THE RICHMOND WIIOI.K NUMBER. 12.121. RICHMOND. VA., SATURDAY. MAY DISPATCH. THREE CENTS PER COPY. VIEWING THE STATUE ,T CONTINUES TO BE AN OBJECT OF PUBLIC INTEREST. pr,?.-P?rmtc of Xh? Fifth Tt?rylMnd?Pr? I . i ?>f n P?r??> lo Ml?? L*e * ?rlrli of Note?. ?ind rrnWont* ! vrr on the LlMMMMlt f ? sunrise t<> unn ! ucreoccu I geni ii. who, ?hfl ?.. mi by unt? il ?aim MlfQJ ' . ?. The gSM ?' ra i". Tnat M?mU . id, ?nd the rod .. ?' r grow qpoa i l bj all From " in tlr?tal utxl ?tato? are : ? . d tbejr . real dul i' I tic \etcn -'ill guard the Spot, aa have to '??... t Ttaitliv It ? :. . . >? BOBS OSM un tba !' hours, or ?>!?? r? lir ._-i und wanton boya ? iro ?fi<< i . i?.:-< are called ? th< ra ahould bo ?ouie ? ?r tln-ru. ' ? :ir luv Aaaocia and Cbea> ii porp ta of partie?. ; . .: ? ? ?? mi ?..? ?, arbo -I siahoas In dumb r "i ? ?? rda? re .! Mahone, ., m which ? ??.?? de> . ? .?. and I al nil uot D(> you : ! t . 24th ? v admiration . ? ? all; for ill ? ?? i rtgade Tiiv pride to r I. not :. . . 1 ? ? I test and ? 'T Uli hunt . lift ia tbat I served ? ting an b a bi tgade and . College t war aa a ?mv i ordnance ? ? the ret? ran . riddi o and 1 m 1861 ?. ? ?. rode at .-.t-. fro?i tbe ? ?: ...; : *!ik- were ? ? rariouarail? moring heavily. Almost ul! of ii ie on T i .sections. ? oldiere in ? i : i uui 11\ bad? t .!? capital Miid turned ? ? the ont .1 irli thr> m :l t trmn-, | i ... lit M. i ?ir ratl, people from tbe eoont ? ', ?1 ?? city * v i v oag tb< intry ' ? \ i ' -.'. i l. ?:? day night. I 11 ? : ? I v car? ted ? ni ol many ? ?!?? "ii thnraday, i ?:? ra ' tliut r ; i r owing to their ?ri|>^ ; .r.> \ f( ? V.I .' trawn by a ? . the only ? teil ?.?.ul on i i !? - my people hourly left ?lie? anees the . - d iv and probably t< n <>r II in ii" oity. n rrii <>i\u. lay af rj were lined. ? ; !!. ?? \ irgii i ti ops left vea ? ? '. ; ?? I: ? moke Light >? ? ! ? . '. \ ind !? ? ' ii;ii battalion, if . : iniea of ?.amp >w at - ?unds . : ' ? ?? companii ?* ? ? tnong the tin over i i ? tor their '? ? n the -up train , ;>i contin i v-r tba night aiai gum tit ? n ? n i \ . \, ilitary Initi hi .it M v.k ou a rut r du laion of '1 i (bio. They ma tl rain pre . ? 1. 1 h.-., were heartily the mnaic attracting . ?ws. i he ? ti rma "f tln> i Richmond ? \ l.i.iiv tin? voutfc i \~\ tba le on Thnraday? ii Franklin tirar ng in ft . ? ? in the column. ?be had bee* waving, i id 1 rough the i adet aa* bar, meat hrr ? . TV Of while Charlie'i friends i tbe hyatandere it was learned thkt ? ' '. Mi . a Ai ' or Rew . t. -in ov.-r ? LiUS II' . w the ? i t b.i ? '!? t >' bmeni trout ????r o| I, i ; . hart, an old ?low v bed at tl.? bead ? the i iluinn, . . abl< n \\.t^ pre? 1 a ' irb .-i .>ci.|ile? ?\t treat? a bo :n-',(;i?i ? ko 1 be ilfj'ot, rf He was oalled . i ut wu-i two f?tii;Uod to i arri 1 tbasailUarrnisa earn, foui of ? ? . I lie tir^t cir Brag aitb bunting and a picture ii bad basal uned in . V.l. ?!:. ? t ?Mr. . , t, tba tl ?M-hiirdiion, ?? . ? i.'-h.ui. who aooom lahington Arttllerj here, will 1 ? the ? [?? riaiting fri< ? ? ? the pail ? wars giissi a hzztni's by the otlosrs aaant affair All w ttif omeor.of both r*?iiaeiite. with a wa eicei/tmua. ware nreaant and one or two member? of the Virginia arti staff. The drill given bv ?lie Marvland mont on the field sr-uth of the l.<- ? wont snout snu??>t yesterday afternoo traced <|uit'? a nnaabea of poopls. are a fine.lookiag body of men, and with ? decree of precision and finish ?M MM} Tolntiff-r commands at Ou tln-ir return fmin th>- i)r 11 thev overtaken t.v the heavy shower that UOtt I 0*?-lock and were thorou drench?-1. a ram re-r? nrrnwn t?avis'-*<;ra The Washington Artillen- veste moraing.eseorted by Kergnant'H. M. Bit oi tli" Kicbm .nd HowTtasia and ae< panied by tbetr bsrid, called on Miss 'led l <-i at Umresidenceof Major I li. Page. eOTBM "f Fifth and (Iran- str n<> m v-sitmg. the command drawn up on th" eiaewalk,sadthe I played anumbsi of ?mi? horn air?, f this Captain Kenbeedi in a brief ap presented 111? La? ?nth u pansy from fravc of Jefferson Davis. Colonel Wi i. nylor, formerly of General Lee's a eloquently responded on ??-half of Le?. Before leavinr, eaeb of th" artill men was presented to and ?book Li vdh Lee'a ?laughter. m ve and ?rat sorvrvin. A very pretty aoansmlr ibowini tho 1 feeling existing between true men of North and Booth m brought to Camp by Comrade Charles a. Hrowi the New Tori Confederate Veterana, nlaoed m the hand? of Color-Bergi Junes Ba?a i.. J ?is is the history of mem? : At Heeond Msnaessn. in Ansaat, i Captain Robert A. Dimmuck, <"r?i. Tbomaa I). Mos?rrof. and Captain Ed* A. Dabney. of the Tenth New York to National Zouaves) wer? hi wonnded and left on the field. They i found by Captain Hugh Barr, of th< ? rejriment, Virginia riflemen. One ol tri.> gave the Masonic sign of diatreee, It wan recognised, and the three wonn soldiers were treated with eren kindi and conai leration. Through Cap linrr's efforts tlieir after treatment was i good Captain I'.urr is dead, bnl the three p, ral aoldiere are all alive. They had a qdI ,i, tome time since und had prepare on ? bieh ap] ? ara poi tr li'.s ol three and of Captain liarr. There iu > n picture of the s? ene .,f capture, togel ? lory <>f the Incident, Jt la lia feomely engraved. DBTUOT TBTKkan. The Bocieti. of ex-Confederate Yeter ol the l ' ' blnmbia marched Thurd* itrone under c< mand of Colonel T J. I.tittrdl with Ma J. W. Dn m and Major E. W. Anderson aide They followed the Maryland 1 and w< re thought by a great many who Dot seo tfa to be ? Motion thai splendid division which atti ? mncfa attention ami was bo gen? rally c? plimi lite 1. 'I he | >i^t11r-t veteran* Inn til. .a:'d-dr am ? >rps with them and c..: l the colors of the United States and of Btate of \ ir^inia. tWO VMDIU vmitai.V UUlllVn TBTBU Two membi rs of the hand of the \ gin a Mili tar v institut.' rame to Un hm? in April. 1881, with Btonewall I m Major Jacki on . a-id ?ere among ??a the . h 11 to ,c ms They J. T. Evans, snare-drummer, and T. B 9i fit Id. tifi r, Tb? r have been i f the Instituto for thirty years, b h ?ray ?nd old, ?-*??l sound i tuorni tu the .ir.ll gTonnd. A Path, i IC MfCIl BUT. A tench ' to Lee was t placing >1 a fen Bow? n ? ? km, hi ? monument by loseph Leadbettor, alii boy from Hanover county The little f i ret on the ? b ckahomin). ab i m the i it v. He !.-ft hoi Wedi ' on oot, and barefoot that, toe meto theunveiling,bnl hisf? becao i thai he was forced re-1 on th" v..iv. and ? ? : 11 v reached the oi y< -?? r?lay m ?rning. Bo he i ontented hi self with leaving his little tribute ai t fi i I ol I.e. and started on his \o tramp home without going down Into t THorSAVIiH OF PASSKVOESS. XI e passenger business of tho vnrio transportation lines entering Bichmo IS foi the UUi lew da' Every train has been crowded, und t railroads bave run as many as tneirfaoi old permit. The following are estim?t? s of tho nvn her >f passengers brought iu ou t special-rate tickets Cheaapaake aad onto Unas. ..10,' Kl Liu md nr 1 '?in.lll" ......... ... t-.i Ktctimond Kredertokstnuit and I'otoinac. I. . . VirginiaMeamboal <.'oiui>auy. Total by public transportation.sjgi A?11 I ? m i pri vate UBveyaaoas wiitnu a raflim ol twenty niilen.18,1 r? --?i.4:.: B, ides these many persons had come the city several lays before the anveilii andwerewith fnends "i relatives, Ul : there musl have been M.OO0 1 \ lors in Richmond Thursd the railroads hav? been aboul as buc since 7 o clock that evening carrying pe pie away from Richmond as they were f? the two days previous bringing them her i as 'SAi. am' ornan noms, Tbi ?' Artillery Hand, accon panied bj several members oi the veten 'i)i to the /*'?, ' ?'' off! day mornineand played several beautift ry Vetl T.tli-, US We as the active men '.'their brigade, are tine lot of a sir ?and do? s thei and tho citj oi New JiK-ans, lrom v.hein th? y came, ere lit. r ?? Hurl \'ir;rin;a rreimont was con n. rided Thursday by Colonel ^'illiai ,1 ienti uant-Colonel Gran ville Gaine Admtanl John B. Barbour, Captain an Acting Qu irtei oiasti : S. I.. ' iooper. Mr. \' ? ? r Sandy) Mull and Mi John Maver were the only men in line wb represented the Eighth Georgia veteran ?i. J'. Anderson's brigada, tin? Georgi Tim rs. Th< survivors of Sturdivant's batten who came from Albemarle, Cnlpaper, an other ? ouul es, wen- commanded by Car tain W. H. Weisiger, who, with lieu tenant Gurrell, of Lexington, are the onl surviving commissioned officers of tbi oel David Zahle, of the Ponrteentl Louisiane regiment, is president of th Louisiana division Army of Northern Vii rinia and commanded the d?l?gation t< Kichmond. Mr. William W. Crane, the sergeant-ma u.r.ii the battalion Washington artillery is quite a graceful writer und reported tn? unveiling for one of the New Orleans pa w bile engage 1 in othej bnsinesi .%lr. Crane is the editor of the military do partmenl of one of the southern pap. rs Aniom; the prominent citisens of So\ came to tl-.e nnveiling wen Schamberg, privai tarj to Mayor Bbakspeare ana a member . A (fi\. 1. secret ay of the Confed?rate Cava] on, representing Genera] W H. Jack! >n; and William Blake, i:*|..a: old member of Barstow's Mississippi bri ga I" and president of the Pickwick Club Who Was ace > an anied Iv his wife. At a meeting ol the survivors of the sttt rrt lb ? . irmy of North- rn Vir ginia, held at the Exposition bn Iding or Thursday night, a veteran associ?t;") wa? i,with colonel 1?. Preston i commander, and Edwin Bnllv. of MoGra attery, as secretary. It is hoped thai every old number of the Stuart Bone Ar. ?rill sand his address totnaBscre. Biehmond. . . (tf the twenty-four veteran Y'irtjinia Military Instituto cadets from Nan Mar kct who participated in the parade twain Were wounded IB the battle Bt New Mar kct. Colonel Scott Bbipp, roperintena ? nt of Ui<- iii-t tute, rouiinandcd the body and Captain 11. A. wise was also with him, Mr. R. Keeling Bitobeock, now residing In Baltimore, but who lived hen la-tore the war, was among thu thousands of per. sons who attended the unveiling cerenio nies Tbnrsdsy. Thais the flnl time Mr. Bitchcock has revisited the home of h'g roinh and childhood for tw?mt\-five ysaga. I>uriii2 part ?d this Ion:: absence h<> has lived in iexua, aud is now in business in Baltunon. Mr. John Johnson, ono of the veteran* from Fluvanua, who oaaMtotheanTsiling, w,is one ol the men Who was carrying Stonewall Jackson oil the tu-ld when Jack son was wounded, tin? night of Mav 2, Mr. Johnson was ?hot iu the arm und whs c mpelled to let go the stretcher, and it WSJ at that time that Goueral Jaclu son fell to the ground and his injurii-s were made more serious. Coloml Chew, of Stuart Bone Artill- rr, ! marchad in line with ten of hi? old me& from the differ, at buttahoiia of his com 1 maud, carrving their old battle-flag which is coinple?dy riddled with bulleUholes and han been "through many of the hotteat fights of the war. The surviving members of Sturdivaut s i Wtery, thirtv-two men, Captain William I H. Weisiger, were photogrape?! in a group ; vewterday The color-l)?arcr of that bat : terr appeared in line dressed in his old Confederate uniform and carried the old. battle-flag of his battery. John W Daniel, Jr., who rode as aide to General Bradtoi T. Joans nn, wore Ms f*s trier's sash and silver spurs. The ?rero presentad to Majo* Darnel by a I. ana division, and the sash wa*? ahn blood-atttined at tho battle of the W MS ? 'Hin surviving r?silient roembc Company "(I." Third Virginia l?a?? Confederate .States army, tsudsrsi non-reiiilent survivors a banquet at nini'l lust nigh;. Sergeant John B. Pnrcell presided. Captain I'd ward S. Oar. now of A? Oam ont hia right, and Lieutenant v Randolph, now of New York, on his The aJaJf was as elab?rete as it rlea*ant. After a benediction by Frank Brooke, now of Wast Yirginm when full justice had been dows ?? substantial*. Sergeant Parcel] in a h speech responded to the toast ??Our tainn and took tic Captain complete surprise by presenting him with a b* ful gold-lined silver cup, on which i Borioad. Presented to Captain Kuwasd s. Cat, ThlrJ Vlremi? BttUllon, < . t4. A., Vj the SurvlTlnc UrmMn of Hi? old Compsn Ma? as, MSB Captain Gay's raspones was eloq' patriot;.', and appropriate. I tie n.-xt toast was ' Company G," an appropriate Bentsnjjsnt. it was re^r ad to by UeutenanrRandolph, wboe marks abounded in torn lies of humor. Private Charles P. Taylor r< uTheMetropolitan Oityof Virginia.' broke down on tbe question of the < progress, when memories of ti .>rn came up to him, and made one of th? s|.obes of the evening. Kev. 1 rank Brooke made a burning beautiful speech in responseto 'Tin mom trat ion of Affection of Thursday. "Had Hoys of the Company" wai ?ponded t" in ? funny and witt James W, Oibbo -I -1. Volunteer toasts ware responded t George ?). Davidson, W. M. Hill. V Tyree, G. Percy Hawea. Roscos I?. ' termen [who had tbe disttnetion of I toasted by Captain Qay a? a privat" BO who under all circumstances and aran dar unmerited punishment was as tru steel i, und others Tbe order 'Break ranVs" was give about a quarter to 1 o'clock. OUR SOUVENIR ISSUES. The Dispatch of Thursday and Fr mornings, which contain the mo?t < plete accounts published of ad mai ico:i;iei tad with the unveil Qg ceremoi can be had at onr counting-room erra] for mailing or otbi rwiae, at our u These two papers are sapeej valuable aa aoMsenars of tbe gn I and oivio gathering on the occasion of unveiling of the statue of General Ko E. Lan. The 7h\pfTfr,h of Thursday was hr somely fUustratad with a great numb? cuts, arid has as a frontispiece a lr picture of General Lea framed In a hi] art die d. si::n by Mr. AYjlimm I.. S! pard. It is also filed with a vast ?mi of information incident to the unveil and forming a very materai portion of history oi that grsnd < ran . Friday s ?Upateh was nnsurpaased in thorough and full detail of every ape and every incident that transpired Thursday wlr-n the ptatuo was unvai No other paper published muh comji reports '< every incident from the orgi nation of the prooaasion In the mornini the clos'iig scenes at midnight of t mamorbls Thursday. This mana hi ; profusely illustrated with rats ol atatue, General Lee's picture, and tho* the leading generals and others who l ticipated in ths ceremonies. Parties siring copies o? the Dwpatch forThur* or Friday can call at the office or sand tl order- through the mad. MANCHESTER NEWS IN BRIEF. Panana] ami other Ilesas al interest ir .\i ros? the ilamei. H a Mary Cox baa returned fromavi to friends in t !.. s at h. The PnnccQwrge cavalry peaeedthrov tbe city yesterda i turning ho and call.'d ou MVeral of llio cavalry tro< are. Mr. Willie Weaton and his BSBtst M Jentue We ?ton, of Baltimore, are the gue ot Ii. v. l'.. M Peterson. Captain John Beard, wife, and daught of Kaltsl ury. N. ('.. are stopping at Mr-. I?. Graves'a, on Por bi atreV ;. Captain .John S. Whitworth, of Norfo who came in? to Join his old command, t Elliott Grays, will return home to-day. Colonel William Nelson, who was ooloi of artillery during the war, was in Mi chaster yesterday. Heia an ancle oi Cil Engineer Nelson, Tiie heavy wind accompanying h night's storm damaged one or two of t trees In the court-bouse yard. Botar known no material damage was done. Ganaral Harry Hath was in the city y< terday, having come over tosas hissisb Mr<. K. H. Vaden. of Buck Kill. The limerai of Mrs. Kate \. bon. w died at her residence on Hull street ?s nesdaj night, took place from tbe Centi Methodist church yesterday and ?hew buried at Maury cemetery. A great many Manchester oe "plea*ten ert the memorial seiriceaal Hollywood y < terday. The schools were closed, most tbe operatives at the Danville shops hi holidav, and the crowd was much great than the street-cars could accommodate. Mrs. .lohn Parry met arith a vary paint accident Wednesday afternoon. Bteppii on a banana peeling on I weltth street. yesterday. His injuries are notas seriot as W8S at Aral feared. Kev. Dr. Theodore WT.itfield, of tl Fulton church. Itichmond. and TJe Luther R. Tbornhill. of the Bainbridg< Street Baptist church, this city. Will e: pulpits to-morrow morning. THE BROAD-STREET SCHOOU Chllilren's-Day ami Anniversary Celebn lion Tn-Mnrrow Afternoon. The following is ths programme f"t tl joint celebration to-morrow afternoon i llroad-Streot Methodist ehttreh of Chi ?day and tbe thirtv-flrat anniversai ..it1, organization of uia Sunday school 1. Voluntary, bv orchestra. ?. Pinj?n*. I* ! UX), Hear U.e Hells. ?. Praver.-, C Haj ! lu*. No. ISO, Wa'.k tn ths Marvellous 1 ?cut. ' AJJre-s, by IIaaterQtleeCourtney, ft. Singlm br isfant claw. 7. Keeitaiiuu, Kock of Ark: 1 au.l ?inciug. Keek of Affos ;ono farsa), I y I I , hsn Howrntn. B, Itti.ltatlon, The but;? Pilrrlrt i bv Mai ?lb ItUiselL g foto. No. lu-.', Th- I aa : art Praam. 0. Kecltation. Where stall w Plod God 1 br Klorrle AnUiouy. larri? iiun.i .l.*i? Chris tan, and Ljut* Mil zin? r. 11. ?mm ? Ina*, b? iufaot class. Kivtiation, t>y hoy brl U.w. Collection. 13. 8olo, No. ?BB, th'T BS There's a LanJ 0'?r the ucean. 14 Kur oiei eis-, by Kate Hundley. Lora Burgess. Mar Uacts BetMon, Naunic sha--kelford. Basais at? Powell, ami l?arl Valentin*. 1\ Plnfinr, Hi lit, The ?tory of tie Cross. 16. Report o school, by l?r. Umbetn. IT. ilnginc, ho. is: Daybreak. Pollee Court. The docket in this court yesterday mom ini; wa- quite lone, but of B trilling nature The case of William Cruitt. Lewis Hees A. W. Btowa, and W. Laity, ehargad witt being susnieious characters and with ex hibiuna the shell game, was continued tc .lune 4th. Mr. Samud M. Ps?S went secu ntv for l.i.htv and the others went to jail Patrick Hagan wa* sent to jail for au months for -telling Sl5. the property ol Lula Mont. ;i. P. Mitch. 11 colored"? was fined $10 anc costs for ssaaulting and -tnkint? Juscpt Mies with a billiard-cue. Hcnrv Wmtar. charued with stealing t lot Of ojean worth fCM, the property 0? l'eter Cnsrever, was re<,ti're'i to eive se I ciiiity toi his good behavior forsnty days. Sinc-iij: In tIih Ufv. Kam Jone? Tabernacle, The rourtfa mectinsr of tho Rev. Sam Jones's choir will be bel 1 ?n the Tatieriia cle, near ltn hmond College, on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. OL I'. Haxly the director, IWOW stj that all the members bring their books and attend promptly, U the tickets will be is suoti with reserved seats. ? Tbe siaginf will be public, and all per? sona who desire to hear tho songs that arui be used on the occuaiou oi Mr. Jones s visit snw astsa l. Auibulanre Call? Yesterday. At 8:45 o'clock yestenlar tiiorniri!,' the city ambulance was aummonetl tc the cor? ner of Iwenty-gixth and Carv ftreeU. where Mr John Louaid. of l'Inladclpriia, ! was found quits sick. He was taken to the ? hospital foi t reut meut. ? . At S:U5 1". M. the ambulance wa* called i to No. 1313 ?a^t Br(*d street to attend a member of the Shenandoah county mili? tary company, who had been taken aica. He waa prescribed for and left for home i last night. GRAVES OF OWUffiAD THOSE AT HOLLYWOOD DECORATEO YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Prerer hy Dr. Hoce ; GoyeroamlWeKliiey ami Fowl? und general Fits the Speaker?. Beautiful BoQTWUOd was visited yester? day bv thousands ?if people. Never befoie was there such a gathering bit HJ grounds of veterans, young sol? diers. r,n?l fair women to do tlioir part in ; usting the memory of those who i died while flnf?dill a ?.-?use dear to ail aouthern psonas, u the naorning numy old soi-ii'rs wont <-ut to the cemetery and looked with tear? ful eyes upon the graves of Ptekett, Hill. Stuart, Pegram, and other nohle lenders of the Confederacy. Hut it was the spot wbsn sleep 19JD0O southern dead that was to tho haarte of thovctorans. nwoonarxonn, In the early sfternoon people went out to the cemetery bi tho hundreds uo?l thou? sands, I he crowd probablv numbered in.ihK) when tho public exercises l>egan. Mam of those who went in the afternoon earned fragrant flowers to add to I which in th? forenoon had been placed upon the ?raves. The granito pyramid erected by the Ladies' Bollywood Association to tho memory of the fallen Graves wax the point , around which the people througeiL The absence of motto? iwss noticed, but in their ' stand Confederate colon te.ated proudly j from the monument. There was -, nr-> fusion of flags emblematic of the Lost Causa, and these, with tho ooat-of-arms of each aouthern state upon a white flag with blue border, made a verv pnttv ?ocorettop. for tho granite pile. All through the sol-? diois" section wen Confederate colors. iroond the Piekett monument and tho ? monument to tin- Qtsy battery were on- ! twined wreaths of evergnsns, and from tiieir tops So lied the Confederate colors. A ! miKINO SCTNE. Long liefere the prooesslop arrived the sol dien'section was a mass of humanity. Men, women, and childnn found resting m the cooling shade -md under every tree, ami -m the slopes of the hills they gathered and waited the arrival of the pro Tin- little atsnd from which the amblie take place is on tin* bill ! Dear the Piekett monument. It wa rat? -1 very nicely with colors of white and ? red. 'I he stand was in the hot pnn wjth no abade within one hundrexl yards of it. an I th--people, with few exceptions, kepi that distance from it until the music of the banda snnouneed thai the prooeesion was approaching, when the] made ? break to g? t as mar as possible to the plaro froni which the exercices would take place, a wire wa? stretched ?round a circle of about half an sen ami no one was admitted into the reserved apace until those partici? pating in the parade had been given the fa? vored positions, no MJunB. The military and veterans who were to take pan in the parade began t-> rendez v i o'clock, and half an horn , they were m position ready for the forma? tion of the line. Colonel J. V. Bidgood was chief marshal of the parade. Bis assistants wen Mayor ; J. Taylor Kllyson. Judge K. 0. Minor. Ma? li ir Tilomas A. Brander. Captain A J. Wray, and Colonel John Murphy Gem ral J.Andersoncommanded thouuli tai. I'ho lilues, t>. E. Lse and Piekett camps, 1 and Sons,.i Veterans formed on the south side of Broad street between Bixth and I 8eventh, facing north, with right resting on seventh street, : brigade and regimental staffs and the Pint regiment formed on the north side ?if Broad street between Fifth and Sixth, tho right resting on Fifth street. thf Hi At ."> o'clock to the minuto the line be? gan to move in the following order : hn(Aod and ?Ides; First Keti Baotf, P. U ?Jfrnn drum-major ; GotoMl H. O. -Ion-s. firetTtrgtata leomeiil Sad Staff; ^ ir?t Virginia ri"/im?nt, A < t-rupany. Kirnt i.leu | tenant K. C. QarrtSOO com ti and lu it: t COS I pauy, (.'?pta-.u K. Leslie BpeSMS L) C'oropany, I CuKtuiu BassSl , B - o.-iii ?i-,r. Captain I- T. I Christian, t - n-npuny. ( sptaiuM. .Ipm?^, Dee. Corpa, Uentanaat .s. /. liotvnii, n-.o Hrtvn 'I nun. eeior fnard; Blasa' j Hun 1, K. V. MounteasUe leader; Mchtuond ' Ltgnt Infanf-r BlUM, captain "?>'. Cttl -hm? R, Camp, ?onfeiiemte Veterans. - I Lieutenantc?nunaader a. O. Kfaa? uessmsml I lag! Hens of ' onfedarale Veteran?, ?'aplatn Loots llawlliiM; .(eorgh K. l up I'rank ? : I lefferson. and fell into the procession in rear of Piekett Camp. In the front back was Governor and Mr;. McKinney ai.-l fr-.-'i is, m the second Dr. Minnigerode and wife and Dr. B?ge, in the third General aid Mrs. FitzhugnLee and others, and In the fourth Governor Fowls, of North Carolina, ui Ki.Aii ion jwusioa. v.l.ile the lins was in place real on Franklin street awaiting the talling-in of the enrrisgea General poeeph K. Jonnston strolled up the street alone. Be wa ? : lii'-dat onoe by do veterans, and man of them, after giving three hearty .hens, rar. ut? and shook hands with him. Jnat before the entrance to Bollywood ? th?- command 'trail arms ' md played " Nearer. My - Thee," and the drums sounded tho long roil. .THE AUlllVAl.. The Bines, headed by their band and followed by the Lee and Picket! Camps of Veterans and the Sons of Veterans, entend bv th?- Beverlej street gato and n arched into the circle and around the stand i ho other part of the pro cession cams In at tin entrance and along by the sol dien1 monument, ?nd when all participa? ting in the parad-' had gotten within the reserved space the people on the outside wen admitted?as many of thwm as could get stundiug-room within tho circle. is THE STAND. The following persons occupied the seat? on the stand: Governon McKinney and Fowle, General Pits Lse. liev. Drs. Hogs and Minnigen de, Misses Mildred and Marv Lee, Mrs. Fitzhngb 1/oe. MraW. It P. Lee, Mrs. B. 11. Nash, and Mrs P. W. McKiu nev. Governor McKinney, who had been re? quested by th?> Bollywood lad:es to pre a le, called :>n the people to be silent, and Dr. Hoge was preM-ut'd to uiako the prayer. HOIE'h I'RATZB. Pr. Ilo?o nid ? 0 God. most high, most holy, most mer j eiful, with lowly nwagwncs of spirit and with beans subdued bv the hallowed me? mories of the past and by the tender Offl ? I of this hour, we coma to present to lhee our humble homage Beneath these elear and tmiet skies. Which bend ovr us like tho hollow of Thy protecting hand, we gather in this conse? crated DUOS, where so manv dear to us have been laid to rest to be reminded afresh of our obligations to those who at the call of dut> perilled all, and for the principles dearer to them than life sacri? ficed all and died, committing their souls to God and their memories to us who sur? vive theru. We would be faithful to the sacred trust ! We would perpetuate the story of their patriotic valor, their devotion to honr. Hoge coneluded Oovernot MCAinney announced that the hymn "1 Would Not Live Alway"wonld bo sung and a?k< 1 everybody to lend their voice? to this part of thie programme. Little slip! with the words of the hvmn printed ot them hi l previously been distributee among the vast throng. The bands ?tart ed the ta .? "Home. Sweet Home." ant the Gaaangvertn Virginia led in the sing? ing, an ! tl i-.iads of voices united t? ?well tb" ah inr.s?CF.Ftipr.ACTt. Ciorernor McKinney now proceeded t< lntro'hic- QovanaOf Vowlc, and tndoini '??'?'? reryelavat fiv.-minut.? speech. Tha ground upon which they stood, he i irginia, and North Carolina and all the southern States will perpetuate their memory, and the generations of the future will keep their graves green. Governor Kowle ha< a "trou;: roiceand speaks with good effect, Hawai vary heartily applauded. ?TZ I.;.T Governor McKinnry announced that Bomaol tiie distinguished gentlemen who were exp eted to make addressee bad been called home, and therefore he would pre sent Virginia's favorite. Genera] ! I rpplsu " in "i l the ex-Gov? ernor and ha stood tor a moment or two bowing his acknowledgment Tbe Gen? eral said In-heart weotoul for ths boys who wore tic gray and wh" f Northern Vir? ginia. It won intwentyeight battles in two th'T-'Sms a draw, and at last the south em soldi, r . broken down from whipping th-- North, inrranderad. [Great applause.] Nowhere else in history doea it appear thai an array though never whipped failed t0 -il' c . 1 The Ci'icral was very happy in bis re? marks, ar. 1 continuous applause greeted h ;ii. Be dosed with a beautiful ? quotation. ntK QUBKJLUBloa. Dr. Bogs was called anon, but asl.e 1 to be oxen*" 1. Ha. however, at tue contin? uous sob, ;tation ot his admirers made a tew remark*- u praise of the private soldier. The benediction was pronounced by Dr. Minmgei ida, asrauar. The lb witzers did not maroh out with, the ma.ri .ine, but came hit? r, having had to net m escort to the Washington Artil? lery, Whidh left, for New Orlean ?. ?SX i.o" o. The peon?a had aoareely gotten out of Hollywo -(1 before a great atorm*clOttd and with it eaui" violent wind and a very peavy rain, in tho city many limbs ?Air? Pli-wu off. At the Ntllunal Ometerr. i ? Decoration-Uay obs?rvanos at tho Hational eemetary below Btchnsond yes? t. rtl ly was very quiet ami mo l?-st, and eras ' confined almost exclusively to colored Fhen were very few Whites pr?s. int. The First battalion of Miortd tro-'ps an?l <7uii!er Post, Grand Army of th w - pul.he (also colon 1 ., ended through ths city and ?lowD oj the cemetery where me. tn. rial service* were sondncted by Her. 1'ajnc, pa?ior of the Fourth Afri. can Baptist church, who made e brief ad? dress. The white a between a nine from the Virginia Military Institute cadets end tho Old Do. minions of Richmond. Only eight innings wen plu;, ed and at the clos? the aeon stood ii to 7 against the cadets. Then wen t-onw rerj pretty phjya made, and the amateurs, especially the Virginia Military ; Instituts boys, wen? heartily applauded. , McGuireand Luck f'>r the OM Dominions in; l Boiling and 8huier for the endete wan Um batteries. Cntild Not Get A. Dr. Cowardin. 407 east Main. Mrs. S.-mifor Stewart, of Nevada, is ?p- oding a few days with Mr. jb L. Lewis. Mrs. s. f. Miss May Pendleton ire guests of Mrs. Williams, Frank? lin. Tho criticism is ma. D., will pnarh at Park-Place church at fcjj to? morrow night. Messrs. Baaausl M. Dold an?! J. S. Pier. son, of Lexington, Va?,an the gussts -it Hotel Dodson. Mr. Herman Mvers and brido, ,>f Savan nsh,Ga?, are vii>itin? Mr. Jacob Edell, ?l4 i west Franklin street. Tho City Hall and Capitol offices were closed yesterday and there was very little going on in the court* Mr. Conrad F. LtWSOOBb, of the Buford House, CLarlotte, N 0., formerly of Man? chester, is on a visit to hi- Mansa? Miss Mittie Leibs is entertaining Dr. W. 8. Rand ill and sister, of WJ.uuisport. l'a., at her residence, U] cast Mar- nail street. Mr. J. C. Roberts, clerk of the American Hotel, returned from the Itoek Alum Springs to parade with the OU>v battery. Mr. P. U. Griggs is stopping at his son's, J. L. Ortggs, north Xwenty-stxth street; also. Messrs. Blackwood and Kedd?all of Hurtington. VY. Va. Messrs. O. A. Henkle and Frank Cham? bers, of New York, end Mrs. Ron. Wood? ward, of Danville, are the guests of Mr. C. U. Sweeny, Clay street. Captain Lesly C. West, in i harge of the shoos of the Danville svstem at Salisbury. N. C, and Mrs. West', both formerly of Richmond, are on a visit. Misses Honrietta and Kate Stryker, of Yorktown, who catnoup to attend the un? veiling, are the guests of Mrs. J. J- English. Jr., 60b north Eighth street. A Deatrnrtive t Ire Kiting-uUhed. [Hy telegraph to (be Obpatcb.1 Bavaiouh, Ga.. May 30. - -The tire which destroyed M. Boley A Bon's furniture es? tablishment was extinguished this morn? ing. The total loss is fiio.oO?, with $55,000 insurance. Every tuarae of the body, every bone, muscle, and or?ran, is made stronger and more htultiiful by the use of Hood's (Sarsa? parille. TH r M ) F H, W IN D, U Al N A SEVERE STORM OP SHORT DURA? TION PASSES OVER THE CITY. Trees Blown Down. Flaw-rttafTs flrokaa, na?t Tetepbone and Other Wlr*S 1 >m the elouds, which seemed to burst nit over tho rlty. Iloai persons oaugnt out had no unw brallaa, and to thoat who bad been sufti cientiy prudent to c irrv them thev did verynttlegood. It was not ?train that a frail umbrella could withstand. WOttCOf Tiir. wish. It wa* the srind, though, that created th? greatest uneasiness and did what damage wa-i suffered throughout the city, and trees w M blown down, UmbS broken off. t"b phons and other electric wires crossed and ! gen* rally deranged, and many exposed oh- ; j.m t-? \ lelded to the power of ths sismante A tree over three fpet in diaui"ter was blown down on Marshall street aistwaen Pirat and Foushee, stopping ths "?rs on the ?UsrshalLMtreet Line an 1 bringing loam the snn - and one of the poles of tb" Pire and Police Telegraph. A hors? and wagon driveo i>v a col ?re I man was caught under the branches of tbe trae mid could not be gotten out until tbe limbo were out away Neither the boras not the vehicle was injured mat? rislly Mu-; of ?he iih'ini'.-d-'.roii flag-staffs in the '?. wi r-- blown iown, including thoae at Murphy's, (taker's, ami S?nger Hall. The te] | . ?? v. - a -i" -.pi te badly . i in t ' central par* of th?, city ? where thi yare Mue!;, st. Superintendent ; Thompson, i f the lire Marm service, soon had B tore.? of hands out t" right his wires. and by ll o'clock they were all m p rfect order phe telephone wires will be iu or-j dor to-dav. ravurr ?irks annai Tbe elec< ic-Ught wirea on Broad street! between Fifth and ?sixth broke and fell into '!'." street, sasing considerable ex? citement. Hie insulators on tba wires of two are lights on tins street were burned out and Steamer Company N l was called out from ?iird stre.-t. It- servie--* were not needed however, as ths irurreut eras shut off at once tad there was op further ? eit? r of fire or shock from oont v I ? with tin- wires, whioh wen- soon gotten up HOME AGAIN. All Alexandria It-u-U. l.nnileil wlthFxpres atoaa <>i Adialratsoa, fjCorrsspoadsace of Ui>> Iseassoad oiapetcb.) kuDusMDU, Hay N, is*). All Alexandria was ni Richmond raster-' ? . v, i- left to t- ke ear? of Mayor Downham, the Auditor, Treasurer, tax-collectors, were a!l away in fact, all the city officers who aere hare were i few policemen, and they would haw gone if they could All night long, and -ill day, too, trains have been coming in bringing the excur? sionista l.aek home, and the queetioD of flu-li.iin-is. " I?id von troto l?icbinoud c" 1. erj one says it'was one of the grande? ??ver witnessed, and that the inac ^mal proeet ? n i umot trompan with it. It is estimated bv th>- railroad peopl thatovei ? thi osand Alexandrianawitn? ed the ceremonies yesterday. MTMORI U/-D.1T OBSF-RVFD. For the nnt time ha ? number of year Memorial-day was observed in this -m Earlv this morning forty little ??iris dresse in white with red aaahca and nine ribbo on their arms, each carrying a basket o flowers so 1 wi sring a red, white, and rw i edge with the name of the State she r.-p resented printed upon it, marched to tb depot ami received -lohn A, Logan Post G. A. B . under whoseauspioes the celebn tii-n took place, i he line of msreh was then taken un fo the Naturia! cemeteries, when mldreasei were delivered by Oongrsssman B. s Yoder, of Lima. O, and Major Qrhford Solicitor of too freasury. i he ?lower- wnh which the graves van decorated wen furnished by the ladies o tie town the Wim and daughters o Confederate midien, MUSIC CES"rIVAL. ivtur?r>iu?'* Seventh fete ' In,- I In I Blase ef Detigkii rspe.^lsl letecrssi to (be DNoafoh.l PxTKBSBirBo, Va., May SO. Tho ?event! Music Feel \ U closed to-night in a blast of enthusiasm and delight and with the univei n that in point of artistic merit and splendid musk it lar all the previous festivals. Ih- grsne! riO "Elijah" WHS presented to-mghi with all the spirit and effect the then,,: and the music demanded. Then wen ?w trained voicee in the choros composed oi the diff?rant ses? nations in the State, as sisted by all the festival artiste us soloists and the orchestra. These se e a! ehornsei hav-' been practicing and reb Musing foi months for to-night's concert, and it may be mid that ti.ratorio wssn nderod with the most sal kctorj nu a rnnAianrne iTfttrt The audience were i cabled ths mora easdv to follow the mus?a by having the oratorio in full print before them 1 he applause during the evening was hearty and frequent and was extended alike to the art;-ts, the choral singers, and tho orchestra, Che evening closed with ex? pressions of tho utmost goocl-feeling and delight A hrdliant gorman followed the concert, in which many beautiful women and gal? lant men par; ?'-?ipated and at which then were many elegant eoataasee. lhe mnaia was furnished by the festival or.diestra. FURIOUS WIND-STORM U li ol? Did ( Dnaidcrable DaiuaK? 4t Frede rlrkihurg ami Vicinity. fSpselal telegram to tos Dlspatcn.J Fr.i-ori'.icKsiur.'i. V*.. May Ml -About Tl? o'clock this evening a wittd-etormof unpr.lented fury passed over mv, levelling trees and doing other damage. Ths dust was mannt that objects a short distan ?? off could not be ?listinguisbed After tho wind bad ceased a heavy rain-, thunder-, and lightning-storm followed maderable fury, which at this hour is -till raging. The wm-day re? ceived a check for the full amount from Rotiert W. Moffett. of Btannton. brother aud executor of the deceased. Raleigh Not??. [Special uiagram to ta? PtapaaA.1 Raustaa. N. C, Mav 30. -Two thousand hands digging Iriah potato?! vaster day withm a radius of one unie of New? born?. Large shipment* are made daily, 700 barrels being ?hipped to-dav. Ths fsrry-bosi R. E. Lea hoistsd a Con. federate flag at Newberno in honor of the unveiling. A I). Elba's store, nina miles north of IiOtiisburg, was bnrned during s thunder storm to-day. Loss $2,000; no insurance. THE OWECO BANK. A Satisfactory Adjustment of It? Affair? Now Probable. ray telegraph to the DispatcUd RrrrtruMTOK, N. Y.. May 30.?It is BBJttel probable that a satisfai tory adjustment <>f the affaire of the Owego National Rank will be reached next weak. The shortage I of C A. Thompson, .-ashler of the bank. wh<>?e dealings with the 1'nblic Grain and ? St'-.-k Kxchange lad to a crash and his failure, is about $100,000. He held $-t.t,i?Kt Of til* amount a* Treasurer of iio;u county, and the balance belonged to the bank. Of the total amount of indebted. ? ? Truman--, of owego. relatives ? I Tli. invpaon. will pay ?'.?.000 ; John G. Hears. ! president of the "village and relative of James Basset, teller of dm bank, who hi implicated, will par ^.'?.OOO. and the balance will be met l-v tlie bondsmen, di? rectors, and stockholders, Bank-Examiner Gettman has returned to Altiauv srithout malting a statement. A RAILWAY HORROR. A Train OeSS Through .tu Open Draw? Thirt> DroiTueU. flty telek ra;.U tot!'.? Ul* patch. I St'? PnaMOxa O, M 9 A The Oakland Narrow-Gauge local train ran into M draw on th" Webster-Street bridge t.ns afternoon. I'm? nngiuo. tender and first ear, crowded with naasssagsta, w?-nt through. It ta now estimate,! that thirty person-? were drowned. Thirteen bodies navaahready been recorered. Of thsaa the only ones identified are Captain John; liwver. I. R. Irviii. ami 11. Malertatar, th? last a Japanese boy. RicrtMoM.. v?., May b$, Ufe To the BHfcwo/As l>m^ My attention has been called to the '. Richmond letter in the New fork If Krprtu of Thursday, stay M, 18M, and in which among other thingeit Is said that " I enthusiastically endorse tii" eoursaof thai paper.'' referring, as is understood, to what it bias recently published m reference to the ceremony incident to the nnvsiting of 1 he Lee monument. 1 his UBTUS - i ths paper is the first that I have seen, and i haven't the least idea what, ha-i been published ??.f tins demonstration is ?l.?-. rigid. The Mild and K owes* ha.' to our aid in the nek of time. Ther? h,i< been a growing feeling hen latelj thai northern Republicans were willing t ai and?n na to the enemy.' " I met a correspondent of tin? ?tab nw, and Lined with him on the 27th instant. I saw him on the atmete on the morning of the 38th instant, an I luve not -?--. -i ii :-i ainee. I did not say anythbas that could bo twiated or distorted into the above. I told him, on the contrary, that 1 thought Mr. Bbepard was entirely wrong and was makinc a fool of himself. I sim? ply ask that tho above ? aid be inserted, w. S. Dasauaix. I dined with Mr Dashiell and ths - m cu-iuilent above r-'f^in d to, and state that the above statement of the ifd la absolutely false. 0. D.M. Conn, Hiai avAtmi < knrjnsa \ .< i DaVr 1 Vsnauxs' Bcczftiom Cosmrmn, t No. Mil? BaST Main BtBI town, \'a.. May Bo, is-o < . hsh".| it- je, t. All the old "Vete" have gone borne fully satisfied with the hospitality of our citvaud we extended to them a hearty ne. We find --ur Depart ment with a surplus of supplies. \t i1.tin ? ide?l to contribute one half that we have on hand to six diffennl charitable institutions of our city. Wo will have mi auction sab? to-day (Saturday) at m o'clock at ?o, 1314 ?'aft ^1 fi > n street, next door to Wingo, Ellett A Cramp, at which I trill be sold -i large quantity of Bread, Bugar,Coffee, Flour.Meal, Lemons, But. ? I Bossted Coffee in packages to enit purchasen, a lot "i Wine and on? thousand Baggage < Iheck ?. By order ol Committee, 1) A. Bnowu, -In., Chairman. A. A. ?ptbtr, Beert Til? gasen I'lne? Kailrnad will run an extra train of C nev-Island ? '"V'-n Pines (Saturday) at 10 o'clock A. M. _ ?I. Penn Zimmerman has found some Bice hematite on on bis farm, utar Ivan trnaee, Wythe county. It-, il s to the Lake and -...|.i Richard Learv, who lias been taking tho boya over to the bathing-grounds In his b'.ats for over Sixteen var-> without an in-. uident, will commence this (Saturday) afternoon at the foot of Ninth street to c iiv.y passengers over to the Ijiko, Fare, 10 cents, uoys, 5 c anl Laiii??'Patent-Lea'nerShoes, ] tb? Vli.lig for Oree?. .i. a. gsuwa, reas mock. Richmond druggists generally recom? mend A. 15. I'. 1 into as a superior epring medic, no, ^^^^ All Wn-tir and Mimic-Hook*. Walter D. Mo-es ,fc Co., ll?r> Main street, opjiOHite post-olhce. The plan adopted by the Covington Im provetut-nt company la one that cannot rail of aucas?-. The company has nur chased aboiu OSM th "MjuimI a a saw cm nv rats sfoowraras on vraonru. One of the leading objective pointe to? ward which the attention of railroad build? ers haa been eagerly direev?! in tho dinV cult an?l costlr task of uniting the mineral atid timber regions of Kaatern Kentucky and I". rinessi- with the now extensive sys? tem of linee in the iron and co?J b*lt of Virginia is a wild and pietur ?pi? defile of Rig-Sione Mountain, an elongated spur forming a part of the Cumberland range of mountains just to tne eastward of tlie Kentucky Sute line, known m Uig BtOM >m the immense deposite of that male, r i! apon the western edge of Virginia ou i's way to ti,? furnaces and to the sea? board st various aouthern points. All sf t?os coal is bay >nd th? range in whicO Dig ?St-m? liar. f.,r:--s a notch, t'iw.n abroad md n-ariv level plateau, in a valley through which #l>w? the Powell river, threenuroadswill s,m>o convene - namely . the s uta Atlantic and ?Jtito rail coming n?i Bristol, from Charlwut-'D, S. C. and other far soot hem js-rts. the Norfolk and Western railroad, eosaJan '*? th? chueh Valley .-f Virginia, a'i?l the Louisville and Na?hv.Ile railroad. I ter continuing through Cumberland Gap totbesouthwe t, sou connecting with its mam hue at a poiut south of Low ??ill?. Kv. At Big-Htone Gap nature seems to have prepared ih? ray to an extraordinary de? gree for th?' oecupatioa of mankind Here, to th? centre oi a recion neh ta high-grade irotiore?. and in nans stwami It] to the eoking and other cal?, -ur rounded bv an ample agricultural region. the Rig Stone (lap Improvement Company his founded its new nty. The wid? expanse of land is irvll drained, and em iys al-date Immunity from "i supplies. At Big-Stone <>.?p there ?re already in prooeaa of construction two rnrnaeea coat in-.' about ftaJO.OOO, an stsetriedaght plant, b- It hue railr- ad, street railway, water tie- water coming six unWs and having stall of 990 feet I, A new hotel is i.? le bull? a; a coat of flM.iMN) s?w-and planing-m?l -. brick works, a lurnittiro-lac. tory,and kindred indnstrssaoi a new ?????'a ur?? abe.,dv at W ork. Land to the amountof about ^OO?.OOObas airead) ' Within a tew days an association has be.?n formed t-> bring into notioa Moun? tain lark t?o? lovely highland plateau above ths town, A great coking plant haa also been determined upon, rum the (Baste of Kentucky has incorporated th.? Inter state Im aelCompany, whichpiuueneg 99 pierce the Cumberland and Hbe-k m<>ua taine for then.i the anmarons railroad bnea planning t.? traverso this Bald Durinsrths \\-s? commencing Juno 3d anarmy of inveatora oomtng m l'iilimaii can from all directions *ili attaadasala of lands ut Big-Si .i- ?? ap. participatiag in i ever] stub ru .-f th" tin ", ,n whtch ws live, because H illu*. the boundleaa i.lutiou. rasaMtwa, and faith in the c ntinned national pr->*. peritj of the present genasnttoni ?jI Am. afosan A Co., 1003 Main stras?, opposite post-oil'.' e. old Lassaa* Segregase, L ?-w-llacl, and Braad B'jtfeai Siiues, lisa, aul .tilfpera. J. A. t.aiu'i, Pac? Bloca. ??unilnT-l tciir?loii Itate? ar? r'-s'imeil on t'. ? rdtviri mot the Chesapeake and ? ihio railway to b'otta vdle and intermediate atatioiea, 'Irain h ares Ituhuionl at ) A. M . ?md returns at 7. in 1'. M. 11 W. runts. r il PsjSSSSJSf Agent. What i? botter than a large doctor's bill 7 Por th? dot tor, tkfl uiuuey , tor bad blood A. I'.. C Alb Children Cry for Pitcher's Castora. Heys' sai ti --[earner Sbos? sat l'urne?. J- a. bnsss, l'ace Sloe*. Kn: lav-i-.x-nrslnn Kale? will be rssusned on tha Psadaswia division of the Chesapeake and Ohio Kadway June 2d. Train leaves Richmond el fcss A.M.. and re'urns to Bicbmond at 7-45 1*. M., giving live h?'Ur* at Old I'mnt. Children Cry for Pitchy Castorit. I I>u?t Be0W< Pack Moth-Proof, and St r-- I an tsuUsfaction guaranteed Jh?. A. 4. Pvnr, rth Fifth? Children Cry for Pitcher's totofk? horn? nttsea years ac lew iban naif tais pr??e, ami Until mentaux iu r?yutaiVoa ae Um vary seiest sad be?t lamiiy oil. ? Las " O Altas r, ?SO Mala streeC Beet ul meet .Vutlxalto P;-..jtof rapb? of UM (>sal*4?r*l? W?D?rala. Heauitiul ? -.j rs-.l PUgs O? me Cea? 1 tcdara*.'- Original autograph* of Ueaeres Lee I ea l b.Aozrapbs. beau'-itul Pi ture? UAeaaol ] low pnce* 4 DVlCt; TO MOTUEIW. Fur over fifty years MRS. WI.VBUiW?, S(.k)THIN'.i STK' '.'!** keen used by saetaan tor their ?rhiMraa while t^eUilLg. Ar? you 4ia> i ir t?.' at a.<'.:i anl Howela, eaten Wta4 OeUc, softens th? Ouaae, reduces '-'"BsriiUsa. and give? tone end enerar w? to* ?not* -reseca, "Mrs, WtaatoWs ?coU?if Syrup" fer cSlklrtw teething Is pteasaai leva? laas? and to the pre. ?crtouoa ol on* of the eataat east usai tenu* pBjstouuMandaurasetame "-**r* -nim, sat to (or Mie ?y all ?tnMujtomstojpa^a?eatwae wette? Prtoe m ?sais a teeter. Tf*? suss sne aantm - mis, wia?i?? w^ssjopfajnjfi ?to?..