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ORATION OF ??? DAY ^ddT? if Colonel Archer Ander son Delivered Ye-sterda). LEE THE SOLDIER AND CUREN a ?/t?? C*aw?r?Jr,ntlon to MUtor?? asa BB??? quaint Trillili?; m ???-aett/ul and BohoUrlj Production. -p?.' ncrWtagBI the eddre*s In full of ? *in!?rf??n. delhered yi>a nt th? Lee monument unveiling * ?? C,t;7.en?,~A people carves It? f. ?-em the monnm<?nte of ita great '? : lie * aotoi If Un .mu ?. the far liit'd Btraiohiog from ? (iran.le, but all ? -tii? aaaeaAoaa nocae may proudly ? ttbea. bv ewaieh we aro boro 1<> dr? li rith ? heroic figura For . poet ?aid that wherOVOS the ? end sway e\1.nded fVr? . ?o tO araci er Robert Edo ?rd Lea ure trea - Boeeeeeioa for nil tun??.?' tha rOOt rivn*, , - .:. aeeid of the mrmmatasisos . ? oa CuBtlav of Solemn ? a end of the'first trasTterof a ? cln-a ol a Stop ? loUl . t? hieb raore than ? million mi ? ' ?- tl fierce a?. . bio ? ly ? m?ln-t, wo Belf-gOTBrni -?,'. ConetitutioB ononaaged save , leaaubmiite ? lo the ?.? ?, and the defeated latini ? pa' hy ? ni grsndeor end imperial ? ' a ?. ? nited ? ountry -?t ll not nous m?rmory, hot .1 I hob traste I ? ? rea?U a ? ? ?eh t11 ?.?.' t an people bo '?.-.??-:.? to be handed down to ?. and mor.?, wil ' tnonv . fabric -.??? ? r??us initiativ? and t!.?? ? ? men ol tb to ? ? ii bear it? ? ? ? a ? ry of ? ?f the l a ? "t ? al "' ? as a ord of ? 1 most sthei ' may 1"? ?vhat kind of " circle . puru and meoii - ? '??? oi ? - . I ? ?? 1. After nt . ? dee,? ? ?? '? ? i .?il the ? ? thai . Yes, if our life Ol ion, if w ? and I ii"t make ui? it? ? justly re?? -. tad ? '.??.?,'? ? above all ? it ? ??_? and ? i An i tho multi!n le i? ? ?un or ' ? than to bave thought or ei I ?il *verv l'i gn ? tlie ? men ol ' "'.l r.? .' ?. , u ?? ? ili? a?leet ion? ol bis eoun ?? . tien o! . ! ? :i I the - - ulgi nt adm ration ? abo on out, ??? hile ? n tin? ? . ?? a ? ? ,? . ick " in ; to hi . tO ???'?; '? !" m tt it ' M.i'iiia n it, w? for? ti h ????? ? ?m. ta?? pettj ; lemner only the ? i-1?? r t ttie hero-kiag Or if. .? rom ? ? : fir 00 G? ? . ', we nur.? c< ?rith wl ,; t ,? -,., ? . ..t Nano ? ? ? . all the humiliai -. .pire, ha' still bad p latter .. ament a ? aometaing ? ? ? ? and lavish oar admiration and ? no sll is to bt we find . ? ? toe ?? ? at last ? ? rai , cost honor in I ; fular felieitr ?f this Oom \ relais lo ?hare produced ? .-.ip-uitiS rhe : .?? ? o, a ? ?ntiiry of uni aad the growth of a co? di?? n- -?it of his heroic la? . tamenoraiod in this city ?it m where uuieetic presence r re ?ivi-d tut, suggestion of e . ? -.' . ? ? ?tt salt huiiniiiiiv Bot yet a (?.-in ral ? ? ? au?? that waa loet, u already ' ? by that m.partial judgment of ? us winch a ::?? ver ? nei! nee np"U an equal ? IB* u mi h??;.? of ?tir country -?ul her?? with us io th. ?? thoughts ?a. b:,?-k Irom cit rami plain and ? top the deep ? il roice lare n that the Wae^dngton has :? only fitting complement and ?n m a monuine'it t<> Hubert Lee. ' ?red to aed that ilwetakee??count an nature iu all il tv th.? ?al eomtuauder is the ?aorfe tatioB in whu-h mancan *? w tiimsolf tto man. Consular SO. ?-,u? of this great char *?bd let us ??,-firi with il? huui?.br ils tnor? lowlv labors. If? aai loi '?> rely ob Lis adaiadatra. ?. what trf-asure? of ??,t;:? ?***t, ani watt'hfulu??? do wo not see him ng in the pro-a ' v. rk of providing . j? of ?ubsKtoacetar his armv! He loci?, i or. a vast acale wi?h ? ui?uta. and pnmative want?hi? ?. ? he matter is ao vital that ?omtait itentiralv to the staff. 'rol of th? who!? aubjeot must be ???r in his own grasp. Then he must Uva not only an intim?t* knowledge of ? .'?apiiv aad resourcr? of the theatre of war a? iua;.s and book? ? ' em, but an Instinct lor topography unerring faculty for fi Bight <?r day through forest and tally to be met with only m rn? ? t whole lives in the upon air. J this add a complet? aoquaiutau?? with ' ? le of arm? w?.rk and organization? for detail, en artillerist'? ??? I e? ?.-ineer'a jiitlrnie't ? ?i.tivei.aa?, with ;t wnleand critical ? iiMou of ajj th? great oampaigas ??' Liutoiy. i<?t fa, ?iUi,i uuaaeae a anil higher kuowltdg??. H? uin&t know human fcst?r*. ? ? mu?t i?? wise tu his judeuiont aad??!.-?- ,.,?, ,,? j,,. .mi, ageuu. aii?i ?*?aiy must he be Bkilled to reavl his adver ?er? ? mind and etugwet. r. ?pon tilia va ? : profoiitid knowledge wiil de,>en<l ' --as ot tho?? larg? plan? embraiiK; IS?? whol? tutaati? of war which eoldier? t?i airaugy. -wo,?aaaatlaa att t-isa-? t??ir* ???t? of tbem as expanded into genius, ?nd I y?u m.'.y form some idea of the merely in- ? tei Irt?-tnal equipment ?sfa great commander. ' ?ut he might have all this aud he Ut only I tolieftchiefofBteff. The huiinesa of war ia with rrn-U; the usin?es of a genera] is to lead men ii.that ; ? "id?*rtnl of hntnaa orrattizAtien?, ?? army?on tl^t. drpad airona, tbe field of '? Cattle. And m???* com? into |?lav the quali. ' ti??* of he?! ami ssinl. Consecrated t.i his htebofflca. a i/eticnl eni/ht to be lair?ly tbe beat. t!ie ra ?st just, the moKt ??-nerou?, the mo??t pairotic mini among hi? conetrv- '? J-'-?'- He m . b? th.-ir i/raatrst ' ?be must kaow Uow to niak? ?very ? man m his arwy believe aim to be their It leader. Arid mere bauet is not enoucb. There un??', be in b.m M1"?1'' t?? culi forth un enthualaatioand i^taemonate ? ?. i>: all careara a militery i?fe make? the heaviMt d?*ii?\,id on tha self. . neat and self??Aoritlee <tf thoM who are ta fallow and obey. Love aad enthu Por a leader are the anly fere ? ? r.t-,??.? ru<*n lo CnisiiToio ! pitch. V,-r ..m t!,?iinan army isara? , Of at most a i?\?irit!*"s maeh??. With th?*in ? it bromes ?Sftpable Of the BUbl?0?t ?a:??- ? ?>' valor and devotion. Hot, aaaentiftl ?? is this ina-rn<*tie power Intheli jealousi? ?. to ??,?, a?:?! to , fuse tb?? thouvbta ?.? I ?. .? ,,..?.. .,' ? ?? present and tha true commander a * ' ?-?. soldiers ? "?? ? haee i.? . iutterly(ailed ; in tha corm. . , , ?irbabl* t:i?jriil can to any burden ??r buffet of fui intrKiivJ tv ? ?* ? I i.? ? h ? toaly I h? ? .i a i divieion i un 1er -ri ra with ] overmastering rush te eoma .1 perete >? - ? keCleonrne's at ? Btone t ? * but an a*- ' gres?.re end unres I . ? ?i the n the . ? ' ? ????? rea? they ut ; anchor or un 1er Bail ? will n ?t loi mornanl mi an to foli v tbem if th ? (tea -not ft nsoment shall '? lost in ? n the enemy. ? ? ? ] arili r.ot Iooe ? anemoni la bringing thesa to action." V?'itb this fi?*rr?? pa.-sir.n for light tee fonerai most unite theseii-e? i ?adii refuse battle or calmly await nttuei?, tmil, not least ids which ? ? s and min'bs ho mustba ready at any mora-mt #f tne day or night t?. ?irr?.?.?,? . ? the?? ourcea with? tit ?".? ? |?rotra? I llike j>ov?-or, in the ?crisia < or tha of ? atti? do ei ? ? ider all I mlties, bn! ?1 lit the de? ?. 'ic< rm ? of Htat? ?. m ?t? tali nta must ? rara eve send i!a-hes of intu tion thron ? wbi?'!i th? si il hoi.r ? ? ? Btaked on one man's great ? Lee ot the princi? pe elementa I ? idea?---oourage, will, ? . ? rament for com l-baaed ? ???.??, joy in i atti? . pi '? ?" 1 kindled with the glow o? an unconquerable soul ; ?? ?? besides nn?l above all the unii na <?? ? ? :h with ? . ? ct'-at in bornio acti'in ? ."lit; oonmon life. that an] G??a?-G' ?! ? inni?; ages not to ? only, bul ? ? all ? -r? s?. 1 ;?:-i_s of ?t?????????" Let a bri??f r?*? itnl Show Cat these are ? ? ? l.??? waa I ? in bia birth, for he ' ? who M ? ? : t | ? ? ? t to rule, His j t '.ame hSu I? ftder aud th? nor of th? warm ? nip of \\ ?, .? : m. ???? ?I.?.? , of Uli? ? "'' lli-r- I. e when Robert ? only elevi ? ? ears old m ; boy tb?? . hia moth ? develop a ? ? d for honor. It ! was pni of hi ? I ily the i whi ih fli wed in his v? ucll -d bin -l?nee in th? ? ' ? ?!'..? Jockson, ntiJ we ? . lior wa - quickly p il you! h and wil ? to th< army. it dwell on i. ? proficienoy in t lie ?? corps of engineer?, the l'u tn ?? !? ? ?? ,'G. o. Northern Vii? il'? ' ????'? wit?? fir??*? the en ? id ?. that time ? must ii"t i ' to the I ? ar ?? ?. I tl .;1 this] . - belie? 1 tb ?t. ? ? ity, h?i i ? uiiconscieu ? t. bul eli ?I il.' ? iti i hi? ? j???' f ' . fry now io ? social .i U u look . fami? . command ? iti ? win child ?? m ?? ??-t an ' ??- ? il ion an I preeminence an I ;. irai to be .? ?i"? lei of eyerj manly and i?. ????t, it xv.i? fu? recollection of the . ? r a ,1 pei ? srly servio? t ?n!i ]'.. Johnsto ? nd and 1 'ti ? ? ?? ?o un t id tb ? quelitiea trial win er ? dp and ? tuli ot Bvmpatl * ? ? ? while bis correcta??? of d ? lneamir an?l tenguaga ?ind attenti" ? d'iiie?, personal am! osi cial, ??nd a digi ity a- much e? pun of him ??- of hie per- in, ??rave bim ? -,?|.? rionty that ov.-ry one acknowledged in bia bi art," It was th s which nnule Lord Wolseley Siiv of lu' ? al be saw h'.m in later y ar? : " I hat ? time, bal Lee al?n? ? m? with the that 1 wus in the praaence ol u man who waa caal la a grand? rmould, andmade of different aud fie in all Othei ii hietemped upon my m?smory as a being apart und superier to all oilier?? in OVir. ?V.r.." iwed to command tli? l??vi? and it cam? int.? !..? ? fully eqn ? ? i in e?i?7 military art, Ithful, following ?lu:y as his l?ole star, and all ua<*onacioualy minting with ard r I s, ba an Ifexico, whioh latine?? to prove .? trateing-groune tor the ?hi?- ''t be? tween the States, rhera he soon ?.-ave proof I. - ditlea ior a ir. But i may atey only to mention ?e inci? dent m ? ??? tarot o? will. Mich a*.'cre.s*ive.i!id OBtihng enter . irked him out tor nigh oommand. Itwas Just Icore the bettle off t'ont fern??. Scott i:'-d learned through ],,.,?> r thai tii? -exit ?a 1 ? sitioii could be etteek d in rear t?v ft diiii cuit movement? roe????thlees und ru:,? umc tield called tu? "Ped A painful marcb had brought tn ? tura'ng d ? 1? at nightfall t ? I aod Lee was nailed into ce incil by t ft? DhT MonComrn?id?r. The council -at loBSt. At last, about 9 at ni;?it. it resolved ou (?*_?: u??en an ?aa? k at d*wn. K'lt it waa essential that co niiitinieation should be est a till-.'? ! ?a th *- ott'a hfado.tiaiter?. tlttclarisd. his purwoao te effect this com?unicntion. and through the stormy uitihi. alone and en f<K?t, with encanes oa eitlier band, he pushed his war aero*? that volcanic area I Bale only 111 the du ie??*ntcd to some Alpine gla? cier rsnt with vawnine: chasms. He won his way to Sceti by midmtjht. At ?uv break aseagineer heiri?*-"?? the front at? tack led by 1'wige.s. The ti_n::iu? ? beard their comrades' ????. ? h?y led on the Mexicau r?ai. A brief and bloody re awaime aerved only to beichten the tri? umph of American akill aud valor. The o was won. ami Centrar??, to tha eye of historv preBRurea Cbancelloraville. Ueneral t-?ott deserihed tb * exploit o* LasVs as " the t-reateat feat of physical and ?oral oourageperformed by a-iy individuili in hu knetrtedt.? pending the cauiimigri. History will recul, as Bcott bims-df ?aobly ftdmiited. that l???e was Boott'e right arm in _exioe. .. _? _. . _ 1 may not dwell oa ?_e .??s?jb* off ajiajL a-ejriag ds_a?sJhioh uno ?-it-ajai fljaa_, ?xactne?? aad fidelity during th? year? fol. lowing the Mexican war. Of more interest ia hi? first eotnmand of trooni on bis appeiatmeat aa lieut?B*at-colr?n?I of th? fitmoa? S?cond cavalry, serving in Texa?. This frontier service of three or four vean wa? iBoperUint in develnpiag hi? military laasiaslel though it may eeem an inade ejWBte preparation in the detail? of com? ic?' d when coMpiir* 1. r?>r inst?"?"?', with long BppretiticAsh.p in ?'> H - lini getii'i? bei many sehoels, ind an earu est, obier? mind ?juickly grasps th? les? sens ?f prune??. A dsrV i-iniloi' war was now threatening IO hurt over O fatti OOtry, iti?* of frontier lidm.nistratiouand ladina police must have ? ? bal ?'?" ? play amid th? fiere*? paas.on? of that risine tempest ol civil strife. -'? ?m? tb.nk <"?u! 1 think ??f eny batthoimpetiidingdattger. Aad Lee, I ? of a leail-r ol I 1'nked by deeoeol aad a??oci?tjon with th? me ? who w.?a American independence and made the Am*wican *n. ?*??, m h??riUng along with tl love of the ( tiinti a ji'ir-imo:., tal*. n*w ?aw himself obliged to. ? ' it choice anrl taki hii side in an I No more painful a a gal. I tat army, which oomi 1 aa. He better than most mea knew the '?rent Tr 1 We-t. Ha . luraed sad labored in ?very pari ???I.!- | I,' ?!,.;! ??. . fio ;i it.? l'ini' ?1 ehe- , river ? ????! menatoio range? for ?? < iiBion. rn men m I r hornee: bet I <?-en' of t.hs era soldier, who filled our ? ? ' .. the pre. | - and taunts of tbe day which be. ; ige. He ex tei ? ?its a sub?* of Ihn i .? r.ic.. Lo id; the Btates, North and ' He wee equally e . lionate v.ewof slavery a? go "i in ? . party : had drives many strong miada m the ? r led elaverj is an evil te 1 and must be left to m pate by wise and gradual uieasdr????. lb?, n ear man of that time, was capali? ?;' wa?e?iiu? with c, maesa ta? doty of the hear. \>it,h him tl e,oaly qu? ti ? then, ? at. every moment of ni? apotleaa lite, was to lin ? mi! which way dit-.? peiated. Ag:r . nt solicitai defiance of the it. r . | ICI ! of the Dl ' army wa bim in ? . ? dl his pecuni iry interests, hi ? r. ! ? Sii!? with his be ? . ?. ?? laid il'*i hi? commis? sion and solemnl' - ' hi pure are word save in ???ii.t.f of at native Stola to whose : his matcb. ? It wa ?nwealth older than the G????? ? rae the (irsi ahi d? ? Eogli bfreetl m in the Weetern World: , . ? mother country; it v\ '???I I?.ider of oar Bevo lutienery ?rn es aad of many tect? of "the : ? ??is theceatra) seal ol thai iotrtrineof State : ity sen? '. ned by tu*? great rson aud Madison; it '.vat a land ol ?Lie earth und i?kv ? ' ? 111 in its race ol men, brare, frugal, pious, loving honor, Wut fearing Oed; it ! Cien In ; fin almo?t unbroken aeries ? i patriot s tri ter the wreck and ruin ol four years ot an acoeesful ?var, ? ??ratei anew by deeds ef heroism and .!??. whose ii '? i1?.' Inatre will bor? row e bi r ?ombr1 I and -let ?at. And aad ghtened t love, th? sons of , may ? eaiute her in tbe patriot iiouiau'e ve, ? - ? 'urnia TWJul, ? This was the lami that Lee defend? d. ot' major u' oi tb< forcea ol Virginia hr? the aeoss iry and lapnl ?way of event? Into the Service of ? ,? '? aia bad ? e. ??ome the batte -.;. and on which the C in? sto win ? r loie it- ?. ?ace, and Lee cou nd Virginia aerai of th? ? onfederat? army. moni ha ? ? ?v ir he 1 with ?tn ? ..ft boee "' ? ? aud I ? hod back the 1.rat flood el iareeioD, Here bii patience, hiscare uil and mil ? on to ?lete knowledge oi ui a, and aarticularly of ? ? ? ? old arm) ,.i lie thoi oration, and, more than ell : the war we long and desp rate, made him an? H ?ell it oi . -.?-eil. tive. Ui? ? ??'.Ui the a a? n to b :i 1 armies in I an 1 cordial, ami be ? marmar when at last in A ? ? romised to be a thankless and ta? il . rnu he I b?en nnfertu r.ate ?n Korthwe Vii ?? I had 1 1 and d? . . the loel rreund trom mi enera.- weakened bv gr'Mt. del ??? H.? life waa -it to Valley tloun. 'ain to combine ell the elements of our st rength and by a stroke of daring ? a ' ? ne ? 'onfetlerate Fri a t thai he waa tbe U ? the opini >n .. id of tit?? people enthusiastically before ? ? but the ?tt ??? on Cheat Mountain, which a year Ltt? r ? ? . . od mortili? itton. 1 ee ? ? tothepn it one oi t? ??unni:. ander and defeat, His lexicon ??:ir kti?*\v him ; tl ant knew him ? ? iti ' I Im : bul the rerdict .?f the .? rtLeoia the ? in t.??.? .?. (lall a, win? " by ??- . would have been had he never coni? li ? ? ? patience and ?**lf ? I 1er dost n???! t., -? fourteen month ! Ii" first due ol " Seven Cines" hi ? the fierce tern valor \riiv ??f Ni.rtn in Virginia had been ? had be in I !>. If. Hill, ii i'a 11 was arranging a rigorous and oom b aed attack for th?? m ?now. Al tl si h. ? ment Johnston, whose body was already oorered with i onoi ile scars, e down by two ? ivere ??? ?;i?1j ?-ud the array ? ('n t..? aftrruoon <t tn?? nejt day a>?ont, lei below Biehmond l ee si id of that army called of Northern ia, but fitly repi ? val? r virtus of every soot u-rn State, that army winch hracoforth was to be the net of his lama that armyw . toil?, march? ?, battle? ?till, if e?,-, : r? or l per. ? h ?d, be ??? . ? admire ? ? I and tree led to do. Bo we er? ? ?y ? j, the iiii'.g.-ii r:n?-i ? und devotion. \t any p? rl .1 of th ? the ! ?nd winild probably hare been fatal . truth is ? ?;" tbe Army of Northern . ? and bi ttify in I * lue! i.iiiuv spa ? v. ir. Ordinarily, no i to make the for? tun.?..?' tu army torn on ths defence id . . rtoe'l error ?? Vicksbc twei Oemanaet Plevna Hut ?. ?rtaaoeot Richmond BS a groat State aad ot the Ooav fe?erec ? . Iraotagoa us ? ir nu b??? of a railway syatem and ? ..ig Virginia and the Btal ? -, ? th" .?oiuli and V?e?t, und l! 11 u. r? the startiiag toet thai ita i.iaau fairturinge?u?lisfamente, though poorer.?! koadeqi) ; t tir?-1 absolutely und id?!??' pi ctieally the sole resource of the *?<>ath : - and railway material ma in their co" ? streng? . abr.tit in the crnds of thi?se dire . , ?fe !*rate Govern. meet a com ? tioa of tbe indispensable ne~ ccssitvoi' Uichmctod to th? uto of th? seuthTu e Waehington talked of retreating in th? last roaort to the raeantaine of West Au? gusta and there maiataiaing an undyiag retiistatici, t, the fcntish invn.lers. It is possible that tuofa e guerilla w_rtare might nave m hundred years ago against au enemy acre?* the At? lantic bet?re the useof ateamon seaaud nv?r end railway, before eve? turnpikes connect??! th? coast with the inounUiu??. U w poaaiblo. Bm th? probability is that. as in other ?a11...,_,_ thft tud ef orr resinar ?> ir-trt, would have beeu the vir? tual en I of the ?truggla. How much mere must this bar? beea the cas? iu our recent war, when ail -ur> armament? had already beeomn complex and artificial. Modern ariiiiis, with their ??lalx-rate small earns, artillery, an 1 m.?munition, cann >t bimtun. tamed w.thout ?-rcat m???o?hanic?l ????1? anc??. Ihev oeaaot eren be fed without graat ima? of railway And ho* c?n raii ar?.? be t*e?r<aad la a ??aa?? cit*?i4?U blockaded without those same ms-O?aeto rtnsr resources ? All this .was true from IMI to leva. At no time dnring that period did tber* e*1?* ? f Richmond foundries and reih ???* niUls eapr.ble in a year's work off supply? ing the ?'?infederate armies and railwsv* tor thre- months. In the first part of the ?nek?afl of such ?establishment? could not be found elsewhere m the Soutn. In the Utter part beginnings had bee? but the n? w ? r? ?iucti?ii ef cannon and railway material never (vn-eme ade ' ? demands of a campaign. 1* weite ma? hinerv could have been tii?? pro'ltict could not havo been hastily inercas?d because of the ah ? ned workmen. Ihe loss '?? tne skilled artisans of Uichmond w*uM hnv? be.?n as fatal in our poverty as the loas tif its mills and workshops. The defence <*f Richmond, then, was the .man ta-k to which Lee now found .' ctrmmttted by the no'.irv ?if the Confederate ?i.>v-rnm?nt and by the pres? sure oi condition? independent of his Will nr. control. H<SWprecious for rt? Virgc.:ans is this intima! a ?f hi? immortal labori ?with this ci!? of our ull'ections?for mere than a eeatury the "Otre of our Estate life, trugglo the in?do idel of a people in arms! Th?? fa ' it u? are m?*raoTia_ of ? ? t bave trod ? ? ebur h when be wf?r?hipp*"l, the I dwelling which ihO?SCS i hu heart, the height? overlookint; ?ii make up the military : bo deeply studied, and thegrav?? oi I nt army by wnich our cdy is etui neg_t, xOueaahardly . Your evening walk without coming 'it n??w ? mysterious meaning which speahi fron ar?sn spot aiherafor home aud kJ I moo have touybt and died. Tl na, et the cri'ten.1 moment when a triti? M ?Cl ellv.n's?Tces would bave aiegun a aiega ol li! hmond, Le? took : ??? ? ? maral?lied tor Ita te? was to overrule ?- tending to a ret.rnmcnt of our Bia next was to fortify thai line and to bub?non ?.? hia aid for arreat 3Rgre?sivo effort alt the fore?? that c ?uld be ??? ?red in Virginia, Oeorgia, and the Carolinas. In ? preheasiT? pian for the great dav t ha : araa embrace 1 that ?mall but heroic bead with wHicu Jackson <?? 1 three firmo?. Ule 1 the Federal capital W'Ci alari"., nnd diverted from McClellan .McDowell's power; ul ra? ?neat. in whieb Le? knew how to ?v ?merit was its?'f a pteaage leralship. lis n.?t only eonc,?aied id march m that Abielda and ?uldno; f?>l|;?won h;* h*el?,but ; mc?re?eut by rail offWUtiag*? division to ' v?? -ville be made .t I eU?va that h? ?BUS ?ondniK a ? I to the Valley. Then ? army ??till Ini?ter to ite adver .. f irth be burst upon ?. ug. By 1 ? e'a wis? ??i I b : ? ? >tnb iiafi..?is the tseafcer armv ? ft! the point of atteok double the Btreagth of the atronara. The l-'edernl ? saw hia communications an I, hie ? sitar an 1 bio ?d ? confili t brok ? an 1 ? ?it to '' ?? turn ng it> ?o goal ef th? campaign au?l leht n.' a? w, u- men fl ?! ?ues of life and death?not f??r rlichmond??hut for and n refuse placo umlrr the guoe o' the ImL I need not raciCl the ynlor, the ?-fvrrrfl?*??a, ?1 fortun?e, or the visible tro pbies'ii tho saevendayaof atrue ??'?.?. Whatever criticism mav be pasted ?ila of the several actions the ?jstfa it, aa their direot r?v ault, that moral aaoendanoy, which is the real g? : tory, fono ik the Federal vert?? the Goaf odorate ?samp, ti 1 Leeroee up in the minds ol fn*Uil ? t? the full stature of a great and darin.? leader. An at ot ?rigor qui'-kly showed how cor rectly be estimated the Btegjrarin -effect of the mighty blow he bad dealt. He hurried ? * ?. , lie?. ill? to m? il ? ?"?'?? and soon he dispatched \. ?'. G ?G? division on the earn? service. on'? fierce attack on Banks a! Codur ?fountain ?tt once caused new n! arm for A rapid weakening "f Me in's f? re? wa? the r"*tili. Heading Dus with that intuitiv.? p?r? eption of wnut , the on?ay*a liaaa, win?h orth marks bim as bt to command, iea that the initiative is now in bia beads, und presently move*? with nearly - army to ttte line of the fiupi ;s cy celerity andvi.-.r ? e the enormous pre rasce off bis enemiea, He meana io fall upon Pope before Mccitilan's armv can i < ? i ? him. Von kn?'W the I 1 l ?illness of Jacitjon's immortal march?. rear, which Lee approved aud orde ul. You know bow.aftei prodi? gies of rapid movement, obstinate fight. ?, aad intrepid th? Army of once raore a lited donnea is,and there baffled an 1 - rn hi i an ? Ivera u fior by one half in numbers, Again the Federal .??'? apon ths goal of tho min th? Federal army be it II ? tr? it? commander*! but to : nperioua ? '. invaaion <>f tfarylan I, th? capture o! Harper'? Forry sd ?t. und L-e's victorious swoap wa? I by one of those unlucky ne. s inseparable from war. Bis ordar movement? of his troops fell into MoCtel?n'a hatada when the ink ? dry. This prct'ipiutod tue Jgreat battle of - On tin: an?niniry field 10,?TO Confede? rates finally r*piil?"??d everv attack off an bi?y off 17,000 Federal Belaiera, On the day following th? batti? they trrimly stood r loss thin Ii trag tha ?vsault which, as h_tory will rocerd, waa not de jf aver eornssaadar waa tr<_d by over? whelming and continuous p?ril an?l r >ee superior toil and triompha Ihr ?he-r moral ?, iw? ? ; iad fortune Lea on th aw twofstefnl ?iiiys gave that surir???? proof ot a gi Beul a? much above dn ii u.'id-r ?cverees as elation in euc Inauch moment? the ermyfeel the lofty Mftiua of tht ir 1 ???*!??. Ta*y ?"!<r.??wledg? his royal right to common?? ? ney recog? nize tu-ir proud privilege to toilowand ;'o auch leaders ia il ?riven to CI were ths tarred m?n in gray who with Le? at k?harp?bur_*. it is th? ie such nj?>?net,t. perhaps, that r, tlercte', Uas caught with the ? ..? ... ?e-iiu?} an,i ?ve?i m irnaeriakable br ti/-. Th? (teneri! lies riO'lea ?? ?. H seems to me. in sem?? pan-? of battle, to ? ? roui Liaa, and, while the eves of his suiJiers are testeaea on him in keen ezpeotency, bo unwav*r iit, tkcq-eat leader Bilent a?. 1 alone I reap ?nsibility?is ? anuing wiii cnl n an 1 ? ? stance the aiti tin? ??Lases and chancoscf Ci? btrickeu Such is the commanding figure, which rvi'.l p:?stjnf!y be unveiled to your vmw, un i du'i', indeed, must >?? the imajrination, that does ? I tb ??-.>?1? this plain with Invisible ho--ts and c ?mpasa Lee ? "??. ? 1 forever?with th? lovo and devotion e: embattled ranks of heroic rray. But the camps'enot 1?C2 wasyst to close i" a dramatic scene of unequalled gran? deur. As in some coles-d ainphitheatre. Lee's Boldieraatood rankeil ontb? bold li'llseu oircling Pre 1er: iksburg to flritneaa the de. lin 1 eneath, w'.tn glit - bayoaeta and banaera ani every .! pomp,of Jl'irnsiuo'ssolend'ilartiiy. poctftcl? wa; spread out under it wsa hard to realise that auch int w._ the prolude to bio? ?dy bat tta, I a hn?drad great gur.s i? quickly ?? und the youn^????? recruil . lappland tba marvellous skill with tvliich the ? led ia hia pia . >n. was now i. ?t pr.-tid aad co,. array aero?? the l?tteat-d?covered road to Rionaiond. At Ute opportune momea; Lee's Ime of ttventv-flvu _Uaa contracted to rive, and 7?,0?? >t>mffederata? ftltalv awaited tb? assault of UJ.Dnj Pedet? - I? . lit was d-divered. On : hn?? after line off undaim'uJ north trn soldiers. BraT? m?n never a ? more rx?ld!v to the caution's mouth. But th?? val .r was UT??ailiag. As Stonewall Jackson sa d, ins m?n aoraetim-?s taile,! to carry a i?.?.?ition, but awrer t? b The MOM 'l-t?riniti?* l cour?,???? e_d rage appalling from its c?inc?etration ?errai only to mark the heroism of the northern loldier. But the urize ef victory remai ned Lee. At ??? blow the F?de ral invasion was paralvz?d, aad for menthi and months the great northern hoot lay torpid iu the mud and enow of a Virginian winter. The repoie off that winter strene;?eael the Tederai aimy but weakened Lee's, for ha had been obliged to detach Longstreet with two divisions to "-rittiatetara Vir? ginia. Ileucethe last davjof Aoril. l*t>'? Lee c nfmnting l?coker*? annv of 13'.,?J00 men with only 57,000 Confederates. If 1 mention thtss respeetive numbers ? .t is because they constitute the indestructible basis of Lee's military fan?. You will learcb in y?in in hiitery fer a parallel to such uniform, excessive, and prolonged disparity in number?, su?'h amaziii'.' inferi??rtty in all the material and appLaucra of war, crowned by such a sue ? of brdliaut thousb dearly-botight victone?. I'.th^ conaiHeietior- in them* selve*! eetdbli-b Lee's fku|. ?_?_ ???? ?-in? dicate ?t from the only oritioiam to which it haa been lubjeetei Th?. iuatify and oi?>_a the comnaratavete ii?fa?aawe oha?. ?***?*? ?f those rieteriea When the odda "t four to five, three to five, three to Bavera, when every nu hoe fought, sad , T *re no reserves, the victories of the F?**8?" sriny must ef their very nature fail to destroy an adversary of the same BBOad r???,, ?f acjoai. if 0f different valor. In? events we now approach preeent Lee ia e?-?ry p|lftHe 0f thn eoeminraate eotn niaad-r. Ojjh von ini igni?? an attitude of graudr firmness than that in wun-n we sea him on f|??oker'? cr?- in?/ tbo Rappa aannor ? ? T?*ars ana a lettcf fmra him to ?se Coafi. ??rat? secretary of War, m at t.iat ui?,bum, which showed bun ia tins meed of hereto calm, waitiag for the do? th? enemy's our??????. Barter. minod u, tit-ji-it. but giving no hint of that . lion-spring at Chaacellorsville ; Woi?h wa? to pluck out th? very heart of : tl.?; r-.-'lerilinvi-i?!!. .1 he plaa ,,, |iiM ereilt battle, ?s happen? with ? lany ? .? .ler-works, was ?truck ?rit at a e:nci. blow in a brief eraartaraaee with ? cveuin? of the 1st of il.iy. **-ne ???. ? ? :>picted theacoaa ? I t'10 selsinu for??-?, the rude bivooec. the ?rriive and ceortexfBs Commander, heir of all tb? 'inichtl ? gr?r|*s of tbe cavalier?.the With th? faith "ad Ita fire ,? ?romwelLtheasieliatorcbaaige ? -n 1 an????. er, thi swiftly fellow I mg ord_?r for themevementof the morrow. The -? ? of the enemy*? ? ' tho su t ? idiag topvraphy bed just b???n I i? rum? ef the eom f ju*tly w?:ghin_ the eheracter of , lit* adversary, tac nature of the country the | riceleas gift in hi? ewn" hands of gocfa a ? nnderbett of war, each a Titan ? ? force p. J? -?en, instantly ?levined that immorl ? n.areh which will etahla gon Chez ellersvilleon thessn?? ? desthl. ?? ia:?!?? with Blenhoim, with Lea? ! then, with Au?teriitz. an 1 Jena. The bettle el ChAcalLirivilietwill rank with?. battles of histery. It die. ia every ck?ra"t*r ot milittvrv ; greatai ? ? as ? | tne no j Lime intrepidity wuh which? leaving Fariv I to dispute the heights of l'-.-e l?r,ek.?burg egaiasl Si I ? wi? k'i mp ? iing ferca, haknm solf led fir? week divieioasto ooofronl ? Ho ikeris migktv host. Lee m-snt te fight irk. He m-ant tir?t ; his sdversary ia the eye. Ii? meant to see | himself h?, r to aim ?:? blow. Where shall ? wetind am itch !?>? thi vizor, the awii ! the audacity of that ?lenk maroh Beeigaed I to Ja? -for the fierce end determm??! front attack '?! by Leu him-.-If * I . ?.? oaly Prederiek'e t immortal stroke of earing en the An flank ??. Leathern Bat the s?c?ud dsv m-.? grend ? < oafederate commander1! heroic ? fr. Ja ?isoli triokeadown. I.???? right arm ba? b?e:i t-rn trom him, but the tiB"on?!iierable firm ? is of fge il . ,i of weak it??s, and that labora ??? ol fight without ?vi.ii h DO gen ml can 1 ? gr*?at, blazing out aad kindliag all it toaolied, he for. ? the fierce ettock ahm,? the who??line till ia ? wild tumult of battle the Federal army war. r?. gives ground, melt? away. rheaxlvaaMU pushed will drive the ene. myinoool ?ion to the river, i.? prepariag for a combined ataavult. lint a ?e\v eterne it now bursts into tho action. News Ii brought tram too mues away that the ?On'euerafes liavo he?n driven from th? keiebi? ef b'redericksburg to .viir I? Kichmoad a: 1 Bedgwickia march? ing in Let ? rear. Lee's celerity end firm ? a equal to the a ? . it" promptly i.url? four bri_?ri;lns from nnd*?r biiowu head at th? head ef linmc, and with bold txraatonaace hems In Hook? er'? ar-iv of ? ?arlv thric'o h,s own uu:n bem. It it, W'?rs not theeteroeet tragedy it mi**ht :?e Comedy?this f'?ut of :?0.0#? men ahuttiug notOMSA Lu*. i!o?k'-r has heea beaten; t.'ie derisive point i?- aol rh?ro, as me -ye of cenili? can intuitivclv m . It ii with S id rwick six Bailee away, ? id reebzing ia his practice tint golden, xaxiai of tne echo il?, La? is quickly at that point in sufficient if net superior | fero a. s?l-?'.v!ck is crashed 00 tho thirl dey ?nd Irire ? acri-sw tberivor. l.eenew ;- tea all hi? fo.-e? to fall noon .i a fitial and overwhelm^?"; blow. Thl fifth (luv breaks, and loi tl ?] ?. ray hos raniebad, not a man ol ?r the dead, the wound id, an 1 ths imaiaing on ivho Jiiohmond d '.?? of th ; Ra ?pabann What eras left undone by Lee that genius, and daring could eaTeotr W'ill ? that the Coafederate armv should 1 ve followed its defeated but co? lossal Biversity aerosi thn river? This would fa re b en to invite ????^??.?t. The so ?"t-intial and aetoundiog fruits of vict r-? were won io th?? collai???? for that tun lederai invasion in th? teriv in.: atiVO ?vh ehi ?? new able to mbmiesive and te ?t.? ?.-.??, ?miel? li,.nl.-er ibaneeforth follow .? motion of th? Magio waud of the ? ? . ? The m iroh to tho Potomac ?nd the cap. tnr?a bj? tho way reuowed the ? of For a few short weeks Virginia was treed . But as before, the in?. m with an tatoxica?ag ? art al hope, w-a? doomed to idra : doubtful battle, a bloody Btruggl? ??ii th?? height?of I ' ?? tne creator part long summer ?lavs td-laautiy lookin?? :ato each other's uy???. Neither waawi ling toattaok ita adversary. Dewevcg deeply I.?? may bave felt tli" fail??*? of his daring he I '.!.. ? ilf ?11 the ro. ? and all th? responsibility ef the re lurt .So word o! critioiam or censure pa *1 hi? lipa, But eoafident >?f the devetioaan? the ateadinesa oi his army aptly turned t > tb? duty ? I I bear, what au example of ?orenite, of ? irbable armneaa I We owe toOet iat thrilling ? Efta ua?roraassad valor of tn? Con. : frsts ?oidier, but a matnh!e?eexbibi t- ? oi OompiBOUra aad ma??u?inimitv in the infederate comb?ader. ih? aggre?Miiv? ?ampaiga failed, l?ut neither tita army nor i?s general was shaken. We find them d'ine.?* the raraaind-r of 18 W facin;? their ? -,? with undiminished spirit. And - ? ? Lee giva? previ' of equal fir nil???, en terariae, and geaereaitrwdetaehing?ong t te strike a deoiaiv? (?low Bight huadrad mihsuway by tkeeidoe? ? .t Chickamauga. '\\<t annals of v. r do not exhibit a mord unselfish act. ?? shall I briefly describe tho added ? ? ??I?," '. ii ng lams with which the earipaiguof tti-i uer'yeai. IBM, investe?! at leader? Who that lived through ma can forget the awful Lu-ia off M ? dm -or;:. ; davi ?' ! ? ?? tr?rncnd,)ii? outburst of the ? i miles ot front? In erer quarter, it one and the ?sms id racy fell thefurieua , of ft whole netioa's force driven oa by the resifitlass will of a singls com. d in d?sr, Oraat'a aggrea Oraut'a ? anees, ? ira? ? a ling ? to d??*; ad?rate armi??? ae?aMad snJdaalyto animate every corpa. ?Itvisien. almost every p??p of th? l'edemi Brei n 'V.? v.? si ind agaaat nt ths awful disparity in the numbers und re. sourcaaol t:>?tw> arssiea. Bwintoa put? the force under (?rant's immediato eye on ?he first dav of ti;" oampsiga at HO.OO'J I ;nen. tirant himself puts it at 11??,000. it '? s ? m tei? that Lee hai Itssa th ia 'il.000 aol i diera of allarme. But iu aid non Grant I was directing again?! Richmond *r its I communications $0,000 men under Butler, ? ?.0? under Bigel and Crook, and a numer ? oils and powerful Beai Let mo ?rive two Mampl?off the extra? ordinary moans at lus disposal. Ji<? never ??nt into camp but that w.thin an hour or two every divisiob wee pi????* in tele? graphic communication with hie head. ?murtera. Lee cjuld only reach tho sev? rat parts of his array by tbe kid ?>f mouat??? 1 Decurter?, Butth?_th?mostatriking. On teurise vend occasions ( ? r:-.-?.t?hif ted h is baii ? pie luandnt? to Washington to lodge suppl?'?? at Fradericksb??g. at i''.rt lioval, nt t?? White H<>us??, at City F.>?nt. Tb'i-i his communications were absolutely iu vulnerftbl.?. With the boundless wealth at trolhe laid under contribuitea th?? r? mu?'?of tbe commerce anil raaaufac ?t the worl 1, und combining all the tea of destruction tn the ?rast boat un 1er hi? command died newwtthaoM ?thing of his ?awn amother? 1 but rel?atlees pa-aion. lie hurled it ia repeated and bloody assault* at the heurt of tne Con? federacy. 1 i.o heart of the Confederacy waa the Armv of Northern Vir,? Surely heroic coi:ra>a never faced a more tremendous ene:-? th???? Lee new met and masttecd. Grant had oroaand the BapL .... Ko ??lea of retreat esterad Lee*a He only ?waited to diacove* the pu-pose of th? enc?a-?. 1 ?? with lares en.-rgv he hurled two cori.? st the heads of hi? columns, not even halting for Long ; : . come up. For two -lay? that awful struggle raged in the dark and ??ruesome thickets of the Wildern? s. Lee could not drive back hia atnbborn aud itunued adversary, but be stag . ajd foiled him. Anv previous oommander off the Army oj the Potomac would have wtraated. (?rant bullealy steals of by night to sputsylvftui? Buta lion is there inbuputh. ihe real t . ? ..?h?tend is blocked by Lee. Grant's detsrininati?, ? to force a pa-'s^e bring? eu ono of the fiercest aad protracted struggles? ef the war. For f??ur days eut of twelve that ?raging fre-tleod ?urgee about the linas ef Hpotivlrani? The very fort-it is consumed t>y It. How can man with? stand its fury? Only by tha: courage which ia ita contempt of death is a pre aago of immortality. On ?uch a field the ? human spirit risej even in common soen to truuicende?t heights of valer and Holf-sae riee, tbo great soul of the o ramander mo vea through the wild chaos l'ke some element? force, and the terrible inanity of war veils ita horrors. Grant oannot take th?e lines. The eoli., Ana adven?a?*? won at the aal teas ha hie. overwhelming for?*? does hut display on an immortal page the qniok resource, the j commanding autherity, the uncenouerahie ? tenacity of tV G ?-federate Oen?sraf. Grant j could not drive h:m from those line?; but ? tun ??< .rnman i?r of a greatly suptn-ior army | can never find it hare to turn his ?ulverse rv'a position, especially if by mcaasofr?! meet and eooventeot riven he can shift his bas? at easily as writ? a ??nratch. Y?t Lee slways divined every turning morement. end always plai-d his army in timeecreee ? th?? path of it? advonsarv. j In ???? snocOMieaof bloodv battle? end? ing with thu slailghter of Cold Harbor he everywhere won the substantial fruit? aa well as th?? i'on.-r? of victorv, and between tk? Wilderness aad th? Chi?-k?hominy in twenty-eight deva he inflicted on Grant a Oi*00 m-i-an appalling number. t? the streturth of Lei's own army at the beginning of th? campa.tra. Try to conoaive the intense strain of tliosu twentv-eiirbt days. Jackson is no j lender by J.? ??. ?dito, Ix ?gstraet lias been strickea down severely wounded on th? ri.-.? d ,v. Suppose a ?inglo moment of , on in the comrn?vn<ler, a singlo fais* interpretatioa of ebscure and con flict'aj ?' pe it Boee, a fmlure at any hour , lay or to maintain in their ? . balan?a all tboee Inch facult .?? which we see united ia Le??, aud what have availed the valor of those '? ? -rat? addiere ? Can we : wonder that th??.?.? loved hnn, can we won der that, like Scipio'? veteran?, they were to die for him il be would only spare i rice la dt? campaigo dui ? : -? this supreme proof of per? sonal of the etegeof Petersburg I have only , -.? ia il tot Bice month? the Ccnfctlera?? commander dicplayed every art by which geu.tis snd couraio can make ' ro*l the liicV of mm! T?? and res ? ? larreasing misfortaneeeVf the Coo- ! feJerat? anus .?i Other thee**res of war Hy eat ?? Cae stioplv of men and Tin Arnv of Northern Virginie ; to b? recruited; it eeeeedto '?? :'? !. ll lived for m .titlis on less ', lemoraltaed, j ? nv La ?' ? front, but by the , enemy in Georgia and tke Cerollo mea hol ling a b miles ; but over the eueinv it i itili c ist th? shallow of its great name, j A;? ? und again by a bold raensive it ar- | rested the Federal mot ?tuent to fbeten on Ito eommuaicetieos. At Lis? an Irreeistible ceacentrati ?n ef toree? broko through it? thia lias of battio Petenbor sandoaed. Richmond aree evacuated. ; SUppl ?? were intercepted, end a harassed for ? ?/?? ' days bj, ? ? itte tksea rearand tlar.k, , found pletob 1??????????1 in by I orerwhelaung msBsea Nothing reraeiaea toil but ita stoteleea honor, in unbroken ceurase. In thus? la?t solemn scenes, when ? men, laeiag ?ill lelf-oootrel, broke ! ?lev/u and lebbedlike children. Lee stood ? ??" .? ?- la th ? d t- "I victory and triumph. Ko disseto! crushed his spirit, remit; ef deoger raised his bearing. Ia the agony of dissolution now inradlng _d army which for four y?;irs limi wr isted victory from every i?eril, in that ? ? utter darkii*?? ha pr - * ef his mind. Ils 1 >ke ? ibbera feote ctAlmlv in the fa ? when no military reeeuree remained, when I tae impossibility of mikinc another march or fighting aaether battle be I owed bis h?'.id m ?ubiinsiion to that ? ?wer which make? and nnmakes natmns. The ? the fragmento of the ? Army of Northern Virginia oloeed the im periHlialile record ol hi.) military life. What a cateetrophel What a moving ithetio centrasti On the eae side. ? and dazzling triumph af,'-r ? ? ?? *f humiliating dl? ? oa the othwr. absolute ruin and defeat?a crowa el tuorr?? for thet peerle?1? armv I known eruy the victor's laurel ! Bat the osgaaaimity of the con? queror not less ? in th? forti*ti lo uf the 1 out over th?? - Boeac aud softened its tracie eatiines .f fa! ? anil d mio. Ili? moderai on aad go ?? ????-? ef the northern people, breaming th? large and generous sir of eurweetoni ??.-??rill, quickly responded to Grsnt's ex , and though tbe North ?vim nft-r wards betrayed into fanatical and baleful ? great tab the fiercer passions of a bio?'ly civil war extinguished. There was to P* md. no Ireland iu America. When the Hollywood ? ramid was rising ever the Confederate ??-?d soon after th?? close of the contest some ene sng-jested for ths inscription a ehuslo verse, which may be rendered : ?'T'tsy ?St? 1 for thtlr couatry?their eoautrr psniUed Witti trism." would have spoken th? voice of Desi ? -. . :.' ?rent ?irose the thoughts of Leo. Ue had drawn his word in obedience only ?,?*? the dictate? of duty and honor, and looking bad; In that moment of utter de? feat he we exels?ned ?with De> nes : "I f-ay that If the event hud tieeftmanifest t ?th? whole fl/orldbefore? hand.! a i'ii'.'ht Athene tonar? ?? if t-then? had any riv ?r her glory or tot bar paart or (or the a?es to come.?- But taeing the dutv ot saw nmv thai th ? eueation ? ? Ito tha uMtrament of war had been ti? erad. He rei th? ur. ? ? merican pe ?pie bad been Irrevocably established, lie felt that It ? and ?Time to diahonor by ion that pnre and ? Struggi? for cinstitutioaal r ?lit? which wnil? a em??!? hope re t I he^n loyally (ought cut by greatarmiee, led by heroic captain?, sad led bv tne patriotic sacritices of a uo'olo and reaolate people. Iio therefore r.rotaptly counaeUea bis old Seldiera to apon t!?> great country thus re. uaited by bio ?d and iron as their own and t<? Ut? and labor fur its honor ansi wehfera. His owa coniu et wa.? in accord with these .?;?.. Day by dav his example Illus? trated what bis manly words declared: " That Luiian virtue should be ?mimuI to human c damity." For Bve years he was now permitted to : t?> bis countrymen m ti"? discharge of the duties of president ol - ? tha b? t qji liities ? f citi??i and patriot. In Mato'* a.: i at of th? odo? itien of a Persian king aracho? aft01 lemons the P? rsiaa v. one th? ?wisest, another the nest just, a third thep.o-?t teiaperute, and a f? ill bravest. ]' waa the unique fertun?? M?dente of Washington Colleg? t? Ii ? ar great characters united in one ? peonie l?_liag theae mod??' but noble they saw km* with iis',i*?ue .??- pottiag a*i<? every temptation tone? hi? great buse for vulgar gain, aa they aasr him, in onteat riththa frugal earains;? aff hie per? ge?a! l ihor, f 08 -r I , listance; ss they realized h s uu ?ff u'il that remained ?.f strength an 1 life to the uurtu-o of the southern youth ia knowledge and a .. ; Bored fore?, and volume, a?.d >? ra ? I ?nr ad inte The fairer? of the right ou s ?san?e f ?r >? fought deaied mm that em I elation in which his great ?? ? in thoir happy mixture might well have af? forded a ear?lei to the strength and tbe nuid-ration o? Washington. Hut what tellure ?'?ul?! obscure that moral perfect? ? which places him as easily by the aide of ?'at have eref live I, a? hia heroicactionsmake bita the pe?r off tin? grt steel ? ,? a?? min who-s Influence on man litbei worldly suco ?s nor worldly failure can ftaTcet. '? TUs ir??t?>?'. gift th? Beg? 1????? bi?rac? Is ... tetro ???? a hoc ?. ' This moral pe.rfi ?ton. breathing the ?rery spirit of h?Chmti??faith, is no illu? si vu legend of a succeeding generation ei . ing the worth of the past. Our be? lief in it rests upon the uuanunous issai. I tii?? Baenwho lived an.I acted wi h hiui, union?? whom nothing is more coin ;?,?-,?? than the declaration that ? M was the purest and be??t man of action whose . history Las recorded, lu his whole . ?i hire to the gaze ef the world tne least fr.enely crilr-iim has never uis?-ov?r er.-.t oae single deviation from the narrow putii of rectitud?* und honor. What was strained eulogy when Mod tastiuieu aaiil off another greet soldier? ??t???? flirt "ti.s life was a hymn in priii?e ef humanity "?is if appliet to I?e the mngua?,'e of ??oner truth. No man can let h? Uff? without a feeling <f re? newed hope an?) trutt in mankind, liiere la about his exhibitions of moral excel ae same nuality of power in reserve taut aiar?? htm as a. soldier, lie never i?. led t<> come up to thA full requirements of any situut ,?u, and in? OOB?ttet coininu i the impressi,,? that netniug ci.uld arise to which he would no found unequal. IIis every aottou went stramm to tbe mark Without ageet?tion or display. It cost him .wie ettort to be good or ur?-it. ile waa not conscious that be was exceptional in either wnv, ami :.e die?! into that as he hud I ?eon sometimes ?, blamed, so he bad uaoften been too highly pr.?:-- i. Much is th? holy simplicity of the noblest mmds. Such was the puro and lofty man. m WBOM we see the perfect union of Christi?? virtue and old liom ? mt_hood, iiis ftoodaeae makes us love his treat ae-a, and tti? tua chiatton which this mat?ale? oaiubiaulioa exorta is itself a syaijttem and a source m ua of moral health. As long as oar people truly love and venerate him there will remain in them a principle of iro?d. for all the stupendous wealth and ???.??er wnich in the last thirty years have lifted theae States to foremost rank among the nations ot tbe earth are less a bubieci for Pride than thia une heroic man thu human product ot our country aud Ute in atitut?us, IsihfthlsfMan tun ant, the?? teach to?4 rations yet unborn theeele??*ooe of h?sUfsf I?et it stand, not as a record of civil etnie, btitea a p?rp*tnal itroteet afraiaet ouat? er? is low aad sordid in our private ana publie object*: Let it stand ft! a memorial ef personal honor that never brooked ? stsia.of kaigbtlv valor without thought of ?elf. of far-reaching militory genius unsod ?d by ambiti??, nt heroic constancy from wb-e'i no <??;?d of Tii.?f*rtu;i?> con'.?I ever bi.iethe ee,t.H?f duty I Let it atand for reproof and cassure if oor people snail ev-r ?ink below the atawiard? of tlieir fathers: I,?*t it atand tor patriotic faope and ahoer if amar of natieaal gloom ami r ?ball everdawB upon our country. 1 el t ?rand as tbe embodiment ot e brav? and virtuous people'? ideal ?ader! l>t it star?! as a great publie act of tuank-givin? an I praise for that it pleased Almighty? rod to bestow upon thrs? southern States a man so forra?'?! to reflect Hie attributes ot power, majesty, and g?3sj?lnoseI [??ubltib.?*! by r?*??**??.! foln ib?:?'? ?Umorl-1 Chant. eh? climb??! liar* sign??! soon. bq4 ia??? Th? muster ?I her h-m?? surveyed, B?w dwlnd'esl ars ber armi?? *!?*,? B?Bierta'-?lar ?e?? thsm ?vrayed I Columbia's ?utely!??!* grew ?im: Ot all tb? Best? mat joined and roogni, Bow few romain I .?till t? tae rim A hand o? ?r?ltl?t#. el?*? I iwroug?tl Sat e??.?? to ?tsvb lb? raptur?? Mill Of tht??? wh? yol their h-mse m?y gr???? For th??? th? aaOva laa I is ?Ml ; launiiy tiiey dwolt Now ?li? view? rhlidles- wi low? weeplBg S a,ter??! In ?? ? winding group. A*.??tg lo? gravas where tS?r ?ro ?leeping? 1 b? ?eu?, iu? liuenan la ?( ber iroop. Ne marti?! strain! itisi r??'? eong Th? warnen? dire? can overwhelm, . Bsttitj-?ytiii?? ttielrsoog tehee? ?er Kreedru? wl t*spr*??d _*SbTBTB? ?be nu?r? their ?:,?.????.???!.!? bland??!, gMBBstlea: "So t?i i?ru???-?f ''??*? Dui. cell t r rang ?ant*? ? ???? mi tsars ? Th? siri'?? ol ?ltat*e Is euded.'' "W?!! do the pa?-'?".? ?.?-!??!" K?eis.ioj?u ?rae rii;>t iMMVBal malo, w Wae Mime ta ? ??????? W toy l?l h bou?'?'er IS! Il???* wu-lsl?t Let g*??r<ju? beats de? ? hail and room wr a tin*??? teal ? ufiy nature t?v?; Thy warriors sIumu ei mg In the t.? ub Will itiiew I oeaal tli?lr llndred br???, l>t g?e?rou? ban? -whil? gracious mou?.*? ?peat? leader word??ewt*l blcsts???? gir? leali the dead, Irern ail thai lire. Wt.ether ireiu Sort.? er Uouta. ?* While ta??? the living mourn and pra-s? G reti this r ?'.1 ?wexl liv?ray grav?, Be mt?? a el?ar?r vm ? u? rat?? ih? only ?.nig that ha?..r .t?t??. A prou I chant, an Beret! psalm ?lung as Ui?y fall by uiy lota tx>yo-~ ?t ? trtttera l'ine I my ?ouUiorn l'elmi UoUi t? , a? ti?r??? mil. from cholo?? Th? ?ict?ra?to?e tl;e ?liiatng i-rewn, ? he ?a >.pii-ticl shsre? IB? gr*?en'i?g grave. Xa. libs I th? glory e?-u ??>" iM ?t???? lei aio uiy ?lauta down I " To thy definier?. North an 1 ?tanta. Pour, like ii*ee**t. th?evaei In thy ?oui '!?? ?>?*? ti b- th?re ? dronghi ?G words tii?i Ilk? the lightning ?hlus? What?? r the .-ause they bled 1er, ail? Or right er wrong-at! bratoly fought ffl??? m me ? .- ??? fall, ( re???, sins, and amia?BBMC ar? naught I ? ?rus? : thy Ugni ??' tr!?ry ????G Sha l fad? wiui? ? ?I ta m me ???? la??, Thy (antsgs .:r?\fn upon th? Maat, Thy ilrtui? I.?? torever I " Coliimh'? up?.?, and i!..?toward, mut?, QaeaS iron? u ?, highest taati of ?Ur O't 11? l??d whero ???????.1 the trull Per tsars lis? watered Liberty I An I new her ?al faee .?heel (ul ?t-mwa? ? ?? nal wuuud tasi yawnod befare A 1 ??!. a purified .alt? elee?. " I and! who*? emlanled altor?, Eternal pea>-e ?xhs i?tl?s? ? ??. A Palon ??:?????4 ??.nolo??? ? w*uiil that yawned *?*farala l'In? 1 nii?i_??lt<?? nr ma a a. a ?prlng Bail?4 ?ir???! the ??t?1? land, Thi? Moiherlau ? uf eur?, Ani geaUy Bang e er 11?--*??d hand Hright oaranal? of fl?w,?ra Arts?, fair Motborlaad, sti*<*rt??d, Ani do It use? BON the bet! s?, lure ????? iti? .-in .Iran ot thy prtla? ?1;? autoige.Uu tleaJ. Bous et thy ,-orrow und thy pride, Love baih m? Citar ? ine For tl..?ss win nt thy ltd? Au<l bstlletl fer thy finis. Act ?mil*. ??> metti?!, iliro'thy Mara? Ufi op tl?i?e ??ree nati ne? ??.? premia? uf th? liarv<*?t Tears l'tioy Uied le win 1er tho?. Th?7 s- wat la flii'y?and the eoe! Waa ??; ? ?u imi aod piata; It-???- BOW*d In ii??er?un .iilit tl lost? u? h ?.-tili-hih???) to maintain. O-r? tuo rsjtu?* of ?iretigtu long tried lu ??li il.'.i, 1- 1 rust; Durati ? Brighi ?ream uf ?'?lui??? prtyl? ???a,.???,? by Su ???nul Uuht. O. aleepe?, ?enea tne ripen?? graia ' Ita ri-ft ab-adenre >??'.?*. i Il w* furi;??! the Ml ss* paio \ Wlueh pio'ifhal t???*?? hiet?ly field?; ??? ?? mir ih? lint-ring th??,??? which O?i. Nu ?? ?on y ???? toaCft, li ? iw?pi away lifte dead '.???-? tcaiad njirm wiu?l'? brunir?. The above yem was n?? I ??? the last Confedo?) rate u?.norial tiiy of . tlint.i. I L ???ti plaint, catAirh, rhwB itl?m,eU Iloed'i IfiBfarlHa. wbu-h I? pemllar t? lueif. limi'* 8ar??p?rtl!? ??.:?! by druggist?, gl; ??? torti. l-reBBIII" by ?'. ?. ???<1 A C?.,Lowell, 100 Doses Ono Dollar DJJJUITtaTt? ]-\RS. 8TAKKE ft KEAN, DENTISTS, 123 ?as; H road, corner Retond atreet. mr S*--* w m. WADE, DK.NTI9T. n*y ?S-?t? Til lAST t'haski.iv sthiit. I\K. W. WY?HE Davis, ?ESTIST, ?UM uAWt MAIN ITBBBT. rsp rr-Smj JOHN MAUO.NT, LiCNIIST. formen; ot MTuyt A Mahooy. Ornea tit Maia ?ir??!, oeiWMa 9'xth aal ????p??, Hicuaibud. Va oiiea Aourt treaal ?i. ? wir. u. ]as7-?od DUS. GEO-OE B. ft C-AllLES l. ITBBL, T)gN ; FKANK R. STgEL,!) U. s., M. P., AwUlaat. 7.3 MAIN STKBB-, UlCUiiUMJJ, TA. my l*-oo?l _ ? K, J. W. _GGL_8T0M, DENTIST. r?J7 BAffl MAIN ?TBBBT. sgTSok ?????, ??a ?utkocs oxidb oas. Hatlsfacttoa g-araut???.. 1 ?en y y ?er?1 ?? pe? ne?.-?, ? rS-wASul? rr.ammnjAU A CARD. Vultore lo the L?e car??eoiee ?r? Invited to rail at CBAIiHSf. WIN9T0.1 A CO.??. Math 1 ani Maio sir???*?, lad ??? tie maguiBcMt Itf? ! ilze erieiUiar? [??nralt of General tt. T. L???a ? mull realistic ill????? of our Old Ctiuini.? i-r. _ IUT "-***1? . NOTICE.?WE HAVE THIS HAY ??Id our PAPCR-HANOlwO BClItt?* ?l No. IM north Ninth ?tr?-! aad tht too* will thereof U !'t(YO!t D_V???. ?oft ??lene, to bla aU due ua VV b. AU,i.\ A CO. fUfrrr'og ? th? she??, I l.wg lo Inform my frirai? ao : the pub.?.? ceunrall* that I ?-all ?n d.ict the l'Ar'i'K.HAMI?N? BI?SINB*ifi In all '.u branch?? ?t tl?? ?be?? So,, ao 1 ? a ?her? el thalr patrcuage. Hr. W. K. Allan will remata with ui?, out will be pie?? d to ?err? hi? tri????, H??peu'.fullr, my -?-3?? fBYOB DAVIS. ??so? >???. ??a. TUB! KKCEIVED.ANOTREB In? voice or ?oolong qunpowoii axd ?? UI.13U BKBAJ-FA?i G Ta? tar I* McCABTHT * KAY * K. 1.1 ? ?. tJMMMKt. ?-I_-TB?, ?W. Q .^????^:???^????5?? ?nO\J\J LA*? U?, ]um ernvad per ?lotiMr Alfred Kewa, tor aale iow fr??? rinn. Ai?, bi ??och fi?? itoeeudal? ?asi latnomd : rOrtiMd c?_eoi, calcio?! t ??ter. rirtvBri?*?, _c l :???- Urouud Mora ?eolia Laal Flertar. ?? ? out WAh-BB ?lH>*tB. ?IDOOK AND JOB WORK NEATLT 1JJ a__WU_U?.At iu J>_i>AT_t;a_ric tfrotoot Mie ?t???? tVeoB Malerte? Il I? passini? t? da ma arata la ngleas ?at ?oaatrr wher? mlasrr? l? BBoalrH? ?od wOOTO ih? v*rlaair. tarara walea tt tmit*?? s**om? raeft metri formila?!? typ*?. Th? Innstiui popo* Isriiy ef Ho-VMter? Biamaek Bitter? W v?rr?* largatr atirteateBi? io tu? fad ef Ite *iB<eaey ae a remedy far ????? Md fever, ?.iil-xj.remutenta, and a? ? prereaiiT? nt Ih? varto?ia firm? of m?? ??rial di?????. Ir? the?? portion* of ttxa Weal a*4 St? .th where .-on;.?at?'? ?f ttil? ? at UT? Bf?vaiL ai.d I?, the I rop c*, it ?? partt.-iiarly ??*??*4 for th? p?n?x*tl?? lana???-? whlra It ???tri?, aast II ha? (???? very wl!e>y a t???. --1 a? a ?????Ota?? for tb? ??anger??? aad .?oropsra' ??Ir leeTeetlf? ? Itami?, sulpaaie at ?uiala?. Iti,?t-*i*ne h?v? ???? i??h sn??! Ik? Imi ? foni?)? IU m??*-)?*, ar.d tb* ?mpBailc prof?-?: .a endortmm??? which H has raxMivM ha?? add? 1 te th? rapale?? Uon it Ivas Oetelaed ?t boia?? ani ?Hm?,?, ? s ? w.ras? A. H?tzleb's Sons, SU) east Broad street Antlidpatlat th? pressa?:? ?f ? fnet ammy at our'-Onu try patrons dirlng th? preeaal we??, w? hav? mad? ?i?e -si ?t. r.? to r??l?*4.a oe*T Mock tn ?vary depart.?.tint We offer BBS friend? ? hearty ?-?t???*??? aast prom!?? to put forth a dtsri'sv of Sargal?? tae? wUl helo lo ruai? itt?ir visit ? pleaaaru memery? THIS WEKK WI WILL SELL M?rrtm?e Print? ?I ?<r a yerd; (hole? ('hai,???, ??t desi ???. st Sa, ; Pial?!, ? berk?*), asi sirte* i Mustia? al ka ; Andro?o,>ggin l'iea? he-i Cotloa al ??<??, ; laogdoa ??. O ii i -? ?Ja ; I1erk?l?r ?????-?????p Cembtrte a?. | 10-1 Bletvibed Sheeliug i?ue ol the b**t-kBO*0 br?n'i?- J?c ; Full yard-wi.l? ?tofVF.oti'-.ed Has bai C?*?*? aa * - : FttU-wlilta im*rt<-sn s?;!?,?? at ? , aine Zephyr Uinghain?, ?????? sty???, U** HO?li BY I HOHIEBY I A ru?rsete? fre-r 'is mean? ?om-'hing. We defy purckasar or competitor to mak? ? Just osa?? plalat ?four f stlur? to mak? g?xd ???ry ?las?? ment we pnbilsn. Not?: We (arante? our r*Mt-Rle?*S ltr??la?-f to h? stalnltHe aie<\ ?. htidreu'a rest BlanB, eo?#red Mam?, 10?, s L?di??' Ka?tn? k, '.ver? I ???-??, 1*??? ? Ladle? and t fcddren's last His. k Kibtavl Hooe, full regular, tbe ', Ladle?'aad vhdd?n'a Ka?t-!U?ck risia \tamt\ full r?g ?Iar, '.f??. : Lad!.??' ss I < h'iMi ?n? rast-Bis? ?, spllreal h?OlB> glessy D?t?h,4 : Meu ? faat-Bla.? -??-?s, r?gul?r mala. SV\ coiwF.rsi cobsf/mi This 1e one of o ir fat-orl?.? d? part m? ??? Wo keep all of th? ben known faithful style?- Wae? ner'? lie?Uh sud Coralin? ; Tborssoa'? Olovs?. Kltllug ; Plerr? Putol?. ? BSleBsOBSi 1'. ?. : ????. man's 1'. ?.; Sylvie,.. 11. aud ?ther c?l*M?aU4 m al ?a \? ? t:??? also a .?"p?!'????'s o, lantlty of Jobo In Vreiic h-w?v?n ani toma??! ? r.akee, wklob ?? cau ??!> aia Ulti? abo?? half va:.?o. BLACK DBssPKKI IBI Be ben?? can gt?e k?*:?r -?lu? tnaa w? la ttiht Boa W? have upward? of twer.ty-flra style? ol Plain Neta, l?otta.l, sir!;??. I, and Ki..u?d !*???, ranging from IBS ? ?.rd upward. W? barm also ? choice lin? ef u?rrt>w Elaca Lac?? for Sa* labi ig. UIBBONS ANI-) VELVET FIBBONa Wa ha?a kept tiri? Ini the beet Votre? ftlt? bon? thls?ea.t!i. A- k f. r 'he <i. K. whl? h I? ??. MrteS tt? inr other. <?.ir i?r?tx?n ?tool I? t_? best we bave ?ver Uni, ?... 1 ftiott are Wwer. MATTINGS AND OIL-CLOTITS. Weeffer all rfoir White aad ISiwy Menta??? thai weie toriaailr is. I1?. it%, sud IB??, lor M ? pi??.?*, ?-?????????? ? .? I A fr??u i?ii'i?iy ??1 Oil c'loiti?, la o*w patter??), recently op???*?!. UMMiELLAS! rARASOI-9 I RvorybMy wsnu ? Meal I tnhrella W? Mil tho Justlyreiitwn??,; - tal warraal ' both frani? ???? ?o?rr f r Iwalv? ? > ??? liier ijiiallty, almost ai g??1, but tti?ap?n> j guaraaleed fur ?U -lOiilL*. OLOVEB AND MITTH. Out assort p? ?ir is tri'-r?? ?????.??1??? ?hat A : l'?ir<t-M? Mitt, with giore, no ?l lu eeam, I ? ?*. per pair. j-White goods t white goodb i 1 ?Ae ihfiw ???ry ?arte'y aa i irai? of t-'.eta and Hb?ev atoiltaa.ha ? .? ii ? ?? eipie?ny raM tb ibeaisort'ran4t.i l?-msii n?d, l'ialu. lu??J, Sot Km/ roi Irred Pleuiiriage W?? tian?? alto ? ini <?? a??? ? uiient of Neaaaata ef U ?ii?cool?, rftk? a-.?Milt oi MB below U?Ir value. ELACK QOODS I BLACK HILKfl I A ip!<mt1!d ???orlment of feehmer???, t-l?ir-l ettae. Sanes, Ua;l??ee, .N,im'?-V?IIiu|S, and no? taire ; Baraft?, Faille I rntvalee, ??reiteralo??, baila Ducho???, HI?datu??, a_l atervrllleui. A. Mzler's Sons, SIB east Broad street. (f.yfV?tl ThalhimerBros/ GKEETING ?o Our Visitors. Our ?-'.ty will be crowded Ihla w??? ?al? ?Hilton?, to all of whita we ??tend a ?xisdlat welcome and an tur uuon te vliii our ??? eatablUhmant, aasurtng all th? oio?t polite atua tloa. ae wall aa th? ? ? ?.?.??? bargain? u haa erar bee ri our pleasure to preeoni to you. Our ?to:? are brimful ot the _?_Ml erri? ot Dry Good?, m arieti al pries? te I?dt_? ran ? ? pur????? of ua Pri?:?? ar? not higher, bat en the coohrair ?hew/ are lower thaa *v?r fer eh e moot ont,. We bare a large forse of sal ?people a?I an prepared for the r?h. Oo aot wall, bal ? at once and ??cur? y?. or Ui y Goods ?t the I price? at THALHIMER BROS*., F1?TB AND BRO.Mj STB lay M-WAF-J OUR VISITING FRIENDS are fcasjfcej ajjjajjB_! Bj try ?m _aa___| MARITANA, RUSTIC, itti ZEIL?KA TOBACCOS r?r?a_efla?el tTUCCBBD OtlKW hhttsDA I a-wentee yea ?MB Bao tl end eft?? ae ?th? M fut-e. W. T. H am.?KB, ?y r?? Mai .fa-turec. __MI Mina -? srovB? ah? banubb. J.W.AXDERSOJi'tCO., 8S0 Main Street, Kit?BOND, VA_ h?MfttggJ? Steves, lUagw, mi MiKentWe ITJI, MBIT IKON. AKD JArAMMgD WAa_. CBOCBBhit *?-SHiAwfTABB. ????_?*0??1 IglHB aJBB_M _, AJVwattnoWkmtmVmt