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PRIVATE SOLDIERS. Their Valor and Sacrifices in the Confederate Army. MONUMENT TO THEIR MEMORY romp*??'? Villar the M'?l?*t : an Infantry ataa the rig-nr*? ; ?bt?) Mill Tar?. th? Mie Meiert*?!. I?eo and Jaekunn eaeh has an imposing monument in Uichmond, ant) Wickbam Will have one in 11. ? (a year; while in Hollywood rielsit ? and Stuart have hand, aome shaft? over tu? ir grave?. All of which is right and pra?.?? wi ?ri hv, hut tho private solil-.f rs and flalkwa?i>agh1 BOI ami are not tol.efi r 1 already a monument to thorn has been Ix-gnii. Tbe site is l.illv If ill (Marshall Park) and the deiitrn is IOiiii^v'h pillar, r? r ? hy the figure of a Cou (?derate infii.trwnan. ihr lii*totv ot this enterprise and an ac count of Um i * r ? ???> fur made will ba liilcifaallng ut tins particular time. ?? ????__ 11 ?? first meeting in the bltarMl of the privai? eld De. cembw 1,1887. Officers for the Moi ? iation were then elected und commit. ti ? ? ??, earn on the work appoint Contribution? lo tha amount of JJ73S . i? al thai t me. \t >i meeting h. 1.1 J><?. ? mix rs, l-.-:.1 ?? I W. I . Cutshaw made a report on the nitability of Libby Hill as a site for the monumenT. M*tt TtarrtrriT I?. ? min r '.'.', 1*??7 arr.uit" iiKiita ?wer? mad? for a grand rnaas^iieeting at the ? heatre in thi ? of the monument fund, l?ev. l?r. Moaae 1?. Hog? to be th? principal speaker <>f the oc?*? i? n. G? r. ernor Lea prtnuded orrai tho meeting as chairman. CITI AlTll?V? UTION. January, IMA tha ?? iti ter? of thi report? d to the Bo ird ol Director? Inai the City Council hud approprlatt-d ?i:,.iKm |..r th ?'eoiivtrintiou ol tin? loiind.u tion of tin? monument. n__ At a meeting held May, MM, W. E. Out. ?haw, T. Wiley Davis, un?l Lewi? I?. ' sii? w were appoints a oommitti eto D or ? hm for the monument und re? port to the hoard. nrsoi.rTioNB. Al a m?-tim: _ ?October, l Hfi,thafoUrrw. ilntiona adopted by the Association of the Army ?>1 Northern \ir?.'iiun, were presented to the Board oi Diie?ctor? and wero nnanlmoualy approvai : v, ban?? ??'?* Legislatur? of Viratola haa char ter? ? "? ??.?? ? ?????? ?tarata iHi'.tllere' ?nil Haliora' Uoitiiiiit ?.? Asseetaitan, " which has fur Un aim the eri lion oi a gram] uiouuinrui lo tue privai? ?tin sailor? oi iiiu Confederata army and navy, io Iw looeted oo Ubbj Hit. M Park, Itlctiiiien.t. Va. ; ai ? wtii?r??a* the cttj of hvtimoiii hasgraatM the em? and bos ai?|.ri>. ? 15,1100 iu ai ? > ( th? srecttoo ol ih?? moan? ?????!. Which It I? Int.??.'..-.t ?tall repTOOenl Hie ? of ali tii? ?MjutLorn Stales ; and where*? Uils ??boriali ' lo nil lu ?tciin:.?? ?!.?.? proavi ??!? "???"?? of ina monument by ? aa?sympathisa and Moartag Ihecuau Of ail Ul?? ??(-?.?.|?? of Ih? South ' tli'Tfl.'i. Mt Of tht At MOrtktrw G.? ?inni, 1. Tttal Carito? McCarthy, ?f Inolimi.n.?, \ h. ?. ???t????? auihoriiifil ?? i???k in tn? unii?? 'f lala aesootatto? for ouoirtbuUou t? thi? raneo. In >ims of mi ioUar or lesa, bul no throughout tory oui?? comprised In iho limits o? ti.t (. i. ' mir htnle? of America. ?. l?mi, any ???<1 alt inoueyi? which miy he ol. |f ?,? ? ? ishallb? tun ?.? ovrr with? out ?1??'it *r churu?? "' nay oori ??.?? ??Il? to ?he bended trsasnrsr ot ** The Coafoderate Sol dlsrn' and SaIIvi?' il on'ime: ? A?ociall' . applied to ibi) legitimate purpoeee of il.a salii snBeeastM?, a. Toi? a???oi?!atloii tifarti!? eiidorf???? ani eoo? nuli !? U? 11.?? ?urli? ?t ?ili? li ol ali ti? ol ih? t-oniti thi? ? tT,.r? lo **commemorato tt.o ?al??r. patrlotUni, m.J .le ti? ol Ih.? privai? n.l. dirimimi] ?a:iort.t.f ta? CoufuUerat? army aad nary," an?* antiua? th? people that the saie? ol tho?? lo iiiir,??-it ll.o enlt-rprUu la a Sattctsat guarniilt e m Il h'lity. riiHiiiaionni) adepssd ty the Awx-latlon Army Korihera Virginia Octobi ? ??. : ???NH??l\All.lN l'htK'EKMMlH. At a BMaiiag held September 5, MM, H* C. V. Meredith. City attorney, reported inai i?ro'??'?liLi ? for ih? oondanination ??f land ?t'nti'.'u?'!!? t?> tii?? ?it? \v r ? en??.. ??1????<1, and that the Council would |?r?> pably appropriate fumi- for t!" purchase of this land liy tho '.?ih uibtuui. i>ksi?;n at??-???). At a m?*etiiu* of th?> Board r?f Diractora hehl September M, 18?, Colonel Caten??, ou behalf of tha Committee ??? Design, r ?mandad tha association adopt ta a m ?del for the m'iiument the pillar or oolutna mar Al? aandria, Egypt, commonly ?alle?! " Posapey*? Pillar."" Th?? commit. t??* Bs-aaautei iirawiii??? of tin? pillar, showiui* ??iineiiHion??, n?n?itrui timi, orna? Di'iit?, detail?, A'?, Aftur a full statement fr?'iii ?Cotonai Catena? tha following ra. ??iluti??!!??, preeeiiU-i by ti??? Se? :? tei ?,?i ? notasi) adopted ? 'Ihr Committee <?u llesign haiitiir pre. s?ut*d a ?Waga aatiafaotory to the boanl ani tha 1 te a?-et'i?t and ? ? cutethe plau Miliniiied by the commit t?-o lu rei,?, I, That the Confederato ?Soldi??!?' and Hail'irs' monument ?hall I?? a reproduction of Ihe column mar ?ioandria, I toinuiouly Cu.Ui d " l'mniH'v's Pillar. 1 ? ?olumu to lu? aurmounted l>y a t?r. ur?? of a prinuto aulcbur uf th? Cteafedswate arm?. 'i. Ih?! the culninii ??hall ?????-? i?f a ba???, ?he, and capital, esH.iitii)'? as in the origina! pillai ai M? ??.?mina, and a shaft of the naino Ho portici.? uni liirusiiriiiiciit? as th? ahaltM ?,f t _ original, bul ?? i of thirteen blooka, typuying the thirle? C??uieili?rate huaoa. ?. That there liliali l?e iuHt-ribed on ths faee ?>1 the ?>?*?>*, or die, aa may u?.?m beet, simply ibis : ?? M'KVKKATI 80U>1KHS AM) hAlLCKS' MUMJUKNT. And if the Hurt.? ? Stut??s lately com jsosing th?. ('?infederate Ktat*?*; do eaeh of Uiem a4-tuallv ?oatribnte one i?l,xk of the aliaft, th?n on another face of the die or hUfltia may api?? ur l-^ateth?.?.? words only : lilla hllAKT 1- t ?iV!<i-i.l? OF -mini Ki.s Bi?? ??? CONIUIHIITKU i.?V Tilt TllilM Lr.N t i?M?>KllATebTATF..1 And ?>n an?.ther fa??of th? base or die. as ma> ajn??ar Ih-A, thine w??t?U; m\wVtm BY TBI CORKKPKKATg hOIilJKKS' A 8AIL0BS SlUM .?lC.NT AVMHlA I l'?.\, ANhO IX??SIM Itm-tAX i. That the COUiiuittee oa Deaign be, and are hereby, ?iu|>owered to aal>nj a sculptor to agaauta a ?nitslil? broiizs figure (?>r the column and to oh. la n 'rom bini ? m?-del at leant on*v hail lite si/-?., the im>?l?. I tobe aubuiitti-?? room?*? trol uf to th? board for approval ?nd adoption and adopted Itefore anv or?ler i? givea or any contract made for th? exucutioa of the work. ft, That Colonel W. E. Cutshsw i? hereby peeled end authorized to assume ori tbe work, construction, gad eree tion of the monument us ??????G m chart**?, with instruction? <o begin tiie work a? soon a? the nectvaaary surveys. plan?, estimates, drawing?, etc., can l?e preparad aad the Ctty Attorney bo? r?> ?Mirted a cl. ar title to the land? (.adjacent loth' My condetm it a? ?mon a? the engineer can fur t nish ilritwing ?. ?????-??.???, and estim?t'?? of the cost of the ?-decessivi, stones' ??? shaft appi a!? slia'l shall l>? made t?. t!i?? legi -Tature? of the thirteen Con? ile Htat??? aakiii;? from each a contri? bution of one of the block?, or a sum of aeoaei suflcienl i<? purehaae one. 7. Thai all the commute-s of the board are bereby ejnjad t<? prosceni?? tb-ir ns. I work to the end thai thetu?kas. | ??-:????'1 by the a??..cation ni'?'?' be tak'-n up at ?ni??.?? ?tini pro?? cut'.'d ??about delay to ! CoUlJilt'tioil. x/.r.Ki?.L t??p ?rtr.rToB. The following n-ohnion, propoeot* ly 1 B Ainlrew 1'izziui, WBS theu unaui luously adopt? d : ? ' %f It rrttnr? at '*' ' . M ? liai .'?os?? BseBWl, a ? OBI? 1er?*? ?.?idler and a naliveof lllrhmoii?!, \ a., ri .w n-id<.ui. nt ?.',??, Italy, ti??, atei is ri?r? by, selected to preparo a mi?i?i for tea finure to sanaooal tb? column 1 ai. 1 submit IB????"1?.| t.. tins board subject to Hie ? se.-ntaiued tn tbo resolutions already lie?? adoppjiJ. Bine F"!'. TIIK WORK. At niii.?;! n ? h? Id aprii 9, IMO. Colonel - m charge, ? xplained t? .? i ? ty of pro with the ??' rk, al ! far as 1 dressed stone, thus finishing up t" ths r und moulded base course of the shafL He ui?" announced to tbe board I hud buis ior tin? work to submit to the board. on notion of Captain A. Pizzini it was as ?? gestad by tn ? -in??, r, and ? opt ning the 1 ?, found Jam? ? Nether wood to I??? i' id 1er, nutl ho was awarded the wntracl al ?4,69 i. Uli. VOBB is ri. Tbe Work BO far din?? bringe Ihr-struc? ture) about four feel "til of the grouud. AH of Ibi? ma -? ?on, Bowoti r. will den bs the drosera work which will sur i-und it. end though the top of the foun dation, ??.?-., l? now six feel out ol the ground il really represents the g? line of ! ' ? : | r |" r. the | stone-work being eimply ih?? foundation foi tbe u ne I The contract has airead,- been made for five dressed stones to surmount tho pr? eut \? The tr-t dressed stone wiU measure about fifteea feet square by two feel five inebee thick. Four other stones uro bow being ? at ?..? qua - from s'??? to ???,'??. These five dressed stones will carry the worl ? ?tbe b? ; ,-?ii ?>t aboul ? ii f??? ? and ??id finish lue base, end the t'ir?t stone, or moulded beee of theebatt proper? THF. t< I.t ?IN. Th?'?haft Itself will be compi...??.! of thir? teen blocks ? mite al ? ni ? r ni,d about G ? bigh. the whole ta be surmounted by ornemental capital of a composite order ol stath tToarraiBuiT ? It i? almosl beyi the rite ? ? ? r the rate Btates ol tu ? rie ? ?? ?ti contriti ..? ? be thirteen block? co .?? shaft and u is posi ii le ; I a ill ? ontri l-ut?? the capital, ?? ' b and eight or nine feel in diame? ter, finished iu the red granite of thai ? tate. Appeals will be rnadeto tbe several le glslaturce of the soathen ? en ap? propriation in mou . sad place in position the shaft. TUE ART1J.T. Sir M. F/ik'i'l, a native of Biehmond, aad on at the Virginia U .' ?? ? ilptor throughout Eui l on the mod?] of the statue which is t?> HuriiH'in t theshafL Tbe last letters ?m stat.? that b" has nearlj ? . ? :? u '. and hope ? b? ft re ?, ry ioni? to be abU to inail to tbe Committee ?: raphs of the in-'.'1 ?v.'i \ ? lini . ' ? lew. 'ih.? ?. be about twelve feet m bright, sad will weigh pro' ably eicht tons, h ? Til be cast in bri use m d r tbe par. I] ..'.?1. ? :??. ?:. The figure will ??? p..??? a Confederate soldier dre ?cd in the garb of 1883 ,? 1864, His eoooutremi ate, arms, and dress are all to be mode!!?.I from thi gev.tuue articles ?!;? ii'Si-l?? .??. end tbe man who poeed for re a ? leeli a privalo soldier in ' niedexate army. MOXKT. It is hoped and believed that a large por? ti.'u of the in??! ? neoeaear? to pay tor the uiouument and the -.'a-i:-\?ill be raised m BBBaBof one dollar troni udividua] ???? federatea Beoeipte m the form of geaee? ?.?...worth in thenseelveaif raedefor sale ?me dollar ?i.ih, \?ill be given to each cou tnbutor of one dollar, TH? Ol 1? PILLAR. "Pompi-.v's Filiar," near Alexandria, which ia the m.?!ci for this monument, is considered by the best critics in the WOll 1 SO be the in? st l?cauufu!. imposing, and perfectiy-proportioned shaft m ?ixiBtence, I he base of toe or?ginal is of one block of ?ton,? twenty feet square. The shaft ?if the .urinal ?s Hix?v-tivi feet hii'h, and nine f. ? t la diati:?ili r bi ?! a monolith, und the capii tl is nui" feel la diemttrr. an?l ? lavan f. et acro? the lop from volute to voluto. Total height, itmcty-tive fed. OLB COLUMN. The momiifiit to I?e erajrted on Libbv Hill w.ll he l'ompc's Filiar reduci iiiuthcmatieally in oli its proportion? out? third. This reduction was nceossitr.ted by the fiu-t tliai stone? ol suffi? ienl sise to repeut the model in all its detail? ?nd in full ?iz<? would be practieellj iu'poseible to :?? t witbout e most tremendous expeu*'?. The single stuu? neeeesary fot the i ase, if quarried, would out from $.0,000 to ,$75,. WKl. The monument as reduced will measure in the total height ab ?ut sixty-fi ve feet Th? base will Ik? fifteen ft??-t square, the capital about six teet in height and six to eiitht feet iu diameter. The ?haft itself? between the capital and tiie biu-o, circular and perfectly piaiu, without ornament <?f s-uy sort?will be about furty-tivt?feet high. IT WILL J?B OKJ.MI?. The monument when completed will be visible along the entire length of Mam etreet for a mile, aud Viewed from any , point ou Man? street from 1W. nt -ninth to Fifth strew! will liare always thOBD for e W-kgroUiid. The parchase of land by tbe city arouiul Ih?- situ proper of the nionu iii? ni lia?, made it imiK?r??ibie for any one to build ut a point which would deprive the tuouument t?f the I>eautiiul effect of the aky for background viewed from any point. Wheu iba whole deaiga is completed Ubby Mili will be encircled bv terrace? and retaining wall? *nd two grand Btair wav? ot (franilo will approach the immu? ni, ? t from Main street on the west ami Ho?'k??!! ? th<? south, and the l?ill will be pru ; ? illy a ormai f-ote for the grand structure ?nrrounding it. [Written (or the Dispai? _1 ? Vlnlon? Vai lev ok Vis?inia, May 29, ItrSfi, 1W. ??On K?me?* e???rnal camping-ground," the reveille I? tx*?t, , With nhedowy warrior? hurrying down thro' evory t??nt*d Street. They fermi And ?resell And die away arrow the no?v.?r*-1 It glad? By Company? : form battalion I ?Viuadrons ! I and brigade ?Tta hai a ?liadnwr Une of gray that cuts the ? l?r green. N? arm? are th?re, no drum? are beaitl, no . Til ?ie <;???1 of battlM hrought them from the ?frenali? ni???? An.) ?jUtll wiihiu their keeping the standard*, t.f ih? ir love. A mighty beet I? marching np along Potomac'? . Another ???????? from Gettysburg, with columns deep aad I lor? ? ntte ? 3?y in? linn, with ?top ae bold an?' ' ,? they left Vltglula BJong with ?' M am? a ? ???? And nil are " On to J'lcbnmid '' bent, a* when at ? -??? They icll Into the ?? rrle 1 rauK? a gallant, living w, II That !r . ? Uves and fortune? Into the nal ??.u ? tight. When em h ha?l ihoinrht tho other wrong?that | tb???? alono wen? right. What mean* thlt woudroue murtvr of theaberoee ? ! Hi?, paei ? We beai ??? throating cannou'H roar I No bugles I llirlllliig blast : 'Tl* not to form a rampart, to stem invasion's ! '?? VW shadowy lines of Moe and gmy ara marcii? lag ilas bi ' ? mliiflt il Ihroag they mariti along o'er many a Wli-f. Dghl Where plow? aodanril? take tho place of bel? lowing gun?? ami I Thor roa>'h the tca/.ictr? city, thoee warriors of the pass To flad that Loto and ?.?,??? aio conquerorsal lana ? living h?rt havo gathered there on that his lorie ? . L A phantom one, with hollow e.?uare, has Kir If 1 arouad.' Tho U?rlBgpayairlbnetM the fame of Roiurt Law, lead of thirty year? are th??re to swell 11.?? tul ?! t?. A h?t? - liniid ri-m'iv??? tho voll 'mid heartfelt, deaf 'ule. g ti Hut Hai ? re*? rotea Is silent? bei-ause of ti?ar?. An ! ? ? :, w.'.iii uohlor trltmtS could that ol?l com To/ wbo?? laurels efcall be greca when gtST nit* ??rows gray. Again Viratala gives the world the grand-st ? man Tiia. ever drew a net:? n't sword 6lB??e first tho 1 Mil. ?ig?!? y?!l shall weave the ..hapiet for ?.? !. id, II lion years ehi sfAts aaMsa's Th?? blu ? i.i ' '??; pedi ' and proudly ? ? ! iiway. But a guard ?: honor yet remained la that rag ? : I ae of troy. : they forward pre 1'?! Ttlltheli standards Boated upward, on a sun? beam ili Ihe air. ?General Jo.?, ph K. Johusfen. J. J. Wilt .ACS. [Written for tbe i>i?*i?at.-_l t..l t ? ?lui 1?;. Wh"n*?.it!i 1" o 1 and Mine Is cray Whal memories \? ill voi ? burg's crini beni? day ? ,!?? in m ulderlng masoDiiei ; ? ol ili sai ball ?? hi ."? ? arth ? wed. 1 - itbe psmn? to a foe? Warn . lorn??? ??? in bresstetaas1 ??trengtn to V. hen ',??;? ?: ! ? ? len ? rondi* fall? irta ??; battle wall? l.ovil- t':?? lillls of ?I? t ysbiirg, Bml r*l tle*p! Buttle ' Dg of ? .ris. And '. lsy When battle eager mes away. Tuen will stream?? triumphant tell ? Wild. ont ??itlt sine? v. ? g| ? ?. ? rose m thunder swell, \\ ?,?? ? ? r.iris, Wi,? a I Woi tuy bllOMlf?00 Ute lull?' true siile, in nraaderoos battle?1 f.-.t-tl ?molo : war-?? ?rnaaun < ? of Hie doutb ; I ? bsttlS sir?,!;. , iiarini; aannon's blaxtng mouth, .'.?uts i"?eal .uet'.'ol. ! i"r.!.-??ti.lng pillared fame. In leal oui laziliog marl le gittata, Oarvlns IB? mie in elear rlpi ? tain, ? ?. nt blows . log m tuo lumi ? re] Bled hills (??on- lair irli ele; >,,.?? p ?? l i.i.i- oi:?? spira ? r :.i!l?, Clear breatbt . ? i..unmeuts, .ri?1?.? grace ?? ,t;i aud Lee, ^^^^^ l-OCUANUK. l.nri ? ?. The year? er>-?p ? na, gnus una.?? . Ti ? u?? ? . ? ? iliave been; G.??? ih. neun 11.r Im on as warmly no? .'.:? ?? ? - ?????; ??. : ,..?. io low AdOWO Ht!. ? 1 .-???)?. ? ?." ?.in can nevi r d p so low A'-o\?ii aflecti.'ii n eli aule?? ??y. A hundred menth? bave p???? ?1, Vrena, .111", Ali'! li Bl ?? ?'., l'i ; li Sgb mine i.?iat ln?ter f?r tliau thlno. rj 'lay \\ ? en up Hie billy slop? w?? cumiad To ? aten t." dying of the lay And irch-baHi cblme. dar And Leur U lUs chima We loved sachot Ir na, M. s 111 u??? ' ? ' tell. And ??int we might bav? beea Lorena, liad but our loving? pro? pen ? w*lL .? II? ? ?! call up their ba lowy f ??. m?; I'll Say to mem ? ? ? ?? I ? ara,? ?p ou ? . ii'.??'? pelting storms.' " Tbi? story of that past, Lorena, leers ist, Lorena, Uva i, bul only ???? ? ??? ci.ear? ? .m?' rear?! i'.v; l.i ?? ,i as ? ... ?? msj forget," \\ ? ro *i rd? ol Hau.? louh? year? ago. Y? s, Ibas? ?ran : ?eno, ?.???- i.i m< i> ??".. "iia, win ii ibrlll a., ? ? ? egret, . 1 li. In. art ??a? al : -te; ? - ? . ' Tbe no U.ui : .. ?Alili ihue. It matter? liti?? bow, Loreee, 1 L' ; ???? tali . Pest Our Bi ad? a -..? - . n ?I? low, I.orane. LU ? ltd? 1??1 - -fa-t. . I (iodi 1.1 .? ? Ball a pari : 'lis du?! ? li iLo -,?1 : Cut liltTe, "j tl ir,'tis heau io heart. ? lie Ilouili of [BepabUsb? ? by rsqaMt] Ths drapery ol I I ow In dat? em! ?hrouda, And m .- s used -ii- weeping stars I? pinning I?*.?? III.? cloud*. ??? ;?.. ?:. 1 ?voe prevail 0 er ?? ? ; sea, Am! era? bo leas uno d io tears ><ow rapt tor Bober? Lee, A Christian BOMler. true and brave, red uear and far, 1!,? was the firs', in time of peace ?ni tirsi iu lliu?? of War. \ ? dale noter roared a son As S BB In Stv? on,., uud lUat was Washington, Who lived and diod Ute Lee HI? peaceful btf.ird i? laid away, Hi?. vosW .m < anh ?? 11? ? le of tbe South, Tliey Idolized tlii'ir ?on. Tl.. r? :? t.'t a w.iin in, man, or child, 1 car.? no? where they be, Tliro.ii?:. ul tin? ?till sweet sunny South but luv? ine name of Lee. II?? had uo enemies on earth, ?-'? n. t a vine? cart say, Kay au.iit againsi tu?? uaiut? of Le?, ? tie ?old n r Of ILe muu ; Au-1 lhat would be a pnu I, .-old. heart, ? bat e'er won 1J cease to be A place when? memory ?role tb? nam? Ut Koleil kjaard Let. Bow down your boads, ye ?ouiborn sona, A lew brief'iils ?, la ? .?; .? ? for Hi? loss ol oa? Who li?e i Bed >!i?si year friend. lie loved jou as be lo*?-,l bis Ute, .so when on beude ? knee Look up aud let tbe angel? bc?r >. ou pi ay, "Uol ble ?sour Lee." [Wr.Itni fur the Dlepat-b-l ?, Unveiling ?it Hi?. VI,,on., ,???_ bt Mka a. c. Lionrvoor, I'nfurl tbe eou?)uered banner And lei our ebPdreu aee Tbe Hag lor whieb their father? fought \\ tau led by Hubert Lee. Tbe " conquered ? aad the '*<>annueror," The mtagled ?ray and blue, Tjol'.? to par ILetr houia.? To Lee. so brav?, so true. No Worth, no South, from evory clime Myriad? will c iu?? ?? ??.?<? Tb?? uuvilllug of ibis monimient To Kobort h O ward Le??. Tra? patriol, ('bruii?!., ?voldltw. Oar honored ?hleflalu be. Com? reverantly, ,-oin?? lovagly, To ibbt ?acitil ?huno of Loe. From ubar? ?w??-! br*ezae nil tb? air Aad s.'plyi? fan the ?.??, Com? ?at? Un? lov!n? IrlbuU To Bobort Kdward Lea Cobrares. Bar ?*. le'ju. STATUE &SC?LPTOR. Description of Mercie's Work and Personal Notes Abont l?m. LEE I?i THE SADDLE. The Monument (irotunl??How They mil lie Laid 0*41? Granite 1'i'ilentnL The spot where La?*? Bonnnient ha? ri.?? ii ?*.i!? waviaf w?h ?/allo? ?Ahmt when in th? June of 1MQ ? Joe Johnston baring I.? ? andad nt i Hi'ven l'ino?) Les) WM l'Ut ui tl..? !., a l?,ftho army ' ? lati ?-'s ?? or or tiro ago ? ai i r.mehif ? the count rv a'?out it was a gm iy \ '?;: a. Now it i?? laid "ii Into an am ?< and rtre ??, aad baimi it tha aantr? of she groat "\\? t. ? un." and ' ' eil the line ? I is ah ' monument gronnda , righi <jf Lee u th?> C infederate Stilili? -r??' Home and theExpoeiti? ? hall and . gronnda. Totbeleftii Bicmond College, ? the war waa t ? 1; thenatoletrabl 1 milling now 1 ?? ble in sixe? then ? ted frota Bichtnond by and ditches, now in the midst of. Il-par? .I itn Where is now Monroe Park wai then ft rami? m il:?? wc -t? m mburbe ; \? b< ? in and ill." A V, Fron Loa*? "eat In the saddle the vi?w i?? "f ,'l ' ? city lookin , lowelr ? Iv morning when t when tl ? :? liage ? throw orer " ' 'ooling shade; bntloTelier?tillon a ??miai after. : ??tr??. t and ? itemi ? I I monu. 1 f merry -i snnnii ! to the ?Ir? -. -tur ido of ?fl ??. ?:!? fur. M.??.' ? What f r ? ?vn ni ' I ? ? 1er? '. ? to tbe ? se lmililiii,.? ol the I Inn ?? ? S'il 1 prie? a, ? ' n- nini (ir.!????- ' ?.. b? Ing [nit into the mai t tv. ? ciiiAT avi: The general plan of the dii All? ? property contemi I I monnm : tl the m be a ein le h ?t??? .'ni??'! 1 y bl ? \. b? ?? completed, in th1? ? country. 1 ? monument ?vi I rim upt light and will be ut' easy ? '.- w :.t li on Franklin r ] .?r ? .:rk are. ; ?till fnrther r ? ? ird, ? ?? .-' en ? ? ? ad f r ? distan mila?, fi'Nii :.?luv. Th? re waa a long contention ? I n?- t?? wh? re the ; ho lo. . and there e . ? !.? strenuously oppi ed putting it upon this ground, gued that ir ??. ild be . . _ ? A Vie .? _ ' f the city," * Briard of 1 snt Asso? ??:iiii"u ? who ihn ?4 a it bout ? ? Wi r?? I. 11. 1 no to more th? m i? thai the Allen lot ? i'i.'ii? : ? ..-?ir and where no I . !?.? ? m r near enough to than from th? ir ??? At ty ol builiiii rumi 1 ? ?? hnesl monnm? Europe. M Ilion ? ? k?? room foi THI ? bined all .. . ? ? .? . aa, ani ?? mat.;? cided ?. What with tl ?? ? ration of tl w.?rk ; ? of the resi, ?1? section In a pei irai di? ri'i'ti'iri, ?? ?.. st ward growtJ has I?? ?. I iti ?.?!.11 ment hare rae intlj ? ?Id ? fr.iiit : L?CE ? ?i yet, bowarer, l.??? Circle aziaia ?"it ???? 11: D ..f lii-? lit ?; ;.ililit the pi prii ty of . In tin? ??i rection will ?" With tb? mon iiM ami th?? ' incorporati 1 in the city erity with which rise abo ? and a delight Tin: ?UIUIUIT. Thisatrnoti ? |s_erh> tton m ; time. A ??real ? itort baa : ? h- tu . stablwh complete ba .?f tin? equostr the podest?!. ??.?litui has bini men that it will be practieabl? latei rathe monument by the addition ? : ? u the fri ? ? and sides, tog? t!i< r with aus. iliarv statues onsuliMili.iry pedestal?, with? out the absence of these ornamenta ? in the Brat < onatruetion. ? will in? im temporary work,no demolition iit?r ?'hange t?> lie in j ndrioal form thi statt**?, (A View from tho West.) U adopted in tbe upper cornice, which is ai you t-'"liwii and is divided into tUreo parts-one evliiidricnl in tho f.nldle and two ractangular parts ?m the aide?, which serre as a contrast with the hasenient of tbe ?difie? and ??ivo it an ap pearanco of greater t??l:dity. THJt TWO I'ASTS. The monument is composed of two di-v tinct parts?the baguent and the pedostal proixir. The pedestal proper is a classi??! oomoo* sltion, nnltlng tbe grscefnlness of the (?reci?n style of arobitectur?? with tho solidity of modern requirements. The horse and rider ?pp.?ar as if supported by <_-llUr columns <n polished grami . The?ie ?r,? Grecian, lut with their ornauieuts brought into n.'ioril with the ornamenta. tion of the cartouches, which combla? the lsurel and tl..ik, tho combined elicit of the entire structure is grand Tlielioir? bead butended to port ray the nnduuutetl eoamge of tho man, the oak bai sraal endurance, end th? UureTswo cl.uuis Ins right to bu crowned a* one of the world s b IHE TWO ???GG?????. The height of the masonry nf the ?Anshlugbvii muiiiiiiient abovo tli? surface of the ground i?.in feet Height of tho feet ;J inchea Total belebt of iho Washington iimnuiiionl fr? in He? i..p of the rider's Bead 10 tie? ?ir fe??* of tb? rrrooad.ivo f??t 3 inches. The msx'ury of tin- I.? ? ? ?,.1111 ment above tbo surface ol ground.40feet 5',' Inch-*, Hors?? and rider.?>I f..?r.4 inch???. Total height.61 foot a;, luchos." ? (F, The corne.--?! ,n?? of the ' mon im? bI the 23d ol . ?iry. Ml, and thi ? ?iruiry, I- ?, but on account ofl errup ii stion with Manien, where the broi .-??? crating was done, ae ?vil as by mt?? noi ..?ford. a? bo und? rtook all the atei nary, m >au iiierit was not full ? i some years at' I I of ?hew ?G. Mr. Crawford di : in so cordance with bis wish Mr. I lete tne monument Mr. Bogen married a sieter of Mr. P. If. Gib? son, of this cil . -'.? Ins son. .Mr. I ton S. ? , ia a r?? ii '. ' iw quite ad? . THK (.Till ? At the time of the death of Mr. Ci the rquesl and four of I lie left I from it lileseetti,.I bis workm? ? Ligure .1 It- is ? . The modelling ol wholly the work of Mr. Hog? ra Of 1 ' ?. ? he tir?t, an I tho on? preferred, ? with hi? ca -.p? blau I ? t throw ? ? the valiant ??: I I ni - ?.? ? a? thi way lor civ ili; ?? tion; but I ? ' ? Mr. ? ledto model ami ' Nel "n ital nee .u .. As originally c u instead uni? nr th< re w< reto lb ou . l:.??_-???? ? . ?tituting : !i is a volume of ? ?Iu? tuouu . ? Joint pr duction ?f * ? iwi r I si While Crawford did the greater portion of the worl ti ? the country to Rogers cam t be too higblj ? limate I. ? ituary to be tei ?? ,v in : ?. ? "Y. ? ? ? ment, including granite and bronze-work ami ? m "ii-'?? ot all kind The I ' " monomi 'i he diff? rence in the ooet of 1 monuments would at first glance seem t? indicate that tho I. work, bul roch is not tl.?- . Bronzo nothing lik? . of tho Waehii iment was exce? theirs mi a? ry low t'.TUi?. rRoCREK?. The corner I "monument -, ?-?7, when there were introductory rentaras by Gor i ? ??. pruyer by l ?i I ?'.,'. nel '?.arle? Mur-. G? di I Lee'? militari lecretary), pr by a military end civic ? arad?; of large pro ? m hug the dey ?>.?? die? molly wet. Trie Sculptor. ' ? d?o Marcie is a native of that inter ithern pan of Franca li?? wei ?? pap i ? J i?n ? i al nur??: ? uately as being his m later. Be him ? a number of pupils, borii emi patriot prise in Rome; In levali? ?, a.'i'l.?? rea year? ' - ? i|xjeitions of 1871 snd I award ala for In? w? 11 ? thoe ? 01 O..M ' ? I . In In? "G? , ci?? is con? sidered to bave made one "t the four L. : ?ii? -' 1 ? ? ? Sculpture, and -? ii .;, servi s th - ? its an impe ; in hi-r . .'round ? ??? ? 1 v? nill I ? di r. ?? ? ' m work? of ari I - applause and en1 which tin? one ?mi? ??reel I by the Kreuch nil in con ? untry ! II. -.?. ist? r. ii n ; ? . 1 tl. . In aa ? ? hroosh thn ' were the ? - ? " (il..ri ? ' in th?? Monthol m Square m l'aria. \ r fi I ? ' I one t? r the town of Belf? rt, ano ? a with ? . with one Land a : I Mil Other ?he bra ? ? I . ? with the ? ?, Tbe wo this ini Bstonisbing ??ful figure ?rump??? n b ind s t be summit ? ?? cent through the ? TUE \? IN ? ? t. HIP tl:. . ? ? ... it i- a : the ? rebwey into ti..? Ejouvt ? ti ?? br; Ige ?t the Eteints ? ? li- : by ? sun, when it turns tu?? gilt, aurei,lu behind th? ? e der ? ' ? : I tjery erowned rid.r, with a? .?t?? ? - splendent brow, or tne brautiful fem?is air ?Aitli d. feet, end with limbs enl dly-tl wine ? along the guMiug figure ot the group. aforci?? fin? "Darid ??? tb? Luxem. bourg''mw??known. It represen! onof Jmeaae the lithe hu? <>f tb? . one tool ranting lightly <?n th? ?riant*? head it little m t.\ ? to give tuo 'laekw.ii.l !.. ml of I leg aa standing Brmly ?>:i tii?? I ? atning rd with whiahhe baa finish???! bu heroie deed, in?? ?rxce?**dingly alaadar and ?lightly.built figure ? justify th? Philistine's worn of David " ?? ?<?.???*?? t. ? was but a yontli, " and ut the first flanea the bo? ? orbadhatha t?*k ol re? turning tin w.ftpt.n to Iti ahi at h. As, ?..?.?????r, ona e.'iitiiuies his fwa? at this ftizuro-all sinew und bun?* a? it is -the youthful fraine .?inii palpitating with tb? ?motion stirreti _ th?? young in ro*? bja? t aa his ears r?-suuuil wun th??-h ita t?f tri um|>b Eoiug ui? from tbe Israelite host. AN KgLESTRUN STATUE. In ? lUestrian statu?"f Kiii? William of H?llnnd, niatl?? by Merci?, is a stroii;.? work o? quint dignity. Hie elaborate work for the tomb of L'iitis Philippe and bia royal ? ahows him at hi? Mat i?a portrait sculptor, for In th liken eoa?? ar?? |?ei!> ?. lie also has a paintuiu, Veuua in the Luietnbourg. m* ???G?? os. One of Monsieur ??trcufs studios ia on the Boulevard St. Michel, and tin? ??ther. only a few paces distant, is ou the Hue ?1?: G? ?> eervutoiri?, and front* on one of the moat beautiful gardens in Pars. In i??rs??ii Marci? is what in America ??.?a?? baaalli ?1 ix.l.?wii?? lumi height. Hie dark hair and brown beard slu>w him tu bea ?ion of a southern ulime. ilia manner?? are Biui'ularlv eaar and difnilied. while a tn????? of melancholy in hie general air and volee seems to b??tok??ii a gravo conoeption of Ilio and its duties. MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. A Brief History of the Consolidated Or? ? .III 17 Ml OIL. The dar on which General Lee died there was a meeting of his old soldiers in tho town of Lexington, who at onc??tO"k atop? to organize tin? "Lee Memorial Associa. tion. which prosecuted their work to a most successful conclusion and placet! ? ivet the grave of at Lexington Valentin?''? "I.'. ? ambent Figure," which has been pro? nounced Ity competent critics one of the finest works of art in this country. TUE RICHMOND MOVEMENT. About the same time th?> ladi?ds of the BoBywoodMemorial A-s?.ci?tion organized an etlort to place a monument of I.??.? la Richmond--it being then expected that tin? remains of th? gr>?r?t chieftain would Anally ba brought to the old capital of the Confederacy. THE MEMORIAL wWm?WA On the 24?h of OctoVr, 167& General % Early, tbaaenior surviving ????t of the Army ?>f Northern Virginia resii?ng in Virginia. ?*??????? a call fur a meetiug of Confederate soldim in Bichmond t.? pay a proper tribute to the memory ofttva_ehief nu/.?? an iis?i.<iutn>u torear amouu ment to bla memory. In puranaaee to thi? call there assembled at the t'irai Presbyterian church, ia l.ich on Thursday evening, Ko*ran?bar8, .randeat gathei ?? of ?Confederate ?,' deh haa mat sino? the war. 1'RXSIDF.NT D?V!H. -?! Bradley T. loi ?m called the | ?. I I J. ?, ???? waa ; madi temp? r in, and < ? di nt D aent chair man. ? gtbaleading oflean who partici. ? pated la th? : ? ? tins were ? Jen? rais Early, John ?. Gor? : ! Johnson, I. ?. (William Smith. W. N. I ? I? ton, ? . ? ? ?.. ?. Banaom, William ; Terry, Benjamin ?nger, B??b?>rt li.'? I.. I . I il. St.uart, C. VV. I Field. W. s. Walker, B.T. Johnson. J. 1>. ' 1ml?."!'". R. !.. Walker, Harry Heth,Bam? nel Jon?'-, John S. Preston, Henry A. V? ise, George !'. Pickett, 1>. H. Maury, M. I?. ' ? ' . Jame? 1,. ??.?p??"??, .). ?. Walker, and others mai 11. Carter, Hilary P. J ia L Proa? S. l'r.-tun. William Allan, William Preston Ji I irli? 8. Vena? ble, Charh ? ! Wal er H. ! ' ? m. an l Rol l E. Wil Commodore M. !'. Maury, Captain ? D. Minor, and score? of oth leading ? vete . . imi til??. annal re made by Gan? n? Dana, C? Ion? 1 ?". s. ? ihn s. pre .John ?, Gordon, Colonel Charlea Mai ?? \. v. ?, C? ' ?nel Willis ? ; ' n, and C ?' nel ? . I With? ' - Wi I? 111?.Ill ' i'iizim; .? on to ereot a monument wBich. mon ?. G,?? F'\T, I'M I V ' I.' ' DIT, 1 ntof the i. M. k. ; tory, Colonel William li. Palmer iri-a surer, and Sergeant C. P. Allen auditor. Thore wa tee ??? ? man of an ire committee f ? lUthern . . . G?? I -(TINCl MOSKY. Thi? aaaoeiation wont to work and eoi. . deal of money, bai th? re waa ?omo co ring out ol tha fa? t were collecting for the earn on? for each were doubtlei bytbia ?earn. lion. Puringthe administration of Governor Kemper a law was \ ititutiug tbe r, the ? reasurer, and I of the Htate ? [anacer? for the ? loldiers* Associ ' led and tun ? 1 ?t? r to tin - board I ind !>>? the Zealand ?ni i? noy .?'.' th? ? ? olonel s. Bas? sett Fri m h, c : ti? na wei ? thi re a ? ? ??? '.? riii.l?? addition to th? fund. ?t? uii-ii? ? ? - - -?ul effort waa made to unite with tha Ledi - _ ation. I'Mli-n ? ?,? or to Ther?* was a eompatitire exhibition of models for then >nument,and a oommia? ?-ion of gentlemen from each southern ?mined tlitm. Lut nun?.? were fuuinl worthy ol award. ashed their work. : a site on Libby Mill .Marshall ?oin the City Council of Richmond, advertised ? ? models, ai ?1 awarded _??? ??nil jiriz' s the ftrat being given to Ntehaua ami tin -..?ult. ExakieL ooaraouounox. Boon aft'-r Govi rnor Lee camainto office he made overt r ? to tl:? ? idi? 11 ir Bolidation of the associations, and termi ??'??1 apon. ??'?<?)???? legislation was hai,un 1 theoonsolloationall? cted,making ? . [lowing mem? bers: Governor i.?".'. Auditor Mary??, irer A. W. Barman, Miss Barah N. Randolph, Miss Barah Nieholaa, and Colo? nel Archi r Anderson. ? iti: am> tiik ijrrrsT. This board after long eonsJderatiori, da. ?. the Allen lot aa the aite selected, aa tbe artist, gave him inatrn at which h atlgea of award not baing oonsid ? ! . I ai rai .?? I to go ahead with tho erection of th?? monument. Ih?? Soni In p? ?????? laug *?yn?N [Fot Ihe Dispatch.) Lead of Um ria? of tae tra?? t Wbi p ? ' WS " ??:-? rouai, ('tir beai ?? ir -?"a?* will yearn l'or yon, our Betti o Lomo ! caoeua For Auld I.anit Syne, tur boy?, itlierii Anil Lang >jaa. We ? you. Laud ol the oak aad piuo ! yt Feraoe ceOs le Liiiugton, And ? L .'.' ra ai.n.??. mxrr-ii as on? ? Itti ? ??.?.l?n ,.u and I ? caos For Auld Lang Brae? my boys, etc. ??.- l r?Ihe ? ? .' their Pattle-cry M h? r patriot leel !:n??? ?r. d, With sain.- ?? luting lo the sky All'I '.od : l'or Auld Lang Syue, my boys, etc. Il?? ?*?? an? furled, no flfers play, ? he ii um met?' Beads tre ?till, ?? away i rom valloy, plain, aadBlUI CH"l.l ?. For Auld Lang Sync, my boys, Ac. i>, in ?l.i-r l?nd, how great and grand Youi ? ar si.aii ????, Whil? b y ?ile ?hall proudly rid? Our Washington au.l Lee! catoBou? For Auld I.ang Myue, my boy?, Ae. JOBS W. UVBSALU Poraeke the foolish and live,? co in the Plauditi?* ami take A. 11. (J. Tonic. ita?. We extend a moat cordial and press? ing invitation to our out-of-town frii-n?ls and visitiuK ?trang< rs, and hope to seo thousands of yvn at our storo during this our ? J Ali WEEK. THE BOSTON, 1CC2 Tflainatieet, OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE Schwatzschild & Co. Itay awq_ and WlLtskey Babita cured at bout* with? out taeiu. llookufi?sr Jiciilara a*ut F BKK. '?I M.WODLIJSY.B.l?. "AliaJ?1**? ***?l'?a?? io?.'., Wt?uhail 81? :.. u 'tu-tKiUaaLrnx! J IN E1 Willi Pc.Trlint?,!'??< in Msfacaml hi a womin's. ^ HbwH ? ? ; '. ' linen < r ? ai clean wtAsweet astile lin f a of leisure. Slit: cm ke??*? the boi clean w,? | an?l"' cbesid ... onc-halfi ordinary . awaywithnaostoi1 it do sawaywith the wo the weir and tear on the ivn:.u:i, ila? doth . f . t iVarline makes a paying Favi:- ; all aroun '; omical no mattar how you lt> k 'i?-?-' ie un?rnii?uloii? j?- , : Beware? besides arc tL:i;;i-. Spokane's Great Time, 2:8Jjf\t is Only Eclip.s the Crowd Rushing for t?t Ouit?>. '?zele? tne Piace? Ubi QavuLcc'i. Johnston's Nolandine FOE Till?] BLOOD. LIVER AND KIDNEYS. THE BEST Sl'HlNU ME?ICISK IN ? UK V . NISBT1 l>u?, , . ??? an immensi: success. 7 ue bos to. vs $1.90 DERBYS. NEW GOODS! NEW GOOD iust received of our ' wii ". M.?, and ?/ABU ? IS their truo re nur Stock ? f FltKV I, ?- .1:'. '., a . : ckkam, ?..???:, aa ? ?-1?.' ?. uursbK-k.if ?????"??? t:iiNi-iir? . ? Our ?? TKK ?Kit, ICS-I KXAB -? .?, LKMO.NAl? ? MMIK-.CItliANi-l'I!? lli.ll?,?;i'l!..Kl?. Il ? from th?? cl.???; esi ? ? UM Si "?t. Duri th.. t.-s? ?u??? ?. W?? lotve ? large stock for t.niai pi We luvlteall who ?nay nuod 'wtsin our lia? to?, . .? . ? Intu? sei to purcuaee of un. ?. B. TA Y LOR & CO., ?ou east Ma LEADING THE FIELD IN A GALLUl'. The Boston's 19 Suits. Doto??LAMP CHIMNEYS'??" YOU CET SHE WBOriC I0RT: THC RIGHT OHM ARE CALLED PEARLTOP AIDA? Mide only by GEO. A. MACBETH ? CO., PITTSBUR6H, PA. a sum-: WINNER, ?THE BOSTON'S 82.00 TEOUSEES. Easier than Picking the Suburban._ CREAMi II. W. MOKSTA'S, Ill BAST MAIN ?G???G, Pute Ic+Citan ANI) Watcf'hcs, WWW Uli WfOTUl WnOLUALg AU HKTA1U W*l.lliif?, Pai???, end IV-MoB furniabt>?l al IowMi touoo sad at ?hart b?mi??k _ Bit? lBa,TaATti*.ra TEE MONUMENT HOIW.m:. Xj A pttAnro of General M. g too paJOM wuotl ?? th? ?.???? tu whl?.? bi? statu? ?an lnports4 from Fraar??, ?siih certiflcai? of Cosaiaasler W. V. Smith, o? lt. ? ?.?? (Jama, t'onftaeras? Veteran?, for iato at Ml ?Mat Hyr-l ?tr????, l.l_. mun?l. l?idrcl>^Miieaa4p?ar<Uoavraihtii|?s>ot?i?a?l M Un 1. tinier? ; ther ?Ul Im prem??tiy atto? 1 t ?? A???, th? shavtaaa aad ?-?"l ?? ?IU _ pi_T??*U au'l put MM I'ulp ? el han 1*.a?? *?h?w?ii>* at??!? tnuJi itiDJ ?b*c the Watlier M all fou?. M. C. W?MTUAM A tULHAM, ass avilt M?_Ixm? ?! Ue cama, ?LUI ?fOI Ma '?1*1?. _ r.: ??:?.?;- : r_*i :n*a i_ hag 7 .?.?/.*' .?*. ' Art CHEMIOl cil ? DlCl" -H ni?? ?ivsaMM, ?*. - ? D.-iaaTsiri AJ. I IAY, ? ;.-? - I*?r HRUAD ?TRK1T. HU llMi.N ' MAKHia AM' K? V . ? "? ? . BARGAINS-WALL PAPER ? ri ? ?avi?I _> ?? -t ????? ris? ????? ?? !'*.._ .m TtiilitT'-rta-TV -?- ????!?? * ?f*?4*?1 ?**-? COK F \ tm? WO ? i- ? 4ll ?_?? G?????? ? *?.ui?ti a .-.??. ? DiAi-TlllUi!,,, pa_aj-j