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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WIIOLK NITMttKR VIVAYL MCHMONI), VA.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER frjgga THRBB CENTS PBK COPY. THE MAYOR AT HOME. PACK AFTF.R A VISIT OF NEARLY TWO MONTHS TO EUROPE. ||o ??! ?"* ' ""'"r llavr ? Itellchtrul lion Mir ,lrn? \r?> Treat? ed In HumI?. jl ti. I. InjVll T'.llvf' k, Ml I Hirli tad chairman <?f the l>. t>. > ? a, r niri.od faatevdaj from trip ( .Tfrilr- i p? :: I "t OBt ? .. n two BOftthH . I n, the eltj ""' ''?' S " ?" ^ Hi 9 ^ rk ?"'! WBI ? ?:i and their daafhtar, m m I f -\ ia, on whi< ti f l;-v ? ul< 1 from ? . r.d In ? 1 Now York Monday t? ,.,t, .,? the iu i.f landed Bid be . me to i>m nefasl un i wh< n ? i ? ?? ? 1 ? I T??ry I i111 ? ' I ? . Hoi. ? ? n a Mi ? ' ? Sii |1 1) B Of I . ? i ? BttoMt I re I ? ? i BfcTC UpI ? ? ? ' ? ? : '?? Will fntui . . .. ? ? l I ? I ? i ' ? lltfll ? 1 He 111 ? , ? Hef< r< i ?n*ul m ? ? ? ki t ile i ? ? I to the b . ? ? u vu H . ? ? ? >' ' ? | ut to the , that !l I'"' I tbe ?,!!?? * ? \is i father. Finding that ? re. and 1 . ,,U'l ao be ? , it hom< , - ? ? d be eop ?? :? a'n i:.t' rrop \ rinu ?? ? ?? l. ?tel in v*iu*?w toe ? it w. nl<l be a etrangtr. to giTe . | rt an the id | . bm it. B* eon ? ? . ? ?1 ,4!>v imrm Log. Haying t id ? te .... | . .: irte i ".it tbe hi* mother i -?? p I ti ? do the hotel atepped up :?: that the Inapei-tor . . :? ... Invitation ?' the bote , .. ? tween 10 and I thut MorniBff. He bomactly ' ? \;i.encuti I . i and a?>ke<l bun what *?? big aammoaa iron the In. i erei, a' tbe aa?a tuna ehowii k ; bia letti t* from Mr. BUUM fying thai be a ia ., ' ... I uited S'ate*. Ml T ME VAI * MA"oN. I he Conenl aeaanad ??rv maehtfHafe I . ; him thut he erne ia fteat daager, . i not know what tie c 'Ul-l do f ?' Ithatiu all probability ha woolc t Rtbena. at the wiu* tune enow in a hat oil pereoai who had ? Mm ?W moatl * BM t With that ternbl* Ha agaia and aaean ?????j oaal to do aometbbal lot him. hut know what lie could do . h be laformed the Conml that In ww?nMa.*on. and OPOB that the, UOtBM ohm all of the doOML closed all << vindowa, for, eaid he. ???? tie wnui i iv. ear?." ami v%\* hitu instructions 1>3 b it might \* poaribU for him U .,??. bat Mid, " it will <'Unt iii? au ??"?' ?.. an 1 nefbape mv life if it i* ever knowi I helped ><jU." I he C.nMil then told Mr. OaTidsoll thtt it wonld be) aeceeeery for Lim to leapoat *? ? to tii? daaaadof the tanpawof i .*. told him to gat aa iateruretor. areteai 1 i know anything aU.iit th.i laucuak'' M'd **\ a? little aa jM,j*il.lp. "You havi ?lr.-ady violated a law which forbids yot iii'.ain m Huamn longer thau twenty low hour*, and 1 cannot aay what you '??'<- will be." HSU> Mi> T TIME*. Hanug aecurt^l an interpreter he re l rud to th* Inei>eeU>r deueral. f jx>i approarbiag nut headquarter* tie waa a on t takeu in cbarae by a gendarme, wb< cuardad bun oloaaly ail tbe wauo be fjafJi the hmldinp. w baa be cot into tearoom when the laspector wm eittiiig be found - ,?,rt on tl.- ih-?k. ami to it wasiiit tached, eehesul eequentlylearned, aletter i from the Raaeian Consul at Berlin to tbe ln*pe< tor General, left rtning bim that Mr. Davidson wee % spy. Aaeoon ae tbatwa* read to bim by the Inspector he reared that all hope wnh goBO. Vr- l>??''l<"'ti insisted ui>on his righte n? an Amen oaa citizen, and the Inepector General informed him, after mncb questioning,! tl i having violated a law of the empire, he matt paj a fiat I I rablee. Thie be |y too glad to do. aapponnc that that would be I i an l ??'? the matter, bnt when the. amount was counted oaf bii 1 up and handed to one ,,f the at l? 1!l attendance, and 04 wm told to eeoorl Mr. Davidaoa to another room, where lie want tbrongh some examination, and still heavier anea we:,' Imi.d up n him. In this way he A, iucted from room to room until be bad paid nearly 100 rablaa, when he wen : thai be maat leave the eity on the train which left thut evening *' MO foi \ enna, and wan banded a card with d it to thai effect, tins paaaport I that train. . '.<? left the building be wai met by th? Americas Consul, who bad ai h ag f r his coming aad who ? i him that if be left on tin train passr* I be would : ig in. m thai waa simply a plan to capture him in the nigbf aad hairy to the Ritierian miuea.arj I h m that ? ike the train which left in 1 ir for (iermany and tak< the a, for in I prs, ? I. i the i h e, hnrried to tbe train, and wai ? be ia panv rd of people, rl waa examined at . OJ t r whil li ... . i vu nof ??' l ii i. ind he croeeed the and waa a free man. He that tl ?? - ??:.? af the in ipector .. R were m ling, women ? r tbe relai ? ? ? bad bet fi ,n their homes. Mr. Davidson on reaching Berlin wn>t* lother, who, bj tbe w m , i ? iatei r.f Mn>. Kimon Whitfock, to know if she I ra with him in Jlj consent* I todo so, .... ? be '? amer, and si man on hoard the ? roa won*. i? ready to l*" to work, and,un. clad toheai the Democratic ? i fine trim, ai I the Mavor ???? leioi "I nm ?- doing ? - ipremaey ia v in,, ? 1 ..-k. an I from thi a uatil '?? dl me In busy man. Hob. J. C Diekereon, who filh d hu pla.ably and efficiently qu? ia pi enl on bii arrival ,,, f surrendered 1 ti immitted to bin ke ping bi d r.I Mi i r gratil i- I r i... m ,.,.,- ?? sie ;ed bj call entirt ? bearh iala dropped in to w< l ne and to m looi ng so well. ? ? ?? ? ? ? tlurine the day, and when the Mayor left ? !:<? remark. oe so much work and ? i1 be fell aa ? omeforamontb. ? I T ON OF FRAME HOUSES. \n laweeoterol Balldtaga Would Prevent i , ahla l bat Now Oeeut* If ti c in< U would adopt tbaordiuaBoe . ? : ? . the close ? c cil ?' d ??? erred to the ? renting the a groat . I annoyance would be ? ? . ordinance . ,-?.,. er thua creati d shon d i er this m-?t buildimrs. in ? ni hthed tun "? on I ? ; nt either branch ? tni . , ? bail ling permits ere, Jt tain was saidal the meel .i Idingsare erect Mm ?? ? rmit gets to ? ? alone has >n in tbe ai ..111 of the Council the permit. It .r ishould ? I .. and tbe ? pub! v int rests shoul 1 take the I report i an ?nwi Several meml ei oi tbe Common Coua. . | . :, \i li I their pur te for any frame ImildiuG ' !" house has been ? ire the petition ; I icil. , is that many per ? ?? ' ' ornmit t,.,. on l i ' ''?'' mvorably ivether gh( to bn Mil,-. Theeommit d and the t ount u lion. If on ?:" ai '?' ! '? i ? ! n race regarding ' :,"^:., . .,, ,i. , ii no wo l< i. bu ding shall iio ? r, nor shall any wooden ade to any building already i lion ia oral ba l , from tin Council. Any p< r lating this si ction shall be nn< a in K80; and all remain after the first ? distiacl offence and pun I i EARLY MORNING Wf.DDING. sir. < aartra < ? Jesses and Htaa stand iiar ajiwve Married Sut.r.luv. Mi Charles O.Jon and Miae Mand Her ;rove werouia ? ii Centenary Methodist rhurth i ' -? yesterday uiorning. ?,,. R Judkina, ofJ ? j b\ I.- v. Dr, lit irgeCooper, oi toe i irsl Baptial chn 1 be groomsmen were Mr. Basil M.Gwatb mey, oi the Patterson robaci o Company, man," and Mr. Jami i L Jones, ol Danviil ?*a ro? ''? .lt'1; organ a , I ">" b?.,Mr. Shepherd Webb man ei r brilliant n .,;:? r tbe eremony tbe happy I by the (^hesaiieake and Ohio tram the ?: amer ,. | h ? . in which citj they will sp< n I a . | then pro,,-.i by waj pi raU nv< rto Sew i'ork. returning to Richmond h, the 01 I Dominion Line after tbeaigbta : ?i the metropolis have beent nioyed. ilderman N ii Hargrove and ia a prottv, attractive. pular young laay. Bhewaaattued | .,, a ,: travelling >au at I brown material M, j itiveof North < arolina, ! bavin ? removt t from Reidjville f.? Rich? mond set preaenl ihneffleienl and faithful cashier of I |,n Davis & Co. He ia proniiBen inre. cii tend ?'.rvedlj popular with klarge number of friends. THE SONS OF VETERANS. A I.arBf?y-Atlena.U Sleet imi Held l.aiit M(!H. ?Ih.So'Hof Coiiledi-raV? V.t-Tai.? Ware ig, and among the mem the best-known j >ung mtI1 ,,( thacity. rhanral meettBathey nave had for eeveral waeka m* held last n Lee-Camp Hull, ami araryofl r eaaBearlyaUthememb^ Mr 1 oiiw Rawlines is captain; t ouncii ?!:,,,TD;.i^'..ur.,.ev.?.^.n;..tenai;t: Councilman A. B-Guigon, aaeoad .cut ? . ant, and Kire-ComBiiaaioBer doaapa i>. i.c , w tlnr,1 lieutenant. , ,. Mr L Bhelbj Baas having resigned the i offloe of aecratarj the traeancywna BUati bj ,he election ol Mr. W. K. Waldan, ? Lieutenant Levy waa chosen treasurer tc ' sue-.1 Mr. C. L. Hewitt, resigned. The following non-commuadonedofflceri 'Iwere announced by Captain, BBWUBga I Sergeant. Firat. K. Buford Orymea^^8e r road, B, R. Balaton; Third. J. *?-? ? >>> ''? H, . .Jr.: i-ourth, 1. 1.. (Vrmtfton; Wt^C L. Hewitt. torporaN Hr*t. ?. "? tf"?? . der; Second. S. I. WoodaOf; Third. *.B Moore; Foorth.Htifh Cnrdotn. QuBrter i iuuster W.lhert ItaXWelL C^or-Sc caaat H. i>. Hartsaan. Comaiaaary pht . g*aat Sol. a. PyU, l%etaroaanat ????< I were reappoint d ???1il* The aiaetlntl adjourned to Meptemim 1 ' ICtb aud after that time tbey will as*'1" ble weeklv. as l.oe t'atn|i has given the uw of iU hail for this purpose. . The organization is now in a flounsnini condition, and large additions to the mem bership will be made in the fall. Tha Oovernor E?p#rta?t Uatly. Tba (iovernor is dailv ? pactad to retun to the city. Several days ago be wrote nt PriVataaacretary that be, wouldIM hor > j about the iat.of frpteaahar^hajtjfeta. ?I tuna nothing baa been board front nun. BOTH SIDES AT WORK THE DEMOCRATICSTATE COMMITTEE TO MEET HERE SEPTEMBER 11TH. KepuMlrani to SiettU the Convention Oueitlon ? Mr. UrerklBridi;p |o Speak at < henlerlleld. OaaaTfJMI .1. Taylor Ellyon hid n cnn f. ranee with Becretan ruttierjcsterdaj af fernoun. ami it was d>" WW to OWM a call for a m-eting of tin- PaanOCtattc State fommitti- at the beadaejOftl r- of the par :v. N,,. 11(1 north Ninth street, in this city, it m, ,n on Thursday. September 11th. Tim objeol of the meeting, at which ilmre will dool ties-. V a very full attitrl lace, ieto dtaeaai awttan regard lag the nanjaas and to oatlinc the prograauM 1 t a*0fl in the districts. i:n'nuin\ uaiain uowmaw. Tbe Republican District Committee has been called to meet here on nezl M ? f,,r organitation and to decide whi I r ot there will he a coBvention to nomisate i rami ?late f,,r Congress. It is understood fat the m< mben ttee are all favi table to making an irganized Bght, end a eonveBtiou will '" nil probability bo called for son* rarly m October. I HI c AMUriSTF.y. Revere] iicr-on* are mentioBad aa i - - bahle a i rai ts, Sheriff J. W. Southward, of Henrico, is preparing a card which be will publish to-day or to-morroa in which be will an? no ini e inm-clf a candidal i for tbeRepub hean nomination ii s convention is held, and if not he will be an Independent can The names of Messrs. Edgar Allan, T: omas s. Atkins, B. Blair Morrie, and C. Smith, oi this city; Captain W. ! I . Wickham, of Hanover: Dr. L \. Slater. i. v h Kent, and Mayor Ed win Wilkinson, of V,,-t I', int, have been suggested a likely to be pr< sei.' to the convt ntion in : . evenl one is held. Hon. John Ambler Smith if It n d in the ra - am urn am cnairarj > ? Next Mondai i- c lurt-day in CI I field, and Hon. George l>. Wiej will ad It - the yo1 - . Hon. W. C. P. ' ,i Ki ntueky, will nlc" be tbi re an I make an address. He i- "tie of the . . | ? li >u c of i;, pre snl - tor hi f( a equals. I he annou ' ' will be or ?? I ' will no doubt In ?..? out i pr.ut number I the t iters of Che terfield. It i? undei tl I an rffort will be mad- to gfl Mr. Bri I ? speak in Richmond on Monday night Lab r in the n onth (' mgri ssman \* ill in, ol West \ ir (rinia ; Crisp o! I.rgia, and Hatch, of Mis souri, willaddresB amasa-met li ga rotora in tins city, T!ie Clt? Committer. Last sight was the time for the mi . .... Demo ratio Committee I tn ra . atheri d around the - ntrance to rcuit-t' ,urt room, which had not been opened foi tbe occaaion. Neitberthe ,n oor the Vicr-Cn, present and having no place to mee] members, after waiting for n< arly an hour. returned home. The Pawfcaiaa Clab. j! . Powhatan Clnbwill elect officers to? morrow night. ilV . . It i- expected thai many of the nve hun? dred Democrats wli" compose this mosl siveorganization will turn out. in which event the atmosphere in the neigh b. rhood ol Eighth and lii ad if be fall of politi -. In a certain contingency the contest for tbe offit.t presidenl will be a livelj one. This contingi ocy is Mr. Belvin'i unwulina i acc< pi a third t< rm. It is more than probable, how v-r. thai lie. who has made mi admirable preeident, ?will be forced to a n ? again; bul should be posi tively refuse the i I sev< ral gentle? man' will be presented for this office, kmong othert mentioned are Messrs. Henry F. Phillips. Charles K. ' John S. Hnrw.i. Any one ol thene gen? tlemen would beag.1 leader for the or ganization. Th< v are all at live, bard working Dt mi i rats, in whom nol only members ol tbe club, hut the party ai lar--, would have oi ana oi ia i aa. Mr. F. Boford Grymee, the present sec will h ive no opposition ihould be be willing so a recTection, but should he decline there will beea lively a , mte6t for that office aa for that ol presi? dent Among other gentleman spokenof for this position taMr. Jefferaon Wallace, secretary ol the City Demot ratio Commit The other officered the elub am Mr. Henry F. Pbillipa. treasurer, and Sheriff ii s Cates, sergeant-at-arma. rhereare also to be electeu s.x viocpreaidenl m ? from each ward. * Ml EM H> OIliiAMZAlloV. It ia very important that tbe Powhatan Clnb should select it- officers carefully. To them much of the work ol tht paigo is intrusted, and thei and the club aro importanl factora In a Dem; erotic yic ton lu feet, tbe Powhatan is to Rich moad whal tbeCook CountyClub wto , 0r tbe I'm kwortB Club i- to t in cinnati, and is regarded as the most im? portant and powerful pobtical organiza? tion in the state, it lathereforea matter ol congratulation that its offices are ?ought af'cr ?ml so highly regarded aa party bOBOTS. WOMEN SHOUT IN COURT A WiTe and l?am;liter He. nine .Invou* Ove* ? I'rl-iiner'* lllsi liar??-. auguatua Wiagfield, a geubd-lo daraT from Henrico county, was before . , p i , Court yesterday morning, charged with stealing and carrying away , D basket, one bag. four poundeol meat. ami two tars of loop, the property of Mary Ami, r on, rbere was not auflctent evidence to show thai Augustus was gnilty ol the tm ft, and in mi a ti esse* testified to the good character of the prisoner. Wingfleld upon taking the stand him . ,,, ? u i bad to die aad g ? touou and be hang, l doo'l know anything anew them things." lathers seemed to be wry littleeyi dencethai theaci used was guilty Justice Crutehfield said: "Well, Augusta .see what a good thing ii k ' ibave friends to stick by you. An yon have each a good cUaracter I am going t i let you off. A- thta a loud clapping was ??? ird among the col -red sped ? ?renial face of Juetice < rt tchfield could compress itself Into sternnesi two I tonus darted forth and fell upon the nee* of ;he prisoner, eompl I ??^'- ,;1" smiling c mntenance. He a ia a most id from the pourt-honae by these lovrag lemal a, hut arifa and daughter and even wh in the triumphal party bad reached the street the noises ra dicativaof negrofelicit; fioated back into the -art-room, disturbing the dignity ana Rolciunitv thereof. oMIKKs MM r WITH. The following were the other am importance before the Court; JohnJordon colored*, charged with fe loniouslj assaulting and attemptmg to commit violence apon Louisa n.i ai Providence Forge. Contioued to awatl the arrival <'f ofloera Ironi Reai Kent county. , . .. . .,,,. c, \V Whittle, faatdrivuig. riaed t'>' Emma Smith (colored), teeling a cut the property of Waab. Ooota. BenttojaU for sixtv davs. , , Philip Richardson (colored), aaaaultiag and using indecent Uraguage to Lavtau Johnson, Pined $10 and costa. Charles Smith, assaulting andbeeting Mary Duneomb. FinedtlOand coats. Sarah Brom (colored), asaaulting and beating Eliza Williama. Seaansed to give - ? urity for sixty day. MAY BURY THEIR DEAD An Aaaaalaasaa Incorporated for Thli raipaaa lull Cosnesraaalaaa. The Mamtab Association of Richmond waa chartered vesterdav by Judge Neil. ford, of the City Circuit Court. The aaaociatioa is formed for ttie nur poaa of taking care of such of its memb- r ae may he sick, burviuif them wbeu ttiev die. aud DTOVidusf for a henetit to the families of deceased members. Tne capital and income will not be divided into shares but will consist en tirelv of monthly or annual dues or assess. menis not to exceed one dollar yer montn. The real estate to be held will coannat ? a lot in the -ity not ezceeding fl.w" n value and land not ezceeding fi'? acres n Henrico county, to be held as a burying ground. The officers for tbe first year are: Presi dent. Thomas M.ller; Vice-President Golden Tyler; Secretary. Joseph Pannell Treasurer, Robert Crump; Prelate, Jamei Buxton. TO 1NCSEASB TBZ STOCZ. Judge >> ellford, who was aitting in ro svtion, also granted an amendment to tb< ch*rfi of the United Banking and Build alf Company. Tbe only obanga made i ii empower the company to increase its -apital Stock to a sum not exceeding fj?. 00.000. 1 lie minimum is *,|,000.000. Th]? raa fmmaily the maximum, but the fall iaiount has hcen snnscrih-d. coMrimuiaE appkoved. In Ik* ansa of r'unnio L. Farley, admin itratriz of her -< n, w. B. Farley, agaiaet be Ricbmondand Danville RauroadUoa aay an order was enter-d approving* ompromise that had been agreed opoa. i'oung Farley, who hv-1 in Mancbes , r. was a hrakemati on this road ami noar ? a year a",, was caught between t\? ions of a train wlu-n had brokea apart indao badly injured that be did not live ong aft-rb-ini; taken t,, DeaviUe. He init wee ever brought agaiasl th" compa? ny, the compromise having been agreed ipon. but the letter bad to be sanctioned v tbaOonrl before 11 ceul 1 be la a ? ?, axed. I ? ?' '? nanai'. ; REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. .1 I.lst of the l?ee<l? Iteeonled In the ?'i?V and I'minty. rare the deads ol bargain aid sola r(.rded In the Cl< rk'ao B a of the t'bau , ,urt yestt :?! FannieM. Griflln to William T. Allen ? on Twenty-ninth atreei at the nor'tliw, st i orni r ol Leigh, >'..'?'?? . Augn tu ail Fredorick ttundlack and ? | ouia \> a ber.Jr., HI fi ??' tl,,. south side of Williamsburg avenue raa reet, .lam- Netherwood and wife to u W I'.radl-v. 25 foet on the south side of 0 letween Twenty-fifth and Twenty ? zth. f _, . , Qabriel Wortham's trustees to Richard i;. ntr: ': ? taid I I i : -in and fare. >l.sf)5. Dai iel B. Williams to Eli wilson,2feet tween - i itnxt o. Court i k Coke apt ial - ?mmiseion r rs, to h. A. Patters >n, ibland street, a mthea t con er Carter, I Isaac Datenuort, It.. I W H. Gathrignt,aud George !?. I ? I onnded bv Twei I I, I w< n tv-third.8, and i - , ?., I? a. Miili ft execntor to Helen R. MI1 I,., jj,, east i i?le Osbornt pil|c , ? of Richmond. - Emanuel I'llman to Byron Wallerstein, one halt interest in nine lots in "quare i--> and ten lots in atiuara 124, adaaVeplan, --1 B2ti H. H. Wella, Jr., to John A. Smith, lots ; to 10 inclueive, In square .;. Pulton, Harvey V, "'.oner, to Emanuel lUlman, niae Iota in square 125and ten lota in square 124, Adam's plan. will, UNfTTTl;- TO l r/Mivii. Margaretfa Hitseman'a will admitted to _, i . ? , i- ... qnalified aa , ,. tor. Bond( ? '? irl,v i.imh!?!> i u ,"?: aamr. i-. aard 1?. Cbalklei aad T. \. Jec< b, partners, and Isaac Davenport, Jr., and Junius A. Morris, ipecial partn ts. n - new pertm ri v ? !- '",-1' to continue until January I, I INSTITUTE IN NEW QUARTERS The Mgfcl St loud -iiun to Open?In s i u, tnr of Minlrlllni:. ?|-|,,. ||< : | ? ? its moved ial pi v, quarters ai No. 602 i a 1 Main street .. and ,.x,? cl i tobavi , verything in re I ? School of Technoli ft w dayt. , ,, , The services of Mr. Frederick 1 lynihan have been secured as instrn torin model? ling. He isan Englishman by birth aad baa r??< eived high honors in f tbt leading arl schools both of this conntrj and I nglai iL Mr. Moyniban 1ms also been nt? Mr. Valentine in his group ?? Andromache," and in tbe I i I <,f Wickbam and Jackson, li- ;s thoroughly qualified for the w,,rk which has been assigned T" him, and in the office of Captain Thomas Ellett there is a beautiful specimen of bis work. It represents tbe head of a girlaboul thirteen years old, and la aa ezqataite pit c< ol scul) ture, p rtraving every feature ol the iwecl face with remarkable skill. 'Ihe drapery around the bead ol the child is graceful and realtatic, while the outlines oi tba fa a Indi ii ut. ,t tbe Baptists Are Daiam The foil wm- items from thta week's Issue ol ATe h.i Hi ? ?' ariu be read with interest: Dr. Cooper preached at the I irat cburcn on Babbath morning and nigbl to good congregations. He has been inhiapulpil on every Sabbath during tlm summer see* n. and ? this week on a short va ation in the North. Dr. J. C. Hiden will supply during his ahs, i. preaching on each Babbath. both morning and niu'ht. Paator R. H. Pitt occupie I his pulpit Sunday morning and night, and in the morning received two by letter. In work of completing tbe upper room is going on rapidly and tbe church hopes to occupy il by November 1-t. li - opening ? ? will be In j,l on the Sunday att-r \ -. , ation, ai d then Rev. H. M. Wharton, i>. D.. ia expei ted to begin a series of meeting* Mr. Hardy, who i as done su work in Manchesti r. to take i churches below Richmond. Rev. L R. rbornhill b is held recently a ? ? eting ai Mt. !!? rn on church, in Spotsylvania. Brother Thornhill reports that Rev. J. B.< k. the pastor, i idandgrowi Iniaflanaca. An laeraaaail l?cnth Rata. Thewbola number of deaths ia tl i M colore I. Aneurism of aorta. I col? ored; cancer of bowels. I white; cancel : [a i white; cancer l uterus, l c Jon .. spinal meningitis, l colored! coi ? :. oi i .u..-. I white; colic, 1 colored; u ipti a, 2 whit- and l i ol iredj eon yulsiona, l white and i colored; diarrhoea, 2 white; diarrho a chroaic . i white; diptheria, l colored; dilatation of heart, l : drowning, i co nred d lentery, i u . entero coltti*. I col >red; enteritis. 2 colored' fever (intermitteni I, I colored fevt r (typhoid i, I white fever typho-ma larial), I colored; heart-diaeaae. l white mid l colored: imperfect development, I ; infanticide i prol able . l colore 1 inflammatii n of it m i b and bowels, l i; marasmus, l white; meningitis, 3 i; old age, 1 colored; nn-iiiiioniu, J , ,,;,,r, l.i' ? ined by op,,mi. i sybil known, 2 white 'ami > i -una. l whit-: whooping oough, l white aad i color-,1. ?? aflakaee**a4 Hm keadems Leal Hlatit. Him ridicnlonslj fnnnyakits of the se isi c i > ! ai the kcademi t bj the Ferguson .v Mael Comedy Company. The large andienci waakeol in roan from the beginning to t:.n I of the piece. Ham-v FerguaoB as McCarthy wa~ a circus in bimaeli. but when Charles H. G n man as M , omplicated the sitnatlonthefaa grew fast ami furious. And when Lizzie l?alv cam on with her < lever dancing ami ridiculoui gyrations the situation became even naon ng. Tbeae clever people were ably a by the real ol the company, Tha phe nomenal little dancer, Vinie Daly, made diatssct lut and secured mnchappUuse The singing by tbe everal members of tin company, and especially thai of the tiar den-City Quartette, ua- highly satisfacto IV Tbe play will be repeated at the matin-e ?this afteraooa aad for tba kaat time to ? ntj,'bt. _ A Hit t'hnreli < o!l,-,t ,?,,,. Lev. A. K. 1'ickinson. 1>. I)., preache, ; the dedication -? rmon ol the n, w Baptiai I church at Bluefield, v.. \i., 4 sjowini 'town in Mercer county, on tha rlattoi dh lion ol the Norfolk and Westers rail road, last Sunday. He closed hat Bsrmoi with an appeal for the thousand dollar: needed t<> pay OB the debt on this beauti ful church building. Eight Hundred do! tare were raised, and at night Dr. Dickin jon closed another sermon with a like ap peal ami raised about two hundred dollan additional, ibis is the fiaeat church it that whole region, and it has b-en buil1 under the ministry of Rev. M. A. Wilson, i missionary of the State Mission Board, 01 thtadty._ They Will >?w <iet Their Money. The hr?t OaMaa act Mayor Ellvson per? formed after be reached tba ,-ity yesterday wa? to approve the resolution appropn atint' $VLM *? llie hands and carts de parttnent of the Street Committee. Ihe employes of that department wil eet their money today und they wil doubtless he very glad of it. as they hav. intbeen paid for aereral weeks, there be. uig no tundj* for that purpose. |,i?P?*-tl?*???? l?.,i,h?. The books of the assessors of real eetatt in Richmond were open to the inspectioi of the public in the Lhancery-Court rbou yeaterdav. A C<?od many persons cslled t see what "value ?'?<l been pUced on thei property and only twoor three coruplainet that it had been fixed too high. The books will be open for examlnatioi again to-day Ml'BDEK THE CHARGE WATCHMAN WILLIAMS SENT ON AND WILL APPLY FOR BAIL. rhornton Adam*. Charred with Killing Romli Itrher. to Have a Hearlnsr llil? Slomine. Mr. 0. V. Mer( hth. counsel for Thomas * Williams, the Free-bridgc aatnhmaa who j week ago to-dav shot John Oakley, in-j lli-tins a wound from which his death re. ' saRed -arly Saiurday morning, appeared before Jmetiec Oratehleld hi the Police c urt yesterday awnttdag and stated that was set for Wed: morning (today) he desired it be then pn.adad with. ThieJustii - Crntchfichl consented to do. Whereupon Mr. Meredith stated that he waeerUlingfor tbe Court toeonnider as svideacethen before him theteatimony given in tbe eaaa when application was ma !?? for ba I laai Tbun by m >rniag, and that upon thta tha Justice coulddecide T,,r not thepriaoaer should be tent on to the ,'rr,ml jur%. Justice i !i iti ifield immediately r thai In '" ' pinion the evidi nee wai cleat to s-n! the accused on to tan Application will ba madeby Mr. M re dith 11 Ju Ige Witt tins morning lor i art I order to proeure a bear lag 00 thi i l< ti n of hai!. i... \ laaaa I ass ;?> r.e CalaawTale afarsdag Interest ia the i:.,- Mb her murder ease will be again revived, as the preUminary examination ol rhornton Adama,tbe white farm-hand employed by Mr. Feitig, who rgetl with killing the peddler, comes ,,,, !, ?, \-l? about 11 0 OlOt K today. Adams, tb i fh apparently innocent and i certainly devoid ol any outward ind immitl 'I tii" cri asid t,, be de plj involved by circum suntial evidem i. though the nature of isnevei been made fouy known to I the public, THF WirNKSSF.s. \mong the sritaeesea who will testify are Mr. and Mr. Feitig. Mr-. Byrd and Walter Bvrd, neighbors ol the Feitigs; Mi-riff Southward. Tom Sully, the negro youth who , [snow in jail staoi barge 1 with the murder; , Mr Hugh I,. Davta. M. Meteleteand son, Martha Oeorge, the colored cook of tbe county d i - s- Stern, rt!"' others, renty or mora wil ' :?ther. , ,, _, ... j \|r (,, ,| -,. D. Wise and Mr ?? w Cosby, dr. prill represeal the I win!- Commonwealth a Attorney 11 Hs?,-t, l bv Messrs. David C H WilUon, wiivomlu-t the prose cut ion in Kai TBSTTJ v. In ct ? antb a D -??"'?' ??? ? ivllr.l bj atate I thai w was n'l ,,f Adams a discharge, an 1 that be would not hesitate to allow Ins i testifj ii he did not consider him rather an unfair victim to the skill pf.the tawyeta, as he was not strong mentallv. [n t).- but few weeks no new clues have been brought to light by the deti BDd tha t< rtimont ol Bully the negro is . looked forward ' i as likely to throw some light upon the crime, it was upon bis si that Adami waa ar lianowout on bail. MANCHESTER'S CONTRIBUTION. Death or sir-. Mary ii. < tastes renewal anil Oilier Item-. Mr^ M nv II. ?". lytOB, Wh illness waa rep rt- d in the /'? <oat< >. died yesterday aftei.n at the boms ol h< r lather. Mr. Spencer T. Hancock, "" Fif? teenth street near McDonough, aad her funeral will takeptace from the residence iw morning at li o'clock. Sirs. Clay? ton waa Mr. Hancock'a only childandher busband waa Mr Char!- A. Clayton, at one timea ra f ol the I) who died ol consumption several yeara i.,. s11 ba I been frail from child I era! 3 ears her family, whoa il hed with sealoaaanxiety.hadob served a rradualdet Una in h-r health. K< r 1 ? v' invalid Bhe 1 ul laal winter m Georgia, boning to recover her strength, bul ? my improvement, and ahe returned In the early spring more emaciated than ev< r. Since then herde clineh lual but constant. Bhe tinglittlegir old. In their bereeve ,,,-nt Mr. and Mrs, Hancock, who were de? voted in their attentions ai d spared no , ,rtheir child'acomfort andwelfare, ,? tender sympathy d a large circle of friei , , , . 1 Mr Charles Amos through his - Judge James M. Gregory, has instituted suit egainal tbe Richmond and Petersburg KftHroad Company foi fctfO. A lew days n,.,, a tram ,,n this railr a 1 ran over and 1 v do ible e >w belonging to Mr. Ai. hence the suit. , .Mr.c. T. Jones. Ol Swan b r >'i - | to I bief-of Police Lipscomb thai th< Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Company had ? d the recently-adopted ordi? nance requiring all paaaenger trams ps?ing through Manchester to atop Mr. |,,ne- was on< ? l the disap? pointed iieraona who wante 1 to take tin Norfolk cannon-ball train for Petersburg. \ few nights ago 1 - entered the " I v forcing the 11 n bars over the t.ack ?1 ior and robbed iney-drawer ol aboal H In .. . 1_. .1 Mr \. D. Sin twell'a little eight-montna ,,l i diau ? Sun tay in Luni where Mrs. Bhi twell la visit ng, and was I u.i id there. ... , ? M ts Bailie Bugg, ol Norfolk. 1 visiting ?? . i ena tforrissett, Porter street. Miss Hattie CT pton ha returned home, afterapleasaat visit to friends la Cheater neld, , _. . Mm. Wilham H. Joaes, of Petersl org, ia visiting h-r aunt, Mr-,. William I OX, oa Porter ai H n M. Hudgins, ol Caroline. wlk. m Manchester yesterday. The Inner*! of Mr. Tlnslev. The funeral of Mr. W. w. Tlnslev took yesterday from the resideoce brother-in-Uw. -F. Palmer Q >r. ? mon waa pn v hed by Rev. Mr. Wilkerson. The following men from Richmond acted as p dl-beareri: Active- B. M. Fourqurean, Herbert n AHev. R. C. / - Mosbi. R. T Pemberton, 1 ind Mart D COS The honorary palLbearers wen B. D. Price.Dr. H. Ci Scott, Mr. J. A. Brown, ai I Dr. C. B.J. nee. The interment was made at Ashland '?rv. _^^ Sir. Sl.xire s.,t let < oincloti*. Mr. J. Hall Moore's condition iraa ra I u more hopeful veeterday. H- wa? in fever ami more quiet than or Monday. He remains in a semi-conscioui ? 11..- ignizea the meml? rs of bu ? and his physician, bul dot where ba is, although ia bta owi e. Most of the tuna he unaguv 1 ba it in Europe. His condition ;k still critical and turn can determine tha Issue. Ha baa m no time since the assault been, ace ta ha ? -rs ? about the nature 0 the attack made on him or on auy OiBM - . .? t a aaaall aaslamaaeaa, ideedof assigaBieat was recorded yea terday in tbe Clerk'- ofilee ol theChancen Court from F. Neoatadter to A. ulEaat, ?. Tha property conveyedcoaaartiio iniecti laerias, cigars, tobacco, etc in the store at No. UR7 east Main street. The liabilities are tl.700. The crediton ot the first ctaee are the following: Hear] Hirshberg. >!:s: Mrs. ii. Ooldea, *j:i, am Julius Kraker, ?aVJfi> The Theatre. Quite a fair audience assembled at th( Theatre last night to witness the aaoosa pertoraaance by tbeTeanyaoa m Dawsoi Si)?cia)tv Company. The entertainment was in all respects aatlsfaetory. Mr. ftad. B, Myers, of Mvers Brothers A Co . drew the dinner set. Mr. R. Varrell th? vases, and Mr. E. T. Pace the parloi lamp._ The harden Parti a suceeae. The garden party giveu nt Bartoi Heights last night for the lienefit of tin Episcopal church to be erected ther? wa largely attended and mot with such suc< e?? tb.d it will be repeated thi-evening. Ai omnibus leaves First and Broad street >lt i o'clock for the Heights and return Bt 10 o'clock. The t ree-HrHtce Lumber. It wss stated last week that the con tract for the pine lumber for the Fre< bridge had been awarded to Messrs. H B TaJisferro A Ca, and the oak to anothe bidder. The /hjpotcA is informed tha Messrs. Taliaferro A Co. only bid on thebil M a tfAofc, that their bid was the lowest, am that they had been ensured by the Chair nan of the Board of Commissioners that he contract would be awarded to the owest bidder. Ther claim they uro en itled to the whole bill and decline to fur u?h a part of it. . Tim committee on the other hand,claim ?hat they had the ri-'ht under the term- A heir advertisement toaward the contracts separately. I*aissnals and Hrlers. Mr, and Mrs. j ,,nt, Reinhardt have re .tirn-d from the Cold Sulphur Springs. Mrs. Oeorfa W. Smither. of M west ^ary Street, i- 011 a vans to relatives at Partnviil", Va. I'r ' ax? I'.. Morns^ette and family haws J returned Ironravant of several weeks to j Print a Edward. Miss Maggie L. Zmck? has returned to t the city after a pleeaaaf vi*it of six as ska it Crotet A!1 ermirle county. 1 Mha Anme May Smither, of Nl west - iTa.v street, has returned from a months j vis.t to Louisa Courthouse, ve\. Mr. s. w. 11 -' saw baa bean called to j ram announcing that . i thai ? ? ill in that city. Muring the : ? tUgUSt there were KM am its m i la in Richmoad. <>' HI wet.I ??? i n i -: 8 watts person-. Mrs. S. F. Woodia and children re. turned yesterday from Priace Edward, where they apent tba months of Ja August. i;.-v. w\ W. Landrum l>. D. has returned from bis lummer'vacation ami will cob* d-i-t the services at the Second Baptist church to-night. i ind WaddiU has been called , ? , ? |?| ,lis 111. fathi a n nerabls Edmund i nearly sigbty years of age. [| raa ': ?? i rafale Club t'. ,? i the ! oung Pultons M< nday afternoon, and not the Old Dom d ? ippearyesb rdaj by a error. ?i i Stella Ward and her younger bro era lived in tbisciti and here, arrivt d ft ly in San 1 rancisco, their ? .our,, homi. on Band ly morning last. Mr. DougbuaWherry left tbeeiivyea. terdayfor a few days' vacation He will apt ? l two or three days ai tha White Sulphur Springe and from there go to Culpeper county to visit a ana friends. Th-re was a double wedd Moaday night udeace ol Dot trees \ I m -? set, wheo Mr James W. V'os was married to Miss M< Hie ,l UBOS and Mr. !' iBIOS to \ i: it. LcRoy .i Pbaap perforn ?? I the eremoay. Dr. lair, past t of Qrace-Ftreet Presby. terian church, has r iturned home upending hi ? * ic ition S"r' b and n tbe ? Hi will conduct iter' ices in the lecture-room ol but ohun h ? night at 8 I ? o'cl *k, and fill bia pulpit IN (1 '-?;? ! iv. b ith im run; | aad Bight Mes is. William Daffron, Philip Ryaa. and Dr. I). -I Col iman have been elect- i ? rn the McOill I'atholic I nion to the 'atholic Young Mei i nion, which will be In session In i ington October Tfh an 1 Uh 'l he alter . John Finaegaa, James ?.. and i homes Muldowney. " rs. C. I!. BJll. Of Richmond; 0. B, WMls,, : Mancl ter, an 1 W I'. Gt inger, I | , ?,. will represent Viroitfla in the session of the Great Council ol the Cnited States of the Improvt ? Men. which opens in Boston on the :th instant ai 9 A. M. Tha conai il wul probably be in session lot live days. TURF AND DIAMOND. Vedenlat's Itacliitf <>n the leadliiz 11 asks- ?Teeterany's BalL |Ily latSgiaiitl to the Dtspat Bwl Yoi-k. September ". -Sheepahead Bar: Fsrat raee sweepstakes for ? v,i,r.r! led, -iv furloi :-: Men. den w,,n Mike Watson second, Dublin third. Time, kill* ,, . , .. . Secondrace two r*er-olds.$l six furlongs rhorndale won; St Omer second Prather third. Time, 1:131-4. Third ract three-year^ld aweepatakes, %\ oooadded.six furlongs Olarendonwon; Wrestler third. Time, ... Fourth ra-- three-year olds, selling iweepstskes, *ji,000 added, one mile aula furlong- Raymond <J. won: Frank Ward second. Here third. Time, 1:55. Fifth rac handicap sweepaUkt a. ?1,000 adde I. one mde and three sixteenths Montague won; Banquet second, Ken turd. Time, 2:01. Sixth ra? three-year-old sweepstakes, >i 000added, mils on turf -Ballston won; Kern second, Young Duke third. 'Inn-. 1:11. nita-TST-T Brooklyn League): Pittsburghs.4: beat hits.-- errors,6, Brooklyns.oj base-hits, :, errors.2, Batteries Day and Decker; Caruthera and Clark. New x'orkl League): New \ hit., 9 enrol i, I. Cli v lands, i: bnst I rs, 1. Batl Ruaie and But k !,m ? \ iau and Zim phi] i Cincinnatia. 12:; il. is- errors, 3. Philadelphiaa. M . ta. 15; errors. 7. Batteriea Fore? man and Keenan: Mauana and Harring? ton Gleason, Smith, and C,ra\. New York Players'): NewYorka.5; base. hits,S; errors,4. Buff aloe, 3; baee-hite.6; errors, 3. Batteries -Craae aad Ewing; St ifford and Mack. Be nd game New ,4: base-hita, 17. -rr,,rs.... Buffaloa, 1 ; base-hits, 18; errors. ;. Batteries J. I aring O'Day, and Vaughn ; Stafford ami Brooklyn (Players' -eleven int i - be IS; errors,8. Cln ,??,?,- B; base-hits. 7; errors, i, Battenes Barston and rarrell. Philadelphia (Players'): Philadelphiaa, 13; base-hita, 13; en ?ra,6. Pittebnrgbs.8; base-bits, 8; errors, i. Battenea liuihn ton andCro s; Tenei an I Hurley. ,;. < ,,i i. ..'u- i I ho first game ended before it b. gan in a dispute m reeard to the umpire. Both clubs chum the forfeit, and the matter will be carried be! I eague directors lor settlement H Sost ,:., i: base-hits, I; errors. I. Chicago, 3; base-hita. 10; error-. B. Bat in ami (iau/. l: Hatehinaon and Kittndge. Boston (.Playera): Beaton, ii: base-hits. fa- errors, 4. Cleveland. 9; base-hits, 11; error- none. Batteriea Redbourne.Mur phy, and Swett: Cruber, Sutanffe, sad llrennau. . , Qore: A Us after ten innings, when darknesa cloeed the game. Baltimores. 6: base-hits.6; errors. 6. ColumbuM base hits 6; ern rs, 5. Batteries Herman and Tate;' Knauaa and Boyle; Chamberlaia, I ? . and < > Connor. > ra nee. Mar-. !?: base-hita, 12; errors, ?i Toledi - 8; bast oil i, I ? rrors, 4. Bat Keefe and Pitsi CuahmaB, Bag*, and Welch. . Rochester: Rochesters, I base-hita,2; err. rs. .t. LouisvuTss. 3; base-hita.?; -r r,, ., ? Ratb rii - M Her and Mc&eougb; D.uly. Ryaa, ami Bligb. OUT WITH THE TIDE. hix rorsoos In a SSae?' All t?doubt?d!j UroMueil. (By tstsateaai to the Dtayaaan.] Sv< DtnOO, t\L.. September 1 Thi sloop Petrel, command-d by i aptaia Wu i an 11 Hoy, a well-known shipping man cap ized iust outside the hurl, irTSSterday, No one -aw the accident A sharp wim: was blowing aad it ta supposed theslo?i|. was overturned suddenly. It was foun.; by some retarning Isharmen, who also saw dies of two women aoatlBg near it. They tried to aecare tbe bodias h? won unaldstodo so owing to the Ugh BBS, They came to the city, gavsthe alarm, am a larau fleet of bout- went out to search i for the bodies, but without sue ana I ben , were vix persons in the yacht AH WCW undoubtedly drowaed. The oeeupanti were- ( aptam and Mrs Hoy. Mrs. \.al lace, daughter of a Pr-sbytenan ministei of this city and a lady and two chi dret who e names are unknown. It is babevec the bodies have been all carried out to sea by the tide. _ TERRIBLE RAILWAYACC1DENT. A Train Thrown rroiu tbe Traek-Slxteer rersom Hurt-Two Fatally. ,r?y tei?irr?i>h * aha Dtspawb.] Hot B\r?nK*s, Wvsn.. September 8.-/ t*rrible aeddsat oecurrad,taei night foui mthlifrom iai.-loOorge. about sixty mile fromMa on i."m the Northern Pacific rail llT Ka.t-l-ind Passenger Train No. I ?raa'wrecked. 'Ihe tender of the aawoav anaiae. ths mad-. expree*-. and baggage ears the smoker, the emigrant-, and tw. SlVcoachea war. thrown trom the track sixteen persons were injured?two fatally v?? v.iumr. umpire of the Northwester! Kirue and^J. D. Keppler, of Red Bluff Cat Both have since died. lK.?Wer Renemlnated for Congreea. Itcssow, Miss., September 3. -Charles E ir iker was reuominated for Congreas to i i fiav from tbe Seventh district at aooa . I ventioa held at Brookhavea, Mum. IlK SVYKI1 SLUGGERS ND SECONDS OF LYNCHBURG BE? FORE HIS HONOR THE MAYOR. Inqnent Appeal of Ex-Mayer Man?nn, IUferee?The Case UlsniNsed and All Happy?Weather Mtatlntlra. [Special telecrem to Uie DIspatctLl Lvsriiru ?<i. Vs.. September 1 All those on-enied US the late slugging m itch, were ,efore the Mayor this morning, hx.Mayor faasna. amikaaBtaa f*f the party, asked bat the warrants bo withdrawn, a. all had tottaa -ati-fa tioa. This custom, he said. iad always been allowed by the Coart, iveatoaarsoas who wcro frequently hs> ore the eoati for assault, lie also said I taken plats. w*s?aajdwhssa t did with a view of preventing B die. nrbance of the peace and the <iuiet of law ?it,-. or ceonsa not. No one knew of the affair until it ana u-er but those conn?t-l with it. sets not reeponsi! le for the i ablieatipn ol i . - who talked ol il rompoeed two ?lasses one being good people, who are ?onscientiouslv opposed to -u h atla'r*. .ml whose charity they asked. The other ,vnsac!a-? ? i o? pie who thought thei h I . I , -t pf an sscitiag street, ight. no i ot st inoct ir. The difficulty betwaen the two .mntle. bed sueh a point tnat they tndte 1 -i". sad ha thought it mould have been condnoted iB the quiet, honorable manner that it waa than to have and a-In,,.tmg affair in kb* Street 1:1 ; BOWaa BBBanSSBS II*. I:. ? v ? agree I with these point il ited thai lie thought the fight > have taken pi i< ? outside the - y. I i< re I ng ' to the affan tna Mayor d imisaiil the . Through the efforts of J. H. I - rvers! thta point, tweaty-nine ir an I crop stations have slr-adv - ablished, and be lias been sutaor. i a-enty-ons more, Jo be nt the agricultural sad especially the I.i.growing sections ot the State. Arrangi m Dta hav,< I ee i made .: ipbed at tl ernmen i the stations i imed v. re the operators ?d: post ?hem promptly and cnuspicuously. It' the people of these localities will pi ivide signal 6 igs the operators t so m. Agreements olthis sind hat red into at t ie ! dlow ing iUI Norfolk and \> s . ilk. Suffolk. Windsor, ,Wahe field, vYaverly. Wilaon, Blackstone, Burke ville. Farmville, Pr< spect, Pamplin, Appo i Cone, rd, Bedl rd City, Buford Bonsacks, Roanoke. Bab i '?*;?> S'ew Hi Dublin. Pulaski. \Vvthevillc, Rural Retreat, Marion, Beltyille. 11 ids Springs, Abingdon, and Bristol, Dun. AIU'IIIOXM loINTS. S|,, ? si reque ts h ive I ssn ms le i , . .... st two stations on the I . peaks ami Ohi sn I for two more on the Richm ?nd and Danville. Ryker hasalso imide SppliC Ition to the total, i 0 a--'? 11 tion i ? ?? ?? nteea more points and (lags -an be ta ? ?.itesl benefit to tol eeco Krow< .- oon ..s the j.omts are bust ! mentswill becompleted. \l, Ry| i wae i lea dayt ago the recipient ol ahighlj compliment iry letter from the Chief Signal ? >ffl' er commending his seal ,n- efforts to promote the eaVnencyand the aervice. sv"ll'.t:i:i-s: IW. no clab ol Pamplin City has in? vite i the gun dab of this citj to a big squirrel dew, to be held at that put .? r'ridav ti: ? MB instant. The Methodtal rally here is creatine great interest, and imBaasnmoiowoaaraia :,!.,.rerj night. AN UNKNOWN ITALIAN KILLED. I'rUoners rscupe from tli* ItosioiWe I'" lire SjtariSB II Train HreaUs. Hi l* -tfriin. Ui f&e Jttspat, li.l BoaBoaa, v,.. September I h freight tram on tbe N< rfolk and Western railroad ran over and killed an Italian wln?e name ia unknown in the Blurueld vardathii .?%???. | In - at t O'clock. II" ' ttgil. ''"' u,,t see bim in time to cheek his train. ran n i oan i wai a, Bsvrral prisoat ? mad- theireacapefrom to-aighl by cutting through the ceiling sad jumpiag a dis. tanceof twenty feet to the ground. Beve. .< were tired at them by policemi n, ? I bia is the secondovt i the past month. i i .1 i. Romberg, the financial I the Roanoke Seminary, died this rniug after a brii I illness. The de v .. sn sn iabl sentlem in and was Ibi all wbo knew him. , ill. I I -I >V An ? wt-boaa I tr ighl tram broke la two this c fv ami Bale morning. The rear end ran backwards ..? i, oUided with another tram, i the breakage of ??? ? iral care. Tha track waa blockedfor lour houra. < barleaJa- kson (colored) bad Ins bead mashed on Bunker Hill tast night at a lat bourbyJaaa Wdliams. His condition is critical. _ ONE MORE BRAKEMAN GONE. Me rntla Bstwaea the ^ at? and Is Horribly Msasjts i aa aba u. aaal i?. it- a* mseetsl Magram aa tho Disswsea, i LracHat so, \'a.. Bepl eabet 1 About I o'clock t,,.m. ht .1. J leper, a brakem.m on | ? d and Danville road, left h-re ,, i r< ng and b< althy y nag man. but by to ? he w i- a ir rpae. It a ama that when his train waarnnoing between Staun? ton river ami Chatham be a, cidentellj fell i. tween the cars and waa horribly mangled. ilia reman - were wrapped in a -antra-. brought In re. and prepared for burial, and then taken to Ins noma on Daniels Hill in thta citv. II- had not be.n on the road Ion,;, baring formerly worked In a brick-yard near here. Hewaaabonl twonty* eight years old. ^^^__ Caea-Mhaeveea Mriae. I by tategrapn to tbe l):?;,a^ o.! Sr | .. -? pUmbt r '.'. Ihe coal miners in the Bs lleville district have gone ,i, isti ka for two oento a bushel fordig al. six mining - mi aaiea are af feoted. rhe ruling price in the distnet hai, h< B OB I and a half l swas a bushel. aaaasjBjpawaaBBSBj? I ell Into a Ills FBI ol Soup Than iS a ^entleinan in thin ritv WBC brings into existence nght before this sysa L ,i iu- ,-v. rv hour in the day the most v. inderful aighta thai sirs N.r> pl< ? ng to those win, happen to be where tl oojecttay dble.and while there n.anv people who trj to follow hii footsteps,they with their horrible blua ,0 into the soup by their not being able to produce the same material that this fiTeat originator does, who has uarned UuS lame i- a man win: d ss not Mow his own born or sm* hu own pratae, but merely calli attention bv means to Lm -punk and courage u ; nr-t-cla-s tailor-made clothing at ;;.i per --nt. under those dealers who laboi under big expenses and are obliged to ex tort OUtrageoBS pro-its on whatever thev oiler for sale. Mr. Fellbaimer. the geutli man who calls attention, wishes it stat?c that the remaining stock of Summer Cloth in,;. Hats and furtishiug tioods will b' sscrifleed m order t,, make rooaforha ma-siveaaaortment ol Winter Suits. Over c ,nts, Ac., and if th-public wishes to sur prise themselve- with unheard-ot los prices thev should call at once at tbe fa mous 8. O. P. C. Hall, on the aouthwes comer of Third and Broad streets, and wt can assure them that they will have n< occasion to regret it. Hebrew New-Tear CarOa. If you want Rash Hashonah Hebres New-Year Cards and Paper, a full hue cai be had from 5c. Up to *?. Bloch's, a selec line at R. <J. Myer s Bookstore. \fi0 ess Broad street, corner FirsL Mail order promptly filled. _ fjajnln Ol-l Virginia AlLTobs-co Ciga rettes. _ The " laaasnl nosaewaril-n?'?w^." leaving White Sulphur at t> A. M. and ar ; nvmg at Richmond at 6:J0 P. M. SSWSf Sunday, will be discsmtinued after bs-p ' tomber 8tb. The laat train will be at Monday 8th. Tbe (lraas-Wid<.were trail west of Charlottesville <m Saturdays ha lieen discontinued. The 4:? P. *:.**? will not run west of Charlottesville j* Saturday. It will conUnue to run netweei Richmond snd Charlotteeyllle. Hmoke Old Virginia AlLTebacco Ctna rsttea. laratTonn i.anu , pany. In another column v? ill l>e found an im ortant announcement in regard to thta impan v. .... Mr. 1 Wman Epe*. the prealdant. ta re uded as one of the best busini>s?-men in ottowav county active, energetic, and f sound judgment. He is the kseea of ie Blackstone Miilimr and Manufacturing forks, recently erected Dr E. ii. Booth, the viee-nrealdent. was ,r a number of vears a director in tbe itlseaa Bank of BUckatone. He is now prominent citizen of James City county. a and a member of the Hoard of >!*? jr?of William ami Mary College. Captain J. M. Hams, the *e.-retarv is a irge sml Bucoeasfal merchant st Black. t,ne and director in the Citizens Hank. Ie , ommiuds the Nottoway Oraya, a Ma t ulitarv company which took a coneaera us part in the l>o inauguration ceremo ' Mr. II. H. S-av is a popular and sjaj accesafnl merchant st Blackstone aud Ihrector in the Milling and Muaulacturug ' impany of thai town. Mate* P. at. Harr*i? wnlnlvand favore. ilv known in Virginia i men haut highU espected, a man ot go d pidumeat and xcellent business ipiah'ie-. He is ab>o lireetor m tiie Bank of Crewe. . Mr. .1. 0- IhalUy Is treaaui tr of l.uneo mrgcouaty and a successful farmer. He l a partner in the firm of Beay, I'sglov * Mr T. M. Dillard is a Bart* l in the firm . Tuggls A Co., who maaafactara fertilizers on an extensile *? ale. Il? ka ,-erv p t,uhir and considered s. tine bust an. , , , Judge William H. Mann i- known tobo he moot prominent an I sue, east .1 in Bouthmds Virginia He is iiresidenl of the Hank of Crewe and Slao d theCitiwns Bunk of kaarhatoae, Ihe otnpauv is fortunate m having him as a lireetor ami its attorn v. rhecompanv.t ion rh recently oraealsea^ has soldoverU. ion, I the stock. Amoagaa the stockhola ' the ataeaW aent citizens ol llichmond and Pelara I,nr- Hon. P.. C. \ -i able, Colonel John !'nr-, H. ami i ii \ The Old Umnlnloii MMBB1 :?n?l t.?au Aa siirlatmn. Hi. luuoiol, Va. This company invites the attention of the people ol Richmond to it" itrapleaed i ra tiaal plan f-r enablingpereoeeol ?mall means to -?? are homes >1 tin hr owe. The eompani wdl 1-nd money oa real est at i to within IS pel seel of the es> praised value, to be returned In ?mall monthly instalmenta aearoely more tliau the ordinary monthly rent. As a simple n.->.,.. ??? the abaras of tfea ?i my ar- verv desirable ba au.I the act that thee represent tbe sasallawl poa> Slide n-k with MS largest profit, the aw, , being alwaysraaTeetate, Leslies or other pers as of weaas bo*. sbU or wUliagto sngags in a live buai nese purauiu i sa by an investment in ihe ?fa ires ol thta company lie. time, pre; ttcelly partners In an extensive, active, end profit? able business, under the management of men with tbe best buaiueea uneiities and i ? i . ? I exi For mil particulars tfa.leeiriBa to ln rest or to borrow will plea-- , all oa ee addn as 1'ani on M i iarrot, S-, retat'. an I treasurer, ,11 , ea-t Ma n - BOB, I. T.v:"l: BaXVSOB, I'lesideat. Dire, t, r .i. Tarroa Ei Lraoa, S ?? i? V. RaawM ? B, Faaxi I Bt m v .tons B. I'i a, f . . . Joan s- Ei lbi i Rev. R. H. Pitt, bavtag i - ti Bailed from theciti lor a day or two. Rev. Dr !'? Hard will speak to toe VesaoUHtreel eharch to-night. ^^^^ Snmke old Virginia All-Tobacco Ciga? rettes. _ D,? tor. hive antedi yea, bat aot in yi u ease. Suppose you try A* B. 0. Allasatlf a aad ba healed. ^^^^^ _ Smoke Old Virginia All-Tobacco Ciga. retb ihe run * Hill is one of the most baiqail an ssaaaaswsa ever perpetrated Bpoa a tree j.pie, has even il H does pass Caagreaa they cannot paaa a bill that will compel ? > to warn that old inconvenient trunk of vnn. Throw it away ami buv a R-ller I ray Trunk. Bold by dealers. Mada ?<v U. W. i;, oatree.'. Brother Ri< km ad \*. Snmko Ob! Y.'i;inia Att-TohaeaB C'ga rettea. . Atthela-tif hrteth like a SSfsmafc A. B, c. will i are tbe I Suiok- Old i njasBl All-Tob.i. Oga. I-tt-S. _ llouiri' ! I't.yti ana < are asnaag knasxaaaa'a ? eder* ful liruinlnean 1 tiasati ?erfcBl Vv at*r iboull 11 ssrHaalar t i> stry " I esawaserB,' ami tae pitiout sseal lie ssoraai naeo on tin, ial*l. I.SWis U. Ill swsi i. <J-osral Mauac r. ?fast U omlerful Sprlni: ka,,?n, the i: imiiier Hiamlaa Ariaat' Sprlaa of A-".? ??oaiitr, N. OL suiTerer? wilt, any t>W><*l ? kin. Sl'loef, at ?ioma.-li tr-iblaa will f. 1 the fniisas Hrumloe-Arseu Water the paaSjSj cure kuowo. OWBNd A MlSOB DSfO I'OsriSV. Agent*. Kictmiou 1, \a, iiiifc-di's HI????<?. This Insidioua allm?nt 'f I ^-, l"t'? uegie-ta.1 will-indeimine t?,e itrea?eel eeasdtuIlea aad brlDgUM Tinm m a preitore in re. " ??? mei,n;eiywarahageaal ios?u? neaim ?i anee a* a see el me proper reeterauve, met gieai ttreogmeoer of tb-? unitary and :is??"?e or gai... Il It. H. ,H"tanl Blood ISa'u, . paii'i U'in?el,< ulimai,,'??a., antes " ' ???? n l.n.lred dutlara' Worth <A m-llne for nnghts aiaeaae. tun It -id ?? no *-???!. ? ??*?u t ok H l< B . Which rel:?re1 tne. ?y ap|*Uie is realoree" ami I at aaie wohont pain ' l A. Maid-x. AUaaia. oa.. wrlt-a . "I liU rr< .1 ir mbla ta pa#?ini arloe, wbl h wa? Biir-i wdlmeau M? >? n and lotas aaja ma . | I h.-' "?? ?PI ??"? **?&&* r.-i,. I beeane aen i i I able to iU?p ?nuodiy. -i w., i ? - I '' a ?? a""* B-0 ssawa r<,|hJ?a? Williams. * I ly. Teno . write* "1 waaweesisd ?:?i ??'?'- ??'""' ,*"'";"1L*'4 ooaftaed l my Bee" Ms I sates o' ?>? ?? a. made a atetl mau af roe.' The low price at ? - r?t*j la*rr*l Astkii 00 a ?:.,wie:gei hy all aa th? vary ?ajsst art salttTr***g ??'' '"'?-", ? ?'1 snsyBi i i?a?es n,, reaasa Bag H aaeaM aot ia all . a-a* ha?a *he pref^reo-aof custulttara. IT'S SAFE TO INVEST. Wore op< u as daylight about onr goo.U It a tlio only road to contldenos;. TLuit'a onr lever ol business. Ahk the .sharpsset ?|ueatioi;s vou like aliout HasBaa Crosa-<iuoetiou tlio .piality, turn tiie garmonta inaido out t<> look at tho workmanship. They'll stand it. We made them to. Don't take anythiu? lot granted ami wish afterward jen'sl anied. Make it your basineasto know Luw the clothing is likely to serve you before you lay out a dollar. Ask why. Time enough to buy alter you'vo made as sure it's right as you can. Then jou'il understand how low out pricfa are. snsr See tbe valtiea in the Children.'? Bthool Suits at |2.o0. $a.50, and |5. sssjrBee tbe valuea in tba Boys' Loog Pants Suits at *>, t)b.50,17.50, |M.50. aad $111. anf Se? the values in tbe Men's Smli at 110. f 12.113.W. and |15. ? aaJTBee the values in tho l.igh(v Wsigbt Overcoats af $10 and $11 ?* lOOklTUiftUieet, uftooxsian^afioav - ??(.;