Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND^ WHOLE NUMBER 12.118 RICHMOND. VA., WEDNESDAY. MAY DISPATCH. 0 THREE CENTS PER COPY. RALLY AT RICHMOND. M fonfederatrs Gathering at Their Famous Capital. A ROUSING REUNION. is o? the War and Their Sons Cone Trooping in Toother. ?ILITARY l?\LL .?D RECEPTION. PIctBW of a Truly Great Society Kvent. 1RES OF THE DAY. ? . a'a 1 iitrrtnlnn>??nt flrunlon \ : m a- Nmlhiti. Y.i'citiln?Our i oaal Ca-taaaa, a--mftiiumoM<*?*-lsr>i-atW>n. I l*ss Blatas ta?*, j la BSCSTMOBI I ?-?in with h will draw Hi. roajlailaials ibis ? m i oof " Hi? men Haas bava seat teas ?' bsm ? i\ t'ilntc?l at Ap-pO . ? ???? n at ?, "? n-r ?,r, '. ?Hal Hi? -?reel ?? 1' I in ?r u.a. . - bin 1 in*? Into j? a.. eotapaalooablp in ? ,: ?. WBsb fee Iblal *?' " ? ?i r>n 1.1.? ban ? ?j ?i ids oo thslri -H t .- nv. i; T WM IBSBjSaTtBB? U a plcbai Hi sa blasas ? : r.-iifi-? ist' sa ?vara I ; arBsaa .?'i'.?- It ?as la nareti n * ; ? i ?. aBa i i -?'.i an II will IBal al B tticy ? sr like ] . : . it aabatni ?1 to b? ? ? a will ? ran -as ?t th? of th-* : lb* ?? . a ?/Irflnlai the ? ' imp tti'l tljf? militar*" a ! t-. II pjBI. ? * ' thoritT waro ? ?.-?. air* an ? ? .,,.?*, lohnstoa, ? - ar h t-i? .l..,*,>ta?i? ? ? ?rill 0 th"?? i. ntrtbu ' -*? INj.Uy of .lora ; ortharn aews? ? i-v int; Hi? h ? Hi?* sail ? ' i ,, Impi? Bstoa : pal eol a fa* ?? a I'ni'ia fiatr | ida iba Cant ad?rala IBM BIBBS' ??<?!' -.'??l .- hii| ibelr old t?p; oi it a.-, ?iifit In II i- . ? ? '? n'-n iH.rlti nn 1 " il** of in. ? .- will WSTS, lamia will plas c'*?i??raia and pr?valas arlll i ? II?" ?nil i?? r ?ml, ?n?i for *? . > ?hi Urs - "INC. -, 1 ?..r'vate BOBS? ?? : i Bed, t.-i : ? . t It, 1 ? a ? iroublt - aw? . r In eroiiri ? ? . id I ? ? loi... |. n n.a In <m ?".:ii - .. ? i-, an ? ? . i ? ? ?- -i oi it lira lav niu-lit do a tbrlfl . -. '?: mg Dg Ben I lb u an l-i f -i I wirb' ? .-. .-. ' l'y i-i.r r.i'l |,. BOmi ut a-? . ?', t-.n-'ii-'lii? ? 1 ? ? ?lit. rbere i? room fo . ? lb? lime? nr? that ?ve will hav. Moal ,1ih : that the --it. . . ' r . - t',.-:t !!.,- ?.[' . sad bapi ? ? ? ? . r gue?|* , ? i he t I. s and iru. ????:, ii , f o l. I ' - irt i - . [lie-, 10 fit ?, ? i j . ' \, -11 ? r - .irlstlan regret itiie. i egui it I? ?-ii k. I i I? in reeelpt ol NbwOK] ris's, May .. .', 1 r. ? . ary ma h to laforsa , i. ?'?',: ? ?a?i rat 1 will not be ame lo ??? ?pi i partkapat? la lb? I ba stata? -1 ai I .o :i e -, - ii Intent, .- ; o ?Jpr,.-? IB] t hi- tamil} ?. r B? KlBB?T< ' eneral , ?.. T. BBAOBBSABD. ' ? Olllllli t.. . ??- ?H'iiiiarati, l'nntml ? - be 1 '?;<! a' t:i au Bis after leader toi i ? ?* ?m be i iirino ? :ne:it Wll, Im? g aoa a". Mr. Qet? , . ?Inter?. who will bave B,y, m >.|? ? v-'.-r tft : posted bef?te 1 ? i, -:h -i t'- Of ItroaJ ?'...'- ?? i- ; !? .aine t" Vir ? , arolina -????>:. a-.liiia -.a . i II - *< <>t Iho 1 aa I - - -i ?'arolina - | ?t ; the . lit re.ttnit on ?vurlh ?rua ..f ?artel* ii r - a, al tlftl I? volunteer Infaslrr. na ,, the Klrel halialliii - Bteai artrlery, right al M:.lii ? , Baal ' Urg?ala ?oiuu . I al IrLih ?ireet. < tir.?--? Mi ij,-K?le. al M , lie Arthur Hubert ? r, liyant. and : |B? llierllM? of a : ai - ix < -.. -ri.?:'.: ai lue i ha-i ? :i \ i ici, lajioe la r?<jue?t?d ? | DU will meet at 10 A. M. ?a? ? Ba i. Oaaerai M. o. ivs? 4 i ln*? r???>..tutinn. '.rrate veterana will , lay t.-. m No? Vor?. 'They ?ill '. Ui.-kioaon. for ' .?ii io ?.eii.'iai J. llaulibead Ba ? ?iriva at T?rela?tj ?od will pro ? if Mr. K. I. Soni?, at no, r4 ?irr?t, auBer?asart <f stuan ? uta Saa ?? I N?gaoler. ? -.i win le? presented tottieor , ?i ni It will t*e I, (??.met /fier tbe on l.ugenl Will be enur . "lo, I 1 o uih Tblnl ?treat l>, ? ? ?ii who feal la *'*''? a . ?? ., i 'etin-r iTi'seutauou. Lee'a Manias?-. i lyior'a ?tore i.-*a be ' t Ueueral it. t. Lee ?if ? rar?, eld China I el rear?old. ... ?,?. cut from tt? paper In ???.-I ai the t1m? and waa pre ?U-> util? thought tbat a btouze aid tx? ralaed lo lb? memoir of Mat Lea, '?? ... rat !..?--? Itealiteoee. o ia? on tba aouth .id? o! t-'rv.tiitB ?trotst n '?o) Kigbii i f den? {*' '?""1 ' ''it ? ?? wai ..j?-:,?. raaefalr. W. t? baudeoiuely .l?.i-/.re>led to-day ... of ? . omn.ltu?* of U? Camp t*it * ****** f?atafcee by Br. W. U bb?p. Atlanta Troop?. 1 ?? iiuveio-.!. Bores u.ard?, of AUaata. Qtu will be bare v*-morpow. Thl? mapniiVent troop w?. orifaiiuad by (.aplMn Mllle-ltraa. who th?rn?l a Virginia lad y. t ?tilali. Mlileig? biut r"'?ti,lT t..rr. | r n ote I to IB? ?-.?I'.ni.lry *?f the Aliante ill ri-i battalion, and Captain John A. ' Miu?r |. now to ?.- itaflsaad <*f th? Morse Guard?. ? Owing to ll'n-*?? in It? faintly Colonel Minedge I will be pravoniml fram att ndiug the unveiling. Mow -it...? win tu?e. The aub-eon? mitte? of th? InTltntlon aad R?v eepilor? t'ont mtttee on the Afalgnment of IMatln giiiah?d l-ovpi? to Carriage? met at th? tetrate- | ry's offl.?*, No. ??< north Ninth street, at h?lf-p?at 4 yor*er?lay after nx?. The list w?? partially ! maile out, e.n*l vtii Ik? completed at s meeting to j babeM Uila attiTiiooii ai tli? ?am* pare at S1 o'clock. The I-eo BaaBSSSSrt A?s-vta?lor, bsa he ??sign? ing In Hue of th? ?ix fir?.; /-nrnsc? a, In the foro- \ m??.t of wh'chwir i-., Kinavef, Ooso aal ArcBar AaBsfsoa. Omaral jabal a. Ka*-ly, Bad (.?tier?.! .If?. |,1, K. .loi ?y-t m, Maaibarsaf th? Las fagan* ?.-id of General'a s'aT will o?.me next, and men the apoolai ly malted gil??!?. t.em-ril'a thl!.Iren. Mlaae? Mildred and Mary !.?? will t? the file??? of Major Idiirli It. I'sg. (/?pf.-itn K K. ?aetaa It?. <.et><rai? W. H. K. Lee and i a-lia le? will arrive to-day. The I'ollre J'etnll. In tli? pr*>*??*>lon to-morrow CkUyfsf MfaM Poa will ho* 1 lh?? Una, aod IBaa ta ill <-?.me ado ? of r-. untad polioa nadar Iba oess P. Jfulaf?*, of th? Third dia. I '. data iimeat f.I .!T! -. r** on f?-??t under IB? eoraman i of C?ptala Jaaaea B AsfUs ot the - t.? -, Caj.inln .lames n. I'leaaan's, at 'ho I'irsf dla ba latat*Bmeni of Uta police, w.nhare ebergeot Iba monun eat aad graad-?taa?t I wo policemen will i*? assigned to ?i'Hy ?t the Maryland ?laud lu front of Major Glnters reet ?1..0,-e. Major Kllyaon ?ti?l Chlof-of-IV.ll'*? I'oe bav? a.?m..! <f several of I'lnkerton's ?let?, lives, ?ml they will t... I tat -? tomorrow. North ( iirollnu ll?-aili|ti?rl?-ia. The M , ? r Bints* ?ni (?ra*-e ? ?re..t?, via i*, tin- Si.nii ? Hioimi headquarter? j during Uta unveiling. Colonel F. U. Camar?n. :?*?. serai ? f lb? Mate, mil ? ?varal (Aber ra aad Utaii " ara Btrea4?y ??Riaten-d : The Mi.nrlir ,i.r l .? ? Urgaly-attended bkssUbi of Ibe survivor?: ot iba Manobeeter Billot '.rar?, ibe Manchester Artlller**, and other ratera ? it Idenl In that ... ? ilavor ? * ourt ro i.-.?) ? t, parfaciarrangarbent? foi partlcipatlag in th? celabratiou *?i Thursday. Mi. K. B. H*.wie presida i and m .?. Knorr was thesecm lar-*. '. A. (1. Kran?, r,, Of Un Camp Veteran Cotamitta . a/as preeant with 1:n, or aaora of ''? ? ipilmeatai ? t.h^i:?.., wbicb war? distributed amoog IBMOO w? o propose t ? enter me proosssloo. ? ?niH'I'.n or i and raqueat. iticeuatOBuapand bueloeea jum aliona. , re? ?itiiiil ami 111 imr ."\?ii?'?. Bal* t Oii :<r la having ere-tei a. r'itil 1BJ '. on ireet JFi ?asila atra? employed at m? factory, tt-oii Among lb ?.i..rai? who will arrive here tl.1? Ni w > ort ?? \\ uitain 1 ai laura in the l*eler?barg um.? ?t tt-o fits - i bn 11.-??n raid ;waawith t bead ???,.?>? to Norfolk ; foogbt In every battleof th? - irgiala, and la svt ry aSb* ml?b of bli reglase!, He w??- wouadod a! Cramptou Oap, Md. ; d rei missed a roll-eall ; W ity-flvs years o I, and atlver-balrod, bat Mabene proBoun?.-e?J I al \; i .'.-? > -vitii iblr. t en of lb< :.- in a wbo eomi.* lb? original i o m i idea la Sew fort. There ara ihre? - o-l ol tickets tor neat?on Ule eland? r?t Iba n I intent Pa? WbltB OBM - ? ken ?inu'l ; ... abre or ?emi-**1rcle l?l or grouuil f' bis n iris ?t tto-. ' otral i latfonn. A number ol youn mg them Low. V. McVeigh and Herl .are get? ting up a party wbo will appear In Ib? parad? raeback, Tb?y cordially Invito their friend? to i',i-.i hem. aa ti- U ?Ir ?i?'i t<> have a larg" Bomber -.ii Hi?* day t f Ihe ravelling, i-. ii ilauM Corpa will meet at tb? Am?ii ai today at mak? arrange Let ? very ?>no ot iii* irrlvora ?ho can do so to be there, : In ti"? procae I m-1 mntbu? to i id? la, , be ? . i" .- ?dem . City, will arrive t.ei" this afiem'H.n at 1-80 A meeting of I - - - Id brigade trill bohad l'owb ."i.i < lob, All i are i - - Uy re iu?-?te l to at? '.-!.-1 A'i whi Intend participating in tb.? bicycle parade to-morrow ?r,' requested to meetneer tbe n ?? ' ??'??i m- marnant, .-n the Capitol Square, promptly at 8 o'clock tu-morrow morn Ifig, It t? arranged tlmt IB*. Mit in!g< rudo and Dr. i igetber m a can ageto-i Dprayeral th.remoalaaol lb? a? ins ! Dr. ?Inn! ?ro I? will lead ?n i. at tb? unveiling to-morrow. Otej Battery Association ?ill m.-et at th? : I'.H.igniiiaii Brothers, IBB ?BBl Main ?In "t. al 10-30 ti .morrow raoi Ding. Mr, a ?.. i? bars to attend the unveiling - en n ? Bl ? -. Acca temple of tbe tdystic >i,rin<? w!!i have a big meeting tonight at Bt, Alt-nn? and Ui?-y : brlai ra ii..-.. 'ii anaes '" tho -and of thr VI cry land '?- 'tattoo on we?! franklin -tri-ci : ,for admission tuwbi''!ia limited num.I tl k? t? whi t.<- sold to Iriende i. B n? i.r Coafederat? Veteran? oi. aud ?ftet n short boat* ? i to the ground?, i ; tti-i II..? izer Armory, tu wblob ihey had been Ia? he ol rs of tl .a' organinsatlon. 1 he] n it . ,.ilu.)' fur about a:i hour. ^^^ OUR PROMINENT VISITORS. Clint? About Their Coining and Km tiiuiiiunt While He. i*. , r .lot.n I', Gordon, of <ii? rirls, and men bora ??f hi-* ?.lall ??en. among tho poasoni f?n lb?* Ktobtnoad ami l'an? Ills iram due her sft?**nooa bat which w few minutas late? Governor Cordon hisiopi with Mr. John P. iir.-m 'ii. Su. 1 weal Fran ?i.i. but bas a ?alte ? f rooms sttl where m ?*; of but a .'-.',-.,--i,.;, aro quartei : ? ? sptein J, im III-?"' ? 1 'oil mi? II? A I K.J. I i y, 1. i i irr? II, \?. *-. Shepherd, G. .? i ei. T. li. btrttt, l", J. i I lern ? .i.i . i m ? Adjutant-Genera! . -?. retnei ban i aa lll-fated Alai ama. be baa been it , i ... i. He und lauxl inpaalod blm, are the gui of Mrs. Mobart Minor, No. W7 north Is ? .!?.r ii.h'1 K. Kenna, of w?>st Virginia, .? f.. Mr.. Jordan, her slater, and Blas M Tarr, daugbtei ,.f a former treasurer ol B i tail ? ?.?i and v?in i? ? a . of M?jor Jona il. D H- an, m ? t. Boo. .1. 1. v. Curry, abo sat rod on tb?st.*ifl ? al Joseph R. lohn ?? Oeoi g.>? ea palgti from t<i*aa-**i to Atlanta, ?lit on n.u ? ? ? bis old ooaamacder which win bo proaenl Govern? Gordon, ... , -, i i .r Kowle, of N??im Carol It -*>, eater) ; si ; ala, ??t Kentucs i *? uii Carolina; I it/!. . BaagBB ?ml I'aui lli'ii, : Bister t.? Fran II..ii. .i. Haudolpb Inker, Calder?n Cain? ? omul loi British Legation In A'asbiagv li.??i W. i>. i>.-1 ?*!it >-it>, and otban? ? r?i K. M. Law, ,?' South Carolin?, who i et tu?- ?iiniial address Ix-'or? the Art .,! Northern Virginia to-night, ha? arrived ?tie city,and La IBs fuoat of Ju<ii*e George Christian. He Bpeni Several hours > with Captain Cusseus,of Allen, wtio w ? ol hi? ?taff, ??? B ? ? H irks It? alH?.. a pueat of Jud Cliri-ila.-. Hon. William u Bauaders, Becretery *?f St? of Nortb Carolina, wbo waa ooloaalol Hi? ta ty--*ixth roBtmoal ol that blata, arrive i h??i liv alt?rn,<iu and is stoppln-? at tbo l Clan Hot i. A IJulsut-tieneral .lame. G. Glenn, of tl North I'm? Una state i.uard, aud ?laff are at tl M. Clair. al.!..'I'll V. ,l(l,ll? Who I? IO UtIVI' the sit? -, m--" I la *h? i-*ty m the fast tnn yeeterday aftarnoon from WsahlncttMB. and the gin- Archer Auderai n. Hots, Bab agi M. Metan?, of Itaiiiiunr?. who-.-.? Minister to Parts uador tir* t'l-.veiand Adinlni? . arrived on me same train, and Is at tl home ?if ccnera'. .Joseph t?. Anderson, No? 11 Weal 1 tank?t. street. tlenerai 1 rttsBucB I e? and wll? reached her yeateroay tnonili)*; aud are at.pplng with D George liosa. _ GUESTS OF THEIR FRIENDS. Where >l..nv of the Invrlling Visitors Wil He Kntrrtatnod. Mr. OL A. Baldwin. 3Uo west I'rauklln atreei will eutet lain the following ladina and gentle m- u Ihl? ?-???It : Mr. and Mr?. Wllllo Worming ton, Mr. and "Urs. Minglufl, Mr?. M. K. Muni* Mi.? JJeeephloe **tau,ibier, Mia? M'tey. Mrs? i>? Mr. i'?niiiui:.uu, ?il of Haiti more, ant' In.:, It .?li-xatldritu Mi*? i n? T I as Hill. * f ? ?x'liglon, Ky., daurh tar of Oeaeral A. \: BUI; Mi.??* vn*?i?*r, of aiin iii?rl?c?*uaty; Dr. Kent Mack, ol Motilgomer* .. Va.: Mr. UeorgoSoowdon Andrews, t'.r Joliu J. MidJIi-'ou. ol lii?ltiun*ri*, Mil '1 be following gui-ai*. aie >-xp'.*> tel this weel b> Mr. Jobs A?1l!-"i, 8 .'I'arK avine: Captati Hubert f, Kan, Basars. . Loiua?. I'erry, John H /m,m?! lui.ii, ?uJ ?>. William Bstasay. ai ai?*?, ?ulna; Mr. and Mr?. Waller H.tinny Addtaoa Ml.-? Ad liaoii, and Mr. J. 'iljompaou Mae??i , ol li. l< : tii ?re ; Mr Chart aa ?:. A<*dia?n. of Mary? land, aad Mr. hi haril Taylor, ol Norfolk. ilr. Jan*??* M. Bail. -.'.' north Laurel ?ire?t. wll ent-rta.n l?r. Alfr?-d II. 1'ov.el!, of Balilm'r? Mia? Wh* ttie. of I'ltiaylvania v, end illsaui Jolinaloii, Lao, a??d Hrook?, of Alexandria. The visit? i? a Mr. Kot->*i-t B. Hi? i*r?i-o>V?. No. IW west Man street, wtii he C"pla n Matt I'etar* SOB and Brtfs an.l mm? children, of Peii-i-burg ; Miss USOJ l>l'"l?hoii-*e. ? i ?.?ri. U.and Mrs. Colo lift James ??baut.?, ol I'rK-i ?I ur;-. Mrs. W. A. Major, of Biruitngliain, Ala., for? mai v of Kichmotd. Is ?loppiun with W. M. larrlah, ?.?i.. at ?lb weat Grace. Colouel M. I. V. Lajwia aud wife aad Mlaa Lowl?, of tiark? oouttty, au*l Colonel J. Lyie t .arV.* aud I)r. Powhaun ( larke, of Kaitlmore, are the gu* -ta of Captain Maxwell 1. Clark?, No. W south Hfllistreel. ? H. i-uofberry. purchailn-r agent Mobile Bad Oblo BaUrsaitl Company. Mooll?, Ala., lor. in*?'iv a latinbcr ol the Mluea, la In ?he city, the gut-Mof Mr. K. C. WaUbr.ll, 711 east Marshall Mlaa Aunte Henry, daughter of Mayor Usury, of Norfolk, and Mlaa Nellie Carmicbael. of Kr??4?ii k.t.urg. ar? Uta gueeta of Mlaa Sanier cook?, ?onm Third ?treet Mayor A. H. KuUs, of BteBitteB, and Isis wlte wir. te lbs geaBBi of Mr. William H. P1?s?*n ?f?lOea.t tira.? ?treeh , ?attain W. A. tieaportee, formerly M t.ener B D. Loe??tsff, aiTtred yeaterday ronmtn? ai ta ibe gue?i ol ?r. IL Desport???, ?13 llroivl ?tra? er, sn 1 Mrs, A. T. L?f.wlrh. of Hainmore, a Ml?a Ixiftwlr-b, of <?r.^euat?>ro", S. f.. ?r? ? guest? of Mr. aud Mrs. ti. A. Dsvenport, No, we?t rrankllu ?ireet, Dr. Charle? M??\cill snd daughter. Ml?. M? g!?-, of t a;on??lll'?, Bd., are Ibe gu??t?cf Mr. C. liridite., no. H???stC?t y street. ' Mr. ?A. ?t. Km?, wife, ?ud child, of ?eltlmor are ?topping with their parent? on Tw?nt f'-iirth ?treet.? n ir-h Hill. Dr. an 1 Mr-. ? . W, ftllBil?. of Wllllsmsr.nri win ir? the guest? of Mr. sod Mr?. M. f. PI" saut?. Na U east Franklin ?ireet, during the m veiling. . . 'I h? following will be the guests of Colonel 1 L ?K.o-.n, Bo. 8 w??t rrsnklln: Dr. ?nd Mr t'hsriea Minnlgerole, of Alexandria, v_>i (i*" eral Ciilleo M. H?ti>, mayor of .Nawberne. ' i . and Mia? Alelo llurlue. of Iho I niveriity t Vtrabua, .v.. A. Moore, Jr.. Mr?. Moore and her elsf ? BbeU, si ?A aahingtou, D. ?-, axe ?t it Kllth ?tree*. Among the well-known Virginian? now re? dent in VVeahinrum niv, and who will att.-nd tl OBVetllag, la Mr?. Llzrle ?,lle? lt.,t<iu<" ?n. who wi ? former belle, and tin? ho*t? of irfnda her She will lie the gue.taf Mr?. Fannle O. lowne Be? ?i" e??t t.'ary ?tr?-et. Ml?? Molly C. Jones and M'aie? Blanche an Minna Dlm-wck, of ulo'i-e?t?r ; Mi?a Bay Bent of Blarkarrarg; Mr. und Mr?, Murray, ?f i.?e< burg, and Ml?? A. M. ft Htnith. ?>f Bait tn.-r? ato at ? ol'-nei Huhn??. 898 ea.ti'isv ?treet. Mr. T. lioheri? liakor. .*?... 1 SSSl Or?'-?*, wl entertain ltov. ?illherl iJigf,'?,bt Warr? BlBB, " C Mr. ltob?rt W. rtlngoo-t and wife, of Fayctt vlil-, X. a.aad M.S? Mary .lorian, of SmltB field, Va, are gueatsof Mr. Oe-rgo L. llldguo?] Nu. 801 north Twelfth e're?t. C?ptala John A. Brawner. of I'rlnre Wlillar , and Mr?. Nnnnio Singleton, of t?oilali/i Bow, are ?;?.pptng with D. ?. cat??, ?.t>i ?uutb J?i 'reel. ?Ir. W. M. Pili-ber, 117 west Cary. ?Ill hsv wit:i him. b?id?sother? i??v. .i. i roekeitPalnt er end Chaonlug M. rm'lh, Otey tiattery com rad?". Captain Loui? K. Ko-.leux, 4iS ?nuth I-aure street, wiU Bave tba goad fortaaa of .-?ring fo ,i-.r bis old army [rteada, Bo d?a fay tt.a: ho ha? a rood b??l of mint, wdi mature, Bad properly eared for. Bhenid any old ?old!? peas that way h? respectftilly requ??l? that b win ?toil and ?men it. lo? and other fixing? g w|?h It. TbOSa who prefer tnilter-mllk cai gel f. At Mr*, g. I!. Bentley?, Ml ea?t Main atreel Bill be found Mrs, lane? Kandolph. of l*nitl mer?; Su Oeorg? r. Brook?, of w?al ? University; it.-v. Crank J. Brooke, of ciarx? burg, VV- \a..niil Mesare. II. hrakliie and Wtl Ham I1. Qay, ol Mteunton. It"v. Dr... WH mm lone?, of Atlanta, arrive. In 'lu? ?Ity yeaterday and I? tho guost of Da i ! -n?-. Idiv. !)r. Charle? Mlnnlgerod? arrived ye?ter day morning and Is Ihe guest of colonel K. 1> H? ' Mr. gd, M. Iloit.elif rof tbe Chase city f>*> f/rr.?, ami Id? wife are at the Hotel JJod.on. Mr, li. M. Johnson, ol Prince Mwardj vT.J, Baldwin,ol ltoanoke: E. L. PieaaeatB, i. ,t? I ?on hu 1 - i,, (-( l,ri-atnirg, and II. K. Adam?, ol Cumberland ?xmniy. Va., v/ti] arrive In today, r?ud will ?top with Br. P. J. While, 103 ?cutli Third ?lro?L I lie following guest* will he entertain?.! by Mr. and Mr?. A. H. hol,Inn. Ml north i.e?-i -nd ?t.e^t- Mle-e? Vlrgte Mtililleflold ? id Mary 1'Brn?ton, "f Olouceaier; Mi-?? Ano.. Wel? lington end Mary Crump, of Mr est Point; m.h? Ueitlo BroaddlM, ?d lialllrnure; Mr-, ?-arati '1 In nel'iiiaud ?on, of i-lm.. A a,?ri'! l'rof-i? r Otto Frank ?nd daughter, .t Washington, D. C Dr. II. O. Ali'Tnr.der, Major and Mr?. John W. Rlaly, Mr. M. M. Mnrtlu. Mr. and Mr*. L. It. Leocaater, captain chlewell Dabney. and Mr. ?'nil n < arrlagton ? ,;i i a ttieguo.i? ?.f Mr. It. a. LancMter ti.i. week. Vr. Wl urn I. White, 718 e*Mt Franklin ?treet, will hsv? ?? gueata Mrs. Powheteo ?VeUlgei nul Mr-. Jame? (.-.?-t. n , ..r .?,-* York; Mr. ai t '''??. N. i. Pattlaoa, ol PetersbvArg; Mise b Andrevrs and bis? Manila remple, of Waahluften; Mrs Thomas M. Hewitt,efi Lltv, and Mr, and Mrs, t ?i.-.t,y is. June?, of Hi. r-iui, Mim. mi-? Mury Lea 1?) &t the ML Veruon, ?*orner Thud nn I gra ' III . i he Ml? ?es : i m sr, daughter of th?* late Oen sraJ Oonoer, of itb Carolina, are .ho gue*.:. of M-. John ? n l.-i I, Ba WO "i?-i Main ?irr-..t. Mr. .\t.r Harri?,of LouUvilt?, By., formerly .r i i > moo i. will be the guett of LI? .alster?, .?ton htr.-o'. ll??E3l?u Carroll, daughter of ex ??overnor Carroll,of MarylBBd,and Mm iiigg?, of Waeh ir. ??- n, are si u>" Ht, Veraoa, .!,-. Bradley T. Jobaaon i? at Mia. Daval'a, l bird and I raoklln. - Mary and i lorias Alexander, of Aite mari?: Captain Joaeph I-. l'an-, of rTta Le? rn?mburgi ?nd l:ev ,lames I!. M SB, f BBburg, an? ?topping at Mr. Charles II. Pag???, N" 11T west Vn:'.i street. i aplata Eds-ai I ??. Oay, .-ommanderef Com? pany G, Third battalion, Confedera?? sat- ? army, ?via pal u d?i "ant i" hyoneof ina i!>-ra al ion AB y??t?rday evealngand brought to Richmond. Ha i- Iba g?astofHr, ri .-ID. ?-ti^r-r, and ?i:l c<,riniiaii 1 l pany In line mi tbe 8Kb. Capiuln Oay la now a n -u Irnt of Atlanta. MlBS Luc? Lee Hill, of lesingt-m, Ky.. a daugtiier of (?eneral A. 1'. Hill, of Virginia, will un Iv? ban to-day and will In ttio gu -at of <ol (iii,-i m imam ii. Palmer, Misa Bill I- the god daughter <<t General Lm and was bell In bis arm? wiieti baptised. i i- .ol Koberl K. Wither?, ex-1'utted .?tatos Consul to Hong gone, la In th" my, the gueat of hw eou-lu-lan, Mr. Biepbea Putaey. ARRIVALOF VETERANS. Organization. Eapaetad T*.-Il.-ty an, Wlt.r? Thev Will He IJuurter. ,1. No rcKii'nr organisations of veteran? report?, at head,I'.uii tors yesterday, and so far as couli bo ??certaine.! non? arrived. Num?rota Indi vlltial ex-Confederate? pal in their appearanzi and are |.<.tug Well cared lor. several organise?! i. ? 11 ? ?-* of veterans art bo ?hod l.i.irriVi} to-day ; among them the foil.,.*, lag : Rowan County (N. C.J Vetaran ragimout about 10J men,(?oeroR. Barker, adjutant, *?:i re** ii here ate the iiii-hmonJ an?i Danvilla roa ai ii I'. M. ahd will be quartered at 111] east Host ?? ? Clinton Hat. her C?mp Confederate Vnterane of I eaburg, Va>, aeventy-flv? men, C .l?*nei k. V. While, commander t'aptalu JoUtt ??ray, al Jutaut, will arrive In tin* l r. M. Chesapeakf ii train and will l?e furiil-hr?l lodgiug al Mi la street. ?Swell Cstnp Confederate Veteran?, of [Maos William county. Vs., tony men, ?'. r. Denen, common 1er. A p? rtlOB of tlu-iu will orriv.? at I r'. M. Bttd 'In* l.alanco ut 4 (till .', Cbeaapaake and Ohio. The> will he quartered at ii?J".* ?a**- Main street \\ :, ! swi ? imp ConfederateTetevaas. elzty or .-???.- .i> aasn, B Bol mea Boyd, , win arrive by the Btehaaoadi I r dencksburg aul Potomac railroad at KB) P. M., and will he furnUbad B00ommo4ntlona at the "Sheltering Arm-." ,'i-t in Hie r-ar of the Exchange I!, ?.?:. I i-a i ml] >n.' Confederate Veteran., hixiy-iwo men. Colonel T. Smith, eon are due rt'e th? Cheeapeete and Ohio I nuil 3 ? ?-ii>ck tin*? alien,,?,h, and will be quarter? ed m II m * ai*t Man: ?treat 11.-!? rick county M?U Camp, twenty men. u.'v. c. itandoitih I'm,*.-, commander, wiii arrive either late toalgbt at . *riy tomorrow ? ivi th.- Ktcbmon i. in? lerl ?ksburg ?ml Potomac railroad ui.d wiii be lolled at luuu east Mam stieet. Washington So-ictyof Washington, I). C, ISO Onlformed men, and a hand of music -.rill come d mi on the last mail sifl 'he BtCbmondi l n l ?riek?Durgand Potomac raMro??l au-l arrive here atfcttPi B. Thai ?i.i board in ic??-,. bur ?Ivors Of Ilia ?hirty-!lr*l Virginia Infantry of Beverly, W. vs., twenty to thirty men. Lieu? tenant v\ H. Niii-o'i, commanding, will arrive some time nxanj ? ?the rti"?apeakeeud Ohio, ii?. i< tart ira, Old-Market Hal.. Perron Connty IN. C.) Veteran Association, nlK.ut nit? men. .1. A. Lotie pu- id int will ,ir ri\?? OB Hi? HI Bmond and Hanvllie i P. M. train. Ibey wlil bo quurtered at r.'l.'i eaat Main street. Cubell-Urnvea Camp Confed?rate Veterans, of Danville. Va., about eoventy-flve mon, Colonel George C. Cabell, eoni'iian 1er, are du? by th? Klcbtnoud and l>at.vnle railroad between 3 an-1 4 Una aitenu? ?, aud will be quartered at 1009 eaat Main street. Ninth Virginia cavalry, about ??X) men, Gene? ral 1?. L T. B -ale ?ommatnling, will <?? mo la on h*,? s? back today, sud will be given at IM,1-Market HsU. Ilend* I ??< ii, <N. C.I Confederate Veterans, tweii y in*?u. Colonel W. 11. Cheek, will arrive at if) P.M. in IheBlohmood and Hauvi.le rail? road, and will have quarters at the Old-Market Hall. Mi..**herdaiown (W. Va.) Camp Confederate Veterans, forlv men, Col? nel W. A. Murgau, will arrive eta the Itielmnu I, Kridorlckeburg a-ul Potomac railroad this afterin-*ui, and v?ill also be quartered al the Old-Market Ball. Stuart Ilairt-um camp of Confederate Vete? ran?., .f Mar-.lnavlile, Vs., are expected by the Itlchtmnl and Danville at r> o clock this after? noon. Uekdquartors, Old-Market Hall. THF. MILITARY. Scores or Tento ?m the !.?|i? ?itlon-firound? and Baaeral Companies InTlietn. The Expo*lnon-Orouod? presented ?decidedly military appearance ye?terd?y. '1 wo or three ? ore? of lent? were rai?ed tn Ihe lot to the rear uf tn.? main building, and ?oon ?om? of theui aere oocupl?"! b7 soldiers Tb? f!r*t troop? to .-orne ??-re the gdtsto WfjJB, ut Oraaeeburg, a. c. aod the c'oiumbu? ume. ?as. of Columbea, Hlaa, TBey reached here at 8:15 o'.-loc? ycBierdav mcrnlng on the and I'Hiivill? tiam, ani were met at lb? depot by ?detail of the BteMaaoBd military aud escort? ed to the Lipoiiiioii-Or.tiiu'l4, , . ?. Copulo i. H null I? In command 01 we Hilly. lTie therofUi'or? ?re: lirat-Li''Utenaut, A. V brun- - . n-,, n,;.Lieutenant, t. '?. ?**? Dibble; ThIid-LUuteuant, ?'. ^ lziul .? lain. K.'v. a I'. Watsun. ll-?ldo? these there are nve sergeant?, color-bearjr, tbreo tvrl.H'??*1*, niteon private*. drunim?r, and colorea ser? vant, m ffla imi-Kitas. The folumbu? liitlon.on were orgsnl'-l it. Ugf; bave aerer disbanded: ?.-ned tbri.u.hout the war tu the we?to-o army: folio.??*-- ?* PretHent Uavi*'? remains t) the grave ??__! ??emlar, aud ??y they are now prou'l tc nouor tb? memory of Lee. 'I b?-lr unilorm U the i_o " fedurute gray, U lu m? d with gold ?nd Naca.??" Whltti helmola. Cuptalu A. J. M?-'l'?'t'r"?i-_? comuiaud. Other officer? ar? two lioutenenw. ?urg?on, ensign, five ?erge.iut., ?nd three ?or?* rala The?e, with Mveuleeo privates, complote ibo roster. TROOPKItS. The t?urry cavalry, a One fly of men, ^ved yesterday ?'-?ruoonou the Ariel and ?J?__ rort?d to tb? kii,??it,oB-i;iouiide byedetaca inoat of the Stuart Uon>? (luarda. ____ ?_ A d?t*llof military otfloer? ?r? ?-^oM**ji'l2? duty at tn? Exposition buUdlng to wceir? _? vial tora . __ _ -, - Tb? y.lloa* bulidlog la B* re" ?f ?? ???? ball ha? been Axed ud for a reaunrant, whet? all the military will eat. t'uite a oumoer of ciUsens, Including s??i"rsl ladle?, want ?,ut to ibo military quartet? jester day ?li-rine :.. Captain [. |i. Trout, of tbe7.ollb*ofTerOuard?ef Knosvill?. re.i.-hert here yesterday morning ?uo I? ?tupping at Kor!? Hfl Ist n? expert? se? ?ral member? ot his ?-oropany to ?rrlve today. Oulta ?number of visitor?, ho ?ay?, will com? from Knoxville aud Chattanooga. ON THE GROUNDS. Workmen Ituay at the Monnment Totting Thing* In Order. Thousands of people visited the monument yeaWday. "f | -:ir?e fh?v ?-l'iM not ?ea General Lea and Traveller, but they "Just wanted ? to take a look at the place which I? to be tbo scene tomorrow of ?ii.-'i Inieri-sting . er?mr,niea. Workmen were bu?y ?II day removing the tim? bers us. 1 in latetng the uor.e and ruler to th'-ir !?i?itlor? on :?.?s pe lestai. Nearly all of this tin t>. r waa taken down, an 1 auch a? waa suited wa? | pl?.:?>l on th ? groaa 1 for ?mi? frr some of the , ten? of tbaueand? of people who will be Ihore to mtirro w. Carpenters were at work on the speakers' stand, which ha? not been quite finished, aid the dirt and mul on the monument pedestal was being cleaned off. Ttvdny everything will b? gotten tnnlcece? dlilon at the monument for the ceromonles to? morrow. Int.iiflr n?srth? ?tata? numerous ?tand? were la oourss of er< ?-lion, and to-day ???! to? morrow they will b3 loaded will? fruits, cendle?. THE RESTAURANT. Where and How Thouaande of Vet?r?n? W 111 lie Fed. The restaurant established by the Committee on Kntertalument of tb? Voterans is at 1313 ea?t Main ?tree'. i oat tah>s r??ch the entire length of the room, winch Is a very long -?ne. The Aral ui.-al will be furnished there this .-, and 1,100 veteran? can be fed at one time. Mr. H. A. lirown, Jr., I? In charge of thta de partrii"tit and hia.lon? til? work well. The pl?o? present?! a t u-v atipa? raaos ye?terd?T. Mor? Iban Bdosen colored servants were hurrying to am! fr.-, ??aime placing the tin plate?, tin cup?, kiiiv?s nnd f-irk?. ealt,, mustard, pickle, '?!?'. ou th? tau.'?, and other? cooking and pre paring the f. It 1? th* de ?Ire of the coraml??ary department t?i?t everybody In Ricbmond artU aoad ? brenk faat to the restaurant to-mr,rrow morning, a? it OUI b? laipoaalhl? f,-r tho*? In cnargo of that deperUaeal to prepare aud serve m;?al? in timo to take pari In tbo parade. REGISTERED AT THE HOTELS. People of rroininerne Win? Arrived In ihe City Yesterday. - "ara r can be given of the lm m-r.8, throng ihnt 1? going to he In Klchmond V?-,lay. t.-m-.rr.iw, BBd Friday thin tne rapidity with ?hi. h tt,i> I.. 'els are flltmfrtip. There were. all told, probably r. thousand arrival? yesterday aitb? n In point Of pn rn n?ri'-o the gxcfeaae? led with General Jobel A. Barly, (ionerai J. I). lmbod?a and wile, United atat. s Senator? John W. Daniel Bad John B, Harbour, Huh. Joba I'. i;?ai.. Dr. l.dward.L Lee and v. ifc, or l'hiladfcl ! lion. Mar"!.-.II llnng?*r. ,-l J. Hampton Heg? ?nd Joscpb A. Nulton were among the guest? bi-re. Murpby*a Botel: Colonel T. A. I'arre? ml f. .i. u'v i . ana division, trmyS rtl ??rn Virginia: l). A. i.ivtn. Confederate State? Cavalry, .Now Orisaaa: Colouel .1. W. Dre?v, Wsshb?ton. D. ... ?ho was chief mnr?l.?l"f It" lut,- Ka?glii I c-ojiiora't'irali? lu that'Ity. Mv j-r. irWi-s Pick?tt. of Norfolk, adjotaal of the Grand Camp ol Confederate Veterans; Howard la; -i t.n O, and Wilt. D White, Abtngdoo; Usier it. w. N?.ni?. Jr.. itai . Dr. Cnrt-r Herkl'-y, Stum ? : .. (iriniM, Or?Balaad, K, *.; C?ptala W. K. Wl.'?ham, tfanover Courth sue; Joba J. Wax. a w"ll-kii,,wii I onlfaee, Baton Kouc?, La. ; and Captain Patrie? Haye? ?od Thoma? lliggln?. New Orlean?. ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. Ttie ASkannl Ilctininn and Hinque! to Ite Held To-Nlglit. TTi? annual reunion of tho Association of th? Army of Bor Itera \ire;liila will b? BOM at 8 iiViivk to-ulgUl lu ttie hall of ih>? Uouso of Dele? gate.?. 11 ?? i resident, Ocnenl William II. Payne, of a , will nrrivo on the fa l| mall this after n ,:i. un i wiii stop at th<- \\ eetmorelaad Club The BxeautlveCommittee nn.i o!?ic?r? of the Organltatton Will !'i??et In tin. oi*|.-oof Colonel ... and i.e boslniMS . I m -.nil open promptly at - a ?.. .. ADDBXBB AMI BAB Th?re will be an introductory addreaa by th? : I'r? ?i lent, and officers fnr the ouaoing year will ?n (.en Tal K. M. Law, of , South i aroUaa. arlll *leiiv..r the unn?iai addi-eon ; (?eueral Low *vas ?. gallant ofllcer, and 1? a meg DetM and finished orator. After Um oration th? company ?Ml repair to Hall, where the b-;i p:?*t will bo given. Its ai ?he tanqu t will be tu the cavalry, , infantry, artillery, women of tbe !-o.nh, and rate load, sad Ibe responaea will be mad? by distinguished i- ntleineti. i here will al?o be volunteer t.Mi.tst,. ?av?rai of lb?south era Mates, to whi,li their (?tfveriior? will be ex pe?:ie,? to raspos?! ^^^^ REUNION OF OLD TROOPERS. All Invited to Attend?letter from "fitS I.ce. Th? reunion of cavalry votorana st tho Tobaren i:i banfo bviaorroa moruiug at 9 o'clock win b? one o' bo moot pleasant inci.ienta In connoctlon with me an-raUtas*. Bvery oil Iroopar who may be ititherltyls ly Invito 1 to he pms-n!. The Exchange baa been v..-y taatefuily deeo rated, an Iteeln ?-Large are arranging to give all th? old boys a goo 1 turn?. lh-> f-Mowing *'hara-tert?tl- lettrr was re? ceived by the i o.nmit!.*" yesier lay : .Wr??r?. r. ii. ? I. taster, nnd /,. n. I'au'jkan, Oat-imit!'? Rente* Troop Aitociu feoi ! men,?I have th? Loi.or to accept your la lo meettha : ?? ??! *ho robaooo Kx< hang** <?n ihe iiioriiitig of the xt'th. Hoot 10 boot ?*- !? 1" Lb war P,?-ether. Heart to he ut ;??t m iiw in p??.'? togelliir. Bo I.low your . ? 1 let th.- again grasp hands and ei"tia:>?:e gre, tings. Vourold comrade, _ >irz WEST VIRGINIA FORCES With Hie Coiiiinaniler-ln-Chlef Gathering M i rim t h as They ( ..nie. f!?pec!ii telegram to the Dispatch.1 CiURi.s.-iuv, W. V.., May 27.-i.i.vorner Fleming SB 1 party l*rt this ?fiernoon by special train for Klcbniond to atton 1 the exercise.? at? tendant upon the uuv?llinK of the Lee monu? ment. In th? jiarty were his Excellency the Governor, boa. i\ l. Duffy, Mat.? Auditor; Boa v.. i. Thompson, State reeaaarar; Adjutaut (ieueral ft, li. Oxley, AselSIMt-AdJUtanl ral Chan?* l. Bafan, i olonela Tat. \. MoCorkle, ,i. I. Iliwyer, aud J. W. ?allagher, Jr., of lUe Governor'? .tail. A .lei.vhnieLl of tbe l?ova: nor'? Guard an?l r??a-ir.ioiil land, tuo Uui.tlng on Light Infantry, he lltiilon Uuard, and o t er rs along tbe Una Of that he-etpeake and Ohlowi I join Ce i arty. Colonel B l>. spllimsu. Of the Governor', -till, pa?s*?l t .rough lo-oighi, and will.? i,'l. ? i .-?r... at l,i-tuiiuBd. .*>ecr?iery of?Stato W. A. Ohiey, the brigada staff, and tbe ? I th.? West Vir? ginia N'll'ii?! Guard are also expected to Join the parly ui HI hmoni. t^uilo a number of old CCLfedoralt-a mid civilians have al-o gono on. THE OKAT AND TUE BLUE AUM-IX-ABM. On? ti.'iig notable lu tho party was tha sight of Colonel i-llntiork. an old Coufed* rite veteran, attired in his war-time uniform of gray, a cocked hat and plume, and red ?aeb, walking arm-in arm with Captain A. Trvil?, of tho Union army, attired In full (Irand-Army-of-tl e-P.?publlc uni? form?loth bound for Li l.nioni to do honor to tither to tbe deceased hero. IS IT AN OVERSIGHT! Can't Tlier? Be a Reunion of the Members of the Virginia Convention? [Npeeial telegram t? th? Dispatch.) DiNMLLB. Va., May JfT.?It bas been remark? ed here a? a strauge oversight that la arranging tbe programme of exsrclaea for the I.?e-mouu metit unaciltng no recognition has been made of the ?eml-era of me -*?e*ea?i>n Convention. Thla memorable body, wulch ni. i lu Klebmond in the ea-ly part of l**?*,i, called t.encrai Lee to the command of the Vtrglula force.?, and General Lee appeared befogaj the convention au.l accepte,I th? reapoa -U ? truet Many niemtora uf tbe convention are dead, but * there are In tbe land of tbe living, among whom may be mentioned .fudge Tre'.way, ol UmUuru, aud Major ?utherlln. of Dauville, * MISSISSIPPI Will Be Represented by the Congressional Iluinoriat " Private Allen." [Soeclat telegram to tbe Dtspetch.1 Wssbinoion, D. C, MayiT.-The Indication? are Uiat mer? will be a large attendance from Washington upon the unveiling of the Leevlaiue ?t Kicbmond o? Thursday. In addition to the senator? aud ltepre?autaiivas already mention? ed In lb! lenes abo oxpoci to attend It can be ?ukd thai" Priv?*.?' .-.i,eu. the humor? ous monitor rrora ?Dslulppi, Wl]| ^ ?n hand, naving obtained leave of al s. no (,,r three data Iroiu m? tlcuae for tto purpose of koing to Richmond. _ SOUTH CAROLINA'S CONTINGENT. tifht Infantry and Nnrvlvors with Tal nieiii? *???! e.?ini, Cockade?. [By telegraph to th? DUpat,?h,i CB*bi.bsti*b, s. I., May t;.^ram Charleston contingent left ber? for hlcbrnond to-nlgbl to take part la the ?e atatue ?*?rem<*nian. The Washington Light Infantry battalion of thla city, any strong. Ufi on the Miauttc-Coa?? Line train *? ?L?> P. V The QeeSMfVtm** Association, fortT atrong, left at 510 r-?x th? Kiciimond >r,d Danvllie roa.!. Beth ? anttngent? carry wt'h thorn the .-ecesslon cocked?a mad? of palmattoea. THE BALL AT THE THEATRE. A Great Social Kv-fnt In Which the *ol ?H??ra Will He rromloant. Amont? nit the ceremonies attending the nn- ' veiling <f th* [nr.D.umeBl to Lee the grand mill- ! tary ball wm h will be given ot the Klchmond TBaaar? tonight by the ladle? of Richmond, the resident Maryland Association, and the Rich? mond rrlii ary to tbe guesIB of ihe city and vett? ing military will prohably be aecoad in Import? ant-? aud interest only to tbe unveiling itself. A riJICK O?" BEACTT. Alr-aly tvthe Judicloue use of shield? and : hunting th? Theatre ha. t.-eeu <*onvort?<! Into a i place of bagnty, The d?corattoiw ?re ex -ee-l- I ingiy NBoed and an.stlc and ro0?ct gre?l cre>llt on Mr. H ??'., the de?lguer. Krom the centre of i ih'? [in,-c,"itiim arch lung ?trip? ef bunting da- ! poud giv.fully and ?re caught at different point? of tbe bouse, msklug s very striking etTecL Th? front of the <tre??-ctrc;>? I? .lr?;."l with a titnlviMi? plBSb curtain of dar? garnet, npoc wh:.-h black abielda bang. Kach ot tbeee ghleld? ha, ?n the centre a raised armorl?* de elgn In hrooxe and ?liver. 'Ihe BBOamd gallery I? draped the color? of Marylan I a-il "range -and at various points round abt? la wi'h lb? ".at?-of-?riii? of eleven of th?- BOBtbert) Mat?-, ara hang. Vu h shield l.? supported i-y ? two whit.? fiar?, uponwhlh IBs Mata davke la p/ltnted. T.m nrms of Vlrgtuii and Maryland bang at the rear ot tbe, one on either ?id?. The tip? ?r ?allery Is draped In rod and white sod llTllAmeated with shields whl-h carry the arm? Of the baited state-. AH nix of the boxes are appropriately dr.-??.?-1 with tmntttic. A? la UHual on au<-b occasions a staging baa been buiii over the parcjuet ?nd suge. THE Vt 1- I i On the faerenth-stree) ?Ide of the Theatre Just bsc? of th" i?roa'?eniiim-b"X a ?cilery has been ballt In whl-h the mu?-. tun? will bosta.loned. 'ihn geueryatdraped Is lbs ?am? m.?u?eras th? dren* cir-'e. AmoDj th? docoration?. the t.'onfedt-rate a..g BOEaatoa a proiiua-?.t pieos, ?l?verai ?re placed at various point? uloul the Tti"?trc, onehinjclng ?u?t in front of lb? drop? ; curUm. A stand of O lora i? fBBteaed Ju?t above , each of the ? roa ?enlot? boxes ; the t.'ntte.i state? and Maryland flag-ton ttit?.?air, the Confed?rate and Mrgtuia r.ags on tho w??t side. T't-Millll'tl I'liOliliAMMF. rr.-miit'.y ai h-ilf-past S o'clock the door, of I th? Til' a'.re w tl be thrown epou und the rwOSp? j tioo will h-ilf hour later, Tha K??*eplto ? O raml te? wlB <ta,,.i in a wmi-clrcls ? t*t back j .it the boxea an i roceiv? th? gu?-t? ?s tio-y ar? riva sad are pmMnied t'y tir? g'-nti'uii'ii ??ti" ocatpoaetb? rki r Committee. This con will be ?sal?:?,'. oy Qovernor nul Mrs McKlB ney an 1 Missel Marv and Mild rod I SO, *:i 1 it Ifl oueral T. J. ("Stonewall1'} Jackson will bs pr--"r.t. At th'! .-. udiai.n ol th? reception ?lancing wi:i commence, Colooet Je. i mi" ?tara, I a chairman of IBs Floor Committee, will i pen the hall and will Iiav. entir,- -liarg? ol tti- 600T from th?t tlmeu'iiil lh? ball SomiM to in and. Th? progrsmm lot ma dancing embraces twelve figures, t (,- music forih? dance?will i... fon ' fill Maryland regiment fbii I? ?n ?xceHeot organisation of ?a, and ?a asid 10 fomlab ? ?. I I ea muatc, Mr, Adaa Itssl, Jr., I? the , conductor i cbniin?'j,-lie at tt ..'clock a buffet sapper Will be served by Kr. Klmiaormaa la Ula building , wht-'U adjoin? th? l". The I -\r:merit has detail? l a "f men, who will t-e ou hand In cu* i a .. should m IM? A hoi-e SB I Bl ?Is basa o bees alta ?dl t ? w?ter-pluc, which I? ou the Ibeair.- ?i?.*?. I The \-'\<" were to has? 1.ri soil at auction nt the Tbeetr? i??t nlggt, bul then waa wmemta nh ie- ??? ind ag aa la lb? I oor ol aale and only a few per---:, aero pro??Bt, L'oloael A. <? |)t,-k itisob. abo waa pr?tent, offer? I giOO for the t?>-t pri-s??eii'.u-n hi x, and the <!'-? d'.'lle-l 10 i rp- ).;? nlrr. Th* Other t^jes will be for sale by Mr. J. U. Whilty ut U'lofll ?to-day. CADETS' BALL. The.? Hdnd-xitii? V*maj Mibllcra to Have :i ?.-.-. I imo Hire, A ball arfa be glvn by a BBmbercf tb? cad?ts o* tb -'?::< cm Military laatitnt? on Thursday .?veiitti)-at ti o'clock at Uelvid-r? Ball. Thilos-'? Hand ha? heen engaged, and the chapen,na will te Mr?. 11 ihugb : i ?, v.r-. Bunter A. II. i-iriin. Colonel ai. ! Mr. Wiiaon, Mllea Car?, Mr. and Mrs rhomaa Buth?rfoord, Mr. and Mi . UcLaod, Mrs. l'a.M N. Walker. Mr. . : Mi-. , i ala, Mrs, Charlas Watcias, Mr. and Mrs, Baraard leytou, and Mr. ?ml Mis. Allan 'lol HEBREW MEMORIAL-DAY. it Will He strictly Observed This .vn.-r minn ?? lib Pro ? Tb? y altas' Hei-rew Masiorial Association have -,-)?. led ihH? a? ib<? day lor the dr coratloii of the graves of tbo Confed?ralo dead * ry. proceedings this BftSTBOOa will bequlet ly coti-tii't.-1, ih" ladles will mset at th? cemetery abool 10*000? oui trill spread Bowers overtho Bound Of evury Confederate soldier. Dr. a. Harris, ot th* Byasgogaa Bath Atiaba, ha? be I te deliver a ?Bert prayer. In .,'i,-ii'-" of Ibetmallneseof the ground? ?ad th? nearn???of the unveiling there will bu no 11,1.nary \n ?ttoadanco. bul lh? ladles of lb? 1 aad Holly wo 1 a* ?'tons aro expect? ed to uuite m iba observance? RICHMOND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. (iratluriting E??Tcieea at the First African < liunti Last Nicht. The graduating rier-,-1-.?? of the Richmond 11....?i. rt-au ?-emlnary were held !a?t night at the Kir?'. African Ilaitlat church. Ihe chur.-h was ?ell tilled with .-.?ore i p.*.pie, with a sprinkling Of promlBSal white cUtaeo?. livem-n cr?.1iiatc,l alter a full theological of thro? y"?r-, ?i i made addreaaa?, aa 1 foil???: W. R. bri ?n, of it? ta. Vn., ..n " Itm Preacher, ?od*a InterproUr t" Man"; J, it. Ea?ta, of ?amlsrsrllle, AISm ?a "'ihe Ilenetit? if tv Kno ?:."lge..t th.?iir-ek Language tu ihn OosfrSl Mlntatet '; E.V. (i.-is-away, of BeltOB, -. ? . on '? I b? Advantage of lb? ??"tiilnarv to ? logical "?tiiient''; W. W. Har.-i?,.' I , i,o.. Va,,oa ?*Parootal Be?poo?lbUlty , J. H Tum?r. o? Richmond, on "Man. ?Prog Hoi??." Tb'-re wer? other lou-resting szsrclaea THE JfcF*-". DAVI3 MUSEUM. ' Orfsnlratinn i?r a S.u-ioty l'ornied t?> ; I ?rrr Out This fa? heme. j The newly-formed Mom'rial Li-crary : lia. cbang'1 its n?ui? Iroin "biutheru " ti "(.oufederat.?,'utid offert?..I an organl/.a'ion by I eiertiag the foBowutg ?fleers: Mr? Joseph , Hi ran. president; Bra, JOBB H. Cary, first vl-e ptisidcnt; Mr?. Jame? Thomas, ascend rice? pt?-il -nt; Mrs. \a. W. II-nry. third v|co-pre*i ,]e?t: Mia. M. Itrun, U, fo.irih riee-proatdeat; Mrs. James I". Pane,fifth v:c?-pr?suloiii; Mr*. 1'. tun ? . six'h rlce-preetdent. Itie ai.n? -, wth Mr,. Aan i.r/vit. Mrs ? ? ?i, Mr?. ?iiii-'l, and Hra, Hani' y, W?M mad? th- COT] ? ra)or?ef Ute sa Mary crouauaw, rn cdding??arsiary, eod Hra, 1. B, Minor, curre afOfldlag ?e.xeiary. ?,i?en Addition?! Trim?, In the City Clrca'.t COUXI y??r?rday Georc? fiiiinat! aad Jan..' Baary Ray?? ?baaCbari?? ? i hane? Mar-hall, c-nvlcts In the prmtenttnrv. wer? ? :ed to five year? ?.idI loial coiillueiuent, bavblg teeu tvtoa Beted. ft. H. Hale n.-i. Jack 1'atti rson, who escaped i ? l'Hh last, an-l Wal ar * rut hflekt, abo ? -, were each gtvon one year tnor?? to ?orve. '?I he Pr?vale Secretary" nt the Academy of >lu?ie To-IH?. At the matin?? and night performances at the acndemy of Music i?.dny taa Maiism-S-iuare 'Jheatr.r ('?'iiipsnv will pre?nt thai finny pesaeay' '? Tl a loiary." with Mr. M. A. Keuuedy as Catermole. Trartt-I.ayiiig Sfurted. Yesterday m->niln< track lav log ou ths Rlver View railway was coar.niciic'1. Mr. K. H. Chaf f.*i Hi? pi .???lent, waa on hind and threw the flratahoveiof dirt 'Ihl? road will run Into the pi?n of Klvor View nnd will be completed tu ?bout ten days. ?heroadwiLW about a mile .. i.--._ ?rain and Cotton Kxchatiw'?" to Close. By order of tha Kxeeiitlve Committee tbe roomeof the Grain and Cotton Kx hangewld bo cloaed on Thursday and r'ridsy of this week. The Markets To-M?irrow. The msrkeu will only be open until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. Personal? and BBBnSBB? The Manchester acboels ?IB be assawl to-mor row and Friday. Judge Robort W. Hughes, of tl.? United State? Court, left tbe cil) Monday night tor Danville. The whole number *f death? in this city last week wiw nfty-two. of whuh twetiij-Uiur were white and twenty-oigbt colore ). Ceneral R. Lindsay Walkor will be Bbsent from the unveiling c?r?monie? on sccotintot ill net?. Colonel J. Y. Gllmer**, ??dltor ant proprietor of the Sugar.f?nul and Farm Jovma', New jrleiiii?, I? in tbe city, and called at the Diaj*?'?-* offlce yea'O.dav. A reoalty of !? per cent will be I m p*^ upon all per??ina wno fall Uj pay their I i..?ed ?Ules reveitue-lienae during ?hi* muut.i. Tl ey may also be pro-wcuted criminally tat Otttir delin? quency. The Old rommlon Steamship Compsuy will have their steamship Wyaueke, CnptelB ***** In port on Friday, and all visitors to th? city are cordially Invited to Inspect Ber at her docs? Bocketie. ^__^^__^__ ? Negroee Bow vrltll Constable?. .Special telegram to the Dispatch. I NtiBitji.g, May ff?.-Norfolk county ??on?'-?-'1?-" had a row wtih negi*oea on the subur*?? of I BfJ* mouth liv-ulgiit a id J hn Wesley Aab? ?*? ?hot aud dangerously wouude I by an officer. For purity, strength, oconomr, sad cu? rative power. Hood's SnrsBpsriUa ha* no euuai. Try it. THE SOUVENIR " DISPATCH.'? On Thursday and Friday mornings of this week the tasBBaBst will be filled with matter of special interest incident to the unveil inc. Both of these pape? will be , BTM ?1 in eight-pace form, and will prove , highly desirable as ?ourenir number??, Tbur??l?y'*? paper will be handsomely il? lustrated with a gToat number of cuts, ?n?I hare as frontispieco a large picture of General Leo (from the best liten?* of him ever mule) framed in a highly artistic de? sign by Sheppurl. Tho ??<me will contain a vast amount of ahmt the ceremonies of the ; tl.?r . [UmilMrtw. etc. r'riday's paper will contains full report of th*> unveiling, which will be within lt pelf s volume of livo and interesting read? ing. Nnwsileah'r*? to in-mre tho prompt filling of their orders should lisvo tbem in by to-nisht._ Ti lt-cram? llrl-feil. Bishop .fames <> Connor, of the Cathol!? Dlo cese of Omaha. N"b..dlud yesterday morning ; | ?gcil sixty-six years. fte of at-aolut? divorce? for Mrs. Mary K. Flack from ex--?henrT.lames A. Flack, of New Y OTB. was eittio'd ye.terday by .fudge Heach In a ' special term of me ?upreiue Court of New York. Vartie? in N?w York holding control of tto P?i*iH?- Vail ?t..,-k that the following ticket will ?*> elected at tho annual meeting to-day. one log ?ill ?racaol : CF. Huntington, I. K. Gate?, Bear? Ban, k<1wbM l.*utorba.*h, Calvin B> Hn.-e, Samuel lb omae, Oliver II. Kayne, n-nl .1. K BkBtton. The election of tb? ticket mean? a signal defeat of the Gould Intnreua. which hare he'.d control of Ute company for several year*. In the Judgment of IBB/lInf citizen? mere la a shortage in tha aecorats ol ?'. A. Thompson, cashier of the tuspend? i i>w-eg<> (N. T.) NaMousi ti?nk, variously estimated at fmm I'.ii.iJ*? to f.'',"*?'. Baak-BXBmlBer (lauman, of Albany, refit-"? to mnk* auy statement, an I ihomp.nn IsequaUy aon-commtttal, excent to dec?an* m?t if pushed to tie wait he will az|. las of Uweco'amoat substantial eUlssas who aro Iin p ii" 1 in tti? BBaWIBBSk Never b?*foro In th? hl*?*ory of Alabama has ?o much I???? ibown In a polltt* si eonvea ventloo a. in that ol ibe Perno?*?*** parti of ibe Mata at Sh ? Bssambls In M?>nigomory to? day. 'I h??"e are live can,it latea f?>r Governor ? . viz., K ??. Klebardtoo, and Crook. The flrst-asmed ha? m ado tis canvass agciuslvel) s? a member of me l?rm?r?' ai : >i , ... aniia? a larger number of votes man any other one candidat*. Tbeopp*>.|tion to bun I? strong and determined, it n? rassors?I that . m? alliance ..i ir n.mvaniloa will r.omt : note a candid rary enatrman la oj> pusltli rhomay bebolected by the ii'ii,, -rattc >rat?- Committee, ( able Note.. Tbe timber labo-era on tin? docks ? for ?a advasca of alspeacs pur day In th"lr ? l ha village of Bepahle, In Armenia, ha? been destroyed by an earthquake, A BUmBer of (??pouted from crevtcee made In t:.arth br tbe bock??ad tb? itiwof w-iteris ?o great thai tbe adjacent iiei.ta am flooded. The earth'junkn wa-i prec?d?d by rumbling?, which .-.-.-:?'?.'. the I ? ?ui? to rt?o li viiiap?, and they thus escaped desto fmra fall ia*a No live? aere iu?i. gor wakefnlnea?, weekneae, or In -'it of ?nergy I 8imiuoo? Liver Regulator is a ?p. Cnn You Ana?? it Tilla 0<?e?t Ion ? ?Til i i? ni.-in pea-t-??-?a a grod, tru?, lovela?. rat? woman on?? who id<->u*?a him in such a way as to make him i-n|oy il.-aven ou - ? '.rih tie Is certainly surround?! With lag, t'-r m tiling I know of in tits world is m T' of a comf1 r: lhan to b?> appro? -li? ed after a har : ibor by OB? ot ttaaaa pre? cious gift?. Hut HOC? W" an? compelled to lu r :. l-'f Inn?? of lOVB fOT I Ur WIV'?, Who ?e. , why not think of th, ??? d?ar little oues who are equally aa mu.-h eomfort to u? T ?\ 111 y 0 ! d ;r|vr? your i tllld of B Sull of Clothe? when yoa can go te lh? .'an'.,ma **.?>. i-. ? ,, r uer of Ttur 1 and ?TO ??'., nn 1 buy him on? tor tli ihst Is a . g la high'Pri?*?d down-town , for \,:,'j, aud BMrkadabargala ev?i al iliat pria I Will yoa pay exorhi-<iiit-|irl''?.l?alerat.'> for a Boy's Suit when you .-an go up-town i.? tbe s. O. I'. C. and bay on? for $:i. with a beautiful -hut- 1 waist attached fr->? of any charge! Will ion ?Boourag? your sou to patronl/? a In uen that puts a b'?avy tax on whatever he muy renuire, or ?dvia.i him Is buy of the ??, ? '. I'. C? wh'-rn he canpiurub?.? au (a suit that they ?,-e: !1 I for? \\ 111 you pay ?*?! fur a pair of I'arit? when th? 8, '. I. ? . will ?oil you the eeme iduutlcal pair lor j:i les? | Well, to be t.-l 'f on this siihlect, I will asy whaterer you may require Ib t?. lin? of Clot?. Memoir? Hurni'iiln.,' tioxl?, Hats, and I'm ,relia?, don't forget to rxen-1 your patron Bgw io OB? Who deserve? it. and that party is the proprietor of mesbov? already l?meos hou?? on the ???nth west corner of 'Ihirdsui Broad. >o kindly uniko no mistake and you will bo pleased to read t?,-?ay'a article Tf you would he rid of chills Bud fever Sim? mon? Livor Regulator Is what you noed. Befres?meat itooth. Th?? ladlea of Washington-Street Methodist gntscopal church will bava ? booth open on 'i i ?sy naornlng, May f9tb,BSxtto the Ssm Jone? tabernacle, no?! Kratiklln .?tr.-ot, where U-tri-al.ment? of ail kind? WlU be. I tu? booth OpeaaiatT A. M., where breakfast cau be obtalne-L ^^^^ Illue mid tin- ??ray (Kons), lOr. Don't fall to got a copy of this beautiful long. Mad-,| dlTOCI to your tu-n-.e, postage paid, at 10 cent? a copy, with catalogue? of 1D,<> 0 plac?e a:i reduced to 10 conta escn. tail at Sanders ?t Siayniaii?, 1811 ?BBt .Main. Ilr.u? nafiiiio trout-, Mr. W. M. Bal ii, of Peter?!.urg. bfl? corn? il, e ed huil 1 maC a tin.? block of biownston?? .i Tiiird and iirace street? The coi-irscta hj"? let I. unoi i i -opio aud the B? tu b? u??d Is the AMerson, tbe s?m? sstbatalready In lb? bnildlnfa atajut Uulsbed c-u tbe corner of becoud and Franklin. A ?'...',- tc-.-iti? h.-ittle-flac, furty-flve feet long BBd Bfteen i let widr, will b-t swung over Msyei'? Dry ti orner siitti an I Broad ?treats, morning. Hit? is the largest ti?g in the i.-lty. Dou'l fall w ?ce IL K.tey Orgnns, ITiuae 1"! inos. The l"ft'iiug tnstrn menta of th? world, im meii?e slock to Select from, ??peclsl low prie, s for this week, < rgsn? at fjs leaa Ihaa regular rates; Pianos ISO less tbaa regular prlcaa, ?uy uow. Tarro? to sulL fes Ukmubbo c-.pies of tfuslelOca .-. i y. Cheap??! mod in tue south, i ail at .-anders j, ?laymau'i, 1817 eaet Main ?ireek _ Blandea CBwlacbbask) Park decorated ?nd tafiiiiDilly Illuminated Improved ear aavrice, Bar -m Main ?treat, .yi bone p .?er, ?verv ten minute? connect? with can* at Loin bardy au 1 Main streets. The v?t?ran? of Meshy'? battalion will meet (mounted a: ?bockoeMlp on Ihursday, aay BttB. at 11 o clock promptly. Art I'lioto-.'iHulil?-. T?vd?y ?nd ?very day diirt?g this memorable week ll.jusands of Rl'hmoud'a bonoied gii'-sti will doublleee vl.-it ?? n'i-r'? I'aruoii? PbOtOSXa? aUlsBaaeBt, llgaoalfe Ninth sir ? of the n-west. neatest, ?nd moat beautiful Por? tr?t", ??aliertes In th? I tilt'1 Mat???, and not a few will avail themselves ol tb? opportunity to sit t cf..r? an accjinrrc-ida'-iug camera Mi. I- -- tei ? production? are v?i;i'"l uot aloti? for their fidelity to nature, but al*o tor the b?-auty of i'.i,i-ti ?!i h ' hat* i.-rues the work of this cele? brated art?*L >fen'a Wear. We k??p tb?on'y Men's Furnlal.iiif and Hat Bou?? lu tbia city. If you want I nderwear, Murta, Hosiery, Glove?, or H??s lu flrst-c'.aas good?, cm? to u?; all the unveltle?. If you want Mbirta mudo remember, Wii baro the largeet fr.c-.ory In the city, and tan guarr.nte? you ?aUe ?a.-11'.U. CoauAi-LB llHOTbgHS, 419 ?Bit Broad street. General K. K. We bava the genulae Steel Engraving? of j General I ?a, which we retail at tl?lea? than half valu??for part r decoration?. Dou't tall ? to see th in; also th? Imltattou for 30c. aiCUMOMD AST K?OM.1, 417 Broad slreat We Pay Your Travelling: Fspenaaa. Kvery on? who bnys aa Organ or Piano thla week ?-an secure them at IKS aud ISO lower than regular prieta s.,id at, aud your cariai? will be nail. Greatest offer made by any mu?lc-hou?e. Now Is th? time to buy. Largest stock to ?e.?,t (r. in. lasses? Isa IBS Cali at Sanders A a lay- ? mau's, lBiT eaat Bain ?tree?. Attention, Hotel?. Ke?t*?uranUand House? keeper? ! V. e are receiving dally from Virginia Beach loaker?. Trout, aod all other kind? of salv-wattf Hah. Alao Picket! A Co.'a l.'rab U??L Uli. <t GBPS-i", 'Fhotie 509? _ Second Market Life unto those that find it and health to all tlioir desh means A. B? OL Tonic. Gets cil drink of soda-water at the drug at? -rea and a free ?ample of " The Old Coufed " cnewing-tobacoo ot William U. & Burgwya 6 Co?, Bonder-sou. Vance eouuty, N. C Liven on .le-., ra-.iiin-day only. Wim ?a?-h ?ample will be f i i ?lierai K. K. Lee on tin tag. Those wh'i baudle tobacco aro apa. .ally In eraeted In mi? high grade ?of North Car liua ch.wtng-to bacoo that la being ?o tborougbiy advei".iae?i aud becoming a? popular to tboee deal? lug a due che wtng-to tjaoco. A faithful witness will not lie. A. B. 0. ?Iterative will cura bad blood. To t l.'ti.M -ImtwrlsBt, Ba Nor iBPOsrr? Vvoy?Ora MoTro, "No EiroBTtoi? ! " Prices for nnveilinc week the same sa usual. Htrsnirers, as w?-ll as our city patron?, will find it to their advantage to send me their onl? rs. I will not make BTiy advancement of price in good?. Kvery delicacy of the season secured. Host din? ner served in town. I will not take more ordern than I can attend to. Send mevour orders as promptly as p?)*.sil?l*>. liecllect that I m-ike an?) sell only th*** beat. " I'i/wm'-i," 109 east Broad street /'. P. Iturk*. Proprietor. Old Ladles' foft-Sole, I. w Heel, aad Broad Bottom sboee. Ties, end supper.. J. A. (?aii.'., Pace Block. It?, land 4% VS* will e'.i-eie their wareroonis, as thev sre ae customed to ?lo. fr* m June 1st t<< Septe-n bar 1st at il o'clock. Our frientls will pleas?.- make a note of thw. Attention is call?*?! to the sale of Re? st,rv<?d Boats *in th? Lee t'iro'n for BBiade ati'l tlrow?>rks both east und weit of LobB bnnlv stro't. ut No. IM north Ninth street, Mayu'-jsuf'tioiilu u?'. Old Black .foe ?Variation?), 10?. candors A Stayiraa, 121." east Bain. Tho pl;?n adopted by tho Covington Im uro ?renient company is ??r.** that cann? t fail of succe?s. i'i|i? conipnuy has tmr ch?ise?l about one IhrnaBBBfl o?-res of th? bi autifully loi-it.-d l.mds surrounding the town, aad la now dividing the sann, lato tasines* lots, dwelling lots, and man? ufacturing if?w. ft is now buil.l icg an eb't'iint hotel, and is ?;,.. ? urine plans for a rolling mill and ateaa forge for making cur-axles, links an-1 pitta, lh;?i pin it ?ill be completed WltB thekaa* noseible dein? and will employ fonrhiindredni.ii. Other plants a low. I b" ci.-optnv nit,?11*1*11?> tr.-i-t them] and not to rely ou f ?reign capital, tea I lie ?>r?--?riit 1 Ms will be sild privately only, Bome Bbsy bo told by public auction tatet w'.iiri tli*'conipanv's plunt? ar" um - ii.g completion. f**niii**<if tbe capita] st*>ok of the company will be *?>l?l at'pur fora limitad tima, and tbe proceeds will be >le. Toted to permanent improvement j. There ,tr- i?i> pi-efat-enoee among stockholders. All ar.' on tbe "?.-round floor." address K. L. Parriab, (Pr?sident, or <J. J. Hobba, 1'rea Surer, Covington, Va. Trunk? for anyb<i?ly?>tes?ner, Overland, Dr*?*, l,i'ller-Tray, me, ,i. A t niiij. Pace Block. The I.e.- Monument ceremonies will undonbtedly <1n?w an enonnonscrowd, wli?. will tee witii ?ur priseandtratifloaticm th.? great inipnve menU in the c pita! of tin? Confederacy. They will see none thai I * a greater m '? v. in.-ii ? specially than tbe Roller? Tray Trunk. No traya to lift. Bawea thai back.breakini{ exertion. Hold by all deal : ere. Mb I?? hi II. \V. Kniinii.*.' A Brother, Richmond, \.i. I v t'ntue MHi.ntv, 10.. Groate.r Coml ioag of tbe Bay, At Sanders ft Siayman's, lt"7 e??t Main. Gladstone, Cabin. Railroad li->ca. Grip?, Balcbels, 4c. .). a. UaitM, Paos ltli.?-a. I ?Ira Train? lor I'ti veiling-:>;ii. la onlcr to accommodate i? raoBa ob tb? lineo? th?Bicbraood aad Petersburg :?n?l Peterobnre; railroad, of ?be Atlanti. I . Lin.-, who wiah to aril neas t!i" aoveiling ?>f th? I. st uno ?t rlichmond on May 84th. tbe fnUowinc traio servi oe ?rill I.perated ? m thai date. In addition t.. acl eduied l rait i No? - 11. aad 18, Borth-bound, iiml Iran?s No?, tf, '27. 13, Bod 89, ?OBth liuiinil.ea.trri pu-MBgor tniina will run U f Hows - n iii?) bkichmon I uipi I railroad: LBAVB r.'.' i ? 8:00 A.M. Btopa nt rill stations SXOept Manchester 9:DO A. M. Btops at nil ?tattoo* ?xoept 10:00 A.M. Btupa nt all st.itious i M BBC 11:00 A.M. ?Stop?, hi nil stations ?-xcept Maaoheeter. fi:;>o Y. M. Stop?, m all atetioaa. i at all stations. 7 Jit P. M. r-t-'|is .it nil it:i!,. : * ? P. M. Pot Norfolk! makes ti?? st"i>s. 0:30 P.M. Ht.?(is -it :i!l station? i . VnuHiestiT. 9:30 P.M. Ht.?|,?t nr ;i!i stations ?JCOfSBl Manchester. lorio P. M. Btopa at ill stations .-??.???lit uanohevtor, 11:30 P.M. St. (?a III nil Stations .iluto bastar, I.BAVK I ?BBBIHIMI ?II? IB ?IHIBH 7;0o A. M. Kt?M*H at ?il ?tattoos ?xcept Manche ifcsr. 8:00 A. ?L Ht<ii??i ?il ull station?! exc?|>t rlanebecter. 9:00 A.M. HU>t?s nt .ill stations ?xeept Manchester. 10:00 A.M. btoii? ut ?U Btetloaa i Manchester. loo A. M. Stupa ?ifi signal nt &':\ -? ? :' mi No in, st.p, oa signal ?I all ?I ?' \l. Ktops on sigse] ut : II - 7:80 i'. M. Btopa on ai?*u?tl nt nil ?tationa. ?- in I'. M. btopa on aignal at nil a! it - f. M. Mops ou siena] nt nil ?tationa. 10:30 P.M. btopa on signal at ell sta li ?30 1'. M. Btopa i n aignal it -iii atatioas. Extra passenger : inn for Charleston. K, C: leave Ho iib:- t.-l II ill P. M. : in:.k> a no stop.?? on Richmond ?i 11'. ter?b_rg nul. roed, but ?rill ?top on signal at ?til i?; ij,,titli ot l'.-ti rsburr. Extra train for Helflold: ?Leave Rieb. mond ut n :,i? l . M. with tro.,pa f.?r Atlan? tic and Danville ru] oad. Makes no Following Iraina ?arill be annnll. ?1 Bouth bonnd, Kos. 88 aad .17; Borth-bound, No?. t. ELT. D. Mi Superintendent; lt. M. Boxlt. '.''??i !'-nt ; W. M. ?SbbbboBm <ii ' I oger Ayeut. UI?I loll,sut Home < Variation.i, flic. ??ander? A ?layman. 1817 east Mato. Hailed direct Bomo. postage paid. l-adle?' aud Gentlemen's Low Shoe?, ?oft ea?y, sa i si ?. J. a. Ubi .". i ses Bio* k. Don't lrlflo with \i.ur I'.yea and do n-'-t ?ltowanyons ?Is? to do it for yoa utiiier any pretence a-hatever. For comfort and i>r<:?s.'rva,tiou oftheey? -ur Glasses accurately BttMel l)t. S. (itil.-aki'?, J15 seat Main street, Liniiii nattoii : _ ?>,.ei 1*1 lt.'?r_f?tn? in rianrnsnil Or-.?n?. ut Ryland.l Lee'sun til June 1st. _ Oonttemen'a and Lad le?1 Patent- Leather shoe?. Just the thing lordn - J. A. (Hu ,-), l'a e Mock. Mlk ISudgea- Koiirl'oliir?. S.iiivenirs. with foar kinds of COBfede? rate Fla^-s. nm! correct pictnre >.f nouu iii.-nt Bedgea "i .'Il kindsprint'-d. I ?r.aitb. Un? Mam str- ft, Roys' and Mis?e?' Patent-Leather Scnea and Pumps, J. A. lilin.u, I*.'. BLct. I.lttl?. Annie Ko.ilie? f?**t0, lOe. Bander? A ?taymao, MR BBBl Bain ?treel Baited to your i.,, l-, po?Lg? pal L There aro t<? 11?? round at Krland A I.e.-'? a Loautifnl assortment of Pian?>.? autl <?rtaus in fancy aud plain ?.ases. Terms ?-ns.v. _ I rimnif Gl?>9?, CI? an, Dye. and Repair Gentlemen's ("otluug. butiefaction ?turante???!. A. J. Prut, 311 north Fifth str.- t. "Lr.s"f?aiJBBY, WO Main street Be*t and moat Authentic I'hotsgrspbs of th? Confoderate ?Jeneralt, beautiful t'eltred Plag? of tbe ?on federacy. Originel autographs cf Ueaerat Lee on l'hutogrsp?a. beautiful l'lcturos t?k?u and low price?._ Th? Hotel ?t Thompaoa'a Bromin? sod Arseolo Springs I? now open f.>r guests. S3 per day, Six per week, MO p?r mouth. Kin? acoommodailou? and fare. Kun by th? company. Befereoc?, 1 oi s M;i A CO, Ninth ?od Main ?ireavu. ?1,- ?de A Diskar'a ?aponln? Dentlfi ir,. Tbia 1? the beat Tooth-Powder lu uao. It it guaranteed to be fr-e from all acid? or hun'jl Ingredient?. It ?pee lily rernove? th? tartar Ir-ia th? teeth and heel? and hardaus lh? gum?. Sold by dru.giau g?n?r?lly. We k?ap the be?*. Bilk-Shakers, Ie?-8hav?rs, and soda- Water suppll?? that are on tb? mar? ket. Fresh Litaes always ou baud. owgaa ?ft Misoa Daca Coarasy, Blcnmoad, Va. famille? who tue oll should k??p la ?lad that the light and dangeruu? preduct* of peiroleuBi will ofwn giro a clear aad bnlllaat light; ta?y aaoold aleo romeaibar met a bwMsr light la fur ni?b?d By Psarr * Asraai. Oil at a analog addi? tional ?mi ?tub ta? ?dvaat-a**- ebaalaMaeHig*. PURF.LY a vegetable compound, made entirely o? roots and herbB gathered from th? forests of ('.corpa, and has been used by milhooB of people with the beat results. It C9B& All manner of Blood diseaaet, from the pestiferous little boil on yrnir nose to the worst case? of inherited blood taint, such aa Scrofula, Rhciinuliaa, Catarrh and SKIN ??MCER Tirstttrita Rl.x*?i inI '-kin DiaOTBI rnslBi freo. b?*irr Sricirn-, ?-.?>.. At.aata.Ga>. Ai Invitation. We extend a most cordial ami presa? ing invitation to our out-of-town friends nud visiting strangers, and hopo to ae*e thousands of you at our atore during this our GoIiWEEK. THE BOSTON, ICCS??ic?n?tleet, oprosm: r< ist office. Schwatzschild & Co. Iinv- _ MANUFACTURER'S S ALK ! Wo obbbv yoti all gooda ?t M RI CKNT. LEW TU \n Tin: OOCTOf MAN.T.-UTiV.r. FOB TWK NTY DATS ONLY, in ?rl.r t<> intro?lure our* selves, (tur g ' I * ?p ? la. for thenwtaea, und our idii'i's pel the:n. Wo ask you to call uii'l rouvinco yourself. .Make no mistake, in Ihfl uuiulu r. 1311 EAST MAIN STREET BIOHMOHD, VA. Bjtfr"0|,* n t.* in ?ht until 11 o'clock. _lui/*] _ ; ARMY NORTIIiiRNVIRGIMIA. AWIH. KIIVll\ AMIBWQCET, Wednesday, May 28th. A 1lmaa a' H I'. M. la tfie ball of ID? UVise of Delegate? by General E. If. Law, OF 8<>VTIICA..<ii.lNA. laBISCt! "Sd-ilKnBTIIB CAOIM ANO RB. ?I Lti Of Ml Ci'Nr"Kl)Slt.\lK l.KVoLi;? . Tins.' BaiK'u-*! aft-r aba a! NSBBJ at *? 8i>ug?r ll?ll<* ?Joarnili ttotarenu l!r.o/l an 1 M araba'I. my l| asatll MBKT1NOB. ni .Mi 20ARTBBH i:. ?L LEB IF, Ma, l,< ONI ?? w l KI(a>-, Ki* iiuiisii, . ?., At, ?-, ;~j I'lNBBAL "H Di.ii? No? 17: I. I f It- K. 1KB CAMP, No I, CONPBDKKATI V iVf fc K A .S S, ara Btbo) otaieffBd loaa ?traal twtwaaa hi?i!i ao?l .-ornnth s;r???;#) on TiH'lO-l? ?.Y lb?* ?'.?', iiisiaut at I0-.30 oelucBA. ,i. fur paradai ?:???- i lbs bweUlaej asaT-a-. in ?sisa 'it t: a ?'it mu? *. Ntt* rai H. a\ '? u. lb? n-.iitit^ra -. la*ra4toaisei bta at t. irai? U ?> on ' ?un it Iba fiia ma-nut al 1 )'. M. tu ?tteu 1 -Jiaiiijrlial ?< r?W*>* al llotl/ BassaJL III. AU C? tif*1?rato aetrrans ar*. ?-. rtltlly la? ?i?, i io malta ?.'ii -i? ?,ii i, tu ?>??? i. ? IV. Ilemt>?>(??> ai . . ? pply l!i?in ?? vu? wi?li tli? I... ? *?i.p . ?, . ? . -an ba ? ? !.. A. Mrowa, Jr.. ? ; lai'? '? UiS-it.-r, at I 'a *;??? Malo, or at Caasp H l.y Cul?Ufl-t oin ?Hauler VV. I: -wit?. J. ?.IHOII?TKV my -."-it* (.'?iilalu a..?l A )jiii?ol \'1.1 F.KAN (il'.AYS A-*S?*ClAll?!\ : T Yon will a*a?tub!a at in? itni'^jr uo it? HOBBIBQ ok nia .-*rti at :i oeiiak. attb ba*lg?a, t.. Join In t.'i ? p*-a.le ?itb Loa ?.a-ap. Ijr or.lar of th? Pc toy:,- JliSKl'II i. .?KKIBSO.N. HEADOFAKllFS ItlCHMOXD UOHT INKWlKY UU'afV AKKHT?. TlOB, Ki. motar, ?. . Bay?*-., i--.?u-l'r??autuiivt tBat tba Txtotauaof fil* a- ??? >n win par?:? w:tu itt" eaioiM tu wiilch tb*r rr?p?.-i. Italy balong. all otttar nina,?.-? wso a?*lra to ?iniu? ?Kb 'ha ?omi>auy a? ma-urt to Lern Camp alllaaaenoleat 1? ?vio?-? on 1111 ?>?? l)\Y tbe .?*i& la ?Baal on Man? l*atw??o lair? le.tilb ai?! Po ??la. By order of B. ?\. in mto ,.??, I'rt??W?ov B?y?.lt___CH\l.l.*aS?.. KAUT, *k.r?t*ry. NOTICE, THE] IRSI VI Ot tf ?Uk'TlIK VTHi.lM t? ?.??iil.lNA BAILWA1 COBIAST (pur*. ??haiars at court-?al? of t a? Virginia ?ut l'aio 1 *ia railroaJ) win t?< to M at tit? offl?? ol W. W. lieary. Uli Bain ?toat, iticbmoiHl, Va., as I Ut itaUAY, Jita? 5 la? '. at u M. Mli.M'IKR KOBtSt*ON, ? ?I U'NCBT, ,. ? ? ? ki>, ?-. c. Wi?l Li-'-iltH, \\. ?T. UtvNhY, ay-S-td Stuck tetara? ?JILII ?Hl ftOTHBN. NOTICE. - ALL NON-RESIDENT Ma.MbaK.1 OK IHK OLD HOW1TZKM BAT? TYLl'iN, ??> wall ?a m-?oib?rsol tb? oiMaaai aa ?OCiaUoo, Will lui ?i oui al Da? UD-tallt-ig 4 IbO i..-?? iiu.i. .i;-.. t:t.?>. MAY -?Bru. Vint alta? cog* <S?r rt llev*ulb an.I I'ank ?!r-.i|?>, ?tier*? tat?*?? will bo furul.lMxl. at 1 *?Vl?.ck A. S*. ?da p. N?a? roaulroi man .s*.-.. ?Ill t-a ptori*li?l f?x u'-ou ?p piicatiou to 'b? I iualOaoL PKANK 1?. UU.U ray ft ? Praakt?oi Hvaltar .\?-> lau**. I?OOK aVN? JOB WORK NEATLI ?tBSkTitt AT ? **?*?***>