Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. S Y TUP DISPATCH COMPANY Tb? DAILY MUTAT? ?I I? <lellv?rt*4l to ?ub prrtit??? ?t rivr-si. ca?ns p?r wcnk, payaM?? U, IB? .wirier weekly. ?Mailed ?t ?? per annum; fit lor ?Is moni-*; ?1.50 for tar?e months; ?'?'?-. for oa? month. Th? BS-MI-WEKKLY DIRrATCH ?t ?2 p*r on Bom. or ?1 f?vr si* months. Th? WKKKl.V IiI.*?PATCH ?t ?1 p?* annum. Tits SIMH.V Iilsl'ATt:H at ?1.30 |>or annum, ?r 7.V. (or ?It month?. Buh?Tli?tl??)s In all o??"? payal'l?? In ?Advatv*. ?a? oo V*pe?r ??.ntlntied after th? ?iplrntlVm of IB? tlm* paid 'or. N?n?1 rK?Ki?e? money-order, <_erk. ot r??glst??rM latter, Curreney rent |,y prtall will ? ?I lb" risk of lb? ?ender. 8ub ?erlbxr? wWtlng Ibelr |?i?iflli?<? rhangnd most pee ttaelr old a? well at ttoelr new iKwt-efflt-c?. pata i-le f?opl??<rr". ?????????? ADVKKTISIN?i KATE8. BAl-r INCH OS US?. ttlm?.? r.n ?time?.t 1 no Btlme?-.? 1 .',0 ?time*.? 2 70 |.*ltlm?Ni.? fi ???? 1 motntb.? I? Mi :t a- .t.'i.s.??.?:, oo B?adlng ??(?ti?-* In reading-matter type. At? |?is?or leaw, ?1 ; In nonpareil leaded. 7.V. Card ot rates for moro ?pe?-e turnlf he?l on ?p. IfllcaUor.. _ All l?4t*r? and tele/nun? n-.ust be addressed to tilKDlSr'AI? IK'OMIANY. K?!?*ct?*(l oonimtin?rations will not trie returned. J5ATDRDAY..APRIL 11, 1891. Tho Republican Party. We gave yesterday a full report of the iirweosJings of the State Convention of tho ??publican L88ff8)88 of Virginia. These proceeding? were of tho kind OSS-fal with the men whocr-nipo.-^ the Itepnl.lican party In Virginia. We notice in them nothing eery remarkable. And yet we mut not omit t?> call attention to the contra-d Which is pre-ented to tho mind wli?n we ?'look, here, upon flus pintare, and on this "--when w? ??.?ipar.) a Democratic StateConvention with a Bspobliess Btats Convention. Um "?olid men of BkOSton " did not in Mr. Wr.i-.sTr.B's ?Inv present n grcster contraf-t to the stSBBSB Who some, times opposed his? than the real ?olid men of Virginia pr? ?? nt to the BepttblioBB poli? ticians who on OOCa i"ii a- efuMc Inn? m Itichn.or.d ?nd dSBOOMOB in strong terms democrats the liitchefs of whoso shoes they an- hardly worthy to n?loosa The Virrinia Hcpuhlicnn StutMVinven tion of Thurs'lay flaolBlsd that the na? tional Ili' nn party in all of its his? tory of more than thirty years bed besa the Mead of ti"' people- the ohampion of the rights end liberties of mnn, When we recall the history of that party WOBT? tempted to say har-h things ?nih licctioti. Mr. Lincoln was the f.r-t Bepub liean 1'rcf-ideiit ?.film United State? and ksew, if eaybody did, what ins election decided ns lo "the lights Bad lil.eriresof mon." II.? had deeJered upon thestsunp in ercr.v |>art of his own Btst? bs did not by nny m. h ? regard the a* gro h? the aa/aalof the whit? bum, act deaire to see bltll invested with (ill the rights of th? white rniiii. ?Whilst I re-iideiit 1." declared that if ?h** Betting the sla*rea free he eonld MVO the Cliloll I" WOald set them free ; or .f l.v refusing t" set them fro be could save tin? Union ii'' would r. fuse to sei them fr???, il?, km m b. hud no right t >set them fr??e, hut this knowledge ?lid not control his action, lie .lid notev?*n consider ne? gros? ns fit to ?erv? as jurora in the aoarts. la fact, like his party, ha wus wilhnc to !? nve the m crocs'inter? sts en? tirely out of tin- question when he was confronted with the ohoice b. tween a dis? solution of tbeUnion and tl.? emancipa? tiotl ot the The Republican party la the worst party thttt ever BBOceeded in gsining the control of the (iov.i mriei.t in tin- country. Its candidat.- for President "f tbe United States in 1ST.0 was ? lerted, not by the peo ple. I.lit l.v Um Federal Coir-titutioli; Hint is to snv, the i pp.- Ing csndidste? received together s majority of sboul a million ..f the popular vote, and Mr. was chosen I'V eleetors, tecbaicsUy socsll? I, sml not by the voten. The Bepublican partv was rsaponsibl? for th? wsi between th?? States. Dp to th" tmi" when Mr. ?' u s called Upon Virginia f"T troop-sh" 1 oil f..? the Union bj 10,000majority. And if the ?seeding Btatea had been to I' m peace it would not hm-1? en live years before their people would have compelled tli?tn to return to the Union. Thus the right of the people to govern themselves would hase besa vindicated in tbe eye? of the sections of the world, mid at the ?ame tine the Onion would hart? bean pn . r\.d. The? the taunts of Monnr. lusts that WO bed to em ploy force just as line hud to employ it would never have hen heard, luit our HfsablloBB form of government would have Loen tj. all the world as "acity set upon a lull.-' "Error is harmless where reason is left free to combat it." Either it would have lictn a. ws have last said or 8888 republican government is s delusion an 1 a snur?. Either tbe people arc capable of governing themselves or they ere not. All may he summed up m th.? word : Kither tbo Dasnoorata right ia their teachings in 1888, und ever Bines, or els? the pi ..pit _ave neither the right imr Iba sl'ilitv i.? govern themeerv? a Orif the Uepublicau party had ratified its agreement or treaty eatared into by General Su. km an and (lent ral Joy Jous elos nist as tin war wan about to 81080, it would hav? ninde i,,r itself a? enduring fame. Fut no. Malice had not dOBM its p. r fect work. Pharoah not yet willing to let tbe children ot Israel go. They must first perform irapoaaihflilioB They must make bricks without straw, or, in other words, Fuil.l slabs?, good govsroa-eBl apon ignorance and ?rune and pr?judice. The JoiiNHioN-SniKMAji treat, Would have ended in IBM tin- war which i? ?till going on. The bogWB .imciid. ment? to the Federal t'om-titution, nerer cnstitiiti. nnlly rutifltd, would n?ver have had a place in that in? strument. Isn't it becoming in Virginians to laud the patty which foistsd amendment? mt. the Coii-titutiou nud tried t.- whitewttsh the negro. 0aif after tu? war hod aadsd safaras the BOldiata iu the held were concerned. and the s uthern -tatas had Baal member. of the llouso of K??pre?eiilativc.s to Wash? ington, the Kepuhlican party had admitted them t" tlioir ?eats, and thus proud thai the rchi'l States had never been out >.f the Union, that party would have entitled itself to tin? gratitude of mankind. Fut alas, this party, instead of playing S r?n creditohlo to it, ex. luded tin? s ?uthern member? of Congress from tho halls ??! legislation and pro. SS?V ?1 ?B pas? statutes which hud nottheopprovul of one "rebel11 State or one member fiom one "rebel" State, and, having the aru.vat its Lack, en parsed theiaestatute? a? if they bad bee? constitutional law?. Surely Virginians should never txc?>iue weary in M.uudiug tin? Draiscs of such a party! Hut enough. W. n????.l not pursue tin subject. A sectional party con nerer bo com? ?l?atriotic party. Sectionalism and patriotism cannot both be characteristics ot thoi-aiiie p.,tt.. 1 hi? one fact ?hpruet. theHepublmon party ?.fall title to tlio?it._ port of ?ith. r iiofthern nun or ?outh.rn men. It ? ? nd will l?e the end of Bcctio_al illi. Sweep the Streets. Itichmond i. deficient in her street-clean? ing arrangements, ?nd the reason of it is tiiot the City Council doc? not appropriate enough money to employ the necessary force. We need more street-sweeping ma? chine? aad m?.re men. Tbe condition of Main and Broad street? tor ?overol days past has been dinereditshle to the commu? nity, for they have been full of dust. dirt, and i>oj?<r. This accumulation of trash was probably not injurious to boaltb, but it gsve the city s ?h?bby api?*oranct.. We ought to do bettor, and it i? iu our power todo better. Wo should bogiu by pro eiding for ?weeping Main and Broad street? nightly. Ko less frw?ucnt sttention will ?lo on tt? i??" _rea? and ~ineb-rtsed t borons h. far*?. The street-cleaning i? nnder the direc? tion of the Hoard of Heult h and we have n?. criticism to make of it? offleor? ; on the contrary w? are Joining; hand? with th?m in asking from th? nty _-,.v? ?minent a more litt?ral treatment of a oub Ject which i? not of neighhorhoo?! importance merely, but affect? the wh??l?i city. We do not hop* to convert all of Ihe. councilmen t?> our view at oute. hut w?i ?hall km-p ?,u trying. In,pin? to gradually awaken thein to an appreciation of tho magnitude of tho matter. Itrout!, clean, well-prived ?tr???t? are tho best attraction? ? city e?n put l,?f,.rn htrang'-r?. Our? are nicely laid off and are well paved, bnt too often they arc allowed to become encuinhercl with dust, ? Ac City father?, (rive us more ?treet-?weep ?ng machinery and inore laborers on the atret-t-cleani?ig force. To-Morrow's Dispatch. Sunday'? " Hibf-ati-h'" will hn a paper of ten pas?? crowded with thn latest current news from home and aliroad, and with diversified nii?(B'llanenus matter of internet to evcrv one. The nuinbtir ot original ancles treating subjects of' public valu?? and prepared foi it is very larce; th? letters to the editor are nurner.'Us and rendahle, and our f? n tnre of <)u??r!i ? andaaswangrows in im Btlft?nn? an?! popularity. Altogether to-m??rrow'M issue will he bright and newsv. an?l will scsaaaaewd tt s'-lf to ?H who wish to keep well informed a?? to th?? political, military, literary, and society news ?,f the day. Th? cable dltpatebw which come fr.itn Romo indi.?sting h'.stilemoV'ment* by Ih? Italian (?.,venireicnt uppt ar to be I tioiial. We do not tmii then. Italy will think well before ?ho takes anv further stop. Crapttealtona 4? the Con? tinent will restrain her, if tin? food sense, of her Ki'ig and Unlust: \ do I?"t. The ' ??r rWpoadORO? has not .\?'t arrived at flat point whets sin- eoaldflnd justification for asp?!???g Mr. l'ou?r.); from Home. II." Il?'publican? oro "opportunists.', That is the right word to apply to tlnin Bfl i'es of tin? polier, oi em.m.upsting i the alarea, that ol neon ?traeti?gtha South, and that of making voters of thon? r We hoar little of lute about the oonren. tion of oy-.t? ri?en whi'h was ?RgROBtod BJ one "f tho furnicrs' alliances of AooOBia? county. ._ SERIES OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES. tVater-Malns and Hewers?The I.I<|iior Question. frorrespori'len'-eof UM l?eliiuoii,! Dlapatefe,] ltt RSA Vista, Va.. April '?. -Ber, Mr. H??ik>r. ?,t lit Hebron PreabyteriBB , bur b, m Angosto ?vint y. bas be? d her? all tl - ??-. s ?. ?? Istlng K< ?. k i?'. ? ?mpi .-?i m a ?wries ol ,- servi? ?s. t?a t).- i, tb Inatanl sei, i.. ? trill be bald at the Proabytartan cb in b. H?v. Hi. T. I.. :i'i.-t. '.. ?i? v. W. <?'.>'. Wallace, It. v I?. A. 1', ui.k.: If? V II. V White, lt"V. It. K. Campbell, and Rev. i?r.-I. N. Quarte? ?ill ?as* iii..-i tb? ?evnrol ?ervlceooo loot dar. 11,. Town Council bo?placad .?? large forceo! band? to w ?rn lu laying bow water maltu and in . itendlng tbe ?ewei ?ystem. A number of ad? dition?! Ore-plug? ?ill b? pi? i d In pooltloa. Tb? lowo !?? gro? Ing ?n ra,"i lly ao I noveirtng socta ex teii.(ei territory ?tut? lba?e plugs are aeeeaeary ' en? tli? li.?II ?.I tli" fir?' prot? - Il n. ii,.'. ?wo now Bao a good I'm? depart?i< -nt mil 1,000 I". : -i i TIIK F1B81 kl I 111 V ?lur llr?t niuiil 'l|,ul ?lection take-, pin-,. ,.it the fourth Tburoday lo Muy. At that timo wo el< : a mayor, ?ergwant, m_guttrate. and eight ooun .iiue u. -?ni already quite a large number of bav? i, en mentioned for Iheee ornee?. I-,x-Mayor Whit? and tbe preoeat mayor, lion. i ?.. '. Uumgardnei. bav? announ red Uismaeiv?? foi tin? mayoralty. An unfortunate condition ii .?.ni,... tien ?mi the campaign, dim fear may Interfere wi'h tbeoele>> tloll of f. ' I'lll?!' til?' ef our town .'ir,! '.o the queatlen .f gr?ntlog license f?.r tbe sale ??? liquor I? ? at? i la tbe t ..until. nui on war. Rreaatbe faet that ao llqaor iswiii hero. It lo n u thai no- preaeni CountHI is opj* h i b Krniitiui' su. it n.'-tie... Like nil other plats F, our are divided on rt,i-? ?|i?--ti?-n, and wo le'irii ll.rtt th- Issue of the campaign In tb? 'I.' - ti. u oi ...u" ?in.u ?ill i? ? ii.-. -ni-' or Boliceose. While t?o? linea have not layel been dlstkicrtly drawo, ?tonslderablo Interval t.? manifested ou l?.lll ill. -. Haw b*i KBi UI Slogan) fi.iir-story buildlllg. *o iv>??t 0, l? to be ..?-.???...i ?.n Twenty-first street ai).i Magnolia m nu-, ?ml u tin? .-?i. .i ? blick bullding Is being erected now on Twenty-Bret street by Rev. ,M i. Mo? >r inn w. ( i: tier bastneM build ings are uadercoatrael ?nd will soon i>? start? a. I wrote you la?) week tbal tb? oontroet? for th? sie?.i-? i 11 ha i le. n awarded. Oroaad waa i i uesiinv, and a larg? force are bow busy laying tbe foui dalli a (? ; this large enterprise. uvaaroBs A large number of New \'?.ri? m are lnve?tlng in real estate and sereral of tbem nre building honaes preparatory le moving their famille?, 1 he y .'. .?ne piiii. I pu lly from Hi- nor tie rn peril..n ,,i the ?truie ?i;.i are i.i^l?l_- plowed with the cll ???? ?? an i oatlook here. ?II I. II IBB. Vi .i,.?. \,\, ?Vnderson and family, of Hi'hinond, bave removed to Buena Vista, where they ?111 permanently reside, Mei ira l. t.. Peyi n. J. W. Itiiit. t.v ,.,-.. w. v, l!. it. Nu >...;.. i ?. W ofor, and T. \. Walker, ol Richmond, were regtstared tit-ro this ?, ? :.. A Year After. [Manosyla We? t.'.y.i "Tinio ?wlftly nie?," ijii, Hi ihe ; "ttvtlay \\, hs?., been wed ? pent', Ali, Kim. k, y,.u k le. v, y. u u-ed to t fly l was Hum Hie more dear. I ' loe me now n?the'i7 " she .Tied, And i?'?i' bar sngnlsk ?hen H u husband, with a frown, replied ? " I love you now mil then." Tough glass lamp-chimneys. IWacbeth's "pearl top" and "pearl glass" arc made of tough glass. They rarely break except from accident. rittthurg. GBO. a. M-CnrTii A Co. POSSIBLY ~ YOU KNOW Some o! 1-888 fjin,lcmcn? **? ,rom P?r?'<????1, kno.ledge recommend the refkitem TRADE rjrftRK.) (TRADE to their friends at s cure for disease : a K ? ?I .!. (totx*. St? intOB.VO] J. P, 1, .?,?'- n '.?? ke.V. H?- I ' ? , . t'lty. .1, h whan v-v'; i1:. 1. -_v-r?.J.H. Wln.i.'ti.l. P.KIUoVV.T. Merde-.-. \V II ItcCorilur. J. T Oluno. , ?. _ *"? her, jay. j. Mtswes?, iii?s tnoiin. Va. ?iVrlir to n?t for nil liifornmilon. IT'S OUR BUSINESS. Don't Impose on TH_lR time and patience. PAUL PRATT, JtNO. N. WEBB, . 416 E.Grace St., l425N.Y.Ave. Richmond. Washington. Ja 13-Tu,TtiASa'Jel Sur Mill r \UV NOTICE? ARMORY RICHMOND no) IT-EK8, Ricusoxi [MOND HOW-Aa(4 ,1), Va-, April l< -*VI_ : i in? m mbora ?''?____? -, in, iiU"Mi, ?a., .?. i<-11 i' lanti 1SH1. .No. -: Ile m in!..'S ?<I^Q^ id.- ...'.licit ?ai assemble ot me Armory io-MidtUDW (Batarday), April 11,1891,01 i>cl.?_ P.M., in !:.!!-l.-.'.?.?i imi'iiri?), ? itli utcr ? i ii nlk?, t" at a-. Inn.-ro' ???-.oit le Un Ut? i.itieitU John It. CoOK?;. K.erj ? il m II t be present. B? ni ,it.!i> \. HCTCSSSOd,Ooptola Bat****** A. i tal Battalion AnUlerr, Virginia Volnnteero l . V?. MAC! ?ARLAN?, t op 11.18_first HEADQUARIEBS BT?ABT iLdisr <.r \iti?, HiciiMoMi, \ t., 10, ih'.n OKUIB No, 8i 'lb? I.OepMlll Its .lIlll'IV S\Tl l; DAY, April II, ls!.l,ut4:l.-?l?. M. sli.iip.tnfill .lrcs-- uiiiteitn, niiriiuie.i, u, attend 0? iscort lilt tun. ral "I ."?ncial ,I0US lt. t'OOKK. Ii) ""l'-r??I I I1AKI.KS ElKKK, op 11-lt* Captain Commanding. ?Ml -1 Ml Ms. TEE it CO., BOOK-MAKER1.. ODDS LAID ON AURAIT!?, KV-NTS. taJBICT WIMKT?TUg TKACK. A full description o( eocb race given aa It 1? beni?: run. TlJUK K_(IIANCK, (e 17 corner Bonk and Twelttn ?ir?eto KXCIRNIONH, *.?. 1???ROPEAN TRAVEL.-A SMALL J I'AU.YOr LADI-8 ?IU I-??,? New York JINK 17Ui (or TllliK- .MOMll?j' TKAVKL AbltOAl). _a??.t relnrruces re-iulred. A?IUres? Ms*. WAI.LKK l: ?I l.i.u K, {'rlucipal ol Wiilord 8.-booh so ice? Bal-muro A Call for Pearline brings the best washing compound in the world, and the original one?all others are imitations. It costs no more than common scxip. Itclo<*s more than soap's work, and half of your own be? sides. Anythingthat needs cleaning can be washed with it?without scouring, rubbing and scrubbing, and with absolute safety. Make its acquaint? ance ; millions of women call it their best friend Every grocer keeps it, because he has constant calls for it ami some nn.crut>u1?-.U3 jjrnccr? will tell you, " this ?sas uotxl as" or "the >?ai " ITSFALSB? Pcnrlinc is never pcddld, and if yuur i-roccr scn?ls y ,u ?><ime tbing in fkaot?i l'tarhne,?! ?thehonestthin_?iettJi/?j,t. .?4 jAttM I'VI.i:, New toom Beware thing 1111 !.'. THE URHAM CONSOLIDATED Land and Improvement Go. DURHAM, N.C ?I.S.CARR, A.B.AIVDREWS, R.H.WRIGHT, VICI'i?l?:... ?ay? A MOST LIBERAL and REMARKABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. The "Consolidated" Controls 285 ACRES of Land !v adlolnlng The OaaBBssa ?if Trinity CoUegs, wlii>:h ba? ban surveyed Into LOTS 50 BY 140 FEET. Tin? Lots ar?? well loiuted ati'l BIB ?stBBtad up m Streets 60 Feet Wide with a Rear Alley of 20 Feet. The location la ad-?rabla for Btoraa, i.? Msorants and DsrelIlBjrs. ivr??ins desiring to ??Luv ..r build,' in order ??, ? ducate iii?-ir boy?ran do ao oattm Hutu i.iiy one ?.r mure of ibeea Iota, IT I"? Till: IM'ftl'O-iK OF Till: 4 '41N??4?I.II1ATFi> TO IIKFFR. fur ?he pre???! r.nlt. COO OF THESE LOTS, and to gnarant? e thai when U a ?00 Lot? are ?<iid. leered opaa ?ome vail ibt? noi the properlv, ? iffielently far re.ved from Ihe r? sldentlal portion,one inodaml] well-ennlrtrs i < dion Kaelorr. lo co?( 1100,000, and to supply the Cotton (factory with a CASH WORK1HOI 11'll' 41. o l ?:?,-.,o????, iniiliiim tt.lul t.uthit for COTTON FACTORY, $125,000 Ono Kulttln:: Mill f??r ?tie niannfiiftiire of Hosiery, I'litlet-vrar. Ac. I,, rae! ?.".?J.O'JO, und to supply th.? Knitting Mill with u4'?SII AVOHKIN4. CAPITAL <>f *i.-.,?tnii, making loUl oatlsy fur KNITTING MILL; $75,000 A OB-JIB VOTAI? OP. $200,000 IN IMPROVEMENTS ^P^ sOJ nsr w?v I WO* w wa? in il.ellneof latluitrlil i:ntirprlt??ii|i.,Btlit|'ru].?-;;.?. TO EVERY PURCHASER of jinn or ibla -McbIOmbI pr^oparl v, the " < JOlfO ?li dated" win /- I-IVP. MIAHi:??, I'Mt \ Al.l i: ??.., I'I'.II mi \nr. - - - ?R1J.'. J__ J hill paid and non-aasessable in IheCottou i... lory, and rrGSGnT TIIHI I! -?I? % It S S. PAB VAUF?*..?, IM? RHAKE, - - 9?? full paid and Doa-ai aaaablala the Knitting Mill, v *?At Making a return to each Purchaser of $400 of the Property, of $200, well invested in Good Industrial Enterprises. For every dollar luv? sled In ?v'? -I End Town Lota, ndloinin? Hie Tri-iiiv f'ulletre property, the purchaser realize- ??? per cent. In Flrst-Class Industrial EnterprU ?, which win enhance tue valu.' uf bis Investment Tba "CONSOLIDATED" ??onfldently belle-ea thai the shovre Is tbe raosl liberal and ni ti.e same time the in?.--! I? . Itlmat? ofTer ibal l. ta come before tb? publie. In fael tho offer I? m liberal lhal we do not healtat? lo say thai in our opinion, the opportuutt.? will be promptly taken ad van tace of by those ?tu? bave been waiting f?,r s r. ? - ill -? r, . persons oesirlnR to set-sore Br?<V?lasB educational advantages foi Iheli I ad* ?ntageou? La m?. Map? showing the property smd Prl??? li?? ?.f tbe lota cheerrhllv furnished ,,., appUcatlOB lo R. H. WRIGHT, Secretary, DURHAM, N. C. that every purchase of WOO rsrrlea elf hi shares of Htoek In two well Eqolj p Balsrprlses par value of tain A m ist Kit. In buying a loi you are also making an investment, the Dividends upon s i.i, ?i ?rill must likci.? sld niai? ri.iiiy i?, ? ducate youi boys t A HINT. J The building of two large upon the l*roperty, ami the oomph tlon of Trinity 1 Coll?'x?' ought lari ely to? ohsnee s I ? *- value of the Iota. \ -i ?.<;l ??riiiv ? Now i? tin- time to purrhase. Tbe lots muy ail be gone If yoa ?au, and you will miss T the<H>,ii,iiiiniiv of buj [ng linm llisl i lap ii-.ii'ji,tte.?i.- (i-.w I3tar| THE GREATEST SALE OF FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING EVEB OFFERED TO Till: ill? ?I'LE OF RICHMOND AT THE AMERICAN CLOTHING CO. THURSDAY. FRIDAY, and S.L1URD.1Y. -;o: We s in ?.(Ter i(ii?rivi:.vssiM|-|:|si |??_ ?,,,,., |ia for 87.80; inn Al UWQuI ! i*-1. ? Ml ? i>.'I M ITU wortl. -l ?:.."." ion IMP.?i; l i mu, \ im --. i, - .? i. nd cutawaj ? l ". f??r ?10 lim PTN- DK I S?* si 11 s. i,,,inn, a It r?, worth ? 10 ? ? ? i l.50j 100 Mi-.n-s pi.iiil PLALOfl . 118.75. mi s s i roi Bins In nil'Ii" teil r. ?-, ? . ..i-, i?. . , ? ,. ; ? i ? s (or everybody. Wo ?how )-<ni mu?o In.m .l.'.'.'i t?. if is ; 1 n ? .-.."i an I .?? . ? BOIeT AM), mi.ld't.x B-TJIT8. In thlr, ? ?. utl.!? ' t -a.i i ?? -? ? n ? ' ' '? m .' ? 1-1. sli :? ? ,i t [ilnid ?ad n Ils? of s<,ll?l shsdYs m ?. ? . . , . Mull??'; . o ,i j.i ep m t!i .s .I. p.' and?. I o? Our I eqoal to tb. hot tbol I. gunerallr sold at 84, >e*!k?'x -?-"s? OUr 8.1 list can tic! tic ?! .! __8_^^?*??*EB_k Uuls and l rusher? ot i.r. __Hr^ L T^C?k tiiion. Ask to see ?nr *::.??* \ ?|-,:.-ai.'ii.!c __Dr.?fMl?-C// \5_k l!r ?-. !'ie beat in the world, aud We u? e. 11. Bfj^t'' ?/XSL I Bendheim & Brother. WKzsS&P DRUNKENNESS W Liquor Habit. mm ne wmi? 7??Jtt/s?a70At?CVJu .?HJaifcSGCi?EN SPECIFIC Il ?sa ka atvra la ara? ,.r ...AT, ,? or ta?, ?r la ?r* tlrUa ?rr.ud. with ai 11?, -nowli-d?* ol the pmtisiit, if n?0(-aa?-7.1, in ?tsol'.iily harm!??? ?ni. will aflrel a paraaanant ?a?! aprady eur?. tr/bathar tha_ .iimt 1? .mod?r?t. drina?r orrau alrolioliewrtrek IT Ml TO PalLO Il otrsrat?. ao qttleiljr and ?ob ?usa oar tainij that th. patiam uad.r.oM no nieonr?nirn?s a cd ?r? h? ta ?war?, lus suaiplau r.lcrmilion i. ??Jroi.d ??passbook of t'.riiomara frt* ToD.ha.lor T. R?__RTB liAKBR. Si? K. Main ?t. Trail, aupplia. Dr PUKCBLL, l.ADD o CO.. and OWEMS _ klMSO US?U CO, Bxrtnond. Va ?p S8-Tu,TbA_al??8t DISSOLUTIONS # . ni HUM Ksllii-s. OTICE OF DlrlSOLUTI?5TT5F llliaiHSMII X m A Co..) rsr.Lr, V "I. IfUl. J Orru'B or I). N. Walceb A Co., No- luis ?ist Mais irassr, Ricubom?. Va.. April 8, Tb? portner-Ulp berc'.i.f. r.? eitatin? ixttwocn D. N. WAlrh-K ami l.EWlrs I.doK-K, under tbe -ame ol U. N. ?'Al j? . .... ba? t?<?a dis. solTtad. Tbe uDdemlKiied will coutume business al tbe some place uimer tbv ?oui a sama ..._.!-? ' IX N. WA-J-tB. M.i:i'i\ t_ LAXDRETII.v S(?N S IS, OAHDKNSKKDS. AH bough iho reputatlun o( t h can seeds Is so Well est?bil-led, y.-r SOVtoS accept nd 111.? rU'hl ?>f in.?.t ?serestv? sol.? in Bhsurrorsd und viciuiiy n it proper to make the (ollowlng sut? nient ?>( our experience t? handling them tor tbe past fifteen year?, iu which we bore sold over o thf.urutiid jaiuiid? o? o ?luirle variety o( their Col> bo?e Sew!, perhaps a? many of their Tomato Meet, and ?ocB reason thousands ol pound? Ot their Tui nip, ond oihor varieties in j>roportl?n. Scarcely a complaiut ho? reochwl us, and we hove tbe almost unlversol testimony of our curt? to m er? to their purity of strain and cx't-Uen.-eui quality. At-EB's. Va., Autrast 18,181)0. JkV.jr?. K. P. Rtttt * Co., Riehmoui, Va.: (ieiiiieinen.?1 deelr? to make tbe (ollowlng ?t?tonnent: Being anxious to Mltsfy myself In reference to tbe qaaltty*of tbe variou? extra ?tar. ly pea? advertised ?n tbe market I procured nomo of siu-h ?f the leading sartetle?, giving tic in nil the ?am. ?uli and cultivation. I found LAN DKETlfS greslly ?uprr i..r to any of them In earlineao, quality, and yield. Your, very ro.pectrully, -KolltiKC. SMITH. We cordially tnvltr? aU In want of flitST C1.ASS 8KK1>8 to fite tu a coll. Il y moll all mall seed? free of postage. On poaa, beans, Ac S cent, for poetas? will bechargeil. Hire. ial rata? to dealer? and largo boyero Direct to .':. P. KKKVS A CO., Mi ?'?VIuA?-Voamw-ra twa e??t M?i_?ll tuttA, KK-IOIOCS SKItTICE?. ~w?r UNION-STATION MF.THO Dprr KPIS? ?PAL ? IIIT.i H.-Kev. OSOBUB II. Bit. p??t.,r, will preitch ? s|i??<-l?l sermon ?t 11 A. M.. ?nd Dr. II. K. Johnson will OU tbe pulpit ?t night. mW 1BU1TI Ml.TflOPIST EPIS? COPAL t'Hl Kill. M'itTIl .?.rueref Bro?d ?ml Twentieth Streets'-Hev. P. A. PSTBK?O?4. I?. 1>-, ?t 11 A. M. an?l H V. M. by tho Pastor. Woaneoday olghl sertie? ni N Ba '?.-?? !':1."> A. Bt ?ror.ll.-iil ?iiTl-.ailoii t?' all lo ?m. i.i these senIce?. t? t-TBROAD-STKEET IflSTHODlBT CHI BCH (Broad s B rr. W. V. TlTX'R. I? I'.. I'-i-" r ? .nd-.T arBool ;tt ?.30 ',. M. Pre u hing v 11 \. .".!. .ind H P. M. by tb? "An Argnm l ? lilla-, 'It ?,, ..ii. r.iif.o aakanta ?t tonlsnce. ^^^^^ .-?-? ~< I NTF.NARY METRO DIRT ?IM.ll ..? I ?n.-.-n I'.. :?? ,?' ? ?)! !?MV?. I?. I?.. !'S?t,,". ? ig ?i 11 o'clock A. M. and I ". H. ? ? Btrongers aad osk? t? MLTCLAT-STR] I I METHODIST ITI-? OPAL ? nil;. . ?nd A ' ? . i!. Avwiu-ei 11 A. v. ?a i ::.:i, p. m. ? ? tag at .M'? !'. m. __ 1 PARK-PLACE METH0DI8T Ki'l?? OPAl i HI ?: Bov. ?' ?> I. ? ' Bl I ..ins- M 11 ?. 'i. ao i - P. *?:. ' ? u. ! . \. M. i . . -? ? ? ? ? Wi im- lay-evei . ? . ?.-,? n 1 nil Hi.-. ; ' ?HINQTON-STBEET Ml' THOMSi ' ill IK II ,\. M. P II A. \l. by It. ? .1. I. I.i rsr I kl?-. fOllOWl 'I I t of ?communion, ''?M" - C-i P.F.V. GEORC-E II. HAY Wfl.I. a- llowai I'l ' ' y 7 i:, o'clock. Aftnl r I ? r will be ed '.??!. I'r. n.4ltngal 11 o'clock liv ih?> pa ? ! 1 i Retirai . ? tin? Seek. S p. .lai inviMtiuii t,. tin? jiiiblu-, r METHODIST BUND AT - P' "I. ? . i ha regular meeting f ti ? ?im- r ?i NDAi -?? i.i. ?-?" 11 ; i Y OF I'll lHli'Mi \NH MAM UK?! Kit will ' ?i i n'ir?'->ii. .r cbui u ?i si.?v trraasooN ol ?'. 91. Hl'NTr. . . ' r ' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (Hl RCH ? ? 11 II, b] R?v, Of. I. I -us. I?. I?. ? .... ' 0 A. M. |-B~*fi?CON I) PRESBYTERIAN t III BCH. Hi ? : ??? . Mti.n , ?IIIpre* I. Bl II 0*1 -el A. M. SB ! ?1 6 P. M. ?faT THIRD PBEBBTTEBIA1S CHI I?'I! K'V .1. P. '? IBBON, !'?. Ing Bl I I V M. n ! ,, p. M. s i" I .v . Ii.k.I a' P '?? \ v. WgDNCl ? ? S ??_ U OBAOE STREET PRESBYTE Kl IN < II! It? II. -K- -. ?! '.?o? V. I'tli:. I>. ". 11 o'clock A. M. on I ?? !'. M. Pro?, . loVl??-k A. M. \\ .. ?-tr?I-All Bl I OHUBCHOF rHECOVE? \N I ' SWABT, fu', r o'clock A. at. i n i t o'clock P. V. bi it," I' .-!..??. Bui \. ?. ?? ,-. f| 10 nil. s i eteo ,M" lt>n and Bevnrloy streets Scndai a? in I ..'.-i,, k and Psnui Nicni i?-,i m _.},_.. .-I- -t.- \. M. ( WISTMINSTER CHURCH i i ;i .i ?. at. a., ??in pri ., i ? :?. ? n We II t P. M. Ail cordially Invil I Mil. _ ?T OLD-MARKET PRESBYTE KIAN CHURCH Rer. L II. Tl ?sariX, ? DAY 11 A. V. .'. I S I M. ' ? 10 i M. i. I'. M. _ i- ST. JOHN'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL ? HI RCI1 r, oad Btreel corner I t* 18 U . Br/BTOB, I '? Hi sDar 11 v. _. an IB p. _.; Wi luv g P, M. A ? ? r liai wi! f,,r all. Wbdpbu-_bmobjal Cha rat (Denny street, Fulton Mi.t . R. Ki ?ra, boy-Read? r. B M : I, M P. *d. .-???ntt? fr< >? nii'l Hi?' public Invite I. M*?- BT. PAUL'S CHURCH.?DI vim: - ?' ? a* I 1 o'clork; ?v< nln ; il *< o't lock. II"!- I i third ?.tin la?? ..i Ibemootb after th" 11 . '.?loci. - irvtce. Bible-class condtict??d by Mr. CaBBICIIAKLevery 'ii.'u-ia> at 4:30 P. M. Open t., ?II who dMlrs ml whether of St. V d's congregation or t. ?Tb? public ?re cordially Invited to?Ul lb? .It. ' t?r M O O K E - M E M O 1.1 A 1, BhT ALL-SAINTi. ClU'HCfl (Ma?li Ol '.. .1. ?t. lii m s m, s, ?' i at 11 o'clock. ? ?rvtc? at h '"'." k. Bun Usy scBool al .. M. _ t ? ?FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN i lit RCH -.?? atfa : im ?..m.- ai ii A. M. and proacblng I I.. K. l'aos?!,?. ?i.l.'ii ? ..f the ..t Ml ? '.? i:, \. v. \n welooma i? 1 at Bight. I _J? tir's.- MKirriNd fob I???isltip RVBSV ?tint?n MOBBIMSatll ' . ??, ?nd mi ara wi Meet! t above 1 li it Ok OB WBBBBBBAT SVBBIM, ? BEREAN LIFE AM? AD VEN1'CHRISTIAN MISSION (1509WI . i;i!.l.-?.'li. ? I ai :? ; i \. II. t - nferom ?> ,- 11 \. M. Pit k-hlng ut h p. M. N . ??I- i lei- ??M i -ii?!..n in ii. ii." Prayer-cn laj alghi ''.' T.i? o'ctek. I-TCHBJSTADELPHIAN I.CCI.K ?l\ (Centra] BaU,Ftftb itreetl -Mr. A Packi? ?ill dUcoune at 11 A. at. : "Salvation;or, ?-??? k lag f' r I If?. ' ' Subject: "Tno ? - bUng ; or, 'I b? Littl? Blooe Power.' ?r-i'i BST 1.AITIST CHURCH Broad and! wolflhatr?. '->-- Dr.Oaoaoa ?.'oorB?, Rar. .?. 1- Wiiin:, ??! Dst__, N. t .. niii pria ii it 11 a. M. and 8 P. M. aad o m-i.t ..i n.'.tt W' ?k ?xoepted) at o .,. i., k. Bible - i... i m B-.1S A. M. teJ-HFCOND BAPTIST CHURCH - it.v. *r. or, I?NDBI li. I?. !>., pwtOT, ?till pi..?' ti ?t 11 A. M. aad a l*. -vi. _ t? Mr- 0RACE-8TBEET BAPTIST TABER.N VCIJ H win un K. ? . I?. li. Pastor.?Bua d l. -i '?> \. M. I'li'.i'tilnc t.y (ti" at 11 A. M.and x P. M. ProyoM.ting Wbb> ', . ? miiAt Ni?,iii ?ti m ?/, leak. t prir QBOTE-AVENUE BAPTIST i m i.? tl (between Linden and li. '.? Bwra,Pastor, Proa??hing8cin>ATby k A. M.and ?-..,? l??k P. M. ??n o'alock A. M. WBBnk-I'AT .Nu.mi, Voang Men's prayer? IT NtfiBT Ot S o.:li?.-k. Seat? Ii"?i. AII aie wotoaaas, ^ t? ih-r piN*F. S'llil.KT BAPTIST nu 'i:? i and Alboasarle atieets)?? I. ?. I. n. Utmoy, I'.?'..r.-Preat-hing Simmt nt 11 A.M. and ? P. M. Bund?] >l. Praj | Wf?dB?aday night, ?o'clock. ? ling, Kilday. H I'. ? i - i - . . - .oty, Saturday, ? 1'. M. All Wt l,-t,Ilie. __________ ltt l?rFOURTH- BTBEET BAPTIST CHURCH?B?v. it. v. wii.uahs, Paaaare ? at It A. M. i.i. 1 o P.M. Mu_?t,iy .'. !?? 4 A.M. _ U WrCLAY-STULi;! BAPTIST flit lull ?siruer Clay it'll ??niUani streets)? i;,?.s. C. i lottos, Pastor ??,, ? ,\ . ;,,,.,., x# M \Vor?ti'p at 11 A. M. and 7;4". P. M. Prayer nu-?tui; WBBBBBBAT ?.'. 7 1". I'. M. "luuug men'? meeting SaTCSUAV at 7:4? I'. M. ta ??rTVENABLE-STREET CHURCH {.?.?irn..r Plcknlt <AOd V?n?ble)-R. H. PITT, D? |i., I'a?ttir.?Sunday s?-hi?l ?t W:a?j a. M. ft**? ti tn?,- ?t 11._ M. and 8:l"> P. M. Seat? free. All wt-kxime. t. ?ar WEST-VIEW BAPTIST CHI It? II?Kov. WAiTh? P. UisKA, Pa?tor. Preac-lng at 11 A. M. and 8r.ii welcome to all. U HOWARD'a-? 1R0VE BAPTIST CIII'ltt:iI.-Preai-_liig!it 11 ocloek A. M. und 7:4". P. M. by the pastor, l?r. J.?. KiBS. Prayer meeting Thursday alghl ?l 8 oV-K.k. Young meus prayer-meeting Kri'lay night at H o'eltsk. Sunday scboul at IKM) A. M. All are welcome. '?? ' ' ?a " ' '? .?? BOOK AND JOB WORK NEATLY KXKCTTJCDAT THE UliJPATCH PRINT This m m O? . and if you ot. ? CONSTABLE I'd: 01 II Mill; 1 MAM i aCTITRKRS, Tboi'.e * !'? Brood r-troet. DOES YU?R BOY Need ? Suit? IF Si), Comeand See Our Grand STOCK. YOU'LL SAVE MONEY. - Price MM 829 c;isl Broad street. Think It Over! OwiBstchless atock Is nowabout as (all and oomplei ? s? it cm ! irtmrai ooa islns deBsbtfal m reUtes for Mm, V rath?, Boy?, Olid (till.Inn. M ".ii't like toll u? every QENTLCMAN to Iti im m plates pn*> ? b M't.'iM; ? BUMMEH 01 .11 r roc nlmoelt ?hovrtri INKS WS II.M k mam o a oorr? - : i in ... ??terof "ur stock. We sonl lie? Opportunity of stiewlDir Ike ninny ?ttractli r tan rUsplayed In tbe manafeetnro of oar ? . nd Penad ittlns B. b i-> to-W ear ..m tuento \s'e ? ... ? ?bo? you tbe i uperl tail? .if nianifiictiir.. ..r ear ssrsseatt, - '!. Il !,.!: r ? '??'?. I'll ?list we '? MAM'. AND SKI.I." ut. ! ?I, it lanaed - r. ody-mod? ctotatag." Wo i ixloos tor y", to boss til., r? ? between the MA.M Tl Itl-.lts ? UOLE8ALR I 1:1? Ks and tl. lar retail pi \> ?a )???. generolly pay. BUKK'S liriu Mies and uioruis uouse, 123 BROAD ST..CORNEB SECOND. [.??pIt-Tb,Sa,SiiATu| GOLD MEDAL, PAEI3,1373. W. Baiera Co.. Breakfast Cocoa from which tho excess of oil ha? bssa Bsassri ?1, is Absolutely Pure and it in Voluble, No Chemicals are used in it. preparation? It has more than three times the strength, of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costiiuj less than one cent a cup. It id delicious, nourishing, str.-n^th.-nitig, lasily digestid, and adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Croeora everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchster, Mass. ne31-tVA8aUel?t-.? UTtltiai 12LWEAK LUNGS Wi.c_ester's H7.0Di1bs._ute ol Lims 4% Soda. Fer. tnoiuc, Nervous l*rn?rtni_on, I>?-;r.|H-i_ <>r It..! restai B, I...?.? of Visor ?nd Appetite, ?nd Ii?.??!??. ?nrinir from Povrrty of the fl,.>od, WincJie?t?r s Hrpophosphiw l? o ?peciflc, b,-u,? uue?|ualcd a? s ?tMl/zin,/ r.?tt<-, tirait:. Am? ?,,,/ aSIoe- food. aOJJD XIV I3I-TjrCiC*-X_B'T'_?. WINCHESTER A CO. Chemist? ? 18-i William St.. N.T. de ll-SOAwly ^^ SI M MF R. BKSORTS. SWEET SPRINGS. MONROE COUNTY, W. VA. TU18 MOST POPULAR OP ALL MOUNTAIN KKHORTS WILL OPKN -II SB 15TB. Klevotloa obov. tide-water 2,000 feet Va Burpooeed summer f?lmate. Cuisine up to h.rti.-st rtoiidariL lor 1-foruiotlon ?end tor ?otaVwje? with full portlcyiai-o W. s. AVKKS, nib '-."j-lin Maas-sc* LEVY & DAVIS, NEW STORE, 1, 3. and 5 ft Broad St. TO-DAY (SATURDAY) we ?hall offer some hnrrrali.? of UNUSUAL MER? IT th.V. will pay ?saws sssaa at:d s?e. Isatf Item in this advertisement will l?e found o gen? uino bargain. I.INFN TAlil K-( l.oTIIS. .". -IMilctl's- Ktilt-lUKOclir-l Si'it. Domo.? TnM.-l l.'ins -???.?. ?y ? -ii ?. r- BSOBST, all .''.. yar?1s wldesnd in lenifths of -.'I-. 8, HE*. 4. ?i . '.. it 1 7 ynr 1? lene ISeelTcrl!. t.-.!i) ti 50 ?-?? . ..i )tu?l half | ri ?-. 150dozen Towel?, i.n?lstlns??( tin.? I!1 Back i weh wits ?atta border? ondfrltised i"i !-.!:? . ' rrltb fancy bonier?, an.) Ilem.tlt.-bej H ?lw.'fli 'r. . Tear carts? t. -?. .>? Botordaj [_x aal i oim i - fur t.-ity Holt_r*lay(. 117 Un'rcrtis In P'.ai I. Sfip.-d. and Mlted ef ' ? . lea * .ft ol 81*3 I | Attention i? ci : ? "I thoo? m ?as> mkn's?.m m KD-o-iDsmarrs, Now York 1 espial to nn? I ?klrt e 18 ?Saturday 50c. 10 ii*-' -'MKIS well made Slid perl worth .a?.. each. Ti - He wim's.iuii; -, l AU 811k, beautl?uI got BO Tr> ? , MKN'S K.d'li-lN'-II \M'S la o new Une?bond? ?rould be cheap 01 -.'.'... !" . COK81 T'."' ?? I,. A IV I? ? .. ry day. Tii ee wie t'.iv. ? n .?..,., nttln.- ? - >. m we i k ?! : .??. (orthem roo. ?"til i tLmk in? th'-nt. BOBIBBY. Ribbed It?e. ? . .-.'..?. BP1CTAI. sM.K.IKWKl l!Y. I , 1 ir : -, r price r I ' a!.! and . I. Tor? il i peal I: ol i parro kings nil .. ? .ru? In osldls<*d ?old ond silver, regular price .',>?? ?? i r_ ' frill? affect?, >??>? hoi 1- ':??? ..???? ? ?? I ?.??? 'er '.'.?'. lili! tile ;.")? . OU 181 I pi.? m i Booaa, ks and i . .'i mode ..f r , i ,e iti :? Lodli ? I ilf, ? it. i > ? l_.ll.ln ii's . holelolne Bam ind "tl . .'ik'., ?. rtb 50 Btoraopes tin ?.? p. IL LEVY sV DAMS, l, :?. ami 5 en?t Bret?? street. PALAIS ? ROYAL 117 east Broad street If? ?i- laitv ?ppearln fee?.Ism? i very Wed - ? ii ? 1 Sal'ii'.lty. oar Id. i i | llmpl) t" i'-elvc pr. tniii.-ntiy MON Hi" W. ii.i... , to have new K".?|s I. |..?r ? fomlllor ... the pahae, Ih.hi la town aad la the eouatry. Thoa? of poo oho ?is.- in towo would I ?? t.. ...-i? n- often, .ni i Hi -. in the eonstn '"'" I ? . ..ti applK'otl a. Oarsl |_| vt'.'h |00 III. ? match beautifully. ..IN ill AM-, s \ I IMS, ?II \l - 1.1K-. aid other rroch la o l-'lK"T-< i.As.s DRY i..? ?n?. AND NOTION HOUSE, "-ir notion? ??? i ? i We ear ROCK BOTTOM. COKSKTs ,.,.i i KTI? .11 ". i B a:" -; wi-'i i? and we can and will pIsSM y? U If you (jive us th.. opportunity. Don*! b rip1 se i lit.f STAMPING PAT? 'I KRNH formerly owned by Hear] Weoi ini'i ?e os?ente Hi" ?".!; la ??kllfnlmonnar. _S0 f. rtt).? ?"ill-'. BOwaedOLD sill I.N ISLl.M? I.YKI.Nt. I -i AI'.I.IMIMKN I. BURNETT LEWIS, lap ??>-...- I] riiLLE HAVING-? RANK OF RICH MOND, COBNtH OS BoBVBVtB ?SB Mtis -?li.fcH, CAPaTAL, 8100400. M lil'l.l si IL.Mi, 110,000, K. A. I'A'I ? !?: I.. 7. V.ilitils, I'D-' ITl0-r.Pi QI0BQ1 N. Woonii'u; One Dollar and upwards RKCEIVKI) OX IlKI'OSIT, am. imi.i:i;m -LLOWtD? LOAMS KADI <>N MAL -STATE ? -i it.!.- paper ?tii mi'. M.; S? " 8 I'. M. . ?.TBaWa PEERYS Will Eradicate WORMS FROMTHEHUMAN BODY PRICE 25rH PER VIAL [ip*1i?W!r! McMUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is o preparation of the Dru?; by which its injurian? ette. t? ore removed, while the val? uable medicino) properties ?re lllUI???. It pos.esse? a.l Ihe ?edolive, anodyne, suit onti ?paamodic power, of Opium, but pr.-tn.??? no ?i.-kuc?. of tbe ?lomarb, no vemuinfr, ne coativenea?, n?) Id aruie nervou? disorders it i. on invaluable, aad it recommended by tbe bc.t I'byticiono. E. FERRETT, Agent, 312 Poaxl St.. ?-?w Yoxk. [op ?J-Solyl J/m'e N*,Tio?ALCa;OptP?Tivf Will ?> ! I stock secured by 6. a', tnort |aBaSB?l SM.OO s ?hare, and GUARAN ?TE_8l2*a percen-onuuallyoninvoit ment. Kef.r to any Denvar Bauk. 1 Ag.nt. wanted, ffk-nd for circular? 1800 to 180? Curti? Straw?. DENVER, OOLO i nib -.'?-SaJiWsi! Mnm Sahiimat. a AathmaCur?????? V W nwi-isi r aaV r in th<< w.a-?t c*t~* RED! , t>a~?f .t.. u. ?s-? .ana, in???rt??-t_ fortabl? alaav. ?tf*rU et'... ?b-r. .*hai,fail A M?n?'?'.'*'?"??.'"'??? Pr?c.,|0_t. and 81 00. of Dr_?wu ..r t_ na.l. H-ap?. f |f K (.*? k\m?. p?Asr?cHirra*sM s? r..i ?.?, te ?-otel'aasUio ketsU-i WA-tTS. WAN I Kl?, FMT'J.OYU! s VT ,?.! NUMAN nln. ??i.reor ?ay place ..f ?or* ?? himself iretierally n?e?'.,l. ,\ ? :? cheater, sen r m IITANTED, an i \n: rr nui i. t ?.'til? m years'<-t | ?leu?'.?, N .n? tie. I -. thai ?wn eosn? *,-u ... P??t-Om.:eB..t MM, li i t H "I 81 KEEPI i: I?. |i. !.. tail a*!?rr ?I ?THF INN,' I? ' '? 'A.ym;.- a i!i., v\ I KMM'.I KM It Hob Addnes vortisimf Hur.-nu, I?'Itiii. - W'AN'll I?, \ ?.'? v ? i .1 \ . i ? Pedaaat? W'ANTF.n. A THO < 11 v lie. A M V U ?I? ll-.V TaBUOOIBT. I D JI nos u. t - ? v. - :? i' - ' "t ki -.i-1 k??f7d DR i ' Disi ? i, i \\- \\ I I.I-. A ?. " "' . M ?. ? i bu tirobi. UTANTED, ON? H ! it ? ll'A.MI ?I), Bl v \\. i, "i'M WO BOARD rit, n. 4 <. - N . WAN'I ? I . \ ERAL \ WAN1 WARUACO i ? W'ANli V 1 KOR AS OLI ( ompa: . ? W'ANl'i I?. l'i Kl ii\ ? M ' A M. Ill UM EY.SMI ?I'ANTED, A POS1 v > nu mi ? ' W'ANUT?. SALI '? 11 U M? il KKAt.l IMilM \\-AN'n;n. WAIS1 iN 11 D ? \Vr INTKD, III \ PIliSI v > IH140AI.-M ? ! Il .. ' ? J ty ANTED, l'KI'i ? | ? ?heir a| i W rANTED, \ HOOD II\ni? M W' \ n i i; i>. \ vv ; WAN IEI?. AI ON . ' \\'ANI I?. A?.l NI I..--I I M I" ' I pie III. ' l'\Ni, l, Uormon stn . -, ?.. , III ?IM?? Vt \ '. IiOYTFAlL IX) BEE ti?. . ??N II' VOENTB WANTED, i ii.'-' ? ION" ? VCLOPKDI \. . i want ? not,-. i Danner; dllTi n ?ai . : WAOTED, IM KC IA V 1 I it ? S - a I ??? \ ' II - miles BROWN s BRONCHI II WiNTEl), I.Kl'.'l ii" I'l.K . ? ? Mini; I HANI). *! YPP.V 111 V. lit it I h ? ii'.ly f,.r . 105 ?ecb. os? BAO p. ? lust, sratrru. ?si? ???it I OST, <)N 'ITU KSDAi I I 1 NOON, \\ M ! 91 ? OTRA VED, ON THE ?' - i A 11!? r I 1er. npll-l? I I OBT, ON Wi DNESDJ 1 ?,.. liiitih * ? ? Hi?ji?k . ? i il BARGAINSi-WALLPAPER ?ri?, i?'? FREE! CHAS.M.N.KILLtri,r_>. ?up 1 l.l t IlK.KRITllll?, W 4.TI It (?'?'' ' !*N JOHN ROWERS, No. ; _A_t?K S'ltt K ' ' \ IVA1 . 1 III I. ?I.I.I ? I ... I III -. I ?M ? ' I of W?-l I', ? ? I etmsnmme ?i * ? ? !ut?auipn? .???K WHO CllMtk. I ? iNoioATaaro-orrM ? UUHMi'M? g ? I^ELLOW-CllT/EN-s ui?'u ?n iiu.?M v ?nd Bo*?isy ?_*. ?ruly trie.l In > . I a?"?'' y.??r?, ai?d with Hi" lull *~i<i' ? Blind ?li pledge? mad.? ?rB*U I ? With lit .-.'irei. I ? ? .! \NI>.. V iMcratl?' tl unary, ?'?.? ?ai twu?i.i ?i? im- w? beiu?h? by 10??t ??1 Paiorraibi t-vjumlti??^ , u_t uSi.1? JV>UN K. ClllLl i?-?