Newspaper Page Text
THE DISPATCH VTHOLK NUMBER. 12.08a RICHMOND. VA., SATLT11DAY, APRIL 12, 1890. THREE CENTS PER COPY. THE DOCTOR SPEAKS? REASONS WHY THE LETTER ENDORS? ING MR. M'CUE WAS WRITTEN. the I-earea Trade 1 sonerate? It? Pre?i ? Je??, H"? OI?a|?pr?v??a ? ?? Ai-timi - Not a Political ll??d?. ? ' ,,>co Trade of Richmoridyeater : ill) Bl nnime-us vote eri.ii - '? Bi, I'r. ],'. V Patter?.?!, latioa of tl ?? in wr.ting a letter, otat BMWRdiag Mr. BL " ' ne te publie favor aad eeerteay, ? MBM rave eii.pli.itic ?t - disapproval ?if hii ?-?? thia ami trs'li???enti?* the ? ?? m la acts liy political con ? re jterliftj,? two rmndre?! pear. ??,??. . . ,,f )),., ? ? '!,.,,r of til?? I ? r 1er thia p ? De !. lo?s been . a?? nn?! ??? trere memi tbe ? ? * ?? ? epe ? ? ? | ? : n ! thoroughly bi ity, aii'l ? .tl in tin? " .? ??? con ? . ? ! ? I'r plant ipled the chair exnlained th?? circumalancee ? h'.'lo! ? n ? . ? . ?? organi txr_i ? rial:f)ri, loiviii?? cone lude I ?, ?p? ? tb? me r ! tu ? ? /??,] by Ihr t'ha r, ,? ,| h?, pro- , ? ?? hi? ?'.r:: ?:?.? I I be ? . ? toc] ,? i I nun f, r a lette r eil com- ? ? ,?. Not ? tei li ?? ? a? ??? - ?rol ???? Bave bim such a letti r " ?-il t, ,??- ??-. II?? igne : ? ? i nd i ? ? ? II | . ? ' ' ??? hii , ?. ' r? , ' ? tuli mol truthful II, : t lu- ?,,, ?, r .?'?.? . ? ' ! It ? ,r ni ? ? ??,,mid rio m ?re !"i prised al .??. ild d? anything to inj the ? racle. t? ' t?. ? ? ipe r which be . ai ?1 he added t be ,? bia I ' ? .. .- ? I I.uhm es-?, V??, Api ?IH, ? ' ? ? tion 1 occi ? ? bi card foi ? ? ? with a c-i'rta . ; ,: rese en!I? me to Mr, ?. lay ??? ?? Oui ont ' : ? I VT1 I ? \?- ," t?, iti) ?ignatiirt . ; : !?. ,??? with : ? ? li which have cou ? ? iti?*]. but as - -., signed by me and to 11.IV ? A It II t" lie rl on ? ?? bad . ? . 111,,?. its. , 1?. ''.. ? ? ntro ; might h' ? ?. He r many ? nber in ttiil ? ? ?,?? '? ?? ? I :' ud not i? ' thing r Mr. M m ? . ' ? : it wa ? oy | ? u? ? lie offl- ? ft tly of ve bit h be ? ?The !< " ? ?, , ? - tten ! pd Iry ? ? nnd? ? ??! t??-r cir- ) I .ini not think then, ri'.r .'.> ' ? ?? ; hai I 1" ? V': V ? u r ? I, ??. r for the? ? ? | !i ?r waa asked, ? I ? ? t my ? : ???? given offence I iation the ? I regret it, i" ? appreciate tin? b< :.,,r \ on ???>, n m.' and highls ? I ? ??? . | Kl.'l' .. non in tl ? -, 1 am I v? bon Mr. ro] the tenon te hieb h?? isa ? al the letter I (.uve baa > \li Met'ne I ? , ,.f tbe .'.?- I I ?c the most conclusive ?... holly untrue. 1 would .. : , ? . un?l 1 I know it baa ? ?v such inii 1 V r. ? .. ' ? .- ,m the h ever to him, and opt ? lay es ili last, basing . lion n had t end s tartly return ? prool that he ? ,? be re . that the leti ? bad not ? ., , ? ? ? bas ?:.? i " ?! n n,,?v. an?! ? aeema > W ?.|.,n-it.?p on your part to ,,;??. nstrued re u to Lim again in my ? that some prr I ed to mil ? r bat there ? >i. been conaidcra ?.? upon Mr. Met ? a connection e ? ? h : I pr ,- r. In ??lltellt 111 ?,, atever v?i?>? . Mr. widely o I > iTe gotten nay endorse ?.,?!! if 1?.? fa ?ml am ? ti ? .o ; ? ? ' lay f.?r thi? aaeoeiation lice union,.? us to ,,' !" ' their e-.ditltti't or rri'-i that DO ...... - I tii?? ?..I,. unoli'l. ?. ?. ??tt?????.??. ??? ? r.i ir? ?? ?mm,. ? ihe ?tut? i, beea reed Mr. ?? ? ? '.. receive I. ' rViee opposed tii-, sml ? ? . II . tei ?? ? sou to I ? said he ?loi imt have the uld its ? .1??. jBJBted that lir. Pattt-r ae?h, who he ?a I to lia?,? ?I th?? ... : ? produce the ?-.rt.-iual le 'in ?Aliteli Lad le??! tu th? calling ?,r tinsi Qeneral Wise afaieeted i?? th?. ' >>r. Patter? ? Dt referring In the action of tbe Trade or it? mi L? being influenced by poUtioal oonaidere? ?v ' th.l tn? 'Irsde bad ? ???? 1 by i?"1?! le be net ? tin. la?!- . ? '. -?. ? . , ,'nunttee'e re ??? ? ? .. . ? <i aitfa 1?t. Patterson's election a rie e-preaideat. In i?u i_l Wi*e approved of the , but tot_ii? ?truon he iJieroaali ? s,.'.-?-??.d b?? Opposition. It w..- rigiaal letter ? ?? niltl !?? pr,..lucei] h??f.,re any further pr?<greee could l,e tuade ai.d the letter, which wa? at the Patterson tobacco- | wns seni?for. During thia Interval tl??*? meeting look a ree.??,?. ??? L-BJTB-, In ? f"w minutes a tnessoneer plar-r.l t) .? letter in the hands of it* author and he in ?urn handed it to Mr. Chrlatlan, who read It It? full fex?, is h??re givr?n ? 7? Whom if Ua? Ctnttrmi I ha?? kno-a Mr. n. T. Mr* ?e for the p?v.t 'w. nty yr?r? intimately a. a member of the T* tesenlatln? of Hi?*:m?..nd nni (ake btsai ?,sisare in brsring ?/?.??p-,.,?? nf hlin es e r?n liemen nf Int.grKy, uprlghm??,. r.f .?hsrsrter, ? lr.inn.nly r*arli-f. end b?rot>y a???,?? f.r ' ? so h ccurtr??,. a,, i, AlW?r, ehusrn gtntls luen Si hu sten ling at boms. I(e?r?tr.fully, PrsaMaM Tobect-o l?*__Pl PtrmmnSt. v's. Itr. F_tt*r?on a_id he had -.<r.t for tht? ' ' vin-in st?? himself, mid it wi?. ?..?* ' ? lbs It.ide to decido what should be u M r. J. ? .<??;?. h .Inno* Bald hr> Ml (lint this ??? ? ' f Dr. Patterson'a _r*art,B_4 ? ?? ?? srr .nr thai lio had int'-nd. I a .? baa onli lotende?] dois? ? ?.? ?? .In. <?>.. often men's kindness of heart ??? :? them Into Iron ble. He believed Um only . as of kindi ChairmanChristian asked what further acl on ihr? mr tin?,- would take. Mr. Parkin ion moved to adjourn, bnt -if t* rw rd witbdrevi ih?? motion. - I'....-.kin ?-aid that tl.ii ni-?t'<*r lmd assumed pik-Ii proportions Ihn? it detnand. ? id the attention of the Trade, and be ? : ointment of ?? committee to take ? ?? r ander < onsidi ration and reporl al this nn?.?? in?.? what further ateps, if nnv. Bhoaldbetal en. ntion prevailed, and M- re. I' M. W. n. (iii,?..,,,, p. _, ?\?. rmley, ?.?? ? wore appoint. A. The comu an I another r? cesi ?..? rtaken. SOI ; ??'?' .?? ? STIO-AI?.?. ? ? is P. M the committee returned and ?in nini I rend ih?? following report, which ! ? thi sanction of ih?? full commit- i Vi her, ??? it appears thai Dr. I!. V. Patter? j trade, baa ? ? ven ? ?.? r hia ofl. ial ig-n Iure a cenerai lai ion "f ths ? .hnr.?.?- ' ?? r ?.. i?. |.. ?..r U. roher - f thia In which thia Trade withoul either nl baa thnt been -? .- there is no ft . ? for the - ? ipi-ra to any ? ra ?,,. ? o .iiitt. r what may be hie standing and r.? th? laws e, lor ?-??' giving the parti* alar ? paper issued ; un.) -.?. leroasin public prints I ? b< r? m ani ? ?pation <.f n.iv ol thi? l'in le on the aubji ? I I ' ' ? .. Ie objects to the : onr Pre ? in thisc .nnection, ' nt least left it to ? neh objection lir??? upon ind ol politi ial different*? - betwi sn ? Puc and a majoril. ofthe mi mbert : : ? t ng our ? t I IMI ?Ij.? III.I ?? ?? linn, ? r ? mi? eov int ?.' ..? ?1 viola? : authority based on bis stat? nee, wefee] bound In ? the ? .p ii? aa well ai toour elv* ? ? ? our db approval of hia action in u he baa no 1? il or m? : Howled ?< ai . ti ii, and aec. li.llv, ? ?' t In?? instan* e the iTndo < ould ?n n.. v. ; ' mei ion such commi 1 hat we indignantly do. ! ?? ? ? ii.??? the idea that the ? rad.. ?t d?h i? a iation whose Bole purpose is luot <h<? ii.l.ue.?? business und wh.. non . ? i'" nld be -overneain il tion !?. ,.;i!'li? mi ?.??- ' I ; ?*? bet ? ? ea m the faci that tbe t of ilio nt'-.oi iation when . elect. ? ?>.?.|???? denl ol t: - i-iation re* years as??, snd thua put i.? t ? ? of tl I ru : in o the line for its pr* aid* ncj. "tii/' d by the Trade as in lull sym ? ? be Republican partj. , :.. I hai while i.? eivini?the let ??r.?! explanation of the President a* t ol ?n ?? to him, we desire it tin?!? ? it tin? Trad* d curinsomeol tin? sentiments thereinex ? '!. ? ?| G?.?s. ia M. ?toT-???, Chairman. A W PI l'.I.'tv .. I>r. PHtterson objected to Hie report, ?? -? irsj d, did noi state (acts, Ihr? impression would he msde,he said, if ? be d.t bal h?? wi??? al on? 'p ? mpethy with the U< In nn im.t\. Tlii??. wr-iq ?..?.' tn?.?. He bftd ? .??. ? r ?.??, n e I?> publican or in full sympa, ? party. He bad ? ? ithv with th- I ? mocrat e years, ani di ver intended again to be governed bv the party lash. I!?? was an independent, and ? . ?? ! f..r what he considered the ; ii a nutsbi ll wu- ins posi. ti..n ? ? ? 1 ' ????'?????. ;.?? I he ? t to nun ? long as he lived, ? ?oyklninterrupted the speaker to I seel ???:. of Ihe rep rt r? ferred to r taat t ommittei had 1 ?.*?* r? . .??.' ted whal was the : ? ..i the 1 rade with reference to his pol .? i |)r. I-tterson said he observed that the ? ry a Iroitly worded, but it ! pia* - 'i him ? ? ? ?sition, ??-? he waa m Imi? ?. 'nl nt and not an adherent of I arty, tuggeated that the word "full" be stricken out, hut I >r. Putti . ? ob oted t?. the whole, tl?? tini not ace why the Trmle eould not declare tlmt it waa not a political concern without name !.. at all and citing an what it. I time 1. ? BOBSTI ? ? ll PI ???1'. Mr. ? : ? fi llow?ng aa a the resolnl ions propoi d hj ilio commit ? ? thia .'l..n disclaim an? connection with po . .. ["hai the ?tal meni oi ? ur ithdrawal ol the Iettar in ?ineation, nnd the evid nee thai it bad ??? ? or any other) ? otory t?. thi* oi sociation, Ihei several se onde, ' .il Wise opposed it, as the matter ? far. Not .uh Ur. Patterson or ' Mr. M.?* u? were on irmi, but the entire n.I before the preesof the whole country, (t would b? monstrous to udopt snch ;?. ? ???? ?. and ? not afford to do it. Things bad gone so ! ? the ' rad ? ha 1 been ao a tailed tho! it needed to be vindicated, andtherei i... do whitewashing this ssu dation la not ? j. .h? ?' ?.??, and me inti ? b aid be mei squarely. ???N"S V Mr. ?James T. G? : Wise. irtector ?? : befi r. ? li mmittee and d II* Cue .'iii'l said Ihinjrs p ing on his character which it he knew to be true he, aa inspector, should have laid before the association and eansed sn In. ? ? ..?!? with a M'".? to hi*? eral Wise said he did appear before ? ? tnittee oi the ?.. nersJ \** wh. r?? ?m m ? aras pending, ?nd in vi rv plain terina what bethought M.l'i'i??, und lu? opinion of the man ? change lintheslightesl degi. ?. wrong m retaining thi*? ? ? l he bad perha] t rred In not hav. ing instigated an investigation. The . :. nki r was ready n<)W t ' rapporta reaolu? ippointing a eominittee toeiamine mt,.the membership of the orvanisatton ! with a view to purging it of any who . ahottld not be oo the roll. ?asti nru-RON. Major Itoykin, who had not intended | np"ikiti?'t ? the reBolutione, said the infa- ; bargee that hud been circulated : th. Trade should be repudiated, , nmittes thought nothing ? than this report w.uld do justice to tlie , ation. . , . |. . r rt. is'.n wa?? willnif* that tin ibonld bs rindicaUa, bol objected n nghis name dragged Into the p? .. tiirtunor thai, would do him iujus 'liiet-ul-stitute w.i*? rejectod by a wivt. . ie, und before ,? division was n-?ked the oriKiu-l pro|H??itiou was called lor. , TH? BO1.1-I0K. Mr. .Iones, who said hi' BKiininattvl Dr. Patterson tor the risa tirsssdsatey, said be did so not Kn .win?.? that he -aiis a Itepubli r;m Hu in.ivt-d to strike ?>ut the words ?' m full synii-?tb.v with _M K??i>ublu-an ''Major Bo. km said this would both de- j strov tbo sens? of the B*->ntet*tc. und kill the ?iation desired to give 'li?t the u.t..t? of the body w-* not pr??ju diced ? ? polities. ? bair tbo'JSfht the Kf-ntiiiu-nt *>/ the .??mie should bee_l.editino uncerttnn , , ? said t.? strike out this entir? as lmd been propos?**] by ??ime on-, iv old destroy tho parp?se of the entire re? port. , . .. ? I Mr. Gibson concurre?! in the views of the Chair, but to pour oil un th? wares Whtoh wrre troubled offered the tu-owin?? us a substitut?) for the words which Mr. Jon?? moved to ?limin?t? im not in full sympathy with the political views of the majority of bis sasoeiHtes in this liad?, but was elected on aocount of his Liifh personal character. This was agreed to, the report aa thua amended wa? adopted, and the Tmde, after having beea la aaaRofl mail\j tena hr??'*? adjourned. TkeBteet?tg_waefor tho moat part hnr moriion?. tin t : -, rinan managed to keep pretty good order, though oaea h?* struck , Jii.? guvel ??? ? ehe me ntly that It flew "? ?',0 , hnmlle and peeked a niece of ?kin off 'he nose off? worthy tobaccoi I and there ve-aa a gratifying lack of bal feelin<* or ill i temper. Mr. McCrje ?~?? not preMient at the meet? ing. He. like all the other members, wa? ?eut a postal-card noti??,?, but it wa? re? porter] that he wa? in WaBB-Bftoa. BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW. ?Tolnt Servire ?if Ihe I'nnr Chapters?Other Iteli gioii? Note?. The fonr chapt'-r? of the Brotherhood of Bt. Andrew had a "Tit BeVVtOB art St Jama? church 1m?i night. The chapters ?re those of ft. Paul's, Monumental, Oraoe, and St. James churcbea, Ii- r. l)r?. Peterkin and .laeke.n. Itev. Breaton Na-h. and Major Bobert Btilea tiare pr?wnt antl made aadreaaea. ihe choir of St. lered e_col. lent matta, Mir M:\ir?| AT ??! lltrBT BAI?_T CBUBUR. The eongregation filled th?? bouae doora, aide-room?, aad all, leal night The laten il waa d ? ? an l ten 1" . Mr. Warnt? ton preacBed on the New Birth. The aer mon wa?? exceedingly plain, pointed, and immediate, leafing no ex< use for anv re. fusai of I r , ? , 1 full ,,f encouragement to don ting ones. Mr. Charle? Bizer aa_s a solo with good effeet imi ? im.-li the service. Ni ibera e ime forward to many otheraroee in ihe congregation asking an internal preye ople. or.?? pe rem a m bapti tn, To-nigbtthe pastor and officer? ? ehnr.'lt will p ? ? ! ai rire t" unite with t!"? ehnri b. On SaM.athMr. Vk?. will ,.r. ach al n A. IL. ? P. M.. aaM a P. M. Ai the night service tbe cenimi pew? will be reeerved for men. On Monda Air. Wbarton will eloae hi? work with the c luir? ii. That will be bia leal service. It ? one of great interest, aa the culmi-? nailon of his two weeka' work so generally ?toil b_ al! ..m j,.?,,),].- of even d< nomination aa well as Disown. DOTALt.sTiov or c rAarroa. ?.. ];. Turnbull, pastor of Old-Mar kel church, will be install.-i to-D Bev. B. P. Korr. I?. I)., pastor "f the Fire! Presbyterian church, will preach tha installi ?.. bev. J. I'.. N? wton, rector ol Moi ame nt? ? hur b, will fill Dr. K? rrv imlpit on this occa Itr. i , the servieeH ]'ir-t Preabyterian church to-] morning ???? ? Rev. J. Calvin Btewart, paator of the Poi :t?i Presbyterian church, lwu? returned ' ?? pre ibj I r? . wli crii ?,, t in 1 rg.and will nil hi? pulpit to-morrow at both morning and evening servie,. BxvTVAi Bsava ra .., oomsacs. A aerie? of revival-meeting? will ?,,p?. ?? Broad-Htrcet Mel h dial church to-morrow and will continue ever) evening .hint:;? the ? - ' t. ? bi I."ti, 'ii?? paator, trill be . ,????. l.v Res. L. L. Nasi,, ?.f Bale ?gh, K. U. Mr. ?as- has |:n?l great experience arni ?ucci?a in eonductii vices ai an evangelist. A cordini tri !o t lu se ? Will I?.? exte oded to all who may oome, ?n<i ?? pecially to ail Chria tiiin worken ol ota? t ? bun e:i.?Y--nn-r,- Mrriroi.tsT rnt nr.n. The congregation of thus church will worship in the leetura-roo_ wlnl?? th? im "C the church are licinp cur Hi. ...will le servie?? to-morrow as fol ' t A. M., preaching it ?? ?. ?. an ? - ?? M. Wednc?day-evt ing - clock. C?a ? ?- and prave ? ? P. M. IC ?. VV. 1!. AtwilI ia the pnst,,r. His ? ?il 13 cost (. luv -tr???!. Bl ? 'IM. Bl M'VV ?G???G, S1T. The following programme was arranged tor i '"? ipocial 8ti He venti tl m church last Bun day, bi v. Jabea Hall, wai from ? be city on acece d ? be de Bt ? of his wift ' mother, ii wi rrow: v Bg, chorus, ?" " "? ? ? ia"! prayer, BT. A. Bowtns; male charas. " He Is Blesa '; fcrtpturs recitation, Btsslne-tl .?alas; duet, ** Al Easier? rime," ? lare en ? Waller ' ??????.????; sole, \ii?s Irin .lot,-on; r, ,il?li,??,. _jaa irrt? Mouliy; duet, Mil ?'? Mary Bad JantS H'iglir?: eh il Iren's f-hpni?. "Jesaa Loi U?? CbUdiea"; n?l<ir??F?, Ite,. .Int??*?/. Mall. ?..' , Mi?..;. It. ["'irret?; clill drtm'l cborus, '? floppy tailor Hell?"; mug, U ? 'lory.'' THE HrsiiAY-BCH ?ol. G????BB8' CL?Ot THIS The Bundav-achoolteachers'elas.?, whieh usually meets in tito hall of the Young M.dt'.s ? 'In ,->? ian V-?- icial ion, will mi afternoon in the lecture-room of ? he Se? cond H'.ytist church. ?'us orili,?.??? is made aeeeanary on ae? roliti! ol the preparation? nou going on in no building for tbe l'on riatian bazaar, v. inch open? next Ill.'Stl !.. Mir. ...f... Mis'? GB_B*T?ifl ? oi'UTION si???? ?jm ' ? ?INii. The Young Men's Cbrietian Association nave turn??Tiheir building over to the lft die? who are herd, at w,.rk preparing it for the bazaar, which ? tt weeV. Tb?? urlisi meeting for men ?arili therefore beheld to-morrow afternoon a! their tem? porary rooms, No, Tii, Main str.'.-t. over ?- 's bakery. ? ne meeting oommeneea at 1 o'clock. THE YOUNG DtBATORS. liu? V. ?. C. A. K<?i? and Kie liinund Col? late Sluilenl? Slert In l?is,???l,in. Ln?t night a select an ? emble 1 in the chapel at lliehmond College to hear a competitive debate between tin? i.'an dolph Literary Society, of the I Me r: Christi ?? A social ? of Bit and the Mu Sigma Itho Society of Bich? mond College. ? in? exercise? beeren irith an appn Bddrea? by Mr. ?'. I?'. Hoitainger, ol Vir? ginia, preaidenl ol ihe Mu Bigina Bho Bo e'lctv. After a ?lehglitful duct, by Miss Lilian Arnold nnd Vii-.. I ? ? 'hi rinati caii!?? the de . I ho question waa reaolved thai the Pnitcsd States west of the Miasisaippi will eventually become the domiumt portion ' '. IV. Mr. J. VV. ei'onlon. of the BaadolpbSo? ciety, was the firat speaker oa the afl i ?a with a reference t<> theun varyiuB westward course of eivilizatioo ami power; then paaaed to picti wonderful minera] ami agricultural re. Bt ? and Territo? ries, Ih.? rapicBy-increaBingpopulation of tha Weat, the perplexing political pro l?l??m? of th? South ami Ka^t, and ing points acre.adduced m favor of the affirmative. Mr. I.. VV. Greener,of theMu8igma Bho Society, for the aegative, notic.l bri??; rnment? prc>duceBd by Mr. ;., ke with effe I ?In? excellent character and shining record? ol representative men in tbe Atlantic State?. ? nnqueetiona hl-the dominant portion of our country . be aaid. 1 he " new South " pre. tente a formidable uval to tho rapidly-de? ? , Dg West. Mi I M. Wallaoe. Jr., of the Baadolph Society, next apoke for the Bftrmative, sntleman paid a glowing tribute to the Mu Sioiua Bao Boeie tr, und pr,? maini? on the gramid that all nul enti greataeaa ?? determined 1 y the amount of ??. ,?lth which anatmn po-.sess.-s, and ti.-? fust becoming tha richaai aection of oar lead. The weat basais? another elerne-nt ?>f potref turn, strong, bruve, enereetif, intelligent. Mr. W. Owen Carver, of the Mil Sigma IUio Society, doaed the debete with a a and well-arriuiged argutaeat for the aaga? live, H?' adinitted the influent??? of waBlth ou nati power, but slioweel that the B?at is likely i" retain it? BapreBiae*ry ia ree ami weiilth. He prodaoed many striking pointa la ?tn?t'.>rt oi the aftrma? tive, baatdea effectively refuting the argu r.? nw of tbe negative. Mr. l.'-irvtir w ,n the beet debater's medal in hia focietv liist year. The juilg.e, Dt?;. Julian T. Wright, of Ri ?bmonej, ar??] W. Broaddu?. of King .-ii. 1 Qaeea, an.l Mr. T. 0, (iarrett. of Weh niotid, decided in favor of tbo affirmativ??. The einging by MieaLr_ea Arnold ai 1 bub, ].?> leneraiaa ? Miss Katie Brown, BOr Oompaaist,) ???mnch enj?>ved. 'Ihe oxc?rc-is?;.? ?aer.? closed with appro? priate r.uuarks bv Mr. ('. \V. Morris, p?ai nent of the liaudolph So.-iity. GOING'TO HIS OLD HOME. The linveriinr Wlh Visit rartavllle To Uav and Keiuain a short Tlaie. .ip-eriior MeRinney will go to Parmville to-dar. It will lie hia first visit to hi? old homo ?ilice he was inaugurated as the Chief In? centive ot tbe Mute. The Oovernor ha* remained very cloudy in the city sine? January 1st and it will be a great r. lief t?, him Ie get awav from th? worry of hia otfieial dutiea for a dey or two Mrs. McKianev aad her little dsut-'hUsr will probably accompany the urovrrnwr. 6EN.JUMIA.-__U HE WILL BE ASKED TO PRESIDE AT THE MONUMENT UNVEILING. ? _ate -otter (?-"??*??? ? ?* tlie St-toe Prop?ra?tons ror a Par??! a of the l'an????]??' Alliances. The I/e-Mormmont Association yrefpT ?lav Boning uaainMasly decided to in ?? t Qe_eral iahai A. Earl- to preside at the tthraUing of the Lee monument on May mh. fionerftl Barlr his t.-ikcn a ilcop inter?*** in tbe ?-t??.????? r.f thi? ni,i.nm.?nt arid late? ly eontnliu'e 1 ?i,(i p t?. th? futid?. H" I i.i.l?"lt!iAB?vicistioriinthe_? work by giving liberally nf hi? I iyst-p?*scT. on mr ??t?t??*. The aaaociation nr- daily expecting to ro-.ive a cablegram from Mr. Bnrisi'B stating by what steamer the stain" ' h i*"? on I r ?lor > will ??? a as thia infurimi11. >n 1? received a marine policy \?.:?! ?.?? taken ont t.. ins?? t'.-vt itne while in its?- ? ? arater. It is already insured bom the ; the steamer. ? a_0W r_-f__ In a recent nd Mr. Bat? gwyn savi 'he French are a vry alow peo .. .r 1 matter tr. *: t ?.'no I'lTod up for shipment. Th.? ? not Sauen to r.-ftlize th? importnnceof time its the Amcrir-mi? do ?nt..? ag . the M??? ' .iation ' c?ngth? statu" m ? an Kim., ? ite reply. ?,t?? _ ?-? m cinr.r. Two we V ; aft?rhe re'-oivedtberct-sajr? tbegreal artist made ? reply by lettor.*?. that it wag over three weel ibs?oreth??a ii received ? ho information tl "? desired. "? I ?? I rench very seMon use tho eabie ivir???-? - teem to look npon their, as ad to trans? mit important events to then G ir.??ir? of 1 "iirrurr?. i ? f ih?? Benrico 0 ont? Al? . alhsnoe mo-i of this and other (State v. ho can do ao slinll tel in tbe pro. ? " netrtion a ith I ?e unveiling* ? the Lee statue on U ? and the Committee on Arrangementa do - to obtain from sooh suo-allisnce in? formation as to tbe nun ,.*:nl" H ? ?i agree to takepartin theprooos? conditions: 1. 1 tisi sil shnll l.<> OtOUBted BS tar BS possible' but It any csnnot mouBU tbej shall eeme la term >*;. ?. fpt ???. BWittee, li ri'.llfl???! st ?,u-r. ?ill do all tBey can le farBlsb ?e-ion* fur tho??. wh > rom? frota swh ? dtst_BOe tlisl tucy __? ?. bruir, t? ?"ir "?? li?? ?? si. n li oes aneli w?sr e be-lit?? to bs ?*?*> ts.'ir?! fi mlttee expect ll ? M ? he e Miiii!!. e ?.?ill furnish I banner f .r ea* ! e >u--iy de ..u'.?-iii .in?, ir*- argeifto aand this Infor ?. of the comi . -.? as possible. The repl ommittee eertninly ; l.y the 10th ? f Mac Mr. II Adolph M?ller I rman ? t the committal. an I his ? - Hus? tle, Va Tell? About'.? T.".? Camp, Confederate Veteran?, bad | th.'.r w? k.v met??.?-- last night. There ? '.*>a gooddeelof drsctn sion about tii?- ( imp badge. A \t-.r OT SO .ico the in the apirii of fn t mit, excl ? with ? rand Army of the Bepub North a?. 1 Bonth, so thai the Confederal ? ? Veteran 'la; >? >?? ?! into the possession uf s gr? *t ? snt pe ?pi? . The Oamp thinking ll wise to adonta ml" to prohibit members g - " ' ?''?:G badges ?\\;???, ??"I so about a At tl ? lael weel ? resolution : wo*, introduci 1 to rescind that order. It ? last night for discussion, and after the matter bad been fully talked o-.trir, v. ? deci l< l not t.. reKind the ? rder. II.?? Military ??????_????><???? ami tlie -. rasiti* ?*...... eat. Th.? Military Committee on the a inu ?.f ' ? ? ' ? ' el 1-1* last night st the Armor* They d.-. n ed man] natters pertaining to the unveilinc. ?? financial is oneol tii? in .?at ?jueiitiois thujr uow have t?. . il \? .lh. The Gen r"l Committee bava appor? tioned the Militar? Committee but f3,500. 11 ?? latt? r tl will m ed not lem ; than ?5.000, and w ll try s ? r?? ? tl I . ; by appo nl to Ro licit ?111.-TI no further help froi ? ? eral Commit? tee. VOM ?_4???1 TH.?,?? M.itliAN?. ?tun iritte* bars i numerous liri' ? from ? luthern ? -dine the rates t?? tbe Qi m. dations aft? r tl"?- ? ach _ere. I letters come from nearly *?.??.? part of the ?S.inth. The opinion waa expr* as* diasi n;?:bt and .?oncm one ] reaent that | there will be three rolnnteerato on? vete? ran ..' tng. WHAT ??G? WANT TO Do. Tho committee hope to pet nil railroad companies to make a reduction so that th.? . t of travel to the military will not I"? ne ????ut |xr mile. They expect to quarter all organizations without c..--t to tne visit* rs and t.. errang? wt'h conve? nient restaurant ? near the quarters i" fur? u als st twenty-firs conta . a th, ! .?.? . w ll advise u.rii each man bring s bed rack mads of cotton doth or ?in- cln?ep al, about six feet long, thirty inches an 1 four inches deep, whi. b u??n 1.? filled here with ?'raw. t? Nsmn t?,????. , ?'!?>?0??*t???? Committ?? have nnthor?7y*-?l the Militar] < Committee t.. invite all north? ern tr. ignirj their ' ?.. u . riling. Invitati, na trill immediately be ?-ent t?> the 8erenth regiment, Company ? ofthe Beventv.first regiment, and th? Old Guard, nil ol N.w ?ork, .md the Corcoran ? of Waahington. .??militar] here si-" enthusiastie ???t th?? pro p*ct of bavin?; tiiese splendid ?vuh them. iiiEY will it- WK-TOirr.. One of the member? of tbe couimittee -s d last night : M thai we have decided to invite must come by all ???.?????. Weare deter? ? ned tobare them here, Among those troops ars man] boys of southern birth ?? sonic of tho b-M tii- ? of the Norti .... bavo been to New l'ori they havn shown us mur?? kinrlneaa than wo eau ever return. Non that ir? have an opportunity to return their courteeii we ar.? going t?. do ?... ? ? ? will receive a trarmer welcome. We are going to have them ?t ihe bali and ?p. them feel al hum.' and have a good time.*1 ?nvurrr. The Military Committee Is .'.imposed of lernen ? Brigad ei 11 ra Cb irles I, * Colo ?: IT. B. Marshall, First regim?ntcavalry: Colonel H. ?'. Jon??-. First regiment Infan , t y: Major \V. !.. Simon??. Fust battalion artillery? Ma.or \v, il. ?vei .: lir-i brisada- I A. L Phillips, First regiment infantry; Minor ?i. P.IJawea nentcavalry; Captain Sol. Cutckins,Richmond I.iirht In lantry Hlu.i; Captain James E. 1 . I irai battalion artillery: (,'aptain SatnueJ j Regeater, First regiment cavalry. R-AL ESTATE JNVESTMENTS. --rxls of B-r.uui itrid Sale Recorded on \c-i?-rtli??. Th- fMlowin- deeds of rmrcain nnd sale were admitteu to rc-ordTeeterda? in tie office o? the Clerk oi the City Cbaneery C?'Urt: Nn . H. B?rreridge ?ml wif?, \o I^.-js Stew art and Mrs. B. -1. Psrjrton, Kktll i -lot'r?. Oak. und Barriao? streets, $d?. ishani I. Matthews and wiio to Samuel 11. I'u M feet on aouth ???? ?"?t str.-t be-twer-ii llurrisr.n and Kinui'V. *3tX_ (orn.'lin. M. BtOM to K-.t,? A. D li tomi ..n aasjt -.d.? Baserrnir etroct bt)tw?j?u ( ary and Taylor, t*-).700. ??GG??? ooc_r Of HUN: L. C. Taj IBM t.. ? humus p. Boyle. 2i M-i ...II stre-t near ; Thtrty-aizth, _ ''??-'*_"?"!P!-1 TTfi-Msnr ? p M ? 1. liuduull.S? feet on Meadow street at uortbwe-t corn? Hew York uwnue, *-.>50. Mr. siUl.rt -t tfc. capital. Hon. A 11. II ?Stuart, accompanied by Dr. lluTit.rM.(,i;ir,., visited th. Capi ? la.. Aa the-st raor was engaged with some pree-ni; ofrkial duties at the time he could not receive the (lietinauish ed visitor. ^^* '?"I?.- Wnt's Conrt. Th* following case* were tried in the ???????78 Court je?tertlay? _is*r-r__>_?_________l^r*?- w'??? ate-hni, $30. T h.? evid..nce showeTl -.bat ltock. who m a colored youth, fonnd in the Capitol HQuare an envelope coauunrjyj *?? und ? negotiable -ota for f?i. He tore up the BOU a?.?1 M),.nt t|?. money for a suit of clotbc?. l,,. , nvclope was lost by a lady, who had If" k arrest? ?1 when ?he learned the fan? ot the ease. The? boy did not ! deny finding the money, but claimed that it belong??] to him beende he found it. Ih" jury ?re him thirtr dav? m jail. Preston Johnson nun* Anderson.char<.e,| witbst? li? u'.'l.icken? from Thomas Banks, wa?ac|ii;..,.,L _ PASSED MEDICAL EXAMINING BOARD. ?. A Prof.?,.?r of ??,?-|.|.,_-V and a Lady la | tlie l.i.t- Warty IlrJ.itc?! Applicanti. The Sfato Medical Examinine Hoard com? pleted iti lab r- V..-.W ia?. and the follow. | taci? a list of the applicants who paaaed ? -.?. aired the board's prrini!, which entitle? them to ?tat ?,ut uceases: Dre. Charlee Venable ?"a?. , rington, H. t. Cheli c. l- Baynea,John \v. Harrison, Al??_ander iman??. Jaaaea <?. ltrown, Claudius J. Biddiek. Jamea Eigoa' Kent, Andrew Davidson E-tdl. Sydney J. Baker.Harrj I..Myers. Preeton !.. Wolfe, Paul i'.. birrin.-.T. Allen B. Monta, Ceth bert (, Hi .ir?. ?. t;. Anderson, K. Gordon (tirarne as, ? u. Lawrence, vv. p. Mathewc. .lohn P. Woodward, J. _. Speight, Lewis O.cMcLeod Smith.C.H. lla,or ? ?,.?, E.G. Lew. aad W. ?. i., a i?: 01 ? BOB ? ? ?ski?. Dr, 'V;' B. Barriager, oue of the above, j ?? aurgerj ology ut the University of vir | |h( late l)r. il. Bat n ? r,?? o t't?? moved into this .State fr,,m North Carolina ho inder the requirements of the law regulating the precui " of medicina, .?c ? I DOCI t.AI)T. ? |. ? e >n elect? ed ?? the I I of I western [nanne ton, V '... ai coud aaa male ward, Isa fl inth t - ? ?th, and completed iiMr medical education in Phila? delphia one year ago, and has frincethat tima ? o re sidenl physician in a \u>?o female ?-?,,,,? ,? ?,, , ?.<?. ; ? c.? ms. Dr. Rugh T. Nelson, president of the board, baying accepted a professorship In tbe I ? : Virginia, tendered bis ?".? na aaofBeer and member of the Dr. Hugh M. Taylor, of Bichmond, ?ras president.ahd Dr. PauluaA. Irving, of Perm? die, ? iry and tree??ter. The board adjourned torn??, ton or about the Ht of September at the Bockbridee : Alum Rpringe. conjointly with tb I mg of tee Medical Bocietvof Virginia. BBiaurmaa Forty-four hi.pio ant or, ?rented tlirm ?selve?. t? r examination ??a twenty.sis ?v. re award??'! ? runt . Then wero four colored applicante and all of I atheexi oinationa. THE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATORS. They Inspect the Oaa?Worka nml Visit Place? of Inlet ' ?t In Hi?? lily. 7?e Committee cm Manufactui s of the of _??saehuaett? will leave r Pi lor-! r V'.esainlr.a and V?? ', n. As ?tal d in the p?tpmkh y?*?ter lav these gentle ? ? ? ? ownins | . - ? und . leetric planta with a vie .? ; ? makin ; I ??, the Pay stnie ?.??.-? dature as to . theexii- liaacy of'so emendina tbe : . to allow th" municipal ? ? ' own planra [or the- manufacture of t-';??? ai d ? !? etri-city. *1I!?T V?1T ??? VORK?. lar morning rn??t tie men al the Exchange ? ? ! them lo the ga uwork?, - atet bj Ku] pi ? tendent ? the Council Committee on I entir? eetablisbn The :? rf tl ide a are it many incluirte? of the I lb?' ope ? tion of tl ,? ga -V rl. , ' . ity. rotation fnej coni I g, ? ' -, itenographer, and will be ? lasa part of the committee'? ire. ?; 1*BB ? ITT. ? at tha gas : wi rk. tory et P. H. ! : irother, ? ? Fru?" ? , ? ?? the Maye r took the ? ? , ?iter a - net? e h am ber ond hall of the House of Delegate? the visitera arc re presented to the Governor. In t ? ' I.? i linter*! (dear? ictory was vieil SHO ? STREET. : A itroken-l^irvT'i Borsa Ralle am? of ills ?? ?err. Vc?ferdey ?'Venitii. about <? o'clock the it -?? team ['.'!_ - ? ,? ilored man from the countn . ghtened. ? ing thi 1,1 i"\' darted up the sidew dk fn m the alley ;n rear of McAdams? Kerry'e.un lonth street, ?un1 le "i Mam stre t. ?ud ruuning a? ai? exceedidgly rapid ? 1??? CI?AB the wer. When t'irnins th?? corner of Tenth two ladiee ? ?? I it. d umiliai-. At tini" H I..???! BS if the horn s : dart into the ?- -t office, but ? o. ?r course they . ro ? d iutotho . ... the lire I and ??ue of them . with terrible ? ? ditel u coal-cart standing in fr,,nt of the p.-nt. .? of us fore-l.?/-* just be? ? kneo. ] be sight vi?- a touching obi - I of the poor beast waa nearly separated from I?. at d tb?? i?ui" winch was mapped protraci l fi ? akin. \ Large er ,?,?, ? - ?,? gathered, and many ? ?. " turned aside lie ?? ned at at of ti.e ai 1 ' '? ' G?, ?? the emirs, of a few mil ate I * polie??. pai ' " ' ti " lufferingcreature ? of ;!, miser g il twice La ad with it ji?stol. Tbe other horse waa captured 1. .wer down Maia street, .and teemed to beve re ? ? ivril no mjurv from it- precipitate Sight. Seither of th?? ? ? t.> have !i vaili??, as th??.'. were both 1-un aii'l badly kept. At U o'clock last night the carcasa of the till lying in Main street, but no ? :- r.'moreiil by tn?? crack of day this Lloren,,'. CAPTAIN _ETH FORSTER. lie I? lie-Fleeted a? t'oiniuaiidur of the o? -ter ? ?? et. Board of the Chesapeake and iti Tributan??? n?e*. yesterday and elected Cap rietta Forster to succeed himself aee >u ler of the Btate ? inter fleet. irere five oandidatea for thi? p? et? wa: Captain Forster, Meaara. ; i,ef Nort, Ik: T. J. ' ! ,?.,1. .?: : William L. Messii ?. nut? r. ut. 1 Alexander Jame?, o? ? - ? he cb?flH of each "f the aspirant? were the board on Thursday, .?, r Seel consista of the sr ' Ihe s_i"\a,?e and two ?>?;1-??-?G*. Capi ??? Porster is ????-. t ?? Cor tour peata from March 1, IMO. ? New Railroad. At a Bseettag of the direeton of the Riverview Ka e tmpaay bold yeeter? due? aveaimi Me-s?r*. 11. t?. Chafl?n, E. ?. SaiinJers, K. 1". Sturk... N. H. Savage, and . . Hirah W'-re appointed a eommitte? to apply to the City COoncil anil County (ot peraBB?loa tu ''"li? st ru et and operate a street railway from 1, .?h str-,?t up Cars? to thaMew rest ; with an exte-usion running iuto the addi , tion of Kiverview. r.iehcunnd aad reter?hare Batlroa?. Train No. |A leevins: Ht'-hmond BtS_)S P. M.. will ??, ?ecaetinaed after to-day. rriviag at i:ich_on?! at ' f,:50 P. M., will be discontinued after Sun dav. April Hth. , .? Ihe New Vork and Fiorila special will be discontinued, ?outh-bonud. after Pri V'iil liik. and north oound after 1 Titeeday, April l?th. V? -?>?,?? ?r >Iu?lc. Then? was an? tber laree audience at the At ad? my of Music laut nitut at the .second presentation of "Faust." . , ,. l "iw Mo?-oo aad Rosabel Mor risoa dapbeaiad t h. ir great ra tt m ot tue Ung night, and th? moved with cloclt-Uk? presc-ioii. The a ? "? G? M niag-iacent, and the audience was enthu Tbeg? will be two pertor Da | -,Uv, and the advance sale of seats in? dicates large audient? I nited Btate? ?'?hii-I. The grand jury of thhs court was in ??**?? sion for a short while yesterday, but found n,. inli.-tiitente and was adiourued ormt until Monday week the _b?t. Nothingm?>re will be done in thia court, except for the Jtidi??' to bear matters in chambers, until next Tueedey, when the petit jury _*<?*-? BEATEN BY BIG ODDS. THE RICHMONDS MAKE TEN RUNS TO THEPATERSONSTWO. riufy. the Kaw ritcber. noes _HVetl?e Work and the Roys Generally Play M .?'!. The plagine ti the hetne team in yester dnv't bill L'.mie on l?lnnd Pnrk was alrn???t fault]eas find the Kichmonda won a very i ind wfll-earned victory from the lit r-on club. The Richmond men placed tb??ir posi lii tlie field almost perfrs'tiy, their battinj: ri.'.rtl was eic?ll?>ut, and their base running would have done credit to older and more experienced men of tho The club, Judging from the Inst fi-w fasi 11 layed, gives every promi -e of being sa strong an organisation aa has ?ver I ?????i? had here. Ihe men bav?? shown _rrat im provem mt within the last lew ?meks ami ??? ? I stand a rood eh??ice ior Irei place in th>? Atlantic ? ???????-tut iou. Tnr ?-BOH Patterson club is for the most part, mads up ot ..?.1 material. The men r?om. Inn from ? colder clime have not hud the oh.ince for practicing that the southern plnvers have. i be - ti? Iding, eM]iee?a!lv in the outfield, Is very f.Imi?.?!. 1.ut then weak p??uu t.. bs st tl.? bat. They run well when on bsSBfl, bat .it ether MM their movemi nts are very slow. . The contest wm? largely one between th.? t\?" bat? k'engling, who pitched the first six bv. or th? Patersona, waa very effective m liis work for lour innings, but in the ? th and sixth he whs pounded pretty heavily, an.l the balla were batted all over the field snd into the rivsr. .angling - puzzling and bm the speed, bat ie easilt OB, it s. em??, and then he be? comes wil !. Kurtz did beautiful work behind the : bat, but was off In hi*? throw to bas?e. ' Il?? would make a much more favorable j m pression if he wss quicker in hia move? ments and wonld trot ?iter the ball ocea? ni, instead of W?Ikiii ?, Duff, the i.'n bmond'a n??w pitcher, who irom Philadelphia, is a good man. Ue has the speed and i? nife, McCaffrej ? atches him welL . In the early ?.taire of the gams the Pati r Bona had ???? ry ohancs for succosa, bul wh* ? their pitcher weaken, d ti;? \ gave up the ghost, rhe contee! throughout was inter. itt* ry work In one in . ? been quite ? I ? th? ev. wer? the double plays recorded below and the b ime run of ll ?usebolder, wb ? sen! the ball over the fence below the boat-hone?, Five balls a ime. ? ] "? the r last K?me tin? afternoon. fall -.ere of yesterday's contea! : K'fi'v a ?,??. ?. ?.??. r.i?. a. a. I. f. ?. 1 .) | n ?? StSDh. I???, <?. f. '! I 1 (I I ll ' ' ;..? r,.?. . ?. I II 1 1 '. ? Harn?. 5? ? . '. ?) 1 j I.t b. .... S I U M g O . lb. ? ? ?? o Kellry. r. I. I .' ? ? 0 ? ??- ?tirer, o. . ? R ? n o ?u?T. ?. i o ? ? ? a Total.:.? IO li) '.? 17 ? G??? ?.?. ?. ni', r.?. ?. r *?.irt ?_ f.?| ? ? t t Hay, s. -, ?.:j ? ? 0 " I IS 1 ?. 'i lu.mi ?"O '. r?. f .4 J II 0 il 1 Nickel?a?, 34 b.i II u 1 KrooBs, LI.? d i I O n II .. r. '.| n il 4 ? ? ,f..Mb .? ? :.? ? 1 1 ?. p., ?. s.? ?? ? ? -i u Total.? .? e .; . rara?. ?_ _ ? I ? ?. ..?u ? u .( .?, ? n u -?., ? ? .) .. ?? Earned Roa sis? i. iiums Hua ? rsroBeee int.? -Staabepe sai .m paesi auAtmum??, %% V?\*r sous. S, Doubls l'lavs-Say. Iloyle, sad Smith Soart ?. Harrte, tai li,..n?-?lioM?r. fimt ? Uaseofl Halls Ki t?man I?,?; I-teso? ?. '. l'i- ? ? Errors KlahmoBda.1: Pater ?.-as. ?. hu b?? ru? ii??5 Ball Kurt-, i: lay, 1; taltb, ?. ??m ? Oat? !'.!? ???.?. imi?. *: Paiereons, g Wild "ii.'i.?* -YeaBliBir. -'? fasse?! Bans Kir... I mpir* ?-'?'? til. TlSie ?.? (.eras?ii hours as?1 ?. Th?? Almshenee Physician. The Conili? l Committee >>n Belief of ? t irday even rhey bad under consideration a resola tion from the Council requesting them to an ordinance t<> provide for th? election of th? ? ??. - ? Mt'"i the almeboui ? bj ??..? Council in.tteal-Wf by the comunit ? ommittee think thepreeent law a good one and will recommend to theCoun t il that ?o cha?es be mude. Dr. Traiti Imp Hiring;. Mr. R. B, lialston resterday reooive.l a letti r from Dr. -?orge F.. Triiitt, of Poco moke, Md.. abo waa badly hart her?? few .?.> by being knocked down and run .. . I . wa- a delegate to th? convention ot the Ancient Order oi I nited Workmen, says be bas recovered sufloient? '?, t.. a dk about, bal it ?ill he aome tune before b? can r.iyuui his former strength. Sapremo ('??in i?r Appeal* ?Iones, Poindextor _ Oo. against <"hri? ?rgued by Isaac Dins ani II. ?. ?i ; -, .. tot appellant und ?T. ?. Stubha and U. I.. Montagne, Esqa., for ap PeiaOBB?a and llrlef?. City-Sergeant ('arter is aonflned to his Mr. I'?. I'. Totrj, ?x-c]otk of theCorporn. Djrt of -Mant?n, ??? in the city yes? terday. ? Baker, nf Church Hill, his returned from a visit to trien?!-? in Uathewa county. ? , .?ses were tried or bnsines? of am* transacted yestern-y in the City Circuit (' 1!. H. Unrein h_t returned to the . - ip to li.-uiou, Philadelphia, and New Y<>rk. Mr?. Dr. I irdaa and little son. Hunter, ar?? verv ill at Mr. 1? W. Bowles's, 1011 wen Floyd avenu?. Mrs Charles E. Boper returned to Nor folk veeterday after a pleasant t.. 's in i.ichiii ? irsTarrell of Oreeneeville, Stabbs ??? Oloaoester, and Delegate H-inU-y of Capitol yesterday. -.ill?.? M unner, principal of the In stitute, who ha? been serionsly ill of U grippe for eight weeks, left for Old l'oint lav. Mr. Jame*? B. Klam. real estate a**ent, has . pablic aaetlOO to Mr. H? nry Uriel the dwelling No.Ill north ? went;.-seventh ItTMt for *52,700. T h ?* frame hoOMOB 'h?* Cuatr?n-? Te.?' < t. wbii-h was burued t.e 'i'buradav night ?Ud not belong to Colonel W. Miles Cary a.? reg : lay, Harry Cox. Q?a?ral of Man* Commanderr, ?????, ht ? Tsmptar, of Phila? delphia, ta m the <*itv, nod reviving th?> o. rdial noapitalit?aof his Masonic friends. The r ? u William J, Aeree, who died at WilUamaborg, will arrive st the i h.-apeak? and Onu? depot this morning i.t 1 u:."-0 o'elo.'k a?d wul be interred at Bhookoe cemeteri?. M? ????rs. V. I., Ttrrentine and W. O. Free? man left yeeterday morning for Charlotte, N. C, to attend a reception to be tendered Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neialer (.???? Maggie Evans) of Manchester. William Smith and llettie Johnson were married .wst.-rdav in the ofllce of Police. Crutchfleld. The ceremouy would have t.ceurrctl a few days earlier, but the friends of the Room were not aaeeea in raiMtng the neceesary cash. The parties areooloeed, The Hon. William W Bak?r. of HalLsbo r*ty*,Obaaterleld ooonty. who was for many yean? ? resident of Ili?iniond, uas suffered * Kiiarvoas lose in *r?e death of htsshtaat daughter, M la? ViOti ? f ?ah* r She was .ml?, twenty?!WO year? of age, and wa* eu shrim-d in tue heart "i her family ?nd friends ?a one of the sweetest of her sex. The funeral will take place from bethel church to-morrow at 12 M. The only caee of any interest b?'f??re the Police Court yesterday morning was that of a young colored man, charireti with having stolen from Clan? Kobinson m ??? one l)ox containing one gold-pie*?? of the value of fa, a stiver ?-bain and gold croas, a gold breast-pin, a boi of j?welrr, three diamond stoaea. and one lot of oa per? a'l of the value ot J X). The warrout veral years had eUi.s? ?1 t was i-?no?]. Th" woman whose ?.?"..'!? wen? aiolea but aaaaaaaeaUy r?? taraed to her. aad Jaafetoe w.tts. who ia. Ned th? wur.'ant. hav? l??ith died since. MANCHESTER NEWS. The G,,.??? ?? ?a? a Itiiay ??????? ol Nearly Three H,.nr?. The April session of tiv >laaetie?rer CourMi ws? held Isst eight. Pr-sidoBt J. R. Perdu? BtSBBts?, and the et!i<)r mernhers prescht ?era lleser?*, John OKiiSB. William T. Hsrt. II. ('. H#itt!?, C. ft, .?(?????, A. l*. Jone?. ?. VV Weillerer. .Isane? ?. Bradley, VV. S HhHi?. Philip Briiwder, H. !'. Feitikusr. auel K?>r>*rt llama <?tr-Atioreey W??Ma I. cioptoo aad ? ity '?,???-, ? Uot.rt N?l?or. ?vers pr?tent, an 1 trie n;'r?D??r?>r laIrreeSBd ??>?.?1? ?r? wa? '.lia?,al,t !?rg*?. There ?are leverai goallnaieo pi ?seul t. m ti ,. ,, ,1 ,. The ?.?..?or? ?s? a h'.i?y one and. ?t'huieh it IB ree Bssata. al iea?ii??if n.?? t????, Ub?? had tu lie leti e*sr uaul uest Frida? ulght. ??)?t??.?? HanraH. T^e r,?? ??? or "? e ho.?,' of Polle? for th.? 'u ?nt?_ et \'.ar ? . forwarded bv -he VI?Tor. wa? lead a I t',>i tao flgwree coatataed la is?? paper were published ,?? Un? ?,?*?a???? His Orsi of tbi? month. ?'r report the Commute? on Flna?.?e re? commeaded th? pavniantof usm?r??us btlleag> greg Vlng $..-:. ?."?. The report wa? adopted Sir. c, Itrlrtii, ?ro? lb'? Commltt??.? ??? I Itht, ?uliiiit'ed a rupori showing ttiaevueedlture? cu f Jlr.?*t-|iirhttng <tutlu|- the pa?t fl? at year. Tb? luiai atonuut ttsas speat iras| ? ;iAMh?rv ? is p ??. Thli ?otiitpiti,?? a:??, r,poii.?d an ?nit ? awe ambra?Betta ?t?????? made ?om?? aso ty Mr. lohn C st?bert n?, , n l"?i?,f ol hlia ?slf and others to .-tar? 1st? a ra? plant here fat tr? ?.?p?????? ?| iuaiiuf?'t'ir.i?_ Murat nailns ant fu ?i ?a?. Th? cr llaaacrs provides that mains ih^n he laid ?u the same ? troets now oivupted by water-pii >?? and o< such ether street? a? tte e ,,uu,-il may ,'lrect, certain ? ? I ?In* ,?.,replied with, li 1? provided tun: tte ay shall re, -ire ?as at n?? -i ?eedtag t' ?.?r tn...i??uil leet, and the rittasBBaft*IIaotba i-harged la swssboI fi ?.'? per th..ii?au?l. Ih? Company. If tue ordiiiAu ?? ?? adopted, will ?ajey esci??ve frsucbiee? t,??? the pernsl of Iweaty-Ove yeart?. ttM sui ; ? ? i.iiit.'ssri?. Mr. Rradley though' tlie time pr,?po?e,1 ws? too long. It? w?s ,????-ed to esclusive frsu I'Uteee for licijt tonus, ils th?Tef"r?? m?.v.d Ie ?tttke out tweatr-Bvt? si>>l insert ruteen ?a Hsu thereof. vi?. Faalkner oppeeei th? ordinane?. Ha thought tha city should bsvs It? eWB gaawnrkt?, <?. p? ...?.tr?. rette rtffM lo establish tiirn?. i . i.taiiv?? of ih? people d ? | ? Beulend to be a?;? USI li. t n Mr. H, . si H ? !a ?-ip; rt ' tb?? erctlaaace. lie -_? ? ????? ? n i?ir,.?o ? * ? t???' tt? m?.1.1?? aad woaldsaeaB h> la esteblt?bleg a ????-cia?? ? ?ui laey propose, he es Utofarulsh ealy g??'dgsa ? ij.piytt al tin, io? ?.?. ligure. socs, I -1 lbs sanas pro? is as tbat wbich graated a snailar traactuie la another com pe y tbet sever availed its.-if o' - . w?to nut at all inate n il, ? IMP. Mr Pet ? "? Mr. Bi >. . ? r) as? pr?--? : clause, It wa I '??? ?rant si.y ? potai ti.a' tbe i????*???? ?, u,?. ttieciiy? baa ????.?? t?, is ?p ."??? |Bk-WC kl Wit ,ln tte I e t |US Id or,? ir ? bal ? b au. ?. ,*u fun lustti sh? ? lab? : b Use u ?litoti I.S W ? .?? u would be Impassible le g?i . . With alt 111? linai???? ou hand at till? see? loa. Mr. ? aulBaer waau ? t'?? ml ?ps i.o sew ? ?s ?voli , ? ibe Bam? ol tte people I p| . be ; ! i, ? ?? ?1?> BOU I : ? ? ' ? ? ? ? "'?>.?!,., . I. Light. ? ? Bla m the v ? ? ? ' . I ?' 1 ?. Hll nd not tbat lak n ai tins me ?: ???. ?? I ?ON l'O-lI f'NID. Mr. ? ? eia -"r ? g SDtlDg I te tts ?? II ?', Bad II ? I ? ? tbat 1 ?' , p it- 1 . ttiapany *?? g?? ai ; twenty- ? Mr. r, " ordiuanceai iwes la favor o( rotine M dowa al . il ?? l ?; M IBS ?dopt.? 1. < l? In? tar? li id u?e . meli d*? iicd ??, boM saatbBi in etili. BSlt !? p ' .. ?,? .??'. ? In thnlr rep ? o ?Vsinr *\:g . ? niati by whl h ?,? -?r?. ? .?. - ??, rrt?r?n netrarpraiAlMfi ft??m ?re, h ? Dre plia whl '? will bs . Ili .????.? ,???? lo ?? potai nearer timi,? tsn nery ?, ? Isa ?-? d'v?seil , for tte protectioB ol tts watei plugs la bbbb? bs ol th?? ctly ??? i , rend oll ibe ?? !? waits 1? ? a ? -'atei tirsi 111?? COBI ' , -o I Waler I L-ompaay and ti;e ,-ry min water - plpea to ceTSaiU pul I was la tte baud of ! I ? r* w?s Inid ov,"- uotll the ?, ? . ? ? s at il? ri about di plugs, wblcb wee referred witb tte ?? ??? ol bavin ? I | a larg?, Bai er ?. f '.? Ming permits w?re gianled. Uli ivr. A petition w?? read h*e ? Mr. O? pre?ldnnl ?,f ti.? Manchester Usi ?.??/ ?. prevemeat Compaay (Mayo's-Bridge ear lit,. . battteu? ? in wblcb tte rempaay ?? ,, earaoatt company1? trasse la tata .'itr be Btteaded lo Jua? ? ???? '?if. bb orsllnaaee earrrtag oui tte oBjaela aat lertt le m ? peiltwo. Both papers srere referred to Ibe I B_ttteeirt? the uaderstaadlag ttat a report be 1 m??I.? Best ? rtdsy ? . G?? peti loo, BBOBg etberr thinrs. Bay? ! tte compeer will txittange t saal ? i?,tii ttiu tal ? Paassager aad City Batlwa] LlBBBOf Kichmond. Mr, Flsbsr eipreesea Ibe i Udief tnat tts U H-.? in tr.??? ?? ry Will be . . , t??? ? m?? t.?? run ttet i ned, but IBM ?? goeo ?? tii? limiti ? ?. ?,?? ? ? tt* ;. ' ? I ? ? .1 fr? tn May's . ?? Hull street u> Se reata for mor?, man a rear. 0?)l?l? sir. Perdaesab?iMed ? ? ? riiaano? arevldlag for tte aumbertag of ihrougbwui in?. ? ? ??. It?' Mr. Bradlaj pressa tad ?? ordlaaaea amsed log the law with r, f reooe lo the dune fi r ? ou l:eu*> vehicles ol d,ff. rout kind?. ikes ? ? ?? lacis m la tte ,-barge. It?f.-rr, d le tii?? I laaac e e .mimiti.??. Mr. Bradlsv si-??, oiiei^i au ordinaaes pr? vieiing n.?? maaner lu whk_ ?hsde tra?? may ? ? ???????.1 ?,y citi .? ; ? . wiih Moli lietsrre.i la Ble Committee OB nanres. ? Mr. Bradley, oa beeatt "' omet*? '??. reported ttat ttelr laterprertauoo >,f tin or dlaaace rsfarrlag tool > WaettatBonll ? I awning? ani l,?svy - ? "4 ?I tin? ?ir.j.?."- ,,tt.? ?.a? t > remove all deebt a? to h.,w isr tn ordlBaaoa wi'h referen??? to |tr??i ebitraetloB? sbailgo, Ihe ? .uiunttec'? ecftistraetloo ?.?.< a ?? ledi t tbeCeoai ih ?;r. a. C. Haadiagappeared t-f ?r?? Ibe Conaeli u> I ; to be lakea dawa. Befarredleta on'ttee. in? sir, et Ceitnmirtee aise rspoilsd O?a*. ?^evi-utoer, ri -ir? ?? rom Hull t< tn? eorporatlea lloeeooid be pai tu *?^< ?? eoadooa t?- about ? ad Lead r?. d lriit,r?,v?ui?ii!, Compas y h?? ??t.-??? tr, bearli ?? ?.? ti.,? ?_|,.-ns?. La ? oa ti ? ta le uettl u.? ? tsl ? ? Ini? eotamlttee lad tesisi th'ir p;ir|,..-e to re pori su ordtuan, e al il,? tieit meeting providing bow ih? t?* !?.r pavtt.g tarry. Porter, Uaic titige, ani liecator sirasts aball be petti Tbe ordinance will bs mad" le Ooaform t?, ih? (on? ora? etellBanie "?? tt? ? il M?IT AHI? VKi.i ?a Mr. Bradley ? r??eut?<l a peution troni ?eversi ' me?i-(ie?i?r? ?-? ,.:? tte ordtaaaee aow be ? tor? tho ?or ridlag Ibal ai'-. May Ut fr*?h m ?at? end ???????? e? ?h? ! n ll?-I.OU-e t,s ?,) ?WISadSd SS lulllllil license-las Or letUag -? eiiewLere at fsuu lu ?t,ai of MBB 'lbs ordirun??? ws? call? 1 up, amsBded in . UHitiouisrs, ao I ?lori pa?a?<l ir r perfecto?! ?? ? c lag, ??,? seuil'ii-.t seem 11? b? to ?..*,? th? ???1?a??>:? applicable* ie, meats aud BaB only. ???? llr. Jam?? t. Bral ?y Mtrfeeai h!? reilgnatl? ? ?? s maialier ?>f toe OaWMBI from the KourU? Ward. I_??l ou tu? tab:? by a uaauluuut?? vola. Adjourusd at ?]:4? 0 Orii ? 14 ?? i - KB ITTMs. Mr. Edgar life?* of haKiraere, u TUltlng tn , Mane! insto : . , Kev. Wiilla-s H. ? hrlsliati preacb?d his la?l ! ssrinrto st Ut- CVa'rsl M-'lh??!!??? .-t)?if :. !_.{ a gl.t and Iravsa ibis moralug for hia 1.? u?? :u ? Hampe??-. Usuri. Walter B. Itoyooldi, Sup'eu ? I'r?-?!. ! dent, aod D. ?*. Itevn'lt?, s oretne VIe.ll ?1 ttx amlner of in? rS^irumai Leis^-u? or J uliadetpnla, were m tbo <?.'./ ). ?t*?r?!ay. Tbeeurtof Mesera, Kylaal Jt Loe agaliut th? ility-tw>geut!e'ii?ii wb?. wore memuemof th? M an?'!i-?'er V. usi? al aod Drauisuc ?amataMsa for lbs real of en isAirurn.iii was ?ailed before Ju.ti.v Perdue yenlsrdsy aad romorsd to the IIlistings C'Uirl. Mr. ?V.U. Bargees, of tb's el'y. rscelved In tei'.lssocs ye?ter?iay ot th? deesa Tburnday evo jtrig ?>. Morgautowii, ? I . -f hi? ?lit?,, MBM Oata liutgoss who?? i'.tue?? .-ailed biai bon?? ?everal wee_? ago. tsbo wai twen.y-eigbt years Ol!. ^o?>n after3o',!oc_ yesterday moraine Mr. W. J. ?,??G*. wto _.*??* a grulli J on HulUtr*,, t,?-:?*??o Kou t??"iih and rli'oeath snd ??ruplea at ?rirseni? ever ibo store, was asaaeuvdhya s ? ? ing ?mot? Id tao roooi, and found ths build log oa fire. It wss ?ella difficulty thai b? ,-ou.U r?a< h the ?tr?oL Ac, aiarui was ?nun led and tt? Alert? respoadwl promptly, and l#t,a DAlj IB? ?r*, wbtcb orlgisatcMl Dear lb? chi'uavy <>u tbo tower door, under ??onwoi. ? b? bui ding wa? gutie?BDd tb? ?to?'* alt)o?t ?BMrelydattroved. la? ?WH?, which wa? owucvi by Mr. .?_ w Juo?? waa meure?! lor t*#) throogh Mr. B. 0. II..*??'? agency, aud o0 tte ?tock ot go ?d? sa? an iu?u ranre of fXJKV lo lb? Virginia tritate l-ianrase-a ? ,iuioi?y. Mr. .\. L. Atttmaou, sgeut. Ibi? will haidly cm Uie loas ou th? bulldiag bit will doutiUeis, os th? stock. Tbe adloiuiog buUdiaa of Mr Mltteadorfs, wblcb suBered ver? sBabt damage, waa aieo f?Uj tastare*. --7?"?*" Btre*t ....?,.., It is odd what !nter.??t n_ faeta yon sometime? gather a? roe walk down, to yoiir business in the ii.-nung. Vest? r?lay ? ? rbaard th? following coavewatkMi ? Mr. A jniuinji Mr. ? they ?.-?chanue aeach "ther' ; ? 'lit. wVia. > look?, taperially daring tat? ??-ring r when w.? all f????! ?'.nil snd weak. r givi? iu? a???re troni?> than sny. thing eh?, remarks Mr. ?. ? ?* l end that a bottle -.f " Noland ??<" soon ? t? It ri(-b? makes ms feel lik?? sn<>t; .-??? man. thai ? ? i-t ?eli-it I am viking, save Mr. li. an.l I ? 'ree with ????? tust it ? % fin?-? liver, kidney, and blood pur.fl.-r ia the world. Ju?t then a friend -oins them and he ? ?er unies so iini.rc ??-d ?ith the won.l??tful m. rit of "Nolandine" the* he ? where he can _??? -ix l?.ttlee . tell h;in st anv drnf.'st?-?ee. (-betegathered hy >>ur shorthand-man.) Ur. F-srirtsitt M?*l)..?r-ll. of ???.....?. Ihe VOMI?? ai ??varlrtloaiy. After fli'fy v?*iir?? tin. irreat pioneer ?ur ????? ..t our country wh.. by h.s daring .?. orage and far-eight??! sanacit,*, o|-?ne?l ?he way to astrirsof sarg il ?? ??<????.lureo whit b are nor? ever? da? pr? I . lag ihe crnnd.v?t r.-ult?. Ial roagntMfonthe pub? lic with th.? proa inen * w??U merita, il?- ?nd ter, Mrs Biche?? burgb. has devoted three y. r? ? (!?????? i?ar*ti??ti of i?r. .V D?>wrll's memoirs. F tesi ai?sa? ali? ha? beea r? ? ? \ ??? 1 bj ih? profession With ?nd her I.....I? ?? ??? ?? attracting at ten 11, m ?n l.iirop? us w.'ll as m the lief h?? bea ? I Mr. tticheaborgk is a >w in tba eity. _ f..... ?UUr-r-rUt???! War?. I l|rl?t??s-?' ^. ???-???, 1-1,1? 4 ullrr,, llr.ieif?, A,?. th? saina of t?enbov-gno Isoe? ur ?t io ? A. M. and I P. SI la ly at toy an? t..?u roO_?. ?.r..?...?? W, Mato, A?, tion?*. i. Our ?I ???.?....11. Halt? ot Whit?? ?.<??>.!?. -end for sample?, The grand, st snl? of WhiteOoods ev* r beld ? the Stata .limi? sands of yards sacrificed. Mail.t.? rsgiv??a ? ?,? Ir. s? M. liuiaiiiill. UM High sir. .-t. 1 ..rt.iu.'iith. Va. Children Cry for Pitcher's Citoria. . Dalli _B_as of Filw Silverwar. ? ? Hila. Wellen. Ige ?. Tableware of au kinds ?? 10? '?" A. M ' M. daily at my anction-rooma, ?t Nini h atre??, ? ? \>. Ms?... Auctioneer. We ndvis.? ?. t?. ?'. t.? be ??.?.! to buildup tl ? l'I ?"U ev:r tiy il? Wh?n n*! y wss slr_ we r*ave hsr ('sjrtorta When sliswru s CM I* she ?ne?! fer )'ejt.>r!a Whe-? sir? l-*cs;:i-? M.s?, shr? sjaag U? )'ast-l-). Wl_ ? el:r hsil (tu.dren, s_e gs?e '-???? Cl Tran perei I '*? *?:? ? ??. a I Blue ' ip, I .. a lar It thia w?'?-k ? and Main. _ Doyoa wit be k ?Jthrjr and ??? Then try tho gn ? A. If. ? I Children Cry for Pitch..\ Castorf-. 1 In? V?? ( *lal..(fun I containing new testimonials fr<.m partisi who hare need ths ? Arasi iWaM mail it on aiiplieation. ? ? V. Boon. Reeond snd Main str?-?t_ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori-, . \irclnla ??-.ei u?. Mr..min??, an.l lutila Water. Th'? rriee of the al < t? w?t.>r bas b??en re din i t?. .y i ?,? ail -.irutg 10 I I?, tbe '-?'iiipatiy'? ????? ! G. ??*??*??. ??1 ami Mam stre?-f _ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wn ar? selling N?H ?si'lvf. N>ine of tor ette? ' ?.????t? Wim I.? lis?? ???..?? ba? k foV atoes Hsu...s Usures*., r untan i Mam ?tr?ete. ta IM ?? Usui??'?* UB'-n.-iiisL ???.-iibs w?r i, r,?, ? ?,,ir ?? toase as ? aase tor .'..ids, ?. A.illiUis, Bag 1)? on otto Ut? b??u nt? i paralleled. p.. lergel ?????????> pear drinking wsur, lessen?*?, ????!? io enee el ?Msefvns bit risa. Itimi? ? , .? fa?.>r aud prereale ib al arla sui ail enmatas Siseases, tteaiirsia ?- HI IL' ?. f. ?? .is, uisiiiifsct.irsl oaly Dr. I, ?. u. Magari .? *????. Iluk.-r ? ??.? - (?,<| lli.rllll. 'Kauwo ??er f'.-tr y-"ers.) A ??.? Hill? s Rari? I Tin..s: ani ???..? Ii.iiu??, lleliility l'n.iiimunls. etc. Ho surs to ask (ur tuteas All ?Ini-Clsis?. -Iaa'? (lAiLar.v, Ms.a aal Tenta streets, ?ie?? Plasmas? MH Pfesaepst?s, o?c hraast Cabinet Pictures, Il V) ter twelre. Lovely Pi?? tun-e, all suss. Iergfillsetlenel Phol>.(rsphe of . ?jefu irrs'.e .'-_..?, r.oied .Veoss, rsll gfius, 4.?._ Tber?isn<> ?p,?? ?r ?.MfeaM use ?Men ti soluiportsiit i<> ..i.ia,n ?m iluo ss l'rslfs Astrai ou, as n ?? s .|.if?ti..ri ut aaSaerSa m? ???? p??? perty. 1Ue pul,: - sis federally fsru lilnr wltti ?lis seals I eaaa Ol tt.s manu!?, turen?, hm ine utmost ?.-siiti..?? ?satirised wtien buying fr./?? tbe Isir.?!. 4 iivici: TOMOTHIM. r..r OTsr fi'ty yeais MUS. WIN?_.)W*!4 KMyniIMO IT-?P-M been used by moti-ere tor t-eirchiMrno wbtle ieetbli)|{. Are you ?li? luti^l st aisiit sud Lr?kea el r>xirreet ty a sl'k, ?:tilld suT. n.'iK si. 1.-yiiiti patii of ? utiag teeth? If so sent] at . n???? snt (?l? b-itilsoS ?? ?r?. Win?!? ?p??" for ? s.i Iren T.'?-f-!D?r. Iu ??:?! ? ??? u.. ?.Vtiisbse. It will re? NO*? tlie poor little ?u!Tet?r Imineillately. lie pen 1 ui.'.n I'., me'ti? r. ; lb*re Is u> n.'slake st..iui i;, i*, taras Pjaewary bbj i.iirrB?^?, r.'sulstre tbn ?. ?? ?w??'?, OUtP? Wie?! - 'ieri? His i.iitr.?, rmlu.'ee IaiUuirr.stluu, so 1 (.??? torn, tn 1 energy to the ?b?? sysien. ???1 a Wli??'"? ??*./?>'bin? *?yr>ip" f>r . nil.Iren tent-llir, !? [irs-S'it t. It ? isso? snd Is tlie p'? ?vrij.tWn ol oro jl tbe ulrlest and beet female r.Lr.l.'sussiiJ nurs.? in tm? In.led Htaiee, eoi \t tor saie by all <lruf-*l*>t? _riii.-(b.-ut the world. Prtoe m ceni? s kettt- Be sur? ?nj ask for '? ?IM. t?-l !' ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? G gives ns ao much pleasure as to l>r< se the I'oys and Chiidruu in Nobby New Clothing. NOTWTTDSTANDING the immenan biiiineaawu did iaat woek our stock ia still complet". We havo nl I??. I all l?>te that wero broken, so we start again thin ?.?.ruing with a I'M.!, line of sizes in all those PRETTY nod KXCl.r.SIVH -MJgM in two sul threo-[)i?-oe ribort l'ante f-uits for all ages from four to sii. t?-?ti years. WK BATI a.lile'l many new styhs, and not Lini/ 8-.'.n.s toplcn.??*? the mother? of amali ehildreo So much as the ZiUAVK ?11.IB, Our variety is gioater than ?.ver; ages from two and a half to six j't ari Wl HA VI. al-? rtvt-iv? 1 another large invoice of Lung-l-ntx Suite for Uova and Youths in t..!,*?_?? an?! Sac-ka, ia fact, we can suit your son of any age. from the l-at.y to the young man of tw?'nty-ou" yenrs in anyihiug they ?i*s eir?? i? Clothuiir, Hat-?, and -'urniahinKS. BPECI4L ?OK TO-DAT UNLY. We put oa ??-?-iil al?? f..r TO-DAY g lino of SHI 1.1W \ I -ITS AT 1?5 CKNT8, which for value ouuLsUnco any couip U tiou. THE BOSTON, 1009 MAIN STREET. ? m*eit _ r\>er-0Pr*ic_, SCHWAR-SCUII.D 4 00.