Newspaper Page Text
(i PAGES TO-DAY. T vHOl.K NUMBKK, 12,429. DISPATCH, mm HENKIOOREDEE?ED. ita '?rry the fonntv by On Thousand Majority. K WELL DONE. ? ' ?Ttcnts aid N mi SHOUT THE STATE. B .11 .ting I.lgM-lnrg. . ike so,,ti,we?t?Alll o.lldatft I.lei ted m Paspe? .i tlAa thai | ... Ihe city l.l ; t :i.'.,ml ? In? wni re. bad im ?ii. i ntiiit '- ' ":?? ??ti'iro ?luv, ? v ft .;:i til? |i. , ; ; f ' .:. to be ?. The oof a ticket with do v '.1 >>. ra ? : : ? tb . n ? ? . ? ? ?:.: ? onsidi r | ? . ? ?i , . ' gotten oat of ball * - ?it liny ! .'? - WM at ... being ' " to polL ich I Hein,., ral ii. ? in ' very ci utity in .... Bat it w.i> m Hennco, in this . hi LI all tl ? ? ' ? y hu'l come t the) owned them. ! :i ! I ?? i-ii bave placed on the h ch had i o , ? t - thwarted 1 Itseli apon them. ! BAU rn ol i sir the] ? wn device by whii ? os roter. ? ?cet ti"t ? imp. Various to wen . but th. -n. -.1. - ... Ill T. - gath. ? bey intended ballot-box at night. n r,l wai ? idenl \'?' ,.i Hub re - .-. ! . named hir,.-? r hen they ar? ad quickly .' l.ITV. ived ut the Powh i . b !.?'th- Ilia .. ctation, the en B .- b? red by . i. ?'.'i.- r after ?. h - were mad? ??' !? v that h?' . - Ute iti i in ncs. which . | ? ? ? u. .a. ' .. ? i ut). . . 8 v -n- ?mall . ? ! It : the board, 'fl OMb? ? r Mr. Alf*-?' I I Mttior .t u .? lattot Mr, Bowon received Ut, ]!|..lli*S Wo'elliH Kopuhlicau; une. MAMonaaiix i'-,i:iic:l Date i ii' m? I ai??d by tbortsjuixioiiou -O?r .Ta n t; ...t r?. W. i 7",r^' ? -'".?ti K. Taylor, W. 1 i ,u i, ' R? Al.A? DI lIAI.irAX. -r.,,,,!,?.,,. ?r in ?ht tlon av. Ut rattc t.cUl ' BATS CAI'UV LOVSOVjn, ' **" ' ti-1 Va.. May 88. I?i l?v in t??? countyK : nal vote beingo ' iinnei. latos nominntedat . ihe colored vote raon to? v no i ,-.rt m the election. IC MUi.i.irv IN K-Hf.x. ' ?rao. lOtfM lll?|.at?h.l .Va, v.,s, Porm D PU-??! Ofj .,t. here. A heavy rain fell, bul not ?"?bng there wa? a full turn-out ,',' '".'"?'v nil th? precinct?. It ig ;:i ?.irU-, ratic majority lied, rhe Alii ? -ken do BW : H AMI i< M DSMOCaATIC. ? to? Dispatch.] county . The epem ? ? ?? i. ., .ni ... u,.. i.i-,|,a!.'fi.| ?'"u:>m.-.. Va.. May 28, Thlg c - tho whole Democratic ticket, nuance mart? no fleht, and all inde ? at? were owed andi r. uiTT tn/ inn. Ii gram to toe Dispatch,] 1 '? ? I ?? [toi and Berlin dit r-tv of al ?.u 100, taking the ticket as o whole, I . ' doubtful district. ? ? -.... m,. r<?. n, i. - ana ?>?"., ra? .it (fleers had independ? ni oppo. ?ition, but all ai ? let ted by I I 01 i I? IALS legram to the Dlspatcn.] OaiwiB, Vv.. m,,, a?. The election hat 1 "?'? ' ? ? .? i hold in this All of the old officers were r.? ' i without opposition. A very li It lied, A ? - i;r. [Special telegram lo toe Dispatch.] Vs., May 98, i be weather fe irrully rough, and in consequence o very ligbl rote was polled. There was littl?? excitement over the conn. !'?? ?I? ??ii,ii, -i - ? . t si l com ners hut any opposition. Tben ads l ?. I re'itrii ? are ?low com ng in. i" al pr< neu! tliut the i " mocratic county tn Our town people were very mach Inter a the mayoralty conti t, in wl ich r.. K. Quisenbi rry i pi - .1 r1 .- pr?sent in* ? nmbent, J. W. Haugbawout. Early this wi ver. Quisenberry withdrew, but he was -.?11 voted f? r. Haugbawoui wa-.. lected Lv a largo majority. ?S l'ATUH'i;. [Special telegram t?. th? Dispatch.] Srr \;.r. Va.. Muy 'j?. Owing to the heavy dien streams the vote baa been ligbl :. this county. Unofflciol reports bow li.ut Dunkley : Dem? I I trea im-r over Adama and Bpanglei (Democrat), ? ? I ?01.rat : is ? '?ot? I (" iiiiii-.TiVAt-iJtii'-t attorney over Lcwaon i Uepnl . i large majority. ai.ixwpioa he. rs ai.i. DawocaA-ra, [Bpectol telegram to the Dlspatcn.] v. Va.. May 28.- But little In? terest wat taken in tho municipal electi ins hereto ay, as th? Democratic ticket ha I : r- i ?position, loi.,- ndenta ran f,,r two ni tin- minor offices, but it ia ? a lull Democratic ticket haa been \; ? KK&l : I '- Dl BrOCBATIC OKTI. His, [Special tolegrai ' aV] ? n.i b, Va.,May 28. i ? ? ttf.ii here was very quiet, and hut little in : i. It railed nil day. The Dcmooratio nominees w.-r?' ?.II elected, n , oppositioi except for con? stable. i'i" fanl offloei elected , i W. T. Jones, the prosenl in t the peat? and city men w< re also elected 1 be is ,,, inct' "t bondi - I th icityfor fl* 000tore place money already expended wea voted ? the result cannot be ann aa known th- re was i.ppo*.i. ton worth mentioning to the regalar county, and it is -it.?! ? presume tint the entire ticket La It i- certain that the following ?re elected: Micajah Woods, (! tnmonwealth'a i- ... J Bu bard Wingfleld, treasurer; L. C. Watta, HheriiT; I \v. li. Bocock, commiaaii m r> oi the rev?ame, ?i i. i.'r DXMOCaATS i'i ; '?rain to the lil.-i'.at.'li.l ., Va., May 28 Um v",p "f f for treasurer to da I? i i hud lid opposition. _, .,..-... from Dinwiddie indicate . ction of the Democratic UcBet. Colonel W. M. i i< Id ia o*rtainly elected Tbewf-ather is ao Lad that nothing ttefl nii baa ?? en h-ur?l from Prince ? itic candid ''????>"? attorney and treasurer uro tie -. id. | 1 , I ! i : CAM CAI.K? I U ?rant to th? Dispatt*.] Wai: iw, Va.. May ?. It ia impoadbl? ti.t th? official vote from 1 ???easier "night, but it i.t>ughtthattb? elected lo n ont on ?eooiuit ol rain. Ul ? ? ?? WTTBaoV, a I to the Dtsoatcto.]'.i?. Va., May 28, To?weather able a day. ho-ht.ot,. ?eat deal of u ??!-.? re-. >.t..i. Ih?count at Wythevilfo precinct will pro. tore morning. having been -.'? ?' I ?tuet. ?nd the ? one from which id t. gitea i indidate for I ? - -??''-' i-'-","-. ,!;. '....,?. ...i.e. I ul't. Il;ir. I OK Alt. IN If A?.!. I. ' lU'?l',' I, n be eleetirm .'.?I.-consul. 1 , . . ,. badiv V,?"ba?h uut. -"-ff" thee? , ,;? iiemiK-rdtic twket ??cinbUoA-n l>." """"?';; '""?'.?. so Tho ontiro ?"^?i VcV b'T? walkover in thia -taticti K't "?? " oppoaltlOB - ilK vote was very lifbt. wbatovi-r. am? tho voto wa? a ?ereaucsa^b.^????J ^ 4? The PepuMiesTis marin a aMIl-lmnt hare peol ably eh ?t 1 ?lie sheriff ?ml tl r* of ?lio revena?, Ko? i lietixcrit i ii elected tn-usuror witl 1 I ? '.'li's ,lt Bay ?s in doabt it?? urns to-mgnt laeacro. kWiflBOa rATvurnATr.*? r?? pao*. (S|, .ira tetoarasa to Mm Dispatch, i LaTBeY, I ? .'?'.. 8R.-?)e0nite return m n tor officers held in this eon to-day cannot i. riven to-night Ind lions nie that K. S. I'nrks i|i ' I" '''? 'I OouTDl DWl Blthe Bttiir. I' r (Republican) . Vf. M. I:.. ? Republican), and ? Bi iblican, Al?nnco Mi 'ut . lor ?'.in r of tl v. r Pelt? fJJemcOBt) anil H. M. ?\I ? I.'opl.l I ' ii.i. ret was n.unift li ! , in I aray for connctlmen of Bteei being between r Is?- lu optionuts and tl,- ticket, ' ?orme? try-forty-two : J-ntv. I.,,?.-. ? bal t.-lecram t., tin- Disps'. h., """?"", Va., Ma nay for six ? mneiitnen two ir-.m . acl tbe three wards bad no political siel ni .??.. its I di ep ?He*aes ? n,.w (-,, oil, which enter apon it* dafi? next, will bat ? th? rj pi nearlt hall a million dollars t -r sti mi uts, sewi ..... Re i. f th. . ?tixens' money irg< ?! a 'am-t tic- present c.uit ? im -i mi the pi m. mil. rs has been tie*- rail] ing i wie) ti. ??red reform m the m nt. In tl.... Pirat Wan candidates f. r G ancfl, in tl Bi?bt :? tli?- Fi Wut,I er* M.C. rbomes sod f?. J, Re? In tbe Second Word W. }'. tamp and ? elected, and in tne H Ward B.C. Welch und J. C. Graves w eh cted. All <-f tho e electe I ire new n 'Xtept J. f. (,Mtv ,i 0| ,, J/hird Wa and all uro Demos w. W. ?' wim i- ii 1,'oj abucen. u moni i?, wish is ai iK-niLi.r.. [BpecMJ telegram to tne Dlapetcba] II ir. \\.. Mav .-. I ?vas vi ry -mall on acconnl of ra i tl ?? reeular nominee f ?r tr surer, will ha in i ..-rv,I, In in this magisterial district over J. Brot ine, li d< pondent I?. . .crut. Browning nndertook to weaken Wh in Id on tbissi i. ..t lh< county by plitti ' ? '.? bul the alliance stood up v\ ingfli M nobly. His majorll A WAI.r.-oVFH iv WTJM rTltTIB, [B] to tbe i it- prat- h.) Wiviit.- ibb, Va., Ifay 28, It. m in pal el* i 'n- <? n. h ;'i t< day ander t inewalian-ballol system, l'ho Repu I oang declined to make nominstiona I entire Demo ratii ti< :.. t was elect? Bmail vote ? I'tS AIIUKTAS ItTI'flMi'AN. [Special tel? gram lo ti i Dt patea.] l'iiiAiioNT\s. Va. Muv 2s. lhf eleetl passed off very quietly lcr" to-day, thi being very little coul sel I i mav between P. P. Dillon ?r.d It. W. both Republican*. The former lin* o maioritj ov< r Willi a, bol several votosu t., be ti.r...vii ont, e hi? )i will t-!i ci Will. PIYTBYXVAaTIs i IxfO ITfO. [Sp ill i to lb?. Dispel Igvwi : i-, Y?,., Hayas. Danville bad i ? lection this nring. In httsylvania cotui there was little or no opposition ir. tu t Republicans t., the countv Democral tuket. The Permers' Alliance took : part m the election es an organization. a i.ioiiT ron is ?'.AMI 11. isp, -mi o leg i am to me d. ipal h.] Amii.ami, Hay 28.- A ?It-,iil.v rum t, Il i day. rhe vote wo.' very light, only abo one third being polli-.l. There was no o position to the betnncrutir ti? ke( I county officers, hi .me or two precinc there wi re independent? for constable ai itratea, but they ?lid no! amount anything. Below m the rot* for Asblat precinct: Treasurer, William 1'. Bhelto 21 i. Sheriff, o. o. Alexai I. r, 187; ?'ni monwealth ttoi -, (it orge P. Hai 197; Commissioners of thi Revenu. Beaver [Jam district, l'home* I'. Tayli 194; Asbland district, A. W, Bruit, It riet, N. W, \Yi.d:.-r, 198: Bup? visor,WilliamF. Wlekham, 19S; n?'i of the Poor, James W. Taylor, 198; Ju of tho Peace, F. J. Bowles, 196 ; \ A. Hargrove, 196; Z. B. Herndon, I! ConsUble, Luther N. Haah, 196. It will I imposai ble to reach any other precini ta t night from tide point. rag rwxa ?no:? am, dcmociatic. toi leb cram t?, tbe Dispatch.] HoatoLK, Va., Hay 88.?There we* r contest in tins city, Wallace W. Hunt being ele ted treasurer by the I*. i bousand one hundred t v?.. vote - were c at, Lese than n thousand votes were en in Portsmouth and all the city officers ai councilmen nominated by tb.-Mom..era were elected. The two Republican wart w.rc route). In Norfolk county tho result will not 1 known unid to-morrow, but tho fubic ticket ii believed to be elect' 1. A OBAIVO litirvi II IN m, .Mi".!'. -I a Idl te'.egrinn 1 I tbe I' -pat.-h.) Wabbaw, i"i I'Kii.r.i.iiK.-ni bo, V?., Hi ea, i mo "f th* wan.t and i ,tt, ,-? s( <?? : teats ever witnessed in this oonnty clo* to-day, in which the entire Democral ticket was elected, n* follows : Commonwealth'* Attorney, J. W. Chini Jr. 1 reaeurer, Frank Oarland. Commissioner of Revenue, Ii. .1. Pullci ,Sli?r,tT. .1. B. Hums. The Demeur?t* an- jubilant over the ?real rao ees, m the oonnty office* t. v, art have ix en Ailed by their opponenti llAItMnS'Y ANO RABO WOB?. ?special telegram to Ibe Dispatch.] Wan Potar, Vs., Muy 28. While t!i at most harmonv has prevailed beret. ? ii re baa not be m an election al tin place for a number of years in which i much interest baa been taken m tins un all "f tin- neighboring counties. rhere have bt en i number ol candidate and they have been working hard. Boa of the coni tie* had straight tii ,, v. rail n ?? other* did not, Ii ?her* therewere not straight ticket the t'ii;lit i? just as iiur-l between Demo crate. In tins county the Democrats had i straight ticket while the Republicana di not The voter* were much divided am nil were working hard for their friendi The v.dc nt tin- place was a ifoli ? Democratic Tiokel H. I. Lewis, fo Commonwealth'* attorney, 186; T. 1' Honcnre, for sheriff, 189: 1. 1>. Bol ?ii-oii. treasurer, 160: Greorge I.m I oer of the revenue ,7 W 1. K< -.1 rap? ?v?-,.r. ill. I -i -In tioesol the 1 eace ?. CBaylop, 290; N\. ?' Dillard, 189, end Ned l>uv:-. IS7. H. I Well?, constable, 148, and t'Lihp Fegee oversts r ol lb? poor, 182. Repnblioan tiokel : R. B. Bylend, tr.^ 149; ,i t?. Uutchineon, *h< ri?, 116 Buiuiej Taylor, commiasioner ol i Wilkinson, sup? rvieor, W. I' Dunge* 63, -lain. * Worm!.,' 59, Williau Dungoe 40, for justioeo of the peace; -I. I. [Neal, 62 Li ' ?stable. Nothing can tx hi ard from th? other precmot?. Indica t'otis ?re that 'he treasun rand sb? r.fl wrl run close, fa? balance of the Dem t.ckut La thought to Do elected. go ?.IMA--. I ?08 n:,>viiiiiiiiiNisr. i,l l.lci-ram to UM,di.] .. Va., Muy SA It is ?in |( to fiv? Bnythiuc definite owin? !,, tbe length ol the ticket. Ib< will not i-e c mpfeted ti 1 very late. I he ' rum prevented a full ? parties ?re claiming the county. Neither the Alliance nur ProhibitionMti aagured in toe election. ! BVJtCB BOWABn U'-MIAITH. ,, giaai m tbe Dtopatcb.] ???mv.ii'i. \a., Kay28. IT?? Dem ?rats. ?i ? throughonl Pri ! ?ard to dai against tho moal str? nnous 1 ,. ft ore;,.n tbe part of the Republn i rth. and -ire rewarded ::io ruuirusfioin ull the pi wTjichgiv<>amaioTityofl74,withtii iprt cinctstohoai from. I b - are ?nownto ho Democratic. Not a row or 1 - tecl from any poii elected Common ., \. i?. ^atkius; .( lark.-; itherff Tbomai H ??": s.i|..;rw. ' r.?? IMptu.ii IL M- l.urt,m..l.d,:, A I.H Crt I..I. M.' ;:'^ ;??,,,,:?..,'ioi;..i. i^ange; jus. ? ccstd t.'.crc"" f'?rn ^k! A. Booker and P. Wtnston; Over, ?r, v.- i- Doyle. A D4UW8 UATTi.E in BVawaX. [liy MMgraph t.- Iks DiM-atcn.| Wav.'.'v Va.. Miiv I returns, frota mo ureetact* heard from, ?, cut.' that John B. Jurrutt Chilean for .'lcctf.1 b) ???o ? ?,i,l that th-- lk?mocratie Ueki t ta l^ct?d with the cxcei.uou ot treasurer by u Uro mAjonty BAfCUUCAN BOUE IS KOTIoWAT. itipeclal telegiam to the DtopalcU-l R..iiK?:viu.E. Vs.. May 28.-The < ?,?, S? tmk?t ??- LU. most K it? ?I in many year?, Tho inepssant ra kept awav a tar?e portion of the vot? 'liie Democratic ticset is elected by ab< tw,. hundred gsajoillf. iTMIOIITons IX HOITOWAT. I?5'.'? ' to Bka lU.-'.atrh.] lit*, i %r y?.. Mav ??.?Tho straii Domoeratic ticket is aeaeted in Not to*. by 1 ,i ,nty. our.asrj<vii.t r nr? mur-Ai?. fJBjai to the Dit.pat.-li.] Baxrraa ?? v?.. Mi i lectioe nllfl tia?.'?'.I "? quietly. Le?' moawealth'a . ' ?rarer ?all atop* I. I h ? vol r for comn mi? ? very close, wth tue indi tsOtt in f.iv.-r the RKsri.T iv flfifTTfl-T fSpeetal 1 l??rain to th" l?-t>?t ri.) OUFI -I- '. ... Ma] N. -All?cha county elect ; alien ,?? i I ;r .?? .-i i lor Commonwealt atti no- -. wif.hpr.ol a- Bull I l??n ' county treasurer. \ I ?:-li,] '? mada nominotiona ??- unty officers. In the com ?i April and refuai d t" mi Alliai ticket was rob ?1 ' I i small vote polled. Ihe vot? indicates tl Lectsd. ? 1TV. [^[l'H-tal t?l??ram toth? DfopOtCa.] Th.. etoction in tl '?? ui.ti, resulted a- foUowai i ; arer, Repnbl monweali UepuLlii ? ? i. Bepul can; commissioner '.i revena?, Bepul can. ? cr-it ; , iit.-tanl... Democrat ; justice, Di n ?rat. .tan |i? -tro r : Bup n - I publican ? o nsi i le, B publii an; juatii Kepubl i ' ?n District: Baperviaor, I , Republican : justli t? WABWICB riF.-.t"f iiATir. ?...t',,. rBapatcfe.] i as, \'a., Mav 28, Warwl tion "i h? r full Den Tatic ticket, the first time rince the wi THE NEW ORLEANS BRIBERY CASE Mr. Parker??!, llt-i lares (>' VI .Her Can ii i? : ?Ir Trial in That Cltv. [By lelegioi u to the in ?.at ?',] When t! ?i an 1 ? I'Malley bril ? ry cos - we called to-day their ai ? introduced a number of witnes rinding the leader of the (' unmitte ? Safetv, Parki rso llanxto They all lesttfli I that thej ? i li? vi '1 tl I could ob| in a fair trial I ? iding l.i- testimony Mr. Patkcp-. PABl : " I believe o' I gets fair trir The ; '? ? . .1 patienl Parkerson hi lived amoi g. i walking around had thrown defiance In the face <>f tl thai tl ,| could ol ' lie a lair trial. I hi was m this commui itv an immt nse pre dice ?gainst jory.bnbera und perjurei 1 rnllv n garded ol these there v. nsl m tilt iirejinli, ' is it r quires twelvi men to try acose, and tweb ?lUlUUll ? I'M .!'??-. B t., r f rial." A id mm.i I i ' Mr. Parkersoi admitted having Mar h nth, "Leave0\Malle.1 to mir cot mittes and we will stten I to him." Befoi nil the test I been beard M Henriqnes, <.f counsel f r tho defena ahand? n? I tho i n>tion f.-r s ? bange ? venue, and asked to have the ease fixf for inal June loth, aa be desired to I ibseni fn tn the city un'il that date, 1" the B( v objecting, Mr. Bel rinne* then ? ive I withdrawal i the plea of notpudtv by his clients, an I that ho would enter it <!?iiiurri lar to 1 '1 i.\ t! ? Court. ? the ease against Oranger, in which the it formation i .i tin-1 round tin the allegations ?? t t'.rth ware not an ficiently specific, Th? MoCristal an O'Mslley ca.; go over till to-morroi when tb? di i lurrer will l a passed apon. THE SOUTHERN PLAID-MILLS Organisation ?if the Cone I ?port andCon mi?.ion Company A Bow Move? I he Davpateh.] Hew Yoan, May 28.?Aninterestin ? tra ' organiz i'". ' ? effected in the 1st ?v.,,? weeks among the southern plaid-roil fortl s osti niible i bject i f obtainii fon.i standard of prodaotioa and a betb a .prest i.tat on of the aouthern l'ianl* i themarketi f the world. Thirty-five ? the forty-i ir i uthern plaid-mula hat formed mpanywitba canital? and power t.. ?ncreu ?. Df thi been paid in and $380,000 rol more mill- are under pri mi ??? to unter the con i any and ar.-. ? rx t.. give their c.,-.?peralion ata ? ! ?ni?* of toe r- i ? ; n companies were bel? in this city with the final result that th Cons Export and Oommission Pompan was organized, with a oommlssion openi ' '? Leonard atr ??'. a ma cartaim The company ' -aid to repraaenl i aggregate capital ?,f from ?7.MO.OO0 t 1,000. Mr. Cone -ill: " We f< ? with the natural i I ? f'<ir mnnufar taring that the s- nth haa, especially i t .- pr? -i i we should be ab] i to do an exp? i t.> our othe trade, with an aavaatage such aa a under the reciprocity tr. aty with 1 i ? c. u!. m dn -lit t.. bo al.! . country." ^^^^ A SERIOUS TURN IN THE STRIKE. Hlnars Arriving and POmalna roiupunle for the Protection ?I their Until? ?. [By telftgrapb to the Dip? - Smtti.i. Wabb., May 28. The -ituati i i .- mini i ' -1 r i k . ? baa taken a *erioti turn. At a ma I ..-.- I i.?r-. a Franklin "ii 'I ai ? r .1 romp tniea and t.. arm urn protect their hom - tl any eosL it wm : at tti it mee?mg that, the State be. been appealed to for protection the armed mi n in vain, and the nhenfl I ?. I also been applii -1 to with tut result. Com I? en formed and ? ill prevenl j " indiscriminate challenging by -1 tectiv? j and :- : let al nigbl m th- residen , : lha villae?.' ? ? i'i ntrai Labor Union it aras decid? ?1 to take 'han.'? of the ?-ink? and ? n l< ever t?i brin ment. The colon I mil botat Frank lin died to-day. Perkins, the shooter, wai discharged from custody upon the ree ttv mendation of the prosecuting attorney, a b< was convinced it would be niipossibu to ?iaintiiin ica tPt rkin-i. A NEGRO PU3LICLY EXECUTED. Il? Said " 1 Die, i;jOil-ltv." and vYnnld Not Confess. [Uy to**8Xaph tota* Dbnsatce.] I.rvs RI M M'.'iU ?JBOt p pie, mostly ii.---r-?>. t .-?las v. I Kelson Moffatt I .-.lore 11, ctv, -'in oourt-boaae yard. Mof. rime was the mar 1er of h ha Wadi i colored last fall, W> cm,'- fiun Alu 'n I >? a Mi ?in. lit walked nponthe m aT.,l?l at 12 o'clock be i'.-i:...t:, calm. Ha cooks a '?? u ngt " I > .o iil-hy. co, .?li',.'' Tb? an i la?- - ,, ted an 1 toe 1 " "1 v "f dropped n distance "i ? ? broken by the fall. After bai I minutes be waa i-nmounccd ?hai by the ] ntteniiin;' pbytacuux, MEXICO AM VERALDA. Uxplaiul ion ?r the loaluijof tho Latter at Aei|.uleo. (Itjt,: ?,i'.-h.! (fase sor? .. Da CL M ?? fA, Dr. L M. 1 ?. long the Venezuelan i , her.-, lufi-rn ? , tho Mi xn-iin i.'.v. rn-.i'-nt ordert 1 the lUMir 1 gt :.t Cbil ?m cru . l.'.ft to leave 1 the harhi r ol miat?ler of the vessel said be was willing to leave, bat thut his !-hu' had no saila, and could 1 not dejiart without 3teaia |.ow.r. Ihe j llover aiiowcl the Lsuieralda to tak. al to carry the ?.r.h-r int., ' effect, nu'i ?he receive 1 two hundred und fifty Ions, her ordftnan eonsomptton -*?-ag fiftv tuns per day. Tne K-iueraliia soiled on the "Xtti instunt, luniedutoi?* after ro oaiviSai her ooal ??lowiiaoa. FAVOR THE VIADUCT. THE ORDINANCE PROVIOING FOR ONE ON FIRST STREET RECOMMENDED. Contracts ior Carblng anil Flagglng-Tbe Water Committee Asks for Mora Hew? er??Other Matter? Considered. The tnonthly mectinc of the Street Com? mittee ?xi hoi 1 lost niiikt in ?M ,'fflco of . Buis for curbinfr, flacrginc. etc., were , prn.-> !. The hadiltai w re Tame? N'ether m I. M;.Men.hrf A Donald, Richmond lir.aii;',-! |apany, Standard (hardta Gog> panv. and Kan.-yA Helntoafa. Hi vera! of the Lid 1er? taxing failed to ?ubmit ?amples us required Mr. Gray OHrvwd thai at] l ids be iw}e?ted, I^?st. The txmtraet for strdkUfhl curbing was awarded to Hiddendcrrf A Donald at 98 i aacgina. ?"ireuiar curl ing, and corners wa? given t >J . Nethei i following price* : i la? t'"i.'. " 11.80, and corners. - The contract for taking down the hrick wall enclosing the Adam- burying-ground al d en Btii ? a !?,ard f, tice gnu awarded to C. tl. H ? ? ;_< | i. n. littoe agi ed to recommend to th grading ol the alley be? tween 1 t md und Qraea and llarn-o? and Shafer i TIIK I IbKT-l-TRIKT VxAfMs T. The |a reference to the *aao ? . north i n I of Fir t street to Barton 1 ,.r.>a.l. Mr. H. M. Smith, Jr.. representing Mr . . one of the own r which the ^ ia lud will peat asked i i have the ordinance Uni over till the next meeting of the committee. Mr. Smith said he had Just be? a mpl< j h s client, sod be would like to hare time to look into t he matter, Mr. .1 : i : Qting thehritlce company, opposed a I it i i ment, stating that the matter bad Veen before tne corn April in Ii : that the v. ird coma ?? . v it' tv ?. i u 1 carefully inquired inti mend? d th? adop Bl any delay would senorj i, inti rfere with tl"- ii ? ? i ? approval, ' ? il th? onli oaae i I ?.-. i! h hit tpi roval. Ur. ted the moa mend to thi i ?, im .'. tbe adop i m of tbe ordt aance, whiob was unanimously afreed to. WiBT A iTi.l. 'T. : I i .i certain eitizi oaof Pult :i ? nt tin corner of Heventh and Orleansstreet, ? .,:i the strei ?. D i Severn h ?tr> et h -.? ?dl ?i. g i . ? ol Mr. ??urti . referred t.. tho war I co City Attorni ?, md Cil I ? r. 0B8 tBAia AOAT. ? attorney repotted an ordinance alio? ng the Riebmond, Frederickabnrg > id Company t.. run one loaded freight tram each tray daily ovrr the . ? w.. n I : pot, I to reeotu ? Mr. Rosewell Page, couneal i i ri sd Company, appi arel and asked that tbeCtttv Engineerbenol , i .|i" ml to give tl ' laying the tin Locomotive-Work* along] the . eventh street for -i\ months, r. a-..ti tiiui [or the pr?sent the n ?,?'!?, r thai part of the city do n il r quire ia? and the constructi n would : HIV without iiondiBg remunertioa. Mr. Pago stated that the iwnen of tho I were oppcoed to ? thought it a r. aaonabli n . i tion WS* ur.llit' .1. HusiiieiH Iteftirt? the Wilier Committee. \ meeting of the Vat? r Commit! nwsa . look if the ('"nrr?, Chain. i. r, all the men.b . . n B. <'urv. Colonel Cutshaw stated that there idcstanding between the general contractors f .r building the Weat-End ? (Pierce i Bristow) and Captain James PhiUipe, a rab-contractor, regard in ? tho placing of u stop-cock ;u the mar? ket, I he committee nirrecd to have tho work done ut Cut ? xpemvo of the Water Com AHKIVti FOB WATER. Mr. N. V. Randolph appeared before the commitl.m behalf of tbe North-Side Land and Improvement Company and : thai the company ? is ebi ai ; i construct a budding at th* city end of '1 ? ' to contain closet* and asked thai ; v furnish the water. The matt r ? i^ ri ferred to Superintendent Boiling to ? ? be coal of extending the mains. Ac, I be usual billa und pay-rolu for the mouth were o? leredl i !.. p lid. Baperii tend? al Boiling pre* ' ti n property-owners on Twenty sixth, between?? and fj streets, t,, have i ext? rali ! along that street, which was grant? h ?"be ame action waa taken in regard t>. a petition fi perty-owner? on (' street, between Twenty. ; : m uv to nr. LAID. Superintendent Boiling rabtnlttad a nt showing wherothe City Engi. ginecr bad proposed tola?, sewer? tad he r.mmended the extoneion ol water rhis is I h" schedule; tlrace street between Twentieth and Fwenty.first, 6-inch pip ?. ?*-'H. Park avenu,, i etween Harrison and Hur vie, i. ? h pipe, I .... n ! in and Cherry. I'l-llli ll pipe, - l .v, ; ? I street bt tween Leigh and Pleas - pine, |420. renth itn el m tween ?> and I' ? -. 6-inch pipe, ,?.:T7.'-"i. Paul and St. -lohn I no h ?ni" . |lf(5. i lout! tween St. John and St. ! pipe. 9165. ?Cbaritv street between SL Paul and St. Peter, 1-inch pip? Cii iffin ?t-. Wi it '.f Keiervoir, 6-inch pipe, 9140. H a al i ! tw< en Duval and Bal atreeta, Linen pipe, 9173. Beverly street betwi R rvoirand n streei to Linden street, 12-inch pipe, 92.209.20. Tutsi, ;l.l I. ? ordered the work to ho done. t IHK Id.!'. I Sii'ieruiteinloiit Boiling. t.> whom WBI referred tbe petition ol the Pire Depart? ment to have the notxtesof the fire-plugs ? h raged fr. m two indies to two and a half ? inches in diameter, reported that to make ; that obange wmild Theeommittee instructed the Bnpenn tendenl to report those fact* to tbe Pire ; Commiaxexonen without any reonesmenda tn n. Superintendent Boiling wa* bJso b> ? di ? purchase ?'"W. r-i for tho Mar shall-rc.-ervuir ??roiiinls. St. .lobn'a Bat f I ?a OsMaMBBa TheCoi'iinittei' on St ?foba'i BaTying Ground met at half peat 6 o'clock m the dl cbamlier. taking down the wall of tho [ araryrag-gTOund on It:. ti I beiween Twenty.fotrrth and Twenty-fifth were ?1. licati'ins call for a wall four feet high, ihn present entraace Lb to he widened und remodelled, and the itapa ur? to he lowered with gran to i "?iiu?: ou either ? With an iri n rail ?in:. The bidden were A. C. Haynard, 91.210, J. B. Jottnaon, |1?40; Jam? Nethi 11,803. Th?> eoatiaat was awarded to Mr. Nctber THI CMirOBM rOB KEETXB. Mr. Tuvlor bss)Biied of th" Chairman how ; -, the committee ; have !.. its er? dit after paying fol the ? ?? improvement. Chairman Mann replied about three or tour hundred dollars. Mr. Taylor snid, "That sMTaxg tho care I move that tho keeper bo ro.uircd to wear a uniform." After imiiii' discussion as t.i the stylo of lunforni Citr-Engineer Cutshaw was ealled iiittl said he thought tl oaiform . would be the C mtinei l Mr. (iuffigna. the keeper, on beewiaa this, addreeaed the commute* and bewgea , to be exetued from wimrfiu' racha uniform , na suggested bi Coione! Cutahaw. He said fcis tun? from 5 o'clock in the mornine; until late in tbe evening wa? occupied bl gttenxbng the flowers and -nruldery in tbe grounds, and if he was iwouxred to wear tb- Continental umfortu every child ou j Church Hill would be atiructed to the S rounds, and it would prevent him, from i?ebarging bis dutiea, ; Air. Tavlor on heariiur this statament, withtlrew his motion, and there being no mitte? adjo'irno I. I nrnmlti.? on ?itrnnd Market. This committee met veiterday evening in the Coanei] chamfer. The monthly hills were ordered to Lo paid. After dt? |K.9inK of routine litisiness they aejoumed. HARTSHOBN COLLEGE CLOSING. Wavor K11v*on and Dr. Currv Present? Prize* and Piol?me*?-The KmrcUe?, The gmilnntinc exercises cf the liarte. )i m Memorial CH?..-?. an institution tor mlorod femal< ?. wars held la?t mcht in th" aaseml lv hall? ?: building, ut the west and of Laagh I hate wa?^ a larire attendance not : waataver. Tho i l.ov. I.. B. Teilt, gnve u direction t>. the ex ret-?'?, whi'-h i with th" chant, "Let the W r?N of M >'ith,' prayer, and singing of the BXthc-m " Sluuit the Ulad Tiding." Ol ?.nt'AIVH READ M Pspers wage r.-*! by tho gradtiates aa - following : History of Class of is*.?, Annie Flizabcth ?r. Charlottes ville; Out of Bchool, Hattie Willi.? Bo te Buchanan; The Be. (ano Hannah. Sa lem: A Qood Natne, Pmcilla Kliziiboth Myers,Nyack, N. T.; Anthem?O Praise tb* Mighty God; What Nextf .1 ?mo Alma Ross, Danville : Hovel Beading" Atone t Pase, Blacksbare; What We Owe to Our Parents, Luey Annttarrett. Han-. ot Courthouse; i>ur Meeds, Liaxia Ody Bopkins, Chr?otiansburg; Chorus 0 Bau Us, Yh Free; Physical fidacation, l Wo bon, Farinvilh? [he Women I 1'iliiy, Margaret lioso Michie, Poln. dextars; High Eduoatioa Needed, Laura I.e.. Dickinson, Btaunton; Anthem?The ? ihiswivs followed by tho pre?entation of diploma-. to the graduates by Ma] r Bllraon, win? mado a vary pleasing ad ihe anthem, " Th<? Heaven?? Declare ?ho Uloff] of l e-'l." was MXt IIUBf. tiiKMicMs ano rtoeaa. Tee next number on the }ir<>??rnmmowa9 the awarding .?f premiuma und pris?e, I be Dr. Diana md prize, a gold medal for th? beat examination in physiology and iwardi I tn Lucy M. ? i. i h?.I. \\. Anderson prize, a gold medal j foi ?iiie-r: rity in the r. ading ami render? ing of i ?al music, toLLtxieOdj Bop-1 pt.-?. Web? : . tor the host ? lamination In th? . : term by ?I idents in n ?I. i rarrett. a -.ivi r medal, for th' ; id a't-u ting, tana Ma . Robinson, ol Beavei I Misa Carrie V. Dyer's ailver medal, for tho host examination in Dareta ? I ?a Pa re. ol Walkerton. Miss Rosa K. Jones's gold and lilver mi d il excel I. //.;?' fjdi Ib'pkitiH re. i ivedthe hrst,Laura it. Dickinaon the sei und. Miss Ella J. PennelPs l>?."k for rmritv in spelling, sron by Rilen Hanks, of Hennco county, who only had one ?'rror lor th? "? ion. Am.? the ? V th Wim the Hartal ion? ? - m, nt ar? Mrs. i. D. , a dow ol the founder of this Mi -. 8ti '-i n. of Boston, I Curry wen! - i ? bvthe students wa loi a ? usual <?>'-? Hence. the essays of the ?radu-it. i were very good, some of them possessing special tn< i .r. The exercises closed ? the parting song. DEATH OF MR. JOHN H. ELLERSON. ThU Well-known ( iti/eii Hi.? of llcart Dfeeavse, Mr. John H. Ellerson, who for a quarter ?fin autury in the insurance bu iin< - ty, died al m o torday morning at his ? a-l ( ,ra.'? ' |i.?seed bad h. en in ha Ibealtl mi mouths and a few wi '?? ago, i i the bop? of regaining his health and strength, he weni to I Ixford, N. C,, I in? thrtt h? w,,n!d derive benefil from the water ni ?r tha? eity, Be di I not ini however, and after h;- return irrew . .iv worse. i'h? nts of his lif? wire verv tr tnquil, and win nthe and away in perfect consciousness of bis con. dition and surrounded hv hi? fumily ami 1 ?oath was th? result of heart-dlgoaae and i complication of other oomplaints, ? .- 11 of IHK I'Ki EI-KI'. Deceased win. was familiarly known in business circles ?s "Jack" I leraon. waa horn in Matbewa county, al Green Place, and spent his earlv life in thai ?action oi tli? He wa?a member of Company F before the war, and at tl? commencemenbof the -.,?'h tin? organization to battle, hut wa.? subsequently transferred tu the Confi -lerat?- navy. Captain U l i art a a ?? ? f but intimate friend? wh le in thia division of the lervice. after tbe war Mr. l-.ll.-r>? .;i located in Richmond, and sinee t^Tu had been an insurance business. He waa ?ivi trtner in the firm , f Peyton ?A KUcrson. and more recently agent for the Equitable Life In larance Com] HIS riUVAiK ! 1FK. Mr. EUereon married a ?l.i'i^hter of the late Henry Clay Ellerson, who survives htm with two children?a son und a ', r. Messrs. A. ft. and Jam ft. in, . f this city, ar? hi-, hroti. I . : ? .- ' ki ??? in bo and t'n ugh u. .(m-1, - u bad a lareo number ol friend* k He was tan, and a member of l?r. Hoge'a cburcb. i be funeral will tnk" place Rat I from th? Second Pr< ibyterian chnrch .tt 110:?o'clock. Company] lion will : in ?t body. NEWS FROM ACROSS TgiE RIVER. Suing the Kstlroad < ompaiiv for llama??-,. Personal ami other Item*. - .? . arete running ? i and Decatur stn ? s, Man? ch? iter, t" Fourteenth and Mum. m,did, ci Mayo'a bridge route. Mr. Alansoo 1:. Ellington and M'-s Min ni" V.. Baltimore v. ? Wednesday d it ?!. Pifth-Streel char h. Bev. i W. A. Laugbn officiated, and tbev plight I ed their troths in the presence of alarga iblage t friends, Mr. and Mr-. Film'ton left on the evening train for the Booth. rhecbildr d md teachers of th? Central 1 will meet m tin? I?.? iur.-r ,"in ol t.1..? church thia evening to make arrangements for thi Children's-day . Sunday moi i A movement i? on foot looking to the establishment of a n?'w voting-precinct near Oranite for tlM convenience ol votera I in that neighborhood. The ease, of Turpin against the Riea mond and lianviil? Railroad Company, which was set for trial in the Circuit Court sa con? tinu? d n sccount of the ana? ?o J. il. Webb-Peploe, of counsel for plain? tiff. Who sails for Evopa to-morrow. This letton for damaeas to the plaintiff's ' lati'l.causcil by theall'^'eiloverflowingof a ?'. hy the iroi'tiuu of a.railroad ' tn ttle. i g ?ase of Jam?.-? Owen t i agiiinst the Richmond and DanvUle Bail road Company La ?et for trial in the Cho?' t. r?eld Circuit Court to-BSorrow. Owen ? f tho ro.ul, and over a year ago waa it, jut.mI near the ?ton?-yards -it.) ReVketts hy the collision of an aa with a l and-eer which ha wasope | rating. Be places hat d-iuumos at %l$JKB, ! by llc&?i?. Ldgur Allan and Hill Carter. A. A. O. N. of th* M. -hrlne. A laroelv-aP.. -nd-dm? ?tin g of A?<?Tem nls was held laut night at Ht. Alban? H .P. Nobles appeared in lud ev niuii ttraaa. Lir?-?? welLknown citizens I were condaeted over the hot uands. 'ih? I sappsy of proveed f being largely tn lt!ie( irnels wf?> in fin?? snaps and when the prairie? were ranchad there was i "music in the air. Art?r Um u?ual husi j neas waa transacted the templo eiosed for i the summer months. It's next regular j meeting will b? held in September. Bank? to < lo<? Te- M? r-ow. All of the Richmond banks will ho closed ! to-morrow. This is ?l.?ne hj cod?t to afford ; the officer* and employes an ooportunitj to take part iu the memorial eeielwatioa I. having' pajier fuiling due tomor? row ahould attend to it to-day. Married lost Nicht. .Mr. William B. Jennings, oneof the most popular attaches of ihe city railway, ami j ilips Anuie L. (irubbs were uturritd last i i.ight. The ceremony was perioimed al Nu. **) south Cherrv ?treet by R.v. Dr. It. THE BAPTIST O?OS. ANNUAL REUNION AT PIZZINI'S LAST NIGHT OF THIS BODY. Tbe Orphanage, and It? Work Discussed by Dr. Cooper and Other?? Officers Elected? Personal Mote?. The I<?.pti?t Social Union held its annual meeting laat evening at ftrzini's. Mr. K. W. powers, first vice-president, called the meetiiia; to order and ?.unvested come matters of business which needed at teni'-n. Mr. Towers was elected president to fill the vaenncy caused by the death of Hon. H. K. Kllyson. Hon. H. R. Pollard was elected first viee :;t ami Mr. B. P. JotaBOU second vice-pre?ident. Mr. George C. Jefferson was te.ele, fed treasurer and Mr. John P. Rag? lan,1 secretare The following were elected a* the Executive Committee f?, B?Sydnor, Jr.. F. 1). Stark?. B. L, Harrison. Kvan Sneud, Harvey Clarke, ami William Elly son. TAtx ATtorrTnEORrnASAr.x. After a splendid supper had been B*taT*aj Brest lent Power? annonnced that the sub jeet fur diacBsaion WBI the Ba|rtaM Orphan am, He ?ailed upon Rev. Dr. George Cooper to lead o9 ami m doing; tk?a paid hiui a high compliment, sayiug "no man in the Statu had done tnore than Dr. Cooper in ?.curing a Baptist iiphaiMt?, H ? f?cil* pen and his eloqtual voie? have been tre.'ly given to the movement." 1 ?r. Cooper followed m a rere sensible sp ech. Be is really a wonderful man. He u'row-i upon Richmond and Richmond i p.,n him. to the !.-? of RT. Cootm*** sddrese, Rev. George J, Hobday, the B*aawrioteo denl of the orphsraagre, wa? .-ailed upon. He had come frotn Selem to Richmond to : iring of repreeentatlve Baptist leader?. Mt. HoMmv war rat bearing, and I* ?.nguUrly fitted i'v nata fut the lnuh p into which bu brethren have urv-**.'d him I* a plain, strong speech whidi i?r fectly raptured hM Budienoe, when be closed they did not wonder that a hank pr?sident, wl o ba* Known him weU, on D -.-nt him a check for 91.000 a* an evidence of Ins approval ? i the appoint] 1 ?r. Cooper, in giving a history of the 1 thai i* hul all _?; iwn i ni i ta interview between the ? ditor of thi i i and Mr. John Hills, of tho North Carolin? Baptist t?r iblication in the //.ru'if." 1 r Bght lut Bai t, u " thil or, .... Th ? f illowing new member* were imam mously elected: Colonel W. E. fanner ml i'. M Boewell, .1. M. U. em?, aud 1?. S. ( rump. Mr. ' i refferson, the treaaUrer. m uie n v. rv favorable report,which -.fated that all expense? ?.aid ind there waa the tn i ury, Lhe Chester Female Inatitnta waa repte. ?o ttee, who announced i Dr. George Cooper will preach the commencement sermon at this institution next S ind iv, n ain ?. V1NY lAliIKS ratSTAT. 1 reeent in full force in nil their (?race nnd lovellnes* Rev, l'r. i wry happy as he l> d in hi* ... m brought her many oongretula Mr. V. Ragland, Jr.. acted as door ki per. He ia rapidly n.vering from the a.cdcn? which hu? man., ii ni oessary t i irr? bis artii in a Much r.- r ' was oxprei.I that Cr?. r end Iataiirum were providentiallj kept away._ Mr. Madigan's Hein tin? Taken to New .len?ev. Mr. James Barber, of the New York firm ???r A Co., arrived in the fitv 00 the fast mail yesterday afternoon, having come on t? ; ii ituaina ol Mr. W. r Ma ligsn, I : Point agent, who died it the Hotel DodsouW sines la) after noon. A telegram from the senior mem? ber of tbe Arm wa* received beta before binan thai a so? ,<! Mr. Mud - ran would r ond thii morning mpany the remains of hi i t.ith. r to New York, bul Mr. Barber finding;that the in lr was read1 ter removal, telegraph?*! that he would leavi with u on the ari ning train, which In.? did. The remain* were accompanied t., the depot, by a ? ,u?. mitteeof Bu am i..l Templars, \ New l.leutenniit of tb? Stuart Horse (,uaril. The Smart Hora* Haard bald ? meeting lagt muht and elected Mr. Jem i lieutenant of tbe tn p t.. till the d by tbe rosignatii o of Mr. W it ne Anderson, who wa i eh i U d ai ? un of Compasar P. Mr. i . second lergeant of th tr p when Captain Philip Hux.ill waa it* commandent. The i ivalrvr.if n nr? now ?nUtting mai.v The (,;?? Mi-lrr Kxplotla?. A small fjr,, and B areat deal of excite? ment waa canead last night, hart ? few minutes bel r 12 o'clock by thi explosion ?Mi-i r ,:i the residen.t Mr. B. P. Parham, Nu. 139 north Eighth itreet Tbe meter w>n under the tor ? , which 'o,,k fir?.' An alarm was turri"d In from Boi m Ninth and Ltifb. aad the tro.-t company responded. The were soon extinguished. Damage about . A Fight a*) Hani? Street I.a-it Mehl. A personal difficulty oc'l-r. ?1 !a?t titL'ht about 8:30o*cl i k on Ninth and Bankstret ts between M?e*sre. O.E. Berry and S.D. Dar -,?11? h|,,w? were struck, hut neither roung mon win aerioesly hurt in the ii-i.e contest. 01 eer Bedford ai i loth of th?' fighters an 1 they were tuk< n tattoo, wh. re th iy : oled for I iraueij at th? Police Court tin? ? Service? ?I the ?. M. V. A. 11.? are, kly pr?er-tneeting at the Young Men's Chi ilion ? ? totlonlast night was well attended despite th'* ran. Mr. M. N. Anderson led the meeting, whil?i M-'-sr?. M?r.?dith, Leitch, Thomas. Armi?tead, ami B. ?! Craigia aang solos, whi?;u wiroiuueh enioyed. after the aervtcea the young men spent a pleasant avening aroonu the piano thirty of them joining in the einging. Mr. Pow.-lt Not Improved V .?tonlav. Ihe condition ol Mr. John H. PoweU was not ao favorable res-terder. aad Dr. Hugh Taylor, bis phyrieiea, sauf Last night that he wa? not iinprov'-d. S , serious re? lapse Lao tak. a pla? -??, however. l-ersonul* ?ad Itrlrf*. ?lor? i. bobs? talk of <?n?> or morn ? being addud to tho HLito Bank boil ding, Mr. W. W. Whitson, a prominent young lawyer of A-hviil?. K. C, is iu Ricbmonil ?m proie--: o nul Dr. 11. M. Patteraon, of Ktaunton, is i r*a?rtered at the Fachange, lie will spend a dav or so in Richmond. Mr. C. Barret Alcutt. cf Richmond, is at ? tho White Sulphur Springs as r ?ruph.-r for ',.? 88 Ba | ?hi'loe John 11. tsajgaaj), >f Manchester, ,'wa? at th?? Honrieo 'ount/ court-house yosterday on prnftasifinal business. Robert Collins i colored- wn> taken from the city iail yesterday and nn-un-rated la i the peuibutiary to servo two ytars for :?ry. Mr. D. F. Young, superintendent of 1 Dun's Commercial Agen'V, has r> Iln will bo si see? -?l?d Ly Mr. bomuel Pat? terson, of Memphis. Mr. Simpson, a member of the California bar, who is on a trip Fun, visited theCaoi 88 tiuio in ton i versatiou with tho Governor. Mr. ll-nr.' Watkin.i, travelling freight. ? agent of tho Ches ipeake und Ohio rail roa 1, f"U int, u hole at Covington Wsdn*aV , day night and was severely bruise?!. In the li?t published Tuesday of the 1 ladies who took the degree of Master Me | eons' wife and daughter at>L Albaus Hail I tho name of Mrs. Coss. Johnson was I omitted. To-morrow being Hollywood Memorial day the bonilav-sehoal teacher*' meeting i?t the inui:-; Men's Cbnattoi for the Ktudv of thu international lesson will not be held. I Dr. R. W. Reece and .brido, of PJktn, N. i C, spent yesterday in the citv. They are on their bridai tour, and will take tn j Washington, Baltimore, aud other north? ern cities before returning homo. l A representativo from Messrs. Wood. i ward A Ixithrop, the b-ssees of the ground , boor of the Tem?le, will be in the ! city to-day to arrange for fitting up th > ' M.,r?v It ia bali???! th? firtn ?oil! toko puiw**elriB by tbe 1st of July or 1st of A gust at the latest. The Baptist festival, which wee to hat lace at Barton " Ileigbte to-nigh has been peat poned until Monday one cunt of tho bad weather. Rtage.? wi leave Second and Broad at H P. M. Dr. L. A. Carr. of Durham, a ??rother r Hr. Julien T. < .irr. he great toUcBaMBsl imvod m Richmoud v?*sterdai on ??ho: \ -1. Dr. Carr t? ??????< quired a* one t North Cirolina'a most prominent medie* m?n. Pelican Chspterof toes Croix, No. : ;,??! Seol I lasonrv. will confer the Roe?? Cr-.i d?\rree to-night The work will be oof. eluded at 10:15 and refection will'.hen I served. Hon. William LovetMteia, sreretsrv r Virginia Council No. 2?. ant! th.? ??ran i of Virgin n Royal Arcanum, wi, represent this State in the Supreme li cilwhieb meets a- It Wad n. - lay. Amoiii? other legi?l i th" question of doing away with aesesa ment notice* to the individual member* 4 the order. _______^____ ?Itidtclou? t.t-ouoniv. A Qttmtion or Ixrr.Btat T ClOTI'lN I TH fa'?? economy to buy t?> rlvrasd. clothing, th?' mac whostmt? his ?tontee! or walks the streets m shabby ,?r ill ?1. thi - is false t" In? fvmiiv ?? i I iti ?vaganeo in living or dree* is not ti .,,. , .-mutende! ftl.ll u ? ? tiotn.v .'"O f the man uf act ai moderate pricea ih? is bow the s. 0 P C.cornet third and Bread tr.*w, guaran e.t und. others. Hen'* Im] irtedSuiting? that ?r? amela] I < the ?ami Dur 910 lino will e.(u? tbe regala! bargain Blfi Suil t "?? il in M-nv Paata ?t ?i.? r?gulai - , ?'hit Iron's Suit? ".l- ' Bawe-Bel] and rials ran* wil ? Twenty liffereal ityle* in II ai sir?? Hat? at 'Ah: ^^ Clitir. li ol the i , . ? i', .eptlon. The r, ,., | ?r, ration v. ?ir'ht has lea n post M i ????lint o? ram fot i Lay, Juno fits? at s o'cloek I'. M _ Slrawlx-rr? I clivai To- Mghl. Theladiesof th.- I', irtli - I - church ami.nine thai they will give n strawberry festival el the church io> night, rain or ?bise, a featari of tike ea> tertatnuMBt will be i literary programme. . on listing ? tetioua, and _ !f "h?>ulth i? wealth " A B OL D tlio i*? ? b4teaa>aiakeaf, ( heap I'iano? itiitt Organs Uti in iAIatj N?>. 10 (tovBBBoa W* have left the following s.'t'ond-liaii.l Piano* : Three Fischer, 1 Knabe, l Wore? t-r m low pricea and ana* tonna. Cell i triy and -, cure a liurgiiiu. Thr-llreat ?l,,|lein?l It,?.? a??,.. Thompa m'* Bromine ml Ar? ni. Water cure? all blood, kidne\, and si | troubl ? | Insomnia. I Lawn W. Btrawi 11. Usai ral aaavvaaawr. I.cvlnict. II, Vj, Ibe Allions of tile - ?.IHa. B ratiful I b . renown ? ;iln?'--t ; the ' outre .,f : be phi nul mineral ?!? v , Valley; the hoi.i a i.tghlv refin I i I cull ivati'd stH'lety ; tilt a ? ? reach by rail of tb< ?^r? ist ??? uti lal . n. The Ia?j rel pmenl C Hipativ now ,.i'. ? Lot? to tin? publie w , . und n.e.b easy '.1111?. No anetioa sale, I ni. mv ted an?i boughi ii u tim . Kpl? 1 1 banco for pr .titablo inveetnn-nt. Addr -? J. D. II. II . I ..r I. UoD. Ajiaik. Beep Toa ".'intiid ox; - be il'h .mtl ba I blood. A. II. ? ?ill right ta? blood. _ I Hiekok'? No. I. II. D. ?'.. I iM Bf ? I line Sun t'ur.-.l ar. Pure, Clem Sun-Cur. I 1 ii,, ton ui.i. to Be n ? Then na ?' i Prall* and Flowers, obtained its ?leg .lust itecolve I newest in A Hamlia Organs ttt Ryland A I.. 1 .. cellentOri - 108, |11?. 1 ? orean- earn 'n.l, Fruit? ami ? lower?. Thi, srelLknown 1 1 ind la t be found at all the leal. 1 .. Summer I- ..iir.tou Ticket? to Nor?".;1?, Virginia ?'. ich, Farmvili?\ Bedford, Bine Ridge, l Na! trat Bridge, S J. ? Montgomery White, Vello? Sulpbui l.akt.', Piilaaki. Max M a lows, iiyi!,. ville, ? t. etc., ! arg and M ? ' . r ? [ ??uni" books und all information upoti application at %ii Hain Contentment I? Wealth, and lo obtain the t rim r moka Fruits and Plowers, which eaa be found ot did agiere. Wli.'ti roa arise to have |? b printin ?and to th? Dispatch Company f.r ? h md ...u find .?it t .,?? money, All ki..,|?of priutuigprompt? ly execute.1. K?.r impur-..r thin Blood, Weeks?**, Matoita, Mnuralg IlKotr.s S 1BO* limn niaktog old porsouj I ?truug ; fluosai.t to take. For All Kinds ol S.. l.t-VV*t?r Supplies, Mllk-.shaW?r?, Mil.-t-li tk.? ill***?*, loo? Bbavars, LlmodSgu??? -.-? rs, nul Fr? -ti goof WTlte to ? V VilM.ll III'.!'?. 'iSi'AW, ObsbssB* i ?iiiinid, Va. a. i . " ?i Why do two atiita which aro both made of tho same rant rial dirTer so inuelt in appearance that ut ecojrael glance ono looks aa though it wore mi*.]... of fluey fabrics than th? other ? It ia simply a i mutter of fino finishing, lu tho one ' cafe justice la done to the material ao4 I to the purchaser ; und tho other it isn't. ? The const?entt'iua workman is willing, tn i have his Bsrodoet tarnest inside out ; the j slipshod workman makes tho surface i covor a tiiultitude of sins. We believe : that what is worth doing ii worth i!?<.d;< j well, and that is why o ir i'.--'?.i jg will bear the cloaeot scrutiny, ii you want bomething that you can rely on try oat Tailor Department. HgAdams Herri IS DKCOllAIINC, VOIR HOUSE I hog ?? <*??? ' ? ? ? ion or KATIuN. Will bo ?>,., u^li.s' KUR VAUL.i! s , m KOHRHL TI1KATBB KS.NKBY ?t a very Biooojtoeie ?ta%???*,,?,?e^P-ly attrtu??4 to, ylkMINl, Franklin ?tre-i. ?*er ?-.-sansa imuL BMumowL V*. -*ouso^?xsiaaw