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Sbi.ii '? ? BAY STATE PRESS. iCC?PTION IN PETERSBURG-AD ORESS BY MAYOR COLLIER. A T. M. O. A. IImII on th? Iron-front I-Ota? ?arof ? (rosil Ml ?b^ lie, riling-? lAngaton'? Nrtrro Strength. a^o*fT*w?port*i*rice ol the Kl.-hmori<1 ?BjasassaVl PiTKRsiieari. Va. Mnv 17. WO. Thetram from the Went, hat Inn "" board the aneaban of the m isetts Presa Associaiii.ii, was'conaiderably behind tu:i?* tv*~day. and the il.?!ay caused some litt)** in terferenc?* with the protrramme. Thafol? lewmg tretit iprising the (V>m plltt<M Of llei'cpt;. rt, met the Visitors at the ?nter*<?ction <>( t;,o Norfolk and Weateva and Petersburg and Aayluia at.Hiit two a lea was, of tho i-;t\. wltetu 1 1 cars to visit tin* D quarrie? ?ad il . * . m: H. i . Hardy. iT'-ai ihl.t ..i ? ? re?; I {I. I*.. . |{. Smith, Hon. Charlea \ Colbei hV '?? K K H lend* r. John Arr.'i ? ' ?>? P. Jtarxhi. a, M ' and W. It. M* - } ,):!..? tin- Norfolk ami WesteTTj tram the m- tora wera wel. rowed m a i'.-i'-f adttreaa l>y Mayoi I as foil* ?tun Mivof.'s ?r>nRi?s. ?TasjSBSsaaae/ Vu Ms From Astoria Y.'ti rire th**? gai ' ' ' Chatabae of (' imtni rea of our city. ( vi hick : ly honor? < ad, H. ' Hardy. Esq., but as allow : i a/ite yon to accept their hospitality 'nth'? Basas . * all the p* ople tsn - ? abase 11 atinent ?jrascrad eetheravsof independ rm .- i?? i: .? d forth m electrio enrrenta kindle l the nn - of tie l? \ as ettii ?? country, ' i 1 forever ?as bi ?! a cut.' perfect 0 ''1* r in Ir the hand of i. Uowahip an?) the bear! ol w< leo The whole party tfa n to k the tram pn video for tbem on the Asylum Bailwar . vi ' .!??-? led the'granite tiuan ies called at the < * n l-.uii, ?l.i .? el apitably j si 1 hi? ? and th? n .' here, ? rovided wil I driven out t . * ? and other j?<>mt- <m the ! ; hostile Unas and taken t.. j City. Ai 1:30 . d elegant collation was served I * then ut the Alhemarle Hotel, and later I j Ki< urn 'ill. I he \ a eommittee having them in charge and ih*' ; who entertaini j them. miik. m'kinm ? in i * a The. ? Musi? col Ass iciati n ?? over to Hieb? pond . to invite Ooven Mrs. He I. *i festi? val win |i I * - n the 27th I ? ? : ? ??..-( ;..v. ? rni.r. I lu v had a very pleasant i ut ? r\ u .v Ira. SJcfflnney, who expressed th** hop?', i: < i r.t ami illow, that the * ?. mid be able to < ne day dm iv i be festival. Our ; inch ilr a: | Should t *.' v be i It isr* i* .rt ?. nng Mcn'sChrts ti.ui Association is n< cotiatins foi t e pur? the burn. .1 district, on which, should the i t( ?!, ?.: ia propoaed t ? . !? cl s Ith fine stores fronti toocou-1 pi th. ground-floors, I in need oi .i b une it** the gyisl wink .' * and to render it still mor.* i te obtained the ; would !?" forthcoming. PAT?acaooL mi t uso.. i ? .' lfetfa list Sui ' ? Schools ol Petersburg and l.'tri.k will hi held in the Washington Btreet church on Sun ! ? n, a hi d oirV..r.- \*. II I-- elected t - the ensuing! y"?,'.. Addn sea will be delivered, annual r?,j>..!'- . ii -i* fil |.ro. (?raiitm* hi?: been arranged fort he oei i \ gfi ut Buober o? our i.pie out th*' t"il:?.u\ organ . it dus will go to Rich? ? f May to witm ss the Baveiliago I I .?,:.-. Many others wh*< would like 1 ho de? tail*?! for fear tl ? re may be a lack of ne ootna it crowd who wiM uiund. WILL 1U.I V ("Ml } It ci'i-.t be stated positively wl tkiin ral Miihuti*' v. U attend the unveiling esassanoaii --. He went np to the Kouthwi st laut night to look uit-T some coal lands in which ha,Senator Sherman, and ?'tiers are verv LiTl:*?!-. interested, ml it said ha w.ll not I., tstos for some daya T?a? r- i k were Hi fa '-.'?' ? us, and th*< solea of lo (*>) i-, Wr. * Bea lie, proprii tor "f tha ffraat-railwaj eompanv, has purchased a I numbei ot u< a i . toi niton hu hue here, LiJIOBrftW TllKii; viv. Wlnl?* ,t. ?m il. Langstoa may not be, am! pn ? abb is ? o8 be was vh'':i he r m t r i o, it is neverthi !?? i s t ici that the i . gem ral tt. rtiiy in fa\'.r ? lidacy l^r Congr? m tin-* fall. 1 ? salri ah transpired, and from what is almost lailj aid among it is jndged that the negroes do not wani auvm.i toi ess but a negro, and that Langston is tir*.t and last ehoiee tor a le ehr. In the \s hirl ol ? I rer, it may turn out thai I will ni ? . ididate fot ele* tion, but that a white iv to a ill be tha it.*. It i-.. ? tain n-< day? light thai there v. ill be two Republican caii*liilut.-s in Ihe field the Muhone und the oil;, r the anti al i..mts Anata. s,\ I., Mu- I? Alta ave taliu. 'Hi.- . ? : ' derate hat.i;- of a < tain ha . I erere ] ilium !>> ? she moves with the '... eata slowlv i. r.ik- nothing bul ? it. t W ,''i !:. r m ? ii..t for h r I.rill . - oontinuoaa >?( : v...iii'l nol in- mter?i ng, f ?? go any? hen or do anythic md aha Willi her another. dull rerentlt [learned the cause of the pretty creature's lethaigj and bei ? lv n p.-. . : h white pui plexion, but excitement or any m ?i blood red mark I nation. It is it doWB . i bridge h?K-l the bell-shaped bowl Sf with i. . viudiie- . 1 hi re ..? Lot usi.'n ..I ihi- mark while slm is iu al> , . minnte ex amiii.i' i threa i lik.- onl : the gl i tly \ isible. Bui the mo? ment tu? blood s driven to the iawd it c BvaVB* i -,; tbu fing?, spot. A saenanti i n n tatioa to . ? : ouc <?: I ivoredbyher above the in' duy ?li h- sittiaa by bar Bide i SUIlill: I . ,'.[ i.: il.?? . la the fashion of men be did n"t Bi the grirl witl his eyes aa ho put the ttsadet a ao ratals '?? i 'ii ?na ?ace, ftthe had a pressed sloes t I nni ?WS. A? un OB. WBS I'V to SB. b. r*Bc?it'(l toward in-r ami geutlv dr<w ban aandsaway. I ? red wine ??lass burn. .1 bkc tu?. He. \ lovxeij at him wth ? dsepairlnf ga asked what it meent,and ?he t"l 1 hi.". H it -he iiererlf did rtot know the- whole truth. Her father, who was a fust and rot-klcs? nun, had tiu'.'-Il dead bet mother's eves while huldin*? a wiiie-nla^s aloft at ii ilium-r uartv. lin- I i.i Bras a ?rue one. He will be ?earned to the -??rl m h very low wevka. Tho I ?er 11na of Drinking. ll. i.don Telagiapu.l Ifthenimtte nth <?< utury .looa uot boast "tw.'-ix.ttl" men"il i-,ust I,-, attr.lmted to the incitable action ot the law? of Itere ditv. 1 .-? (not i? that our worthy I but bibalona Bneeeb :...,r nn. limited indi Ig ? atad Uqttoi. hase inii'li- :t if:|io?*.il)le lor, th< ir ? . ra'.o d-jscendaats t.. imitate their exemple. Ail their fino fta-din).? ami ?. s. all those stea?l> <iritikii:i*l>out**, when ?.heelotaratrsaeoved Midtheiadi**? had i?one ii|?-?t?irs. and many of tin. gee> fiemen were (|tiit<? poBtesll tu linu-h the ? r.-inti?; timler the tiibl.?, have left au uti ?relcome heritage in th'jt?? contemporary disorders which mu so glibly on the ' Siijtpreftsed gout snl i. ?-. to acidity ami .-rujitiona of esxem*. *?* owe them all t<>?fether with less distrui und generous lit. ?: . : How mauy (?sopla nowadays conld drink airou** ixxsr with theit dinner, old port afterward, sad lit? n liinsli ui> wilh some mor strong beer'/ \<t ihiswas theaoranal hahil ol old university dofis and country | elergyutcn at the timu when the "sanded | Boor, which grit? beneath the tread, usually found in bar parlors sud ?M rooms, before an era of mi valetnd t-arisnism, and thin French c bave dawned for feebler if not moral humaniiy. We can only wash otn teMlB in WhsdUrj and ??rated in?tcH.I of "'I'ritnly Hiulil ale-' utxl Ar.-hfleneon " and wine of the cornel The only -?copie who drink |><>rt ao fox hunting sotiirea and undergrad whr? hare just left BBBOoL HeaTf pi amart young men, bceidei ? til t i \ other interesting fads like vegotnna ami a belief m lb?, n'? dramas, pro. the virtue.s of blno-ribbit "in. "nan" Lsinntil as it Ittialnr-.s-.tlai (Philadelphia Times.) Psrhaps the most interesting flgui tin? Clevelaod Administration is the President'? fesser private SOlifH.I?, l .?i Lemon! is profound. 1 : himself thoroughly and pns the interests of hUfrisnda, These fri are thr? "i th rid "-it men in York, lament has Immesslrs office th. Mills bnilding, ami the i of his 11 > be to trink into ?pp. oblivion, lie is forever trj u b I sight. When he enters. caBnepallsd the shade, and hi- favorite seal on an Fated train is at the tauend ol the last with hia back :o bis fi Uow-ps apes tob '?? very early in the mora ?lidea in thi im door, and mains aeelnded natif all but his confit rk 1 ave d. part, d for tne night. :??<>. Isaaanxiotta to keep this knowledge f most ni' n are t.i c< are. Latmont seldom arail . He i- tbii than when ha wse in Washington, and over a face thai en never particnl nnhant. Ii" is de lined to bee ven man, and there is no donbt that bis tana has grown to comfortable pro?, t ?.?us. The greatest saccessof the ex. ? ? enl ol honesty in d Ing with the ? dera ol Sew ^ c.* v. i h i i ..i i a not i sea .pproeel in a verv long time, and pr< My Lam is H-t mnch ant the novelty of his attack us t.> aayot . . years it ba ? bei n ??list,un iti s. w V irk for cap I il to introduce a railroad or ai similar improve ol b. ' irrnptiofl to push tl measures through. Ii was usually n qu lion ol price. Sir. Lamonl has retan to the primeval plan of operations by f. ring a 1 '?? ? ? i i be city in open and bon? rab?? wi I authori! luv ii- i bim ball way, but they ; th? develt _ The Balan Of the < / ir. u ne Bps. teli -?. 'I ? ?? gn ol the C.'.nr has bet it is now admitted on all bends.? ; ? eryatb : .. ral father "it >n is, a an absolutist, as every Komanofl is, th ?i drivi 'i bv the mur'! fat ht r mill th. Nihilist a to believe I ? m danger, thai revolutii lir, ths ???. "-? Liberal v. hia i foe, and that I . ther for Brj ? a or hii self e ' ? stamping out all germa i . tt rdii f the authorities all K" lly l b? police, have i i til tb g M'- nearly aba lute; the sovereign bas secluded bimst nut il he is almost a prisoner; only to be Liberal without action bas been trs U : a penal offt nee, Itussians being p for merely buying "incendiary" publici tions ivs 1" ' h bended over i ni i ? urts; thetreatmenl of p has become moro s. v. re, and 11 ble weapon of admin nten ??? whicb ?? i" rated t bi between the Kreneh people an ; Mouarchy, baa bt on empl ijed v, itl t:tiilcr the i. 1111 ?? - r. ? r '? Almost all local bodies have t sen deprive of their authority, th baa bee limit, 'l to ' ? and the uni vi rsil **ttl ;'? d .-.i : I of nrit ileges until th ited els - of Russia is, ? di th o ? lie to ther. gime. l'rotul of the I'.elat iiiiiatiip. I ktlaatS i nstli ? on. I "Oh, Mr. Dusenberry." cried h'r littlt ?i : "I'm so glad you are going to bt kin to me." "Ah, Johnny, hi that so?" !??? ga l"..k ol uappin over hia face "Bow did you know? Come here and sil on inv lap and tell me all yon heve board." other f.-ll.-r come bere last night," begai , after bewassrfelj m the mu?s ui th" young man at veunng i rrnarter's worth of candy, "and i heard Mil;: 'bOUt \.'U " "What did they ?ay?" "He was road, replied the terror, "'cause sis goes with yon ?o much." "And what wee h> I n ply to him?" eon tinned the young man, the look <?f haapi? neu spreading further across his features. I, began the youth, airain, " t bs needn't g?'i mad 'cause j ou coma bar, as yon was a soft snap and was saving himl i y that would go to fixin'up their hones after they were mnr ?j The look of contentment on th? young ??> ny to the pallor oi de> t-pu:r ?i.-. 11.' gal '?" I " W. 11. bow i.^ that going to make mo kin to you?" Oh," went on the boy, "Fmcomin'to that now, Bhe said that when you pro? posed *.o her shew, old i ??? a. ii ?? ' to you - and wont tl at make you my brother?" As the child picked himself ofl i he floor be beheld the form of a young muu Hit throiie.h tin? irout door. An Old-Tlane Tltnaekeeplag l'roM?*m. ;.!. | rJy.] Btandard time, it seems, is no! i ne thing, in the twi nlicth ? . it waa applii 1 a nl- far more th.i . ility and variel ?. Hezekial i as ?: ' ? mten p irarj ? ? ?i' ?? er, a : . ?\ ?sed by tl. Prophet I ii m t" put his Ii du being i'!:: turned his face i ? I wi pt, th> prayi d foi rei very. Boon afterward I. ? prophet that the ptay* bad be n h ar I t fifteen j eai a Ided to his life. Hezekia ? would I ! I wen 1 that tl. iw on the sun-dial hould be move forward or backward ten d ? is tl dosired sign, and the ?tared history coi t?nues : "in. And Hezekiah anaweredi 'It is iw tu go down i< ; ha shadow r. fur backward ten d "11. / phot cried uni the Lord: and i." broug 1 low t* d* gr? '.. 1. which u ;.. dow 1 u. 1 he dial . Inez," Thus the first known mention of the sue dial is coupled with a m "re difficult pn ping than uny l*.w agi he public._ l.\-(.(iv; linn, of I'lnn-vtvaiiii?. Pb?adel? ala Tisses.] Governor Pollock, who wn? burle, on l nee lay at Ins old borne in Milton, wa . * nor ol the Btate altki \ i**. II" was elected it d 1 was SU( *? sd* d by William F 1 ?11 omii 1, who dn 1 \t art ago Packer and Pollock each served onlyoni . 11 Pai k< ? wa * suec ?*??;? I bj In. drew i?. Curti? m 1861, wh< f-ervod two tern,:., and who ia yet and now tha oldi st ei-<l ?y . i n e. Curt 11 .. d 1.v .lohn VV. ( leory whoasrvad two tenu, and *h*'.i soon aft? 1 his r* t ' il* '1 b] Johu F. Hartr uni, who s.ived tnu terms and who died within the last year. Hi rj IL H"- IHarti aft in !>7.*. th* first ander the provision of th* Constitu? "H that made th.* ti n years, and mude the Governor in. for reelection lo iinn?. Governor Hoyt is hi ill lniuk*. am! ons of * OX ? live nur Pettiaon au Hoyt, und is now ?a the head of an Import? ant institution in this city. Ths death of Poll* <"k I nves only three ex *? 1 n <ts "i Pennsylvania i""""*! th? living, Messrs. Curttn, Hoyt, and Pi Curt in'.1 eh ction u'-11 ' ack to 1?H0, lioyi'i to 1878, and l'uttisuu'B to 1882. Cayrol ess with m? Oai steamboat, [Nashvllla Ataorioaii.) Tho prevailing high waters and tha ilni'.'.-r ol :. weeping flood reoalls to mind a hum il o? the freut fiood of IMt, which is good enough to repeat, a osrtala boat ooming nptbe Issaalaaippi lost lur way itud humped against a frame koajaa. She hadn't more than touched it before an old darky ramrasrl bia head no through a hole in the rooi where the chim? ie y *.iii-i' pama out, ami veiled at the Cap? tain on the roof ; ** Wtiar tie-is yr-rgwiue wtddatboat? Can't you saw nufriu? Fust thing yer knows y?r gwiaa to turn dis house over, ?Dill da old woman au' de chilVn out in <ie an* drown'em. Wat you doing out o ?lo country wld yer boat, any ?owr <?. ..n back yonder Mo de eo'u u ?et haeii into de rlber whar ver f. Am't i*ot no buaine-ji sev'n milea out-in da country foolia1 roun1 people's liuuatas, nohow ! " UIid she backed out. "Miller A Hboada's nest Relief Hale which b*?:*i!iii to-morrow morning will mrcly he tho t-?*h> avent?, the K.ftson. litaad tho particulars on the last oa^-e of I this paper." , OI.DFIELD TURNS ?P. ABSENCE CAUSED BY MENTAL DE? PRESSION-BOND RENEWED. rrraltlrnt KlmbaU's rrcilW-llon of Nor? folk's ropulallon-rrop-xrty-ltold ?ra liiiitiiiii: Too Hard, fCorrespondence of tha bbsbbsbbsbbI Dlspatcrul NouroLK, May 17, UM, Judge Oilfield, th** tm-siilent of tho late Boom bunk, returned to tho city this nvTiiinc. accompanied by a relative who wont after him to North Carolina. Be went into court at 11 o'clock and renewed his bund in the penalty of fifO.OuO. His friends aav that trouiilo over the trial of the bank officers atfactadhini mentally and he left town without bowing where be was I'oini;, aaid when his mind became olear be found himaelf ahme in the woods of North Carolina, when* he had driven his hon? and buggy. Judge Oldfield'a business oonnei tion i Is Norfolk am large, and he own-* ? rary b indaoma property in his immenaa I.rick-yards, which are ' Just north oi the' city. Ute hank eeees v ill be called a^ain in tho Corporation Court on the 20th in-1aat. NORroi.K's HAl.P MILLION IN UKVI. President Klmball, of the Norfolk and We tern predicts thai Ibero wib baa r>opu lation of half a million on this harbor w thin the licit twenty years. He is sub? stantially backing bis faith by uniting with his friends m making Large manta in property and improvements hero. There are many others who be? lieve like Mr. Kimbali, which accounts for the values in real esteta running up so in the oountr? Bot the country p* o^** have th perhaps too bau, iindpth*' booming specu? lator at wall us th" solid, conservative buy or looking foe sites f..r the aatabliah tii'nt ..f manufacturingenterpri eamay be keiit out and the natural re rturces and ad vantagea of the locality utilized and de? veloped very slowly i'i coneeQO ) I .>? being circus-das hers in crowds of people are in from all the sur? rounding country and retad business is brisk. Rev.Dr. William--, of the First I chun b, Baltimore, wh ?] ? isiting in ? bis section tor a w* "k or two, r* tune a home ' ? crday. The first full train-load of tobacco oven the Atlantic and Danville railroad arrived la-1 nicht tri in Ball imore and * - warded by tl"- Cape Charles route without breaking hulk. on :i isn ooAi Bjuvsuata. Mr. O. M. Hugl dent of the Norfolk and Virginia Bes i railroad,ha !? lignedt ?accept a position d Mr. (i. M. ; been apt* inted his succi ? or. 1 : montas from the I.a:iiii* rt's Po jump up to nearly 29,000 tons this '? aan There was sn enormous rainfall in the ' ' ? rday. Irish potatoes in this rj ar] ? the North Carolina si tioo sell at $6 a bar? rel. \ new 7.000,000-gallon pump hi. placed oi the pump-h use of the city wa ter-wi .i ka. \ party of business-men from Danville aril! arrive here to-morrow. H n, John Goodi | ted the invi t'it.i n to deliver Ib day in Norfolk, and Amistead Gordon, of Staunton, has accepted the invita? ti* n to deliver the poem on the oi c isi m. Mr. W. .1. Rogers, one of the local re? porters of thi i .ffiumi, suffered anattackof paralysis of the whole of the left side this morning, and his ? serious. 'Mi*-re was no street show of Bamum's circrj < to-day owing to an accident on the road und delay in getting h'ri-. Mr. Lang's Disappointed i aale. [< blcago v - "Sonic years ago, " says Mr. B. 1'. Cable, "I attended ? dinner given by a friend in New York a physii ian, who coming origi - n our country, Beplying t on this occasion I congratulated auld Scotia upon having just giv< n t.. the world :? son v. ho oci npied a most place amons contemporaneous Robert Louis Btevi nson. 11 ended my speech, which was sa felicitous ilil make it. 1 Bat down, and was at once drawn into conv creation bi an ? hard by. lin man told ni.? tt^ut Stevenson wu-< a p . lnr f ri-'ud of bis nephew, and he recalled severa] Incidents illustrating the cordial relations between the two, Perc* tliat the old i ntli... ii bin Scotchman I rei rith Increa thusiaam my praises of Steven? n, which seemed to pi'-asc my friei d mightily. " Bis nephew, ho said, was a very man. and had hi * ho en h? pn I .?!;? have amounted to much. But he would have hie own way, u trary t.. the a ? '.*?- and n literature. 'I his step of his had livrays been regretted by the speal ? r . t..r he r. cogni: , and it ba i pain? talents perverted and wasted. Ho might have amounted toso mach it I out ..i ht. rature '. "The old gentleman ?aid this with so great feeling that mv heart went our in pity toward him. Still 1 was cm ?tew who thu nephew wi guided young genius, the boa n ? I of Stevnaon. " "And what is tout nepht w'* name? ' "'lli- nsme 1- Midi ?. Lang,' so the old gentleman. 'Did yon ev?x I liltt: '. ' '" Did I .ver bear of Andrew Lang?1 T roar.d. ' Well, I should rathor say ? : Why, bigg, -t all-rouud rj an m Engin It" day, yet here loodtl ? lusion that he has mistaken bis proft s i- a'.' ?"1 know,I know.'said the old gentle man. sadly ; 'tis a grace o1 Uod in hi heart he i madt -ic a gude mini ter.'" Stil.'.' ti ?kCinic. r? bjcsgo Trtl ArUmr Beresford, an English gentleman, . day Bvei tev mething in tii" i r bum ab. ni :? bill 1.1 bet ' ? Conn il, i at wht 'h?-r it will osss or not is yet a ques? tion. In that bill there was ?cli : would have provided pun hmenl fur au actor f..r gaggi in a forcibl logical speech Mr. Augustus Hams killed that elttUae, und t did, for what would Marly all actors do if thev Brers nt I permitted to Blip some joke or local hit ii to their lines. You tnii'ht a- v. 11 re? s M . : Hr. 1 enley from ths Stege it they \ . barred from eaeging, Your De Wolf Hop. per,Francis Wilson, Dixie, Goodwin, and nearly all th? n t would b? staid i they were not allowed to ramble ab. at, - it were. Our late-Mr. Buckstone inti .gee into *8bo Stoops to Conquer.1 One of the ?Jet sreel bits in English dramatic litera? ture, now classical, is nothing bul s gag in? troduced into the text. There is : person in a hundred who knows thai th? comicsmaon by Uawworm In U-ickerstiifle's 'Hypocrite1 is not in tho original. Il was introduced for th? Crut ?ms the oponinjr night of th? Lyceum in isoj by Charles Bath, ws. He was recitina his lines when be suddenly branohed on sod spoke the very words of a afethodisl minister, perfectly imitating the voice and gestures. Thegagwaa auch ? wondrous an oot .- that you never aee tb. * Hypocrite ' without list, nil'," to th. funny sei No, sir: to stop ?'?i ectOT from : would be Hke dispensing with the ncdit system in business." Why Thread Is Numbered. DM, Louis KetMlillc] Every so.mat reas, whetner ?he wants No. BO ori lor ISO ihr. ad. knows from the num? ber Jual wiiut sis. tno tlircftd will be and what kind of sewinc >t can be used for i but how the numberi ?am? tob.? Just what they itre and just what they mean Dot one person in 1,000 knows, vet U i- a vry sim ?tie matter to scBpiain, providing yon only ?now th" points and how to aluciaste tl ? m. Win ti Mi yards, of yarn weigh 7,&N grams (a |.ouiid of cotton, tho thread unk, r< mark it No. 1. If l.tiHO yards weigh a pound, it in marked as No. 2. fot varit it would take 50 multiplied by H4U to weigh a i".nuil. This is the whol nation oi the yard-measurement as need by tiit? spool-cotton manufacturers. The early tetureu thread was of three instead of bix-cord, the number being d. rtvi-d from tlio number of yards t > the pound, just as it ia to-day. No. ISO yarn made No. HO thread, though tu point of tact the ac? tual calibre of Bo, CD thread would No. 30 yarn, being mado of three No. M Miranda twisted together. I ii. i> lll/i-d VAoturii. Mis? Alice Fletcher tells of an old Indian chief who said to her . " Have > tv on my women, to wiiom we own eiuj Ihlng, when all is taken from us." iluch str. .. is laid on the fact that among the uncivilized th? women are the workers and tho 1 bearers, but according to Miss Fletcher there are noaap. nsationa iu tin-. .i-,.- ,,t 111 ? American Indiuus. If tho husband ol a aquaw prove tyranuical or lazy in pro? viding for his family the w.fe tells him to co back to Ins kindred. If the pair are living in a tout ?ho takes it down and departs. Miss Fletcher ?av* that her kindred will not send her back, uir would her husband be allowed to.ret Lto ine with him. Aceordtr..; !.. the fearned Lapltau. in his book publiai,,,] n ;"' "Vl.tiiet, fllliollg th" mp? council of their own. which had the initia SVain diacuawio?, wWeati presented h, hem leini.' set?ed in lbs council of>tdefg andeldenf In this latter conned tha wo. men'had an otWSOV, ofU*n of the.r ? wt, sea, ? ^present them. The matron? had a leading voice in determining she Mixes). ,mn ?? chiefs. There wer*' als,, female c ?f .on.', of whom, with her ,,?f*;,:d ml. rarne to Qua* - ,t. UBS with an mnbssMJ Marie do l'Incarnation.' [I'uUUbod B* ****** Colonel ltfinJ..lph Snauahtar. fRirhard Williamson, Jr.. In the Century Maga War down In Ola Vtrglouy. on the bord-rs of th? Where's "inrl?cr Is perpetual and the ann foraver Wb?7e*wb?skey'* always taken straight, without in .* eTdays"nThsppler Umes lived OSSfSj liandolph Saaogbter ? The t'olonal was a gentleman of wondrous high TBcraCwas not In all Vltgmla such another TUS gay and paliani gentleman was food of A taVtc hi* had "inherited from his late illustrious Hit Bible was "the Code", ha knew It all by And from Us pre-dou? precepts ho rarely did He never was so much at borne as when engagea in-t.-.fe. ., , , And bs touk with -?real decorum Hi? adversary's life. , . , The Whale ai!T..un?lii-.C countrv looked up to bin ????tii Bans: , . ..,_. ?. in fm*t, a sort of bisher Till in Colonel Miaiigh'er'? presen*-? it was not a . Without the sacred formula, "I errait rae, If you please '. " n. Tha Colonel IItM alono wltha very lovolydatigh ?,>r* ; rough a'.l ?Le i-ountry round as pro!.y ?iit.*r. Thia maHta t? bar fa'tior was often Mara to "Ii- ' the old plantation, and should like to go an*. Mow Polly WSJ OIS Old man's pet-tho p? I bin much to aoe b**r mope, and j.lue. and grieve, and stab, Bo i, . ti is b< r i r a i nanga to the far-famed Where Ih? W men flirt and dan*-?, while the men And i.T. tbey met a genUataaaaf *ery great ?n. , _ Who was known through sll the 3ou?li ai sndread) diamond, hut of tha ptireat L ii'ghtway fell la lova, ot eaaiee, with . - DBUghtwr. ? sasa theCoioaols -..i. Willi** I'* lly's-n ineas vanlshel aud her health ? tu Mil. 1. III. One sultry August afternoon those two dlstln - laity tegetber in me Ganarais privan den ; i drunk np all the whiskey and smoked .; Brown propard a nwia game <*t "draw.'' Thele- "iie "l:>ar*!a" In the picket ol bl Wbleti ' raeenUy had handled on a atlas Boa m ry pleasant linio gamo waa quietly be? r kept it up with spirit mi th? setting of - .111. Tie* *f aJoMleoeral was a man of smooth an-1 ? aad winning aid wero wonderful?liryond all inter found, I . ... : a dashing gam? a . do ?? kin 1er sorter" chance ? . swful lock. ji? loai ? ? in tit-* poras, ha lost uis . of nrown'a good look to I ill . ? beld three aces, tha Genera! ho held four, . II proper, have bald a-* man; m >r*. . lely hinted, in langua.** andi That the Ueaeral wai a. : playingasactly en the a mare. . ...iir surds are ?s^n Us .1 r.r..?n, rising ?lowly to his MCheatitigis apaotone among gentle known; For tl.H unseemly language I must oak you to au.n>* '; .-.ilng from bis rollar a tul ver-band led knife, in a frank und (rlendl ? manner ho took the Col? on, r? life, nel :.- ?ras hurtad lnaehureh-yardnear ringe A gre**n ? lof suburb, whoro the ru-un aaal tlnga IV. HI i Pony bar raJafortuae moat tou-hingiy be Whlln'-r. th? r?!'.nnt Oeaeral h?r gsntla ey?s were V-'it; And wh**n this D ible fellow, wiih gnof U] - very deop regret at what had i :n-'i. b r lean sway, this rrinim . ,. ?? .. ... . i. Brown, yoa ? I Ani tha ?' ;? >ured f* rth Ils lalocf In a rui ?I '"?' wlnnln ?...mod In the chapel on . ilT, .i-plt-e could en.*?,'. it w asa'! a iNcn- TorkS hul I i u talking with iii" landlord of a .111 Illinois. - ? ? ? ? \, ; lao II r I?" ? ?? w ; .. .; of m ? ? ?' ! "'I ?i I will blow ruv 1 niti? oi ' " think tin- r, and will any will hui house more than i th,why. don ? mi thirty ; ide." "Here'a your tiv." said tL-* landlord, h .. .. .: with a " 'I hank you, ;:', and B week Ut "Whois ht -" I "Dont kti'.v.-. ?truck me I ilow his brains nut if I I ordered him out, and th.-r-' be ras bluffing, but he had a full hand and play i d it." Lillian RnSBOll'S Photographs. map. lia Bea By th? by. th? photographers all ar/rce t : u ul Lillian Ktu .11. Hho certainly ? . md it is said . addition to h-T knowlt in;; ?.-1*1 posil for? they squeeze the tube throw into her eyes tb ?k thai fa i- i al! New York ami the rest of the States ? : ths Gran i ! don'l think there is en: ' Heaven above Ilk-- i photograph "i' Lillian I. *k> that there will be no harm whatever in mi and nur. abipping it. she is on? en, cn? ? an: ,? ha been acknowledged byother women, and ait.-r looking at her a great deal the i ?a"ii sei m? to be th a then hi a awe* : 1. i ther thai would make her, quite outside of being ? popular woman among women, l. - do -n't by any means always ' In If to beauties LaatsU Tart of Th?<ir nui. The Pari- i lit ion of the New Y<rk Utrtud Dr. Brown-8eou. taining that to cut one's h< ? almost paili? ions operation, ?ou begin with y our throat andas Boon as you have cut a littlu wav into the windpipe ?11 pa n soasen. anfi v,,u can g1' "ti ami get through the whole nek with the exception of tho spine without being mads nncoml?Btabte. The painless i>art of th ? *??m? to be overlooked oak? th r ? \u fr.'in this world by severing theii windpipe. They usually stop whan tluu - then expire, with' I ii..' prt cess, the i uni. -- an I .-. ? ?fortable part Suicide? by th? throat-rotting ? turn should bear thi-> in nnml ami cut oil l entirely, thus ?seing the whole show for the price of a aingl? ticket. "Mill, r X llh .a-U's gnat l'.-li?f Bale which begins to-morrow morning will .?! event of the season. Bead the particulars on ths la*t page of this paper." TUE BOSTON'S $9 SUITS SEE. Bark Twain's I'matlnc?.. (Cblcago News,] Mark Twain's success in life soems to have made him crude and ?our. Years ago. when he was struggling for fame and fortuna on t>i? ? reci?o ('oast, these who know him said hi was warni n, I cordial. Hut he ii certainly far from that now. I saw him on tho awhile ?go, dressed in it dark ensuit. He has an attractive face, a splendid need, set upon a pur of strong ghoulders. I!i< eyes are clear, and his mouth .bnotes ?mat firmne-aa, Mis hair is (iilvnng gradually, although there is nn abumhiuee of it. Jim mcBataohfl i. reddish End bis eyebrowi are heavy, Mr. I lemena litt . m -tvl.'in II n-ttoril.lJonn. His home is un Parmington ?venue. It is ?hoe s luxuriously furm ?heil and filled with rare I ii,uires and books. Tho oeeupant of the ?.u-o adjoininc is Mrs, Harriet Beech? St ..we, ami not far nway is the home of Charle? Dwdley Warner, Mr. Clemens pat?? talks about bis book? except to tbos? who? he knows intimately. Hut therei? <me topio thai he is willing todis ? any time, and thai Is inten copyright. In met, it msy be said that h ? H a crank on the subject, ii ok? still ?,.11 w. H. B nts Abroad." th? ? :ul of all ms lib rarj rentares, teadv aal., and hi? fortune bj th< te a bo know bim tob? Bideraoly ovt r ??.. ), Bometis pa] ? _ _ t help I Blaeee Ph* ntantas tSiui fraadseoCnroaf-sle,] ? The rate at which Mongolian pheasants have increased m the V. Ilamette Valley, ' ? ?? 11.-1 : r sent ben by .: i d rtul. From . w pair pla< d n Linn county I id all ? on, I ncoun ? ! farii,. i shoot them despite the btw protecting tlielll. Judge Whalley ancf a friend, whili I inu' t' ii do* ? thousands of mts, and found 1 three in which wei ? frt im s. \ ??..? a. h. 'I h ij bal -i t wo or tl in ?season, ver? wifl ? nning ?nd i ? : ? a l ' the probab? will hat ' nion. V, aman'? Place and Worn. l se Cl . ? i. man. ) '1 he f the I : ? the i : -. Womi i " Ion i 'i l. ;. , and women exhil - ?t. .| unwavi ' ? ? . while one ? b ited ' ther 'I >ubted bia resurrection, and s third di i ? ti'.rttl ?. t who fli . th-'it accept, nnd finallj ! away witl jorra and elevate the w< rid. It is 11 t. rs, :: o can ? nial which is still on earth a ? life, an incarnation of ? '? . ? h, but apes I en and sanctifies the child and ? and acta up I rt of the . w th a <?? a- lesa pha for what is g what is dit ine. A'i .Mm ( are? Hydrophobia.: T ?r. 1 n tbePeru I ? in Ayacn ? lingthat th.- wonnds hid gau '.ii a i ? . show unrj I having ! ? drophobia, atldt no laj. .-> I ? ? !i"i'ls ati'l : i . ol he ?I . m. Alt. : ' tii" ? 11 ? - and tl. ? ' in aloe is very common i h ?n I Cen tl e Mexicans an .m the 1. ares, : . tolera? ble so Dr. Pa ? . inLsh medical jour* nal ..i ,i. .in? n bal aimi ir oc am : Wall Whitman's Grave. W lit Whitmai ms life I id, 'I he place is char ?;, satj i tbe Philadelphia I'm*. a Harleigh tery, about ir in ? ' itnuen, and in the inds. It is b i.i oral !?? and, beneath majestic oaks and chestnut tr?es, whi!*> about 200 fe.f. below a steam of water flows over a precipice from on artificial lake. A drive? way, which leads through the woods, winds within a few fe*?t of tho spot, and the boughs ot the gnarled oaks are spread like arms over the hillock, and touch tho *,t.-i-iisward on the Hide*. Hack ?>f this ? pisas "f ground is the u nod?, where a foot- ? path leads to the on traue?.* gate. I.if? In Oasaaa Abyssa??. Pr. Regnard has raised thoquestion.sav? tho British Mrdiral .fiiunit', as to whether a corpse which ?Inks ton very greet depth i? pieaeryed Lndeflnitely or otherwise fr >tn putr?faction. According tobmreatarehea. published in th*' archivai of th*' Biologi, al Society of Paris, putrefaction does not tako plane in dee,mpo able substances submitted to a preawnra of boo to Too atmosph?res. Tneee figures correspond to a depth of 6,000 or 7.000 rastres il sen. From the-., experiments it must not bt concluded, according t*> Dr. lag. t in!, that then* la a total abasaos of putre in the greater depths of t The eurioua " abysmal" tistios discovered m the Challonirer ?ml other expeditions, app* ir to riaa after death, so that they are aomctimee found on the surface, tl ough as aruJetiiey gofc>pieeea,astho 'ounding : r sail imanes long before they reaofi the uir. Still there 11 no it. *>f that hathy- I bial or abysmal micro-organiams do not exist, and it *-*>. they 00 lid c mse d icompo- \ n ti-.*' corps, ? of men as a ill a? in : id bodies of abysmal oshoa. The question is of considerable medicodegal I an 1 vet greater biological interest, and it Is far from 1 A K.-lle ..f Cirant'- !>,?y. [Laaacastst gaasslaar. With both m n and women fond of ogton life II ? prising that t iis 1- the place in which the " eves ' do congregate. A man is .ind powerful, whom 1 iple thought might himaelf become ' of the I nited Suites, now \v.ilk-* or ilriv St re is of Wi vn to uearlv all who eea him. H adaome man, with iron-gray hair, 1 Una profile, ?*i Intel? I.-. 1 nal fac . Hi Boutwell "Lawyer Boutwelln he is called by the few who know bim and he * lent tirant, d as wall as a political ?1 almost d <d\ :.' re'ep . . I 1. -i . \ ?'! -lieh ? . ? ' ? moi * s perien . confines In- social ei? ? the streb ander 1 i" mal ? ? ? ? plenty of good wine and go id ? ompany. ?leasing Hit Ow ?> 1 umb? M'sll-' Cardinal 1 avigerie is t" do mi?i than I of 1 ' irtbage. He la to bless his own tomb. Everytl t, w m ids ready for bis os o 'I" id I ody 1 apon the .. . 1. I ran ateditrrj ? thus; Here Keats In Pi a 1 In the Uope *'f ihe tnflalta Mercy H? who ??a CHABiri-MasTut. AU ??tUND-Uviur.niB * u ' 1 Priest rf u isa Church Arobtnthopol 1 artliage and Aig..-,ia Prim An 1 1'ray lor turn. A Withered Romance, [Cbti . l young man dr 1 !"? I on 01 11- far :i " ! learest g M. and i . the kin h vou I ? ? 1 to " when he ?u Ideal?, stopped, nd li" stared in bl ick 't the young ladj. "Go "ii. M ? of any 1 ihould pause, " 'i ? -, go on. Mr. Ferguson !" ei hood her - appi araui ?* ?? the door in tin background. in u. and Mr. Per. :. \vnt "li. _ .!. C V?rela. Fin.* Cigar ina, the only one n the ''.i\. rth Ninth l THE BOSTON'S S5) SUITS SEE. Q itj OUR SUITS $9 _$10 Cannot Be Equalled Anywhere FOR THE MONEY. \uC lU'Y THEM HEBE DffiEOT FBOM THE MANTJFACTUBEB AND Sav ulie ailer's Profits. children's SUITS, ALL GRADES, FROM ?1 DP, II O Y S ? S F 1 T s AS L')W AS |9.fiO IN LONG F AM S. MEN'S WORKING PANTS, STRONG AND DUBABLE, 6S CENTS. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Men's Suits IN RICHMOND. ? WOOL SUITS, IN SACKS AND VxWCKS, A* LOW AS $1.% ALSO, A COMPLETE LrNE OF MEDIUM AND FINE GOODS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Uimm and Me? (An, . 1310 EAST MAIN STREET. (dMPaiJy will no SOME WONDEBPUL THDCOa THIS WEEK. Baby^iirm^. BAR? EXTRAORDINARY. A third largo ?lilprao-it of BabT-f?. ? tia ?t prlsM fur balOS ? ? v ? ? ot th? ?fuHiun aaablea as to efl r i ? greet -,t vain?? .v t oflsfod lu ti. ? ?very Carretea mi down ta order M m ?'. tas BCl N ' ' resataetL Th r Best Makes Only, K.-ic?! and ?T?ry t'nrrias'? goara - ' < taraogfj ? tur Imaete it -1 ? ill i th? at ovo fa.-w. DKCUKATE? ITlM SCl i. DBSIONS, new ?hsps Par ?ot; lieaiif.? -ii Chios Ta g'.a/ I ault tas 'i ' IB BBS r*. 1 . ? . -? 11 i ?'Mm - now ahapsii .. I : ra a, M > set?a?;t nal w I Aiar.-oHua ol bandsoass Dinner lets el sx? ! ireaael] km i ! A i I of assort? ' i ; priatD? I I ' ladla Vasss; ?lapaneea and Bo fa artta fcaneV pala ted d , eral Kuoert I ra> it") art Mason'?. '?!?*?? Fr'ii'- ?nl Pr???-*? I caps sod rubt??r?, at ?); . 1-quartat.l ' ? ' CABINET?] iMiii, HAIO-WOOD MA( Dry Air latfa i jiv.? a.?" ' ? : : .1. THALHIMEB. / / f ?/?/t <? s* 0 ?tos/ / ??< c?> / y m* y y y i ysw* y w/ m We disJil to 1 in order to keep un with the I forgive us if wo promise not to inflict you We us ? the papen to tell yon \-.: ?.? and bp? to inform yon that we do not int meut ?oath of NEW ?OBK in th? Millinery and Fancy Goo W? have all the la' il styles a: i both Trimmed and Cnthmnved, nits Ladies of any age an ! ta -, For Alouday only aw will raa oar LAJDII A great bargain which cau't be Lad eUea We Btill have a nie ajKrtnien ? were reduced from 76, ??', and <X;a, ac t ; CHEAP. r* (7 i aW /a-a y^ /-s> y # **r- ^ /my ^, ^ ??**/ th*?V / * W- VX /?tesa- w" w#^sw->?w/ # sV W< have everything in this depart u. J [rea ly to supply jo;:r wants a: reasonable ? (1 () R S E TS : < O R S K TS : As va have dt?,m ! t our advertisement in Friday's aud B l notue. All wo can my ii if y< GANSS&CO., 113 EAST BROAD STRE1 Between First ai cond. ff(b|JEN OMPA??Y k M ILL! N E R Y I ) 1 : P A B T M 1 ?: S A special piTlsaaa ol ei^Lt tin - - kinds of Millinery (ioo.Is \ : ?. department at prices th:U arc way below tftnee thai Lav I where? Flowers, Feathers, BibUms, rtraw ?I dies, Misset?, and t'Lildrou white, black Of, ? lured. I.sdies'and Misses'^hasle Hats, train h : S: sjajej lot of Hats, trimmed BsMsflwal ij ? * ! ?Ol *. etc., from SI.'17> up. AH new foods, new sty! . own workroom aud trimmed with I An immenee pun-Lane in FLOW! B . as well-singly or bunched. It's on* ot saw United States. Bunches of Flowers i. Id, H\ -I, Ma,, etc ; Wnaths, handsomely bunched. l.\ 34, 3.1, i with which thoy aro buu.hod is exclusive * thi-v house. New French Pattern Hats will be sh.wu V luililf. 11, 13, 15, and 17 east Broad street, HrWIaUl riKST ASO gOl>Ul?.. STRKaUi.