ichmuni?, V-., April '?, l.flW. ? Bv an ord?nance of IBS citjr It 1? rrqulred tbat ? u ?- -1 ull !?. given In ?til Ibo <???:t nevr?p?per? iiuiter tb? direction of iti" ?'.niiini'.iet- on Fiuitu? e tli?! the LIST uF 1?1.?.??'_1'??? VAX WS OB KKAl. KM'VTK for the pre-etling year mill l-e pnnlo-hel In one or more dally pesiera, and alao lit?? time and placo ot ?al? of (?aid drliu'jurnl ?>??? e*iatc In ?????orlan., e with tb? above, BOttoo la hereby given that Ibe ?al I Hat will be published lu tb? .s-if'on ha n BDA? tl??? lyiii .i?r of April, and ou ?ATI KliAY tbe Ud day of May, 1.?tri Tbe ?al,? will ta?? placo In Iront of th? City Hal?, ou BmaS ?tre?! between Ninth ?ml Tenth ??? eel?, belweoit ihe hour? of 18 o'clock M. mil 4 e-eleeS P. M. ou .MONDAY the 5th day of May, MM All persona who do aot wl?b le have their pro p?-rtv a I venu... l ?ud ?oM n.u?l pay on or before IhemoUF AI'KII- ?<???*? ?. ????.??, Collector of DtMtui-ueut Talea ape-eodtByl K> 4 9\)\)\f WMAl BBTi 1*1- _ IAN ON CITI I.SIATK, In ?urn? to BB-DOB TaTLOB ?t XON. lirai h?ta'.? Agenti aud A-filou?"!?. __ep 11 ti __ _ Ft-?t Natiomal Bans ur Kicaaoau. Va..? Itniiu .m?. Vi, V!?i ?&?.'.', ????. . T ONDON EXCHANGE PM SAI ?, IN HUBS TO at'IT PURCHASKK*?, mhK-ltn H. C BLBNBTT. CaihUr. _^riNllf.KWKN'? M l'I I II s. "V^ETd, BEI ? EH, AND ll TWINKB. NgTB aud ?G???? of all tied? made lo or? ear, alee jigged ready for tue. U Lit HT-Nt? IKIN'S BOB-. Sels Importera of the t'elehretaS Usa Brand Seine Three-, eeraer ???v-ataent. au4 trauaila streets, BU? B___ha_4,Ta. High?! of all in leavening Tower _U. S. Gov?t Report? Aug. 17, 1889. ??siting "?^ -gar J&S&&& h\ OWGiCi /yisoiorrei-Y P-^ 4,1*4 ?'??? BAI ? Thi? !" ./?-*???/ a*"-^^*^-? liy lette* .*?''". Usai K?t*?:e Agaata ami Auctioneers, 1011 liaiu ?ir -'? ?;* \ k?ttor-s ?LE or fiumi. 1J ?ioli! AM) TUO H!AMK ?G4?? :. rsill, ANIlf-JJ .-?Olii II ?WlM ?-G.? 111 KTH ? . l-AI.?.! ???? ? I.WKIUND (l)K- ! TAUirCi?. So, mi no'?'? inii.i i" ? v, ?? F ha ? ? 1 RNKMR*4 I-, Nog - I . '.V 813 NOUiil 1 lllltl IK I'll HT 11 .-'!ALI. DgTACIII ?) 1K)l'**E9 ?>*** THB Slld'-OKI'IlliiUKIl I' IWKiN ?.KP,11 AMI il >II.KKi?S: VAI AM "?i "? 1 Ul SIDBOKTHIRTIRTH Bl ?'? tRW LglOH 1*40 *. -? ?; ?.;- ? ALSO, i.m.'.'. vai an ? ,..| ai THri Noltni'Ai-. "I HIHI ? ? 1 IH 1 AND LI IO ' teline uader Ih?? t,r,)V! ol H;e S i ? in, -le . and ? Aacrnt ot l*e Klrtmon?! < bancer** ? , ?,,? (uli ?if Uuno'i ' '. , ! ,? ... ? ?hail, ?? exe rutor, pn ???? to ?- ? ?: r> ibllc suo. -?? iti?' pr- ? PIUiI'KK 1 V In ita followinf order, cora mandoM un FltlDAY, Arsii 11.MO, stri*? nvio?K i. v., m?? ? vii * i<>ui" at the ' liortbevit -f ? w.-n:y-n: "? Bad Clay ?. M . ? . *? ? ? al;? In ?:,?, kaowa ?? Noa BOI, 109, aad M, n- ri* I wen- , ty-tlftti sliseU | ? s -mi BOAT, Arati U, IB ?. al ? lock p. '?:., that BAHOI TW4>*4TORT BKIf'K DiUi.l.IN'i Bt lbs in.riti?? "-1 .-ruer ol iiiirtieiii a-.-i Leigti sirselB, oootatalng eiitbt G.-,,??? I BllbRO ? .-irsi? lot. Al?.., ? VV?KltAMKI KMCMKNT-, N..?. M'incl BIS aorta 11, rtl? th ? I f.-ur ri-Olii? e ???!?. p ,.? ? l'I 'Il-MA LI- r AMr, I Oli ttie vr?sl ?I I>--,l i lilil?- ti I,??'... -.-u ?.??1|*a ani al ?Ir- , - Vai iNT LoTfin Uta oasi side ol Thirtieth lietw .?? l.eifh BB4 M : LAKUK V V ','AN 1 ?? ??! li- nonbWMt , r?i-ir of ltiirij? tlr?' aie! ! elch ?ire? . A . ? ' l. ? ?. ???? port*? ?? in cn. I **?? ? , caled, and ?? > ? reriiittii ni n-niii!". ?? ? ?- ? venu, ?? ?? rr to nui-eaae? Bam-?* would j.i well to iil'.eml tin? MU?. 'irrim: ii.i. lourtb crib; balea?** at ?It. twelve and elc?iBea mo ?? ;?, f tr ? et liable ?' tes a ?, later?**! add??! tr< m of etle. ani till, r'-ar.el nati ? *i - ?????-!?,,.?? viipai'l or recel?? a deed nel ???? a deed of trust lu c? ire tbe Aatarrai luv.m?, or all ca-ti at ihsop'lon ol ?.-- ? .r i-liii-.-r. ?. : . ?.I .NN, ?* ? ? ? G -? ;t ?. ft ??., Ane-Ion??' it. a, ?/Jame* ??. Rlam, II- al Retate Agra! ?:?? Au -tUrneer, 1113 Malo ?TR?STEE'a Ar???loN BALI 01 rfiRU. A tua ? 101 -, \ND ??'- RAI l IVK DETACU i ? BUK I? (Willi LABOR ?/?", IB Bl IM n-??',? No. 2-?>4 KAM I'l.AM.LiN BTKBBT? CBOICR LOCAI K?N NBAKLIBBT-IULL? PABX In exeouUon of a e rla?n -1.1 of irmi bearing . ri ord .n ??-i-?> i???.?" - ' I ite r Court, ??fatili ranni; : -en ma .e In ti??- debt secured and p r I so to do br tbe beneficlarr? ? *?; Of publie tuicttoD, a tbe premi! ?, >a PRIDAT, Arni 11,1*4*0, at r. o-.-i.--? p, _,, tbe KKAL BSTA G? d ii, ? u?! de? ? m. I situated ? ? slated um ? Ll im? ?- ? mosti ibstantlal, ??, ? ? comi ,? lab!? ? , ?, cob slitti t ab .? b , ? ? .'h ??, mo loro coi ? ?*?.? ei?lleol !urnace ,???-'. pavera and tbe pr mise? In Bice order. Ibe LOT has ???G?'-??-??? .[?,?,? ?or (lire?? ,1? ?,!??,'!? would lit on?-? ,?-? n an ! p". ?! ? ? ? ? ??? te?an?? at I,urti ?**??***? by r ,-,,-, ,,t tbe ?-?,-.-lient l'un ? ? si i, wb??.tie ? bona or In? vestment, ur.? ?,ei,?:,,?? ?.? pecttoll} atti d ibis ? ???. I ?in-: A-iire?i-rlt,e,l in Hi" ?-e.l ; oa li n? tn tt.? . xi -n-.?- ,t sale .n in. ?, win Intere? Iban a fron Mardi S**, IflBU, and tbe - li P-rin-i a- shall be ai D ai lima ?,f sal??. JAM&9 lt. BLAM, aii'i Trusta* By 11. A. CaUIn, Aneti Beer, Nu. IS I leventh ?treet. mHREEXEW ? KAM E Dv-i ?3LLTN0S 1 ?.? t'lll ?? II lili.I, AT ???'????.?1 wl'.l ?oil ut ? ? ? the premiosa, oa BBluAT, Arai, urn, proean-i ata o.loOk P. M-, tmi?er fiume UWBL-INO- "i " afreet between Twenty .1 . ? ty-elghi tlreeta, ? Bey ? oa? lain five room?each, bare?Ity val r.gaa, Bad calvari connection?, and readll) reni i?r ? ??? percentage on u?- price fhey will t? ?-ol? al. ? ?,?? h a n-??? excellent opportunity for tboee who want a homa or t> matean Inva ?. ? ? that will yield a goo ? In ?omo. t'BRMS: Very i.lierai. _. A. CATLRf, ? I' Ii All' ? By ?Mail m A II? Curdy, he?i Baiate Brokers ?PUBUOAI CT_c5?"8ALEOP TWO J TWO-STOR? FKAME XWi.i I IN?.- Moa non an ? nn.? < liAfi ? ?tkkkt. bktwekn lltl.Ul A>D BB?BKVOIB fcTBKBT- AT ACU TH?N ON Fit I DAT, tub ???? -AV of Ar.IL, 1???, Bt AH ?.'??'.?-k. ?li? ? mi??"*1 contain four ronm? aa ?., are w.'H tjinii?pvn water ?? i Miren eon? m? ins, an?! w 11 pay v, eu asan Inveetoteat and snre te enhance la vaina Im 83x110 feet, Tr.nil.-i? Liberal, ????? ?t ??le. i.i ai.i.k?. ? v.? ? BDT, ap ? Au a< ii-or?. By Janiori 1!. Klam, Heal Esleto Agent and \ ictionoor, 111:! Main ?frot-t. ?.???? BPECIALL. ATTRACTIVE, NBW, ?. ?a? ?? ?: ? ?. MODBBBLT-CONHTKI ? TU? .-8IDBHCI AT i UK .?-ul nu \.*>l OOK.NBB hi* TWBMTT? si.vkn . 11 AND M Bl BBBT**, Willi FINK LOT? ?-liXlCi FfcET; A VI? TUB ATTBAOTTVI VAi'ANT LOT AlAlACBNT TBRBBTO ON TUR Solili BIDB OF M *-TKEF.T BE TWBCN rvvKNi Y-vKVKNTii and TW ??1?.? ? B81 BBETS, FOll ?ALK BY AUCTION. By rerpi?*!? of the iirfiioi, who will ehrTtly r? ?ove from tbla ctty, 1 ?bail ???il by tubilo aui> tlou, on Hi? preiB??M, on WBDNBSDA? BBXT, Atbil t, : at 6 o'clock l*. \1., the al?ove-aarae ? KXCBBD INOLT-ATTBaCTIVB am? WK__.-0.ATBD CUBNBK BBalUBNCI AM? LOT, aad tbe LOT In rear thereof on M street CrOBllng ?l '.ut ?.'."? '?'>?'? leei ? hi? re?tdi?nee, erected by the pre*?nt owner le?? than two year? BgO. OSBlBtBa BbOUl eight ro'.in?. la Bdmlrablv ?rinn-ze 1. fumi-hed with nil the modoru apullauci-a lor OOmlOri en ! con vein?!??.??, LatrotaS .????, hot and co.d ??ter, bath. C"?? excellent stationary range, pantry, cli??ei?, i-lldiu?T door? on l?>!h floor?, hlph c<jll lag, ample apaoa. Ughi aid veaUlBtton, ine ma? terial a?d wert _maabt ? tba ????'., elegantly Ba? t?hed, complete lu ail lu appo'iitui <???. Is per lect order, and as attractive in all respects ea go? l ta?t<? ami ?kill aud liberal expenditure of money COUld make it. The BssMSBOB Bat ?S VACANT LOT will be ?old toge'.hcr or ??eparaiely, ua may ?et-in be-?: at nine oi ?ale. A raie chance to secure a Urei-rato home. 1 iKM.-i : Liberal, and announ ??? l at aale. ??).?????G\?????|?. Tbe above aal? i? postponed oa account ot tt? rain to FMIUY, Aran. U,? ", al 4 o/'-lock ?*. M. ?harp, ??;, m _ ,?. ?. ??.??. Auctlone?r._ By J. Thompson Brown A Co?, Real ??;?!? Agent? an 1 An.? loneera, till ea-t Mata nr???*.. boiims ^nnucms, ATTENTION! OLD BBICKRAMI) ?ECOND-UANI? TIMBER. DOORS, WINDOWS, 8ABH, Ac. OKI BUCK HOlsKNKXr TO Tfl g COHNKK OF BKOA I? AM? FOL"Sll_K gTl BBTB, 80I.DTO BE HKMOVT.I? I*. TWENTT DAT8. Tbe former pasd-SBSt having failed to com? ply with ihe ? rma of ??h? th?? shove property will bo ?old at bi? coot and chargea at public auctlou lo biglie?! ui 1??t, on FRIDAY, .M'B.lll, 1MB, att.oV.oe_ I*. M., all tlie MAT-RIAL nest to th? ?outtiea-.t - ??.! nor of llionl ani Fouahue ?treel., o? Introno ?,???'? ????--?, No 3. H? n't (?Il tu SSSBS and get the.???? bargain?, aa It will b? ?old ?nd must tx* teinoved iu twenty day? from nay ol aale. 1BUMS : U?li. J. rBOMNOM BIOWM A CO., __Bp 9_Auctloue?r_ By J. il. V alentine, Auctioneer, lb!? eaet Malu ?t'ceu IT AV(VnON~T?-I)AY AT 10:30 _\ o'clock, 1 Plalu OBaSSBSS Huit, ten piece?: I l-e-Boi, I Louui;?*, '.' pair ?Uriaitj? llml? ?id Flit it???, ?! Heailug-ftove?, a l-tr?,-?? lot of ?loue Jara, Double aud blugl? War-robe*, aud Mat. tret*??. Al?o, a Une of Nolle??*??uh as Uoalery, Shirt?, Draw??*?, --ape, Ac J. U. VALENTINE, SB 11 _Auction or. A~ ?CTION SALE OF ?^7??-G OlUNl.fc?. AN il LKMONS.-W e ?HI ?,. TO-DAY al 1*?0 o -??-k - 150 buuebe? eho??? BANANAS, a? tX'*e? t b-M?- OKANGES, St Uuxee c_o_-e L?.M? ?NS. Wtl.UAM UN-INS A BON, mt issi M Humai ?? Al ? HON ????*?--?1??? Dag._ Hy N. W. Howe, Resi Esulto A?**tto*eer, N EXTBA HANIlSOMK S?DNKY ootatnttVixAHmurT, MAIN AM? ttMaTMltt, (Q-Utl ?'?G.?. ON THl'IIH'V. Atan IO, 1?V0. at '.? o'.tock 1" M.? I Will sell '? ??'ti,n, on tbe . '.? |so.HT AND valuable i,<?''et-ove referred t*. ?itust?* at M tin -in ? Blrn . ?tion on lint han?!? .".,,,, In n- ratf in.'-t -f tli..n.....i ?!,.--t r-?ii?-i??" "-'i'-'irl. tha: ?e ? av.?. . riant In ibedln ,r . ,.?,? ? p ath, SB I Just ??iiereno ?- can be pit ??,??? ceta? ?mi eriy round ?, out Is In ? tn a? en 1 ?ennlble .--,? nnpleasantnr h ?urrnun Una - In last, luis I? 1 ?si the pica l-r an .1 valueand a-ir?'-t;ve.te, lb? i"t roar IIBMS: Ki-.-ie.uable. *?? W. H-'WI-, Audio ????**????"??*?. int of il,e lain Ihe above sale i?poi'? iii'il TO-DAT iBii'AV), Aran. U. mg P.M. -- _?_> _A'"""'.???_ F. H. T?NNlCLIFFE & GO. General Auctioneers, V.U". SKI.L ASI'M'ALllY AI'CTION Al Ba RA8T ItltOAl) STHEKT. AT jotaj A. M., THIS D ?Y (lr"1?y t?ir- llth Instant', A ? ini: A890BTMBXTOV NF.W AND SECOND-HAND rCltNITTni*. ! i GB, apll-lt BEAI ESTATI 1? : ? ? ? ?. . David Funsten & Co, REA!. OTATR, STO i., ANI? INSCI:' GLASGOW ??? BIES.?, Vim, Vi. .' attintoli ? -1 in ?Il tt* bran? ! Ice end t Palla, Correapendence ?oli ?tod and tnf ? givi 11. Bri.ui".*s. io-, ? BTOCK, AND INKCR.VNCB, ri: . INN., : . ? ORRE-U ONDKN E. apr>-!w **? a NT*. \\rANTED, A BO? BETWEEN Tri ? ? ? asa ?? and aa asteen reara lo . m own band writing, C ?)? i.,cir,? ol Carrier No. 7. ap ll-lt" \V ??? El?. A RITUATION AS ? NI IME or Cil tMBI lUI MD. I t.? ; of reference. _?. I N..I ili- PLEAflAN -. np 11-11* -? ii tre?t Main -n-.-er. \T7ANTED. G? SELL THI tv ot URtW ERIK? ?. attire S ? ! ???? ?. ? ?treat Tha -1- t... ?? ? Apply ' ?? pro n ?- rt| , 'r* ?<1?<)!?1??.-\???'. WWII G, ?? ? ? BR9 FOB LIV!. MlNNi.V,?-. \. BACCin VI.I !'()? ?? 11 5t" Twt n'y-!,'?!: nu ! ' ?\-?\p:?\ TO SKI,?, ? HOB ? tV I'll IBT-N, 'in ? H ? R ri ESS. ?1 CART. : *. Any p ?-r?" her. Appli ?? ???, ii"'? ?-?????? atreet. op ll-lt* \\\\??G.?>. PURCHAS] '.: ? ?KONE il n ? ? ?-? ? ? Al ?, matt? By Torfc Lock aid ? _?e Com' -.1.?. Nearly new. ? UKH ? I, .It*_Nc. 1 It Da?!? Bank. \\' ? ? ! I. I?, A OO?D COOK, m vv \ iiKi:, and IROHBR. Apply ? ?a M- ?imi Crac - atreet, np ll-lt \\\\NT:-:-\ ? POSITION AS BOOK? ?t Kr'Ei'F.I. l.v r\ n.,'lille agetl Bt-B, WbO la compete ueteady, end?? m (tve good r?f?rences Apply to lu IHK?.? r. a ?hipalek. IXTA?TED, TO BELL ? ? AK EUT ? ? Solos a aood-paytng Bn?_ieSBd ? ????. A good ??,??? t. r aening. Call ut E. F.'tUAN ? CO. 'S Junk etera, on Cary etreet be? tween BlgBtb uni Ninth ?tied?. KIl Inn?.ni. Vi. up l0-2t? \I7ANTED, TO SELL MILK l'Uo.M vv my tinn? nplii t-?! her!? -? .Inr???. and Holstein cattle in ijuantitle? ??( in : i? .-? than ten ?','??? li-.u-l Ol cal n Ili ? premlun.a out o? a nea ."? ??venteen ut tbe Etite Feir.) W. ?, '?? a ? r, ??, ? nt KM ?'-.^t ? lay *??,?.,??. W'ANIi:!'. TO SKI.I, IIOI.S!'. M PBABTOB, sed BARNB-B, Bon lee y gentle child an rt? ? 1 -. Addreaa ? / ? :? /. vi _.? Beater, i* ??? BMt1 t GENTLEMAN OF BU8I? iV eip srieac ?. baring from ?-.?-' toll ?? ? ?? ?- ?1 ! ; ? ?? ? a ? .. lai?,nal ? .?, ? in? rei ?>?!'?; Ut? amount for la uien. Bestrel i, ?.!,?.,- t-xcbanced. Addrem BRADI L'Af*!!, cara IH*} _ap ' \\*????;??, AS EXPERIENCED ?? M : >) ;. r a child twenty m nil Bet ..ronco? rcpilret Val at 'G bou?i , I, r 1 _ '. \?rANTED, BY A YOUTH, AFOSI* il 'ipiN in panas whole-ale or real salala bualnsss *yr la some good b ? -a sry ??1?G????? |i.rui-l.e 1. A .,lr??? ,1. il. P., ?No. 14 north Blavanlb ?t-e-t-t. ny ??-..?* \\*???;?>, BT?DE?T8 TO LEARN ? ? op. raie the QKAPBOPHONB la eon n??. ?? n Wim t,e typewriter. Tn>-?e aaeeblae? are c-inlug mpill-r lato B**, ?ni tb,??? llrst leariiln?; ttielr operano.? will hav?? be-it ?? portu? altlea lof a-'"-? p?iiit-ns. Tbiaemli cour-o of inumi,?; In -t-U'igiapl.y. Term. re?, .nable. Mi'illl VBA CuLl.tiiL i'l'*? 1 buodkapuy, oc 15-dJtwGiu ' 10 north MtiiU ?tree*. ?> *_____ BARRELS FRESH ROCK ?>,')\/Ul.AN? LIMI", ]u.t am. schooner Alfro?l Reeu, f-r sal? low from vessel, ?t'l'k fre.h In,-.??..,lale a?l Imported Portland Cement, calcined Planter. Fire-Hri'1?, Ac. l-resU (??omul Nova b.-otia Lan 1 Piaeter. Ac. api,_-".AKMiK MOOKB. G ANTED, 1,500 COUDS OF ?? at the Man<'be?ier tannery and lumac-mllle A44trees A. I?. "JllurWKI.I. ? CO., feii-Tu.F.tSu.'iii Msncteeter, Va \\*.\NTi:i), ALL DELINQUENT IT TAX*PAT BB? TO HRAU Noi ICK Ol? DB LIMjL'BM' TAX-COLLLClOillu to-da pot.h. _ Bin. LllrVr, STKAll.ll, 4.\? lll.Vil. TOST, yESTEBDA? (JiiruSDAY) i r. ? ii between 21 WSSI Mar hill ?tr'-et ? we*t Fraukiii, a FAllt Or' LORO MBTTB-, aboat Ove Incbea la length, ? euit_ t!o reward will bo paid lor their retara t?? ap ll-_?_ - J. B. FACE. QTBATED, FROM Ka i_o.>V^? I?TB ?ve ?venue la?t ??und ?y .?t ni ??, ???S ?til ?? ?- ??>- VVllll G S ? ITI It I'Cl-l'Y about .oiiHi? old. A IttK-ra toward Bill be paid If r.nurued io tb? ahore No. ap ll-'-t_ QT-?TEb, OS TELE ?".'. ?'???? ? IBLLOW MILCH UOW, w!'!i ,-)p;ir>a"3 ear? and ?ho.-t l?i!. A lio.-iul r?tur?l will be glveu If rollini??'! t. ?????? -??AMABA, Til north Sevi'iitc -?Uh -Teot._?? ?|?.?.?? Kit iiMiiND, V*., March ?. riUKKNOTICK, THAI I S ? ALI. A G? ? l':.V to'h?? riBOmiA STATE IN8TJBANCB COBPAN1 of tor a retesu?? of WJI.IP Nu 7?.i iMued fo tuo ou ih? Oth of October. 1*>*??, for'llUKl V-NI.NK ?HARBSOi Ulli . Al'ITAL ?crui h. Of THE ??Alii VIBU1BIA STATB 1N IUEANCBC?BPABV. IO G?? NAI1ONALBANK0F VIHGINUfor the rel-sueof FU G??? ?TlA.iKMOP TUF. ? Al'l ??.. OT?OS IB SAIO MANR. fKRl'lKICATB Nu. 70S, l??u?d to m? outb? CUi day ot October, B__ ?) THE UNION BANK OF IIICHUONII for theret-iueof FlFT-kNSHAK-i??.-.? ?iiK'-'.l'I 'lA- blOL'K OF SAID HANK. CBBTll . ?a 7W, l??ued lo me sa the l.v.h dar of Fetiru ary, l?**i, ail ot which *tck ?teid? ia rey uame on"their book* aud has t?e?o Imi or mislaid. _ib7F.m Maa. SARAH E. ALFklEND._ ?-nocK-u-aa, ?.. <A#V-V"<v**A*' -^ /""' - ? ?*^ssaatss*au*meut*tt,sm T?8T BECEITED, AN INVOICE OF _?NPOWDEBANDOO_OI*_' gU? M0CAJ-TBT*_U.TBBB. A?p<*TIOMSAI.ES?ratura nays. "*""*** ?t Jaanos B. Klnin, ?sUte Agent aud Auctioneer, 111! Main ?treet ??G??.?s AUCTION SALE I oPTittT ...... T.I nCiTEP. BPACIOD?, AN" ITMlUa?? If.VAUrABLI Ml -iNK-HPKOI'KHTY MO 4'.? BA?*'1' MM BB430ND "?TltF.ICT, ?tjUrgW MAdSHAl.l, ANO CLAY STUKliTS. fir iN"''? ?' ???*" '?""?"*?? I Shall ?ell by public n m" pr-"?, ITXOMRSOAY, Aran is. ?-??. , ,,, o'clock P? ?*"?. lbs a eve-iisnied WELL s A*-!? VAI I V-.?.K BUSINESS AM) KB ft no! SB, ? -ti larra KB! ? mti>:*.k ,.?< ? wo- ???? l'i: 1MB DWBI LINO el sieht rooms ?*?** tbo More, with ga?, water, eulvart, ?adbB(benenal on -? Mantlal?well . . 1 for b rli ?,??-???.-,-n ? - r ?! l-ii ???. ??: f '. , ,,|,.- niel havi, ?,? ?., ?u ? ? , ?? ,..-, ;? : ,)i aud ezion Una baci i-etseeu parallel ?,.?L "^?B-vaal I ' ' ?? itje?nlni'f tt.L?? property a?Tor-l? an unu?uai r,,?orni',,'?? '- ?: dMirabl*boati < ,'-?,? ai ' trill ? ommea ? r-n ly ?Baiala ,???;? tinn? t,y reneoii of Ite line ? t? I li? good .eli?, tbe lot baring ampia width I laaa? hxninio* : rtv a id altea ! !.?? ?al?. Ti.RMs : lieeral, aad inneutK-e ? a? ??'?-. ?u U .1. I? KLAU, ?'a t.oneer. Ity ehevalag _ R ?,rai Estate Ageeta, Aoctkiaeer?, and Brokors, ?a S iiorth ? ernu niroet. V. 'EST BROAD f TUEET COKNEIt PBOPI At th? reojneet of ibo own r. who d??ir?s to jBgage In buetntwa oj ? --?'.?, wo w;il feil hy au?;.ion, u.-ou tbe .? THURSDAY, Ar ur. IO, ,| ?,?',?'. ? n .i'nlilllii! 3 ?????? -. ,,|;V BRICK HOI roer of Broa-I aud Mnuford ?tre???. The a front of I al ? :. lo mi"! sii ???. ? ? ? - iboro ' -i ly equipped lo every particular foi lof asa r (eurent, ; ?ardlng-aiil lodgtng-boui ? , ,,,.? i. inig ih" greet ne,"i , ; n bell ." -t up ??? ? fui ? ??, ani ?-. - -, ?j ? tli? pat rooags jf aererei organtsatl >na ?t g'-?? ? ? t'-.l a ii"W an I .?"11 , g ?? reer . . I atreet, wir? oelog '" Ite eonrenienca ? ? ? ? oomptetlo-, Tbe s ! y ?r -ii'ii from cell ir to gsi. ?hinspection "f the -,.r??rui-??e will eon , of lucompletencsa. lho den ? Hi ;ti-?!i-.-t property t? d?lly Increasing owing aaeai an . future v.vie, wui'-h. h weh th > g'i?*-l reni Ul ?nit a good ' ? mim-;: Alati??. ? iii.-? MS'? tt ??"- . Auctloneera POMP.-S ,'IKST. Postponed on s.??.,nut .,f ra.n until MU.NUAY, ?4?? M il, at *. ?',-lock. CIII.HMM. A ?piSF, ap U tl -neers. By ??. Thomp?on Piowu ** Co.. Heal L?tate ??*?p'? an-I ."tu-Ubiioors, UU Ualn Mroet. M ONROE-PARK IT.OIT.KTY. (MMIDIATRLT IN KI.'JNT OF THB PARK UN M\IN BBTWKEB !" ?R ANDI.ACIIEL .-1, ; We trill sell at aacttaa oa IBDWIOAY, Aran 10, : atfeSOo-clojk P.ah, m 'h? promt?**?,th? Ff"\?-TK PWKLLI? -? ' wuth lineo! Main be? tween Pine and Laurel rtreets, Immediately tn aline on aal'l ??. feel ? ? ? t, ? .'. front ., ns te woelrni 7 -, et Of ll '. I? '. I nu?:-?: One third ,-a?h : lu?an,?.? In (w?!va an! eighteen months, interest allei, ami so .??? 1. J. i'u'iMI SON bKOWN .'. pn- PI -*?.. ? t.,n'h-r to - \ | KDAT, AraiL p.T.i, at same time and place. ap 11 -er, Sa ??. ita - ? ?. G WILL BELL ? G AUCTION, ON JL ibo ? 'i HL BHDAT, Iran. 10, 1800, ?I '? ?? ' LOCI P. '?!., TBNBBA1 ? Iii I. BUILDING LOT*?, ? of Roots and , atre ??. ii;.? ?? by far tr.i cbaepeal property rontlg on? ? ? around Risb -?? any? ba ? ? .r??. In vl.-iv , f tnprovemeuta near ny, urn 11 le. It vmii be . r??. ?'?:?-, An r.oneer. ???????!?.?1?.'????. Postponed until ? mi BOAT, Aran, ?.'tp kick. ?. ?. ' VH.IN, ni? 11 Auctioneer. By I -.?"?. He?,! le?ate n itloaeer. ITALTJABLE ?\:G??G-? UN-STREET \ ?TO it EH \ ? ?.' ? ?,.?, st i' ? re , leetof the owner 1 wili ?oil a. uu ???, OB ilio pri-ini-???, ? ? THCRBDAT, A l'ini. IO, UBO, atSe'dockP.-..tboseTWuR W VND WBLL : ? ;i.l BltlCR fTC i.? .*??>-. Iftlt ?ml 151 ?reel u l'inni en 1 Lo ly I or froni? IS f? t, wi-.ti a full do.-tli io a wi !t? alley. ? ? o new rinl tetre three rgBm? above, wltb *? r, ga?, and otber convenleflcee, a? .it.?? ah! im? ? .ra i asna Announced ai L' ! IS UV.'? ? ',>???G. ?'??'????????. The ahove ?aie I? postponed on account of r until MONDAT. Ar n ;. ?t??m?ho.ii. 1, ?? I8RAW_IN0S, ap il Auction? er. By Joba T. (io'iain, P,?al n?(a:e ??; Btaad Aliti-neer, Han? ami Kleventh streets. 4 TTBAOT [V? WE8T-OLAY ?\ ?1?4??? ??????? KESIOBNCR pott -ale Bl tU<*Tl ??.- At tt?.-? requoat of the owner I ?111 sell at public BocUOB, on tne premises, ou WBDIIfSDAT, Iran IB, ?- . a?, r, ??. . o. 1". M., that DRAIBABLR DB rACIIBl) lWO-????? ruv.ik. UWBLUNO N... 141 i we?t C!?r street) between Kltiney and Bow? -ir--i?. T?a in,.i-e contains -.? r?eme; was ball toa) r a few ?ear? age, and baa wstor ?ui! o.ivert cotinectioLS. Lot a'si.?? feel to ?:, ? ? -y. Bas Improved rapidly in tie? la-t fe* fear?, Bl ::j offers mauy a lvant?.? I a borne n- au Invesi 1 hums: Liberiti, an-1 aim? anced at ?ale. JOHN T. ..?H.iilN, ?pli _ Au tloneer. \l ?5? ? It 0 A D-8 ? ? ? ? ?? IT ??????, SO?TB BIDB. ?? I havo for sale Til?, SMALL NRW MToKFS on t?,->i Bread street. Cerne ani i>?iy before tbers ts a further advaoee? N, w. MWIt, ap 1 e?t late Agent. I^OR BALE PRIVATELY, THAT?? HAMi-i) MR TlliiKK-MDIiY KTUi ?-?? nuli ? ??.-?????. ?. ? , s matti Mala Mmt Bab> s an ti ?p y bunt and ?vu;, ail m?3doraoM***BalaBoeak OfcN'iuN, TCPPBH t to.. a?> :*?-?. lit_c?'*"! Main ?ireet. ?S?LEM LOTa ?()f) SA LEM LO The SALI M IM fifi V EM KN'T OOMPAMT will pia --e on ?ale through re_l ?.?tate agenta at noon Al'RIL 15. MB9i 800 DESIRABLE LOTS. A good opportunity for profitable Investment. For map* and perticulir a! '.TfM J. VV. V. ALL-MONO. President, ap 4-eodt5t Halem. Va. "a BABE CHANCE, ESPECIALLY _V to mauufaorurcrs-LAIU-B BONIS IN LOTa. l'or pai'tit-uiar? wrtie to .1. W. _?.???.?.8???, gec'yBur-evlUo Land and Iinpr vementCo., mb SU-eodet*_ Uuraeniie. Va I o?: ur.NT. ? OB, ?G.?G. "~|j ??? Park avenuo; IS ro OMb ' ark Bveai *: 1'.' nw ???. '. I Btreetl It rSOB* '. '.'17 east Le it h ?ir. et ; 10 rooms. 1 Hi Floyd ?trnet; 7 rooms. ,-itl? I ?.?lith ?Jtroi-t ; S riOma 3lii wem Clny ?treet : H room?. glia t?a*t Broad street: ? room?, iy a e??at Ur sd street ; ? ro? ms. Ai???. ?-VBIIAL DhSIBAIlLE STORES, OF l ji ?, WAREHOUSE?!, Ac,FOB BENT. Call tat ? EMT-LUrT, N. vv. B.WE, ap 11-lt_4 north Klevonth ?ire?t_ ^\>.? KENT, Til AT VEKY DE?? ?IRABU PWRL-INQ ?a 14 Routh Me- ? tond etreet,oeetatatag tren roosaesndoffice; _i> lion an.l ?tacle. witter, gaa, and batr ; ?,?-?, lartfc and i*#?-.i*tful back yard, woll ?tocketl wit? ? ?nl ??h.ubbory. Will rent cheap to good teaaitt Apply*-? :?,. W. BO WE, ap 11-St_Beai Batate ?ut I FOB KENT, THIRD PLOOB OFfg So. li.?? oast Franklin ?uvei, it, ??ra??-* ! uawly papered. AMie<i 0., l'ust-Ou?ce ? .? ' i-iuT._ apll-lw noli KENT, G HAT TWO-sroliY i ????veatb street, corner ?X ?anktlu. Apply a* above No._ ap mot IXrf. ????.-Gt?? BUICKgl HWRLLINU ?a rflre aa?t Bread ?tree?.-? now occupied by the pa*?or of Trtaitv vi?t_odt?! chuicli, ?? tor reut fruiti May UL Apply on tbe premise?. __ _ ap il-?eo?J-t*__ II^OR BEST, M RLAN. UVKIi'A WARRHO-HK, It? on Vtrglula atrecu Poesaaetea given Ray l?. B BLANCHARD. BBMe-lSl 4??-?? veilta street. A?tTTtOlf flAI-E!**? rtitnr-. Days., . By ?. Seidon Taylor A taon. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Office ?leveutb and liant atraata. f-FHAT NEW, ?GG?,???G??, DE TACBBO TWO-BTOKT BBICK DWELLINO NO. 309 WKST MARSHALL STREET ON TUB BOtTTI hlDB. BKTWKBS MAPI**0*4 ANI) ??G???? STREETS, FOU SALB BT PUBLIC AICTICN, ON THR PREMISI?, ox WEt'NE-DAY, Aran. ). IBM, at 5 oVLOcr? P. M. At 'h? rerpieet of t)?? owner, who le aiu'oii? ?? Mil, as lie Intend* ?novinz to ano'her part of U ? Mate, we will offer the above-men toned IVKLU 1UI1. i AND DEalRABLY-LOCATBU DWBLL? l>(i. ,'Ontalnlng nice rmm?, b??i ??.? balb-reom ??? ??- BSttSl ? ? ?? ?'-"' ,: ?re '? also a ?table aud carriago-bons? on tlio preci ? 'Ih!? hoi-ae wa? ere-ted by trie owner for hi? Bwa BM. aad being a prattlcal bonder be wag '.ll D?? lh? t,e?; ??? in its eonmotmet n. in f-?'. ther? ara lev reel? den***? better arranged f,,,? comfort and boob inventent ot more ?uSelsotlsllj bulli or in better cndi'i.-n than ihi? hou III ? ?? ? oav< n,"n( and the ne | 1 ero ?. irtlMWl blBgto purcbase, wbslher for I? nt or a beine, would do well to Btl*S*l IhlBBBle, , front? sn fe?t and rnus back IP? feet to a wide pava : raaas: Vaty liberal, and annouaoed at sal?, 11. bRLOON IATI I SOB, AnctlaaMta POST! Ia MMBgnanoa -: rain iba ai-oro sale is poet poued u- , BATUBDAT tub Igni ??.?tant at the same bou? II. HEI DON TAYLOB ? SOW, an 10 Au iioueers. Py .tame? H. Elvn, Real Entit? Asnnt and Auctioneer, Main street i TJRACT-VE UV1IOX SALE _ _ Ii NEAT SUBURB \N UBIDISCI 1--P t??G?'-?-FIVK BBA0T1I IT. BUILDING LOTS ON OAKWOOD AVERCI NKAIl THI E.V-IKUN LIMITS Ol TBBCITY. Bv r<* j? ?--T .f tbe Mr. Ber'isrt Briet, th'?'-ny. ? -',?.1 aell t.y public auction, on tbe premise.-, ? ;i MONDAT, Ariti' lt. 1??, a? l'i O'clock 1'. M., bla vVRLL-I.OCATBD AND VaLVabLF. LANH ??? COT? T v.i: Ki.-i'i- improvements there ? on the ? ? ?? ? ?venue, limit?, flavins ,?? front ' ' two front?i, KM ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? . : - ?.?.? street, ledinlouol f tba neat,* ill arranged - ni dwelling of ? r- tu tbe rapi l gromh nt Improvemea?* Iu the ? of tiii? prop rty u a ertalu tbat tbla teiutifiil _r.?un 1 will In tti?? near fu ire b? tn . a i.? n t will rea Illy ruminai ? ? for It, meanwhile It le a pleaaani auburban home snd will pay banda?m?i] fo dairy snd truck par? poaaa I'.at wlta au I G? ss : Esay, aad st sala ?T. ?. SLAM, ?\ ? aeer. Hy Butti :. ?'?. l(e?i Est?is Agent? and Au-tlmeers, II :i BbIb itreei A CCT10.N SAI.K ? if V> ITJB SMALL F KAM ? IIOISK-i, SITl'ATBD ON Tli ? WR8T BIDH OP TniRD Ba*TWR?BJACKSON AND DI VAL SlREr-T-, ANI) KNOWN" AS No?. ?: -, 1." ?,, '.'-".', AND STI Noi;IH THIRD STUART. At the re-, ?-?t of tt,e executor, who Is a-tlng under tl ? ovislons of tt,?? w n, ?*?,> ?ball offer for sala ai pul on the promu??, oo SV, DM"-DA". . Armi. IS, at ?> o'clo-k P. M.,tbe PBOP .?? . ni,,?,... Tae BOI ?KB contalo three aril f- r r,?i-n* ?ii-ti an ? are ? ow re ? ?? ' ? ? r nnpt-pi y Ing t nauta G hep all bave city water ? lions, Tbe LOTI* bave ag od depth ani win t,e mb , a? will ?,.? ihown by api t ou Jay of sale. late property will p*y alarga percentage on Hie |?.?*?-? ?,.??, and p- r wishing t, ? '. do wi :1 to at tend t m (.ai-?. TBK ta: Aieale. ? ttOS ? CO., ? ? ,? Aii.-ii Hy James ?. Creninaw, Au iloaear, il BOI tb 1.'. -V'-iiPi itr It rmcSTEE'SSALEOF LOTON THE 1 SOCI ?? _IU_ ?>;? PAKK .?? ? -s: K, BXTBND INO i IM M CKDAB TO Iti'lilV- ?.?, M l-Kr. ?, A.Sii Kl NNIM. ??? ? B il ... ? l'Vlf \l.l BL LINE? G? KBNrHNtiTON ?TKBET.?By virtue ol a '-"tiain deed of t; u-? 11 Jaraee il. Crenibaw, ?. lati ? tprilS, 1 ??,p ?orded In Benrlco County Court oler_*e offl , lu Deed-Book 1H7 I!. lofault bavins been mude in th.? r iy uiont ol certa) ned, ?al he. Ini: io ? .Ire l to . ti ?, l eball ?ell by public anotleo, on tbe ; remi -"?, on PIIDAT, Uran :-. a? 1 tyoteok 1'. M., th? al/ovo-descrlbod l'ttO IV.KI V. ?kiiii?: ?"usti a* to axpeniea ol ?ai? and to pay |1,890.43, ; ??? il ?.?. . ? Intere?! ti 1 d note due Aprile, IHU, f ora;,3Sa 10 aod ? tul I, sad on ? ?? .? t, ???.?October S, :?*?>. aud lb? bel* twelve mon tb?'time, with Intere?! added, aad ?.?.? ,??,? i y tie,? 1 ,.f rrn-t on tba ; roperty. I In? ? ? ? ? j ? : ,r dee 1 Of triv. dated April ?, 1?-?. ?-.*?.: i??! in l?eel , B, p..?? ., to secure note? ??? ? ???? t.?! lows: Note due October I, i*?i, tor tl ? ?hi.h 1114.30 ??? paid January 10, I'M), an ? no ? ? ?? April ',, laOO, for (i,9M ?M au i ? , all ol sBleB note* tbe patch.-er *UI bare t-- ? JAMBS U. CKENSHAW, ap ? Tra By It. Seldon Taylor A Sou, Kaal --nate Agents and A..c'.loneera. ??-???? CHOICE COBNEB FLOYD? avent ? in n.hi?o lot Bain riiT 10 AN ALLET. SITI'ATRI* AT ??? IOC raiAITl OitNEROF FLOYD AYIHUI AND BEECB STHKET, ??? SAL? IT PUBLIC AUCTION. We will offer thl? irniy <1e?ir*ble PROPERTY for ?ai?-, upo* the prem?ese, FRIDAY. Area 11, :- ?'. at r.oVlook P. M., a? a whole or two lots ef 30 feet Tat*sale la worthy >-f lb* eapeeUI aa-mB not ?tlestriug to ?e-' (or iinir nsn u?? ? lo? on one ?f 'U?> moot I-*a itiful West-Bad ave? nue? In? nve ceighborho-i, wbeie ralaee are ?? a lily enhaadn* anJ . ?,?,? lots daily be? coming more ? aren. Tenas: nue tt.ird a?h; balance ai six,-welve, aad eighteen ernwib*, ae**4*tl*ble ?a?-*, ??? kite tere-l added ???1 e?*?* r?-l by u deed of trust. B. BaXDON TATLOH e>SOK. ?pg Au ? oiiecrs, miU'STKK'S BALE OP BTOBE ITX X TDBRSATPI BLIC ?? IHJN.-iiy vlrtueot trust daue II ?.?"'- ber, le***, ol r-.-ord iu 1 ee !-Book. 13? ?. pa?? ISO, li 'li'uoiid Chan? cery Court ( lert*? olle?, default baring ?>*?? made in the payment of threeol ttie aotea ee. theiaby ani tlio benettclarr beving re ouired me to niait? ?ale of tn?? pn-per.y coo veyod by ?atdtti I I, I will ?ell at public ?uetlou, at ? - oa?; bru?l ?treet, BOBDAT.Aranl?, ihoo, ?t 10 oiio-k A. BL, ?be ro?owlug b?n"ls?*n? HTOBB-FIXTI BBS: BAR-Col NI'KH. male o? .berry-wood, w ti a in ani foot rail : 1 ?Vfool ? OPPI ? ? O? BKBD W VSH-BOX; 1 ? 'HKRkY-WOOO BACK HA It, c ' mplate, 22 feet long; . ' Cin:*O-YW('0D PARUTION. It f'?'. long : 1 ??.-TEl'-COL'NTEU ot c?erry-wocd, 11 feet ecs'sR-*-l".'T-T()nt.-i; or Miimi'ti of stl 1 pre peri ? as may lie neceasary t.. pay '?be Btii'.unl ot in- u >y now duo uuder ?aid ??as?*: cas'iastothe SOBS el *MA% with lnte r??i ii.oreou and th? coete of ihn? ,-aia ? ALLAN ). ? OLLIBS, Trustee. By <'howinug <!fc Roso, Real Estato Agents, Auctioneers, and Brokers, ?a 5 uoitb 1 eu tii streut. s. G THF. REQUEST OF THE OWN* i\ vv, we w.u sell i y nu?*?tm, upon th? prom? pt?.?, on WEDNESDAY. Arali. 16. I?*?*?, at ? o'clock P. M.taatVBRY D,.i|*,AP.I.B AND V BIX-AHRANOftD rKAMBDWRLUNO ? rinn? etreet m ? i."i' aas a treat ol jjoyisu feet to an alley ?7 feet wide. Mableaud olli?r t?,.n?,-.?.neu.-es?* premi???'. ir.perty In Ihte l.*-?uty 1? on th? in, re???. Come to thl? ?ale and tacure a uic??, o:u!ortaul? *??*??? At sal??? * kosr, ?? iu _Au'-tloa+ers, Hy I.?-u:?? Pawling?, ?aal Batata Ai.*'ion*er, No? 1.J0 M sin street AUCTION BAIsB?f A DESIRABLE PitAMR DWELLlNiiON CHIRCB MILU At lh? raiuest ot tb? owner I will Mil at auction, tn ibe premi"?**, on ??ATI R"aY. Area lit, lion. al5ocl?*ckP. V...tbs FRAME DWt.LI.INu No, Sl-nor'b I wenty -eighth ?treet. b?tn?. ? ?? and p ttreeu. 1 Be lot flauta 17 feat with a d-plh of ?a? feet ?? ?a alley. I ne d w?lli?g coa'.alo? t?a** room? and i? in ????! ord??r. 1 ?aaj - aas>, ami biiuoub?*??* at ?ala L0UI*aUWUN4M, a* I ^^-?"????-if SAIJWL-r-tn-. ??-,_ ~By H. Be?dr?- Taylor _Jfc-.ii, Beai Ettate Agents and Auctioneers. COMMISSIONE.?-? AUCTION / mu or oMg CNDiviiiKD ??? 1IIIH? '??????? IN A VALI ABI.*. ?.??G Of i.vNii on t??? ?uni p ?nue or main ?? ? ? H-.G NKAKLY OPPOSITE THft 11 n S G .MAKEKT.-In puritiaoce of a de?*ra* of the Cbancery Cauri of the Ity of rtlchiii'iol. en? tered on tli? Itat day of liereuiner, ISO. in tba caute of Bondit ci. Mantisa**. A??., tb? undersigned, ???*??? romtetsetoaera tnerem ??,pointed f'T Ike pur.?????, will aoll at public auction, on lbs ptaau ? WIMMDAI tub n*r or Arata. 1?*W. at l c*clocK I'. v.t tue ?ataree! of Henry rcbweitser lu th? Ke-Al. RBTATB mentioned Iu rail decree, ??follow?: ONR INDI VIDEI? ? ? ? Tllihl? INT -KESl, ?.?iii ? ?? .*'n:o\u fee.?lm I pie In ?nd to -hat ???rtnia lot or parcel ..? ! the south o'ie of HalB sUoel and ou the ea?t ' aide of ?ho?*)?!?? cree?, in medi, of ? ' f routine on \l?tn ??reet 11 f.?et. r??. r?? ? r -.1 i rua'ilu- back al righi angle? 110 f??--i to ?n alley. T'BBJIBr For cash asto ?o min-bof fee \ ? ? ? a? mav be aeeoaaary 11 ?? ??..?? tas aspa ???! ? au 1 to pay ol* and ??- ,.?ma ?'?ia?. of tn? ney. J*?', wttb ? Decombei Iti IM; $.-?'?, wlib latore?! r? n ??ame .??te: ?."???. with Int r* ? fi m -??-.? ? .?.. ??.--*?. sBbJect to a .Ill of lit:.30 ae el * - ?.??.:??.? : a He of a ??-' intlu? to aix'U'. I-?; tbe re? ?? upon aucb torma as raiiy be announced atibe -a e. ... ' ?. .-l'N, W. W. Ul* Spe -Ini ?.'oinni.jaiouera. BasDiT. Pi.n*?Tirr, ????a? f-iiwrir'aa, ?? ! ??1????? lv TUB CBAKi'BBV Conni ? ? ? ?t? "?? KicnaoMD. I. > -'-m:.?? Vf, u? ? ita, derk "t ??11 c ? ;rf. est? .? -.h? ionl r .'. com? iera iiy the decrea in ??id -au?? of ; v.:-?- in dui) given. Olveu under my h?i, 1 thi? 31 day of Apri,, 1?"-?. ? ?. _CHABLIS W. OODDIN.J ? By N. W. Bowe, Heal Tsia-.e Auctioneer, pOMMIBSIO ? ? US' SALE o? A TIACT OF LAND IN HKNltk? COl'NTY, t. ? ? V I? ???G? .-MX MILIS WIST Of THK CITT OF BICBMOND, A ? A I ? G ? ? ?. In ei'.-iti-ii of b*n?**?ry Co ?rt ,.f Bl ' a.? ??" davi Bporl ? ? ,, . ? ? , . Ibe undersign ?. ?eiou*-rs, win (?ell iy ???,-tmn. at ttie off!?.I ?*. W. Bl , 4 tic en U ?'. BATUBDAT, ? - \ \ at ito'do k m? eg Lino ? ,1. II. SVI -Bl am -; on lbs , - ., ? ? n. ng be la ; ?.. ... Exalt, r ? ? . , , . ? ?? ? ?- '? land?" - r " li . ar from Ihe ? ? ? I end Intend - G???? ! Ose fou ?? I three ?- ar . with -, r es ? ' r . ?emt-an Illy, and tv ??.,. Court uutii all !.. ?' - A. B, v. w. Bow a, ? iti ineer. n.? 1 l'y R. l!. ?Sbasta i Reti Retaf* ' No. I Uor.h Tenth Street. rTIR?STBE'iS AlCI'foS BAI I A V ?.G?G. ! (JN.IAMr.S HIV ?.?;. ..Mi i BIOBUON D, OB ONI OI TB ?. 01 ? OF G? B CI G?, ?'?-s ? ?!".'?, , ?.? . .?. : ? ?.?????* DWB LOCATRD IN HAND'S G????\ ???) ? -? Al.'- ?-?? ILO Till*? LAND ADJOINS ??? LAND*? ? ? li ?. FIN ON ??????? PH, G? ? ?su? ?NI ! IN -THAU"? "?? IHK ??????, "AMIS ?.?? El ON G? ? ? Hy virino r f a ?le- 1 -f t: USt, da? 1 ? I IS***, a id ? - t!.?: In He D< e l-Uo. k 11". pa?-e : . an ! ? ? ? . ou Bl Of ???".:?? ?,?? pre WEDNSt-DAY, ?ran at 1 . CO.N GATED V.ND ' well ibaded by nsl ? beantiluily, ?? well watered . uenr the li u ??-. aad lo p?y tw - not*? ? rin? to be annoili. FIN, 1 r , ' R. li. Chai na . *??*?*????_!*?? or nreassBeta. \t??.??G??? I.TEAMBOA. .. > COM PANI fot NORFOLK ,!?i!tl'.-.vj "? ? 11. NKVv . ? ?WS ? ? t ei'-gaiit ?a ?tea ? ? M ? ?. DAY, snd FBIDAY at : a. vi. street- ?? ? _, directly to ateame**** wbarf, ? ?>?.?!. - *i aa el I foin ml ? ' ? With a I .?. ?? ' il notti ?? a .? dayltgn . ? - it tout tel Hua Ci'?apest r? ? - igb tickets os ? ?' _srber*i : ? ? Malo reol ? - ? ol ved d a MO! ni.n- .' '?: ? : . ? ??.,?,?.? ?. M L\ . I iC A*?,- DANVILLE, mil piiVVHA G?? H. K. ? I VI lON! . . im. ion, l>. ?.'., mi p ?inte tn ?. Baeteru v irginla, ? In-'BOlt lue J?rn?? ?n 1 ... . t li ?tesi G??.?? ? LI? ISN B. Ta H ?. ? - rident, ." ? ???*??.? vvai ? ass, Freight? , : f l )HIL_JL>EJ-PHLA, BIC MOND AND BOirOLI ? '. _ A t? *? u ? .' t ... _ t- a ? Appointed ??ma? day?. Every Ti noti aod FltlDA? at ?* M. aul??* ry ri Niuy ?. I A. -M. Freight for Tuealay?* and FntarV eteamen r?.-eivel BU 11 90 \. tA. [or *? j !.. ?t , l V. ?. -an?'d-y ?r??.??! r? ?.t jl a_t!y ui, d r. m. Fare. BV ?or further Information apuiy te ? w. Moi ABBI? -, Ue-erei -Ouiharn A_r?t.t, OOtoe Kocka ta ?V ?', ? ... DI B CO., eel licnoral A.cul? Pat.a! ilpBl* o LU DOMINION ?1.?? tiilli* aiMi'AM. IOR NEW Yi-t?f?. I?t?ain*r?lea 1 ?.?SKY l'l?*S???iY ami FttltiAi ?? ?> i'. a. ?:. li * ->-? n hoar bei re sa ng ma ?.??earners leave New York for Ri-hmoad KV Kai ?A*SD*?tl*-D\Ya*ilvU' ?(.ili al S f. U. ?invili?? '?? Kiohmoad ?????? ani S iti? li.. MOK-M*!"* |'a**?ens?r s '-Miumodatlone un? ll t'Bbinfar? t? New York ne ?tass?e rtrar roi'te duc-'?.g mesa? sul lur'.a."???1 Roun-j lripu,:?ei*? lucitoJ lo ui.r'.y 1?/? after date o? u-ee*. 14?? ftee-Age, wiihubeUten-.-o.- I ?I glcerag", w.iuout suosi? ??ni??. l>' tai,lu far? ???"" Cbeaepea?-?. aa 1 Oble ralt t?biu t* re is* ' V????b?,ui? and te.'.. -> t urg ioad. 10 II T?eteis-au ra obtained ?'- A. W. (.art? Mainiireet? Clie/tapeat? ani Ohio *?? t Hi..ii.ia,id Fei-'rsLui-ir-ie'-ita. -ni ?'-? ? ?.?, e?, i-ili Ualn sir??*, aal email, Ho?-?.. . rr?,gbi forwarded aud u. ou.,? t-lUeo? ?diog ???-?? toi" potale beroud **??* lori. Vr, tuai r??-?tv?? Jai r BattU. t A lULZZ-mr* laavlntt Utohinood oa ?c *A KDNCeJAY*). ill? nnH -'? ? l ' b?Y-, br m? C???aii?^-.*aul l?hl ? rat ?ay iu Newi^rt Bews, ai ;.a A. *.. uu ? bf 14.cti,n;?l and P?t??-suu.g ???..-?-?! ?? - > >1*_?'__ '*' A" M.. "Hi mas? .--.-.-", s. ?,????.,? with ?leamer leaviug tboee Jays? akUK?K W. ALLAN A Ci).. Arn?.?. ??o. ?Ja ,1 la -.rie?, aal aun Ce*B**av'anonti HooBst:?? BAIIKil.l? Litas CnESAI-l.AKK AND OU K) BAIL w ay COUPANT. ?CBIDCLB I ? r '? ' ! vi ?u, u ;?, ?: . 8:30 ?. M. "?.??.,?? -G' da ly foc UM 1 ?. ifo.X. ? -..Old P.'i-.t. 11:00 ?. II. Ispreaa daily orctadasal Parlor (?ro ? poiat toCh?r!otte?vlli?,and Pullman ?iloep-r CbarloMaerbla to urtai). WM P. M. ! spi!???? lally for Old ?Ol??.* -ivi Nor iu.t. Pa ?- ? 6-00 f. M. Ac. ?-ru.ii??Ut 1 hi, except Sunday, for Bsfewatt IU:15 P. M ? 1 ? ! ir. Pullman Bleeblog ?'?.r ?-? ?. Palei t?. ? Soll ' ?Ib, ???? Dial and Pullman* t ti tri A'.ea.'llle lo - u cinuat and Palla?aa t? Lea_n tkaimi taaivs ? ? S-,10 A. M. ?nd l F. vi. da ly fu. s ? ta innati. ? ft 1". M. daily, eacei ?. ..-iid?ijr. from ? li-ut? A. M. audit.:.!?. M. lUiiy fi-., m Norfolk. JAM_*?-1'1\ B?t DrvieioN iKi-hiu? nd a id A.l-.'.uuny l.BAVB BBB-MOMfe 9:00 A. 3d. daily for y ?h Ubar??, i.-slnglo-, aud t .ifiou Forg'i. ?L? f, M. lon.ya hourgea?????? ??uuday. Meer> lag nr for Lyucunurr, which a ill leave l.yocaburg at ?ali ?. M. fur Lt-xiiniun. TB41NB ?KBIVS AT ??.-???, (tn r. M. daily trou, ctifu-n Foi re. ??? A. M. ?xc-p. Snn?ar frori? Lealagtoa aad Lyacbbur?. btettoa. klgbtb aa.i Canal atreet?. H. W. FULLER, ?leaeral Passa afar Agent ?. VA Bse****??*. Basare! na?e*t?ioaaaa_ le? rai rao ai? tiww? RICHMOND, FBEDEK1 , AND 1*??.->???? HalLU-iAl? -????,? , , ?t? m m ?0?( a?- ? e ? ARI u, , ?ta*.-lari lima T? A. It, ?e???? Hr."-'-*??r?i? ?tali ? :? ?.??>???? ?. ? ?, * ? ? v..: waiar. sleep??? to W-ehia aad Ne? York. li-or a. ?. toarme ?<?G ? ??G??? ?ut . ?xn ??un lay. 4:V) P. ?. ?????- SU ?tat*** daIy 101 P. M. *< ? H r) ? -?. ,u - rr. l-r".?-. urj. .????per t.? New T.,r .. ?9CA. M ?rriv?? et llyrl ??*-???, itatln-, .?p. , ??? ?*rt tStt. H. ? re? al " ?? r ?< ., I a. r ? ? . ?. . ' Vva??: itOaao'lN - ? op ?? t :*? P. M. ? ? ? ? S1 ita s., p? ? l? ai Kraderlek? ? I , ? ? ! la? I? al, ani va? a ? -1 *.r-*?t -fleJea .?y, il | .?f a ? ? . rit ?.ii?. Biti.r szesn ? ? ?v?. ???a. v. ?aree R a Au ??? ?. . . '.. VI. va i*. il. *? ? 1-04 P. "1 i"?--? ' ? ? . ??. .?.: ' ? 4:4-. A. M.??T?v?sRlba? ? - ? ? Aislen* si , a ? au A. M. * ... Sir* SUI . ? ? ? ? l'.P. M. ??- ? M - ? leave? Ai ? M, 1 ?le " ? . ?tat .? ou : us?i?? . ? ? ? ? ? a. M. Bitre ' E. T. D. m I t - . H ' ' ? Tra?a arrMng a M ?? int. ? ' ? p ? ? ? ?? . ICH MOM) INI) l'A' ?. ? BP! "? ? TRAINS ' * - ? ? Ian a, < , . ? ? ?? .... V V!. - ? ? ... . 1 .INS1 ? lili- I ?. ? !.!? !; ?K>ND: ? - , ^ ? We-t I ? ? ? ? - ? - ? '?' - ?? ? lei -. ? ? flty -.itli tuli Ma.a Bl V ?* . .1 ? . * ' LKA ll ' ' ? St. HC?t't.t IN r ! TWO 1 HAINS DAI ? : ' ?? t ? LKAV- BICE! , \ 4 . eteraBsrg Bl tba ? . ? ? ? y. ? ' ' ? ? . M . I ? III t !?? ?| a? < " r . ?. . . . ' rou Mv .?? ? ... ? ?< ? ?. 1 - -r. .? ? ir- t? HM.ll? ? . ? ? . ; . > | ti .. w te? ? ? ? Mo. ?t burs to . ?r. 1 . ? _? t * ! .e.?-.?. ? . ?"? ' ' rml? ?bi?i???' ?. 1 atiil ? ?ni. | . ?_1 ?LUI? Lo m l'i i) ? ? ? ? a ?-a. tTatami?. ... OinerairT - >a t?\ 4, ll.AN . . kn-llM Dill . , (?in: ) It ISA e ? ?. li.. ? , 14?.*? ????? *; ss) ?L ? 4 1 ? * . Itilo. ? ? -? ?Dolly * . toi?, Tto*. 14.15, r. !?, ?. ?. ?i. 1 " ??- ' etoy* ? ? ? il at cr.e?t'r, Ur.-wi r H -t Contrai?-, ?.? l'BOOM u\ ? ... - w... *,up ?? a. ?u. ? ? gaesB-g .-? v ; Manom ??n Trabas Bea ?* ani it?'?-?? n<- aus *?'.???? ??? V.r.... . , , ; un rr?i.i? -?u? ii ? 11 .?* ?. ??..-._ ? ? ; Waab-iatou ??* C**.?ri??i s and ? ? > Jenas astila ua Trata ?a t, ?. ap-ni ? MfsBatagtii > ??. J??a4??i,ni ? . ' ?. ? a ?-k Augna . ? nvUle m ? *.?? -ti.?.. ti-cara Usino-ia WaeUiajWu *-l ; 'il.01, ?? ?,??, - : ?U>v? 1 TH.SEW ?OltK | -!At. : , ,r?, .? ? ? '? n ,-. ? ?t : tt i?rv,Wee?m lay*.aal l-ri-iay?. ?? : ? ? r_r ?. r._.uouui at ?? ?. M. on l_e?-lej*? ?? 1 ????"Mey. Litre fa.? 1 rt reed m ?*. ? IHkO.tLV ?Li-BAlL UMI TO BOVOLI. l??v?. ???ivi. RlaBaaead.... ? A. M. ! s ? ? . ?i f < ? ori ? * _ ? ? . km < ? v. a. -.!. I Kwttao-i.. :?o f a. irate? leavtus !??.-'*????a<1 ?;', ? ? ? ' Xort-U at ??:'*' P. M? ari solid tr?ia* ? -- ? I ttit *e two p..? tl?. and pa? euger? (?> I wiUioui rbaus?) of car?, v. lose .-?.??.?',??a ai a also ni vi?-? ' itere. < t? ..i P. S. ua S iron? ttk-bmund ?ud tu? AU A. M. tralu fu a , Sortoli. ,. iVevltig Kl?bu-, ?al SI t*t?* a. M. a?. I M. aad atciftug at Ku-betoel al ? M. ?ut vu P. v? u??? ? ma roaoeeUoa ?t : p?!?nt*nir? ui ?ud irum Varuivl.U. laimosortt , aud ?ouiuw.telen? , ?lu ?. K. M. SOLLT, 9uj>?riaiead?ak B.T. K Mreaa, .?uera. ?-p-rlui?-.?*?. T. M. EaBBsu?, ueaeral r*a**eag*< Agaefc ! BOU Baaa, TraflU Maaaear. ?a?