OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, May 30, 1890, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1890-05-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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sr Tin: r/snnir ro.v/???.
Th? ???.? OISPATCn Is 4e1!v*r?xJ 10 ??*>
arriben? at Mirer* Cixrs per week, ;-r.y?Me to
Or carrier weeliy. Ballad at IS per anautu.
S." for Mi months, |?.*0 for tliree minala?; tOe.
far on? metili?.
TTmSKMI WBKKT.T PlSTATcriat St per an
Bum. or tl tor sn mouth?.
The WKKKLY DlftPATCB at 11 per anautn.
TtmSlMDAY PISPATCU MBUl per aaunm,
or Ha for sis ?????.???.
? iption? la all raima psyabt? la advance,
?nd no paper continued ?'tor BM espirati*? ol
tt* tire* paid for. Send posl-neje* inooet
crder, .-be-k, or registered batter. I urren-y
?eut t.y ???11 will )?* ai gbS r?k of ??????.1??.
eubttciibers wishing ihelr j^v;-<!T1r? changed
must give their gtM a? well *s Ui. ir III piit
?8ite. Dami,?!? copies fre?.
AiivEKTisii?; B?ta*.
BAU I? ' I
I tin??. ... .t M
ttlme? .I 1 no
ttiBies... . .t 1 '?
?time? .t I 7?
?Slimes.....I 5 ?
1 Biceth .I ? ?)
Smooth?.?,?. I-? oj
Heading a.ile. in reading-matter type, flr?
tt??? or It??*, |1 ; In aonpa. I
Card of rate? for mor? vate fu?Cane! on ap
All leiten and ?e'efre-cs must be addMsee!
V'TUI l'i?l ?NY.
?* ? lei tx>mniuiiicaiUiui will not t? to?
Sur? ly it was nn Inspiring Bpi
th.-it grand turn "it <?( ?
aaany one I a-arm? d, the
? ? ag the
Bii.itk?? of ?\ ??,? :?. all tru Igiag al
tnucL j ? and prob ibly in
?jiativ ? to do 1?"???G to
the mcni'.r ? who made
op tl?.? ? 'knew 1
? rofthe ? - in the
trying time? tl it proved Liu great ? they
??le w Lim in re tborooghly than any
ethers li??e ? ?? r kr they
I ! linn, Hey t??\< Tt 1 linn, tln-v
arerai ato the etsMaSl ex.
tent of hum-in ?? ?iii". Henos their ap
*sreotation of tb?- epproptmteneae of a
s ' kam in
I the mein ry o? the
? : agi iu in th"
c ?mradeihtp of tin tr old f? llowi inarm?, lo
?L???.und of the st??jT?ng mosie of their
ftghting days, in 1 ? atoa! parp?se
t had gather? -1 the They
w??. ? mi 1 iai e bead of bes ?ee snd patriota,
feie? asBjr tshey 1?? hortorod end an fat ??
l? ? ? ? ? ? ?red/or, by tb?? :
of tin Bout-bland, I r whicfa they gave .?a
Well, t'? Isa ;.sot has beesias?
ve.le l. the < I n beea d ?
G layad h ?. el ? ed, and tiro ?? ?
ni ia still survives. It is ? ? tv ell
northern n?"?? pevera have B t. I
tempi rs I test? fui in
their remarks liuilBg th* leal Breekoroo
a? the Kew '? ? ? ' '. whieb exj .
ttaelf yeeterd ly a? follows:
Bosaeof u eont?*ym))i?orarieB are trying
to-tOmkotfaocountry believethata monu?
ment t I disloyalty to theTJnion.
Jf their ??L, ict is to make pol
???it of tbe ? ? ? ? itb the dig?
nity oi ? are honestly
timid they ?.
No on?cea travw through ilu.t section
witbon preeeed by the tact that
?I tier by
tonds ? tal, and manofao
? I tractive.
While ai*r? .-?? ? ? ???? ruinent
? ..??,-?? t uiesau?! a
Week ?in??. The weak one La* bwn re
i nrth corner etoao fi now
as etrong se the other 11
'"'?tw?-pn th*
?K" t ?! :? th BS L. ! W??' 11 tl
and tbo Weet. It ie baaed on commercial
??, Hinl money Laakjiu.'.
W< - .ill nuotine for dollnre. theSouTh
rraer iti 1rs mini ? an 1 midstreams, tluc
West in it- ??) ? .t-ti? ll?, tt..? G. ist in ifs
l'ioni?. All parts of the country ur? iod?.
I ? t and homi g? ueous.
There is u thou and time? uk?to to bo
ffetired ut thia pr???: ?ni moment from perajw
intrigue and polit.?-ul corruption thuufroa?.
?aet-tii'tinl differ? liceo.
It tiier ? I: ul b ?? ? tn of the spirit of
?tho JawwJd in the otteranceo of tli<? radical
Motly therewtTOldhave boon Us?
t ?? of ?ligniti- iu t!i.? Quartes sa
At? tin? //errili ?II? s. With UU?iU?-?! i? ???:?1?1?
truth, there Is no ilenger to be feaare
t ?? i- 'itb's f'Ui'ii.v tr. ii-uriii;: tliu nu-uiorv
*>f its ?leid I? i?.?, bol there is di
?laager to the r> public in ?
t?.??tho is iin'iiciit. d bv the "mailed band '
?>t QrjAi und tbeaotocratic proceedings *.>f
Tho future will prove, as tho
past has pn-von, that the constitutional
i?i?t' :ii ? | ? under which \m
li? e Im- n? BBOSt d? l? riunitili supporters nt
the Kouth.
Another creat and beautiful monument
thus l.ceti added to th?? world'snieinorials of
?the n??ble?t men of earth. It i? gnat in
?that it can inspire onlv ? bought* th.it uro
??levatine?. It is beautiful in tho outlines
rf the ticure winch represents a type of
the ni"?! perfect physical aaanbtoo?.
?w.? j?,.??????. The lift? uf Lut w,? a
BBorol tiaehrBg The world must be
tho better fur bis having ttvod? He
was great in defeat as well ns in \???1????.
lie was enperiur at all limits tft ad vor?? ity.
Jlin was m??? of those rounded oharucter?
which aro tho greater tot th?? perfect hoi.
anccnf niitheirp.it!'. Theyo***hoi tho
agosto ???-??t??? Iriood toioL
low hi.? ex unple. ?1????? is no fleck imr
flaw n??r BBAdow of iii-dning anywhere
tii. rein. What more niiifht booaid is much
moro adniir.i''ly j?re?,".it? d than??? could
overhtopetowriteit tathooratiooofOolonel
Arcukr ???????? at t???? unveiling ?reebar.
?day, the whole of which wo print m m
Now for the monument to the private
???Liier and tho soltar of the Confederacy
to crown l.il'hv Hill and further ?how to
the world Unit we are BOt vet base BST?0?*gh
by any Bseooe to tor gel the Bacriflcea mudo
by our iL ad !:? . ? ?. Ihe anexsmpled brave?
ry and fortitude they displayed, tin? pure
patriotism that uuiin.itcd them iu going to
war. Roar far tho tribati to tho an who
: d aud yielded up his
life iu the rani.?
The volunte? rs nitidi? a nplctidid showing
f I proved theui?clv.-s ? ?
? "f the patriotic fires of their father?
la d.un?: honor SO superbly a* they did to
th?- tn? mory of the Houtu's great soldier.
They ?L ?.-rv?? ev? ry BB4OOJ .. ? m* tit and
?upport p. :?'li!,? .it t le? hauds,?f their eeve
ral Htstes iu thoir ?.pi-, il ? baiu'-ter as citi
reu K.liiei?. We trust thoy will novor
in any r?-1? ? ? be denied thia.
We hopa tin? eoleaaa ??r. ??? of tiie
Hell?.?? ?,? ! M ???ciiition thi- after?
Boon will ?1 ? ? , ninny of thu city.? v:?i
tor? here, at bast until TTBitut A pil?
grimage to ttu? grnves of tho thOBBBnils Ot*
Confederati?* wh.? ha in tbo ce:netary indu
cateti will b* a ItsrOaf M 1 i" the duty we
have performed and t lie privili g-e we bave
enjoyed with |*4BBBSBt tu the mi mory of
ltVhniond did herself proud yeeterday?
one of the proudest days of In r In
to providing fur the creature and other
eomfort* of her many thousands of visi?
tor?; and abe fei ?, we are sur?, that if h.-r
guests are trot hold* a? w?il pkused with Bet
Be ?* i? with them ?he has rettsou to con?
gratul?t?? hursilf.
Th?? New Vork b%ToM correspondent tele?
graphed the following on Wednesday
tti.HMOM). Va., Muy ?s. Tb* American
?flsg reigoesapri-mein Itiibuiond to-day.
Hardly a bailding on any of the promi?
nent ?duet? in thu city but what w pro
fu?.? ? ??.. ??. ? ? honor of Ibe unveiling
of tin? m< nuiiieiit to General Kol??-rt K.
l?*e. end there are Cip. ?.rate f*?j?s in
profu? ? on: boi on har liy ? building in the
eity when? the red field, the blue bare and
white star? of th?. ?..?????>.?1??_t?? the ivbtsl
lioo is displayed do I fail to hud the Stars
and 8tri|?e* eiUVr Mit willed with it or
alongside ?f It. On nearly ervry building
whi? li lioaau of a fbsg-staff the flag <?f th?
Vnioii !'"?' b - ill the gently hunt
? lia ?nut:.v;u p?t>vl? love the " bou.
4_taaff twill?'' ?t-vt ?tua* au? B-Bple ?**.
denee of e<*rop!ete loyal ty ?lo tb? cornmon
With the ?train? of mart ?al mu-?i<\ th?
?gal loi? u? g liaok an?! forth of ajngly.b?B?a?
sencn cav.tlrv orBr*era, the oiiiitemercli
ing <>i , , . battalion?, an?i r*?/|.
:iu'??le of field
artillery over toe BtTOOte, on? might
im.-igiiie ?hut Richmond waa in tb?
of anannv >?? n. Aaa maitar ?ol
fart, u ??; but the ariuy is en army of
peire uriti ia ?-?>?.?|"?..? ,1 ??t good, solld
Am??ir-ini. ?? ?? ii.it'l'---ili' l vete.
ran who h?is a retori I V ?or
viee m th?> Ooarederate arsa1
"We take |
log i.? re?? dags, and th? ? ??<? return it t>?tl.t?
? a ' ? tl? r *?? ? p 'su city
then ?-vi r ;l ? lion,"
I li?-r?? ha? l.??';i . of all
?o?? BMsraiM the old werriora, >?
? nr?? nnorgsnu 1 end l.a?-o
a: oso? ? ' be qrj ?.
I ?
l ? . ' tiom
airailar t?? tb? (?ran?! .'.? ? I
< . \,
I w?? ]"W m on tlie rot,
I ? nt? a year,
V??ll ???? we gel
ut odo bnndred ui.d
thirty unin,
Colonel Stirpar?! Call? to Arm? te I)c?tr??y
kiiiitlirru V.pa-ili-.t???. Tune?,
ami Hut inns.
Co!? ? ? '
! . ? . ?? '
Bon, al
? V,?. :
' ? been of the
1 ? ? ?-?li;? inai
t tenli ter, and ?
I have though! t
? ? ri ?? ivo tli"
l'ili In happi
! ,
: bave been
fr t.? the memory of o ?r
? r l'r.?
unity ? boeom, ???<1
perii) il ? fa
iptinga "i loving
iry ot ??
I . .....
"If t!iij favor sbonld be granted as, w?
: ib ting
tbe only man In tbia country wbo ewer
conceived the tin ?
t. L'i
The le ter waa prompted, of courre, by
? Ir?
cently in the
?:' tb >
to General ti
? ' in hia ?-?.nr
tin,? in] ? ?
, ' ? bead, an 1 I
' '
He off< red aome bread and
. thai ? e .
knife ? .r any ?i>.jo:i ;
"I n,. !," be i-aid. ns !:?>
seized at api? ? of br? aid, " and I ?
a >;:.??? \ >?
? li.? r? i ? with a
knife and -,?
ceasity ??: -. ,; h.a democratio
"I don'l think anybody want? tn go
down to 1 d in ita pr? -? nt conui
t. m, ? he eai?l roen bj mfula. " bul
In? .-i.'ii.l M that I .aro I
letter in tuo Hail and Xxpntt ?.f to
Ilio reporter thereupon w-ut ont ?? 1
boTsghA a copy of the < 'olone.'? paper, 'i bis
ia what the I
The conditi ??* <>n which the gentlemen
to whom the foregoing IH -rn addre ? 1
?ly ??'tonn ? ; ioe <?f Itiebmond
Veuld vi it th? i iipital ? . would
fco the burial ot I oi G? n? r i
itobett 1;. I,?e in the sani ;'? ive uh lus
jmg?*?hn:g form, and the Bnalenton
of all the ?Confederate inaignia, flags, coli r .
ba ? ?' ?, tun? -. l il I . ?vords,
cuu!i"U, KoUi's, mu -k? I -, commissi ?
tones, roooraa, und paraphei?alia o? every
\ Be warn? the celebrante of ? ? ??- [omet
tilori'??- that it i* insI sa ti ne now ss
nounced the solemn warnine 'bat "a
? be peopli I then paid n?> at?
tention to t: ,
wer, r;ii?., victor]
tor the l'iiit-'ii of ili-i whole I
and a subsequent rekindling of t ho princi?
ple? of discord by tbe minority "white
ruling claaa" i t > that portion of the Lou.-o
inhabited by them.
Theee principi?? will either burn on till
tl ? ?. produce another ?sii 1 war or will bo
The Aral opportunity to atamp ont tb"se
fiara? of discord i? afforded l?v th?? ?
',ves. But _ thew refuse the oppor
and fan them .-til higher they ?? ? d
? find a million patriot?
? ?_: tu put oui th'
The glorious Union will be pr?_esred ut
all costs as _'?d.
And the ou ? un wave within
it ?-?' th? glorious Mar? and Btripes.
Ami there ? going ?<? I??* unii
throughout tl?whol? length and breadth
? aion.
i In? patriotism of the ootintrv is no
longer ?? be deoeive Wry snob Bueciena end
deceptive Argumenta i? uro udv_iu:d uy
? r. i;
The iiiiin'?? imi the old rebel element
?nt in tii??
? ? : : iiv tha de?
feated traitor Lee, and \'.?? .l?. u
polluting Confederate r,: ?. In- oi
many wayaused by 1 of ti">
toprerenl the spread of patriotic r<
??ii'i sentiments, t?? hola t! ?r L
;.?. :liir nil they will, if they can. el ?
Democratic President, and then to mako
him ??? rfortn I
did l'r? -,,i- it Bue 11 th?? ooun
trrtoU?tout?eaatorn white r.ili;
when, B*ood-bj to th ? ?? ?
.?? ?? ?liticai
rights, t.? freraom, snd et rything it.
which tho war f??r the l ? ? ;ht !
To fo t c- evils is tobe wai lit d
???rain?t tbem.
To deetroy tbem in th? germ is to pre?
v??Tit tl??? bio ??!?? catastrophe? thut will fol?
low their 1 ?.
Th ? w.;?. t ? d<?troy them in the germia
to doth oaetl ited above, which
vili inak'? Richmond a place which ran l?t?
?ri??ted with BO?-r?3apeci and delight by a
The text in lnst night'?- issue ?,?;.? :
Itehold,theLord'aha? I ??{-.?ned,
that it cannot aaea-j neither hi*? ear boary,
that it e?mot heir.
An fateioi t ing ?-?-?.?Ion to It?* Held nt Anlie
Tlll??. N. G.. H-_iuniiii_:.Iiily Slh.
(C?rresp?Dilciice (?t tho Klciiuioad Dtspat-fi.l
Asa_V? it. N. ('.. Mav SB, 1
Astienile iioiu? of thoseven ?tie? in tho
United Mit?? and tho only one in the
South where ih?? Teacher?' Interstate
Summer School will be Ini <L Tho *
July lath and ends August eth.
The object ol tlie Bohool is to gin tho
ra of tin? who!? country an opporru
ttbel? ,-t ?.?.,.??? m to?an tin? beat
methods in use among them A regularly
edfactiltv of fivo instructors at
. ? ? ??!? of th? aevou sessions and
?m'h u.-tfj tor lectures on a special sub.
The faculty coasists of Dr. Thomas
M. lauut.of Spun(fiera, Mu-s., phj
?m 1 BMonce of tnaehlnj; Mi?s Mary A.
Siicr. W<teteheaier, l'a. primary Methods :
W. W. Speer, Chicago, HI., iiuiuVts and
ar.thint-tic: y. f. lJ.i.l. Loomin?tar, Mass.,
?RUgtiuge, reading, and writing; aud'Ah'x
a.'i'lir K, i'rvt?, Hyde Park, MM
graphy. F-esure IU?.?.-?.? then? is a iaculi ? of
six special teachers, one of whom will be
at each tM'Saiun during Itacout.uu-n??.?. 1 .
O. ?ai?i.i?, anperiatendent of schuole at
Athens, We., of thn faiulty will be bere,
ai ? v. d l'-t-turc's on diaoipline
and methods. Ai? n?liera are ex
P?t ted at the Aahevilleees.iiou.
AnUluipm ?? . .mi ? ????.??t.
fBdmund Tau? in New York Tribune.]
There is ono person at leaat to whom tho
visit t?> Europe of the Shah's favoi il
is a dire atflktiou, and that ia tho Persiau
Minister at Vienna, wbo has been com.
iwslled to thid a-coiumodation iu the lega?
tion for the Sultana and her suite of twen?
ty pttrioua--gentlemen, latin??, and s?r?
vante ot both ?exea. The 1?
onlv a amali bouse, the unlu?; ? Miniate?
and hie faiiiilv ami attendant* \?, ?.,, ?
to eneamp iu the garrets. The Suiia^u'?
?t?iMrii^piHe?) the tune praying, howling
?roaming, amokinji, and drinking coHee
until ?he wm pioaounccd t?> be ?ut of
?Unger, as tin ? were uot allowed to nuit
tbo hot?? wh,]? ahi? wa* ill.
If yoo er? melaiichoir or down with th?? ?im
g?u ased ?_i_a._ um _?u?U
ttegr? WaettS nelng App*?1nt?d In ?h?
rteee el wTTeias 3ico-Two
? rase ?*??????
?r rr-spoBilenc? of the Ti:cbmond Plipstra.1
Nonrona. La.
Quite a deparftir?, ?? ? ? for tiie ?
wi: h ?ne or two excep
... ? filled
. now the w
va way U? ?
! men v,' ?? hnve
? of the : to
Urte a
? ' ih? State ?
t .luv.
r- ? ,.f white ll
and ?
pleoee ever sioce tl
tion went in ar ! -?
vorke ? * ? herd
Th? negro T" led ^
'j ..i ' .?
eountv,] ? ,! ?
? ? ?' '
,i beai 11 ? ''-? but **'-*
? ??? city ?? <".? ' ' "
da?,- and very little
inks, and puLlm oBCOS
bcint; ?'
Atlantic and I??
mode .
Iron! ,r
. : uair
. ?' ? ?. - ?
,t of t:..? y ..
I last night until the first of tho
r?r>( . ? ? ?
r nil to
; .ti of
m tii?- ?
('. A. <..
? ?.?. A numb? r of i:
; ? the elopers.
entire ? .- oik Council of tho Vir.
n ? ompsny the ?1? legatee in
? ? Btate
? ?
lered a
that city.
pt????? c
The United Petrel is
now c . .? ..
bhe will pro
arines of ??
1".? im rial ).
where ihe Oread Army ?i tue Bepublio
The "Orlf-inal Packs??" Qoeetlwo fat*'
He Bolldlog Billa?He *?e?iion T<b>?Oot?
fjiy lelegrepn tome Dlspatca.!
V?'acviv^t"". ' Mn motion of Mr.
S r it was ord? red that fto-i
being Docoration-day) the adjoui
to-day shall I ? ; I W I y next, nn
..?? it Suturi '\ ' "if",- d
Ly .Mr. :
Mr. Teller introdi I ,: joint
and ?.r.l? red ?
mined policy? f the United States G
gold snd silver as full
legal tender money, under the rat:
? risking ? ? ? or which
by the 1 ?
I mono or acting iu accord witbothl r
The Semite liill subjecting iti:
I t . t he pv ? ; ions of the iawsot t he
several stu?? ? taken ?
? ? . the f? llowins su' ttitute
: ?? .Mr. flray to
. 6 'tu th?? Judiciary (
That f??.-' lented, di-1 ilie 1, or other ?r.tuxi
cating liqu r?? lr.it,-t? rr. ! as ari uri
, .?.? or hri'.t .-it into |
ry from e point or plac ? " :?
BU? h ?Si.?:?; ...- I'? tr ? ? for D
tion, or salo t1 1 not be
exempt, nor shall the owner or per
?? ?.?? ? ? 'i thert "t Le ?
from the operation of thn laws of or
? guletion, control, ????-??, or taxing
power ?,f such state or Territory, afl
or applicable to all other like property bv
rifiBUch liquors Lein;? m tue origi?
nal packages of importation or transport t
tiooae huhjucta ot interstate or lorei^u
Mr. ( i ray's amcridtnent. was agreed to?
u f Ilo ws:
ickburn, Cell, Cockrell,
r?ili|tiitt, Cullom, Dolph, Gray, Barris,
of Neveda, ' Uitobell, .'?
Payne, Pugh, s..".\.-r. Bpooner. S'linr??,
Btewert, Sn ? . 1 ? r, Walthall,
V?;? 1,1.um, end
. ? len, Alii? t, Bato.Blair,
Blodgett, C '!?", i
Georg??, It '..r, Ingalla,Moody,MorriLt,Pad?
dock, Plumb, r .. : ?. iman, \?
?? ?leon of]
Mr. Vest moved to amend the su'
. ipt 1 by maki ? ii apply :
beef, v? a1, mut! ?. lamb, and poi .
argued tl at i! the b 11 wat t" become a lew
iid not be connriesl to Intoxicating
i.'n Mr. Vest'i ?iroendment?y as s, nays
89 ?.the a?rii i rs being v;
?'all, .Y -, Stewart, ?ml
NO quorum ?
withdrew his ?b'mnnd for tho
yeai und nays ?.ml his smendm
I t'l.
Mr. Wilson, of Iown. offered a substitute
fir Mr. ? ? at, proridii
I into any I
ritory for use, consul
shall, on their arrivrd, l??? suojed to the
ti,?, lews of ouch
? I in th?? ??
?? its poli??.? ? , : ihall not I??? ex.
empt there.:? ? | ? . ' 11???'G being
introduced in the %. Mr.
Wilson's rubstitutewes adopt
nava, 90.
The Lili wMthenparafili yoss. 8! ;
It reads: That aU fermentod, d
or other Intoxicating liquors or liquids
transported into soy state or Territory for
u .??, eoneumption, ?a???, er ploralo sh.ill, oo
arrivai in such sum t'r Territory or re.
illumini: tin rein, he BUbJect to the?
tion an?! effect of the Laws of such Btate or
Territory anacted m uh? ? ?>:? reise o? ,
powers tut ? . p? extent riti?! in th?
mann? as though such liquore or !
In I beam pr ?du ed in so? ? Btate or Terri
tory, aad shall not be exempt therefrom
! ? 1 therein in
ti:?? original ; Oth? rwi-;e.
Tho title waeeo-eaded, on moti.? of Mr.
Wilson, of Iowa, so as to read; "Abili to
liiiiit the effect oi -
-.md with for?.iga
couutr,??? un?.m tin cae?
The river and harbor appi?opriatioa bill
wa? recivedi.-oiu!he ll, u??? and referred
to the Committee on Commori
aoative isaaion. a^oorned till Monday.
House of Ht pr. ?rutante?.
Mr. llowell gave? no*Hoe that he would
Tui'Hiluy next u?k the li
the McUuftic-Turpin contesi !
c<t?e. The Iloti, e then went into L
? the Who?? ? Mr. Borrows in thu
chair) on the public building bills.
The special ord?r betting apart a day for
the consideration of meaeurt s of this cha
providee tint tho bule bo taken ap
accerding to the direction of the Commit
toe oa I'ublic building? und Ground?.
Mr. Mills inquired what that direction
Mr. Milliken. of Main??, replied that, re?
gard i nu tlm l.iHs poiiti-allv, two Rep?bli?
cas) hills would be ?--tiled Up and then one
lie.-ri. >eratio MIL Tliis was about the pro?
portion ef Jo-publican and Dernucratio
measures on the r*alen?lar.
Mr. Mills thought this arran'/ement un?
fair and tinti the comuni tee ohould aller
niite between the two si
Th?? find bill called ap was ono intro
by Mr. atiHikeo ior the ?
a t.ubhc building at Bar Harbor at a cost
of *7J.tm
Mr. Kdmunds. of Virginia, "poured out
his tale of woe." When BO first as
(Onpress he had introduce?! a bill for a
biiildiu..' ut Koanoke, aud had presaed it
befor? the committee, and received gra?
cious promises; but, alas, they were only
promise? to the ear. To-day he found him.
eeli m the position of the Biblical animal
winch fell bet ween two bale? ,,? hay. Hi?
con?!.tuent? wanted to know why'he was
noini thecity of liichrriind t., ?jfo honor
to the grtritt Le?, aud be w.?uld hav
there but for the fact that ?lay bet?re yes.
terdty Mr. Milliken had told him that hi?
Koanoke bill would unquestionably be
called up to-day. But where was it t And
I ' ? he was roisMAir the glorious old Con
ft d? rat.? tiuiti in ltichuiond oo the state?
ment of the Chairman. | l*vughter.]
The bar harbor bill e*?lled out a g?jud
?*?\ nt ct-itM-.ni. rmt It was fJnelly Lid
Mat favorably. ?? "?* ?b"? yn"
? Minn..?S0.fJ2?:M?.
KMQ? Milvmnkee. Wia..jBcr??as ng the
ingetcan. O
;t_r..ooo; hi
D 'fise.??! bt. Aibons. \i
?'?' ?. ?A7.?,(?V?: S"r???: . \,.,
?neatr?ce'Neb. k?.ty.
I-... tfO?.OOt.. Roek IsUnd. ?li..
bntwP-'n? "
fiend. Ind-, ^000: Far?;
, ??*)IK? N?-w? nr_-.'i. N. _*..
??? ?!,,'-':.. In?!.. ?O.000: ?
? -
? ivannah. m
?; 1?? nw,
:i. Y.is., tJMMX)
**': ? ? .
? - ?mam?
mon* con-?ent tora ? ??* ???
. ! )U.h to his Ktirr.-? e and to
ricopio w ? ? ..i him
t?se on Election? had
? ?
? . ?at him ?>u ti
? - "
bui ding bill.
fix. VAil?ams, ot 0
? ol the
?r bill,
. Hi" I"'"?1, ' ;,;i" '!?"
Bt action, ?
?.i?)l?. I
Ashe\iP???? K?aw Siiiinrtian Itadlwiay?JEf
I "v>]i"
? -,? waa
lay, l>r I . liainl.pr??l
Rev 3 1. '
of tho
? .? '
. Tb?
t L . ?1 at ?
?,???. A committee bai
, : .' upon t!??? |" ? r to be
scure the ? way.
. ? tbe
. .,, rille ou theietbof
Jli.I ?.
? ?? par
with <?;? rnniz? d labor. A coni rei
, ; .airs shall
, nd 1
? mand thai th%i ? ur ax?
Crvf-Att*ottlesof c*" ' S.S. S)
* ' brely dean ? '. ? igious
Wm. 6. Loom?, S_a?r? art. La,.
cures scnoruu even
I hap scRinLA in 1-1, and ctetised my
B?/steni ' ?
bnttlM oi S. S. S. I bat ? *?>?_??
tomi sia?, C W, Win ox,
S<i.iUi.-:JZ, S. C.
Tre-i and SVin G>' ' !
free. Swift Srtciric Co., Atlanta, Gs,
Three Links In The
There are enrti? tilings that are your rlg?it to
domanti?no matter what you par f? a ?ult?
B__AB_iTTa_- l_BB_rjN. One that I? too
chenr? to te good bas no rii*l?t being ?here you
cun put your bands on It. ?Ve woaldal h.ve it
la Uio bouse. Aud l'.'t? Just ai cos*??if you're
got the ??????ami tbe reuources? to make up
fitthiunalle garniems aj it u to throw togethor a
lot of pieces of Ij pilturned taI
Tbo flnc.t worm?- in the wurid aro uothiug tut
rasa?eo miiolled.
|10 $10 |10 {10 til flu flO HO
It doesn't ??'.-d l'i? r?00l?Cttoo of tbe aideel
lnbabitantstu recall tbo tita? wbeiith?'
of gi-_t'.etiio:i ?loaning $10 suite WOO? bar? Ixuu
Uootod at a* propo?terou-?. To-day tt-o ?hopper?
m OUR IIOL'SB haven't a taint ?f ;
acntnet tbem. 'Twin confidence in U? that sot
them M&rled. It's tbeir owa approclatiun o? a
??OU'ril!NU-('!ir.AI'--iit apatia??? ?
favor. Of course If you are coming with |10 m
your baud aud $00 IJoas la your head?there'!
goiug to bo a ate h. Cotnraon censo ?till rules
the world?and th at Isn't reasouabla
You area? f.srotl the track If you expect to
find the Inferior and Indifferent i?ualiil? ottera
chow at $10. ?G1'.? hare got ?very Inch ot ex?
cellence that tang tiptrUne* and iti? fac?itU*
can buy with lb? money.
All the itylee?Sacke and Cutaway??Chariots
and Casiiuierei?from the plain black to those
$1? $10 S'.O $10 $10 $10 $10 asa
$13 $5 HI $15 13 $13 $15 V
Sui'? Iu thli gradi?ti:?aro $5 better than th?
$10 ones. No more?ne lesa That'? figured on
our it-ndard terge?, Caailm-.-rea, and Charl?te?
In brlgnt noveltlee?or p'ain black, and blue.
Lined for ?xtrrrae weaih?r or medium, POSI?
TIVE in t'OLOB. PBBFECT tn FIT. Tailors will
want to male you tbaes? ? thing for $30?other
clothiers?? much of our varle'.y ae thoy hare
they 11 atk $?0 for. Why? We dou't know.
OU- AKEdUAItANTEED AT $13. Wont you
save that difference?
$13 $15 $13 $13 $11 $15 $13 $13
$20 $20 $? I? $20 $20 $30 $?
What'? here I Another fino quali ty-in lorn?
tiorman, French, and EuglUh Che??a and
Plaide? Feather-weighU-ilIk Uped-and th?
Plain Black and til'-o TblbeU aud Beraea Full,
half, and ao lining. Cut?tack? and cuta?ars?
la th? very lateat paturaa
$.? $20 $20 $30 $- $S0 $20 $20
A. SAKS & CO.,
The Perfect Eu_it Makers,
1003 MAIN Sl'?EE'LI
he Dry Goods House!
THAT 1_?G.1_5?-?3 THE
Manufacturers of England, France, ai America
Thousands of Stuffs You Cannot See Elsewhere !
Jtwiibandb Oc-M pawnot Bum a$> c/tecS {Zf?ewnele !
??? * ?
13 THE
Entertainment wt Usefulness Derived from Passing Through It.
IIn itself a supply school
The minimum, and in many instances the surprising low prices, are all
ready when you come. ???? house knows but one price. Your
judgment as to quotiti/ and? value is not tax-id. {Special great
? Trains arc offered for the occasion of this week's festivity
in order to draw this great house into an agreeable
and at once profitable acquaintance*
All Purchases Amounting to Five Dollars and Over
Forwarded Free of All Transportation Charges
within 200 miles of this citif for 2E?? DAYS. Wherever tlicre is money
to be saved yon are to share it. Some of the pri?es run like this:
Soliti Browu Scotch Ginghams, ,?;c. a
yard ;
Shii'tiijg ( ulioocs- th??) Lc.?t?'.i'tO.
th, ijic. ;
Drosa ?inghama for G,. H, ??<1 1?., a
thirl uidirriattai tolva ;
Bo, h- BTJ BroWB Cotton, yardwide, 5ft* ;
l?:.?. Freach Chaml dea, 9}<% ;
??tifi, '.!.?'. ;
Impur oa that usually cost
1 .?. f-.r '?;c. ;
Vcrv ii:;o Trench l'rintc?l Jlu?ls l'2| end
?da ;
Oiiti.j ' 1 lannels 28 inches ?ida t??c ;
20a Striped India Mulls Ile. ;
Ytry LtandaoiBo ami now Printed Challiee
nt t? uiil ? ?-. ;
All-Wool Ireiieh Dress f?oods, double
width. 86c.?62o. is tho usual price ;
Self-Check Cream Ail-Wool Aibatross,
full double width, l?e. ;
31..U Silk-Warp Black Henrietta Cloth
7? and fc'Je. ;
Ii 15,59,
Silk Dress fleh and
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmmmmm ?
Lace Flouncing, ull bilk, ?jl.?ij quality
for .
$1.:??"? i.uality for 70c.
Such price-a as are given on hundreds
of various Laces Luve ??-?ver teen knovia
lo-inch wide
Flou na ? ?
that had been 90c.
eell f? l Ha? a yard ;
F-'mbroideriee from
?2c. to all the newest?only one hnlf
value all the way through.
See wliat you cea buy for 3, _, 5, 8,
and 10c.
Gentlemen's Four-Ply Linen Collars?
turn-down or standing?7c. Better
than you can bay elsewhere for l'-lc.
? ? makes the
One pur?
chase of 'JbC
Bfltoaa -??
per cent
under man?
ufacturer's prices. The new Koller
Trunk as weil. Every kind of Trank,
Satchel, and Hand liag.
Second Floor,
[plain or
Shoulder Capes S%4|
?? . If or what
waa $3.'J.r?, 81. .8, $1.73, etc, not a
third value.
Bog?***'e Silver Mated Spoons?plated
on nicklo silver?rj3o. a ?et for toa
and SI.'28 a art for table ?]??>??? ;
English Steel Tabla Knives and Forks,
white boat? buletercd, only SI. u a
I ' Beta, English ita?, ?_-a a set;
. orni Sii.uestone Breastpin, new
deeign, at I5_, mede to sell f?ir 25a ;
A m anutit^turer'e ?.imples of l'ino Koll
ed-1'latu Bre??tpins, latest i?utterue,
no two ulike, at ??a-?should be
60a ;
Silver an 1 Gilt Flair-I'ina, fonr loi . .
?Selling lote o? tboso ( lei man Thirablee,
celluloid-lined, at 'e., and the For?
get-.Mo-Net Stick-Tine two for 5c.
Many new thinga in tne Jewelry D??
O no of
thfi .'te.ust
in th? uni?
ted State* ^^^^^
tbo BOO piives at a time.
Black i'aillle, all h?Uv, 7f?c. ;
Printed India Silk, 69a that eell for $1
everywhere ;
Colored Satins, 19a
Auk for what you will and it'a shown
yon. Bargain pri?e or the liest,
Upwards of sixteen thou
sand volumes on sale in the
Silk Stock
-j Silke
.Jaro pnr
'' lo h a s ed
?_axi Ly
A Book Store of
Books, e Dry
(?uods Store of actaes?90 to 50 per
M .t. under publishers' price?,
j as well?all kinds?
Stationery everything.
The Milhnenj
alone haa in
its em ? io y
aixty-four peo
^^^^^^^^^^^ pia It's the
hu t department of the kind in the
.. Kvery wt#k bringe Sow De
aigns from l'arie and New York. Tha
work-room ia *i Jolir command. The
aalee-room ha? everything you could
wish or call fur.
1.7S0 piecea of a!l kinds of Plain and
Faney B-bbou?? *?re on aale this week
for ? third under usual ?_ue.
Mattings, Curtains, Bori* Clothing,
Corsets, O loves, Hosiery, Fans, and ?
thousand things.
20 Per Cent
A diecount of
on all Baby-Car?
riages. Tho beet
made. Kvery on?^^^^^^^^^^
Buy the best Befrigersto? and Iee
Box ?? the world,
triple walled, sino lined, oluurcoel filled,
dry cold-air circulatiou. Priest low.
Another Great Sale
Wo bava bought the Btook rf
.. Co., l;..?!oll, Ut ;; I
that will enable us to
ts of (?rinite Ironw?r??.
Chinaware, Glassware, Tinware, ami
Summer ilo :<? Fuiind.ii,..?? in k-, neral.
Ah the good? aro t ut ?>:i"h ex?
treme low figures, then will bo lota of
exciti-meiit as long as they last, i'leai??)
observe carefully the folLnsmg :
Ino j ? btendaooelj
Tea Sets
rated, ? '..:
in g of ."it!
I'nd s, at$1.9Sper Set. M llandsorio
Beautiful un?
der g lazed
decoxut ? ? ? ?,
Dinner Sets
?juality, consiatiug of 100 pieces, ut
. ', Um true vaino 82ii.
600 l'aii d? corated Clips and Saucers st
10c, worth moro tlian throe t;u.?.-s
the money ;
2 Crates OO dozen) fuli-eize, hand-paiut
ed Cuspadores at 22c. each ;
15 dozen Fine India Vases st ?12 each ;
1 Lot "2-quirt Granite Ironware Coffee
i'ots at lac, regular price 90c. ;
4-quarts at 75c., regular price 81.2"? ;
2-quart Granite lronwaro Seuco-i'sns at
B7a?| r?Kulad* price ?Silo.
Entire Stock of Bronzed Oruaments
will gu> at the uniform price of Ma? each.
The greatest value ever offered in Fino
100 dozen French China Plates, hartd
sotnely decorattsd, worth '?io. to Ma?
wholesale, will go st 12c. choice.
SO dozen tine Fngraved Water Bottles
with Tumbler? to ami eh at 12?o,
worth .*50c. ;
1 lot 12-iuch Comports or Cake Stantie,
cut bottom, on high stand, at 12?c
(a great bargain) ;
The stock ???? consists of 60 bsrreld flue
( ut Glassware which will be sold at
veiy, very low prices ;
20 dozen handsome Hall Lamps at $1.23
worth S2.S&
The Cohen Company,
11,13,15? AND 17 FAST BROAD ST.,
between First and Fouahee ?toeta,
Held 4 Thau
Nt. 609 BROAD
t to ?
etnt ??, an?! ?
'? ad of i
reta a
Dry Goods, X
Gentlemen s
Futn '
Fancy G
Bices Greatlu l?
.?. us.
U ?* ?rr?
Famous for I
?I W ...
W'AVI ? D. \
? t ?
\\'.\ nt?:i>.
I act!?*?. ? ? ?
W ? s
AU? y ? '
"?ole Duft'.? r '
Vf ?
'l'i. t: .
- .
r .
\\'AN ' .'. I ?
dar?? ?
ITA NT ED. < '
.> v , .
or perin ?
with UM ,
ccuren? ?
?lop. Pr.. ? rij?viuabi??.
CU*" *
_7?4-lw _ ? . -
EK.V ??Al*.?*, ?
?p?- ?? ?. -.ITU, .?* .
?*?>??1. Va,
W'AMKI), W ?1?? A>?
>* un.liuiw l ' ? '
Iti? _1.???.?1 ni?*?? * '
Voi .ir v?Art. la ? ? ? ? ?
ilrayaf?, aiti
wa?? oa da?, ?wi ?.- ?_
Ir??? of rent A. H. Li.. -??? M
ni)- l?-?i_???wim
U700L WAS u D. G??
? ??.t-?_-_.??. ?. * ???*??? ?? ;
no ? Sara?? lor ?
tura?j'l trat .
?f? au. Ui.m-tianU ?? ?
lu. U. HAL?..??
ByrVi?i? __ t-elw^u ? ?
? >
? tut t?J |r?I ?a?.? ?.f ni?.??
Ka.ail?? ' ??? I?' ?ef aio??? A-^<?^-,*'?*?
S?o?-?_ry Al*M- ???NM r A?* i?"- '?
myr-aai????*? liuau.ui.. LIA (
.!> ?.WI.?- Ai' TU1 t?^r-?. ?U!."!*6?

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