THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLK NUMBER 12.11.5. RICHMOND. VA.. TIIURSDAY. MAY 22. 1890. THREE CENTS PEI. COPY. YE DEMOCRATS, VOTE! KEEP YOUR PLEDGES AND ELECT ALL THE PRIMARY NOMINEE& I-rnrmalirm Corn r-, rtlng To-Daj-'e Cnn t,?; I'.iiirlrfn Honra for Ih? Bal? lot itir Votlng-riH?????. Ac. a:i'^?*B?t ???t ballot for uftt.d inthe pr.inarv of Shonld bn promptly ? avery !>eino?*rat in ito i?'spettiate i .? ..i.r ? it] nii'l (??? ati , ? -. , , I | : ? mi ??. iM, thi? mom .- ..-.'i tarentj one aam? :!"ll lit tS ili the ? in which tr? ,? ? -i.rat ?moor ? ? ? ?it to the , , ?? I be " ?? ol t and 1 . ? - ? Tur. ? ? nor.. ? ??. Cnnning rj | - . - plan per ? ? ? ir?? each of these ? - I nary sniered ni lulo, ? I ..?.. ?'.Il,o .'. r an in il 1? ? I f"' t?) ? 1* n? ? t ?. 1 ?ni : ? iriniry. -. i) o lists ibal ? - | ? ? n and WIU ? ?ri?? ?. Bibbi. L B, Oi'vrge R l.uiuer, a ???? . ?lilldrey, ? u.??. an 1 U. h. Jo)u?l. ?t I. ?? Al.!>. ? I i.'.t: J?*e;ih C. l'i ?er??uii and John : \V. H. l'arti?, Adam sa, Jnhu Manu, Jr., W. J. ? ? ? Ft BOTI ?V. t\ ?alley, John * , ?? ? -.arp. ? lav wa p??. SB ? G. l'a.I? ?nd IV. f*. (lutin. ' ;-. t sapa?!*, li. I ?.. t. Ui.uaioL.. C. I. riiilipa. ???1 John ft. sao?: If. A. Jacob, J. V. ??. rylaa JAIISOS \A V.BJ). ? , r? ?iv wus h?id the Ilerno tl Council ? ? the tteld m Jackson Ward, the foil"?? in,: ticket was . for to-day, I work it ? ted, a? l'iihliiau? hare two set? uf uomi lAleersae?: Carles fa. I'titi'ip?, ? 11*. ii. pea ai loba ? eitreil, J. B. . I-? W. Wagner, W. ?. ????. aud D. J. ??' Ble Batatal Samuel brillen, ??cLas. W...-l-,ai,d \V. i? KlOl.srJi-'U. ?"!?(...rl lt., Vt.uilr.e.-. The foUowing will prore interesting r lie] . ?icans who have ? ? ?? -j. boasting that certain of tbe - v.,uid support ?Smith 1 iheii iaJBeaoe m his behalf: 11* .?,.;.,, .rfr. M? iu th* Primary: .? u> no ut nay po*l ? ???. iu ii? couita? u.'.iii.-ipal ??????????. I du?ir? ; aul y< u lor it? s ?. iN.rt weih -ne tu tli? let* primary, ant now Uiat , l?ovej and our naity uoiutue?? are de? jara-1, i w?^ IM( ,0 m^j^^i uj. ??a? v?*rr??|>a?jtfiui?, H.A. C'ABTSS ??i_,V';'''? *ui* *?*? *-'??*?' in tiia?kie? oer | irieiitt? ter tbeu BueiHirt la Ut? let* n/taiarr. We ?hall stand by tha parly?? nominee and we urge our lril. .Ik-xiosOct. ? Batman City I'enio?*raii : t?ininiltce, ?/B?tera CTairataa ?.'?? ft *n<>r*rafir - I win ?tate, la npry to Iba unasltea ' bove, thfit ? was :..-,., Unni tore? |...ani. ;, a? captati) ol ? ?lice wh-?u I ran ?'t. Tba Mea wa? never raca-seted - Hie ???? or I'l.iic?. ? BramlMtonon ?r ? I?'- In aulbl r.l). I r.-'ii' ? I !. Ippartmnol no to ti o date of my ? aeClty Berg? ant. iourttr?ily. lAMU BL Tn Ba. A M ?m???? to Ilio I'iililii. Democrats, examine rour tlckete to-day, ? - rith Smith's name in pi ? ? ? a oircu ? t by this old frick. 'Ihe I'.fttirn?. The retaras from tbe rarioas precincts will be brought t?? thn room? <.f the Pow connt? ?. . ticket? ;. and roten should exercise ? i ?se scrutin] to ?? ? tbet the r ball I ? and inai nono of ' ell. Little ??|.|?????1 inn In Murielle?!??-. ? lie people of Man' bester will also have en election I 'it?- officer?, and a ,'.??? and a Justice of the ? meaoh ward, ihe Republicans ' G? ti? ?..?? in ti?? fn Id, imr ha'.?? lin??? m.n!?? any aominations for council nun or iusti? es ??xcepl m t!,.? Third Ward, ite will probably be larger than m any other part, ot ? in- ? i? ?. ing is til?? Democratic ticket : I ' ' "II. 1 ..? Com mon wealth'? Attorney: (liarles L. Page for City sergeant : it. r'ti'jern'd. : ? ? ' Beven i? : Samuel R. _ : i? S ? ? ? u. a ?. ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ? rump, : t . ? II n II 0 d bs, r. ?. ? ?? i ti n 0 Tuta'?... ?O ? IS H Ofl !? koutnion?. _ ?__? ? .0 O ? n O t 0 ! n u t i? 1 1 l x-?*? , n.?vi Barri? bat l'iayrr?, ? : Playera, b; U ?m ? k os, -. Player*, g; liomlolona, L ? -, ?. Paatod Doubla n t. -tratti. aad Lai uche; Palmer aad Harrttoa. l'inplra? ?.??????. a??une hour and forty-nvo miaut??. Beware of Rogna Democratic Tick?!?. Thorn i and ? - i r< ? ? ? - ii JOU are lud elill. 1 nto voting one, whfo ? dd oe ? . rote for ?mil b instead of I'll??. THE NEWS OP MANCHESTER, lrteil for ??,,???, liiiHlsln? Contract Awarded -Penosa), A?. John Plachatae (colenti) w?.? tried In the ? lei la ? ?t? Um euarge of ? ;,r r 00? Of ?liarle? ? t iir. ?it Itqnora, rigar?, ftc. II ? urm found guilty, f?w-? K.SJ und cost?, and ?cut te 'all fer iliilil ? fori . tue oil-work? fertile Fallii. , ly bas rrliii?iideiii HlauhiUKi'hlp in renard to takii ? (lie BCbOOl Cl??' I In? tuo i.r Hire,? en-?.? Infero Hin Mavor'a lerday morning aenofan nniropt rtaj.t ?? ?w. neci ? ?ornee nero iiued for ? rly in t' ? street Mi. j?.?-?fi LaPrada m ' neeterB?!?, he* Be? ??!:???.1 !,1? map 'f tl?e pr?.|a???? railroad Inim Ml ii..Urin to I <'Uiaha?vk churcb. ?Irs. Mein ?? ???\1???? lii*r iiieat st?r?? on Hull ?r gleveotb remodell?!. Mr, W. o. Wilkinson, ol Beady Point, g?u?ri.l travelling agent oi tbe Petersburg au.l Norfolk ? i'Siiy, wa? m lb? clly yrstarlav, and ftev. William 1!. C'!iri*?i.i a, of Hampton, ??a? in tne city TuMdey alterni on. Mr. John t'. Botartene ntaraed from haiti moro yesterday. HAND BADLY MASHED. Mr. IVMBMBO i?. Wslilrt.n Hurt White Try? ing lo Jump ou a ( ar. Vestenlay evening Mr. Ivanhoe K. Wal dron, who is engaged on fJary Htivet in th?? mannfaetnre ??? tobacco maehinery, at t? :: pt? 1 t?? ji!i!i|> on an eh-etr:?- ear on Franklin street near Seventeenth, aad ia doineao fell. One ot the car? wheels ran ?\er hi?? left band Mm m., bed it 10severely it will probably have t?> be r.niputiited. Mr. waldroii ?No r?-c iv???.l u cut over OtM of lus ?'yes aud was bruised on his npht arm. M?? was taken to bis hoirie, \o. 2115 east Broad street, and l>r. Virginio? li?rri.*ion attended lu??_ Bara are of linen.? I???n?ocr.f l<* Tickets. ThiiU'-'iiiils have been printed an?! ?faca?. latedover tbeoity, If you ?re not oan? ti.nin von may be led Into roting on?-, which be io' vute tor Bmith _?*_??1 ot Kl'l?*?._ THE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. Arrival llert ol Tuo of Hi?. Immense Bait?? Monti?. Two laree ?tone-, to lorn a part of tho baeeof th?? Soldiers' Monument on Libby Hill are now ??? their vvii.v t?? the ait? mnl ?????? to-iliiv on 'Iwi-tity-hfth street bet worn Mum and Franali?, too heavy Cos any truck in the city, they are bemj*slowly curried along on Immenas rollert--just ana hoiLso is moTed. They are probably the largest sinf-le Uooka of a*raaite ever used in any Ktruc tuie in this i'ity. Three blocks of almost as i/rvat sue ore on their way to the city. mnmmt Kltter't luurrtl Tb? luoeral of air. ? ('. Kltur. Briton of 81. Pa-Jl'aebuieb. wuudied Turtday oiclii, ?rill tai? pia??? fr.?m M, Pau.'s al 4:*J e-VteoS. ibis aiter ??'???. Btftroi olttau Lodge, ?a 11. U? wblc? de ca?aa?d b. l'.iie?Ki. ?rill attend .a a body. <-rar? Court, ?.quilalile Leeru? of A.?unica, ??f tthli-b ?IceasMtU ??? a uieini? ., will flirtisi bi?ad<4iiarttraat ?-IS o'clock to alita?! Ut? lui? ru!. _____^______ In advanced ag? the declinine power arc wonderfully refreshed by Hood's Harsa panila. It really does "make the weak strong. " NOWONTOMCHMOO VETERANS, MILITARY, AND DISTIN? GUISHED PEOPLE COMING. The ?w Orlean? Washington Artlllerr Piekett Camp'? Preparation?? Many Noir? of Interest. Captain Thomas secretary of the and Invitation Committee, ^re? ceiving a nun.ber of 1? tters daily from dis lineuifhed ??? ]?!(.? who have been il to attend the onreiling and nd'incar riagea l he following acccptanccfi ? ? . .v: Goren * L P. Ftaa~Bg. nori. (ia. Qtsatm ? : ilJoha ?;?????1-, (ien.r-.l George H. Btetrart. Gen eral George P. Ham!, n. and I iW, H. Mnrd Gorern? r Robert L. Teylor, of 1 ?, ?. , emper, of Virifin eral ?. t. Colsi ? seal their regrete et not ? ' ? '. t""lon?l W'. P. Smith, e inder of Lee Cemp, afewdayseg M bsrles ? ;,i,t.-rnl? el ol the ( il ; asked him to reli? re from duty oo tne ?Stfa ali emi oompei Cemp ?in- take ratrl with tbe I 'amp in Colo terdsy : nicniioM., Va., May SO, II'. /'. AsttA, ?./?., ? I)??nr S'Ir,?Your favi?r.,f th? l.'/Ii OBSBOdel) B) hand, and la reply wni say it ri??? ?? i ifiat all mr?!. win certainly ??* izcased from duty 00 Inpaylofl the grand old hisro whom ell th? world baa acknowledged t?? i?*??? l>ea "ti?? of tin? moti brilliant ? mar? men ti?i? eo latry liaa ???? South, ilurm?.? ami aim.? lha ?rn, . ?bo b".? not tUoeru ? .,, looking forward to lalon. lo tonomi*? Lim?? . rea V. i-i nu? you ??cry su?*??????, and If I ran ser??? any way lam ai youi I. yinr? very truly, ?'?? ,?.? ?; BBLDB*. ?: ???mua?. ???? ?? rar. Tlic Charleston ?. b* aad G I] I : "? .?? ;?! l.-ii-imi ? 1 '' I? tha wat.'tiword of tli 1 SI Tan , an I will be l bv Colon ? v.. ?... ? iti ti W. J. ? ? -? .? man, yo ? inded BMliery wheu tbay tasi lei ' ; ropo?? n ai in? ??.?? ? ? I ? ' ? ? ? retura. ili.? Wa rtlllery t.-.? bad only four ot ? a ii g orneen Ont, Colonel Walton, who - three j-at? . t lb? ?ar, ai ? id? me next wa?colon?!Bab ??? ?? . S?. M. ??wen ; tliOI -il. Oiling tb? ? ? ?tin.n f ?? Oie ia.?t ??n poi r..., ?i-,.. ?r.. ?T.ii bring ? u... living commanding ri?. al \ r, en ? it poasibi? ma . coming up ta m? Legislature put at that time, oe may m beeidet? go. Our treasunr, Br. ??. [gan, ta aleo a State sanator, m. ? may ti" praveuted tor m? aame rea ? ?eral Beban .? ; ??. ..m. ..f '.tn? naileries be war, and loraaumbei iacom nsnd ol ih?? ? mi slana Nati ?aal Uuard in u.i? ! . feltro) ??? see ol tbe ?bo bold Kort Uresg wben (.mat's ?? .?emt ???? made on tbe ? itur?. and we? ??.?? ! rt en Its tall. ? - m unable to ?1.???? you Dm senses "f the -. ? ?t;?? votaran ?? - -util we ariitr mera. I wr. ?1 I s .y, inmeter, that we will ?? thirty ??! mem. I baa ? ?? a list of tl ' the a? live t>auallon a? it ?u pre?nt. Is no change In m? Programm? of loav i to yoo ?? n ?.- ' : e., ?,?? ? .? ??? til?? Setb, will ? >reak f a? t In Chati o gata? neat morning, dia? al itii-ii", ?? ? bi pe le be with you abuut ', ?t s o'clock \V?due*d?y aiernlug. A? 1 iiatp.i bet?re, It It ImpoMlbl? for meto furni.h you tha exact number ol bob we ?ni bring until we arrive, lai ill hold bj n?t cpcn until Monday I oui mi ra? bera araacu? ? btiBiaasa hero and bold ras ponti b that It la very dtffl alt to tell precisely ?rh? aaa got away, and of ,?, ur.??? iht? governs tl.? uuinti'T w? will t.rliig. 1 hare allowed e ich battery twenty-flvo Bom? bara, thou my ?.all anil iheveterane will Bake ni? fr.iin one hundred to one hundred aad ten, int ? hardly think we win ? e an ? t<> ha ihan at'Oiit on? hundred. 1 have det>-riuiiied to g our band ol Banal lana, iniiniiorliig twenty men. l liare you telegram of the i:tii, ?; vUlng rei*eiiit ol koowlodce to that eft?? ? aad ?ay n, g I hat prxtvtitoa had l".-uu inaile for ih ? baa 1 tu? woll aa the eoBBaBBd. I oui only say further that one and all, t?. ran? ani activo?, we appressata makiatlaaea ai ? honor ?loue IhlseOBmaod by Inviting us vo be coine yew guo..u. Truetiag to ? t roe in the cour??a of a taw ?lart, ? am, youn nary truly, Jons B. BlOBaanSOV, Lieiitenant-l\?l"iieL ???GG AND ACTIVF. BATTALION. Uontonaat??Coloaol Joba ?. lti?'hard???n: Un? ter ?. ?Irrt., Jr.; I tiptalii ?. 1. Kurt)-.?-??'!', al lutanti tat.tain e. L C. Dupuv, ordnance ofll cerj Captain Charts, U. Whitney, quarternias tei ; ? ?? t svi ?? A. 1. lias? r, r.s?t?tiut quartemia? i n .i. ?t. ?MOranqo, commltaery; Dr. ??. r. ii???. r, rargai u ; Dr. J. T. Delirane?, aa ? ? - I . i. fetoraas; Ueataant-ITcJoaol B. F. F?hl man, tV. M. Owen,Oeneral W. ?'? Bebao. Cap? tain ii?ck ??????t. HiitipryA: ( tpi?.in K. M. l'nderhil!. Llaiilen -, rank Pannar, Lie it?naut 11. f. Baker, LievUtttmt J Lu I., jffl/ite*! Battery ?: ? aptain Kagoae 'lar. lieutenant ? .:., I ?, ni? ?l'Hit ?I? Orgfl VV. Booth; UBUtoaaai.). ?, Uoopor. Battery C: ? aptain ?l. M. ftaaeotm, Lieutenant K. K. l'U?![i-, 1 irutcaam A. 11. l'ausou, l.ioulou aut A. I.. Th???? who tie Jouli'.ful about atte:.ding are In Italics. haryiami ruNFcnEHATas. The Lahimoro Anmiee? ?j? yeeierday says: I he Society of the Army and Nary of th" Coat? fele.-a.?? ?talM L-M a gOBBI? meeting la?t nkht at lientxiii's Hall, on Howard ?tre?', n-ar Krantllu, to rompi? te arrangement* for th? trip to Itt -hm ul i, particip?t? In the .eronionle? at londlngtba aaveutag >?i th.luaabrlaa ?tatae ol (.'ie?:.! Kohert ?. Lee oa ? hunda??, May Bfta, ?,ri,..r?! Bradley G. I ti- alien.? m d wa? vai y large util a great nu?n t-er miele arrangement? U? accompany th* ao \ aaaber ? t m-w niemlier? wore elected. They noie n- . . .?ma Mur[?hy Alien, aUliam II. l.av.e.a. Sumuel 1>. Bum. Henry B. Davi?, 1. pb Ilumina-, J. tin (Jllpiu, C. C. Bchnrar, !'l?rrt Du ?.u.? In? ?>i? r, ? . h. Waller.VDarltB f*ydn?y Wiuder, and Sdward Loya Winder. ? BO titdge a?lo|iie,i at the roeetlng waa detlgn cd I...? eseeatad ny ?.'aplat?. Jobu w. lot ?-n. It Is of while satin, ami ha? tbe word xUrylend In told, ted letter? at the lop ?urinountlng a |><>r iraitof ?ioneial Robert K. Lee, surround??! by a I'i-Jral wreatu, ui:lori:ealll whK'i? 1? a ? of U?a*riJ Let's tlgi.aturc. I'nder neatl: tin? |a , picture of the monuiotn?, ?*ow ??? i_? H-iaatilaa ?tame of Lee and ibo peu??*?? tal. and ??????* ih? wor?ls Klchraond. May W, li'.?>. The colui-guard allibo aa tollo??-t: Jolia J?. (?bapinao. 1. W. Car?y, John A. Waiur*. WU? Ham lie.min,>r> Kli-hard T. Knox. Jnnn ti. | Naugban, Kiwiu Ktrsjaw, Edward Knglobeart. j J. M.*ler. a.i 1 fc U. Davit. .. ? c 'nn-lu*"- on Memortat-dey (luae ?Jth) wll be Cotio?! J. Lyla Clark, Caputa A. J. amtth. au?'. ,ifutt ?. Wbeelor. inroaMATio? roa tktisans. Secretary ThomasKllett has prepared the Mi.'Wiug, which be requests the papers throughout the Sute U. copy : To avoid cttotuaioe fcDj ?aable every Cenfed? rate vetoran efaa imy wisb to and bis old c?id ?u'Aiid aud march with it la the line on lb? BBB, ui-?.racer In eommaud of ?v*iy txxly. wbeib?r organised or not, ?in -take the foUowiug report to ? aiitaio Uioma? U kllett. Vire*?1* Bocha?- . uh?' ??????a??, S?. f? >1>rlo ??.?th sir???, Klt* aoaO, Va: Bams ot division. Wit?**??? ttgy\ m?ar, company, or asritxlatlen; tt? whom. SS what hour, and where to report, so that It m?y B? tabulated, printed, and properly dtscrlbut??1? 11?"?? r CAMT a.bha*iqemkvts. Picket; Csmp bave aeeured the Isrre building No. attesa? Broad street for their beedousrl?"-'? Th?y have mad? arrangement? to ?niertslri ?? lea?i ?,???? of their old eecnradee. The Camp re? quest* all that can do as to a??!?t them with pro? visions. 1 hey will surely be needed, tp? " BLooor " rrerr. Clone! Fredorlc? Skinner will be theruestof ? u Marydurlnr th? uuvuilln?. '? wants ?o l?-vl hi? old reni?en?, the'* Bloody First," la the p-.rade. Cclor.el w*. IL Palm"' win call In? ???.?-iaiius to?jatli?r Saturday nltTBt next to make the erraogeaietits for a big turn? out of the eld boy*. ITXAS TR'rtPS COMIXO TO BICTtVONr?. Th? Fari? G!-!;?>, Captain S. Brsden. will ]??t ? home Saturday ta?? -4ih aud arrive m h>lim?.n1 MayirTth. Th?y will hrinr twenly-fonr men. Th" G? -??'.n ero en? of tu? campan!?? In th?? Man , and will repr? seal Texas very credita? bly. the wrsTvniirr.Asr? cl^b. This club ha? made arransrni?nte to entertvln l.'io ?_rl or? whom their moinbers may lniro auojOD Bw)f*sa? COMMIISAr.T PKPinTWENT. The Tateran? cr,nim!??-ry d?p?rtm?Bt h?? ? '-..?. 1310 e??t Main SOJ ? le Win???., BBetf ? Criiinp'e, undirtl.o f I?. A. Hriiwn, Jr., (ctalrman.) and 1? now read ? to receive eoy etmtribatio??? ilia? may?'? It I? earnestly requested that iilxiral ? ?? inala I" till? coinniilt? e. a? s lare? ? will bt??!??. The othidiIi t??? bava addresssl tii? foiiusln?: to an IB? t,iii.-h?r-, h?k?rj, and dsrlrymon to assist lb cm ?1 Mitin?; ; . well know, there wl!l tx?s ls's? number uf oi.i ratvrwa?aere a? the meat I It is al ? iittb?y ;?? 1*1 wbll? lier??. We ?ppcal IO] BM com? to our a*?.?tano wH'i a i-mi rlln'.i'p of rn??t?, hrend, and mill, Which we aro cr,nfld?nt ? .? In ? Bin. ll- t-e i?-t ??? know ih? kin ? and quantity you -tr? ?!?? bead ? ?csetribuia ?? ' w)i?n ymi an deliver tbe eameat our headquar? ter?. Hy order of the Cornai itt???. Ii. A. lino???, Jr., Chairman. A. A. Srtitz'T, Hecrotary. an arpitirctnent fer a wagon ani I a?- bad th? '.-iiml??ary sign placed on orten ?t )?. ? Ll? vebl lie will receive all don? -?? W..J I? ?ire to aesiif. II mltteeand wt io cannot d*iiror tbo orovuiou? at .1?. ? Aiiiusor.M; Mayor K!ly?eri said la*t nicht that every mem* BB duty on IB? 1 iiorai of I'lt-kerton's detectives wiilal?o Imi her?. ? mornln.T i-.f the tinvo ling a large >'?"? ' rill I I to th? 1110:11 ?i.? p?opl? from Ilio Hand and aiiymber pia???? that are r?? served. Fifty : rid- at tr-e t. . i! inoro will be ?cal? li "UK Hi? line of IBAWa V. I???? Brlfade A????? laiton I i.rr.mltlee; of Major J. ('. liilt I.? chairman, met last iii?ir hradqnartecs n?xt ?.???_ will t?e at the Vrm.rj-, wbero they Will meet at 10 A. M. ?m m? Iheveteraas will !?? commented hy Colonel .1. Tl ? ina? ?e . lar??. The ad df ?SB ni" ben will t..) mal" Ly Lleutenant c. !? nel Peyton tsTtaa - ?"i !? -t ?a-'.i'itrlcr? flnr; and th? battl?? f!?-? "f Hi?? ( If j-iili ? !??. Jt i-?.-.?Oled that BM veterani? will lent, Tun rotmo ooABO ? ounoa. A' a ? . ? ?... ..-Intlon, it ?? y. It was? it tbe ? ou the '-"eh In laut ut the un? ? ling Ol III- l.en ?Ifttu??. ?... ? cord ally inv?i? me su ? ill eon ?m?!???! t?y Brigadier (.?? e.-al It !?. ' ? ? v. til II? "ll casino, and e?pedailr tb? survivors of th* *1f Bla -.f.iiiirv. as tv? will have the o!d ? ompauy (B) bj Bn " n?, ui \-? ? . ?'a, ??.?? ?imo having be?? mi le "?? of b? r wedding d'??-.?. 11 irn to Friday evening, the ?Od iiimihui, at ? oHUoefc to further arreni .' !? to tho o t?? whi b ind sur ? ? ?" ? to atteaC Invited to ? .??? u;? the especial gut ft uf tido assoctsUon on thl? ll Bl 1 G. M. " ' ? :,, 1 ?? lllTl|".l to liait? Wll.'l 11 ? ?III I t ?...?) ? In? old r?i;in .rred at a celebra? ti o of m? Young Uuard As? lation oa it? art alv.nary on the ism April, I???, which olMird - old brigade eommao 1er, ?Bo was unn . SUlimenl : 1 be Vi un?: ... my B, I Mill Virginia 'ntlnfan'ry. ?? ? aim a pr npt ? , -.-aliof ilul},regorilles?bf diill.'iil tio? or (laager." - . H e- iT. Genen] ?Toba ?. Osase, chief of the ?tall of ihe M ? orirarilritlon? intending to take pan m tie tarad,? on ?'?? I: h ln?tant rhlcli bav? not already done ?owiu pleaio notify me . siatt?g saeegta. ? for ol Win? he ?tar, > ?., informe ? m ir-r ? I yoMeiMay that ho will at? tend ????? unveiling. ? I by the I?c?pi!m aad la? ? BI p? ? ? IHK -tatlng that a Or? comi lay From iinieigii. It, ?'., witn IB I >"i.l arrive In Iti hinoiil oa the Bionda? ut the ISHb to psrli.'l th? para, I??. ? ne ?nrvivlng uoemtieraof the Thirtieth YU*? ?itneiii, iiuiiiheriii?; about M men, ?ill L??? !:? G . sxpocta to inr" ?ti? Blatte in ttt pr?> per poaltioa 00 Uiepooc?Uil to-morrow or early .???uri?) morning. ? be ?. itf sen? ??? Boar ? BoeW n-?t Mr.? lay at? ? at 8 oYloek, wh??ii th I BObJeCt uf a holl ilay for the unveiling ?ill he diacu-eeJ ami a?-t ' i'i? that the BChOOlS Will be ?'iir* lay and I rl lay. ib't latter being Memorial- and Docoratlon ho was chief <-lerlt at (ieneral Harry ii. ? ? b?a Iquarttrra, and > ?.?????? Jeeeo Kyi?, m ? arollna, will I?? Ihe gu?st.? ol Mr.'J. w. Ar ti r, .No. l??uiit? lliird ttreet,during the un velilag. Sp, ? Tratas on tlie C. and O. for the I ?n.lllii?. A ?peclril train on the '.'-th will leave ?'har ? at 4 G. il., reaching itiftn.1 at S I?, at. ???? the nth a ?pellai train will leave Norfolk, .111, Ham ? ton, .v., arriving at Kl hm ? 1 ? \. at ?in tue ?an;e dale ? ?peeiel tram al ? loare Btaonton a. i. I A. M., Charlo ?.?????!? lei ? a. BL, raachlng Klcfamoad at .? \. v. Prom ??'??????? I ou tii* .?'.h a ?poeta tra.? will le.iw. i'. "I. for Btaunton and at ? P. ".. t. r Damp! m. Norfolk, Portamouth, ?c, m a ?? mg all i'.?? regular Lynch burg n-?? LasJagtee train leaving in bmond at ?1:80 m ? he held at aU h B II:?? ?Mb 111 la addition to the Spedii a.rTlee named all rogularpaasooger ? ?? provide? tritt BBtra coacheB oa tt? ?.--". and Btb toa.'commo dat?) tL?. crowd which are txpN'tod. CAUGHT BY A FREIGHT TRAIN. Narrow I.?cupe from Serious Injury Near the H>rtl-? Million, An accident, in which three pereoBS mad?? a ? arrow < ?cape from being crushed under of a freight tra?a, occurred s few minutes before Id ..'clock iast night st the tatersectioa ol Seventh ami Canal ?tr??.?:?. As it was two of them were Quito painfully hurt. \? hi n tiie train from t he North arrived at the Byrd-8tree1 stet ? tini hib i?v> of tl.?? ?? r> tixik a carriage for the Palaco The driver mounted his bos and wee f t pesine tho cena] bridge when he saw ti?." end of a ?Infuni? freight train veiy near him and rapidi? Bpproeening ! Ine end of the car ran againet t.?" carriage, but the driver and the two ??r? ?.ll menaged to ^et out of the way without 1 en:;: maimed. une of '!i?? gentlemen, Mr. Shaw, of Philadelphia, had his wrist spiain las kneee hurt il?? ?lid not think hit night that either would give him auv gTeat impenioa ? without Injury. The ?Ir ver, though.*?raa traite badlybruiaed by hi? jump. All of them were tortnnate not to Luve beca .t br th,? train, l n?? railroad L-ute.? were not down at the .-it her would uot work or were ?. ? he hack a a.? not ma? terially damaged JOINT LITERACY BEBATE. should the:Slut? Furnish Free F.ducatlon t?> Her t ltlro-i?-.? There will l..-a joint flhsbeta attheYoun? Men'sChi ii t:i \- ??.??...t, 'U Hall, Sixth and tn eta, t? -tnorrow night al '??.v.. ? ? the lJiiie and Randolph Utererj I eartpied is. " Resolved, That the State ?,f Vir-iuia Sh,.u!cl Turm.-h Free Education t<> Her CHtia : Messrs. Thomas D. Pre? and Charles ? ?? ore. of tbe liandolphBomety.will repre the afi'.nuutive, and Mi'srs \ p. .??ad and 1). .s. (.arlabd of the Dixie Society tin Thejudge? aro Rer. J. W. Ule?l?oe.D. D. hev. J. ...air. 1). 1)., and Hon. H. If. Flouraoy. ?Young Men'? Christian Association FUld ??ports. The member? of th? Yoang Men?? Christian As? claUon gymnaslam win bold a m,??iB?ribie evening at ? 15 ?'ri?, k to talk ,?,^?d ,W? for th? moo lbs. It w prepaied to o_?d Ue ba.?e-tall. foot-ball. tonala aiESi? MdTut tngclubs. III? hoped in Utii w? ? ?t?,? the member? a variety of Piewant an 1 ?ihiiarating out-door exercise. Wail, t h T," ' ? ' OJ.m_r.of the gytrinaaiu,,, any ?oung man who may t? lnter??t?d to Invited ? ?ttnd. Flower Mltalon-U,v To-morrow IB Flower aU?iotM?' ? ?|?? of the Woman's I Ln?ti.n T-moVrane. ,,? of taiBclty on ttatday 4t>U*"\Tn?r??Tl tamalea of the penitentiary ________ Ploaer? of all kinds, howa,,/ a___.?_nta reci,.v.d and |?5????_??? Th?y?auboa?ni to 1100 ?_ C^- ?J" ?w,7. Filend?' m?ottag-h<)4?ae,on tl?f i^/'?Jf ,Tt! j uiBg ?tr tte-tnerrow BBoraJDg, ?"'?S ?au a-ss? ? THE THURS8Y_C0NCERT. A Fashionable (iathcrlng at the Academy Last *la:hf. The Uttlmonlal concert tendered th? cele bral<*d artiste, Miss Bmma C. Thnrsby. at the Academy of Music last night by Governor and Mr?. MeKlnri"y and a number of the m??.t promlnorit U.iie-i \n Kl-braind ?crlety elrcle.? wa. a very hnliisnt affair. Tl:? an ll-n??.?. though not lari;.? ??*. v?ry aa|?-t, and oue of the ?????1 fathionrfhle ??se molar?*? that ever gathered tn a Hlehm. ni I h-atre. ibe eoneert was one of the Boat delightful of tb. BMafOOl There was Ju?t enough oi tbe risati 11 to apnea?" th" crttl.? and yet enough light muti?' to pitaee the pleasure a'""i? ?. Mia? Thurshy ?ang three ?election?, OBO of which was the Mlebrated "Mista? Her ?Inglog hi aim et?rata$ aa? hor eat I? ovi ?oat ?n tvtvy p?????? r?, ai'bough hor volet 1b hardly wnat It wa? in by-gono ?lay?, when ?he waaows of the Boot proniiuant ng.ire? en she Amori,-an. ?. ?rt-plattofm, Miss I hiir??hy whs fcca-tny incerti und tUoroaghly charmeu hor audit .'?.. MIm CmmaC Bahr.aaBBoe ef Mr. Pre?. ?. llahr, wa.? it... rnanltt, i?nd tn!?rproled her auan bare with mu bd.llcacy and tat?. Tb? ?? -gli?g ' il. f.raut, )r.,aD'l K'snk 9 Binghan .. ? Baterlally to the Interest ami tii'rin?:.? wortt el th" programmo, and the latolitgaoiand muatelaoly accompaniment? ?'ig. The Itirw Kingdom, tTooia?.! Mm Dnrrott L it"? i inp. "?I??.??.? 1. J. ( a land !..I.arl. 1. Song. ?*?? ifteii, Mr. ? addon tVattln?, ... March and Cho? ru?, Hull Hr.cht Aboile, Tanni.8'i?er, (Waguer,) May-i'o?tlval ?heru? atul Or ? MARVIN TO BE DISCHARGED. II? Will Iln I.I!,?, rut e il .lune l?tti-Two l'iir.lnna (.rillt? ? |.?|?t.1??. ? ho ?.?. 1! 1 ?? o_eharffe?? ???" ietta ?>f June, and thongbth?r s ? ? Superin? tendent i un*, ? apera TW? ?_0??*8 ?????'G? " I ?. al. '?ri'. ?, the ? r fnm anty. arrired in the city yesterday and to-nigl I b ? a II att"ii?l tl??? ? ]?>??.' ?? ? ? born Colle?? ?, ? ? a ister. i be Beasi inst returned froi ? s risii to Pittsbnrgh, t he is un re convin.I thau Booth, and especia ? is the biet place forth.Ion Iman toiive, 1 oa ti;" ? lorera r yeater lay afternoon andpreseated a petition asking th u W ? Mill ' \pnl term of ? dward Conoty C s la jail bi ? pardoa was granted incon? sequence of th" imp icunioua circum ?iiiil?-. Governor also pardoned Isaac Wia . wa? noni it? I I [Instil ? ?ember . lault and sentenced to tweln .ii'. ? in? p.!? ?cien at 1 I ? rtifl ? that furili : ft liit'ree WO dangi r hi - life. CAYE.TY AT VVHITBY. Kntcrtaltiment To-Day at the Itciitloiico of Mr. II. I In-I httuil.Iin. Mr. li. (In?- Chamblin will entertain a friends this ereniaz at bis me " Whitby," on nver. The party, eheperoa? d ? a dea Tatnm, Mi ?. A. B. Cam M n. C. D. lai.?! irne, will leave ih?? city ?.?nil the 61 i.ick. Vmoag tl o " t" ne ? ntertained ar.? "Tho p?" rs' < !:;!.." M,. nnd Mr?. ?? fl. Whitlock, Mr. and Mr-, latini, Mr. and Mr?. Warner Moore, Mr-. John fcf. Lvnchburg), Ifr. and lira .1. W. ; - . ; lai mi. Pli .i Cedot, Bogen, Winston, Kim:, Btringfellow. \a\ -, rowers, < Brock, ? . Stern, Anderson, Tul? li.?, ? ... -. -? M ire, 11 .? m w-ne_le. Curry, lairim, Allison, Pegram, Boiling, ... 11. and others. Mr-?. J..-? pli Hail ?? H do the honors oa : a charmingly informel entertainment is enfici] Hetrare of It...?.>? llcmorratlc Ticket?. ? nul?? bai ? bat ?? printed and - ? if \"!l nre not can l ini ? ? ting one, which ??..nid be to rote for Smith instead of _ ??> Itefei ??? Iba 1 owag. The G? ????? AstectattOfl "f Virginia In esfat tlsblng abomeand ralotmetory for youthful criminal- propos OB t?? .?.?raie under n plan fluiilar to tinti of the " ? untimi lalustrtal far??" in New York. Il prono??? a ?r?i<-in .f ?a-, tai; truant ami ?aeraut t-iyi/a? well a? those ' : in '. by a Bourse ? I In lUS t-iHl training li?-.- thai which ha? far mauy years obtained with admlrabl? resulti I l?a-ir. liolltiid, I'rai.c?, and Uri'st Britain, but win.-h ha? no' been attempted to any lar?n ex ten ? in tin? coot ? Ita n, ?:?? brtaBy sro lo receive boy.? wie? are Inevitably tending toward meerlraloal butare ?... y ? ineotrtgtbl?; to plac? mamona farai reSBOTed from the .ity whore they may lie ta ? dit th?? rudiments of a crimiou-? I .'?'...?? a?? I r?'-ei?e a thorough manual training ; fSSB under II.e StTOOgest irn.ral nini re I Influence and ?0 are-is? within them lh? d"?iro for a life of Industry,honesty, s',d purity, an 1 as ?. on a uortBurn flty rireiilt < ..nrf. ?a t?li troiirt ytst.rday morning whan th? evl ileui?? for the plaihtitt Bad hemi conelud"d in the tult of Llltell Wilson again?? tb" Lynch burg Palp and I'apor Company en? of th? ?urort ?tated to the Court Unit, fi'"Ci tbe manner in ?li! ? tbe examination bal lateaooaduBtiS tht .?av wat on? thatco' | Bttad with.?ut - rtOBB of au exyert la>ii-keepor, and Uiat the Jury ????uld uot even then ?? 11n it ? -.1 Ie of a ??.??norteo days. It was th-reforu agrttd hy i-ounsel on liotb el lee to refer me metterlo a (?ommlttloccr. and tl.t jurv r-iured a ?er?lK*t in favor of ?he oltlntlff for ii?.' ?-t and the? ?>?irt rutervtd Judgment to await iba reporto! Com? missioner Jackson Uuy. ?itr. I?. VV. Anderson quallfl-l ?? ?t?????? Bt? lo ibis? court, ani O0_r_orabl. uelmportaat OUJlflOSS wae ???? Mr. J. B. Laraa'n. of Hi? heiou 1. wbo bf btata la attendance upon tb? _|M of Ui* au, rem? Lodge ef Knirun? of Bocor at lastroii. writ??? here ut a (neu?, tarlar : We are beuu wall re? ??elred by the eltlseo? ot Detroit Oa ?Trtd?y night wo w?ro entertained by (lenersl ?lgus. lin? ???nine USUO we goon ea excursion uptb? !?t. Clair river. All me old offlc??* wer? re r ? 1.1 ?n,i wm b_ iiiautlad oo Wednesday. * intlnla I? represented by Kev. 11. B. Hope, of Dannila, aed yuiir humble servent, and Mr. J. >'? RtaiereM is a member of me Committee on Appeaia tit-wart? ot Moan? Democratic Ticket?. T?_ousear?s hav? been printed and circu rerthe eity. If roa ere not cau? tious ?on un,, be l.'diiitoTotinc one. which would ho t? ?ote for Smith instead of Er'l'?. Trofe.sort. >. Haaselrff. Ye?f?rd?y eyenlng rYsesessf flaaselerT met bl.? K-en.-b and Qnnum o'.aeies at Kic'imoni c.'H?ee to bid them guod-by, aa be ?ail? for a a f?w day. aim? r his tour-hing remarks his Baaases pr-?e'ite.i blm ? b-nd?'iru?) umbrella a.? a t.iien of ?h-ir hlcrh appr?ciation of blm as a gentleman. Inend, ?,i 1 te?.-her. The Iraoasor will return to Richtnoud In 8????'??! T. Dr."Hose'? Church. Th" ?r.uii?! saBgieielBsSel meeting of the Se? cond l'r<'?'.yi?rt-in ehurae was held last Bigot, aed. in ib.? BOeeoOB ef Or. Hoc?, Colonel Farsa dale wa.? mede moderator. The report of the r'Kano* Unan! ?h w ' ?' si ?r"-e|pt? were nearly 111,duo, and mo dlsbursemeata shout tii?? ??p???, Ibe usual cl.urch ofllt?er? BSl - te L IVrwiinals anil ?1???G?. Major John II. Ulueoti tt on a visit to Ouena VI? ta, "r. V. ?. Fnvler, who la now In hi? seventy ??venth }"ar, is exceeliugly III. Siti? haro b"?n n'a????! all a'?" g Meal??? ?treet for l?.? Kiv-r-Yiew ftlB.lllB IBllBB) tasa (Putea, of TaaewoH rjporttotBBS. Is ?lettini? Mr?. BL 1?. Craaabaw, IBI? Park avenu??. I?. " ? !'i !?????? C art ?overlay morning M?*BM : ?it sent on to the grand Jury for a faloay. Taornriralat Urs TTaaBilnaj?nB "In il afetho? dUt t. ir ,? continue? ta gram iu ?tetn M, Tav ro bave basa twenty ??-iverniou?. 11 are will ta a ?< asine of the l ?lies' Bolly laiton tin? afternoon at 5 at mi.? CrwaabarrW, 11 ?t???. Mata sart.c Blttmood ladies atto attoade 11 ?? " aerai ?uonferenoo at B*. L?ala wm. Mr?. Ur..!. 1'. UarJaud and Mrs. Dr. John .1. Laf ?wrty. Ber. ?. M. Peterson, erf Maaeb?Mtm,wiU prea?'h the baccalaureate sermon at Bowllng-Urecn i?? male Institute Jun? 1-t, ai??! th?? annua, ? ?cm tadoUrero? by ? Mr. Johd Inner, of Main street near ' Park, wh ?has - ?on extremely ill f??r ?he past ? '. *'?.??] bo gel rx of arsani ?* for reel ? . Interesting BarVco? will Im h ?M at the "o\ dlert'-Hom. cbapel bunday afternoon ?: ? i.i-.k v.. ?; ?? Ur. a, A. Oeodwta m lit of -eriuour?, auu the muati will be uniau.illy g? I. Tb? Lad ? ? 4 'he piral Preebyte? rlan h'u h wl'l give o excursion to Dutch Uap ??? ina atoam ? I b it?r vu iu?"..iay ore? nlng. The boat l??v??the wharf si 7 0o'clock. ?. v.. ?.?,? pair, being held at, I'orooraa Ball, cnnilnu?? to ? I ?a, Mr. \. I . Bradl.y won the ?Ilk umbrella : tal night and Mite Mtekleboro reoelre? the handsome pair of bracali At St. Altan? ?lall Tue? lit? inch' W? Chapter, No.9, II ???! trcb Mason?, conferred ??.??..( Mark aad Past-Maator on Hon. J, ? aylor t ily on, Prof? H? high ; ? I liy a quorWO of con. fan Mata l?jhert Bogan, the small negro ho? chtrg"l fro? ?? eaab-drawer In ttio ? ?? t. baa ?.n .? -nt mi t.? ?omini-. h? grand Jury of lb? ? in Alexandria In July. ?arlton Mei'trthv's boob, "Our IH?tlngul?hcd Pell?n ? iilxen.' Isba . iato?, aad ? ptoooanced very readable by al who Bake in . ? ? an ii?t roclati ? ol ?sure, though It l? i??o tobo commended for lie picture ? ' i-ii club ??ir?? a pii--ni* al Toong'a Pond ? . h ?a? w?U atteiid.? I ly the ntomtarfl and uivin-d ,:;??????. liter Mroral botu * ?poni ?a th? country ?ir tti? party Bl I in voting it the most en? j?yenle a?Tiilr ot tua ?. At Ih? ? I of tho Jeff. Dsvls literary y?> r'.i.t;- bold ? ii'.-i.v ni (ht to?* lebrato the rwoalpt et ih?? Davi? Vulam. ? lentlv pro? Mr. r.. .I.I. nil d"l?-. orel mi I ? ii ?,r ?. I t? on the ?7?? UBI an?! ????????? of Joflerron Darla The audlen ??> was Iar?.?.?. 1 r. Bog. lot! tii ? -1 It y ou the !tii-li and li?n ?Ul.? :? P. M. n ?.in yettorday 1er PowLaun Court? ?,i.?rt be ?'a- cal ?? 1 io iituuil Ibe funeral Id.wof Major Wlllta .1 Dan? ?. Oabor ? ?"?lll-btxl Vr . I " a?? inn?'" th. iir.v:.? r.-.j "?? that Dr. il??!- eeeal und take part In til? fUU'"lll Obrjeqlll?'?. Cormier G?. y viewed the bOatyol M ry. Mary Ann r/ade. WBO reel !? .1 at Be, '?'-, .on ?tru???.. nud who ?lied 0.0Ito Bfl night before ?se?, ubo bed recently ???? ihe t ? > ?? ag been a luBerer from th| .? iron* ?he latter that BbOdlad. She ?vaeilfl}? year? old. VoelBerlB tan! will itxMld two WeOfta In latto playing at Ml ?? ?? ?ameacom.i ? Carolina. The baa? will be eompoe loi Vooik.r, leader; tug. '.??:??, rornet; Dar ???? Buckley, wlUlam Waa?w?r, lute; John BelBhardt,altOj Adolpal Thilow, aito ; a Equi, trombone : a. ?>?g??iior. labe; ? Hulling, ilruin ; II. !?". LaUbO, Ttolltt, AN ENGINEER ARrtESTED I'harrjeil trilli tito Miiriler of ? Negro Hutch?? r - li?? a ceases AnelBer atea? !?P"-iaI tele??! am to tbe Dispatch. I BOAVOIB, Vs., May II.?Lee Btoora, an en gtaear ? u me Norfoi? and ?\ ?-tern raUroad, wa? ait??*?? tester oa tho cbsrgo of being Impll .?ted in the murder ot Jaaa Uadaay, a eos? red '??'..-t'oi,on the evening?! Mm ?ua sear Weed lead I'arli In t!i>? entrai part of tl.e city. Moore ? bui guilt, and slatina iLat Wunen? sad? l"r, aiiether railroad.ii,?Q, commuted U in bit presen e. Midler has I'.ol for parts un K.-, ? rta from Hace rrrok, Franklin county. Show thai? most tarrtfle hall-storm swept over thai county Bon lay ereulng aud the crops w?re greatly damaged. Orar ?n.'W) p.".?I? rtsited Harnum's tents yes [". 1?y -..? ai. ????? perform ?le-?.s that was ever given by ILat great show man. A Douiile Tiesse"? fBy telegraph IV? the IMsp?tch.) ?t. lout?. May ?M.- ? di?? ah h from Jeir-up, Ua.glv ? ? of alight and doubt? trage? dy Ibera "?ri? IBI? mortitn.. It appears thai.f. lunty surveyor of \v,tre county, .-am? to ,???????? from Kruu-tvi?:. at?,at ID O'oiock last nlgbt and ?topped at th? UtUefleld Bosm?? lie retired to hi? romu, and after slaying In b ?d two hours want do wa stairs - .-lotnes aud ????vi for Llttl*a*ld, bul could ?? ? ili: 1 L'in. He wail ?? Mr?. 1 ? lOOfll BBd kaoeked. BBS ?dram??! aim. Llttl?fl?ld wa? on th* fr n- ?? reb wateblag i im, nid lu a few moniouts be rushed through a win? dow talo tho room and ?hot hu elf ? pis? ovar lb? left eye, kUllag lier Inetautiy. lie ibou ?bel BcCall four tlru'-s. 'Ibe latter raa inwau ad lOtnlBB roee aud fell. Medical aid waa ? Bat? st enee, but he dici ?? iT.jittm ing Me? ?:i w?s aBoel tif'y yai? old, wita ? larg? family, baring grown chi .??-???. ? in te fluid la of a "it Bm Beats e???, ili? wif? wa? about forty-Bra yen of ega nay ????? fram M????a ebueatts, and bave been living iu .Jossup fur twoaty year?. The Tocsin of the (icorgla Demot-i-its. ?By telugrapb to ?he Disput ih.! Avt.AST.A, (??.. May r.?The DemucretltiStai? ? mitt?? met bore to-day and fixed upou August 7th a? the day fur th? State Coa v?o ti'.u fer the e'jiatnaitoa of osadiduta? ! amor sed other ?tate offlc??;???. rae fu?owing ill u wa? unanimously adopted : . .??.?, r.? !:/!ng . ? ? for an e i.ri'.iiii'-al administration of oiinnivroniciit, ?tato and l'edera!, the ec.u'.alzatloii aud I lion uf lb? ??,?-?,-?? of UlBttOtl, a..d ?.. eiiin?; att.tud ? ??' lie Hepublicin petty toward Mutbern pr?? : ? V, nititiitiuiia) govern? ment, and American freedom, tbe party ,: ? tessera trusts, devised our t?ad Bacal ?ysteiii and outlawed silver by an uuwlee coutiactl'.n of the ?urreu'-y, redudng our agri ., snd financial industries to the rerg? of buukruptey, we dem th? success of ihe ????p?? cratio party and Un? irlunjps of its principles essentiel to th? weal of the whole country, and, altt aa ?biding confluence ta tb? patriotism of ? r ? '-'pie we call upou all to unite and thwart tb? S0Ot*ta of the Keimb?can leader? lo distract our counsels aud divido oui- party. I'riiApci ling Capitalista. Bio 8TONB ?;ap. Va.. May IL?A number of eastern capitalists arrived bere to-day to ?ee me .-ouu'.rr ani dlseu?? tbe prospect uf adoubie triek luuuul through the Black Slid fiue u.icin taiut?, glviag tne large western cult?? a more di? rect route to tbe Aliami.? coast, and looking into the mineral resource of flu? tram dli>;?j sect ? tu Among mem w?re V*. f. Clyde and Mr. Clsrk. uf Inu'fti. Swann ? l'a. New York; Nathaalel 'l'baytsr, L. Lawrence French, E. 1!. Abbott, K. A. Adams, ot Hoeton; George W. Calmer, pr?si? dent of the Holstein Salt and Plaster I cinpeoy ; f. W tiiildekoper, prssident of th? Teuaessee, Virginia and Carolina Meet and Iroa Company; H. W. ItaUot. ?i-e-pt.?aid.-at uf the soutu Atlantic and Ohio ruinai, and several other? represent? ing msny millions of capital and lumber and oilier Industries. Tbey wore couducted through tb? surrounding country by tjeueral Ayer?. pr??ld"ut of me Hlg-ston? ??? Improvement Company. The Democrats and tbe McKinley BUI. (By talsgrsph to ?is Dlapa'cn.1 Wa?i!Iv??Tjs, May I!.?The Demo?T?i!c int noritv of the Way? and Meau?Obrorn!tte* as Ut? result of a ?>r.?' oaaaed Lv the ixtpearaniMt ?at titeen boys with? ?nt any notice f bil son aad Prof? nor Maeeey, of th? Atri cultural <'t?ll??;.?, left t.i.ihiv f.?rt?r????fiMi'?>. where they will hold a Farmer?' luttiiu.?? fur I'itt eoaaty. A sticiinl from Mu\t??r* annotine.*, that s venr, ? ? daughter of Lawaoa Me. Daniel waa burned to ?loath, basing been left alone m tlie bou m by it? moth? r. A letter ft statea that A. B, rVndrewaand rha?a_eB. Keoghhare been r.i'i m- ?..?.- mi lisaionerafrom this ri tin? World'?? ' iir, aith Elisa Carrand ??. ?. Bingbam as alt? p: ?. ARIIIli.t: IN ?.???? [n 'Liliti-ttfii county to-tlaj Mr. Arthur Arringtoa, duel clerk of the Southern Im ii Hurt nil here, wan unite?! m n ?r riearch is inproajnes for Thomas H ? man, * light mulatto, ai?-l u young white girl with whom he has < ?ped from St? Wo? eonnty. ? I????? Bed ' tal sun 1 ? . ?una'iH-i'iiii'iit exorcis?e <>f Peace Institute hi r?? will be held June l?t and 3d, l: ?. >'--.t n ti. M .?-. ol V?.in ;i ? , M C ??r ? .1 sermon, llier?' To-dai K? r. Dr. Jo eph M. Atkin^onaml family (eft h ???, ??? they I id residtnl for in. ?"? than Ini l?ieir 1 ? takes charge ft an chun h there. The pupila of tne white L-ra'le?! schools, wliich J ?. ? ?m admira ? .t- I! ?!1 la niii,'. By popul u ?eked to repeal I l The tad will i. I. iv nearly 3 ASHF.VILLE'S RAILROAD-?. Contrit, t? Riga?? That Will lie a i'leasant Bui pris? m ? lie Pappi?, [Spelisi telegram to Uie Ill?p?t"h.| A'iiumli.i. ?. ?'.. May SL ?our t?orre spondent has ???p I ? contracts of the trench Broad Valley Railr .i Company aud the Asheville and Bristol Railroad Company with ?Tamee Raymond for the ,: of tbeee revi ?, t ? whieb r? I i" la th?? . rdsy. The (?'..ndl.Hr.nid Valley railr ?ad is tobe about ; p. ?es m length. Ons line itend from Asheville to the bouth ? ili.? Kstetoe gen ?? the Blue Ridge, near the headwaten of the . I rirei. ua.l another fr..m le to .?.?? Im?? of Rutherford oonnty. 'l'In? grading for thi? r. id in t? be i'oui ? r l, :- ?. Th?r" ? in the I'.? garb r*e offico of thi-; county ? deed of tm?t from the ir??: " li-Hi '.id Valley EtaUroad Company to the Central Trust Company of N? w Y..r?, providing for the Issuance of tl.NiO.iioo m ?.percent, tweaty-yeer botidsfor the par? oi t ho construction und equipment roed; also, a deed of trust from the A .In vili,? and Bristol Railroad Componi to the National It.m Company of Hew York ? .? ?S , f .; 1,000.000 it] .?lull! ir bonds for lii??? purpi se. 1 bees tv. have not beret ifore inspired much oonfl ?I -ti. ?? here, bul it begins to look, to ? ? fnl observer, as if then wen toon tobea bi?;surprise party .????? to tho Asheville public, ? hes leen ;i meeting of tho?r...'k if tb ? Hot Spring?, Spring Crei k and Be? nun ? Rs Iroadi l olonel W. Is. A . B, WIU "1? 't liev-riv V?. Hill, of Hot Springs, ? ? . rie? pr?sident, rive pe? ? ?..?ut. ..t' the espilai stock bee been sul*? I, uiivl u surrey will boob be ordered MECKLENBURG''? SFCOND DAY. l?r.mtl rrng-raiiiiiie. Im lulling ?I?.t.-Iteci au?i r?aea Itali r..ute?i???Tase 1 ir?? works. [?*pe?*!?l kttagTM t<> II" Dtapatelt) Gpae?.?tt::. N. <'., Mnv lt. Ili? pro gramme for the second da? of the fcfeok? letiliurtj celebration aas fully carried ?eut to-day. Ths reet-race t?????? plaee in th? morning bet^reea tii? oompanies from Unii i.ih, CireenaborOj Monroe, Durham, anil Charlotte. The Monroe company won the lirst prize of $100 in thirty ami a half seconda Durham tot tin? aeisond prize of t_ in tho trab ra< e. G_U-lotte won the t'ir-?t i>r>?wil at iBSee Taatl I'ark wit re vs"il the defeat of the (_ariotte toss? by the Columbias, Score, U v? a. Tonight i?t fi M) ?.'clink t?ou.iiiij'ls of people sritneaaed the maileet display of nrewi ri iar?sr -? su In ths city. Senator Vuu?:*???-?????1 conte.-t, and )lOok-tt?d-ludd?r d MEMORIAL SERVICC8. Decoration of (., a???.. I'r.-tyer, A?1?lre?ses, ami lither l.or.l??, in Diuivlll?-. [Special telegram to the DUpaich.l Dakvili.k. Vt.. May BTu?? weeobeerred her?? to-day. The ??.< . wen? held m the tcademy of tinaie, wbieh bed been taetefuli] decorated with Bowers ladies ? f the Mem.riiil Asaofiiation. A Iar??? ntiin'i ? r ? I peplo ?ver?? pr?s? ut, ani Captala Harr.? Woodiasr, chief mar sliul, was muter of Clarksvdle. Ibe matter ha ??????at?. Dr. F. ii. Kelly, Aldtrton, W. T., aaya: " 1 have preeerilSed it ? a large number of eases of restleaanoaa at nt;?ht and nervous di'rf'atM?-? ?jcneralh, und aia? in casos at in? di?.?, .?turn can.?.??! i/y lack of sufficient gas? tric juice oi tha sto_eoh, with marked sueceiie, and ?Jonmdcr it oaa ot tho beat remedwe known to tha world.?' ?[?erial ?letlr?-. The stock-farm of tho !.or f">1oai?l J. L? ('. rnn:'f< n, in I'??-.?ha:?? ? tarty, was no? oftered at ancti'in ?m v??feriny by .lames 11. ????????. exe? ntor, but i? f?r ?ale pr*? vately if U. I?. ? haffln A Oa aa bis agentsv H?r?v Herman, arti?t le ditera?! aad window lr*|>er. Irotn Loutavill?, ??.. has arri ve?l in the oil ? and ? . niera t ?.,. ra'?? boUtitag*. i ??f Merehaate' ilala-week in bVtr*??aeh and erg ?ratabratioo m Charlotte igoed and ? on. office at H. V ? Ma ? ?treet. wbera?xdarsw lir.irepromp attarrtsaa. Children Crv for Pitch., o Castor.a. We ?vtll ?piK'ial attention to th? sal? of TAest-rud IajU on llarnaon ?'te.-t near ? mi? tjv J. I'r.-ton Co?ke. ?iH'cial commissioner, this evening et 5*, ?'??,??a. 1?. D. (son? ?t lo.. Aii.-tioueera. Ile that ?p.'iketh li??-? ?hall not raeepe, Imt bethel .?.tn A. U.C. l'on;?? may ae? capo diseeee. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor!?!. James I? WQliaa - ? ??sea? View Hule!, anni ?; m? tl.n' ? ! ? < ? -, > -11 ? r ???aaida will Le open-i .n ti: . ? .? . f June. The I.??? Montinient ?'?G????????? will undoubtedly draw aa m . rowd, ?? ? with ear. prias end gn iflcatioa tl?? greet improve? ments in the rspital : t????. They will ?? - Bone that -.? >? gi ? . ... i:,,ii,.r. 'Ira?.? Trim?.. Ko trays to Ufi Kares > ' r ii, ?H? "V r?'.ri. Hold ? ? ?ll deal, er*. Made bl II. ??. Houutroe ?Y Hrothi-r. Kichuinii I. \ ?> ^^^^ R. ? ??,??G??, I C.... auctioneer?, will sell this even in- st ?? " cl ? k tu,? bendi . taeei Beefer. Do rito attend,_ ? tore hare eared ??-?.! m aotta yen esae. bi I try A. H. C U'erativ? and la? beeued. WTien B?ty was ?I?*?, we ga*? her ?satP???. When ?lie was a Child, ah? ?ned for ? ?tetv?rU?, a heti she heearue Wise, she cltitag tu C Wheo ?:>? haJ ? '!.. ?ai???, st*?? ge?? tbeiii ( On Saturday, Mey _*th. at 19 m., the Soiuhhid?' Land and Impror? Compeer will coma? ".rand aucti n ?a!?? of lots in W.Hand Hi ?' it elevated ai 1 beet drained, tBere. fore the healthiest ?i ear suburbai ? pert-. Ko objectionable feature? end th? guaranteed \ (,'i>t wide, with the I itest aa - red etaetria atreet ear line m tl??? ? u try. run? tlirou"li the whole property to Porra?? Hill, the pictni ? m all Y;r ?? ? run. Ampi? fu ipeel ion ? ?? torada. Call oa the auetioosers? A I 1 ???'?? I Co.. \??. tinier?, I ' ? Ir Buildlag, Manchester, Va. Childran Cry for Pitcher's Castori?. INtllri? I'owee. Take W. D. ' ttherlead's 'Baa I.inefroiu Third nnd Inn.min to lai:??? I 1WB I'arfv nt Bland?n I U u -?.? P. M. t?. ?? G. M. __^ I I?u?t. rtaour, Paek Uoili-I'mof, and irp. 11. ?ru?rsete? d Ita?. A I 1'rr.a ?IS ? rth ? (th ?t- ?. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Families ?hi BBS SB should keep In mlgd that I the light, aad dangerous produc?a "G petrol? im I will often give a clear and t.rllllaut Ugh'.; they : ?hiiuld also raaasaSBSS that a better tight la fur? nished By I'satts AsrsAL un. at a tnniug eddi I Bt'Oal cost with theadvantaceof atttteintt ?af?iy. ? ? vin: t???t?e???, Pat ? ??t nvr t???G? Mita, wisai/iws ?OOTBUfttaTKri'hM b"":i ut?d by m?*tb?m for the'r i-iiiklreii while t"? il? lue Ar? pan .Ut? turb?! nt aaght an I l.roktn ot yo?ir r*tt !.t a tl'< ??lill'l tuf???? i ?C BB 1 ?'fing ?villi patii of <-'tlC_aj te-'ti? ir ?o ??ni at saeeeai gtta botiitgg "ur?, ?viuaiiiv? IseSUaviyrap1* for ?"tiinr?* V. It. valutila It. ali-ilatil". It will ra? in????? It.? pi>or lulls ? itTtn-r ?p????-nllalsly. /*?? [??ill Bpea U. BBOBkerai tbam It no lutata*? about IU It rages l?jt?ul?rr ani Inairtio?*, i'-B'ila'-s tn?? "t u x-li an I llowela, ciro? Wtn<| Detta, ?'.lien? th? ?.urti?, r<*lii.'??i InflennnaUon, ani g????" Mate aii'l energy t?? tti? tr???H? -Hi?. Wiii?;? wi S. .?thing Syrup " for ?_llili*aa lOOSataSJ I? pleaaant 11 ?? tati? an t la t_? pr?. "??riptli.ii . f an? ?f th? old??! ani heil f??n?i? pli y?iiaiia an 1 nur?"* In Ui? L'oit??! hiato?, ami is Par ?al? by all ?IruggUU U?r?jugri??ul U_ wort L Pri?e v< eaMB ?? kettln h? ?ur? ao?i a_ ta 'MKS. WlNttLUVVaSOOTIilM? STKI'I' ' ap ?.'i,?:' TRASH VS. VALUE. Mothers, you need Clothing for jour boya. Strung Clothing, reliable Cloth ing?(Hotliing tint will look well not only when you put the hint on and fur the first few ?laya after, tut fora reason? able length of time afterward The l>'?y lu the left of our iliuatration to-day looks as though hia parent had? bought on?) of those tremendoua bar? gains (?) ao loudly advertised. It look? like a ?_?>-'> suit, eu'>|xa,t*l to Lava been reiliicoJ from $G?. We think too much of our aaxajaa__a?| to deal in thus kind of trash, und do not believe th?* io? ti reata of any botine are advanced by aa ?icing ; but that, of course, u the bust? ucea of those who try tho experiment. We allow ?xajaj the liest gooda, the ???*? recent styles, well put together, at tha lowest ]*oa*iiblii price that such an arti? ele can be offered any wb.?r?\ It i_ya oa to sell auch Koods ; it pays you to buy them. liaae-Kall and Bat free with every ?Suit ? mammoth btoek of HhirvW_ata? awaits your ii_p??ction- an aeBorta_?vt unequal Ic?! in any store in this cifj. THE BOSTON, 1QQ9?ftainUleet, OPPOSITE lX)HT*OFnO_i Schivaizschild & Co. BOOK AND JOB WOEI KIATLT a_KIJTli)?JTtlir_a*Ai^,