Newspaper Page Text
10 PAGES) TO-PAY. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE NT M I,Ell, 12,389. RICHMOND, VA., SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1891. THREE CENTS PER Iflp^-tffl.?^^?.* ^^Ayty^crA(p^AAya^ rrteA*vtJL<-G& t>%f-^.^^ri^^ THIS WEEK AT MEYER'S. We hopo von aro not so wedded to liner von will not look at milli? ner- in any otlltT Btor?', for all that e\l?ense and i l g o n n i ty conl.l do for os has 1m <?n brought to bear on onr M i llinory l>epsrtmcnt. ?nt of the moot e.perlencod and ?S.laried pe.'.rnoT, Trimmers, s' 'V.ero, : ?*oplo ' i he l'alterna, ?Shapes? 1". .wem, ? ontfr. ? Bio right. They must '? t!..? v.ry corner-atones of : i.'? proper price? euro. mi . _'s business tin sn ?ndica ? v.?. ?ay. There sre about Qats hero. Correct in style ; . 1. Wo nre going to sell ' tlj.m this week. Wo are f [to tiike lots of ordor? from ?r or flower nt trim ,the eis t shade to suit somo i:r. Till: REASON IS JUST THIS: y ?pattern sre 88.88. Ordinarily .: : i.r}! lota. patten-tar* ?.1.00. Ordinarily I to ?7. ???ma are (M,00. Ordinarily ? | BUM?) ? rn? nre 80.00. Ordinarily ? II ?10. 1'srgninB ?bow where ? t?iciu await your call at ? ' ? ? Cai ""M'o?medium size 5c pulr; ' Pearl Buttons, 8o. doien; i l'.rnss D**-*?-M_an>, *?" I ("r on-., 40c, 2,'?c, '...-. tholes; BtSlB-Mt Rlock Ilooo 7/le i/tyl?-G?&&1&u>Ctf& Conten Pongee?, a BMMl BOtBraMooktag Iml titlon ?I China silk, ta W'ish Dren? Good?, at ll).-. o ynr.l; Black (irouinl Powered Figured Wush Cach mlre, IV. i\ y-vr'l ; Imjrcrir, i Bootch '.itii:tiat:i??? Plain r. '?????., l<."?,\ a yard; 1 lak( Me i?, "? -. o yard ; Cord Meets, Hoc o ynrd; I'olko-Dot Dimity, lOBgo. a yard; Soft Pendan Mull?, In beautiful light ilrrire? on ?..ft cream gro inda, twrarty-flve pattern?, ot 1~!_ . a yard. J!y fur one of tho best bargains wo ever bought a great lot of is tho Sheer, Plaid, Stnte.l, ?nd Checkod White Hoods tspok'-n oJ Inst week at ten cents a yard. There is enough hereto sell for weeks to corne, but the prettiest styles always soil lirHt A car-load of Flocr Matting has bf*.n atored away in our cellar this week. A samplo roll of each style is open for your inspection, and the special prices will cause a big sale for many weeks. Good (Matad Ma'tlns? of II and 20c o yard; Heavier, smooth-laying Check and Plain Mot tincu -< ".v. ; Seaml???'? K(?v?ri<lt.leMottlnf?Bot 27V?C- a yard; Japan Inserted Color Matting, the lotest novelty, at .Tic. ; The hrajBOSBl and t?eet Damask Matting at 44c. An embar? rassed im? porter and a sale by hia trustee was the means of our ob? taining 20 pieces of Rlack All-1 Stylish Drcsa Ooods do not ce-fase their coming. Every week there II some ne' tale to tell. We give no tico of a great sale of eleven Exqnisite Tress Pat? terns of the most strik? ing novel? ties in Im? ported de? signs at tie following extraordinsry prices : PUty^lc-Bar pattern (or 8:10; Forty-dollar p-ittern for 825; Tweoty-Svs- lollar pattern for 817; Twenri-'lollsr pattern? for ?12.(17; Ki!-i?ei -i. '.lar patterns 1er 88J0] Dainty nowflr?Plgur?d French Imported Chilli, yard-wide, :!0c. n yard; YoM-WM" Henriettas, beautiful ?inollty, In all the n.'-r shade? o( Gray, Drab, Tan, and Silk Dress : fawn, al BBS, a ynrd. ., rti'i h sipcrlor to the Cash Ncts fur lx'low regular prices. We only marea ?old. attoa (or 29o. a yard. ' s.ld our regnltir profit?hence you who will bay them this week of us reap tho gTeaier benefit. We can't describe how attractive tho Nets are, bnt the prices arc as Attractive ns the patterns. Ali-Silk Black IV.nt d'Esprit Net, 7.->c a yard ; All-Silk Chantilly Net with large dot?, 8.1c a yir.l ; All-Silk I'lnln Russian Net with large dota, f 1 a yard; narrant Porst Slept It lfal with bunches o? ?ern lasToa. *?".'?'.") ? yaf?. At 88.60 o yard ?pedal design? never Bhown be Wa ?till n?s. rt ?hat under no other (ore; roof in liiclitnoinl is tli?-r<? such a euporb -hswar f PsaiT? deaiim rnre-siis Flounce, A ease of Imported Oordsd w-it p. K. at oy^c. a ysrd ?A.riii i-'i Plgnre i P. 1.. si 17c. worth 2.">c. assortment of J.lack Dress (ioods. BeaSBngU k Mohair Upoco, 10 lachas Wide? 8st Marl, a! 50o, ? >ar.!, ?"? ? Pure Bilk-Bordered Veil - ([(ordre ?.cu or monrn ? i 60 11 yard, wrath * -'??'."; Puro Silk Stirn' 900. a ynrd ; ISpi-clnl ehlpuien? <?( :.'<? pi-.-es Ite.'il In lia Silks, j. 1 1 :, ?s, at 40,70, ?*;..?., *i, ?sad 81.8a. On ?al?? thla week < Eetaatva ?tylea Hlack <.r en 1.,!. red 1 i"?. 1-i 1 ?und 1 nina Bilk?, 00 . 8 The Demorcst He\viri;'-Macliine sells here for $19.60, and can be seen in ope? ration this week in the shov.--vYin.low. Tho Ifaehine is woti'icrful. Tho prico is more than wonderful. Baadk?rehli f Rxttaotsef the (?ue?t isssuf?(<?ie. 17 iliilercnt ?.'lor? In twi-ouno? cut-Klass ?stopper I?.!!! ?-?, battSg than l.ul,lii'? or At- j klrirxiu'??. Introduction prico 44.. a l-.ttle, i ' fie, tWO le.ttl'-rs. AOKNT8 KdK Dl.M.'l:!'.-?'! I'AI'KK PATTERNS. | 83.60 a yard?recular price 85; Boldom 1? it yon have a chaaoa to buy RnfTHngs ot Pare US 1 rie?. '1 h?re I? a lot hen? of CrsSSS, White, r.lack, and Tinsel BaBUnga wort!i 2? to BO?, to ?all f..r 17c. a yard; not ksaa than mm yard aotd ; GenuineCeatemelr Kid Gloves?Uadrwaeed Mou?. i|i.-lires - I'lai-k.s, tans, and pray?, S-button length?, 83; S;.?? :ii bargains In Heal UdGlovas, ?l-bntton I'ri' . tan?, an 1 grays, all sU"-, 88c. ? pair vorlli i?l.".'.; Boston Bhopptag Itacs with ?Ilk cord draw ?triaga, 30o w"ith 11. A Btlriiiri'iiur Hie l'o.rkSt>BOoka will sea a lot of rii.. Kl i-i..IK--1 fixam Bonk? ?Bhig?a* BOn ??i. ti worth from $1 to 82 ; Upward? of 80 fine llaiid-Einhrr.ldnred SBd Driwir-1 lirinl, (ThnOT ? hlSB I.awn llaml k?n hlnfs thla week's prico 17c?usual value :.?'. to 60s. ARent? f..r Centemelr Kid Gloveo Vftki&kvtiS-1&* &7&n>cu6 ! STZu/aytif- G& &73?u>ac6. Mon than 60 pieosa Dress Trimmings spread on a couuter for this week's sale. Probably yon can find just what you have been looking for at one third of its original cost. There are? Galloon.,, (?imps, Mages, (?ni? menta, Bssdsd Worsteds, . k?. Trice? were 88e. to 817..-.0 a yard. ? . iv fie, to to a yard. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS* CArS. A department dls'lnct and entire from the MI-tBery I?.' Wat the first tlmethl? ii.'W style Is realy (or your in -1. Particular attention I? colled to tho g. saral style '.ml make-up of theeoCapa ond to their ?pedal prl as For thi? wei-'k'? salo? The N'clli.? luv shirr. "I Muslin; Shirred Mu-liti Hut? in colors; ??PI.Whlta Mastts with colored cord; .'t-I'i. Black Muslin with colore?! blnJlng?. Tho shore losrtfl?sl 880 Just snob gtyl?s a? >..u -.???.'-' oh era f. r ."?<?<? S0111.? 411 of tho Sample ( apB worth 81 and up ?nrli si llinc OUI 1er 60e.] lin.. 1' Mull Caps fur infants ond lorjp? clrll'lr.-ii. 60e. to*-.'.."rO; Silk MuH Hais In Whito, K??d, Blu^ Black, and I'irik; The (???Ml-Scn?. Oowet Wslet for Infanta on? ) old to childreu ??to'?n yeora old. Accrits for 1'mi .us rnlonndered Shlrto ?7teAiJnVt?J- G&t &t?*t>ctf?. 303 BROAD ST uuunttimm ALL THE NEW THINGS OF SPRING. UNFARALLELED JUi?GATNS. DBE8B GOODS. i.-rftilrtin of trade we have had inour DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT thl? week I <I??-i reaaon for It. ttmiich. I^,w j.rl.-esha.esome . ? Belec-t etylea, ao bav.? g tod qualities. Wet Her tl i INK TWILLED BENBIBI i 'AH again ttii? w.-.-k $2.26 fort! . bey oome in tn?? lo-owtbg ootorai liiu.k, BeBottepe, Gray, Tan, Drab, ?9olde_-Brt*iw_, Garnet, Cari?nal, Green, Bavy-Btae, Smoke? r_D II.AIDS, they look Uko the .".??f. gOOdB, 260. | Tbe extra ftM$] HENRIETTA. ' BI? land irruye, nre here at Toe. ayard; Our mal hie?? JET- aid BLUE-BLA? K HENRIETTA, 40 bseboa wide, Worth ?1.50, i? lier?? ai ?I ; .'.I-i? u ii -wi le HABIT CL??T11S, UBS, grays, browns, Muck, nil wool, worth 11.10, m 75?. n yard: Tbe PLAIN TWILLED cAMEL'S-HAIR that you pay .10-. for everywhere Is tier," al ?Oft a van!; 40-iti li M ? ? 11 AIR LUSTRE, gray, worth 00c. a yard, closln?- them out at v:; -. a yard. I ope, pi I'M. in .a? k,?;aum t. n\vy,?;oldkn IIROWN DOUnLB-WIDTH HENRIETTA,] : ,1' li A! MA, worth T.V.. at 50c a yard; ? roPOl t I m H. woitliT-'.?., ut ?u.; il! SR1B1 IAS at 25o. ayard; . >.'??.m I HI? or at 4',c. a yard; ? ; t l.olil, worth $1.?-.'., it yard, at S.V.; Rl MI.K all cvlor?, 5?i a Hi eZMVB AND BEBFERJ for ladles and children, alt tti? latent style?. In ri'innniits, dreae ?ld. [K : l ED AND STRIPED , meat l-'1^.?Macsau?o I?. ' . ,.f |>al ' ' . si st in? lt'V. BAT v' \ i i in?, of otiisa atarea. _ .??Ll? AMMONIA, large-sire n of the new DIME ? in oottos ami wool, vary .TIM ES, .xtra wldi-vi-hoice uiylea, HAKV-( ARIMAOKS. AVe ?ro selling a great many RAPY-CAR RIAOI.s. Tbe price? are low, tii?? atyleegoot. $3.00. !?:?.!>o. lata The cheai.est carriage I? tbroe dollar? and ninety oeata a good ?ne, too strong rattan IhhI?, iron t?<>rk ni.-.-iv plated, nlee paraaoL Bettel one? at 15, *u..'.0, $>?.."?o, tH.JO, ?10.00, $12.50, up to $?a OlIeCLOTHS. - All ?Ullis FLOOR OIL CLoTHS, warranted to wear, m?.st BesuUfbl patterns. WRITING l'Al'l'.R. L'4 sheet? paper and -'4, .'..-. n box. CABPBOB-GLYCEBIRB SOAP, better than Culiiurn, Die. a 00k?? t \?i HE soap, ?Jake weigh? marly half a pound, 4?-. a ?-.?'.??. "(?ENTI.l;MEN'S N Kill T-SHIRTS, mad? of R0.S1 COlt.'II, Ul.'I'l.V llillllll?-d, I'.!?-. _ThVsM ?'HIN A DBAPEBT SILKS ?re bore at T?.?c a yard, DR] BSGIBGB SMB. Bee ?ho style? at 0??c. a yard. TheciIlNA DRESS SIT KS, a numberof pat tonis, 60& a y.-ird. Tollt lloN LACES, big harcalns, 1, B, *4, 4. ?, 6, 7, S, H, 10, 11, IB, 14, 17, and upward.?. DRl liuE'i'S.?Just received 100 new DRUO BABY-CABR1AGE PABA80L-430V-B8 St -'.'"?? ' l'ETS-allat Is? pri ? .-? M SAIYIiN \ Bl 08, B1ZE 90x80, AT I1.M REST <_l' ALI 1 Y._ Ml SYl'l.K & CO.. 303 Broad street, Next Corner Third, NOTE LOCATION. THALHIMEE BEOS. STAND AT THE HEAD OF THE LIST IF ITS DRESS SEARCHING FOR WE HAVE NEVEH DISPLAYED SO MANY i ?.i i iv Enron AND BUCH A VARIETY OF STYLES AS WE DO NOW. GOODS ?:o: ?.- ? ? ?^ngat^^yard J?S?^.sTt.'W^SS .. ??atdish tuent ?t youi 'VrVCir.? ?un rare ??yleeta India and China ? | , Kl v ,L8we ?r..? ^la>?t?wKl "ri?Utir;.?*ilv.. to you. BLACK I l.v.ningShatles at pr,. ?? tl?? wiu 1^? l^*ey?attbolp^lflgv?* ncUBED QIU-fADIBEji . ^^n^t,?"^ . .:.AIMIN(.S u. be found lu ouruiy. . __a -,?1 that t?to be ?Me to ?ell? very larg? ? brfor?aorompll?b??l taTT^_irW^aT_reaBJetfl gtrer__ Bebosse troes ' ? ' 1; ^^L^-?/a^^B-AKKS Ni LU Kl'.TS. All entirely ????1 .- i prices. _?__ii,?,_ mir?, and we can ?how yon over ^Amsinnn^ ^^ .,.1- handr-d am tB? ptneoo of th? -wee^tgns >n BLACK SILK DRAPERY ??t?^^ wc^glveyo? 8L1N Ij.NDKRWKAR openod tbl? week at low flir-t?? ?? -II 1 AP.KIl'8 w?_ ? II1NA Ml LES, ?i 1 -, ?. 111.-t.a ?t t." i??V?. large ??d . ?? , sortsaoaS. I '.'?? ? M ol LAUlltB* MC TH ALHIMER BROTHERS', FIFTH AND BBOaiD STREETS. t?p l-i-Bu,T_BTbJ Positive?Ncoat he, WE ASSUME THE FIRST ATTI? TUDE, YOU TUE Ulli ER. NOW II OVERRIME TOI R RESISTA-CE by selling the best goods at most favor? able rates. "Volt" into onr piuco some day Bad see our groat array of Fin Fancy Groceries and Liquor?. Fine Importad Bar.lines?boncleaa and with bone?; Imported Sadiiies with Trafiles ; l'ste do Foie (?ras Trut?led ; Fnree de Foie (?rus Trulllea in eana ; Anchovies in oil, Ancharle? in aalt ; Cherries in Maraschino; Dunham's Extra-ynality Lobster? in *la" ; . ? T II La Coubtancia Gniiva ?lelly ; Dow-Drop Brand o? Grated ana Sliced Pineapple ; Richards? m ?V- Bobbin's Bonod Turkoy snd Chicken; Fine line of Imported Olives and Olive Oils ; Dnrkee'B Sulad Dressing ; Prunes in two-pound glass jars ; Extra tine Mushroone snd French Feas ; French Capros in bottles ; Dun bur's extra quality Baratar?a Hhrimpa ; Fie-Crumt Patent Family Flour. GEORGE A. HUNDLEY, Fancy Groceries snd Fine Liquors, ?Phone 381). 628 east Brosd street (?p 7-Tu,Tb*8aJ_ ron ?AI*a*^^N_^vv__.,, T?RTV?TE SALE OF PARLOrTnD X BKB-MOOM KL'BNITDBK Orrnor gtrlng sphiitisoSeoplnf. ?SoUol 118 sort Lotghatreot htoodoy. A?*? 13th. 10 A. U. as -U-31* jANSS & CO, MILLINERY, We are tie-i'inir!..-? In our line and are con? stantly re. ?Ivtng lew gOOdavrhleta ar" pleasing to the <?? a uni at very low prices ior your pocket book. Wo will begin witb Blowers. We call your aped?] attention to our beantlfut line of K-OWBBS. Kvry ?hade and apedea con be Bod. Roseo, Boda, Violeta, Chrysanthe iniirii-, Dolslea, Popples, 'lniBtles, Bagged Bo> , A . _ Hats* Hats, A complete st<?ck of Hat? always on hand. R. ?B. Ballon al I?cj Black I>?c? Hat? at 80o ; Black Lace lint t ?I ?Bo. Any etylo or Bhapo can be! 'elves. The Very Latest. A Summer Cl.o'l'II CAP for Indies and misse?, in Whit., Black, -Navy, Cardinal,Bad Groy,ot ?.?.?. Given Azvay, .-.0 dozen BTAMPs-) I'N.I.'iW-SIIAMH at lie. o pnlr. This I? pooittvel] the last lot ot theso good? wo will h.-r-vo for this pri e. Kid Gloves. Every one 's pleased with our new Kid Olovn deportment. no gnornnin? our Glove? and ?t them on for v" i. M'l.i I \ I.. A few more o( Foster's Glove? left, Which must bo BOtd out at oii-e. TUo ."r-IIook *? 81, only T.""-. Also "ii band, B-Buttsw-Lengt. ITndraaaefl Moaaqa? 4!?c. ; 4-liuiton Empresa, Dr?*?_??d, , :? -, h! 81-_ Reefers and Blazers. Navy-lUiie Beefero for a.*?.? four to twelve Btrtped and Cream Blazer? st 81 '-' ?; I id lea Bina, cardinal. Cream, Tun, and Drab Illri.ur? oi low pi Drapery Mull. ,r.,noo parda fumy Drapery Mull whl.Ti sold for l'-'ly- to go !.r '.'i...', j l'a.>.ht), only.)_ White Goods. CbeettiMl Muslins from Be. ond upwords; Polk.v DoSBWlaa (roaa I -, oad upwards. Hamburg, s*i--. an 1 N . -, and Turehon Loo? ot extraordinary low prico?._ _^^^ Hosiery, All colored Ptrlped and Plain Boeo at 10c. ; onr'tOc. Wa.k i! ?? redoood !..'.'_-.; Chlldren'a lt'.O'k Bibbed il'?-", sizes 7 to 0)4, at lOa A lull liuo o? Hosiery always on bond. Sundries. BABY-CARKI\(iE PAI*A??.OL-COYER8 from 88c.to83.S0. AUour Ml SI.IS I N I) Kit WEAK uellin. betOW -. at, 1 ? i,\ ELS, NAPKINS.CKA-U (or Towels ot all price?. Jeivchy. We pnrchased a lot of r>,000 BreoBt-Plna and will eell them (or m\ ?piece. All o? tbem ore worth (rom 10 to ">0e. Tbey ore o great bargain and will not lost long, bo avail yoarselreeoi this opportunity to get a _0c l'iu (or be_ Stamping. We moke this a ?peclalty and guarantee all work, "i ho lateet patter-? to aolect (rom. 113 EAST BROAD STREKT. Moll Order, promptly attended to. G. A CO. ______ MILLLXKBY.^^^^^. L*~ OOK AT OUR SPECIAL-tm*m9Ln TIES FOB THIS WEEK. Mllll--_KI?g nery at It? loweet tl-juret?. bometblns****^ new In children's Trimmed Hot?, ?3o. worib 81. Beonili-l Cower? with tinsel effects (rom -."???- up. Every articlo we aell 1? worth -."? Der cent. moro. Con oleo ?how une boto, fino Bower?, and material of any description al prices far below your expectation. Ii yoa want cheap and etyliah millinery, call oa Mas. JULIUS BIAR. apl?-?uATs l?-il east Mola atrae?. T O TOW E R 201 AND 203 EAST BROAD. SPECIALS 10 it Moo'liy. Toesdav. an-1 l?sa), Tinpspplo Tissue Imitation Chins Silk, hand-onio patterns, only U c. Special Nu. 2?Handsome stylos in Sa? tines, 5[c. Special No? ;*,-:,f"-inch I'laid Bnitin? only i'.">rj. a ?in*. Special No 4? l'jif. Dresa Ginghams only S;e. s vari Special No. ,">?..!ie. All-Wool Cheviot?, full ? >?) inch??, onlv 36a n van!. Bpci?] Na ?', -fl .2"? sr.k on.l Wool (llo Bfl_ rib. Bfl inches, only 81 u ynr.l. Special No. 7?Children's F.ecfer Jack ?.?(?-, IL2S. Spcci tl No. 8? Ladies' Blnrer??black, tan, ami Une?only ?12.66. Special No. D?Window-Shadea eom p?> It only '_,>. Specml No. 10?Baby Carriages, $12, worth ?20. Specml No. 11?SP-inch Saratoga Trunk only ?.''.50. Specml No, 12?P.s-inch Wool Suiting? only 82.C0B ?nit. Special".No. 13?1'urple Calico only 4c. ft yard. Special No. 11?Simpson'? Solid-Black ObUoo, be. a yarn, Spe- .tl No. 16? Cautiold l.nbber Div ]"T3 OIllv 7f'C. Special No. 16? Canfield Rubber Sheet? ?inly 'oc. Special No. 17?Confield Kubbcr liibba only 2".c. Special No. 18?Children's Muslin Cap?, 25a worth 4' c. Special No. ly? Miirblo Table Oil-Cloth only lia, n ?Bid, Sp'i'..l Nr.. 20?Wool Cassiraore for lioys' wear, 25& a yard. Special No. 21 ?"i0 pioegg of Cordctl l'i?_u.? only 10a a yard. Special Na 22?Smoko Tesrl Button?, 26s. ?a dozen, regular price 56a Special No. 2 '? 10 pnces of All-Wool Whito Flannel, 25a, regular price ?:.,?. Special No. 21-." piece? of fine Cn bleached Tablo Limn, BOB?, regular 7."?c. goods. Special No. 2."?- Ladies'fast-Black llooe, 27c. worth Uks. Special No. 2t'?? Children'? Fast-Black Sock", sizes 5 to 7, only 25a, regu? lar juice ,'Wo, Bpecial No. 27?10 pioces of goodlur kcy-Ke<l Tablo Linen, 2,?o. Bp c:al No. 28?23 piece? of All-Silk Faille only 75c. .'_t?oii?l No. 26?6 picoe? of China Bilk only "Me. Hpcci-.l No. 'MX?I pice? of Blue-Ground Figured China Silk, 66a Special No. Bl?Black Silk Gloria, 48 inches, only 81.2.". Special No. ?,2? h)0 pieces of ?o-inch Black Cschmiro only 19a ft yard. Special No. 86?Blaok Jersey (Hove? only 12!o. a pair. Special No/?t?lilack Silk Mitt? only 16a Special No. 85?All-Silk Black and Col uri'd (Jimp?, 2>. Special Nu. ilti?Colored Silk Vest only 75a Special No. 37?Ladies' Bibbed Vest?, E R three for 26a Special No. 88 - ( ?entli-men's Plain White Handkerchiefs, 42c. a dozen. Special No. 86? Colored-Bonlered Nap? kins, pure linen, ?ri0c. a ?lozcn. Special No. 40?All-Linen Hii'-k Towels, 10a apiece. Special No. ?I?Fino Potted ?Muslin, 28a a vanl. Special No. 42?100 piece? of Satin S'.ripo Muslin. 10a a yard. Special No. ?16?100 pi.'CS of new style? hatini'B, 10a, regular pries 1-?''. Special No. 41?Children's Plain Blue* Hush, lull regular, only 12)??. it pair. Special No. -15?AndroscogK'? Sheeting oaly 25c. a yard. Special No. -10-10-1 Linen Sheeting only 05c. Special No. 47?Fino Torchon Lace, li inches wide, onlv lt;c. Special No. ?IB?Black Demi Flounce cnlv 45a a Special No. 4U?Black Silk Not Folka Dot, 60a Special So. 50?Black Lace Flounce, 42 in -he?, all silk, |L Special No. 61?Black Grenadin?. 66. Speciul No. B?All-Silk Satin-Stripe Grenatline, $1. Special No. 53?Swiss Flouncing, full Avidtb, only B0a Special No. 5t?All shade? in Silk Mull only 18c. a vard. Special No. 56?1 itiillemen's PureLinen l'osum Shirts only 12a Specul No. 66 - -Gentlemen'? Fancy Stripe Satine Shirts, $1. Special No 57?Ladies' Fancy Shirt Waibtti, onlvT'c. Special No. 58?Gentlemen'? Balbriggsn Shirts, 26o, Special No. 5'.)?Ladies' Fnre Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c. Special No. GO?Large Block Matting, 2"c. a yard, worth 85a Special No. Ill?Lace Curtains, $*2 ?win? dow, worth ?>. 50. Special No. 62?Another Carriage Bar? gain only $15 worth $25. 8pecntl No. 03?Ladies' Black Jerseya only :'>7-c. Special No. 04? Gentlemen'?^ W i r ? - Buckle Suspenders only 25c. Special No. 05?Gentlemen'? Fonr-in Hand Ties only 10c Sp?9cial No. 00? G.mtiemen'a Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, pure linen, 10c. Special No. 67?100 pieces of Black Lace st 25c, Special No. 68?1 pound of good Note Paper, lilt Special No. 69?Quart-bottle of Bluing only De. Special Na 70?3 dozen Embroidery Lettera for 5c. Special No. 71?500 dozen Hat-Pins only 5c. s dozen. Special No. 72?lUO dozen meditim-aize Bubber Hair-Pina, 17c s box. Special No. 73?Colgate'? Cachiniro Bou? quet Soap, 2iw Specisl Na 74?Cuticura Sosp, lie. Special No. 75?1 ounce of be?t Extract only 15c. Csll for above according to number, as the Koo?ls advertised axe only known to clerks by number. Julius Sycle& Son, COLNER SECOND AND fifUiAD. k Hutzler's Sons, 315 east Broad tot. The past week bMbeen with us sn an I !?<*<*?? '???nted one in the extraordinary sales of Bess Goods. Rnt for one fact we would claim that thia is tho roeult of a happy hit matlo by our buyer in selecting jnat what was snitcd to the refin? .1 taste of our community. This one fact, referred to by way of reservation, is that tho change in tariff laws hsd the peculiar effect of making very fine goods cheaper, while medium snd low grade? were at the same time carried npward a few points. The conneqnent demand for finor ?nd more artistio fabrics made it just that much easier to supply the trado, Tho slight doubt herctoforo existing as to which Btylos flhaJl take the letkl has now btma pettled ?nd we sre pre? pared not only to a.lviso what to buy, but to supply sll reasonable demands. Solid colon* and mixed Woollen Goods in great variety ; bIbo, Plaida. Htrpes, and Ficrures for combination ; tog.thor with (?imps, Braiil, Velvets, and Silka for trimming. We open thia week All-Silk Grena? dines in plain and figured effects. T". erv wets U1J IN New Patterns, CHANTILLY LACES AND FLOUNC? ING IN CIIOICE DESIGNS. Flack Ground China Silks, with bright figures at 60o. and 81 per yard. Some of tho patterns oro confined to us by the manufacturer and cannot he purchased from any other house in the city. Mattings ! Mattings ! ! Wo aro now showing the largest and most complete assortment of Chinese and Japanese Matting's - especially tho finer grades?that wo have ever hail. Wo solicit a call from tho trmle and gu?rante.? ?satisfactory work. We also show a full assortment of Flooi Oil Cloths, Linoleum, Carpets, and Rugs Attention is cslled to our unusually well-selected stock of BLACK GOODS. il Mzler's Sons, _315 fast W streut._ 1CKWEAB7 Men are not like women in their .Ire--,. They hsve to confine themselves to about tho same things in their clothes, and their neckwear is about the only thing they can make a change in, and what will add more to a man's appear? ance than s new snd becoming scarf ? We have just received a new ship? ment of Menu Neckwear in all tho new shades and styles. Very handsome goods at 50o. Constable Brothers, SniflT-MAKERS AND FLRMSOERS. 419 BROAD STREET. TIIONK 707._ EDUCATIONAL. THE "RICHMOND SCHOOL OF BTENOG1UPHY. Tho fifth eeonlon of tbla eehool opened Febru? ary l'Kh at DID east Main ?treet (over T. Ko bort Haker-ai-Mlns. H. R. POVTUKE??, principal. Mis. S. J. IXi-WKL-, aaoociato, with a full oorpo of aealatonta. Stenography and Typewriting taught to each pnpU ?separately as well ao In .-loon, and certlfl eateaof prottdency conferred. Early application U derjirablo. . Copying of every deacrlptloo done by oompa tent uperatora at ?h?rt notice. mn 10-lm ll'MBEKKEKOKTS. SWEET SPRINGS, MONROE COUNTY, W. VA. THIS MOST POFUIJIK OP ALL MOINTAIJI BESOMS WTLL OVEN JUNE 1!V*"_. Elerattoa above tide-water 2,000 foot Dn Br.rpaoted .uiuiner climate. C'uiolno ap to -ir/hoet .tondant For Information aocd for catalogue, ?dth faQ pai-tlculoro W. 8. ATK__. ma ?0.1a NEW GRANITE BUILDING, 217 EAST BROAD STREET. NEW PRESSGOODSINEWDRESS GOODS! Tans, Grava. Modea, Old Roe* all the newest ?hade? in Dress Good* A large fr.<?h npphr just re.?eive?l. We will ahow Uio test atock of n??w *b*Aea IB IM city at V2\, 10?, 20, 25. 88, 42, 4l>, 58, t'?5, 7'.?, 87. Wie., up to 12.75 ?per yard, Press Robes in all tho new Parisisn designs snd shad??? from 83.7.? to P__s_i Light Gray and Tan Cheviot? st ?a, Double Width, price st other hotises 834>a Don? 1.?--Width Boucle Cheviots at 4?r>c? regular price 75?. Tans and 0l*711* Coltire.l China Silk? at 2i?c., all colors, reguJsr pries bOo. Thii is an ?~?B bargain. Bilk* Surah?, Faille?, Armure?, Chins Silk? in Fancy sad rolka-Dot, th* B?IW thing. Gloria-Cloth? in Tans, Grava, and Blicke. Black Silk Drapery Neta will be on exhibition in onr largo show-window M prices from 7"o. to $?..*l."> per vard. Alt 331 per cent leas than regnlar priesa Narrow Black Lsce Flor.u.ings in all the new patterna for trimming C'oUwti Bnd Pluck Pnsses at popular prie? s. Trimmings of all kind?? -Mirer and Gil*. Velvets in all similes. Tinsels in Steel, Silver, and Gold. Buttona of all kind* Wash Fairies in Gingham?, Chnmbr-sy?, Print?, Percale?, Outtags. A Isxf? ?tock tad low price?. We have left a few of Damaged Gooda from the H. B. ClafUa Fir? S_la One case of Bleached Cottou?, Fiirmi-r'achoi??, at r?i* < 'm? cas?? line Brown Cotton at tjje. worth 8jc. Grnylivk Solid Chanibrnvs at 8Jc. worth 12)C ?On?) BBS? Mtrriuiack Shirting I'rints, i\c, regular price 8?}<\ One ciist? Bteck Striped Imlis Linen, guaranteed Fast Black at 9}a worth 20a Slightly damaged by water. ?Mie mm FnaPBiack Indis Linen ?t 8}c. worth 17a Thcw few damaged goods will last only a day or so. MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES ! I.nco Caps. Silk Caps. Long Cloaks for Infant* We havo just received 500 Caps an?l Inmuta' Long Cloaks, Manufacturers' Sampl?. ?me of a kind to bo ?old st 50c. on the dollar. It will pay yon to look at th??so goo?U and buy a b ixgtUn. BLACK DRESS GOODS. PRIESTLEY'S ?LACK DRESS GOODS. We have just opened a largo stock of Priestley'? Black and Black and-Gray DtMBOood* Every piece warranted tho best Black snd tho beat wearing gooda iu tbe market. Priestley's Black Henriettas, Wool and Silk Warp Black Clarcatte* Iron Frame Greniilint's IB l'lfttn, 1'lul, ami Stnpml. 1 nestl.v's Black Serge* Black N'un'i-Veilhg?plain and liordered, Black Challic?, Blai'k Armur?* Our stock of Black Goods ia the largest and moat complota in this city. Oar prices art! the lowest MATTINGS, MATTINGS, MATTINGS. Mattinfji? from auction at auction prices. White and Red-Cheek Mattinga at 11c. per yard ; Fancy Mattings at 14, 17, 19, 21, 2.?, 2?'. 21?, 32, ami 37{,c for a Dam? ask Seanilt ss Matting ; Floor Oil-Cloths at 25, 30, and'(5o. Linoleums st 50, 02, and 78a, the lient good* Head-Best? and Scarfs in China Silk?s new ?apply jnstopened. Window Shades at 2?">, ???', ami .?5c. ? F.mbroideriesat low prices from the large anetion sale in New York. Jewelry- a Urge n?>w supply. Un?l??rwear for Chtltli-a, and Gentlemen. Uutmg-Shirta and Boys l'ercalo Wsista at 25c. worth 50a D. & E. MITTELDORFER'S NEW GRANITE-FRONT STORE, .17 EAST BROAD STREET._ BREEDER TALLEY & CO., tfOfl EAST BROAD STREET. Almost Every Lady in Richmond OCCASIONALLY DEESSES IN BLACK. Wo offer them 000 yards Solid-Black Albatross, 22 inches wide, at 2.5c. per yard?all-wool ; Black Cashmere, half wool, 27 inches wide, at 1-je. per yard ; Black Cash mera, .11 inches wide, half wool, -?''.?. ; Black Light-Weight Flannel, 27 inches, ull-woo!, '_.>e. ; Black Aldino Suiting, 30 inohea wide, all wool, at 89c. ; Atlantic Jct-bliick Cashmere, all-wool, S isehaa wi.l-, in jet black and blue bluek, at 00a. : B!_<-'; H. rge. .'i-i iuchea wide, all-wool, nt ."tic. ; Black Challi, 28 inohea wido, all wool, at 500. ; Black Batiste, a summer all-wool fabric, 88 in.-'hes wi'Je, at 50c. ; Beautiful All-Wool Black Henrietta, jet ? 1 blue black, M inches wide, st 75c. ; -5-ineh black All-Wool Henrietta at $1 and |L 10 ; Priestiiy'B Silk-Warp Henrietta, the mourning dnao par excellence, at el, 81.25, 8L5?, snd 0.06 per yard ; Fine black All-Wool Serge? at 75, __c., and 31; Black Batiste or TamL>e at ?SO, C5, 75c, Bud 81 ; Friestlev's Nun's-Veilings for veils, 81, CLfetLOO. 82, and SI; Blsck Crape, M wide, at ?'5, reduced from 8?"? ; at &.W, reduced from S<? ; at 31 reduced Jtom $h and $J per yard ; 5 pieces Solid-Black Calico, beautiful ! shade snd nioe enough for dresses, at ->. for the i^c quality ; Solid-black Sattstu st I2t, 20, 25, and 35c. The latest in Black Satteens are the polka-dot and the ligare i^blaek dot and figure). Block China Silks, 37,, CO, 7.", 85, 89o? 81, and 31.?50; Black (iros-Graiu Silks, 75o., f 1. 8L2_, 81..50, 31.75, 82, and 82.50 ; Blsck tSurah Silk?, 50, CO. l?e, snd |1 $ Black Faille bilks, 85c? 81, 81.25, 31.60, snd 82 ; Black Velveteens, 37j, 50, and fiOfl. ; black Velvet?. 31. 81.25, 31.60, snd |3 ; black Broca?!.* Silks ?are in again??a have them at 81, 81.25, fl.50, 81.75, an. I $2 ; Black Crepe do Chine st 81.50 ; I'.la. k Lhadiimas, 7."?_. to 82 ; Block Satins, 50c. to 31 ; bluc.k Mourning bilks, 31, f 1.10, $1.__ ; Black Caniel s-Hair Serges, <*i5c. and 81 ; Black All-Wool Granadino, ?12 inches wiile, at 81 ; Black Satin-Stripe, All-Silk Gronadina st ? ; Black brocado Grenadine, 81 ; Blsck All-Wool Canvas, 42 inches ?ids, at 50c. ; 1 piece Black Lattice-Stripe All-Wool 1 >ress Goods reduced from 81 to 50.*. ; Job Blsck-Barred Lining Muslin st W\ I Hlsck Lining Csmbrio st 5 snd 'lie ; Blsck Lawns at 5, lo, snd l'-'-e. ; Black Barred Orgsndy at 12 e. ; Blsck Bstiate, wash fabric, st 1. je, ; 40c. Blsck Fsrmer's Sstin for 2.'c ; 4 ?pools Blsck Cotton (Clsrs's) for 15c ; H spools Black Cotton (Dragon) for 15c; 2 rolls Black Tape for 5c ; 1 box Black Fin?, 5c ; ?ilsck Tana, 5c up to 810. We claim to h ?ve- a first-rat*? anaort ment of Black Goods, both in cotton snd wool fabrics, sll of which wa will sell as cheaply as similar goods caa ba bought in Now York. PnOVUHAtA. .?Kit's ' ? Hi ?' I n. K- u. _ <>. r. "-??v. cu. y NEtrrOKTNsws,V?., April 10,1HU1. ) QEALEI) PROPOSALS FOR ntiUADINOTUKAV-SUICSA.NIlS'rUBETB??? tin? propelty u?t th? Newport News, ll-.mpuuitii 1 UM Point liitelopinont Company will t>? re ?M)l???l at this ?JO,* until no?? ol APRIL IStB Bpex-tratlons ?nd prontos am bo ?van at th? company? offlt? ?t Newport New?, V_, TB? n?ht to r -Ject ?toy ?n?l all bid? r??erYM. ap J - . 4.AKTEK M. B?XArrOB__ rPO BRICK-MASON? AND CON i- TltA.? H'K Rtds ?r? rf.iiilr??.l for the EBBCTIOB Of A Fol'NDKY AM) MACUINK-SliUP at Crrlngtoo, Va. Plan? can be ??ten ou MuNIlA? _??KM.N?i ?t tb? G-.-o i,f b_up_ln A UUlyer, llo.\ sus* Main ?tr?*>i, <nt y._?4? Ut-lt* m EXCURSI?N?. ??*?wv/_^^v.^ I? 0 ROPEAN TRAVEL.-A B-ULL _ PARTY Ok? LAD1KM win loar? New Yorg JINB 17tb for THKKK ?ON I II?' TKAVKL AllHoAD. referen??? rr-iulrtul. ASflr?S Bas. VYAI.LKK 1t. Bl'ULOCK. PrinUp-l ol WUIorJ ?*_k??I, BBlO-ew Baltt-Msre. Hlvsol.l rioNt ? ((D'tUINKUIHirt, riMIE FIRM OF F. E. A J. D. ItOvrTI X has been dl.taulvo-l. F. K. HOW? will am*. Una? the baoineoo at 408 wort Brood etroet sa? pay aU debts of the ooocera._ap liMl* \TOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF i.? FARTNiK-UH*. Optics or D. N. W.lkbs a ca. NO. 101? ra-OT M tit ?TB-BT, tUC-OONU, v4.. April ?, low. Tho r *rtn??r..'iip boretofaro ?xtailn* botweoo I? N. m t: KKliaiKi i.KWl?. !i?Ki__K,nudai the name of D. N- WALKEK ? Co., boo be?o au* wir.?I. Tbo und?r.lgu.?d will ??'IUUju. at tho aonie placo andar tho some name. ap a-lw- D, S. v, J 3 si riSHESU-KM'S HtPFLllL* EIN E S.-a-LL-NET8i and UAtL-RIN-ll mod? to? order at ?bort notWa. Netting ft_-oto_o?l ?8 all ?lado Oar atoe? ot Molting to ?ory ooaitloto ond wo con ail orders Immediately, also, ?yt? Horn and -Mao^aota, Twine., Llueo Corto, ss4 UUliaif-TwIa.o Lowest prtceo _ _ UCaTT?**I8Ta_T? 80IU. a^T?S^r-^