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R?CHMOND IN WAR. A REarlNieCEtNT LETTER FROM THE PEN ?FC. VV. TAYLEURE. ?*?* Tarly ?-lag??? In 1-tlclitnond -TT?el?l?t-.r Ilo?.IB and <>thei-?VVar-TI?-????* IBBt-lilrn?a I mi Vay 2B.1W0. to the Editor nf <?/? M*BM ? Talk-toa? ?'f RicJio-otiJ with mr daafrder. ?ab? w?-? ' I ol lieart Softeuii.g "??lil tt!. , bill??. 1 ?? ?? ? t ? . ? re In io?M?ai. Mar 1 u o fea? ?? ?iij ? ?na in yooi tin??? la 1S5S " Tom " G????'??, en *4>ur?( Sew \. ?I'd Ilio Inn ond r. :. thS St?fa' l( ?re tau a '.nr I d?*?iBi; ho. Torn" anead ?taarherl W?nr?? ?onsii a'1 ae_? ?ar-t-in.i,? ?, haa, . ?.: ?? I. h?\ .n?? If ? a?_??iiiy OB ? ? .n. ?.r.r poor. I ?kraal ? by tfaooo irt _i\ I arly <?? ?rt<_ Mjf ' - ??PS. (). . ??- r 2lst, 111 tiiuii MAI >lBr,ag*r. M?f* ?lei? Me BtBl PBtBaaaaa. ?Jr?a?Lrt. . .Mr. tt G. New. Prof?^aor I^ebttian ?: ?? Uerf MhfBltt ' ? A Itartl aa ? ? - ? fui p ?y. ??? H"*?'' ??? C. BaTir ITii'lir ._r. < barloa h, rnble Ma?r?n. Sir .!v ???'-? ?asSM ?MlfoM. C. W. l'aylor. (fil? fir?? app?ararttO ??? 1 tri a* 1er <?? ? .Mr. ?!. Ai I Peitom. o?"? Iberna?.. ? Blei leu ?I IBB? J ??. ... ? - J_el*ti . Mrs. .le'.n I Otbes -ri era ?of tba not in tht? .j??? ?srsrsi Chart??! <bf ?r ?I??. ? ? iDH Moore tt_ ?*.'?' ? an .?.1 wai to 1 ? ? 'nati . ?'? k_ (al ??. ?? ? ?. Ii i. i ? W. If. ? as 1 rw, a ?oted pai ? I'm?ina re? r Aliora the stag* ?? than my?elf. ?"?1 ?? ' ? lai ilf-aj-e r? ? ? t r I tp-ia. \t t ! A4 ' ?? prettj little ; ? By? ? -:??.? With bn ?K>tb?FT Ime, f".??;1':, and that j h,., i I arica Bhakoseh. Liad, and there I tli Ban, i i til ? , ' ? ? .?, ? fifi I 1 un naturali; f'af ? ???? ? ? j ?ed. I ?aras ex? es -t? learning I (bi iU-?iirn ? .? an i napri , little . . iti. ; r ? ? j i at! ml r?t at a rebear? il, waa I Sda - ' ? t it Booth. By lu? aid? atetad * ton, Edwia Booth, a ?ui??. tl ? . ? .?-. ? ' ?? inni atas of ul" twenty, aitu eyeeerea then ot BBarrallona power. 1 acfomnani???! tt??* H der lioetli to Jiock s?t?, trbers he painted oat s little bri?-k bons? whieb be 1 Id ms wert tbe*lrst Ai er. loan ti- nao as ? ?? * eatared after landing al Riebmoad ?in? * h m ' bs id. II ? ? ? ? or, ;??? he *? rmed it, " a taven:." '? ?? ' rrasoB ot tin? stroll that I kin? the 1 - told n:i 11 ?when at nirl t ha ? ? ? I to ? < . as-ds ara - ?? I * ? out limp ? : ? fanion- ? . vf,K ?tur? ta li-* haa ?it: ?eer hit ??? t'.p ?iie/l?y a liawdt*rat i.?? h sti? la the conr?r? of tl in memorable neunnrt I ?t.? irtft Su I? ' ?ho taad? bow to ? R ? "i??l andlaace a? Ctmain Joe in "Tbe Rongb Ui?m?.*?ti." I hare , ibi ??. I?? coated ? \ feet arrea, at aearas feet eut - bari I rent????t m_> ta his exit. tlmingli a rentre ?loor he forgot to band Inn ii. a ! and nuilo a " Int " by striking bis for??b??!??J agai??ri tba H?tai sir ?? til.?m araa ? - led by it t?? who BSrasHtrs 1 lbs ?? -<?' I I bathe which th?? Bot_? Look ? .n _s apart? men?* at the l_ohaaga I ? 1 ia defer. entiai ntann? i? ?>f ti??? M?!-t ?MS_? whit?? ?errant I ha?! ever at?aaatorail laaiaaaaofl me | ain/ull.c ral reara later 1 mei the Baro nrt at loir... t, M. c_, when i * wo?? thn plavinr BSi I Bteat, I waa greatly eurpn:*" I to *? ?? ? ?? tama ? ?el ? ol ? with ins easier open terma of t*qna_ty. ItsassBtababsdat4>antiina In comea ? lay? r, anil, r ?.?ii ag lita enial pesitioa, wh? now "iiipjierting" bis ?ormt*r mast r. ? ? * * ? ? ? When Baatw was Ired npoa 1 iia?l long retired froui a???????1 coanection with th?* ttage, an'l wn? ??p n,: the Halt n rt Ameritan aa iper?al eonaapondenl andas Dotterei ioiml r?*?oi-ter. One ~t.??-k aftev the a l'uni um???, t ? IB August ne -1 bail ?-ii?i-*?*<l t lie l'otoiaut? und raacbed Kiebaa? n?i. The Btmoaphere v-h? snreharced with ! ?l??ith. Witt?IB ? wo? k ! l??il '??" iitwri men bulad; bad u ed to look with In differ. ..?? Bsen fonad slain in tlio Street . ! ? ? ? comrade of mini, C }' Del. ?? ta itabb-ed on the itra and died ? an op. pasJta alley o? Eigh_ Btraet a fnw miu uii ? lat? r. Otta Noven?bar day, at. the invitai Ma?,or S. ?'. a ?. G. C. Il nothmii. 1 wit??Ha ?! at ? ibbj the drawing from a?ong ? ?? Peder?! " impri? soned there th.iteon hoetagi s fot the san'?? amber of ? ufedera? prirateere Id aa i?? s? i. m in tho North, [wa ?? ?.... ? i; "mi. nd /t?.?, The lut fell npoa Colonel w. ;.!..??, 1 wei ; aohusetts, taptutf?.! at liar??? Bloff; < ?lonel ? >. ? . Mi? l ? ti ? If. I ?rt ell. Fort - a??. .??..1 N. w \ ork : C-olooel W. I'. \ ruif, Isaooad K< i???J h. I'.t tra??? ?nel (?. W, ?-ff. s. <-i?uil Kentucky; Isajora ?). D. Pot. bar, _Birty-4tigbthhiew York; Pani J. 1.? ?rere, fwentb-th Toy tus i t'?., t ? n- O, V . Rookw ?o 1 ami il. liowiiiuii, 1 ass?-hu-ette; F. J. K? fft-r. First ? slif? rnia t' I. i; Kiekett, of Bi? 1 ? It assjde??ad h: Unii on, and Oaptain U. AV. ?eguale, of tbe ????p?-? i-:1.t:i Mew? w??re ut Ir t bUo aelsotisd, - ut ? oth ha 1 bru-o b n? t ! y wtinnited and t>?-n? socordiagly exeini'tt d. an.i Capta in aad )?.<?' for?lr4wu lastead. Happily the eondemne I privat*??TMiien arre tri-alt il a? priai n? wnr ?1? fmm\ B_u the hoatatteS ???ere BCOotd ??.?? r??le??at?-'l to their prenons *?ta*u?i. e ? ? e ? ? e ?sABjrday, rebt-nary '_.*, i??-??., was the tlrtt ?frirnial |_t?_guratien.dai of the C-onfed etary. 1 retnembrrtt also a? one ? t' ti:?? dreariest days] hare erst known. Twas what ia CSU?d in Kngland "trat-throat wtfBtlier." Andraally, what with th?? fall? ing ilt-et ??d aaow uini ibe diapiriting news irt'Ui Kort* li? nrv and Done??oa, and Broin lioaii? - s ?-e O. Jennings Wi?e wjii Id?ed, in nie wa* a not, unia BBlhar nifi, to;.. At tii?? r?-mi-*>t ?f Pre'-ilcnt ?YsffeS?OA Pan?-as w?_ underatotid m tin* ??ftic?? or ?The Fn rvtrrr -I had liei'D de|?ih-d to G?> ??>Tt tbo iuaui-uration. *TWBS my third espCTieuce in that lintv- l?ii'l-aian in 1*^7, J?tr?-..In in UOl, Je-cr??? ? l>avts .u ? The cor??uioRi?s too* plaoe iu the Oapiito] JBqiiare ??_? the ba?? of the m..?.? beam ini awu?stnau Btatn?- ? ? av ?.? invwlu-re in all my IfSVB? vbr?.?u?li J ur. pr. H?.?w prt?u ? lbs birtbr hi ?.f tii.?*e who err couatrj _on of the noble \ irginian.t %A ?a retyeoeaaed tn a_cf TTsakingt n n. PatricA llnntv. r.eor.o ?iaaon, Joan Mar Bbn'.l, Daniel l'or. ,s .letjer* >,. S?ti J? hn J ?\4.-. Jn all the w?<ri?l ?.?mie BBBStbateba f? ?ui, b???-??? of eue i?olit.<-_1 motbt-r, ? rroap ot oe*iit? mporariaa LoLiir b* a ?? ? rat ion or _ a.-kict-eiueni . HiHiory repinta ii?? If ?Ah? u in 1R07 Craw? ford? ?tatuo ?>f Waa^ngton (after Craw, ford'edr.u. I. 1? nd<.l|?t? iioei-rsi-oinpletetl She m??nur_eut > aimed hum Italy it was ?araw-i tir? in.hthentreet-to tsi>r?-*r.atBite by nt:if4fn*. jost aal>e*s ??tatu? was tateii diaau. tbia ??-. -option, i?ow?*n?r. the ?????* to??*, utj haud ib tUepeaulax demon? stration. c klr. perii'i addroM wan. of roun;e, a B-itetlr ?ftt?tt. II? i?o*>-M-se??d niarkt-?l in J-*<?tuBl ?ewer WiiTh aobolaotie tultur?. Jdb'iir^0"1?'^^^?? A-j" l ?NB^mbar ttsfl tho r-v.v drin? offert ot ble ??a???a? ,?. -Twaa like urn uL? .?_ dew thv-ourk, lirbt Btrc?a_od wt a|>??tie_Tiroe-n^ fiar.? ? * Ayraroi two an I wrote for ?a aortfe?rn V?}?T k'! ??,' t-eman?rn ??,??,, ?..a .? ? , a a cv.?y to Atr. Laii Mere ?? bi? reply . *" UtAUTom, Mi??.Jane 13, vote, CM. M.rl>.-Su. '?ieaM? acipt my ???_.?G# l?i,,a.k,1,wl',urkiudl-5U"of ?'? *??> ?? staut au J, the en.'biedreitiAau?teiit article I am ver.? Riad tu b* loTuidlv ratBoatv borrd bv yon, aa t ta? ew-We that it*???'" r,M-ul??4. 1 ?u, w?,), [,mt ?a^Ja-w??,. you and y??un?, nwpetttfully und BTWffi ,_. , , Jr>*Mv?o* btvia 1 ne eieetoral ticket ?v-ntairiB naines y?xar taadars suay U intoroolod m iac_lia?? naaiwi rt-irstoaai ?ntart. ?m tU ?AU at Larga -Jaa- ft, 14. j *. ? y " rn .ml?, of Halifax; Alino T. Caperton, of For tht? T)i?trict? -First. Joseph Chrls Uaa. of Middle.?? \ ;. tiinoiBtiattia f Norfolk city ? 'ikird. lluMeh T. Daniel, .?:' Richmond City; Fourth, G. Thonison, uf ITlnwttidie: Fifth, IIi.ii1.1hi. of Charlotte; Sixth, Wil ' m, of ??cilfuril ; rVventb, Hen iiiinin F. Randolph. ? !" Ai'? toarla; F.uath, .... of Madison; ? odooa; I ?-nth. Samuel ?.. g -natiiltiah: Fleveufh, H. McDowell Reid, of Rockbridge; TarlfUi, ? \. Edn?aodeon, <?f Roanekc ? r. Ir? ii-Ii. .'neirs W. Slit'ffev, of Smyth ; Fourteenth Henry J. ?fniar. of Ma**os_i .'..In?, n, of Minever; I ' . HOW I '? 't BOW few, of the-c have ?????tipe?! the riv.ij?.?? .if ti?.? nnd of war, yoa are better Urform? ? tbaa B*yeeif, i a-, ni at. HOW EYRAUD WAS CAUGHT. Ktorr of the tVrriit !t Men limit Who S> . nrtii HI? < apt tir??. ??,? ? I >'? S) York. ? girine .?. rani!, .?,? ,?. ?,|.-?? ? iitfe, and the ?.?-;? ed. M. ? ?? iter "f ?1*? lett?r. ..?. ? Le pei ? ? - orna M????? ?Hai , 1 ta Februar* u? bearinc and ?; ? . ' ' oecrip. ' ? --"??.' H? Walter! I ; h? had ' r ? ighl froi .... - atioB -II? .?. I s;: D?ty ? | . ? - ? ih?- e?ttf, thoti'h I ??id n?? ibinl .. ????*" of ?. ? api?.ireiith? aim .?? : rrp.ise I to all of us, he ? s ? he br- ; ; iieieii ?he ?. - Bj rand On April r- th? ' ?? tier, ? eesae ' eBtitl-rl ' I u ('Has??* a | :?i bad ? ? ! ', ?- oai -? iii?; with j ?? a Turkish cosi ? in it. ? G-???-??*?1 to ravi tTit'i the T?r1?;? ? . v Iftth. , ' r . -ut ?\ ?.-? : iir?-.'-'i) cost?me, t?lii? h hese ?. . i -? . : ? ?.?*'? iu rite ? inen' ? ? - ? ???. i. obtedly. io which ho bal had bis ? i., logi - : . ? i bad then no ? . - . . ; M. Gonfle. J then inquired i?.ti?!? the mordi ; -? ?. iti'l these il ? ri ? hi a ol my visitor, for him, ??nd <>o '. ? r ! 17th ab ut a o'< lock iu the afternoon th.? asso I te I to be ).?ran.' appeared ud he 1 ? ?i. ? entered into com ? ? l w riie details ?>f his jtiiiro- tS ! Tn* ti ai ! that Im hau travail??? far; - ? I nt I:?? did t'"i sho ? me hi ? ??', thai l eut* ? ?-i Amerioaa?a triend ef petinlation which wonlti Ii at ? n- t? et at profit. I told lain to come ?r ?in d >. I bad th?! t-er.a nty t!i a that the mes wasByrand. " April ? . ebool l in the afternoon, toy man i*eturaed to talk aLent the tobacco I him ' .; _nd ,1 il ol whal he l u : . v \ftrr laJkitig : ml lau -i - ? h him fi r ici BOUT " da !'. n.icr. n .'rem b ?m ?!?? question to !,:? ; blontly,'Wh ? ? ??? wer?? ??? Mexico did yon not oorae ? Kyrand?' 'Np, madame,'herei ?ed tatii ' Von don'! know him ? ' 'Ko, ma am?.' 'Were yon in Paris at the tun* ??!' ike Wime?' ' No, ? a I ?ate.' " I ?Mite1, ed him clos? U all t on- t Imo, eml 1 bow ? ut ti ?? qoestioaa be I ? feel upon biro. Ili?? bandi tr??:?-.).!? d, bis words throat, und be ' ad eren* diflkultj iu answering the questioni al slL ? wa? certain thct, of toy num. 1 went out a little Later io or 1er to look nt tiie baria] of the victiBaBof a tir??, und wLit wn.? iav ibaaenl whea, with imperturbable oynicism, the raaa came up end iddreesed I ? go with him to lotik j at poi-.ritit? et' liai.nello _<>i?i|.itrt inni Fyraud, whioh h? found in h No. of the ? ?ne Irtuxtrtr. He haiagined that ho ??oiilil thus r? m'ivo the auapioiona winch he Hiiw eatertained by pia? ? ??<-s l?ortra*s whtih save tho f-ature.? very in? ni t?at'tlv. "Ad liour liter I infornar d the G ronca Consulate, of l ? ?an ?? pre enee io Havana, and M. tini ? tiikt* mime. diate nica?ni-??t for hie arrest. Next day a ? iiiiiinissioBsiie ef police with two a-ients came to mv place and Kiyreud wei ? .? '?? '??r he aliBoet. delivered liitusrii up, Thia is the ?-i*rv of Byraud'e airt??t. A :,'o.?ri Freu hmao aud patriot, 1 uin happy t?? h its u? n-ted in serving justice and n? t'iety." MILLS O^THJE^GBANARIES. II.? Makes a Mtnont? ? ? .wort? tit? Fern,???' All'alt?-*. t:? prcseotativs Mills lins answered iho letter of iu' Fsnners1 Alliance of Milan county, Texas, a?kin?; him to fuvor the f t:i' lisliiiii-iit (>f (iovcrenient ?vnr? !.. Does for the storage of simoul'ural products and thai ? ?? upon them of Treaeury not?e to the extent ol 90 per cent, ?.?'the relue m' tha DTodu ta His nii-\?cr. pul>li?"lie_ in \ Pemerrat, OOCTipleS three co lumns ol spaoa His maliosi ? ejection to the vropot'tion ?if the ail. in? i? t I tion of luOwnr?? h ?os? ? in the coon! iee in ?? hich : - ooltural eredti'-t? of * year ezoeed ?.'jOO,000 in ? He says : ?. a the Government begins to take ? >e 01 the cotton, wheat, c?mi. ? .-its, I !.. . i,il will er, ?? and m tan.i bacon, ? ??? '., beef, batter, cheeea, lard, hay, and all other furni prodoots will de? laa-d <?i the dovernn ani to take their sur phi? and it Ivai co tkeni BO per Mat, OB it. \n 1 ? ? ot laaiiufacntrtiig nu?! mil ? I ?? isioniron, steel, woollen, and .ti.? good nill demand to BO deposited and taiea care of and money lc**anec, tit their owner?, end no will oo i un?1 ores aud lumber. If thenolioy is adopted it moat to all, und t ? ? ??*? "t tboee ?p? d in these products? I] compel tbe Government to extend ite paternal car?? to tli.-tn " Bi argo ?? ige nal ? - ' .11 ?? . ne thut would . agi -e i'.ijile by reflection. He ssjrB! " III- me.: un? pro? id?? for an annual al CO! trie!,,,?, of thecurrencv, Thel iteelf would bring in? calculable disait r to tbe country sua bo ? ? would fee) i{ more Hr viTily than ear fermera, \?.??? thebuai ?? ?a of th? country i.i oa a re U paper o all the time . li flliullllll'i in tit?? 11 - eta ol labor, ia which pun? ? n!a ni the ? untry ate al?? a ? At c : length lie oo' 'cti of Government WBTOh ?n?? ? ?? i-,\ ' - otSoera to repre? senta centraliaetioa teniieinv, and ???? ? ?? it would biiii'.? back all the evil? or the rMonstructioa .?.??'.. [_e only ?vi, in whioh the farmer an be leli?ed ? !??? the I the t?*ri?T r??t'orm for Clevelandf(>ughtand fell. I'-^ret support th? aliian?.? ? -, ??? say?; t...? old tn rhengethn noniirtlnne of a lifetiB ?. 1 an ? lieiiiocrat l?eiaur? 1 believe i'i?? ?t??t fiiBi ef w??ee wBich hu ??s fron a di?r**,ar 1 -if Dteecr.?.''? iii-ir :>>?. I Am a I????xTat ?????: lieve ;!.ehaiip?Be.?? und proa? I ani ? iveeaaa nurchi!.Tr*ndepeni up??u tlu? ti'-iUiiiph i?f tLe principies ?\h??h w.>re de?-i?tied by Jeflerson ???? imppeited i.? Mau ion, Moorao, Jackaon. Vaa Borea, Polk, Pieri ??. Bo -ha???, and Gleveiai have given th? b*?t vears of nsv liie to mv State. 1 have eervet? her faithfully in war . '..? e. ? havo never done an act tnat m?. ? oavictiuiif? told mo aas detn lacmtal to lier intereste. I ata too ?,i l.? I be tempted by aav pesitina lo ab;i; oost of duty or prove recreant te a puhlio tru?t. I oaa afford t? retire to privat?? lift? ! u 1 ' unir..', agard to share toe guilt, of ??tine i? an act that will brine div. ! re?s un! ?uiieriiig tu luillions of my ftliow citizeua." _ I'l? the l .-it??! ??littes Ta-Iff. I l? e Spet-tator. | The Austrian tantT is frequently prr>hibi. Hto e ni seel fi rail bui aliliih leaves -t efflcittls to clasj goods high or 1? w. SB : ' ? - thiak Beai, aucrgaaization which makes it aeeeasary to waste hv* ?.,, .?u h??urs in cct. tiiif out ? pr.rcel ot gtiods wertb perh??.? A? or A4, the duty on which ?? ??G?????!,G?? Al-this is not an arrangement likely to iH-ieht trade. . A amali ?Jamale will ahow bow tbe doty )? fmiuently levied. A friend of aia? re- ! ceived aa old wooll??- caroet from Ger? many, lu ou? corner of it his initial? were ?mbroidored in eilk, and h?< wm tlierefore ' oharnod a? if the whoi?? carpet ha?l t>een of e?k. A whip with a m!vi r huudlt is clutjwed < ae ?Ivor. Ac. The rule is; If in doubt, charge the u .hest dal v. That uadcr eu? h ircuitMSancee trad?1 doe? out aud canuot fleunah le mantfesu If yea woald be rid of chill* *,g tawatakaa. s?t*asUeerBegoael* WARHINGTON. Casngreearaaa Pdirtned? ?????? Hol S?et Int-?he Kei?ii1>ll?an?-Pn?tal Affaire. l'ti-seial ?.?legrem to th? Dispate*?.! Wisuivororr. Mar ??Farmer Fd ranada mad? a sirena ??* ht m ??? *}*-^*H_?J ' trbav.-? his RoanoK?? City public building bill ?-? ?"? I. bnl the liei-ubl-nt? wrra too ; anxious t?. fli ?binge Bar their own men 1 and henee tb? Virginia merab-rwo-crowd : ed "?t. set. however, without ?rinag th? : ?anacer? * ?""? "f **'* nlud, ?0T T* 1 n ?.*v prtMaisee, Mr. Edmund! niade a Strong speech, in which l.e ?-howed bow iiatairthe r*epubli.'aa?h.ivel?eea. I? w-? one of th.? meet p< ?nte.l short sj*o?**Bt*a h,?rd in the House ?his?-<wion. The flgnt i, bo| ovar ve? and Mr. IVlmued? froi.e?i?s t.. keep it up until he gete tbe appropria tion ior tbel ng. , . . Irty-eix bill? i>A??e??l ??|??? in committee onlv about one-tirrh are for <???> tricts? r??r*^enie<i a- Dee .-?era's. ?'???t??. Bewdengot tavoogh ft bill for Nor I .iB.oa-i. anJ came near getting th? Newport New? bill llireinih. which ftir i . iea an ev?d.n ?? of fie i tie bill for r>il?vil!r. N. <?-. Wit? ? Th* "? ? ourtb-clesi ?. North? T. M. whittcmori comeo rniint'. . ? ?<+ V. . ?? ?. ?. / ? TrtrAS. Tillo ? S. ?. Badi, ir????k:. , mW. H. Di a? ?'. : ??? ' BILL I oivtilereil bv lite .Menni* I Inine* rem? inlf-e. MT>. Cerllal? lil'l'i'lei!. ?gra?? to ta? W-matei.) Wabi A f":' ?'?ti^ .nhei? of the Beaste J':-n?' ; thi?? ra^'ntr-?; when th? weal ?hen up I ' Btic ude oi iato the ?|?". ?,?--:.??: with earneeta! ng, bogaoated ? comm?*?"? tt--?? ip the bill bj para ai for fui ? ? agree to them h? 'hey ab ? ? io the bill sail ?M -i tne House. This w?. aere?('i to. ?i- os agreed t?? might L? re dnle. end before ? ' ? would arTee to recommend freo al? r if it waa 1 ? . : e done, it ? ? ?abedul?*. After a r?n?f discu ? ted ? ?ttor 'i::.:n?. nd I ?? ? 1 in the text ef the chemical ached ile wes then gone ovi r end thirl - ighl it? ? ?' oft*. 01 wever. thirteen of the most imp with? ut s t on. ???* ?? tliis wa; . ?? ? ? cd of four of the 121 . of the measure,when thehoor ; end the qnestion oi e future meet * bi 'a ? Sir. Bhermsn moved th I I me 11. :? OTTow (M< ' o>?t oon tinue its ? without ?? n. Mr. Bhermsn, in speaking on the subject, ad\ ? ? '"our?' durati ? in ?? ri al the ? m!.? t pre t cabli gestion met with o|>p???it:on fron Hid*". Mr. ?'?i!:?le ?ari no waute. ? ly freak on thia euaject. While per. r to sit hour! a day tl; tea bill he 1??-]???\??'*1 it would be a ? io. /Ul the time tbe commut?e hid??? far saont on the nvi.nrr h* believed t?? 1 ave been w_ I lay reaaono !he eondi tiona u: der which it ?a? pi ???? t Juir. Mr. ed that 'ho piai e for a .1--it???,mi upon the tarili bill wa? ?? the Beliate, and he coincided with Mr.'.'sr ii?le in his vv*?h. The Republican lie ?aid. hint the tamf hill <-oi."'int don the line? of protection; the Bent party wei ted a bill vu th? ime?.of re?. ? be way t ? do wee for t? ?? majoritv j;- BBbbean ? ? I Bimittee to agree upon thi r : ? I, aid the ???%???'?t?!? to do the Kerne, if in tbi - ndgment the re ? n f a nr.n.'ntv mea-u e ?, --?l-enied de sira^'c?. to. Tfi-t'-i?ek, Jone??, ar.d Horrill Bpokeia aeimilar strain, and then .Vr. moved that a sub-comniitee on ca?-h side be apaointod to prepare euch ?clie'htl??.? us would bo a'tvut at il by it? party on the floor of tbe Beaato; ti Republican rulveommittee, as t':u-1 a? it prepared its schedules, submit them to the D?mocratie rab^omnuttee. and the lattei furnish its Bohodule to the Republican Miib--oiut;.itfee. Adopted. He ? . ahor? man a?'l \ an: e voting .it the ?< cativa l lit? qneatioa ot pivine ?-?r.-tl ! discnaeedbriefly but wii ' I ; 'T.^rr ?. ' ?Uve;?? t,, hearings ? ill ?tanda The ; | ..i ' r ?* in the chemi? ul echi lin'?* by tl I were all reductions '! hej were ] I - publican? and soi portel ? ? solid i'en o cratio vete and the vote ef the member makiti - .-.. None of them wer? nu?e. La ???.? ? hi? aiternoon the Rrpublictin members of the cemtaitee met and eon. tino' I tiie oonsideratioBof the chemical Beh i!nle. making coneiderable progr? ? i he will B?eet Bgain Siiturdiir. it wa? ? decided to grant a hearing ro representa? tive? of importers rexi t ueeday. All ipen li?arin?."? will 1"- the full COmBaittee. Lut n? 00 Will begraoted c_?-ept in ?penal ca?e? bv formal vote of the oommittee. The Democratic members of the com mittee will not form?lete e bill, lut ?t?? express their views iu s report upon the Bchedulea prepared ly the Reim Member?, which will be funiished ihomi n oh ty es fast as completed in order ii it may be no unnecessary delay in re? porting the tnea-urii to th?> Benat?. Tne Committee on Agriculture I re;..? .I to the House tbe a?n? ultun.l ao -, ; ? ationbilL li carri??a total appro priationof?1*1,109,401 >or th?? Agricultural Department proper, am! a regular appropriati noi *? i.OOO ior Stato a_iicu? lurai ? xperimeot stations. ALA3AMADEIVCCRACY. The State fon vein ?.?n A nt 1-Kolh I y o ?* ji.i " ??? ?. Bitty. [By telegraob to tb? Dispai -h.1 ???t????????. Ala., M:;v :-!'. ?? he T'emo liratio Convention met at 10 ?. M., hut ae the ? - entiala was n. t ready t.? rep it u recei . . sn until 4 P. M. Doable delegation! from tBree couBtiei Involv? d the ? ol a uumb r of witneesei end argumenta on both aidea Chilton county ?v:i? diapoeed of by two ?lelerat'.'.i!? d riding the Tin? gavoflnltoii repr?sentai d end when . .1, only twofouii ies were oi ? ? ;?? ented. lei ..iiitn.itee on Credent als male a eating what ie known tin? unti . - onty. ? he minoriti mail?? a report in favor of eeatai" ihe h,.ll> ? ,. n. lliut Ir. di ht up tl) .u?? ti, ? of Kr.ll? and anti-Kol >, and tbe majority report dojttedbv 41 majority. i he ? ?:. ? ? the r ? ?! in favor of ? the anti-Koib dclegi ?. Shel? by, ana the mlnoi . sport in fa? vor of eeatin the Kolb Tho majority rept?rt wae sdoptetl This shows an t Ih of not li 00. ploliaLl.? ????, e I re taki ? for Goi all uhoiit tl.u ?. I'' ; !.. - ; CrOOk, ?.? Jone?, ?, , Th?? iii.i.'oiitv rule prevails, and 2t>4 votes ar requiri d ?.. nominate. ? ? oBventioa ? Ijourueduntil ?o'clock t?,?-uii)rrijw morning. SCOTCH-IRISH CONGRESS. Opening ?fine Sim???,! Set.?l,?n of lb? As sitrl.ition I? Aaierhru rar uugrapb to ti? r>:?:>?? ?_? I'rTTSBtTMia, Fa.. May tf.?The second grent ?Scoteb-lrish CongTeos of op?ned in lb?? Mechanical Hall, in thi? city, to-day with [wobably one thousand delegate? aud visitors frasB ail part? ol tbe ?? and Ca'ifuli? It wa? 11 o'clock wk?en li'.hert (!..??, of New York, tae preei ?lent of the n?s?jciatior., ralle,; thecengre?? to order. The vast eui3it?ritim ^??*"???? i?lel ead the scene rueecnted was ia sviniie. The ball was tea to full v de? rated with ??trrsiaers of buntin?? _??,1 plant?, while ev?r the stag? wa? a I ,r ?? painting et the cost-of-ai-m? of tas ? eint ion. Among th? delt??etea wer,, manvwelL ; known people, lacludiag Kobert bonier ?f theNaw M rh U ? ,? .l.-.eph B. .loba- ' son. of HirmaBghaBi. Ala. ?. ('. MoDow. I ell. of Nashvill?.'; Alexander Hont,, ?er? Of San FrjBciec? ; liev. I?r. .lohn Hall of' New \ork ; Coi?nel T. T. M right, ef Fiori- ' da, founder ol th? Scotb-lnsh Seoetv of i Aieerica; Frofesaor A. L, Perry, of Wil. liumst'.wn. Me?a ; Itoicrt Burns, of Ta-| tema, Weaungtoni Hav. Dr. J. H. Mein. tosh, of Philadelphia; lYo?esaer MacClo?. key if Princeteo: Hon. W. R llolnnson of BMoklyL: Froft-seor H. A. White, of I^xingtvn, Va, aud iiev. Dr. belly, of ' ????????**) Alter penami bv the l?v. Hayem D. D.. of ' this city. Mayor Gouly va introuured, and in a brief atldreae , ?tended ? hearty , w_!-*orne to the members of the rtonajiiee. ' Gt7Vt?rnor lieavor followed with an ad- I ?aBaee o? wesooaae on bebaliof the nUU of I I Pennsylvania, which waa respond-l to briefly byrr?tsident Bonner. The retiort of tho Rxcoutive? Corandtfa was then rend l?v Tro?c-aor Ma-'?' pori ?htvetia wonderlnl rr? | ? trtntlie east year, aad ia?so_? d ? ertain rlmnfM in the conmitu ? the ??rgimbsritjn. Al ita conci -v. Ur. Maolntesh deliv?re, ,in e_. dress on the m?kln?*; of aa Usteriaan. It WiW ?r-t intended to hav ? tl,e t?,)Ui W. C. P. Itrertinridtf??. ??? Keatu? ky, de, Hrer the first oratiofl after th? w.?' he ?lid net reach here jn i^-,^ To-ntgbt Professor Arthur L. Pein-, ^ho fi!N the ebS-Tfl n\ h-st?ry snd poIitk*al iy at William?; C<>W?g*. BSade ??? __? uddre???? OB '"ihe Boote Jn-b in ?___?? PioftjaamPeTTT wai ?mIIcw. ed bv tl;'? K?:T. Dr. 1?. G. K"i>y, nt TetV naasM, wiic tpoke on " (tetters] Sam Hous ton t?*?? Waahintrtoa of Tew." ThelOQgHiB?Bill probably ai-ourn Sat? urday evenir..;. ___ FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Arresi of Villi'??? sllecetl to G- bt?iJ?SJt??? the Oar In l'rBB? ? . " - ? | ?' - .'.IBOrfBIieaMe - "? " ' ? ?,. . May -**. -Thi poi ? ? ? tbia efty n-r*. I ved t ? ? ?" ? ? ' I fit n gagainsl the Czar in I ?he lai' rn it on ?waa followed up ma Um rasoi was t?tt i,fte?>n 1 wit b bei] !Tp?t- ; ? a'? d in *'?.* plot, - ? ' ed. A ? * were ! raized at I ?a iho j list name: ar this I ejnaatity ?enee. The l?imp?? of i.iWriT-f t arrasted ere Orti I ?jfte? Vol? f e . ?? ??,??.? ? erof, Kal Chiasel a?w Anata a, hvu *tn Damed I arreynina, Chalo? .noi. and \ e?stai, a? vonn? wone'i r"? ed atcbinssi, Laino? li] I I r >"?ji>->r<>;. The police albo baT? information w?i?-h risone] loairea ? iris, in addi? tion tt? the am - ? ti into ? alaaivea seised at tbe lodgings of Mendel? sohn wre ? number of ti-irh >?1 ? ? ? the lodgii t r?n* arr?-* d. i he J ?: * . In the ? dial re viewand othT literature, nr a* ???-? 1 .:. bni lattei . ? e , airi has da rongb the defection of ( kiel ? The ret.... <?t ??'te ?? ? bit l?td e_1 'it with ?ditty phot ?grapha ??. Ba - ' ' | Ths pi : wss discovered in a |>??? nlitir ? In Ha? 1 tn r. ? . ' r was ?It? tu tre?? in ? field at Mai ?. whicn it wss learned, ? ut due ti - nnd in th ? fieli arti tl ese w?-r ??? hi ? Wi ? obtained theinforni_;it?n whieb lad to ti;?- ? f?*???G?. n ?r ? ?t-?t Of p ?,??.?.??, Ma; 29.?The Pari? ? Ht Journal In an interriew ? ? - I i'.t.r-r ?1- ?? I I: lath 't ? that (?art-SBf tvriu d B ree . and that ? Drope ?vi* Rum?, wbo wm e??friend ?? ? -inn:tedberpurpose, lien . ,. g g?.?!??!, ? sat i rene ,???-. nataae. Tht ?' ;???fiitei tee It?ohetBfl I ? ellsr vti.i Capri ? i, t ut to upborn' hii own i.le.i?. Ten sAor.iTB D_BrjK? rVfox Bl r.T.T*.', Il .v ?.'?'.-In a lett?T#o the };-rr. -1.'?.' t|i Web : ?'? inta to over ?. the -, reiT?>? ??'??? Bl lenta) prin ipls ? i' ?.?;????1:.thai the pri |?erty of the redes bal ot the : it lai dlord, ? bol?? '? paer_? o_ lav .' ?. Ths ' are tiatina witl ? ? "?' An? archia?. Germany la taluni a sd ? ; ; .r :i. th? negotiation]. > I only ol? ithsol land to the extrudition of politi??! 01 ? ? ?. -mm,-a lt.1?t<-?lll?. D?t U'*Rrep?. letbe .)i?[aft.: dpbia ? es ae) : Clevelai '?. t ??, S; err??: lies, A; base-hits, H ; err- ? - (?ilka and Zimmer; Oleaaon a- ? ? - I, 2. I '.?: 1 ?;.- . ?. . ra. ?. Patt net) \ ?.??????? ter: Roch ers. 8; haee-1 ??r -r.e? . ri ilson si d ?c?nire age. Philadelphia ? I!-o'!;'r;?<*od-: Phi ? I. i lihil". ?'? ? ' ? ??. ?. : 1 ni-e-hili?, 10; ??. I ? ? Cnn? ? niarhaat and MUligan; Baldwin and: J5??\l?. fifton CT"rot>?erho?. I? : B>ntot_B,l; ha?e- ! Lit??, t ; errors. 2. Batial os, 0 I 4; errors, ?. Rattnrinn _eddrrn and l?nr phy ?. Hadiiook und liallijran. Brooklyn fL?Sgna)? Ureoklvns. ? : )??*??- . Idt?, 12; error?,'.'. <'i'.;cft-o??. 4; base-hite, ! ?; ??ncr?. .'?. Batterie? and lialy; I ? Kitt red re, lyn ? Brettn thot I I as, 10; ta, n : ? ir. rs, ''. CleTeu?ds, n : i :?, 12; eirtr-, r>. Bat? demand Cook: * ily aad Butclife. New ti.erliood): New Yorks,! 11 : : ase-hits, lit error??.?;. Pitts...urg?;?. '.?: base-bits, ?>-. err tl *ries?Crene ! and . ml ao?l Ca t. L Loagne); N?ta Vorks, B; hace. ? hits, 7 ; errors. 9. ? '.?; error?, ?. Batterie ? I Mur- , . it,-?.?.??? ?laxringta? Ilot* ? no a nei su issi. V, ? ??. I, ?i.r???. Wr>iLl.o?tPi't I New Raven., in ? .Cw Newark.. ;?.- . ?ney Ctty-ll ;. V. ? ? - . . * 1| ,;?{ j Ua'.iiiu_ton.;u ? .:*-.',ffUm'agiaa. 4 M .1?1 ?? ??' ??. LtA?i!; ? \V..?.???:. : Won.?'/-.?tTe?. ' l'liii?.?'fiili?..! 1 I .?.!. CblcBBOi ....lii : , ?.??? ....:?? ? ) .Bis Bo?ton.II I ???ani .. ? '.-. .' |. C_danatl..l4 ??t.urc'i.. g || .?j? | putTBSa1 u ? \\??.! ? ??.!?. ?. '.Ton.L>jet.Prt? Htnt'tlrn. ..!0 11 .. 3 1'bliivfptla.H .IT 11 !4 .Alt, New Yr?rk...i'. It I ? ? 14 .StI ?liieaeo.?2 It .'?.<.? l'utiburrh.. t 1? JBJO \?'?-. '? a?f ' >Vrn.l.n?t.P.-t ' All lette. ' .'.? '- [??Lii?_li ? !Wtir?Ur. ..11 11 .' Lo?ii*-?li!e...:v I . I fyrecoi ?.: : ?? .4 ; LVlumb??...14 l?* .461 BrooklT?... 7 ?) JOB Turi t.vettl?. ?Ky t?ler?*ph to ihe IMipatrtt?.) Buoori vv. May .!?.- Last day of ipring ?a:-es nt (;r;ive?fnd. 1 ir-t race -sil ?irlon?'s?ST'rMone w?*n; ' ? second, Beila, U. third. Time, ? ! one mila Belinda w ?n: King Crab aeoond, i-alvini third. Time,! 1:11. ? irlongfr- rii'jtham win; ? ?('?????1, Ceirrection third. Tiiae, ' '? Ih race -on? ar?1. a half miW-Exile ? w???t **ir Dixon second. Ti? ra five fnrlonga?Nubian ?s?t; ? ? .? ssoend, Kreilv t'arit-r Ti aie, ? ? Btteseli miJe*t? won; Liaimony s-tt-ond, L?ela? third. liana, ? ??. G. TU ???? AT LITOVIA. C__BVATI, ????? a-?Filth dav of th? ra ?? i?; ].atoa;a. The track waa only fairly coed. 1 irsi rr.'-e-one audenet-ixteenth miles? ; R.;m Ario won ; Sunny ttrooic te?.'ond, JJap- i pmes? .econtl. Tims, 1:49 ,. Seroud raee?one mile? Harry Weld ?n we_; Walker e*-fond, l'omu?>y tl,ird.1 liai-. It?-**. w l'bird ra.-e-on? niiletmd one fur' Tena?-ity won ; Pell-NMi B049O?A, Allan ; LiadSay tb-.rd. Tin??, | Fonrtfa rare ? five furlcn????Kirii?inan w_n; P,?v?s!and sei.'O'jd, Lttixx Kojers thiri. Titn?, 1:?'.. Fifth rae*?- five fnrloara?Ethel won; Melanie ?et-on-J, Connue J_xu?? third. Time, l:?>a._ Ninety-Hue M ???In?. ?Bj ISetgtBgb t? tn? Bi?paU'B.l MoTatn.. May '2?.? 1 ho tjaroner'a ib ouest in the Untene Poiat >_?v.u_ eise wa* concluded ves'erd.y The jurv cou'd Bot ?ay how the Sie Woke out, ond mi*de> ??t? rai recamijBenifationt? ai ta bow ?? ? buildinge ahenld he eeaitriicted. ? ?-, ite mont was ateo su? it.??.ed by bi*tor St, ; Churlos, abowiug that uinoty-one inroatea were missing, instead ef fifty, es fonaerlv r"p?.rt? d?in., sir rutn, Ire aistera, and eighty womoa patients. A < ei. iMi.i,, ReatMietl. [W, teltgittph te tu? biepato*-! B4**tos. SIa-s., Mav fa,_a dispatch fron? ' ILililax. N. H.. aays th?> NewfoUDdlaudmi Htable who ?board?*?! the Pre?en habing ???? at?l Marie to arreet the captain and ?um talion to fan waa subs^mentlv landed on a lonely inland known na Bed lelaad ami left there. The ?eneh war-ahip Andre followe?l in ?a?,a? of the kfane, aae#?r tained where the txmstable had been la? l ?sd and reei'ned him, aad took hint to bat bu_e, Fort???Bsaqoa. j THE SHAH'S BLIND WIFE. If ?? Operatic? I? Not Snt-t-e.?fui the Coart ???, ?tt'i.iti? Tflll Be ne!i-a<le.|. (nenne ccrre.?pon'leti<*e Now Tori Tribunal ? h? re is a ragt contrast between the titvels of tlie H'.ioh r?nd ti?o?e of his wife ? or one of his wivs. When he rams to Korope there wore? elaborate advance no tiers tor months ne thongh ? prima donaa ore I'irens were on it ? w.?v ? i iar. When },i? affli?! advent win aciue??* ?> ? the ?rejy focused o-nrr* of the "sun? light of publicity. " nrd ha conid srarcVv in?v7.s or varn a episode heiair ehrt ?aided thr ?ttt.hout the world. But wh?-?i uno of his ?a?v????one of th? favorites, wss in silence and or steaiih. No ont? knew ihe wan eoiaiue. and only a vorv few know that eh? hid ??une natii she had teen bere for Bomo tiioe. The ? ?? ? ut not no: tao we au.'ht of h??r do_?r*. and when ah? retnras to Iran tha journey will le made privately ani witliout the knew led?/? of the watid. When she . . tin?? rityahe reraaiaed in rs_?Bra?f-ear- ? riaerr? util ersty ens else bed ?eft t_ aa?* tho Ktsfion had been sleeved, ? ? lad, at ral ?? t earris ?, ! ? I ito attendant?? t? a ?s.. she was reooiTsd hvtiie Umhat t un et : lasj and oondnctad bv i.?eni ??> thelt h tbe eaaaahoB ef these la<liosB-'t Prefeessr ? ache, the >-*r? . ) -t. ?n I Pro or if ant hnor, aba baa c? in rontn ?\ v. ? ?,. -r. it would bi be - r-Bc* to sa?? tlmt t_et?o are tho only pera ? to* ?n<? has sat yet teen them. Sue wat entirely blind when ? rrived h?*re, bbt? ?arith eneey? - re the fn:?t?t ?it g_uua<-T of light, and it was in the : ? ' rig her sigi *d partially re?tored finit sh.*"-. ? ? waa qtitfe n^hf. Tba t-emia?? BS of ??.? ere *iil?>r;t eres, rhia imaeTial pntieut begaa smii ? ar or fire ye in ? bt right evo was t I by primary ?lauca I r.?ri.\ia ie? gi ,?? -,- ? ? -, rooees -?el? it?.' th? e?'?, 1- Bed tO < Id pot ?v only al fur j d r becam? I lind in tuat e ?, ( , the malady spread to the loti eye and l?? Btroyed it-? tight. At she ia wife tbs HI ah w-< terril finally del It? pun as ths ? dented - ? Bi r.i|i?? t?-? ?. tho most skilful oculists she , Und. J rol issorl and he, n teisti ? ? Pr? ?? r Mas ? 1 apon h??r. She was pa t':?e ?nflusn ,? of IB m I tomy whs ? rforued. ?, thine li ? than cuttin*? out ? portion of ? . r tioi ? and the doet? ra at ? ; affected, la hope? 1?. sly blind. It ?.? ill. h? w?ret, be tome we iks allowed te teat the resulta ol the opera l- in, and tbe v.i'l r?emain a'? I ? ? i" ? ora iiieath or more I aid f'? hav.? ? ? for performi I ? operation and ? ? ? r I phys eiaui .?t \ w?srs locked tu? al 1'?? time of lier th-par'tir??, bi ? w ? noi d until abe ?i any untoward ra ?ulta of ? Bato of travel,) v, ?I iirompily be put to de ? lu --__?? FULL TIME FOR 20,000 MEN. Joyful New? for Ihe Minor? of I?rka.vannB Bli'l tt y ?-in ? ? ?;. ?vv r Star,3 Db.] The r . and West? ern Coi 'posted ?fil :' ? ' f the ? ? f?ll inn . i ithel t:m?* ? ? i? ?vor..' ? ? be monthi an I Ma ' . and w! publie r?",????'?! the soties _?? a ?? r - runner f a rei r aet the mini ?. I I that tl ? ail nimin.? operations t hit bare fr months ? elf ? uh' time. The men. ti; i; :r f ' - t ! e resumption of work on full! meat all the Beading collieries in the kit. Carm I die inet?. A dozen mine-? ? ' I by tho order. _ Iil.-l.en??? T'tlt?. [Maevlllaa? Mataiina1 Till he ha ? fixed ' la neoould t. If?-? wivi in tie- j 144, und bad u CI ri ittnaa al . ? never, he ta ??, -?. ?tagrered upon the threehol ? I ?? I re. bul he I . it or the machiaery to wo am one morning resolute for wor-, ? though n^ain't tho grain, hi? imni beine out sad overs thi in* inviti r? to idleness, t-tich A p?*:il of chimes arobO from the city as he found 'maddening.1 All Genoa lav beneath him, and up from it. with pome sudden set of the wind, cmiie (a one fell ?'.und the 0_Ug B0 I clash?? all its ?terples, pouring into bia ears aga a and agaia, ina tunelr^?. L? diseor :aat, an-iug, hideous vibration, is ' s? in round and round till ? . ateires in a whir1 of s istion aa und drooped don ? di pleofdayi later ae wrote to! .? letfet o? : see! "Wo bare beard ths chimee at midaickt, .Mater ?v." A ? -a tl.iv- later he Wl itea a..n:i . ?? ?reat tbin? to h.-ive my tit lo and -.? ? ) way how to work tho Veils. I.ft them elaaa B| ??? n:o now from ? ? burches ar.- convents a Ori ? ?. ?? r.otk Bg but thi-old I oad >n li?! rv I have -?et ihetn in. In my mind'a eye, H. , t .?' i. aa it araa alwayi with Dicken? w'aen se?- ? ? hi ?? u a bow nor 1. D ? mv, d abta, di-Bei .1 end ? ?, ' ting, roggsetii ?. tifi ieoting ol till . 1 ? ?, ? ?. tn found, aad ho was off on the composition I ot?k. Never were t'io prabminary throes mora protrai led than with "David l "|ijerti ?Id. lowanlibe end of lip? he WSS miking 1 ohds si brtiads? re, hut mind ruuiiia^ on ii m? iect. "1 i?ave not,' hu irotii tkere, "? *?ei gaaeywrits ?\ ? h a Boaeli el ?cht On tt?e^r bo *'.;'<1 ciiminantlnB thaiea?' but I eb.'iil ln'l ?? indi r if the were b these dava Dim s oso! things are floating around me. Imi I to work heml f<?r?iin??t when I gel : B une be gees, yet getanoftu-tbar. ? ruary, U49, be is in Brigbton. "A to-day, but fastetday ineaprtaaibly tie li ions. My min 1 running Libs a hl ?.? nan;?? - . IU? d fot, t ? ogb." ? In : i he bad fon to wit: " '??a. '. Dirt Being tbe Personal Iliaton ofaji. ? .- ^ ii.iii.'irof 1 no ?h ? ???.' 'Ihen casse ? ?? ri? - BS in the ex pository p?rt of thn t;?' 1. n ideratone not?o after a time becoming Uopperbold li'.u-". iiii'ii came "'l'ini ??????? ilv t rv of Mr. lMvid Copperfleld the ^of.u.'fr and His Auat IIargS3*et.N On rsbruary istth he st-nt, Forstei ? li-.t ni *i\ nati!???, wni !. fouad ? at length?at gnat length?in the Life. I Dickej - hiiul uniiietl his enti.f.? among tiie eix, and tba title once settled nil bt plain aaii in-_'. He w? i Ie pro (?e-h wth no t ?.? in?? titlea ! lea for " l'!?-uW Blouse,'' auat?? them I ? ? ng of with"Tom-All Alone'-.," ani io ?rti.en for "Hard 1 It was tlie a-mo with "A Talo of Two Cliee." neei-ftoot f'lBar. Il.aiiimtir? ??????????.] For s Treat many years, iu every intimate and pr? lonreil eoanectisn with the ?;*p tuittiral interests of ibe ?-ountry. we havo urced uooa our pe.?plt> tke feesibilitv aid desirability of a home production ?f the m.;- ??n???? ?iv>plies of anear, whiuk, aiter bread, is an article ?>f jirime ueceesitr in everv family in the hind, and for which we send abroad million? upon intlli??s of dollars annimlly which ourht t.i go to the cui ti vat ors of oaf. owa American soil. Pointiiig to the eiaaiples ?f the sm-cisea of Kraa?*e aa?! Itormaay, we have urged tao a.lap'a bility ef mauy sections of our conntry for tbo BTOwth of beet?; a? a source nt ?????? riue aitMplies. Not leeliag that pin.-h of n?toaaatty, which f. riunatrir our jieoplo have tVoa tpar?d, th? seed of good advice has Bot ?erB,iaat^d as promptly aa might have be?*n lioped, but it is interesting, and to us penonallv grstifying. to and ByW that maay commusitiea?indeed, whole ajreat Hiatos?are turnins to? nar, s thLs indu-try as at once af ?rdiBg a ?ia?!? ??,,? ?or consuraptioa ev?irywhere, aad relieving tho overbur? dened termers who have -n lonf rcstrirted tLemealvoa ta oa? iyt two ?-rain crops. Not oaty has tho goldea Btate of California lead? coniiderahio pro-reai in the diretion of th? pt?lucttt.i?i o? aupar, but Kansa?, Nebraska, and lowi. are fullv aronaed as to th?? |x*s.i>ihtiee which lie before them ta thw dlre?-t??n, with the adn ma.?? of toil, .hinate, and other favorii???' conditi >:is. which, in ?ieot, gin noma eompeneatioa tor the loww rate? of wa_aa and tho sve tesina ofj;oTornraental bouatieswhioh hare h?wet?tore obtained ia Knroi?oan oountries. _sso-a?_tau of view rety sv*-r?i_-e \ a Tvantages ar? apparent here in the newer soil and p?sooliariti ite, atta, with the bountie?! which tin iMcKinley bill offers for tmger, there is no reas en to doubt tb?t, ??tee prelinrn-iry and nectv-wary ex I'enmrni-iition. ara?.- capital will como forward te be eiap.orttd in what seems now t? be destined to be e ?rati producAive in dustrv. To the farmer? the divrrsifvine. of ernus which will siiceee.l the planting ef the beat in such quant ?ie? as will be Beaded, 1- ?F-ning the breadths io tbe creaK pro vuiin?? great ejtutntities of forapefor cntth, and ample raralies, ;n tnrn, of mauurtril supplies; the b'neflti which will a? erti? from mannfucturiB, establishments dot? tine tho plata? of the great West where oaly grain crew before -all thia ?earn? to b* one possible pathway out of the diftl cnlties which in? * - st oejl farmer? wi*h th"ir universal pr .?lui'tinn of on?? or two starle crop? of grain. \ve ia the Boat, then, who H ve in ss no* adar?1eil t.? th? b-ef. will not he with ont. co-r**!atiV'? advantages fom the ii*w departure, w lick hope, broaticneil evt ?u?> ? , t ry. eeaufort, I alpines? to *ur fa-.inin. ioi?iuiuui tiee._ Hlseiarrk'? D'-.trn tr of M .?men. If im all Germs rejoice in the ... helnap to that ehm whi gard Heaaerck a? a ? ? triit-i ??ere? tO 1 - ? '.ui????? had a ?'?? ? ? -o" that woman lad ? sphere ?ti'it ih?? OUght 1 ? tO it Il ?? toll that " ('?unte ? V, | ? ? was t is ly of ripe politics l.rmi ? an?wer?d Bismarck, " I am sure of it. for ricsofthel an?! the her." ? " But, das] of vehe "? ertaial]. busi and . hs wife ? sia?? Embasta rellin : I .die. - ?nul ? ed . noi "i : ' ry ol in the room in tbo most \ he wit ? ? ? . of the * dlwev had '?e|l? r, : "Prinoe ? .?'" ? Jndlcioa? Host. [Temple I ir 3 in,: ??.. ,i I : I ? into geni ral ? >?? etv. At ?? ? table ? h r ? ?. review? ers or appro wares ; and r ?? ? ..? never ask Dickens en I Tb row. I ?lid ? ? ?, " and l do no toi I ' t ?;t :i | ?r the ; ' 11 '.??! ' ' Sat ?? - it thi "The say, " it. I ?ro she ? . ? ' ry ?.'??_. p of Somerset 'the fat Ba;otia__."' The Wnite-Bteaded JfeeaJaa? ?*tr?fl. [LoBimaa*? ?!? t \ rdoe.] The white-bend ? ? rd of there priai '? notion , A to ?Ten ? ... ? rfect . :h the music imp.. -, While - -.? from bush to ba ? ?i.uit ?, aad ' ? I :.'. of a . ? . rith ? i , or ? ' n?.? ?u !- j wild, bun ?t ? i?t ; will* "fail OUtSj t? nine white in the so tpended aad vibrating, or waved languidly t?,? ? i down with a motion like thai ol broad-Winced butterfly ai rest on a t?owor. Note?. f*-'r?*ciai telegram io ma DTenatoa l Ralxkih, ?. ?'.. May a??.?John P. (Jro . nt of I rii it ? ? ollege, will ? ?? com? mi neei ? . ? other ??.- - Clark i.s will UoL d? liver the addi ? a? ??as ?tetod. in the eaei of the American Fertilizer - ? ? r?? train ri e or o: laxe* - ??a? ule I for * t..? 1" puituioni tvf Agricul ur? by ??'. 1'. Qreena_ Threaten! .?? ? ?r?. [By '?tegrap? ;? tt.? IMSDOteB?! Bava?nab, < '??.. r.? baa ' IT ? ? ' ?1?3 ? B? u ?G?? insured foi i?W),000 a . sured for *15,l DOoi aie ?usure ? for .tti.iWO on a BU>,OQ0 H niirej on t.nin in's Gellowe? [By Ulegrai ti to fie Dispatch.] Wabb ! Haw .1 lerer, ??? I banged from a The ?ir ?p f -? a! life woe extinct . ass broken. . d ' at da an?! in order, uud was w.tuout ui.u-.ual in? cili? nt. Tii???" Plat >'? ? ? ' ' 'l'Hit liciti???? rata ??grapb to ta? DaarateB.] Fi ?.??-t-?. V'., Va.? 29.- Ina Demo? cratic . ? follow. [ng Domiaei I . r. (loveriior, l?. i?. 1 righ n ? lant-Govern ?. ?. r" . ? ? arv ol Mate, 0, O. Kimball, of Vergenn : Ti 1?. A. I . day, o?1 Bt ?? bnibury. ? i.ii.i-?....i da i;, i,?-?.? i. [My teiegreph l<> trie l)l.?patcr_) Ntrw \nn\. ? !_? tfrand jury to? day disici -??-d the coi iplaints for criminal libel i'referreti Mitchell sgainst E? L Ut)dkin, e htor of the _foeal"i . A K.t?in?lry Itiirned. fBy t?legr?>b to the PtogaSaBJ JuTxsowir.t.v, Ai.a., May .:". A Gainee ville apeen;! Bays I drv Bad irne!??.!.--?.'"? al that pia .? almost coaiplt teli I -.irtietl ?t _ o'clock this morning. 1.? SS, il?.tAtO. lioiid 4)tT<rinvs ami Accepta-?'??. [By te',?;;r?l ti to tb? D?patcb.) Wasrinot? ?, May ?9^-Bood ufferinirs to Ail accepted tt l? i t ?? audl03*_ for ! ,'*. ??'- ? ' '. . - ' ' ? ' ? ?'?? * "This??an A&t of Apoiunahis water.*? ir_?< Apollmaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE YVATEllS.? The filing al ?he Apollinaris Spring (Rheniih Prussia) amounted ta 11,894,000 ???t?t?!? in 1S87, 12,720,000 boutes in 18S8 and 15,822,000^? ?^ HOTIOE.- T^o^a-kawmm Yriloo. toMt et the Afcllinant i\t^?pJtny% LtmUtd, are protected Ay PrrftturU JmaruAmt 0/ tht Sof+rnat Comet. BEW/vREOP IMITATIONS ifty tAWJ*WJTUto\*aiaM*nmaWi Higheat Of all in Uaveir?g Towct^V. S. G<*Vt Rq>ort, AoK. 17, ,ts avi-^. ?JU_?, !???^^??*???? *?? ? f jsies? KOVvti ABSOJArTECsr PURE er THE NORTHWESTERS LIFE-INSURANCE COMPANY, or Milwaukee, Wis. ?SSET8f JAM iBT 1. : SUBPLUS, IANUAIT l, M?o ? t issue? The policieaof tli? Northwesl ?, Matta] ?????' ?i?.) | ? bo?t proved I ? that tbo | olici? ? ? ? - t,? ? ? por cent, I? . ? - '? - f ' [HE CHEAP! meat, \\ li ila.? | ,.. pre ?ul on ? ue-t'ia Muta il ; ? ? ? mea Ani ? cru Mutual bevo panie?. It is thi - .??. The busini tool . ? ? ? ' apparent For tbe " ia! tea ] > ? , 1 or IS ?? ? M \ The Strongest .. Hi ! Ii! _ _.. ?? ? > ' ?., it ??? ?? ..?? t??,.? fur t!?.?? !'???? y ira ol mit '. ' ' ? ? r c r?- u.t licrctufiT' of in -..1 size ??' Iho ? [ligbe?. ii ? ? AND BAI b?l i.Wt'i , : or ;i .JOHN tt. CARY X SON, GENERAL AGENTS POB VIRGINIA INI bv 29-31 II MAIN" STREET, RICHMOND ?Spokane's Great Time,2:SJ?\tis Only 1 the Crowds Rushing ; ',*> /?eras/ W^es* + *<" I r ~ s UUtieiei? trie ? - ? L : ? SURE WINNER, THE BOSTON'S S2.90 Troi Easier titan / 'ck n$ the Suburban ? ' LEADING THE FIELD IN A GALLOP? mi ? j ? p ? he Hostior s : AN IMMENSE S?CCE THE BOS' rr> ? % /? t o 4f ? j t r Rn BRU" pPERs! Suppers! Si SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! DOUXBX BTOCK! BT ?K LAI ORO WD.?D ? G?: ? ? i BHOE8, AND 0 Dairy we havo mora ? aver. ? M\N 1FAOT?RIN rC ?I ? '? t. U3 sait ' * examioeour rniay lis_/-ii'n in FISBFOOJ tay bargain! ?tocL l'usta n< thin:' t?? . Binnaabat this - torn are ol any art?. ???. ry other nkm bo .-? in ?' *' b^vo the choice of th.s elegaai atock. THE BOSTON SHOE MANIiFACTUP" AlS EAST BROAD. ???? :? Ml_ TRI A BOTTIK Johns1, A ? '?'? CURI fyt?nf Od __ l)OSl> u?