Newspaper Page Text
U PAttESI TO-DAY. THE RICHMO WHOLB NUMBER, 12.110. RICHMOND. VA., ND DISPATCH. [?2P?GJ TO-DAY. SUNDAY. MAY 18. 1890. THREE CENTS PBB COPY. H. F. PHILLIPS & STEIN'S NEW PERFECTION REFRIGERATOR. - o: 600 IN USE IN RICHMOND. 1,000 IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. st Premium Over Thirty-Two Competitors at the Cincinnati Exposition. ?:o:? FIRST PREMIUM OVER ALL COMPETITORS AT THE VIRGINIA EXPOSITION. / m buying a Refrigerator you , m t to buy the beit ice-keeper und Refrigerator com? ?a i ou going to takt tii< mmji/^ tn,rd ?'? ? ? . ibly has m ver used tht article he r ii m you bt '<? " your m ighbor, who has ? ' / ERFECTJONfor several seasons, and who '. you bt Unt a s it ??'i are well known. Lut run 1100 < '/?? r i ? tides. Four of our ?alt tmenare using r what the PERFECTION t we an going to show you u great run-?, im which ha ? been made and which make PERFEi TIO V far al?ad of a.**,/ Refrigerator ever thown. S 1? <dJ S I ..??a* We have done away with charcoal a* a packing and are now uting Charcoal Sheathing, In it* use ,re not only have a perft ei non-conductor and absorbent, bat also a posi tii", dead-air chamber between the walle, Some manu? facturen claim that charcoal is the beet fitting or lining and others tltat the dead-air space is preferable, ht our new invention un have both combined, which is certainly nip* rior to < ither alone. Charcoal Sheathing is madeespe oially for us and under our exclusive control. The solid Oalvanieed-Jron Tee-Rack?the beat ever put in a refrigerator. Its construction is muh as to adt an unobstructed circulation of pure, dry, cold air. Being wholly of mt tal gives a largi r condt nsing surface than any other nul: and avoids water-soaked wood, which will ab? sorb the odor? from Iht provision chamber. READ WHAT LIVE, INTELLIGENT PEOPLE THINK AM) SAY: RICHMOND, V*.. May M. Jim r 1'erfec loa Ra i i most h?ij that Hi"/ ? would un M st 1 would r.ot ??m for any i asidora - i Tatlob, l no Com ml or VtaaiKU, January It '. ..r y n ? ? . ? ? ??{ \i Ollll ? k*>r>i dry ai d pur?, > i i ?* ? it sr.. ? res* i .<? 1 with a vory . , TllllKNTON, d ! aruliy, irait/ ni Virginia rn?.Rio-iT' " ? i. v*?,, January iK, i ? ir inquiry a? ui tim ? ? : I 1 -? ? IItal II l ut little I ?*, ll I. an I m i iK perfectly cool ?. III. I I I . \\. ClIHIHTIHAS, Auctioneer. I-ori?* COPBTBOttsa, \ a . 1 Sl *-iiary 1, Isstt Gentlemen,?The larco Perfeci on Ksfi te a tor bought of you i??t aaasoa na? proven a grast eures?. 1 u?a It largely for mil? and butter, aa I It la pai '? 1.1- inomtcal in th? u?<> of Urn, u.. i trail Baatta. ^ i urs raepectfally, u. K. asaasBoa, Commonwealth's Attorniy, Loulfa county. BlCHUOND, Va. Mrxr*. 11. P. naUp, A- Stets): l>?ar Sirs, ? In rctjard to the* ?' Parfaettoa " lf*? fi Igerator I can aliaply s?> I BSt *1 on? all of Inst , r immer, mid found i i. ... sn4 fraa fr.-m moisture, m.o soeaomleal m It Is nil it rlalniH. ivijis reaps : .1. t. TXrmVL, ni-l|jiiae. Hiciiifosn, Va. JtV-ara. II. F. PhUHp?? S"n : Dear airs,?Tbe "l*erfoctlon" Rafrlgarator? Bn* t.'ir'i-wi^)'! flu?an?I purchased of y- u la?t ? ?! I am wall pleased nim. The i.-e-m?*u ?ay ill" Ice too long. }our? trills*, .1. I. Hill.. ' v and Treasurer J. L. Hill i'rlntiug (. otn paiiy. ! Rich mon o, Va. ?lfifru. u r. /" ??"?> + StsM ? Dear sir?,-The Ml*artaetl?ai" Refrtg??-ntor? One bard-wood finish?I purchased of you last v.-;ir, i Bad iirit-. m?? in svarj reepect? perfect circulation ol n.;,/. <frv air, and economi Bl in I'-o. Yours respectf ally, J. Ta-i i ob B LTBOa, Mayor. KicnaoND. Va. M'rirf. If. T. PXOltp, ,i ytrin: Iisnr ?'Ir?.?The "ParfSCttOBl** Hefrlgerator? bard-wood Onlab purchased from you glaea en? tire ?ail?tactlon, aad I would aot oooaldar niy '? Will oui lt. Ill ID all jroa claim tor It, a perfect ctrcaiatloa ... \ r. ?pac? ? II ""TBirs, Catnrer of the .Mercantile uub? I.IXlsi.rov, Vi., May 1, LBJ& OentlTnin,?11??*?> null four itcfrltarator for th-ra ?aaaona. nu.l can aay tliat I hnvo n^T.r handled aay tii?t nave such geiiurai rat.s factlon ?s tti? Perfection, fours reapectfoily, It s. amisksos. Uwivsr?itv or Visoivn, .lannary 19, lRr<?. DaarHIr1,?I nave found trio " Perfection Ho frln'rator' altu-jstlisr aatla a. tory. In th* Ii ?' ta i ?."itlier last glimmer llltepn pom.da of Ice waaaafOdenl f.r t??;ity-fonr houra. though the ' Hrfrlk'Tifir was in an unfavorable poaltlon, (?r.llnailly len (siiii'da aufTl'-e.!, aul I taMleva, OBdar favoraM? rirnamstsara?, ?ven la i- I w..a'i..*r, not much if any mora ?roaU be re qOlrad, it. W. Ill MI'HBKMI. Run mono, Va., April 2,11-?* iientlemen,?I am pl?as?d to re.-omruend th? "I'erf?ctlon lOfr Baratar "ag an arti'-i? whin, txpei , is all that oaatl? aa desired ?ir Kefrtcora'or. aud fr**e from molBt;ireBOcoir.*ri*iii ?lili nmst Refrlgi rato s. Vuura reapectfully, F. C. EBIl Rh'iimond, Va.. May 1,1*90, P*?ar Sirs,?Th? l(?frl|rer?tor boiuiit of yo'i la?t ?aaaon is a'.l ihatcoui*! he aakfd for It, and 1 cbeerlully re- ?.mint-nil ?am?. Keap*!clfully, US. O. A. Tabss. HIN A PALACE, the heading house-furnishing house of the south. ? H. F. Phillips & Stein, L013 MAIN STREET. PRirE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY"?ONE PRICE. RICHMOND, VA. MAY. MAY 24th, OPENING MAY, MAY 24th. Shoes, Shoes. Slippers, Slippers. Surprising Values! Marvellous Bargains! Terrifie Sacrifices! AT 413 EAST BROAD STREET. b ai Shoe Opening Saturday, May 24th, BY THE ?Zo-oion St?o&THaiiw r<yPw^Lsy'yyyy/y^)mmy\wrJ/ + >~ w^ / y ki 413 EAST BROAD STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH STREETS, r> PI iBMEBLT OOCTJPLED BY KAUFMANN A CD.) BATsTiember, BATTJRDAY, Moy2lth, at tl.l oast Krorl street.- ;J .. 00 185,000 worth BBOfsfJ ami H-IPMBb**, h-uli an.l I>w footwear. Oxford Tic, Yacht, ami Tennis Shoes dinet from the fact'^rv. Hi .(.ton am id Salem, Mae*. Only for thirty .Itys -tlnrty short .lava Bolooget. 1 v- rv pair Shoes an.l Mi-mere RoiiiR for almost next to nothing. Ibis aale contristao? fine medinm Slippenand Bhoes in ?i? t.'"*. rtyles, widths, and lengths. Ai?o, tomi uasoBB Hada fcatoaa, ? 1a ilitH Hen's, Mis?es', Boys', lontha', U.ilijren's. hh.1 Babies' in all grades and fr??m Iba very krw I I ? th? wry littest. Como before too late. Do not miss this s-reat eel? of $25.000 line and medium I otgtMft Dtm't huya dollar's worth antil you have been her* urat if \ ou fal?a money. All going at ono third?ono tliird less than tbey cau bo uiaTiutacturcd tot. Ladl?-?' Opera Slipper?, 45<v. ; Ladtas' Oxford Ti-s. I).-ni*ola, 5t< to \ 50o. ; Ladles'Oxford 'll-*?, Kid. 2s ?" E Bfc ; Ladic?' Oxford Ties. I'atant Tip. 1 ? Oxford Ties, Di Bfels Tipps !, .'Oo. : DoBaTOla '.xr-Tt Patoal lip, pointed. ?.?d, Vamp. Pnngola, |0a ; I.n.iie,? O?* Vamp, Kid, ?oc ; Ladles' Oxf.irJ l?'>:.<jola, pointed toe?. Tic. ; ' txford Kid, pointed toe?, 780, ; Leilas' Oxford f mtn.m-f. BSe, fO& ; Ladt 's' Oxford Dmgo?a CoSABMO-SeaSBi tipped, li: Ladles' Oxford Kid OsmBaoB-Sooas, tipped, $1 ; Lemas1 oxford Fren< h Qoodola, ?1 ; PSISSlI Tip. BgUra foes, $1 ; Ladles' fated Tip, square extra, 11.29 ; Ladles'Patent Tip, ?call.q.ed. patent tip, fl.15; Ladt??' tientiln? Dongoia Oxford Ties, square Id lined, ooze top, fl.-'.?, : Ladies' liussett? Oxfui ?:? l oxford Tip Tlea, Ladle?' Kfd Oxford Patent-Tip Ties, 85o. ; Ladl??' Kii'?ette Oxford tie?, BOSS lop to rostch, H: r.odi"i' Patal LsaOisr Oxford, ; latent-Leather oxf.-M Diinjiia, foted, li 8?; i ?? ? -, fjOe. ; I iiaeotto Oxford Ti,. niara ?ongo ? lip, K i oxford. ?Be. s Black Dongol?, pnteut-ieethrr tip, 10c. ; i i ::...???. ; a rip, Ba tlmore ?tyle, |! ; iBlsy Kit Oxford Ties,Baltlinorotoo, Patty Bldl -?Tip,?!.?; Mis-"?' Kangaroo Oxford li"?, ti ffl.OfifBtnoa LADIES'SHOES, i Ladlsa' Don aola Buttes, 79a ; Ladles' Kid Bu t n. ! . ; Katan i 11| '-. 90c.; ,!...-. *Oa>* ..i :-.1. ,ri?-i f ??? ii ?. I ?-. : Lsdlns' Extra B. Cut Dongoia, ?< ; I., lie? El ra II. < lit Kl I, Jl ; Extra II. t ill Patent rip, tl.SJ: Eancy-Ltoed Butt, a Tip, ILS : B .?'?"), Pal tnl : ',', BUR ; 1 a lia?' t ? i. noo-itoi m Bui on, |1 ; ? m y ms le. |'.?5 ; Ladles'Commoa-Seaee. fan ? made ttp, fLStj .ne KM, fau'y male tip, ll.-W: Ladies' 11. U Uonirol? Tip. $1.11; Ladles' 11. G Uongols, Patent-LeatfeSf Tip, ILM : Lad ? II. C, Kid. Patent-re.?'liar Tip, 11.50; U ng >la, ?-? ; Ladle?'Common-Bouse Opera and French Toe, B ?'Bid ?p. II. W. ?. n.Bta ; Kid ?eel W. H. II., , Mi.'cV c< it Sp. II. . . i ;.. i!e,.i rip.aoe. ; ? II. .'. 9p. il.. I ; , MUsea1 o..?.' K,"a ii. i . U . .1, |'; ra IL ? u" ., f-i.-'s.; i'Dot .".: i W. K. Holes,ILB; ' . K. II.. .... II. f., 11.50; . . - ?? : Misses Ho ,i I.. -, |i.dii : , Misses' Heel, Pblis/lelptila roe, fi IB* ' sp. II. Tip. I ii .-, i'.:."); Mis?"?' Sp. 11. Tip, Philadelphia. Too. fair sllt.ri, A Oenulna lltinl-MVt Kxtra o.tallty Pongola Square roe, I a', ol : ni r : .?., 0; A 1'. 'iKi'la >"iiitir.>-loo Put- ut-l^jathur Tip, A Baltimore fqnare-Tne Tip, IL C, In Dongola, Kid. aa : Q t, It 0; ? Baltimore Hqnar? I ?s Dlaraoad-TIp Hull and brif H. CEI71; A Hull an 1 Bl I '!?? i...tii;o!a lip of ?ame, liTJ? MEN'S SHOES. Men's Btiff lis!?.. BSC. : fresa, Ba ; Me'i'? I afl LoMi B-Teo t'onxreaa. ?5c. ; " i V.l alt Bats,, ?i ; Men'? Rttfl Opera ?.'.narres, fl ; Men s Bnfl 1 i -n li (. oofD -a*, fl ; Baa'a I : : ill a?, II : >T.'-a, |1 ; M -n'? Huff Op?ra Ls ?'*, fl. '.'1 : Mena Pun Loa loa I ace,; BTB8B, fl.?? Met ? Broad-Ti i . :. fi.v?; . < B-To i a ". BLtB; - ".ii ?pod; atoaM Batata I I ? BLBi Men's P p Osagrsas. Il-V) ; Met?'* Bufl 1 Loados loa Congre??, I vi? and li ip-Taa CasssTsoa, S wMa, Sj-tSi . ?. ??< rr.Mi'-h Toe-tap, : . . p as . ? London Opera froocb lue, Tip, and Plstn T,*, It; ?. t? ; ,'t Lace, l: ; Man - Men-. II. I urn Coogre??, f? ; f. ; Men'? H. 'i iifi o.lyear 1 ace, t'J.?Si ; Men'? u. 'I urn Ooodyear Piala Toe, It? ; Met ill i irn Kangaroo Lace,flfal: Men's H ??? i ? o? | ?- ? Men's II. Turn < ..?res?, 12.7B ; Men'? ii. Turn Extra-Kinot'erdovaa, tS; Hen's H. Turn I ra a Cardoraa l.a.-s, fl ; ' i ap? ! oe La. ?>. |t : i M ?ksBfsstUKe, fi: ? . iM,k.| ? a. fj.50; .v.l. : i It '. v-\ f I .. o ,?3 CD > 'Jl H o > a m H :o m m H .zr er-? O ?D Wo nimio arrnnjrements so a? to r?vo all tho Bttenti in DOSfdbla to the ladies ; therefore bav? ? ?"?? I 1 11 lies to wait on enatomers to ?riv" ladi?? witliont annoyance ? to be perfectly fitted. Dou't stay away for :'?? ir ? i not being abl? to ?et ?noil? ut abov? pricva, but .?omo nrerjaiad to boy and be oonvina? I wiiat ta here tlur re fuels beyond ?Jis?.ute. hach ami every article sold precisely im advertised. BOSTON SHOE MANUFACTURING CO., Grand Opening Day SATURDAY, May 24th, at 41 j east Broad street, ,T. n. FRANKLIN, Btis?m? Mannger. Bl I vTEBN TOUBTH AND FIFTH 3TRKKT8. _ Que Endeavoes of Last Week a?* !?IC TO PLACE BEFOBE IO? BeU ?iade?. cC all J&ndb of ?ce?? at ??ec?ly*Ueduced P?icet dulij appreciated by the trade, and we shall redouble our efforts this week to please you in styles and prices. Corne to our store ; it will be money saved to you. J\'o limit as to the quantity yov> can buy of us. Ja Wash Ire ail] find 100 pieces of tlu* beat! American styles Qing s m..I Outing Clotba reduced to BfC. a yard. They arc for llu> Hi":.' j - and Out? ? bl re i t.i 10ft a yaril, i are i itely fast colora, and ?rill go in -I fit '. ? a? art* allowing 600 pieces of Fioa Frosch Styles' Zephyr? Oing har?n, and Outing Clothe, all fast ra, and atylee yon wont see elso i1 i?t m?as tlia-oo goods; ! tinea in ! 'hip French ' r/DB at 124,0. a van! you may pa; 20o. and not g< t then any but i i ; I i j iecea Satines to close ont at B o, t bey won't la-st many days at : ioe ; of Black Hcutictta Finish it 20 and - o. These y.I * Bud you cannot t- h IheoB hon the flneat 6ur?h t?lks at a little distance? The; aro fust i travellers, having sold over 100 : pieces so fax thiaieai We bIiow yon n beautiful line of tho now j ptian Batiatoa at 15o., really worth 2*5c stylet oiinal to the flneat China ami India B?ke, Our new lino ot Wool Chal?cs will he Opsjsj |o you on Tue-day morning, j un>l the styles are the prettiest ever produced or seca in our city. 300pieceeof Challiea at 6je. u yard in ( styles e.jual to those Bold at ll?jc. ; i Only 1,000 yarda of Henmunts Percales left at i'*;c.-?they will go in two duys [ und cannot bo dnplicat d ; WhiU? i ?omis are now in great demand. We (?how extnordinarj values : 100 pieces Fine Sheer India Linen at 5o. a yard ; 80 pieces Finer Sheer India Linen at . a yard ; 200 pieces Extra Fine Sheer India Linen at S?o. a yard ; 500 pieces Extra-Fine Sheer India Linen at 10, 12*), and lftfft that you will pay from 5 to 10c. a yard more else- j where ; ? 2,000 yards of Fine and Sheer Large and Small Fluid Muslins at 8jO. that yen can pay 1'j'e. fur in other ?ton h and do. get them better ; 1,500 yards of Beautiful Lace and Striped effects in White Muslins at 10a the flneat goods yon ever c* aid buy at this price ; Seethe 8,000 yards of New Styles of Plaid, Striped, and Figured White Goods we can show you ot 12<}ft? many of them worth 20ft a yard. In Dress (?coiis yon osa tind all tho new and fashionable colors and styles, and everything suitable to trim them up handsomely. $1 Bilk-Finish Henrietta?**, 48 inches vid*', reduced to 75ft ; 37<Jo. Wool-Mixed Henriettas reduced to 25ft?-all the new colors ; 50 and 60ft Plaid and Striped Wool ef? fects down to 37-jo. a yard ; Black and-White Wool Checks, all the rage, 50 pieces at 80ft a yard, really wurih 50ft a yard ; Velvets and Plushes for trimming in ?.wry desirable shade ; Vandyke Gimps in Black, Silver, Steel, Gold, and Colors?an immense as? sortment to select fr* un at popular prices ; Lace Curtains?wonderfnl effect of low pri?es. We sold 380 pair Curt.iins last week and we are to do more than that this week. No wondor when you see the prices it which they gj: $1 Curtains reduced to 75ft ; $L60 Curtains reduced to $1 ; $2 Curtains reduced to 81.25 ; (2.50 Curtains reduced to $1.50 ; $3 0 irtainsrednoi d to 13.50 Curtains reduoed to 82.50 ; tains reduced to 3d ; All of the higher grades are reduced in proportion to the aliove. All Car tains above 81 aro 3*} and 4 yards long. For this week we renew giving away a J iuu Post, Brass Trimmings com? plete, with every Curtain sold up to 8*"> and a Fine Brass Pole complete with every Curtain from 85 up. THALHIMER BROTHERS. 500 Reefer Jackets for ehfl iren snd i igaaj four to pixtoen years? prioe this week only. >< ti ear. I-uy the 8*2 kind at 31.-5, the 18.80 ones at $l.5i', the g*-* ones at $2, an 1 the 84 ones at $3. 1 ou Willi a good investment for children to wear cool mornings aud . . uiugs ?ml excellent for Travel? ling Jackets ; B0 pieces Surah Silks in black and all is at 30c. a yard worth 50c, ') i. y nay i)"t last the week out. n China and India Silks opened during the past week ; I show you tho lust Black Ali? jadles at IBs. worth $1.25, at $1 worth 31..?. at $1.25 worth $?. 'IhcM goods are superior to any wo have ever handled. To close out vverj Bug, Drugget, and piece of Carpet we hare on hand we have cut way into prices and it's to your advantage to see what we are doing. You can bny these goods now for ono third lea than during the winter months and our stock is ?ery largo and stylesthe it-est Ciir pet.s mado and laid at short notice. 500 piooesof choice styles best Mattings, bought reeantly at auction, to be offered much under their value. Ex? cellent goods at 12<j and 16)0, a yard. The linest styles at 25a Fancy Parasols in the newest styles will be offered this week much below usual ligurea. We have just re? ceived 100 new ones at popular prices. We offer Fine Gloria Sun Umbrellas at $1 worth $1.50, at |Ut worth 82, A $1.50 worth $2.50, at $2 worth $3 ; The largest assortment of Silk Drapery Nets our ladies have ever seen. We ?how this week 500 pieces to select from, Silk Nets full width, 48 inches, at 76ft, $1, $1.25, 81.50, and $2, worth from 25 to 75c, a yard more ; In All-Silk Black Lace Flouncings we can show an exceptionally good quality at 81 a yard worth $1.50. at $3.25 worth $2, at 81.50 worth82,50. Come to see us on these goods. All tho iiarrow"Laees in black, cream, and whito in Van Dyke and other styles at popular prices and much under their value ; 700 pieces of Swiss and Mull Embroider? ed Fkmneingsand Skirtings at such prices that yoa must purchase when you see them. Lovely Hemstitch? ed and Embroidered, 1. yards wide, at 50, 60, 75, 85c, and $1 a yard, worth from 25 to 50e. a yard mure. An enormous stock of Narrow Swiss and Cambric Embroideries at re? duced figures. j Special prices this week on Bibhon*, Silk Mita, Silk Gloves, Infants' ?nd Children's Presses and Under? wear, Ladiefi' Muslin Underwear, Infants', Children's, and Misses' Mus? lin Caps and Bonnets, Ladies' and Children's, also Men's and Boys' Bibbed Vests, Beaded and ?"ul-** Wraps, Men'B and Boys' Outing .Shirts. Hosiery o? all kinds, Buckles in endless variety, Bags, Satchels, aud Purses, Funs, Handkerchiefs, and many other goods not men tiouid. To appreciate our low prices and see tho bargains we oiler you must i>ay us a visit. J?al/limel Bio??eA?>, CORNEE FIFTH AND BROAD STREETS. 1 Cil 77yQ>V> 6th9 7i?, and Si& tfic entile t-to-ck of r (4L one o i trie meat noted ILtio?e?ai'e Ueal Jla? HU ~ffff~ 7 ist ' r~s '/", yyyys*y fy *cld undeb tlie oC Jiedciio? J. mZancastel, &<%., a??i?tiee. t)<Mrt?> in merchandise turned ovo to the highest bidder. The Cohen Company became one of the largest purchasers. All of these goods will be on sale hete this week SUM E NDE RFUL PRICES! In many instances the retail price will be half thai of the wholesale. We give below a list of a few items with our prices as compared with the wholesale prices of JIarbison <f Loder: Priesa French Manufscturod Indi* bills.* Bl Colored Molfe silks-all ?ilk. ? Colored Metra Silks, bea tner. *l7 llandsotno Printed India Silts. ? lP.ack (iros ?rain Bilk.. M Whito ludia Bilk. 5? Kilk-and-Wool ttlonnsa. ... Handsomo Wash silks. *?' Frizz? Grenadine. W Ulack Nun'aVelllug. Black Prem-h Camels Hast*--- " Kilk-Wsrp Black Uoaritf > - Outing Clou?. i'i All ?bade? In ll^bt Evening I'raperr Nat. 63* wide, with edge ?o that u can be used as Flouncing. 1 'B SiU-Back Colored Velvets Intbeuew ?bade?. 1 50 Puritan Black Glugham. '? ? cases Dreaa Cilncham. I Solid-Colored Zephyr Glug hama. ? AU-Wool Berga Ureas Goods. In stripe?. ?? Double-width Gray or Overt, mixed, nearly all wool..,. UB Wholeial? Pri sa I MX ?5 1 00 1 00 1 10 153 1 a) BJ 1 00 54 71 1 00 MM .i ? 3? 10* m 44 17* Wbolessl? Prwee, IM Our S PlW?. Sliirtuig Prints. Hit India Mull? for drapery pur? poses . \X<4 Hand-Made Real Hold and Bttvea Ore?? Trimming.... S B Imported India l.lneus. 14 Kemnan.a Win.? Irish Llnena. Uli Another lot of While Irish Liaeoa. 19 :l Inch Square Linen Din? ner ?isptlii?. 1 B Double Damask Finger. Bowl Doilies. JO Scotch DoutilvDaniask Din? ner Napkl-is. t 59 Pine Ouubio-Daiuack Tabla j Iinan. 50 77X . IS cases of White Goods of various doacrtptiona , will he on sale?One Kren.h and soui? domeatlo ' manufacture? not a piece but wbat is from ?8 to 50 per cant, under wholesale prl -???. Handsome Printed Sattean?, <j\ 11'?-toll Prnuch Maliern In ?olid Black. Colored, or Fancy Printed. 19 it tol7 Fancy-Printed M a 11 o n a 1 Bunting. Saj 4?. Lisle-Thread, Gauze, and Real Balbiiggaa Ladles' V??u. SI B0 to? 15 t M ? 1 90 4 f 1 Oar Kibt)?4V??l?. 8 ? 'hillren's Kttbed Ve?U.... ? Uiles'I srT,.?llk Veate. ?I Ladloa' French Lisle Bal brlggsaVeaU. ?V Ledit*?' cap? Collars or . tr?.> T Arlington addition af cloth bound LOT?l?. It it? White Laun ttteBBSBSI Shirts. 71 Oeiitirtnen'a Ifreocu Lisia Bal ttig.-an Vest*. St Bcya' "?attean Windsor Ties. a Gentietneu's f-olld-t'i'lored Hi f H'.se,doubla bo?L... ? ..? L'ulsundered ?MM. ? v.. ?:?;:-? '?.'? Lln*n Collars, ai/-sUtol4. 5 ?,. i lure Sltk Olores, bl vi or color?.!. IS Lalle?' Black Milk Doubla Tipped Finger Gloves,.... ?J Ladle?' Black and Colorad Llale-'l breed Olores. If 7-inch All-Silk Uroa-Oraia Bash Ribbon, with aatia edge. 71 14 iC'-h Burah Sa?h Rasboa. wlthSatlaKdge. sj Wholeaala Plicae. u 9 y, adosen. fit a donan? ? Bl 1 SO I 44 m ?X te ? t? Et IM) 1 U Otrr Isaaata 10-ln-b ton;* "ash Rltboo, wi'h satin ?od fringed adg?. ?I MME Al-Biik MoireCrown i .. . sa Mo. 3 All-Stlk Kiobon. Mo 5 AU-srk BaMBVf Oroo? ?iala, wt'b Satin Edge.... Ne. 7 All-v I il?a.y.*JroB Urain. with Bulu tilge .. Nia 9 All-.-lit II.ATy lira Oraia, with fiaua Zd<?.... No. 19 AU-Si.k Heaiy Oroa Uralo, wiib Satin Edge.... Ne. 7 AU-Silk Moire. Fina Twu-Too? Sat?n Klb? t u. Fancy Klbboua of every description at o gtre-away prlcai infants' Flaa toglish Ka.f Uvase. ti*?a t to 5 s ? L?alo or ooiion, black, ohite or coU ored. 10 Ladles' Black silk Hase. SJ Ladtoo'LIB?? Bk?*e. SB Ladles' A aal Blak, FuU eUgular.~. I? Miase? FuU Regular Bihood Moa?, colorad. if} :.' WhelaooSj ft: ?a. I S3 to ? TT ? a?? to be bad here this week will mis? by far, a? hnndrad? of lots are not receiv-vl by the time of Thar? ara hondreda of dollars m the i-ocketa ?I on* Tb??? l^winr, t/s this advertisement for the thoneands of baraains to be bad nere w? wees wtu au tbfs w?ri?cireu^? too ?aaU lot. for ?m*mamt>T\. ?PPe*l W> ^rybody for a ceil thia ?,.* "T- 11. 13. 15. AND 17 ?EAST BROAD STREBT.