Newspaper Page Text
A H ???? FREAK. A VISIT TO THE WILD MAN OF CLIN? TON TOWNSHIP, ONT. ?? ?? Mark Naked, But Kot fttark Mad? Hot?? About la?? ? trog?Uvei In m Mi?, k ??Uh Ili? f :?th*r. Ottav-4. May -S.?A nnrnberof rep,,rt"t*a - ' - t?? II.Vi-' o? ti i?*riuan, wh<? .?_.? aak<t4 and deati ? : > menatala aia nuli?* "-ilatrti ? aal?ed ?-?? ?? <>f the ? ?. ib ? ? entry. Tne Idea Dati 1. h ? Jighl like a wild ? with I Blitvi Lut an . . were ni't i'!.].: ? .. out ? Ihal ei ? ? r ' . ? .?.," bui oali a fere I ? ? I I, ?Oil II? ill? ? ti,? ! ?????t only ".:? In. Half D ..J m a '? u mnd, aod ?iil..|?i ???.?? riiiiklv , ? ho ??..m about?] ? ? le. in ? : ? k e a ' - ?.. ? I ? ?. : ' - Il ' ? ?n in a dry " i?e'e .n ' . I with - et eu I v. ? .i and I irtli'ii* . repul tiile Lere?" ? ? ? ? ? ? the day. ? born, ?? H d .?f it than be was .dal ? ; claw e ? .??. ? be waa d jump? ?? ? ? - ? ? ... ??? the ? ? - ? pi the nt in ern-h .?? ex l, but ! ff ? ? . U. ?? I ! r? ?. .? I kept ? . ?? ? inter unite talkative ? ai '. ?t??! eould ? ? . ? ??? ;' ' tt. I lien i'? : ? r ?H gol ii thai ? . I the place il bad ? I do? ? i aad t??? ' : ?I.? it, bin ?.?. 1 ?1 ii ? w .1.1 ? u :?re." r, S : ti li_?ly :i t?? ?-art? f..r il -u. h a li tve t'-.bW-d Bo long '? '?:>. DEAF, ANCiDJMB. t.ity A?t|iilre.l 1 Urough tbe ?I I tt lin_. Nt? Jota i. :r, a ???-.if, dnmb,and blind .narkt?. relopaenl n .? dfeap !? ?? ! ? ?. ?. ttte i?eue ? I n.ti?'h d?< ithia the Is . ? I ' ? ? a? : si ? ?. ? . r i?!. 1.II..WU |a the ? >-. ?: ? kneaa with which ti ? 11 k?owlsd ?? aaaaaaal la mie veal ?lie ? "..i-iilarv .?f 1.W0 word??, th.? ? ? . !'?J.H>0 ' ? ' ?: .u isa. ll?-r ? t<> in*ke beiceli an? a at failure con? ti?t a tremen?!??ue in. tote? be li>< ke?l up within Btlel uiu-et befomid Of il ? HerfumiJt oou of the I'erkiuBliietiiu ' : ud, and he ?ant u> them aa ' ??'???? Ii ild Mlae Annie M. bulli. ? *-* '.ti?ued her t?*a?_w and ? ?i"|?ain<,u ever * s/g**1? h? ""-? ac<iu.r.-?l * knowledge of Latin, aad (?reek, and ? rv has liiere?????*, un? ti- ? LmUm U {m ^ |U^ SeacirM,l0n*teiV fond of muele and LF.ABMr?Hi aoimrt ar rorirtt. A report ar railed ?pon Mis* Bullir?n re Pent,y and sn.?????,!,,! a orasoO?aont that latT.v .? ru???lta?ty suihcieit!? to oi ' rt'ii some inliinn.itioB ?-gar-ling th?? aetoishiog de? velopment of her little chart?"? " "**'' p " sani M?as Sullivan, " has known for a loof time tliat othertfeopl?? ?poke, afl?! haab'fii very ??,??t t.? ??????? t?. ulk her?? if. for -.nstaneo, eh? liad tried to aav 'inanvi a' ?nd 'papa,? accenting the Erst syllable, ?Suo hn.l tried thie by placing her hand <>ti , SB? throat and lip?, Cettina tin, motion Of tb?m and duplicatili?.?; it. She I. -an to mako soiintl?, !?ut tht-v wer? Plee-katii.iiiiiltlid notr?!?? co I ooncloded to take ber to Mi:??-? Kara) : miaftipel of th? u S??!?????]. Miw i'u'lr-r lie;;i,n ImntedJ ll tenth her. ofi-on?. Id not u ja r. slant! Misa Fuller, aim ; ? as un int'-rpi ??rise of touch is Verv aev would M.ell tii.? Word! <n! | latul? wil h it, y ? !"w ? .:,.?.?. I would ... t Bl . y..u to (mt roar 1? th? r. ? r ol v..-,ir m 'i'!..' rtinl she ?sr itald do BO. AI Imr iir-t ' oorde 'maroma' had been trying tosa* ? hei to '. . ? ?, "G. Ill .. ! the ?yll?! R UBJI in a nimfnn.T aOAB? "v..-; Bee 1 . .. t?,?. , words the ' ? of let was givi n rliich gar? h? r of short 1. 8, ?;:, ? G, ai i Hink?? any ?? ' fluency ?heacquired." Helen ? ire old Beat -.?. . mand of Ian not ?? ? . ption of licht ? r :. But the ui ? ? timi of 1 I lei , ? ? Rei? ?. .:. no way ' ? ' I ??? are, ?. tweon ? | m th? toi ? ? ? ? ? . : . ' . : ? ? ? rer the ? 1 r ? I thai . ?.. ? rknow ? ? IT LOOK 'IT. .lohn I.. Ballhraa Is Only ??> WI ? challenge to fighi ? ? t??a 1 ? li doubt, ? ? ? t while Mi-Aiilii!" mi'! hi ? ? ? ?, and _ the .? ? ? I beatre, with ?)<?? ? o! Me ? ? and try , lu behalf ? i' it ? ' itively un; .-? to bo? tur 1? - ? . Maddi -? said be conld . Iar -? r Mini than ?5,u00, and be ?? aa a? ? I,u s to get 1 I I'lllitll) : ? tl . ,' Joe, and ? ? ?? f.* ?,?.a ?!.?? .t (riant can whip any . tl '.. J.ilh ' ' ht, nnd ? ? ?faculty : ? ? ? ? ' ly u: j ? win 1 -l.ip, 1! I it. t'lll j..,? to do io ii he . . [ha ii ' ib from tbe M< ' Il ve, Lut , from ? I ? .UV ; ' bave the in ? 1 ?vili (fire him . I to I that I will* ? 1 : tii" I ? ? 1 , il I : ia very ? ? i ' ' - m V;r Si,1:, Id-time i ?ij,' as tii? alie ! . ' I ? I ' ?vas no that MoAuliffe will ac? cept !?Ull.' AN ALASKA V?i! ? ERUPTION. smoke ami Flame Pearl? .- Oat t?> ? Belga) ol I'tnir .Itil???. ? privai ,; G?''" I ? ?perl ? ana tl tliiit, I 11 ? ? . i aption. a ,?' t.ruiuv lOtb end un- ???. ,1 - . i -real lie ? ? h?iI flame ?>? orili. ?ruui the andrii ..'?'*? Th ?V ?' U?t ? (ell m liberal ? the Iowa ??? IHu ?rty-?our miles to the eai I ward. G? ? . ,?)? who ?a? t ??? m ? " pillar of tir? ? ,?;; thehoiison andl I . ? tie low clouds. .lu t twelv? ' of tbe settlement, r.., ? the vul I high. That ,.(?...' of ? ? <>t the ? pillar nut?', bs ? '? ? he ibi taiu Evcntt Smith, of tbo Steam 1 Orca, peseed near the eoene so..? afl Bret eruption. He noi i thai four bow ?I. I.'.it the ? ? ! . Irland, bad ari ? t, i"r??i ? the depths. m?? an bottom bere, "f Bocoelov, Ml |il".. :': "! l?B*J0 tathouieeb a? twelveatttaaaway,aa^idea muy be t ? ??'? I 0. the treni'?' i.? ?alel ir .?m th ityttora at"??? the ?ur'.ur??. It i? under? stood that tbe eruption badeoBBewbeteab ?ided when I from llluliuK the latter pert ol Ai?rii. Bo? oalov la nearly due wtat fioia the island ot OontUttskii. Count r<?t???k?'s l>eiitl?. U,ou'io? Worltl.1 Count Arthur lV.tocki, who recently ?li.ti n! OratTOW in h.s fortieth year, was land-owner? in Galicia, left ?I tititit-<?f i.'*?0,l!00, wLich lie in ??uired by sp?culation?*, of various kind-?. Hie ?.?tatos nu?! the iiulaof hi?? fortune MM? fooasror wolvb??, who is aleo iui , rich, iiud whoae wife is a uieuilmr of the Liecfiioustein family and one of the most popular and beautiful women iu Viennese society._ la en-es of ?-olle In ?lota ?Irnmou? Liver llegu? ?is?* ?Hi aav? UitOV-lt. V. CoA, UBailOuA'S Ma, TANG?Kll ISLAND. THE HOME OF FISHERMEN AND EX? PERT NATIVE BOATMEN. IU I'roipeHtjr and Primitive Pnp__ tl?tn?Some of It? Old tutto?I end Tradition?. lCerr???pon Ian?*? ?f Hie HlrtimontS Dlepet't-l US?BUOUB?, Mav -? W?. Tantrier Inland, in the QhaaBpasra bay. ha.? I,., ? fr :n the enrliist aettl??ent or tin? pa't ??f \ irginia the home of a race of fishermen and <'v<,i?rmeri. Every 1,tan haa his own t r?..t, wnieh ha is al>le to menace in :.ll Lin<!? of wvitn'-r. Many of thorn bave pi 1 a few hare ff?B?a-B rieh. Just now there ia a big bu??_lig ,?1"' "? ' u ra fr?ru the mainland, Rome fri 0 ?ehL Md., ir?? no? en iced in et ctine dwelling-honae? there torn?sel the ?lcmaii?in l ? li-li nn ? ' " heat ? the Chi Bap? tlt?> lin?-, ami in coneeanenceof this it : many now living elsewhere ?? the Ulan?? I 'U is a j ? com of 1 ?'? atine ; :. 1. "??- ? ??. explored hr John S:-i. ' ?!> the . . I ? ?le ?>n In t h? ir ? >d ? -'. is. J>urit)t_r : ? ?. while the ttl'l ... ?? oc theil fe t. ? ? !. ?.??? ; when people a ? The ? ' a t . I ? be I ? ' ? old people . - Unit . in the ? 11'.? ?? .'P. DJ?51 - VV"-" all l'i . ? m b'till ! vote ? Thtiy nr?? ? man ? ?pen a ? aben 1 they ra to take a ?, ???1 , ? pull at a : ' tii?? island ?m manv oidi ? I, and who v.'.'-v with .on all . ?.??!?? awa ? ' ?pie wave of tbt-Lr ? ? B< ' donee been a ? ;i fins - ? ntr? aty t,i ilth'-i '.. I pr ? noising thai li bla . aid be rem':?<?.! and he ? from ] ? ? .? p -.v lif" and i days t?? the -? rvice ? ? f ? iti jail thirty ?lays he w iride. L On returning ? boring villaee t< II change I a 1 a new life, and asking ? ?? cuni iry ? ? . ? : . . ? ? t-> denar the tii.'il. The ; laid the matter I Mmgregation : r the ? eneflt of ! . ; liptlj ? G HO-ll ., :l id? d to I ? ed. < ?:? tbe ' I bis ap ? u man ? -? i?ia.'iin? hi.-? Ing ui? ? j .'? ft'nl : 1 faca ol ti?? of the Peace for wl ? cently ? inister t be hoary old sii d< r dr? ?pped bia : I took I bushes, ?? ? CURIOUS CASE In Wlilrh l>e?<-l..p??!,-n? Bf?V Taratile l'alili?? ???.? l'i iti?, [?????.?!??? t??iofc'rai? to ?:??. Dabvuj?, V?., May ?' years ? ?. Ban viti i ; on the el ? ? ? leel his iii-u are. ] Price wss - H rving i ont nis lent? ?? ce. He proti ? ? - ? t i? ? .-? oce t ?? be? lieved ? '.'. This ttory bs ! I . ' ? da\ , -?Ir :. onvict, broujj] : an aoti? linst 1 r for |100, ? egea Banister . ? fu 111 i s<l iu !ii bel ?f il. osati? 'ia1 de relopin? ut) when for ? fed. ? diet I) lich tii????!** a:? Juno. ? ? . held iu Ah ? CU SES or the I?hbarae Hill arj Ac?lem? at Bai aCltj ;:.?? Ma > Miot, tCoiT'" id I>ie;.it!'-ri.] ? r, ' ? urne .Mili? tai? ;-?? ill on ? . is awnr?l"il ; II. If. Jvri, ??t \ ? . IO. V. ? ??? bj lainier part m au ii::it tl ? tronble ; m deci :ii iu?? honors should he ? awm I J-. ii tpltins, of Vir? inia, won thesoholar ?hipmeualfor Washinixton aud Leo L'ni ity. ta th?- number ?>f sin oplica ? I? "? Q ated institu ?r J. A. lidhbume ie tho prineipal. The ll el tad earlier than mual in t?r?l-r toa . ' , i?? present at the .V?VSiling of 1 HURRAH FOR PORTSMOUTH I Oua Huinlrfd Guai l IraeJ in'? ?nei'l. [f pecUl telegram to the PlepeVh.1 NoRFtii.i:. V. , M'i,v -?'.?.-Ont? hiiBilrrd piius v,?? rt? Bred i?v patriotic citi, j'.irt imonth - t atternoon in honor of tho anvelling ol :.;?????. F?era areee Uviu;: or? rboth cities and odi?' iu?? of the eJ-ipiji'i ; m th? :. urb? during the day. DECORATtO WITH RICHMOND. The Palmeti.? M. tn.|?till? Honor? th? JUa Celebrail?m->u Coafederat? 11???? fSy Vei< .rai>?_ u> tne Uiepalc?1 Obabi_bsx<m, s. ('., \iay l??The GG??G? pei Streets anj a.l tbo DB??3-nJ public buildi; , ?uvetj bunting In Uonor of th? i : ,'u tn Ri-ohteond. lb?* fleee d??nlsjed wort? national, State, and municipal, and a variety of bunting- No t'unied? rati? liegt wore ?howu. St. Micha?'' ? cbimce wero run? at intervals during the day. Get iuto good condition for tbe change ei seasou by -king ?i3<xl'si_iarsapariii*. A SURE WINNER. Jhe Bo?toM?* $2.90 3<????&?a<! Easier than Jfirlrngj/ir Suburban* _____________?_?^?*?~**????*?*?^*???*??~^????*???? AN IMMENSE ?SUCCESS, TIIE BOSTON'S S1.90 DEBBYS. Spokane s Great Time, 2;oJf\, is Only Eclipsed by the Crowds Bushing for ? fee Doatonos S 9 OoUefoa Ti WIIERF/S TliK PLACK? ASK ANYBODY. LEADING THE FIELD IN ? GALLOP. The Boston's $9 Suits. -Li PAH : .Tes??. . I parimente ? lay. Ill ? . Up. -????. ?. I re !? ri for. ar?* RrsioitT??. GtG?e CELEBRATED I. 1 :. ? by lb? n as iy ott. r . itay; ele? . ? .? ? KAlL '.F.OKHr* ? . formerly if? r ? | rlner of ibe - Has VFTON m APTOB, ? ' I NTV, VA. IMs ? ! ?t Afton .tway, ???'?? 1st. lor mrtli'.-r particulars ?.d lr???? ?'.Or:, mr i"-lm All n ' . 0 CEAN-VIEW HOTEL. G will G,? ?. \ \'i un ?..?.], . pei ?? ? ? ? IHIIISU ? ?? Bneal Atlant ? ? ?!:?? ? ?.??8??? t OMPANl, m seri . ? > > ??l attwittoe to our guest?. Addi ?? L. \\ li.l.lA'i-, Menacer. my U f? Va. C?IJ . Goshen Bridite Post-Office, Vl, Ol'IlNjr 1 1 t IDBB SAM? ??????? I LAST YKAB. Por tjtreol?*? and teruis adi my2I-lm J. ? ? unii. IToprtetor. H/kKOVEB A0AD1 A BgA?TIl ! I. ANI? VVVSt ?,?G?, ts ni'FM Ftllt SUB ? d, ? BOAKUBa. Coiive iiient?,? : ?. ? ?? l*r???kit?ur?t ?liti Po? railroad and Cbesapeake and olilo rail? way. I-or api ?r t ? ?n.?. j. rt. TiYi.oit, mySOi?? _^___Taylors vi : ADQU8 ' CE B?LP1 ???G??8, Po ?? ti. ip, Va., o- c:?e?apeske .i dei'Ot an 1 ?"?hteen mile? ? ?*4 ?,? StanatOB, Va Nearer re easily aaseeslblo to U? cill?e tl of tb? Virginia springs, ?.ita ??????? rate? Uia?, .. M, r?ul : itii! ?., ?? ? Iron Unter. ??all ? imi let". TU? ? with telegrapt? offloa head f-r ei' ?? ilara ?? ?.? STA WfllTBiTOLPHUB SPRINGS CO., Proprietor?. DAKIkt, A A? Bl kg r?. i. | . i ? rpHE WHITE ?????? ? BPRINGS, X WBBT V1K? (hi? great HEALTH ANI? ??G.*??_!?? R? ????', alta a reputation of mere mtary, situated hl?,-ri up in ?is Alle --.???? feel ?bove it,? lu .-el ol the sea? with an . G???? AND AC ?WMMODATIOXS ? it?T-C LASS IN EVEhY BBSPJ ?T. \VILLOPE??li'iJUT!'fc.K_S.?; 1 ?lONOraC?TTS Por pamphlet?, glnag full Information, apply to it. I . . ' , my lt-lrn - 'intendent. I ' NEWCiiSTLE. N.H. DAD STATIOB, roBT^BOr/TH, N. I!.. U.trtv rolnu'es lii-tiii?., wl. -re enaclies fr. tn tun liju?tj meet t:\<try irata, PASBIOBABU !t:-:?0lTT or ths Moki II m: OPBN G?? SEASON JUNE 28th. Oeneral Joseph? \t; !?t??? and Lew,?? ??'? jone?!, it prtMor. W. ? - l'Ili. my / TAI' ' ' I? BATHS, ?? I *Y. VA. ? i'ii. dlNLIlAL WA ? . In? beati? ti: ni in lay .it?.'? ? 'wy ? W. IL SALB, _Proprietor. >. :. ? ani conveniently : a? IO .--.?r L, j , gOOd ueigl.rorhood, _.?., wdi do ?eli la ap????? to Vite. Dr. KOHKBT MiAt K.r. letvvlll?, ?), Allomarte renare. Ve. ? ami on._aiige,l slwsys. Term? ?*??_ ? . .VWiw ?? . HOTEL, VIR ????? BBAI B,op?ei lUM tar. D ? t'Ot.'..;? le IgbM and ?.oil? tu every ?i't ?inuma Beeeb rnirfad ?'.op ht dt'er. itor furti?. ... UKOMGBU, ? ? ..guita .dea?-!,. ? a. \l? "?I' HOTEL AND -Vl M'IilM,-, .,?er KoektUti t.ap, Blue Btelf? isiii?, ?,????'. leet abtivo il. j levo ? of the sea. ?'ine vi- tra, ? -ini,.er ro-ort, cti?-ap loar!, ?trun,? .. itous to tbe invali !. pis m ir?. see'*??r. ani (amile?. Of aa? a cesa Adiro?? Meisrs. M ? *?_my iu-lin PIEDMONT HEIOHT8, OVKK -t Lcx .. ; per, r/iii ae.-ommo tat?sixty '?.tiding? new, I room? ?iry, large halle, ba.c-.o ?p?. Milk,Irait?, alatile* aliuniarr. Churrbesand llrerie? Ad'lrees, NVILLUM U. glTZUCUB, Culpoper, Va my CM? I ATLANTIC CCA? LlXB.) BlCBMOIID AND I'FTS '...?OAI>. > ItlcUMONU. May ?.% lijg). ) ??? FIU:IGHT D**POT8 Or' TIILS company will (?? . le? d . tn !;sr,AY AM? MilDAT. VavaiandSO, )?fyO. ???isbable freiabt ?111 be delivered until 10 A. M. es h dar __"__**?_?_,IOi' v 'Agent-_ KICUBONDAM' DAVV1I 1 I lUltliOAoTo,) .?||.!.??.?|????1??>??. > BlCHSUN j. V*_ May .;, |?<ja ) riMIEFREKiHT DEPOTS OfTHIH X company will be ?.-tisoti TIIUBBBAY ?'? PK1DA?, May ?? and autb. p?, ?,??,?1? irt)lki; ?111 be delivered between ibe hour? of ? ?- M and is M. each day. ?.?_ jjliA) , _n?y live?_^^ Ageu._ ! ~BltMMOIt?,?TBBDeWC'?IBC*0??jrB PorokUlJ) _ _ HiaatiAD, > RiCHSosa. Va., May a, iJu. ) THE FUKIUUT DEPUTt. of THIS COMPABY In Kirlimond WiLL li_ CLOSfcU I ea ISTu aod 3?ra INbTa ? ?. Krei?bt trata* will be suspend?.] from MAY Wth to sOUi, iBoluaiva ?. a. TAYLOR, I my ;?'.-? 1 ram.; Maasfjr. ? ?1**44 IBI. John ?. mm t m, Bankers, Ann dkai.ebs in bigh-qhabb .INVESTMENT BONDS, JVo. Ill/ Main street, BlCEDfOrtD, va. Imicipal lid k_Qmil loins Vfottoted, -.igt isd l.oilcn of Credit ca all parts of Ik wnii OUR MANUAL? OF INVESTMENTS FOB 1890, the In of the kind publtthed by any I ?i,,, /-/,?,, m Am? rie , ?'..? /. ? ? a, ? ?? :., ? an,i those ? . ? ir ? ? vi/h our firm, !ii<:rs at ttVO dot? ' lure ; " H hat no equal in this country."?' ??' h, "l'a ' d ftal of the moet valuable in? \formatii ?."??Journal of Conn ._ ? Buy the Best Stock ? ON SALE IN VIRGINIA. ??? OROTTOJCa COMPAJIT ; OTVNS R.'JOJ A fill's oil THI BUSI' IRON AMD TlJliiKK LANJJS AND [ 6.0G0 ACRES OF UN.??! !<IM-?S"D CITT-S1TB 1. WI?.*? AT THE OBOI IARDOAfl TALI?? KAlLliu?.. ' iiutlilNd BA??_>UBT_B, v'\., ell lo one boly, ln?'!ii<!lnif 111?? fain in Weyer Sad a ae Hotel, a iari'?? ei"lrii? lliilit plain, 1*0 col water y tl?e brick an 1 irnnie Ben ? lit Dark, ? ? - ' |i<v, at ISO per -. ?? gaol buying by ?ii ito ??'.? ? . or rllla lota at ? ? I : mm lb? : ty, -.?.here tue City ef '. 1 eireelhal notliiiiK .' in; are? ?lib it lue. tiiB. irip?, ?nd Information ait? ili'.?..S ?, SUUUt?Jll, ?a, tr 1-e on..''?*?, ?a. JKU. li'i' OK1S8, J-rr-ldenl. ?y-JT-flt Stauntoa, Ve. D?B80BIPTI0N8 TO ?? E CAPITAL STo?'k ???. TilKllltOlTOKS INT recelyeil ,-.? informatl..n fflvea I ? a??HU? TOB & BOW MW, ? ? w/'n?, ?a., er I). F. EOOLBBTOB, BnyfT-Ct* 1>bt:4 Bones, IC hnioud, Va ????? TO BUBSOB1BER3 TO fflfflS TOBACCO r RSTOTUUWSHAHS*- RIGHT??-1 of?_la? ?? ?BeereIB?abr en'i..r?Ln?? IJac aaaaa at? tlOO ?lib aa ? ? ?rie lo the UBPUfcV l l'Ai.???? ? <?? G?? UBI KTBDJPb? 1? ? PEB CI ? 'i'>?o by ..ion for ?ame at our em?*, ?.li entltl? ?ubBt.Tlteriti'BU'riallotai-.-nt tu? may be roat?u of ?ait t ni inca ".te rlirbt to iO-abare glibber', ottone ?111 expire outbo ?tv.b of. tateatof tbobal ai?:e BBBaroBaaa l will I?? mad? lo?u?crl-Hlou? for lame tosale by tba'. toy iurtber information BBBlBlt ?IBB be bed on ejf.llca'loa. la??Al BBABCI - I li -.Dtertj, By 11-1'B 1101 Main ?treet H 1-.??? BE, Ac. i?BLISH_l> 188a FKliSTlJN bKLVIN, FUK.\ J I LIRE, It Uoreraor ?tre?!. Kleb?ou 1. Va We-TJ h AJ. UUAY, ? <?0 VBB1 URO.?.? STKBBT, HiCBBOMO, VA., MARBLE AM? QHABITI BON?_tBT? ASI) BBAXA-lTf?fJnk ?????? and rU'UU-IIL l em. wry work a ?peclalty. niy 1Mb? BARGAINS-MALL PAPER lili-. I. I ?..I.Ml'?ad Br>T 4. I ? ? I ' '? "TOI ? , o? Wall l'apcrm la Phil-ueii??? .? ? ??? J ?*? oad U? tile ? *???uan?c at ?boleeale ur.. <? I*?? ES?E!C I p_? ?eut to ail p?rt? ihe limi?! -Sute? G fa Ee Bat t tV-Seoti for taiaf lee and compare o ; ? .??><? ?ut J pne?? ''' . CHAS, -, N? KlLLENi ra?atan?arsafl_s_ [o? 8-?m] ASK ?Sg" GLOVE THUMB' "Retrograde"Seamed M'?ts. Tilt VEHY BEST MADE. Kipi b* til Itrfc? Da-art. _________f?.___?_?_-?__ KODAK, HAWKKYE, AND OTH_B litTSiTlVti CAHSBAS-lry pi ate* anil I liad---? dina. Re cbarrafor loa Une- *?? lery BuppU???Ciard Suj<k, fi?.e A?. ArtieU'Man-naia BOL J. blNa??".-?>'???. tit Beat Bit?d ?ireeL my ?-1?_ rj-t ? EAST _.UN OT?EET. WALL PAPERS. aaj-i-eix-m JUUB BIQBAV7LT f UT9UN. _???G???? M?.r-?Fet-r* Paya ^ By IL Seldoa Taylor ? sen. Beai Batate Agentsand Aoetioneera Office ?orner Eleven lb end Bank Street?. G* RANDEST Ol'PORTCNITT OF TUB SBASON. BEVENTT-BIGBT CHOICE, C9CAL SIZE, AND MO^T VALUABLE WBST-BND BUILDING LOTS, PBONTINQ ON TUB BOULEVARD, WBKT BROAD, GUACE, AND FRANKLIN 'RbMb ???????} ?????? ON THEMARKBT. FUTURE ENHANCEMENT GG.?????? AND RAl'IIX UM.aCALLY EASY TERMS OK PAYMENT. Ox TUESDAY, JntBT.!??iO, kt 5 o'cltvk P. V. ??larp. we ?t'? offar the above. Bkl ? i?-.?, 'yilig lielween BoMa? H.ul?Tard. lie??? Ih ? MMVUl Side of Broad Street, . side rf Gro ? aeutli ' ? street twentr oue en Ilio north ?id? of .'rauklia ?trei-t. and lea .111 |i ? 1..1 I ?lie -???? Franklin and B.-'>*<1 street?. I bor?? are uo pgeO ? than these, and noue with a bettet future. ? .if thl? prnportr can u? had at the offl.-e ?.???.?.'?? ?tuaun i.-oru om offlce of tu? aao> i aad Bn al \ "? are ? ? > altead this ?ale whether you buy or ' Terms: Oa? third rash; belane? atei atei ii:. ? yean t? -'carato urite? t.? be ?!t??? lor me ha? ired by t trust on tbe "?? ? ertj . U. M.i.iiu'? ?AYLOR a my 28_ By ?!?? Beat ??-?" ?| ? '. a " 1 Auctioneer, UU Mela THAT BJ ', l'LOT OF a a o o no, wrra ??. TUP lUI'lf.iVrilKVrs TIIKy.ROTI. ras v*_Lt*K*fOWN ?FLOWKB 0?!?I?EN" OF WILLIAM L SHI ll'.xVX FBET ut ? itoli ;: i;i;iiCM? AT THE . OF tWKNTY-Bl?HTU ANO ? f-TI WITH 1,11 ???? 101 ! AND I I OBTABLB BUICK DWELLLNU LABQI ?.v? IL ' RgENIH LsABGI ?INO \ IBIED BIOCK OF ',?,, LBD IS, *c, t . ? ' :???. f William L. Be Itti, I ?.. I ubali ?ell by public su rtlou, on the prem?eos? on ? IAT, JCM t, ?????''? ,, ; IKD ? \ ?AfTRAt I ' ABLI ?? . \NH I I. i\'. KR-UAHDKN fBu ? 11Y, at I ? ??I rd ? running I moo n h n:i) Hi? S| ?<??, ani ? ?? , lar?;??, i I ? This ? . - ? ...? ?u thatiiij . ? ? ? . er.Vue B ulldtrig s .' iin ? ?? Iwaye In ! lernend by tei ita and ? ? ; ?'.? and bull natale : ? lots as n.a.v let ? ? my ~-i :n?r. Boai aitata igentaod Bi --, No. 11 m.rtri I ?nth street. 4 0 HAN OE~T? IH V A OOOO ? ?fa. HOl'SK BBASONABLT AND OB TIMH?At 111?? re.ji ?.?t of tb? ao-erl wtn ? ll, I ou tho proni??.?, ou HAY, Mat::'. at I !?. BL, t.ii PB IBICB BOI ?? ? lai.;?? g . t. ? . - ? ?. ? ni ? cold water, atta modern cou???. Ulla u?" minutes' Tau or t. ?' nil tUO ne of ? arr etri?-??, e ima ? fr?.m is? eastern litt- ot Wem reel and running I back UO feet to ?? alley IS feet ?Ida 11 j 13 BOW 0 iru.iiih. ino? n' or va? ale at the win if ta? pul ; ity wit:? -ai.i tb ; mclng la va t quick u?? ? ? mid noi latito G???? ?? ; tirtltiri"? HI>eraL ' lly Tatu?? U. Dam, Beai B?tele aeea? ' - ) ATTRAC 1 l\ 1.LY-LOCATED ??;? VAl.r.vm ? ?'.??'. I AJtT_?4TBBBT LOTS ?? 1 ?.l?lC Al'Lll-N. 1 CM SAICH' T, 11?! t*-TA**T, AT ti t, ? [?ball?ell by ?,oo tu* pre?are?, rwopi 10 tin a'ley In r??r Bfttsen fee: wm?? th tide r ? ?r.? ' ' ' .er g'xsl . ? ? may ime ? ??. ?...!..-. ?. 1 I .:. 10 ? J ?' I . air. as. car ate at ?aivvtr, aai.a I ??OR ? GOOD FARM OF NINETY ?? ;'.;??. with good buildings, tar?? ??? -- ? . mil eetered; t leo y ? t ? ?. ? ?rgala eaa Le bad '. by ai.. ORBM, Twenty-sixth at-l ? my?-? A; ib? BIMWS?? CkVABCtua (?TOCK OF DRUGS FOB BA? ? IU' . tasioca ?? ? riir-rt.'Witn as are u ?. ? ? trade ? . e given and tariie? : 111 witli ii?. I . . lATRBWSi my ,-j-i.t ? s ? [ONEB.Y, ?a. MB? AND HIS MEN. WA* KkMlM?iCKNCBi*. , A p- pu'ar book. First edit:?!? ?old Iu sixty laya ; COmplimcuiary noti* ? by the pre?? of both ?e - m elo'.h $1. pap.u-!>) ccuts. lient by ' malL pre; aid, ou receipt ??' price. Adir.-? A. .M?NiKIK'l, ?. I).. n?y i.*-i'.* BUmmond, ? a. TT* I BWS OB RICH 10ND, ALL ? V ? ? n.St. y Vi;-,;,ii',nuu'!..yM.a!lVlKi;l-.'IA ' ?????? - kl ??>0??3, a full ?ios ?! BOOM??*) STATIONERY, au tb? ' LA'.V M ? - -, us Invited to make our boute tholr , headquarters for everything new Ui the book and ? stauouery ima WEST. Jt-lUNSTON 4 CO., , my ?8-M_ _111 Mala ?treefc G ? CJ DB TO WCHI-OND?alAP G au?! Piatte?! ROW WALBSABOITB1CB MoNi', w.tu l'.a-.e?; BORI ilMO.Mi IN BfJoM?. DAYS: ?ITT ? HISTORY OK BJCHMOND : BICBMO.ND, ? ?... AND I UK NU*" [UTOGRAPBIC , 11. .. ? ?.'? ?,_.>_.<.\?. kB AMO J Kl SSTATUa Tht? ??G.???-? essor.m. nt ef Old e'tl New Rook? in the - Itala ?ireot, Rtcbmeiid. Catalog ? ? any addrsai my-"J-diw KANlioi.l'H A BN< riSli E RM I VS Bl PP1 I. ?. ^hia, BEI^AND>t?^ BST9 and NETTING o( all kinds male to or? der, also nggod ready for uta U L.CH?KN3 .'BIN'S BOB*, sol? Importera of Die Celebrated Lio? Brand Seine ? bread, turner ?tstventeenui aud Franklin sire???, mb ST ltlchmgu 1. Va _PAINTS OILS *C. WHITK LEAD, LINSEED-OIL, TURPENTINE, BRUSHES, GLA?>. *?*. Ou.? price? aie cheapo?; fur quality. M ater?ala cover mure and ?ear beat MIIL_ ? ?INTS all shade?. Write lor prie??. Th* ouly f nil stock oi ARTIHTV MATERIALS tn the State. BOL J. B1.N8V.V ANGER, Patut Dealer, BU ?asi Broad ?a-t?t, my ?wVlae Blchmoad. Va, BOOK AND JOB~WORK NEATLY ixbit: rao at tub Di?FArcapiuNr? lBta-Bousa AUCTION a-tCB-ratara Paya By J. THOMPSON BROWN _ CO., Real Estate Agcn.s ao. kulinten, 1113 MAIN BTREET. COMMISSIONERS SALE or Droperty Fronting' on the Boulevard Between Path avenue and Broad street, SUB-DIVISION OF 3:2 ACUES-5,000 FEET FRONTAGE. INTERSECTED BT FRANKLIN AND ORACI? STREETS, G??.? AVENU! AND BHOA? STllEET. IN FOLL VIEW OF LEE HOMU THE L1ROEST COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LOTS I.VER OFFERED IN THE CITY. WILL BE SOLD TO THF? HIGHEST BIDDER. SUeppanl. Guarnan.) ?.. } fhepparl anda'?. J ?a Circuit Court Of county of lUartco?<l?wr?e ?nieraJ 'anuary tl, bbbb By Tlrtnaof th" ?bove dacre? the un let-la"!?-?', ?p? -ial <*t?mii ?-lonor it ?????? ????????4 forese pur,?o???, ?ill ?oll at public eut-Uon, ua tuo prttintiee, ia? Hi? UitillK.?! Ull'lJik, ul THURSDAY. JUNE 5, 1890, ?t S-iiO oVlot-t G. M_ _? attore KXCKUDIN?lt.Y tT?SIRABf.t PU' ?fiKTT, iViae lu thafllrtjotlla? ot tmii.tiv ?G'-???, an?! not ,?>ily fronting oo III? Irani t?o?il-?ar.| ? f l'i .'. n? . but ?i??? Ir?? ..'luaT un tB? B?3Bt TBluaO?aad fa -ii io'iabla thornujibfare? of tbe.'l-y. IB?? a? Krea.l'.n. Otaae, Para ????'!?, Bad Broad ?????? r<"ia?rtng tbe eiibauosJ t?!??? ol Bail ? ropTty tn the liunKfcllaie tullir? ?alni??! ? ? ?! - ' it? n?*f..??!'.y. N-at and valuable map? ??f ?hi?, aa ?ell aa Hie BdjBBBBl M 'Perty. Sara tx?en prepar?! fer free ?1l4tribir.i?m, winch ?aa 1? bad by calilof up?a tti? cumini?ivaer or Bu?".i^uo?r uc by dro-ipiaf a po?Uil to either. ??????.??,?? ?til ??art for the at J o'clock from Burpby ? Uot?l. and Br?S ?tr?*? and ilio a ictloii-era' ofM.-e, 11 IS Haiti ??re??!. Y< 1ve cordially llivite ? to alten l the eal?. ?. oa??; buiame upon credit of e^nal Inetatn? ? it?..f ..n?. two, and Ihr?? yara, BecotlablaBotoefor?a deferred perai<m?av ei?pvat.< Beta I r .??..? inwreei t>? b? gi?ee. aaaaB? BBi ?? auuually, ami till? relamed uuUl lbs all ????? I aad Je?vt or-1 er ed by IB? Court JO. LANr. -. . .- .?1 ? am UHM BBSS? J. THOUI-30H Known A Co., Aucl'.oneera Baarriap,ap??????,?_>etra?, Ae., ??.a????, Asirnwt ?>?????a?? amo a??., ??????a?t??ta Till ? IBCI ir t 01 ? r y tue ? 0UMTT OT BBMBH ?. | I, San ;i?l 1'. ? nlillil 4?i'i'y t-lttrt .if ?ai'I ?-otrt, >*ertlfv ihat ttie I^nl required ot tha iparlal oomml?ton*r ? ? la bbJ4?ra??e at tut Jaaaarr, MBB, Bai atea Saly gtna. -Inder uiy band ibi? 1Kb day of April, li?'i, HAM-.Kt, 1*. \v Mimi.i?li?.,,atyCI*rt. ? ? EXCELLENT DWELLING AND Bim UUILIHNU LOTBt? TH?PLANOF MORTON'S ? t l?-GARDEN U AT ? I By ?. W. flowe and Geor.e ". V*?.?u - Baal Kitato Auctioneer?. We alii fell By auction, on tho premilo?, oa ?T, .11 I . at:. watotA P. JB., Ute rastet the LOT8 noi loid atoiir ret-Miit ttfenuB, and en?1 ihe Ue.-t m tbat LaiKliio?-? pian. l-ey araa? it;il j??: l. ti'i. \?<>?*t KXCBLLBUT ???D?30M BJ I ! K tMI DU . I I.I??? . OOBtalBlag ?won or f(.:lil rooms, lltuatad at Iba ?o i'hi?e?t t-nruer of Maia awl Baacb etreow, ?Uh tbai BUST CHOICE U'i ?>?? ?BBtch tt ?t-iuils, il feet 7? B-OBae by ISO to a ?I In alley. '.'. TWO r.X 1'I4A-H.AM)MI?B MAIS - LOTS, I ? ?? ? ? f Mi.rrt? Htreet, front?n?*; each ? ???? ??.? runulug batti liti loet to '.bl allt?T at)i.v.? n?ferr*.l t... BBMOST VALUABl? LOT at thnnnrU*. weit corrtorof Cary and Kceervolretroem, front li .- ti f?nl t IniB?? on Kos.-rvoir eiro-L, ?mi ]n?t ' '.be pi*:? lor a etor? ?al Wuul J U? well palroo l/"'_ 4. TWO PJUTTT l.o'l'MaiJoIntnr and north of tb? la?t above, each fiuutluif ?) feet ou Heier ; ?oiretreet. ? TWO VKUY nBlIKAHJ.B ANI) WKM sili ATEO LOTS ou thn ea?t Baie of Murrt? ?treot, ?loia aud C'ary ?treeU, ?acti ? b et treat, 'Ihe?e ere flood lot*. In ? good a?lghi>..rhaod, antl are woriby of, aud wo h"|?n ?III raeetra, the attentloool lioaie-a??.?iii?!?? ani inveetora 'J'ik-i: Alialo. Piata fr? n. [Ut*. . ASU??N A SON, riy.'T ? ?. . Il? ? A K. Au tioneera " More money li to be matin ?afoly In ?outhern liiTeHtiii??tit? ?liait anywb?r? eia?."?Hin. HW ??a?? ? Atitsy, v/ f*?n'"tlia\ M EN OF MODERATE aiEA.vs WISHINO HOMES, CAPITALISTS BEEKTNQ PAYING investments, KEEP Volli STI OH DIXIE ami ?.? ?? SA LEM. VA., TO ATTIC????? ni'.ST ? ?; hon sali: of lots. There ?ill N? a grau I BK??It? to Halara, Vi, ?I !.. ".? r tue She?. Valiey aad '?? rfolk aad w eau ru rail.?Ad? ?a it:_*OAf, town ?,????, ? ' ? ajtataaetteaeale ot lots Ti?*kota will ?.? oa Bala after Jaae lai from iiager?to?a ? -. j.j. Ktebsoad, Norfolk, bara, l'alc.itior?, and Hrie.ul by apply.-g to ait ? All raiirml?? a ?it???-t kt llagerato?a for thi? grtlli'l e?-iil, ?o ? rl: 1 tbo KBl? of lotrf, tho {.,.. 1 BtBBltOa lari . ? e;i oy?i, rtunlty ?111 b ? 1 oRerfl ibv.-ettii* tr?'hae* Btuyetlf tt lent, rat?? than at any ..tiit-r iilius'rlal BBBlrS lo tho ??oath. Korti..??b*r, ?M?ry pucueeer ba? bl? ' Urn refu? 1 I. d_aa no?, with an opportunity to rnail/.e i? profla?,a??itBB??I at ftirrnitigaaaa. Ala., al ltoa!ii;_f, >?.. aad ?ib.-r BOUIBera ctUea- . ? ? ..a?? ii.'Hn unie ?,? jadfcioaa ln?<-ei potaBv Haiaai bow eaJara a reaa ' Uta ?.a?_ I'niurpaa?d in t ? t-? ?-iiery,btialiby climat?, ana ?.Leap propuity for laf?*at? Baleai le? ;u tho centre tt thn fertile Hoauokn Tal? ? ?urroiiiad? i t.y > .?? itiful riountaiu ???t?n t? nere ?-? aa??? ?muerai ??alta In the ? ? cliy. MAKTjrAt7r01UU? A KB UATB_UI.NO AT BAI ? where they am ?????-,? fi.iia taxation for ten >?"?_?: wt.i.f.i?. ?ara gir-n free, and ?hern oi ber lado? ameai ve sew-real let them w locate an 1 e.tablieb a paying buein.??? on a ?o<m?l and ?? a r?-_ly martel fur ail produc?a COME TO TH IH ? ? A ? I) UAlCUMNa? Trai-.?? alti run frmo Norfolk aod B.ibmoad BDd ?:1 other road? ?111 ?ell tick?!* to con aeet after #bb_ hi at ????mou ratea uood I unii'? ?.?<?!. ?alen h?? within ? fhorter pt'rtod than any other Kiutbern cuy ??!? greater pronta lo II 1"? ? -, ??e a ?? b?i?g trade by tboee taking ?<1 -raiitas?ut th? l?.'?Aou ot tb? pant lava?? Dow while ??0????? I** UK VP and ad?antag(t| yfft-reil bi luditine? to Ivate. ?Aril? lor jariLular?, inloroiatiua, eod map? to The Dixie Land Co., OK _7i!f3 Steelton Land Co., Sal em, la. liaffular e-curaiou rate? oo and after J BBS l?t Keinem ber, the ?ai? bej?n? JUNE 4IU end coa ilau?? uatil tli? <t? All far??? ?ill t? refunded oa purcbaaicg ? lot laduoeraenu or, no? offered la Ind?trie? to lo ata Wr.t? for particular?. my ff-7% Jiy "uttoo A Ca, B?al Belate Agent* aod A?ttoaaen, 1C14 Main itr*ev AUCTION SALE OF VERY DE HlllAKl.- ?? ?iM?'?*i.*?l,.AMiASUU\VKH_. INOCOitNt?. .IIIKTIKIH AND O hTBKiTa, ANO TWO I.K-lHAbLK Bl 11.DINO UtVtt l?M BHOAU BKTvVfcKN rWk-TY-Bt?UTU ANU TWKM Y-.M.N ! it STKBBia -Atlb? l*?4.*lt of th? owner ?e ?bail ?ell et publie aucUou, upon Ih? prem?eos ou MOM DAY, tir*?? S, IS?, eer-iraeo.Hnia? ' ?, a ? at., ?uh tho?? TWO BKAL nrCl BL U1.1-*.U :.OTs Ir-utlBf ? feel ????h ou ih? aorth Bitte ot Broad a?_r Twaaiy BluUi ?treet. lmice?liAtely al f e'clo. ? ? M., thai I.A Hii ? fK A BS *?rOHI ANDDWBLU IM.1 eit'ialed at lb? HOuth??tcoraer of Th-**?Ui aad O ?u?? ?. long ?xvatiel a? a latallgrocary ?lui?a. Tr.n main bui'timg U-_? t?iet with ?it largeda?iliB?*-r?iome be???.?? atorarooia. ? ? ? lot f ron a? _ f?et aad Ba? a das? ef 1? tee ? to a ititeea-foot alley. There l? on ih? rear ?porttoa of the lot TWO BMAl.i. tKAMB JJOVSJ? bee??M M?-?, ear rtase-iio?a. aad ?Mb?tr i_t?po?*taea_ Th??eo tloa of ?e city ?? ui wai? built up, Bad a Mirriag ?.na: uiii eott'.d ?? ?id up a large a_4 prt?i Bbie ret?) buvnoa? at thi? itaad. llau.i At ?ale. m __ __^ ??t,______ BEDFORD CUT Land and Improvement Company, JAMES EC BEI.RY, President, beukoku ??tt, va, Cl?? OT IU Ulli V..I.I. DB DISCONTINUED ON AM) AFTER MAY 31ST AT PRESENT FIGURES Only ? limited ?mount to offer until that date. THIS 13 SOLID AND SAFE. A LIMITI?:!? Nl MltKROP LOTS ? at PRIVATE SALE ON AND AFTER JITjN EG 3D. Call and t*, prospe-tua bee plat at office ol vL'ARLESg McCCRUl, Agent?, myV 1211 Main street. By N. VI. Bo?*, I!??) BMaSa ? ? ii'juaer. pOMMI88IONIB'l HALE OF LAROB ANO VAI I ABLB coal raoron IN EINRICO AM) HA.N.i'.LH COUNTIES, IN TUE irafl OP VIRGINIA, ABOUT TWELVE 111! El r'UOM RICHMOND, ?ITU Bri'.DiNO!", UACUINKRY. BNOINB?,TOOL* *<??. BY ALU! ION, By virtue of a decree of the ("invili Court el ?? April Is, i?sjn, la Uta sur. if ?? I'tiiii;? tj. Hattleet ??. th? n-unco r?i C?mpanv." the tlBdtrtsagaed ???-,?l ?*.,matte? ? api omul, w*Tll ?eil l>r puUI?] ?na? ilon, ?'. >? uf ti.ui?M et*ta ty va U.? City uf IU?-ii:u ud;, uo ViKUNB-OAY. Ji.?g 4, IBM, ?t 1-o'elfx-a ?.,??? th?? UBAI. ANI? PERSONAL GG.????? Y of lh?C??'-?..iMf. ?? iiiianr sitnsted lu tlie ?-.???'.'i?s ol . ?i.l HaJiovet, aad HI?lallBI lif Iti? Ini .?mg l'AK? il a u? RIAL ? ? a l a uwoud h? Uie Batano? ?.??ai i-umpaey? to ?It: 1st. 1 TR.M ? OP LAND sN)Ut ???1?? mllea from the cit? or HWrhmond, tu ibe county at Henri????, on aud D?ar u~?.y Uua creek,?? niala liig ebon ? :,-r Ail ii. ABOiBBM I'teAt f ul* LAND ?liteted parly la Henri -o e ,uni; and partir IB Hauovef county, remaining ais>ut i.jtu Ac H h.*? M 1 ras log tbe same Ian 1 crivsfed lo I'eurad "? Jor? den l; si. TaLiisg? uy deed deled ????! Mai.-l., M. ANt.TilKB TRA' ? ?II* LAVO lo. ?led la lloiirl?-.. couaty onaiatBiag ?brini tri ACRE* aal ?* mg ibo ?ai?? leu-i eeeveyed lo ?aid Jordan by W. J. ,1- t'f deed dsi^-1 ?tu ut Jtta?. ISSI. All of tbe?e ?an?!? are too ??U Baowu to refaire . ? f? Her oeecnp.un. l'co ?Ae?? tant? I? ? lot of MlflUNIKV, Fl\ 11 'RES, Ar., t.itaM? for aunug aad batid. 1 Heg cOaL ? Bare ar? q ?lu? ? iarg? oumber of fairly goal gs ou tt.'.?? tied?. Bu?) BOI?B ar? ?ell ' Bulled f"rtTie*mp!'?yee? ot a .vial uiiuiugeoaa pen y. and a railroad txnneet? ta? m loe? ?ita ih?? itr ? ' Il l? believed ?bal tbe fallar? of tb? def-ndeOt ' company **t the rrsult ef IntuflU-ient ?orklag ! capile!, aad thelaitn moneyeodi?i,?rgr props??? ; ly directed thl? property eau b* utaoe vetrf pronta Die. Itteprubebiet&at t_e enitre suLjeet ?111 Be ?oll a? e ?bu!?. ' ?????: fue fourth rash, aad the reetdaet? tbr?e ????? Inatal m? nt? el ?It, teetve, aad elga t**u month? for n.l?? ?lib laierest added aad ii.:?? ruta'.LoJ. or eu caen, at u* ?piioa of tae yarc-eaor. CUAKLK? t. WILLIAMS, Spaiai Commleetoottr. ' Is ras Ciaccrr focar er llisaico G???tt i Fallir O. RABurrr, PiAinrirr, ta laa Bba? Biro coal loar ?av. U?rs??D??rr. j I, W. S. Leste, clerk U Bald court, do eerOff , that the bund r-sniir e.l uf g;??i?l-< orami?? femar I ?'ba-'leet ?M! by der"/ ent*red 1? this eau*? oa iba l?;b day ?ti Ap.ti, L?*J, aa? tasea I duly gu?n. ??IvaaiiLder my band tht? Uta ?lay of Bar, ! lMKi VI. a LEA Kg. my S3 Clsara? By < b ??: mg A Boae, Beai l'ai ai e AuetloBeera, Mu? I aofitx I ?nih ?tre??? GRAND AlVIION SALE WIT? OUT LIMIT OK KESr.BVB, blXTT-FIVE BCILOINO LOTB FaKHXTUtw OK TOB NATIONAL ROAD ABO AMOIBU*? STRKxra an ?fOMDAY. t?.*? ?, im? al i G. M. ivwa, a-e? day. tt Base a?.iuexila*iV.a?e?1Ue*il Ui __ __ ?*iin?___birg ??????, L*vlia?4 r*ttliaa eueete? Be eure a? eiuad Utle eai? aaa) ?**->??? e ?*4?*?_??_ Tour k?u ?m rttsva you treea am aaoeM? T5I ?? earfiea???? for plata m4 aieSEmlaia. aa? a??'? to.'gei that tata?? io*? ate ta be ewotl? nuut?.: Ba?y. eoe ?*a?*fojBewB ea gafo.??