Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND WHOLE NUMBER. 12.122. RICHMOND. VA., SUNDAY. JUNE DISPATCH 1. 1890. THREE CENTS PER COPY. _^_^H _^_^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H The arrival 0f nxiy ei?rlit duz? ti 11 and k er chief s. ft ?-?H lot picked up by the linen buyer, ?tli.r.l Um than nanal vain?. White, | b ?BafMatj mourning, hematitch p.1, or rmbroidt re<i?ladiea* and gcntle - lmj-?orto<l India Mull, acal I, ~c. -nsnal price 12jo, ; hemstitched, with drawn ? .<'? ; -.? ?/ Baa li? n.stitched, worth n dozea, for l-Jo, ; t,,vr 1 M ??red, ahcer ? ;?! ?I. -im, 2 for L'.'o. ? i r? - - ?idersd Shirts? p it- 1 niado to ; " ,c: ? rt SI ama, 29 t" I n*. ; l Collars, -1c ; .' - : , Colored, an 1 Kmbroirhr . ?fLiS i?. 11.98 ; i ?? ?i Cape-Collara and . . . ? . ? r 7'-. ?? ich. I Ruchm?. ni w |_' ml ha v. 'Anist?--nil kinds, auk, wool, or cotton. "~=-;-"""???y h m broideries the :. r i n? ?- ?hall the price they ? t ii.u>aiiil kimla to :.'Dill. ; nt <? -* 76eB. to import is , !. !?? for ?>'?? : istiched, hicrh-privlo, ich ai le, ooal 7 ?o, t?> nu -, for 8 ? ??? or wi?l." ?Fine Nainsook, Com . lut only I ? ? |. ? qu litiea mi?! pat -- I II n n ?I - R u ii /',,t,il< I Chantilla l-'loune IJ i ti OfJ'IS. I ... .m- . . 1 I ing thai otartf/.w to Hilpert s? IN M.8- All Silk for Wc, H1.6?, luit what coht . t 1 mi 1 sixty pice?'* of ; red Silk Nets 38, G2, 73, luitril? to tin? flasai The , loua special, of cootse, ? , ? K*e can be duplicated for thooe 1 Pel ?in, Alfdici, Tor I'oint, Chantflla, und all a Lac :-rices. ? !n?ants and ' ' ?"^m*m I ?..r,?. aere i 's Dresses U'T _ ? I tllll'l til?? " cost of 'ii ' fine it ol material The ;. ?? cnii buy fmir-ply *_i_?*ro Collera bare turn-down or st ind m*m^mmwmmi ?ag?for 75e? adosen, or 7c. saoh? Ail si/os now. Lin? n l'nsom Marts, the lient of the usual 75c, quality, for49e? ; Reel Ceylon Flannel Shirt?, use,, cost IL 75. THE GREAT ?SERVICE THIS BT0REHA9 DONE, WITH THOU? BANDS OF STRANGERS VISITING IT, PROMPTS CREDIT To Till: SYSTEM f.V WH30B IT IS GOV? ERNED. 'Hi?? stride! aro foraurd. Leiter and 1"liter with your support. riso ??\Boys* CU>thin$\m\Z* and then call here ami ymi will see how goods BM Mild at tli 1rs slur?.*. Boys'Suits from 85ft to .*iii..r,o?sixty four rations prices betwe? a. What ki of a ndf Tru u k !? f.uM wanl that i? not bore I spffial porohsi ?? "f nine hundred makes tha pri?es Uve below thoseof the _ian_ factun rs, Tranks from 4.~c. to the finest all leather. The in"* Holler-Tray Trunk in a'l kiii'is and tuet. This store is to ho of uso anil service : i id ?11 tilings. Last week were JEWELS! DEPARTMENT. -fajina from this department is liko 1 paying 50c. for a dollar gold piece? Unit's the savin?. For n wimple : ?M? Sfi'*k I'ins, 3 for ?*???. ; Silvi r and (?lit Hair Tins. I for Be? : . Shell Mair-l'in?, -r'C ?when !>c WO-ldbe I cheap. We caught s Bumnfoeforer's pamplos I of Rolled IM ato l?r-'iist Tins, and the ' prios that they were made to ? I for win 25e.- our price 7, 15, and 25ft, . and the most of them, bad we bought the regalar tray, would have been 60c? Toa e m see the saving? ? Bangle Bracelet . new Twist Oxidize?! Silvt-r and (?lit, be, In cn?in?r early you get the choice? I _?-t too nM?it. j Throat Heads, Silver and Gilt, ?>. Mourning Jewelry is selected with earo I that yoo will appreciate. Jewellers al j why?, charge doable what we <!" sad i they but from the Klin?' man. Investi? i.- dion will rerify the fact. Many object h wons in Silverware?the object lesson is in saving money, and yoo have that object in view at all times The ad? vantage is we tell you if it is triple-plate or not- that's an object, too, Many items of interest for your admiration and sp?culation, if you ?ish. A look won't hurt either way. We aro here to servo you, be it a look or buy. SILK DRESS GOODS nn<l some forty other departments to f-jn ak of. New goods an! new prices as well everywhere ahout the stora. Red-Letter Millinery Days. Basement. Hundreds npon hundreds of Hats soil. Hundreds upon bundreds to take their place. One of the mot remarka* ble collections in tho United Btatea brought an ovi rwhehning crowd of f i Mir Millinery i'urlors have oome to l"' the school for Qeadwear. Tin' ability to teieh proves tlit* position w*t- bold, as will n?, leadership. L'ne dis play of Flowers a* d .M:it"rin!s alono pats you to visit it. Away from nil satioo iu the price-va him. That we aro THE sellers of hou*?e furnishingB was proven last week. Ow basement was crowded with ?'iigeram! elose buyers twry any. ami?we ?lid THE busi ?TTRACTTONS THIS WEEK BET? TER THAN LAST. Our entire stoek of Brown Earthen war.', Tea-Pots, and Pitchers (eomo a little imperfect?BS for instance, slight? ly ehippeil or some other small defect) ?will go at the uniform price of &ehoiot . 60 dozen Wall Ifatch-uases- can be seen in the darkest room at a glance?at 10c tvortli 25o, t)ur?ntiro stock of. Plain. Painted, and Decorated 1 lower-!'ots Which Sold Ir.un 29 to 50a will go atone price. 25c. choice. J.i di :?'? n good Pkrax Sift rs at 5c. ; 27 dozen Knife Bozos at 7c. ; All-Linen Scalloped Embroidery?***'1 broidery of fon re ornera?fine, sheer, and all linen, 25c.?good 50c worth; Some rare beauties in new draignsof embroideriea for ladiea 25c, to 81.42; Gentlemen's All-Linen Hemstitched, full size?yon usually pay $4 s dozen for that grade?$2.10 a dozen, or l?3c. each; Another of French Lawn, full size, the ?asnal 12}o. one !>c. each?$1 a dozen ; A large lot of Mourning Handkerchiefs' from fi to ?S3e\ One lot Kitchen Saw?, best quality, at ?Me. ; 28 tl?i/.'ii handeOtM Rreaa and Silver Krnin? d .Mirrors at lie, : 1,(XK) tlo/en Japanese Nupkms at l?0c, fer donna ? !iil?r"lla Manda at I.V., worth 75c. Our cutir?* stock of I ,_ _ finest ?Fre-ch China] Jen bets With till' best ntnll iT.-ttit Ht decorations, consisting of ?r?f'? pi?"C?'S, will go at oaa price, $7.00 per a t, worth fron fUO to I Big reductions hese been ma?lo on evi ry I >irin?? r Best in ?took. < ?_e loi of imported ?Watet Dottles, haml aontaly (!i>i?r,it?'il, ut 50a, ; 1 lot of Tokio ('Hrd-i:<"?iver8 at $1.23? eoat to import a?.50 ; 1 lot Jlroii/.i d < Jrnninrnts ?imported) worth frota $?:>u to 95 will go at $1 choice ; Chamjaagna Gkaaaa, red cut glass, at 92c, per dosen ; Real Cat liiin Heer Glasses at 89c. per -Oaa- ; Dover's Patent Fpg-Restera at 10c ? ?i?1?1 t?lae win-re at 20& ; Handaoina Water i'ltcmrs at 3:5c. worth Heaps of good l.argains in nil kinds of LA MI'S. ?fast as good vainas in TOILET BET8. We call ?pecitl iiticntion to "MAY QUEEN" Ice-cream freezers and WATER-000LER8, The bet in list*. l!i cifK-b? oka giving explicit di? re ctiona for m ikingtliirty-eight elitlerent lea ?-r?'inns, water-ii'e-s, frozen fruits, and paddings, eke, are packe?! in every freezer. The workmanship and tho ma? terial lire the very beet t'at'inct-l'inisli, Hard-Wood, Macki? naw Dry-Air Refrigerators are the bost in the world, 1'rices low. Greatest values in Rahy-Carriagee ever offered. Riir radaet?ioMi have been mud.- on every I nniMge in tho house. Notwitlistau'liucr our salo on such goods for the past month was immmao, we aro determined to -MB? this month's 8 ue dont?e that of the last month, hence the lower prices. Every Curriago war? ranted. The Cohen Company, 11. 18, 16, AND 17 EAST BROAD ST., iKtween First and Eoushce streets. 44 THE TOWE R." S k riice^ c-n Dieu B&odk JrUk ??lee? NEVEK IIEAED OF BEFOKE. ILL ASK HOW CAN WE AFFORD TO SELL AT THESE PRICES. OCR ANSWER WILL BE, CLOSE Bu?tNG, GOOD JUDGMENT, AND ALWAYS REPRESENTED IN THE MARKET. IT ONLY PRICES TELL THE TALE, BUT ALITY. ybody ? I ire Alike. We Make No Distinction. ' t. -Up TPry t>?*?t Imitation ? .*, uuly K<*. ? y?rJ. . .- - __ . ??l;_ grap?tian i. only St SO. _ _m t Bus_?S mi? wUol? week onlr . su Miirts at av.. regular ___^ i _ . ????;: stalri.Waist?, yoko fru'it ?ml ., wiiti listubiirg ?sullararvl <? irtri ?c. ? - ?_?__!_ prtoss _____ p. all stylss, fruai 3.V- to Wc. ?. 1 ? lluunug, a? luc??*? wllo, _ ' , . HsuserchHif? ? _ -'.- "IZZZ - ? ft:_ '.?.-.??. .... ? v, :?,r ?nadlae. Hits Sycle & Son, : VST BROAD. Omtirs Challls?, Imitation Cashmere OssbfBS, niily 1 ?0. l'a'.ieru? niuih rn'hor tLau i - . ncs. _ ; - -fi.'.t- .'i. In. h??:', 0?1.1I/"?<1 linn 111 11 ?.'%, would bo cbt?ap at 11.75. Fancy Para _ i I'laln ludia Usen at He.?rogular valus 15c. I fin?- -kl: 1 t.?-?.- lor yoiirt-nives._ -?ill? Mills on. Gaotlfl n-Wi-Llii M"rlno r-hiruionlr 4 ?*?. arica ha? alw?y? baaa 0? QooO P . .a doSSB. _ ?""aery Wvol-Cuerkfl .lo.-fpys oi . IjiIi--?'Pressing i-at-quB?, ~,m. to $3?sizes K to ?il _ siir-i ?i r i Clotta ? aeota Ottlv Be._ I-vIl.-s' ?lid Mis?"*' ltiuU?e? 4JC._ All'y-CsrrUgfl? to l.t'SoKl a' coSU_ Hemp Carpat only luv? ? yard. Black I a.e Hunting. 43 iuctaes wide, ouly 37 V- ? ran* _? M-_ade Balbriggan Book?, Hi'iuufir ;.'.'. __???_?_??_?_?_?___ Bay Hum, SO a 1-ntile. __^ i c "i" lai.? to ??now you ??s week. Pena ? lug ___________________ Boys' rl?'??-Ba?? Balt?j 5S_ 7-4 lurk y-Ked Tat.l??-Cover, fl'gc _________^ Remnants at Nainsook Iusrlliig_ Cream Wool Ballst?only 50*._ THE TOWER, CORNER SECOND. Tard-Wtde ?SMN?SB Challies only 12VC a i yard. Tos cannot Hud ?uoh style? lu tlie I mm Praocb rood?_ Bt-lD?i (?loria, witli pialo crook handle?, very j ?isiii nud nobby, only |i ;.'.-. Parasols. ____? Almout ?very ?tj- ofplaiM and Lare .striped ! Mosila you ran thin> of at irj?<a a yard ?uly lie,_ Ut?iitl?iii."ii ?4 1 au.-y Halbriirifiii?, OBlT H ?Bit? i. ii liar prii-i? $1.75. ^__ furalsb Math .*>o?i?, te. c??*?\_____ Fa.-?* lllack .Icr-ey? only 8_,_ Iutant?' Drea?e? from MVv B) ft. N.-w and haud.-owe slylea in Fayal Hatlste only Mac._. Fancy Cocoa Msts only tdo._ _ Kemnanu of ?atlue?, lu leofln? el to II yard?, oslyTs _m irg?J?i tin? BMt in Finta _?S l'urtaln?., Crepse loth, loubl? stdth. only goo. The It ?t Wait? _non Howui bhlrt In th? city for toe._ Me?t Mar More l'uliih. *"??. t?ox. _ ('resin Wool Bunting only S.-, y?rd._ Perforai id i e?a??r H?-it?, 'i o._ Stall ? ,1-?. lotbonly fi',-, rat?_ H?mBsot?of ci'.aiil??._ Black Wool iStttiite.tac-reauiar prlo??? THE TOWER, CORNER 8ECOND. The ?<-??--nt ( hnl lies are here to bo sold at 5c. Over ? o -<*l?.'t Iroin._ ETeg?nl Hu" .f.". m. Ii ('?rasois St $150. Over >l?.s in titidiztd tiimdles to ?eiset from. I yoo r?y Other merchant? l.".<*. f"r Plaid Muslins when you can bur tn? same , he-?, fur B . : ________________ (ii'iiii -m :i s f.r I.if.-n ruff? only 15c. ^^^^^ : us \No il-ruii??d uutiug Shirt? only 74c, ___ r>n:i Glycerine *-oap? g balls for 5c._ ? 'im Jersey? only i* *._ Inlauts' Tan snl Crean i ast.mere Cloak? only $1.75. Would te rheap ft. $;'.50._^_ Lanp*dou G. B. Bleach Muslin only 8','c; A regular -?-cent .Matting fui l- . .^ yarl tiy BBS ri'll._ Ano'h'-r lot ol I?os? large-size lluck losrel? ?'. 1*V*.____ Our ptock of Blaok Nets I? rather largo. W? havf made a d?-s?p cut 1;: pricos. ??aun *?tilped Ui - n ni n?-* at rt-tlmed pr?*es. Gentlemen's ?Vi'-Ii'-KoIh.'s from 50c to AiVX rUchmonU 'Va.) Nut-? l'si?ef a)?~abcii. ~ Black Velvrt H lb bon, !t?. aploce. B?1B li?-?' . M-liien Hlue Flannel for boys' wear, oaly $!.**"??__ Best Krench-Woven ? ? -i-.-t In th<- -'[y for ,'t?v*._ l'anta Unen tor boys' and men's wear. Julius Sycle & Son, 201 AND M F.AST RROAD. IT] ?? litis, FARMFUS! ' _ ? -?. at??X'D I? rapidly approa. hint * ; itio Vlrfiat? farm ? ? ?1 "1)KKHIM. " .4 ??. : I 1 ?Mi MA( llINKKy, . '-', ?- ineof perfection lu ?luipliel ' - ' Iran, ?do dural'iU) i? !ude?<l (be " King uf th* ? ?Sall? 'iiii.e'-iton?. nil ?tin iv.utan.plate pur ? "ii or writ? t.? the uudt'raigntad, '??'?, ?t.o are also ?_?D- for lb? cete 'iAVK\KK?a_4 T?U)l)_K8, I ? FAKa.WSOONB. - I Vi.iii.Ki.KAIN-DKlLI.*?, LlBFKOVfc?CUlUaD 1'Lul'OHa. Ac v recall? of a leus? Bh?pmentof ?)ks?s WIKK winch ???oMllluf. "???????ituiJr, ?ALI'WIM S BKOWN, . "" 'v""a\Va'_*wit i?o. l_a Mai- ?treat T}l_Ba?LLAS AND I'ARA-ajfc i-it.a0U ?"d* ??>ora?r. oo??rtx5, and r*?<s__B/ ^*,a' O. U. liurHI<)>. a???!??* US nurtb Fifth, * 11 -1 ? BttWMB SrseKl sad Mart-t-. DRINK H1R ESS ROOT BEER th? purest and best drink in the world. Appe tUlng. delicious, sparkling, and the best blood-purifler ?nd tonic A package <ti<_ul?l> He. makes U?e gallon?. K\ KI?V ItOTTI.ElU AKAN'I Khl). Notroublo. Kasily made. Try It, Ask your druggist or grocer (or It and tak? no other- Be? that you get UlHKt? S, The only genuin? asad? by C. F. HIKES, Ihll ?d?iph_, Pa. niyli-*?u_W*iCt AJ. WRAY, ? 6? WKST BROAD 8TJU1BT, ?tlCVMOMl), VA., -AKBL1 AKD U-ArllTI MONUMENTS AND H-An-BTON-B, MANTEL* and FUt-OR-TI-B, c??_?t?ry werk a SBSSlsltg. B9S le-l? Fl-HKKMl'N? M 1TI.I-H. VETB, BEINES, AND? i." TWINES. ^^^^^^ NETS and NETTING of ?II Una? mmi* *? or" dor, ?l?o rice.- *. r-'*dy for as?. L UrilTBNSTSlN'SSOSS. ?ola Importer? of the Celebrated Lloa Brand SeineThreaJ. corner tSfaasssSE- aud franklin ?treeia. mh SO a'ebmoud. I 1.IV1.KY AND HIKING STABLE?. w NOTICE TO M. FRlENI>?5^r* AND 1H_ PUBLIC OENKRALL^.^^ that! haTenrsuclassCAHKlAUE^. KltHMOM? CAB?, UOiibbs _,. BIGGIES FOB UIKK. ?pe clai attention paid to BOAKBINO -OBUS?. To Uta Driv?rs aad Hosusr?. Ail-??**1 StoM* Tlion? No, JiA james McDONouaaa cc*. my ?i? Vm,u?o?^OMtnmmtoo\ BDI CAe"ia__j_ H?LLIN8 INSTITC?TH.--COM? MKM'EMENr eierra-i will bo bell oa WBDNa-I>AT Ibctlllhof June. her. H. A. Tup p-r. Jr., H. H., of Kentucky, and lion, j?>an ?oole, 01 Virginia, will ?lulirer ad?lr????e?. The ?etwi?? h?. been ?be rooat ?u?vea*ful lu the leua blatorr of the ?cnool, re^<?ii>riug ait atten leiace of ?*?!??? 0- arder? and u day pupil?. l?o?'?1 health ha? prevail??]. Thpae now apply"1* for enlrane at iha opening of uett ?e?*i?"> will be turoiahed with coplea of the Annual liegltter about the mll?ii* nf Ju__ in ord?-r to ??aB?k? the full work of t?t?e?_on ?? K?*_i? ?r l? ntrer U?ucd uottl ?tier Ittcioee. ?'? bop" to erect so additional hnlldin?; duriuf tbe ?-? _?r. CttAKLfcs L e<M.'_K, Jel-3t_ >,ip?rttita?udenL UWATHMORF. C0LL?QE, ?WATH 17 _t>H*?. PA.-tipeu? ninth Buonth ninth, Ma Thlrty minute? from Proad-Street siatton, FbU? dei.hia. Inder care of Kriaoda. Full coll??? courte?for bo.b eetea laadlnc to riaeali-al, Ko naiiieeriDa, t" lentille ?a? Literary de?r??? Healthful loc?tlon, tiUnala? fr?un<_, t?ttU?I lng?, met hi????ops, labt?ratterte?, an? Ubretri? For fall particule?? addrea? Will t. m a AF F-BTOK, FatX, Aa-iSBl-?Mssi' atFU+oam 1 FOR MANY REASONS we claim that our store is the place you arc looking for to deal with. Me are centrally located at Fifth and Broad Streets, within easy reach of any part of the city, lou can altrays find THE NEWEST GOODS AND THE LATEST NOVELTIES as they appear upon the marl:et. Our prices are never high?always selling every article at the very lowest figure it can possibly be sold for. Come this week and see how Uvelu trade will be? We hare made prices on all goods to move them quickly. Loiv prices speak for themselves? Sil! Drnpery Nfts nro in prront il?*mnrd this season. We bevf? Wen <-?trom?-*ij large run-Lasers, am! can now display 100 piot**1? for yon to mnke selections froii. Vou can liny of us an All-Silk Drapery Nal 18 inches wide at 7?c. a vurd, NOT MATCHED ELSEWHERE l'NDi H ?1. 20 pretty Styles All-Silk at $1 a van!, worth ?1..'?0 ; 10 Styl? 3 at SI.25, aorth 11.75, they ar? All-Silk ; 40 Styhs, the prettiest evtrseen at |1.50 a van!, the real vaine of which is ??_ ; 10 extra liindsomp styles _t $2 ft van!, the Tirottiest ever brought-to our city, and of sapoks* quality. In 1 >ress Comls, wo can show you all the pretty styles of this season's wear. We bave lovely Stripes, Plaids? bd?I Mixtures, and every conceivable shade iu Plnin Colun <1 nanriettas and Beiges, ( )ur Blaek < kmds (stork was Deter more completo than ut tliis time. Ev.-rytliuii*; you cau v* i*?h for in Light-Weight, Medium, an I H**avv MntcriaK and always at the v.ry lowest Oaorss, 10 pieces of tlios?) terj handrnmo fill nillr -HriTiisininsi m Narrow, Modium, and W Ids Striivs at 11.88 a yard worth |L60 ; Plain to match All Silk fit .**! u y ir 1 : I Clisllies at O??'., such f-tyles as you usually see at I2lO. a yard ; 1 Challi?a si lata, yard-wide, in Fiaoefa Pssi>si_s, und worth l*;i<\ a yard ; j Thsln'st WoolCballieS at 18e, in the newestantl prettiest designs. Tin f-o goods will sell very rapidly, so co?ip early and mnke your selections. ?Tnst to han 1 IfBj piooea of the ) r-ttie t _d*Tp_M Batistas instyles that equslthe hand (?omestL'l-jina f-iilkf?. Dark ami Light (?rouiuls, und only I.e. a yard, really wortli J.'c. a yard. 1 hey are very quick sellers, when ouco you sto the excelleut" ?piality and lovely styles. 700 pieces ( iinghams and Outing Cloth? in the be?? styles worn this season si 8>. worth Utah ; at in,?, worth 12**, ; at 12?c. wurtli I ?.*?_?? In this ?-ssorimenl yi ii will fiad something to suit you, as the styles ar?-? varied The prettieet trench BtTl-rrsTtf flattonsat H|fl ;mw HIick Satines at 10 and %m\ a yard with Henrietta ___ Eiui__aro great sellers, and thev make a dtcao e?iual to tho finest Henriittas. lo.) Dozen Towels niSSa -DBfaaj on prising ilucksbsck, Sstia Dsmssk, sad Turkish styles. Tlie greatest bargain ever shown for tho money. In Napkin and Table Linons \to show you extravi?nos. SI..?. ti_ga uni Cotton-? you cau always get of us at lowest frgiires. .100 Whits SpremH at ?1, fett, and $1.:?;>, Lost Marseilles*styles, worth frota 50?, to -*1 apiece moro. A large lino of Linen TaMo Scarfs, Splashers, Tray Cloths, Bunraa-Soerts. Chair-Tidies, Mats, ?c, at ra-ie??s t?> surprise you. 100 pieces of tigVfad si 1 Dotssd Swis-e?, tho pr.tti??st kind of material for som? mer wear, no saeta as.iirtii.'tit ein be bad et.-.ewhcro at 2">, 30, and 35?*, tint tin M g, o?ls, th?*y will Mi't v,'i. Wo can show y??u lot! ly stylos in Plovaiad Mulls at Mr. ; 5.000 yards of Plaid sad striped Madias and Laos oiToctsst 8}, 10, and 12j*, the prettiest goods made this BBS?OB ; In?lia Linens at?, t.. G , sad 10a., slssaf and fin??, worth I to."'?*, a yard mors ; Ourliii'st India Limns at 1*24. L6f, sad ?Ma., SxeaUaal values; Einest Mnlls, v.-ry sheer, at 12}, 1*5_, and 2?V., worth moro money._ THE MOST ATTRACTIVE SALE WE HAVE YET HAD WILL TAKE PLACE THIS WELK. ALL QOOD0 MAHKED AT OCICK-SELLINO PHIO_SL ?Tn?t fo hand, 300 Sun-Umbrellas, comprising the prettiest hsmlles ever seen on Sun- dm''- ?. Excellert quality Silk Gloria 20-inch Umbrellas, Fancy Handles, at $1.23 worth fit; Sumiior quality "Silk Gloria 2fi-iGch Umbrella', Nickel and Gold Handles, at ?1..MI worth 82.511; The 1 est for tho moncv?Silk Gloria 20-inch Umbrellas, lancy Nickel and Gold Hsndlc.i. at ?i worth $\ ; 100 Ean.-y Parasols in the latent styles offered to you at a great reduction. Thi-timo has now arrived to buy your Whit*? Embroider?*??! Dresses, and wo liavo a vast assortment, cornpri-ing over 600 pieces for you to select from. We can pas you an embroider d Flouncing 1{ yards wide at lOc, ; At BOe, '.re ?bow you Beinstitehed Embroidered Ronndngs l? yards wide; At SO, 15, and 7/ic. we have a large lino to select from worth 28e, a yard mor?? ; At 8.V., H, and fL-25 we show the handsomest styles of Embroidered, Hem? stitched, and Tucked?worth from '2"> to ;"0e. a yanl more. We show a very ?xt< nsive lino of Swiss and Cambria All Over Embroideries. Also, 5,000 yards of Narrow Baisa and Cambric Embroideries, suitable to trim tho above ?. oods, from fie. a yard to tho finest Irish l'oint and Swing Van Dyke Em? broideries. , Van Dyke Lares, in Cream, Black, and White, from 10a a yard to the finost qual itiesto be had?all much under their value. ? 100 pieces of Klnck All-Silk Chantilly and Guipure Lace Elouncings at 81, 8L2", I |1..'*0, and 82 a yard worth from 20e. to |1 a yard more. Ttasas are undoubt- ! Sdlr bargains, are much in demand, and make- a handsome dnss. Don't rnias your opportunity this week. Over 2,000 new Fans jnst opened from fa. to 82 apmce, comprising all the pretty i .'a laneso 1'aner styles and tho loveliest Cause Fans ever s?>?_ in our city from . fit ?. a jiiece up. Como and see our assortment, wo can suit you. ' A vast assortimnt of Men's and Boys' Outing Shirts at 50a and op to the finest gradr? ; Boys'Outing and Percale Shirt Waists ftt to, m\ sud 7.V., exwlJent for the money ; Men's ami Foys' Fnlnumlered Shirts, puro Linen Fronts and Bandest 5?0c. eitrs ?ratlW, also all the better Krades, Ladies' bibbed \ ssts for summer wear at 10, 12$, 17, ami 'J'xs. Bargains ; A full iine of Infant's and Children's Summer Ribbad Vests ; Ladies' and Mi-ses' Corsets of ? v?ry kinil, iiiclmluig the lnvtt makes; Thomson's (?!ove-l*itting Summor Corsets at SI ; Thegreut Duplex Gonaial 81 can bo Ott* ?I to any lady -ask to see them. 600 docan Ladies' an?l Mi?.??-?' Silk Mitts, goo?l ones at 12}c a pair, tietter ones at l.'c, Kr.itid value at 31 ?*., and tho In at matlo st BOc* ; Ladies' Bilk ( ?loves in Llack und all Colors at 2"> ar.'l BOB. a pair ; Our Ladies' and Misses' Past Blaek Hosiery at 2*x'. a pair aro tho finest and best yitn could ev?*r buy at that fignse, A lnr?e assortment of nil eolon of Lisle and Silk Hosiery; also, Fancy Ho siery in styles you cannot lin?l elsewhere. One hundri'd do/en Puckl'S to seleet from?tho most beautiful stylisa, Just received, BOdoaV n Leather anil Canvas Beits new stylea Ladies', Miss?'?, and C'hildren's Muslin Undent! ar ; Infants' and Children's Diassea, Muslin, Mull, and Sill? Caps ami li?t? fir Mi-.-es and Children all in great variety at tho low?st figures. Don't forget we aro giving away Webster's Uiutoktaed Dictionsry, contain? ing l.'i-Ci,*?-s and 1,600 _tnatnEtaas? With every poeta?M O? 2"n*. and up you gi t n coupon for tho amonnt y mi bavo I'?night, and whou your purchs-es amount tc $40 you siaentHled SO yunr Dictionary FBEE OF CHABOE? REMEMBER THAT LOW PRICES PREVAIL THIS WEEK AT THALHIMER BROTHERS', FIFTH AND BROAD STREETS. 500 PIECES FIGURED LAWNS AT 2 CENTS A YARD. 303 B ROAD VC N?XTC?R_l TWO CASES WIDE SATINES. 12.C. GRADE AT sir. A YARD. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' WORTH NEW GOODS. JEST NOW OCR STOCK IS REPLETE WITH ALL THE NEWEST THINGS FOR BUMMER WEAR DRESS (IDOL 4 OF SILK, WOOL. LINEN, TON, LACE ; ALS? >, SMALL WARES OF EVERY DESCRIP1TON. OUR CARPET DEl'ARTMENT LS FILLED WITH NEW AND CHOICE PAT COT TERNS IN CARl'ETS, OIL-CLOTUS, MATTINGS, AND RCtiS. LACS NKTS.-Hun,lrei? upon htiritre?ls of i l.TOO yarl? of tlie t'niil ?ete-1 ror?led.E?lf? Cot- l MATTlNf;i?.-?<tr?iw Mi?ttlni_- ?r? th? ?molest, BABT-rARHIA'iKI-Ws want laSSASSBjSSBl ? UoTe Disou ?old lu our ?tore ! ._ toi?th?JOft <>a?l>ty ?4 6j?;i?. a yard * .. ' floer corerin?*; for ?ummer. All tha c_olci'?i p?l- j ?tt??i.tloo to BBS ra?k? of H**jjr.t ?rn?_???--n*i? yurdsof tD?*8?gooil tills ?ei6oa. ??iislitr, low prl-'-?, ?a l pr.-uy patt??rns liavo ma'le ttiem go. A nlue hue at BSV palterns S? SSSSel basa All-Silk To**? Mm ?s low ?s Us, ; 1,000 dozoa ?jftQtlmnm*, s, ?II sl7.?n, AU-I.ltien TumJown CSll.irs ?t fa ?plt-ce; tOC dozen Ladle?' All-Liuca Collars, all tlzes. 5c.; ?i p?lr Ladlt??' Linen Cuffs at 5?;. a pilr. CHALLIES-Most I e.? itifn. ?trie? In TtiBlHSB Tb? pri.-e start? at V. a ran!. Ill? -a and Wtilte Sb?t'herd Plaid Challle* In cotton and wool. See the pure WbifMiroiiud challi with black Heures, Tc. a yard. ParptS ngures, Heliotrope flpures, Pink and Light Hint) Kikiures. Wonder?) in Wool Cballiue. A ?po?*ial width of All-Silk Klbbon Volret, 10 yards to ilie pleci?, fur |UB r-ai value, I.' : Hlnacnol Fluid (.'loth at 5a n srd : Kiira-Wllo UK*, ri-,1 Clolb S i ? S vird. Si-p tho V, i.'ie'-!: .?.'id >ti!p' 1 'luslins. Kxira bataatas in .Icrtiey?? 1 lot (Train Jfraeyn In ail _SBS? tailor made, 50c. apii*-ce ; 1 lot Fnat Bla-*k .I?*r.sey?, tailor made, *9c. ID pis ?s t?r Plall a<rl OBseB-4 Biaci Urgandt?*, t;.-- kind you pay 14a a yard for, at lue. a yanl : A rt-ry tino Im|?*.rt<?d Kren'-h Tercale In drrs? and shirt atjUm, l')<*. a yard; tornn matle are repr?>i?>n*?"l here. i h" t>,?_ut'fui afa Dassask a_Maes ?? stsc ; The ?0a ?eamlo?s Matting?; Th?- ????. Mi,iety-1'oiind Mi?tilng?i at l*?c. ; 1,000 yard? remnant? t?cot?'h t'li'i'vlot? for ahlrt? I '."f" ?-?/-??-???* . _. -. *?* * anltoys'ja ??.I-, s iWOrtblSKC; ! Also ?h-? "omirion Klgun.d Matting; Larg'tsiii? Kn f.i-l ! rmgrt Towolu, plain white, j?**.'o the Whli? to?ert?*?l Malting. nisi) re I, Mar, terra cotta border, all lluou, a -'i ?. wnrtM i k*. ; (;en:!?'ru'<;rs Lawn Dude Bowuat 5c. ?piece; BarSBlBl In nl' A Bias ?il'li AlMltt Crown Edge Ribbon, ?II eolor? aad I''?"?, 4?.*. a yard ; No. a, Je, .-i fard : N.'. ',. T'-. ayir i ; r?". S, Sa a y??d; No. IS, 11 a y?r l. ih??-? ??r?? th-, lowest prl;o? ?ver held oa allk rloi-oo? latbi*dtv. Ki'.*k.*"st tjarKaiu? la th?> i*ltr In White flood?? 1 lot remuant? very wide India Llnont?20c. qasUttss l : '.a Tori; Hit) pi "'ci'if lOc, quality at T>e. a yartl; I c)ur l'i-.c. I'idia Llnon le worth 2-.?*. : All-Llu??n Botn.m l hitmlsotte? t?t iic?the 3*>*. Bl fT* il **TTT BtSf SB No. 1 al IS ?. ; Nu. ?, 1J.-. ; No. ?I, IV. ; No. ?I, 2?C. : Ho. ">. I iv. DlttSs <ioO?*?.-Our sto?:k of Dres? G?o?_i t? l'retty design?! In l)e S?tla Light Wind tor ?c?rfri, lu*, apiece; Boys' Wiii.l?SB rfaUu? ?'arfa, light ?od d?rk colors, on y t.iie? Baring the double ?pok? wb??l?. Uere are de-iriptlun* of one or two style? : Na 1 1? a flue r?*rd body of o very b?Qd*on? dnai^ii. It um a riui/tiii bonl?r aroun?! Un ?Mro and ba'-k, whl.-b BtSB form? ? wheel g'iard on ta? ?lies as re-iro-eui?-*. Ihn fr?tut I? circular ?Md ?trouRly ran I?'. It U uphuUUrad with Mill and piuelu Fine tatln pasaSSi ITU*?, .'???. 2 U of ?n ?l'-eediiigly ?rtisll; dn?lgn, cap?bl?of being a-l mo 1 an 1 decorated to any (ienlieuieua ?llk Vsaft * arf?, 12c. apl?ce?nl*? I eitentde?ir?xl. Lined with ?Ilk piu?b, la oaf la't.-r.i? to s.?ii-.:t from; I color eatlo. Paratwtt with la.:?. Frlc?, $K; alao, G?>utleui?u? Kaihriggan l'nd?rahlrta ?a regular I cheaper and Bn??r coa?-h?c . _Jrt?tKa; ml'slin \>u ?ikau *iilk babt-cap*s.- a I?lier Balb.-iggaa Ho?e, In brown, blue, un bleacbe.1. and iiliick, V*. a pair; Another lut of Ui? Invern??? ?'loth. In light blue, pink, hellotro-i?. white, gray, red, salmon, now H'.c. a yard; Lace l-araaol lover?, 8,37. 50, 7V., fl, 11.25. and upward?; 3S-liii.'h Ciaaai Aii>vtr?->?a, ol\ wool, the 75c. ?i'iali iy ouly :<<?*. '? yard; 3C-incb Helge-Fig ?red Oool?, n?w pattern?, 17c. ? yard ^?S?S^TttZ ST*" ' I,lftCk J"" I Slo??nS wita new eff^t?. I Outing rio-a In lovely pantera?. S, 10. Itjfa ; Our ?1 Bla**r'**llk-Kln? lleurletta, 4<J Inch?? ' All ools r? in lleun-ua. 2i), 25, *>4. 40. 50, 69, 89t ; ! All the popular m ?keeof CmuU wide-real value $1 10' J ,;'> bl*-\i Lb o Hjnting, all wo.;!, 5(X*.; | Bee our ?u ' rSS* ?t Ma ; seemir4VluchBl?tck Wool H-?:ir!ett^ the price : ?Vgol Challi la B_*(,Ua worth m*\ i-seetlif l)uih-*?s( or?-iat??*.; Uli everywhere our pi i ' BIbc? trepe Cloth -t 25c. worth 40c. ' Gray Mohair. I'jc a yard-ralu? 25c. ?pix'i?! "amp!? lot Caps at IV*. worth SO?*., at Be aat_ SB? a*, i',.: wt.rtn TV., at 60c. worth SU M H? worth f 1.25, at f 1 w irUi 11.75. 1 let retnnanU Satin??, beautiful palteras, tB? ? yard ; The :n<. Fr?*nch ?a:lne? now 15-. a yard; The 25?. I'ashtn? o Bouo,u<*t Soap at il<\ a wSsi Fr- SsSBSaS? Japan???? ?tyl?>?. 50e. ?piece. Mead? for t'i?- tiwk. all clon.. B-trgaiu? In ?IB-M v BtSaS?BBS k ?nd calasw? Ba tor o pi?x? containing m yard??a ml?? wi lib?aUu .tuer grade?. Bargain? In Qbtroa ?nd Milt?? m k Mltuat 1.? s.-., t..-) I ?." ? a ?..? Uiove? al !n<<s ly at S5?*. ; *? ?) the ?, VA '-???? values la Mitts < ISAAC SYCLE & CO., 303 BROAD STREET NOTE LOCATION NEXT CORNER THIRD. J t g EAST MAIN STREET, ' WALL PAPERS. my r-to-tra JOHN KEONAfLT ELLTSON. CABBlaeUEN. Stt?"*?. *??_^ B-TABLISHED MM. R H. BOSHER'S SONS, -ANCFACTCRKB-J OF FINI CABR1AOK9, nCTOBIAK. FHARToN?. MdCAKTS, and fOm?aZM of e??ry dea-rtpuoa. As?oU for lb? ce.abrate 1 carna?-? boute of J. B. BREWSTER ft tU. OF NBW rOHX BlPAI-WO-Jd BIPA1.NTIMO d?_>* t? Bk? bset ?aansar. U ?OUT- NINTH ?Tlitrr, aioaaoaa ta. - ****** HOW ARE YOUR EYES? HOLD SPECTACLES AMD ETE-ILASSEH, GOLD HOUKH and CHAIS*?, lo larg?r variety ! than ever before at price? ?a low a? any In toe I th.? country. All oiher Ulease? ?tvurs?ly filteS I to the ?ye according t" actual need, no matt ?r ! bow ?overo the vi?u_i defect may appear. IU<_- ' ireted csiaIosu** and t??t type? ?ent 10 any ad ?lre?? upon application. Examination free. DR. S. GAL-SKI. Co_?u1Ub? ?nd Sanufa. luitn? Opt-Un, at? east Malm ?treeL _(a^Ma.TuATBU?!','_ BOOK AND JOB WORK NEATLY axawra- at iu DiaFATca run?. 1 ESTABLISHED W TEARS, THE J Uptlcai 1 ooai?oeot of _y b ?lu-ta la t?a l-AKUh>T ASI)'SOSV COMFL-TB U -? lty. fitted up wtib eecrytblus oece?*?-y for the per? fect adjustment of Ola???? to defect! ?r? vtaton. 1 laku great pleasure ta lnritlng ?11 who Buffer from DEFECTIVE EYk-lOHT to ?ny of 11? pb**ea, or ?bo wl*b to a??ure thenitelvee tbat tbe ?.!?*???*? ibey a? u?ioa peetacU} ?nit tbetr ey?f, i?. ? s'l t-d b?Tt> their ?ye? ihoemuhly at amiuaxt aod teaut-i. FUSE OF CUA-Wl Blt> traut and ot-tortable SFECTACLKS asd EYE* CLASta? furnbbed at rary moderst? orle??. A? perfect a at a? ??- be bad gsatSBMM is ?very Sa d. F, JAHNKE, Cs-?Blt?iK0f4kLtl, 1901 __~m-TB-US-, tatyWsaia-m * _' MATTING RCOS, ABT SQUARE* BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS ALL PRICES? At & P. RICHARDSON _ 00.* CABPET WA-UtROOMS,