.ja-' ni, IIOlloS l.egsflon at Waahlng
.. !;.-? ailed, I nil-.?. A. -so
?. -. . :i Koi??e itrpm ..
? ?,!?!" !.. in.. DtspotrSk.]
: thai If tilt.
? ??-. ? ? n I answer
i it? by lo-morrow
- here,
. l the whole
\ ?will l>e r??
" l ' : ?
report I
!? the
. ? . . .
' ?
I ?in. to.
t ion 1" il a.
i, and no i >n? \? ?
o on the
r to 1 i ? ?
'' :'
' t - t
Mi |{
it? I Ij
'Hi. If !l e
' 'C.| l|i. ?T
? \. ? ?p|
; I
ting 11 iliplo.
? I , 1111
? ?
' i :
"in l'ai !i uncnt.
? ?V _.]
' pril in. In id,.
e, in .a "I'D- !?>
i to?np
? lid be 1
? ? .. I s ,.
ild be
? . ii i ir in
i i by Un.
. pi . i, ?ly, Ibt
I willi I th? tenants.
i?ret Id, In sul
; amply
..... wer. :
i I : ? tin
i i i ni ol capital at
v.. re nil.,?, d
i loan.
i ,1 be
i ?
? ?
? ?
i own 01
'm 1 In
? '
. '
pr. ???'lit III' .')
? ,
?ilion of
' ' QOBl in l:
. i ni. n univer
? w r, it?rer lb<? hon?
ni html
? I
, f He- plan.
:.?? o !? that .'.'? wat pre?
ll ??111 ti woul i
? - o, lln? ?! -
? ' : h a Jit -le
ii it..m
'? '-i'.IC'S
i ???:.:
II wa? Impel
t ,' Vtlmr
it tii.? word
??,. ? rejected by s rote
?\. II Who ?-iieak?. for the
. ?Inn M Ii.. Hnfrcr? loi riieni."
; ? , H IPO*-? i
I ' '
. d Cardinal . ?
n which ha- appeared
i . 1 bOV? i" "\. d and have
,? ; : ? ?mill. I
t . ., ii ill
It i*?n " Hi"'
? me un i his i
. i be obliged
ntly *|ieak I >r
, ?111 (le.
. bei tel ?is well ?lio
r i ?? poor, he merits more
? rhltlfate the
... are worth]
i h ol !? male and i hlld
of tl
i ci. It may
? l ? t
? . i..i the luthcrttiee to
Ml fob
? h? ?? ' " -ni' i
? ?
re calculated to degrade
it ion ol the Loi
lided by g
i. v. and and? i the
. a? r, ?? a
! attlng th? di
. it sot loty
, it ?III ?-'tow und e.\
? ?
lyai I
. of tin?
. In t'ltrtst,
.1. i U.c. i."
i'.wever. ?Ha? I at? tiled
?. Ketallatiun.
? .-..- iota? p??astca_i
I; now trsnspire?
.. ? ... of D ?.'
I 111 the . '
? -; Ot? I M
? ordlog
' I
. lb) loyalists
t. ? .ta ?i Maui
' ?.? I'nnllriBoil ? Kolnforce.
11 - Pa.hlag t urt? ?id.
- \n - -, ati reble o. ?)).? I'.-patch.I
Ipril 10, *> dhrpateb
- tb. news lhat
, mi ata tear
i-? i- i ?rita ?cues
the autn.Title?,
^ ?"ike. Kotrteou
killed OOd twent) sounded.
: Ii'lui,e |,t? ti,. Kvlotion? Itetvvren
< ? ? i .1 and l.iti.or. '
??i a.ile to the I>l?pnU?h.1
.. .?p-ril 10.- William H. - -v
? ' ' I of the Tieu-ur.y, an.
. . .r Omans I? day -hut
? ? bor. i.eeu sppetstsd by
? ; tboRriyal IjiIs.i ii'iiinii*.
: < the relations e?l?t>
ipllal und labor and into tbe cau?e
' I th? beat xuesu? of preventing
?*?*?: If-u Msojui? of Martins-ton lLlbt.r?l,
I nlonlsl?; Karl IVrliy l.ilera|.in:on...?. T,
"> "! ?-.??',...> (T,:?Vvat.
R_"5W " ' ?'.-.t. ellor O
: Right Hon. S r .)? ,r
'?',"''.. ? '" - member for ? hothom
i,ii?is.-...e.,v f ,,,.. |n<u,
Vh,.M ?,;,M"' ",;a (Uowral). member
HiirbtsMo, Shefflekl ; Sir Robert N. Kowler (
?enalltc ......; ,,,. r uTe ,1,
Und.,,,. ,.,-?? ||on.Leoaan| H.C<mi-toay<
riwnrd .1. 1 arlan ? Vrai ervall val memr-r
?_H__n, ? ,,"i, ???',,":?';;;
. ?he ?., ,
*i ,
? i Buil l.lhei
Ko?.; WIUI.\. a
? Uhondda, Walee-I
W. Uwt?, .??,mt..,.r ,
s; Mr. Is.m
' ";.??,?,;.,
" -
? ' '?" r; Bamtjei !",??.
V'.l ,
, \t. II
I ompa
Mr. la,., chairman li
.'I- La
">*?' ' -prtl i". ?Then ih? aa-Bxma-na
fif I lie l?oynl '.al- ? ( . rnr
????.- y moved!? ?djournln?
11,m he might ? n atleutlt i. t? wbal h?
?? - from ib?
"' loose ? i Mr ,
d i., know whal
? ? altlln? Mr. Davll - , ,,?.?
Mr. I-.... r. fu ...i to allow
. i?, be (. ,- t.. (?,,. ji ... |ttf y,,
""?????pporl . i,..,. mem Is
"'?: I ? ,11?II
? '""un.? I f..i II Dlvi?l a; .,i Hi
ond ??? .il : mi
? ? ?i?, rr.,,,1 (l,e l'?rn<ll-??,??i,.a < nse,
? ??
I,, April 10. Mr. Hei
' nen? for South I
i ... I ?ral
? . rl /.
?v. lilt
, [ th?
'! " < OTa llrr
' U i.' . Mr. ? .-, ;,... ; hi i?e? (i r i
1 roe? ?nd Mrs. O'Sbea.
? rowa Wllnr ??..? Arre-te.l.
I" i I 'v, [SI '.'?:?, * pril !". \ host
' Cronn a .,,, i,,.,..
1 s M ? , ,
IK to ?i
reef ,? i ?
' indi guardian?, the -?.
: ?.1 li.? Roi fnun
Tiio Attendance siu-,il-The c?>iie,:ii
Basoll Mrs. I'nrnell lluce.
[Bj ?< li rraph lotbe Dlapatc-.]
PB ? !'?. . April Id. Two of t
Pam II ? uvu s, William rtedmond ai
?lohn I I before ? public m?.
- I'lini'ii liran
." : I ? : Horts iiltaral Hall. II
' Ity, t -:.; ! '. I ? ..,-,? ,v small, t
?mil n..i win? i half fill? i. Mr. R.
? ?
? ' i Igb iii' h by 1.1 ?
? ???? I'-nii. ii.
\ ooll -i. n ?i? then taken Dp,John ?T. O
lu a few
? I 1,000 hod been i
? refer? n. e i hei by Mr. Itedra ind ?i ? I
Initli le il t> apnl? ?
Ina and ?p
. followt u Mi. i i nnor, ? bo ?pol
Mr, Redmond, In ?' speech Hi
I her I r? to inl thuslai m, Bl
r on, Charle? Stuoi I P
' r I OppOl ,
?. ? i h othel i. In M. n ttmi t.?.,l tie h ?. n
niel foes ..l England. My son I? the friend
I -?ii i. i and M ii: the fr?en i ?
? i !? pi
' III I? n ?nil
? wolf? pup. | \\
? m ? him km ? in n.?' Biltl ?
i. a i i' died saviours. Mj ??<
I-. : i? i. If yon do m.i '.
s youi place .mi. 'i
ayed n ro with a kts
te drag s. i ii? down a
When tbt i ' i wer?- bei
In Novi -m i.,, .-?I by su
?i and ? therwhte.
An lliipr.ivi?eil ,M ?? line al -tluldt-it's, It?
(pilar at 4'arlerst III?.
[Special telegraa to th? Diapati b.]
Oabtbbbviixb, Vs., April 10. \ nnmbi
ii. .? ? .i i im District i.
v h',-h . ' " ?? to-lay h r? Uli brnond ?
ral fr. l/;l
, -i... i,. in ?. " II ? ?real ? i M?l '
iii.? ir.'iiu did noi i? >a h here until 3:*J
P. M.
'li,.. -.."', . -, Di ' N Whitney, l.\ W. <
11. i
. n Miiiei an
!;.,... it Wnlttet, Jr., "I H.'.?? I ...I,.-?': Mr?. ?
\. Hobs ii. Mr? \. -I. P '? . Mi . i larke, Ml
1,1 I neu , ; Misse? .lei .M ittl
pjavl ? idO. M. II il?l. n. V\, -
... M. I..?. II, (.. I lln n, I!'.?'-. I
: , t.. ? i.
i?; It. A
M ci ' . Tin troln is i s
,!? tin i,, be ideal ?
a,i | while there tht ? ? i Ball Bad hei
' ",?.
11,, . ? ?rmferre i ap
l)r. \i iniiiev ni id? oorn? re
marki ' ?'???? d bt twee
?, ? i. ? ?? - ?' ,, ?
I at Carter??
l m r. m. i hi Dlstilcl < li'.. i Templar beta
lor J. ?\. llobeon, and Oeorgo W. Howl
i-i and ?. ?leiaiy, -.mi? t?II? li?. the drill.
i . , l || . |. Bl -'i.i K-UII'.
s,??e ?f ii ? the d trtel wen? bo
represented, hut those reprt sented ?Bowed tht
Uon *o* In ? much bette
condltloi than at tbe la?l meeting. Tht
la i? menib, I l??l meetln?
, , ,..;.,,.? ".?'II OB I SUM'
ral lode? ? i i i been organlsixl.
Dr. \! in' ? ?rgo pnbll ? n.tlm
i?, taken f.. loin it.?
ibllc meeting
be o.ting woo a good ?.ic- and Uu
work ol ( arteniTUli ?tin alob I.
It Will Bo 1 o.ii'ht ??? ?lie Ililtcr I.iid
1r,,o|i. WltliilniMii.
[By toleajroph '..the D_patch.]
it?>? v. Pa? April 10, U is now nliso.
Intel ,. rtain that ?_<? poke strike ?rill b?
, ? i. This ?? is th? iniaiii
? inkers' convention
?ml it is ring ?' H?e region to-night
bef, :,. ba? sui h general Inter??? i ?u
., n i?onventlon, and crowd? ?.f striken
?ud ??Risen? irn inded the Knight? of Latsu
hull ?II tl Born the outooi ?
Til,, (olio? ? ? ~er? iiii'iii;rii"'isly
it ?re, delegate? of th? workmen ot
,t . , . . . ,111? c, :.,. regli !.. In convention
,ii.| m m until a satlal i ?*? -y B? Itle?
menl i ? _ , _.
.i we eonstder onr offloers and ?he.
irfectly oMe to handle IB?
. and limt the mter
e?t?ol II ? ? ? ' ' -*??' ""' '""?
1res ousel our r.-j??
I .,,,.;,?, comi " b ildtnem?
In n ai?ne?? lor a ecofen no? ?m? UM
i.|..ialors. ...
i he ... ? pony r?P?rt :i'''.""'", ?''''""ir
? for? ill ?long th? line, bsU Ilia?ton
wood foi ? 1. i- dlmlnlsl .1.
Late to-night tho strikers ar.? holding lamia
llon in, ibo announn men? I
? 'itli rrg
? sing. '1 in- TeotB r?vi
?,,.,.t ??i b h B lew ?lays, it is
" (apialn!x>orand_todep-l?ye,*e1?areeB_t^
win, the murder of th? Hnngai tn?,werettkeB
.-, where they ????<-' rcleaaod ?-.u
?3,0(H1 cud each._
The lrl-h I.eagtte in Aiuerlro.
(l'.y tt l?>-rai?ti I?, ?lie Dtt :
msA-i, <?., Aiwil 18. Th.? (Jonncll
,,f ii.e Irl?h ' ?t-"" "f Ami
I i.,re ti l? afternoon alter ad.-ptl
hit Ion? to the offect that thi ? i>."
ganls it ' ?TOW 01
..'?..ui a? art i'i tl"r with a
-? ration ol I ? IA* ?'
i .intimeren ? In IreUnd, OB I to
. ?'? li*tti?.-it i? . ..ininu
(lll., ,,, , ? ?t a national conve '
lion in *?'i" ' '" ?? ?''? !.'."i"i'ifi!'t"?i t.? ?,?'tn-l.I i"'?
Int.-t iban Septmnber, ISPl.ond that the Presi?
dent be I ' |ue?t thopn
Hi ?Par-ell, i rMldenl ol th? lri?h ?
[rtah uieiubor? M 1'arllauient
World? I'.tir Ofllrers.
[Hv latagnja? '" 'l ' !> spaleb.]
CnoAfM, April It. Th- World'? Fair Di
'; ,, nlaatlag Commtltee.
L,,,., ?he eu?ulng year, a?
! lews ?an l,?-,l?.,t; Ihetnas
'? ,i t ? ..-?.ns?ii..; A P. Heeberger, treo
,?tvr- W K- ? k.'-nnii.a-.idltor.auaJ.H.Kli.!>
,,!. The director.
h- j.t M?. *-.'.'!-. *ttj .
Kb..le i;e,.nl.lir?n.
[Hy taaagrag? M ?h? utspau-h.)
1?hovii?kn. t I'., 1- April lO.-lu the new
??!. ? ', X oenatfr ?md sieve., rej-reaoatative?
Dtn ? a .??r K-'??r """ KopubUii? ?lo.-11-sl
ai heir*..bdSS: ThelU?sB;y?Begjs*e
?,.,,, it? ,i ei?hi.?eu in Iho next .-?'nate ana
??l'.tl.e.i.-Mll?'Use, iindtn Ihe Urat.d
( . ui'iiilt??.. tw.-iiiy-nur more Duiu I? uect-ttary
to ?loot goueralt_Tlc|U^|^^___>i___i
Avoid Imitations !-8ee that yon get ths
geiiiiiue ttalvotiou Oil. the gr?.ot pam.curo.
Ksrrrrt of Military and Veterans?'..I?;
He Fired???lironiled In Itie Confed
rile Uniform.
I_#*r?BUfiBaof General Joba U. C<
Bhrosded in thsConfederate gray of
? I asailng th" badges of
organization ?tn.l ?.f the Annv of Nort
Virginia, Will I ? I tores; at twi
thieevening .n tli.? new portion of u
wood wbiah-?osa th. rippling watci
The funeral will take pln'-e from C
I nl chnrch tin? ?ft ? rn""ii
. Lrondon l?'. M ? ?
new reotor, will fl ? [he .-? r
. .
" 1.
1 Ii- follovrii n havo be?
I? ted a pal hearei
Honorary General V.'illinm B. Tern
the following psst idersot I
: . Willi
Join, Mnrpfa . \. I. Phillina ??. W. W
A. Brander, and W. P. Btnith.
t .rra-c chnrcb, of whiel
rrmber, and the din
Grsnit. I'.n, i..:.-1' ii.i. i-i-..
fictive Major N. V, Itsn lolph, J. T?
Rlli oi . Irj'leo !.. c. Minor, and Oomi
1). s. i:. Iford. A. <.. Ev?i i G. 11. Rat
man, J. II. < a< -??. -liles i Phillip?,
i b w. 'j boinas.
1 '1 Henry C. Jones, command'
tli? Ins' Virginia r. gin
? :? ?ol To as?" '*
? moon ?I i "'.-lo i, ?. tba Arn
t" ?tt? nd the funeral of Gel ?i il < ex
?"hi C lonel informed Gol. d< I Alessi
W, Ar. ber, of Ia eCsmp, . I bis a ti. n,
s. i n re. i ited the foUovring not? ?
"My Dearblr, I ???.ire yon I s| ,
i fer j un kindness In u lerl ?
? to assemble !?. dm booor '" - u
i commander, General Jobo B. < ?
' ol '.' l ,1. \ Bldgoo 1 bos I ?rg. of nrra
Kite' offt r
thanking you lor the some, I in
??"in-, \i ii. w. Ab. i. m i.
?'. i.nuniii !.-r R. K. Lee I amp, Bo, I.C. 1
TbeRichmond Howitzers,Btnorl IL
Guards, and Richmi nd Light Infsi
lUuee will als., form part of tin- e*
which will sccotnpanv th? rema
departed ?oldior to his final resting-pli
Thefnnersl, properly ?p???ktng, inU be
der the ?uipice? of Csmp, who will
'? nd 'ii a body, under the command
Colonel Alexsnder Arehsr. The Horn
? tnpsnj G " '
ivunt! -; iff noon wil l. 11 8 '.
The regnlsr military escort will ??r?.'i
be commanded by Colonel Henri C.Jo
unies, some "iii< er higher In rsnk offers
services. Th? troops will form onM
street near Grace ohnrob, ?nd will ssl
th?? rema, ti i sa they sre borne in and on
the chnrch. While soing to the comet
the .inn s will of conree be i
flogs fnrled, and arm? reversed. An nr
1er.' -.ahite will probably I?? Bred si
??i iva
i be Bsg m the armory of tbe First re
men) \ as placed si hslf.msst yeater.
sfternoon in honor of th- deceased.
Wben tbe remains were teen si his r.
dene? yesterday s tranquil express
n ited _ tbe . onntensnee whi< a bad
often fc.uli-.-lv fsoed th? blast? o? w ?r.
wvaaa t..f. uobfsusi its osar.
He wss slothed in the recular nniforn
I..-? lamp '? .?.j (fray i osl and blue ir"u
aid wore the bodge of the organizati
which ? ia pre ient< I to him ?.?. lien i ?
manden I the < 'amp also, the badge of 1
NotI her ; Virgin! i. which is
escntcheou boariuf* :1c "Btar* aid Ha
ht 1 .v. d bo well.
Th?? fsmil* "f General Co .
iiuinv ii \ m pat I
Among these were telegrama from Gen.
I ?.?ii'iii?', . baker. Major H, It, French,
Ni'? i'ork, commissary in tho Confe?leri
arm;, und lisjOT John S. II ??
staff oi ih" decessed.
, ? :. Of BIS BBIO ' '? .
Of th. relic of th? btte wsr which (1er
ml Cooke loved be cherished none
ii. tollo?* ing paper, whit h s
draft? l o> 1rs brigade on the doj ..tier t
sui rentier .it AppomsttOI :
. K - I'.llHUn?- < ?Ml-.l
Nbas Arroiurroi Cotm-niorsB. v... ?
April Hi. ISO."?. I
General. -The fortune of ?.wo boring rendei
i rilion Inevitable for -.cue lime. ?'', (
offlcersol your brigade, desin i'i thin ?ad ?
?i tu ir to ripros? to you ib<
h. .\n
Mil? BlOOin I . . .-al?, t even
itos lim.? ..i -:,. ii deadly pe? .1 t" t
i canse In whlcti we ii ire
for t" h Ions yen')' Id - i h hl b
h.? in d t. ?? no ?
that tl faltered or roll. ?!
any la to It, but ilwoy? dime
duty i I well, ? oolhed by i
kindly fee?lngi. Ihol n portletpnllon in ,
| danger and n il bo? engendered among .
Ttieselxec. 'leclions ?sill always be grateful to
and with pride will beer? rem. ail ? i. i thai ?
bave I* .. i ? ?
Kor tl . lb!? terrible . ?laml
we desire te ocknov lc Ige oui I
yott. Vou bare Ind ? kind ire i
and true brother, aa well as ? faithful und al
commander. We have en often followed rou
M.tet ?. and so loni youi frl? n i
ii and kit lly ad? t.??? thai we i on ?
iii' the die i- cost and "???? murt pari i
,'l llllie at le.'i-t'; |,ut Ih'.'i -'i we 11.
ll'Vel no ? ? IC". . ?el w. will ,'t!
you thai mdylng regard whl h none can feel
appreciate .
.let- a much-lovt i c.cnin indi r, and we ?!" t
rentlybope ibatyou may attain erery oh}?
which s brave and man?? iie.,r; coo de?
yonr future career mo] boas boppyond torti
note .i- >" :r past ha? b I i ?ble.
rVevn aid the time allowed u? to -ny met
lin feeling? do not peiu it as to -1* ' '>.
can only bid you an off. tlonote fan
,'.. Brigt
THE MM! s kprasDSD,
Tbe paper is written oa rough materii
and numerously signed. Among th<
appended t" u are those of In- ?all and .
lue following other offlcen prominenf i
the Confederate serviee; W !.. Sunn.1er.
colonel Forty-siztb regiment North Can
line infantry ; V?. 11 I'arbrougb, colon?
1 : ft s entl iccitri, nt, Nl rtb Carolin*: t?. \\
Hammond, lieutensnt-colonel Fifteen:
regiment, North i'ar >lins; JamesC. Webl
lieutensnt-colonel Pwenty-second Non
Carolins: J. A. Grabsm, esptsin Compan
G, Twenty. it_ North Carolina; H. A
Hut hr. ssaistsnl sdjntsnt-genersl ? ( tb
Action nl' l.-e (amp Lost Night.
Icc-i'ainp v..? BBed to overnotrlng on
Oi'i y I ? pled lost liiKtil with Confed.
rstereterono It wo? a ?pontoneou? tribute .
oral John R. ? ?> ke from id? old i on
rodea. All bualnee. thai was not absolute]
i.. mit wss dispensed with.
? olouel Archet ? an? unced !.. the romp tli
death of Genera! Cooke, and In doing ?o paid i
beautiful anil eloquenl tribute to ibed
.lor and i >'l i ?? no mu?",ii
following guordof honor. ?Domrade* Charles J
Inder? n, Phi In gamut lo ? W. Mnit.n. NV. 1'
Wright, .i on. - I. Uroy, si d ?>. *? liit.-viL
? | t Tivi,r.Bi:r?.
The loBovrtng SSI
i i - ,i ?im u i?!.. -T RBanuarri
\ .sol il.Voi.CM-l
KiciiMOM). i ?., April 1". is.i'1- I
C. 'oh'I A'ri a. ?''. 1 ? a?r, i - !?? I
i ? Otmp, A . 1. <
. ?-., S.'! D8 Ib? !? Itffl < ? ... ? ? ;"1 Jt !in B
Cooke I ' '
; inri regini. t,.i the fanerai
ig lo as-i-.?. Lue i ami' m rendering ful
batwr to ft? 4t?tingul?hed comrade . shall ii
the leifiitc ?it Babjed lo yoai ?-r Irars f. r any duij
Hi.i. Ii It may I? ilic ?! ooureol lie- tamp !.? ._?
ilsult. v.-r> rwpectfalry,
iiitsKY c. Jesss,
Colonel Couiutan.liu?.:.
l!)M?ylAHTK!ls I'.ATTKKT A,)
PtSSl ll\l.AI.!..N ABT1I I BSV,
RlCBMOsn, \ v.. Iprtl lOtB, 188JL I
Commet A - ' '??
,'? l*Ua*rs*M*
c..!e.iei.-'ii " !. imond Hovrl
herewith to I in Uw I ?ei f
f that lamented Christian ? Idl
John R ?Id 'i i"* approved ?
?nd I *? ^'
i,,..?. D .:,,- . ums honor Um
memory of ?nch .-? y rJloni whiter.
?lOIlN A. Bn*CB_8f*B,
?i H-ittcryA. First Battalion AniUeiy, Vir?
ginia Voluu'.eoro
liu-iiMoM'. ?a, Apnl lo. ia?L i
fklmirf *"***" r*s**??Sf ?:. m
I i .oi.)., \e. /. C. I'. ;
C.'loti.-'. i';.?i:i lm 'id I.i.rht Infantry Blue.
U? to be peemlttod MjotsTrosreomp la aflttirig
h u?l beooming irlbut. te iba mamo y "f Uni
sut loldl? ' and tru? un,: modes)
, , , ,i,I.I,'hnK. Cooke.
'li-ustin.?* our r?s|ue?t maybe grantod, I hove
th.. loti.r to lc. >.:> ic-i'cctfully, yoir I
?ervitut, S*'L tl Tl 1,!N' ?l "?I',?IU?
I enders of ?crvit.-??? were 11 ' frors the
Situart Horse tiuo.-ds. Howitzer Aaeoclatlon,
PicJtett Cami', ?u! Bonsol Vwersna
I, ?? Cup (?ratitully ?eeepted th- escorts ten?
dered oud felt high.) honored .?it this tributo of
respect tu her lllu.'.riousdeud.
The vnriou? organisation? will meet ot th?lr
rei-i.-s-tlve headquititer? nnd proceed to Lee
Cam. Hall, when? the Kcuerul line will b.? formed
and trrtx'eed to the late resld-nc.? of.'id
Cookoond fn?m ihere to Uraco ?burch, wheie
luue.olMlvioe? wl? b? ????d. The pr??ct?-?
will then be reformed oud proceed to Boll) wood,
wh?t? aU that I? luort ?1 of John 11. Cook?, the
h?tve soMler, th? n?,t,le friend, the loving ha
band, the kind parent, the tiprlsht ????
Christian gentle?lan, and th" tn?? pal
lie cotislifiie?! t?, ?lust, there lo rest In hope of
, Immortality.
r..'i".|..-.' '! ??>? ???-Kll??ti, R. C. Mln?ir. Jam?
W. Pegrara, N. V. Randall b, I), 8 altli I<Mf?.r
Al-x?nder ?f. A--her. on* .1. V. Iiidr<?sl wri
ai?p.,iiite<i to .fruit i In re peel tob
'I li?-? tm; ? .-?emble?tCnmplli
thlt i renta -at 4 ?.'? if?-k. n? whle
t ? t '.ni|i Drum-Cnrp?ton i?et Th
,ii front of tb
hall at !!??
Tic . ? : ro me?
, t ?ekoet??8 ?
SFVF.KAI. K.tllK .'P?BCE??,
Brief -.i i-- ? "l 0an8
wet.. i J. Taylor Ply*?'
? ? ? :-.,:?. im J. V. Bit
?ood, P. A. 1 . 1 in it, Joli
:. bo .M???-ei
? i ii. Bmlth Itc'iferd. A
and wer?? Irr
: ..1 rr. i
oo t,, in-, reward.
In i asad r
. i.d the Cam
Tfce V.-ter-tii? Tab? A? ?Ion.
A meeting
Dome ecBapt
?Bby sro
?i i .Mr. w. Of. evil?. : i acte
ne was ??alle
!? ? i ?oltabl lion regarding ii.? ?l?aih c
lieneral i
neu- <.f ?Tiripathy exgnoatag I
. 0?0 ill?
always been a ti Mend of th
I It ?a? I ,-ther n
? i,i th? f ui'-r '
v ' -I itlon
w?s?ei red
( ... ?-.
The ?Sim.luv Batseel?.
Th" ? ? ' in at tlrn.-e ch'ir'''
Sun.I:, ? : ? . DOIt el nt til
i iv. ?ft?f?ooa
.,?:.- ??- toauond tbefu se ol Geners
Mr. White to Assi?t Mr. Cooper-Vlsl? o
.Mi?? BjrMI Carter-Oiher Note?.
Ber. J. I. Wl it?-, m 14? of the First Rap
li-' r. . ami!?.'.
h? Plr?t li..;.
Dr. ? ? r ? ? . ? which
I,,, serrerai ?I gj I iota o
... ? _ . m Mai"
dar pna.tier, nnd bai
. in u I, w.,r k as B? ? '.I"' '
?I. intere*tlb?
' all the i'liu.
IB1 r.K.
u,e Ru?oopo!
cliui i ? '? ?vea visit from
M BOOM head? till.
n i ? n sons
-, ,tiv Imprt -
: .1 ,??rk it? er
fui. i/.- In vs - oslaoloa Bold?
m ?'ulna an I
i ? rkers mid chll
? .. t 5 P. M. neat Mnti,lie
At h p, M II the ?ill m?"t all wa?
--. Mar- ?and at 11 A
_.< i . si. InSi P
roarterly meeting ol the Baptist Sunday.
.,...; m i Man I ??? t? ?
r.,w al
? I I ? , R I i, lines, ??(
Kl.-bmond College, will d?Uvei on uldre?? and
Hi .?.:' i. i i.,: .-v. r i?.'r-.
i rrST,
The vest? " ? barcb at It? organ!.
s: William KHI?
? ?.-ir:-'i; s. i. Palrl anka, tan or
ward, a: ? . W. Tyler, r.-L-lster, an?l V. l>. th
ridge, i
M.?.i .. i i, vV. Bi rerldga an 1 J, L William??
w??r? ? an il ii?.ir o?'' '.
il month, ?nd
? and Polrhonkowere ?Is k loiter
nap ..
im. BBsrroB in i.vNi iiBiTii.
TheLvticbl sars: lev. ?T. R. New?
ton, I?. I? . ? ? ' "!.. I Hie Hi!?:..n ser
I I , . ' il '. I 14 ! niclil,
. red ? spl?adl i ser
rlj t,. in?' members ?.f
IbeUrotherh? .i of St. Andrew. Al 11 o'clock
Bother p'.T.? rf .1 ? i
V. ?I. i . t. SI Bl I I .
? me iicn will be bi Id
: Of ^ " ing Men's? :
A.-.?:.: loyal ?l o'clock, Bttorp. TB?
':.'.sealing arid a
i . ged iri ?hieb tbe
take part: It ?;. (?lernen? ?
M. I.. Willie, i
B. A. Young,? ? ?-? ; .-. s. Carter, ?
i-, II. ?-v in.... leader; and atsen.
\ I ; iw< .1 by a tea in Um
held ,.t ?13 o'clock. Bai
v., ill. Tea
. in.
I' ?' i'. I! . li tin-a iqcoi
.'..?.?. ?HI'.'I:.
J (i. Kirk, ft uoward'H-t;-..?,' Boptisl
church, ha? bronghi si? faintly t?, KloS_n?md.
-t hur, n r?'
sulti .i li .. i other? will
The monthly meetlns Mettndtot 8nnd?y>
???.rr<>? ? n a< .". im ...|.? ?.
? ifev. .t. Wlli Bl? oe, who ' ?? been ?be? ol
front the city for Ihi i ? -? ten day?, wUl return
lo-day. HewIIIoocupyhis palpito! Park-Plam
h toiaorrow, both In tli?- iiiurtiiii?. and at
Mr. Cay Claim? Thai it Is Itelng Laid
si itlioti! Ills r.riiii-.i >n.
Judge Witt, sitting in theChsneery Court
ycsterdsv, grsi ted an injunetion, at tbe in
11 .. a. onB?8 oi M lyo'i
l ' idgi. '. ?? l . Fisher, tbe
M in ' rs* mid ll.ipi'.'. ?
an-.. aiei the Kicbmon l Bail?, i
tr .m continuing -
a ! lack ?cri ' 'tun?.
I lc ? r ,\ :,r.. |?. Ciy ,cc.
', ?' .
? tbe i aoncsry ? mu? t"
i May... Thereafter
..???ii Ulm 111. I I e
a,. .:--.,.? railway? "f
the track oi Ihe
o, i Improvement I
1 i ridge In erd.-r lhat thai
. int.i ?an. i.?ter.
r.i? i:?..,!. t'?iMi'Asr rosiBB.
\- tn li ; u m ii fog ii. ? - i ?. to afford
tin- mi snn ol tram rl 11 ii *?? pro?
?i n should in- organised, t"
i?. call II Com] my, in order
- properl
Ulondi : . make a i am
. ,.- tbe right
..f Hi','. ., ?,-,'? ?t under.
; to negotiate th I mdaof the MeyoBridgt
? ompony t t thepui. ir boo? -
money loth I mr t'i?
-??d uldge property ond Island?, and the rail?
way con "t. to pay 8*1.400 por on.
: '? I II- le
papers wore drawn to enable Mr. PUherl
.;"-rr? H.T" de?
ll.? d to I the | arp?se of tell i
with Ihe und il II he did not
'. !? (he
were not tobe effectual unless that ob*, tab. ? !
?i ?i..
After ' ? lion of tbe papers Ptsher
? k i" 1...V iticir tract
? idge without even iseulng the bond, or bill?
ing ibem. H wo? charged
? ? under
i, and .'"t In?
junction wo? granted restrain in - Flsber and the
Icomp ...,? s from 1 i . .
'Ihe injunction also ber from put?
ting the Mayo
- "I '.'!.'
i ,t. ? ?-. ti k'loylBg.... tic
The Doors o? lio? Carnaval C?e???! on A?>
?oui'I of the Crowd.
tnce el the Carnival last
, .r ha- > ret been
? ?
. ? , , orollo
'. ih.m
? .?? ' programme ?ras th.? best
? ? i Mary Thaw', ?lancing scholars
111 (Uli e
t ed the
. or ?ifry ".' Hi
' th- ir liatr [?iwdet
. ?
a.- children also-img ??Atild I ing
Svt.e." ? ,-? ! f.-e. '. 1.
by M Im Penaud'.
? ? ? . ? ' "
M i? i^'.eeii will b- given at the
? i s. Tb?
? prominent society ladies,
ll lere 1 .1 lll.'tlt.
i- purea?ed 500 ticket?
ited among t
? 1." i-i'V who are not
nulo i" key ?vin
attend the matinee ' ?-. "n which oc
u Ten-Party wUl be
r. ?j.caled. _ _
Vrletid?' Meeting.
Mrs. EliBsbeth F. ('?'?istock, w!:o
last Mabbotii.
! will again _?? present at their
. !? --norrow. hhe
-i t .; tittle, If any, of tbe power winch
? f tnr hearers or her
woudeHut gift of finding tbe woy to their beorto.
All who feel an interest in the .object or who
would like to hear tbe IJoeprl truth? Pr>***)',,-_
in o ?Imple, plain, proctlcal manner ore invited
t.> att-uid h?r mint-trail, ?n. at the Uni. above
mciiliuiietL _
Il e mo-t p. pillar gift nowadays is a rich
piece of ? ut ??las?. Dorrhnger'? American
i ut ' '.i;_H stand? unriralle.i in beauty and
finish. Bee thst their Uade-msrk lobel is
on every pivrce.
Sergeant Tnm'ln?on Sent for Him?The
HoiKlar Inve?tlgatioa ?nd ?.?inrior?
Almut Wh?it It May Lead To.
For th" f.i?t time since hi? niT'st in tho
M?y?>r' r.ii wee?s age K. ?tarsrd
??ryni? ?. late dark t?? the ?Uit> Treasurer,
Is in the actual custody of the poli'-o.
hsvin<_' | ??.-?..."?? of la?t night os a
prison r in the Secoutl station-hoii??.'.
Bearrivsdin tbaeUrorj tkalsM P. M
train ov. r tin -Im.1,'iv-r div.? . n of the
Obeaa] IOhio r.ilway inanargani
Sergeant Uex. Toasllnson. and wa.? met
a? th? '??ti,.- |.y Mr. A. I? ?'u?.*"ii. a MBfV friend and one of In? -? Mr. '*?
F. Tin . ? '?i? brotber,
an?! .Mr. Wallace Washington, clerk t?< tin?
ii' ol er, bit irr?oner, Mr. ?Psrton
Orjrmi -, and Mr. Onlgon entered o ear
ad were driven to the boms of the
rn? r Fifth and Clay ?treete.
?>r.l o tew minutes were spent here and
son had tie.
I 1. charge st the Second statiou
a unsn inraraaBif r.
Inunedistsly ap4M their arrival Mr. (?ni
c?'n, bia client, and th? latter?- brother
went into ?Capta?i An.-lo's .?('i??! and ware
rr a little over an liniir.
A' th? end of this tin? Mr. Onicn and
Mr, Peyton Qrvmea came ont. Several
?hispcredi inferencea wi ro h?-i?l with the
-, after which Captais Angle told
.1:111 Thotnu Wait??,i to go with the
: i?,.. I ut ander u?> >-ir
- it of him. It I
time the prisoner came oni oftheoSee
ami remark 1 to Oaptaia ?ingle that In?
? wished t?? t" -.' bishonee that he
niight change hia linen. Thetw then left
tont her end returned after a abort tima
During tbe r? rn linder .?f tl-.?' evening the
a?-e!|.m ? :.' ,,:li e and had
little ,,r nothing to aajr to any one.
The bail giron m the caaa taro weeks ago
wlie'i ?.ut on from tbe Police Conrl waa
?.r,.fini?. 'I he anretiea "ii the bond wer?'
M '. I.V.Campbell,Samuel M. Paee.and
1. B. tbaw, the latter being a brother-in
law of the accnaed. Th? first two wanton
?1 I . f their ..wn ins? will and a.'c.rd
withont ! ci?a uk< I.
I hu? U Campbell and Page
. Jnda* \. ift and request???! that
tli " ?.e released as sureties. After sons?
talk the following aras issued ?
>.', ts / 1 ?(.,..,, City of i: ? 111
_ 11. Orrau a "f U"- ?B_r of Rlchmoo I, i-? )?
Hvered to bail onto T. P. Campbell, of Ik
? th . imonweiltB.
? ..' 'myhand tola i?Mt ? iiy .?f April,
189L or. v. LtwTOB,
t |. rk ffnsttagBTYrirl ci'y..f Richmond,
ba? k waa thi ? endors? 1
1 hereby appoint Bergoant A. V. romltooon
at to take Into h,? custody th? ?old with
1 _ n. Orraaaa. i'. i'- CAsrrsau.
Aoeeondwaa also mude oui, the name
of Mr. Pajre being whi re tbatof Mr. Camp
tell la in tho above.
: -. ! l'Ut ?il'.TVK?.
?Tndge Witt sein for Sergeant Tomlinson
uft-r the sccused. Tbe Kergeent,
being s peraonal friend, asked to be ?x
cuse?! tr. m - ible .1 duty, but 1 <>
refusal w u tit1?? n. ?
rVthalf-paat4that afternoon bel? tf r
Hie Island, arriving al Mr. Thsw's, a
r-iii-lnw of the il' 1 u.??I, wifri win,m
-t. poing, at 7 >>. !??' k u tterday
n ruing (?ry_tea wa? not a little sur?
],r sed when t.?!? i bia bondsmen wanted to
surrender b?n, and at't.r stopping a few
be and the offlcer left for the
train, arriving here la due course of time.
an rsi 1 Bi ??
When tho,- rot ofT ihn can at th? depot.
i,, i.-ive look? d Into the face of ?
' bare bean bard for a person nnac
ipuuted with them to tell which was the
: ter'a face was haggard
1 n. showing that In? trouble baa not
titly upon him. l-lergeant Tomlineon
t onli been up all ni? hi and n ?
almost continuousl; for twenl
1 1 .?I., from having beenas
fracba miaalon. To s Dibpatcb re?
he ?.ni tba duty was the most dis.
,! and the da th? mi st misi ral I? be
; cut since he ba 1 been on the pouc?
WIIV srr.llFVl'I BED.
wu-. surprised rester,
day sfteraoon when they heard that the
ndsrn? ii wi re going to surrender
(?nines. It was general]? known that be
w? at Big I .land, the Dibpatcb ol last
Tuesday having stated thai be was there
with ti.?? knowledge oi hi.nnael and the
con nt ft lo? i '. inmonwealth's Am. .mi v.
So tar a- could Ix I. ?me l he ba I shown
no disposition tu g t away, and the acti n
ol the bondsm* n ?i- regarde I a? queer.
It was--ut:..-tel m many quarters thai
th. ? were lsrg< lj Inflnei c d to lake tins
course bj s rumor tbsf bs? goinotl grest
currency in the lost few dsvs to theeffe t
tii,it discrepancies ri'vesled in the City
Hall ?uve tigation aggregate son. ?
? .
LB ?
I here was -eme queetion among the
offlcerssl the ststion-hon*>e la-* night os
to whether they hud a right t?. hold
Grvmes. They wore of opinion ti i
liad n igsinsthim.sud that th..
City Bsrgesal was hi? proper custodian.
'il.n point arss ssttled bj entering th.
iiHinc on the bo ?k and opposite ii the
W'-rds, " Surrendered by Ins bond in
in this -i ip. it will come up in the Po?
Ii. .'nun ttn- morning,
MOBF. vabbasts pbobasi b,
Mr. H. H. Boudor, who bsa beea making
.tii in .e-'it-a!:" i. .i the book? in the
oi the Treasurer and Auditoi ander direc
? ?n t.*." M tyor.ha? verj uesrl
pleted Ins work end will probably mak?
utan ii".i to the kfayoi to- Is or Monday.
II Honor i? airea?!? t>rt---.*- well ? Ivi
to wild' the essminstii o ? d, as
the. tper! has Men him slmosl ?l.vh sin. ??
be begun ths performsnee of bis Isbor.
Mr. Bonder hsa been Indisposed tor ?eve.
r..l da. - .r his report would probsl !v have
been in hand by now. The examination
ha been _ ver? ti?di, n? and loboriou? one.
It is generally reported thst h- a result
of Mr. Boudor? work u number of sddi
. s irrant ? will be I m? -1 aa boob aa
nia formal statement is made.
In man. ..ii irl is ii i? held that the
Grvmes bond bes already been for!
by In- fsilure tosppesr lost Mondny when
his ess? was call, land fot which tun? h?
was boiled. Technically tin? msybeso,
l al los non-opp. arsne ? was bw ??n sgr? a.
ment mud?, to all appearance? in perf. ctly
good faith. _
An I n fart a note Occurreme In the Olllce
of t ?'.ii limotid surgeon.
One of those unfortunate cases thst are
liable to enter into the experience of any
recurred in tfa Lew
Abeat 10 o'. 1" k m the morning a white
man named VV. ... Boker, a pointer by
trade, residing in Rocketts, bnl who was
unknown to the Do. lor, ."one to the "ffi.-e
Buffering intense agonv from stricture of
the bladder, und asked to l?- treeted
Dr. Wheel pursued the ususl course in
such troubl .- inserted ? :
The bougie passed two strictures, both of
which wen? ver, tightjsnd temporarj re.
'.:? f was ?ford..'. the patient, but ha was
eel! m;,uu at I trcl i k.
Baker \ta- prompt ba meeting th?-ap.
?ointment?no wasstill anflenne intena?
y. In th.? mean time i>r. Whest had pr>
enred Gouley'i sonnds. In order I >deodea
n be Injected one-hslf diachsm f
10 p' - e. -it. - ?ration of eocsine, an.l while
he waa Insert Ing th? bougis Baser died ?1
o -? in a ft ib.
Dr. Wheat oslled in soma i
?vers working stwot tit?? home un.l from
tliem learned i..r the tirst time tv
man was. He also immsdistely tel? phon.J
for th? Coroner, end upon ti.? latter? ar?
rival courted the frileet investigation.
The Coroner viewed the body.hsMd ull
the .uioruiiitndi, said decided that m in
<|U?-->t was BBBeX e.sorv, B8 ii'tk-r l.ii 1 l?> 1
from n-.itiiral ?-uiiscs and Dr. Wheat woo in
no way to blame.
Death prol a! Iv resaltad fr. m shock in?
du, cd by flttsaas of t? " ineys.
Dr. Waeal was tarribfar distressed ?bout
the affair, though his Irsstm?t was en?
tirely le??itim:?re ai.d such sa 1? panned
e.t-r,- dav by the most skilful and eminent
BargeOBeia t'.:?> country. It was th?? re?
cognized trea?ii.ctit.
Coroner 1 i ?king of the mat?
ter last nicht said that no 1 lame could
po??iblv attach to Dr. Wheat ; that he
could have had no reason to anticipate the
unfortunate result, and that he sow no way
in which it could have bean guarded
Baker was unmarried and lived at No. C16
State street, where hi? bo?ly wo? sent.
The Cylinder a Failure.
An ?ttschc of the management of the
Richmond LooomoUve-Works yesterday after
noon iufciruicd o Dtir.TCU reportar that o? tnlt
mated yesterday -M-rnlog the 40,000-pouad
cylinder cast last Saturday wa? a fallar?. There
were thre? defects, two of them very serious,
and it wi? slready being broken ap and thrown
Inro tin? ' ?? inji-nil ?. ' Ho add.? I. however,
that tho labor employed on this p'.?s e ?,r
w?.rh ?j? et/t.-tly the same as on Ihe others, ?nd
ft wa? thel- ctpcrlcnci* all ?long that about one
b't ?asilni: of this nature out of every ?ev??n
turr,o,| , at bally. It. take? a month or m??re to
prepare f?,r sa? h a pi???? of work, ?A? the entire
nio ii?! ha? to le rebuilt.
Short Session of the Conncll?Personal
and ??? her Item?.
T.\?t nicht'? se?sjon of the Manchester
Council vt as quit? a short one. It wa? the
monthly meeting but ?lid not last lang.
After ? little r.-ititi" baataaaa hri.1 t>een dl?>
p?>?e?l of the bixly adjonrntsl t?, 'I-? '.'4th. two
weeks from last nigh?, when several Important
dered. Amour, these will i?n
1 of th? Cnmnsttt? nss Bewarasfa? *???
eral ecaool tnuteee will abobe at?alas at that
? pT?TRii-T arpteam,
Al n ni?-etinu of the Democratic rotors of Man
ch.-r.-r district. ChaotorgaU -?-".uiv, h?-n ol
MorrieeWi iit'.i rhorodoy nicht Mr. it. A. H?.wen
?s? n ,:nina?e,| for supervisor, W. I? Toler f??r
Of Ihe p<?,r, oad ?.?sirgo tli? K* for Ju?
li .- of the p, i '<'?? SUire pr.?-ln?-t.
A? there were no BSmoo menti?.ii".l for const?.
bt? an?l f.?r iii?ct-"triite at Klever?ahl's |>n--lii? t
(n?. n,- iaairlagto rni' ttin ni,-e'in?sseUed to
inali?. no n<>minutions f,,r ?he?o aAooo, vil .-..ri
M l'iently tii.n, will be no opposition to the pr?
?nt in.?an
A i-oinair:,-?'. eouslsling of Heni?mtn P.Owen.
Jr., P. c. Warwick,.! ('. Tlttnor. Vt.i . ( i.
B?d s. ?'. Niitinnlly, wa? kppo4ated to ?Jrnft a
res.,1 iii..;i retara??s thank? t,, Mr. Das??I BUley.
?I 0 to Ur.?'?l ? rii'.i.ruinaHoti for supervisor. The
report of th? eomiiiitt?.? was adopte?! aud Mr.
MDsy run 1.- a?i appropriate res?? n?o.
A m?s?-meetlnir will Im? h,?t?l ?t lender Hall
Banda] ?t 1:30 o'clock ander the aa?
; tu? DonvUI? railroad bra?eh of the
TooBg Mob's Christian Aaaoctatton. AddreooeB
ore...\[?vt?.iifromBev.Dr. W. v. Tutor, Hon.
J. Taylor Ellyoosi, Colonel A. BL Buford, ??-,,... II. 0. William?, and ?ither?. Mr. llad
? i? n 9. wiitkln? ?ill ? - i. ?.
Rev. I. ?'? *?: ?"i??? t wi;l prOM h lo-mi rrow muht
?t ? o'clock in Leader Hail on "Runi
t !in?tian Ha?-??." Th? sonnoa will have ?
referenc? to the work of the railro ,,| a?-.
three new I w.? II id ir? win i.?- ?retted oaBemmM
BVWBO? 01 Wo?idl?nd Heights ?t ,m ertrlv.i...
Mr. Jacob Allen, ? promtaaal bt?ldar of Wii
mlngton, N. < '., will bog?? the ?rection of a hanl
i o leu.* there la a few Says.
\ir. i: ibert M. DanaavantJIad y??terdoy atora
log a* hi? home In thi? city. I1--, s I -1 b id bet D
ii lent of Mn bester man) rears and had
i ill h-aitii for a kmg time.
it,., bornai held ?t Leader Hall ander Us?
su-;,.. est f ti ?-cet Baptbtcbni?eh
??l????| l??t Bight I'll" at ten.lane.? ttir.,iit{h<?at
the week wa?la~|e,and the ladle? Iq ??
n handsome ?moont, t.? be applied to th? church
rheroadw?! of Twelfth street between Hall
on i Decsitnr h i? been improved by lb? ?Ulna ap
Ol Ule ll..l.?S ,1t II.II! p.'! M l?,tl' gr?Vel.
I>?eds of Sait? Iterttrtled In III limon 1 un?!
In the < !"V- office of the Chancery
court yesterday tho following deed? of
bareaifl and ?al.? were recor I? I
VMIIInm Piegenbelmer, ~i.i il commlMtloner,
t.1.1. |l. I'le .,i NoftOO
? ?thcrln?, 11,11".
Philip llibaon and wlf? t.. Moi ?c !*,.!-.?n. "l feel
? "i ( 'lay si;. n?it'th?ii.?t MS?ST ?.t S.v. nth,
I.III. Harri? t.. I u.".' Dill, BO feet on north ?ile
of Praaton ?tree? i el w? in 1 bird an.I fourth, - ..
i: C. Tlusley and ?if? to Alph??u t. Chewnlng,
tin feet ?.n iit.-t. ??? street,?outheaat oornerof Ity
lan i. ?abject lo ?.i of trool ?.? S7.200, *-.'uo.
Krederick E. Wnlih.-r nul wire i., Mr?. A. \V.
Nesbit?, 18 lent on ?aat ?id? of Pine street near
Alhemarle, fl,o.,n.
, ?uni s cnritT OP EBKBIOB.
r. \. Cotila und wife and T. D. XeweQ to T.
A. , i..'- '.m i.r. ; :\. i;.i.iii Pork, tur.-" ?nd
<?ie-helf unies ?' ist of Ki. imieiiu, i'.'n'i.
Postal HegiiUtioii Violation?.
An indictment was found in th?> united
States Court bj the grand |urj yesterday ogolnsi
?i. l." n? Peyser. Tit.? oharga again?! the 't ?
cased i? thai h-? ??nt.? letter t.. .1. D. Kbsnds, a.
Crewe, Vo., on lb. oatsttte ot the entele:..- ,.|
wlii.ii was n skull mil en n--l cue? wPh th?
?? i -id debt? " und.?th.
This, It Is alleged, caused .band? t" lorn Ma
it." irra.i.l jury was stljourned today.
Hheii the case "f w. II. Fle.her. who i- chargi a
sitii -" niiii- Improper matt, r through the moll?,
will i " . i, | '.. rod. I he ??? ti.- in tin? oaae
hui all" .n. to wbk'b city the
letter In quests?] wo? sent. But the Conn there
held thai a? the mailing ol the letter eoastltuted
would n ire lo i >? tried In Rich?
mond ir.mi where it was moiled.
ROW, Osarse il. Wiley Improving.
The folio-wing from the Lynehberg Ad.
Mmor refer? totals young men, who ?pent
his earlier life in Bi. hmond :
The many friend. >.f tin- much hohrred and
man will be glad 10 lerirti that i
proving. In n private letter received from him
at il?t Spring? in? ?<iys: ?? i inn Improving every
day. I eoald have gone nowbere better suited
in me, and I a'li IStiaasd my relief can
'i to' will i.c gratifying new? to ear people g'-n
er? i?. Him ni-ii him ? ?p. ? aanenl
'?? return to in- work '..''if.
?Ir. Teoaer'? Condition.
Mr. George Tenser, the young men who
?a? found i rly .udocnted in the boiler ot the
i It] n ill lost i i? i hyslcoll] . k
improved ye terday, th >ugb his menial condition
n.. ? .? lie ?ei Loa -.
atonden! rtiompaon,of the llre-AUttn
ment. Inspected Hi ?? !r.,iler jus. after tii
t ?o men wen taken ??nf. und soy? It? hi?? mason
." (bat the bollei ? on.I, and u. u ?:. i
and ti"' the pah ? cou.t the trouble.
I In ? ' -nid. Ii led to the discovery,
?? For (??id's ?,-ike tarn tin? botter orar," boom
lend to prove I h to
-,-. . I- III. son Pardoned.
In 1889 John If. I.uj; don'? ? >n w re con?
Viele.I III the llUBtlUg? I "'ir. "I i'. ?'T-l'll I g I I
Intl . d?grise and -? at? a ?? i '..
the penitentiary for eighteen rearo
mor I.?minuted hi- sentence to Bra
Becently a petition sos presented to
i. .. ru. i '?' I lay pi \ so
?..'her caned upon the Uarrernor Is
regard to Uie petition, bal les Kxcellency had
in,I!.i ,| the pu petS. II?! will glVO tllvm 111?
careful attcniii n next week.
Killed on the Kail.
TheCbesspeske and Ohio train which
Sewport New? an at 1 O'clock for i:t ii
ii. I iiti ?.??: ?i ii sgro man roster, lay iift'-rii..en
?.lui kiiled htm has) intly. Bis n ?
were terribly mutilated, wer?
ipon ?le train and left ol the t
? ill. n. It is not known how tie? man cams to I ?
I oil ever.
supreme t onrt of Ap?cala.
Hunter against Beech. Argued by .lud!?"
William ?f. Kobertoou for oppeUon! and Babmlt
Uod lin against Blond. Argued by S. F. Ilub
bard, L.-o,., tor appellant.
Personal? ami Itrtefs.
?'"l'liel Will, ara EL PsBSaW coiiiiiiues to 1m
Mi. .'. A. r>"kl"l is u'ij'e ill with congMtloS Of
a at hi.? ii.i.ue ..n sarta i welfth si ? ?8.
Mr. Tazewcll PitSgerol I i?quita ?8 kol bl?re>i
d.'ii. c "ti 1 bird ?tr. >?! tier?, en Main and fury.
Mr. VA'. 1?. ButtOO. -f i;i.|i'ii"ii!, was r.
at the Allen, ill? BOOBS, KlUsBSthl : y, ouFil
After a brief but highly enjoyable visit to
fric?is in K?e Jersey Ml*?,lullt Muyo bus ro?
lar, i- d lo the city.
Mr. Th?.in is N. Carter qUoBBsd in the Cli-tn
: iy as administrator of the
?state "t Randolph p. Moya
Mr. .1. tu. Baseler and wlf? hav.? gon? t?> Fred
ert -.burgoo o visit to the Biotberof Mr. Bsaater,
and will be ..I'-, nt (OT ?.".??:??-1 day-.
.f.iii.e luve ('-ni. red) was received nt th? |ic:i|.
tentlory yesterday from Bottotrsy county to
?erve live )? us tor ;iiiili loua etttttng>
?II .V. Cut.ell. it eoSSSelfOC Laura
Tiinslsll. jtistnnfT lnt.ilp.11 suit m the Chose
? ?vi anforiUvorcs (roiu her husband Albert
? W.-l'.mrd tii? at:,.iirned tho Jury of the
City circuit ? oart ?>ver until Monday. TtM -ludg?
i-,|iiU.? unweii, but expect? to bo able to huid
com l next Moll log?
Hr. Ijtflerfy returntsl ye?Herday Irosa i tour In
Florida, lecturing in the Urge cites of Sooth
? ui' Una and .?>-<>rgla. He cancelled a hurahor
rida aguo U-guu to shake
Th?? r-oof is now being put on tb>< Masonic Tem
pie and it ls>.ii ; ??? I '1. it - c room
?. duly b- ?li.ishe-1 In time lor i to? grand
i. n i-i Deeamhor. The Mttr?
building will be llnished in about o from
i: .' ; !i Lit. rary Society will hovo a de
.. ?tie V jung Men's Cbri.tlun A?OTl.lloil
t ?-night, and seat? will be re.erred (or visitor?.
s. ton for ?Ii.cus.lon will bo: llesolved,
?!,nt th? peaceable .eparo.tun ?.( the northern
.lieru ?state? would bebeneflc'ol.
. ? ?'. H. d" li. Clay, president ot the Repub?
lican League and a delegate lo the National
. lu, ray? that the memtrer? of the
delegation will probably leave for Cincinnati
on April lldh. The . <aiv.",Mi ? BaSOSl "U tin?
Bel Clay will connuunlcote with
?aten of the deleg?te, che ecu night before lost
?.-?as! that the Virginia contingent ?b_U
-a here on Sunday the lUtb.
tl ? By ?mbulance was .ummoned yesterday
ai '.' ig .?. M. to att.-?d a colored mon on scri i..
leenth aud Dork street?, who wo? t.ruUed by on
elevator failing, lie wo? token to hi. home.
At IgilB F. M. another call wa. received i>? at?
tend a .-..I. red boy corner of Cloy and l'almt-r
. ?howa. thrown from a hofso aud
his arm broken. H<; ?**ta takeu to the Cuy line
p.toL where the Injured member wo? ?et.
At the ?peclal ?ewlon of Acca Temple, Koblee
of !1.? My?ttc Shrine, held at St. Allxtn? Hall
1 bur day night, M-venteea nw of tbe deaert
ciotiaHsd the ?anda Candidates were from Nor?
folk, i'ortMnuuth, Koanoke, and K'.cbmoud. The
werk wa. done m nr.t-clas? ?tyle by l'oicutat? L.
p. Bcker, oaoUud by au.01cientcorp?of .fil? cr?.
An ? ii! hold lu regulor meeting on April "Id,
wn.n ?nother cloo? will be solely conduct.*- over
th. burning piolas.
C.n.l ill ven In the to in of B .'O.OOO, tall
:?!..?.r?. Anderson, Potts, Itlalr ami
Mr. !.ow;? Hooker is a free man ngaii
ond enjo-, s tho corner?? of home life, ho
mcr liccn btflnd by Iud<_?' Witt yesterd?
afternoon in tin? ?urn of "J.a?.(i*0<l.
It wa? 1 o'elot k when Major StringMlo
and .hi I ;.? Marshall. _M prisoner'? com
?? '. anp?arad in the Hutting* Court an
??si?. .1 f..r ,i writ of ?iiiVvi.? corpti*. Thi
wa? granted ?in?i th?- prtattt wa? madt? r.
turnoblt? forthwith and placed m th
handa ??f Deiwls n?neanl Fernevhough
win? at oBN ?rent with it t> the jail.
Ihe officer retirmad srWtly with Ml
Booker, accoinpaniel hv two friends, t h
whole party riding t?i the court lu a c?i
While other bu?in?'?t waa being ?li ?noes'
"f Mr. ltd?,?er waited in Judge Witt'? pri
vate ot?lce. During this .time s?'v?ra
friends, among them ????n.-ral J??-?epbi li
Auderscn. cuiiv? -????I with hitu.
IV roi-lir AOA1N.
Major Btriagfellosr oponed ?h?? proceed
in:? n ?niirt !??? enlling attention le th.
following petition npon which th>> wrl
?roa?tened. l!"' pa? r m ansB?on wa:
addreooed to -in Ige Witt, um was eigne?
ami aw? rn to br Mr. tStwker bet?re 'S.|Uir<
Bsmn 1 !'. Ileueh?
?0BT I.''wIm ?????ker. HMpi?tfilllj
SfeOSSSBBtO y a: I!..ii.u that h.? I? detained tr by ? .... ,-|,y ,,f Hi.-iini-,,,
'fini?,?'? imed by the polte?
, which contain In s
charge .i : .. ?r petitioner ? thai
he contempla? I 'Iit'ikIi til? ait?,rneys'?pplyin|
i?, tu? i 'I'. lice .Iiistl?'.?, at th? boul
llX?dfo - .-! ? h-irc?'? again ?.? li'rti
. an.i his Mead? ii??i
omsagod for o number ol i
be pr? ' Died ready to esecots
fio tnlirht l.<- r? .| il-el l?y said
Police Justice In . is.- ho Should have allow,,!
your petitioner t.. give ball for his appear
on ?. ?fee., i it II ?*?' ?unie?! out Bail ?t
. ' ; ? ? -,? oapacied to
be pre-.-i.t were detained front, ihe plaoowfeere
lb-?If !.. ? li il ? held hi? ??-si.,ii by Im
peratlve reasoaa, which he i-? adrksstf It ksbb>
n. .. ind hi? attorney? well kaoir.
lag thai altht i lion 30ttOo4 '?
nf , i ???,. m power "t -ltd ?MiceJe?>
ulmit your petitlasier to bull w?? rt
lathoftty s.? to
,?!. I? h?
lag th il In Wh* b I." I- held and So ne tr"'*, ?nd
inly. ,.r eorpontttaa
time before conviction, detonahsed
in hi? behalf t? ?alvo s_d ?li?i ?.ano
i. n ?.f the matter? charged
a? aforesaid, and ? lid .a?. ? wer,? ?h??re
DpoB sent ou r.? ?our Honor's court t,. be tried.
\. v. i p, |.'i,..,ei further -mies
uni., your lieiier that wto_Ing SO nieve b.-fere
tour Honor to be admitted to gtvo ball bsaoM
? ? hi? ?ppeanusce Be pray?your Boaor ???
grant to him the f?min in wealth ? writ of AaiV/?w
r, .'..1111111111.11111; tbe k,.?.I jailer, In ?bos.?
cosUxlyhel?, toprodace Ihe body ot your peti?
tioner before yonr Honor ini your Donor's ? ?> ?
? t.. b? named in said writ,
together with th? cauae of bl ? detention,
hi?motion?foremld lob? all?.??..I ball in said
i? i. lad00la duty houud will
vt ate.
ru na*rsaa s naanama.
Contintuns, Major HtrintffeUow refer?ed
to th" fm t ti it in ord.r tint the defence
tnirht properly pn pare the osss it would
be necesaarrfor Mr. Hooker t.? be boiled
thai be m gat hove scjeeaa f<> his pi. ?at.?
books tn?i papers now it. custody of the
P h.,. Justice. He could not do tins or
otherwise as ?st his counsel so l"ii_' n? he
? c? held a pris mer. The ph] rtesl condi?
tion of the ocensed ?aroa al?o siiagaalsd as
mi odd ? it for his reha-"? from
custody, he having for several weeks pest
? !? iirn i| ?| home liv si 'kn-ss, which
it wssslleged would be greatly aggravated
, n onmenl m |aiL
HAU. ?i.!..>>? FP.
At th.inolusiou of Major Btrhigfellow*?
remarks, wh?i ?? occupiedonl; two "r three
m theii delivery, Judge Wut asid
he thought the prisoner wsa entitled to
boil ?.ml inquired "t tii" Commonwe*dth'?
attorne? what amo?nt he would retoom
men?L Mr. Smith suggested a bond of
, a of thsf ur esses.
This wa?given promptl* , M. s-rs. Joseph
I!. An leraon, ? omss I ?-its, ll. K. c. Bss
k'?rvill, snd Adolphua l?a.r oti*?nng and
Feme; a..nted a- sureties.
Mr. Fook.r. his uncle, and BSVOral
Cri? n I? then left tor home.
i her.- were sbout twet?y-fiv.? parson* m
'irt-ro.iin wiin.? ilii? matter was in
pro) re ?.
?lost Sel lie Account?.
Judg Leal | iteTdsy entered sn order
in the Chancery Court directing Commhv
?ioncr-of-Accounta Bern to examine ths
re ord? of his office for ths pa-t ten veer?
. v, have failed
to settle their ?ccounts und proceed at
one? to enforce he provision?of the Code.
To this end he is lUthorizeHl to obtain the
? nee of Commissioner? It. II Ateger
and It. i- v, i ? ? t
ih" penalty f.'i .i faillir" to settle ae
II"? less tillllt -t'" BOT
more than |500, und t.. proceediags for
Vote ?r Thanks.
The .Woman's Christiaa Temperaaea
rnion a- tis !.: t meeting paaaed i r solu?
tion oi thanks I . Bev. C ft. C?nv. I'. I>.,
Mrs. .?dl und b< r bo I, Miss I iimmie Oun.
ninghsm, mil all oth.-rs who i""k any port
m th" .leliL'htfiil entertainment st Old
Market HalliMonda? nicht. Without their
act iveoo-operetion the inter, rl would hevs
been greatly ?' 8Bened m wb .t proved to be
aver* pleesanl atfair.
So . ?) .?r i'roni \\ Ire?.
Th? Johnston Safe Automstic Rlectria
. ? --. i
?.,. .n i ley nil I,. Igh with
10 '.I p ' ?Ic.lll
? ?I'l/eiis m.) s.v. rai ?S?
, - i "i ork. t'h? wi :.- ssa
cut behind the cor and f?til to the groand hors?.
lee? and was pli kod up I.y Mr. A. longs) ifl
Johnston, the in..o-r, proving tbecurrsni le ix
shut oti i,y ib? brooking, .u- wa- ? ?
Before Um ?Insta e,
William F. Johnson. ? negro, w.n before
the Polk i A?ti obtain?
lu? money ondm false pretence, from Kettie
'..? Join tin. now nun,?loii
?.hroiiir in tlie Jail.
The othel Court wercf o trl
ire, tnd included a number of ?
charged with harlng unlicensed dogo Mont of
them wei i ? I, bn8 showing the receipt?
that medal? n id be n procer, ?t
lli-tory as " Slit? is Taught " Orally.
Northern tonnst to a frieml after r>al
letter of Denial Boo ne
ni the Btste Library; "Dsniel Boonel
.? i; o. i? the Indian out th'?r.? w. the
i the ?tata?-," n esning Lewis .?uthe
Wa bington monumont.
Hustings Court ???.???rdny.
Georg* Brentell, charged with ?
and wounding John K. Biggwo leni to |oll lag
three ne nth? ami fined OB. Mt
.lames k. Prsdsrka, charged with birglorl
ouely eit'ciliii.' Un? Ic'ir-c Of It. A. line
committing a larceny therein, m a? to tn ? . . i.t
testisry for Bre year?.
A New .In.Il.e of th? I'esce.
Tn the llUCting?! Court \i-terdav Mr.
Y. I tourney, who on Wednesday ni-ii..
wa? elected - ? : Market, mt*.
roltted hi? resignation a. ilusttoeof Um pernea
from Jefferson war L Mr. BtepSeo I.. Wood wo?
appoint? i to the loresmy
The Sandwich Island, ??.rene.
l By tategroga to tho Dispatch.)
Sam Fran? is? o. Car.. April 10.? The
Dulled States ?loowst Mohican arrived from
llotiolul.i >.-1.rd.iv SOd Is now lying In th?)
-tren ii. ( itptitlu sheppaM states thrtt whou bo
? Mtythlng waa.pilet.
Ata called IMS?ag O? t h ?? Directors of
I ? ... a Company of Virginia,
held a? 'de ..trice of ihe c-mpany this 10th
day of April; MM, a' Ml P. _L, the f<?il??w
ing pressable ana NBtatiMi wet?-unani
lui'Uslv a lopted :
Whereaatt 1-ttb pleased Ainuightv Ood
to take from as (iener il John R. GookSb
the director? of tir.? eontpnar : ba it
??I. lh it m th?; dental of ??ciieral
Cooks the lUf>-?Ja?ara?es Oooipnnjr of S'ir
guii.i !... ft?IBBoat valued direc?
tor?, aw,?, c.iin-el.'r.andfonstantfriend;
MM ? h.- wn? .ilwa-.s diligent in the dis
chorge ,,f bia duties, conservative in hiaod.
vue. faithful in hm friendship, and who???
high character woo for him the nnpii?it
Cuilli'l.-Iice of hi? 0??Ot-l?te.s.
Rrtnlrrd, That we tentler to tho family of
our tlcceastrtl trie ml ?nil associat'i our sin
cert? sympathy m the irreparable lot? which
thev have sustained.
Itesoletd, That these re?olutionsbe?pread
npiju th?' record?) of the company, a copy
be transmitted to tin.? family of ??ur de?
ceased frieod, and that they be published
in the city papers.
Ml?? Marlowe,
The ??ale of ?seat? for each of tbi? lady's
tv-rt?.rui?tice? at the Uichmond Theatre
ba? continue?! very brisa, and il promis??
that Mia? Marlowe will appear beiortt
crowded and fashionable audiences. In
tact this will be tbe great ??ocial treat in
theatrical fashioosble circ'.ss.
Mel? SB? r?H?r People.
To-dar tho annual pound-F?arty for th?
agt?! on?! infirm poor at St. ?Stipule's Ho??
will clone. ___, __ ,
Th?>?e who have not availed th??*riae!-?n
of this opportunity to pre?*'.!? <? re? chanty
can do ?<> to-dav Dv ?ending their .1?,na?
tions to the Little t<i??ters of the Poor to
dav. If not convenient they may ??*?; **at
in neit week. The Little .Sister? are doing
a great work for the o^e?! poor. irrespec
tivo of religions denominat'oa.
Prattle?? Trlutnie.l II ???
in the citv for $1.97. tfUf? |Mo\ 9*\m\
li.U, ac l il.hi at
Mr?. M Crio-tos a,
Wj ea?t rtTood street,
Violets ondLiltesof the Valley reduced
in prie? at Hammond's, 107 east 13roed
str? .-t. Telephone-, ?S.W.
\u? m?o ? V.tii Wish
in llanos. Organ?, or Furuituro on Oover?
nor s'reet e tumor b? t.urpa*?rd. Hee l.y?
lan.l A'??p)endi.| ?tock ?' N". 10 ?or.
frnor street, just re?. etv?.?l. Prie* to ?ttik
all. _
Th? I ?t-.i
?tvle? of Piano? in Ebony. Walnut, and
Mahogony. Price reasonable ami tenna
easy. Kyi.?n-.>.v lot*,
P) ?i.iterrjor street.
Site? lal vale Of <l?tliln?
to-div ami to-m tri-i'v [Retarda*) et tbe
American ?Cfothtng ?' mpans 'a, ''16 east
Main ?.tr?-et. Uur stock ol Hen's, Hoys',
Sid Ohlltlreli'? 4'loth ag i? ?s?? of the
i ii ? ?t ?-ver carneil by an-, on,? house in
Rich]nonti and ?we I ?re ?elected ?..-?lay
an?! to-in<?rro\v aa ??ur grand oiv'?ii:ij.<lav?.
V?e offer t?i bavera sjteclal Inducements in
the way of Clothing. HSt?, and lientas?
men'*, ("uriiethini;??. Men's Suit* from %7
to 9>*J0: Hoyar Suit? tr..:u ?At.?!? to ?jli;
Children'? BniU from #l.?90 t?. * . Mothera
and guardians will sate i". to v o they will
give u? a ' blL Ko ? ?monition ??> banr?
We are plaaaed to ?h??w you tlu ..
Don't foil t?i ? i??t u* to-.lav and ?.?-morrow,
M. BwnMti ' ?i a I
cloilu.'r? and Hatters,
M .ii u ?treet.
Violets ?tul I.di.?? ??f the ? ?ley r?><ln??e?l
in pne? at Haminotid'?, li'7 east I? rood
street, r.l.'pliiiti. . ?
I'Kisu SniAWuBNKY Cans?! for Sun.lay dinner
V. P. Hi???. ??ri-Uui*?."
In IS'.t) BltoWN's Kst.N, UIAl. Tkhh-iik* Were III.
lr?j.lti'cd, ?nd th-" - . ? BBS! ( old?,
Oeagha, _NRaaa, anal Rtatahlila ui? in?uu?.
FBa.SHSTaAWBlKHVCMSlM f. : Sunday ?llliner.
t. v. Reaaa, ?? tm?ata?
ANia??TrRA Rill BBS la ?n.,tt na? the great Mffe
Inter.t .IUe?tl?.. oil-.. ?World. Ilav?
It in your bou?... .\?s for ?lt.. ??eiiubm mtl. I?>,
timuiil.i. tared by l>r. I. ii. 11. Mags?! * Mon?.
tmta srUAwmaK'i OiKtt? for Sun.Iny dinner.
v. p. I'.insK. "Pta-st-"
For impure or Ihn? Blood, w ?ahn?a?, Msfsrlo.
Nciir.ilk-tu, Indigestion, ?. 1 lllllommoas, i tk?.
Brown'? Iron Bitten
ol i porosos t.. i ?. r ? m i j'ung penwjna
strong; plea-out .?take
? ' ' ' ' " 1
D. A. TIMflKllLAKI'. 10:80 A.M. . 1 7 88 P.
M., vrsl.'h.-, Jenelt y, . 'It!,
R1CHMOBD BAZAAB, 10 sad il \. M., BOSBaBj
muht?, wag.
If y.m to l..< poor don't 1?' th.? worll
know it. (inly'iti or-? and tramp, can af.
furl to wsar tmd hi?:-. ' ? or.v? aro too
senslbli! to do anything af BOS kind. Nothing
?ory of niian lal it if fa V.?rth..n ? bat
that I? out of dots. ?OS may ?p.-ml a WB kntful
of money on the rest of your attic?, l it If your
int baasaga to ? bbbb . might
Justo? well have t?|iaie,| If Una Whol" ex?
Sem.? men (usually young tn.?ti) feel a kind ot
prldo nboiit their butter's nnm?, as If It 1.1 t n?.
-i' ? ' i iilty to th? wear, r ..f .h ? hit. H?
tlcre's oi iii.-c- L- it ?'/ tar > unrulier of non
Who prefer two dollar?? to ;my halt, r'? u.ime, on?
aoiue thousands of r-ii'ti men tmy mir tin
lar derby?the peer of uny halter*? ft it. .
(?ooil plan tn base your IBM Ik put In for ld*W?
tlOcotlou?costs notion?' . n 1 'tiay siv.? vi'iatloo.
MgAdams k Berry.
Boys' Clothing.
Wo don't ptataad to tell ron all alioitl
it inati adverti??-int:nt. in<lu?tl, wo ?kip
ilion- than ?#. t?H. Von don't imagina
to what jier?fctitm we have brought ??ich
clothing for little and big? uoleo? joa\
havt; a?-?;n it within a we?'k or two.
Wo are not scan d ?I tin -elothiiig?at)
matter how tluo.
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