Newspaper Page Text
THE R?CHMWiT)JD?S?ATCH. [f? the dispatch compas w The ???.? mafATVH ta deliver??? te seh tTibers at rtrveaa eewrs i>er went, parable to te carrier weekly. Mailed at te per annum; 9.1 for sU atontas; $l.W) for three moottu; tkOe. tre ?we meath. Th? 8BMI-WTtXK LI niKPATCTI et ? per an tieni, er St tor ?ix montee. TheWKKKl Y IilM'ATfl? M ?I perMnum. I TfceBTNDAY ltIKPATCll?uai.?O per annum, tr 7.V. tor six mooth*. ItarsnrrpU.n? in all mees peyebie In ?nlvance, Brut ae f*te*r twUmied ?fior trio ??p'.nui.m ot the Ufa? pell ?>?t, (?end nel office mniny-tcder, ?hec*, or r*?t*tflrv*l Ueier. lun-etio? root l>y ?mil ?111 t? SI th? ri-k ot the semloi-. Sub Bcrihsni wt?H*ijr Vtietr pout-em-?? cheeir<?1 must glT<. their oil ?s woll i* their Dew poet-offle**. ??Uiiplc ?apis? free._ aDVKKTlMlXd HATH*, fuir teca oa ixsa. J Um.?.| RO ? Unire.? 1 00 8tlm*?.S 1 ?>n O tlnion.? 2 70 I"?tvn?*.? 6 20 Ireoath.t ? ho 8 montile.?2."> 00 Kcalle? ih UV?s te reading-matter type, five fcno? or lee*. ?1 ; in neeparrU leivIM. 75?. Card of ??? for nor? space furnished on ap? plication. _ AU Wi>tm mvl1? '"?'?m? mart be Mdreaacd to til? WWATril OOtttAltT. K?*Jwncd rernmuD'.ietloni? wlU no? be returned. IxTttDAI .JUNE % 1901 t. . ? ?. Virginm-The Sur> Treasury Scheme It will ?urprise no good Democrat to learn that, as has already bee? ?fated in ?our paper. Ooloael ?a?p???? Harbison, W)i<> ?peak? (?r tho Farmers' Alliances in Virginia, declares through hi? paper, the Alliance Farnur and it?irai MMMSfSr, that the third-party movement recently begun in Cincinnati was ill-advised and prema? ture, and that the State Alliance in Vir? ginia has as an organization no part in that movement. No member of the Alli? ance, be adds, is bound or committed in anyway b; the action of the Cincinnati Convention. The Democrats of Virginia have enjoye?! ? higto reputation tor political sagacity. IIohaitk Obri.xt once pronounced them the shrewdest politicians in the United State*, lb? y aro not afraid to " stand up and be count**! " on any question, new or ell, win-h demands and is entitled to their aftentivo consideration. Thoy are ready, if necessary, so to blaze the way as that others mav follow them in the pur? suit of truth. They took arms in 1855 against a host that had conquered almost every northern State, and wa^ed a buccohs fid war upon that host. The heresy of greenbackiam caused but few of them to atrsy from the true path in 1*73. They are Hot less wise now, we trust, than they Were in past days. We did not attempt to minify the Cincin? nati movement when it was inaugurated in the recent ustionai conference ?or conven? tion in that city, and we do not underrate Its importance now. But we have tried to Impress upon Virginians that persons set? ting in motion the wheels of a new ma? chine should choose not only the right kind of machinery but the proper time for Betting those wheels agoing. The position of tho htate Alliance of Vir? ginia is incorrectly stated in the Dallas (Tex.) JaVrcurg, which is, we think, the organ of the State Alliance of Texas. That j>a|>er first says that nearly ? very district In Missouri has come out squarely for the sult-TreikMiry scheme, and tln-u adds, *' This is tho case in Virginia also." We do not so understand the facts of tho case. 'The sub-Treasury scheme is totally de? void of merit. If the Mercury had ?said that tho Alliance farmers in Virginia were in favor of tho free coinage of silver and the increase of the volume of tho circulating medium, that paper would not have raissod the mark so widely. The farmers of Virginia do not want " cheap money." Cheap money means irredeemable paper money money, so called, that is only money in name. They want good mouoy?as good as the liest in tho world. 'There is not u government in all Christendom so power? ful as that of this country ; yet it is power? less to make money out of paper by its mero fiat. The South American Govern? ment mentioned in Sunday's Dispatch aa having so bad a currency that gold was worth a premium of several hundred per cent, is imt moruhelph'o? in reepeet of this matter at making irredeemable papes as good as gold by its mere fiat or by BMM act of Congres?. The laws of finance cannot be repealed by acts of Congress. Ihaat laws are as un< hangeablc as thebiwe of the hiedes and Persians, ls'ayl They are ub holuuly unalterable. The Texas paper says that tho reason the Virginia Stato Alliance ?lid not como out for the sub-Treasury sclmmo was a desire for harmony. Thut waa a good reason. Surely the present is no timo for the Democrats of this State to divide into two factions. Let us cultivato harmony until after tho presidential election of next year. Lot us keep our eyes upon our na? tural enemy, the Republican party, which neither sleep* nor slumber* when a new effort is to be made t<> hubjugato tho South. Whatever the farmers may desire in tho naturo of financial reform must ?nom?? frmu the Democrats, the great masa of whom are sound on the currency ques tion?that is, are in favor of coining silver free of charge and of a, plentiful supply of good money?not irredeemable trash. On the other hand, tho Republican party is th? Wall-street party?the gold faction the faction whieh te not ashamed to ud vo? tate the policy of a singlo monetary stand? ard of values, and that standard to be gold, which is not seen once a year by one farmer in a thousand. The Democrats are for a constitutional currency?gold and silver. The Republicans are for a money unknown to tho framor* of tho ?Constitution except by its name, for gold was in their day seen by even fewer persons than now see it and was bandied by next to nobody. Tho silver dollar was in thoir opinion aajMl to the task of measuring nil values in this country. Had its purchasing power been allowed to remain as the fathers intended it to remain it would have accomplish?*] all the purposes ot u mea? surer of the valu?*? of all commodities. But the Republican party was not content that it should thus remain, and there? fore nearly twenty years ago wrong? fully ?liscrwhted silver by a law of the t'nited States. This ono fact should teach the true friends of bimetallism that they owe their allegianoe and their services to the great National D?mocratie party and cannot neglect to do their duty to the party until the Republican i>arty has re? ceived ita death-wound, as it will in ??'??. 'Then wo may let every Democrat go over to the Allianoe party if that party shall in the meantime have commended itself to public favor. ltapid Transit. Itupid transit is demanded by tho people of eyery city because tho old-fashioned notion of pack ine pensons into houses un td thsau tHHXdue a nuisance has given placi? to the determination to live us far away from the centre of the city as possible. The man who livee three, or four, or five miles from hut place of business wants to travel that diBUnce in a very few minutes. Whop we sre talking about the speed of our Htreet-cars we must nut lose sight of the tacts. M?n?srs. IKmsi.eton A Co. in their but circular treat this point as ful lows ?. k "Ta? plant of tue Baltimore Traction Com? I J">TJ? "" *"*? compiei?. tt?,j perfect oable sys? BJ t>w to th? ooaniry. At preseut thecarsare run on a faur-minute schedule, and the round rip from PnOd-HUl ???* and return ??ohoduled loro^hw^OA^mtoiiw* As It formerly took stoat two hours to nnuto the trip with bore?* Ue d?tele* m time e,a re?4Uy be ap pr* Sated. U delay?, ?ear %ut y^ ^ fe^,,. bumhed the ImkUu* oars oaa only mak? up lost Um? by stopping only to let ?r? f*Hiea?or?, so that tbe pnhclo aen umlernten? if s car ?Uns not Stop that tu?re ?? be aaovher ut? fuUowlas ?behind." ftpeed is evidently one of tbe elementa entering into the question of the practice bulb <*'?>??* veOro^^ Jlorsea. fores^ ample, could not raa?o the trip from the New reservoir to Twenty ninth and I streets and return in leas than four hours. In other words, that line could not be operated with horse? at all. Tho number of possible tripe would be too small. Geographic Nomenclature. It being considered ?leeirsblo that uni? form usage in regard to geographic as> mencia!ure snd orthography should ob? tain throughout gv)vern mental departments snd bureau?, President ??a?????? some timo sgo constituted a Hoard on Ocogrsphic Names and deatgnated as members thereof ten gentlemen raippoard to l>c woll quali fb?d for the work required of them. The board elected as its chsirtnoii Professor Thomas C. Msniictmatx. of tho United States Coast An?l Geodetic Survey, and it has issued two " bulletins," including ono Cow before us. The first wo noticed at tho time of publication some months ego. In tho second we notice tho subjoined ?bauges: The adopted forms irre printed in shall capitals, tho discarded forms being entered In tin? same alphabet leal listan 1 printed in Bastas. In each caso a?tor the discarded form the adopted form ??Added in brackets for ready reioreiire. AOPOB kB? Connty seat, Accomac county, Va. AeeonuwJt C. II. (Acroma*?.) Arqtiia Or??! and liAj. (Aijula.) Ais in, James rivor,; Virginia. Atkin. (Alken.) ,. d tien'? Landing. (Alken.) AejOBa. CKBSK and IsVtTTT. Petomac river, Vir? ginia. ?t?.?tt?. Kin? William county, Va? AyUUt. (Ayletts.) ?????.?? HU. York rivor, Virginia? lligler't Mi'L (lllglar.) - Ui-abistonb Ihi.ani?. Potomac rlter, Maryland. Named for Dr. Blakistouo, uow llvmg on the Island. Bowuts's. Lane s ami llocs, Itappahannock river. Virginia. ?.??????. Southampton county, Va. Boykin't Depot. (Boyklns.) Brandy, (brandy H tat ion.) Hbavdt Station. ( uli-per county, Va. hristok. Matea fraassan county, va. Rroobb. On Richmond, Frederlcksburg and Po? tomac railroad, Stafford county, Va. Braoke't. (Brooke.)'t f?at Um. (Ilrooke.) cu ? 11 a luBjr. Jamos river, Virginia? ( Imi:? ? Bluff. (Chnf?ln.) ?'?tOPAWAMsio Ckekb. Potomac river, Virginia. (h? j-inameic Crerk. (Chopnwamslc.) ChHratutk. (Cliuckatu-k.) I'uiTKATrcK. Nnnsenieud county, Va. Cloud /Vat. (Cuyamacu.) OeCBVTI Point. Virginia. Cork lit htittt. (Cockpit) Cockhsix Crbbx. Oreat Wlcomlco rivor, Vir? ginia. OBOATAB fornD. (North Carolina.) Oesaas Issa??. (Croatan.) Cnu.ES Nece. James rlrer, Virginia. Vwkft .V?t*. (Curios.) Garfa Srrk. (Curies.) Cchkioman Bav. Virginia. lsj ? ...a ki> Wiuar. Jam?? river, Virginia. IMfflBlsBJ Csskk. Below tho Great Wlcoinlco river, Virginia. Dni.i.KKs Point. James river, Virginia. H f .?? Battery. (Fishing Battery.) Iikxwkv Bi.cff. James river, Virginia. brnniiumdloum. (Aocomac.) Drummond Toten. (Accomac) Drtury't l,\uf. (Drowry.) Dry Homtr (Burner ShoaL) Dual Mead, (Duck Islands.) Kiliott Knob. Augusta county, Va. This mountain has been locally known fur many years as F.lllott's Knob, The desire has been expressed to substitute the name of BjogatUjkj honor of ftaaaaast w. H. Regarni formerly the State tloologist of Virginia and a pioneer In tho study of tho geology of that (state. This doclslou is based on the ground? Drst, that tho name Elliott Knob Is well establish?*!, and second, that a mountain peak In Virginia, near the North Carolina line, has already been named m honor of h?tasses asageeaj Ktliotft gest. (Klllott Knob.) Kites Isi.anii. James river, Virginia, tint.t Wicomico Kivek. Virginia. Empties into Chesapeake l<ay at Fleet's Point. IIokukshuk. Chesapeake Bay. Uomt-shi*. (Itoraeshoe.) Horte Mo?, (llorseshoo.) Horte Shot Bar. (Horseshoe.) Marthas Vinrvakd. Mneeachnsetts. Martin? l'incyar?!. (Marthas Vineyard) Mktomein. iNLETand G???t, Virginio. ?Wseajshti ?met. (Moto.ukln.) Modjack Hay. Chcsapoako Bay. >/..'? Jark Bay. (Mobjack.) Moskok, POM. Virginia. On Februarys, 182?, tho Kocrotary of War or? dered that the works wt Old Point Comfort iDsd Fort Monroe, and not Fertrose Mon? roe. M atei. Fortrei?. (Monroe, Furt.) POOLBB lsi.ANl?. Chesapeake hay. lOo'e't h aiii, IV??<ilea.) l'uo't ??'and. (Poelos.) Haitauannocb SriT. Chesapeake Bay. Wkscott Foikt. Chesapeake Bay, Virginia? In the list of names Haiti (not Ilayti) is adopted as the proper ?polling of the name of that island. Tho "island con? sists of two countries, Haiti on tho west end and Santo Domingo on the east end, tho dividing lino being drawn from tho river Pedernales on the south to tho river Massiere on tho north coast" So Cup?? Haytieu becomes Capo Ha?tien. Hermuda (and not Bermudas) is adopted tor the group of islands in the western Atlantic Ocean, named after Juah lisn vriii.s, tho Spanish mariner who discov? ered them. Hermuda has been adopted as the British official name and "is the popu? lar and all but uuiversal designation." Aspinwall on tho Isthmus of Panama becomes Colon. This is th?. official naiuo given tho city by tho Columbian Govern? ment. Colonie " the Spanish form of tho patronymic of Chiuhtopheb Columbus." For somo years past in America tho name has boon written "Colon (Aspinwall)." Tho Debt Conferrees. We spi'ak for tho general public when we extend a cordial welcome to Richmond to the gentlemen who have oomo here to confer about a settlement of the debt of Virginia. An important trust is in their hands and we hope that it may bo discharged with calmness and wisdom. ? ho situation cannot remain as at pres? ent ; it must prow bettor or worse, and that very speedily. Already precious years have been lost, never to be reclaimed. Tho thing to do is to come to an adjustment without any further loss of tima. And any adjustment to be final, and therefore successful, must be such a one aa outvoters will approve. Within the compass of the instructions givon tho Virginia Debt Commission by the General Assembly there are many knotty questions to be settled and atsoks of figuro* to be examined. Here will come hard, plodding work. Here will arise the need for patience and good temper. But the end in view is worth the trouble, for it means peace for the State and security for the bondholders. If the bondholders' committee will act upon the advice of the best friends they have in Richmond, a settlement will be effected. la It Loat? WrjenxtL Philltts in his day lectured sometimes upon " The Lost Arts," as wo aro reminded by the failure of all of our many thousands of readers to comply with the re? quest of our correspondent of last Sunday week calling for Goldsmith's story (or Mr. Hakpcastlb's) of "Guld Grouse in the Gun-Room." Is it possible that that story is lost? The memoirs of Stonewall Jackson, which his widow, Mrs. Julia Jackson, will soon publish, will contain many letters written by this great soldier. Few, if any, of them have ever been in print, and they tell in his own lauiruago many facts in bis experience absolutely new to the general public. Mrs. Jackson, herself a lady of talents, baa had valuable help in preparing the volume for the presa. While much has been written about Sionkwali. Jackson, and by able men, the field which this proposed enterprise will cuver is altogether unoccupied, as it is practically tho history of the General's army life, told in letters to bis wife at home. The election returns from remote ooun tl?M ounlinae to bring to Democrats sheer? ing new?? of l*?*t Thursday's battle at th? ?sjaetla, BOILEREXPLOSION. FOUR MEN KILLED AT JORDAN'S SAW MILL IN CAROLINE COUNTY. A rtfth Wan Terrlhty Injared?One Man's llody Frtghtfellr Mutlleted-lNarrow Kseape of Mr. Jordan. (?pedal telr.<rram to the Dispatch.! Murom?, Va., June l.-Thc boiler In Mr. J. T. Jordan's saw-mill, six mil?? from her?, exploded at 1:30 this afternoon. M?'ssrs. E. L. Hayes and James, eon of John James, of Lorctto, Ya. (whit? Wesley Catlett, fireman, and anot! ire<l man were killed. A man named Sclph lost a hand and was M ruck in the head. It is thought the wound will lie fatal. Tho body of Catlott was discovered fifty feet from th? mill without a partteleof clothing thereon. One leg was torn otf be? low the kno?. Tho missinrr limb has not yet been found. Mr. Jordan was just in the act of leaving and was not mor.? than ten steps distant when the explosion took place. The cauie of the accident is not known, Tho loss ?3 about $800. LAGGING ELECTION RETURNS Carroll's < nrl?us Contrat?Tho Vote of ll'clii-?..???? an?! Oilier l'oints. [("irreeponitrncoof Uin Bsskmaad Dispatch.1 Him.sviixk. May 20.-T. ?!. Beata, Re? publican candidate, was re-eb'Ct?? 11<> the offlee of Sheriff for this conntv brama? lritvof IV votes. A. W. Mathews was his opponent, and th?? BOBteat betweea these candidates seems to have excited more Interest than am? other, Judge Isnao Webb, of the BepubUoas ticket defeated William It. Liudvy ami C. M. Marshall by a majority of 17 votes for the offiec of trea? surer. (!. M. Marshall was turdOet to the action of the Democratic primary, and Lindscy ran independent. Walter S. Tipton.?m the Democratic ticket, woe re-elected for Commonwealth's attorney. There were about l.soo ?rotea east for him. Ho had no Opponent, the Farmers' Alliance vote exercised very little influence. On account of the heavy ruin and ?widen weter-oonraei the voto was one of the smollest polled in this county. Also about ?.no hundred hail tailed to gel their transfer. DEMOCRATIC UUB1MJ1A [CorresiHmileuco of tho KlchtnoinJ Dispatch.] (?i'n's Uhi., DiNwnmiE oocntt. Va., May 39.? The election ?f this week resulted In the ?election of nil the Demooratiooaadi dates for county offices with the majorities ranging from all to W7?to wit: ?lohn V. Harris for Commonwealth's attornov, Walter II. Young for sheriff, George W. li?mes for commissioner of the revenue in th?? First district, and James O, Perkins commissioner of the revenue in the Beoond district. All of the present ineumbente? to Wit, A. Th.lOwell, II. H. Rendalo. C. E. Aberuathy. and-IiOe?are Republi? cans. Colonel W. M. Field, our county treasurer, had no opposition and was nominated in the Democratic oonvention and endorsed by tho Republicans. For the ?J^rst time In many sears we will have a Democratic Board of Supervisors. waxa*? wxaBaoaBB, [Spedai telcprain to tho Dispatch.) Bm Stove (Jai\ Va., May 81.?The ?board canvassed tho election returns of Wise county yesterdav. Andini; Wilson Hoi brook fBepubiioan) sleeted aherif by ,W majori? ty ; It. 1'. BrUOS I 1?. publican), Common? wealth a attorBev, re-elected without op? position: K. D. Maxwell ? Democrat ), trea? surer, by ito majority: D, 0.1 Dean ? ?? publieiin\ comiiiii-sionor of the reve? nue. Western district. 11U majority: J. W. ]>< verly (Repnbliean), commis? sioner of tho revenue, Eastern district, 11 majority. Tarty lines not closely drawn; election qoi?i IOWHaTAN'H G??. fukcs. [Corrosponil?:no?i<if Mm UoBmOBd Dlspateh.1 ro-.vilATASCofHTHOfSK.Mlk.V ??1 he fol? lowing is the result of election held .lav before yetderday for county officer?: Ed? ward A. Baugh, sheriff: William M. llana gan,OoBamoBweath'i attorney; atoaos I'. Bwenn, treasurer ; Joeeph Mel'unn, com miasioaet of revirase, ?There was no op? position to the ShentT or Treasurer. Tho other officers eloet?<d by large majorities. NOTABLE HORTHAMl'TON. (CorrceponJenco of IBs KtCBIMad MtpetcB.] Onavioik, Va.. May 10.?The Democrats Ewept the tir-ld in mrthampton electing every officer by majorities ranging from 700 to 300. HI? hnioii G? Vote. The vote of Richmond lost Thursday and rrgv Mr. Childrey'e majority was 2,784. ????????? votk. Tho vote in Chest? rficld was very ?mall. The Democrats polled only ?? and the Re? publicans ?05. Only one county off ooBteated?that of oommiaaioner revenue 11 st district between VYoodfin and Paoe. v.'.? din's majority was 19L Boperviaoraa tie three Republicans ani three Dento crais B. A. l.owen, lohn8. Taylor, ami I'. A. Hewlett Democrats, und?'. Hainus o ored I. J. W.Nuunally, aud William Bpeara, Republicans. MAJORITIES IK OOOOnLANT?. The following arcthe majorities reoaiyod by the several county officers elected in (roochland last Thursday: R. N. Turner, treasurer, C?l; R. A Trice, sheriff, 311 ; H. 11. Hoye, Commissioner of the revenue, 250; R. 1). James, attorney for the Com? monwealth. 20. JUDICIAL ELECTION IN CHICAGO. Hanks and Hoard of Trade Closed?Com? position of the Tickets. [By telegraph to tho Dtspateh.l CnrcAoo, June 1.?An election for eleven judges of the Circuit Court is being held here to-day. Tho banks and Hoard of Trade are closed. Ten sitting Judo.?-, of whom bvo are Beoublicano und bvo beino? crats, wre renominntcd bv tho bar of this city on a non-partisan ticket, ami Henry McKey, a Democrat, whs made the eleventh nominen to assume the new indgcahip just created. This ticket is endorsed by the liepublicans and t'y tho ox-Mayor Harri? son wing of tho nomocracy, except that the name of Francis Adams, Kepublican, is substituted for that of McKey. Tho ex Mayor Crogier wing of the Democracy en? dorses six Democrats on the bar-ticket, but substitutes T. W. Showalter, W. Q. Kwing, x. L. P. lkiy'o, and T. G. Wind. s. Democrats, frrr tho fiv?* Republican sitting judge?,. There are, besides, ?????? inde? pendent nominations in tho interest of in? dividual aspirants, and one by the Per? sonal bights League, an organization which is opposed to tho rigid observance of Sunday. ANOTHER RAILWAY DEAL? The Muidle and Ohio Scooped by tbe Muckiv Syndicate. IBy telograph to tho Dispatch. 1 Inpianapolib, Isd., Juno 1.?Tho Xeie? says : It was announced alniut ten days ago that the Mackay syndicate was nego? tiating for another road, the Mobile and Ohio. Since that time the deal has been consummated and the Mobile and Ohio has changed hands. The amount involved is $13,500,000, Tho present management of the road will remain until tho annual meeting in Dee? nilnir, when it is likoly that there will be several changes. Ma ? ?a? will prouably bo elected president in piuco of J. C. (Harke. Tho new purchase is 700 miles long, and extends from Last St. Louis to Mobile, Ala. It connects at last St. Louis with tho Louisvdle, Evansvillo, and St. Loots, and touches Peons, St. Louis, Louisville, and Chicago over tho various roads. The Mobile and Ohio deal has been kopt as (inlet as possible in order to avoid fights with the Louisville and Nashville and Pennsylvania roads. Probable Ineendlarl.m In Nashville. [By telegraph to the Dispatch.) Nashvills, Txkn., Juno 1.?Tho Bnek inghain Theatre, which had been occupied by a saloon and a variety theatre for some timo, was burned last nnzht. The fire gained headway before the occupants wore aware of their danger. Six persons wore imprisoned on tbe fourth floor, all of whom were rescued by lironiuu. About 2:16 this morning the north wall fell, bury. >ng three firemen. Nono, however, are thought to be fatally injured. The at? tache? of tho theatre lost all their posesa sious. There seems little doubt that the tiro waa the work of an incendiary. Loss on building, $20,000; insurance, #14,000. ? A Destructive Fire In loi Angeles. [By telegraph to tho Dispatch.] Los Anoblis, Cal., June 1.?One of tbe most destructive Are? in the history of Loe Angeles occurred yesterday. Flamea were noticod coming out of the rea:- of the Norton block, a four-story frame apart? ment building on the corner of Seventh and Hill street?. An alarm was at once turned in, but before tho engiues could reach the spot the Are had gained such headway that it was impossible to oontrol it, and in loss thaa half an hour the block was entirely destroy ed. A small tramo cottage back of the Norton block waa also destroyed, and eu adjacent house in Hill street, a two-story dwelling, waa partially burned. The flame? then swept east on Berenth street, totally destroying a two story franio dwelling and the Cliur li <r the Trinity, a handsome edifice. Further progress or tho flames, was checked at this point by a vacant lot. A high wiml was preraillng at tha tinse, hut niter the vigor? ous work of about an hour the llames were ft ?? ? under control. The Laukersbsim flats, at the corner of Seventh and Broad? way? were badly damage I. and had a nar row escape from destruction. The tobtl lo?s i? alKiut ????,???, ou which there is ? ?ipnrativcly little insurance. SHE IS HANDY WITHOUT HANDS. ? Llltlc California t.lrl Who ?Sets Along Without Arm*. [Chicago Herald.) Little Maryan Marcena is the daughter of a tin'muh who live* at Baueelito, Cal. bM has -even brothers and listers, has '.ule girl. Four brothers and tlir??osisters: so ???????t?t lonely. The hddren go to school, but tin re is always a baby t? keep her company. She never goea t.? Boho >1 nereelf, though ebo is nearly ? ight fears old. 1 hen? are ? good many reasons why she stsys at home from eefa oL She could not h Id her books very w?ll if she went, and ...? ito think she osano, do every? thing quite ss well es anybody els?, Foe - It e tiling has no arms. Bhe has ? bad any. The thine that Ms ' delights in doing m t.? belp her little ? reiben . ???, She ii ? (|U?CK and full of lite, and she burn? s ?round at a greet rote, she niakes then hurrv too. Rbe weahes their facas and couirw'theirhuir, and if they don't stand ?till she knows exactly how to gnu them a lively little b ? on the ear. H w does sir? do it? Why, with her fa it, of course, sho laughs when people arc a tonisbed at that. Maryan does not believe that ban's are on?, lut more us? fui or convenient than fact. Any one who notices her for u while i-usunlly a convert to her way of thiuk IIIK. too. sin? just takes hold of a towel between h.r toea ani she throws it nround her Lu? ther's neck by a dextcroue twist of 1er supple unkle. Then ehe dips bet foot fcfl the woter, and she rubs that' youngster's face till it shines again. ? I., a hi buck and looks at that rotini, little red face, just exactly aa a.i artist looks at his lu-turo to BB0 if he has achieved the correct ef? fect. When the face is as new-looking and fresh as a brand-new tm-pau, Maryan oiv."> a qm ST little satisfied sigh, and pat? ters int . the next room as fast as she can - that's pteity fast, too. by the way. \\ hen ?* she baa aonstnsng between 1er two first toe?. That something le ? comb. She hops up to her brother and then she sits down. Swish! swish! lops tho comb through the thick black hair of little brother. Splash I goes the comb in tho water. ? wish I again, and there's a parting. Swish; once more, and then?'? a beautiful partiti:.'. "There, now," ?ho ?ava. choerilv?that is, if she doesn't BBJ "Ibero now," she means it. Surely sin? means it. And so the bttle brother knows, for he r hastily and proceeds in a business manner to follow the fashion of boykind and ?et run ply and ?lirty-faced U3 soon as ho con? veniently can._ THE MARRIEj^FURT. Her Arts and IVIIcs, Whims and Caprices. A Dangerons Social Person, rjtapeSBBBBed t>y Kequeat.] The married flirt brings terror and di> Eiay Into every circle she invades. She mischief. Women know her and her. She has marred many a match, destroyed many an airy castle, rained many ? season. If real curbing, not loud but deep, could kill aha would bar? I.u dead long ago, but she la perennial. She pervades all places and entalla all plans. Sho gets u now zest from th-* dfcasppoint mints of otlnrs. and, like the vampire, feeds upon the heart's blood of young hopee. No summer resort is without her. From the hotel of high degree to tho meok and religious camp-meeting she is onxnipres? cit. The tra.l of the serpent is over them all. The married flirt is not only multitu? dinous but multifarious. She is of all aeree and degree? One sesson sic? b lan? guid and lanquishin?; another she is f,Lst and furnuis. Now ans hi demure and de? vout, and again sh? n flighty and fn\o loiis. You like her limp and lymphatic sxtd are surprised to like her better brisk and eoubrett?eb. One daysho is shrinking and skittish, the next she is audacious und impudent. GG??. OUg, Sin? takes h'T cue from Cleopatra: " Ag.? .annoi wither orcustometaieherlnfln'to variety.'' She is Baso absolutely apostoli?;. Slieisiill thiiiL's to all men. and although the danger signale ere always out, sh?? nude a fool every timo ?he takes the trouble t> Opea her eye-. And the whole thing is ? to her?no care, no worry, no fretting, but plenty of foil?.?. It is no wonder the young ?.?irl bj dist mood. Tlure is no (langer of falling. Breach. of-proinisM suits aro as foreign to tin? mar? ried flirt's thought? as genuine sentine 1.1. She is fascinating, bui you cuunot call her falso. Bbois evidently fitted to conju? gate love in all its moods and tenses, but the sense safety makes her cruel. A CLOSE CALL IN A WRECK. Kscaplng with a Load of Dynamite from a Railroad Muretti. [Springfield ??.) It has leaked out that ono of tho passen gors on tho train wrecked had with him t wentv-five j.cunds of dynamite?enough, had it exploded, to havo blown tho waolo tram into fragmenta, He bought the stuff of a dealer in this city, and to insure greatest Date carried . ikage in his bands. He was in the smoking-car when the crash came, and the m.xi few momenti were to him tho mo3t terrifying of hn life. When the front end of the car lifted from the wheels and tilted into the air be expected it would follow the locomotive ami five cars ahead down th?? embankment and tho crash would ex? plode the dynamite, but he ul-o realized his greatest ?-afetv lay in keeping thu dan? gerous compound in his lap. As ?luick as tho car stopped ho mado a da-li for the door, holding the package at arm's length. ?>ii"<> on the irround ho bolted for tho woods, carefully Laid the dynamite on tho ground and harrmd BWBV, Tlten he breathed easier, for even after tho danger of being crushed in the car was over h?? feared the locomotive boiler might expiodo and tho concussion cxplodo his burden. Without question had the smoking-car followed the others into tho ravine thu dy? namite would have boon ignited and not only caused much losa of life, but added another myateriosa feature to th.? affidr. Naturally every one would liavo connected tho dynamite with tho plans of the ni. 11 engaged in tho act, as tho owner of the stuff would not bo alive to tell his story. A SNAIL IN THE EYE. recoller Little Creature that Will Hunt 1'p Dirt tn Option. [Ilttaburgh Dispatch.] Did you over hear of an oye snail? It is found on tho coast of some of tho South l'aeific islands, a product ot tho sea, and in appearance hot unlike the half of a dry English ??a. The fiat side is slightly con? cavi .I, and by close inspection the numis rous small legs can be seen in readiness for business, el'isely folded together. Now comes tho most singular part of the ?Barri Place the little animals uuder the lid of tho eyo. and he springs off, running all about and around the ball apparently in search of anything of a foreign nature, which, should he find, he will se'ze and come out of the eye, evidently satisfied with having performed his duty. (Stranger still, the thing remains lifeless in the pocket until immersed in a httlo vinegar, whereupon it begins to jump about, signifying its willingness to work. Although the thing resembles the half of an English pea, there is nothing irri? tating about it m tho eye. Whites aro mado acquainted with its use by the na tiveerwho frequently get gru?a of sand in their eyes while diving. Playlnr on the Kulns. |Tuu biftinga.] "These firemen must be a frivolous set," said Mr. Bpillkins, who was reading a paper. ,vWhy so?" " I read in the paper that aftor a fire was under control the bromen played all night on the ruins. Why didn't they go home and go to bed like sensible men instead of romping about like children?" Popping ? In? < [Philadelphia Press.] Um? sweet thou art, Oh Httlo heart, I .' tell to tbee; But heart, oh h ?art, woTl never part If then wilt gnus wt' ma If I could tell right true and well How mach I love the?. Sweet? Coutil int?Mure out and fling about The tune my beert doth beat - Could maX* thee feel that wben I kneel And XIm thy dear wee baud I'm happier far than any ?ting That rules In any Uutd? Would'et thou then say that jearnod for "Yea" In s?cenla sweet and low ? OB, say tt now, my ?tartina, u yea,"?? ^ M r<MM before lg?( WE Ti!? rSDi-.llSlONED, ?? TAILOHocKR?, agresto ?-tase our ?toree at 7 P. M. fru? .11 ? ? U? ?, Saturdays execute.., toOCTOUKK irrtnotu n. f.? ?KisTiAN HERMANN - HSIDT, trji .attorney; Will I Ml I.. WHITE, PHI|)I)V ItKOTMKRS. M. ?Alt III V * ? ????". \V. II ? ? . I'M, CHARLES I.. H>DD, p?rl*, .Ii ill ? 1?.. COOK P. A CO., JUI.IKN BINKOHD, -It_P. It. ROBERTSON A CO._ BV THE GOVERNOR Of VIR ?11??-? PI? ?.???????'. Informatimi bavins: been re??lved by th citlToth-t MM. ,|.M PALMER ?lid, on tho 'Ml (lay of Vay, 1 SOI, XiU and murder one HENRY ? aNADY, at the town of Radferd, Montgomery o.untr. >!)., an?! tlmt be la n>w goim; at''?; therefore, I .in aen by "ff-r a reward of 1100 tor very, ami conviction <if the ??|.| ?' 11 M Kit, and I do, moreover, require all ?if tab. ojmmi.fiw. alth. ?-Ml and military, and ? ? ir beat procure bis arrest, that b<? may bo brought to kMttea _ _ ?,i%. h under my tiaml aa <? {8???-} end ii ..?I'll of the ? iiiii of Stay, 1891. P. W. M.-lilNNEY. 15/ the Oovernor: II. W. KlTPNOV. ary ? f the Commonwealth. MBaavnoB? Ho la a-malatto, gnu I ?'. shout thirty t, iie.svy-.??. weiche aboat 170; head, broad lace, heavy wrinkle?? on ti,<. for? bead, . U i-li??rt st?'p, pie ?u me tu k< Be tre gambling place? and seldom work?. ^_ , --!'_ ???? TEA GIVEN r.V THE LADIES OF THK BOLLYWOOD MBMORIAl CIATION will be al the noond*ot theohl s l lUer?' H??:!!.? hi WEDNESDAY SVENINO, luv l UiMiriK' at ? ota? .'I. 0J?**t?*** ]0 Mt WEKTIM.V A STATED (X)MMUNIOATIO?f JL? of RICHMOND LODOS, No. 10, ?. X/\ F. and ?. M., win be t.ii atSt. Albana rner Third and ,???? Tu?e? BNINQ at 7:30 o'clock. Annum ? ofotRcera Member? ??? ? tran? l ?.-ut brethren aro fraternally Invited to be pron ? n'. Dv order of tho Worshipful Mailer. \L B. SNEAD. Je 2-tt_Secretary. CUB - CONTRACTORS' ASSOCIA in luv M kadaDtnterentedwin please meotlng uf this Association this SVENINO at Lee Camp Mall, Broad suestes ?.??nth. 'Ih.? Committee on Hy-Laws, Bales, and Bi rilettone wlU render their report, nnl Oil all-important matter ? fun attendance is desired By? r 1er of the Pre?! lent. Thomas n. Kksdikk. je'J-lt ?. ?. BIN8VYANOKK. Secretary. \ GENERAL MEETING OF ?'": ii. stockholders of tho NBWPOKT NEWS, HAMPTON AND OLD POINT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY wUl he held at the iriBeeof U paay, 881 east M/itu street, i, Va.,oa th?? I'.? DAY OP JUNE, 1891, a' 12 o'clock M., . 1er the purehaan of other land and the , Uonof astreot-car Hue lo eonatKt the property ol the company Witti tho Uuo to Now port New?. !!y order of th" II. nnl of DinKtOn, myll-td BAMUEL 8. BLAM, Beoretery. THK ktEMBEBSOF BELVI DKRE COUNCIL, ?a 1138, UoYAM] Alti AM M, are requested lo attend a recolar meeting of th? Ir ?'..unell it Del- ? ??"? vi.l.T.i Ball ..n ? uh (Tneeday) EVSNINo nt ? <>'??1.-,-k. M.'iuboruuf auter ojunclls aro luvlted as attend. By order of the Rogent. so 2-le;A3dTuts II. L. DEN'OON, Secretary. A!HI SKMKNTS. ?p?? HACES OF THE LAKE ANT) . DSTvTJta PASS ASSOCIATION, lt'W M?K r. V\., hnv?. been poetp? ned on account ot bot w-ather until WEDNESDAY, 1 III KH)AY, and KKtDvY, June Sd,4th, and6th. All entries for pniiiiiii; rr.r. wlU stand as p"r previous pro? gramme, roiiowimt ?? tu., programme ? v,?-:i)Ni>iiAY, ?)? va a, 1891. Knnnl'ii??Hotel stai ? S fi IS iSlllISS of a.inilo. lug?Bo Mistes race to wagons. Running Bile dash. THDS8DAT, June 4, USI, KunnliK- ?????????????? dasB. >?? Instead of 'J:10 elass? purne ?l'JOU??130 to ilrtrt, 950 to ?Mond, ?JO to U?:ri. Kunnlm?? Men baate1 etakes-ono aud ono? rili ,??. r Dues. Bunntait?otwMoarter-mile beats best two in three f.,r .?< lo>h| od that 1 r Jockey Club ml s, PurHe#.*)U?BSO od, ?*."< to third. KKIDAY. Jl BBS, lh!?l. Punning??oven-?'!i;iile mile tash. Running?onivhalf mfla I Trotting -free tor all, pone <30(>??t'^00 to flret, $70 to six-mi'l, ISO to ililr?!. VIiitrieH for 2:1? clase, on^quarter-nillo h.vite, ant free for nil races w ill cl 1?. M. 'in:sDAY. .TuneV!, 1M?1. nn BE I CO., BOOK-MAKEBH ODDS LAID ON ALL RACIN?. BTSBRA DIRECT WTRE TO THE TRACK. A full deacriptlou of rieb reos Kiv.-n as It is beinnrun. TIKI?' BXCHANOB, fe 17 corner Dank and Twelfth streets. L KXCt'KSIONS. Ar. tpiit?TEXOUBSION OP THE SEA ?SONTO WASBTNOTON vu RICHMOND, FRSDBBICKhHURU AM? POTOMAC BAIL? BOAD ALL BAIL SATURDAY NIUHT. Jcxi i;nu. Tram leaves Blba 11 o'otaB P. ii. R.v taming leaves Washington M aday, .lune 15th, at7o'cloca G. M. Boand-trlp, 13.50. hl?x-tric ..limit truiu o'i retuni t?.,. Ity. ?I.Asll ? ??., Managers, lo 2.4.0,8,10,11.12A1.1 G RAND MOONLIGHT EXCLU? SION, STEAMER ARIEL, ?G.????? LODGE, I. O. 01?' G. T., JUNE -', 180L Tickets r>Oe. Can be had at 014 east Main ml at wharf,_ my :i0-3t WARWICK l'ARK. Arrangi ment? can ?..? made for tho uso of WAKWU'K PARK and excursions down the river iiy iij.j.11 atieu u> TH(i\i\s KLLRTT, secretary Wnrwl. k Park Transportation Company, SOS east Main street. niyjT-lm < IlY TAXES. ^ _ ^^ Ol TICK OF C'OLLECTOK OK ???? TAXES,) CiTT Hall, > KicnMOSP, Va., June 1, 1891, ) VOTICE XO TAX-PAYERS. I am now ready to rocelvo CITY TAXES FOR THE YEAR lsnt. If the whole or one half Is not paid tiy tho .10th Instant. 5 PER CENT Wild. BE ADDED, ant the ordinance provide? that unless <>NK HAI.F IrJ PAID IN ??'?? the whole amount. Witti pen? ally added is due at once and it not paid i? tore M HER 1st, tho Collector is required to Ioyt. Itioo City Ordinances, chaptor 14, soc tieu 7.) . , ? All males twenty-one year? of ago and all per? ile or female) who own personal j.ri.[>erty aro assoMed, *??* will please call and seltl?'? Paving, l'lpi\ and Sewer-crnin^'tlun Mils nre pajMt.le in tho saino manner as taxes, and at j ! ,,.? lime. ?jfilce opon until 0 P. M. ' F. W. CUNNINGHAM, J..'.'-??? Collector of City Taxe?. GBOCJSBJKS, Ac. ^____ I -r> L?. CHRISTIAN & CO., FAMILY GROCERS. FINE LIQUORS AND ???8 A SPECIALTY. BLACKBERRY WINE; BLACKBERRY BRANDY; RASPHERRY VINEOAR ; lai 1ERN, BARSAC, AC. ; Half-pints CHAMPAGNE ; Large assortment of ENGLISH CRACKERS just received ; CANNED SALMON and LOBSTERS. _my 31 ?p it ? ? t a. APRICOTS, APPLES, NECTARINES, AND PEARS?sun-dried, evaporato!, and canned, ap 21 MCCARTHY A QAYNES. AGUICtXTl RAL IMPLEMENTS, AC ? AWN-MOWERS, Tho boat and most doratile, at lowest prices. A.B. CLARK ? A SON. WINDOW- AND DOOR-SCREENS, If THAMES AND WIRE. Headquarters, as heretofore, at A. B. CLARKE A SON'S. _ RUBBER HOSE? WIRE-WRAPPED. CO'I TON-COVE RED, Ac. my iM-oMTt A. B. CLARKE ? 80N. ^^PBOFOSAL?. 13R?IO8ALS rOB8J SCH, 10-INCH, JL AND tf-DICB STEEL <;i\s.--ordinance orties, Was DxfABTSBsr, Wamunuton, May 8, ISOl.-Under tbe provisions of section ?i of th? act approved August 18, 18110, as modified by the act approved February '?*, 1891. aenled pro poeAle, in duplicate, will be received at this Ofloe from citizen? of the fulled State? until 3 o'clock P. X. on MONDAY, July 1.?, l.vil, at which tlnio thtny ?111 bo publicly opened, for furnishing tho Urdnan.o Department, United States army, vrtUi tweuty-riv* (?5) 8-liwh, fifty (60) 10-inch, and tweuty-tlve (36) 12-lnch steel guns, and ammu? nition l>* thotr teat or proof, ?1 to be of Ameri? can manufacture. One fourth (>i) of these ?uns may be conelructed oo the Ptv.aiio coast. Hlank forms on which proposal? must bo made, and all lufwrmaii.iu retiulred by bidders can be had upon I apnUoatlon to ?xlg. (Jon. D. W. r'LAULKR, Chief 1 d uronance, sir yo-Tu*w*W|iJW THALHIMER BROS.' UNE BARGAINS. Onr buyer his Just sent us a let of ?EAHONABLS AND DESIRABLE GOODS which be clored out tug CAMl V ER Y CHEAP. We offer then? accordingly and meatlon a few-vli. : CHAI LIES, Um a?d ( IIEESF-CLomsatr>c. worth BA*c ; EGYPT. ?? Ml I,lis ani C HALLI E3 at S^c. worth Vi\4fi.', 8 Ml KENS at HI and Ut?e. worth lit* and ??G-V? ; PARISI \N (RAPES and H (TISTES al IgWe, Worth 18c ; (INK Wool. ?MAI I.IKS at 1?I*hc. worn. '.'??.?.; DOl'l ED SWISS MI HLlNSat I ?.'?,,?. nj. \? linkst anallUe?; BLACK PLAID ^NDHTRTPED MP8L?NS?. 10,1 .'Vi,and 10%?? worth UH, 1j,snd 30c. ; EMBROIDERED 8 W188 PLOUNCINGSal 3G??. upwards; WHITE AND ID.? ? Ml 1.1. i? loi Ni ? m.S a*. 60a, upwards; YARD-WIDE PLAIN \Nll PLAID DRESS G'KiDS al 35?. upw?ds; ALL-WOOL PLAIN AND PLAID DKISs coops at :>7J4<?. upwards; Tho handsoUK'st DKKSS TRIMMINGS nt extra low pri ??.??? ??? ? I?. I i! to? IN IH A AND CHINA SII KS at ..?>??? on; Kuillii.?. ..? LADI HLDKBN'M aU'RLIN I'NDI-.RWI.AR?; Fall linn of LADIES' tND CHILDREN'S ?AI ZK VESTS at 10c up; AclomiiK-out twlo,,f PARASOLS and ( MUHBLLA8: ? '.?.'.? ? ? V.s. < UU'KI8. and OIL-CLOTHS: lo'iii ?saortmeet of PARASOL-C OYERE; Tti.? best KID AND 8ILK GLOVES and ? ?? H ; lively (??? /.?, SU.?, AND JAPANESE PANS; OUTINO-8HIR ?? for Men und Boysat ;i7^,?. up; CHILDREN* siiiM? is al ::"???? ; CHILDREN 18 and 111. V KRs - full variety?at S1.50 op; LAD;i_S' ?LAZI lui, JACKET?, REEFERS, an ! CAPES; LAlMBtT BEADED! APE? at LKssTll AN co.vr. targa aBjorttnent of ??.?? i.kmiv ? UNDERWEAR, Tins. u\lk-hosk, collars, (i ris, a) SPENDERS, UNLAUNDEKED ani DRESS^HIRTS, LINEN AND SILK IIANL ? UIEF8. ? . The BEST n< isriRY for Ludios and Children. early, us wo doso at ?i aABBjak. TIIALHIMEE BEOS., FIFTH AND BROAD. [my :jl-S'i,Tu*Th! TIE SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMOND. CORNER ELEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS. CAPITAL.1100,000 SURPLUS ? Ml. 10,000 R. A. PATTERSON, President; L. Z. MORRIS, Vlco-Preaidcnt; GEORGE H. WOODBKIDGE, Cashier. One Dollar and Upwards Received on Deposit INTEREST ALLOWED. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE. Negotiable paper discounted, open dally till :i P. M. ; Saturdays till ? V. M. my 23-Sa.TuATh Levy & Davis. NEW STORE, 1, 3. anil 5 east Broad street. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS FOBTHI8 WEEK. THE PRICES FORCED DOWN THROUGHOUT OCR STOKE. IN DBUAL ATTRACTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. SILKS. CBBAM-OROUND CHIMA SILKS In ?n the licht und .: ok French patten . beastlful Bjoottl . per yard, I PLAIN CHINA 8ILK8fortneatng wearer for graduation?3A different abades cannot be ?la? r ?????. .?( yard HEMSTITCHED BLACK BURAH BILK in narrow and wide atri] popolar Black Silk worn. A new line just In ut vcr\ low prie,?-. BLACK sil ? GRENADINES, striped, in. cad s. and dot?, ihown in tala city,rangingin prue fronti to61.7?'? per DBE88 PATTEBNa Ife offer that week eur satire stock of Enalten nnd Prendi Uns* Patterna,all new scoila bought i!s?n, at great redBcUona bom former : WARM WEATHER DRE88 GOODS? KRlNiii OBGAJfDIBB, Bas noel gaeer assi Ci.f All-Summer Dp's- OoodSi in ;i dbOkOt Uno of psth ras, at ".'?. 35, und 40a per IMPORTED FRENCH CHALI,I Eft, the finest good? Imported, Ugh*, medium, and dart ground?, very choira style?, and very desbabas to combino with Bilk, for lue gown?, wrappsrSi *c. OBNUTNB scotch ZEPHYRGINGHAMS la ? beautiful line of brocaded patterns?regular 50c. u'iiiiitv for 30c. per > n. PINE ZEPHYR ????? IMS In light aud dark ground regular -P?- ? quality for line. inn BLK-POLD ?ilAl.lli-.s Croam and Me? dium ground? with Strip?? and Flower 1 regolar it;?'?,??. Quality for i-Wc ? il ? LOTUS,dark around? with hsnd soino Flower Effects -regular 16o. quality for 10?. nOOURBUI SUTTINOS, a nt?w spring fahrt?? in Stripes und Broken Plaida?fo. Ito lOc. BOMBSPI ? SUITINGS, a soft, tbrio m light, medium, and dark anadea of Tan and Hrowu?regular 15c. u.uullty roduced to S??c PARAflOLA AH ear Fase Leuu tananai ChifTen and silk PuSed Faraaota marked down to dote out. ?ou eau buy a tin.? Parasol Ihls week far tee? price than you will ha? e the ehuuee again this scaeou. LACKS. Ac. The best lino of Black Silk Drapery Nets in Stripe* Brocade* and Polka-Dots eversbowa In this city at 76*, S.V., IHJa, lUtA, 61. ">0, 6'.', 13.50, and 6:> per yard, Black Lace PloancingS from the narrow to the wide al Ulis In a great variety of patterns at ?pedal l? s prteaa A new tin? of the popolar Chiffon Lacee la ell the different shades ;n new path 8??.??-?1.? BASHES with heavy fringed ende nottua red, pink, basa, black, ?hite, and only 11.50 each. Tho Bnaet quality niitno as above only e:j.50 aeon. SIRA11 SASH RIBBONS. 10 Inches wide, with satin edge, all colors, on: ? too. per yard LADIES' EMBROIDERED Ml l.L TIES fa a handsome Une of patterns, regular 19c. , redan ? lo 10a .1 values this week In LADIES'LINEN LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS, hemstitch ? nil, at 18, 17, 19, and 35o> flTBl APRON MUSLIN, In patterns for aprons, very tine good -. only 25a per pattern. LADIES' SHIRT-WAlSTs in a variety of styles, both launder. .1 and unluuudured, at 61. 61.-5, 61.?"'(', and 11.75 each. su? E rTO-DAY: LADIES' DON. Gol a OXFORD T?Bs, with*patent lasthaetlp? regular l.'t quality 61-00. Hathaway, smiln A Harrington's celebrated MENS CALF shoes, in lace and congres* all hand efiwod regnlT price 6H, only 64.'?'?. Ulne jt Lyn.h MEN'S CAIE LACE snd DON GRE8S sIloES -. ?alarprice *4.?0-only6?WiO. Store closes at ti P. M. LEVY & DAVIS, 1, 3, and 5 E. Broad street. DUrCS. Mi:i)ll INI'.S, Ae. ACARI).-WH ARK NOW PRE PARED TO KILL ALL ORDERS Vi ili McEVOVS CELEBRATED JAPANS, I.IOUID DHYBB8, OIL-FINISH PAINTS,,?;,?, in July w.? will anat oar COACH VAHNIMIE.S of a high class., Baring given thorn age to Improve and perfect lhema>WlUi our skill and caution in making these goodn wo hopo to merit patronage Wo will be glad to (ill orders or furnish sain?les of our different Unos from our factory, In Man? . or our store. No. 7 north fifteenth sir. ? t, Richmond. V a. SOUTHERN VARNISH AND j_?__l__PAINI POMPANT. OPRINO WITH HER VERDANT KJ robe and garlands of beautiful l.n,;ht-hu? d fiowors has como again to cheor aud brighten our pathway through life. When we aro la health we can enjoy these bcauttce of nature, which an aU-wtso Creator bas giren tu; but alasi the hand of affliction is laid upon many of us, and those pleasing sights are no longer appreciated. OOODE'S F.I JXIR cures Iudlgestlon, Dysnop ala, Liver, and Kidney Diseasos, Clears the Com? plexion, Breaks up all Morbid Secretions, Cleanses the Blood, and Imparts tone and vigor to the enfeebled system. Price, 50??. OOODE'S HBXAPHAHMA?Tw. CureaCougbs, Colds, Croup. Hoarseness, Intlutmxa, Pain? la th?? Christ, Whooidng-C. .ugh, Ac Price. 0?iodk'S ELIXIR and ?iooDEH IIEXAPHAR MACUM are (or sale by all Druggist* aud ? tin? ti y Meritanti'. Prepared by W. J. C. GOODS, Druggist and Dealer In Medicinal H orbs. Barks. Roots, Ac., GulianuivtUe, ? ucklngham ? ? ? ? ? ? \, ? a. _my 29-lOt* PAINTS.-WE CARRY A F?LL Une of painters' materials, of whim we guarantee tho purity. BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS, ENAMEL PAINTS, VARNISH, BTAJNS, ETC. Prices will be furnished on application. PUBCRLL, LADD A CO., my 3 Wholesale Druggist* CAUUIAGK*, WAGONS. Ac. POR ?SALE ALL ?1????_?_?*> L PONY-CARTS, PHAE rONS,BS?BtL BUCKBUARDS, UGHT AND DARK 8URRYS, FAMILY CARRIAGES, VICTORIAS, DAY TONS, BUGGIES, GHOCBEY-WAGONS, Ac., at extremely mm prtoea A few SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES, PHAE TONS, and BUGGIES alao on hand cheap. W. C. SMITH, my 38-lut SU Borttt Fifth street. ISAAC HELD, . l.i \KAN< KSAI.KOI?' ODI.S AND BSD?. Feidnnln* TO-MOBBOW P?">!|Ml^?fS tlnue during the week, we ehall offer all ? hi? a? curaulatkmj of ear st.?k <>r this gssei " ?Bal as ?11 t: ? remnants und alt tho ?s Ids and en?..s... BU kin I- ?' BtUffB St pri?es to sell thi"ii REMNAN REMNANTS REMNANTS REMNANTS l.eoutiful BtyW. REMNANTS REMNANTS REMNANTS HEMNANTS REMNANTS ISAAC HELD, fiOO Broad eaat street ?jf in. viic I.IMS' CAMMKKS ?Mo. e yard. ..f ?.'.-. ?. HI ? ? s\ : inks I8W0. a rant ivy. . ?? , ? CLOTH Si BMe, a yard - CMEiK MUSLINS at 8M| I, and 10e. S y irl. FINK P?S? CALES, lOe. ? a yard. - of IkltKHS (.imii>s all uu.'ill tteM ?, ? ,1 pri?e?. UHI I ? LAWNS, ?i?. a yariL INDIA I. INK.N S Ht .'., fU|, and *??. a yard. pOMMENCEMKNT BAROAINS. Tho .argent stock of WASH FABRICS over ehown In this city. Our . ntire stock of WORSTED DHBW OOODH to be OSSSSd at and below ?xet. All the new ?bade ' ol tans, urays, old rose, nsodes. A??., me, arNUUAMSta beiutiful designs, stripes and plaids, at 0% 8, 10, and ISHp. for the beet ??. ?"Is; <'HALI.1EK In i?olkadot, plaid, and ??trlpee at f>, 'IV;, H. li. ID, and 11 w. for 111 BME. Worth ?JOa; ALL-WOOL C H ALLIES at 17c., reduced from Illy ??????? at t?&. worth i.v. iHilkadotnndilgnrei], Unlit and dark grounds; l'ONiiV.K CHINA BHANTONO at l'.'Hc-re dtSesdfNQI HOW all the new styles. Moot popular wa*h fabrletai th? market. PLNEAPPLB T1S8UE8 in black, dark and light trouBds. p.tkudot and (Inoren, all color?, at 1 ?<;*? and 15c worth 85 and 30e. ; Fior RED PEBSLAN KULLBal ll*i.\-th? regu? lar 2?<?. g. axis; CRAZY CLOTH in ?olid colors and figured at l-JUj??. worth St?.?. ? Luvo Stock of this art! cl?>. Kxivt pattern? of Crepe do Chine, colors guaranteed last?ven styiiidi. OUTINU CLOTHS el TtfcE, i?i, and ll^e.?all the lato at)l.ti and ]uat tho guodti for this ? on; SapleoeeSOLLD CHAMBRAYS at HVfio., in alt ton regular prtee laevf PLUt'Al.KS for shirt-waists In light, navy, and y-re.l grounds at S) and loy?c for tho best goods?. ??? KKD rOOLARDSfsr dresses and drapery al s, ??, and 1?M#<?., worth doubl?? th.? money; MBRRIMACK 8?G??1?? PRINTS al 4U??., IB? ? Shirt In? Prints Bade, worth HV SATIN ES in s.,11,1 and flgur.-d at?!>-4, 8V?, ami 0?..?. t,r the BOa auility. Tho above goods uro much below tho regular prices and will bo quick sellers. 1'AST-BLACK WASH (H)ODS. 307 pi..ees of guaran;.? 1 FAST-BLACK INDIA l.INONS in plain, striped, ami plaid ; PAST-BLACK PKKSIAN MILLS at l,'4e. worth ?."..? ? PAST-BLACK INDIA LINEN at l??*;. worth -?'oc., Hllght?y domai;??! by water: FAST-BLACK BTB1PED PKB8IAN MILL at H)i?.. worth water D. ?k K. MiTTKLIKlRr'KR'S, New l.ranit?^. Front 8t?.re, my 10-TintTh U17 east Broad strewt. '??.?oli^Ully damaged by Chickens and Eggs AND HOW TO GET THEM, USE POLK MILLER'S Victory Poulhy Food, MB, PER PACKAGB. BOLD BY DRUOGIBTB AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Testimonials : I never had any suoceese In raising chickens untili commenced to use It. Had the titoler? among my fowls every spring before this, but now uo longer fear it. Mas. W. W. WII.KINSov. Fine-Creek Mills, Powbataa county. I arrested the chicken ?moler? immediately lest year by using tho " Victory Poultry Pood." Mas. J. K. HANNAH. Pamplina, Va? Please send a dollar's worth at once. I have uaod it with great success. It eures cfcfckaa cholera and gapes entirely. I recommended It to some of my neighbors ami they think it is ?pleu did. MKS. L C.WILSON, Pamplina, Appomattox county, Va. I ?n.-loee you a dollar for four packages Vk-tory Poultry Food. I attribute the post year's lorjosss to the use of the Victory Poultry Pood. Mas. J. M. DANIEL, Orange oouuty, va? We prefer to sell through the dealers, but If they dont keep It send 25 cents to us and we'll mall a package. Richmond, Va. (my '-.'T-.'tm] _^^ BOOKS, 8TATIOXr.KY. *?!wwvv EXAMINATION PADS AND OTHER bCUOOL STATIONERY. J. W. RANDOLPH * BN0LJSB, i-UW MaBi stress. KOSE'S No. 105 Etsl hi. 800 600 600 500 100 600 1,000 .*>(..?? 1,00?) 600 1,00?) l.iMi'i 300 200 ,'U PAINTKD ?-???? I .'.??G??G HI < ? I.. Ji-i/f tBTCOl l-l/l'iliTI'.' . M . ?. KLV-TIt \|s, ? ? 'IKA-Sl'I.AIM?.'-. LABOBSPIITB BLA? K-IIANIil R ? MNCH PIR.P1 ? 7-I.V'H POH! I 0BTBTAL1 ? CRY8TAI.O? >r I . OKYBTALBUn ? ? ? : paxcyi KKVLK PRBNCH ?ill- , [t S6.SB ea-b ; lr.-rihi SDINJi , ?** J, L?. llUJL? (? ASK FOR "M?rleiris" HENRY BVCKEn 18 ROW 1H ? RI? BM< It HHMil TELEPHONE AND"''. "MOERLEIXV ??????:?:: ? I"? I : piOHMOND Chi '? OPEN IX ?; ?D.I., J ' ? ,_ t\ IM-, ALAI?'. WHO > Fi ? ' ? ? ?\'.\?p:?\ A I ? ? RELIAI ' ' *A LADY Will l.l'I I _v aoasaPOSITI? ? \ ??'??.? ??, m \ \ ? ? ?mpl )? r. Ad li ? I ANY PERSON V ? D.AIB1 AND ? I ?tree?, ? Wish aJaoto ?????? Mr. Pol ? _ w, ? WAX! I?. I >? M DLNINC-?? "? ? ' up. |>?)Y WANTED, I. i y ? u Mu-' ' .li.- refen . Idi C" ???? \.AS ! cl?, i" - J do generai ? asea 1 teat as ? _ WAN ?.I?, BY A with Bee rear?1 ??? Wllll Estait. PIMM. refer to ali pre, si RANI .'?:.'? in ? in u WANTED, ? ? r aotne vbol ObJ-s-t, t.. Usern the ' . AddreaaW. lcC, -lu.? wi W 'ANTED, ???G?. ctiargo of a M ? k. A ?? ?. 1 > I TUKICS, . ? W ANTED, Y OU ? >T BTTHOGRAl and to ts-i-t in ??" ? WANTED, ? t LERE st mended. \;;? -? W. ehester, \ ?. WANTED, ) ' ' v? larg? da? ???? store furniiur??. ?, , ? Street, Richte WANTED, BOA? * V excuUout tanta Termi ?? WANTED, ? ??? M BXPEBIEN? ?. ' - \. ? ... \\'A s i ? : ? ?. V? PARI' OF H? rooms and -' water. All 11 very d?-t WANH.l), AN 1 Vf ? \ ? ' ? u ? ? ? ?,???? per ye ir ? La Lyiichbjrg, Vi. WANTED. [N!S ? ?? ?.) 1 ?? ? . . SAW-MILL HAND?. M an?! be *? 1 r ?, BoYLE, Mo, ! . Vi.. .,; ?. L. BASS A ? li. .1. _ WAILOBS WANN D, J. CLASS CUSTOM PAN my a WANTED, 1! r y iTlTMPr-8 OW N-B I oontaln on.y IB? nothing els*. If ordered h Rvered. ?TI SPI * I.I ,PBoee264. \vr.\NTi.i?. FOUK ' N f? BOOMS ON PI with ssodeni Imi housekeeping. >?? ? >? 803 east CUy ?ire.?!. w BOBINI ?I ? IM" ANTED, TO SELL A . . CLASS BAB ? cannot live In lb? etty kitchen, OKiklng-r kl rer la urani is wai.'? Brasa II., dispaivi? 11'ANTED, FOB V> AN BfTABLISB eluding nxturoa. Address #*?? > pa rea. . WANTED, ? ? '?? T? DWELUNO, .?> ? ? Improvements; eteitraU) Apply apea U* ? K.jurth street, or ?? N. D. l'A'?" ?? K mu?. Im slrtwt. _ TWO TOUNU ??? G?? ? DKIJUHTPri. PR"NI" lu PRIVATE PAV1LY by ?..?> ? Marahall ?treat._ N , WANTED, MY FED: M the public t ' lamselUus-OAS Dolsi..' ?? of $1.60 fur M bushels. Ii?"l;! ? reduction only for a short ? KINDS OP COAL at lew??? ? SPLIT WOOD ?t ???6 l>* '*> ; 1200 west Brood, ?*??407 Min my a?-?Jt,*t4>odtlt CHAM ??UDY ECONOMY. ^igbsatprl^peWfvrOr.N WP CljOTttlNtl. Cell o? ?? ?'^v?,,, .