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DULL SOCIAL SEA SO] rTW ENTERTAINMENTS LAST WEI BUT ALL WENT TOTHECARNAVAl I??ay Btarrlae-e? la Prosper??A ?ley? Children'? l*?rty?flanea at the Helflit?-Our Friend?! Boeictv for the ja?t week ha? been dnl tTtcttedihgly dull?and ennui boa b? ateedily ?-twallng over Coa?? who her? fore bave had altnost their surfeit of pi aare. The gentlemen of eeveral of 1 f?rrrn?ri clnb? became drnparate and hi decided to give a ?ubscxiption perman t week, which will be a brilliant affair, e~??r fifty couple* will participate. The troth Of the rentier ia, the laid having charge of tue (' la a have captur. I nearly all of the pretty <_i in the citv, and tire who are n??t a?*-'tns ?Bngatred at the " tabernacle " attend ev ?.?Lt. ttkTCt WTLI. M ABUT. There will lie a considerable stir in 1 RMtrimnniel world tin?? week. >>r rather I 1?ra?i'e? tive matrimonial world, and an i Bs'.nl nnmber of weddings will take pla Mt. Isbb*? Bycle, Jr., of this ?rit?, will Parried nevt Wtvlnosdav to Miss A avid, of Wilmington. N.'C. Mr. nnd M Jahns Syclc. Miss Ufa S?-vele, and Mes? Reyraour Kvcle, Mver Kveje, nnd Mo Bose left yesterduy for \Vilmington to tend the wedding. LITTI? POt-?' PABTT. ?fVn Fridnv evenm;? Isst from 6 to ?'clock Miss Mav Raadys Lvn?-h. a lit dream of blonde 1?? ?tuty. celebrated the ?eeion of her twelfth birthday bv ent tainInu one hnndre?! young (ruestsat I ?re?.deuc? of her parent??, Mr. and M ?David H. Lvnch. M south Third sire Including qni*e a partv fr?-im Pcterebn Surrounded by prrttilv-arranged deco tions of fern? and fairy lump? Use Ul _o?t?ess received her friends with oharnn frace, assiste,) l>v Misse- Oordon, LeFr? ovum, Drewry. and Blair. Supper v B-rrved at ?Wei?,?k in Mocita'? b?st sty to which was added the pleasing ace Bory of a pnnch.bowl. whose presidi genius wa?s M st Yir;;te Lrewry. A swt feature of the occ??ion w?s the attenti shown to evi ry wont of the merry f*P Bile? by Misses Ellen Blair, Louise Brand aad K. Drewry. who contributed in ?v? wav to the cni?>.vmetit of happy, joyr, childhood bo near to them in retrospect ?MONO OF THB CAM. The slieinpof the birthday-cake waaf of interest, the successful young lady w acquired the enclosed ring being M To->tsy Christum. The ?ntertainme ?nded with Ihr? dancing <>f the gem?an. I by Mr. Kennon ('"Hier, of Pi tershnrg.wi marked gr?ce and ability. Anionu? t guests preset.t wre Misses Aline Btok? F.dna Forbes. I _ulir?e Powers, Nannie a; Phillie L?anghorne, Bessie and N. Dnnl? Louis? Lucke. Bridges, Helen Christin Etbel Pace, R. I?rewrr. M. Williamer Btmpkin. K. ?nd 8. Meredith. 8. Pitt, an?! H. Mecintire, Wherrv, L. Pavenpo Mavo, Wntkins, Brainier. Preedcn.CaiiD' Tvier, Nannie ?ml Lia Steuer. Lathrop, ai Blair-, al???. Mes?rs. Tar White Full? Allen 8tokes, Plant-hard, Forbes. Gordt i_.throp. Bridges, Tanner. Breedea,Oetjr Eynrh. Munfi.rd. W. Simpkin, Lambo O. StPRcr, Brander, ft. and E L'air, ai Tyler. Amone thoee from Petersbu wer? Mistes K. an?l L. TowtMB, nnd Messi K??nnon Collier. Robert Martin. W. Town? ?and Herbort Mann. dan?t: at tub Hi-ionm The Parton Heights Athletic nnd Mm eta! Association pave another one of th? delightful danc?-s at the "Wipwam" la FritTav night. The ladles present we Sr?. Lamb. Mrs. Gay, Mr??. .1. II. Harr? rs. R. L. 8mith, Mrs. W. <>. Shelhourn Mrs. ficor!*e Minor, Misaea Hattie0*Ba ?on, Kcno Ja<-k'."ii. Lucy Beech, Hell ?loaa, Parton. Orahan, Nalo, Ivy Fox, Ta, or. and Jcnnin Boyder. The gentlemen who attended wer? MessT?. Oeorge Minor, Lamb, IL L. Kinit] Paul liedd, H. P. ?Hartman, it. w. Taylo flavin (?rabam, Thomas Rtiftin, L. Kuflii hurrh Miller. Chorl-s Kurnette, Willis: Red?), Oagr, Joawpb Fouriiurean, H. Hui nett, and C. ladd. W?NT to Tnit rorrr-ntv to R_MR> On Friday night at 7:*>0 o'clock tiuite largo number of Indies and gontlomet ?tiembers of the " Pellcvuc Pleasure. Chili, eft the citv in a'bus. tfir u dunce of "Steii ?ack's Hall," in the comitry, and at o'clock 8nturd?v morning the crowd r? turned. They pron juuco the affair a di ?sided sucoss. Mrs. 8. B. Fitch? t.t ?_'?vo a charming ci ?ertainnient in honor of her ?laughtc Sirdie's hirthdav last Thursday nigh! Those present were Messrs ?Seto Minn Clarence Muir?, Muiro, Luthr Winn. I/ee Nash, and Misses Planch Slackburn, Jennie Patterson, and Pos luire. Mrs. Luther It. Jenkins on Wcdnesda last gave a deliphtful tea to the member of the Woman's Missionary 8ociety c Grao?v8treet Baptist clinn-h at her hand Bome residence on west draco street. A. Mr. James Atkinson. R_riata_i secretar of the Richmond ?OXUIR Men's Christi? Association is paying a short visit to hi parents in rfolk. Says th? Pesic City A'hnnce: The Prar don has secured the services as steward r Mr. Ambrose Avers, of Kichmond. V? Mr. Avers was steward of the 1.xchan-ze fo rlfteen years, and is a nephew ?it Ootoa? Carnngton, who was formerly propri?t? of that hotel. P. Mr. W. T. Bew.of Norfolk, Va., isvisil lng the city. Measra. Walter K, 8helton and .T. Edg? Blodsoe, of llaltim?irc. are stopping here. Farmvillo Herald: Messrs. W. Cal. I'ruv ami J. 1- Hart went tu Kicluutuul on Fr: day. Mrs. Anna M. Pride??<*, of Prooklyn. N L, wIki Im- -mg her aunt. Mrs 3. M. Mitinii, 507 north Twelfth street, ha returned home. Mrs. (Wood Pradlcy, of Worcestei Maas., and Mrs. Bamnel Noyes, t?f Brook lvn, N. Y., are vi?ititf_' their cousin, Mrs Thomas A. Ewers, ItH W??i Main street. Mrs Bnnghmnn. of l.ichmond, Ya. ?ays the Bavaaaah Mormont Noto* of Tue? day, who has been visiting Miss Flemini for aev? ral weeks, will leave for her lionn this evening. Nono of tin? other youni Utlics who liavo visited Savannah thi season ha\ e been moro thoroughly appre ciate.l. Mio has mmltt a lnrce uuinlwro friends and acquaintances v?ho sincorelj leeret that her visit is not longer. a Miss Nellie Carmiehael, of Fredericks burg, is visiting friends in Richmond. MissPe.ssi' nil n.of thiseity, isth? guest of the Misses ilcllwaine, ot "Hamp uen^Sidnc.i. Mr. D. A. Cardwell, of Columbia. 8. 0., assistant traffic manager of the Ilichniond and Donviilo railroad, was in tho city yes ttnda.v. Mr. D. F. Crnndon, of the Poston Affrer. fisrr. and a ?liatiag?iahed Ma-on of Massa chusetts. was in th? oit? last week the fuest of Mr. P.. S. Raed, ot Boston, who as located here and largely ?uveeted in real estate. Misa Sybil Carter, who has been an active worker in the Woman'a Auxiliary to the Board of Mission? in tho l*rot??staht Epia oopal Ohareh, will be in Kiehmoml <-n Monday and ?ill stop at Mr?. Duval's, 301 ?aast Franklin. D. Mr. I. M. Delaney. of thi? citv. Is visit. ing friends and relatives near Kilby's, Va. YaU*y Vinrin.nii: Miss Virginia Donnghe, of Richmond, daufhter of the late Dr. B. B. Douaghe, is visiting the f?tnilv of Colo nsl J. C. ?Joe-ran, at Folly MUls. F. Mr, W. H. Fitrirerald, general eastern agt ut of the Associated Railways, is visit? ing the citv. Mr. R, P. Forsb rg. of Lvnc.hburtj, is ?atte sick at his sister'?. Mrs. H. C.Wil. ins. Barton Heights. A beautiful subscription gorman will h? ?iven this w???k l>\ the'iuesday and Fri. ay Club? at Belvider? Hall. Mia? Carrie Finch, of New Haven. Conn., Will arrive in ? morrow. She will be the guest of Mr. A. F. Jahnkc, Bun Air. <?. Mrs. Pennet T. Oordon. of Nelson ennntv, ts the guest of Mrs. William V. DeSaussure. ? George W. Oarv. formerly of this ?\\v, I but now of Abiiigdon, paid a visit to Rich f -loud last week on busmeaa and to aee hi? old friend?. Mrs. Abe Green, of Providence, R. I., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and tan. Marx Nelson, of thi? city, returned Rotae yesterdav. II .Mr. Alexander Hutoheoa is still quite Rick at hia r?sidence in this city. Mise Had?is?, o? Culpenrr. Va., is Tint tag the family of ll?.u. h. ?L Pollard. aliaa Nett.e G. Hain??. of RtaaotoB, has been visiting Miss Msggie Allen, on Church Bui. Mud ?Colombia Haye?, of thi? city, is visiting Aira. George Chaaib?rlaya? of M-,^%H-iil?ai rataraed ta tha city from New York, whivre she has beea visiting her sister, Mr?. Thomss R. Price. Mi??'?? Jnliet Pcnnimon andC>>rali? Sum aor Hall. o. Baltimore, are visiting Mins M?rv Morri? Jon??, of this. city, corner Fifth ?nd Franklin. Mr. T. Frsnklin Hudg-in?. of Mothew? county, pa?*??! through i he city yesterday, m route to Roncerorte. W. Vs., where with his brother he will engace in tbe mercantile busiaesa. Rev. Dr. Hatcher will presch tbe second of his sene? of ?ormons on the Distinctive 1>. ctrineo of the Baptist? to-nighL The ?ulject will be : " Who i? the Proper Sub? ject for Christ un Baptism ?" i. Mr. Frsnci? .Tore1?-, of Boons Vlsts, Is visiting this city. Mr?. Ralph Johnson and daughter, Mist M?hel. of Washington. 1). ... are ?topping at Mr?. Dtival'?, 801 east Frsnklin. Meoers. W. Aahby Jones snd T W. Tignor hsve returned from s very *mee*w? fnl fl?hing trip on theChiekshotniny river. Mr. Jones caught a chah tbe weight of which was eight and a half pounds. K. Dr. Kerr being quite? ?ick with the grippe. Rev. Dr. Kicliardson will preach tor him at the First I'reabyteri? chnrch this morning. There will be no services at night. L Mr. ?nd Mrs. Orcbt E. Lowry, of Lexing? ton. Ky., formerly of this city, have re? turned home stter a delightful visit of three week? hero to friend? and relatives. Mr. W. H. H. Lynn, of 8taunton, past grand high priest and the present grand lecturer of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Virginia, left f<?r borne Friday after a vi?it of a fortnicht. He come in tho in? terest of Capitular Masonry, snd he was bu?ily engaged all tho time he was here le- taring classes or conferring negrees. At different time? be conferred all the de? gr?, a from Mark Master to Roysl Arch in? clusive. M. Mr?. E. C. Moncure. of Bowling Green, was in this city lost week Mr. W. A. Moncure will visit Judge Mon? cure, of Caroline county, in a few days. Mis? Carrie Miller, of Cincinnati. O., i? visiting Miss Nellie Treo. No. 407 east Grace ?treet. Mi?? Lina Mayo, of this city, i? visitin? Mr. W. Key Howard and family st Ken more, near Fredericksburg. Mr?. Jamen M. Miller, of Rtaunton, is visiting her mother. Mrs. John B. Young, st No. 305 west Franklin street. Misses Lelia and Alice Motitar/ue, of Bal? timore, are visiting their undo. Mr. John H. Montague. Second and Franklin street?. Mr. John F. Mover and Mr. Charle? A. Ne*bitt have returned in ?in Washington, where they went to pay the last tul.iiH? of respect to the memory of the grand com? mander, Albert Pike. The Ka.iosh cere n.'iiies were conducted by tho Supreme Couucil. and Odell Hqnire Long, of Wheel? ing, officiated. Messrs. Mayer and Kasbitt vrero among the twenty-one selected Knight? who.took part in the midnight ?er vi'-e.s. P. Mr. Arth'ir L. riea?ant?,of this city, was in Norfolk Friday. Captain R. 8. Parks, of Luray. Vs., was in tho city last week on business. Mrs. Frauk E. Patrick sailed for Europe vc-tcrdar in company with her aunt, Mrs. Lewis, of Raleigh, N. C. Mis? Blanche Parkinson, of Richmond, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry N. Gor? don, at No. 92C Franklin ?treet, southwest, Roanoke. Judge Henry L. Palmer, of Milwaukee, grand commander ?if the Northern Masons, wm?. ?n tbs city Tuesday, stopping with Colonel Joba R. Cary. Ho left Wednesday for his home. Judge Palmer is also presi? den' of the Northwestern Mutual Lile-ln surance Company. R. Mr. C. R. Ryan, of the Chesapeake snd Ohio passenger department, Cincinnati, is in the city. Mackstono Courier: Beautiful wedding cards are out from Mr?. Elizabeth R. Ro? bertson, of Richmond, reque-ting th.? p."-. nee of friends to the morriago of her daughter. Miss Lilian, tofiamuel X. Cbam berlain, on the 15th of April, at half.pust 6 o'clock. S. Charlo? Stacy, of Richmond, was ?t the Felix Hotel, Roanoke, Friday. Dr. Frank Shields, of Newport News, is expected in the city this week to attend the Odd-Fellows'Convention. Mr. Philip Smith and bride, of Coving ton, Ky., are the cu.-sts of his father, Mr. .John Smith, 701 north Twenty-fifth street. Miss Susie P. Swinhurn, of Newport, R. I., is visiting Richmond and is the guest of Mis. LoRoy E. Brown, 036 wost Grace street. T. Miss Nellie D. Thompson, of Amherst, Va., i? visiting Mr?. Du val, 301 esst Frank, lin street. W. Mrs. L. C. Waller und Mrs. H. J. Vo?e, of thie city, are visiting Norfolk. Mr. F. B. Wing, superintendent city de? livery Norfolk post-oflice, i? vLsiting Rich? mond. Mrs. Mario E. Walker and Mis? Lizzie Wolker have returned from s visit to friends in Atlanta Ga. Colonel J. W. White is confined to his lied Icit, is feeling better, and it i? hoped he will be out again ?oon. Miss Nellie Jsckson,daughter of Governor Wan?, of Montgomery, Ala., i? on s visit to Mrs. M. 11. Wade, 403 east Main. MisBos Mnrry aud Adele West, now of Ns*S Haven, Conn., and formerly of tins city, will arrive in Richmond to-morrow. They will be the guests of Mr. A. L. West. MANDAMUSJ"fJJBE ASKED. Trying to Compel on ex-Registrar to Fut Nonio, on the Poll-ltook*. Sheriff Southward last night served a notice on Mr. W. H. Sands, lute registrar of Shoemaker'? precin? t, Hcnri.-o, that the Supremo Court would on Wednesday next be asked to graut a mandamus to compel him to report to Judge Minor, of the County Court, why he refused to rcpister George Coleman. a negro who applied to him after lie resigned. Mr. Sands informed s DisrATCH man that the B?gjTO?8 hud a habit of coming to his limise at all hours of the day snd far into ths night, und that he resigned hi? office rather than to be bothered. George Cole in.m came to be registered after he had handed in his resignation and he refused to put him on the books. " I don't make anv charge? a?ainst any one," ?aid Mr. Sauds, concluding hi? con? versation, " but in the language of Brother Gardner, of the Lime-Kiln Club, it is s 'curious coincidence' that the verv night I refused to register Colouian all my chick? en? werestoler." SEVERAL CASES SENT ON. Robbery, Kxtalbltlor Obscene Picture?, and Criminel Libel the Charg?e Albert Scott, James Morgan, and N?lson Bauks, the negroes arrested s few day? ago on the charge of having been implicated m numerous robberie? in this city, were before the Police Court yes>terdoy. The accused snd two colored women charged with re? ceiving tbe stolen property were sent on to the grand jury. Mr. N. Leonard, the bookseller and news? dealer, was sent on to the grand jury for exhibiting obscene pictures. Tbo display consistod of the Po'.iae Oaxclte and Aew?, which were tscked up in front of his ?tore. Mr. Leonard wo? released on his own re? cognizance. In the case of Charlotte Bright well snd Mary K. White, charged with criminal libel, the evidence failed to ?ustain the charge and the prisoner? were discharged. Talk or o llroaeh-of.Proinlee Salt. A well-known lawver of this city told s Dif-rATcH reporter yesieiday that an inte? resting breach-of-promise suit would eoon ?red in one of the Richmond court*. He further ?aid that the defendant was a Riobmo-d marchant and the plaintiff a lod.v who rofiidcs ont of the city. The at? torney told hi? fair client that matter? of the nature she complained of were usual lv settled here by a father or " big brother1' With s still bigger stick, but the lady seek? more ?ub-tsntial revenge Meeting of tho Bn.y Bee?. The regular mont hl v meeting of the Busv ?_?** S5* *** ?Mt **""?? -* *he residence of M ? /_>teP_iillips. A committee was ap? pointed to make arisn-'smeutsforsprivs!*) dsnes to be given st Sungcr Hall ?.n April . Regular routine of butin?es was ??trended to, includm. the oppo.utment of s committee to vi?it tho poor. Tbi? society is doing a great deal of good work amongst tbs (-Snaaa poor of Richmond. Death of Mr. Korf-ot. Mr. William F. Kerfoot. one of the clerk? is the office of the Supanntendent of 1'ub lic Instruction, died at 1116 lost night at tbe resident** of Mr. John O, Bale, No. 71. seat Cloy ?treet. Deoeasod was in the thirty-sixth year o? his age Hi? iUness was of ?bort duration. T?? rsrsBiri? will be ukon to -terryville fsr iatsratsaW PUT 'NEATH THE SOD. GENERAL COOKE BURIED WITH AP? PROPRIATE MILITARY HONORA A Dense Throna ?* the Choren?Blmpl? Barvlee?--t>e Camp Fill? the Orav?? Salat? Flr??i. The d?? monstration at the tu. ne ral of General John B. Cooke yes. terday after? noon w a ? one of the most im? posing ever witnessed in Richmond, both in re spect of mil? itary escort t?, If oily wood nnd at? tendance at the church of Borrowing and admiring friends. Ihe funeral was at 6 o'clock, from Grace Episcopal church, to which tne remains mar* escorted from the residence of the deceased on south Third street by Lee ('amp. with which body the members of Pickett Camp marched. The military?eonsi-ting of the First regiment Virginia volunteers, tho Rich? mond Light Infantry Blues, the Howitzers, and tho Stuart Horse Guard?had preceded Lee Camp to the church and formed ou the south side of Main street, and as the rr/rtrje from the house passed stood at a present. SIMPLE SEBVICLS. TheTe were no flowers on the casket, and the services, wbieh were conducted by Rev. Landon R. Mason, the rector were very simple. The usual Episcopal prayers and selections were rea?i. two hymns? "Aslcon in Jesus" und "I Ht-ard the Voice of Jesus Hay "?were sung, and the remains were borne through the flense throng that packed the building back to the hearse. Tho church did not bog _ to hold the people who assembled to honor the memo? ry of tho brave soldier and trne citizen. Hundreds were unable to gain admission snd lingered on the sidewalk near by. The streets through which the cortege moved were crowded and the approaches to Main street were filled with vehicles. TO THF. C_M_Tr.RT. The procession then formed in the toL lowing order and moved to Hollywood: First Beginlent Bund. First Regiment. Richmond Light Infantry Blues Band Richmond Light infantry Blues. Jli-hmond Howitzers. Stuart Horse ?iuard. I.i-,..?'.iinp Drum Corps. Lee and Pickett Camp?, Confederate Vet? erans, and Sons of Veterans. Pall-bearers in carnage?. Heur??'. Family and friends in carriage The ontire military ?Beor? was com? manded by Colonel Henry C. Jones, of the First regiment. AT THE OKAVI. When the procession reached the grave, Wbieh is in the new part of Hollywood, l.oe Camp formed a square around it and tho military were drawn up in lino facing the river. Tho Episcopal burial service was road. The grave was filled bv Le? Camp. Com? mander Archer put in tfie first two shovels of earth, each ol the past commanders did likewise, and the members of tho Camp followed ?ait As the notes of a bugle rang, tho color company of tho First regiment and the Howitzers commenced firing their salutes, The former tired three volleys, as did also the Blues, and the Howitzers eleven guns. In addition to those in the carriages hun? dreds of other peraoaa accompanied the procession to Hollywood on foot. LETTE?* OF THANKS. Yesterday Adjutant J. Taylor Stratton, of Lee Camp, by direction of that organiza? tion, wroto to Cole??el Joues, ot the First regiment; Captain Hatch? ?on. of the Howitzers: Captain Euker, of the Stuart lb r.?c ?iuard. and Captain Cut ?-hins, of tho Blues, thunking them fortentlering the ?er vices of their diamonds as au escort in honor of the de< eased past commander. it was nis wish. Aftcf the Fir?t regiment had returned to their Armory from tho parade Colonel Henrv 0. Jonu nddros?<ed tho men and thanked them tor responding to the order? to attend the tunera!. He said lb i -ral Cooke had expressed the wirh that if there should bo any military display at lus fune? ral the First regiment should participate in it. General .lohn It. Cooke. IN -EMOHIAX. The gallant, great, and modest hero I in? spirt, bus, iiis Rad, Nu more will wo sen his manly face, He's aasabaced with the dead. But still hi? spirit llveth To teach us great and glorious deeds To those who are left behind hltn To know their comrades' needs. Then let each cmrade follow In the path he to ?t?'U Had, To love Mh frieiKl nn?l ,-onirade?, His Maker and hla God. ONK or CoMPAur D, Old First Virginia Ht-glmenl NO BAIL ASKED FOR GRYMES. The Late Clerk to the Treasurer In Jail? Investigation Abont Completed. Almut noon t?Bidr?Jay E. B. Grymes was carrn-tl from the Second station-house to Um Hustings Court and handed over to the Citv Sergeant. Ibis was done by order of Judge Witt. There was a conference of counsel and client in the court-room, at tho conclusion of which Mr. (?oori_e 1). Wise stated to the Court that as they were not aware why the accused had be?n given up l?y hi? bondsmen they had no motion to make. Shortly after this Captain Epps lett the City Hall with his prisoner, who was taken to lu? homo for a few minutes and thence to the jail. It wits stated yesterday that one ot the reasons why Qnr_MB'? bmid-men pave him up was that it had been reported that he was seen in Cliatiottesvillc. His counsel positively deny tho truth of this, and say except going a few miles up and down the toad the accused was at Big Island all the time ho was away. Speaking to a Disr-ATcn man yesterday* Commonwealth's-Attorney Smith said that he had no authority to give permission to any one on bail to leave tho city. Such u person was in custody of his sureties. In tins particular instance he knew nothing of Grymes being out of the city until a few days before the grand jury met, when ono of the counsel asked him not to semi the case before that body last Monday, saying that Grymes was at Big Island and would be produced at the proper time. As to the bail-bond being forfeited in consec-uence of Grymes's non-appearance last Monday, for which timo ho was recog? nized. Mr. Smith said this was not the case. Yestorday morning Mr. Boudursuomitted to Mayor Ellvson a partial report of the result of his investigation of the books in the Treasurer's office. A fuller ono is looked for in the next few davs. when it is believed that affair? will take an unex? pected turn. The Mayor was in conference t-everal hours yesterday with Auditor Tur Sin, City-Attorney Meredith, and Mr. oudar._ CRUSHED Uf^Ei^WAQON-WHEELS. A Seven-Tear-Old Boy Bun Over and AI most Instantly Killed. Ernest Cleveland Smith, the seven-yew. old bou of Mr. B. J. Smith, who' re skies at No. 906 north Twenty-fifth street, was run ovor by a heavy wagon yesterday afternoon not far from his father's house and received injuries from which he died in less than half an hour. Mr. Smith is a machinist and has been employed at Talbott's foundry for several years. When he got home yesterday after, noon he found the little fellow sitting ou t .'if poroh waiting for him. The child ask. cd permission to go out and play for awhile, and when his father consented he ran out and got on a passing wagon. Several vehicles wero passing up the street, one behind the other, and when a short distance fmm Lu home Ernest got ??a the WHgou ujion which he was riding. In doing this he was knocked down by another wagon and his skull was fractured and three ribe broken. The wounded child was taken home and Dr. Hinchman summ ?nod, but despite che efforts of the physician he died in a few minutes. Coroner Taylor viewed the remrins and decided to hold an inquest this afternoon at 4 o'clock, ho was unable to a?< who the tlrivir of the Vehicle which rsn over Erneut was, but it is understood that tho man was not to blame and that he stopped the wagon as soon sa the boy was knocked down, but thinking he wao not seriously hurt, went on in a short while. The wagon belong? ?1 to Mr. Iiossieuz and had been hauling wood. Salt? About Pledced Stock?. Two suit? were instituted in the City Circuit Court yesterday, the trial of which will be fraught with especial interest to ?beaker? and hroaaca. The _u?_Uo* ia Mrs. Bnshlelgh's nlocta. volved i? whether when ?tocks or bond? ?re pledged with? broker be bas th? right to repM.e them for larger ?urns thsn an? advanced on them by him. Mr. Jo?eph Hall i? the plaintiff in the? rssrs and Mossrs. Meredith ?nd Cock? ?re his counsel. The ??tions sre trespass oo the c??e in trove? and conrentipn. The larger suit, in which th? Punter? National Hank i? the defendant, is for cer? tificates of stock issued by the Old Domin? ion Steamship Company, one for 12 ?hares, one for 10 ?hare?, ?nd on? for 15 ?bare?, all of tho value of t_.N0. Mr. Mann ri. Val?_ tme is d?fendent in the other case, which i? for one certificate of ??hexe? of ths sstne stock, valued st 11,600. The stock In question trss originally placed ?rith s Richmond broker, who, it u said ropledged it ?nth th? d?fendants named and become financially embarrassed before redcoming the secuntiee Mr. Hall bad a running account with th? broker referred to._ GIRLS FLIRT WITH FANS. A Pretty Drill at the Carnaval Last Night? The Comodetta To-Morrowr. The threatening weather last night _id not. by any means, have the effect of keep? ing the people away from tbe Carnaval do lar Mer. and another large crowd attended. Thongh not ?o ?Treat a? on Friday, the large building was more than well filled. The Fan Drill, by eeveral of the prettiest ?nd best known young society tedies of the city, "A? *?*??? f?"at*'re ?* t,ie "vening snd perhaps elicited more applause and admi rati m thsn any entertainment given since the opening of the Carnaval. The tedie?, who were beautiful.*- M of Mrs. H. A. Tabb ?nd Miss Nellie Parker, acquitted themselves in a very graceful manner, and their coquetries with th'-ir fans made them look e? swc?t and mischievous as possible. They receive 1 an enthusiastic encorr, an I everybody remarked upon the creditable manner in which the drill was performed. The following took part in it: Mr?. H. A. Tsbb ?nd Miss Nellie Psrk?-r. Misses Came Mo. ro and Hertha Pleasant?, Misse? Imogen M tria and Bradley. Mrs. C. C. Walker and Mis. I'arke Bogby, Mieses Mary Van coy and Alice Henning. Mi??C3 Sallie Marshall and Virginia Hoco?k. Tho Fan Drill will be repeated next Wed nesdav Bight. The roinedett* "Who's to Win Him?" will be rendered to-morrow night. The following is the cast : Cyril DMhwood (a young officer In search of a wife).Mr. Eugene M assis. Mr. Prattleton Primrose (a middle-aged bache? lor of a nndec|i!?d tum) Mr. Charlea W. Coleman, of Willlamsburg. Mrs. Bushlelcb.Miss M.-try Preston Moore. Rose (Mrs. Ilu.Iilel.iis douKhter) Mi-sVirgl.ilo Bococ?f, of Charlotte.rllle. f Sylvia (? young lady fond of sport)_Miso R. L Norrls. Mlneto (a youn? lady fond of donclng).Mr**.C.C. Walker. Mii'Morn (o young lody fond of romance).Mm. J. llnn<'<).'lt | Arabella (a young lady fond of flirtation.Mr. H. A. Tabb. All of the ladies ?nd gentlemen who ap? pear in the coraedetta. though amateur?, are skilful performers, ?nd most of them havo appeared in public before. At the matinee to-morrow the Lady Washington reception will bo repeated. I . May Queen was given at the matin?e yesterday, and the attendance was very good. Owin_ to the wonderful success with which the Carnaval has met it will proba? bly be continued several days longer than was at first expee'ed. The public patron? age ao far hus greatly surpassed the ex? pectation? of those interested in it. Death of ?1rs. rannlnr. Mrs. Jane Fanning, widow of Thorn?. Fanning, died last night at 10 o'clock at the reaid aosofber son-in-law Mr. James A. Nolan. M Twonty-tifth street. The de? ceased ?ras in her sixty.fifth year. The funeral will be from St. I'striefs church to-morrow morning at '.) o'clock. The Modern Donee. Rev. Dr. W. E. Hatcher will next Tuesday night d-'livcr his interesting lecture on "The Modern Banco"' at West View church, corner Meadow snd C.iry streets. Itrlef Local Items. ninstrato.l views of Bnnyan's Pilgrim'? Progress will be given at on early date at the Grace-Strc-t Tho Hoard of Supervisors of Henrico county was in BSBSioa yesterday and trans nct. d routine busiues.s. rho County Court meets to-morrow. Dr. Gsofga Cooper will preach and ad? minister the sacrament at Sharon (color.??!) Baptist (hure... First and Leigh Streets, this afternoon al ,'J o'clock. Th?? officer? of Richmond Assembly, No. 3.3, Roval Society of Qood PsUovra, have paid Mrs. Martha E. Kern, wife of tho late Edward F. Kern, tin* amount of benefit certificate held by him at the urn?. _? b;J death. At the meeting of Fraternal Lodge, No. 53, of Mssoas, to-morrow night a number of petitions will be presented. This is on? of the few lodges that increases its mem? bership rapidly without now and then get? ting in a scrub. The city ombulance was summoned ye*_ tsrdsy morning at 11:38 o'clock to attend a man at the Old Dnninion Iron-?nd N.ul Works oa Ball? Isla who bad his km.? sprained. He was taken to tho alznahouso for further trcatm. at. There were fifteen profession? of faith at tbe revival meeting held at the Fulton B?p ti-' ohurcb h.-t Friday* night. Rev. J, E. Hiitson, the well-known erungeltst, con? ducted tin? BSTViesS. The meetings will continue all next w.-rk. Sergeant Matthews returned to this city Friday from >> ilmington. N. C. where he went to deliver Charles Bailey a'ias Knox. who was arrested in this city ?ome weeks ago on the chargo of being a fugitive from justice from that State. Bsiley was identi? fied at tho North Carolina penitentiary as being an escaped convict. The Good Templars of Sidney Lodge as? sembled in full fore? I'n.lav Bight at Bol vi? dero Hall. The usual docket of now and unfinished busmoss was cleared and five persons wore initialed. 1'nderthe "Good of the Order" Mr. Rradl.-y, of Jefferson, made an address ; ebonta by the choir, and ?ome interesting <m?-tions were ssked by the Committhe on 1'ro.ramme. At a joint meeting of the Baiiti?t Central Committee of Missions for Virginia and tho Woman's Miss,, i.irv Society of Rich? mond held on Thursday last at the mission rooms Mrs. It. Adam, who has been tho faithful treasurer for twenty years, resigned because of the magnitude of the work, and Mrs. William R. EUysoa wo? elected in her stead. Thirte.-n hundred dollar? was re? ported as having been raised by the socie? ties during tho post quarter. While the condition of Mr. George Ten? ser, who came near being suffocated to death last Wednesday night in the boiler in the now Citv Hall, i? greatly improved, he ia atill unable to give an intelligible ac? count of the accident that be.>U himself and James Belton, the latter losing his life on the ."-ci-ion. He is tho onlv son of a widowed mother and is her only depend? ence for support. The case is a very sad ono. Liberta? Lodge of Perfection, No. 5, An? cient and Accepted Scottish Rite, will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday. April Mtb, und a called meeting Wednesdav, April _.d. At these two meetings all tho decrees of tbe Lodge of Perfection?fourth to fourteenth, inclusive?will be conferred on a large class of candidates. The com? mittee on invitation to candidates will meet Monday evening just before the open? ing ceremonies. It is said that the Chesapeake and Ohio railway had a contract to deliver twenty trains of sugar in Chicago by midnight <>f 1 Beads*'. Moroh 3l?t. sugar "being free on Wednesday, April 1st, and the penalty was .3,000 a day for each dav1? delay. When the collision and burning of a local train in Harvey's tunnel took place all these train? were caught east of it and were strung nlong as far os Clifton Forge. They did not get through the tunnel till Monday, March 30th, but ttiey were given the right of w.iv from there to Chicago, and mode the trip successfully. A Knabe Upright Cheap. We aro the regular agents cf the Knsbs Piano, aud have ju-t secured an Upright but little used which will be sold st two hundred dollar? les? than tho usuai price. It is a bargain. Call at once or write to us. Manlt B. Ramos A Co,, Main street next corner Ninth. A Special Me.tins. A meeting of all persons interested in tho Blues' Bsz-sr will be held at Mrs. Wil? liam ( mer 1 bird and Franklin, on Tuesday. April 15th, at 6 o'clock P. M. All the inend? of General Henry A. Wise, Captain O. Jouning? Wise. Captain John S. Vii.'r*. all former officer?, the present company, and the public generally are re? quested to le pr?*t>ent at tbe meeting. Be ?ure to reed tbe adverfuement of tbe Elizabetn Land and Improvement Co_o pany. of Norfolk, Va. It offer? an oppor? tunity for a good investment. Das-ox. Ttpsks A Co., Agents. Croaae Marina, Cr?me Marina, Cr?me Marina, Creme Marina. for the Toilet and Berber-Shop. Raad th? advertiaement of Don?os, Tap par A Co. of Norfolk Building Lot?. They will tasks a good ?_r?et*Mai A FLORIDA AFFRAY. THREE SHOTS FIRED AND AN "INNO? CENT 8PECTATOR" HIT. Partisan??r th? Candidat?* for th? ~nlt*d ?tat*? Benatershlp lb? Partl?e En? gaged In th? AtTalr. fBy telegraph to the Dlspatcti.] Tallahassee, Fi_.. April IL?A shooting affray took place on the piazza of the Leon Hotel about a o'clock this afternoon between 8. 8. Harvey, of Penasoola, and J. E. Alexander, of Deland. narvey has been one of the active workers for John F. Dunn in bis contest for the United States senatorship, and Alexander is here in Call's interest Harvev waa seated on the piazza when Alexander came up the ateos with W. H. Clark, ex-postmaster of Jacksonville. Harvey beckoned to Alex? ander to walk down the porch with him. Harvev had heard that Alexander had re? ported that ho (Harvey) had boasted that there was t'2.*>0,000 in hand at Tallahassee with which to clef catcall, and he asked Alexander if he had circulated this story, adding that he did not propose to let him or any other man tell damned lies about him. BOTH DBBW. Alexander asketl if Harvey meant to call him a liar, and upon Harvev'? replying "Yes." he struck Harvey a blow on the 1p ft templa. Then both men drew their pis? tols almost simultaneously. Harvey fired. Clark struck his arm up and the ball missed Alexander. Alexander turned and ran, and Harvey fired a second shot at him as he passed through the door. Clark, still straggling with Harvey, then ran to the door and fir-'l a third shot at Alex? ander as the latter disappeared through the back door ot the office leading to the barber-shop. None of the shot? took affect, with the exception of a spent ball, which hit Albertus Vogt in the foot, doing no in? jury. RAO TO noDOE. In a gToup within twentv feet of Harvev, when he fired und in a direct line of his shots, were E. EL Purdy, of Davton- J. G. Spottswood. A. Vogt, and F.W. Hawthorne, agent of the Associated Frees. They had to dodge the balls to escape being hita When Havey fired the third snot across tho office there were half a dozen people pass? ing in and out of the ?lining-room and up and down the stair*. But luckily no one was hit. Tho wildest excitement prevoded for a few tniuure?. and the whole hotel was in an uproar. Several minor altercations grew out of the affair, but nothing serious. HOW HABVEY OOT THE DBOP. Alexander says that his pistol caught in the case a? ho was pulling it from his pocket, which enabled Harvey to "get the drop " on him. After that he did not dare to fire tor fear of hitting Clark, who was Btruggling with Harvey. Alexander un douliteilly owes his life to Clark's inter? ference. No arrests were made, but the Mayor served notice on both men to appear in court Monday morning. TUET WILL HE FINED. It is predicted that ho will fine hoth men hoavily under two"or threo different charges. Alexander'? friends had told him earl-; in the day that Harvey was looking for him and that there would be trouble, and one of theso friends ha<l insisted that Alexander tako his pistol, which he finally did. It was in arulibs- in his hip-pocket, just as when handed to him a short time before. THE BANQUET IN MANCHESTER. Thos? Who Will Keepond to Toast??They ?Want Light ? -Person?le, Ac. The Chamber of Commerce banquet at Leader Hall next i-'ridav night will eclipse any similar affair ever held in Manchester. Mayor Attkisson will deliver tho address of welcome. Mr. lien. P. Owen, Jr., will set as toast-master, and the following sen? timent? will be responded to: 1. " Old Manchester," Mr. Dsvid L. Pul liam. L 'New Manchester," Mr. John E. Tav l?r. 8. "Chesterfield," Hon. Beverley A. Hancock. 4. " Virginia," Colonel John Bell Bigger, Clerk of tho House of Dologates and Keeper of tho Bolls of tho General Assem? bly. 5. " Richmond.'' Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, Mayor of Ki'-hmoml. ?;. "Tho New South," Hon. William I. Cloptoo. 7. "The Judiciary," Hon John H. In? grain. ?. " Tho Law." Judge James M. Gregory. 9. "Manchester's Maritime and Railroad Advantages," Major Jo?, ph Walker. 10. " Woman," Colonel G. K. Maeon. THET WANT LIOHTS. At the meeting of the Council Friday night the Committee on Light ?resented a n signed by a number of property owners on Potter street asking for the placing of street-liu'hts on tho upper part of that street. Chairman O'Brien said ! that ho also had petition? asking tor lights : to be located at places which he tht,u?_ht I noeiled them muro than Porter street. All I these petitions wero roferred back to the ; committee. Pr-'Sident Perdue stated that at tho last Meeting of tho Ciiiincil h?- had overlooked tho appointment ot tho c?)tnmittee to sea the trastees of tho Central Methodist church ami ascertain if the church build? ing can be pawbasad by the city for a City Hall and the cost ot the same. Upon this committee he appointed Messrs. J. F. Bradley, E. W. Wei-iger, and H. 0. Beattie. RRURmn notes. Mayor Ellyson, Rev. Dr. W. V. Tudor, of Brof*d-Stre?-t Methodist church, and Colo? nel A. 8. Buf.ird. ?II of Richmond, will tako part in tho meeting ot the Railroad branch ?il the Young Men's Christian As ?t.ciation at Leader Hall this afternooa. Robert Nalaoa is the senior warden. Dr. ; Lawrence Ingraffl junior warden, and John B. Vanghan register and treasurer of the , new vestry of M?-a<ic-Meraonal church. Corr-iieucint? this evening revival sot | vices will b" held at Centralchurch every i night this week. Rev. I. J. Spencer, of the Cowardin-Ave : nue church, will preach at Leader Hall to : night. No morning services will bo held at Clop ton-Street church to-day. SI10RTEB ITEMS. In consequence of needed repairs to the boiler at the power-hou?e the early cars will not be run on the Manchester electric line to-morrow morning. Mr. Robort M. Dunnevant's funeral will be held from the r'ifth-Street Methodist oburcli this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Cbestarlield County Court will be in ses? sion to-morrow. The term will be a long I one. A Crime for Jude? Lynch. [Dy telegraph to tho Dispatch.] Ksotvit.Lr, Tenn., April 11.?The detail? of the most horrible crime over perpe trsted in this section came to light in the Magistrates Court this afternoon. Two boys, aged sixteen and eighteen, Fied. Minier and Charles Hotlge, in last Novem ber horribly abus.>d Floyd Pickett, aged eight year?), and subjected him to indigni? ties that an Apache Indian would be ashamed of. In the latter port of February th? bov died, but the details of the crime were kept tjuiet by the child's parents un? til the names of the perpetrators could be discovered. This was done a day or two ?ago, and the brute? were brought to Knux ville. The strength of the new jail will most probably be tried as soon as the pub? lie knows the full horrible news. The crime was committed in this county. A Stronger Proof. [New York World.] " How do you know he loves you? " " He said b?- would die for me." "Is that all?" " Isn't that enough ? " " Certainly not. If he said he would give up smoking for you that would be a real proof of love." Mesar?. Manly B. Rasto* A C?. Tax Carnaval i?b la Meb. Gentlemen.?The President and man. agers of the " Carnaval " for the benefit of th? Woman's Christian Association beg to thank you for your kind and generous gift of an elegant Organ and at the same time would acknowledge the courtesy shewn by yon from time to time to their associa? tion. (.Signed] Mrs. William Si_pj?is, _ _Secretary. Large Contract. The largest lot sale of the season hss just been contracted for by the East Richmond Company. The company has contracted ?nth Mr. Stephen Haras oerger and Mr. I). C. O'Flaherty, representing a syndicate of capitalists, for 200 lots in East Richmond and the erection thereon of ?WO.OOO of residence?, work upon which will begin in the near future. Odd-Fallow. Invitad. The meeting of Richmond Lodge, No. 1, I. O. 0. F., to-morrow (Monday) night at Bolvidere Hall will be on the eve of the lecture of th.? Grand Sire of the order and the aaaembling of the Grand Lodge of the State. All visiting brother? are trordially invited, and it is hoped ail members will make it a point to attend aad thua greet our many visitors. L. A. Tccubb. tJacretarjr. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ?Of the Bojterlor Service Perforce?? Mr the Po?ta*-T?le?raph Cabl? Cocaaany. Richmond OfB?je?* Corn?r Thirteeath and Main streets and No. 6? east Broad etreet. Wnjn-OTO- PaoDTTtr?! Ex<*babob, I WamHOTOB. N. C. April 8.1891. 1 At a meeting of th? Boara of Managers held this d?y. the following action waa had: [Extract.] The ?Secretary was instructed to commu cate to Mr. W. B. Scattergood, manager at thia city, the kind appreciation of thie Bosrd of the uniform courtesy shown and the excellent aervice rendered by the Post? al Telegraph-Cable Company to this Ex? change during the past year. Atteat ; Josh 8. Cabtwux. ?Secretary. Nobtolk. Va., April 8,1891. C. ??. Ashburn, Esa., Manager Portal Tite graph Company, Aorfolk, Pa. .* Dear Sir,?I deaire to express to you my thanks for the excellent service you give me on my telegrams sent bv your line, the Postal Telegraph. To-day I was anxious for quick dispatch and filed with you three t.'le-rams from Chicago at 10:*? A. M. and at 10:45 A. M. had my replies. On previous occasions I have noticed similar results, which should unquestionably command the free support of the business commu? nity and all who us? the telegraph. lours very truly, A. B. Hitchcc-ob. Ric-H-ONdTya., April 11, 1891. C. T.Fh/dnor, Esq., Manager rostal Telegraph, Cable Company, City : Desr Sir,?It is with pleasurb that I tes? tify to the prompt an?! eflicient manner in which our business has 1 cen attende?t to the past year by the Postal Telegraph Company. In my experience as u broker I have never had better service. John Adam, Manager Union Brokerage Com. and W. U. Co. Jfr. C. T. Sydnnr, Manager Postal TdcqrapK Cable Company, Lily : D?ar Sir,?We tak? this opportunity of congratulating you and your company on the excellent ?ervice you have rendered in handling of our many telegram? to the various points. We can recall in a num. ber of instances when answers were re? ceived to our messages in twenty minutes from the time of sending same, and in sev? eral cases when quite ?uxious for prompt service from Chicsgo the messages were takeu through 'phone and replies received within seven minutes. Such promptness SB this should re???>mmend itself and c .in raand the attention of our progressive business commuuitv. Accept our thanks for tho uniform cour* tesv you have always shown us. iours, very truly, W. 8. Furhbs A Co, Richmond, Va., April 11,1S91. Tho Board of Directors of the Granite Perpetual Bulding Fund Company having received intelligence of the death of < ieno ral John K. C?>oke, tho honored presulent of this company, and entertaining tor his memory a profound vro?ratton, desire to give some expression to theirsentimeutson this sad occasion ; be it tbarafon R?solve-1, l, That in his capacity as the president of this company (.?'nerd Cooke fulfilled to the utmost of expectation the tlutic? which th? office ?Involvedupon him. To his high character for honesty ami in? tegrity ? to the esteem and popularity which he enjoyed in tho community, and to his energy and ability this company owes much of the prosperity which it has now attain? ed from a modest beginning a few years ago with him as its first hu<1 only presi Mit In common with the people of Richmond we recognize that there is but ono vo'co that gives expres? sion to the life and character of General Cooke; that he was a man; a brave soldier, defeated but not subdued. Bearing in his person the visible signs cf dangerous wounds, he neither fainted nor weakened, but mixed cheerfully in tho af? fairs of men. overcoming obstacles by a spirit that was superior to trials; a Chris tain; a noble, modest man, patriotio but not regardful of honors of offices for him? self. 1 That we extend to his family our sin cpresympathy in their sorrow-"and that they may be informed of our grief ; further JBawtlssif. fl That ? copy of these resolu? tions bo forwarded to them by the Secre? tary: ami 4. That be record the same in the minutes of ?nir proceedings and publish thein in the daily papers of this city. Jame?. R. Wkiiti?, Vice-president, Samuel 11.1'uUiam, Secretary and Treasurer. A htronc Directory. The Richmond Hardware Company, which will move tho plant of tho Buffalo Lock-Manufacturing Coin* any to Rich? mond and erect ?xteDBive buildings hero, aro proceeding in a biisinesa way. They have secured n charter and nut their stock Upon the market, and that this stock offers a good investment is guaranteed by the names of the gentlemen who will manage tho affairs of the company. These gentle, mon aro: William L. Royall, president; John II. Montague, first vice-preeidont ; D. EL Fitzgerald, second vice-president ; William L. Slontsgue, secretary, who, with tho following, conutituto the directory : J. L. Talliaferro. L. M. Blanton, David W. Reinhardt. I). A. Kuyk. 0. M. Hn*nes. Jr., Oliver F. Swift, and Thomas P. Campbell, The treasurer la Mr. Bernard Peyton, Jr. Mr. Hughes is from Lima, Ohto. and is cashier of the bank of which United Statee Sena? tor Calvin S. Brice, of Ohio, is ?resident. Mr. Swift is the head of the Buffalo Lo.-k Manufacturing Company, which is to be removed to East Richmond und incorpora? ted in the Richmond Hardware Company. One ot the great advantages the new %>m puny will have is that it will start wrth a complete line ot patterns, thus being free of an expense that has deterred many from ventuni'g in t'.ie hardware-manufac? turing business, than which none pay? better when once started. "A? Like It "?Mondar. Rosalind?Miss Juba Marlowe. Orlando- -Mr. Crest?n Clarke. Touchstone?Mr. Wilfred chr't*. Mr. J. 1. Ford, ot Baltimore, yesterday wired the managers hero that Director Stinson hud. on account, of the Booth ?nd Parrett datea being ea&oelled, toaeenr? thi-ir first comedian, Mr. Wilfred Clarke, to play thecomedy with'.MissMarlowe. Hewill therefore on M ?nday evening play Touch, stone, a character in which his father, the great comedian. John S. Clarke, was so celebrated, and tho son promises to be equally successful. M ilfre.d ?Clark? is a younger brother of Crest?n Clarke ami is also, of course, a grandson of tho renowned tragedian, Junius Brutus Booth. We Ar? Going to Do It. Having secured the services of a first class pastel artist, and to introduce his ?r tistio work, we will, for tho next thirty days, commencing Monday, April ?ith, give one dozeu of our Finely-rSiimhed Cabinet Photos and ono 16x20 Pastel Portrait for ?ti. These portraits give the natural color of th? hair, eyes, complexion, and jewelry, and are e?iual in finish to a regular $10 picture. We cordially invite the public to call and examine the work. Campbeei, A. Co., 429 east Broad stre?L Fine Pianos, Fin? Piano?. The rainy weather bas very largely in? terfered with our country business and our ?tore is actually overstocked with musical instruments. To get room we will sell at reduced prices one dozen pianos and organs. Terms essy snd goods thoroughly guaran? teed. Manlt B. Ramos A Co., Main street next to corner of Ninth street Merit Will Tall. Dr. R. Galeski's optical office, located at 915 east Main street, continues to gain in popular favor and the patrons of that of. nee are now numbered by the thousands. Professional experts onlv are in charge ot both htting and manufacturing depart? ments. The good work of Dr. J. Frank Lewenberg is being specially appreciated bv the many benefited through his correct adjustment of Glasses. We desire to call your attention to our advertisement of building lots at Norfolk, Va. This is the property of the Elizabeth Land and Improvement Company, aud being familiar with all of its surrounding? we do not hesitsto to offer it to our frieuds as a safe investment. Call for map ?nd pro? spectus. D-Huo?, Turn* A Co., ^^^ 8*11 Main street Doe't Detarvo Sympathy. Those persons who refuse to try Thomp? son's Bromine and Arsenic Spring Wster for blood, stomach, and kidney trouble?, and persistent nausea. L. W. Bcbwcl General Manager. --?? illustrated pamphlets of Woodland [lights ?And -orest-Hill Park mailed oa application. A. J. Bbai,*t A Co., Manchester, Va. Contentment Is W?tilth, and to obtain the former smoke Fruit? and Flo were, which can be found ot all dealer?. A. B. C. Tonio invigorates and toaea up the system and gives you a good appetite. Haadreda of people in Richmond have uaed A, M. G. Toaio aad praise it? Tbe -Oto.? Mm of Piaac. ia Ebony. W?lnu(i, snd Mshogony. Prie? reasonable snd terms easy Kt-asd A Lr?, 10 Governor ?trset. Violet? and Lilies of the Vallev reduced in price at Hammond*?, 107 esst Brosd ?treet. Telephone. ?80. Anythlag Too Wl.h in Plsnos. Organ?, or Fnruitnre on Oover nor street cannot he ?orpaased. 8*t**Bl'* l?nd A lee's splendid stock st No. 10 Gov? ernor ?treet. just received. Prices to ?uit all. Viol?tssnd Lilie? of tb? Vsllsy reduced in price st Hsmmond'?, 107 esst Broad street. Tslepbone. 030._ Hickok'? No. I, H. D. <_ Fig. ?nd Caro? line Sun-Cured ?r? Fore, Clean, ?nd Choice Sun-Cured Tobsccos. Try them. Fro It. and -Towers. This well-knoira bread is to be fosad st sll ths dsolera.^ _ Do Yon Wl.h to Bo Happy t Then ?moke the fine-flavored Fruits snd Flowers, obtained at sll the dealers. m*******m*mm**nmmmm*n? Hone.t Doctoro. All honoot, coitoHeutlou. phy-d.-lona who give P. B. B. (Botanic Mood Holm) ? trial frankly ad? mit Its superiority over all other blood modi ? d'!"w. J. Adolr. Rockiimrt, Oo.. write? : _ I regard B. B. B. oa one of the beet blood medl Dr. A. H. RoB-sy. NoahvlUe, Tonn., writ?*: " All report? of I'.. R. B- are fovoroble and ito apeedy act-Ion Is wonderfal." Dr. J. ?V. Rhodes, l r a? ro?-drill?, (!*.., -mfe**: " I .-ouf???? B. B. B. Is Hiebest and quictoBt inedi dne for rheumatism I hove ever ti Or. S. J. Fariner, Ci-Wfcrdville, Oo.. wrltea: " I cheerfullv recommend B. B. B. os a fine ?onto ?IternttYc. Its use cured an ox?-res?-eiic. of the nx.-tf. after omer Mmedl?*s eflectod no peiceptl ble good." Dr. C. H. Montgomery, .Tacks-.nville, Alo, ?rrlto?: "My mother Insisted on my getting B. B. B. for her rheumatism oo her case stubtrornly resisted the u?ri*l remedies. Hire oxporlenco.1 Inimed's-to Nltot mitt her iniproveniont ha? be?n truly wond'.rful." _ Dr. O. \V. Ksrle. Picken?, S. C, write?: "I recommended 11. B. B. to o Btsa who hsd ?nf fere?i for year, with o in?llciio.,r. ul'-r on hla leg that seemed to resist all other treatment. After using four or live lumia? _t? UtttOt began to heal and his le* is now ?omul and well.'* Head D. * E. MiTTBtooKntB'? ucw advertise? ment In to-day's paper, front pSffc Ulvethern an early coll to secure some of th? ?root bor golns. A few ot tbe d imaged goods left. Meade A? Bak.r'e Carbolic Month-Wa.h. a delightful toilet article, pleaaont to tho taato, purifi?e the breath, ond pi event? decoy of the teeth. Prepared only by T. Robbbtb Rakbb, Pbarmeotat, Pli) east Main ?troot Bold by drugirists generally. MAmxt**-,Ol..-C..?TTTt3, WlNIX)W-8HAB_% Cab vbts, Rrus, S-BSbSBBBBMB. TABI.B8 at reduced price? at MiTTBi-DOBrBR-' New t.ranlto Building. ...?? the Genuino Plummer Bromine Arsenic Water from A?h? county, N. C, lor Blood, Skin, Stomach, and Kid? ney troi.M"?. Owbns A Minos Dbco Compant, Agento Phillip.'. l)l_e?tll?Io Cocoo la a valuable sutistltute for tea or coffeo. It nourishes while they only stimulate. A superior drink for children ?ml for nervouo and delicate womou. All druggist? and grocers. All kinds of Hr-NAXTS at a great eacrlflce st MlTTEt.DOKrBR-*. For Impum er thin BIool, Weakness, Malaria, Neuralgia, Indigestion, and Biliousness, take Brown's Iron B'.tters-it give, strengtb, making old per*.ns feel young and young pentoua atrong ; pleasant to take. AUCTION SALES MONDAT. GEOU'iE W. MAYO, 10:30 A. M., ?rrockory, Ac JOSEPH B. DAVIS, IOWA. M., grc^ortoo, horse, wagons, Ac. OEOROE W. MAYO, parlor -ratts, ?xtenstrm tulil.-s cooklng-stovee, 4c WILLIAM JF.NK1NS S SI ?N, ift-M o'clock, ban*. nus, oranges, and lemons. E. C. (I.U'KISON, 4t.j P. M., frame dwelling No, 708 north Twenty-fourth atreet. SPUD Tho practical man when hnying sn Overcost considors four thing*?price, quality, fit, and style. And wo are per? fectly willing that esch sn.l every gar? ment in our mammoth stock should be put to ths test on sll these points. In brief, wo have every fashionsbla msto rial, every shade of color, snd every re? cent style. A stylish snd servioesbls Spring Over cost as low as $7.50, a luxurious one at S'il), and between these two a stock which for ett? nt snd vsriety never hsd sn equal in Richmond. SPUING SUITS. Tante '.lays an important part in the baying of clothes if the best result? are to bo obtained. Your suit msy be stylish, handsome, and costly, and yet not st all becoming. Our Isrge expe? rience in fitting oat some t-oussnds of gentlemen a year in at your dispossl, while oar stock of new Mpring Ha its makes the selection easy for you snd for us. It lack.s nothing. Kvery msker of cloth in Europe snd America that's st sll prominent is represente? 1, and every new style is here. For rsre specimen* of the tailor's srt snd good values see tbe beauties we are showing at $10, $1_, snd $15. THE BOSTON, 1009 XADt STREET, Ovposite Post-0flice. It's a fast that the more you try to make an impression the loa? likely you ore to maker Just be your natural a.If and you 11 be pretty euro to come out sll right. Tea can not So asta? rol In demeanor If you aro not propwry attired, and It? us?les? to attempt It. An awkwardly. dreased man is almost certain to be oorrsspaed. lngly awkward In manner. He doesn't feeloom. lot-table, and bo cannot help eetroylng it. Ho may have paid for bis salt tvrt-e Its value, but boll novar got any pioaooro out ot it. You will bar? ao anca unfortunate ?xporieaoe? with th? SPRING SUITS t-SOM MgAdams 4 Berry, MAIM AMD laa-T-H SnuUtTS. TTUlie? & rtr?oadx lhe Popular Store! W? a? aoeking for more tri ?re don't clamor for if. W? a? J-aniM.t, mode?! way, ?ml ?. that that will bring it. The go?xl ptM>Io of Rieb? - ! ?<?.,_ ns. They know that wo *r " of them, with them, for ?l.? ? know fnrther that wo are Uve, ri aive merchants, and they _Dl further tthat what wecn*r ? d<>. Wo ?re business people ? 1 ?? ?0 business on business ?>/?,?, fyj Onr purposa ?*? ?????? ?nnouno i to bring before yon Mttaia \ certain hn?*? of good? *? Ue; ara not good? you can g? t ? Wo don't claim t?> BIHG away ; we ?Ion t claim - away ; we ?lon't even <-l?.-. fora mere pittance. Value i t given for value. We ein thing, and -mt is itif/, W lit n a price rom, s (i A I.hoa<ls it's honest an i ?-, a bargain romea from Mi - it'? ItOOottt Slltl *'/,i<ir< ; value? tn-il'ty for what we i t!??r?''s what wa offer for Um t ?\rt of this week in Dress Goods. English Drip, 10c a Til?, This i? a ?goo?l illiitTtrstioB, W? didn't mention th?*. th-? ? ? WOOL?R-al thoy are ,, t. m only half wool, but t'ney look wool, an?! the beat?,f all-wool, ? aanda of la? li?e left to their ? *n .,?_. ment would buy them for ><> here you're frankiy mi ? ,, porcentago of goo?Is is , , cotttm. This is a i'?" . l>e eure, or wo won.,In t oaa r. of this dresa-goodsanuoiiLo?. I early for a pattern. I feres Another: Fine Cashmeres only _.v. i If we spoko of tho V * 1 I I thing wo adv rtiso 'twouM 111 We're trying to ????ntlt-une 1 ?VI know ~h?t('ashnier? Hare ?yoa they're WORTH ; yon know vr Krticular grade is ? uanza in worth, tike our a All the new tdiatlrs ?gan I mode?, Paris brow:. And hero are othttr? ?:?-' -,. One thing in our store i? ?/ ,'. .- ; _ another from a VALUE ??' We don't give vou r : partment and Irrrr y i In Stylish All-Wool Smtio.<, -?V. This means an sn-nv - al; . BS8?)rtm?)nt.s. It RQRBRR m I tan, gray, natural, and it is full 96 i You never got a b??tt'r I i every ono wo oiler is .11 Impottnl fid ITi -. - ? (Ten, only "jO?.,a:?,t to ,. ?> Tho iaipocafd riov<?ltio? at are not shown In taaay , this season, 'i ho importer this lot cost bim I i York. You ??an t.-?k" lus atol it's worth, as wo don't know pint t better tliuu Mm di?, i it jot] 1 ? word for it that th?? good? ?ro ? Ma?, ami scarce, too. I i CameFa-Hair in tan ami gray, 11 wide, only ,"">;?. ; Canvas B-?ore inch??? wnle, only 50& a yard ; ??? shutl'S of 'l'an and (?ray Fin ? .? ishod Henrietta, n?li? orerywl 75t-, HERE it h (?o iv .'-..?. a tri vou know why ? A iivelv trade leaves an <i|H?ning for bargains, k being the tail RM <>t Bon we pick up " jol??" at; 1 "1 our own IsrON* He b??ing ant HKLIi and we lu a brings about EAS? T__U_S, Engli.h Ilroaiirloib, Il a Tin). (54 Inches wM??, ?nd tl_? Thi? is a mic-lity big lar ? . You can't get euch p< ? les? than from, "i." to ?iO per ? money ; or tins : FINE BLACK FRKN4MI - inches wide, at only .*,?>. a v. aider the quality, tbo width, ti i price. HERE'S AHO IMPORTED RLAriv.s'.M; II CLOTH only tba. B vari. ? HILKFLSISHB?) i.w i N Kf VT. HKXRIK?TA, M du* l l 7?"n?. a yartl. ?18-INCH BILK-WARP ! GLORIA CLOTH marked at ? yariL EVENING HUAI?! SILK, 23 i-chea ? l -, i d ? ?PIQ?REDINDIA DRAI I 32 inches wide, ??riiy ,"?-. a yard Wo mako low pi ios on - bacauaa we wsnt yijiir tr_?!?-. that every ono who ??? fairly a_d s _u_rciy dealt with, ?* again. In onr domestic, depart run after tin? fashion -all ? I monta aro in completo barm Good Dress Gin^i'im*-, 6?e. i Nevr Dress Cha UK 6e? j I New Wrapprr I'lannflrt!"! on'. The Finest American Dit?.?; i. (Thouaands of n??w pattaras si ? New and Beautiful (imin :? We strike on something ' dress goods th:? B|riko on EVER1 In' BARGAIN v. r-EX with tu, all deiKirtm? ribs. Bar? R I nig in HOSIER1 : CHILDREN'S EAST I l.l1 BED SCHOOL Ho. ?etl soles, in sizes "? to I ! pair; Hii-jh* ai/.ea, i? aid ? . f an?i bievcling. at l<k*. a LADlFW SKA.'! GAN HOSE at 1 LADIES' WAHR.' BLACK H08E (tafown bnad), i ? 60o. gootls, at l^c a p?iir. You tow, la?luv?, what barg*.-: I *nn giving. These aro ?ts< lo food? at?*' guiar half j IN LITTLE THINGS WE 0 ?-4 Ream, 3 pound, NotoPap<" 1-4 Ream, ?_ pound, Noto Pi s-4 Ream Best Irish L?MR N While these ara ?penal or bargains we want you to know times and un J?r all cir< sell all thinga in our lino -i \ n.'iirly every useful want?at l' ?*' ' '? ?*' are t-orwet am! rt>asoiiab!e, ] ?3BRM LOWER than I atore?. The new Lazar I'att- b??x?* Mail ordars promptly attended to. TTiill&l QC Ktic The Popular Store. LEtriK?-? THEMOl-K.r.N DANCE. R. HATtliRK, IX 1) ??ttAc l?cturts -THE Moiiktr? W?aivWw oB<??a. ontnot \:??o ? eAfols, TURBUAY (.VKV-tO, April l?_J If you waat ?a Bt4sr ot ?aajapaeai osmc m* RB otoita. MabMtiMt oa? p?* at tact,