Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. by Tin: dispatch COMPANY. Tb? DAILY DISPATCH to delivered to ?uiV srrltvsrs ?t rirrsss CSbts per wens, parable to th? carrier weokty. sUll*??, at as per ?noum; . ?? e-onlh*. 9AM tot thr?? innatas; fOo. for oc.? m ?tiUi. -KM'.WggBLY DUPATi'llat $3 per an noa, or ft for ?is Bestens? Xtm "I 1.KKI.V I>i?r.\T<ll atti per annum. Th?siM>AV 1??G??? atti*?' p?sr anauro, cs-7.%?. for sis moeibs. suhacripttoa? In all toe*?. payaMe In advau ??, pjBjl n.? |H?)?<-r ?co'liinc.! af'-er ihe ?TplrstloB of tin? Uro?? J?al.l for. Mend BSjtM?net m?>ney. ? or re-rUiter?*?! lf?tt<?r. G.irren, y ?eat t>r meli ?will I? st the risk of the sen.ler. Mitsvi-I*??srs *n?ht?*f th?Mr posvoffl?-? ehansid must Uve U.f Ir old a* ?ell sa tbeir net? pial?? ?81?.-?. Sample ? opios fre? AliVKRTlSlNO HATg*, lui.r lies o? isss. ?$ H .1100 ?Mirle. ?Miti . .? ?f? i ? ???.?5 ...????? ?i-e? In G?????(G-????>G type. Uve Hoes <?? less, tl : In ???>?.????<-' I? s : ? Carl <>f rate? for more Bpsco furnish?! on ap } ?? ??on. ?nteH OMI'AMY. Rey ?< not li? re t ? ?. , DAI.MAY J(>. 189a D Berei at coupon ? ? . ed by the Talted Hi I ????.,??!' ; lera. Two o? Til 1 ; > ? ii I ?.,?, | I to be ronstitutional We, ? ?daim il ?t it wa? e drawn battle. Wei ; Further and ad >pt the ? Got era n the ?befit "? ' ' thr Bt ? . Ktractf ? ? ? . ??. li enable lawyers end 1er what ? tionable \ lid, it will be Impossible to predict whet will ??t should ? ? our d? it step. '? "while the bond hold? rs trill Jump witl , ; if they ? ? I ? ?? Lou 1 m I with bonfires it wdl not lie 1?? thti ' ? ? ' ? \?< t"i>' unworthy of such signal boa r. I fa ? ilth of Virginia ? ?Opini th ? th ???' hold? rs ol bar tinfuri'l'l s??? tinti?-- troto the solemn coB tictsoa ?that thi t ti hau ?. Bv? d i? n were ?possible for tb? ? hors ? "? Virginia with her d I r. vei u ? to attemi ? th? m. G??tt 1 re unobstructed pathway totheTree i . would be to coneenl to ? ut the ?throat ol the s ?. ? berefori. la t!i<- fn? ?? <>f such demands as hitherto have 1. ? ' ? maini but ? renew and continue the fight We nr?? bj aon. end <?f our Net ? ?? : ir liest expedii nta >>?! ra? la lin to be ti i? i. end yosterdaj 's d< cisiona ? r the school funds from ab? aorption by t-.?ii|??'t:??. This great sum oil ? luor-licenae tux. ? ? few of I cur people out ideol tli" cities everpeid theii tax?e in ant thins ',r>' mom v. ate 1 a commission to treat with the bondholders Upon '. ? ? the Biddli i eboxi bill, ? in fa .? nevi r ? die 1 it t??. ?gether, rightly considerine tlm it would i ? until ti 'i?? dt - ? A tailed Btaatoa "f th? General As??? this adntei I een eounted upon m n lew ??f ? ? ongree wional reapportionm? nt, and when the tw ? j ? pj sceed ? ? do ?what t the i ?? tht Btate and fill the sap?in our de i - ? rday. It would l"? t I in and "f tht debt queetii n, ?but ? does not yet teta to bt io t- sjht by a gn a Death oi Banator Heaton. The death of Basar B?ro**, which oc rtirn-il iu LsTUdoun Bun?day m< irning, mah? ? *i ? ani n M ist In tl?? ? r? ?. ?.ini r.? snovea fi.iin politicai end legislative life one t known inen m \ irginia. From ID it?! ?? ? the des eeeed a tv? l th.? Com BMsnwealth ?Beoti railaatly tt an offleer in the field, end i"r Baverai terr?t peat ?).;i-i rapt! ? ?? ? Loudoun ami Fauquier ,?. mnt lee m the upper house ol the llenera] ?Veaembly. Bere he took high rank, Ut Bri?ereil inforni? ?. bold in thaexpi. eat his view? ami resolute la |>vpoae, and ?,aitiii|'Hle?l in Di irlj ? ?1 ? ry debate whit ?? took pin???? while he waa ? member. Por ?ff. r be d< pended *r??ili<?r upon dote study and ?troni pre? e?? m!:? n "t ffteti than oratory; though vii.n lu. bad reaeon t.. deapair ?.? ??rhaeing lii? aasociat? ? by argument ht wai B?*s3asitom?sd to employ thai powerful wea pnii badinage He waaa lawyer by pi eioii and all in nil waa a formidable debater, un,? tin. tafiuestee be exerted trat great, partnulnrlv la mettere relating to trans. p.rtatioii ? ? ??,; ??: ?, i??r here beepokeee i-huirniuii i>f theOcsaesittee oat l??mds ami Internal Navigation. ih? bong tarati in tht Basata was honor? able ami u??? (u!, end thousjk he often an "iagonlind nata ?ta tati ??m ot tin? party be ireialn? ?1 the Ntpeet <>f thta all. This waa H..0W11 m ?!??? handsome reaolntlom passed V\ the Senate atti tli? uii<?niiii'?iis hop? iif the member? foi iii- ? rery of health. ? ? Mi -Tvis was for a long time a mem l?r ? th?? Beets Dea ?eratie Oosauttee, Bad he wu? nearly alwaya tant to tha dis? trict and State ?-?'mention? of tin? party, 3m nil tl.? ?<? 11 ?di es lus uii\ it??.? h .?- valuable ansi hii servii??-? iinfottnit. In tht ? nate during tht past winter and eaprubj bt often ooeapted ?o? ttat when hi? VieaWi. ; tbut In could Hot tit upright m l?i?? thair. lie at.tinied re e??lv? ?i t?? ?in? ut tu? poet of duty, and if tbe *? had been prolonged uiuc-li inore, to It woult! have I?e,?n. ? U ?? ?f tin? humors of the deceased sena? tor waato ?nu/, iho newt-paper reporten ?ml editor?, and t. In? ?Iviug day he no J doubt twltitassssd the cunvietiou that tht ! daily paper? should have given unire space t?? the S? ami House reports. li hi? tricuiU of tho press differed ?with him on tuts and ?.?me ether questions they are auior?.?.? the sincs-n-st of the thou pand? of Virgttium who lain-ut that death liaacaMud out of tht? public service and irom hi? loviuarcouiuiunity of nlativosand I I - ?o gallant a g, ntleman. ?o sturdy a ?flDtuiocra, a? IIsuk? IUato??, ?>? Lou?loun. Tho Maeeachnsetu Editore? Onr UaaM??jtiu?cU<i frieuiis who arrived ? %-re Saturday evening were entertnined j that night at a ?upp? wlu-re ?Utisticii and ?rotor?., ?on?/ an.l seutiinent, were Judiciously sandwiched iu between the ?aterrr's ? our*???. huiioav avara nu? most of the visituir? at- i tende?! r?-ligiiu?a*.rvit;is. That ?ftoruoou j *'' ; ?"to purtii-s of two, ihre??. ? and four, and went U. dmu. r with various I titizens. I1" '-htest aud best feature of the prok'ratuiii??, as it gave the editor? an lu?:g.'jt bate ihe home lif- of Virginians. and biought tsstaB intoeiuietund favorable fljflaeteet bratk ?? preMjutalive p.?<.ple. Huudey ev.-uuig the visitor? starting out from the homne whore they bad diu?.d wero rinv? n in carriagesj to ]toiuta of interest in Bnd about the t:tv. It wat, indeed a tre-at to see fhe Cajntol Btiuere, OfctlBbortBO lark, I.ibby Hill. Gamble's Hill. Monroe and iieaer voir park? carji^t? ? m ih. iielnstt green, the trees full leafed and fiiJed wit? birds, while nearly ?re*/where the air was hnuiniit with] bl(v>ming ros-a, hone*, anr-kles, and migno? bar?. Kuu?lav night the hoepltalitiea of the? Chamber of Commerce and Kiehmorid pre--? were Iieertniii :'v ? .intinti???!, and JtA? terilay inorniiii,? Ih slattala ?tenmi-.l mit of the city, for Norfolk bound, aboard th?? simmer ToUbssts?'. with bafidkarabisCi wsrinf* to friendra aaiVire, ami ni?n> BX? Bi ?if ?.'ood will f? r liifhmoTKl. At Norfolk thai ( ike tbs stSMBsr tat Beaton. ??..?.t.-u? .? Crtmmnl <?.! (S|?e<iBi telegram to tt?? Di?patc_1 ??,??? iiiBj. Tf ??. ITbji It, OiiV?us Flo-nine baa cotnmnted the aeutafiee of ighti en-rear-old ?; oount*. ? ? ? baos rri? ? 1 iv. M;iy ? White ? :.. The commutation was at tbs urgent leojfiast ol th ? J a??.?<? and all twi Ire ??! tin?, ???-??.? i-i- ol ?tS Ui ?.??'?? Others. Hood's Sarsapariila I? a pern llar medlrrn?. If I? farafafiy ********?rs*l from Hat ?parili?. Pandi?!!?.??, Mamirxki?, ?*?'?."?:, ? na, Juniper fisntSB, ?ml Sthtg well? know it- valual.lo vci'i'Utlilo rcrn.-dli!?, Ly a peculiar ?ttnl.ln.itii ?. ****oya**ttaa ai.fl pteeaSB, . ??..(?G? .Sart-apanlla <?????!1t? power nut peaeease4B*feCsaraBseWsM. Iti > Abie cur?.?* where other mte\ ?ai.?? tall. Hood's Sarsapariila I< tho l>o?t blood purifier betas IBS p'lbllc. It eradleMca every Impurity, and Sana .Scrofula, ItM I'lir-um. Holla, limpie?, al! Humera, 1?>?? pepai*, Billoiitne??, Kick Betxtarh?. Indi. t?. Catarrh, I'? I : t BB ? Uves Cosa] Ubata, ovai team ? i!i?t tired tt* i Ing, create* an appetite, ai.ii 1/mkl? up the tydem. Hood's Sarsapariila ?a? met pseaBBar end nnpirallelt-d ?ufert? .it ?, . ?? :?.?pul,arity In Lowell, JI???.., wliero It I? mvl?, th;it whole neiitl.'tr btxxl? am Uklr? it et tho SBBBS timo. Lowell ?? Mil mare of Boorl'? BaiBBpaitflB ti .11 - ??????????? or Meeii pal . Irn^gist?. gl ; ?Ix for f *>. Prepared on.y Ly c. ? HOOD4 ? ?'. A\ rfheesriss, Lowell, baaas, 100 Doses Ono Dollar _J_VY&DAVIS GREAT SACRIFICE SALE OP Ladies' Jersey Dresses, Ml made of KINK -7IB8BT CLOTH and trim nifi with BRAID, ?to., innklng th-ru very do rlrablo for sea-shore or mountain wear, f .. DEESSES bow |t; ? iBiaena-fwfUS] M DEESSES bow $E O?BLABTAHDD-KPC?TOI? MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S REEFER ?JACKETS. f-'.lA('Kl'l?(N(iU' |1.?; I17SJAI KBTI BOS ILS*; tAM'ACEETi Bowltta IF JjJj VY&DAV?S Lovely G? ALLIES. Se. a yar 1; Fl'.l ?'.?.?? ??.:.?.? in:I .-?< OOUDS, ',?. a yard : Hollinante.d line BLACK SATIBK? largaPtSBBB, .l'i'lnr ii'iad?? SEAMLESS G??-?'G??G? 1IO-.K worth ??c., only ID ..??. a pulr : MKKtUMAi -HIKIINi. PEINTS, caw brie pat lf?i nt, IVC. ? ! i'l ; MlKI'llbltl) ??.?11?\??>(?1.1)??!???('01)? worth ?'??.. ' -rd ; t-iilid calera KEPUYB ???????? with elde tati.',-?, ?..riti )??',.'., fiilv 1 ?? . I: yard ; I ?. II?I 1.1 G."? we no?? TUelSMa 'idttllly CllALl.l_!l a.a ? nly 10a a yard n ? ; 10a ?????? CLOTBl we now eo'.l at 8v yai lj 7.? HTRIPBDMULLweeffsratSv? a vard ; 10c. l.lN'iN OB DACCA? very sheer aad titu?, In ; large pi??.????, at So. a rant ; : SA'l INES i.-i?? ?? 1 lo *" . ? a vani: lux:p?-,in?. .;,?.?. ..uaHty BLEACHED TAHLE DAMASK m w ?,?.??. ? yard : LADIES' Kll?UUr *?!..-? I s,.; ?. aplot-e, ?t.irth ?:.??. ? iQly two to each eoatomer ; (HlL'.'1'fc.Y.i ORAI JEBSE1 RIBBED VESTS only "><?. aplaca?oal** two io a 'ueiimer ; li-y?rl vi?? ol VALBNtMBNNE LACE IN HEU1 im. unit- v. for ihe ploeo. worth Be; SHELLwlui I "111 -10.-. usual price?cut down laie, a rard ; ? lallty TABLE OILCLOTH, the newest pattern?, worth 3*>c a yard? thia ?aie only ?M a yet 1. 1 hi? is a t.ii* tavluc. ?raoiALovnuum of bla? e laces, We will rivo a diAcount of in per c? nt. on the dollar on the mat ki-1 pttoes of any of our Black Lacca. Thu? our tl Lac*? for V V. ; Thu? our ?He. Leas (ur Sic.j Tl.ii? o ir tie. Lece f"r VI Ha.; lb ?- ? |i.n Lace lor.U.U)a;s TBaaoarfLtO ine??fori. V, ?- fuiU.t-r cuarant?-?? o ir marini prtt'oa ?o ho a? low, 11 not lowwr, iban you will buy tin-in in au 1 ilii? l? peroeal? extra yuu will nut '?ar* to duiafard. DLAi R BILE TAFFET? dLOVKS at lrx-.-out i down fr ot:? He. a pair. : lUAlN.s $:.??;. a pair cut dowu to 7lc. ; 11. V) 1*1 ItTAIN*- .ut down tn $1 ; i ?TA1M8 rut down ???$?.??>; ti (?'?????? ? nt dawn t?, J|.:h) ; ? UhTAIMS cat (Iowa tofe? fi a f Kl ?1?8 cut di.trn to t?*. S3 : UTAlNScuidownloltSO: $4 ?.? BTAlBScul dowa to*g. All better grades out dowu eorro.?pondln*{ly low, MEN'S 40c. Ol'i'iNi) 8HIK1 - HOY??? ?JITIN.. ?HIBTS -atnor? ?ell tbem at! Wl a-.l II ala al t?C \ TE1XOW F1UDKED LACK STHH'K HITXTIN?? I tor tlecorati?i', worth loe, cal down to 8?<?-?. a tard , LADIES* LINKS CAl'E COULAI-? 10o. iiuBllty for CHILI'HEN'S PARASOLSouly Ite. apiece, h' await you all oter the aivre. SicCd& JfiaitMnei, C03 BROAD STREET. t*ny20.?l I? ful Whlakey Habit? ? cured at home with ,-?**_ sM^dsefjnsiis . -IB.lI.WOOli-tY,M D. 'AUbbib,!,- i.uiiifiui'.j Whitehall St. imh _t-eodAwlyuiJ ui*iuNaMArn?\(ia-i have bi J MOVED to 810 M am alreet with a fall line of Matiiii??, Carpet?, Druggau. Oll-? loth?, Bba lr?, ?ollauu?, Lb???, Curtain?, t'omr-ce, Hug?, v??., ac. raper-Ilatirjtu**? of all ?tyl?? an?! de?l-u? which I am uflenui? at the low*?l price?. -or t-ltu ? -???-?????, Blehmoud. V?. BARGAiNS?WALL PAPER ??'??'???- ? -.?? et |>< | ? tlpeut wlueii ?, toa Sam _?, MadBu.1?? T* I raauAouur t-.xi .Ltl| lUlt.D 1*15 ?.i**>*t*tlrT mt BKWT ??? ?.??? ? fi? STO? ? ?"f^?S*tmr?J*. ?t????e_??_?e wa ?ai to til? ?K**?*?atM. at wtiulaw.1? pra>? Sat?- _->?*_??_? . l'Cti""1;, ?-'??'?~?~??.a?????,?_? FREE ' "rH"??? '-tt !?? ?ud? uiwiu -'- *? ",,l\ciu$.?.tta CtU'?r? laib tf-erni ? ?At an I 4 ?. eeu, bl. rau.DH.rHi?,?>?. 1-IKK. CBMJOIT,-FLASTKlt. _r. *J,?UVV/LAtal) UME, Jurrt ?G???<1 prr *ct??x.ner Alfred Keen, for ernie low from Teeeel Al???, in Bloca fraah HtMeottal? and ImiKtrt-d Forlland CeDieul, Calcined Flee'er. Ktrta-Ilric? ko. Kreah Unjuud Nova Scoli? Und Flaaur. ac! *??'? WAB.NEB ?????G ? J ?. GAN SS I.TH?U..MEK. GANSS & THE MILLINERY. h.aAtWi?e?AtSraJ? fe? SXSSS?SSS ?^? meut so'iith of ?BW G??? in tha Millinery and fancy Goods ?wm WebroBllfttolBtoBt trie? ind ? q ol Ie?? ? both 'IV ...V-,- 1 nn.l I n.ntnmeJ. etiit.i'.io tot toihnti, I t?M??. U^^oXi?y^,w11! rn. odx baWI v. BT1UW HAT?at i.e. wcro reduoed from 78, 88, aim Ou*., and yoa iw.bomic? to ?y-TiU.1 ABI ""* FANCY GOODS. W- lu-reertrythillg in ?Ulb aVputai ? Bed useful, u 1 rro rend ? Hot? ??.nitHiit ? ? ibi?J coks ? t s : cors ? t s : Aa ve h?T? determined to cloM ont t I f?rtWe onr advertise n nt in I ISaturdaj ?] .pere U ? Botk* sfsBweoatt?? GANSS & CO., 113 KAST BROAD STREET, Between First and Second. Johnston's Nolandine FOE THE BLOOD. LIVER, AND KIDNEYa THI I'KST IPBIMQ MEDIUM: IN THB WORLD? NI?BTT-BII Douta u. jj?n ? [ NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! Just received ot our own tmrirts'i ? ? fro-n tt:?? best English ani G??? km i limi ? UNNI.:;-?', ? s, TK.A-hC;?, and WASHbTANIJ surra Is complete aad at price? ts tt-eir true value. ??ur sUH-t of FRBNCH, CHIBA, sad CARLSBAD CHINA, DIBNBB, TI:a, OYf CBBAM, OAMB, and FISH SETS I? larger an?l to suit tliotnn?". Onretockoi HOUMFDKN18HINOt?O? ? ..... Our Hwckof OLAHSWARB l?com| sto and el tb? ? M ilsrno ta HOWL*!, WA TB* tBTt, Il .'-? ???? StT?, ?.?'.?.?.?. Ain; ?-lis. l'ili HI .'.? ?, Pit E9 ? it VI ?????-,? ?????-G??????:. . ?. ? other art:?:?? .?.??, fnrtn the cheapeet to tne flnest ' HLVKR-PLATKU WAKBls largo an I variad and of tn?? best nui???s. We have a lerfe stock ot FANCY OOOD? well ? lor br! i'.i pr?ss?Dt?, ? ?. Vie, invite ail Wi.? may need gool? In our Hue to ?ivi im a call? We will try to mat?? II to thMr inieiset to parch see of us. E. B. TA YLOR & CO., 1011 cast Main Sf. [ap*? you cet the;vvronc sort? 'the right JON IRECiLUDRE?Rt. TOP He M-OodAwtAu?lJ Ire ?i Go?d" f? Decorate ? Hevitif* BaXSptS*] the aguncy of the L'.MTIJ) STATES FLAG DO?PAX? Wl HAVE OB BALE ALL BINDS Of Flags and Decorations, Which we will eel! at the LOWEST WHOLESALE PUCES. Panica will raro ini ri")? bp ealBag on u?. II. ?. ??? ? ili?, bina Palace. 1013 MAIN STREET. DAISY A1H-KIILK, death Io epnrrnw-t, BEPSA1 INU AUMUELE, ihuotat.5 times witii. out roloadiDC. my lij-F.t 1'u GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "Hy a thoro iKh knowU?dt*a tl the natural laws which garera tin? operation? ol dltfosttuu and nuiriliau, aul oy a can-ful application of the tin? imperile? i.f'weil-eulectad (???*?. Mr. ???? bra? prmfld?? I cur hr.'akfa-d. urti.-s with a ii-ll'-ately fiarore ? erera**? arhleB may eare ??* many huai}? i -, It ts by the ' . use trf bu? ? ar.i. io? at diet that a roaailluilua ii.a> be credualtr train ap unni etrung ?eouxb le reeist erery lead ear*- t.? ttandre?li Ol autillo maledloa era fioatto** aromad ii? r. air to attack whererer there in a weak p"iat. Wo may eeoape many a fatal (haft ly ke-pin ourfotvca woll fortt*i?d wtlh purt? blood an 1 a pn.perly uiturUdie' frais..?.''-?'iri?-vrric? (x*. ittu. Made ?implT with tiotitnit wat'?r or mila. Bold only in haif.pi.iind lina hy grOOsn? latini! ?1 tt.u.i J.VMKH hi*!"*. ,t CO., Bon nl.U. LonJou, Euj-iaui. an li-??, luAlhly ORGANIZED 1865. COMPANY. ?a 1000 raet Main ?tree'., Richmond. ASSETS._.t_SO,000, Solicita INSUBANCKON ALI. CLASSES ot K1SK.X tn CITY and CO! N'T ? Y BEBjasI ??? AND UOHTBINO, Charge? rea?otia*jle. Lo-we? promptly adjusted and paia. HEWlOMi * Jcrxia UKOKyt I. CHHISTIAN, Vice Prealdent; JOHN ?. BLLETT. Pre?tdt?ni ?tate Dank of Virf-lnla, JAMES ALKHKP JuNK??, ?. ??. bUWE. K. T. U. BY -HS. JulIN ????t, Da. jfiiiN MABOBT, b. 11. nAWES, f. Bl l l'?".DINO, J.M. Kill IttvrUBAN. I? D. CKBNSUAW, Ja? M. V. RANDOLPli7?'re*ld?nl; K(?. _ HirilAlfDsu.N, Secretary ?.'UAHLLSK. V. IL! IS. A?.?Liant Secretary; fe l-eodom I. b\ _am.'.n, boiicttcr. LIVKRV AND BIKING STABUB, NOTICE TO MY FRIES D3.-A-* AND TUB PTJBUC GENERALLY. ??? thai 1 bar? Omt-cla?? t'AKRIAt.E.*!. Kirn*_(iNIl CABS, lliiKMKS and ni'<;<;iKS ! ?ik MIKK. bt.. clai ?tiention paid Ut ?MJAKDlNi, luiKKlCa. l'o lit? aud Uoruler?. All-i,i?r_l .-ilatti?. '?"boo? No. 816. JAMBS McDOVOI'till A CO. myl?-Sa? Nail north ? .bthatiaei II UMTl III?. *r. V?TABLiKflED 1830. " ?*? pa_?To?~bKLV[.**, JmW FURNITURE ieOa?*?iBor atreei. Hicuinou-l, Va Idairri w? hivq now on ?)ur counters upwr. tli? u-?'.! pounds 'if WRITIItO-PAFBB. em !)G?'????; Bond?, !.????:??. Cuiaiii Plate, and wmto ?to k. i UwiD we car?, t., turrr at this swu????... l:i ?rlr ? ?ill so msny reams of each kiuJ et pel -? ? ? ? r before heard of. ? PBBBCB BOKO ROTB-PAF1 a qua ? KBNCH BOND N0TB-FAP1 ' a.j larter re .'AI.-I.INKN I ACKBT-N ? quart? r r. .?. ; S(3IAL-lfOTB, , ...'ri. sin ; ii? FIRST-CLAM ? "????a'1??.????? ..-?? r roani : a? ? ????-????? (rated an?! plaiuj,4?'??. a .parler ? 41 resimi BBAB PI WL!. Baled ai ?1 plain), M '. a .(uartor reSsBfl ; M rrsni? FINK ?'\Ut II VKM'-NUTE (rulel end piati . i'-r We wish It dtttlactry un lorstOOd that tho Ta? pfre alvortiip.l are strictly f!r->t ?-la.?* . and st prices advertised a?? ct'Dt BO If you don't BOW it elll pay juu to buy and huid it HUNTER & CO., NUI-ERS ID STUMERS, tSSEASTBBOADBTBEEX, [?1>,??%?.,t?????? II. AV. MOESTAU lUKASTMAINSTK?Er, Pine Iec-Cteam AND Wat et-Ice s, WWW IND CONFECTIONERY. Wll?LBSALB A.*iD KBTAIL Wsl ?Ines, Partie?, sad Plc-???? turnlshod at lowest rales an?! atahurt nolle?, mh i-Sa,TnATMm I ???? BAVIN?S BANK Ol?1 RICH? MOND, Cosimi ov BLirsirra tan Mtis ?t???p ('AiJlTAU$J?3u.iJoU R. A. PATTBBSOS. L Z. MORRIS, President Y !c?. President QBORUB N. WOODBRIDQK, Cashisr. Biuan or dibbtobs: ittort* u Christian. W. R. t-uarli-a, ?. ?. Owens. 1?. Whltlocix, 11. Theo? dore Kursen, Vf. H. /imnuTiusti, ?. AlBot?, II. t?. Davis, II. B. Tallaferru, M. M. Cillllam. U / Borri?, John i'ops, ?rlu Klttsrdlng. John II. I>...i..??-i?, .lohn w. liordou, N. ti. llanero?/?,, Henry Bodetor, L. B. Tatuin. f!. Swloel-nl. Jame? Lyon?, O. O. Valentine, ?. heldon Taylor, llermauu Schmidt, li, F. Johnson, sud B, A. Pat tonton. Deposits r.?.-o!?ed in ?um? of Ooo Dollar aad UpwacrJ?, aad intoraet allowed. VOAM BAUE OS KBAL EUTAT?. N?fotlable paper llacourstad. Open daily Uli a P. M. ; oaiurday? till s G. M. la U-Tu,?h?Ma O?R OP IU I L? U 1?ERY, te , ?at 22a YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. UllS HETER 4 ?, 601 am! 603 Broad etwet ??.or. MraTtTfJonar SPECIAL SALE? I los ui y and (?loves. sir Uale-??G ' ':ravn. Taue, Bi at ??. and Black?at 1 lr Mlk Taffeta?In ? Black?el ? lair : I TafT??!a ' Mil ? I, 18, BS '? ' ' ?. ; Cream silk M a'? Black Ribbed ItJf&Hose at Be. a pair ; ICO dozen Children'? 1 Brown, and '. . -. .jnnlitle*? it' . . pair : pair; Ladies' Extra-I - nd, state* air : ISAAC SYCLE & CO?, JOJ Broad si reel, MBBTBIBD. \\V. ARE DAILY BECETVIKO V. ',' il <? IOD8, WHIG I OODS, LA( EMBROIDERIES, far Hi? ? ? warm weataer, a a! In rr ? Ing down "??? pi ,??? ? . ( all VYORSTED DBESS GOODS, BILKS, TRIMMING SELES-, AND VELVETS. AT.onrr the latest attractions we m BLAU K DBAP?KY ' l| aa, l-mund, aa ? ?...... n asti all aUk ai rpf yard : BLA? li VAILLE FRAN?AISE ut Re., formerly il : BLACK ?? ible warp. B Inches irly H : ? M KAI1 for , --all sllk ; Il LAI K CBIN -. -I?.' All ??' oar PB] ? '?. SILKS r?.?: Ko. Wei-fT. r pr"??' il u III . ? " ? . ?. III.A? ? BAT? IB, Bl M K INPBKl BLA? 1 GOLOUED W 'Its. ire th?? fi.? -? beautiful Une > ? Oln lieta, ?? ? !. GOODS. ? Especial st a ' calli ? looar "-iptrbae ?a-1, Van Dyke, and .rd iipeard. A 1"! of ? mark??.! . I ? eut? le aebanc? I . ??. o. MATTINGS! MATTI? la or 1er (?> re lu re o ir ittlnss we :.?- all of oar Wait ? ai. ? Pana Mattln ta . ?. Ill' l/.LEK'SSONS, my ?O-TuATb ""*?_ G PECI AL BACRIPIOES THIS ?_) v. ?; ? ?. DBAPBBT BETE, allty Hlak Ki?li Net marked down to \ ? Mil*. ILI9 All-Silk D ? now marked \ ? ? III?. |?.;.? wn? tti?? pr. ni a aun n b quality and ele? pa ut j attero Draper? Net \? a navo 'uat marked Ii fi.IJ A YAltD. *?*? lili I GOODS. 6\?'? Check? '. irked ; .? Y Alti*. ie. India Liutii now redo I ' Ili?. 18a India Linen, ?xtra Una and ?hr-or, now only ????1?'. M .BEI !? I <i\VN*. dur 3'a. e\tia-? la.ity Kamvy _aUln_ now marked \ ? Mil). Our???.?. Fan-y Mattina, e we lient pallaras arati quality, marked down 11 ? YARD. A few pl6.?-a left of the U ??. Whlu? Mattlnj we aro itt-HIng at I '..'? ? ? ????. The SO*, ijualit? Fancy Mattings now go at Hi. A Y A ? I). Orsstrsdasttoaa IBB week on Batting Homi DKRSS GOODS REDUCTIO*, I:?*'*. Cballteen..? Wh'. A YAKii. WoalCballlea, ralua ?."?_. now only I*.?. ?. YAltl). l!*'-,c. t'eehuierui, naif wool, Lave been re. duced to ? ? ? D. ?,'??'-????*? Mal.:, Lutili? width, waa ??*-*-?., now A Y AHI'. Ynrd-wtde AII-U -, Plaid? ani ?trip.?*., tbat were W??.. now reduced to a YAKD. SS?*. Henrietta?, new light aliedtia, bare bean reduced u? A YAKD. 88-tm-h All-Wool bort,????, tbe <52*-/?c. quality, re? duced ? I- . A YAKD. . Nice assortment from flrsi-clai?? maker? at 6 **,!) Uc. ACAB Uie, MlTTKLDOKFKK. my 13-Tu_Th ??? Broad etreet. BOOKS, STATIOMKY, Ac. mWO HEW 'VIEGINIA BOOKS 001 DISTINdflhllED PELLOW-CITIZEN. Hy Carlton McCarthy. Plates and portrait ol the ?utbor. Itmo., paper, bOc. WITCH OP J AM ESTO W**. A Story of Colo? nial Vtrjlnla, in -hiding Bacon'a KebellluQ. Hy J. T. Bowjer. Pape.- We. ; iKtard 7*??. my a) BANDOLPII k ENCLISI!. ?S ^^MILI.INl.KY. VMMEB ????G??G. Mas. I- B. MORRIS baa juas ratarned* froio New York and will have ? UKAND SUM? MER OPENING on THURSDAY, MAT ?SB. ?. ??I arali aayaeif of tht? opportunity to In? form tbe public tbat I bere mylame mlllinBra thai ha?e been wl'.b me for tea years, my 17-41 Hal A III) IM.. ? KW YOKK, ?? VING PLACE, Ni*. ?l, one block from L'nioo Squar?. Band toaiely-furalaAad rooms, etugiy or M euii*. aiood Ubi??. ai|/7-4t mb_ DA?BT, ?. ? ?*? n r h hii'ihi? HANOVKI'. ACADEMY, A PUAI TIM I. \SD WFLL ? OCATCD G1.?G?, Is (If'RN FOR RI'MMf.K IHM ?IlKA, ?'?.uve. ?aiiint to tl.o KichiiHin.i. Fi .? lortokStnurf and l'<? ii,--ie?'ralir.'id aii'l lh'?Hep,.is'(o sn.J Ohio rail? way, fror p*rt'?.?nai ?is, ,..y ?... ? Une. J. ?. TAYI.f'lt. tnySO-'jw laylorsvill 4 G ?? G STA WHITE B?LPH?R Jh. ??????!?. ?'???! (lap, Vs.. M ' I 0 railway, ahoul aalt tri'?? (r ? au l night?!?? D '?f BIMBI ?:t?l rn?*r?? Matti .? . .???ti.le to the aito? I of tr.e ? ? ?;?. wttn !?>>? any room the Bseuaieins? oat? ; n..r. ?.;:!..' ?. and I Mail an 1 letef . t t circulate. ?? .? STA ifHlTBeCLFBUBePRINGrtCO., DiNt ? npHEWflll I A I Mt'.'tlMA. This ?t?*?! BBALTB ANO FLBASTJRB BE. ?itoRT, ?rt?i ?? v*"1 serai ? ? than a Century, flifah 1 hU-h up lit thn Alte? ?--??(XWfeotaDo?? tho level el tho rea? with an MVBBl ! ???? \M) Vt> COMMODATIOlfl FIBS WILL OFBlf FOB TUB BBl JLM'.l, : r.?r paini'tile:?, flviug tu] ?.-ii'?;' to Ii. i ray ?????? _ ? WEiNTWORTH, NEWCASTLE, N. II. !;.vV !'.".\l> STATION, PORTSMOUTH. ?, I! . tin: t y Bili ? bee from ?vory Irais TB! FA8B10I IBI I BBBORT Of TUB B0B1 H BHOBB. OPEN FOR SEASON JUNE Befei ral Joseph R ! ! ? 1 ? FRAI SI'KU'I.IM?SI'I?I ALUM, SULPHUR, AND CHALYBBATB shenandoah'moijntains, VA. i t and Virginia mi untalna, ? u? r?. S ni ? r eli ? .l?ir. < III C H ESTE luv l.-Th.tsuJ LONG BRANCH WEST END HOTEL? COTTAGI 8 \n.) ? ? ? JUNK Ura; BOTBL OPBNS J Traaslenl ratea, *: ? ?r day and upward?; week? ly rele? I). ?. No? ? __ 8PRIN?K3 AND 'Uli*?, V> Il ?'?II' .-!IIi:i: G'' NTV. W, V \. ? BALI ;v in roN. ?? L'PERB! L'M . ? 'ical an Joli, ? W. II ORKNEY SPRI?GSi .. v.v. BUMMBB RESORT ? * ? saltD ? d ? . ' ? ?ry low diiriiiif th?? entire suniiner ,. make? it th?> this hl?hly-fe ? : ?*. ? ?'. Good livery, sxcallenl 1 le .untrr. For ctr lu?an aad ?? ? my !.;?? ??I :m HOTEL METROPOLE, tDB IT, ?BVBNTU W rOSTT-FlBST, AND FORTT-BBCONO ST.??., ?. TOMS. European Plan. !? ? $1 mir day oui upward. Coolestaad ? . l, ; in 'i ? , Lsjr. Ah? ? it QRBBM ?PI i' : j . ??.??, rssi*?,? i*i. JOTICB TO 8?B8CBLBKRS TO X AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY. BUBS .8????" RIGHTS" of this company cao secare same by ?? certificete an I depositing ?ani? a . .n ?t I ? ai ... wi-.'i tu labsertbe to tho UNPTJR CHABRD BALAM EVI THE RESERVED PRR? 1'?:?<?;.?.;?? s PBB CENT. ?STOCK oasi d alsrulnj? tht? appltcatlOB ??,r ?an whii-hwiu eiutti* subscribers lo such allotment a? may t>.? matin of ?aid Bel . Th? nitht to 10-shar?) inbscrli noes win ?xjiiro .'?th o? May, and tt ? I Uta bal? an? ?? obi mbscripUi?n? for samo n-.ade by that i : ?? fnrtb ?? . ?,???. TfiOMiJ BBANi ii ? BaBBOfS, ?Ita ' M "slain ?treet. TO LEND, ?IIM, It, . ?. . '. tPLISACO, mh 3 .-HuATutii-i SALEM, VA. ?,??? SALEM LAND COMPANY ui'. TO IB] L THK1U SERIE?! "C Ott BBW CAITLB, CBAIQ COUNTY, ITU K, PABTALCI .? 1*11 IHABB, PATABLB fl FBI BONTE l'i ?? t-.;lAK3 i stili, li avi: BBBM PAIA. This seri?t I ?'? isk'-a an.l ?-lose?! Send erdera wih t'..? f l? t>?-r sharo to OBOBOB AJJJEN, 1' ' l'ut and Manstf'T, erCBABLBtC ????????, 'Dtary. Wehavi taten stock In the WEST BALEM LAND COMPANY ?cd ??>?Blsee i It to our friends. HilseOttliltnae ? "Iva I ea l Information gtttmbt Blamt L tJTAijLKs a 00, rar l?-iodlm_HU?! Main atreet rpo LESSO, res ?ir flvo year??city Improved Diuinjr.y only. MANNIN ? ? . Mtl'LRS te.,., Real Esta'.? and !av?.stm?ut Agvnis. my Ij-eod-M ? st.Wi.v Wi I *?! BJM. LACKANlM'I.VYl'iA-? for ?owiiifi tor feriiilMrs. rt?JiKLLs-)A>iM'ri!KK!'ulATOEa, htet (or llantina* bow. GERMAN IULI-?G ANO OOKGIJIM for sowing for fodder. T. W. WOOD A SONS, Sosrstsmeu. my ::.?Htwi?t Rlciuaou.i, V?, FISUK.RMK*? S ?iPI'Urs, aiTBTB. ?BEUiEH, AUD J3I TW1NKB ?^^^^^^^ NRT*1 and NETTINO of alt ?lads maU to or dar, also G??*?** ???*?? for us?? U Ul'111'K?ltvraiN'SRONH, gol? Import?? ot the Olebrsted Uoa Hrand ?*lein?T*??rea4, eorn.-r Ssv?nt?enih noti frauklia stro-sts, mh3u_lUebmood, Tfc ??????? ?So. TUt?l KrrtlVjvi), ANOTHEH IX VOICB ??? OOI.0NQ Q?NPOWOBB ANO KN OU8H BREAKFAST TEA. BUU McCABTBYAH^YBlBis ABC -r om ? o ABC EXPECTORANT la l?t-Ttafin? -m? r**-->rtel br a ?a*"n?*il jHf?ir?ia aul ipculat te | '? < ?\ BtUI - A '! - ? laarasareaBaeof BleeddiM?eei ? ? ? ? nicer? iiad I : . . ? : 80LOBYALLDR Treatise oa J A. B. C. CHEMICAL I 17 ?outh iaelftn Itmt, BICH .;.-?, ik ? JiW ARE ?0UB EYES? GOLD GOLD ? ' ' ' tra?.? ? . DR. S. G ALESKI, C - . . ' ? ? I ?II. /1GAL - - -. i?. .?I?. l-'itl?. . S. !' ?EPaatTi kr or STuaKR?. Jii?LAlfEI.I? . BICI BOND ?.?;?) - I*, i. ? . ? li . .' IO Bf A NT, a ' " ' ' .'?. ' ly TITESDAT - Ta.??, i ?I Frita??* ?ta ? . ? . 'V tut tarlner ta?c-niet! >a ap:?'.- te J H [CE, Ueueral Scatti ero I r ? w Ou'. (ieueral A? - ? k_?* ron n Steara* IUAY at S 1*. M . Hteam ?-.nonl ? M., airlT'.iig : ?. ; ? I'M ? ..???> to Now York ?? 1)1 I Kenn ? trip ?. / '-.ya after date ot laeua. ? ? Bleerae ? .HI t?.:??] . rail? way. .. Ufi Cabin lereMS K?c?heuu ' a. I ? Mains?ro?t. I ? ' I 1er ?? I oTS. ? *rl. ? ? W a!).*?. . I -. ??-, ? ? ? , . . - ai ? aa 1 O?lu rai ? ?r 'ia , ? ?t- it. - .?. ? . I A. M.. oarJK'.r- ? .?.?*?? ? ? till t . 4. T7IBGINIA BT E AMB< ?AT. :,,__?" ? > , ? ,? :,<al__?__Ha ; NOBr?LK.Pl . S Cl.M?! MON 1. - ... . ? ? t I .' Q ' ; r?.p?. ? lu ???? ? ? ? ?OWIIA LAN IC ?. - I Ni, ? ? I ? ?? - . ? - I.l (. , . mi, Creigli! . ANCHOR LINE. 1.1% I ?.G???. ti.? dl I.l HKIOVt ?. ? ? G*? ?? ROSSI " fi ? M ? ? ' i.l .-..u?.*. -? ,., ?? ? . , ?|? \. * \ 1.1. ??,?'.? 11 i IHM? . . -a . . i il:. ? ??. ? ? ? ' Por ? niatia-j ... ? - York; ?p??????? W. AoL: ' - ini^iiy : or .\ STATE LINE. GLASGOW, LOMCNDERRY, BELFAST DUBL1K, ?VERP-JOL & LONDON. ..V TBDB80A ? CabinPai-?aT>$3*5to.p5'J, a-cordlno lo Icuiusaol BtSBNase*. t*cjrai *n $6j to $'JS. etecntf. to and tmm -.?-ilute?. AL'?.TlSB_LB?!?,itCO.,t?tn.,ful ?.,.-nt?.. 63 Proadwar. NLW YORE ANI' p. 1 A. ' my h- lt**o4A**S-, BAII.B1111) tilia KICHM?ND CITI AND BE ? PINES KAILBO ? ?a tr? ctiL ne?i wltB ali H Arri?? 1 rs Anrrra m :.? itiii ? ?. ? . ? ?. - ? - a. \i. :. ' . 1 1:1. P. V. .' K, ?' tlil*. M. ;..?iKM. 7:i I*. M. a.uu p. B. tTTKA IB . LB B A. M. L LbL n isa. m. :. I :. ? | . 1. ?1 . . ' . U l*. !.. i-UOP.I m. T:!*, P. M. '? ? >'. I '?? i'? B. Kouiai r. ? eut?, ra ?WUMVlLLK AND POWHA?AN KAILKOAl>. UKNEKAL OKHCti. Mi SA>T MAIN XTKKICT. KmmVVlM IN EVfMTAEBlL k, irM ABBlfB AT BICUMJM*. EiS A. M., ?ta litcboicnd and DaurfUe raitroa?l, Irt.m Kannwil-, Aatti C'uii'.Lf rliiud OBa**a_e****a> Sai 1111 f?iile, TobaciOVille, HalUrlile, Ifelaii??, IV? - hatan Cuurlbou???, h'pi? *?'* .?'?..?, \% mierpook. ??? salmjaart??, ltlj P. M-, nu Klc li tintiti ?ud l'.ti.tMi. read? bara wint-rpock. Sub rath 1?? du -, Beeca. and r?? LBAVK aicaaoMP. 8:00 P. M?, rn_ Ulr?mond and L>?ii?it'o rallrtad. for larmtdile, OiniierUad Court bou?-, LOwbaiau U. iri?ou?*?, aad all liilcraiedute ??????*. 5:1*1 P. ??, .?a l.KbiU?Ud aud P-t?nbu _ rail? road, tor r?pp??'? faiu. %> intoritaaMi, and all Intel medial?? (toial*. All trata? dally saeeae Miuday. Kor UckeU, ttaii(s*HC??-a-heck?. ume-Ublia, Ac, eell upt'u A. W. (?Ai.itUK, Klfbt-ond auJ !>*_? rlilu railroad, aud ltuinuiuini att?! P??.it?r?burt* lAilroad. !'? M. hi CKlMt.UAM, Oeuvrai Pa*??Ji?B*er A*eu(? -JAMBS ?, Wsstu, Ueueral Bata^faia A? Bl l-.AIt ???*??? ? ?*?G??. a '1la:*'1i?; OOAfti UIE I'-iOND /.V, ?.? r?tfl?-,. ?'?m?n???-'.- ?.? ?T ABB le* ? ' i i I ' ' ? Wl 1 '? ? ? ? ' -, I ? ti rl '? ? ? >? ? '? Klein mW ? ? ?... ???.ni '.'jiar. 1 I ? ? West ? : 1 A. M, ? ' t ?UJ V ? ? ^bbVb^bb^bbs^bIbwH ?? - : ? at? ?J-00 A. V. ? I'. ?'. U9M9M9M9MJ9M ',. 'A'.?-rs?. K[OHM()N ?. AN!? : | ? ? TUA. \1. fi ? ? V . ?H?, F. M. loa??? Itj fcsjjA. M. a-'i?. ? ?s M. ? - -, v .? - ? \* aani ?;.?.???. l ?. ??Ht. M. arri*?*? ?i rlyt . ? la,,' ? II?*. B. !?N?,so HIN*, r?? ? toe ? ja. ssseiaflesdaBfle SUI' -, n ????.?-? ?? u?, - ?.?SA. M. ?miss ?.'.??. ?-?? ? ? ? ?. ?? au a. it ? Strssl?UU.4 I?ar?s A? ? ? a. a. B.srr.-? at U-srss A. : B. C. A TAT? A. T. i?. M r ss?. .. rai ??aortal VOlU'UUi. AND WastnUtLN il ?cbsiu'lt *, ??/?.? * TWO iKAi-M? ULT TO ? i.Y.V ' I* LBAVB Bit tii.i 1 ?/.???? I ?torsba.? kl V , : t ... ' ' - Bramir?? s ? ?. M e, s. U is. r. ??s r i? r's.ersbur.i I ? ? ^L?a? ara si ? Warn Bel P. V. . ? t t?r?hsir| ? l?ove a. dauy, arrinas 1?. tt 11:SU P. M. L? ? ? . ' - ? il ? ? 1 ?lia Trais ??? .?? ?? ?. . I. M. for Fe l??r? V ?sAontaS, Su! BJJ . .aal a***. li.JOA, ?l. 1 L;o t? ? PCLUUB ?-?ir-IN ? v*?t A.s.? ?? ? Dio, l-f?tspiag-cer trota f?t*r.i?j-< w ?Slthuul iLM.ia, '.a Ut-M I.M., ?J. l Lyo./rrti?,:* s. ? ?ut ?tiau?*? ^o? s-L???*a?*"e? io Kssbm, aad a?*????? 4, . uwtiesMi tonato, IkssUs us?ss*-?-<l:ecl?, ? 1 ?v. '? ' ' rauh? cOiaiu?.?! ?si Hiohisv???*! ?ai <??????? ? rs?.ir?v*J d?s.o, A. W. ... t?, ?, '.-?. oi.aai???v-?.'ii'iiaay'??c?-?, ai ??sel a?? ? ??t?***? a. ?? i'??MJt?<r i?*?*?? W. B I ?-n?r??i ra??O*ai As???? Casatse??. Eon?. ????.????1*????, ii^?V?r?a,-*,l?saaos.?*? Vs.