??? R?CHMOND DISPATCH BY T1IK DISPATCH COMPANY. Tb? ???.? DN'ATCH la 4????t??*t4 te ?t?? ?rrit??i?? at irvrraaw ?is-jrre txtr ??.?_, iieywb*? t-> th? <*arr'. for ihr?? moota?? ?Do. lor ?n? month. ???BU WHKLT DOFArTCllet ?ttpareif anm, or SI tor MB mouth?. Tt??? WIKKLT DiarATOI a*SJ f*r_??aun?. Th? BUMUAT 1WHP ??? ? at tu._ pe* annum, nr if??, for tlx months Mulatrriptione In all <*???? pajrabl. In a?1?an<*e. aasl no ?paper roaUnu??! after th? ?xplraUoa ol ?" tini? paid for. aend poat-ofTlo? monsy ere?r, ?-tatoA, ?*? roglttsnxl l?u*r. nirr.n?*y Boot by mall wlU t?e at Ihe risk ot th? ??rnVr. rOtwi-lbsr* -wiahlng thrlr pottrofllc? <*h?ng?*< aautt git? thslr old a? w*ll a? their a?w pott o_??. Samp!? noti??? fr?*? Al?VKKT!*>tN<) RAT*? half VMM ob ? sen Itlme.t 60 Slime? . .1 1 00 ?tim?? ........ .t 1 M I tiir.ea._| I 70 M time?.? *> ? 1 month.I 9 so 8 month?.$*? ?? Reading notice? tn reading-metier type. Ova Baee or lea?, 11 ; in nonparlel leaded, 7.V\ Card of rates for mor? ?pstoe furnished on sp allcaUon. _ All letter? and telegrani? must ts? aldt?s??l a? ru ? Hirn-AK u ?????.?.. Itaje^ted cominunicaiioc? will not re re? tort, ed. TIiriiSIiAY.mat as, wi The Election To-Pav. Our p??>)i]r? havr?'|?arati??iis < ?rtlit? I.r.K _OStn_eat celebration taMDf havo almost forgotten that to-day thsfS ? SB important rlndnm. We are caliti upon t1 Isxfter, Ciiiritii?agi..m-r tal the tteveaaa, and Aa_tor, ?all tha members of tbe Oo_moa ('????? il. seretal alilssaBsa aad the full gu?la of JtBttioM of thi l'< ???, Appar. nti? il.?? t????? t nominated by tho DerjBocratie primary h;?* no "i?i? ?attroa beag??p?*:'?* ?linchar;??? Bl iiis duty h?? received a wounti fr?nn the effoets of ??????? h?? lin? never fully r?. ? BaylMBJL l'"r twi'iily JTOBOT past he has Barrad tbe citj as nu officer <>f i??>li(??'. His r r ? |g excellent. He baa beaa aealous, Baaaly, faithful, efficient He d? wnll "f Ins party, aii.l with Ui?? ????????p? ? of onrgrtiftt Btragcletbi sontberoiacli ?? nd SSMM fr????h up? ?n us, win ? \v?? nr?? luminimi,' ayes snugs, t?uiingaaaedotee ??f th??bivouac and in.'u?? h, recalling huttl?? adventures, Bi.d. withal, preparing to B_bi*aee all the vetesaaawbofoafbtwith !_?, .???hnstos, an?) Hi ?iniiiAiii?, it would be marvellous indeed if tbe people ?.f tbe Confederate capital ahoald abooas this tiate to cast ?liiwii ovM of tbeir own worthy ansai and brotbeiB, and la bis Bteed raise up a a_a wh'? bas no streb obums upon us. of ctiiirs" tbe People <>f Un-limond mean tu ?lo no stich thing ; even tbe mention oj iti- ?. viHiiic, luit ?itir ii|i?it)iy aad ???1 un ? p cerned ubo ut '??' BB4 my Bad awoke to tind that they ha?l a tick? t m the acid nini bl '.? or 10 o'cloik ?. M. Lad put it uhtud ol our? by a'oiiM'i? rabie niu|i?rity. llappilv our runner? ? it SO work to alarm tin? l?e.mocrats, ani by dint of greet labor he fore -uridown the victory was arri ted from th?? Bepubtieana Tiiey will ?m, ik upon BS to-dnv If they ?un. Tiieret'ori? be ?u the start! Go to th?? poll.?? barore ymi go to be dneea ?\? will huve a lull ticket in Jackson Ward, at in all other waul?, and th?? ?al? lant, faithful, and l'ii?-siil? rmi; Hein?, ci, it ? of that esotica* aia invited to como out und ???!?? not onlv tot Bargeanl and Mayor, ?? "iir rump ?ud get oil wi?iui.y trophy of vic? tory. _ An Ohio frimd writes 1?? ask us if it is true, as the Ritdical leader? in his section are *BBM*r??-Bg, that "only ('..nieder it?? flags will b?' allowed to float in the breezeH OO the occasi??u of the in monument bbt< d ing and that "ib? lands will plaj Diaie and tunea aaered to the southsga heart'1 lather then Ibe "Btar-Rpeaaled Banaar" and other like aira oa the sama ooeesion, Well, "we ahould Mini??." aa w?> hare smiled already unie than onee el our frit tuls nino??, m???. We uro BOXI TI ir ?day to eclelr.it?? ti.? virtu??? of the I'?>nl'i il.ru? ye military chieftain, the i,'r? at, the noble, the patriotic l.i.L, the W'ltli? succttaaor of W.?,.?iiiv.i. We won! 1 he fit f? ? th?? aeon ?>f mankind did ??' lishtra. Richuion?!. Wan, Joiinstow A Co., VII east Mniu atre at Of LmveU's Internati.nal Serie*. The Talk ina limi* <>r Irur. liv 1'iiAKlt 1I?i;ti.?\n M. D. Taper. 60c. Ia?v?u.i. A Co.. New York. Of Lovell's Anieriean Author's Keno? In the Va?ty ?./ ?a*??. Ity Fasmrsi??? Ihiiksti? Cj.ahk. 1'aptr. 60 cent*. ?/???aa. A Co. New York. ?YuiU, ami Ilnte to Vm 77,?->/? : A Tra? tuai Manual for llousektepnra. containing iv 700 recipe?. Ry Mr?. Hesrt-it M. PootA l'iuio., jip. 2-tii. Cloth. Me? ? 1. Fowuta A Watxa Co., publishers, New York. Richmond : H. M. ?ta???. A Co., Wir Main street ftV CwmfiaH troUure. " The Origina] Work," bv Ai.nAsi.fit Jn ma?, "ir.iu which tbe play Ut'Tbe(kmUo?a ?rothere' watt drainai!/?a?rLOa. 12m?>.. cloth, ?1.50. TnoMA? >'. OaosvaSA ? <"??., 4;i east Four? teenth street, N??w York. Irwin. By W. ?. ?s?p??, M. A. The Story of the Nation's tfertoa. ?. P. Pitt, kam's Sons, N?*w York. G2t?<>; hand? somely illustrated. Fru-e ?l.fjO. !?i? h ???????I : Wkbt, Johnston A ?Do. "C M_* Keasays from an Editor's Drawer on KeliRion, Literatur?', and Life. Hy Il ?.u Mn.i.aBTHOMf8oN. D. 1).. Hishopof MHwiaairinL Fourth edition. New York: Thomas w'niTTAKKR a and .1 Bible House. DEATH OF MR. FRANKLIN. Trial of I>r. Hora?*? Wagner Cominriirnl lo NtafTont County. (Special telegram to tb? Dlspetrn.1 FamKKirKstir.'Ko, Va.. May 21. Mr. Wil? liam Franklin, who WSS paralysed seyiral weak? two, f St.ifforil county. HeleaTcea w.fo and Beveral children. Th?? convention in tba interest of the l Morthern Meek railroad will meet m th?? Opera-House here t<>-niorrow at UK The ra?i".f the Ooaxntniwealth nrninst T)r. Hor.?!???? Wagner, for th?? institution of )n? iili'Cfil suit?; against tin- Adams Kxnress ? ? ? ? of Stafford, niiiotiiitint? to nearly ?*2.'??,1.(???) came up in the enti rt of that > ??uiity to day, It will pro? bably !?*? several days before the evidence ? ? ? laded. ? plea of insanity is being urged by WufrniT's ?xrnnsel, .????^? John ?.??? ilnck. _____ THE SCOTCH-IRISH CONGRESS. Stiini. ,,f Tlioa? Uhu Will Speak at the f'attierliig nt rittalmrgli. Th ????:iris?if America, among the distinguish? t ??? akers who will deliver addicasi?* nn? Governor Bearer, of Pennsylvania, win? will deliver trees ?>f ??? Ironie: Secretary Blaine, W. 0. P. Breckint tucay; ?!???. Dr John Unii, ol '? : ? ? k : (Jovernor .linn.? L Oampta II, ?.* Ohio: Rev, Ur. ?!. s. Ifelntosh, of Philadelphia: IV A. I.. 1'errv, of Williams (Oil??/": Rev. It I>. <'. Kelly. ?>f Tenneeaee: ProfesaoT H.A. Whit??, ?.f Washington inn! Lee Uni verwity. Virginia; W. K. Robinaon, of Brooklyn, and John Dalzell,of Pennsylva? nia. Robert Bonner, of New York, presi? dent of ih?? society, will pre? ide. Dyspepsia M.iket man? lives n?i?ortblo, and often litad? to aclf de?lnn tlou. IMstrci* ufter eatin,-,?!rk Bead* ?cno, heartburn, sour stomach, mental BWBtea? ?loo. etc., aro rame.l by tills very ounnou aid tncretilng dlirarc. HooU't S-iriaiuirlllat'.ne? ilio ?toniteli, create? an appetito, promotes liealttiy dlf/'ttlon, relieve? rick ??>???,??!??, rlear? tho ?ml cure? the nx-tt olistlaato cat??? of dj?? , 1;? :i 1 tha f"ll')wlir;: " 1 litre bc?n troubled with drtpepiila. I ? rl l?ut little appetite, and what I ?Ii?! I I nie.or did m? little fro?..). In mi hour ?ft?. r t .' | I Vfould < I'?' :lc:.i .' ?? 1 ilota??? or ttTOd, ? fueUagi a? thouitli I had u??t eato Ho. tl'? Sartsprirllla did me an ? ? of Rood. It llave nie an app.a <, ?mi my food rclUhed ?nd ?atlifled the aravtBg ? na?i previotMly eipcrleced. It relieved me of that f ilut, tlr??d, al'i-ftono feeling*. 1 have Mt BO PiUiJi In It??: inri? 1 took Mo.id'? ftrirsaiarllln, that I em happy to? reeemrn? ? \ G.?.p, tValvrtca-n, Mast. N. B. He ?uri? ti? pet ouy Hood's Sarsaparilla fao'.dby?il!il-?i?-.-:.t?. fl;ilxforJS. I'ri'ii.-.redonly bj 1.1. li'UoiiA tl? , . Kuweit. M_a, 100 Doses Ono Dollar BESTER fmnWfiJrriVBESTi NT AND ?O.YT BU Dl TED. A so-called "Webeter'a Unabridg?i?d Dic? tionary " i.?* being offered to tin? public ut a rerj Ion price. Tin body of tin? book, iroin A to/., isa ?li? ni? reprint, page for page, of tl.litioo of i-i47, ?uhicn waa in .!- da?, u valuabli book,but, m the pi uage tir over FOKTY1 EARS, lia? 1.n completelyanperseded. It lanoa i,. produced, broken type, errors and all, by a raphio proce? -, la printed "ti ch? ,i?? pap? and flimady bound. It ia advertised titial ? quivali nt of "an eight-tota 1?? loUar book." while in fact it i^ u lit? ? il ? ipy ..f a 1 ?? k v? hieb m its day was retailed for about >j. and that ? m muob superi ?? in paper, print, and bindii ? '? '': - imitation, and wi th? d 1 . . ,?!' the time inatead of an an! quated one. A brief comparison, ????,?; by lull?." ? the reprint and the : edition will show tht? great auperi ritt of th? latter. No hono? rable dealer will allow the buyer '??? ?: "Only those ??'.n? .?r.? Ignorant ol the ?.'rent adran? es that hare bt ade io dut ??.?.arc- are likely to bey tata reprint at any pin???.'' The ?MF&IC t.v B00K8XI*LERof New Yi.rl ? . "lim etymologies are utterly mislead? ing, and naturali] so; tor ??ben the Web 1847 was i ? pan re Phi was in its en ? be definitions ar?? imp? rfi ??', reooinng eondem ition, re meat, ana additions. The rocab nlary is. i.-t??. : ? ? .?, some of the eoi imonesl Uly, especially.??. l"lll'!i,? tlTtllS, for which a dictionary is most often con? sulted, beiag entirely absent. In noi one ot these three prim? requisite? of a diction? ary n the Web tor reprints trustworthy ??nule, or, rather, ? is u misleading one, ? ? * Th;? ' leprini ' 1 noi Int nd d for intelligent mea. it b ? ?? . to Be foisted by all the arte of the book saaYaeeei on those who here b. ea precluded from a knowledg? of whal development? lexico i.as undergone dorine the last forty i Ihisis tho eruelcsl feuture of thi? inoney?BaaJrlng untssprtse " Th.? BUFFALO CkTAMBT?AS M>Y?> ? ? ; ?: say ? : " lioN-'r be Derm Thousands are, or are likelv tobe, by the flashy, fraudulent ad? vertisement of "The Original Webster's Unabridged Dictionary," which ?? offend for thre.'or four ?ii.lb'i?. ?????*_{ ui?? ..t "iu readers wish ti? invest in a pur? chase whnli iho? arili be likely afterward to msret. they will do so after being duly notified." Tbe JiiVliXAL OF KDVVATlOX. Hoe ton, say? ; " 1 tachen cannot be too car? tul not t? l>e imposed ?m, ?.nee the vi-ry things ?vb.? h make a ?In tiouary valuable in Beuool aro m this old.time renriut. Any high-school dictionary which can le pur? chase?! lor a dollar and lift ? cents is worth more for Bphool use than this." Many other proiuineut journal? epeak m similar tenus, and legitimate publishers writ?? us iu strong condemnation of this t to foist an obeoleU? book on tbe The LATEST and the BOT, which bean our imprint ou the title page, him OVER K.iAiO PAUErt, with illuit'ations on almost ev?ry page. G. & ft MERRIAM & CO?, BPKIN(iKIRU). BASH, (my ?-diutwiti 0?!? ^a7Ailaaia,(ia. ?>?!, and Whiskey Habite cured at hum?; with? out patu. Hook uf nur. IfcaJarsseat I'Brr. It M aOOLUtY.Bl.D. ?flice UH'., WntlebstU ?t. pub KeaodAwlynrJ A J. WRAY, J \ . birU WKM? ????? STRBfiT, BAHBLK AM? UliANlTK DtULglt, Heed ?loue? and Bintt-ed Melitela aad I ?'*"?. C?iae lery werk a speciali). _?> is-ira Washing Clothes or cleaning house wi?ior?inaryeoap is like rollin? a heavy stone up hill ; it takes main strength ^ amlagooddealofit. \ The same work done V^ with Pearline is like _ V rolling the stone "\ down hill?if s easy; v. quick; true; goes right to v the mark; and with very little labor. All dirt must go before PEARLINR It robs woman's hardest work of drudgery?(a pniiseworthy thi the way). The question is?c does it not hurt the hands, clothes or paint? We tell you it don't?but we are interested (as well as you)_so ask your friends who use it ; you'll find most of them do; the annual consumption is equal to about three packages a year f-?r ever}? family in the land. But better yet?get a package (it costs but a few pennies, and every grocer keeps it), and try it for yourself? your gain will be larger than ours. -apv Feddlers aad "?me nnicrtiptilous *?rr>cm fire offering La_ /Z?fi? 7 (~W ?*?^ imitations which they claim to be Pearline, or " the DLVYtctlCat '-. besides are ?lan^crous. initiations ?vuii.il nicy t.iaini m ut ? cai uhi*, ?ir me ?ame as I'ear?nc." IT'S FALSE?they are not, ami i5a ?AJCBSPT1 Johnston's Mandine FOR THE BLOOD. LITER* AND KIDNEYS. TUE ME8T Sl'IUNU MlDICIrTI IN IHK Wt'KI.l). MNETY-SIX injsi ? |?. fin? 1- Th.SaATul NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! juat received of our own Importation from thn b >et Enffileh ani Trench potter!?'?. Our ?tock ot KM.I.ISII DISNKK-SKIa, TKA-SUr*?, au?l WASH n t'A:? ? Bi: li? la complata aii'i at prleo? iarb-low their irui value. ?jur Btoek "f FKRNt tl, CHINA, and CARLSBAD CHINA, DIN.nkh, tea, OTSTBB, ICK CRKAM, ??ame, anil Kisll HBT8 i? larvar ani more rarled taan erer before and at price? to ?at tn?? Utter? Ouretock u( rJOUSEPDKNIsBINU ! ?" ?Da ?? larffe and w?i: aaaorted ??t i..w ;,-? ?. our stork <>l ill.AHSWAKE I? complete and v.\ IRri SKI*?. ICE-CREAM .-.?II-?, l.KV.i??? Ml ? BETS, riTiiir.lt"?, PRESERVS-II G /.Mi?, si ? \K DlBHBt*.CUBAM-I-ITCHJEBa,OOBLBT9, rC-BLEKH, and man t other article* la OLAHsWARB, front the etu?apeat to tne flaaat Onr atock ef alLVBK*PLATBl> WABB la larra and ?..p??? anlof th? tient ?mat??!?- W?< have a large stock of FANCY GOODS wall Bulled! to the wants of th? people lor bri lai t?rc?<'Ut?, Ac. W ?? invite ail wiio may ????? goods la our Hue to gire us a oaU. We will tr/ to mat'? II to tnolr Inntmsl to puichaae of u?. E. B. TA Y LOR & CO., ion east Main St. [ap? ? chimneys? YOU GET THE.WRONC'SORT; THE RIGHT ONES mue d ? Ea?'R L "?" 0 ? "AND '** Mide only By GEO. A. MACBETH I CO., PITTSBURGH, PA, |fo ??J-eodAwtAuiiJ ??? RE. Wo har? now on our counter* upward* of ? thousand Donada of WBJTIIIO-PAPBK aia? tiH'-nit lii.ii 1-, Iiui'ii?. I'ri'am I'lat??, and Whlto ?tuck. Thi? aaaialiiiaiil elves us in< r ? paper ?????? wo can? ti? <->irry at this ee?? to r.-iluco )'l ! IS of the Norfolk und ?V??stern Hatlnitid ('. Iii?..'iliv, ill UOANUKr. V\,?lxo IUX_*i, tmill of l'KK?tSHJ HKICK. Plans aud ipeclflcaiions mar beeeen at tbe ??nice of ine hacines?*- Maln tooaiiee ef Way at tb? Bartola and Vteatent rail r?i?U, Uoenoke, Va Tus riebt lo reject ?ur or ail nids Is reserved to IB? .'?oifoU aud ?Aesturu liailroail ? .imps???. ? .! ?i I BS g, CliriKtllLl?, tur ?-'-v?V ?uiiuoer _uut*?iauc? vi War. ? p? ?? B?BSORTBKRfl ?? ???,?., iOI?ACCO COMPANY. r?lIl.lI{IHnfS'i'UTMBie-S!lAHE"RlC.HTS'' of this company can secure same hy en.I..r.?lQg earunoau and aepoetn?g same ani$inu wiun u? on or I'fi r?? MAY BJ, >.*i. ?Tin-? wleh to snbecrlbe to BBS ? NI'l'R ( II V-Kli BALANI BOP TBJ KH-KliVKD G?? rT.Kl.r.l) I PBB l.'KN!. BTOi ? can doso by ?limi??? Iho application for same at our office, wh!-h will enlille su escriben lu such allotment a? n. s y be made of said balance. ? he rii/hl to 10-share sanSsBtyflea? will ? ipln? on the ???? of May, and tb" BlIfltBBSnlnl the bal? an.-o uni. n (.u?. 1 v.Ul lie made a>SlljBMaiptiaai for same made by that data. Any further Information wanted can tin bad on application. TUt'MAS BRANCH * '. ' ?.. Hank or?, my 1*5-1 t? 1101 Main street. SALEM, VA. WESTSALEM LAND COMPANY ?. rBBTO saXL thkik SERIES "i. ??.?!; NEW CABTLK, CRAIG OOUBTT, ??.??? K, PAH VAT.IK f :". FUI! |j i'EK ?SHAKE, PATABLB 11 rn Vi.'STH PER ??HARZ ISTlLJj ?AV1? ???? l'.il??. Thl? ?eri??? will soon It? all t?k*a and doted (?und orders wt'.h first payateal of |l per share to Qb*OBx*I AI.LK.N, I're-ldi-iu and Managor, er CUAA1M C. TO-MPKINS. Secretary. We bave Utten stock In the WEST SAI.EM LANO COMPABT and commend It to our friends, Mibscripllou* ri.i-olvod and Inli.rmation given by ilSNKY L. aTAI'Llw A 00, m: l - It?? 1103 Main street. INM IRANCE rilMI-ANirS. ORGANIZED 1869. VIRGBIA STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 1006 east Mala ?truel, Ulehmon? AhbETS.B38U.O0O, (solicit* IXSL'HAKCRDN ALL CLASSES of KISK*? Iu ?ITY ani ? nl'M'R? a?r.ilii?i I?IRE A.NU I.KiHTNINU. ! ? ii?r?es rcajonaijle. Loaiio? promptly [adjusted and paid. Pt_80TOa_i Jidob ?EORUE L, CHRISTIAN, Vice I'realdeot;_ Jull.? *?. kLLETT, l*rB?l?lent Nato Itank of Vlr?inta; yAMF.?* ALIRKU JONEe, N. W. HOWE, L. T. D. ili t.MS. JOHN POPE, Db. JOHN SIAIIONY, 8. U. DAWr.?, I". BITTBKDINQ, J. SL rol'Ryl'KEAN. V.U. CHENMUW.Ja. ??. V. RANOOLI'lI, Freeldeat; Ito. ?. IlK'llAitli-ju.N.eocretarT; CUARLEBK. WU.I.I?. 1 Assistant f*'-relary; ?* 1-???1?_ L. F. MAHDN, ftolleltor. ?KNTlSTJi. T\R. W. WYTHE DAVIS, PENTIbT, SUM EAST BAIN STREET, (ap ?r-3m] Dlt?. GEORGE B. A CHAINES L. isTr.ai DBNTUrTSL PRANE R. STIEL. I). U. K, U. I).. AMlitaat va ??t?in 6?i_i?f.uicu_oai) va. bbJ?MSS ??? SUMMER MILLINERY OPENING TAKES PLACE TO-DAY. Between four anil fivo huudrcd of the handsomest Headwear will be on exhibition. (?ne?d the greatest efforts ever made by tho Department. The glowing fciituro of tho opining occasione hereis tho number of Hats as well as trio rarity mid choice ul ti?.?? styles. Th?? ability of k-iiilership is sought for, au?l all the world ??f ?Millinery is brought into be.iri?ig. I'uris has contributed more Heiidwcur to this opening alono than you could look for in half a hundred other Millinery -houses fur an entire i>eaaon. If ther?? is pride in the Hiimruer Hat there is scope for tast?? and choice here. This is the main object. The price secondary j>erbape. We ecrve you in both ae best possible. ?Second floor, front. 11, IS, 15, ai)tt 17 east Broad street, BETWEEN FIRST AND POUBHEE BTBEETB. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. G-ANSS & CO. We offer tho Mlowlng bargain?? w THDR8DAT. FRIDAY, aad SATURDAY, and Invite a call: RIBBONS. 8atin-r ??.-.? Gres Orala a?i-s?i? Ribbons? ?a .' ?? 1-. ' Bo. '.'?t \ ?-. Inalldoslrablishadea ? ?? I . . . ] r ? Ts. To-day we will dlsplar a line of Summer Hats in straw and raull-the prettiest ever shown la Uie city. A reduction from SOI ? I alles' straw H it?, la alt .?, lor? and shapes. CORSETS. Our Corset s?!e h?? bees a sacs ?a, aad ve ?? se the following well-known brands, wti'.cri at a glance you will notice are twraal ? lion fitting, from ?? '.', ?3c. ; J'r. \\ anici ?. Ir. ?1 ,'? to ?1 ; Ms -?pirite, fr ??.? ? ? Watcb-?priug, froo I li,,r.-ti.?? Blaes, tre ?? ? to w,?, G-ANSS & CO., 11 ? EAST ?HO ? D STR E ET, Between First otiti Second. ,'m>- a ????? ; u THE* P*-__rf?\. 117 E. Broad St. ? ?- " A BATCH OF BARGAINS You Will Find Them Seasonable ami Cheap and Ibe Krai Values Extctljr is Stated. A lot of PIB-8TB1PBD OBGAXDIE1 worth l?!?c. "?ark??.I ?? ? Int of ?.,.-. ? HAI LU'.?, iiKwninl [,r??tty ?tyle?, marked ilu??ii I A loi ? HD a.- ? ITBIPSD DBB88 ?ilM.HAMs onaxBe?* ?lowii lo6\c. ? ?..? . f ! AlHBs' *? ? MPBD -1BKBSUCKBB SK1KT-? irortb ? ???. of LADIBa1 and ? HII Uie-.vs ???.???? HoitDKliUli HANDKSBCUlBFfl wor_ ?lx for l'?c. A l,?t of LAIIIKS'HScRHEIR I INB?-TBBBAD IIAMiM- 1? HI' I'*? ?rita lolal 1 ? lock*, . A lot of fine LI??.? BMVBLOPB8 -?.riiilic a* t f oAKLKY's Me. col? ioni: WATBBra .. tv, A M of fllll.DUr.N S GIKUINB USLaV THKBAD JBR9BYKIBBSD .--?LoW NECK VB8TS, ? ?itivir w? ri?i Bua. f? \ A lot of LADIES' CKEAB BIBBED 'BHSEY i.ow-NK? ? sLKBTBLBaa ??.???? a-oraaaa fer io??. A loi of LA Til ES1 BLACK and COLOBXD LlsLE-TUKKAD ULO\ ?*? w?n.h lue. for 7c. 117 east Broad street. [my ? ?] WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING PRBSB B?PPLIB8 0F WASH GOODS, WHITE GoODd, LACIS, EMBBOIDEBIES, AMI FLOUNCINGS for tho apiiixa?'rilii?c warm w<-athi*r, an?! in rr der to mate room (nr new ??,??* wa are mark? ing down the prie ? of all k WORSTED DKES_ GOOES, SILKS, TRIMMING HILKS, AND VELVET?. Among the latest altra -t., and ?.?. : All of our I'KIN'ltDClilN \. ?*ll,k*? r.'tlj'.ed to &U?.*. Werft? r (treat t?ar(ralr.? la !U ? ? If OH A HLACK-HKNKIETTA, BLA? K BAI?Tat BLACK IM'BKIAL allllCKM. BLA? ? ? ??*? N--.il 'SQH, BLACK HilfS, audoUiorUI.Al K IIKBSS (HKI?S. COLOttKD WASH GOODS. We have the tno?t ???????G??? line of Gingham?. ?leur? l'item, Ctiamoray?, Outmiie, Printod CUal lle?, <_d Ba.imo* thai we bave evor anown. WHITE GOODS. Espe-ria! attention I* called to our euporbae B?irtui*uiof BemsUtCtted.Vaa Dyke, and Piali???! FlouucluKB ironi SUc. per yard upward. A loi of Btyla? left orer from last ?easou haTe brea marked down to about half prl?-u to ????? ??.??? out. Tot* le a Chan??? to ?,?-'ire a targala. MATTI NOS ! MATTIN? t? ! In order to reduce our ?to?k of Matting* wo will for a few day? ufter all of our V.'iilie and Fati.-v Malting*, heretofore ?old at l'.'\, lb, lUt, and IS??., at H per ?1er? uf foriy yard*. A. BUT*I_*va NRr, nyBO-TuaTh :nv o_l broad utroat. _aUrOlUl, STATIONKK\. Ao. IJ.WO NEW VIRGINIA BOOKa OCR DliHTINOCHHEU FELLOW-CITIZES. By Carlton McCartiy. Plat?.?. l_i, pai er, Me. WITCH O* JAMESTOWN. A ?lory ol Colo? nial Virginia, includine Bacon'e Kebelllon. By J. G. Bowyer. Paper Wc. ? i>uaril TS??. ?? ?3_ HABDOUH A KNOLISE. T?8T_BLiaE_D 183a HBMTIIIK, Ao. r*. -? ?-. G?*,t?!< BKXVIS. ??? FURNITURE, uaeveraor ilrMt, ??__0?*1. Va Sp ECIAL 8ACHI1TCES T?18 W I I DRAPERY NETS. ?V??-. Quality li;?k BlsB Bet marked down to . A YARIl. I-Slik l?r?ipory Nei? now marked . ? ?????. |!.; j was the price of a superb quality and ele? gant pattern Drapery Not, We nave Jast marked it '..IDA YARD. ". 111 ? ? ??.?? -, Ove Checked Nainsook now marked 4S.C. ? YARD, oc. India Ltnon now reduce ? t.? i.e. A Y A hi?. !' -, India Llneu, extra floe and ?h?.?r. now only '. . ? YARD. MATTINI, V,\ ? ? ??? DOWN. Our sue. extra-ijuallty Kaucy .Ylattlng now market! -.:.? A YARD. Our '?Oc. Fancy Miitllng, excellent patterns and quality, niarsol d.wu t , OC A YARD. A few piece? left of U.?? : I c, Walte Mattlng We aro ?oiling at |3.80 a roll, or Be. A Y A 1.1?. The -1>.?. .?'uallty Kancy Jlatungs now go at Hi'. A Y A Ut?. firmai reduction? tins week oo Matting Rem DBBM OOOlis ilEDI CTION. l-.'v'? t.'haiiie? now ? lac? I to ?MC. A Y AHI?. Wool l hail. ? ..now only !??'. A Y A IM). . 'a?hmeios, half woo!, have been re dooed to ???. A YARD. U ...?'.Mixed Plaid. ?,utile width, was **?., now 1.',. . A YARD. Yard-wide AH-Wool Sultlog?, Plaid? and Stripe?, that wore N'c, now reduced to BSC A YARD. Be. I|.?nri?3t'a% uu? light rliades, have been 1 lu .? I \KI>. ? Ai:-Wi>oi serg..?, u,.? .j??c. quality, re ' ? ?. YARD. TOILBT >?" Ni.oaseortr .?-?makers at ?AMDIOC \ CAKI D. ? '.. ' ????, my r?-TtiATU M? Uroad etr-or. LEVY & DAVIS. In addition to mi:? ? loslatf-out sale of made-up TADIl-S' JKKSKi i?'.;.??l?S, which we an? nounced yesterday, w? offer i.adiev UBBOrDBBID CHAMHBAT DBaaaaa, formerly sold at lo ees?, for only f'iMi EMBROIDERED ( HAYIHHAY PANNKI.S. with r lou to inatob, worth $'!, r-dui ?> 1 to fl. MOHAIR SHEPHERD PLAIDS, in BUsB and warte au l llluu and Whit??regular price Mc per yard-only BB? Sli.K DHAPERY NET. We hav.? Ju?t received five more pie?'?"? of that Hue Mik Drapery N? : tr.at we ba?e bad such an extraordinary sale of at |1 per yard. This.pinllty was never bel on sold lee* tnau fl.SO per yard. WHITE LENO Ml'SI.IN, the popular fabric now lor summer dresses, worth 3i?i per jmr?. only Ua NOTTINOUAM LACE GG?????8. ?* yards ?. |fl iache? wide, taped edges? a regular irtalu- only liSS per patr. SHKI'IIEKD PLAIDS! RAH Sli.K. very fine and ?..It, ami good valuo at $1.~> par yard, only (Oc JAPANESE DRAPERY SILK, BJ laches wide. In new pattern?, aoi th |l.i. per yard, only 7V, Remember, we are headquarters for DECO? RA ITO.N MATERIALS of all kinds. LEVY & DAVIS. [my ?1 HOW ARE ?OUR EYES? GOLD SPKCTACUC8 ABD BTB.3LAa?t*M, (?o? n hooks and CHAINS, in tarter variety ?Baa ???* tofo'A at Prttes as low as any In iha th-country. AlloinorUleaeas accurately fitted Is? ih.? ?ye accord lag to actual naetl, oo matt r how ???er- tu? *uu*j *.?'?<** aisr appear, litus irated csiak?gu? aad te? type? ?ut w m- ^j. dr-ss up.?" eppBMBBe? Kxamiuatioe rraa. DR. 8. GALKSKI. Consuntos sad Banufacturtag Opti laa, ?.?? j east Mala su??t ia bt/rcttinT sas rfrsirtM try s ist-rt-ifal ?hytirlaa usi tptxisliit ?? Dittavi ?f tb? ??/???, ?Cil SB?! ????? SIITI 11 St. l'uni??: li.rTtL. ILohmord.Sop? ' A. B.C.Cll.'MI. ?..' ? I h*?n prrscrll,.?! j-nir A. IJ. 0, Alterali,., snd Toril? la many r*???of Um4 .lltcaoe ?ithrery dis:!,! d bene?'.'. ?a oe? caes th? p?iicat bad Ixton oonlin. man/ monili?, li is ,-,,?.?.?. ? was so hon?!???? thai bl? rne-lieal attendant? had abaci!? ' ? dreadfully mutila?*?! br a nvsit fomiidr.bl? rouetltu? tlonal di?????*. T m tx.-Msof hisfaco ?r.d ? ?stlisd U*a ? a???reiy attacked, and a p??:????.;? et the natural law? whi.-h col aad nutrition, ??? by a rarefai ?. ? the ??? ui, Br, ? ? many heavy loctors'billa li ?? ?? . u?? of such ar'ilies ? diel that a ooas ? . ? dit up until ? ? ? mal??!:?>?? ara floaUag bi to attack -??.??? i a week | may i??. ? fatal ? our-nlvi's w?U torti fled ?I l: , .i-S4Ttia? (rJ. tetti. Bad? Bimply with boiling water or milk only lu half-pound tins ? ? thus J ? ????.?, ?.? ?? ?, Eagle. i. su I .. DBUNKENrfESS ** Liquor Habit, *HJl 77ft- W?ftl? THCfF tSBlffCKf CMC ?? haines GOLDEN SPECIFIC Il r*n h,? ???,.? li ,, ? , ?I. ?., .? i. ' iry. 11 , ? - ? ? ? ? ? ?: V ? 11.? I ? OKPARTiur or? ?? ? inr.K?. Old Dominion hi ?am- l*v BflLP COMPAIO \ G?? ? ?__?*_? Btrarner? 1. ? aii l Ift.i'.ll a. I P. ?. X ,,u# lii'ur tie ? i-f??an:*_ N'iKKulK.I'? Il NEWS BON I, au I JAMBaVhl? rei*i learll ? r.rti M.'NI? ? Il \1, and rKIDAY at T 4 ? ? direitly to ei*an.ur*' aliar*. . a?" ? !?> DU l\anl - Connect u? al ? ut ??orfoia with a ? ? Il m *an>a afternoon, rlrer ? y daylight. Draal toarla* ime. Cheap??? ? broufb ik-x??'.* oa ?.. ,. .? ? -, .?>? 1 'laily ;. , ? '. ?Jl !? Pi.'IN : '?AVI l.AN TiC ANU DAB VILLE, ?, POYVUATAM ?. ?. ITATiON?J, and \ ?.??? I U.S. ?I. ? , all . ? Carolina, K*? ?era Virginia, an : a? regolar laad ? i lariM Waa ????. Pnatght PHILADELPHIA, J.l'J H^i{ff. mon;) UID BOBffOUt I'.lia'Ui.' IO ? Appointai ?aliliw day*. Ei ry Tl aul frllllA? al iJ S?. *..1??< r/ S\ M 5 _ M. Freightfof T i*?darr and Fri lar* atuaninr? received ?il 11.V A. il. f .r Blindera1 tins l*. ?? oaiurJay ?'r*i*nireceived dalli .. S P. _ Far?., fV lor further luforu*att->a api iy to J. ?. ?'.'? ,?!?!????, Ueueraiaoiiiiorn Agi..? ? ?Ita? ?V. ?' ?? i.enorel Agent* i'Uiie'jiuBifc ANCHOR LINE. ?? ? ? I? - ? ? ?? I ? ? . 1 IV ! Hl'OIII. tu? (M II BOTO W ?. ? I 1 V .')! ?.?IVI ? -'fr :.. '."?? York s \ ( I BDAl May It, Juu?? ?*x, July 'Jrt, I : .-?ik'..S'llll?Mi,i;. Se "Ud-( las? *.iil. (.l.\??:i)W M.'.:! o . t.l \?l.?i?? .?, ? I ll\|illMi|,ll,!l Cat in Passag? toQlasg ?, Loatloaaerrr. or Li?. - ?SO and ???. - - . lekeu ??? Re ? ?? - : Tra.elii-rs < ir. liar lei ! Draft? I*twbeo??ol Lours, tick?*?,oi firth? uiatlouappl? to H EN DE It SO ? Uh ? lonbteai pany; orANDKiiVi va.".!.?!!, W. '? ? REt?., A..U1 STATEJI?iE, ?USG0W, LONDONDERRY, BELFAST ?UBLIri, LIVERPOOL ?. L0K93K. ?'ROM BTcaj rOBK BV IAT. Cium Patiage S3S to ISO, accordi.vg to locabee Ol stateroom. En ?a:.-u.a. f>6j io %Jr>? fitecr-if? is ??? fr,.m B*vnreeSLiwrw?i lut??. AUSTlsBALOriistACO.,?. ..*.ji*. 63 Bro-jdear. ??? YORK ANORKtV WKI.i.a. I. ..,.._. A. W. l.ARrlfCK, / Aguata iny ?Meod_w-,iu Util Vitti? LIU?. RICHMOND CITY AM) ShVfcN PlNr.s RAILROAD s,;,. ,)', LE. -'.?.lu, 'tv,:.'? sixth and ? streets. ??a I u?. r ?.Uh ail train?. Ani?? Leave Arri?" S'.'ii Kl.-li- .?(rei Pine?. u, ni. ite,ail. l'iu-s. LU, ?li. ?. M. ?:"???.|_. M-iA. M. 7:1'A. M. BIS A. VI. 1.IA) M. U ? ? ?? ??. BL liSO ?. ?. ? 6:15 P. M. TiUUhJa. M? V. M. -?. ?. ??L'NDAT TKA!\>. ? (?0 A. M. 9:15 A M. liUW ?. M. M a*. 11:15 a. _. 1*00 >i. Il f*P. *. I.-O0 P. V?. Il' ?. ?. ??) !'. M. 3.??! P. 1 I ?:. 4:4 P. a. ? -a ?. ?. t:G. ? m. r-jo r a Rouud-trlp lo ?????? linee, ?T? centa n. I>AltMTILLE \.VD l'uWUAM'. KAIL1:" ??? UENKRAL oHTi'Ks. BB ABBI ? U ?< .'?????. scredile in kp?.itapril i&,ieaa, abhivb at ????????? 8:15 A. IL, 'm Rieb moud and ???arili? relimad, Irvrn Pat invili.?, Ann. -?. ? a Cuiiibrr'.aiel ?'.??? tu use, .?tui.nysido, 1 aaec ...?????, Mallevili?), Be leu.?, Po?? hat?n ?.. irli., me. Epi.??? Kali?, IVlaterpeca, ?ut }?sln.,iier;er. 12:15 P. B., ? ? ili ?. n ?ad oc! l'-tereUirg rail rea ?. front WtaieriKX'k, rtuottuii. Per due, l "? ii. aad r ??> li? ?. LBAVB a?renos?. fcfJB P, M., rtii ili. iiruoad and Dansil!? ra!lr??ad. for l'arni vili?, Curatertand couru hou*?. PowBaian ? ".irthi-u*, aad ali lotertaedlste polui*. 5.-U P. B., r, ? ?iKiiHuni and Petersburg rail? road, for ????*?1? ralla, ? tutor?,..?ok, ? ad ali lutei ine.l,?-.o poluta AU traina dally ax -?pi Sunday. Vor Uofcets, ''????-?g - tu?- ? ?. ?!_??? table?, ?te, call upea A. W. QM.Hl.rt, iii.Uiiiuud aad Dau. nao rallrtMMl, aud Ulobnuua aaU IVtereburg railroao. P. M. m?'i?iN,.H .. llene-al ina-eu?; ?. AmiiI .?Utas B. Yi'ssT4, tf?u?j?al Manager. spi? ; r.'ii r.?? tn ttnrtt. m ? ^a^ .f^ mm (1_KSAIT.\KK AN'i ?.?no RAIL VJ WAY CUV, fKHEDCLR IB EpT?cT MAY \\VO\ i?*r* Btcaveaa BtSJ A. B. ?? ? * ' 11:30 A. M. r?.r tar Old I : .?. ..? b? r ?. ?'?? II man NIe.?p? r ? li ?? ,??? imth'i. ?, iiialL kB) G. ?l'. ? ? , lalif lor Old! . -. fata, ? ?ri'.r ? -r i:f>? P. B. /'?'?tir.:, .lull?,.? Ilu'.hwelL " . .: ' a- ? : ? ? ? ? TB.IH* ???? ? . 7:19 A. M. and ? 7..} 1'. V. dally, .!??!?* I I . . MMBS-Bireaj DI? ?*C0 A.M. ?? 4 1'.'. ?, T. t ? L ?. ?] Ma'. ? ? RICHMOND, FREDER] ANI! ? ? ? ?. U. . \ ' t ? ? I wai?r ?? e-. I ? ? ? , *?'?, P. ?. IxiT??? l?T?'-?lr??l ?', e-vjA. M, arrive* a tZSr. H. ?r- ? -. . BBBf ? ?? War ? ? ? > i. 9'43 P. M. ai ' ?? G?? T ? | ? ? ? Cet* A M. '*??.-?. I ?00 G. M. * ' ?... ? ? ? ?I. arri???? ??* v A M I ?,< Hi- ? ? \ ?. ? 1 ? ? ? I B? T. D. ?t??a . >~'OKrOl I ??????)G,?.? t'A ?. TWO 11141??* ? ? IBAYKKt?'! ?, ? \. r. *?. M. ? ? r. ? ?? s v, r. _ ?? ??. ???-? . '.M. ? ? ? rl ?. ?i. I - > . hu? . ? rc_.su.t ? *? . ? WtIBoul . , ?t . I ? : aal <-i ?? ? ? ?.f*?? rn'BL?? ?. G ta, Va ATLANTIC, EICH BOXO IBI) ? ? (??nini?'.*':.: M., lima? un ti. > ????-? Leer* y? Bin atoad. P-? O * " ? ?. ? ?. a. 'i ? ? ? . a /????.'?. . ?. I ?.-?. ?jail. . ? \ . ? THAIS ?Kl) So. Petan 14 * ' ?? I '?. ? ?? u Mi.ai ?. m. ? ?? ? 'Daily. ?.ir.. ?l an ? ? I I, Will ato.? a? Oil *t* .? OaTra .?. ? ? s.,* ?,.r. . ? ? ? Waablngion ai ' ? ? ? TAB OBLI \LUkU, ? M ? ? . Norfolk *? ? ? ? ? . win... a ebani t ? M Norfolk. , . ' ? . . ' and m ?. M - ? * * E. T. V. ?m?, Ui rai M T. M. km > K. , . ? . I - TRAIS I .. ?RICHMOND, ?MIA. M.I - ?? gb; at Ni ? ri??. ?r at 4 V. ?? :... ? ? . ?!? ?. ?. At ? osili ??u? tir. '?> < ???. ??-. and ola. ?-0CA.B. M? 1CAB ?it tr? I ?? ? , j ?a??'? railroad I ail ?? ?*?/?? . .:. 3r00 P. IL ? ? ? ? ? . ? SS?.?. I I ? fc?J?P. ?. ?. tu i?"r. . TRAINS AJUUY1 ?? l'.'J HMOMJ s'.1 y 3? Pr?>m AtlaiiU \. ? > ?a Am?!?* ? 4 e i'. ?. i"r?i Kai? .n, L B R M. uHau | ? . ???? Y?BK-RIVER UN&vuiMBf* TBB PAS H .NULI L_A\K t_CBMOtrPf THAi-i ?..y,;?*.'P. VL LCX'ALr'V ai an ?la .tat{?*f.ir Ma Seit??- wlU? ? o W-,NiVrKiiNVv'J>u.'.u BAITI ai (t; LtVltlB?.aaUy??' - fur \s .. - l IMiii-r. ' > ?> ut?'l ? "? Weaiiiogu??. ?/hii_?iB?*_wB*a>a ??ewi Bio??*?* leave Ua?Uiuwi?? v ?arrive al ????-oa I * U A. B ? * * TKA1M B?. U Mi a. B. UH ?i, Hl??iAda.!r ????*?> Tweuiy^itrUi!. ?trae- lor vs.... mediai? oolaU ___ __t? I w?elAm ? al ?*??? f??*? ?a? ? ?r?l^1?_, ciiy fetat^t?????--?"?*??* of feuib ?ad a*?? %,?*! ?dane^r. U.aerai l^?4?''< ?