Newspaper Page Text
SOCIAL FEATURES. Jiinwr to .ht? Veterans In Sam Jones's Takrnac.e. i; IECIPTION. ????!?? Be-mlon ?n?? ?nd ITadg? G? ?^ci?tat Ion Cadet Hop, Xr. ? hcrna?cle bollato? l'fv. Sftri1 Jone? ' Bl one fourth of a nule I ? ? unii nt-??round? win ? ? a a? rvice hertlly 11 * , trog which it was de , nthin ite si t WS I !? t tDO ' ? . , -? of 1 | ?? on '..-. J. H. Win il mind ! ? .?r appa- . 1 in head. I ? -.. and ? ? ? "?AIT. ' lor it ? 11 th.-? '? 1 - - - ?. - I ? J ? ' ' : ? i . . caki ?'. ', I ... ..i.J ... ? ? ? hitch ia ' >vst. ? . of 1 ? ? ? ? I ? ? ' ? ; ? table il.-.l nt ? ?? : ion. "f the Ir? ?? ' ?a |not r ? liui ? hail last nicht, i i big 11!?'111111;.?. iti fun, _? . L'uiu ?1 ? -al CookO ? ;. ! ?- :...?.' \ ? irolina ., , ? aruig . ? ? Prfssenteil ut . bv t!;?? G - .liei ? ? rB G ?? ?*? Cet? Coi ? ' were un ?? r ? . ? . ? .?? ? 1 \. t.. ??..?'?. .?'.;' ' ..?? S. , . ? ? . Mai re '. . Lark, and J. ft. McN ?ll. I .?. i ? I.. M. C la! tin? r? - lut at! . .r.l of ? from the Qoerds, n'a ! a.- t, j??? ? ? ?? 1 by and of a of a United Btsl - ??hit?? ? -eroi) !s ? gold star, ?ibove ?, New ?ork, ot'um. ?1 ? ?'*. ? " Faithful ? ? . . ft. Dickiason mud? thepre .i.l. , ? ???? ; -iite vctrnns uf New I . .. ipvi .. I to l ? gift is io ertry ?? ?.? ?it? r t?. tii* li'arl of and it ia not national in ??? ? whit*?, Bnd re?l, ? : bt?? ?? ?? merely i bunny Flue ?'lai; that Uetar." Th? aeetimentis ex ? ' u- abt L ?? touchc-i ? . aoLl.r's L. uri, as tlir. t'f your tuein m yjur uorti? ? it ??. 11 ] n of vour ? Lred t : a in graeeful with the ? try, a--1 ?1 jiiow, and lov?i . aeotisaeait thai awakened in ? g LTWivlcst di .? ilari:;?? . -, mortal matt, and rrovero ai st? ?ou at?? tBB*?wieaa ' aud it il ?our ring. This is your ? r brave seepies u v. ?? ? ??!. anil will b?Hr te??i?n and hl?erty whtsrever ? asay ?*Arry it. lirai back t?> your north??*?? . tre,th?T co-spun?.u?. Of, Mid m UUifKi aa n. whea >our heart? ??? .'.? w.iii tender and d*vott?d ? ? ?. u.itr?? |tl4Ut\??ed to bV jM" which carry yon ^V*yo?? tuany h, uth and your glori ?, then look upoa Uiis naei und win. an u,aoir?Uii>u el iUmesfa_fi >!>? BOJ la imuur ? t aia, , ? ? ?rutiJ ,'ar, ?-1/'round ?i?? Hvnuj lilus Flaf. ii?aiu?-iaaelae;i??i*r.'' ^ neitSjraa mnart inctm. u ^?'?*,??,('?*???'?*1 Geraett?aid: led wuotiun? 1 ?cetipt tbiS .ner, which a.,w ??-rv.?? ?a hail that wa* auiblcniatn? of toe cauae to wtuuk we. mr *J*--mr.??J?*?, coo Jarate?! our Ut?*??, ont hnpe? anrt aapira ?:?t?\ our all. for f,?Ur Ion? and bitl?*r >'?*??**. J'Jija iplendid J?nner ia it? ?fining folda ??.???ks ??? tie at tin? m<?mi?nt a hngtia??!? mori? eloquent than I run co?**ttiati?|, a Tant**!??;?,, that ?neitk?? ia t"ni->i of ?',,?p, , ?ndof undru? l???"?1 f r thoaebraro men who gave their liv#>*tf??r - ?which they . wh<?n ?? Dannar ?ra t.?-i????*?<i thai we t**?? and that i-H-licf waa vital ? beerte, Da?tac that flac we tael I the bittorneee of defeat; saw nil ? ? ?w? ?>t away aftae ??? tparallch'd tor orai ?*"'' ?I - tr part nel on '.' I*, to whom l che?Tnlly which ia 4 ?I that -lilt m ;t? t in ?'..?? duet ? ? to us of tha i ou ?? liii I diahonor. I ?us Srwi aud Stripes t '?'? ?1 B?II r BSj ? to o:ir art ?Bnp'ittlnKiu ii|?>n wl? ? - ? aa ol which will prove ail I pill ?ut of ? tin w??rld ovw, end. Miae Fanny Di - - ? ' . a tbii ? trrtAvaat, ?? Vor!? veterana were ? ? . upper at t te I ' I? Kinn??? ?| |;??G"]?(|??. or Rnd ? - ? ion nt the unveiln : . . ... th? I. ? | ? I \ ? ? t ever I ? ? the ( . j. ao ? ; ing man? .i? an exquisit? Ro-wn, ? f fin a ? '.SAL. ? ' ' ' ' ? ? ? ? ' ? 1 vier, <.l viri ? ?: ite v. I , 0 .?1 ?. ?. ,0.1 ?? .. ' ; ?'. T. J . ? ?nel John '?. bere f the ? ?!r. V. ?. Cor:??. I Mr. ? ? ? ? . ? ??: ? ? , Dr. 8. ?. . .?.'?? ' ? el V. L? a, ?ir. O. R. 'Lui ?. Hon. P. t.. ? Hou. *? ? ; ??. ?, t/1 il ? ? ? ? :;. Av. ri? ?nel ?.. ?, lion. Will ???? J,. ?V J)r. .1. . . Maj - K, l!. Dr? wry 'ai ? '?' , Va i . i. W. i!. V. . H? -?lohn ? aiel, J ?r. ? ? leville, . ? ? ? . Mr. !.. M. i? ? NeW y.iriv, ! ?, ? '. i I ? I . ? S. .1. G Hurt, ?>; J'? .*?"iri* ; . lim. ??', e. Me? li, UllJ ? M. J. (j ? ??..? .? M. !.. ' ? N .M. Bl n Se? G. D. ?i? l,. W. Parker, of (i.v. mor Kicha . ? ? I Bouth C .'Inni ; i J. J?. 1 ;. u, i,i t Butnter: Mujur 11. C. ? - ? . ? arol i. Hon. .1. H. I Joseph . V ? ? V C, W. 1". Mi-. Hunt? ? Campi ell, ???? M?ht. Mu i ? .1 D. C. j Mr. Artinu? l'i? :?-fii ' Daniel, and d load .'?.? kdel laan? i? Wall ?'.?????|?????. One hundred end flfty ?r?a?tas ? . r Hall last ?!, W?_ t ? ? n partici ? ? ?? neral .'. .? - . ! J. V. li:?l rood center, and Major Willi yn M. I f T?1 ? ot, however, anj ? ? -.? . ipacity of tl '. an ?? ?-u ?1 ?. r and n llor?n??'?-"???! Rillomen. The ?ornet's-Nest Riflemen were ' ? oighl al tha r? < f V,'. ?. , oi : I ? Vlr, ?. acrly oi Charlotte, N. C, ami the repaal was un ?? of much ? A ide from a there w< Rush Smith, Robert J? in, I I ourth re i Cai olina State Guard, and Major ' - F. \ nag, Fourth ? ? State Guard -_ 1 of Char? lotte. A IM?lii?i;nl?lietl (iatlierini??. u Pr. Curry entertained Johr itoa endH tmpton, ? Joven ? ami Fowl?, ? ?-' rover ? , Senatori : ? ?:? rt M. lio ince.Hoa J. ?an? fucker, and Meeare. C. Carli Mr. lloykin?? It??ee?,?tl(?n. ? ?ave a r??(*op Fifth Maryland regi?cut, of m huh liw ??roilier ?m coluncl. Tin? Cavalry u?uui?>n. At 10 o'olook yenterdav ?ornili;? the e-v uliv bad a r?union ??? Baookoe Slip. ? ? E Lee ai.d Hiiuipton rtct-.iv??.! an a from ti? ir t?i?l sotdiere, a luaeh use aenred In the rooms ??? the Tobacoo ? :t ipeeehei ?ere made by hover? oflioert?. Tli? ludet? Honored. The ln?t> e-ir.ii at Uelvid??ro Sall ha? to tne cadets of tha Viri*intaM.htarv te waa a brilliant und ?Aeli-inan:-???.?d altair. piuiitiNr.NT e* r>rt_ Sainat_a aaitati i*?o->t awlaeal lngMnf, :ain?nfi?t oro l'api*la Maiou. l'ai'taiu Foni, aad .\i???r?. Uanua.aui, Vc?t, miou'mi, ?Arigbt, McC??? lo*. Alien, ?'???. !.?><?, Kntli.r ioorti. UtJfeo?!. K???*, Taylor. Calieli, J ?tu???. 1.1 liolt, L*wi?s Cuinuiin?. KutlBjg??, Riat-kf.-rtl, il?. Orni?, Walker. i'r??u<ibaw,, i l?y, li '?.'?*, Uardin, Hteiiart, hr?-i'i??iij. l?*vi?, l'I? Ica??i?. li-J'-i i"?, lioiiutfui, Ikilliui?. I Alkin?oii, lina?, I\t?nk<ii?bip, Kiitlor, Clark, ?tiu.?t. I? )?, ???li?. Watiim, Kluit, ?la???>w, ! Hall,'?--?, lir-fae. Law, Mayo. Mcuuir?. , Tallaieaia taci?-??on, -uj Ueariug. __O? ; Ameni the youat la?lie? will be ?????? Kaoni? ! IWe. Haiti? K??. Virgin Brock, ??uta ?'?-? I r*b?l. ???it?? Vay?sll??_Uf*untl?r ?.litrtni?e i t'amili, l-iicii ???, Annie C*?tn. Mary Lewla, ! |..rt',r Caaea, KmhIo ?nrtln, Harina i'lea?aut?, : Allea Basata*. Jownin h euuiug, ??????? Taylor, Mi,a G?????. Wat:? Taylor. Pam? Taj lor (Nee? folk. Va..) Lucr Tab?, lletti? Ji?a?. Netta Kit??, Ml ?n Bl?*, Iren? l.-iuifiiuru?. Cania < IU-*si? ? anSari. ???? Si alter, Norma ?'?)??.-, lB?Of?*nH ?iorrlv ?arri? Deiilel, Vlrfl? Cal.,l, Arti? Jobuaou, Mary Cullau, Mary Yaefey. Aiuta? Haianer. Al?ry nahm, Herta Wellfor?, 1 au?? l'i?.an???, and Julia Morton Uolliu*. li????? ? t ?.?,???:? t. The hiHtnrieal drama 1??>1>?t? Kinm?*t had an ex?filiMit tireaeiitatiou at the Theatre laat night. Mr. Frank J. AntelJotti por? liayed the tiUo rMe very dramati?allv. and Mis? llattie We?3e- as Mane ear? ti o ??haracier all U_t it demands. The Irish m?n?f?j ef Mr. John M. JUyail are a feature of ?? play. ... , . ^ Hubert Kcamet will be r??p*"-?ted to-niirht ami at aBpcc?1 Biatint* to-morrow after no?? ____?____??___ A Iteatb from tb? CollUlo? Knri?**?>r IiiowTv, who waa iajured in the colliMon on th? r-eterebuiK bridge Wed? nesday e?rea?afi died from nil injurie? yei tuiday moruiug at the Ratr**at for tha Sick. ?????????????????Ii'??''???? For wal-tul??*?, v*uui-, or let* of eaarf y ?Im-vue Ur<M*Aa?ii-i><ir la a ajtaciA?, UNVEILED. G.? antif'il rosstlre.1 ?? .not*? to th? Her? ffimmimnnt?-!) In lirons??? 'Written for the nispetca.1 (.?ley ?ft?. l*s?Vi ?* There 1? a trae Klor? aad a true _***_?_?-<*_? gtoryolSuiyde ' t'.e integniy OS principle."-/?, R. MS, Bi stM?>lN TVit?, rol! of drnm??nd flaunt of Isann-r? ! p f. m :? ? . '??*? ? -s r.s Mua ar.fl OM ? From lii.lari 1 t'lal'i and Betd aud ruer ' ,.?.,! (?old. Long ?Ir. ? e ir e .tow p????d as pa???? 'Ilia.- .1 loo fr??,? the ?a- ? Se ,1 ? 1 ?r? t . , : ?G*> ' .,' ? rrow I itt??r yeara T et a oB ' ? 1 trie, ? ?? Pure ? ; itW. ? ? ? ? ? - - . . I ? .'. lu in ?:ii we? ciu-rnd al!. ?'? in thea'nss we ?n.ed, I 1 . Onu oortolw ll blm, an I bmsom w>iit. ?.. .;.?, atid leader i oll ? tbe ac?* - ?. ?tury, glory? . : ?un. ? as long ? ? ? -????, Ur ?u:? . .eu ?.??a, Hliall ?yi ?. or, ?lAi?i>.? l.iNUSAT nonno?. I ? - - iUta ?? Koberl E. \\ m drew tb? veil 11st nei norel .* or?, ? ? - ? "?ast M Law a'l ? ? ? ?.. ?. l ? t? ? ? -s?? II And . * tears that flow. Tbei ? ' r-?: dlvlceI V. -<gi.,nysblo? lid. stanila ' I'M. y ?see in -? Army, Huuxviiie, _ [Forth? DlBpatcfa.] ???? ?*<? ateta? in? ? iTexl. Ola; ", ' ? - ! row ' ' Tyt??' ?if th" ? ili".. I, thou, ? nute ? t( tl'y nnad; A ' on l?dst I '.ead town.' Twas It i'? to sta (tt? ? M? V, . ':?!?.!, ' I ??? ' 'if?, Oi ? ? rn? Bot H .\ci Be I . t?urn ! memory d!? ?-. I , tell OT dm ?? ?- deeds, l.b ? .? iil'-'i u y '-?ini* .? - ?? ? ii leg?!! i t:.?'. In The Idol Ol Till time ., tt,.?.:. ? : ??-.-m?, M. D. Th* Kevlew ??G Our Dead. (After th? unroll.nt: Ol ta? Lee monument, May U, ? 'Twas nlclit- A lurid light Made C ? other world. Bi f r.? tho rising wia-1? tii? vapors whirled, Wild, I . ? 1.1 in tl. ?.p gulls ftlar Mar after ? tih'jne fuglUv?; th* white mora shuddered Jure igi Tb! ?Jotid! that flew. Baleo wi'h dismal flow TheB 111? iMtweeai The beding night wli irta?? ??p???? The ipil I -murmur? in the ?'i-iiowy pines, Aud SOW? Farefl, in? ? ? of sound imi A shade, in mist arrayed, Came Id UM win la a*at ??.? rlnnd, tarn, act ? : Pis mantle i-trenminsr in the n1?rt?t~his war t>io??d Shod Wit? ail? BO? ? lit hi? dusky hatid ? As dlfc-.nnt tboa II -s on our slumbers fall ii?. Bade bu oeU : '? ?waka leel regli is: ??hai:? ot'ih-i - ? Bluoibam offi Tteir it r*i The ? lues sing o'er you now. The moek-blrd I re ffi ye are laid, and round you soft aad iesr nf er year, ? l l-i'.led to rest?bui I ? ..ll you home ! " ? Went fo "li tbrotigh e inn. Twaa lille tho bo?low Of caini, u dring to th? hill?, sn.l o?r Ktgbl -ions breathed the tmm |i??' ? ton?, e.'.ent with the mean Of Wtnda, r'sdnl strains of marital muslo etc?? luto Um soul Alone Lie ? < ? drif ; - Dark, wavering rolu . - l'nc :. tfallel ar i an ruen. . i.'.o.? ru?t) ! The t,.- ? mid waved thorn on With "i , ib? dava I ' Ant ?rx! ii?!y Ihe rant? rieaert r. I misty vale, Battalloa on b?i Un dm'. ' t.arger?, Lurried pas*? An 1 m ttat vest, Dumb pagi ini melted ?? toe ita:? away e day. The form uten hi? arm Bent low in? head In griOl ibe mrstlo band lHo-1 t'i thai river's roar, which ihrcu.b th? inni Seemj bleat with cL!ilien's crying, ani ti.o moan ? if wi lows Int., Lament.u,t for th? em.? that g!ad tb? door oi boaae no mera Then near a ebani In clsrlen t ! . ?far grange, ? inga Th? morning break?, th? si aa peers ? Mia, Thou.. 1 th? city swoeps, Au l ?eau-. Binar Jehom?: Sroci ?bd. Hui."it !.. I<?e. That fame whlt li is the Indento of good deeds, \\ Bica b?ars see??! ?, rfuj.e to eternity, \\ ? LreaiL, Ilk? broa?;? to craft on sUUy sea, To prosperous haven man aspiring speeds. That feme which ?pur? mankind to noblint ? ta, Attuee? ail aims of life to one grand key, And Buratab Buch u? the tame hmspoUul.? risate, breed?? Then? Is no tu-art to-day that truth revere?, jiut Bold? i. m in ? Ml ?? rubra.-??. No taii"i bui bla luatrvas iaaa* would grace, No roll? i.u name endears. ??? UmTt ??? ??..m- ? day when, p???!on free, 'Ih? world ?. I?!? s t."n'agi?. And wh??!? are grou?...?l Upon its whitest page Time s l?roiuoDt heroes, write tbe name of le?. W. W. Lee's Weleeeae to coiuntbia, (V arch 30. : All day th? m r_y (-i?Lds huag low Alovetiit? The ?kit?? te n.t i draped In robo? of woe To w??p in ?er- pity? In pry lor jr wimadod pride, In pity bw oar peopl?. , _ . V? hile siii'-e the d.*u the wind? p?? signed 'Bound o amhltag tower aad sieepl?. Th? wreck? a| old ancesfr?l iiBdIs In all iBeir livsoisn-uess, The ruined wmitanud bla??ened walls To north.Tti bat? ??,!?? wltne-.?. Agaium U? sky tbe toppling stacks, 1? eolsmn. ssO ^edaien? ?a, Beeni. 1 ?? ,i .??? 0tt their lieaten track? Urungbo??? of tonno?? greatuosa. Each soml.r.? mart deserted seemed. The day w,?r? .j _|t and dreary, Whil? m?;. u,o?ej ?u ?? mru that dre?meJ, With fo?>u?-,..t ? Qatgng we?ry. But bark ! tuut ?udden clnai?r hear I That bum of Bumau vol??*?! Whilst etnry tvlirre. with ?bout aad <*?*G, Tbeveryai: r-j^icMl One lltUe ?... L m ?t falntlr heard ilow Ibou-.a:,??, ,??0 b?udly? Ani every ? ,a?, , u |_??aG? jj, ttirr?d And evory head bed proudly. .__,. Xalaied meu and mair??,* ?bout *'*Tle Lssl " fair matdeas ?wuM in* oborua. The cbtldrea clap bande la gU?; 1 be Ski grew? brighter 0??G u?. *Tle be I 'IU he !-th. UMt, ?,? | fa? at*MU? isuta ? Our h-arta ,mm bins, for h? ?hall be '''?" ?j,.?.ri?!en of them ?? Then Un?! :??ap fro? HJVII ? eera?* tnet 0,'ig,,* thit ramir-t. ai'nf, A ' ? .tiny in???t WL'.ii t*?,-ulug f??t To (tro tb? nero grecUnf. B? bra?? nid cSlrftala ("eme*?? .n?i hantten Wo r?ill i, ti?ar?l ol m?rhty Of ?rlne On ??.t? ?, ?? ?.? ..?? in ireli?? -.-.?be?? ?N? ?tii : ?, wftTed Owgra^asrae ?arrwr marebe?. Wben In th<? Cr-.ri'ian raj.? of f?-?ac? lil? t ??<-.-,1 wr? ? tievh??'! f irerer. ??apt. Ui.-it w?? amai ?;<?ai? ' 'ir ??t. ani vani ???.?1? a??r; ' ' . M . ?'. . ? 1. tviien 'm.?or-?. tn-> dea 1 ?ni dytnf 1 il of -hntjoia Our ???? Ixifij.-o Min Bf'??. Ah ! 'twa?. aeptea 111 ?,l?h')l'? ??? . re, .-ab? lost?yet wa ? .t ih ? it: -?.? .???? Uva ver La? Ie? "Ito "ioiitfii autl L< - i!. il. c_aaea?, M. d. THE FALLEN GRAVES. Orave? of t??n Drail In Hollywood to l?e Il?T-tratril ??-???? . wood memorial will be celebrated ' ? nev will | ? ? ? : Fitzhugh I??ic ?1.1 : ?es. ,1-r with r 1 ?I ????? M .1. V. larahal. Assistant Mar ? C. Minor, Colonel .J?.bn '?' ptain A. .1. , . ? ?? litaryinthe eity are ini ?' ? vi di b ? I ? I I Camp, and othei o -, <?n thei t riattine un Ih?? [?dies ef the Holly* : t and their . F th? ' Longatreet, Early, and ?) ? ; ? mirnmodiate ? at the ? " It. 1 im terans, | the column will mote at .">. : '?? ? ? Franklin, to 1 Tbe mi irv ? .? und eiiUr at ii II. AU C ? ? ted to join K. J Thea ha!- will report at 3,30 ; ni oi Mur; nat: ' " ; ' t,'and ?. ??. A. EL, will ? t tl 1 ; in ?. ? rr??-t d -nt of tbe N< w \ ?y, will ? I - - HBata nni! G W. P. Campbell, <->f t?:? Wsmego (Kan.) San, ? "1- . V? illiam H. [aeon, ''?a,, is ?? Mr?. J. VY. Talley in Bicha .r. "S. ? ; ?, editor and propi Kew ?t? ? Mr. C. B. Knight ! ' ? ly 1 at Dolco, Va., and v.ili uriko that tity Unir future I Mr. and Mrs. G. Keilend Mi? ' . I . ? i -.-ita of I Mr. T. J. Elliott and w'fe and Iflaa ' Mr. 1'. 11. K??.- ilex, of CM ? .,. Br ? A ?-'..root. ' ' at the corner . I and l rankli ? on. Tbe aiubulanca earn? i hai Mr. n;. 1 Hi . ?. !:. Itearlurn anil .' ? ?d Mr. and Mr*. James Boyd Pattoa, east Clef rai G. V.\ CLee, ire .lent of the Wash ii . ? prevent?d bf ..-..m at ? Mrs. Hei ry l>. C iruaaand her son Alfred, of East ' ??.. ur?? etopping ;it tlie I residence ol her I riel li, Mont .. in north 1 ifth atreet, R. T. Huston, Wi ihtaeton. I>. C.j Mra. liter, hing William, Va. ; Mr. if '??.. Va. : Miss ore, Md., ??r?) itopping , WithJ. T. VuUi'huu-lDOS eitst ilur-hull. Alderman DermanMyera and bnde nre tli?? l'i:- :.t . oi Mr. Jaeoli J Frank] Mr. Myen is pi ??f th? '? al lauk, und a broth? iwoihii ' Dr, W, E. . e atreet : M ?", (?. I!. ? Lucy nd, Mrs. G. 1'. Kiunior, of Washiuj; ? tun. I?r. William SViw Bowsn, tti?*? ?a??? ? f ths Hew , York '?: rday to : ;*i\?? hia ? per a rrap do account ot the ? r? at perai I ? uiretting c : lll'-i. IB. i?n??ay Walker had intended ?to the un? ilinir, but hi? physician t . make the turn to r - . ? ? fenei d'? health is { V? ry liad. The yaeht Trr?;?hy, Terrell, nu 1er end . pilot; Uli ;er, ol i -. arrivad at the Old Dominion dock el 8:80 A. M. ?je*. ?, A. L. Berber, of ont,"and ?jti ? eleend fur , li. t'., ut il o'? lock. ., Mary und EU te Beanies, of Lex. in^tiiu, are tlie n<?ta of Mr. rr?"-t to ? > I :uiiklin. Th??y ?-*_ be : by Coloni 1 a?? ? ? Mr?. Semi '. Tuesday and go to lVtereburi; to attend Ii?ng o? thea truther, Mr. iiemurd Bemn ' - eight at the PS?danee of the mother Mr. Edward !.. Smithcr ? Rev. B. H. Pitt. ? recaption followed at the rea ? - ?m'a fath?T. Mr. tii?? jiupular couductors OB tiie L'niuu Paiasenget railway. ?? th"tii}an'ls visitins? the city unconnected with any military organisa? ?? V.l.. Is BJ nel II. t? I ?. ol l>ariiii.-t..u, S. Q ?. lente who is well ;" Bichmond. Both i,'entlemon ar t Tisiton here. THE BLUE AND THE GRAY Itauipietlne and Hobnobbing at Champion and Tort (?ili?un, Mis?. LUy telegraph te lb? Dispatch.! Haw Oiiinv?, JL?y 23.?The Pica<jnn>'* lays: Tho veteran?; Bine and Grnv ?.v-re banqueted a' Ohampton Hill and Fort Gibson to-driy, retorning bom ea? h point in the cvenin;;. l'a.i'.iiiri Frank Johnson, of Jackson, deliv of welcome i?nei E. F. L#e re* ponded har-d Bomely forth? Federai veterana, A pm-m written by Mrs. W. A. I ?aw, ol ton, an.l road bv her ?U;i .-liter greatly effected tbeaudienoa 11 ?.??. 0. H Hooker I with an impassioned oration. Dinner w.t? announced and Fie multi? tude went to table.? loaded with all man? ner of d'-iietci?. Alter dinner tho people ?. il led at tbo Bpeahara* stand aud wer?? n Idreeeed by Govern ir Stono, Generals. 1). I.? -, and fcfaioi Ethel BaWks dale. whose remarks breathed the highest apirit of patriotism and re. aired onthu luse. At ttse P. il. the ceremonies 0f the day were over, and soon aft'-rwin's the crowd began t? disperee. Daring the morning the battle-held had been thoroughly ex? pired by the veterans, aud tn.iny relics of the fight were secured, A barbecue was he'd on tbe h.ll tbnt was I . . of the fi;:ht onacon?id ral)leand.|ens?lr.wood?)d ?l?vation with Hjiurs rad.aiu? downward iu all directions. Indlrtneat? Fonnd. (By lelegrspBtota? l>i?p4?<a_i Phtt-aoklptha, May 29.? The grand jurv to-dav found two true bill? of indictment ?gainst Preeaaeaa?LooJati ifeiffer.of tbe liank of America, and iieceivibg.Tellcr S. A. l'ancoast, ?xberaT>-U tl. -? with embexile meot in iwoMviog de?>osiu, knowing that tbe bank waa iu.?olvent. The Admlniitratlon ia Clevelaad? fBy teietrapa to Iba DUpatab.] i?ijivauisp,M*y'?r9.-Preiideut llarn*?n ', fsvpdgosij aravcU harre ?????????.'.???-^ ?? IL ' and w<*re rec-eived by a aalut.? of twentv ?7 i.? handsomely ?I co **ted an?l thousand? of people were in the *'*?''' to ?,?e tho diatinguiKbed guests of ; l.-ty. The First City Troop t?*_ ' "' M I .hilt to th?? re?i'.l*ncre of 1 Eels, the ? ?ee-l'rosideot and CTebin' t Ministers goinu to othor privat? L u . The t'wlver?)ty of Fiori ta. l'ir telegraph to the ?Lspatch.) . ??? ??>.-The G?? v ? rida ? Am ? ?.' Ih? c ,r? orators are: Hm ' ; b B. D? - rd, 1 '. li. Davi?, and Dr. Charle? ff? ??_j?,,u,. Important to Many 4" Ittj-en? ?nd Visitor?. ? intent ? fjrratevont ofur.i ? I to make a rote : m?? for your own benefit or that of 60in. atr. - ria, fl prominent ltvv.T at Ko, 11 L?"j, Ii street ???G. ? o? Jaaaary ' Oompi ity. giving the history of standing, the r all ol ? ? ? Mr. Elan I for six month?, ? In 1 to ose it. I!. 0. A?. ? old he rch 1, 1 DO, Mr. . wrote th? A. J?. I ?!?.? follow! case eo tar ia ?.? il and ? . - I ? md L ?? - tima Meantime : any ???? I ? . .l.i.?. : ute" ? K perience with vari? ? I otl - rem?di?e tried, including aixty-i ' , ? s. s. ?.. 1 tuer u ?te ' i" ripril . lian-i* . "I nm entirely weH,*1 1 have ?? en and read th?* original lettore referred t.?. A. J CnxowDio, _Notary Publia, (?rend foneerf. ???-! mi 1 pupil?- of the Rich moi ' ? Ui.'h t, will render e ? ? '??t.iin mental !' : l nk. 1 end ' ? - ratory. . Mrs. ' plain Cud ninel: i.. - *, Th ? V,y mond < l ?Sevra Fine? ; train to '?>???. ?? 10 o'clock. ! ito end ? ? lare. Timely Advice. ' tiers retura t? their ? : ? . ' ' the pi .U??ur.?? ul th sn G I.uto?. TVi" ' ? ? ? . 1-,,,'d. Pu to I ? ?.. .t rag , ar rateo; Piai ??r*0lesetbsa? sa l.'uy ' ? copy. : m tue Boat - Cali a, kantien a, Maymao'?, u.7 i ?ait v.&iu ?; ree?. ? . Old I? ' ? le, I. ?w-H.'ol, Sud Brosd Dotioai Bao *, Itti*, anil b li opera ... LOBI 0, Foce BTock, Sylsnd & will cl? the?,? ?re ac fteptem Oux friend? will plcabo h? e a note ol ?his. Olii Blur. .Toe ?Variations?, 10c. Bender. .s b:ayman, 1?17 etet Mvln. ?, Cabin, Padread H"g?. ?Trip?, Sawihoi?, ? u J.A. utuaOi rtcj Lloek. The plaa adopted by the Covmgton Iin Erorement company i? one thai cannot ul el socet -s. Tii? company ?.a? nnr ! ?mo thousand acres of the b? au... ' ?Unding th? town. ? I into ??. dwelling I??in. arid p eu ufac*.-i ; It is now build hotel, and ta curing plane for e rolling mill and steam l pine, .', - . ? I BfiU be eoui|.l'-t? ? cl'-lav and will employ . O'her p'u::t? will foi iv intends t?> sreot th"in ?il. For tho - will be ?..?id pri ? ? later when th? ? ?? ?? stock ul. pur ior a I tima - will l e de? voted to permani nt improveaaanta Thi re *r?? bo preference? among stockholders. All ere on the " ground no r.M AddreeeB. ? nt, or J. J. IJobbd, Trea aur.r. Covinctoa, \ :. Trunk? for anybedy???teaeier, Overland, Draa?, lio.ler-Tray, *??. J. A Oaioe, l'aio Block. Thi? Lee Monument eerernonies will un loubtedly draw an enormous crowd, \ a with enr- ; . .? the ?mprove inente in the capital of tho Coniederacy. They will aeei egreatar bleee lii,? i?? woman 1 ipecially than the ?oller . ink. No t. baca-br 8? Id by nil deal t ra. Mad? by 11. \\. ?onntrea ?i Brother, lliil.moud, Va._ I'D ?Tame Mr'?nty, tOe. Oreat*?Oemlo Son?* of tba Jay. At Panders A ntaymau'i!, US7east?al? Ilon't Triti.? with Tour ??***? and do not allow?.' to ?io it for ?/on nt ?: r : For rvation of the? . fitted at llr. . : liai? a_?set, Kxunii nation free. _ l'inno ???1 Ovgaai H irjaln?. Waller I?. If? sas ?Se Co., 1006 Muin street opposite post-oflice. l'unfedrrut? Veterani will find free pi mil., j. ijm r, ete..atHnme, Minor ? C'o.'a Pieno and Organ warero?on?, Niath atreet ???;? ? Square. Siirelal ll.r.itlnl in Piano?* and Organs at Kyi?id & Lee's un tilJune 1st. ?? riant? and Orean li urbain?. Walter D. Moses ?t Cu., 1000 Mu?? street, erposite post When y?~?u have a dull, languid feeline u?? A. li. (J. ? War Sime?. AH the war tanca and musi? published ??p??, the war ?anhe had at Hume,Minor J ('..'*? Piano end Organ warerooma, Kinth ?irtet Oppo?i? l'u|>it.,l Si,u ir??. Piano and Or??-an IlarL-nlna, Walt? r D. Mceee_ Co., Ha/5 Main street, opposite pott-olile?.?. Cut Flowers a? .tt can be found ut M, R, Cetlin's, soath Laurel atteeC AU Munie ami Muili-l'ooka. Walter D. Moses ??i C?j., 10 ? Main street, opjio?ite post-o?ko. Sien*? Wear. We keep the only Mon? Furn:-! ?_g and Fat JToum In this city. If yuu wv.l l udorwear, t-iiirta. Hosiery, (?love?, or lia? la flini-ci*?? gnxla. cm? to us; all _? a? ? ???? 11 yuu ?.??tit shirts inailo remember, w> bave tbe larve? ( .?-tory In ? ? city, aad eaa guarantee yuu ?at? i?u?-'_ Ootaaraai? ?.an-ha?, 419 oa ?t broa?1 ?ir??'. auynnvn'?, Uff ???t Main. Old Folk? at Home (Vari-t?o????. I?*? Sander? A Ptaym*u, 1.17 ?_t Him? Stalled dir*ot Sea?, pw?f? paid. All Munie and Mmlc-Booka. Walter D. Mores A Co., 1005 Main street, ..?ipv?? (K?t-olfice. ??dt?' and GenUemen'i Low _???, octt. ootj, ?. : - ??? J. A. tiMitM, 1'ivco i?-*-? W? Par Toar Travailla?*? ?_?*_??? Every oo? who buy? aa Ort an er l'uno tbia w?k c*a ??cur? ili.'Ui a; la and a? lo*?r ***" rotular prie?? ???a at, and your cariw? o\A ? paid. Gre*l??! offer mad? by aay tnuate-beu?? fsuw ?? ???? Urn? to buy. J_rt?? ?to??? a? m????* ir ?t?. ka?io*t ?irnu. call at Sander? A S?y nau'i, 1?7 ooti Hau itre?*. Hopa ?leftan-ed tnaketh the heart aiok A. ?. U. T-iiTT nn. ??h the ?niiei gi-if !('om m unica ted J Hlg-aton? ???. A XBW CTTt Oi THU ????????? OT vi?oLSII. On? of tb* loading objective pointe to? ward which the aUontioa of railroad b?iihW er? has been -a; rly directed in the diffl cult and costlv t.i.?k of uniting th?? mineral ?ml timber regi >ns of KBetern Kentucky end Teni th the now ex'en?iv**?ys temof ? ? the iron and c??al be t or Virginia ia a wild andpictur*si;uo dadttS of ? un. an elongated spur! ? of tho t'umo-rlantn ? ?oat to tne cantward .-.ate line, known as iiig ' ,aP. ? ? 1 ? gap forms the only pra-t;cebl* : : ia the m? antain? f??r a ib. ? ane* cd ? IM tail . It therefore aseumee lm ; . r . tfaO d -.olopmont of not only the rich teeet nsrloas of Ken . I?at as a gateway tnroazh winch . gre ,t toooage ef coal fromtb '' ma'e ia on foraacos aad to I All of ; the range in which tJig. i ?. n >!? li. ?li?lnt"?u, tn which I? ws the l '??? : are? ? rsil r ? rietoL, from Cl ;-. c. .?r eoutbero porti ??..??tern ra "f *"<* , , ?.., ??"1 the IGan to thi main line at a point eouta of Lou..?.?i'ile. hv. At Big-Atone Fur? naturo ?eern? to have ; - wey to an iry de tr' ?? I '??. to the eei ion r;eh in high-grade in u-oree, end in alose | ? ? the coking end other ??"??;?. ir ipie agricultural : the Big Stone Gap 1 -.a cYinipany has founded n r indis well di and ei tmunity tn . ?;1,?? bea ?n ;. mid the surr ? mountains an elevation of from *V9B9 to Ninety percent.of the*in*st and as ret alm<-??t untouched f? re t ar. aof which this ? outlet, is ' overed with ingoi eztra. nnlinarv ,1 am ? ter and I. tica! men ;' ' the eat? nt of tin.? great wa ? ? nt ait lth.'rn I a: ' ui ? ? tli??*?? | wi:o locate Indnstriee and choose I :??, and , j.. at among tne ? ? ? I * under ooatril 'hu dein_u_ of tli ? pie. meceae. il and esperi? ? ' hnildi - [rom IS ? kork, ? Abund? th? other adi ? ?, ore?. ? At 1 lian \ ??;; ab , ?? electric licht plant, ? ru I way, ? ? . 150.000. Bai : l.und t.? the amount ot about$600,000has airead) ? t 1 to into not ioe tain 1 ' i the Inter ? ? I he Cunilx ria? l and Bl icli moun? tains f?.r t1!?? '. railroad lines planning to trav? rse tin? field. Durine: the week commencing J : an nrniy of investors coming io Pullman I cars from all directions will attend a aale ' .if lands at Dig ? an ?".'''t intereatine to every student of I tba times in which we 1 itillua ? trates ? resoluti? and faith io : ? perity <? the prassi? generation of AmerU tana. (ienflemen's and Ladie?'Patent-Leather Sh?*??! Just the ? nig tor drees. .1. A. fiKi i?), l'ace block. Bilk Hetls??*??r?nrCi?liin. Ronrenirs. witii font Binda of Confede - ? of menu ment. Badges of all kinda print? ? ?.???p?., 1_17 Mainstrei-t, Baja* aed Mien?' ratent-I.eatiiT Shoei and Tat?,.. J. A. OBIOO, lace liu???-. kittle Anni?* Beaney (leiigX ??>"? Sanders a ttajmaa, 1?7 a*? Main ?treet. Mtiiioi to year, po-lAga ??till. There nrt? to Iti? ?'??????? ot Kyland & Lei?'? a beautiful assortment of PuukoaeDd Organs in fancy ami plain ? ' ?._ -081 Mbsmik. Kow__ ?t Co., Jew? respectfully Invite the pul lio ti? vi it their new store, >? door above th? ir ? ?i ""t r large and Diamond Jewelry, ?? v an ??? : Bilv? r for uSeta, i ras. Tura ? nera, Spoon I Howls, Berry-Bowl ,1 , Ic ? ?. i. Clocks, I I re?, ova G ?, Cl an, Dye, and Repair G?'iit! , b.ui!if_ction guarani'. L A. J. Gt?.?, 31 "i north Fifth ? ? Meati?? & linker'? N.'?i>t>ii!?m Dentifrice. Tbia ij the best Too??-1 ??? It la guaran' l from all ?/?* or hunt il lngretii'. ? ta Itep? ?eity reaMW?_e tartar IN? the teeth ani beala aad hurdcu? tb? gu?a, bold by dru??UHs generally. Wo keep tha best Milk-Shaki?, Ice-Sharers, : ? Water luppllt?* that are ou tho mar? ktt. ?'reih I.Ira?? a -ays oa ?Witti A Mi.'.u? lim ?> Ce-PAvy, _ JWrtiiaia?. Va. Poms f.fioeu foro ato. when t!.? now eelo. br?te?l ?'?ap"?) A.sTi'.iL On. wh Ur?: int tbd retail prie? was sixty cent? per .?lion. It tan n.'w b* pi?ared at irta t?i*n ball tola prire, aadttaitn aaaSktataa Ita lapiaailiBi aathi??."/ safe?! and b,A tain 11; oil. NoUilng Ilk?* It In Kurop? or America! M lllOWl-ION'S DKOHIMB ASO Altl-?liC Sl'??l*??J WaTI?, the delicious ipnng tonic. ? ur??? 1'>r ?litent (!) Naujea, Iu li..??'.00, all Uiood-lii?? ?_?. Ki?louy, ani StomaxitiTrouble?. f?C ???.?.?? & Co., Geuoral Agenta, ?*_? "Oallbit, ??? Main atre?*. rle?t ?nd moat Authentic 1'botJgrapu?? of th? Confederai? Generala. Beautiful Colar?*?! Piaga cf the ?'?a federacy. ?rlglaal entographi of General Le? on i'ht.tograpt? beau?ul yielax0, Utili ?ad l?w prie??. An Invitation. We extend a moat cordial and press? ing invitation to our out-of-town friends and riaiting ?trang?re, and hope to see thousands of you at our store during this our GALA WEEK. THE BOSTON, 1009?tKain?tleet, OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE. Schwatzschild & Co. *_???1 Spokane's Great lime. 2:8%\, is Only Eclipsed by the Crowds Rushing for J?e Doktor? k $9 Suits. ?i?ieiek tiie Place ? 0?L JUr.y?ody,. in ? sn ? ??????????????-??????? __ ? . ? ? ? jgjj AN IMMENSE SUCCES?*, The Bostons $1.90 De^lu?. *ZS? LEADING THE FIELD IN A GALLOP. Jfo& UO?Z>Q4l?> Jb aJ <+*/ o-r * arm * It ? SU ? ? WINNT.!,, the boston s $2.90 Trousers. Easier than Picking Ihr Suburban* 112-PIECE DINNER SET? OF Best Eslish Porcelain FOB $8.88, CONSISTILO ?0? ! ' U.nii.-r ?"iat??i, U Break ?-?t 1' lattas, l. lea Plat??, 1 ? ip I late?, ..t BOO -er?. IS In :ivtxlu..l il.iMer?, 111? upsaod fan-ers, 8 nistins?a*tortisi ?It??, t \ ??? lab!?? liUtiM, ?. roil D)?U0?, 1 Sau??? ?? at, 1 PlcVl?? Diet?, 1 Soup Tur????, 1 fc rle: litsn. A lull Uno ot GLASS WAUI, LAMPS, an?! ????"*. ?????? appertaining to our Un? al ina miti? pro liortloaalo litui?? at ? J ?G.???? hi?a Palace. 1013 MAIN STREET, WHITE FRONT. [my27-Tu,\Va??) T7STAI?LISHKD 88 ? ? AHM. THF? ?I Optical Deper? meal of niy business t? ta? LABQBBT l?? -?'??G? in the eity, ntteil up wilii evi*rytltlrif ueeetsary for tii? per f.--t alju-lmeiit Ol Glae??? tinle'eettve visit?. I take fient pleasure In Inviting all wtiu ni?Ter I . lit?:*'*. riVB BYKMIOBT in any of us I ti?j>??,or *!., wi'h t? a?-urtt thernsslro? Hint tl.? Ulaas*? tli?y are Miog p?rftx-u> bui: ti.?ir eye?, to call anil have ?t:?ir eyoa thorouKtily aa . arnia??! aad test??!, FKl It tu/ ( Kl*. j iraotatid retofortalil?? IpgOTACLBB and ?) ?? ? i.l.ASsKS furn)?li-d ?: ?*ry niiHlerat* prl.-s. ?? ! perlent a Cit as can L?? bail guaianltieOi la avery | case. A. F.JAHN?E, Consulting Optician, 1201 MAIN STUEEX. (?ayK-iiiTUiwlil ? TATTINGS, MATTINO RUGS, ART SQUARES, BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS ALL PRICES m a P. RICHARDSON * CO.'S CARPET WARE-ROOMS, SM BAUT MAIN STRBTr. tap aVswOIm] THE YOST TYPEWRITER. ?JK1BCU.1. PKKMANBNT ?*0.lQ-N??-vB?Z. U-**? LIMI rau SI*BED. Opsr*Uoriof ia?Bi|bvst ?laadiBg and of ht?? ?iptH-Uu?-? Bave proaoiiursul ta? "Yi>eT"ta? be?! utncb'-i* j*? On? tnarkot. Ta? Ompi.? I.y >t j lu coadtri*riii>ri. eouplea wltB ttte fact Uta? It ?Ul | bear mar* ctsrulcsa or rou.? haaSiiug luau any ou>?r, raises it stove many of U? objevuous ratstNl aratasi typowrltara Too, tin*?*, or all ! Ui? key? tae* \ia ?tru.:s al oaca w'.Uiku'. injury. ' Aay I'tirtv'ti: ?steel type) <-aa tia obaa(e?l la j ? lor ?? .?VL -. ? ????-??.? of ?ttvutiii asta ?*?*?e?ut/. If.rr n.* hi.'ie fuaraut*??). l'ail ?tad ?Aaoiiuu or wnl* f?r aUiOMi ?. w. s. ?mroA!?, ?G?a?ral agent tur Vi-flaia, Wtt?? Vitriola, aad Mor.b t traita?, SU e?** UM? ??t*??, Mice*. Va? o?r ?U? LEE MONUMENT ?SOUVENIR A plrttureol Ci**?? ?tl ?. ? Lea print??? ?*>?*** eootl ot Ok? earn ta wtvicr? bt??!???*? wae ??**?*? tntox t/raa?*, wltB eerttOtat* el <'?t?ao?tr?tl*r W. f. *?oi*ta. wf B. a Le? Uisesp? tT>??ak??*eroi? ?????wraii?. for ??tie at all Met Byrd ??,???, BtnB> Btua?l. B?r-*-*nT" "** r**?"? "*?**G?????? |??? la laeir ??-a??? ; u?sy wul i? proa?puy aiMe4?4 aa au?, tae sUavuta? aad eeodoes ?tu Be pi-aeerrtHl aad put tato fel?? aad Baadern? aooaea?r* atada hosa di?? waea tae Ua*aer la ?ilgoatt. ?. ? WUBTHAM *?.ILBAJi, CAUTION ! Tafc- no ?ho?? ?ni?? V . I . ?? ???(?-?' na?- aod ? ara .???<?>-??1 un ib? lx>t|t?:ii. If I ?nul ?tipply ????. ?fini direct tu _?ury, reuiwaiua aJ??rtl?*?4 prie?. ^ ^ ./ W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. Vine Calf, II.? ??y In? Grain *? d B?ttSB ?aour W ??. rii? .??. liea? In iIih worVt. Wiainln?? hi? ?5.01? ?;????? ,n?iii MiVfli hIIO_ ?4.0<? II till SKW III ? ? ? ?*?????>?? ?.?../?<? riti.? ?. a?ii r.iKMi/lta? ?-HOE. ?S?? KXTK.?1 ? ?? I IK 111 ? hllOK. ;.._.-? *t nt ?von? ? misi KN ? -?in ?fa. A.uo ami ?1.:? I'.ottV MJMOOI. MIO??. ?? ?>?? U? t.**r .-???, Hutu? ai??l L? ?. $3-$2SM0EStAF0?i!?. ? 1.78 ?Her WtK MieHr.B. fle?t Mitri?I. ???--I Mille lt?*?t Flttlag, W. L. I?imi?. ??????, ?a*?, fcold bf HELLER a CO., ti: ?ut ?p?1 ?ir??!; J. h. iiuuiiK, ,lr , ?? et,t Main ?JSSBJSSBJ li. C A. li. JA ???????, Hau?????, la lo.?? a??m _.? ? . ?? 007 BilOAD STREET. ladle?'MU???, a? 1 Cllllren'i OUOKO TU from 7 **?. to ?? '?? ? ??? ? . '. <??!?1?_1 TA- OXIXIR? riub?? Ceotleointi ?< Al.K -??|???? from |2 to %' ; ?,,,.??.?: rial I- J CA?? HANI*. wki.i bHO?sla il -tri?*?: ROI.l.hK- I KA? rWONKS; ? ar. Itola U Jl'14 ? I \l.i ? !>?????>?? TUfSl.-?: I.' SI ?I??** BOOTI tu *?ory ?tyl? aad al ????? tl?i t) ? ?a t? ; U H IL .-H?_*_S and 0?.K0BJJ TIES la B?ery cea? elva'iV NOTION IN rOOTWJUR ? the Vluirup'j.liaii tb? ?? m re ut MAY'S, 607 Broad street. (my U-W.K4.Su?ml M? PACKARD ? OO.'H Celebrated $2.99 SHOE. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. Try a Pair of our ?PCCIALTIB? la 6ENTLEMEN 8 FOOTWEAR, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50, $2.99. $2.50, $2j0s\ ?'1-rj ?ui- umrritnttd. UNEXCELLED ou*A?iuTY?-iervi_ lr..,i..r. ta????thi ai Ml. A. PACKARO fCO.'? M' '? i iVj.????? h je? "? ??u?> ??a a s of ?ach n?? *?.t mont?t t? mm W?t m a? U. s <~i iccip? U tat? W. A. Packard A Co., Brorhton. at Bea? -L.Cr.BBRMTa*<XX ....._. V? -? .tre?lj atea? ft? For al? by ?Kll-r.tJdiriAWKha l?. . ?. oa, ' BM A HL W ? SD fit R H. BOSHER'S SONS, MAMUrACTCIKU Of FI?IB CAHbMAUKv. VICTORIA- ?HASTOB?, MdCAKTs,??s *_nu__? ?T?Ky eetti?? As-?uto (or the ????*???J t_a_t ? a????? el J. ?. BREWSTER ft LU, or nsrw t<?tK. RIr-AIKlNOaad nsi-tiMiMii te?, la ?sa? be?n ?enasr. li SOL TU NINTH ?G??_?, ki-tllO.M). va. toi ? LI. ? UV AMI ?l-M. M1UUU. OTICE ?? ?? PRIlLNDe????s_ _? ANO TUS fVRU?.' (i*.\a5J?l??.AxI that I 1??? ar?.-ei*? t-'AHNI A_aV\ BU ii MOMO caw*, noi?as ??_ Btuoia* roa nina ??? e??? aliaattoa p???l to BOABDINU ROB*JtS, ha? Bu Dii?*r? ?ad M?MUaaa AU-ataat ???a 'roana Ha, lia. ?u_ce ? rxwoooe a?rtx, ?y im? Na 11 ?erta Bfcata ?3. L-iBOe MOCK ?Of <~~?~~ -urt-OBRA rotta, tortolita, et ?>_<_, __*,??,??_?.