OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, May 29, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1890-05-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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three ce:;t?s PEI. COPT.
? It tv? ra frinii flu?
? tb? lai ii??i s? as !><? ? ? Hfcen
Ilu Vei -? ? Were Rend.
?ii ????. ot Norfolk,
, be(ore
ihe audit . ?iu \V.
Ml m?rite 8 ?< nun.
?n ?iwsalibe,
?. ?IU*
ih -?
. ?
? '?et
? - piled
? ?! Ih,
? . lown,
?. H
.1 -.
-.';- ?' :
? oaeOBXS
: ni ?i b i-i.
as meteor*
A . tiinuB
- gio? les
.- e?. ? ;
? it? wave
* iacea?
1 '. ? ir hl ?>-y,
? ??
. in - age*
..? b* ?
A ?.,???
?. lu?
al m lar
? - >?.-? ?
l'I?.' !uro?t
? l'ioti lonoa
? maturing
mee o
? I* ?? ??:. .unen
? ? tas I
. ?
:.an ti. : *?e ?vurtold.
'?? ai'hlngton
. | rauee*
? ? r
? ' .
. | Bm i? n?' at la.-11
??i Basra rular
.. [analUar ?lay?,
??- iroddaa,
o . ? ' ? ??? u? ?ey?,
?tu li e lo.'uiiil
.. . . .??.? bsaas]
inok?? th.?* temp*?t
ai d da?xled
?rere ??-t ir??*,
' Bl ?oirlwiiid c?in*
- . th-???-??:
,? in .'?wite,
? u mutuine??. -
. --ai*
'?mie ih ?h bur?es
' rea -u^iemeiy ?rcat.
? uiad?ar
? m hi.? kt e?,
Ir* ? kulcbte
ild be
- .?:-?. tt.au r*i??. ? .uthem mea
I Kuban Lee.
- I da? they wer? right and thU
i.?d iu blood
?a? ?? ? ? ?-,,? r ? ?_? 11 y
A* ii-.n ???? wind thai blue?.
Tbeo ?tau! up, oh, my coautrrmaal
A???! unUi ?.od g?? ? thank?,
Ott u.i.t.ul*iu? and on hliUklas
And by ?,?.[. :t rlvsr h*i_*_
Ti ani ? ?? ? Itisi : ????. were wertbr
"I IB? g . ? ? ? r. ??unto rank?;
Timi yo ? wbocatne from uplands
Ini I ?? in li ?? ?,' Old ? ir.-lnla
And freu,
. ??? i-rt Lea
ra ??? Horsing
? ' I Uli I?.'' Bod "Il t H' I.'.Ml ? I
? I." o 01 - ll"
And >?.. ; ol tiisrna,
? aal we stand op *?.iio.it shame I
? ?? 11 rthte all the world
I hot w?? stand up her? with pride,
V I'll I.?? .? for cor living i-iimr?d?s
??. ! ?' '!. ?: n?.? foi tb ma WbO ?lied:
?? ? ? ? u I ?moof miad
Till d? util ?a ? ?111 B . .
(. ? ? aad <>ur c lasctwee alune
Oiv? ? ???? t ?rid wrong.
The m ? may mil unto ti ? swift
Ai.'i the ? allieto ?:, su
Bat? te in mstorr
And blot "in luk
Il in bi .? I? ' full. 1: by I'l.'ry
V? '. ?. lib muslo
lu?- U and ?peer?
?- I lie ? . 1?>? ?? : - lull ot prnlo
?.? ?. ,im u spa ?.- - : toara
An! ! . r:r.? ? -.?uritryrnen,
I (t)l?A,
In I
. . IB? ?tae!
??. '. a r :.c.,r;? w.ll leap
'111-, lier dies.
ASk m??. !f ?<? you i Mee, to peint
1 r ,-. ll,?,? ;
Ko utryraen,
? o ,?' ilure Beb r, . <?? .'
As Sa . fnlr,
U u? -:?'.- . lui ? '. . l-ii Itgat,
t ?) m " peine i ana ?1?7?1???
Hy a r .?. tiito
8???? ' 1 ?????G
Uf that glorj-tMlted Knight,
H!? v. SI 1'iillsb
All 11 .iure;
Ali l ??.'.?.
And : ? ?!.I Ibi tall ?tain??*-?'
oi a grand bistorte ??, ?-.
Baronial ver? bla acres wher?
???; ? ? :? don?;
. , ?? b .?t? ?aid
Ol bl? " works" li?' was the ?*???."
Truth walk 11? aide htm aiway?
i r oi ? ? . h 11 IhO ' l*B '-arly ye?rs,
, r fo low d s? bis si ? ??>?.
... 1.1?. ar?s.
And : ? r I? ;!??! ??p?:? I Vligiulan?
La?i oi ali the .avaller? :
A?? a ?, ! I1?r ?? all knew him
?,, ? md ???;??'???,
BrtW I na Bit -,??.??? klnd.eil
? saia in . 'y ipliIt >?>??
V h ml - bis "f the glob?
tu ? ? ? taiill ????.
.ul Ins gee* Prever
? m.-re rlf?,
Avaria s-l"ry
. f Uf?,
Arid n iia"
\\ n ? tin? Atlas of tLw ?trifa.
A? ill? trout.!? s ira hertvl round him
III ?. ?,??i u I?? ai the stior?
Atra i isa ro I? bel ? ? ? blm,
m? door ;
Full li? wfoughl deeds iv mortal aren
limi ??er vreagat ?
Tberi cani? S ti?* uu.i, my countrymen,
?? ? - l ? ? buri??!!
Won? OBI 0J ' rie?
lite I atti n ?> ? wer? furled,
And a I..?' ? ? >
Inai ti.?.? chunged Ute modera world
As S??*? ?iilut m the arena
tif a '? ?inme
As the pri/?.? of Ina ea leaver
l'ut on if in mollai f?ame-,
? our soldier
ll mi IB? ciowii o' ?uarlial lama
Pal ibioe : am? ? greater glory
??. il,m man ?uprt??i Hy uraal
(\\ hoi? i.i? u-l ?w,?r I tu? in! 1 asid?
in pen ?? ? .?'?).
For in his dB ??? ?? ? dituSe
Ilo io?? up ana niaaiorod Pate.
Ile tri'.rni luxl and be ?lid not ill?? I?
loeVal belli ur? toiled l?
Binon iba? d*y in l.exiug'ou
?ai.???? eSM Si ???11 t?? li Id
HI? ?tlrriip while ??<? SS? m'?-d
To rile ?loan tb?. ?tro??* of gold
lit? Is nut dead I There is no death I
lie ouly went bifore,
Ilis journey on when t briet tb? Lord
Wide opfll hel.l tb? ?Q ?G,
And ? culm oelostial pese* Is hi?,
Tbauk Uod, loi e ver inora
Whan the*ft*eT?f ?*? ??hington
In il? in .in/?? was runred ou blfh
?Tua? talea, aita oth? r?, now long con?,
Usniouiti a ?toKiiy a?y.
To utter U? the multitud?
Uia name Uiat.aoootdU.
Aad her? io-<lsy, my <*>untryi_.eBs
I toU y ou U? BBa?l ???
Wit?. t?iat great "?????? " down ihsyeari??
'i win " rebel ' i-i la t-y ?I I
An?) confrontiti! bu h a vt?ion
All our ??it-t five* placa io irida.
The??? two ?hill rid?? lmm<Ttal,
And ?ba 11 i I? aw ? ?? ? ime;
Bhiii! Ughi up b ta te iv i.i?t..ry
An ! bl is* in Spie Uhi me I
?; ? ? 'aiiBtruo,
l; :ii ?? ttebeU, i>. tu sublime.
Our nasi Is full of f/lory,
il l? Il -'ilil-Ili - ? t.
>!? tt
.?? ;, and I ?*"?
Ar 1 ? lu? ir* ?pi sa 1? before us.
No! uuworlhy ol me trae,
And her?? nnd now, my countrymen,
t pon ?hin sacred so ?,
Lei ?? !?" I : Il ?a- " ?? .r Kather"
W?. ? above uh bald tue roi,
And (rom billa i" sea
Uko Bobei I
Bow revereally toOod.
Robert r. Lee?
[Wrtttea f? r Ote Dlnpatch ? ? lbs unveiling of tho
Lee mi
lie loved t!i<? battle a- ta* petrel ?and?
Alni rocksand ocean - -t..i n.v WB*te? th??neomo
In ? a t.m Ui?? ini'ining tlrum
In l.'it-- ? -'?; let tbe *Urrtn?* band*
Time to tne martial tramp; with tender banda
? nfitri that banner, ? and bomb;
Lei ?? ? open lipa ion ? 'liiinb
And laud agr? ? ia more tttan man's I
Lou ? a? tby mo ml Ina rise, thy p ?.t? paar
Their mlguty flood* down to the volceful een;
Lona ??-1 tn ii ?<??? shall moan upon thy ebore,
Or tboo, Virginia, anal remembered be -
Until tbe brave revere ibe brave ao aunra
witu Washington j. '. IU r? ine name ot Lea I
[Written for ine Di-patcb.)
ttoberl ?:. Lee.
bv Jt'ira Bicuur. or ?,-iiHiNOTOB, it. o.
wiiii oyal boaria we gather
On Vu iiliiiti ? sol] ?o-iay,
Wb* ? the duet ol many uero??
1? mingled ?itti U?u ?lay;
An t ?villi all lovo .? .1 ,?;? ?motion,
Heart to heart und band in hand,
V? ?? pay tbli tributs ol derotit a
?? tti" nob.eat hero of our laud.
Tersa In d'sr old Virginia
11?? ti:-? breatbed tb* tu ?nth o? lite;
'Twit* Virglula he defended
To Hi en im.: ol tin? ?trife;
In Virginia we calmly laid
III? body m the tonili;
Aod to naval] his u. Ms ?tat?*
In Virginia now we come.
Fr??m the compa???'? ??????ry quarter
? hit nee thi? umililo .?? ?
I . ? ' ?. mother, boo, aod ilaun: r
BW*11* lb* ltd* thai It.waril roll*.
s ...? gatber ti<-n? it? Borre?
1 i. m t .t'-y ?tagt? In lilt?.
To ?Jt> boner to ine bere
Ol a long, uuet^aal ?ulta.
We do uo' mourn the causo we lost,
lor Qo 1 ? r In limi it ??
No? do wo nun mur naught agalo*l
I im l?gion Uten oui foe
But we mourn our vauij-.i-thed chiedala,
Ajad bedew willi tears hl? erare,
A? w?? pay thi? hum Ok? tribute
lo ilo Bravaste! tin? biave.
We gaze r.p?n his ?nani* (orm,
i.i? e-i ? m .r* teed,
An 1 reflect ?Uli admiration
. Ii iiobln woid aud deed
Tb?. char. lertae ? Ibe ufo of t?im
ss?? mo un a.? ?? ? 1 to-day,
Bui wb? ? - memory will linger
lu u Batata's buart aleay.
He ?a? brave, nr t aloue In war
iti?? cannon's r??iL
?? r ? bi* < : y ?.?.
in? did batti?? for hi? ao?t?
Bbooii off ? .lie world.
Au! ?n n .ho tirile wa* don?
1?<? ii 11 svari enemy;
'Ihe victory ho had ?ou.
Standing forth In nil the beauty
Of at Li ?1 mi |.iir?? aid whole,
H?? hid f. u;-ut ihn brstile brave y,
Oatned th* victory ior ti? ?oui ;
Wim ?ya? j praised :?? Heaven,
" ou, ?iod : tor what 1 hou bast dosa> (or
IU? ?
In Iba hourol trl'.xi.n |M ,
1 devote u.y III?, u> lliee."
How nobly Be ha* fp! that row
la known ouevi-ry bard ;
Itasi the hu un of tti? most exslted
T? the humblest in th?? land.
It* iuuun.cn oa the tiv.iie-tteid
Keacb<?d Hit? .lying soldier'3 neart,
Dirncling h.e soul n? HeavOS,
Bobbing d. aiti ut all lb? rmarl.
Ho would nd go into a flgbt
Wliiiuut ih?? Htiiold ot piayer;
Nor did be '?rgetht? rneii.iae
WbBe doing baule th?r*.
He boaated ??otof vici??ry
\s Baa a baaile he had won.
And whon II turned .genici him
bald : " /...Tu, 7'Ap trill bt dont."
He would not *tooP t? u..a hery
In ihti unntiual fight,
Bui met aud fought them bravely
In m.??length ol manhood* might.
Aud wbeu al Ai.?,nnellox
llnyi-.il??.! up hi*eword
Bn? hnatt bled lor hi? country.
But bt* tru?i w?e i? the Lor?!
Wbeu bl* mortal lite was ended.
Whan bt* labor tier* wa? don*.
Be girded hi? lmmorul armor en
A?I maiiihod uiumpaaut to am
At d there u ? ntrUtiaa re
: m ? IB??alni? who -ine.
" ?? ?.rave, ?be ? ry'.' ?
"i, ? ? U,y stlngr"
A?. 1 '.? U I rwwet refrain Is borne
? - . - .?. - Saviour
led throne;
Btai Hi ? ? bow mourn blm
t : ? ia stampi?
Of huL'iTt IM ward Lea
Tex?? Trllnite lo l.ee.
BVC. I tC?, PAl.I.A?, TB?Aa
[Written torta? Richmond G??f????,]
It outid Ibis uj.-i"? of bolid granit. , ??!??? by
hearts ?m ere,
tl i.r t ??? -t I.-.'? W? cine and offer?Trop a loyal
P. em? ?il. ili? ? .-.piier lovc.1 and lo?r, fought for
!?. II ?? ?at,
heart wTB tow in sorrow at the
mei I ' ? ' ast?
Begr?t??'? (ears w? give lo-driy to tbe hero
loved ? y ail.
The one lo ?hem all ?'Mitbsrn heart? came
ill :
R r.rla ?. ? . nonUt mau, more bonnst.
Left loin? /.nd friond? ar.d fortune, too, bis
? echo? ' ? levareaee, es tieimsg?
Imre ?
l? ach l rral, fi II ful oiitli?rn heart, gtvea dne
borila?') nino Le?.
t???? rait,
??a? 11 ? Tata y?:i?
?.??li :
One? wtiat d ?.t.rny summ ?? It? ??sciama?
li.? i a :
til alona ? ,- aa?,
? sub lag
Of (beo .?in? murderous flashing
ha ?? ? ? 'lue;
Dealing ? ? '?. ?eaia, ii??th,
In tht ? ti lireath
That upiifte 1 in IBs wild, d-na.it yelL
Hoar the o!d lonfederato yell?
? yeti :
Now, what e?it.il/ ra ???1?. can Its reclamation
tan :
? it an ratearsi of th? ?h ?it
1 uni iriipir ? ?.-?. riefl grand,
Pur : :?,?; ig
? f a ?. ???, ? ??. | ?.. v.l.an dying
For th? ?Aerlahed of hi? laud;
? gasp? <i. gaaped, ??? ,.? ?,
. ?re i ba?a? r ?-rrvped.
Giving nus.?? r to tue la.t vlcoilou? yell.
He?r 'he nlllOnfedor.it* yell
Hear what ??? ?<? ita aa ?? it? In reverr^oratlon tell 1
Il.-.ir It, gallant " !? .
? tear, wm.o ,t ronronea,
1!. ? ll ?r. ka 10 l.lenl In w,ir_liic
With y urche r. lu? t.v.ntost dawning
Of c, bspli ? y's ?pproach;
And in harm my ?iiblru >
Bt ?1?~??
Of the BBltj oi ciieer au-1 r?0?l yoll. D.J.B,
Ni?. ?07 I rii.ililln Street, ti.? Oeneral'?
???????!:??..??? ?:?',:.;.'p? ?.
Then ??} ees? Franklin street,
. . ruth, a red-brick
Iront wii'.. bi lenient und three stories
t. area built about fortv yearn af???
by Mr. wart, aad was oecapied
u? bis reniden ??? until is,l,and at his d?ath
was derisedl . Btewart, ai Brook
? ? it ?????? ? ?-i.iii^s. Earl*
copied by General Cn*?
tis 1 r O? it'??? t'ri'siilcnt'l
? I bj a ooaiber of other ot'riccr?.
Promt) -block in front of this
-. utter the ?,?, umling if
.! Jobastoa at 8even G??.???, General
l?. E. Les uiuuiiti d hi? boree snd iod?
the Army of
Korthera Virginia. Soon a?'!?t tint it be.
: cerne b borne, bowever, that hi?
?Mom peruiitt-d hiia to
One of tbo m???t spiare? 1 piatana of
ina him
I ' .?! W.tl
ter ll. T:i?l?ir 1??.- in? sMe, area tallen in Lu?
buck porch oi tlii? house.
After tu?? Miri-' radi r ut ??.?'.p,,,??,.? Gen?
erili I.??" rt-turneil t.? tnia hcin,?, ami. d?*
mounting apon tbe sau -block,
he .it ?'ii'?' to'?k ??IT bi armor.
whieb In? ben 1 ! ' ?.. ?)id then
unii there b ? pr?vete ?-?tlzen he
c.nilil never be indue? I to ume miUtssry
garb a;,-.iMi. He continaed to ooeupT t?h?s
.???? uni I ?die I t?? t??.- |,r, . ,j ,,,,-v ,,f
? 'ol?ase ? u??w V,'u?hiU'i{toQ an?l
:i rton. ItTsomoof
tb?? sub-cm? nt years th?? Westmoreland
Club oecup . . yf Q
Krii'li-!!, ? rmcipal of Spruj.rfte?d "school,
resides ?
?s roomy and airv, an?l the
neiirlibtirliuoU, to w u,tr.vfasii
i.iuable, isoueof the most ceuteel in tbe
The house is a two- or three-minutes'
walk from the < ??pttolaadle only a little
ui'ir.? than a square lr.?:u ;\??.? .
guit?? early in the vmr a lax? sum of
mojij>eyweara^hi?tor>uieaaaae home
,uni?lini'.i..ll.?r(i..-'r.u ,,....,__ ,.iraUy. but
', ii /. '.v""1 ?*?*??-?- ttiat the
money be euplifd to the relief of the sick
and wounded <>f the army and soldiers'
families, which wa? done. ? similar move
aient wae made in tbe City Council, which
he likewise ibscotiuteiiaiictd
They Revisit Tbeir Beloved Capi
Tftoiisan,]s ami Thousands of OM Sol?
diers Here With Us*
, - |
Many Piments from Many States to
Take Part in the Parade.
Richmond Opens Her Hearts and Homes
to Her Friends and Kinsmen.
Former Comrades Meet and Embraee
Like Brothers Lnn? Parted.
Streets and Public Conveyances Bright
with Uniformed Men.
The Military Reception and B_l a Won?
derful Success.
Order to March tc Bo Given
at 12 o'Clock H.
This to Be (he Crowning Event and
Most .Memorable Scene.
Sem J mrt Tnliernnrl?? to lit Used ai a
Veterani' Enrqiiet-IIall.
ivelry Ur?-??lif:?#t?KlreworU* To-?il<bt?
Solili.?r?' Supper?< adeU'
The Boron?* beauty of a trpical ???
morning was yee?terday brightened by Um
arrival her?? of tho Fifth Manina 1 r???.?;
Which, with liars llyiii;;, ba__? play?
ing, and men keeping buoyant ?top t<?
niirtial air?. passed through tho ?treets
EUver railroad depot to
tb? ?r hoa l',uart tj at the First llegiment
From thin early hour until mirln?r*ht the
tap of ?Irma end Um bugle*? Dot ?? ron.
?.????>???1? am:' ???'??? the arrival of artil
iValry, util ?iif na try, until moat of
Um late i'?)Ut'.'ili?r:it? Govern?
ment had muntere 1 her??, at their old cap?
til, camps aad companies Of valiant vot?.
rr ?? and hand'omely-Unifarmed volun?
te: a Thov found ? 's ntreaining
with und th?? u fa kit bidden l?y d?co
ntions, iu whieb the Confederate aud
? ? r il oolon WeT? 1 rilltantly hi? I
Crowds of people thronged tha ridtowalka,
f.ir m ?m Unmet?, m attendance oonld
?nnrantee it, the inooen of the unveiling
.? ou of to-day was triumphantly
\?-ti-rdftv evening nome of the ?risiton
? 1 the Memori? eerfieee at tb ?
. cemetery: last night great number?
joined the reunion of the survivor? it the
army of Korth?trrn \ irginia nr the Capitol ;
ithen participated in the military re ???p
n ii end ball ut the Theetre, and grantor
inmbenetUl found ecreeable ?oeiety in
the hOMf-j ol old friends and oomradea-in
irma, where there waa affeotionate w?l
?ODU uinl Uriah hospitality.
Th? most pruiu'i? ui feature? of tlio pro?
gramme lo?dn ar :
At 9 o'elo k A. II reunion of veteran
cavalrymen :?.t the Tob?ceo Exchange.
At ii M. parade of the veteran? and
volunteers, civic societies, firemen, ?iw
Adama snd
. itreete, ?l??wn Broad to Nineteenth ;
Nineteenth to Habt; np Man to
Eighth; up Franklin (past General Lee*?
t.? the monument-grounds, wbm
Governor VeKinmjy will ? lU t ?? m<
r; l'r. ii will lend ?a
prayer : Qeneral Jubel A. Early will be pre?
sented _ chairman ; Co rAnder
? a will deliver the address, and 0
Joseph K. tjohnst a will draw the veil,
which will disclose t<> publie v;ew the
?tata? ami the monument which t. -?lay will
ben ri renUy dedicate I to the memory of
I.?? in the name of nil th? southern peo?
ple. Whoa the veil i? raised, or rather
li.vvered, there will be un artillery sa) ut. of
???venteen guns and th?. greatest "rebel
yell" th.it ever sounded on ? erth.
The unveiling over, there will he a din?
ner for tlie velerai ? ?u Hi? Sum
1 iry ?!;??-1'.k?
i?uetnre onpeble of si sting iu.?x>o persona.
? on i-'raiiki?:. ir Uiohmond
GoUtwa, ?where beginning on Sunday, June
?)th, new. Mr. J??n??s will ?? ? Um dtxyi oos>
. ? ne? .if iu. .
At 8 o'clock at niglit >n the Lce-monu
ment grouuds, th'-re will 1?? tireworKs ou a
grand seal??.
At ? o'c link the Virginia Military Insti
tat?? cadets will have a 1 all at ltolvide re
At 10:.T0 P. M. ther?? will h" a sapper for
th ? rhnting military at Ban t< r Hii'l.
From'J to li o'cln.'k ?? >v?sraor ami Mrs.
McKinney will notar? the public at the
Exe? tttive Mannten.
Fuller details aa to the?.? entertainments
and of several others will I??? found uml? r
proper captions in the matter following.
our piorca? ??? les.
Tue Piirpatch this morning presents to its
? what it can eunfiaently < laitn is
-t portrait ol iiiuial L?;? ever
printed in a Mwnpaper,
lb? eml'lomatic bonier Hiimmnding it
' ? of two branchesof oak and laurel,
respectively, to the 1? ft and rinnt of tho
reader. These start fi. ??? at
tho foot of the composition, nearly enclose
ad. ??) are emblems of civic and
militar1? virtues. Fr? m the t?tao point
also a Confederate battle-tla,' aud the en.
ii>?n of the Htat.i project, part displayed,
the ends ?draped to tho leuUJMOO. Ihe
s'.-utcheon, or aartouch, i* "'liargeil"
with the crest of Le?, the ?(Uirrel witu the
nut. and the motto " Son inrnutu? Futuri "
which, though L_tin. is very nearl" the
literal English " not incautious of the fu?
turo." The point was eometiu.es made
during the wur l>v those who romp?a
of what they called General le??'? " Fabian
policy " that th?? motto was characteristic.
The whole of the arms are not included
m their introduction woul?! necenaarily
have made the rest of the design coo di?
minutive. In about the heraliho phrase
oltigy they are aauigi? ox_?_it?abl? \t>lae JO
on a field of azure, divided from three
rr.xceut.? beneath ?able by a chevron gnles
<>r rod. The cartou-h is circled by a close
wreath of olive l?ound be a scarf on oppo
?"?? folds oi which ar?. " Mexico?Appo
?." tii.? btcniin?r and the end of
il Lee'i militar?? carper. On other
folds are the ?lat-s of his birth and death.
Veterruia wilt? Historie ?lag?.
A ?H.'fjntion from the Confed rate Sur?
vivant' Amo?iationof Angusta, (.?a., arrired
?t. the .1:;?? train yesterday afteraoon bring?
ing with them the ci?loi?of their assooia
? eich i.?tl:c|bntt!e f?si?of Cohb'siTlu.)
i? aarried trallantiv at ml.
port, Vd , Tittle Waihing'ton, Kor
iiiari'l Station, BBAWpe?
eortr, Frederick City. I'.nrkortsvdle. Cold
Harbor, Hiu-.ooti Ford, Btereaeibarg.
Jack's Shop, rprierville. ??? liles Btown
ir . Ciiipeper Ot'urt .?inse, and
The old Third Oeortria oohn are al-o
;i. a.? well n- the Bag ol
*i- Kir-t biittithon North Carolina s liar p
? ia,
ig the delegation are S. P. Weisiger.
R. H. ?s-iiifh. jr.. Dr. V.O. Hitt. Cotone!
G. G. 1 LB, Sn\in.S:t|.'in '?nicher,
?i E. Wilson (B oae-leggtad veteran),
MiUtogton Cushman, and J. Proveaux
"Here*? Your >lule."
Thi llerrlead Dtviekra. Confederate
V? ?- rin?. will carry In line, if ? rmitti l.j?
I irriptioB: " Her.?'? V.trrr
Mule. Compaov C, Fourth Dirision, Potai
? it." i heir object Is to meet ill ? ' * i
t-omraJ.-s, have a lnin?l--hake. ami talk old
ever. A? thi? lnscTiptioa was on
I the tent? of that ili visu, ti, ohi mom.
1 ers trill r. cognise turmer com les en n
bareeoBUewbat changed ttioirap
!.. nera! Assembly of Virginia.
Tbe members of the (sanerai \ emblyo?
Virgini ? ? in ? ?" city will meet
? theCBpi toi tii-'lnv
at lOo'i lock ?. M. and arrease :?? partici?
pate la the ceremooies oi the anreiling.
Tickets io tb ind, where seste ere
? lembers m a ? "??, will
then l" distributed by Coloael J. Heil Big
ger, el rkol tbeHoa ol Delegetea There
sre ? Large number ot legislators in the
Cavalry to Me aatsvrtarawsi.
The members of the Cumberland and
aa troops of oavalry will be enter?
tained by Cobinel 3eorg? William I'almore
? v rToyd Brenne imuiediately af?
ter the nnreillng p retniiiii, ?. lin? mem?
ber <?f .!?. ?"? organixations will not be
nsVmnted, and will march together in the
Con?*? llrit-mlc
Tbe snrTivorti of Cone's brtade met in
r-Court room lust night und
Cap? da C. Williams preside I.
h wee decided toorgenise the veteran?
into c rnpanies snd a regiment aud to
u;ui' 'ii ::: the paral ? in bal 1 I order.
Noi Hi I arnllnn \ '.-termi?.
You ni" hereby notified toeaaemble at ll
o'cl? ?'. ? ? ? lhnrsday- morning oa th?
Main atreel at tb? corner tai
Eighth -ire. t. ? ?, Casa.
U ".t .s. rth Caroline Coniederate ?et?
t-raus1 V iseciation.
Officiai : ??. ' . fi / u" ?, Hi'.-ri'?.iry.
<;i?\ertli?r ?.onion's imi.ri.
OorernoT Gordon will ? s followed in the
no today by member? of bis staff.
?ill of whose nume?, except that oi Colonel
<'. at, Barrier, were published in the IHA.
t< t luv Hi s? oial '?sert, the
'Inani, ifAtlatita.com
manded br Captain John ?. .Mill??r, will
?. ? " nix*, 'li.ii ?? ..in? of tin? tin?'st
i-.ivr.lrv tri?op?m tho South. Next to this
company com? > the Georgia veterans of
the Coniwderate army.
Also Note? Abolit Mitnv I'erions Yisiting
Frlfinl? Ut-ri?.
Amone tin? guests of Gov.?rri<>r MeKin
tbe Executive Mansion to-day will
?,-, rnor Bichardson, of Boutb Caro?
lina; Governor Fleming, of West Virginia;
DU, 1>. C ;
Mr. W, Ii. C< ree, of Al Mr. fl.
,??"?? : Mr .l.ini? ??
Lyle, ' fiend; Mr. Wai
ferro, of Maryland, and vistiug member?.'
Ber. J. Calvin Btearaft, HQ wast
Grace, will entertaia i"r th?? unveilm.?
fr.iiu Alexandria, Mr?. Catherine Uhlex,
Mr?. Nellie Lloyd ?bler, Mrt- John
on: from Predericgsbnrg. K? v.
. I?. D?. ol 8tom wall Jacl -
ill, und Miij.ir Ijh'.v, ot " The Wd
ll -in
.1. .1. Montague.811 west Franklin ?treet,
will. ntertain of b a md ll'<n. 1'.
M. Booti, ll"ii. ?. G. Weecots, Caotain
George G. Savage, sad W. B. Ci
inia artillery ?
??. F. Eubank, ??t [jancaster count] : l>r. G.
rthampton c <uni.y ; and
1 hos ss P. VYerren, of Norfolk.
: ?job expect? to enter?
tain ?. - 1 or ' and Friday
ogs tw< nty hiich privates in thu roar
Ur. John tXIMckerson ha? at hi? r?'?i
?!???., ??I west Mum street, ????*a??? Jam .1
\. Dickorson, ot the Lyuchbttrg battery;
Mr. and Air?. .i"?'-ph i'. Dieaerson, "f
? ? ,N.0.| ?vnd ?!. W. Dickeisou, Jr.,
L-> ocbbnrg.
Mr. und Mr?. Leiper M. I'..?hin??? a, M9
Ployd avenue : Mr?. Kate J. Wbitebead
? daughter! aad Mr?. Charles
Campbell, of ?rle, Pa., aud ?? ?? 1 ark?-r
bmitn, of New Vork.
Dr. end Mrs. George B. Steel, ?IM south
Third street, will entertain Colonel J. C.
11, Major ? he ? I? re Coartn? ?. Ml ?
In 11 ourtney, ? f King and Queen oounty,
Va.?. Councilman Marion G. W'Ulis, w.fe
n-i'l'l ingbter.of PretleTickeburg, Vu. : Mi?s
. Va : Mi-t Peachy
,??? Mies Mat tie ?Bag bv, of Ar
iiii.i Colonel and Mrs. W. b. i-'razier, of
WesbingtoB, D. ?'.
c, onel i. P. Fil tgereld, wife and niece,
?.f Parmrille; Ber. J. I r okett Peinter,
d daughter, of lUoiilan: Mr. Charles
It. 1 louraoy, of Charlotte, N. C Mr. W.
i'i'.ll Klournoy, of FermriUe, and Mr.
llarrv Tavlor, ol Indianspolis, In'., an?
..;' Mr. Littleton iit.'ui-ndd, ?a Ili
.?a-i C irw ?tr.-et.
Dr. and Mrs, Charles L. Hteei navewun
th? m ?? the lit. Vernoa Ur.and Mr?. John
,.lr.. I ?r. Charlea ?. Han?.?. I>r. J.
?r.. aud Dr. A. E, iuouipaoa?
Dr. lian . it. Steel is entertaining at No.
street M? ^?rs. Edward
? . and Richard Hugh
? f Km. and Queen county.
Urs. 8. H. Haw??.?, No. _least Franklin
? tertaintng Mesara. Samueln,
John M. Wiley, and Bamuel IL
. lr., ol Bnliabury, N. C.
ral 1?. T. I?. C all ia the guest of Cap?
tain John EL Ware. 4U? nortn Twenty
geventb stri ? C
Mr. Daniel ?G. Mabonay, of Fhiladel
I a brother of :?r. Hahoney arnia
? '.m.al? rat?? ?t?;?:?, is in
? Clark, formarly ot the
i nth V irginu ? t, is th? neat
brother. A. IS. i'larke, E?|., _ ill taaa
Mrs. H. De ?. Hoo|?cr (form? rly Miss
?I .''in, N. ('., is the
. ?. V?. Wedded. Ml ea,t
Franklin sir ? *.
Btiekler, of Woodstock,
Va., is the guest of his father-in-law, Kev.
L. A. Cutler, ?V? west Marshall.
. I h/abfth P. (lames is visiting
Jud : ? Witt, MM lark a\.
Mr. Lei ?, ? erman, ol Baltimore, one
of the \?ar Binen, ?? stopping with Senat.r
ein, who ul*?? expe?*te to entertain
Walter F. lrv;ti??, Earn, lieutoi ant-?'<>iouel
of Pickett-Buchenan Camp of Norfolk.
8<snator Carlisle baa telegraphed Mr?.
Ii. H. ?Vl.itlnk, wboso gut'Ht he waa to be,
that, it arili be unpossiblo for him to at?
ti?: ?! tue tmveUine ? eremooy.
Morris Adler, no,.. ?>f Hr??oklyn. ?. Y.,
m ? president at D. Q. L. No. I. O.
15. IL, and a member ?of the Constitutional
? mtion. is at the Exchange.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Venable, of Casca?le,
are the guests of N. W. Bowo, 'J17 west
Franklin -tre -t.
Ihe Misoes Grig?*?, of Danville, Va., and
I Mi*? Minnte Ghafee, of Ausrneta, Ga., uro
visiting Miss Eva V. liowc. 1>17 west Frank?
lin sti? ????.
Mr. and Mrs. Th??mas Bottimore, cf
Norfolk, ur?? the |TM*ta of Captain Charle?
. .? ?.tief?.
Phillip, ?>f Hampton, i?
the guest of William H. Villiam?, No. 'z9C*
east Fro id street.
Mr. William Mraud and tlnnghtcr and
Mr?. Orr acdeou. ?>t Norfolk, are visiting
?ir*. K. T. Pond, 511 Mosby ->tr-*.-t.
Nu?** Dudley, daugntor of Bishop T. L.
Dudley, is the'guest of lticliuri Fot, Esq.,
???? weet Graie street
1 ?r. 11. W. Daf ?a will entertain his brother,
?. T. Davis and hisv.ife. of Huntington.
W. Va., and Drs. John K. Davis ami Ed?
ward s. Davis, ot Mouudsvillo and Uum?*
j ron, W. Va.
I Miwes Gradelle and Maggio Myers, of
Horiolk, are visiting Miss-s Bes?te und
I Mary tierry, who have juit returned from
I Peteraburi?.
Urs. Lizzie Petit Untier, of the New York
Horn* Jimnuii, with a party of friend*, is at
th?? St. Charles hotel.
Miss Aii.v. Hoard, daughter of Mayor
? Board ot Bedford City, is the guest of tha
Mis*?? Eubaak, of ?mm north Twelfth.
Miss Bessie Kavenel and her brother, Mr.
I Denial -Laren?., J?, ? Charlaatea, 8. O,
are guests of Herbert A. Claiborne, Esq.,
101 wrst Grace.
Mi-s Lelia Owen, of Prince Edvvard
count v. and Messrs. Joseph A. Manley and
RttSMu JJurrnss. of Carn?*?ville. Gs.. the
latter of whom was a gallant member .?f
the old Ninth Virginia cavalry, are the
gneeta of Mr. L. F. Mason, G14 north Se?.
? nth afreet.
Co?onel ?. Taylor Wood, who was a mern
>>??r of Jeff. Davis' staff, is at Dr. t ? ?bur's.
No. :'(?; east ?ira?e ?tr??? it,
Adjutant John Gray, of Clinton Hatcher
Camp, Confederate V??t"raiis, of bMabvrg,
and who was a member of Company D,
Portv-third battalion, Virginia cavalry
f*l part Loan rangers'), is here with bis
Mr. John Johnion. oneof the veterans of
tii?? Arn.y of Northern \ irsrinm. MOM
down frin? Fliivanna countv -?--t ; I ,v
morning. He was one of the eoMiers who
helped to hear Moncwall Jacksoff from the
Bold when ho was wounded atCban
.Mrs. (?lover. Mian Young, and MiseBny
der, of tho Valley of Virginia, are the
of Mr. 4, "0. Sale, No. 615 north
Eighth -tr?'et.
? ? 'tenant E. G. Hollis, of theCren??haw
??. in?w of Wiin'hester, and Bugler
V?. W Burgess, of the same company, are
in the citv.
Ur. Nathaniel C. Crenshaw. of Philad.'l- \
pi a. a) l.'.st aonof the late John P. Crcn
uIirw, of thiscit-.?. with his wife and h-r ?
mother, arc in tfie city, the guests of Mr. '
Jam. ? il. Crenahaw.
Captain and Mrs. Robert H. Flam, of
Suffolk. Va., are tho gu?v.ts of Dr. Bo??
well. No. IMI east Marsli ill.
All visiting and resident .?tdc-??l?>tsof the
Virginia Military Institut?? who ?,
pated in th.? l>attle of New Mark? t will
iiu?"t at th?? offjt ? ??f C. )\, Bawd. .Jr., ?a
12 north Ninth street, atM??0'clock this
morning to organize and take part in the
pr ...t .s'.oii.
The pr??scntntion of a flaj? to the N??w
York veterans by Colonel Dickinson will
take place this morning at io o'clock
proAptlv at 201 south ThirdYrtreat, The?
Stuart Horse ? kiards will bo present, as an ?
? acori of th ? veterana,
Mrs. Dr. ?. hurl? - _ .r.tlinson. Mrs. Dr. V.
V. H mes, ami S I. Johnson, Esq., of Ua
leitjfh. N. ('., are the gtii'st* of Mr*?. J. I.
McKoe, llX) north Fourth street, lato of
Among tha Buckeye viaitora are J. Finley
Brown, editor of ?the Columbea H torti: ? \?
Probate .Judge Hal?? uml son. ami Edwin
1! m -on, all of Cnliiml.us. Mr. Hi?wn is
tbe first Ohio cadet who attended the Vir?
ginia Militar? Inatitute.
General William Ii. Crm, of North Caro?
lina, whoa? brigade fired tl??? lam, shot at
trrived la-t night.
?lidian s. Carr, ??f Durham who is to
command the North Carolina veterans ???
? ? mm in la?t ni;:iit.
r Bryan, ?if Charleston, S. C, is the !
1 Mr. F. G. Ola : w
, G, \>. Siuitli, of J'uris, Te??.; M.ss
Mary P. K??ot, of Houston, Tea.; Unsi
Ora ?? Warden, of Winchester, Va.; and j
Uiss Marv (inni? 1???. <?f Culp'per, Va., ar??
iu of Mm? lii Bowere, ;?/7 Moyd
Judge A. M. Aiken ami C. G. Holland,
???.,? Um arrivala from Dan-,
vii!.- Inai night.
?. BroWl, wife, and
daughter, of Charleston, W. Va., are the
of Mr?. Ente ?. M sad e, U
Dr. A. li. Erskine ami wife, of Hunf?vill?,
Ala., and Mr. ... I.. Il? oe. of Cm?
Oh?.., ar?' il ?. J . \\ i'i :
al ligi south F ??uri h street
Mr. JoLn M. t'.? ???. secretary of tha l'ma
Fear and jYadkin Vallev Railway Coi
a ul Mr. Robert W. Bi?good (anold Bien.
nul b.sy ?, tn-ssur?;? of tho ?am? com?
pany, are in tl??? eitv.
Ur. I. C. W< nger,of Columbus,?Qa.,la
oa a visit to hi ? *?'U, J. H. Weiaiger, at ui5
north Tout h si
Man ? Genera!? M??re, ami On?? or Two ????t
? riitir? ami Mill's.
rnor Daniel <?. Fowl?, of North
Carolina, arrired yesterdsy si I P. It. ta
the pr?vete car of Colonel a. B, Amlr.wt,
? load rice-president ?if the Biobmoi I
u-rl Uanrillo railway, r;??? <ur i??
charge of Mr. Henry v.. Miller, Co
Andrew?'? Moratory. The Govern?
a??.? itup.ini.'l l.v In? rlauekter, Miss Helea
? _???1 Is tb? guent ?f Dr. T. .1 I
l'rivnte-Si.'crete.ry Samuel F. Telfair ac.
companied the Govi!raor. Th?? -
staff and personal ?tuff of the Governor nr?
al ih?? St.. Cli'n? Hotel, whichis their liead
The foUowtng are the offics-re: Ailiutunt
? il ,1 ini?? 11, Glenn, ?1????1 og start;
Coloael Francis H. Ceinieron, iii???e?'t'ir
general: Colonel Frederick A. Ohi?.
t'Tiua?.! r-',-<ii-r?l: Colon? 1 John 1.. ( ant
well, commissary-gem ral ; Col >n??! Uharl? ?
.", pHviiia.ier-:?-lierai ? Celoasl W.
??il1 am?, aldo-de-camp ; ?Colonel
. ?\. Htraager, aide-de-camp; Colo?
? I Al-ton Grime?*eitle do ramp- (
lionnehan Cameron, araistant inepector.
.1 : Cap'am Laie 1?. lleartt, .
? tor-general.
I Ii?? follow ne Confederate veteran? from
Floride arrived safely In tbjseiti ?
dav, and Tu??" their qiiarters in the [?rivai??
Bnper?tttendent Maxwell, of the 1.
r. ? ?, laUroadi Colonel William ? . si
(commeader), Colonel W. I?. Bellaatia?*,
Captata Clonnie W. Smith (adintaat I, and
nie Clark -all of Lue Camp, So. 1,
Jacksonville, 1 la.
The following member? of G.,v?-rn??r
Fleming's ??????? aro with the sum party:
Colonel D, E. Maxwell, a ?stani adiutaat
geaoral; Coloael J. F. Lambeth,?
see. Coloael W. I>. Bellantlae, of
Lee I lamp, No. I, -1 icksonville, is alio chief
of the Governor's staff. The Govern I
Beeatof Paseo were to hare ?.a of the
? isiting party, but were prevented by sick.
? ral Harry Beth, who will commaml
the veteran infantry, is the guest oi Mr.
Charle?Helden, No. il north Sixth street,
where he -.?ill be ?lad to ?>?.??.? hie fr?en?!?.
11.ui. William C Wilson.member <
gres? from Weat Virginia, ie al L?r. 1?. W.
M . .??!? v's. 110soath First ?tret.
Coi greasman W. II. F. L????, ?>u?? of Gen?
eral !."?:'* s.?n?, Cougreasrnuii Gril ?
Georgia, Sei ran end Kenna.iand
General? Wade Hampton, Thomas I. Sinn.
ford, and C. B. v? il.???* were among the
prominent arr.\t.?? yeeterde?.
Decorations on tiio lie.ldenc* Wlil.li Ilia
1 .nuil?. Occupied During Hie War.
The decoration to the T/?e r?"??!? no?,
707 east Franklin, is sUboraiod on the
porch. In the centre of th?) entrance a pa>
? ? borax, th plinth of whi.'h has e
leaf bra ?'??.? ?. lapt orts a <l?-<.-"r?five bee io
'. ettein, mod?'lled by Mr.
.1. Fid? r. and used ou a form? r ??? r*a?
sion. The whole of tiit lut.-rior of the
i".r.-fi i? endowed iu a ???
which gathers U>the door and form.??
? .-n-kgroiKul to the bust. < ?n th? feeee of
iimn? are gilt buckles ?pike?! and
l rhe friese of the poreh te eluditi
blud. plait? d vertically. A'.ainit this
itesbeoaa of Virgin a
and tho l'onfoleriv-v. lappin? at the
edges, with a gilt L at tue ju???
tioo. From halberds pro^'tiui: diago?
nally from tho cap? of the eolaaae
to corners of the cornice de|??:nd heavy
* ? r-T'.-en f?-?:oous which ?Iroop below the
shield?, Abov?? this from the corner? isa
red draper??. The whole d? ('?-?ratiori ?? siir
nioiiu'eil ,?n the cornice of tho poreh bv a
Bore! design sevra feet by four, w
braces the thru? gilt etera tbe ia itjtti? "f
a general. Aero?? tide fmut of Ib?
is a siiiQ in the form of a Roman standar?!.
?s iu keeping with the architecture uf the
porch, which beere the U?**eria>tioa ; " ??? ,
UisKi'.a Ltx'? ??-???????, lryiS." Hi.?
? decoration ??ai arranged from designs by
j Mr. Hheppanl.
? he stone ?lr?s?i of the porch will be ricu
lv deoorattsd with puluis and other plairs,
I Bl Mr. Baeppard de-iron as m?uv per ?>??
: who can to ?end wreath? and tlnwers that
j the whol?? <>f the .?pace about tho ?
| uiav be filled if possible, These should be
brought by l" ?'clock thi? morning.
Mr. Influii, wboae family now esMBSSB
1 the house, will take charge of any flower?
wraTMonxLaan club.
One of the ?haadaoeasel budding decorv
ti us isthat of the W'eetniorelaud C?ub.
Over the doorwa.. is au oil painting of
General Lee, uud immediately under ti ?
ia the cat ol arms of Virginia. Theee, ee
well os tit?? building itself, are drapa?! with
flag?, both tinted State? aud Confederate
Over the front entrance snd just in rear
of Geueral Le??'? picture ?re two stacks of
imi?keis with the Cmfcd-rate flag furled
and plscetl ac: ? ?s.? the musket?. The senti?
ment of the decoration ta admirable aud
t?p?.- a! of our Loet Cause.
1 h?? decoratioa was deoigned by Captain
M. '. I'iiuuiock.
" The Jeff Davis House" ia aleo prettily
decorated. Bo are hundreds of busiu???*
hou?es sud private re.?idenoee, The??, in?
deed, ?re too numerous to mention, and
Benee the ltispnu-\ make? no attempt to
lut or descrioe them.
aicaiioire tjum.
Ibe Biehmond CTob can boeet of the
biggest Uttltsflagof eay private ?voue?, for
it covers the ?difi?e fron the eortuoe to
the ILt-tJrtAAt? w?n-io ws, la a-aaat>aa at
thi* the porch is rinite ein-.ratei ? dressed
?? ? ?cheiue of | tirple m ..I ifoltlen-velloW
onthefr.cze. the r-st of tlie woo^l-work
??.? : covered In white with blue half way
?.?? f???toonwl gsr
lards from ?peer-? nutoiilu
?he grecai ???,? t?) a Vtr.
khiera rapping t is porcia, behind
which are grout? .1 n nations.
[? ti the Ir c/??G?? aorround
ed i.v a b?antifnl wreath of magnolia
' ?? ?,.???;' Ialiti ? ? ?a ? f G?mirai L????,
largar Urna I medelV ?J t'y Ut.
Slii'|?i?ir?l f?,r th?? ? ? <a?i p. Cord* and
? ?'?low, purple, tad whit?
hang fr ini the capital? of the ? ninnine.
The designa and execution of this ?l??or?a.
ttea are from the same bauds as that of the
Lee residence. _______
II? Arrive? fier? ??lth th? Watlili>|
Artillery, ol New Orleans.
The Washington Artillen?, <?f New Or.
leans, arrived here carl ? yesterday mora?
ine with Penerai Lae*a old war-horse. Gen?
eral .James l.ongst
At Um dV ? Iva ? ?Mach-nont al tha
Bowiti r?. Mayor L.11? son. and l'r. Cullen,
medical _raotot of LongatieaA'? ws*
As boi boenar-anged Mayor 111 ?son weL
coined tie vii ' ? ?, and was r>i?on?led to
b? ?'.?! nel ? ? ? ?-. G..? hardson.
Lennetr??! r. ?eeival an ? ratio? of cheer?
wh n hu mi?,?,?arctl in ?ii-ht ami was ov?sr.
whelmed with the affection ?t? greeting of
Um old soltlicrsof the Army of Northern
Virginm who W'-re pr?sent.
Dr. Cuileii t??ok ih? General ? hi? car.
( the rtrot'evion. which
wt-nt to the Bxchamre 11 ?t I, ?a?here Long?.
. . 1 th?'artillery ar?? ?topping.
Tho old soldier was nailed ?iron at tha
bot?! by i? : r .if l'? my v t'-rruis who re.
ua great services irom IMIte)
In the proc?Msion t<?-<lav L??r?rstn*et. at
nest of tha tatteuoa, wflj rids al
their head, accompanied by membaM oi
Dr. CuBen, G?n<rrnl BorreL Gen??.
??? F. P. Alexander, General 1?trobe,
u ? other?.
Colonel Jona lt. I! i eh ?pinoti,
? ?id? r ??f th?? artillery, is ?M-cretarf
and treasurer of Hie S>uih??in l'acino svs.
? t, V.. 1. Kur?h.'.?dt (tha
war adjutant , I? a prominent lisina?*.
man, for yvw? Identiflad with all pr.-irre?,
; S. w (?r't'in?. I'ulonel
? hi? ui.in was tho Coliimautler of th?
? ?? th?? war. He and
Generals VV. J. Beban ami \V. Mill.?
Bt nan! ? in tht? present v?it??
re.n company, ar* leading men la aaWHMg?
oal circles. Ba?ar?! i>w??n ?? n??vr ?.???>.
Mrs. lifsilftit |?av:? in the
preparation of her coming pnbli?ratio? of
Memoirs of the PMei<ientof Um C??ni"de.
riiiv. " airi is hi?iHclf the auiiior of a well
history of the c imuand " In Camp
and G.i'ii?>?i-i? the WsahiagtonArtillery.''
?'. I.l'. I'npuv, the pr? ?>???? ??nt?
nance oflleer. will be remembers?' by many
\ ?? ? OUI an I exact ?er.
geant-maior of w ,r time?, ami is now a
trusted official ol one of the most pro_?
? ittthera Jan!??. Captain? EL iL
Isaacson and ? og< ne Mav were also active
?? o -Him.' ?:.?! i li lili? reci?iit ? nplcasanu
io former in the Army ?af N<irtt??ra
\ ?.r??inia, the latter in 11:?? A run of ??-niie?.
?t? a ftfth oompany WM m ?ajrvi???.
?? I . M. I nderuili. though not a war
of tins coi ?maini, was a ?lall ?'?_?
??er l'i ? .'?ae.?. and ?.??? ?*??.
tive service in the Austrian *?? ?r. wfariug
ths i,??. ? .. and Murent? medal fot muri
I ; ? conduct.
General Jache? Lo?i??*?troet [ornad th*
???' ttanooga as it?? gueal bv
itxBcial Invitation, tie was met at tha
? ? I Owen ami Adititene
Kurshee It. wh? u a m< -?t touchb ? moid???!
?'???utr?'<l, th?? eld war-1? ?rse ??mt?ra?-ing
both officers ?Mth mneh feeling, ?f?u?r
which b i to the ?'"uitnand
: awn np la line th?*?
I ? - . ? . ? ,1 1
ti e bat? ... ? il ?11.? ' ?? l'htef.4
Aiter ihr???? a with ? will the
?;??!????.?? . ? . the Im?' ? akiiig
hand? in, the band playing
? ?. Boat iiiiprstfliive?.
The artillery brought with then? man/
handaome Hags, a ? ral <?f thorn having
!" n ? ugh tu?* MciK'au ami
ar ?.
teversl ladle? aa? 'iipatmd the ?ol?U*?ra.
('<t????<?G Ulfh.vr.Hoo, Hla SttaSf, aad Mtt??
Ml y Of!l?-?rs.
? v-rn ?r J. P, K?char<l*?on. of Honth
Carolina, l.ientensot^Jovamor H, L
Mouldin, Id al ?? and Inspeetoa flaamiii
al I. i? ??, and th? foUowmg ?taff.
officer* arrivi*?! yesterday t Colonati M. ??.
Clement, Mik.? Brown, Oeneral W. K.
a C ili ? G. )'?. II "good, '?. Card.
w? 11, .? . J. B. Mel stillili J, |).
Maxwell, V?. C. Mii.'iwiui. and Lelioy
? |
?to r ?gimerit. C ?lonel W\',ie
'.ted hy I'lgba
? o| wiui-li It I? tn ?ti?
up. G there uro uve ottiar
comp u
? ii ?.???? end Courier, of Cl>firl"?ti>n, is
I. C. II? lupini, Mr.
?. G. M . ; I Mr. Vntfs tM.owdau.
A number of old rkmth Carolina tattle?
t ?? ?o Ki?;him>nd
and will be In lliiijunil? to nay
Govern ? lu ' ? ?u and L?.*???Uff Meet
the I-i ? ?. tugs Bol 1.
I'iey are II.ire BOSBBBl Thousand Ola??*?,
?ml Mor? to Com*.
T'.v, Btv. ?even hundred veterana we-afed
at the reel lurent No? IM Main Btreet yee
t?T'l.iv even ng.
All' of the organizations that were
schednled to ?mm j ? ? ???G?1?? cam?? in *x
eept five, and thev were ?I? li? rag] bv th?
? of the train on ihe ILcLnuaidend
Denvilte road, and will arrive early thia
Many old soldiera rn"t yesterday forth?
lir-t time Bine? they part? ?1 at ??? matto*
aasl with sad hitarte ?????? ??\ t<> therlr
botase to provide tot thair wivea and chlL
r iTur-no vrrmsoa
I ? of the ni'i'tinii? wore paithfttte. Ia
niiBierons instance? v? tttriiiamotooiiired??
wh?? wer?? v?rv d-ir t> them in th? war
and whom they had long since thought
T?tere waa ? crowd all dav at the restau,
rant, an', ar mv B m <t 'tory was Udd, and
ths straggles ???noe tue war wer? re?
I ?. at thorefrUiioeai
Was bre ? da??.
Tbo coruimtl.-.t in ?barge of thi.? derttart
mt-rit reqneat ?11 iu ibe city who ?-an ?lo ao
toaendthem ? I thi.siiiorning.ee
it will be imp? ??;!,,.? r'.,r food t?? be ? ?xSked
forali the veteran? in time .'or th???? iu
ehatse a? th" restaurant to ta?? part la
the o ir ? !??.
The ??? mmiCcoar??' proud of their ?neceas
iu latjdiag ?? many v nmus yesterday.
?*t*? Thon? nul OLI Soljier? t? ?? Wad
In BBSS JOWAw?*! T?bernae|*.
lumi I r the unveiling to-?lay
th raterm? anil march to the ?Sam Jone?
Taberna??,*. on Franklin ?treet nearly ta>
e Btei ? College, wLer?i diati?!
will be ?"???? l.
? iisvn bs*ea arringai
and 1.000 or ! ? t >d at one time
will consist of ham?
sandwich.??, b.-i-i-sandwlche?, ool?l bt-wt?
. i. butter, trackers?
. etc.
.Uran, en made to feed
Beve? thonseiid. ? -l ? ? ?'??u'.rniphited
that fully that aamber will u? afeasaa?
Captain John Maxwell is m char?/? of
tin.? diartii" ut, ?ud J. ii. Wiut? r will be
the chief wan? r.
MiasI* anil Orator? ~Ko*?er Talk? l tin al
IMttor Sheparti.
George E. Pickett Cerno of Confederate
Veterans provided su uitereetiut* and v?.
tertaimnont to a good sadiiuc? la*?*
; n.^'ht at the ?ouug Man's Cbr?*U?vu .laso?
! ciatiou Hall.
'ihe Stenewsll Brigade l'ami.of Stautou,
furuishod some excellent uiuio. l'aere
Were twenty-aix nietaber? of that faxunas
orgttni?-tioa present, of tb????? threw ?3
tbe "old boys*' who t?.Unwed Jacksoa
were there?James A. Ari:..??.t...ut, i'harlea
F_ llame?, unti B. .?LHarndt? ti. Another old
veteran bl.'wer. Mr. II.,.: bir**, iT.mprta,
tut ab,?, lut he ha? long since blown oat.
In the baud ore novu> o? the sona of the old
veta who Uiuui?ettsd fur J?Miaaoa'? fool
Capta?n Frank Cunningham between the
Steve he? sana ba.uio nf bui sweet ?oa???, aad
ia? .?Vini." Unan? r aud Mrs. Mtn-ruder aa.
: Bissed with their sweet %o? ?.??-* iu th? rateas
ii*?aauuL aoeasa,
Mayor Ell-won inUodueed the
an?! ia pw?*?**tiag Graerei lkmei
a high eoa-pliniant aa aeo?j?ttot

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