Newspaper Page Text
f?oTAC.ESl TO-PAY. ? ICHMOND DISPATCH. PAGBS| TO-DAY. >YHOLB NUMBER, 12,425. RICHMOND? VA., SUNDAY. MAY 24. 1891. THREE CENTS PER COPY, Sew Goods, New Low Prices FOR THIS WEEK AT VilTTELDOKTiH',T?S' NEW GRANITE BUILDING, 217 EAST BROAD STREET. | ?.-? Si MVHK.nniK ,??.??? button ? ? all an it?? . f WASH PAI , Ri ? Ac, Ac. . . ? lor th? . ?, ! t. plaid, and (.tripes at .'.. Mata, worih _ ; IKS at 17c, reduced from ? ? : dark cr?. ml?: SHANTONG m I ' ihe ne? styles, Most ?, UM ? sin ? Bad light ftlgtuc*, all color?, at ? ?. ? ".ercgu tora and ficnrcd at ok "f Ihn nrtt id |n?l th. g".?l? for thll ? ?,???-.?; ??8 at ? .?.. In nil in Ught, iinry, and - at 8 and 10"-.??, tor the KOS for dnaeeo and drapery s ;,t 4 V-. the i, vt?.r?; S" ?? 1 Sa fi bil'.w the regular - .-iiers. BIaACK WASH goods. ' E\S1-IUA(K INDIA ! plaid ; ? ? Ml LLSal ISJfja worth l'y.?, worth 2.?).?., ;. IAM MULL at Slightly ?l.m.aged liy ? ,? ,.- .it- d PAST-SLACK I -, WHITE GOODS. 'c w. rth lSUo, : . MUSLIN at 4, 5, ?, 7, 8, ? ? .0 .?. on the dol? si _3?????8, ri^UK, and it very low pi SD1A MULLS for aprons ?. at 121*0. worth J.'??.; ta at 88 and 30?.?ono U ; E DAMASKS, MOB? :.. iNS, rURKIBH TOW? k at mark? : tee? noetved, bought at the large anctlon ? in every department ? <?rrytl mg at a -??I-!. J'ricc? will iv In price. I Commencement ex?nteos will soon be here. ?Ter the largest etock of WHITE ' nn?! at the lowest price?. <;(vc us a call and be I bargains. BLACK - ITS. all the new pet ??.. 81.08, ei.ii?. ?cts. 81.?!?. 81.03, up to8;Li:> for goodt worth 85 ayai ? : BLAI'K ( ll\NTILLY FLOUNCING and I toatateh In ?Uwidth?fron 18?.to81.15fot ihe widest ?nd twst Imported, Th???. an tbe moot stylish for trimming, and very .lar. BLACK i.RENMrlNKS in plain at C8c. worth * 1.1 ;. : HT.\? ??,;:! ? A DI N'ES'n striped and figured, a ? : low prices; ' H1SASI1 ? al 4?c. worth ?G. ?. ; FIGURED and PI \IN ? li ? ? a SILKS at 87, SS, 4?;. 87, and 7s.? all reduced '.'.'. per ? BLACK and COLORED BU&AHS at redacod ; ? ?. VTLEME.VS, end CHILDREN"? M MME.E-ANDMI.Dir.M-WElOHT UNDKRWEA1L LADIES RIB1 ?,? 7U.C. worth '.'Oe. : ? ?UlKTSet "7??.. reduced from d.V'., all sixer. Thi? is a rare ??ill Itisi only a short while. OUTI v ? boy? end gentil men at 21. 87 4'...v, 7?.', ?.??., nnd 81.25 for ala? vo*! go ?ta, nice ?tiles, and w.U made; 1,2* ? Roys PERCALE BUI UT-WAISTS at ! _ BOYS' PERCAJ E SHIRT-WAISTS at 85,87,60, . ?">?? : !N UNDERWEAR-? new snpply Just revived at a gnat reduction on former . Give u? a call on these goods. BELTS, BELTS, BELTS. A lnrr* stock ?? new BELTS Jisl ot.ened at 0. 1 :, 16, 19, ?.'.?. ?"???, 00, and 7l'c?all new goods and very ehi ? p. MATTINCiS, MATTINGS. CABPBT8, oil-cloths, win how-shades. LINOLEUM, rigs, DOOR-MATS a terga Bt.?k aad ? fr- h snpply of new MATTINO? fri m auction, ??, guaranteed, ?rbita and r?d ?. e else when 20a; ?_N( 1 MM ? IN?.S at II. 17. 81, :.'.'!, 20, 'JO. Riid 82c. for s Damask Sesmleei Matting, ? n this aitici* wo aro headquarters and lowest in the city, call and look awBanyag t.ti v. Manufacturers' sample? of LACE CAPS, SILK CAPS, LONG CLOAKS for Infants. We have isIti I an.cher supply 560 piece, all different, ?ii" of s kind to be sold at 'I."?':..'? tbed .liar. ItwiUpny y?.i tocall early tor these "*OUH GBBAT BTBBOM SALE will be continued forUttewee*. Our nie Ulis wee*" will bo ihe ?. Dont tail io call. J). & E. MITTELDORFERS NEW GRANITE-FRONT STORE, 217 EAST BROAD STREET. DEAL WITH US s lorneii with geme of comfort and beauty. Our TAILOR-MADE ? a:.L;u tlio reach of everybody. EA.T MONSTER SALE OF FINE CLOTHING. "'? STRICTLY ALL-WOOL THREE-BUTTON CUTAWAY SUITS in ? rkscrew, fancy mixed cabsimeree, and genuine Scotches, elegaut . . -.ed, true value $15, S10. ui .W< )( VL RACK SUITS, warranted fast colors, nil sizea, colors . k, und neat and nobby mixtures, not a euit worth less than ?1??, S10. ? BACK AND THREE-BUTTON CUTAWAY BUTTS ia mixture?, ; L . ? , true value S?S choice for HOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. ' Ch?dren?. Suite, made in first-class ?^*^J?*??* *?d 11 refus, haro all been marked down ?0 Btjji every purchaser. that sold at 12.50 will be sold for ? ; that sold at |8 will bo soul for?? ; that ?old at |8.60 will bo sold for ?>. ; ta that sold at ?>l will be sold for ?3.60 ; ? -.???a<<?^*'^__ -?l;;;"-'-N.m ? -.(???????!1???? . ? ??.??(-,???>?\?^ our .?60 l'ANTS. Ask to see o ur ,? .. ,? 1 ?> IB. ... ei niVTs' Ask to see our t?? ? -?-> ao._ ?TrVwJ US '%tA?w ?IATS. STRAW HATS. STRAW HATS. -.?\t^heb\aueforthoha,!dsoin? organ on exhibition m onr ? . :v'purchase entitles you to a guess. B. FLORSHEIM, THE RELIABLE Price Clothier and Hatter, _ l? ourth and Broad st)eefs. T1ULHIMER BROTHERS' .,; ,,,??? WASH FABRICS "^"""i?Aso" ES THE 1'IIETIIEST STYLES ? ESE THIS SEASON. I week sean;; ont tv good?uh ? S .-? LOI ils, and PB? A1Kf?,* ?? -,..? .ni ?inerteu-e much trouble ______________ ? thai could not he had unill now. Ask to see INA MILLI*, ?Annitr?, ,_,_APPLE llSslls, CU ALLIES, ZEl'HYKS, liNi,.? I.OUi>, and 1'EIUALKS, and If you don't flud ?omethlug to ?alt your fancy ? W1U exp?rience, much trouble to find It elsewhere. ? y figures?-all color?-.V?. a yard. Handsomest style? of FANCY " "l "'s? '". and l'-'tv?. a yan!. The tune i? now here when you should buy ?'? Mtwr, As* pos-e the tine 1'KilMAN MI'I.LH at l'JU, lUHf,, vu, and HBBEH ??NDIA LINENS at ?.4,, in. 1 ."*, 1?>!?0, ami-iic. a yard. We , ?? i'v e;ylr.?i:icilhs'KEU and sTUIl'KO MLSL1.NS; aleo, beautiful Kil'KL" MI'M.lNs', in. and lVUc. a yard. ? lof PIO! 1; I. Ii und liO'lTKl) hwISSKS to be seen in th. city, showlng - : ett ???. ?enignsfroui '?'.*u a yard up. We ?how an immense aeaortiueut of ?or ladle? and children, from 88a a yard up to the nneet w ?- ? --rvlceable article? for dren? wear this season an BLACK '?il M 1? (, s, of which we show a Urge variety In the prettiest pattern? ' tip to th? ni.-er qualities. ' enrryiug pretty SILK DRAl'BKY NET?, and this season we show them pret ? ??? ?e to show you about fifty different ?tyles from BtJe? a yard up to the ? ? t? ? mis? ?eefnx our ?upply of these good?, ?1* w. can ?eve you money. half their real valve. Come and r LO L NCIKOB ?r. offered at about one . .^.eouev.rknownfo^^ ? for It by layingJn an enormous supl?? ** ., 0-n t**lf??%*ur W S1W.E.S. UiduconvenM ?. Cmi^ ^ ^ ^^ a ? unued with ^^^??^????* <* ??? ?b.r^uoethestAotk. A l?^e and hai?lA?ouM ?? _u the ?olld oolon la u. h?. e^J >? - "^^ ,__- _._?.? * ? ! acemenl? to porch**? ???? ino? ??" v T1IALHIMER BROTHERS. ifiyiH AND BROAD BTliBETB. loiy fn^a,TttATW No room to ho equalled or undersold. Wo mast swim on tho top. The bay? ing power ami the wiling capacity ere with us. Road the prices this week end are whether or hot it pay? to deal with a limilo thnt readily supplies yon with any ??????? er 1 evury thing TOO waul. The few cents or doliere ?rorn each de? partment menpenagte an?l aro tho direct ' i inga tho many prices to that standard n_ makes values often won? derful. Cut prices, and before the season is on ite wane. It requires proper surroundings to do Unit. Eft Tonca Mack, dia nond ? ? donhlo and Drapery JVet in twisted, 85& ? yard, from 92a ; Hnissela J'rapiry Net hcavilv ombroiderod, $1.84 th?? price reduced to 7.>. ; Point ?If? ???? Tosen, Henry mesh, dou bio ami twi-??? d, prico $1.20, ? doei 1 to "f'c. ; Bniaeele Foundation How-Knot Pattern, price $1.75, reduced to $l.*_o? Braaeela Net with Satin Strip? ?-inch Bide), $1.76 o vani al] these nets aro IC, inehee wide end reliable qualities. The entalofne of Neta ?lo? s not end ht-re, it's the beginning only of a large line at re? duced ?pri?es. All-Silk llloct Satin lwin l:ima for Lining of Nets, Me. a yard. l?i?aand China reduced for Mon Heal Chimi, 26 inclioa wide, fie; Silks will bt day. and 27 mes and styles tl at wem told fro:n BO to 96c for ?"??'e. a yard ; Ptvl"s that were Wc. to |L 12 for 75a n yor.l : nny Wash Silk in tin? hOUM will M sold for f>r>c. a yard : Twilled India Silks to b told for 7."ic. ; Penn de Soie Bange, nil silk, io Muck, 11.55, Monday f??r $1 ; ?Presch Grena? dine, white and colored pin ?/tripe, don ble ?width, 82.25, Monday $1.25; Col? Suraha with satin ttripee, Monder 85c, a yard ; ?Black Sicilian, heavy ??otro, r?ninett?' maki?. $2 quality for $1,25; $1.98 Black Groe-Qrain, Monday $1.1 0 ; Sicilian Cordnroy Satin?-?, Meek or white, 98c ? jsrd, Monday ?50c; Col? ored Faille, price $1.09, Monday 75c Ite difficult to buy in tlin deport? ine ? t without While Goods ?buying a bargain- -there nro neh numbers of the under-priced hIu'Tm. lu? lu I leena thnt ctst 25 and 36c. a yard, Mondav 16 und l"c. ; another 121 and 16c quality, Monde* for %C. ? ?.t?. A Ralo of White Perniai) Mulla?tho fine grade tliii time ; <?tialitic? 86 to 4>., Monday 2"e. a yard._ Plais Bntchi r'i ? ? f?">r cov ?big f.i.nitiire-hr?'I?r/J half 1 l'a died?85, u yurd, I f Monday l'.ic. ?Doubl? Su-Ii ? tin la mask, new pattern, full two yards wide, $1,60---ye r choice Mondar for j?1 a yard, white ?' *ou1 le-DamaeV Fruit Doi iiee, fin?? ?quality, fringed, ? -, Monday 40c.a dozen._ ?' "" " ?""?"""""?jWe have ?lamped Linens. ???\ ..Ml I I ? t|) U r - chase of all kinds for8Ummei employ? ment while on your T-Obtii ? -Linen Splashers, all linen, 6c to$L 19 ; Fur. an (Overs |9o. to$1.48 ; DoilieeScto 19c ; Pillow Centre Pieces, Towels, Tray Cloth?*, Tidies, etc. Any kind of Worsted you can call for cost youleel l?y one half or third than it would have a week ago. ? ho ? ? qualities and goods are the same ; the styl? ? the heut. Wo can afford to redo? ? ?xtook at will, and we cell when we ?get ready without ?regard to east ? ? vaino. ?11???.>1 French Cballies, 69c ?three pieces, styles didn't tako, Monday ?_.??. a yard, French Tunis Cloth, finest gra_8 manufactured, $1.868 yard, Mon? dar ?1 a yard. Fino Alpaca Lustres, all light am?dark shades, roc, Monday 86c French Cheviot!?, U inches wide, light weicht, all pure Australian wool, Mon? day 60C a yard, $21, $26.80, ami $28.10 was the price of thoso various Trench Novi Ut Knits, your choice $15, Cheaper ones, too, all with tickets that mark tho necessity of selling. Ah a dentifrici', month disinfectant, ns aceinet tender, lacerated ?geme, offeneive bucretiou of any kind try l?r. Maxes ? Carbolic Mouth' Wash Plc-aeant, baft?, and healing, olle, bottles for 29c French Orgiunrlea, in new and ts anti ful osVsigus, solid colors, too, 87 I Mexican (?iughame, half silk, ?85c ; French Ginghama from 18c up;Hen? ?ietU-l'inislied Fast-Fla.'k Satteens for ISc. a van! ; the <'?7c. quality for 2'.'c. ; Printed Imitation of India Silk, 864 grade for ls'c. ; Trinted India Mull", all the, various grades, redoled to \'?\o ; French Satteens, in stripes for ehirt waiste, fino quality for 12;c. A special ?salo of Em broidery for Monday ?Seva??] thousand pieces at marvellous prices. Fine Dndee that would tic cheap for 12c, Monday for to. ; another lot 8c a yard ; Full-Width Flouucings, em? broidered and hemstitched, l>e. ; fino quality in white, with colors or fast black, $1.60 and $1.63k Monday 81 a yard. All widths, all kinds, all quali? ties. Not over half value anywhere. Fivo hundred pi? a s remain orer. They have to isU at tomo price. The qualities elsewhere Mattiniti _______ 45 and Mie., here 20 and 2.V. All the Osipet Patterns, fr'c. quality for 25 and ?90a 2"c. Mattinge will be sold for l.'c l? urnituro Linens, 88 inches wide, 45c. Full 112-inch Floor Linen for 81.10 a yard. Floor Oil-Cloth and Linoleum for a third under usual price. A new line of Ladies'Blank aud Colored Silk Waiata, bhirt-Waists for Ladies' and Children. All the I are reduced a third uu [ Wraps dor ? o r m e r prices. You can get any kind of I ' V?w?}}L?ll WMl ""?I Trunk from ol'o, to ?4. ? Think of aj :^.ipllllineru rarlor near flvoi ? ? . . ? ? hundred ready-mado Hats to choose from and no two maular. Not one that you saw here two weeks ago. It ought to lie a place to excite your curiosity. Paris has tried its talent this season and so has the department manager here. The pride of foreign picking ia the boast her?! with prices as moderate as if style and fine workmanship went for naught? Let the hot sua do its worst, thero are twenty shapes alone in airy Mall Hate to counteract its rays. Erery known shade aru color to match jour bait from 75c to$5. Tfir COHEN i ?)?|G???-G??!??????. New the kind wanted ago. Not Ribbons for Monday? and prices you more of a week* likely to last be? yond Monday or Tuesday. The following is a price-measure of a kind of challenge to competitors. No? thing too good or fine for us to han llouseware, ?He. Often enough the prices fall be? low the cost of the manufacturer. I ?ili gent buying, liheral selling?safety valve to goodness. For the coming we? k, or r-q long as the goods will last Three pieces reduced from $1.10 to Majolica Wales I it ?!? rs at 25c.; Decoratiti Open Vegetable Dishes at 1P&; 1 lot lndirulual Meat Dishes will be cl&ed out at :\e. each; Open lianuled Pickle Dishes will lie sold at 4-c. each; 1 lot Odd Brush Vases will l?e eold at 1c. each; French Bone Plates re? duced to $2,.VI per do/en; Unid Band Toa Pot Bests at 10c. reduced frock Beliecca at tho well Tea Pots from 10c. up; 1 lot '??Id lioso Jars, Decorated, -, and $1?to etcse them out II ?el! them at 25o. choice; Belf Puuring 'ft a I'ots, Imitation Bich Cut (?lasM Berry Set? worth $1 at 95c; Imitation Bich Cut Glass Water Sett worth $2.25 at $_.29; Cut Bottom Butbaf Dishes 16c; Soda-Water Glasse?. SI.2.5 quality for 72c. per dozen ; Bichly En? graved Water Glassi ? at 07c. per dozen; ? Siwcial Display of (Superior Quality 'ila?? ware this week at big reductions. Cyclone of reduction in Bric-a-Bracs?as for instance. : Handsome Bric-a-brac at .?2.50, $3.75, $4.50, ant' % worth three t?nel tho money. Beau-hul Jardi at less than New York cost ; Peal ( hinft Decorated Dinner. Sets, 100 pieces, at $_5~ the same set retails in New York at 1518; 12 Fni;lih-China Decorated Dinner Set-i-sp? eial?at S1?'.50 per set? importation cost $14 ; Tea sots of eame quality, viirio?s d-corations, 56 pieces,' at .'?"?.2'.?-importation costali. Justas pood bargains in Fish ?ots, Game Sets, and Ice-Cream Sets. C? nt intuition of our great salo of TOILET Si. IS :'."? Hantlsomo 12-piece Decorated Toilet Set?, with extra large and best-style Slop-Tar, will be sold St $6.90 pet ft?the tame sets ?ill in New York at from $10to$141 ; ?d dozen Laco F.iIl'O Fruit-Plates at 6c ; Half-Pint Cream-Pitch? rsat 'Jo. ; Leaf-Shapo Bcr ry-Bowie at 16c ; Gold-Baud Cuspa? dores, full size, ut 22c each ; Six-Quart burthen Stew-Fots at 85c, r? Inerii from il'lc. ; Yellow-ware Putter Crocks, good si/,?, at 2!e. ; 86c Lipped Yellow Bowls at 24c ; Cut-bottom lee-Tea Ulapses at :>:ii". ?pei >do_en; l'eer-Mu.:B at G?"<?. worth?! ; Heavy Japanned Toilet Sets, highly decorated, : t $L16 per sot You must buy your lure. Not ono _ made witu all the ndvnnliiges that tie "Mich? ? ? " jiii-seases. and not a single advantage that yon would like to ?ii.s with. If the pri<vs an? eb 8] r than those of the maker (bj reason of ?contract) what folly to go wrong, All sizes and kinds, from au ordinary Ice-box t? the l.irgist Hot 1 Bids liefrigerators. On practical exhibition for M.lay, the JACK-FROt?T FREEZER, th.? ('no-Minute Coflee-Pot, the Peetiesi ??anking-Pnn, tbe Keystone :i?r notel and ed rnntsgeons Cooking Ctensils, You are invited to . ' 11 Ol any. Qousr/um 'mm'. llJ?.lS.aflwi?wtW&W, Refrigerators LOOKING. a boomshell we've thrown into the caini? of High ? rices! Notice, if j u p?sese, the bundles moving from our store. Needn't get a /.Teat lawyer to show can???, why we alvraldn't ?jell the best and cheap? st ( llothiug, for the pub? lic has been actin? us ils own jud?o and jury aud has teale.l its verdict by de? claring unanimously that BORE'S CLOTHING excels all others for LOW PRICKS, GOOD MAKE, and RELIA? BILITY. Wo see yon wonder how we edl those Pants at 98c and those Suits in men s sizes at $4.25. The prico seems low and 'tis low, but that's tho biggest drawing card we've got? LOW PRICES. Haven't you noticed in passing by the crowds m our etor.: ? Our C7, S7."i', $8, and ?'.l Suits are doing the great work. Not worth dilly-dallying over them. They'll sell themselves. We have them in various patterns. Take 3 ? tir e!.oie. Don't forget to take ? glance at our 810 and $12 Suits, .hev're WoNDKU F?L VALUES, FORM-FITTERS, STYLISHLY MADE, and BEAUTI? FULLY TRIMMED. Can't stumble on theso kind of Suits every day or every w h<re for the money. Bear it in mind, It's worth while looking over our line whether you an? directly interested or not ; if you are not now you will be Home time. Need wo caro whether you buy a Suit from our 81.25 or 8-10 grade ? We keep them both, and stacks after stacks of intermediato qualities and prices. There's no telling what you'd do until you see our prices and our assortment Lots of nice Clothes for the little folks at very little prices always. A good serviceable Summer Coat GIVEN FREE with each Suit THIS WEEK. Base-ball outfit with Child's Bait BUEK'S Mana?acturioc Clotbin; and Tailorinr. Hon? 123 EAST BROAD STREET, CGllNER SECOND. [my 24-Su,Tu,ThASa] 309 BARGAINS AT Breedeh. Talley & Co.'s. ??n_* arYVTCII GINOBAM8 reduced M 25c. Sew^tot^-ta?" AI.L-WOOL ALIUTBOSS, Navy-Blue and Black, at Bite, r_S SS ioai 07 light CAUCO?. ^One Piece FIUUKKD CHINa SILK reduced ^ee'our^ed-aown CHINA SILBS. ?oha ? THE i ? O TOWER E R ?HI SECOND ,?D tttlk TblewsBbws will b* abts lo offer yon some great lOjSjiremente in Gentlemen's Furnishings. Whai ?sMiho furnish 1??_?????? think when they seo lb? Alois we ?rn ???G??,t f..r sa.-li pri?-osT Well, ?Sta* ?Ir n't ronconi tie whs! th???/ Ihtnk, they abl our pno.1? and taiii tor, and eon*?? ?Vien'.Iy We hiTi? a rl_ht to rsll or ?t?t? them away. We iwo young,men presiding a! tbe Fatolstilng Goods counter. FURNISHINGS. Gentlemen'? Buibrlitcin SMrts, extra heavy, lot?] ttr short ?astersa, only Bfta : Gentlemen'? L? .tig-Sleeve I'.albriirgan, st*mps?l, so-ontt quality, only 30.?.?thLs shirt Is per? ft???! ; we will iruarnntee same ; Gentl.-ir.on's Sh?>rt-Sl"evo llnlbrlKpsn Shirts, ?iBaeek and pearl button?, only 42 w?U worth ?38?. ; Gf-ml' ????p'? L?>n<-Siocve Balbrtggan Shirts and iir.iwirs, 4."..?., OSI frutn . Gentlemen s French Balbrtggan Shirts, " fschlon cut," ?0??., would b? a bargain at 78 ion's French Fftn?'y HalbrlKgan Shirts and Drawers, finished seam and horn, only 02<j. T-Sf aro the cheapest Voti er. r AM sos ; Gentlemen's Flue Imported BaBBrlggaa Shirt and Drawors (patent finish) only M)?_ ; price everywhere ? !..?? : Gentlemen's White Australian I.ambVWoo! Sh.rts and Drawers, ??urniuer weight, only Ml ."n'sMeriiim-WelghtMerlnoSlitrts, 40c, reifti'.iir ?:!,? 50c. ; Gentlemen'? llray and Brcsn Shirts, French, only 40.?. : Gen'l-.ncn's Unbleached Jean Drawers, 25 to BwB Genti? men's Peperei Black Jeans Drawers, OBBtlBStat'i Bleached JeaB Drawers fortino cu? Ion trieli'.ilil. i-i.'s Outing Shirts, 37c., regular t.rt'-e ??- ? 11-itlnr Shirts, 4.V.; ?Sentii UNbI Ontbts Sb-ts, ?SOa ; ulit-iiruiiul ?liovint, with colored -, ? nly ."..???. ; ? 1. ufiilered Chefli.tShlrts.T.V., um? Ii ti.'ll? t nt Si ; .Villi?? ??round, with Stripes, Satine M.i::??,?:.!?? |] ; , sn'i <W . .muting Shirts, $1.2.1. ; Gentlemen's ? allied Cantine siilri?? nly 81 ; rts ? uly $1.7.1; ? itlng ?3_lrte, 82.-6; ? *?'? 10 ; en'? Solid Black Satine Shirts only $1, ?? at 81.&0 ; ? *i : .lim?, Stripe aad Fotta dot, ? ?..".?? : en's Whit?? Bhlrt? (Pearl . ??" ?. ; tho city, ? Gentlemen? White II hi price 50c, ? ? A8e.; fieni - ? Oc.; ? ?osom ?-?litt-. ? 1 Pique Miirt?, regular ?'.'.?O.uow 81.25. FUL LISI OF UODIBiO SIIBTSL (PLAIN AM) G?.? Vl'ED BOSOMS.) Gentlemen's rialn W lie N'U'it-Shlrte, 50c.?ex e. li.-nt ?? tb.n ; r Fancy Nlght-Shlrte only ) best ; o.- ? '; ai .".He. to f'.'.?O ; , ???n'?? Pur.? Unen Col. us, 10ft? -fa styles OS ; Gent;, mi d'i i-i ly Unen ? iffa. l"e- ; Gentletn Uentlem ? .1 n( ollara,two (or2oo..r*galaf pi Ice, 20c apli Genti? ? : Lawn Teck S.-nr.'??, Ihr?. Be. ; uentlem. ?.'? Heavy-Corded and asaboasafl Teck 5 ? ; Genti mea*Floe IValte Lawn Fow_vHand, 10c ; rack Scarf, regular price '?.v., n ??. ? ?'. ?. ; QenUemen'? fiatine Strip, Grenadine Windsor? . n'y 18C. ; Gentle a? n's i'lrln White Hemmed Linen Hand? k ircblefsoaly 10c.? ?it's in.Ir. ?sci Hemstitched Linen liaauAerohiefs, 18 Goni:? men's Colorcd-Burdcr,Hemstitched, three for'J.. ?.; . ? l'ine Whl'e Hemstitched Handkcr ohtef only :iTc, worth in.?. ; Gentlemen? Plain White Linen Handkerchief?, 4'? ?. per dozen.; Oouilein.?.. s \\hit.? Hemstitched ?|?? Handker chlefs, 25x24, only 81?; Qeatlemenl Bteck beta Handkerchiefs, llaSl, only ?.?.?.; Gentlemen's Black Silk Hr.ndkerchlefs, OOc. worth 41.!>:>.: .. ? ? ;.red-i; rd'red Silk Handker chief? ? niy BOa : (ientlr-uuiu'? Mixed Half-Hose only 10c ; en's Fine Seamless Mixed Half-Hose, worth ?.'0.?., only It."... . QenUemen'e Black Socks, fast and italnle*e,only 83a ; Gentium? n's Mode Half-Hose, regular price 117c. per pair, only 4?..?? per box.; Genti, oidi s Bxtr* Heiny l'.allni/iran only "Oc.; Uentlemen'? Fnacb Balbrlggan, tiireo pair for Oentlemen'i Uegulnr-MadoEalbilgean, two pair for ??:..?. ; Gentlemen's Seamless Balbrlggan HaU-Hoee, 10c. FULL LINK OP HARRIS'S WIRE-BLCKLE 8C8PENDKRS. WASH GOODS. Shanton-T rong?e. re?ular prl-e'Mc, noir^Uc ; I Mousseline, refalar price Ii?c, Fayai Batatte, white grounds, with large figures ?inly G-'ty?. 1 _. Muus?i?llr.H De Sole only 12H?\ per yard ; Batli'in Prii.essearetiie only wa-h ?.???aa we are selllnt for 1.1c, regular ?p???? -?"?'?? Fast Blft.k Plaid, btripe and Chock Organ-lies, N????? 1. lotChalliesst 4c : ll in i-^.iuo styles In Challies at .??.; Aunt!,, r new |..t ?.f French ChaUles a! OO?"? . Ureat bargains in a twenty-MX-lnch t'1??? regular prias t',*.-5. Wo wiU se.l theni this Ladles' IrrneatBg tlaiirnt? $1 worth $3. This is not the cost ot making. Chlff?>n iu til c Mosquito Net only 3.V. per piece. ; New line of Children's Caps ai See, ; box Mulls aro used very StueB this season r??r Parasol coverings and Hats. _? our line of color? at 4S<?. . __. , _ ..__ New line of Dolled 8wt?s al 2.1o. This U not tba common curtain material. Senulcse Matting at 20c ; Forty yards of Matting, regular prtea810~ibls week $.1.80 a roll ; Trunks, Btt(rs,snd Satchels at lees than tuanu fa-'turers prk??; We are offering Baby Carrlagee on easy pay mente ; 0?xr ?u?ck of Cream Dr? Goods you will A-* ? be the moat complete tn the dty ; Black Laces for trimming ; Or? ?l l>*rgal_? in Sais? Flouncing. _we. *re offering the enllre ?lock of ?inner Broiher? at lees than coat ot manufacture. Ladies' Slilrt>Wal?t and Blouse ; Ladles' Silk Milts, 15c ; _ . Ladies'8olld-Color Lisle Hose, In every shade, Lad'l'e?' Silk Belts, to lie worn wttb ?-t?rt-weist, only 75??. ; Lons'!-le Cambric, ??.?a ? Ladies' Bibtied Shirts, lie wortb 25c Julius Sjcle k Son .?1 ami 203 east Broad ?. H?tzler's Sons, 315 east hi street Last week we advertlaed some nry low price? for WOOLLEN and WASHABLE DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, and FAST-BLACK MATE? RIALS. While our effort? seem to be appreciated some of tho new traile came tons under tbe Impres? sion that our very low prices were for the mo? ment only. It Is thle Impression that we wish to remove. So long a? an article remain? in oar ?t?vk the price 1? unaltered, except an occa? sional mark-down when that portion of the stock known a? ?tore-keepen 1? not moving. We never bave a low price for Monday and higher figure? for the remainder of tbe week. These are the latest additions M our already finely-assorted stock : BLACK SILK-WARP GLORIA CLOTH, a light? weight, durable, glossy, summer fabric, 40 lnchn wide, at ?Al. BLACK SILK-WARP CLOTH SUBLIME, similar to Gloria, but superior, 40 Inches wide, at ?1.50. BLACK WOOL BATISTE, 40 inche? wide, at 50 CENTS. Fas Al* Stainless Muslins. Moro tlian 100 piece? and upwards of 25 style? recently added. Tho price? rango from 10 to oOe. per yard. Those at 10c. are as fast in color a? the hbtheet grades, whlh? those at ".">< are finished to Imitato flue wool and silk mate? rial?. The varieties embroco plain, striped, plaid, embroidered, and rovorod styl?e. Shantong Pongees. This very popular cotton Imitation of China Silk? ha? taken the lend of all printed la'irt?? shown this season. By the recent addition t?> our assortment we new have the best imo In the inur ?. Pluck ground.? with oslond print?, white grounds with artistic designs, polka spot? and solid color? to match. PRICE 1-!* CENTS. WHITE GOODS. Up to thle time there ho? been quite a light de? mand for WHITE IiHESS GOODS, consequently there have txrn some wonderful change? tn orto** la* ??.???) and STRIPED MISLINS, INDIA LINENS, EMBROIDERED SWISSES, i'oRDED PIQUXe, and VENETIAN CHECKS just added to our stock are cheaper than we have ever known them. A. Hutzler's Sons, 315 EAST BROAD SWEET. HARDWARE ! We wlU offor for next week special low price? on the following SEASONABLE GOODS : SCREEN WIRE CLOTH. POULTRY WIRE Screen Wire Windows and Doors to fit any ?ize. FLY-TRAPS, FLY-PANS, RUBBER-HOSE. The GREAT AMERICAN LAWN-MOWER best out. Gem Ice-Cream Freezer, WATER COO LE HS. HAMMOCKS all ?lie? and price?, ciioyuET-srr? ?oc. to 82.50. FISHING TACKLE, etc., etc SUBBLETT & BRUCE, No. 100 east Broad street. HARDWARE. i MACHINISTS, ELEVENTH STREET BETWEEN MAIN AND CAST. REPAIRING baa and Printine?-Presses A SPECIALTY. [my'24-it] ^ _IIOBSKS, HII.K?, COWS, *e. F" OB SALE, A YOUNG HOUSE, ?-* sound. weU broken, and perfectly ??** gentle -, ?-fetor a lady or chll?lri?u. Address JAMES C. LAMB, my 24-3t*_1103 Bank street FOB SALE, A JERSEY COW. ?? Freeh, giving about three gallons ?_*?s__ milk per day. Can be seeu MONDAY. Apply 10 IL 11. TAL?AFKHBO 4 CO., mygt-lt* 111 south TwelftbsQreat. FOB BALE, TWO WELL??^ BBBD POLNTKB PLPPIB8. ?boet=C_b two mouths old. Apply at 131_ Mala atraet, gfcb-aea-. Fa. at? S?Vlf 303_ ?EtSSb ISAAC SYGLE & CO. PINEAPPLE TISSUES. Hovo yon ar.n the very pretty line of the?, good?! that w. are showing? about two hnn.lreil patterns in all?each ono prettier than tho other ; Mme of them aro private patterns?pattarne confined to ourselves ; aomo ara 10c., sorna 12 |o. a yard. Bee the Beautiful LOUIS?NE 8CITINO, satin lace etripe, emtoased violata, gooda imported to be sold at 20c. Prie?? hero ia li?|c. The FRENCH WOOL CHALLIES, in black and gray ground, also cream ground, with figures ami polka dota, tho G>?\?. kind, now ->. 4,000 yards wide and good UN[BEtlAOHID CO G??? to be aold at 4a a yard. 2,000 varis Genuine, Brnlo -of-West txt BLEACHED COT ION thai you have paid 12 Jo. for is H;e. hero. 1,000 pieces BLACK L1BBON VELVET, J inch wide, 2'c. apiece. Each piece contains in yards. 20 pieces ALL-LINEN CRASH, 21 inches wide, red etripe, aleo bin. atrip?, 81c a yard. Mens SATINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, nico styles, :>0c. Mens BALBKIGGAN I NIM'.KriHIRTS, a special valu?, at 25e. The im? potted BALUBI QO \N SHUTS BO* worth I8_ Panta to match. * Men's Prop stitch BALBUIGUAN HALF-HOSE, eepecially for eummoT wear, regular inailo. 16|? worth J"??. Se- the Meus BALBKIGGAN HOSE at 12}??. tpair. The regular 12-)?* Ol 11 m I CLOTH, shirt und dress stylos, at 8tc, a yard. Se?> flit? Extra Quality SEAMLESS MATTIMI we aro ehowing at W a roll, tust 15* a yard. See tho Extra Heavy MATTINO!, at Iff, 19, ?I, 25, and 32?. BABY CARRIAGES. Tho most ?elect lino in tho city. Tho best makes aro ??presented. Out price starts at ,:?'.'.?> for a good, strong Rattan Carriage, nice jinraeol and ?eat, ir. ? work uii ? ly plate 1. _ good carriage in every reepoct. The prices next are ft 18.60, ?&??, $'<), $12, -Jit to S40. A grand Carriego for 812 or 815. Black FBENOH OBGANDIE, in dress-pattern length remnant., Ice, a yard, worth 1 New patterns in CU ALLIES, LAWNS, BATISTES, SATINES, OINO UAMS, CALICOES. Isaac Sycle & Co.. 303 Broad street. NOTE LOCATION. Next Corner Third. THE CONTINUAL OFENINU OF NEW GOODS, AND TUE CONTIN? UAI, OFFERING OF ?SPECIAL BAl.OAINH WILL MAKE THE STORE A PLACE OF PABTIOULAB ISTEKEST DAY BY DAY THIS WEEK. NO? THING WOULD PLEASE US MOUE THAN TO HAVE ?OU COME INTO LOOK ABOUND EVEN DAY. Wo'to liocn piuning prices among La dios' an?! Misses' Plazo? Jaekstt. t?t sonn? there are only a few a;zes, of tomo otuore thero aro a loi of one atyle, and of tome others lher.? is only ?me o??Ior, If yon have beo a holding I lack from buy? ing, waiting for the nick of II me, atop ^^^^^^^^^ waiting. Tan Watnrs. Miarte tal Indies, ? ? i.-ef-ntttng, ?.ni? ..m?, In all el_oJ, ars pouiu-i from $11.50 ui $-.50 ; ?1????? Cbvrvtot Biaisrs, Ladle? and Biases, aoraa light mid dark colors, are pounmi from $J ani $7 tu $4 und $4.4?: A few of hither oust bars been pulled down a? niaillsslj. A recent arrival of Cream ? ?rilled Blasers .-nt In The materials for summer Dresses ero of n u ? ? ! ? a wide range- ot kiuda wo readily un ?lerstaud what a tank it is for the ladies to make ?selwtiom?. We noto with plea? sure tho arrival of many new ones for this w?ek's nales. llelgo Naturale Soft Woollen Ma? teil;?l in natural ?? l ii,lor?makes Just the j.r?.j>er ? '.. ????.? for aea? ?????G? und lain and away fn.m Imme wear ill In? hes wide, 71??. per yard. Tho samo mato, rial woven loo.??? wllh halr-llno plaid ?hot effe.;!?, hbst "ii en-Hiiii-groiiiul sn?l tan on creaui ground, .'III Inches ni.ii?, .".')<?. ??t yar?l. A big bunch of Now Comers among the silk finish. Henriettas- rery light grave, tana end natural colors, 15b inches wido, 00c. per yard. ProbnMy fifty BSW patterns of the Thin-Wash . .-..i re? asaras an.t ?-garas on ?hite ground?'; look like tin? BsaVSawt 40c organdies, yet th.??!? aro g. ?>?, ISJqB p??r yard. Dotted Swisses hav?> taken ag'sd lead on the public ju?t as wo prophesied we??ks ago, not only plain round dot?, but ligure? all while, MS? bri/lleflMloIl whit??. Only our (??'"-sal Embroi.lery Busi? ness could ?tit us on tho track of such th? new ?haps, ni?st ii^rfe. t-Ilttlng garment! y.iu ever ?aw, Juni $.1... ?, ?.? -" ''?" "?? ar?, B-arreSj : all ?lxes-tbsy Fino Cream Flannel Blazer?, wilt, nam>w ?durad an?! bl*. K. atrip??*, iu all ?lies, $4 44. WLereono store buya the quantity of I uderwear - -^ yon are euro of getting ?Jt he beat value for your itioiiey, Case after caso has been roo eireil during the S set week, ?ot only foe lad ii ?' wear, but the gcntlenuua end children'? sizes at all prices. Lad I?-?' Silk ? t?? Hound Gauss Vesta, 10c ; ?ooV^??es IB Ml skirt length r*J_kl I Ud?W Oiwaaa U.bbedwtu. HUB Udos Cord, Fast Black and White Hemstitched Em- ! i.,.it. ?V; broidired Skirtings. Many new pat te rus received Saturday. Fast Black Flouncing? that don't smut, 60c to 81.10; White Flouming, 33c. to 82.50 ; The two to six yard leavings of Dress Goods from the entire season will bo on sale from tho ltemnant Box this week. Just 52 Fine All-Silk Plaid Surah l'ara sols, with elrg'int carved wood handlet, will bo offered at the Umbrella Counter for SI. 75 choice. They are actually worth 82-00 ; also, 100 Fancy Parasols tor morning use, black and while, cream and red, cream and blue, blue and white, for 50c each. These oflVringe are in keeping with the splendid bargains still offered among tbe Bugby Gloria Silk, Sun and Bain Umbrellas. The manufsctnrers cf Royal Stainless Black Hoso are now making and hare placed with us for tale Silk Glove? of Mine dye as their Hoe? which are guaranteed not to smut from perspt rstlon or oihor causes. , Gossamer ? lanza, French quality, SaVv ; Ladies' Extra India Gante, 60c ; Linlles' hilk Vests,.'. I Imites' Pin? I hread Bibbed Vests, '?Oc; Ladles' LUlu-Thread Iti oberi. A recent arrival of Children's Shirred Hata ol white em? broidered mull and red pink cream, light 1 lue, and black Moll Hat* for 81 hasbeenth? cause of as much trade a* the ?? ?? "!. ? in Children's II? r o i ?I ered Muslin Cape at 25c, GOc., 70-c, and ?1. Deniorest Patterns are ready for Jnne. Call for a sheet. The Demoreat i?wlng-Machlns for 810..10 baa Bean the means ot ??vins; many faatibes 838? If you'll eome to lbs store and Uy ll )??a. Km, would lutve no other. We Close Store at 6 o Clock Sharp. Cor. Sixth and Broad, AOl?ICCLTlBAI. ?MPL SMK.NTfl, AC. I AWN-MOWERS. ? - The best and most durable, at lowest price?. _ ?.*CLARKE* SON. \Ir IN DO W- A ?1 ) IHR IR-SCREENS, Vf I'ttAMES AND WIRB. Headquarter?, a? heretofore, at A.B. CLARK ? A SONS. RUBBER HOSE? WI UK-WRAPPED. ( od TON-COVERED, Ac my24-eo?17t_ A. a CLARKE A SON. E BiiOKJI, ?TATIOKEUY. '????>^v_w XA MI NATIO ? PAOS A?D OTHER SCHOOL STATIONERY. J. W. RANDOLPH * ENGLISH, 1808 aUtaetroa (XMS4VSI) _OKOCKKIKW, Ac. PBOITrt. APBICOTS, APPLES, HaXTABJNBS, AND PEARS ^uo-dried, evaporate!, andea_ne_ ?p-?l_MCCARTHY A I'AYNES. RL. CHRISTIAN A CO., ? ?11 EAST MAIN . .iTSEBT. SALTERN, l'ARSAC, SI KOCNDY. IMPORTE? and D?MBST1C CLARET, BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. CUERMY SYRUP. MASPBMRKY Y1NBOA* IMPORTED BESH (Maaicb); Of PER1AL ?BER (export); VtrPiot CHAMPAU 4K ft* ?tcanese; Toll ATUEJ la tt?oUoa ?or? ; FUANCO-AMEKH AN SOUPS, FREMCM PBAS Ml MC8UMOOM* Ila* lUPOttTBO eua U? WEBT OtSUItl a? l**l