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TOE RICHMOND DISPATCH. MY T1IK Ji/Sl'ATCJf COMPAXV. The DAILY DISPATCH ta delivered to sub ?rrther? at rirraaN csirra per w?ek. payante to Mi? carrier weakly. Mallad at in p?r aim am; fS for six months; fLW tor ihr?? montos; 60a. for on? moa tA. TV? ?KM I- WUffKLT DISPATCH at Stparan Bum, or |1 lor six months. The WgRKLT DiarATtT? at fl par annum. Th? 91'.?DAY DISPATCH e?fU-M> p?r annum, er Tac forais moaUta, auharrlpUena in all caaes payar/.? in advance, aad no paper ?oatlnned after BBS eiplraUoo of Ute lim? paid fea*. Rend poet-office taoney ordar, etaem, cr registered letter. Currency aeot by mall will r* at Uta risk of the sender. Sotwc-lUrs wuhlng their post efn-e changed must gire their old as wall as their new p >jt otBca. Ham pi? ferle? fre?. AnVKRTlSlSO KATRJL BAU raes os isas. ltrtne.t ??*> Slime?.t 1 no I tine?-.t i so ?ttm??.S S 70 Utimet .S r? in 1 month.? 8 * Smanth?. i Hsading notice? in reedlag-matUr type, flva Bhww or teas, $1 ; In aonpariel leaded, "Ac Card of rat?? for mor? space furnished on ap? plication. All tetter* and telegrams mutt he addressed h-TUB DISI'ATCU COMPANY. Rejected oonimunlcettona will not t? r Sarned. BATTODAY.VW'J, \KI0. An Important Result An important ootataat hat baan going on for some tune recently in Alabama and lias Ju?t come to an ?-nd in tho Alaba? lieiuoeratic Oonrantioo, which at ? sent writing is in scission. It bus boefl a very warm OOOrteot and a great deal "f strong language lias been used on both side? during Its continu-mec. One Koi.n made him? !f the real or supposed farm? er c oasjdMait fot Iho gorssnorahip, and announced that hs would BOnduOt bis can va#w for th.- ji.-iM cratk nomination as a Democrat and well within the Democratic ranks. Hut kS pt*OOS ded to attM fuiiv aeknowlsdgad Damocratio leaders tha'i bim-"!f aud tbe DosoocYOtk party it gat.i/.at ion tri the State-. 11aabused both nri s. rupsdonsly.acoorduxgtoall accounts, lii* method "f warfare has been a favorite one with certain aspirantsaft.rfame and place lu other southern Btatas tliart Alabama within recent years, it ia a dnncerous otic 1 ? sud well-being of the people. It is |ho method of ths llSIIMIfIMjIlS ami n"t of the patriot. Th?> good people of Ala? 1 i !isr-over>'dthe danger lurking in Mr. h i fr? application of It before it was too lut.-, f,nd the eoweeejenoe hi thai ths Dei o? antis Ooarrantian whoa it mat >? h hoi* from Iba first by a very fair B Mr. Koi.n had built high on his prospective strength in ths gathering and I boasts Bowssfwhal alarsnad tli? ?? true and triedDamoemuy. But beaet with defeat. and with htm wnit. wo trust, for oil time BO ' COJst . ' r :' I | - ? | much t"li , some time too ma, at least, in Alabama, tin? baleful political methods be has be m ploying. 'Hu- S"Uth cannot as yet in any St.i. pormrl Iba rlhwuption of the Demo? cratic party by any i].les "f "independ entism" whatsoever. '1 he organisation re? falad t.. stands for the msintensm.f the white Sana's supremacy throughout boa sad oi the i listing a ? ? il bj i tem sstablished hen at so mnch - the white man's forefathers. Its destruo. ti-'ii would mean the moel a?rions? n-.t only t-> the material interests of the South, in?"-? nt and prospective, bul even to the fundamental principlea of mr r?v?isation. The Ala I ban la their turn ret/elli ! lbs Insidious attacks? my coming in ths guise of Democratic independence so called, and ?Ae.-ir. pjiadtosaythe staunch old Mont pon. n AdttiMttr has I? -l In ths Bghl they ids A" we writ.- the indications ore f h ut Kolbiaen, like hlahoneisni m Vir? ginia mid 'iilmtiiiisin in South Carolina, has t>. en "squeli 1'? '1" A (.rood Paper, it We Ourselves Do Bay it w. i.ig leave specially t" commend to mir rendan und Uie public al large ihe two terms ?in- about synonymous?the asue of the Di? i ' made ye U rday. Wa talal it was a good paper. Itwasthaoaly ? the nnv. tiling, n wnihepaperthetgavetha best detsiled aceouat ol the organii fonnini Ihe process? on ; the ?paper th it had th?- ful1- -i array of incidents and the com? pletes! soooual ?'t the Governor's moep tioii, of lbs ISJSlSSa' irreat dinner, of the bands of muslo and the sin played, of the oollega boya1 part in the parade, und most important ol all, ? ?-011111111 of bright inter ?Wws aa to the merits of llaacrn'a wort as athuik'of art and liken-ss of ImVA. More? over ecvcrul columns (.f incident-, were left over for |osaorrow*a paper. These faits speak for th. ni'-.U-s. VT< I k leave tOSUge?"'t thi III. We are under obligations t.. Hon. V.u Mt m> Waihiim., Jr., and HomCmaaua r. o'l'i l.iiAt.i. for valuable publie doeumi nts. We have r? ceived S <?- ?n of "Clio.n Child of Pate, " published by A. Lovki.l A Co.. New fork, and fot sal" by III WaeT, J.,ism o?, A Co., Richmond. Pri?e, &:i cents. THE GREAT SOUTH. lion. Abr?t? N. ltcwttt Speak? of Hi? Ite ?iiit Vlilt. Mr. ML J. Verderv, the New York cor res|iollilellt Of the Atlanta ' . interview? i H-'ii. Ahratii S. Hewitt in te gard t-> his nooal tour, of observation c.i ugh the Booth and tin- conclusions arm- a at, Ainuii,' other things Mr. Hew itt sai?l . " I think the ?South is the most Interest ini: Held of study at presen! to he found in anv part of the world, it is under transition from the patriarch the in? dividual social system. It 1- doing this m a single generation, while in Europe trans? formation from the feudal system of one of Individua] liberty occupied hundreds ol years. In the South we can ectuallv ? great drama beine. psgfaimed befoi er??, and tt.? nst Jl ie most saeouraffing, l.ecall-e it SSI nres nt QUOS tUOSS benefits of proi/rens which Europe re ?inired many genentioug to aooom Moreover, ths South la endowed by nature with ?t. it?r advantages than anv Similar ana in the World. It OOntSJUaall the raw materials for Innumerable in? dustrie? in great profusion. Im coal ind tronare not oiilv unlimited in una but so ptaoed m contiguity as to inako their development both ea \ and] 1>1?'. Tue South ha* a practiced moi nf cotton, which now secures foi heres sanmass with the rest ??! the world to the extent ot three hundred and afty millions of dollars annually. Then is no country world whoss industrial pros is olanted upon a foundation so ?table us tbie. "The South would long aince have be n the mast paustet n.u? part <d thin eountry dut tor slavery, whian uuslikouu'rcat mon? ster devouring her substance. All that the South ever needed for growth mal nevub onmaal wa? the substitatioa ?>? fr?e tor ?lave labor. lY?e labor always produces more than it consumes, hut ?lareiv iu\u riaffl.v (-?insume* all it i>r<-lur -. It ha? no motive to make it |?r.?tiulilc. 1 ? Mr. l'-iM-\r (i the interview with him he llv report 1 found an element In ? Ho,ntil wiiU'u d?*ia not share in this *?ew. There are Bourbons iu every part of the world, snd douhtlt** there uro hlual and ohstiuate men iu the South, who can? not eomprt iiend the grand and benenceut transformation which u takln? place be? fore their eye* and 111 spite ol their wish.-s. Mut 1 did no! uu*t any such uieu. I found e? err where *nt?rgj., cour*?:*, laith. and a new lite. "What is calle?! th? race problem is rapidly ?olring itM-lf ?ud if selfish polni. will k.-ep their hands ofJ m-ither the North nor the South has an\ thing todreatl from that cause. What ?tru-k D 1 loreibh wa* the movement of th?- white lx.pulutiou into the cities. New towns are springing up everywhere, and the white p?>jbl? are drifting rapidly to these oeutr?*. eratt? the bfaeb population to a iajye extent n-uiaiiis upon the soil, and will very soon !*, it? mwn reliance for cultivation. The black* are not adapted to factor.??, hut are admirably adapted to out.loor life in the production of raw materials. 1 f<*n< ?? t he ft nal ou ' in my Judgment, will be that the blacka will provide tin staples for the whites lo manufacture into various useful form*. Disinclination of the blacks to house ser? vice is beginning to be remarkable in the Botith. Tney are children ol nature and pr?fet the fren air of Heaven to confine? ment in houses and faetoric*. I have but little donbt but that with training and sd> ! ucation the blacks will become th? owners of the land which they cultivate. When they do thus nOOOfOO the own era of other property besides tbem. BslvWa, they will be go-.?I citizens, and pro? bably prove themselves worthy of the right of auffrage, which was prematnrely aonferred noon them by nnscrupnlons politicians, thereby crerttin<r a great peril which the South has miraculously sur? vived. The danger from thai source, how ever, now appears to me to l?' pan, and it will be fuiud that the white* and the blacks will have no difli nlty hi living lmrti-."iiions:v t igatber, each promotin| tin? l?--t 11.ten tats oi t:.. otin-r. Benoe, 1 have no hesitation n, sat ing ths outlook is niorc encouraging, and that northern men and capital can transfer themselves to the South with an nine- tinned BCDSS of clitire aecurity, ees * * ? ? "I Me tl'l limit to the development of thes.. great natnal resources, bui I hope th? BBS BOUthore fri'Il'ls Will keep the i spirit "f land speculation winch has set In within reasonable bounda. Otherwise there will lu- a reaction which will be mju nouaand retard the healthy growth of the Booth. I say retard it i. ause I d ? ri"t be lieveonvthing can i h arre it the pr>>gro*s of the South in the development of her vast neources and ?a the nromot ion of all the arta of civilisation. Peraonellv, l have to tharik the southern (?'?? ?j>i-- for many kindnesses and a graceful u ?i kt?lity which i- not sarpaaseo anywhere in ths world. I say moel ainc? r?4y. I thai all and bid the South Qod si"- d." AN OLD CIT'ZFN '.;ONE. A i.rnerally t'nvnra'ile CfOfS Outlook In la-ti^rn Niirtli Carolina. (Cerresjw'ndeoco of BBS RtSBMUead MapaSrU,] Bcotl&sto Naca, N. ('., Mi 19, is-ii. Mr. Thomas I awrenoe, a well-known and respected citizen ol this town, died tins i morning at i o'clock. He was flfty-ais years old iti.d bad been oil" "f the y\i tlthy men oi the community. Hi- laal came from erysipelas in ths leg fr.un a . d lio i fall m" weeks aco. Tiir. ' Tobacco in this secti nil looking well. A bi tter prospeci t"r a c itton cr< !? not be asked, but tbecorn crop is not ao ng, owing to the work of th and worms m consequence of th.n tinned cool night?. The stand i- very t>o ir. Boms lush potatoes bave been shipped from this place to the New York market, and there are considerable prepar iti ns be? ing mad.- for other shipments soon. DEFIED THE POSSE. w. it. SwrttU SSteeia and W/easats Two oni rera ??id stm BoMs the i-'iehi. ?al telegram to Hie Dlspatch.1 Asm mi 11, V ('., Muv in. W. R. Smith, who lives on t'pper Hominy creek, fifteen miles fr iterday evening shot al j with a revolver and rifle a paaa "f three )iim at his h line ? ni--! m< ano!-. John v.. Pen land, :? ?;"?' ial deputy shi riif, and Newton Taylor, "it'"/, ?a , wen- wounded bu( not h. riously. The cot] inding for sonn? time, but Smith has defied Its execution. He remains atpreaont In nos? fleld. ? - reek recently Urs. ?'? >hn Spain, - ! ' Mv-vi-v, and Ji e lu gri en, i a, di "'oi" ?! d< ad. Ths events oceum I in and within a fi w da Un -:. DESPERATE JAIL-BIRDS. They Wound an ??nicer PvraafBg Them? Due Ol Tin-in Shot DCSHS, [Hy telegraph to the Disp 1'ittr ut ' pria, Muv SO. Thomas and Jackson, two negi ? caped fr im t !,. l renti >n jail aft? i sand-bagging Keep* r Parker, were discovered by Officer Bar bur in the northeastern section of t\.iy. '1 hey opened fire on Barber, who attempt? ed to arresl tbem, and seriously wounded t ? offlei r, who may die. A detail "f nn ante 1 police immediately started upon tret k, and one of the fugitit ? victs (Jackson) was shot dead, while the l for a time, bui was subse? quently caught near Holmesburg. LEVY&DAVIS. A PHENOMENAL SUCCESS BAfl Ai i l.'MiKDOUIt G E E A ? Bargain WE iBBOUNCgD Kurt Tills THIS WEEK. Ea.-ti 'tar our s?.- ' crowded to Its fullest ? i all have i.-"ii delighted with the Bargains i.) TODAY w I IB ALL on "IB AM : M lint op" Special Bargains forour s\i riunY patroBi mat will pay all to c -or., as tii?y witi t>.. ii.. :. i m litan ordinary price?. LEVY & DAVIS. [my 811 URY (?i?( ?I'M AND HlI.MSKliV STORES, CuiiNK'tsix ill AND BROAD BTBgl BPTet 1ALBABQA11U KOK TO-DAT. Fancy perforated Tan ami Black UUTHJtl UKt.Ts. 10c. each : i,<\*> yanl? Creasa, White, and Black SI I.K-COKD NECK lit tillNo.rie. ayarl ; Lsaa sill Hi' tHii.SI- for la^iee? white ora LninlereJ, t'lftlu white, SBeSCSOStrlpW atnl dot?, BtM. each; 1/XKJ L UHHKI.I.AS. ladiea' and genlU-uien'a ?mes mai.-ef OlortaMlK au>l Eiigiish silk, Bsscss s? le 119: Solid >II.VKK BANilI.B KIN(.*, the latest idea, SV. eecii ; OtntleweiKHHlTlSH 90011 In pr?tty ?nlored ilripea and lull r?guiar made, ?' pair lor hoc., worilt C5c. a pair; DKKss lAlTKKN? of Mnatloa S.-ntch Zrphyr (?iijghain? worth &'--., to- lay p-l M I? 18,iic. a y*rd ; Ladt"?' coot, crtap Haa-I*laud Cotton, pure ?Mti, Klbl^dS novelee? L'NUKKVBSTS, ISWe. ; 6JU tK)xe?"f l.lMv.N PAPKKau.l KNVKLOlKSin tx.xe?, th? tfx\ kind to-day for IV-. ; Ladle? LHiUT ILAN.NKL liLObah?, 50, 73c., and 11; 1,000 botu?? KLOK1DA WATER, the 85c. ?U* for l?e, m? i<*: ?Izo for ?v. ; Tbe SV. m? he?t West India HAT III'M for 15o. Mlllint'iy department nan deliver tlil- ? Sll order? UU?u to-dar. Sovorel NEW t'Ai-. TKk.NB on ?ho* to-day. .ULIU8 MBTXB A st)\s, ?01 AND 60S BKOAD STREET. BARGAINS=W?LL PAPER 'I Mr: --J uo.T ?.-I - i un ?t... ._? ?J ar. 1 ?nd Hi-T KM ol Wal! P>t* n m Pbltistlvlputa ?ornMiar *t -ti liailr i?><-* 1 1 Ml ?TOI a At ?? Mil tu i,,a |TUaa4 aw aintola? aud csm? i?j^ u j r g'h-t ? and prt??? m?. LnAOi M, N? alLLtNi rmmiotJf?iCrL tnih S-Sml riMMolt.. JI i?ru let? Baited KUim eWUeod fur umi'laa ?ud ?n'fu? ?,|., -- oil .1. AJ. WItAV, ? 6? WEST BROAD ?TRIKT, ItK'IIMii.M?, VA., MAHBLK AND t.RAMTg MOMIH1K.NTS AKU BEAU-STONE?, MANTELS aud, L'eiBvtery work a euociaiu. nty ls-ini far FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ClIt'ltCR ??rn? of (.race and Medlaon s"e.UWR*v. H. P- r.sss, a !>.. P?-?or WH Zuasalf H A. M. and 8 P. M. Also M West. iuNSTsacurse?, at 4 P. M. -Way school SM ?Mi Bissau atlCaOA. M. A warm welcome to all. ?,, U sj?r SECOND PRESBYTEBIAN. Pr. Boos will preach *t 11 A. M. "Children's Dar ?celebration at 5 P. M. Mess-meeMos of all th? Pre?b7t?ri?ti Pabbaih ?cboola. Address by Rev. Dr. Kssiu tt?r THIRD PBBBBTTMBIAH CHUKCII-Kev. J. P. (l*aaos, Paator.-Preecb Ing at 11 A. M. *n.l S P. M. Sunday &ehool at 9:3(1 A. M. W*SainBjn*r NMllT prayer-meeting at ? o'clock. mr fourth Presbyterian UBUB01 fan west ?arana ?tre?t\-nev. j. CAt vm Stbwabt. Pastor.-Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 ?does P. M. by the P*stor. Wed? nesday-night lecture at -S o'clock, beat? freu. HaLbathscbool at 930 A. M. ?* HP oRAfK-STREET PRESS YTE RIAN CsTfjacI- He?. .lAUKS V. Pair, 1). ft. Be??loss st n eusse* a. m. sni ? II o'clock !'. M. rtseylilsi ay me Paster, Baadey? school servir?? at??? o'clock A. M. WeaUeesav? nl?fhl ? at ftll SMIetW, PrSy?r-im">'it)g rridar afternoon at 5 o'clock. U g#<- ? )i,D MARKET PRE8BTTE I<:a> CMUKOa Kct. I. B. TOBRSVU, part-r. will preach at 11 A. M. an I s P. H. Sundv ..-.;. ., pi ssrvleeTavasBAv aiMb P. M. ? f*??" THE PRESBYTERIAN BUN DAT-tCBOOL DRlO?wtU paletwaie its naat? vcrspry BBd "Cliildrou's <lt.y ' at th? BtnraAV i-.vKNiM, at I e^eJeefc, taier eitiug ei"r. lass, aim ananases, reports, and a missionary collection, l.r-ryiojy S \i i , hen and soswlsra sill asset Tais (Bat? nrday) i-vt.MNii ai o ? to rehears*. j. D. k. si aunar, Preetdeat, Jarxra H'. '. -.iry. mr?HION STATION METHO D?ST KP1900PAI CHURCQ ''-orner Ttvrnt;. teurmsadH streets) -Mev, fanai ?'. MAsTnr, PS . ? iflSSS SlSStmg SI t a. M, Prca-hing at )1 k, V 1 y the I'vtor and nt ?) P. M. by I. ii. pstbbsoic, or Mead Player ni'-ct Mannar si l P. M, 1 ture WBSSBS0AV nt g P. M. | mou'? prayer meeting Tn.'HHniT at 8 ''? '"'? _ tUT T RI N I T V METHODIST ritt' B (earner .f Bread aid Twentieth Rev, Ja m T. wniTi.sY, Pastor, DAT, Jans 1ft, l!.e factor will preach nt 11 o'clock A. M. on ''Dev.tion to the Lord ?Tesas,*1 nn-l nt kit) P. M. on "The (?rent UnveiUsg." Oomtnanlea after the mnrtilngsermon. Bandai ?.-h. ..i m'.m j A. M. and nerri.? en Wednesday at 8:11 P.M. Strangers and others cotdially wol eomed, lests free._ fsfjrOENTENARY METHODIST KPIBCOPAL CHURCH.?H*V. GBOBvl w*. Cam TKK, I). P., wl!l presets St ?.imv MOBSTSS on! Kct. .1. Wii.iv BLBBSOI BOTSAT Nlt.iiT. sawrBROAI>flTREET METHODIST M'NIiAY M BOOL will a lehrnte ('hlldren's-day and trie thirty-first nuuiveraiirr BUKDAT Aitsk ?oon at 1 o'clock, W PARK-PEACE METHODIST gPISCOPAL GHUBCH (westPrankllo Mr.; Bev. i, fitgfwjM. rssanr rrnatitilBg si ll A. M. and Ml P. M. At night the liOV. UKOBUI \V. CABTsa Will i I at 9:15 A. M. ( laas-meetlog nt ?i r. M, Wsdnesdar-evenlng servies at s ovu.-k. Btrangancordially Invited t.. attend au t?io ?ir LAUREL-STREET METHO D1BT EPISCOPAL OHUBCR (corase Laatel and BeV. C C, WlBTESBAKKS, Pastor;?Pnaeatacat n a. m. and T:45P. m. i.y toe Pastor, Hunday school *t<j o'clock. PreacUpia Weinesday nUtit at V:45 o'cio-k. I'rayer- and c|ns>w^?otlng Friday night at 7:45 o'clock- -Ml wuli-oma, is t*^- CLAY-STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHIIBCB,BOOTH (corner of Clay and A'lam? ?ireet?,).?Preaching by Uio pastor, Hev. sy? nj, atwii i, at n A. M. and 8 P. M Suiidag school ?t H A. SI. Wednesday services at': 15 P.M. Thursdayclas?.and prayer-mest ingatruiP. M. _ u tt?T FRIENDS.- MEETING PO B divin? worship Kvsav Habbath Moksimh at 11 o'clock. Sent:: are Irce, and all are welcune. Moc'iLK-houHf Clay street above gtrsi Pervico? al?o at 11 o'clock on SVbiinbsuav Moknin?. ta mrVBJES?Bf MISSION (TWEN TY-riKTH 8TKKKT).--Keltgious services *n1 Sal)i*th school every hi hi>av at t o*dMk P, M. Meettagfoc divin? worship at ? o'clock every l-KlDAT NlCiUT. Is tt?r ST. PAUL'S CHURCH?SUN DAY?Morninj? service with Holy Communion at H o'clock. Dr. is aspeot i l. Iir-a"!!. Kvenlng eorvice at H: ?Do, lo ??. BigbOp liAi.i Aiiiisu, of Louisiana, will preach. f?r MONUMENTAL CHURCH (PBOTavTAMT BPlSCOPALl?Bev. .Iohk a ?.-Taism avBBAT?Dtvme servios, wtta the ii.iiv Oommnnton, at n A, m. aadCP, M. Sunday ?chot>l at MO A. M. Strangers and other* w.ii bat o a cordial neleome, ItfT ALE-SAINTS CHURCn (Madi h(.n ftreet near Qmee)?Kev. J. Y. DOWKMANV, Hector.?Moriiin?; service at ll o'clock. Kronlng servio? atf-ilio'clu-k. hunday school at V.JJ -V M. _ U IfarMOORE-MEMORlALCHriU'H (Laurel street opposite Monroe. Park).? Scsoat servtosa at um a. u. and s p. M. Pews at mesftorneen service are all free, by order of the veMiry, and nil will be gladly WSsSOSBSh The Sunday school OgSBS at 9:'?) A. M., under tho sn perititt-udeticy of Mr. Kohkwbix Paul t? ISarT ST. JOHN'S PROTESTANT gPIBCOPAL ciii'in n ?iin.ft.i street enrase Tweuty-Ufth)?Her. Ls.vis W. IU-rtok, Re. ;..r. ?til A. JL and ? P. M. A cordial wel? come for all. WSPPBtk-MBWOBIAt CiiArst. (Penny street, -Kcv. PIBI POWBH, U. I)., Minister. atUllP. M. Beats free and the pulllc heartily inviuid. Stir SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (corner Main and Slith ptreeU).?Kev. W. W. Landulm, I). L>., will prnuoh at 11 A M. and ?j P.M. U WTORACE-STREET BAPTIST CM ritt'H, worshiping at th'j Taborna-le, c rn>-r of Pin? aud Uraco streut?. Rev. w. k. sUrenaa, past r. Praaenmg at ll \. M. ny th-? Pastor and at 8 P. M. by Kev. Dr. Jami.s Nelson, of btaunion. bunlav achool at V o'clock. tasT LEK?H-STREET BAPTIST CUl'HCH (corner lwu?ty-flfth and Leigh streo'.s?Kev. J. M. KsosT, I). D., Pastor.?Preac h lngat 11 A. M. and 8 p. M. Prayer-meeting WiDSEsnAV Niqht at 8 o'.'lo.-k. Hunday school at 9:15 A. V. Youug mou * prayer-meotlng Ti bsdat NionT at s...-lock. All welcome. ta HOT CLAY-STREET BAPTIST till ;.i II (coru.-r Otaf BBd i.rauam strceU) it'-\. B c. CutnoMk fuatat. At n a. m. tt?o f Lurch will have* roll-call and covenant-meet? ing an 1 d(?slre? ?vory memb?r to be present. At 8:15 P. M. tho Pastor will preach. HOT WEST-MAIN-STREET BAP? TIST Cllt'Ki H Issnist Main and Beech streett)-K?v. B. A. Uoudwik, D. D? Pastor ? Preaching Misdat by tho Paator at ll o'clock A. M. and at S:l5 u.ciock P. M. Dr. W. W. Lakuri m will preach tns anuual s?rmon of the Iali?v hewlug ctr-le. Sunday school at y o'clock A. M. Ban Isas tftsBBsna** ai I ij s'atost p. m. Young men's rravor-meeilng raioAV at f9cl5 P. M. All are welcome. ?ear PINE-STREET BAPTIST ( III Kl H (corner Pino and Alberaarle streets)? Rev. J. B. ?nranu, P*?tor. -PrcsA-hlng at 11 A. M.[and 8 P. M. A cordial welcomo to aiL Beata free. u atnTFOURTH-STREET BAPTIST ( Ml ltctl-K*v. H. Y. Wii.uabs, Pastor. I'rea-hlcg at 11 A. M. and S p. M. Sunday school ?t si? A. M, ta mr VENABLE-8TBEET CHURCH (corner of Tweuty-iir?( aud Venable).?Sunday school at ft? A, M. Prsacblsg by Rev. K. U 11A.M.and ?4L P.M. la goT SEVENTH -8TREKT CHssaB TUN cm Ktii. -aagrtsss at 11 a. m. amisr. M.. conducUd t>r the pastor, Her. JutU pjagg, Hunday echool at 9-.W A. M. ta g?-FIRST ESOLI8H LUTHERAN CHURCH (h?Tontu ?treat near Grace .-Preach Ins at 11 A. M. and 7:30 V. M. by the pastor R?t. J. S. Moeaa. Sunday echuol at fcSJ a. M. u grOHRISTADKLPniAN KCCt.KSIA (Central Hall}.?Mr. Ai.ixakdib PaCKIB Will BaSSSUSSS at 11 A. II ss slant i " The Unknown l.ed Whom Ye Icti'i -111117 wor? ship." aim) at ? r. M. suajsoi i ?? jaasjs th? f<otiof (.?<1 and Bel Kins of Israel." ? WELCOME ! WELCOME ! AT THE RELIABLE. PaUCIS KBOCfCBD TO PIECES. Clothing .MMiisTKiiH ASON'd. Bl its FOBTHI UJOBKINOMAll, B| ITS fOB fill BUSINB8S-M kit, SI lis rOBTBg 90OII11 man. oiJr ft I rUktag Is the ??tiape of seaeonsMt asei1 CherwUBi WorstsOs, Oasst? meics, ??' DNOOWIAaV-rlata ami Kн DSgSS-BRIRTI - rialn, Pleated, 1 >i M . sad Kabrotoered ; BOOJgKT?e Until m. lis ?; ?. 1 kB for DBS BHWISSIwls Sha m?t eiqulslte lint? lu the Stale; COLLARS AM' C?FF9 all styles and nlzes. HATS' HATS I MlATS! BTBar sT-ii r. el Tiir. 11 - A cor liai invitation to ?IL B. FLORSHEIM, TBBKBUABLB OBg-TtUCB ' :.?rTHIBB AM) IIAI I Kit, FOURTH AND BROAD STREETS. [my ?.?0-11 II. W. MOESTA'S. Ill EAST MAIN aTKi .1', s Pure Icc-Ctcam AND Wato-Ices, BAKERY AND CONFECTIONEEY. wholesale an? BRAIL Weddings, Parties, and Plo-Nlos furulahsd at lowest rates and at short Mi mit I-Sa/TuAH 11 AUENTS FOU THE LEE STOVES nv:? RANGES. J.W.JJVDERSOA$Ca, 830 Main Street, IM( Ili?OM), VA., IlBA'IK.4 ta Stoves, Ranges, anil Refrisera (ors, TIN, SHKKT-IHON, AND JAl'ANNED WARE, (KOCKEKY ANlMlLAsHWARE, HOB8BF1 knhmim; GOODS IN OENL'HAL, at tbbi lowest nuon Tinning aal Plumhliii:. my 27-'"t HfcfcTlNOfc. ?TOTIOE.- GOOD-WILL COUNCIL * No. 98, JUNIOR ORDgR ITNITRO kHEHI ( an MK.i HARTCH.?Tb?asambenel t' labore : 1 at 1 ran Hi with their elater eouaoila In paying UM ??^t tri? but? of rr?pei-t to their deceased brother, 1:0 IIIKT A. .Mayo. !'l..- BtDS Of lunera! t-"iTi.-e? ? 11 be '. . wir. 1---1111 le 1 H-- h..,ir b dors ihn time. Ity ordur ut II .1. .1. PAVL-. - 11 LSIOB 1 rotary._11.y \rOTICa THE FIRST MJ BTING i-l ot UteSTOI KHOLDERSO* Till: VIRGINIA \M? 1 M'.nl.lNA RAILWAY COUPANT (pur enassraateeni Virginia aui 1 aro? hua rai. eld at the offlca el 97. \V. Henry, 1111 Una Street, l'.i -liiLoud, Va., ou lULUSl)AY,.luuo;.. 1 -.h. ai II M. MUNCUHg KOntNSON', CHARLES CHAU ICBY, P. A. W Kl.l.KoKI), ('. g. Wl I I.Ki'Ul), W. W. llt.NKY. mySS-td Htockholrter?. am ??? ?i? si j i. POSTPONED! THECONOEBTTO I i.JVKV und-r'h-ruta; e.'.ei ,,f the CON SKUVATntU Of MUSIC,S ^ M?n'i chriiiiinii AaeoctaUon Hail, en Friday ?realas, ?'J?th Instant, is, OB SOcoanl ut ta of th? went!.er, 1 - II 01 MONDAY fct K.MS? , .1 ; lock. N. H.-'lick.-;-.i?...;.| 1...I1 1 . niy31-lt_ OZART ACADEMY OF MUSIC. M ItlftiiKB ? Mtir.o.I.4M00I and Manag, r?. THE NEW YORK MAIH<ON-SQUARB THEATRE COMPANY. FOR TUE REMAINDER OF THIS WEEK. including WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY ALA tleTBBBi Grand Retirai of "THE PRIVATE SKi rtLTAHY,"' with SI. A. BE?NgDl a? Oatermote, ?urportid by a i;ip ro company ot tt-ru<Hliana? TickeU now on tale at asnal BShaa my |B4S I FREE OONTEItr?vERY EVESI? I at r, .I'oi'h-k by Shs ?roat c.:n . BMNIsXOH (?AN ttc alai at ttie la'e Parti gxpoattl D '??'-?cially lnTlte.1. '?rdi-r gaaranteed. Corner sfBread sa J anafsr atreota _ 1 EE ?^ CO., BOOK-MAKERS. ODDS I.All) <>N ALL UALINU EVENTS. DIRECT WIRE TO THE TRACK. A full description of ?ich race ?Iren a* It (a being run. Tl'RK KX( llANt-P, ap lu-Sm SSineff Dank aud 1 wnltih street?. BZCI Ksi|t^?s. Ae. EXCURSI?N ON JAME8 B?TER. The ?lepant aTBAMBB VA1.I.KY rOBfll can ho chartei'i-U '.<? Bastios to carry fifi, pereont for ?xcuraloaa. oixvi accoi...... tu lona lor further information epr^y on hoard or at i;il Main *>rei t- ANDKKW PUII.I IPS, _ my 18-Hu.l .... I til in _ ala?t--r. /J.RAND hLNDAY EXCURSION L A t A Y E T T K OOfNCIL. ?o. SI7, AMERICAN LEUK'N Oif HONOR, HUNDAY, IgSBJ 1. 1880, TO CURL'S NECK AND RETURN. The beautiful ateamer Totchestar will loare the Virginia Meamb'iat Compativ'i? wbarf all >; P. M. and return at ftOJ p. 11. 1 ui? giraa B n<le of Ore bout* en the beautiful J%mt*. There will be aerred muilc by Protestor Wagner's or cnasira, and rofreebtnenu at city price?, IhU I? lb? only -iinday trio thl? ?legaut ?tca-ner wtd loak?. Tickets : Adult?, to cent? ; enllOren uud?r tweir.-. Si conta?to in? bad at the boat or from the following commute?: Montr?, t. K. Tboll, J. W. ?va . .. 1.1 iiett.1,1, a. Lewoliao, UoLcrt IVarmau, aod E. g Thuratou, and ..1rs. Ufiuii and Mr*. H. g. TholL Membora of bietor couudl? iratarulty tarlto-1 to unite ?tin u?. _ _ my|>.Su,Tul A Sa B OOK AND JOB WORK NEATLY IXICUTBO AT TUE DIAPATCH OJrTWB. IIOTDI.S AND llOAIimvo MOIS?S. jtJEW YORK--THE MADISON 11 PARK-Seleet Family Hotel, r. and 37east Twenty-third street, (Mad!-m Bauen) New York. Apartments with Board, *. per day |U per week. up. Uu?. A. liKKOEIt. ' my *>??' lie tor. Nt'WWRtt It? l:?it i si 11HE CELEBRATED BOOK . ?BRIDGRALUM BPRIKO?, n lorsed by the Medical Society of Virginia, ?is ?*..|i aebyotb-r medical nut' k* 1 nlted '-'at?? and . are low ..I..-11 TIIK VK.\l{|((n;.M). , -v. peelty. ). "i; ratee, SJOi fit per noatfe, SeeortV ingtoliK-a Ion of room and I'-ngth of stay; ele? vation. S,f<li fe.e. pamphlets at r,art.?r A Co.'a and Chesapeake and Ohio tt cket-ome*. kmi, rHKUUUH roTHE8PHIN0B. UROKUB I. Pit ion". MaaaglBB DtJ rly ?for sixteen ye?r?) managing partner of lhoi.r?ou brlor WalttvSulph ir - pi u my I AFTON IIOi BE, AKTON, Nl.LSdN COINTY, VA. This popster summer report, situated at Aftin depot, < Bssapeaka and oiuo railway, opeas JIN h, 1st. l'or tiirther particulars address JAMES It. OOUDLOe, my ?l-lm Au-1. Depot, Nelsone innty, Va. 0 OEAN-VIEW HOTEL. This woll-know-i 8K\s|!)F? BBSORT will be on. ns 1 : .il '.-:-. n 11II INii u- ??? n Ity, t.?- undertow, free from sheila I i-"-x.'i ?i? Doeel <m th? ? c lael; 11 at?. h;"i all sqnlpl - pled. In. .i U ( MPAN\, . to our I L WILLIAM**, Man*ger, ??".Va. COLL SULPHUR SPRINGS, Gtshei Bridge Post-Offiee, V;i., OPBH .H M-: i. ,i ?DBB NAMK MAHAQK. mk\ i' \, LAST >v\i\ and terms a i i. - UANOVEB ACAD] U A BBaUTII ! I. AND WBL ' ICR, Is OPEN' POR S?MMKH BOAKI I s, I nt - 11 PO? do rail? way, lor particular* ap;.ly to Mr?. ,i. B. TAYLOR, my ? 'lm I <\- ' L 4 l G D ?- I \ v .: , , . V apBINU*. Pond-Gap, V*., oa < hcapn'ik? . oui naif toilo froi - au I eighteen mil is we?l ol ?-laim' lo Hi-- cities t h -in any i the Virginia ?| rtn rs, u 'nny resort ol ? In the o ; Ithla, and lr-.n U >i!"r. Msit an 1 !??: with telegraph offlc*. Bead : i ?. Al '.I 3 I A WHITE 8ULPHCRSPRIN08 IHVil't. .'.? A?. 1HE WHITE 8?LPHUR HPBTNQ8, I Tata g--cst IIKAI III ANT) PLRAS?RI UK ?ORT, with a W'-l;-"i,nicd rept I Osan a eentnry, situated high ap iu the Alio of tue asa rlth an DNBCRPAB8CD SUMMER CUMAT1 AHD AC ( kHfODATIONo PIRST-I LAM IN E\EI;Y BJtSPRCT. WHXOPBRFOR1 Bl RBCB1 TIONOf QtJRBTI JINK 1, un, For pamphlets, giving lull Information, e-.;-!? to I' my ll-lm ""! WENTWOBTfl, NEWCASTLE, If. II. RAILROAD RATIOS, PORTSMOUTH. N. PL, thir'.- miu'io'i distant, where macaws from tho i rary train. THE FABDIONABLB RESORT Of TIIS ROR1 il BB OPEN FOR 8EAS0N JUNE k2Sih. R?f?renc?e: ?e-.:eral Joseph K And.; : Lewis 0 Proprietor. w. :?:. BILL, Mi >?8m / IAPO? BPH] MUS? V> IIAMI - ? I"i. V.. V\. ULES B A LIT MU WASH. ISOTON. With Its MUPRK10H HINSUAL WA? i PEKBS1 MMEKCLIMATE, Inabeau weary ourd ?ns i- wn and have a lovely summer 1 r BS lie il aud Other tr-tlnenivsend for let. W. H. HALB, anyS-MI_Proprftor. / kCEAN SHORE PARK HOTEL, VII. " ' SIRIA BRAi B, opens JUS I 1st. Directly ? lights mi I i ills " Frstnsol \ir?iuia Beach railroad stop at door. 1er tai lars addri s t.KOltl.EII. l.'l' Si KEN my 29 ?m il* Bench. Va. Mut M ilN-TOP ?"?I B I? AM? KINGS, ov*r KockOsh Gap, Bias Ridge ?? I'liie view-, n : . cheap beard,strong iron springe, Many attrartious to the Invalid, pleasure-seeker, and famkl ,-n-v a ? v CO., ? i. _my pl?l)M0NT ?I1 : OVER I LOOKLNfl Cnlpep*r,wlilaceemmodstsslxt|p boarder*. Urounds beautiful, buildings ?-, bats-roi ma Milk,fruit?, a^.i ?m. - ?i I Hi ?riee I idraas,WILLIAM 1?. P1TZHCOH, Culpeper, Va. n.J.. I? I 7 i ?MBERKLE V SI'1;1M?S I f Ti'" BOTH !" The oes bun ? ? ? ... lowesi railr.iiil rats?. A|. ? r to 11. U llALi., Proprietor, Ho: ?.ley Springs, W. va. ??mIImi ORKNEY SPRINGS, BHRMANDOAII CO?RTT, VA. Il BJfl .; Bl ORT fot healOi aad pleasure. The ?iucst .-:??: . antalns > I ateten Climati Croa roga, Average swan temperature very Ion duriuc it enUYesummei moatna. The large number ol differenl Hprlngs owned I ? t? ? it the popular resort of ?u tu:i blgnly-tavor? i of toa i |.- r?v t milk, un? soil led cui t..r la ; gentlemen, bowling-alley, ten ?:--* .urt?, ? i?-* \ irglnta?, etc, ? iry, ficellent orrhaatra during the aunmer. Betel m pertyl, la extent, embracing some cf th-j Ohu-it nivuu ? -i ?ti tho country. 1 or. ir' alars aad t. rra? si-lr-ss w ?i-tiod^in I : H. i.\ ANS, ?lat-ager. \fIM.I!01ii)' SPRINGS, HA TU .?Tl.. ctit MV, VA.,two Bailas from MUlooro1 rallo iy, Bulpbus, Alum, and thalyhtato Mal.-ia. I-or rated, j;--., add rase my gJ.eod 'm* DAVIDSON .t CO. _ HOT Kl, METROPOLE, BKOtDWAV, ?-KVENIH ATaTMUR, VORTT??riRaT, AM) PORTT-aiCORO ST8., NKW Yoltli. European P/an. Rooms 11 per day and upward. Coolwt and b?-<t-v^tr.i:ateJ hold in ll wlutely nrs-oroot ??KKuN AP?TNI i my !?> ii. .prieuirs. T OCIST DALE LCADE&n Wll.h \i be opea for summer boarders from Jl'sE 'hi: 1st. Sear H iptdaa station, ...i'. ratete Mldlaad railroad, i?-. aud a ban Healthy lo sireug cha;. ?>est-' water .i 1 tr? ansit. 1 '?: ni-? ? i', i ST weex for r. lulu ; 12..V) for iiiir-?e? aad chlldron u*lier Iwolva my WaUl AJ*t,7.11,lt?l6 CONGRESS HALL," rURATOOA BPRINOS, .N. V. >kamin OfRMI .ii Nt: Bnt, AesaaBtedatos LOW anesta Rs I | aid i. , rdlng o locaiiou ol ruouu. Special rates uiada by iho * 11. .-. ? my Si-Was*?! _ _ Mauager. BOOaafs, STATIoNMtY. *e. [7XAMINATlON-l'.\iJ.S-Jl \\\) Is J i sheets ..( g <*i paper. All I ??i aTl?NRKT sodaCHouLBUOta, Oi.lbooits ? laten In exchang? RARDOLPHa BROU8H, ray': 1 , ; \ MOSBY AND HIS MEN. V, \U KKM1NISCENCEB. a P 'I'Ular Beat, First edltien sold In sixty ?Isys. I. mpluni titary n-itisas by the press of t lion?. I uU hent by mail, ?awasa?i ua tneetad of sstoa a.j . A. MOMEIRU, ML ?.. ?* . _ Rtsfes? u], Va, Y I K WS OF RICHMOND, ALL V N'iVELSby Vlrglnl*au!bor*,allVIKi?IMA naroB^fa, cuhkeokkate wak hooks * lull ?to.-k of BO'>K8*nd ?TATtoNBRY, all lb* LAB HOOKS. visitor? are Invited to mat? our homo their headquarters for every thing n?w inthebcok aud ?latlunsry V.tkv. WfBT, JOHNSTON a CO., ^jnyat-M_SU Mala ?treat. / < U I DE TO RlOHssOND?MAP \ ? and Pierna; BOTB WALfc* ABOI T KICII uoND,witapiat*?; Mounit? Ain kiiT?moM? IN i?.ONE UaYn; ..n-Ti.Ke HlSlOllV OK HICUMO.NOj hlCHBOMJ. \\., AM? illKNKW SOt TH; ??J EREOm upicand PUoTOOKAPHlC VlEVVhOPtll.>EitAI.I.KKAMII.Kt'.'?Sl'ATl'?L '?'koataseortint.ntot old and .\?w Hooks lo in* ?ouintrn ?tato? is *t n-i Main street, hi ?MOud tausiogue* mailed .<> any aldrea* my?Waw RAfSDOLPUaBNULWU, 8URRY OF EAOLE'S NRST, 91-75. A H. ?ItN CO'/l t rg <DucheeH), ?iOe sTANLBY'S V.MIN PASHA EXPEDITION, ti IdOHlNO HACKWARD. iOc HK VI KICK UaitgTl Kuli line Paper-Hound Book? for aeaahor?? und mountain reading. HUNTER * i '?>.. Broad itroef. TRIUMPHANT 90BOS, So. t. the booh tisea by H?r. -?am Joue? In hi? revival ??rvlce?. NKW METHoDIvr BYMN-BOOK. in all style? binding. ?Ith and without handle?. OX ."?HD TEACHERS' ItlBLKs In great variety ?tyloa binding. HUNTER * CO, ' 63J east Broad. souvenirsI'nveilim;. nAND-PAINTED IIADUES AND CONFED?? RATE BAT ILK-KLAUS. MEDALS?with cut of monument and Lee's por? trait. RICHMOND VIBWS-contalnlng handsome pi? turo of monument; aUo. noted places in and around Richmond. Mail orders promptly fllMl. HI M?R A ? "-. t?? east Broad. Writing-Paper for Summer Use. LIMN AM? BOND PAPERS, ruled, BBS, per .|uarttT r^am. CREAM PAPERS, ruled and plain, 1'Je. perquar ter ream. WHITE Kl'LEI) PAPERS, f>pound?, 2.V. per ipiarter ream. Duu't fail to take adrantage of abovo prices. HUNTER & CO., BOOKSELLERS, 629 EAST BROAD STREET. [my24-?a,TuAThl ^_fllSaSUIAU IS !.. MR il SON. Bankers, AND DEALERS IN HKjU-l.KADE INVESTMENT BONDS. y o. lili Main sirei ', BICBlfOBD, va. )lmiirin;il nml Biiilroml bun Nrotintril. Bills of Kirhnn^c ami Letlm of Credit ou ull parts of tlie world. - Laxen1 OUR MANUAL OE INVESTMENTS FOI4 1890, ? ork of the kind pubUtht i ?i banking-house in Amt. riet, may l < t? n ? "/' nt$ and thote having bustrai is with our ?>'m, without charge ; by other? ai (ira d<>i lore /" r oopy, ?? it hat no equal in this < ountry." - Richmond Dispatch, "Packed full of the most valuable ?u formation,"?Journal of Commerce, I './?/.. my '-?S-.'-t Buy the Best Stock ON SALE IN VIRGINIA. THE GBOTTOB9 COMPANY OWBgfOiOOO ACRES-OP THE BEST IRON AND TIMBER LANDS ksn 6,000 ACHES OP U.N^r ({PASSED CITY-SITE I AMIS ATTI1E QBOTTOgS,9HBBAHDOAB VALLEY RAILROAD. AUQDSTA AND ROCKING* HAM COIN I DCS, V\., all Id on.? holy, including the remooj Weyer and v.-uiit'iiuit Cares, Iba noteg Orattoes I larga electrtoilgbt plant, two k.oi valer . iwi-iity-Mvo hri k ?n 1 tritnio ti- i i ?vt'-h of native foreal in vnr*. el It now. ihareeotlta -took, i?ar value I in , at pu per ?Lar?, with priwlciteof buying l.y all itment bin r tula lou at on long time. Qoaad ass tt?'? property, wicr?. th? nty of Snendua l?< now Li'insr laid our, ai.d you will agree that nothing yet offered comparoe with it lu Intiinalc rslne. f/or preapectua, maps, and information ad> drasi TBB QRoTTOES company, suuutou. Va., or 'ii.'- Orott ?a, \ a. JgD. BOTCBKUS, Preetteat, my -T-flt _ Maunti'it. Va, 3?B8CBIPTION8 TO THE S CAPITAL STOCK Of THE QBOTTOgg COMPANY received and information given by EOUlEMln A Rori.DIN. Brokers? (??a?igow, Va., cr D. E. aOOLBSTOB, my -'T-lt* Davis II??u*c, Richmond, Va. OTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO sTJB9OBJBBBBT0TfIBlMBABJCMaU0HTB" -mi any nan ?ocuro sarue by endorsing cert 111 ?a"? and depositing sama and gI0(> with ut on or t>eforo IIA V BJ, TLoso who with to subscribe to the UNPUB l 1IA-KH BALANCE Of JHE RESKHVKD P1?K l'l.RRl.1? s i'iK CBHT. ROCK '-an doso by alining tho application tor?ame at on which will sntttls ?uiigcnhar? to i ich allotment ai* may bs ma''." "f tall balance. In' n rut to 10-dharo subin-rlpUons will expiro l'h of .May. and UM allotment of UM i al? an o liupurchaaod will he ma-lo to ?ubecriptioua for BSeUS male by thai dato. Any further Informad a want.-1 can be bad on application. THOMAS BRANCH * *'? '., Banker?, my 1-Vltn_1101 Main ?treat. THE SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANK OP NEW YORK, 78 WALLSTREET. CAPITAL, - - - . |l,0JO,00O. gOUCTTB ACOOOBTBOf BANKS, BANKER?, i "RPintAlTONS, AND INDIVIDUALS, W. W. ! I.ANAiiAN, - - - I'retldent JAMES K1NVANNON. - Vlce-Preeldent. J. <>. ABRAHAMS. Cannier. [my ?-".?-eodlnij SALEM. VA. WESTSALEM LAND COMPANY Off KB TO hKLL THEIB SERIES "C."OR NEW CAITLlt, CRAIO C'l'SlY. STlK'E, PARVALlaS. . I OR |5 PER SHARE, PAYABLE 11 PER MON l H PKR SHARE DafTafl HAVE BEEN PAID. Tbl? aerie* will ?eon be all taken and cloeed. Send orders wltb drat payment of |i par ?bare to UEOKflg ALLEN. President and Manager, or CHARLES C ToMPK INS. Seoratary. We hare taken ?lock In tbe WEST SALEM fcAND COMPANY and com ?end It to oar friend?, ?unscripilona reoelred an? information ftv?nty HENRY L. STAPLE-. A ( u. my 13-eodls?_ 110S Main ttieet riSH KBIlKN^Mll'PPXIUa, ETB?"^ SEINES, A?1T, ?""?"?J TWINES. BBxsssi ? snsssnuan METS ar.d NETTINO of all kinds saada to or? der, alto rlgsod ready for u?a. LUCHTRNSTEWSSONS, ?ate laiportera of Ute Celebrated Lion Brand SalSeTareaa, eornor s?T?nteeaU> aud Prank Un etreels, autev sttsassano, Ya, THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE-INSURANCE COMPANY. OF Milwaukee, Wis ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1800 SURPLUS, JANUARY 1, 1890 t . The polieir?t of tho Northwestern Mntnal est mm-h tagf tana issned by any other company. Thin is beg! prosud by OB eis ' sands of published reeordo of precisely ?imil-ir policiee, issuexl tho sanie life, ahowincr that the policios of lbs northWTjsjtorn M lo DI por cent, less than the san'i' |k;Jici?'s hi ? ?h.-r m- . < THE CHEAPEST COMPANY. HI. *.-' Ampio l'r"<i! "' promptly and f urn inhcl, rom-etnem of mr-ut. While ^ precaution mill safety tho 523 pr-miur.? are'.-V rv .1, ti,.?-. sfoateni Mutual bare beam for tho post flftw ;-.- ? in any other <"iu]iany, ati'l tii'Htly t.- quits double tbooe ol I n? nt ones. Anwwellj frf ?Tn part aighlssn JWSTS tlm if i a sill i .- ? an Mutual bare bot n published in d< tail for comparison with tl I SJOiOBi It is th" on.;. <? D| iny thoidoOS tl The) business of tho Northtrestern Matul (so States, and its soooptnneo of risks ?sont I v plaoing business ipon the books of thoooc appareil Fop too pas! Ion joncs tho asortalitj ol I S ? than that of sur other lo I j ' r cent, of the sored cent. ; in cent. : in cut., per cent., >>r an average for I result heretofore unheard of in the hi tory ' ? A erics puny of tho age nad size of the v I ru Hi? lowest highest interest income oan pi result: 'Mil; i . \ AND .SA L'EST INSURANCE. For ful JOHN V. CABY & SON, GENERAL A0ENT8 FOB VIRGINIA AM? NORTH I I mr 29-31 1108 MAIN 8TBEET, RICHMOND, \ \. ? 4!3 i i S uppers! Suppers! Suppers! SHOKS! SHOKS! SHOKS' rjfUEKSE STOCK! STOCK LARGE! BTORE Wi CROWDED ! FRESH, SEASONABLE, AND BT?1 I SHOES, AN!? OXFORD 11 i :s. Daily no hare morn erowds tuna erer. Don't foil to visit tl i BO MANUFAOTl KINO tIOMPAN?, 113 east i- | examino our many bar^tius in IMS!', FOOTWEAR, N htock. Costs nothing to look, Borac i .I'tiihi-r tins- you are obliged to1 iy a . anv and ?vt ry other shoe-house in Bich u I. i ?? .'t : . but call u: haw tho chuicc of tins elegant ?took. THE BOSTON SHOE HAN?FACT??I1NC a 113 EAST BROAD. Tl Johnston's Nolandine FOR THE BLOOD. LIVER. AND KIDNEYS. THE UE.-iT srm.Nti KKOICTBg IN rai tVOBIA N1B1 . S |l. rh.wa.t I'n! NEW GOODS ! NEW GOOD ^> ?tut r?cn|v?'l Of OBroWD ImoottSttoa fl 'v BN(ii.|-?ll ;?INNKIt-St:i.% M.A-sKiS.aii'l WASI - their tru? valut?. our nu?-* uf ?BBNCB, OBIKA, aad I tRLSBAO CUIN." I . w. iaUK, and KI-oi - . ? ? toenaiea Oursiocaof Hut ?KHits: Our Stock of QI.AHBWAKB Is com? TKk BgTS, It r: ( KKAM Sit I v, |.l??i i\ t " . SgTS, PIT iiI.iHK>,UlBAW-l'lH HERA, QOBLST9, IS, sal mail) Ut? Bas?t Our ?to.,\ I .? V \KK Uio Iwstiu". . -\ -.tve alar?a?l<> a Of rA.Si'Y QOOB ? ? \?..<i... aa? aeeggssajutoaf Bas te giro uj -v all 9/SWUIUT S Internat to purchaee of u?. E. B. TA Y LOR & CO., mu cast Main St. D?Y?u?LAMP CHIMNEYS???*' _ ARE CALLED P AND ARE MaievoVlr,y GEO, A'. BHP6H.PA. ?s??s????"?sss??-a???Mss?s?s?s??????s??s??s???--??-?i rpHB SAVINGS BANK OF RICH MOND. Coassa or Elbvbstu aso Maim sgBSf'a Oafl 1AL, |iou,ouu. H. A. PATTERSON. U Z. MOKBI?, Presstsal r ??lient (JKOKUE N. WOODRRIDGE, Cashier. BuAKiior DlSBtoaS: Oeorge I. Christian, W. K. yuan-s, O. O. Owens, P. Whltlock, II. Theo? dore Ellyson, W, 11. /ira.11 er nan. H. Abvp, II. o. Davl?, 11. H. T*ll*f?rro. Vl. M. Ollliam. L. /. klorrl?, lohn Pope, Kr lu mu ?id tug. John il, Dinueen, Johu W. Ourdou, N. ?. Hargrove, Reary liodeacr, U B. Tatum. H. Swinetord. Ja ire? Lyons, O. a. vssaattae, 11. Balden Taylor, H#roisnubchmllt, II? t. Juhuavu, aud H. A. l'a?, ters- u. Deposits received In sains of One Dollar anl upwards, and Interest allow?!. LOA.NS MADE ON HEAL ESTATE. Negotiable papar lisoou.< i Open dally till ? P. M.; Saturdays till? P. M. 1* W-Tu,ThASa I'llMV Oils, *c. \\rHITK LEAD, LINSEED?? '11 . ff 1LKPENT1NK, HKt/SUES, OLAS??. Jte. Our prie** are cheapest for nuillty. Material* cover moro and ?.er liest. MIXED hl'-.'v, ?had?>*. Writ? for prl.-*?, lb? only full stvck of AHTISTV MATEtllALS tu Ihe ?tot?. HOL J. BINSWANuKK, Paint D.??l?r. ill ?Ml Broad street, my ?3-lm Rlchmoud, Va, aiHINKUM tHANCfUL_ UTOCK OF DB?Ot? FOU SA 11. O The undersigned wishing to retire from bualneas offer for ?ale their BNTIKK SI UCh, OP DKldis aud auch olaor gvod? in crau? tl-.u therewith ** ere usually kept In ? wuli-??t*t> Uahed busto***. Tbo arm baa beea doing busi? ness) for several year?and ha? a weU-esiablUbrd trade In the town ot tteldsttll?, whlcb h?a a p>pulanoa of LMW. I.llieial term? will he given and partios deairisg a? eager* la suou l>u?i aasa will Bad it te their lutereei to ???nunoui altem, K. ki. MAlHBWaai??. i I>?l It tNt r ? "Ml- IM? ORGANIZED 1865. ?IuSBUS?i?i F WB?SL No, lOOSeastMainStt ASSET?. ? . \\. i:i s ? of Hiiro lu ' : . t . s ? hargo* ro*?ocaU?. | ?eaprv? adtenasd au.i ; . Jl POS '..i'>K..a . ?rlSN, V!*~ l'to?l leDt ; John v ? ? JAMES AI.-K IT, ? ' ?**? John rori a. ii. u ? a J ! t!?. L u CaUWsaUW.Jfc ?. T. RANI?.I''H. i ? RU B. Ml? > ' " f? ?" ? As*i*.-. *? '?l-oodea LI. Mi ' orMisrs J\R.W, WTTHI DAMS, ?g| den ris r, SUM BAST MAIN STREET. lap rr-am) KRrRIGRRATUKn. It ?l?o\ ? * Be. . LAROfc. STOCK OF stEVKUiRMAIUtt*, U'sVBOk'.S, ? - WATaa-?ti.rgBa. _??. JOHN HOWEtt*, epiMat t Uva B.?eA, wm** ?-?*?