Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND WHOLK NUMBKK. 12.100. RICHMOND. VA., s?TtTKOAY. MAY DISPATCH 17, 1890. THREE CENTS PER OOPT. on i: lkttki?s HOW OUR GREAT COMMANDER C CLINED A VALUABLE GIFT. Ill? ???wer to thr tltr t'ouni-tl When I .< n .1 film ? II KM liepara n .11? fur the I nvrlllng. t.? ? n ? ?? ?-? of th*? OobmII i; bel 1 < n tin> ;ith < Mr. .laiiiea .\. Sell r SA, which v> I ' i 000 he i i i houses ! I iberl j frei f rent, a this a be sppointed - ???nt. Mr David J. Haund. a ' niiiiti. i A. H It. I* w. < :i ( Mi. Hill t j littee, Tl'? ' ? '?il Mareh |. the chairman <>f tbe <??> ? : ? -p.'- 11 apon the i ? My is been ?lir r 1 ? i ? 1. ? illy. ? ? . il api t ? ? nor conferred 111?? >t? me lity to the kn i t, fnilnces i , i, - i ? ? s of my family at i n IS pin pose l'if ? tbe families ? ? ?? ? ? y I; . ' nil. ' ? '?? I ' i . of 01 ? ? i lient Pre) (Made la Ralali the N ' ' : ? u da roi i ? |. lb . ? d. ' With u ' oi ' will I . tl ' ' ?itr. about a f- .f |< tl ove ? accomplish*1 ? al is no Work ? ? ? ? ? ''?? 11 I.V- ' I ,;', IV. i Hi'I It ! ' ? ' t I . linn r>'i| pu' dit ra t\. will be bot] * \ of th 1 ? the un m Vil :' imi. Louisieni Itue ?ini.'iit ! 1 r, 75. :!nlk. tit range < He, 200 ? ??it?s it: i \ w Vor),, i.. . nty. < . p, 10. I I pdi-rit'k count] :>. 10. a? t? runs a 'll 1" qoar rns, ti'-ur Sti : .? t th? Mi I ? tlit' M iiv ? ? ? ii a ill i'i tig t-. I. ? i..r ? ? il by ?! I it Davis naval .- .- ttt nd the ui Vi 'I n. w livt \. Nova t \\ , Keil ht New Y rk IVS ? \. ty m *?'?'?! ? . ears on Ma> i bavt . an oiler, be . fi im ai i Federa I : IXIOUS to i ere to hoi ; to famish th< m i ? fa?l .- old.' 'in ? ? i i. ? . coming k> the ? l_ any ? i ? ? ? ? >?? i ??? fur I ?me with t - . a? ' ????papers i s L. F, hsavs, Cotnmauder. i ? iuleot, ? r> B '. tajai I . r Ian statue of i Second ri'glment usr.l ?ill be pr< nil, a ? i m eoasaeaad ? < eat i . . . . Capta ' ' aalen ? S5 >? tluar.l? i onpaay u. Mooes?. ? IS| any I. Huntington KodgeS), HI men. sa 1 ?ir'ls, sad < "Ui pa.v i., (jovornor'a Uaarda, The av??! ?ill i* lr. Austin, Adjutant STllSOO, ? ait. Dr. UpptU, and '? i i -un, baa been service *>? a rwgiuieutal band, aud wi lac <.iup/uir lbs rexim?iiL IM'M JAl'KMOM 11 I.v. PMfMi i f Ja ive..iiviii? has re .;. li mimi.iii ft. in < atnp of ?1 iu ait-ml It? i.melliug of tbe I ?e . V* 't?i. 'I L? tn. inl?,<r? t whether th.?y win go asa t?.'v, ?. t*- a g??'d-?i??4 repmnenia OB that aces Kpecinl tu the Washing U> ! moer of On as assess unanl ?.i.-1 lo i gbl to send the Hor ? ?i l?. tbe unit-illi.ic ut (lie 1/Oe iiionum nil la say Is it..- wui u o:a< ?t 'i he < t.uialier will oefrsy tbe ? v irip.>i.?oae th? especial rvpreaauU Utese ' toKX VKTSBAJtiS. i 1 at 2 o'clock I ' I . follow?. . May 17. The Confederate 1 amp. which baa jtut I is it th.- st. Jam?*) Hotel to ? t.. make arra.'i:;oiin-tit? for hi B ?ii legation t?. Klebmond i p the o-seMloa ot , iveiliagcif tbe hutne of (ieaeral lee It is u|Mt'i?il that more than on? hundred lueuibari will go Wbaa the ?uastim cams up o? taritlAf tJM Federal vi teran?. to ptrtlfftfjB*r1t Colonel 1.1.. Km-art, who pr* ride* ! " If mon like (imersls Bora uormaa. and [aMeoald eom? Barato purl in the funeral services Of QeJ t'innt there ism, reason whv any 01 tea Bortbera araur can't go toBtchu t*. t,a\ a tn? Btaoi respect t.) (ienerat I Ex-United 8tatea Marshal General I Mi Mahon, eoaunaadar *if Tfaasrlat Poet (J. A. lt.. and several others wer* vitod to a? rumiianv Use ramp. .A mwoial truin of aleensng-can will 1* ?.?rout, Mav wlifur Richmond, and party will be absent five da*. *. Some feeling has ?<eeri "aroused in ranp by Um actioa taken by Major J. ? '. whoaalatter waapnblisbed it day's ?iii-'il, in announcing in the mttn ition that u wi.tilil not? any < sd< rate flats in Ute parade, ?ion ol the matter was i aref en atina, bot Uta Et ( omraittee will deride what a* hon s be taken aboat the flags. - club w,ii r>a organised, and ano other arrangent? Dts nave t?"n left a commute? appoiatad for Ute pnrpoaa ? Tli* re was a wing-drill at the Arm i ni 'lit *>f < ompanies A. B. aa< the direction ol Majoi J. II. Dei shire. 1 li<- mea l*M.k< .1 well ??? fd the ? |n true soldierly st there was a full attendance of the m thr> companies named I here will !.*? * y ral i- gin ?tal di next week preparatory to the ? ? 'i. < ?Mr i an d< '??niiim-d to h? prcpa foi that Interest ing oceaaion. ??tin- prominent Marylanderai hare signified their intent on of being thi military ball hare on the night of -I Dited States Minister Rol M. McLane and ex-Governor Oan Mayor David? n, of Baltimore, cannot t of the ball, bat wri tl if ha be m the city the day foil ing. ropoaed that all of tli" surviv meml Manchester Klliott Gri the Manchester Artillery, ami all m, i ached i omn and rnei t at the! onrt Ho iv on t he lo<?: miit ol I .-?ti'l proc ed in g b *di to Richmo: and ' the parad*. Infi can )>?? ha i i les Henry A. Jord ? v Knorr, or K. \A'. W< is ger. I be ? ? ? ? nmmitt( <?- hay* i yet i mer, thi v And n< tt weak that they need in: t hi v will ?and collecting commit ees on I streets. flfr.G or eL, Darla in riv ing the parts ol thi statue together I rally complimented. 'I earn ? ? i ?'? I .it h few feet d tanoe. HLZEKIAH SAUNDCRS DROWNF.O. lin- v|?Y,.r ?r <.,,s It?l-> i Ills it Wat? diava. [1 is now regard? ?rfuinthat t body found in .1111111"? rit H rl utcli Gap a Tew days ago was that H< ' Kli! v ? - to rapport fins i'l'-a. bum and in ? I e pockets "? t 1 had " ti. S. Haund* rs " on I which was attacbed to the ring a ; on his person had the name iah Bunndi rs writti a 1 n the ba v :?? ten days *il''> Beunders, aceo: pan ed by an i( her * olored man win ?i know m. wi ut ont Bshing 11 r thi Ohio wharves the former fell out and w n * h,. . 1 ? panion, who it u fa .?! ni v* r I" an in ? row-bi before, bei 1 I 1 alarmed and t b :it had i" be tow id to shore, n> In* oon ;i. .* " navigate t he \> t( rs deep." 1 h" mini came to th>- I ?rat p ili ? ted what liad trat pired, out the citj authorities bad 1 it !..11 wasmad a-as found it was ? the 111 te-rfl Id shi n in ,*? : . 1 ?... subsequentlj ? dors will be ri membi red a? the mi . of -lui , 18B8, l>ecame 1 ! in a difficulty with < ins Rili y ? 1 v ? t. and in the 1 ? . wound from which Rilov >io bi rneil :ii ?! surrender* 'I bina* I und the extent ol his punishmi 1 a 1 months ii COLORED PEOPLE'S CHOICE. I bay Nniui:i; le Men ol Their Hace for tt Conn? il. I n ?? of Jackson Ward wi : ? . ?? ? b n ? of the cand I for tl 1 ' I ouncil i 1 convention in the <M< w? Hall, on north Third stn et, lau '? .I Of live d( from *'.i ii precinct, all of whom ?* rec* l : From 8 "'rim midnii lit. I* wis Ktewart pr* William Carter acted s raberof candidates were place m 1. .: 1 n great many ipeeoht a le, I ii as follows?all th nominees bi ing colored men : 1 ..r the Board ol Aldermen ?! ?hi Mil bell, Jr., Hi. unas P. Jeter, and J. B Griffin. For the Common Council B. C. Btokei II l!:i\ es. .1 I r'ai ':ir, Benjami m, mu? Andrew I hompson. I'. 1 . Royal Racki I . Im er, and 11* nn <'. Hunt? 1. Jeter, Jacki on, Thompsoi Ra* ks, a'id Hunter are also oa the ticke nominated Wi dm THE MASSACHUSETTS EDITORS. They will llav?? a Warm t\ sicoma to Rl<h iiioini t?o? Evening. tea Editorial Associatioi will arrive here from Petersburg at 6 P. M be mi t at the Byrd-Btreet stu ij repre*entat ves of tin- Richmoni and Chamber of Commerce, and aril orted to llioir quarters at Ford'i Hotel. ight a reception will I"' given then ut Pizaini'a Major Ellj?on ana Pri I'urcell, of the Chamber ol < ' >mmerce, aril sp< ik for 1 ' wortls of wel :ome, in morrow 1 ? risitoia will ha? ittcntion as Sabbath obserranct . Monda* morning aoma of the part j will r* turn to Norfolk Iiy the Jamea-rivei ,11 remain here un. p. M ? ';" K'orf 'lk bj th*.- Chaaa I nd Ohio 'nun. \a membari ol th 1 Board of Diraoton ol aamber of Commerce und all mem. of the Richmoud and Manohestei Press are Invited atid expected to attaad ili* reception and : upper to-night SILVER WEDDING CELEBRATED. TwaatyFlfth Aaaltwraary of Captaii Moarattiastta's >iarriac<". lia and Mrs. Oliver lioai celebrated tl v.. ddin s la I at their residence, No. 920 easl Broa I twenty-five years of married lift been happily spent, and last Bight were call? I upon o.v a nuinber ol fritsnds, who wished them continued Joj and many inoro yours of Miks, Capl lia and Mrs. afonutcaaUe re*'oive*l a number of bandaomaand valuable pr?s. * ii- friends m New York, Boa ton, Philadelphia, and Riohmood, and .:1\ from the members of th** Fire which Oaptaio Motutoaa. tlawaafora numbarof yaara an honored member and ut one timo r'irat Assi?taut Eng? ? ? genial host and hostess entertained their mends la a very hospitable gaanner, and th" evening wim one of ?.-euuine enjoy? ment to all present. VI?)-I estival Kihoe?. Tb? ?*>-?I cr>urs?rt wblch aaa att?ntl?sl by BSMB a largo au'l aaea sod rtH-eivcd witb such tarar at the reosul taatival will be repeated up-town ou th? nlgbt of tba ?81. Tb? largo oboru?, with a aeles-t or*, baatra au? a nuuibsrof Kiebmoiiu s faviTit? to-aliflis. must prove a atifll<'l?ut altrac tion to draw a r*iy larg? uumt'orof people, Tliiougb Uin klodoeaa of the visaliate, who *ri*c Bsssr *ervk?a frt-oly, and of tho Otaes* Striant Uaptlet cliUirh. whlob lauds It? Spfto'.ous ml. rua,-lr tr?? of chare?, the rich musical treat 1? offered to Ui? public st very low prices. Jasper*? thurrh to He Drdleated. Thf t-nth Mt /loa llapttst SSHStoa, coruar of M. Joba aud liuval ?i-ori?, of whu.-b K?v. Joba Ja?;?.-! I? pastor, will is? dedicated on tsuuday, way nth. 'lev. William Troy Will conduct th? service? at 11 o'clock A. M.; at S P. M. Itev. Ur. ,\. w . 1 jiiKlriini. and at I P. M. Kov. f. H. Philip*. of l!eav?r Patu. Th? dedicatory exercise? will coiitiuue ou th? two suiveedlug Kuuday? Arreal? by tba I'ullee. Vfilllam MoWnson, a colored man, was ar raste.l yesterday itioiiiiog aud will bs Ueior? tbe Puii.-e *,ourt tbl? niorulng ou tho cbarg? of : r beatlug a mul?. \V I?. Hcr.-ly was arro?texJ lu tb? Third po? lie? dtstrl-t veaterday on lb? cbarg? of a*??iiit lns aud beating Martha Curry aad Bells Kenuey._ Wanted, a good appetite. You can harts it easy enoiign by taking Hood's Karaapa. rilla. IttoaasthadifaaUonaadcuraaBick? I hsaasrhe. TO GET CHEAPER IC! A FACTORY TO BE ESTABLISHED I THE LIBBY-PRISON SITE. lleatdes Making Ire There Will I?? C Storage for Meats, r'rnlt?, Vege bles, Ac. Th? citizen? of Richmond stand what I pears to be an excellent chance of hav: ire furnished to them at mm-hlower prv than those which now obtain here beft the beat of the summer is spent. In fa? t it is given as an assayed ccrtair that before the middle of July, "hen t season of greatest suffering from heat just laanhlllg it?* /.-nuli.thefre-nngluxt; Will be *ltfr|r?MfrfrTJ through tl.' ?1 at, pgieei far cheaper thau t IlOW exacted. it baa b?'en tntimsied that this neceas to comfort in the domeetid perl of life w be offered to our people ai a tariff not exceaa ..f -,x,v Dents i?-r hundred ponn? sad there have !? i, remora totneeffi thai more reasonable tariffs will be < served where th" Quantities dealt Ifl I lar;*.-. rA?-TOIlT at MTinr pitiso?. ll.iwevcrthis nay be, there 1? Certain to te another large factory here fn I manufacture of transparent iee, and th? Is bo reason to doubt that the articled be made by the pfOOOaS which Will i..I |.'. .I snd fnrni ih d to consurners nrs the term- named and at a profit I ?I in the enter pri as, I he factory frill be looeted on th? sit?' Libby Prison, which build i to Chicawo and re?reeted In prac cally lb" same form thai W81 In re Mi. Charlea A. Boss, real estate agent ai auctioneer, acting for the Chicsgosyni eat?,hsssold the Libby-Prison lot tot' Crystal Ice Company. Th? nee were conducted with Mr. 0. I>. Wingfiel the secretary-treasurer and general ma sger of the purchasing company. This 1 Is a most eligible one and is located at tl sont ' r of Car* sad Twentie streets, [t has a front of 190 feet snd rn hack 190 fed t . the .lock. The co aiderstion was 94,000 cash. Mr. Rose l>n- also sol 1 Mr. Wingfield f the i ompanj the adjoining lot, 44x120 ret owned by the Southern Fertilizer Coi pan;., for ?1, i.i IW TO iifrin. Ifr. Bote has received the dead of co r< i'ic from the Ubby-Prisoo v. Museum and it ha- been delivered to tl purchasers f"r record at once. This elo ..nt the Interest of the Chicago concei bere, Members of the ayudicate in a t cent letter to Mr. Bota express the not that they would soon I <? alile to come Riohmond and visit oar oUisens, wit whom they formed pleasant aequaintenc when mi their last trip bere. Mr, Wingfield Im- received estimates. the cost of the buildings proposed to i erected, th?- plans are tew being perfects and tin contracts will be let in ? very f> da;,8 and work will begin al once WHAT, wii.i. PF. DOMS. company proposes to erect buildini on these two lots for two 35-toaioe-maohini ? ? smosl improved kind? refrigeratio ice-hi 00 tons ol ice, an commodious cold storage departments ft preserving meats. Ash, batter, eggs, an vegetables, i In y will increase their ice-making ft pecity to 100 tone per day aasoon as add tional machinery can be procured and wi run winter and summer. In winter th will store their surplus stock in hottsei which the tempera lire will be kept belo thi freezing point, so thai whsn the ics taken oui in ljnnncr il will l.c as goo i I u was pul in. The ice will be sbs? lutely pure, being made from distille . and it is claimed will last lout,'' than tht Datura] article. Mr. Wingfield. who was formerly wit ? is recently bei n < in the manufacture of ice in the Bout! west, and be will adopt bere th | which he hss found to work very si fully. He i gpects to be able to put th ice "'. ' be markt I bj July 1st. i BS OKAS The Crystal Iced mpeny was charter? ? l, of t be City Circu? . ou the SCtb of February, and it purposes, as defined in the petition to tfa i lourl ufacture, buy, atore, ani sell ice and to buy, store, and sell meati ? . and all otlu-r kind? of provision for table use usually stored in iee-housi or cold departments. l b<- capital atock "f the eompanv fat t lie no! less tluii. fiO.OOO aii'l may eres . I t.. 8100,000. Real catate may be held no! exeeedinj four acres st any one time, ami sutborit; i- u'i\'? i" erct buildings, put In ms cbinery, Ac, The officers ar--: President. John Pope Vice-President, 'I boms ; F. Jeffren- Se.?re tar* and Treasurer, C. 1?. Wingfield; Direc tors, the above and Messrs. Lewis Ginte and Howard Bu ineford. MANCHESTER COUNCIL MEETING. Four Hours' Session *?trecl-Ra.llway six Other Onlliiiiii-e?. An adjourned meei ngof the Manches ter City Council was held laal night. President Perdue occupied the chair, si of the eleven other members were presen! and the attendance ?! persons interestet in different matters pending, and of citi? zen- generally waa nnusuall1 Urge, The session consumed nearly four honra lasting until within a few minutes of mid night. Considerable time was taken up ii the transaction of routine business, bul upon the whole the proceedings wen int resting. Like at all of the other meet? ings held recently a large number of build, permits, authorizing the erection oj frame boust s, were (.runted. AXLB-WOSl s sup. The .Iced prepared by City-Attorney William 1. Clopton conveying to Messrs, J. it. Johnson A <'o. the loi on liaurj st reel which the Council sgrt ed todonat. to the concern as s site f-.r their axle works, which are to be rebull? upon amu -Ii larger scale than they are at present, wsi reatl and adopted. It is expected that the \\..rk> will be moved quite soon to this tits, ?nicli ia admirably located and ver. ?ble, it isnear Mann cemetery and em. . \. r ;w.i seres. WIHtNlNO OOWAaDIM AVFM'E. Tbe Street Committee reported an ordi providing i"r the widening of Co wardin avenue t.. flftj feet by ouUing a atrip from the lota ' n the north side. The estimated cost of the improvement is ahoat - i ordtaaace was reeommitted so that some further information bearing on tins t mas be ol tained t>v the committee ami the ?mp. r changed eoeordingly. opoiuk] STaora, An ordinance was adopted providing for the roii'leinnation of laud for opening i srtain streets. All of this work was upon some time ago. arvax ornan nuvoniai a The con-u'eration of the ordinanse granting additional franchises to ti rhester Railway ami taprovenent Com? panj (Mayo's-bridge ear line) coi. the greetei part of the evening. A large ih I igation wasPTSiant in ronnee. tion with this matter and Major B ajamin ?in h and ex-Mayor John ?. Tayl (ir.-e?.-.l the Council briefly on the subject. advocating the granting of the franchises I lor. The provisions of tho paper were dis enssed pro and tve by members of the Council, ?everal Immaterial amendments w.-rc t?. k. d to it, and theu the ordinauce wad adopted. th. ordinance, besides extending the Ums until July, im;?), in which it to required that can ihsllbernn on Hull street, where the bas ht so 1 dd nearly two years, au? thorize* ti.- coiiipain to build and ?fterste itsrailws) up Decatui street to Twentieth, sad thence to Hull. The compauv. under its Origina] franchises, which have not bei n at all efaanged, has the ri'?'ht to use Dees? tur street from Seventh to Twelfth, Twelfth to MeDonosigh, and MeDoavyugh to Cowardii. avenae, Now it has tho right to build both lit;, | Qg gjtagg O? them. The (.-.,, i Templara. Sidney Lsdga, Qeed Templers, re?d Its regu? lar meeting i,isl ujgnt ., BolvlUere Hall, with William 11. iiew lu tbe chair. There wasquli? anambar of visitor? present, atuoug whom were MesMs. l rwkmur, Koama, UouapL .burJi^, JJade, Alien, and Miss Kogers, of Fultou: Mr. *#>? i.-llan and Miss Dance irotn Hescuo: Messrs. Mratiou and other? from Trinity; Mesar?. Kve rett. Mean., aim Uwts from Soldiers' Home. Addressee w,.re made by Moeer?, Creekmur. Woodward, stratum, Motilhall, Mears. ?.'?-???-?r. and others, fb? RjKe was then entertained by capiaiu Jenklhs. after which they ad'ourned. *r. Allen Thought to It? Slightly Hettor Vesterday. Mr. Harry P. Allen, the young msn who was ?truck ou the hew wlm a . balr by Mr. W'lUlam Kiuus? about two ws*?? a-To. I? ?till In a crttioai '?eodltiou, but th#ra wa? ? abade of tmprove meiu yesier.lsr. and his pbvsicluu bop?? *> t* able U) avert au ?Hack of lock-law, with which beba? beeu?troti({!y ibreatened. Hiscooversa ttou was mor? coherent yesterday than U ??as bees f*r ?evarsid?,, _?, ?a ?serai a/mpaana i I wars faTorsaia, but he ta not rat abU ? -as miKh nourishment The danger tn tbs ess? se?ms to bav? ?risen from the fn*H th?? '?*;' wounil healed over more quickly than was w'* W hon th? it ii fortunate difficulty between the?? two young men, who bave always been goo*! friends, ?-corred Mr. All*n was snaking pr?t a ratloos to go to Huena Visia, where he Intended ?ugaglng In business. Ills Tendon of BSB "" rrmutatile affair tU'fw? a allfbtly different liga? on the ????<?. an l while h* has said that h? 41*1 not think Mr. K rouse wa? In fault and do?? no: wish him proaivuted lie thinks lb? a*vountt of the trouble have done him an Injustice Is that Bssy I.ave male it ?ppcerthath? waa wholly in the wrong. 1 his b? asserts la not the cas?. PROPERTY IN NEW HANDS. Deed? of Sale IWorded In the Cttr snd County. The following deeds of bsrjsin and sale wer. recorded yesterday in the Clerk'-* offi'd of the Chancery < Cyrus Bo9?!eux and wi'e Sj T. J. Enrlgbt, 40 feet on tb? north side of Louisiana aln- t C"*.r Seventh. VS.. U. I). HraiiiMe and wlf? to Crystal les Compa? ny. !.'?.'feet on < ary street south?a?*.t corner of 1 w* Dtteth, MJXA hlcbart Ualluran's truste?? tn Jame? W. H"l loran, Ii* fsel *.o ib? nurth -Lie of \"nable r.r?et betw <in Bochas m ?ml Meshy, BJM Christopher Kraft's to;r? to I'av',1 H. Ray, 8I-? l*?i .a the soa*h stde of ( ary street DS iw?sagofssrta and Kurtir?.. t Miry A. Mortou'? trustee sad lohn Morten to B. W. giggle?, SI feet oa the seam ?Me st Main sr Mums and >l feel on tba west side of Beet rvulr street. Ill, ???in ? to .?k:ii-s B. Klaas, ? fast an the south i Side of Mala street near It rrl?, $?,ion, Blchsrdsoa * Bstu ramlsstooers, 10 I. B, Boore, mm third int-r* st in ?1 feel on the sou?h ride of Main street east of Sboekoe ere -k. M ? Criarles I? stee) ?nd wlf? to R< batl II. Lawk, Jr.,a.l John It. Day, I7 1st feet on the north side ol Floyd street near Piara, r Harasl ttsrdlag, 17 1-6 f??t onaam*? n" .1 san ?*. I ? ira l-itMIzius Cnmpany to Crystal Ic? Company.-ti f ? ithstdeof Cary street Between rwsDNetb ami Twenty, I1.7M. ciisi? cori.T or BaMSJOD. M. OHmi or and wife to lUarlolt? 0. Chalk ley a trustee, 10O feel ou (?rove s/reuu?, f l.TA Bohsti Johnson'?trustees to :*. a. ."mith. Ml feat f.n tii?, north aide of Winder etr?et near ( nrier. UM. William A?hby .lone?and wife In Kader? Dl.-k Meetoa Hanoier street aortbeaat cor? ner Ot Ville, |1.- . i le Camp Meeting. Las Camp ha.) n vany large sltsadSWSS s' their meetinglast inga/it:. I many tisw members were Sil A letter was na i lYon Praal T. Poster, of Cincinnati, t... i mting mat no bad >-ip*. tn? Camp a fisg (. r lb? Soldi*--- Mi me a- a Rift fro'i! on? 11 ? ildler to oth* rs, although tb>y fowght oa different sides. Ih- present was ro? ost* e*l wim th? thsnkaol tie* Camp. Information w*,- reo Ived thai ? groat number reterani aro coming here on lb? ifUthff.iiii all i rnllee-t ourt Crise?. James 0sisea (colored) wa< lined gio and east? lath? Folie? i "lit yestenlaj mornlog for eon tempt of com tin fa w abansaa? monad an ! iiMi.g uni.m.pur laiigurig?. to tbo Offli .r?|.) i?ri. .1 th- l .??in? tadsrson (oolored) *???* Bnad g2.B0 and being disorderly at the ; in .in -,*? o w ani en the .lay ol registrsl I-ninl. etuiwed with being drunk, wa^ required to give ?ecur.ty for thirty days lu tbo Mini ol I fient Oui tj.r I Iglit \. ir?. I**inn aad Thomas Barton and aJoiaaaer tbsl . who wer? e in iii- ii orla) * Buty Court ou rhnrsday ? ?' having burned ? barn on ' aptain i oseen'? farm. ? ? i,, ?rere tak*-ii 0 II !?> th? peSlUn tlary yesterday af ten riff Bon th ward, and Bole?? ib( r.* s ix* cuti* s * lemeney rit* nd? i-t t hem ti.- y wi:i ha?- to rssssln there * Ighi )nr*. rhe prool of tlu-lr pinit wmi. ?iw-itist itieir counsel, Mr. a. B. Oina, dM aot ever. ark. f. r an*-w trial. raised Mates (nun. .Initie Boherl W. Baghes, of Ma lnit?d ??tatss C< irt. arnv -d In II lay iron lila horn?, near Ataagdcn, and will leavi I i N rtoll t i!.- will . at) hoar tnattara in rham betashi.ehers. Th?Judge ?ui noi br- ready for a wa?k or two to rsndei tus di r. Henry l?e". ti. I* Il ?. . trustes ol Martin ? howars. In which iheCouri I ? r salde B?nt on ad tin?' ? limit* i ; M sol - :.. ei'< te ; The caso waa ist Saturday. ?linru-.ii umi Mali Robbery. Bobert Bagan, a amall eolorstl he bet ? United tatst*? Commlaaioner Atklua yesterday ?? tba p..?t-..i:i.-*< at t'baee inly. II? I- .1 nre,-r\ ?J,tu s that i ? ? Dea at i * band ihn itah ?n g Ins partition near th? money-drnsrsr. ni oi th? m ? ? ' ? the c?s? ? I ill,ill lii-lt i lie- :?y and tbo ?r wss committed to jail. Klehnintirl BbtB "?cIhioI C?<nimenretii*?nf. Tbs snt of th? nehmend High -ill inks placa this year at tb? Mozart \. adi tnv on rnursdey niciii. Jon? Ifta lion. H. i(. Pollard wlb deliver the annaal addrssa, I John B. (ary the l'eabiely medals, and ii.ii. .i. rnylor BUyson the dlplotnaa. Tbo ? i the best essay on the " Life and Cba 'II . .leifersun Davis" will bo presented oat BUs occasion. _ Not inuiich Members fee liusine?s. a moottag of th? i omasos Otsiacfl wa* called for ?st nii/iit i.i oonrar ta Um res* luttea pro? viding for h 3 ?loi meeting of the Council on the ? ?day evening in June to elect a flrw **eas mt?< ?ner ?o succeed tn? tats W. A. Hoawell, of Marabali Ward (inly thirteen members respond?*! to the call, and after nailing atom nn boor ihey s4}onriiea. A meeting will be called for Monday evening at 7 o'cltwa. _ i;, i . Law i air. At th? fair being hold bj lt. E. lea Cnunetl last niicht an aaasoaUy large crowd aseoabted H w,.n?,M ir .. gal : ni taMenux and lbs Bag-drill by twenty-live young ladles. Thesudlsnoe wag snthiinlaitlr over both me drill an l tableau<c, wbl. h w?re wall BieCUtad. The vntlng 00S tluuss to grow icon- Intereottageach ntghias the tira? for snnoun lag the rssaU *ir.iws nserer. An ?1 gant Persian rug wa? voted Mrs. Atklua* n, and several email arttclas ware inn by youug _ I'eraonal? and Itriefa. Mr. Leo BehearaschlM has re:urno*l from a ? - trip tu New \ ork. The BOOS Of CoafederasS Veterans will meet In tlm Itegimcntal Armory ?t 1 O'clock to-night sodrUL Kev, Pr. I.andrum has returned to the city, fill in- p llpll nmrtilug and evening to? morrow. Mr. Benjamin V. Shake!!, prnrrietor of the Orkney) - ''? ?', t? in thecliy, aioj.plng ?.; lb? ticliang?. Mrs. S, S. Kam and Miss Chambers, who have ap?nt aeveral months tu A,kau,.?-. C expect to return h'UiiM tiezt WMB. in k*> y K. Kirrnr, of Amalia coiin'y, la In th i ,-itv. Bete Ina! r".-.ivoriug from a long and painful spell of alckuona. Pan Knit, u Deasoaral .? Club will have a grand rally aext 1 nesday olghLaad all goud Dem?? crata are Icvti? 1 to attead. 1 Ig itStsBBSI Ilawkea and Martin, from tha Vlr lira! and M?<*banl'aKollegf, are In the cuy en a short furlough. Miss Willie Joffress, of tirecn !tay, I'r'.nc? K*l w u . count?. Is me gnest ol Blss Neanln? Mar? r.. -U" hi >,,. iJ ^ BBSt limad Stn - Mr. and Mrs. Henry S[?|n nrn hl ma !'.x-hang? ? : '???? N bB fi ? ,: 1 Pom;, where tney have had a pleasant sojourn. J. OL hoher's, of Bta eistfaBtl force nf tbo Amer ???I. ha? l.-It for the Ko*'k Alum Sprtngs, ? i. r - be baa b?cn engaged for th? ?eason. MkM Ar*:es Welker, daughterof Major Joseph .. i is ,? tan : from se? rene, where i . attending ?ct.. The drang and;/ Journal reporta tbo ap natatateal ot lieutenant henry c. Cabeiiasaid ila-i-arap to (?cu?ral (Jibbou, Cultel statea army. Mia. lathi C Hagan, Master Clarence l>. Ki?? mau. and Misa Maille Kl. hurls, of Huntington. W. W. ar? visiting rdaUvr* aud friouila in Kicbniind. tl BMI 1". M. yesteMay the city ambulanc? wa? ?umiri'O'M to J*/hn?>jn i Co.'s foundry, aadar IBs free tritge, where on? glib? opera? tive* bad cramp. He waa reilevud and left. Mr. lt. R. Michaela has returned from the meeting of tb? Pan seal Secretaries of the Young Mans < lin.ilan A-no-latlon al .VaabvtHe, Teuu. Ill? addre?? ou ihst Betranken i? ??>oken of as one of the ojal ttiere delivered. The congregatlvin uf the Laurel-Stroet Metho? dist chur.-ii ooatemplata erecting an addition to their plae of Worship which will c-jt In the neighborhood of BB.OS). Th? conuac-t will uroba bly be glr?n out this month. Cssiaway II., who south? rroov,iyri banlicap on K. iday. wiualrol by Outca?t,a horae bred by Major'1. V?. UoswoiL On the ?ame day Bon, a colt bred by Major llono--k, o: A!b -maile, sired by Ed is, ii horse alao bred by Major Dosweli, won the mile ra.-e. There will be n pubUc meeting in th? ball of the loam Men s Chnallan .??..viatlou nnlHting at8:i? f. ai. na Monday the It t? in=tant in ha> bslf of the Virginia Uamsbai 8 n-iety. .?JlnUter? of all dem tiiuiailona will portit-ipat? in ?he meeting. Men, women, and cbiidreu are tuTlted to attend. At th? ?Ute 1 convocation ot Lafayette Boyal MM. AlU'ia Hail Thura day niglit, J-Jai waa voted In ol l of the Vtrgluia M ?s iiii-orpban?' Homo aud the Chapter con? ferred on four poatulanu m due and ascleut foim the degree? of Mark, P??t, Mont gxceltent, beloct, and Kcyal Masters. Th?r? was a good asMassasea, und the companions went from labor to refreshment. Fair CsBssseea of n?cov?ry. iSpeeial telegram to tba DUpnurhd Daivviu.?, Va., May lC-R,.porU from Patrick cimntv t**-,l?v go to show that Hamilton V ixdwiDe, who was aLot yester? day by Joseph Staple?, ia iiupiov?ig aud bas fair chances of recevery. There i* ?till ronaiderable excitemect iu the coouty of ratriek ovar the natter, bat Bf vioUucs CAME, BIT SAW NOT. THOUSANDS WAIT HOURS FOR THE PARADE AND ARE DISAPPOINTED. Belated Arrlrsl the Caaes?Performance? Very Hurriedly Given?Splendid Production of " rinafore." A eircns minus the street parade and two performances with incomplete pro?jrammes v-rr hnrrie lly exrctitetl tells briefly what the Harnuin ,1 lisily combination gave ve?. tsrday and hart nicht t" the people of Richmond and vicinity, who flocked here to witnesa th? " greatest show on earth.'' tndthe result was that Ihnasaaiai o?dle, grsntled persons retired to sleep _ pointtnent. That the ihow siren a? it ?hotibl la> with a proper regard for the righl of tb - who pay to see it would be a marvel be? yond what hai sverbi n seen here tier" ? lubt: bul that the two m?. formanees given in the afternoon end last eight in the Allen field just wesi of B mond ?'??l!--.; w.-rc not by any means what t!"11.pie had '"'en led! certain. I!:?- ibsndt nment of the street parade could not be avoided and was attributable to no fault of the management, in fad they seemed to deeplv regret having to dis? appoint the thousands of persona who sa l 9 o'clock '.?i the morning thr treeti through which the great int, < ompoaed of herds of ele. vans of camels, hun? dred- of beautiful rim; h. rso;. chariot", itr.'l ea| wa ? extx 1t< -1 t.. ? I pul forth even possible effort to get the animals here in time to show them off, bul il could not be done. The delsyed arrival was due rather to a combination of circumstances, bul most . p- dally to the inability of tbePennavL vanie railroad to bandle the beevy tra na with proper celerity with the engines fur ' -Then 'claim that they suffer? en at | failure of the Pennsylvania railroad I >d< liver ih" car- ?* Quanticoaa promptly as waa anticipated. The afternoon performance, which was the better of the two, began sb >u1 1i::n and whs witnessed by perhaps five ii 1 persons, 'l he o manee was siso witness. gsj by quite a large crowd. ??..peil? Presentation or Pinafore bj the Itirhmiiuil A init.-iir-. The sver-cbarming opera "Pinafore" 1 ? idetnv of Music ? ?? i m >? ? ni" ro te i mer by tht ? Ooerel lompany. Whil nfidentl* expi eti (1 th if Mr. Shepherd and hit compsnyof amateurs would give s olsssant performance, the anguine were agreeably surprised; ? i wa-j staged and sung in a 1 bave done credit to s 6rat-rnte professional troupe, There was bitch or an awkward point in the performance, and th? strength ol Qipany and the efi of the ' ' ostuming contribu?? d to make it the most auccessful rei ot " Pinafore" evi r seen in tins city. Tin: BOLO i sur-. feature of the performance n tinging of Mr?. W'arren-Mechling as Jo? sephine. Bier voice h pure, sweet i if range and flexibility was iblj ?nit* d to i dramatic of ? at it was m the i of Bummer," which she in response to sun ?is. that the rich, sn ? brant Quality of bei rea most appa? rent, this beautiful ballad was sung with a d. licaet I pi r tsing and a depth "t f pl? at m rarely hear I even on tl is W. Dabney.the young ten? r cburt ii choir, as l; il] b B?ck? st! iw, s-.-: ' m a superb msnner, and ss I be -ii completely won the ? bis audience. His voice is a ri. '.,. ? i. even and smooth in all parts oi the reguter, end is need with much t.- I? and efj Mrs. Carrit Rtaude-Rowe mad?, a mo I charniinc Little Buttercup, einging and acting the part with the sert, and aprigbt line - 'I" lier such ?i favorite i lient .-s. Mrs. il A. I aid'as Hebe was charming. ifi to say that e better Hebe baa n. v -r been seen b re. Mr. K. J. Keorplin Ickii t and amusing Osptain ging of the "Bert i irtieulorlj fine. Mr. DouglssLefl . manly "Bos'n"andaang his I in g spir ?d and forcible manner. ft t] leyeof Mr. R. B. Shepherd I [studied and can tally ex. cuted ption. H- make-up was singularly lean, clever, and Irresistibl*, fanny. He sang the part ? neanda dramatic effect of the most prom in nt n the op' ra. Master Moors Lathrop, ? Midabipmite, fa rly took the au 0 by storm, and his sweet, childish went straight to their beerte, lbs rig of "The Midabipmite?? and " DieBooney" was received with tre ii- applause, und be waa loaded d with flowers by the led a noon cnoecs, lar;:? chorus effectively supported tbi principal?. It is undoubtedly the besl ..p. r.i r ..i .'Mu?/ I in Richmond. igii I. for greet volume of tone, and tl..ii ?.?<..-' ? worn Ml doue m u finished and effi ctive manner. Mr. Shepherd, who organized the o ni- andre! eersedtl ind Mr..). Emo i-v, fiieni'i-icaidir. ctor, deserve great credit for the way in which they staged k, and la hoped the company will be kept together that other follow " Pinafi ??." I !i" tin? costuming and scenic effects heightened the effectiveness of the pro? duction, end the excellent playing of the ' orchestra oontril uted no little t<> tbo auc ? the performance. i bis nit' rnoon and to-night the Academy ! sriil in ulprobability be filled to its ut I lience last night was very enthusiastic i I the universal raed to be that the perform was one of the best ever given in this . The Thursby Concert. The ThuTsby eoncert at the Acatlemv next Ti'tir dey, Slav 2sld, will be one of the ? musical events of the Benson. Miss lbs will be assisted by Miss KmniaC Hahr, "f Al i I of Mr.Frederick 0, Bahr, Sir. William If. <lrabt,*Jr., and some of the boat local talent. ANOTHER NF.W HOTEL And a Colored A.ii'leniy to He Hullt In l.yiirliliur^. [Special telegram ?0 thu Dispatch.! I n ' .ii.i SO, Va., 51a. 16. The large building at ths loot of Ninth stre I the new Union depot wa-? mu? I chased to-day by the N. rf ilk und Western , Railroad Company for **: 1,000. It is r,i mored that the company will immediately . commence the erection of a lar?o hotel ,>u I Notice having been giren out that the ?tu's Aid and Boothern Education i Society of the Met! odiat E| I Church, whose hesdquartera ire at I - in. iiad determined to build an academy f..r the colored people in Virpinia. the leading colored men of this city belda meeting last night and off erad the society * site consisting of ten acres of tim- land : i a round sum of money if they will lo aasa the institution in this city. moa ana, Yeet'Tday afternoon while a for.'e of bauds were blasting out r."k for the new road-bed for the Chesapeake and < ?bio rail? road about two miles and a half above the directly on the river, they ?truck what is believed by experts to be a very , valuable iron vein. Desidc other minerals, in lies within a hall mile of the roll? j ?uz-uulh) at lb u.-t'iis. still on their aooaoa, The Massachusetts I'r.s- Association ar? rived here this afternoon and arere met by a committee of citizens ami tendered the ? m or the city. They ban been vit itiug points of interest all the afternoon : and to-night an elegant banquet h being h.ld in the Opera-House In their honor. ; They leave here in the mornin1,'. MARY WASHINGTON'S MONUMENT. ?siatlonnl Monument Association's Propo? sition Accepted Conditionally [Special telegram to the Dupelcb.1 ri'.ri'KKicx.sBfitci, Va., May lu.?The !?*? dory Washington Monument Ass? j? ation and its advisory hoard held a called d seeing in the rooms of the Young Hi ? I Christian Association building this eve? ning to consider the proposition ruado them by the National Marj Wsshms> ton Association recently formed m Wa-h pin-.'tou oity, of which President Harri *.,u is proaident, xh.? uropoeition was that if the association here would turn osrer ell their right and title to the pro? perty on which the unfinished monument steads, and all the property parteiniaff thereto which the association 01 that thev would build an impoi and appropri?t? monument. The le also intimated that if such request wss KTanteil th:\t it was likelv a numumenl per memory w, ru liibohnilt either iaWi lnirton og a: Mr. Vernon. After ntion b.vl been submitted to ngsnil fnllj disrnsaai aras Ranlly aceepted with tba pnrra that the monument should be erected h the ooaMgHMBB lui flienmoimt rci-wrcd for the creel of th*' same shoold ??? in hand bel dee* ?< wi.iibl be given; that Virginia, ire'!* r ksl arg especially, shoold be fa lapresented in the National Asso* il Mini thai the said taonaateat should ut bemored from ..*,.-- bat r* raaaaa. fin' eting waa very largely attcm' und although itton here has li earnestly si work eadeaToring to rasas HIV nit,t their action thai doubt be entirely Betiafaetory I ?aaity, tax wif.woRB-or.rnR nitt. The ease of WflmoreA Co., book p liahers, ... Kew York, against Grabb, uri'.v came nj lit i' urt of tb I Citj : '"'-'? 'I he ::??- brought in a verdict ? Wilmore A Co. at 0377.51 .butrel* ? ed F.ngl - The aunmut of Eng BOBSTB Al CI!.ENTAI.L? K IT.r.MI Wedneeday avenii le Mr. T ? Htaford, and ?\ rompan wi re oui on horsebaek, the 1 \ ? ' . [dentally 1 !. i? ?entire load taking ? ffect in horse's neck which waa being ridden big companion. The horse died in a I momenl -. I am glad to annooace that Mr-. proving ami many friends noaj look fot r . very. It 1- rumored here to-night I ' . will be a candidate for C< monwealth's attorney rtgainst the pre? incombent. Judge John T. (rooley. I election, whi< pal offlc takes plai e on the I. and tr the presen! asi ? f it will be .1 r d-1 fight. MEMORIAL-DAY. {'resident OMBeld skipped to Avoid Tris One Thousand Coining; -OystOB Truth- Best rait. [CorrsspoBden ??? of tbs Richmond Dttpaten, Koaroi k. May I Memori >'? laj was observed in Poi mouth to-day srith the usual ceremon und immense attendance ol 1 e< pie f> both 1 i'ic-. 1- : ig - were tl\ ing 1 and bu sed in the aft All the military companies a Confederate vet* ran camps . t v rfolk a Portsmouth, with rarragut . Army of tcti R ; ted in t toogi nli m the ( !onf( di rat t, on Cot ? imenl n - memory of the throe hundred and ? ighl fi\i- Coiif* ?ol Porl-in. uth m .I N folk county kill*'*l daring tue war. l memorial address ??? 1 d by R< Oeorge W. Wrav, pastor of Central Mi arch, and other mi isters took part. At tl close of the * .1. ) tried b Post 1 led to I leo u Or* cemetery and Bred t ?-. 1 rolli dead in the Confederate \ ? I All three of tl decorated w ith floral oflei Jin..' d oowa. Tutor- nd the City Hall to *1 leaves iittl** room to doubl that Jnd Oeorge S. Oldfi? Id, presid? nt of I fand Horn? Sai ngs l ink, ?nd indict? d nn h< !?? ssory to the disastrous failure, I skippe*] to st old tri il. beyi h 1 questii bat Im friends '1" nol think that I. ing to BV slthou h strict . id? r bond, and th claim that he will rotura shortly. The r< Pratl Lee will be towed t*> Baltimore I morrow foi repairs. POLTTiea, i ' 1 ? ' John I;. Lndlow has witbdrai rs 11 candi ! .*?. I his leavj field free ' ? nlar nomin.1 1 primary. It is not believed tbe Bepub ?rill take any part h thi election ? dark) stronghold, the l or Ward, whei ' he colore.I elemc will run tijr tin- ( . un il. Pickett-Bui hanan Camp baa complet all arrangements for going to Richmond a r?i. mization, Atthemeetu last night Mr. If. 1>. Van WyfJk, owflet 11 i.? Academy of Music, cuve tba eaa ?t in defraying the expenso the trip. It is estimated that not I ,1 thousand people will go from tin - t.. 1 he unveuing. A Mr-. Kuvnii niu'h. who recently can here from Rii mond, waa found <1* ad her room last night at No. SOaeast Ma street, wh( re she 1 oardi d. Il- r 1 who is a mschini ?, left Ndrfolkfot Bic mond on We Ii lat last. C* mmodore William If. Folger, chief 1 the Bureau of Ordnance, arrived fro Washington irc-l inspected bjsdepertmei at the navy-yard restai WRHBBaWM. Th** independent FireCompenyof I'*>rt mouth baa adopted a resolution witl drawing from the Virginia 8tat< Firemen Association, which meets 'ti Alexandr next month, and will establish a l inizati >a am< 111*- largeet oyat* r-packers, cannera, an ' arnera in Raltimore and other pari ol Maryland hat : si lb* ughl , ? re wharl pr party at Elizabeth Oil for opening up the oyat* r ti iffla "f th Carol ? extensive si de thi fall, Heveral Norfolk packers have al ?. . ati -1 thi re, and m - ?nil se thousands of hands employed in thu oy?t. try ut that point. WILLIAMSBURG'3 TICKET lor City Ofilce* m*u! ?"niincll?( inning t Itlcliiiiuni!. [Currrapon lence of the hi'-hinond l'1-ipatch.l tVn.i UMSBTJBO. Vs.. May tl There waa a large turnout of the Dem* eratic rob ? tat t-houi t>. nominate a tick? t to 1 e rotad tor at th municipal election to be hold ontbe?Sd 1 he p *? iting wi- preaided over bv Mr. ( P. Armisteaidand Mr. II. I?. * secretar]. I he following tick ? field Kot Mayor, l>r. Leonard Hen ley; for Sergeant, Robert <*\ Barlow; fo 1: venae, 1. 1 ? (1,ts: for C 1 I .Hi1 ( ol ?. M. R. Il.1rr.-1l. John L. .\i r? r Johi 11. Beynn ur, and J. C Sinter. The ticke ! an exceptionally good, tunk-.* up and will poll u Mfvote. ISO. Hon. Jai ' - \ Btnbbg, of thi ( H district, will address tbe literary societi? ol William and Mary Collage ;it t! 1 .? d ?? man? la inly. l'ont corraspondeat a member "t the College Fa< ulti that 1 ? r of Mndenta, f/ith several a ors, expect to ?attend and pur tbe oeremoniea Incid? nt to tin g of the d htm . 1 r *? l i- r ona will go from thii - tioa, i*ro video they can return homo that muht. . [n the County Coati the application 01 Mr. William (?rares for a reta?-liquoi 1 ? L An appeal to tn*- Cir ? ...ri ami the OBse ?Till 1 ? rrew. As ng attorneys wara 1: B.Slater,Esq. and H. Taylor, Jr., of Richmond; Arthni ft Eaq., M. T. ?I ..'?-. Eat}., am: 1 1 o.. well-known niemben of the Banpton bar; ex-Jaclga Henley aad (this Branch, of Jaaea City, an 1 Ooa> in'.-nwealthVArti.rney Barn. s. of Rwl h* nt. Mr-, John T. Ball, the wife of Mr. Johr T Hull, a wall-known aitiaaa of '?ork riiuntv. and who has been sick fot tune, is pro-aounced to-day by b*'r mg physician to b? in a dying conditiou. ASCENSION-DAY. Serviie? by Mrienaii-*. Coinmandery, Knlelits Templar?. [Corr?apond?nce of the ltlchmond Dtapatcb.) Sta'rsTfOM. V*., May 16. 1^'JO. Stevens<m Conimandery, No. H, Knightl T*inplars, of this <:ty. held Aseensiou-day Bajgajtatj at the First Proahytaflaa rMattrca la*t night. Ili*? sir KiiijrhtH were out in full force, and a large assemblage M 1 ? r ? 1 ? assistant pr* Ute of the Virginia F.u campment, Bar. s r B. J. M-Hrrde 1). I), ?nsitoo. directed tua services, read? ing the le^.*-ou.s and eteeda and Baaysva, to all of which retjpousiy? devotions were made by the Knights. LAOV rfl QitCIAB. i -1 I lltivn* s. M. l>.. who was ap? pointed lo,st January a^iatant physioiao m the female department of the WBBtsga l.u ; mitio Asylum, arrived yesterday aftertnx n ! and ?iiiiu**<liat?'ly reported at. tho uajiuui 1 for service. Arrangements have been made for the erection ?>f several large and fiue busiuese houaee on the two principal block? of Main street and tbe demolition of the old to make glace for the new buildings has coav ? msaesd, UaltOM. REP?BLICAS TICKKT frc-R CITY OFFICERS AND COMMON COUNCIL TO BE NOMINATED. I>el?cat? .lone? Will M ,m, IL-ig-n. and Iter?me Postmaster -Incendiary l .i- In Dlnwicldle. [Correspondence of lb? Richmond Dispatch.' PKTXRsnfmi, V*.. May M, MtHL The intimation made m this consepond? enoe some dam ago that a Bepublican ticket would be UolUlf.atC'l her? seems abo,it to l>e verified. A meeting of be pull cana mostlr if not eatnrel? .olor?'.I waa beid Ust ra'ht iu Ramsdell's Mall to consider tba nutter, Matt Lewis, a depu rctor of internal revenue, pr The meeting is said to nava '??? il times. The proposition to pal ap a eeii.rai municipal ticket tad to nominations tor ths Common Council was adopted, an I it wa leci bold ward-meetii I higbl to elect dele. gat s to | con-, ? id to? Ml mow eight to n ?minate candidates. The delg-j at?*S t.' I :?? 0 n\' Dl ? n will lelect the candidates from their ; live wards t w I be Common C uncil. Many ? ? ?!i"h a ticket, and this hi on in the |Mvrt' prom.: -I in coo nee. Uon with 11.- i? for mayor, bul bis frieuds say there is no like? lihood I Id accept it. As I other nominations the public nr>*iu the dark. I il will doubtless be Darned in the First, Second, Fifth, and Sixth m lili' ru BTATI ' r Collier will del i Idres? of welt oine to the M on their arrival in the i it? t umorrow, und will mage a more around '?'??> banquent tal le at I ^. irle Hotel in I nmediately on t i oin t ic Con a i '??? f arc to i e entertain? d bj Sni I l will be furnished with . .. a, uto l m i*b ir re .i i will ii.< driven to the Normal Bchool, the Bilk-Factory, and ? ao?t to the I ? ti-., i- memorable p dnts along the I ui lines. From b< rethej goto Ri< b ? otj -eii'1 ' di ? its '.v ?' ? admitted to the i ? of the April and M ly terms of the rol tue ,\ Hustings Court. ? ? ? Mr. V !:?*" i-ik has purchased the upp ? ! w II com ig ? ? Mr. \. f. Whet I in |) t s I Win oler lost tob?ceo, fe. niple? ments, and was i Sir. \V. I (tin of Delegatt t larried on w ?do tb will, within ad to tb ? ? ig ti,. i ?' ,ti order thai be th.- p.m: office at Lauren. I which been ?pp. .in Hi-- I. H Rawl Rrunawit k 11 nn1 . i dized tijiite on hi i estmi nts .if Big Stone ' ? m Loua. Neu Enterprise?Hol Devils?!Crahss Owing toi ral of all my i i l have di termined t ? han Ile I i ..? eon plete a ? ? i ? i . :! liiini-'i Hoi ''? I Crabs to ?t : ind deliver them :.-d to be my OU ti i ?, and thai only tb ' l has?? h ??'! ??? i them, with fresh i m ?ii? ? Kpi . le t ' groe rss Id era, A splendid article for op-town green - i Send your order by postal-card, and it will receive p lion. Country boteis, iprings, and families re. liding in tbe c on ry cin have shipped by express. Thej will keep ?ml n it |i ?-?? m sppsarant e for tu ? < who. bave i i litors or board, r. 1 reiling daj ? r dish foi thei table. ?-ii mi r- i Ct rnei I md Shun itp \ \. r\ Marron Kseaps reaterday, Yi terday i ??? da of p. ? Ills w ere ana ag the ai rival of larnum's parade on U many of them became very Impatient i>. atrolling from place to pine, and v. hen they learned from the newspaper bulletin thai there wi nil be n i a thousands of tbemset info do iln-ir trading. fn gentlemen whd?. ; in front ..f clothing atores had iittonl ion attracted by the disida* of -ii and$15su tain the windows of loud. ' alera '.s Im -,. mi iblio t" pal theif I ig ? i iske II - n r. very kindly in? formed by a bvstander that if thej walked up-town t.. ' - hing Institution ? Ihird and Broad led the s. d. r. c. Hall, thej i rmld positivelj save fiv dollars, md bj proceeding to where . ire kin Uy direct, d they saw d n re ac|i. 'I hia thai the honore. hie dealing and ?mall-profit i tily proprietor is the talk .f the atirecommunity,and net*-? of thjsnatui nualli reaching the citizens of Richmond and the rar rounding country. May ' ? ,l nd who. evr patroniz . the above house m< -1 with lie -ull.e Mi ??. is, _ No V, ,||, tl .1.,. The children ol ! k from ths ? t!et 1- of ? fever, ae cirouUtted : some partit i In Fui ton. _ Sla> I ? -ti\i?l < lioriik. Oraos Streel raben i le, corner Pine and -ir-.t-, Mnv U i ai - ?i P. M. Music ?diarms the acb ag btreest) A. B.C Tonic charms the aeniue; ?nest. Marrie,I, a' the residence of the bride'? parente, Iward Com? Wtlhelmina Schnei and Bobei Curbing, Esq., all of this eity. .N ? sards, <- .um of tl ??.. reaaony will be pub ; g] ths lOtfa instant. who is It who dosant talus heel \r. ? lib bed blood and without A. H. 0. Alterative. ^^^^ ??Tritts?? Light a? Air " are very uBsubstaatiel thiufrs, but the light-w ' i ??? Btasmor Trunks are i1(,t. Light* -'? urosgsst, andawi>stoon> v"int nt trunk made, navel -pa. o |sj your - tat? r. - t ler-Tray ?runka of every kind sold bv all deal) m> Look at them be? fore buy i m:. Made by H. W. Itountr?.-- ? Brother, Richmond, Va. I Dnst. Bo or, Hak Moth-Proof, and Store Carpets. Sati?faction euara.' I Mas. A. S. Prus. 811 north Fifth street. "This is an Age or Apouinaru Water." Waiter Hu+nt. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN Of TABLE WATERS.? The filling at the ApoHinaris Spring (Rhenish Prus su) amounted to 11,894,000 hmlm in 1887, 12,720,000 ?W*? in iS33 and 15,822,000 "*"*** JiffllCSSf.-Tkewtll-kM.Ktn Yellow labels ?y aw Apvthnaru C \mf\tny, ? \mittd. art tret at ett *r Ftrfetml Inj mutions of the Supreme Court. BEWAREOF XMITATIOH1 ply MT^Msts^Tistytl IJ laMslslswnaiiii Mr?w flat? for Man and B<*y? all atvl*? snd shspea ; also, Solid Black and Brae. I rida, V>e. ta $1. I l.i'.ritvKs, bat Itr. ad street. *' *:? Ral y ?as alok. ?a t?*'* b?r | %.?? -t? Wh.?n ah? was a Cbdd, ah? *rU>A ttWi 'uuiria When ?he beeaii? Mian, ?ba? cluo? v, * MBsSsh tTbsa ah? bad Chililrsn. sh? gsv? ihetn C? i -r urnlarMvl ?? / European Hotel, 70S east Broad street, day. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor?a. Ms I ? ?' i\ il ???..-? - C.rn. - r nasal ?. i M. I i.... v f.?f imp r?? | S< otcb Hie I ' 'lignai gnat Can I i Co, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. I me II..I I ion II at /t ?Tt reet, "v. I Nth il ? hnriia. nerP as and I latl 0 I'. M. Children Crv for Pitch.:^s Castorla. Elan so ?era an ? i: ?< i ti Al! deliea Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfs In i i * . r . f ritnii i beallh t>T Ii . , i : ' twenty Irons 4 ?? BlffBaa to ?v?iy i i | i ! ?L?S' QAl isi \. M^in ?ii 1 I ? . ? H?at l sstarcs. Card 1 ( bMbsm i".fue., |] * - utei i . tutus, ?l ?',?? !.-. ' PI (lapha ef Coetedetast on ? ?. Noted ?-< i??, mu? glase, t . i ant. Nothing t? II ?ti tbs so? if gaa, k ?i, ? . :? light. I DVH ?: TO M"l 11' i.i. K.r . ft, BOOTBINil Bl i;i !? : .. . ; ? . ? - , tiirt .i i a* sight an '. ' .-li'.l i tufl le. 'Ii * . : - ? ' . '? Mr?. Whaslo*'s s.. : - pen i bi '?' It, Mistake i It cm - . an I go - Mrs. \- i - - ? is It? sal? t>) ? wori l. I . ? BI M US \. I lat? ^ . t Tin \ft\4* S. to Sa?f\ c. Mi Slop Till You Get Here! KJ ?B $9 SUITS uro thi CLOTHING h. t..i,i haaal of the tlsy. Ii Tin? Crowd Tomes Too Fast For V*ui ?Tanpofl tba KlcatrioCaaT or lliroet'ul*. Fut (?tt Mira ! L' S Xf \j X/ u* tt ? ti Bstrgajgaa i.ik? Tbaaa DobI <:?? to Sleep gad ?Tail I ? r ', i. I !,.-v>>? l.iva ami Kickmg. 1'*gulagOld-Tim? Dollar Coaxers. FALL IN LINE ! THE BOSTON. V/r 1009 f/lzin?tteet, OPPOaVrB l'< >ST-< )FFu I . Schwatzschild Cf Co. B O??&rl ?> $9 /SuU?> S ce. TIM? I.ATK toit t I t->ll ICATIOV. CtPECULORDJT. No. <'?\soP n cuNrauhKAia VBTkBAMi mu sa?e? t>ruiDi>tiy to ilrllt at K>?-iiuvuial Ariuoty al t *aWtoefclo-Nh.iir. Hy orUsr of my ITU_Carrais M?? l? kawuv.\^ \rozAUT A!'vi>i:mv or mi mol Usa*.?, Liara A \ir ?sa. Lease es and Masag?r\ TiiriwDAi si ? n a. a*v ?r?. tirand l'urni?taientary Cvecs-rt M? Mis? EMMA TU?IWBt. tti? l?(?tiu?.iin.*-t Kiui-.tcauSuag?irt>??, i_ by H'.cttcu. ?ii's Is-?? Vocal ?u 1 Instru? it toi U\? taltal Al*c, Br?t ai>t>?ar?iKW her? ?g ?So -?TVllabtd \jS?ffiw>vt.'W?Kr