WHOLE NUMMI., 12.111.
? f-om t.iiT?fl?(r<?. ? r.itlmllr *?<><? l?t 1rs
m G ? ? ?? ??.? BSBSMBB KUIng Kap.
I.!!? Oll . r Noto?.
?srido? ?.f ?tbe ?xPrMi.
' ' ? ' '' '? '
? ? ' slief f'?r some
?. r r (.?,?,. ?1
, . I doubt
r ??? ?
00 ih" isrl if . it
?ti 1 fr'.it. II.??,
, ? ??; iiio ?tatue .?! tiur
? llaga of nil ?
I SO ? '?
? ' ?
? ? ?.
. si bs -, loas "'? !
D I) ??
tea ?? I
??. ITU
** ?
? I
, ?
QA., Bbj I", MM
?vi ? ? ??
? ?. but
? full rank?,
.1 Illl'I't
tbo varions
? .? ', ? ? held m
? ?,! or
nt of tbe Mc
? ,:ii ? ? . order
to pre
? of I'll
?It III?'
. ...
? appointed
? ill tir?
. ' '
? ??
. tion of
? the Me.
? Ninth
? an ? ili??'?!!'
r the g? tei
1 tie
. lv with tin?
: ?? wel.
lere es.
? ?Union
. b .. \ iea to
different ? ?
being gradually
. !i.i?;!it. and by I? ?.
? radar siten
? the ?
1 I? of
; 11 ? m went on man.
.ii higher up into the
: ..n tho
it it will tie ? l
Hieb will be sunk
ts ?m tbe night ol
? II b?s forty set pieaee, nil repre,
and Are hundred
in can.
of the rook
Is ??I "" ' ' :
. a ill ? >? gir? " ?frota ?
. ? will occupi about U
?, al So'cloak end
: aa ? t? quart ir. The
? ?.ir?? display,
.., ran bo riew? ?1
i'auikk'? i?at;ibt team inaia
? it the .thi't'ti! Captain
:i. i?t which ?Uj??r VY.
V. ? I
?. 1011 o? tin? usuiti RTIIollIlt
' ? .?I perading
Ing li ??..? | erada m?
end oonunitl
, ? . ?? for the sanie.
li * ?? .? 1 t?? u?- ? tubls Hs fur as ?
fi ? battalion, of which ?
? ? asea part, nd it wee etated
? ilexan-ier will take
' tin? tmttalion, hn il .
the ? ? Rsbsfll ?? '
tttlmn r?-<ju-xtin?? thuin to asseoit?
nias* <>f th?
et t! ? oaaee ?jf Captain J.
? wii, where be?lffes and ban
11 !>?? pr?>vi?l.??t for the battalion.
li wai led to send lo I ?
? t of the Coni
of thieoitr a breakfast
I .?h survivor ot the buttery bv ?
?p'ckwk on tbe moriiini? of the 2.>tb?this
Uiiiw r? iu! st? ?1 l,y ?aitrc?>miaittee.
DM vriue. MA*ot.x*,ii ?jMtoois'no*?.
A in????.;:!,? of the M-iryiand Association
? ? l-.-.i iu Jtt in th i.-i'.i?uf the
it ui ? ' ??.??1? ici?, Mr. 8. VV. travers
un. Major i<. J. Black, chairman "f
Ut? Cvtuuiittoe on btsud, reported that all
?rrans-ement? bad bren madi? to MU a
? ? inkUa street o-mosits Mr.
Ointar*s rr*?..ii?ri<??-.?. Tins trill baa
Maryland ladies, an?) admi??? n t
Will bs by l Igeswill
1?? B.-iit mi ,| J] .
J ? I.? . ta troni co
Dg, am] I ull ttttt alno
? ?
'.til i.rn'.iiirt rnrnta ur?? f-tfomBS?bB
' Ir. 11,.. Sfw *w.Tk. Philadelphia.
Rondar ali ?
?t m ih. ? . liamos. Iba
i Ipbia 7 ir?,. -
Many PhliadeipBlaaeeiMet tosBlsai ih? bf.ll
1o ho rimo ti the laOlea .Tf BlehBOOd, ? B,f?l??d
Iv lb? Kl-hti in f mil itry. In. idi-ioel if; tue un
v?lllrif ?.f tbe I^a in. m.ir,ai _???????????|, ori!
*A-.:ta-?lay evento**, y.lr ;H:h. Itilo ?,
. rand afTair and will brina t<-g?"h?-r (tome
'?? l'a? BBOBI beautiful ?remen fif Hit? 8-'Uh, IO?
In- a*T*Og?meaU nt. oa ,. arale
and Indicate inatti wtllbe ,??? ,,r ni, mwi in
lar. mii,(? t?<x lai oceani?._? known \u tint ?-uulh ,
Tea: f.
tic*? on Invitati?-?! ?a mulinili
? BOSS ir In !
? ' .? exprea-ring
I ? ? intention to ?.? prt v - * are I ?
lohnst****?! James I ongstreet,
.. ',:? ? r \ l'rvr. ex.
Mimater Robert M. IrlcLane, (,
- da, and Colonel T. S. ;
Itegrete bare been recaiTedfrom Oeseral
ar?? ander tbs impres.
Il lie oTercrowded
the committi be at r
ling th?? ..all
?il-, tbe l't: -
? ' , ? rsons ns fit I Ini
? ?
1 "sr flat ?.??, ??; an, ? luvt- of tb? la
an, tiad m bar DOS?
th? bann ir pn the ortainal Gull?
ford Grava in IW) by tb? young ladle?
lain of tt a pr?-?. nt
an, asking H du? would ? re?
lo them and f ??-1?.?-1 t> favorer
? ? I, Vav 89th, ?? ";??
t Uilkt? BB tilt, ;
lo iiiftk?? the presentation?
1 lutain M. J. Dimmork, of tbi
? ?vine mem
''? ??' ?? ? e ? ore, ????
the n omine of tbe unveiling.
H'? 1 .? many ol his comrs
??????????? . ; Mosby's battalion of ? ,
?. at.?.I to in ' it tb? office ol W.
erof\ r
ins will
m ? ' r m ! ? ? Cam n
truir? ? member.
Ilc-tla Recol ? '. rdajr In Kit lntioml
Bad 11???rl??..
!" bargain n- A sale '
ij in tbe <?? ?
? mrl :
- : Ain '. and ????'?? lo :'.? bert McKenney, ?
i'r ! Spring a tree l neai
? t near
? ?
I Ms ? aenty.
. fi'l.
II t.??? nr.d <
? Main and ? u .. M.4W,
: .'. II ' ?
l . wife of Hon. !
.ii Bkle "f ? ?.
. ' Ryan and t?-!*?? to .????.? William
?. ? lau b ??. }.
? batcher. l"s
ear lin
F_ II Bl .? . ?. a TS OB th?
, : wife to Nom ?? ??? ' an ?
? .1. M,
. ,
lo l'in ria 1
street noi inweel cornar
? by Ur. ?. ? I lam at ?o'clock yi>
:'i?t IWO linw dwelllOffB OB
irei ?t?.a ?. " ?... t?? , ?
-bl bj "dr. ? ?
; ? ? ir r Mr. '?. vV. Howe nnd Mr.
? ? dwelling ?
. : . ,
JOHN wr.r::' ? PROPERTY.
?? inliifirf ion Granted Reetralaiaa Ria
Mother from l'alag o? Disposing ?>*" It?
'in ? ' lr. M. B. Carl
Mr. ? ; . .In?lar? Wi Hford
.until tbe further ? ?
r dia?
I ??.- con.
veyed I ? ber l?j ber son, III?? Ute Juin
M ir h, 1 6.
1 ? the estate of
.1 lin v, for tirofi . .1 ??? r
i ; |118.70
Tbo prop? rty eoi I to Urs. w ?
- of -.?I tbe t'iir.ii
ture, ete., in the ofl ?
occuiiK'd b*, Jobn Wren's National ln-tcc
???? u? d I ii ree .rra-ated.
a hood cf
..\ . ? Vlrclbla] on ihr? Milton
Itlt (iii
? '? - .u 11 .
ntgbt-tl ?. .'? ?.
? ? wa? Mr. .
? . Ha l i\ .- unty, an 1 who A.?.?
? m Mil?..ti. Mr. i.? .w-.
to ba? ? ? ' ?
? II
?? [.a t Dei noy iMr.
A. M. Hi..? nal I ff?
? d leal frid ?'
11, nain?'?, and
?, all negro? . charged ?? I II a
waa ?.Tin -riy In
Mr. 1 made a con?
plicated b mi If,
? ; gars I ill inf< ?
? iti? in ti ???
, ? r .
lion, ?. H. Ruai, mayor ol Mili u,
on laal ? emitted to
ill, to llVSH?t ? r ? | t?.
V UgllrtB I'll tl
? ? :nie. Tli.it. wi? irrt-at Bi?
ll iu mid aioit Milton at tlm time o? iba
? by the friend?
?? ihe ? riaonei . ? ? ?
Tiratala Barnaba! Soeauty.
: Ib t night la tbe ball ot tba
lion m ih?? In.
>f tbe Viricl'iia liainttbal Society. After
.i-.?? t a hymn prayer wee offered by
her. Ur. Hall, oi u ?? ?-? 'ventb?: ti -et ? b
Hi ? repr/rtof lb* ? ate ? lecutl
read by itt-r. Hr. Jackson. The
:. ? ,'t fail? -d thai ' I lilt? B??claty
; favorably durlog tbe year. A a .
? luimeil lu a nu--i
berol .in ??. ??'? ? i'"? outlook ??? ?? ?oaraglog
formati ??. r a generai eoutfeern fii?aiR-m
i ' ira neat presented Mio report ot
gave a must lutei-esl
lliK BCOOOBl "f ili?? *?V' ? ?;? ?? l
. -, ? ? tf;?> report of the
? the ?tad?ttea ..f it.?
? ?? m 11 .m it..? ?.?t? tu.d
beea almo?! auipended fer a year <,u uiombeni
lin 1 I.? r.- ?ivi 1 an 1 f"?!-4 '
Ibe meeting wa? - ? prayer aud
Uio b. h.v. Mr. tutlnr.
A l'ii-aaiaiat t?Vaaon'? Ending?.
The B??liH-t elioni? BBd Atiitifitiir Orcht?Htra,
af*?er appearing at ine y ? ?/???! last e*-enni(, atl
journed (.? Mr. Ma- , orertaeWo
.?.-e Uoeeia'a mea w??re lu
WHliltii??, and Mr. K. H. Ariht-r, In the narui? of iht?
- etui gue?t?.
f ih? Mfzart Boaro ?>
t, aad ab ul iiity in ai; t-ii/????? t uifd.ii
BOd 11
aad t ??-tin ??<? it al eeleottona from aii-a. ninir,
Mrf. Hamos. Mr?. Wo - Rajaal.
li? an, Kdiii .ud, Wel I , I-? 1. ft I'd
Slareball. lu r-ooclariOB ? I'? w id? war??
?jMikeu by avverai gentiemcit i-M.r?-?hlii?r Hian*?.?
lo Mr. Al "orhlererr practice
. an ? eongrmtulaUBg him on the buo?
??(.?aritl l.iln:nie:it Ol fill Lia a.-tittnn)B? At.-r
unulut? hoariily m "Anld i.atti*Syntt ?' tbe rueirr
.-.aiipaiiy tiiti[M?r?t.J, rrcreidng t:
, a?.d ????????? forward uiUio ploa-urt?? of
noi: auiutaiu und wiotrr.
Tlic t't-minon t'oiint-ll.
Tbe romnion I'ouiicll ni"t last uiuht end con
rni p-1 in ??.?, ?. - .inn m ft 1???!??1 ?ne wei.k before
bj it laaial at Aldertaes inaividiug lar a Jetai
?? tl ?? fir?! X*'.iidi?v rrtnilui! Iu Juue lo
???.? t a rirt- CemaHsakraei lor Mambaii Ward to
? tbe lai *??. A. B?????*!!.
Mr. Slratt-'.i Baniiil t> ?u-|ii'iid the rule? to
, the r-n?oiau?/u tuiurni.b the Coroner'?
atta tn?? rue ol a leleafeoae, bot a two
II..ids t.?'?? BOI ' "IOC jr. ?alti Ih? rule **0**Ba**atng
tular urd?rot bu?ini?a?? could not be ?ua
pelidi-d. , .
1 ?? Oeaadl w?? In ?esaiou only five mluutea.
Arbllriitlna; 11*?? Mal?? of iiiuipriiaatlnn.
A hoanl of arbliretiou,com*x?a*"l of (olouol
W. E. futehew, Mr. O. K. Killing, and Mr.
( ! n? It?? t-eldnt?. yoaterJay heara ovideii''? a? l>.
rniieii?ailou?bouid tn-prnd by the "t-uit,.
niiiBiiy lo (he
Ku-biiKiod l u?? i> l'?e?eiige/-KBl!way I'unipeuy
for ibe u?.? ? ihflr lr????? iBOra *?a?veiiili and
liiiiikltubtreou io sparuti, end (lay.
Tb? bu*rtl t-xik Hi?? tf BBBSBBSr the mailer, ?
T?iin ami ?rui'ur? bl?Ki'I is made rich and :
ul bv taking Mofcd'e HnraaitartUa.. li ?
cores, ecro?ula, suIUueum, all blood dis?
orders. '
School- and I.I<itior-T?t??? to On G???1 ?"
Mon?,-Blesi ? ?f Attorney
l.?ni?r?sl Srnit.
rgniv|*l1. >gr?ra to tt? Dispatch.!
WaasBnwitsjr, l>. c.. ?fey 1ft, Hoe. T?.
Taylors-r.tt, Att<?ni.??..(,.??!. m;of Virginia,
Mr. WUliaa L Boyal!, ami ? bub
other prominent rritiieneof thf Kt.'?*
l?n-?<-iit in th" Hupi
Justice Bradley rendered the ?ncia
tl?. Virginia ooapon rases. The ab tract
of the opinion in tne eigl I idered
?Court wi?i be found ia tbe regtusr ,
r ? t? night. Attorney-*>?neral
ding of
th?? decision un I afterwards wut t????
earefuUyoT! r the decision and telesrrephed
promptly, but briefly, to Gorernof af? Kin.
IBM ai it t?
, lll.l.
' '
1' night ?p?.p!.??-???????t;?) Beoti was
d . pre??
end asked t ? ? "f In? own
of the prob ?1 Ie result of thi
tion. The distincuished Virginian d
????liuto t.ikt-'t gloomyTiew of tbesitue
iii'.i, eren though the ?Court
some of tbe poinl I ? net the
Kim??. Aa he understands tbe decision the
the Virginia Legislatore oi al
?--.. ?-? nerilly known u ti?" " c y ?
mains in force and] it-? coopti?
tuti'.n.'ilitv ii.-ss not been shaken m thi
' ' opinion banded down today
Bupreme Court. Then with the d
? ?.'.'.ni?, to-day 1?'
cidedin favor ol tbe Biete, the Atl
? Ihol leti ? ill
l r??? hly fbi'l that it is not worth thetr
while ??? longer press thi
?.? ".(>;? fur tax-paying pnrp ?
? Bl ??? ? on iMi.i; ? p'??t.
'! oarry the fight further the bondhold?
er! will probably not only mi ? I
delay, but ti;?? expense wdl
? ?will h irdly pa? th?? b ?dboldcrs to
. meral,
re, i: ???>? ? that ?'??? a result of to-day's
?n ii ?si the bondholders will find it
ioth.'ir intere t t ? settle the debt on the
. tid down :n the Rid lieb rger bill.
also, ?? thi ?
in, I :.!'l tlllj '
held that V i
; ? n ;.i '. m I
! '
???lit ?m.? fourth of
tn?? whole tax collected ii
? 5.1??,
The C \ irginia cnn
? .n- f..r It ,'? r
ts ii > I thil .ni'ortfsnt point in ir? r
of the State, ? the liquor-licensee repre?
lar.??? prop ?rtioi of ? he ? ?
? the ?' ?uri did not
? the ?? t of May 12, If -?7. urn
tutional it ca ' ors ui?' ntbs
?? ? - a? it stands valid on ilu?
s:,iiuti re about th?.
attorni ? -tien? ???! al ??? thitikn
' \. .1! be ?. hard matteT for the bonil.
tpons in tii
tr?,? am? ? nere, v. ho e il! or? fi r to
l'.'iv tl? - loney rather than bare
. ? do with coupons.
??? A G,?-.FAT ?.??. ?.GG?.
Then, when it ia remembered that the
? end llquor-lic? nsee ur,? t?> ? ??
pa ? n money, ti:? r? ?it <!? ul f??r
? ..? comi ai at ; ?? I. i? a ?t tbe ? ro.
pcrty-ownera will care to i?ay Ux?-* in
. ? t!.? rural ?li tri its. in the
will doul Lleta be torn?
will use ?? upoi ' ?Senati t- li im ,
. ?? lormick, and Burt ?,.'.? i;
Bell Bieger are in the eity to-night,
, ? pi Mr. MeCormick being on their
Mi. S ? in?.!!, iv?. tbey uro memi
rd of ? ? itlemen
call? ?1 on Aft??rn- v-'i??: I ;it hie
hotel, ?m?! th? y w< ? '
in the : ' urt and se
co?ncide in Ine main with th?? views ex.
I by th?> Attuti ?:. Mr.
Royal! went heel
??>n uni.? and hie opinion "f ?
cisi?n conld not I??? ol teine L
rex? ; i>.
???? :.?. the ndered
nera] ?, Taylor Beoti tele.
giapbeii the G in rn? r ; ?
?.Visean ,?.??, ??. < .. M ?Hatuteg
require ) rodui I
. mpos? litnil
snd ?? 'l'in? | ley li? hi
unconstitutional. 'II. e which forbid use
. . \ bquor-ta .?
? itutional.
I he was e? en last nicht at the
Executive Mansion by ,i Ws/w/cA reporter
vets v.ll satisfied with
cisi?n of the ? '>>urt.
ra.isi ; ta r m tbi stitf.
" 1 regard the termination of the ?
enc<iuraj?in?? for the Ktate," he ren
" ( lur Wi "ii' d by the
? '
?nt?, the St.?
? " ? mi.?> o. m this nmou I -
?i for DO for l??iu ?r
laws which require three fifths of oui I
, lid Hi Ml? -Ii v
tir.? constitutioi nl.
" \ I -???? part ' ' ' - "
com? - 1a and th? ? bar?
paid thi ir t v? in coupons an I ?: ?
ieared I ? ? so. The trouble
.rione. 1 heretofore ! ?
iu the cities unii principali? from Uquor
: . ? he General As ? . ibly at I
use of coupons in thi .*itiee andth
workii ?. The ?1? ? of the
tiny particular.
''During the pi ?
ia bi en on!
? in payment of liquor
und, and one ??.?.?li in
? I urs;. I'? tersbui ?. and Korfolk. Home
n and mi ney ?rae
1 li??! ?1?? 1;
??. probably ?. ? the
whole," added th
uhi be discourse? I
hli??iil?l rather be encouraged, for we are
saved fr"iu the lour? mostly
feared danger."
no t?. not Tin?? Aocotnrr.
Wh? ? seked ? hetbei .?r not the a?
irt would ? ?? ?-xtni ?.?'s
Bion ??t tin- ? .? nbly the Qo\
repli? d that
? f thi bi ?'??? not ?see
anj i. - .". wbateTer for reconrening
tbe 1. igislature,
ilu?? Case? MSBSBsesf <>!, basi Most of Th-nt
There wh- ? t and ?in Immense
crowd in tl??? G. UoeCourt yesterday in??r:i
ing. The case? wei ? trifling
character ?::?1 Justice Crutcbfleld mea
Bur d ?m! justice ???
concluded as the
rar of noon.
?? a result of the morning's w.irk tw.-lv?
persona were tent I be tines and
coeta collected ami -.1.2,.
Tlsursby ( otstirt t,t tin? ?. .ui.'iny To-Mor
mv* Nielli.
N I Tbtmby, then whom r,orh?i>s no
ig iHhS 1 American sIiir.t ha? gricci
our coiii-.-rt ?la?.'??, ?sill app.-ar at 0?S Aoidessy
ol Music to-oMrrow Bight m a ?rand eosMsrt,
l iy ssreralof our beet ?seal inimical ce
. , ?lis.? K.ums C. lla?ir,
a j>isiH' ? t'iiii-mnf rsnurkabls proflotsaey, will
t li.?? promUMBl |.arilcl|iant?.
??p ?? ?? insti ib naie! one tendered to
i-t V l.yn lu>?t of her lllt-tim? nil livly s.l
?ii.i.i?. aad?rtl j?rais a most notable
an ? fasln..n st? ut.
The folloartag prot/rau?uia will ?peak In bo?
llali of ita i,?n sx,c:l
1. Sol??, Isailloiis?, ?elfctetl. ilr. Wtillam li.
?? ran:.
usi.??, piauo solo, (Llszt,) Miss Emma C.
1 I oteas - ?, ? t.ra-io, " Io Sou Titani?." ?>|"-rs
: Mignui:, umoroso lhoraas,) Mia? Kiiiius rnitrs
! by
I i "By ?,? Sea." tenor. (Schubert,) Mr. Frank
! y,, i'uiiuiiitfisaiu.
? ?? ??1?? bunion?, ?t'lectad. Mr. William H.
' ft. touplet ?1? Ulaoll, ? Thou Charmlnf Hlrd,"
flu??? OMIfStA, fr,.;n l'erte ?la Urei!, (r*?ll'^i?n
liavld,) mi,? RiniinitjurBby.
?? ?. \aisi? In A Klal, piano aolo, (Chap?n); 6.
Ktu?le ?ni false nule?, (hubiusU-tD,? Miss Kinui*
I t\ '"l'??U Me With Your Byes," tenor, (Smltli,)
Mr. Frank W. Cunninshani.
t s? ne, ??? ?1er Mar? Nacht, laiigfcln? toat,
(Taulieri,) Ml?,* f.omt Ihursby.
Titta Ball Contracta.
TheCounilKtMiimittsson tirouu?!?an<l MiilM
???? a?;ird.-,i u,?. folll)W.ue j-oiitract.?? Issi niRli! :
*';>,????????G ues? City Uail.J. J. Mootarue,
tv.? asa
Kioorliif for ??, cu- U?? ?j. t. John??'??,
???-??.1 of Asslflttnirnt.
Yesterday there wa? admitted to recorl In tha
l lert's oftli-s i>r tne Chancery Court a <1???1 ol as
sufiimeul lor ?,? beuuflt of i-r??<llt??ra irom ?U.
Miller sod her husUiwi, A. L Miller, to 5uL U
bloom hers, trusie*.
'la* a??4 ?x.uv???? u?,? ?lock of mercnanaiss to
atore ?a 410 rat Uro?* airi-t. er.d altao tbe
?nvra of Honor?, nrni?, and Utbacco In the bet?
?A CO?, i'tutt all<?r.
in? loUowtag BretHleae aia sa he paid lota?
?d-r el prlirily in whtah (h-v ar* n?med:
William reraea.SI0a.ee; A. Kur pert, **": **?
L. Hioomrfrc. atrorney el law. |lOO: I*r. '<??
8 tilth. l'I ?i;: II. (ijllfclfln, tli?; prtrnurl Mtll-r.
$r?*ve. T-,i^r_ Holier*?.-l? Tlie balanceo! lb?
; U from Orte B?tetelo t-retebiy StiMsr]
?rnt.ncat Ihn following rredltor?:
(ij'tv?:ihlm-r A Cut. hin??, ff*t.7*i ; ?tr?'!?
l'"-ti't?.:Kr', A. ?a. tlapp A Co., prMI;
:>rn-iein, *tSA**t; *?>n?bie A Uynian,
$"1: AU MrauaA (??..PC: c. *?r-rn A Oa,
17105 ; A. Taylor A Soi . tv.iii-im H. P?ui.
Ill : George Toben ? ? <?.. t'T.'O; M. Se erta A
Isbflltlss, ??,'?'?; amount of eea-te not
BBM ?.. _
Slmpaon ?in Trial f?ir Flirt-pry?Other Man- ;
cheat? r linn?.
Tt;? May tar.-n of tr:? ??? h*-?ter BiliHnffB ?
Courl, .lude? Jahn II. Ingrain preetdlnR. com- j
BBSaeed yeeterdey. The rae? of J-??? Hilton
(f./lrr???! , ??n ?pp'-al from ihe le-isloo ol the ?
Mayor ? (Vnin, whi-rt he ??? floe-l 111) and ?en
*?n<-?l to thlriydnysln Jail f..rBaeetiltleg Am"*!?? ,
.?.waa ?-,ntui: I Balli iha.lnly lerin,
,.n 1 Um uttneeaea re ? raised f? r ttiat (ima.
A Jury wa? empanel!? l end ih? tr al <ir T. M.
SIr. [>-' - ' ! .? IAS '-n leCSl -
? ? ?in an tbe back rat a
? Philadelphia Nrm t>y Mr. Boene,
? .-iivtiiit: Into a oo-partnenbip
peon and fi-.-v-t-dir m ti,e KI
? t ci begun. Comaaeawealtti'e?
. : i arle? U 1 reeeoted ?
cutio ? aa ? Mr. ,?. Samuel rarrtsb api eared f rr
? Bmlnatloa oi ?
? ere b ita long, *? ah?1 -ns
? V. After
? Jury ?????
illy glvea ?m Ui? t
were et once prepared. ItlH rin.re we? no vor
i !>t the Judge adjsarasd tba
jury over on Ul mia morals**.
tr.i as.
Tier, j. Cleveland Hall I? now a member of
'.? opal ? li'ir-h.
Me an 11.1< wit., were two et Ibe eta?? ot eight
eoaflrmefj it Meade?Memorlal etmrcb Sunday ?
morning r>y Btabop rVhitUe. The "tuirrh wa? ,
crow ? :. it boto r rctty generelly
km wn thr.? t'i- BlBbOp tt ? . 1 ?-e'e'fi Bad IBBl
Mr. Hell wonld beone of Ihe new m?mr>er? re
?aa one ol great power.
M . Ball waa formel ly th? past .r of ihe Pre?- ?
bytarlan I this city. II" teal tn li?? ;
re?lgnaUoa a few weeks ago ??? ta?se-fff.-tthia
rn. atti, Ataehurcb meeting In April tl
gre-aiion united hi aa appeal fro me presbytery
to allow Mr. Hall toreelga. ?ni thia re ?ue?ttl ?
'??rv grauted. II" ; I larewell
J tad?) Btghl sod bads the
congregation which be bad served n?.arly tr???
fears ait afleetl mate adieu?
Mr. Riche I Braes nd bride,el t'li^aterflel?!,
bave returned froi ? I tour.
bn U. Applebr,of New V rtc. I? vNlrlng
her father, Mr. A. C. Pulliam, In Cbeaterflel 1.
G the
..t'.m w?ro In llf?'.
Bev. KnbertH. Wlatree,ol ?sera
? ? lay.
Her. g?M Pel r?oa preached a apeeial ?
? eniiai Melt
>.i- day morning, an I ? inte ? ? ?
t ' ?
Moins Mme Bator 11 ??ht i the
I ? Br. ??. i'. \-i 1 -rs?.
. . lay mar
v.r. ? ? bola reported to nave
* dead m ?
..n a ?? indry aad
' ' ?
li-r- lu ISSO, but hi? BOB Wolfs vra? here lit.t
\ iitnn?. er Wedding.
(?ri tbe 15th liiatant Mr. P. B. Vial ? '
I IB marriage at
rer co inty, ? ai Mr. Colo?
I il. Il li.
Tb? Wedding mar. h was w.-ll renderei t.y
- aabera
??.ir?? Mee-xa. 1 illoy, il. < ? urtoey, M. ha.?, !..
: ? in, I". Mill?, and S. Yarbroaigl?.
Tbe bride entered on Ibe arm of 'h? groom
? rely In a bee ' gray,
aad carried tn her band a rieb ? >u?*uet ol L*
reception was
tendered at the 1 .ma of tbe groom a largo
iiuiuu? r ..t ?. ? my.
lir. Hoge'a LectareTo-KIgM,
At tba ..-ii.y of Music to-ntgbt, fer
?Ot ol tbe Old Market II??? , Dr
trill deliver bl mamb?s
, u .. iiutory of Bicbmond.
? be lain..?? - f tba -, "iho
Pawnee war," ibe era ' ? ond, and
tb? j
a -.?? ri bin . ppor?
| (unity both for patboe and for lighter
.-. In < ia ii ? ?
ine? orator eoa??
t?-.*? Thetatri? BaMagament?
1 Hereafter Messrs Tbomsa ?3. l.e?tti an ? Jaiaes
It. ! mn .-ti will bat of the t 1
? : -.tit recently a
? tba Brm of Berg r, Loath A Mayen,
lead? thia city
?mi lit Sort . ? having (Haoolved
. ? mood
I Meyera the S rr? lb
A ? ? my.
m?ate Un? Theatre a Ol la ? place of ainuao
II! Bt. __._
Obleera for the Elks.
??nd Lodge, Ro. ?., Beaevoleal Trntoctlve
. ,? . ? ? Hie following
. uler, ? barloe "?'. Angl ?.
. juiiua Mraas : Be
\. Barke; Bete? med
.? Knight, B. M. Smith, Jr.; Treasurer,
?. ? ? ' Wer, I).
. ii. Brimmer; lruat? ??- ?? . ?.? ? an, ?'. I.
, and ?. ??. ? ?? uh, .
I tol.rai.d Lodge, Juan A. Plix.nL
? anl.t inn. ?? Calla '.'''-I. rdnv.
etty ambulance was ealled to nos we.at
it io i r to a
man who bad been Injured by a cart ? ?
against t. m. n? vas taken lo bis I
art.? ambulance waa ?Bed to Twenty
itra l romeo
? etili
?i Dr. . awrenuo ao ? left v.iiu
( limn? r Appaiateci?
TaeGevernriryeBterTlayapp toted Dr. William
?. Por ?? Aleiaadrta mitt Dr. Powell,
Peraonal? end liriefa.
Mr. V !ay on anonh
B (a'lr.
ry William ? ati?-??
' '.a ? ity.
-th and
dB, e Lo lia? beim ?ulte- s..-?, ?? g? sally ????
I rdlvant, of Rampde**-9ldney, la
.? tt ft ilrj. ?1 'hinney at thu Ei
. Mansi
nlgbtai KerBO*sHall,oaOrloaas ?tr- it,foe ba
; ponaal work.
Tbe n-irr..-.? CouBty Court wb? in mbbbm a
lay, but Boeeaeeof itupuri
Btii-a Bare til? d.
ran lew on Saturday nicht kindly
rord'a Hotel a i.a?tketfui of buttoo-bol?
, bouqueta Ii t Um Mai mi bu ?
Mr. ? i. *.p? ?ir rn-. eivii eaglaeer, farssstly
? New Orl-aoj,
r an ? ?? -\ ? n ling ? ?a ..'.an ut his bom? '
t'nva't.-W ai? bai BO | ,-. : tAO ?? ? '
Sttfl lay Bight,
ured Ii until go me ui..? wa.- ?.>ul fur to
j luck U.
Tbefrprtaaterm of rfaeCUy cir-uit Court r>e
iy. G?? motloa dooket wa
'??idi-rable huporiaul bualuer.? waa dia?
la.tr. 1.
Bi-I'oBtmaater W. 11. rullliigwnnh he? b-v
n. ol Stanley Li|
W Co., a lealera in coal au l
an 1 Klghtceuth Blieeta.
Sergeaai ST. t. Ige, of the ?TaaMB caveirr, a
: native Ol t! ? etty bill BOW H?lLg m t_? |:?a
t-l.u-e, Ishereona viilt to LI? latti r. Mr. J 1.
! Ete, and will remain un'.il after tlm uuvoiling.
1 I .. BJ.. ?... ??.Ward ???.?t???? Llub wi
In (ne ? Liu ?:?!_. Coori r?.m (ur Un
, pi.ruut builrieatt.
Meade Uaai.us aro expected to mr_t>
I Bptxxhe?.
Jibnny Perry nnd Andrew Atklnsrtn. the twn
Util.? b.)so( th? (Hd-Market Hall Sunday tcbool
re hurt by ibe uveriuriitin? 0f a pl<^kio
I wagon near t;e?,iy ereek Saturday efternoon.
.-,- well yoctitrda?. m\?? Banale
^<?..??, *?? liijured her foot, 1? c^uOuea lo b? r
W. W, l!?ary, Err?., aDd ( ul.n?l J. Bell Blr
ger. ?.f t.. ? Board of v mitera {rom virginia ..f iba
MfbVeri ? y??terday for W*?ri
lna'i ?, where they will moet win Senatore ?.
; Walton Moore en 1 Taylor Berry aud Colonel l
tj. \\ a-diuigtou, the other ttenit.r? of ibe bt>ard,
and hola ? meeting **-?iay at Mr? Vernon.
Coroner Taylor yeaterdey vlewe* the holy of
a r...,,r. .1 WOSSaa Vbe died tery auddeuly -tl
?* M. wutle at work at ????. ui north
Tv/enty-fourin ?Ueet Her r.-?Men<va wm BOI
iv kuuwa, thoufih ?he tad -am tbat eh?
live-ion Nineteenth alreet betw?en Hrace ao 1
Broadlaiid It wa? BBcerialu.i t,y me coToatr
HiBt?behal b'lt lauly reoiverett froln ?? 111
?-?? during whi h ehe wr.? ?o l?mate ot th?
almtbouBe. Coruuer Taylor Ue,\ ihe body tAtoti
to the almsbouee, where it new la.
The Senate was ye?terd*.y adireeaed bv Mr.
Dolpli. of Oreii.u, m tteeOvarfaU] Mr Daclel
: anuouuelne that be would apaak oil 'the aan.?
subject Thur*lay. In Hi? Hoia?? mere wa* bbB
u? lai calm aller a aorm. ?r Wilson, of
Wei Vir?i..ia. .il'ialucd ine 'who? mas?
ter of the refuted tampben etatement.
Mr. Bayne ?aid h?.did not know of "Wata esam
thsl p?r irular? when he read _te letter la Ite
Bouse SBturd.y that h. tL .ur. S?ri h^d
been miaundmBUBding. that be was aorry. ?C
Ac. and everyThing ?ksssaflBg wiJas mlW a? ?
May mwulnff. Thedlf?cu?,l(,uo, ^ ^? tail ?
whii-h followed b eufflchinH, oaulned In our |
WaBbingtou letter. ' *?**?-aeo SB ? ?
Attend the monetrous 8hoe and SUri*???
opeiiiiiKataoBruiad street, _*t*_rdav.^?/ !
rmti-stant Rplsrnpal AnnlTersary at Two
Churrhr?- \?r?n?los Servi???? Dr.
Goodwin's Pastorate. Ar,
Th? rrs?r?7to-inn Snnday-School Vnlnnhelda
large and e?,tiit^.j mooting Sunday afternoon la .
the new ?t.i taaaBM lecture-room of the Man
.?testAt rtsaillsslaa ohnr?-??.-Mr. J. i>. k.
Sleight prsiideut aad Mr. James W. Gordon s?e.
Tho ser-i?!??? of sont? ws? hesrtlly enjoyo l by
?It on 1 pray-r wiu. offered hy Mr. li. II. ?ilitsm.
follow.?? ?.t ? | ..-?. ?, ,,? the Scripture r .'.! y
Kos. Dt. .Jam???? Luti?. I'.rlef ar??! CSBteitBg r.
port? wore mele or M^*?rs. t.e rg? Watt, ,.f
FBlrt?M wbool; It. I?, (lllliam, .?( th? Ko.rl, ;
Vr. i.? sis, ? r Immane?! : ?.C. Q?seleby, at Meat?
?aaote,ol the Third ??? ? >i, and
W. ? I? ? infant departs ? ii'?f tli.?
I ?? atteodaaes ai tut? Hard sehe ??
that morn ??; was t?.?? lar/.it tn ?u.u hi-?t?>ry.
sad Vr Pleasant? emphasis??! the !???1 thst l.v ?
di-? " ? il'.MU? teachers.
The lot | ypvr ?? the
Vaacb ?ter srhool amounted to owe? f. .
?, with onlv some thirty-fire orti- ?
bol?n, and tea-?? r?*, retried over |iuu
rIIonT ?GG??????.
?.??-, l>r. lit;?,, malea bright ani happy ?<?- .
be gave mmiy Interacting ta?-u I
' >r tho Sunday-School s*ork m Tot
"t the M-ihod'.st Chur-h, I
aa iros? : especially tho children? ani
tti"'?"? I in a? the one vital
oiij"?'t whl ? -? ,,uM anima??? every leeetier. i m?
mooting ,?;.?? ...j with tho hymn,??O where are
. t prayer by Mr. ? Weai ?
The n ..,?1 nt. I 1?? iure- ron m was '
(cread* .??, and Is fa i tho.? nr?? ]
!????, IT - ??,? h ?'?-. '
s Ita II la beauty su '. ? , snd tt.e ?'X
?? ?i??''.? ?t stti ? ?lass win ? iwa w? r?? ?
iit..iiiiy by toe children.
Childr ?.lay ami the apnIvor?ary of th?
Pr?sbTt?riaa Bunday-Bcl ?ol I aloe will beeele?
' "?'? ? 1 Intiy on Ina first Sabbath ta Ju.i??. at
tin. leSOtMl .-h.ir.-'i.
Th? .-? \..r, Isse of in,? Pi
si e>uiiday-School l'ai? ?. embra
rt.iir? I. ? of ?
n in? aiternoon. 11
bratto* wn held tn ? wo church???M. Paul'? and
Bt Jams? on? not i,<?iint larg?? enough t" ??? 1 m
: of ilu?
?ir,:? ?engrcgaUon? mat always an'oinblomi
The on ? ., teachers, an?! scbolBrs of st.
. ??
: at st,
1 Mi??
? -ir ?."-, ...?? ?.?, Ail ! ?s..?'-, I?? r.? ?? ?,? ??
! '. A 1res . Usino
? bica ? ?" ?? : with th ? Hoi
1 ?yiiin?.
? ? '
st ?
wi-ii Pa?;? at bt. Jam??? ehur b,
Bpproi nulli?: aud Instructifs '??
b III ? i I anil y.,??
?y .'r \'. . . | ? .
. . l that at St. l'ani?* by
????: ?
'Ito I Uowlnc Statist!?*! ?r ? '??ton fr?>m th??
eondeiieed rei ortti of all th? ? : at boi?
All Saint?. I il '?- |
??. : ? . -
. :
firace ol r :,. .. li
Hoiy Tri Ion_ : \
rial. ? ;
M. .1 !. .
. I S
. S ?i ...
. ?
' Alui.-itio ?-?? . ',' ? -: .. ..
?. ?.? ? ?
. ..' ? till ? >??.?1G
log ???. lacreas ? ?
loos waj
- ? .
iti?! a scala OC
. 1:30 o'cli Iti
Sixty-? It ' ' . ... I Mr.
; . : Int. ?? loot, lub
? ?ii, li ? itateli,
. con litten, su I ba ti Wight
trest ?- ? ?
; '
r ...
iu llene? witb ??
Wli?i n ' . iliki tii>
I Blpil ?tan 1 hai h??-?:! removed atti In its
?? r?. an I ?,v??r
? tbe scbol tr ,
after reel! g mat
?- eliuiilil all be oon
Hat. Dr. j?. '
?.? pr pri?t? riiniark-?,
- a practical ??.\??? aiiuu ol las whole ser
Ktcbn ? ?
? ? . j bun
.-ir Knlgbt? ?ere out in f"'.t ?Ir
Templar, and B3S BD
" ?? .?.?)- , ? si uifl Hail
io l'ari I
dience-room ws? -rotrdsd, attd ?sverai t.
. . ? bad ti'ion f'irm
! u ?? ? omtnltt?? ? f
Arrangeuionta tie???! | ? lasts
? them.
:-ir Kb
hi . il hSiil uni ?' ? ? ?
? by iti ? quartette
. idien. ?> pr? -
. \'. lley lu.? J-..,, ?
' ?
! fir kiigbt Kiauk ?V. I.'uiiulngham ?un?? with
i?r. ?!????????'? Bllnslon to ths d
? : . tt:i> un ..?
ita?: -???, tu.<l do-ply lit ;
U? me reter? of ttu? ????mmanlory to ?.
, n u ,.( iheii-i?? vas tendered tb?
??. ?ingi-r?, and l?r. Bledaoe,and UV ?
? seated to /urntsti s fu?.j ol
? . r ot un oouDwia's rsartv
. u?.t-r
< IltYH.
.?'.?.? fl-.t san!vsiaery of !<>t. i.r.
??. \. ? I
'.?? 1 w. a
!'? ?? i-ir?; ?and
ft? nave congregati
?v??rd "?.bi-ui-ier " a?? foni, 1 ?a
i. H iiiiu-l ?. ii.. ;?
; ?
. wondartm laeressfl la bv ntbership .u ?
. Aorlt.
i imrtnst tho yenr <.?????G
Il | is ...' il ? f
? BSmtXtS f?.r l.,e ? ? ? ?1? Ot?i,
f U-i.
Ih? prf/vni m? m ber ?bip L-? ?I0& Amoo(
rSOSlTOd by leti-r ai" ?omouf U
insslUreet, i<-aiou?, and eonescr
? f ihis ?.Hy. Iiiinrg Um y? sr Ui" cBueta bas
ci.itcibui.id for iioni.t parpo??? aad ote ? il
et the lieueral AM clsii n !
11? ?"?rly part t.f last stimm? r th?? eoegl
1 ta retnov? fSMB '?' If I '??"??
lii.ii, and for thts purpo.-e purobse? lai
loi on OniTs atea ne. led at?n .? i<>
I ?-si.itiip ther.'oti, si, l Hm
meetsseeof tb ?ubsonbedioward?
Of ?il? e.iui'iiit Ute
. t . ? '?
.rly ms sattes amount into m??
f.i'.l of thechureb. Th? aewaeose of worship
. oomplete I, ani 'i u ?xpoeted laal ;ni
Ue worship will be holdtb? r? u * m?.? iiuiodunns
lt,H ??.?[lil-.K "vioi.tb.
Tho buaslay ?cbool of whl?-S C ?onel A. L. I'hll
lips la the supurintendeu!,?^-?-?.--!-! '-J aaaani??!
?i.?rp?of oKcers aad teecti?-r?, bai k"!'t j st
Hi?? chutcti an 1 lias a in?-n r.-iiip ?f ovor li?),
iticiu line offls? and taa'liorn. an?l l? In a ilour
l?ning ?.-oudUion; and, w.ih tha better coove
m.'D.-es aud arrangeiuentu ?u the new is?.?????,
ti?!-? lair to become on of il.o largest and inoat
useful Sunday ai-nool? lu th? city.
??????? CUrkCIt I
Th? meeting at the We?t-Vi??w Haptlst church,
comer ot Meadow aud Cary tkttatt, ?as lsrg? ly
(s-fouded and fall of inter??-? -uuday nicht.
Meveri? were recOlred aa i-an.lt laie? for OapiL?a
and tb?*rewt.re a great main rs ? flSSSj for pr?ycr.
-??rvice? every day this w??i;k ai 4 r\ M. and S P.
M. Kev. Mr. Illnes Is ?ond?? lint the meetlns?.
Vsry iBtenMttQf revival ni.^itua*? have
? a protrn^fc, at iA'aabingtoB-i*tri?et Methiy.
?list churcb daring the past week, ro?mt
ljg tbua f?r In ?isteea coaverslona lb? raort
l.i, ? will coauaue throusb. U?ls **>*? ?" ?tti0
Kev. K. II. M.niirit, will bo ?**
Kev. J. W. K, Koblns, of frsnkltu, Va. Lightteii
laemtkers were recei*e.l on sOulaT
Tbs Sun?lsy-?,'bo?,l uiee'.lng caiUd f?r l??i
nl'-lialth? laciur??-r<x)m of St, l's ?* ciiar-Ji
was postr>on?<l nulli next Monday mg.it.
Now Go Home Thoroughly 11> fr.'lit?! and
Itrady for lit!?!.???-?.
[Special telegram tn the fMeua'.hl
NoairoLa, Va., May 11?.?Thi? *?*.? ??.???. the
Massachusetts l'rcsa Association arrive?!
?MM The comunttees of the Korfolk
Uusiaeea Aesociatiou and the ?ioh*nt?e
m?>t ?horn at the wharf and i*?ar.!rted them
??'?lie Atlanti.? Hotel fur Mppar. Hand
I -trccurnrethen took them to Leaner'?
1 srk. in Hnntersvillo, which was bril
li-t'i'ly illuminated f??r the occasion, snd
tn? NaraLP.Mt 1ta:iildis*7oureed aweet niu
sie. At'J o'clock to-morrow morning ear.
rages will h.? pro-nded to take tho ri/jitors
foradriveali-ri? the .?ity andMi>*urht*,aft?r
which the atenmer William H. 1'h.llipe will
be puoi I in r."|!iisiiion to ?how the vi*i
fintereat In the barhtir.
returning, an entertainment will I ?? ?
dared at the roorns of th?? Htiein*??? Aaao.
eiation, in tha? Valentin? building, by som?
rathe members, and etili later the party
will ii tve for bomeoa orse ol IhaUeTCMsaai
ftrid Mi-Mrs Um stsaaisadps.
A New .Ttinrn al???pet-rl Trial? at Scott's
ir.tllvtaito.t Kare Course.
'Corre?poiideaeeof the Klctiin-m?* I)l?t*a*r*h.l
<>?.???.< ?.. \ a.. Kay It, UmX
The Aeoomac Dimoerai i? ti
? ? |nst ?darted h?*re. with Mr.
Samuel r. Crockett, furasrly ot Pooomoke
City, ??., m editor sad propri? tor.
Mr W. BulUtt Kit/.hui?!!. nroprietor of
ihs Cape ( '? irles ?? on . r, bast*? en selected
aa the tr- asan r of tha _a?t?rn Shots Efts?
toric ??-.tly organised u-i 1er
au n?rl ? granted by the
Ganeral Assembly of Virginia at it? lu-t
? im thirty-two laes horses I
Hon. W. !.. S."tt, which hare been in
training at Mr. Scott's farm ut Capa Charles,
were tagen North ;".?G?1 days ago, Tin?
day dgy before they left striai of
ren on Mr. Scott's HoU
, which wat attended bj a large
crowd of people fron both _e?*omac and
inni. 11. Among the rn ten a
famous trotter Chaos, who won a -
Btukt? lasl year.
arm '? ????a???
naiority of tbe Eastern Bhore.
mon u Confederate srmv
were in Wise's brigade, end il is hoi ?
of tbe rmrriron will be able to be
a :? the uni eillng of
? ? ???*? Qeneral Jai
Hill, the j?.- Kail road Commi
for vii
in Wise'i ten to all hi?
? ..?. ?;.- !'.i item ?
il the unv
pari ? oat ration.
one Fatally Stabbed Bad Barerai Injured
liver a (imite nf < .irtia.
fUpectai (eiegraa m tas DispataM]
???*>??????????, \'t.. kfay 19, V
I here to-day that iluring a diftl nlty
near ? Stafford
men named
? ? ? illabao ori if cards
Hi?? latter ?? I and i ed e
li... place l'"f
other? ire alrao aaid to
five or eig | . .u the deadly fru
Mr. A. U. 1
himself to-dav ?- a< torC mmon
wealth'a attorney . ? ? ? present in?
cumbent. Judze John G. (..??>!f,k. It n
nl -1 report? d that an -;i"r lawyer I
:i ? o th?. morniu .
til II. _
? Good ritiri-ii. Esperten.? Legislate**,
aad Sterling Ueatoeral Ooae?
[Spool Dtapateh*
V.., Hay 19. Hon. Henry
it rr fr u Load mn .?nil Faa
quier counti wn Saturday
Ifth ye "?. II?? waa
lisi d.and lived ? ? i 1 hit? life in I.? u
doun, and w wa fnil it and
ite iti all ? : ?
re fai
s ???-p?! larg? inni valuable farms at ana
ne .r W.i' irove, ! . I iwhich
pinne 1 ? ? ? Sunday.
He will be bnr ? ' ty at Short
Hill church-yard, ? pravi ? of his
? indred. He v. is ? th ? ?-r? ad
, ? nnation in his pro?
li, and n?. man era - more bom
faithfully devoted ??? the welfare of Vlr.
and f- arlessly ?l? -
? ? ? and interests. Hs !
der < ?ol nel ?a by sad
il Early. At the time of 1. ? ?leath
he was a director in the Wa liington and
Ohio branch of tha Biohmond and Dan.
raili ? latti snd a Is
holder m the Liner company.
Tlii.iit;!i the ?.t???.? Waa " l'iirty or l'ur?
ti??? I iiUni.si t.."
?? ?? r-..?
'tn, V ?.. U . ? ?, Fohn Lindsay
(colored), who ?*.?-? struck on ti
? ago with n rock in the heads
of un unknown man, died >??
coroner's inqnest v. :-? 1???1?1, and t; '
cided d? ? ?.i? death ut ti:.?
hands of a party or parties unknown. 11.n
? were ?hipped t?? Greensboro*, M.
? '.. t. r nt? rment. 1o-day ??
re. ayi m mit???!
d .?. warrant wo? leaned for bis
Mr. ?'. Clifton Franklin,of Bo
-?? ri ??- ;
factoring Company, who will ?tari ?
? ?
1 stret t I??'
? ?r? ???!. four tb and Fifth
Kaufmann .? C ?., arrived yest? ? ? .
city m ? ir ol
rect fi tory, where in?.';
own ma
fresh ?: I!??
rwi m
p ! pi ?mis ? the ?
bere. 1 ' ee, Dr??
. '
tbirtr days, ?? ????? it ?? ' be .? ?
, name
t . be ?. codo? m Is well kn<
irgt it rut?.
ufootur? m and Lynn, but m e in
?. one of ? ?
burned ? at el ??. ?
?? in lull operation. 1
?twrur and one ?!.?? a
ihould attend this bai'-,
day. .May iith. ^^^^
I,noil I.!?iir?!-Strt?t l'rojierty at Aurllon
I ?Hay.
Mr. J. B. Elam will sell by auction n?* 5
?, ?. ???-?;, the attr ici re Bi
in 1 Dwelling at the ??? ru< rof !.i?ur? 1
and Albema .t, ?1 ?
ta? hi 1 Frame Dwelling ?> MM, oa Ute
ly inereese la
t!, ? vaine ot ? ropertjr .??? Lam
?? l< .ir;? a, ( i? s?ant earn andini? ?,
and the desirable ?eharaoter of toil
perty, whether fur ooemancy or tnrest
iii? ti?, rend? r it well worthy t!se atl
of pui _
A I.aru?? Coiifwloriite Klag,
lied, white, and Bed, witli portrait of
loc. ist
Miai ??p??????.?
HI north Beventi
Ut. -Gerhard Holsjjrrefe diesi ?
ri!-nt in the forty-first y?-ar of hi? age.
Hi? funeral will take place to-i
ninnimi; at 8 o'clock troni St. Mary's
church. _^_
May BSaUliel I lioru?.
Oraci-Str? et G?? nerPineand
Gracu street?. Muy 221 al Ml G. M.
? ? ???
Would u Bot 1,?? w.-ll for tho county offi?
ciali t?? have ?.."it??l at intersections of
?imminent streets in the ci.unty sign
Dotarda hketh? OfMW? *??? ?>n Uroreaud
?????!???* areaues,whieh aaye: "Meadow
aTenne to Kiv. r vh a," thus showiug our
people a beautiful drive.
I'nll.?,' I'usff,
Take W. T>. hutherland's 'Bus Line from
Third and Fraaadin to 1ji?1u?i' Lawn-Party
ut Bland?n Park Junettd, I P, M. to 11 P.
This Looks I.Ik? Basine*?.
To-day ties am boina; distri bated on the
Une of the Hirer-View Kailmad t'.mt?aiiy.
Pmsident Chatfin says the rail??are SXpe t ? d
daily, and our citizens can in a few weeks
ride to Hiver.Vi. w.
Between Fourth and Fifth ?trcct-i. Sat?
urday, May ??4th, the Boston Hlme-MaiiU
fu.turing Companv will ??*?? their d?>or
with tW.OOO worth Shoes and Sin??,
per cent, less than manufacturer's coit.
For sale, on long time, with only otM
thousand diillius ca.?h. anew rhrec-Ht..rv
Ktock-Brick Dwelling, fronting Monroe
Park. A great bargain if sold at once.
It. B. Cairn* ?I Co?
No Meeting Teaterday of th? City aad
? decirle Compiante? ??????????
on Main Sir?*??*.
The term? upon .whVh the South?Me land
and Improvement Company r*i?y run It? ?le?
trlc-eer? over the t'nlon l'B-ecriger (.'om; ?uy*a
treefce oa S-reeth Blraot from IiBukila to CUy
Bill ta? deri led BBJS1 tO-<1ey.
Tt e metter 1? la the ?ani? of a M?r<t of arbl
I fatarli c? m rx>?el of ('.?tonel \V. ?. ?'uiaaaw eud
Meear?. rtiBrles E. KolllDg ?a? t'barle? -
Then? iceutlernen heve ?pent two day? heatlna;
evidem-e tjaiarlnit .-?i tu?? ?iibje.*t *ul all of the
? tiering been emmlne-l end Ihe '""??e
submitted nt? trelock y???terdav afternoon, ahey
?re BX| ? - ?d lu r.-.?.-h s declMon In ? I?-'? tlaya
. a tntx ?*?" arrrxrr*?**?*.
Thia ??(????.'.11p? la pnraniant BB ?o ordloeace
of the t oaaed which deetgnetad arbltratlen m
the prip-r method br wlii.-h lo determine th?
proper? ?. ? we the EoaifceKo Oo*apeay
topay ihe other oae lor tl ? Irta I r-BJa
'.tie ??? attui ? ? t ompanj w?? r???,
fore ih?? board lay Kutnerfoord .t rag??; ihe
Kk-bmoDd I'ulan Pas . Bay by Mr \\.
nth. Mr. r. W. CBraaian,aa?l aw. Tea?
eey, Captata Pitslal aad ?'bere laminar with
ttae eff-vr? 4 tb? Ueetrto dmpeuy were the
? ? far thia .dit, ?nil bui? in* Ilio?? ?>? ti:??
older ?Me were Manager J.liii ?'. It jberinau But
lagtaeer ?. Laugaiaff .lotinataw.
? ??G???? TTOiTBRIUT.
The ?i.'.'Kt>aid. r?or tr-o Batoa r??*??>Bg?r-l-'?ii
wey Corapeay, puraaaat to adjournment, met
et ? ?-n y eterdey la the Hsnk-nireei of?l-.t. i..it
without tren?ia.?titi?T Bor bufine?? whatever ad
(earned ever natii 10 o'rloeB ihia morning.
Oae reason tsar thia wee done w?? mal Mr.
? Bisel, . in?. ? Hi?? Now York atl
wlia baa ?.Uri ? ? 1 lenJI.tg perl la IBS
eooaolul itlona? wee not present He
??.?.|,. t.. ? io arrive Ihla ?e-aisg In Urne f. r
t. - to. *a i.i tallan M
ware pree.nt feeterdey.
". llafier, l'o'ic-y. M ??.Itti, ?ni o*Vt?
w?ro in eoaforeaee -oaterrtay with rafereace lo
the l'iiiiaoliiiBlitin pr.?.?.? > din???. It ta uni
tiiel tlitty di-i-u-tet-l ??1??.?:;> l?gal met?an?. Il ta
. at tbe meettng ot tbe l'ni.n Pas.
?enger Company le? lay ili? transfer ?? U
? -?? .-B aii I tn-ud? loti ? 1 ? ? ?
Kallwar and Kl**ctrio Company will ??<?
farmai'y mad? [_s I Ity railway mar (aie??
initve the tisasiet to-day ar eutb<*rtse tl to Be
? rroH_-i>f*i
? really appears aatbougb Bracai
to ??? prope Ie '. by
ity, 1 im track la
? t, ani th? ? ?? are
being pul ?; ?<? iti" New-reeefrvolr ??. ?
The airea lor u.? underground rrorraai
ut til.
binent tor torn a ?
? i]. BB ? ? e paru of Ubo new dj
r.ntiy oral ? ' m -tl?"
I ina d?r
Or tw??. I ta.t e
? ?? ???, largel) g thi ? . tl??of
Ui? piani lor generating ?
On the ! Ity ratlw.i
tr? went through. The "loop
?: Math hii i a; ? ? ? tree? baa I ?? a ti a?? ? ? ed,
j 1?i>-r.
iti-? eli m le ? aa- b Urea ? m t an ? ? ?
rill ? ?- m ? im ?. ?*? ? ??? ita r what
change Is naade tome ran trill bav? to rua en
Hint dint r.impl) wall IB
? ie? aere ' ? ? n the
lina of the KI ver-View raUeay. The ?
??.ape.?:.??! daily, Bail Preildent CbafBa especia
to nava san ? lumu* pretty
li... eon.itlona at this end t il
between the - ? ?I ? <
( Mr. Bryau a I ???.)' ? ? u ?.
', an I !'i.? nn lergf
put in on Beventi) un ?t. In Mai -1
! ? minim ? t/.itiii. In eoa*****aaHuu wllh a Oit?
porteryesterdayaiterneou.enld heC'lty
Hallway Compaay baa until ttie nth I
. ey tbe mao ' f ihe Cos : Ing lh ii
the tracB ranni g fron rwenty-elebth etreet un
I aad laid on l'? pur
Bireet, _
Ou?r CaarfMarasa Muga
in th<? citv sre bI
Uabi Mirraumaraa's,
'/t ? : uth street,
Tli ire will ' ?? music snd d moin ral Blai
from , to n o'clock G. If,
Twenty-fit ? I naaai dollars's ?th of
Rlippera and Bh '
? op? urn ; ? ? ; -?? e-Manufao?
Curing Company, US east Ba id stri
N. s? Bats? BMI ISS fitti I????. Ilo.I Irai?.
Owing to tbe general ai E nil my
; mv stj la < ? making I
?.'rat'ri il ive rtet? ? in al t"
<?n ,? Inr.: ' ?;? ni??. [ bare compi* te .. ?
mente I I ind? ?? ?? M .; daii*.
ill turni ?? li- ' Deviled t ral ? t?? or?
der any honr of tbe dey, and d?lirer them
. ? r?? in t!;?? citj wej 'anted t?
on ? ? '??:'? ?Ik era -? ?, and that
only the eh? icesl of oi aba si :
for same, and no othi r ingrediei I .
1 have bandsom ? bos ? peek
? fresh enu k< re, al
?..: .? . raba In aa? ?i boa . |l i" r
?I |.ri<??-? t.; r^ ?nd deal,
era. A for up-towi
Bend your order bj postal-card, aud it
will re?
Country hotels, springs, and famil ??
si.iin?,' m ihe country can hare them
?Lipped by expi hey will keep
am! not lose in appearance for two days.
Parties who
? railing days cani
,? better di -l? for thi ?? ? -.??!?.
n ? Main Mi?
li'? v-.ii want i" l as ? nie ? ?
call on ?. ?? ?
r oi oice - ?? a l?.ug
time. Oir? thei
On s il ? U o'el
?I ... i Improremenl
inr m. ' ''..-?r ?.:r.in?l
. ?,?".:? n laie ??f lot* m W
the moet elevated ind beit di
I r -
*? 1 the
;?? .1.
with tli? late t and most improved electric
? car line in ti ?
through t! ?' v. bolt proper!. t ? F? rrest
Hill, tne most pi? tun ?que pari in ell V?r
?. ? I
' ?, (. ??.
Th? Vnm ? ?,? a t? ? ? t
ceremonies will undoubtedly ttraw aa
ennrmou? crowd, wl.?? will see with ear
prise and i/ratifl<st? ?n the gT'*nt improve?
ments in the capital of the (V*nf??<leraeT.
Th??y will ?ee? none that rs a ?zresster tds-sm.
Ing to women especially than the Hll-r
Tray Trunk. No trays to lift. Haves thai
l?iirk-tr>-aking ?xerti??n. B? I I lv all esssV
ere. Made bj H. W. Hounlre* A Brother,
Ki'liiuoiiJ, \a. _ _
?larri ???1,
at th* re?i?lence of the bri-!??*s parser.t?.
Rev. Bdward ('oini'romise olh'iatirig Miss
? ill.-Imina fjchnev and K"?"-rt Kdward
?Curbing, Kso,..allof this city. Ko e-arda.
A tnl ace? ?tint of tbec.irernonyw-.il'??? pub?
lished on the lt?th instant
May ?V?tlval Chorea
ilrace-Str.-et ra'erna??!*. eorcr Ptne and
Orac? ?trett-, Una BM at - Bl P. M.
He who 1 ?rat BCsVef nth-r thsn life?,
on?? with impure blood an?l no ?. 1?. OL
M ?? l.'vlUal thorns.
i}racej;?r. rt Tabernacle, error Fin? and
(ir.ire - ' I M.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
I Dm?, S?? nr. ! : f, and
Bt ? - ? erpete,
i*?a'i??fai-ti"U guarenti
M \ ? I'rrr.
SWn inni.
Wh?o Un? y was BBBs*, ?rs fr???? har Caster??.
When she was a AM '? she ?p??.1 for fast, ria,
When B*BJ W?anv> Uns?, she clu-i*? t?? ? sstn-rts?,
When el.?? ha?! I'MMrsu. sh? ?ravathens l'ast?rie?
Flrjantl_v-r*urnl?h? .1 Itui.mi
ir /immvi.??
Europi ? ! -treet,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorio.
I In.? II .f ! nit 1,
? . s' .,
? '
?? G M ? ? 1 . M. ?iitlr.
S|?r ..f 1 (.? t ?
:? . ? ? ? the 1?? ??!.
Children Cry for Pitch. \ Cnstor?a.
/linmet m in'?
1. ? ? ? I '. ???,
All ?! '
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
||l.?vr A l'ivi? bai
rail in? for M<jiiiiiiiout-?l?y to tM ? n. 1 tu Ibis
ta oftlsr ta avete all tasajee ig y??nr
asalta nr ?itti.kiuK litii'ii'? water, *?'? ? ? ?? ???
tA'M.iy Arope ? ' ?? ? m lutimt? t |
: ?.ix.
?' ' ?r
at Ir.? ? ? I? ?
"I Bfl'' ???n ??r. Ms'n ?il
Pest I'l-lur. ?. ? ?ri ? ?????????????, ?s?, IO* ??r?lt.
l'et.lti??! G.? lur???. fl ? ? ? ?- i??i???. I- >
leras? ali ele?* . <? .? ? ?,??-??<??
el ? "ii(e?lHr'?to ur* ? I tese ?, r?ait
glons, Ar.
Coatedetale, Viratale, and l'alte?! fists?
nette ?
? it LSV .. Pi
? ??<? ? ?...? ? . .
?? th?
uh? of SS?. ' .
ati'l ?? wh r ly liKlit,
l.-r ? ? ' ?
??.?'.? ??;.??. *. : ? . -? ?
? ?aiMree wt
?.?..? brekeaetrour reel bye ?i?k
? I'll??' .'??? t
t. ??!1? * ti SO BM 1 ut M ??? * ? 1 ? , ? f
'? ?: r?. >. ,. . ..?-?. G..? .? ... ?i
Tei.tiitUK. lift valu? ?? lu s'? list I ?. It ?111 fS>
lbs?/? tin peor imi? ? /. D??
? ?. 1 t, . ?,?'.?.?
, VS ait
??- ?.?...? ?? ? li Bsaal l . ?? aas ? ?>
notorio ot i
ilo by a'.i ?ir...- ? assai
Pries ? ??' u' ? a be ? ... ? ??s ttt
'?MBB WlB8U>WVe>lM*TBUvU >TUI \ '
sp .?..??? :?.!??
11 " ?????? ?eesasal
Al ( lll?N I 11! ?? Il) DAV.
?. ? 1?. M., tw -?t. ry citta?? In
I ! ?.?.
? ? W \I.|)II.I. Jt., irii??.???, al Charl.10
< ?? m: tn "Ma??
N. \\. lit).? KIMM ' ? feBSsjBJSBJ
r II-? ,; ? ,. .?ts.
OBOKtlBW. ? ? '?'?? .??, curila a
JWitt? B, BXAst.S f t
Irameilw il'iiK N?>. ? ? ? iu, La ?? l Street
.,.?. . m bon ? t?i\. typ. ?
Oll S ?Jwtlllllli?, ?.,?. ?. ? ?.il.-l Maiu
IDBI Nu ?TADDII f. I . ? ? at . il
< louse, tso ?.
?-? ? berte? ? ut ?
DIN, 5 ?. 1 ?
. ?-t Fraaklla ?tr?>et.
J. II. > At KM INK, : ( A. M., l'ir-.'t.ir? ?nl
IsBottoaqualbot toi c..?n.
? ? I r ir: tho G,. 11. W ?
t? lit v, itli supplying you w.1.1 ;? ? t.tio
( ?..thiu?' aa other?, l'A Y i IM.ll ?
lift ut ss low, BUT I.<''.Vili
PRICES. \V.? iluii't euro who Boani al/ovo u? in mhtAUsJllg Tb? ?'? ! ty
clothier can (unii ?Io? ??, sihertiso ss well ue tlit* niest SB*npaloM lod '?'?ble?
nunhant. Tbe Silfi sh?MS for all?-*??>?1 or lia?l ..ml tho pre.?.?? slfitl 'tut
tnur tliun right opens ite collimila lo th?? ?j-iack an I fruii 1 ne ria lily ava th?
ti lut we atartt'd nut ?m tho fluha.'ct of Ctotbififf?
\i/.. :
Why ?Io wa say ?*?->l Ctotbififf
. ..>?' tl?' re neooia to be at presa-ut
,? rtrun?,' rivali-y a'iion*?* curtain i.i> h
iii'-uil clothkrs ss to who aliali nino
tho loweet prices tur l'OOH
('I.OTllIXti. Hxcu.?? US, ther 4 ? -,
if wo do not enter tho emu-el, but
routine our remarks to *_MM_g thai
???:i be depecdod upon in tv try way,
bo it i.-iiterial, make, cut, or liuiau.
Circamuhamee may botnetimee compel a man to buy poor clothtu?*, bnt unleaa
compeile?! to fio man ahould, nor can he afford to, expend hard-vurued dollars
for stall" that w?l invariably prove dear iu th?: -1 L
luiipirotfe of tho very finest Suits- in
Backs, Frocks, aud 1'rinco Allierta.
Mack Cheviots are much m voi*ua
this seaaon. aud we're showing a mag?
nificent a.-t*>rtment of them. Ihee
wo have small strip??* and ?: iv colora
aud effects for tho yonna* men and nltra
dreesfia. Most of the*? finely tailored
sud well-fitting suits were carved out
and ruad o by the beet joumevHitr?
tailors of Amt-rica?
? y
Opposite Post-Otta Smabzscmld I Ca