SPATCH. WHOLE NUMBER, 12,433, RICHMOND. VA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 3. 1891. THREE CENTS PER COPY. RK IN EARNEST N \ COMMISSION AND NEW ?MITTEE IN CONFERENCE. - , M?*teT>a and Then ? Social f lh-' . office, lUdittt, and the police ? 1 itv at tin- approach I *??--|l,OI)t. ?. 1>. . \Y. I.. Hull, and .1;. II Vlr . N a 1 i?rk w?iil? At er gentle.nan i U : ? - i ana I ?? an tnforninl Iba repi aeenta : ? ' Betttecnent ?? !'"in MUM . ?.'. i Ulna ni i um! ooald be . r .li? n ,t c r,. ,?? Hi...i,. I ,,-? - ! .. !i", only BUaKevt be iiiitsi ..?it . tuto of inter ? taken at | o'ct?k the ? r in-'? r> pairea to lteugcr't?, ? i >. nmram -!?!'? ? fraii ro . ?. ? .'. I heir wllltnp ?lil ii m ki eplng with, if itato than tn? tad. ?.: ? ?' Hie conference for ? In Mvial en I ! ? pro wv . ??? lal .iis.'im ' ? ? -I hange of 1 Pi ? II 1 tin y.y.t fou T. ? ? ?! were ?3 It i- not bettered thai > In band will l?> ? ?i?,t.>.| or ? isna win make ? .... repi. ; i an agreement a* I r. 'ufi'i. as ti ? ?oa tin? .? id lenM wae their luten ? ?? r | ., 1. . o, j nT.. ?y, (,,.. . ?'.? In oa-. ..f a n i to rojozn ? :? be adopted. iLi i?- lABrare lerdnj ami laut nlgl.t ? ? ? ed t . , ? ? i aeem k1 tbe bondboldera' king a I fi failure of f,.r. ? ? . . I tbe - ? Hint our i ? T. Now ? ? ?- i.iii h more ?.n- t" be a t ronder n "i. ir part than ? ibmitted lor Ii . ? U ennble tbe ri i" en) n. ' ? ? rough them I .ni what aro IUMB* t? ?? 1123,000, ind that their : ment upon I ! that while ted that ai oompro nnoittmnb MttlamUBI was - lee appear hopeful of n : ami the outlook I? ? ^ EXAMINATION. -. banni ami Several Other - ? ?i nf On to the (?rand ,lurv. f H. S V i ? vrv.? to the afro of arria ??? licenw , aael tor tbe .... v, a to Um irttb the arrest : i:i the Djh* ?MM TITA Ml. ? t man, waa charged with ireet. ? ? i -... i to t' atlfy mad auil a ? ling to the i. i i. ubnnd ...-? al nad bit : i i.n bla bend. . . ! . : i: , ? It ? ..-I the rrobornted aber. ? i . bargee?that of woua 1 HO Ml'KnCK. -t i: bertaoo, who eeetdeotally Iny, a ? nature of the ? *it lamenta v h In enlatan''?, waa I] Lndl .?? i that tri? . nd tbe acoueen wasdls ? ; is mm . of K.J. Pletcber,charged f Cal Del W, !.. i'utf>haw :ik, ?as taken up for . eeh wae WH?am K. il aw, the City ? i therefore the r, Matt k In payai? ? to UtMI it M tr ML . i niuu ami rather n t nron wan ? i toner penafterthe i ? inn i. be oompla ?nu the railing reral lett? re. a ? ho t< ? tilled before I in tho mini n ? raient, ' . mi Ung nflnir be ? ? ajred to give l ?,tUi A4 bvfoIO tho CO DEMOCRACY ii 11 - . i hunk? the frena and Peo* ' rtbaiee t<> Kir. (.inn. 1. of the IJenrico littae, y<*terday i??uod : think profoundly ttful rlty, the I'owhatan i o Ijb. and your eaveemed . .luabie an? ?. by ?e win- a?head u to redeem our ? ! mu-rulo ?; amid the un I? wl b could M4 ?bake nor : iu-e ?w aunk ! ne nhall w?lt : itv to retara your real thank? to aa our dattrea? i -70 rbaelbCNT i ? aa tulopteJ by Urookiand innata ej the club be, nad : r. i to our valued ? RaUM (er the energy and i t? the :. from him 1 i>t-iuucrat*. ri ASYLUM WANTED. I of M.-lit no a?d Karger/ ' ' ?loilure tu-Mtlutlona. "f the Academy of Medi ..' ry laat muht />r. Parker .; ox, wtaloh were ii..- to ?!... M.v?i' al (k* lety ???? - e*UL>lUb!u?uto? -. I .und. '- i tiiat about twenty y?ar* ago ranuo of tbe ttuae ?tteuipt?d "- and got a charter, but tL* uiuuey neoaeaary, and the ?.i *?eau? the Haei UoapUM, m weat ?rond utri^t, wn?M?tMit1?h#w1,nti..,? ?I?\ ,?. goabroad .?. i.i,o-aitu. it ^.i; ",' __?__S that the failure of th* hospital ??? ,iuV> Ili?? *_'B*???*w"r*r?"?vrl ? irr; SS ['lace to put h?r. A? McHHdo'a, In IT, ?.i.. A ^.l.tMT. Ihe foil-wing l Dr* WelMord, (frenshaw' Parker, BJ Hy In llmiu, i-how.n? how It fVWated absontloa of ..,,noi?, a,,,,ii?d uVtbtSitXn. lue tared* tag1 '..Miun'XnX deformity knew M ?'Koltof? abl ;c.,, the iront of theMak.SSmSi tvuyk had <-<,i,osi.oi,d^ ?Ith unite anurnhe ?"?Wh- *d-An . tlvo CuntflM for Knn.U to Bo Hade. An iimwmllv lam meetincof the ? oxen and 8*?J_>r*' Monument Aaaocial the |.r. sldent. MY I), c. Klobardso*, mtb*eb ? ' urtln, HiM-roUry r( ?ore inn,ie bv William ILCullI Worth, treasurer, and .1. Tayl.T stratum, t i'v'tMA "ljl ?nooBTHtai i.roh'm,? iu tostowfa* oooualMai wm appoint.-.? for the oWiatl 1 v.v, .Tr.,.Ir,l,?, It Ci A. Curtis. I. : - Boaher, ,T. __. L. Christian, and \\ S1 u Vv- n'" '?",":?i"<" ?TO meet at the. " Mr-( r' ? halt-man, wl.i. h ?m t? ?"?1 John H. Cary, William H. Curt!* 7*. u '-V",1/""- c*Pta?? !>?"* W.CoBal Mm, W. r. Uanoock, an I Colonel Archer An. ?on ?.ire elected member* or tbo Hoard 1'.rector*. to rom to work. Tb? President ?as authorised to payoff Indebtedness of the so lety, and Colonel C shew, - hAiniiaii or tae t ommlttee on Consti non, was antiiorlz.'i to direct the <'?iitracuir ?I ?lUi theworh. It l^ protaUe timt ? i? . Lewis D. Crensbaw. Jr., and .1. Taj Mr. Bar. T. Ctobd?OoIomI WBttsm P. 8mi and ( nptain .Toim A Cnrtls were appointed confer wltb Colonel Dtckerson.commander ot confederate V?t?ran Camp oi New York, a iisk t:, , u Kl'ICK^UlKO. OoJoBel WHltara P. Bmith, '^"tfirtHvt of i Grand Camp Confederate Veterans of tn.? st ' that be would in M rep ? 1 rpecial appeal to the ?ubordln ol it.- QrandCamp to aid In thin matter, a ? si tii ? -.s. dation appointa deler llonjto vi-tt Prederieksburg on June Iheli and present the objet -..ft. ?association. I ? was adopt? il, and the foflowmgdi gatton was sppolnted on behalf of the assoc lion: Colonel John It. Carjr, es-Jostlce I). : ?wii, ami JodgoQeorge L Chriatma, BOOK RECEPTION A SUCCESS. A C.i-ent Muiiy Volume? llrought In Y. terilny?It.iurd Mooting. Tho geeond aigbt o! the boot reooptli of the Rosemar? PabLio Libiwj m ??I ;i sue tees '? '. unt th<- rOM crowded. The Dumber of volumes i tj iras ils., larger than b t.u on Monday, and many promises oi boo !?-.?!! iii'ii).. i,y ottier persona, Moca credit for the beautiful d?coration of t r*.'!!" i- due t.. Mrs. Bunuel Cohen, to chairman oi the commit furnish ?it...I a rugs, and draperie? for Ote opoaaton. it waanoi i lay that tbe boys ha begun to ?!-?? the hiirary und bavobbown xnu ' In It. & mlatake ami made yesterday In rrn,llti K. T. l). wttb the gtft of the ii ? oi books to the library. They belonged ? ildri ti and the children of tbe late w. kikI th..utr!iiutn'ii was from ifiom Amoni ?' y.-te: lay were Mr. at 1 rerett Waddey. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur s. don. Mr, an i Mra Deoaussuare, Judge and Mi 11. W. Pkmrnoy, Mr.and Mrs. Adolpb osterl. ? tbersaU, Mis? Julia Wheelwright, Ml BessieWbeelwrlght, Mrs. Winiain Price, Ml Lottie Price. Miaa Daniel Mi . Miss Parke B tel y, Mr. Littleton Man Mr. ciiarl.s Hut/.!, r, Mrs. B. W. Barksdale, Ml Lottie Barksdale, Mr*. Winston, Miss Wiastc Mr-, Aliien Brace, Mr. Howard Bruoe,Mias l*. Mrs.Josepb ft Anderson, Mr. and Mi i Bruce, ?1rs. Pellet, Miss Knox, Mr. at . Mrs. John anders, .Ir.. M and Mr*. ?1 . M: . <.r iy Bklpwil After the visitors bad withdrawn front ti i!i\.'('ei mltteeof the I ibrary Aaaodation wai hi m. passed ibanklng the ladl an.i tti ?ted ua making the neepts the sac?os ? ?hieb nil pronounoe l It. Cohn ' mon >\ thai the papen be r qu. ?ted t- state that all contributors of books i ? r,..i as members of the associatl. ai thatthi Ihecommittee be iiui.iishe I to. Th.? lYosilent was authorized t.> InoreaM ti Auxiliary? i comlttee by the appointment of au l tdlei .'is be may .teem necessary t..udd. FIFTY YEARS MARRIED. ??Ti?t,w, ...present and o'. ?..nark*. _,?. h,.,.i..;.^' daa?-. as impot kindsare naUtre ?'??Tort ^^t ? be a?n from th* bloc^ ? ?"? t.ff?ctu*lly, * nccotnplis?^d W"?J,h ?__u tho proper tx tapariUa. AT HYMEFSSIIRI FOUR MARRIAGES IN RICHMOND TERDAY AN? ONE IN MANCHES! Mr. Varhrnngh and nil*? Tomllnton Keith and MIm Pemherton i Mr. Si end Mis* Augustlne-OtherCoupl A very pretty wrddinr? occurred Mark's church last niirht at in <>' *bm -Mr. it. K. Keith and Mi-.. Kgj ngatariea wore united in the hoi matrimony. Key. T. O. Dashiell, the rector, formed the cercmonv, and Mr. W. Mathews presided at the organ and I? fully ronden.,! the clorions ?adding i as the happy twain onterod thg ejrnyi The hride was handsomclv robed dress of whit,, faille and silk Uoe ?fjbroldered vet] mil orange l?mm*. bridesmaids wore all attired in WhlMCbl satin of the (ir.ino ??olor, it?,HtU and seml ?ith gray gloves and atlppera. Timv arare anille Bridge*, Alle.. Whltlock, raaale All. Lily Ptemberton. The Kroom?men wer.- S 1 ardent. lfciwr.tiip, Konter, and PamheT brother of the bride. M.wim Alva Ma will (jardner. Charlea Marsh, of North Coi a el ? nippy, of Washington, ivted aa ttsh* finer the wedding a reoeptlon for the? ants and Immediate family of the brldi groom ? u held at Mr. Patnberton' - Mr .and Mr?. Keith left laut night on th train for the H.?th. The Kronm 1? a well-known offlrlal of th" sylvanla divisi?n of the Adams KzpreM May, while the bride is the youngest da Of tuptaln J. "I. Pemberton, of this ? ity. UH. TAKitoaot-oii-ui-ta MggUgejofc Mr. W. gathaatot Yarbrnugh nnd Miss Wharton Tmnllnson wero married at ?1 ? yeeterday afternoon at tbt rnaldonni i bride's father. Mr. I. W. Ton,! ? ? north Fourth street. There was a large ns?. of Meada and the wedding was unite a i one. ' Thoparion.->oro tastefully decorate.) wlti ers and preeoulod a lovely appearance. 'I I ?? fame ?as handsomely attired in a travelling coutume. Herattendauts were 1 r.eulah II. (?riffln and A. (.ertle TomttUI Miter of the bride. Theush.rnw. o Ham K. QoanaMUjW. H. Blount,A. H. Timbo W.I* Wtngftald.C. P. Ysrhrough, (a brotl the grnouij, nnd C. A. Zli.cke. After the ceremony an elegant rwfttfltfli hew. Mr. and Mrs. TarbToagh left on the 4.:i0 for the gram i. home in Hanover. MB. SMITH?MIM Al.'ll STIVE. Mr. Aknao Smith an I Miss .lennto Atigt; wen? raarried yeeterday afternoon at;io at st. Peter's Cathedral Rev. Pather Tierney ofllclatod, performln earemouy with the usual solemnity of the C lie services. Theueberawere Messrs. Krank Aaguat) brother of the bride (beat man,; Henry ca ta. T. K. Smith, and J. T. Curtis. 'i be I'M le, alad in a bandaoma tan trav. dreaa, looked oionodlngly hunda atriklng brunette. after i1.eremoay Mr. and Mrs. Smith le the Old 1>< .Tiiliil? i> Steamer for at! extended n ern t-iur, which will cmhraee New York, I' la, Washington, and Baltimore. The groom. Who la a popular and estlm young man, tacaptainof the (team Jtug Branch. Ilia br?dela a daughter of the u Augustine and an amiable and attractive ? la ly. MK. BKCKMAN?MI?H UlttKKIV. A largo oongregutaoo assembled at S\ I (?orinan Catholic chun-h yesterday mornli 7:30o'otook to witness the marriage of Mr. Ham A. I..'1'kiiiiiii aii.i Mi-s Katie Griffin. They were wedded ai nuptial mam by ft Qregory, and the ceremony was followed b; benediction. I he bride whs triHtetully attired In a trave suit of gray, with hat au.i gloivea to mat h. The nahen were Meaara. w. J, n'Neii, < Bttley, ltenry Klsher, William BchUtte, .1., Herbert, rnnl 1). .1. (mlnn. Mr. and Mrs. Bookman were the reetpten auiuerona bandaomeand eoatly preaentan demonatrated their popularity. ' They left on the lija train fcrWaahingto WAI.KKK -I.KONAIili. Vr. .lohn Z. Walker nnd Mis-Addle Lern wero married at ?t o'clock yeeterday after at the (entrai Methodist church te Mancha liiere was a larga aeeemblage of Meada ac the audience wer.* many pi ople from Kl< hue The ceremony waa performed by Rev. i Peterson and the ushers ?sere Mesera. Toi iiv.eii. Nati aniel Booon,Charlee II. Sima, vi Ball, Th. maa ?, Harry Calilgan, and I tiard p, Vadeo. After 1-linkititr the hinds und ri'-elvlng : wish'? of manyo! their friends Mr. W a and his in-o..n:p?-he I young brido left f. uorthem tour. GRYMES IN THE PENITENTIARY Ife la Carried Over by Sergeant Kppa I Put on the Cell Floor. E, Bttford Grymea waaramoyed from city mil lust night a few niiiiti'. o'clock and taken, te custody of Cil Kpi a, to the je'uitentiary, ahere be was mea rut...! to aenre one year for em 1 The prisoner aeemedcaat down at II of ins position, hut on the whole boi ordeal wi'ii Ihnl calmneaa and atotclam wi? characterised lue demeai ur daring bit trial, fore leaving f..rtiie Btnteprlaon he was ne; abare '., an i tbna avoid, d tic- eml oi going through the painful proci tu o. Be waa aaatgned ton room in that dlvbdoi tti>. prison which Is i'iii.i th ? "cell Boor," i will to-day be examined as t.. bil physical en lion. It is not yet known to what depart mont Oryx will bt nonalgntwl in his dully date s. MASONIC BAZAAR NEXT SPRING. The Ladles to Hold Une for the It lo lit the Home. The Ladiea1 Auxiliary of tho Ml Home mat yeaterday at noon at St. . bans Hall, with Mrs. .lanes 11. Capara, I pieeldcnt. ta Um .'hair. H was decide.1 to hold a baxartr for the Hot next aprteg in the new MaaonJo Temple, wb lseXpeelel 1o be finished by 1hat time. definite arrangements concenilug the bazt wile made. _ ^Meeting ?f the Hollywood Company A meeting of tho Hoard of Dirwtort IheHollyw.I Company was held Monday ei ning, at Which all tho dire.-tors were prea. The election'of officers und? r the pu l-. Pleaaanta, tr? saurs i;. H. Bneed. secretary; K. B. Tomaoou, aent deacon, und Henry B?hmer, junior deacon. Ri Dr. Landrum was present and in a gracai sl.oc. h presented Mr. W. T. Moseley, tho r Urtegmaatar, with ? b ta laome Jewel, Mr. Ilaiieock's Collertioti?. Mr. W. Id. llancock baaeoUactad tie f lowing sums tor the BaUOTa' and Soldiers' Mon ment ami paid the money over h> Um traarar of theaaaodattoa: ItaJorLewta ?.inter, *lni p ii. Mayo .t, B50: A.Btoclalr Uuth gS? w. .1. Boaher. 15; John Mann, Jr.,$5; wa wick Brothers, 110; Alexander Cameron,t2i B 1) Taylor, *5 ; W. K. Cary, *"? ; B. W. venant ?5; I*, f. Conrad. 15 ; Milton Cuyee, *n> ; Btrai AKaai.,*..; B.C. Morton, 95 : John H. Powe <;, ? Mr. Hamilton (of Hamilton A I.llley, Ne York;, aiO, and others, il ltl?total, *J71. Will Make Pretty Slippers. Purser Llewellyn, of the Old Dominio iiteamer YVyanoke. brought m Kichmond son time ?g<> u hoa-<-onstrlctor skin twelve and a ha feet lu length and ?bout eighteen tache* i width. Tho skin is a magnlricent one and hi verv large spots not unlike those of a leooar. The make wae killed in Braatl bi Mr. uewoiiyu father-in-law. The panel will bare Ute m ,,,,..,..,! by the James-Kiver Tanning ?ompan of thlMcity, after which U will be mado intoslii ?H)rs for his friends. Order of (?olden Chain. At the last mcrtinc of East-End Lodcf No. 10S, the following officers were installe. I iieorge ).. Currie, deputy rupreme wmmander s B h.Uett,comiuauder;lt.bert Currie, Jr., vie .?der; A. J. Duesberry, assistant coin mander; W. T. Blakey, peat?onimunder; J. 1 Philipe, prelate; V. D. (?aim, secretary ;t. A \ |e,..x.Uector; (1. !>? Currie, treasurer; M. B W Helm, guide; 11. T. Kobinaon, guardian; h K "'at'" aentinel; Jon pb A.Brauet ajid W. J. Hehler, trust?e*. Aruolnc a nallrosul Case. The eonsolidated case? of IJatehelh i a,ain't the (.range Ke>wllle lia ln?d tompan , i if in-/ ,n Sals* A Oo. against Urandall an. ohe ? I??i t^-CHn-ult Court of Prince Kdward was argued yestenloy In the Chancery Court Cbteta a motion for the appointment of a n? ,e 1er for bo rallr ?{?? ?'ver^UlUj i e irraiiaemeute will be made for carrytag the h?m, doim rom the hoi?e by ? gangway of easy ?Trt?. Th.?*uuctorle expected to compleM Lia work within three week?. ftrottlah Kite Dear??*. At Monday nicht*? meetinc Bt. Omar ? Al ji . # Kailaan No. 1, oonbirred In full rCUnn?\eo?tb^"wenlleth and twenty-s.^ ^t dJ?rueTaud on Wednesday nlgbt next It ?II conto?' ?n to? ">e twentyndxtb and 7 -.^Lriuth! Tho latter la the degree or SSRTESe. Commander of tho Temple, th* flr?tofth?ehlT*lr1o orters of the Heottlsh Rite. It la one of the most s>tnn and Impressive of all tbe high degree*. The thirtieth degree th* ?Hi tie it;nferrtd en the fourth Mondfif of this month. Dalcho Consistory, No. 1. will Boof<-r the tbtrty-'irst degree on the fifth Mon? day ami the thlrty-seooDd a eon very ?lex .- a week, was w. 11 enough yesterday to ?it Up. Mr. H. Hamilton, of Portland, Me., 1? In the re, and ?ill likely remain here sev? eral .lays. Ji.dgo PaanUera*. of the Supreme Court of Aj.i.-aU. left Ve i..r,)ny morning tor the Path? of Virginia. Mrs. V T. Chur'-htnan, of Charleston, W. Va., toriattlngber ststor, Mrs. B. ,\o.3l? ? - < lay street. S.- l'on Heitell ?a? received at the peniten? tiary lait nigh) from Jforfoik to astro au yean for attempted rape. Mr. John W. AlawraOB, of Alricraon, W. Vr.. ?as aawag the prominent arrivals at th? Kx daaassj y estei.iay afternoon. Mr. A. von N. aVoeaaegh hat become a partner win. Mr. bnil Kersten in the ne? brewery that Is alK-.iit bolug completed near the Eipodittou Q round*. Mr. .(amen H. Miller, of lllnton, W. Va., a gen? tleman well known la Richmond, arrived In this city yesterday afternouu and will spend a day or IWO lie!?. Miss Buate II. Holland, of thl? city, It* visit Ins In Lexington, Va., where she has gone to attend th.. comm?*e*atoaoretoea >.f the \irglnia Mili? tary Instltate. Mr. John A. Cirri* bos retnrned from Raw York, where he was hy the Ittneas of his little granddaughter, Mary Curtis, who Is u..? mack improved. Mr. and Mrs. John K. s*9*sssj and Mrs. Ocas** W. Dane* left the dty last evenh g for Phil kleV pbbl and Hew York, ***** they will s; and a moath or two with frteada. Mr. A. N. I i to-day ftr Bowfftag (?i era to attend tb* oumraenoameal exercises of the Howling (?reen Female Seminary, from which his sister, Miss Arletto liowoi*, will gradu? ate. Judge llolhrook, of Wytho, has been d.-dg Dated i y Governor McKlnney to pnafeV ovst the c.'unty Court of Grayson until the an ot Judge Jaeksoo, reaagaad, is elected and qaaUAed. Ml Nellie, ?ho?11K'rndimteatth. State Pe?nale Normal Bcbooi,atPannvtUe,oatnc lOtb of this month, b a daughter of Mr. David a. Richardson, an engines* on the Klchmond and Danville rails >ad. ? Bedford arrested five negro girls for disorderly conduct on Grace street between Bev> ?tli an.) Eighth yesterday. They ?ere fight , rery disorderly, fheofiloai took them t.. ihe station I Ootonel a .-. Buford has mu. h improved hto home at tbe northeaal eorner of Franklin and Adams streets by removing the oM buildings in ri their st. id a hnti'lsotti'i stal.le and . aninr.--h.'iise. Miss Bettle Coster, of Norfolk, the on/anlzcr ot the Woman's Christian Temp?ranos Cinfon, Is ?topping ?Ith Mr*. J. T. Rogers, No. 1111 Grove avenue, and ?HI heat the meeting of am Cen? tral i Dion till- afternoon at 4 r/ctoca. Mi k 7. (i. Wilson and George K. Carlay, of Brooklyn, are at in" K-ohangc. CounrlUnati K. U. Pergi i them over the oityyestar oovinci 1 them .if the fan thai Richmond Is one <>t th? prattle*?? the i ni. >ii. Tie residence of Mr. B.C. I,an.*horne, at the south went comer of Grace and Adams street*, . greatly enlarged and beautlfled by the Of a mansard root, ?h? h makes il ? y house and gives it four or Bn addt ? lonal ?.?.ms. The funeral of Mrs. Jaae B. Kufna, wl on Mood iy ..: geof eighty-two Utos place at ?_' o'. lock yesterd ?a from i to- resldenceol ber granddaughter, Mrs. Peter McCnrd] ; Grace sire, t. Rer remaiiu were taken to Charlea City count] for Interment. Deceased was i ho widow offer. P, ? . Ruma, Th.. (..ii..wing Richmond Droateama left raster. day morning to attend tbe oommenoemeol ex? ercises at Chapel Hill and Wake K. rest, N. C. : Messrs. George Voelker, August Liosa, Henry r. ?, T. v. Pulling, John Hol . hardi. A. W. Thilo?. Arnold Wagner, Daniel , and Joseph c. k.-?nl'ii. They win br a bannt about lea day-. A SOUTH DAKOTA CYCLONE. A I'ortlon of Waterloo n DemolUhed and Three l'orsons Killed. (Hy telegraph to tb* Dtopaach.] WAtaaioa?. S. 1)., Juno L'.?A ?mall, dark fnonel-abapoa clona raddenly appeared in the south si half-past ?i this afternoon ? developed Into a hurricane. It appeared close t.. lbs ground, end in its whirling motion p. opts sa* 0 it it ?us the dreaded cyclone, and the r. ar which ac ?mpanted it was like a huge lire. sn.ii> plng and era. kling lu its onward souTse every tbblg that came In Its path. PortUI Struck the city on the extreme eastern limit, where the building? w.-re scattered, and the whole city Is thankful to-tilght that It came m taoser. Kverything that earn* iu Its way was de iuolishcd. THS Kill.Ft'. Thro people were killed aj Hn/el, eixtcn mile- southwest ?.! here, and tlie storm 1? said to hu.-hen v.ry Betrat* lu that vlclhlty. No other fatalities have been yet heard of. A heavy rain and hall followed the storm, bul did no dam? age, 'i ids is Watertowa* first eyctone expert. 1 many people were badly frightened, . oage to property hi this county cannot ?tly estimated until the county places have been lunrd from. SPANISH-AMERICAN AGREEMENT. General Foster Not I'ractlrully Hecrotary of ?-t.?t.-. Contrary Iteporta Not? withstanding. [By telegraph to the DlBpateb.] \V,-'tn. ii(.:.>-??? 1 ? Hy conaulutlon with the I'tesi.lcnt and tbo ofilcialsof tbe (Rate Department in regarda) dMnubUoaMoaof the proclamation that is to announce Ihe terms up ? which the Sp ini-h- \m. rican agre in. tit is baaed. !!'? declined this morning to indicate whether or not this aoeamoal will be forth? coming very soon, but It 1? generally thought that m th.- aba 'iry lllalne, whiCB is i t<> last through the summer, the Presi? dent ?nl l"?'.I in th* matter and that the proclamation will be issued l.y the iBt o? July. Mr. rostet is now trying to negotiate an agree? ment (or reclpps-nl trade ?ith another country. the ***** Of which 1* kept H.-ct.t. There H) BO truth whatever In the report that li? ai.road that Mr. Poster I- practically Beer. State mf iiiforim, for hi? business with the Ouv eruincnt Legius and ends ?ith reciprocity. The Newark Al. Wahuixoton, Jun.i 2.?The naval board whi.-h wa*aspeJated taooadaol the iinai trial of th. new orwitet Heaaife has coiupletcd It? duty. Tin? ship was takeh OB* hundred miles out at sea from th" Norfolk navy-yard. The weather was dirty and the sea rough, nevertheless tho board found that tho sea-going qualltlet. of the vessel were of the highest olas*. 8hc relied very little and thr machinery ?orkod srtKsHtly. tbsr, tb* member* oi Mm boars] Ond that > ? .1 Ls satlefactory In every respect and Will be ono of the Cnest of the new cruiser*. HI* Throat Osa) frosn Ear to Kar. Mt. Plxabaht, Tax., Jnnel-O.P.Poy.b local editor of the T>*u Ovntti Ttm*t. w?* ssaad ? . y a ?nrrt dtetauee from town ?tth his throat cut from ear to ear. He was suapevt , ,l -f t.eing the correspondent of a eourrtleu* pa? per published In Kanon? City, but 1? le not known that he was kllW on that aors-uut. Ile ?as twenty-five years of age and generaUy bolloved U> bo an exemplary young man. To He Klectrocntod After AIL New Yoke, Jane 2.?Harris A. Bmilor, .fa?nes J. Slucum, and Joseph Wood, all under conviction to suffer death by .doctrtctty for mur? der, but wbo had appealed to the Federal em? prente Court, were reserjsenoed by Judg" "?r* rott In tho Supreme Court of general term to? day to be exe,-ted at Hing Steg prison during the week beginning July rtth next. Thetr law? yer* mad? many objections to tbobr oUents being roseo tenced. William burg*? Bf? Fir*. Naw Yobk, June X?Tho lorn by the Are early this morning at wie Brooklyn Cooper nfc-Work* Is not as groat as at first reportod. The taM will araouot to g42O,0O0. The cooper? age company 1* own*l prtnolpally byJbe Sugar Trusu fhe sugar-house ot Weit A Myer waa dauia_edto the exleut of $10,000. Hickuk's No. 1. H. D. C. Pig, and iV line Sun-Cured are Pur?. Clean, aad Choico bunXJured Xobaccoa. Try them. SYNOD ADJODBNS, WORK OF THE ATLANTIC DISTRICT CONFERENCE FINISHED. A Re?olntlon Adopted Favoring the Re atomtl.m or Fraternal Relation* with Ml?*oorl-Tlie Closing Seaslon. The Conference of the Atlantic District EvfigajaJkfil Fvnod of North America finished itg business anil gtoaad ita aession at St. John's church yesterday, fun- (lays' work. The ttatrid gyaod durinr? this annual ????? ' i vast amount of Ln i nese touching upon matters generally con ?i ti rntory. and adjust? ed manv inhannoninrjsotbics in its various relations to the synod at Urge nnd ?tW districts in an eminently satisfactory wav. Dnrlm; this conference there waa manifested every degree of intenstt and Intensity of feellnn f. r ri ??,-, .1 ,f the Church by the delegate! who had 1? ? i, i-hoson to represent tie? different con grsfatl Thoir work |? tupir? the t.pi.? and reflecta ktea and those Whom they repr TH? CtOJTTO SESilO!?. The eeselon of yesterday miming was <~iiiod tnorder ,-,t !.,y..!,,.< br Tico rtnallMJl N. Burk art. . f ? t. Jeha'a church, Baltimore, and was divld'-t into two (..-?tions?a ministerial and a general At theorienlnc Hev. c. Ff,*?h completed di? vine ?en l^e . ifter which general BWetaoM vim irnest taOka were made for Um general good of tee district and a few axtnor plans, arhlcb were purely local In their nature, w.-re i!tsc.iaaeacree. mont that had arisen between the Mlaenori dla ' Rev. C. Klrsehminn. re/ardln** th.? triiis, o-itim of Rev. c. Ktewobner from thai dtotrtct without sufficient cense, p.e.. Mr. Kirwhmann had taken the part of the dismissed minister and had written to*offlcere of the dis? trict, .-specially the provident, regarding what he termed lia tatfnat action, ihts bronghl atonta oorrospotuionoe whl'-h grew very warm from both sides ,m i finally caasc-i a disruption between the Sflaroiiri-.llstrl.-t and th? Atlantic-district synods. It was noW m,. ,p.sir.. ..f the Atlantic dtatrict to aatoahrj adjust the matter and retama the fra? ternal relations between th.? djetrtcta and mr Ueaeono rned that exhaed prevtooa to the trou? ble. rutyinKNT zivmfrman Taiga, The Miss,inri district was represented In oon ferenoc hv '???noral-l'rosl.lem Zimmerman, who spoke in Us behalf. glvltiK i-laln and eonvln<-1n? nrciimcnfs reii.irdlna the relations of the two bodies. The President was wigo* in his anvloty to bring the two i!istrt'-ts Into the bonds of broth erlv I via, in.) hin talk convoyed much fane. 'illy two hours' dtarweetim, which con? sumed the whotoof the iiiinii ferii.i aeoalon and a part of the irenerni eeaetoo, Ute perfect, rluiit ut the Rev. Mr. KirH.-hmann to tatercede?tn behaH of th.- brother minister was recognised, and while It was adinltlelon one |; q i ahnt the i dlstrft had pnssod beyond Its turladtc thwi In tie-matter, it was al?o tak.-n htOOOO sMeration that Rev. Mr. Klrachmannhid over* reached (be bondl of brotherly love and require. meiits. lostionwan rabmlttedto a eon wtii.-h prepare 1 ai 1 pre mted the fofli wing : ?. That It is the .i.-sire of thta confer? ence to have the f.irm.-r friendly relations be? tween the Atlantic district and Missouri dtatrict i llshi -i o.d 'i- - ling name* re atorrd to that friendship a naistent with fraternal ' This re ail Klon was adopted hv a unanimous rote and agreed to by Rev. Mr. Zimra.?non the part at the Maeoarl district, andRev. Ktrarb i hla own behalf. Kxpreaeionaof pleaanre at th.- happy adtaattnenl of the affair were made bj aevi ral delegates. Ciiii.s'i. -s of aeveral outstanding moneys were tie-i. reported and numerouu minor matl posed of. thanks to tkf. pafiaa, Atthecleaeof the s don a reeotnUon was of. i . i, pt. i thnnkliic the Engttah and (?enn-in press of Richmond for lb.r-in- ni maai sr In which the pro ?ee lings of the conven? ti. n i u i 11?? n placed befon tbe publia i ?!? a . f, r the convocatk a i ? tt ?? C * I net year im i been left to the board i f oflloera. Rev. M. Relier then offered prayer Conference adjourned. ooaanntaci mior..-.. During y?.replay 'itt.-rn .n aeveral informal receptions sere tendered the delegatee by dtf. ? neral er? if st. .loi.-i's chua b. The members of the body are opea In their laudation of tbe boapltaUty of Rlobm.l'a peo Ir ? t r.- in tag any session of tie District Bynod was never more pie taant. Rev. J. Zimmerman, president of the (?em-ml Syn. d. I- H the .-it v at 11 o'clock ???? iterday mora? ine for Washington. He will attend fifteen dis ofareacea darin? this season, and will ? trly every principal city In the I altad ??' ? . leieeatee left for thetr bornea la * s**> :r a fe* will remain in Richmond aevotal days. tont mtVAKi wtwrgn, At the meeting <>f tbe Oeoeral f?ynod t ? i e held next petate effort -..n be made by th" delegetce from At i intl ? -li tn. t nary el < Ity. Auready several bande?me Inducementa bare been ..In. 111.. olTers 110,000 te ensh and a alte of forty acres of land ?..?'h do conditions whatever if thai place be chocen. Wichita, Kan., nlsoinak.-ea pri ? worthy much cooaiderattoa OTHER COUNTIES HEARD FROM. Loudnan's New I.iiiiilnarles?An Inde pendrnt "Snowed t'nder." ('.?irrestx'ndenceof ttMBtsamenJ Dtspatch.l Lsaastraa, \\.. June L?The following are the Democratic officer! elect of thw e nity -viz. : Commonwealth a Attorney, J. H. M ?abe; Treasurer, .lam.-s K. Carruthers; Mieriff, II. II. RnaaeD : Commlaalonera of Ute Revenue. Phwl distri.-t.A. I.. Banadera ; Second district, George w. Vlrta ; Tblrt district, W. L Powett. Theee onlcers were all nominated at the primaries of March 7;h, which waeequlvalent t.. un election, m?a county being large! crattc. An Independent candidate announced himself Infhe Third dl-'tri-t and was "niiowisl under" by a majority of 04ft gutagun riTvs aujoannfi [Oorreapou leoeeof the Rtchaoud iiispatch.l llAMlTON, VA., June 3.?The ('?uiillil.-sloii.-i - of Election have awarded Um oerttftoatea lo th" Dem?crata. VYyibe district was not cooaldered, as then- wero i to returns from that district. The majorittoa were at toUowa: Commonweaiurs Attorney, K, E. Montagne, loi. I re-isur-r, Si?gnr Whltmg, T.3. Bberiff, H. K. i urti-. ?;:'.,. Comiui-.hi.ner of Revenne, v. P. Belt, t'l'2. TUB OPrlCIAL COC\T IN I [Sp?cialtetegraa lathe Dhmaaeh.] Taitauanmock. Va.. J in.? ??.?'Hie oii:claI re? turn-- of the election have Juct Iscli mad", as follows: r-h.-riif, John M. Terrefl iDemoerat), HIT; T. B. Citlawn (Republlcin). 'ill?. Com inoiiweaUh's AHorne) as' opponent).T. U. B. Wright (Democrat), 1,101; Commissioner of the Revenue, Richard Booaee (Bernocral , ?M ; Hen? ry 8. Rooxee iKt-puhllcan). 7?0. Treeaarat im? nppoaent). w. n. Btreet fflainocral), o&u. ACCOUAC AND ?0RT1UMPTOH. fCoTTesi.ond.'iiee of the Richmond illsna'eh.l OKAaOfM K, Va-, June 1.?It appear* from tho returns that not a ?ingle Republican w? ? county ordlstri. t offloa In Aoa I week, uni even in Northampton, wh ra th? Re? publicana have hlth'rrtohad a majority of several hundred, tho Deeaoorats su.'.I'd in sleeting all their officer i. Fred, Harros*, tt" negro is.lltlcian who ran for Commonwealth's attorney and was snowed under by a majority of more than seven hundred, has taken In bis sign ml declares his iuteutlou to leave the : Shore, A OONTtiT I!? ft'SSKX lOt NTV. (Correspondence of tho Richmond l?l:patch.] 1' oanl elect! n in Busses county gave Mr. W. It. ecke, the Deaaoarattc t.omi.i.... f.,r the office of ( '..'mili nwealth's attorney, a majority of nine vote?over Mr. SamuelT. Drcwry, the Republt. an candidate, who has held the Office for a number of yean pos*. Mr. Drewry will cutest Mr. Cocks'* election, and the case will come before the county coinmlrsloner* t.einorrow. 'I. ? claim? irregulnrtttou. Judge George llarham, of Ureenosvillo county, has been en? gaged as his oounsel, and W. B. Mcllwaine, of this city, will represent Mr. Cock?. THE BODY NOT YET RECOVERED. Supposed to Tie Carter, of Now York?The Iloannfce Dynamite Case. [Special telegram to the Dispatch.] IjTWTHBriui, Va., Juno 2.?Tho body of the unknown youni; man drowned her;. yesterday has not yet been Meoveted. Th-re j have been no effort* made to-day ton-over It. A gentleman here to-day from Roanoke ?ays the man gave his name la that city a* Daniel Cart er, and stated be lived In New York State. tub DrsAjfrra cask. The caeeof J. T. Boyd, charged with blowing op a house In Koan >ke with dynamite, was tried In the Corporation Court here to-day and given to the Jury late this afternoon. They will bo tailed oat at 10 o'clock to-morrow. The general opinion is that he will be aciuittcd. CAPTURE OP A CRIMINAL. A Ti-rk-Drtvwr Injured?Scene In a Court lloona?The Firemen Coming. I Special telegram to the Dispatch.) Da?viu.k, V*., June 2.?Cephas IflV thews (colored1!, wanted?in Saleui, Va., for a crime committed at that place, has been cap tared ?e re. Miss? Frunces and Joan Poatrva, of Hanover county, are visiting in this city. A small Maje this morning destroyed a bous* owned and occupied by a colurcd woman. Tbe origin of the fire Is unknown. Insured. While leaving the house to gototbeflre this morning the driver of tho Muck was knocked from his ?eat by his bead exalting In contact with the apper facing of tbe door. lie was painfully but not sertoualy hurt. SCOON DBATH. Dr. Jeter U. Rnamy, a well-known physician of Henry county, .It ?1 suddenly in M inuuville this mornlug. Ills health had been bad for some time, but the and ?as not thought to bo so near. In ta? HuaUag* Court to-day John Harris ?as given a year la the penitentiary for grand lar ceny. Thomas Robln^m and Kohert Lindsay were sen'on-cd to a y?*r each In tho penltontia?"y formal g. Iho proceedings of the court were metie-iii.inly Interrupted eu tho an? ratet by tbe eereams and weautog of the mother of RoMnson and aunt of ?Ma greeted Rev. Thomas Pfxon. the great Hnptint orator of New York, at the Tabernact-? to-.light lb? lecture "Hookhone" was a gem and tho audience laughed and wept all. mutely. Anmvixn rnmirjf. Many firemen from different portion? of the State have arrived and tho session t?-Morrow promises to bonn interesting one. Tho depart ment house 's a blare of light, over the mata n;i t-anee U-lng the word "Welcome" made out of ? A private telegram received this afternoon an ?I the death of Mise Bottle Ctalborne at MargrtevfOe. t>bo was a daughter of Mr. Living? stone CUkiborne. TENNY BEATEN. The Metropolitan Handicap at Morris l'ark Yesterday?Other Event*. [Py telegraph totho Disp Morris Park. N. T., .lune 2.-Tho gaggA. ing wb> ?otitintii il her.? iokdfif under tho most tiivonibie i Bistiastaaaea lairtgtas fully ton iboMOUd peraona ?ere preeeot Tbe feature of rji.ird wa- th.. Metroisdltaii handi? cap, which encompassed the defeat Of Tcnny, the Brooklyn winner. H? was by odds tho favorite, but after a grand race he was beaten thr<> | parts of ataufta by Tristan in Poli*, anew record for ?he illetan.-e. Tournament made hi appearance of the y.?ar In the nve and ran in something like his old form. 1'n kold UM toad fora mil?, wtien buk of OOafiatMU u>ld and ho fell lwK-k N?ateu. The pwyer hvrsoe that were entered hi-rally In dlfTerent ?vente were all wlthdiawn shortly be-fon? tho first race beeetaM Mrs. M. F. Dwyer bad glad early this morning. This left the fourth race a walk-ever for Driaate and the sixth ra.1- W v* divided, thus glvlugslx betting races. Klrvt race?sweepstakes, with $1,000 added, sl\ furlongs-l.atoska w.-u ; Trinity second. Flavin third. Tlm->. l:14ia Bi al tin aeiapaiakaa. with ? added, one mile l.'ltiftlgu.itito won ; India Rubbet so? vie third. Tlnn?, 1:411*. Third rue- The JaveaUeetakea for two-year, with |9,000 added, ball <\ bum?Oarta won; LsnghtagtWaMt second. Digi-uet third. Tim. 47U seconda. l'iith race Metp-t>olltan handicap, forall ages, aeweepatakeeof 1100 each, wpn 16,000 on? mile and a f urkmg-ftilrtors i Tristan (Tay> lor), 114, 7 to 1; Tenu y (Murphy?, 1VI?, 4 to?; Clarendon il'.-ggetn. in?, 7loi: Ulb-y (Tarai), lin. 20 to 1 ; Se?orita (llamlltou). 1 Ct, mini Ambulance (UtUefieM). loo, \ ml; T.mrno inent (.iorrlson^, 136, SO to 1. Ambulance carried three poundi overweight. They were sent awaj to a beaUtlfUl start, with Ambuiaii ??' ttte first to show, otoeely followed ty . Blley. !\ 'ir'-.amcni, and Se?orita, with T'-nny las'-. Tristan won by three parti of ? tango. T.-nny l?-at Clarendon a letiKth for si? oood money. Time, r."?it> sixth race - ?weeposakaa, 91,000 added, selling eUowancaa, seven furlong.*--Stryko won; She second, l.lttle Jim third. Time. 1:97*4'. Beve?tfe- rase sw.-epstak.-s, 91*Oou added, seven rUrioog?- Baqobnanwoni verdee secoud, Adventurer thirl. Time. UM. XNTRIKS HIB TO-IMY. First race?live lurtal -? ntng, Exotic, Perfume, Hilan, Promenade. Prudence, 115; .i . ganataa, 110: Cherry, Diamond. ??? c nd race?handicap, one mile Benorlta, 110; Diablo. 113; PitaJamea,TuItaBUctburn, 110: ti>troii, 109; Cbeaopeak*, 108;Text, M - t. ti. i -, 100. Thirl race Kim stakes, one and one-eighth miles??Correo?Ion, Flavilla, Crugenae, KUldoer, -, [ig; si-end Utviatoa, Obeirry, l>m m .nd. Konrtb raco? handicap, one mile??' 130; Drtaxle, 118: Charley Poet, Bt, Ja.-, 11.1; Admirai, 111; Woodcutter, 100; Lizzie, !. ' l'tfth race three utmrtcrs of a mile? BancUS, Prince ?harming. Plot, .1. H. Claymore, Cno, Grand?, Iti.-hai, Major Thoruton. Berapie, lu c-rtalniy, Register, ?Jttleome, Bii Qoorge, Atlan? te. I.yc.siui, I'''; Llaette, A.pillion, ottnwu, Rellly, 117; Palatfer .?.in. race live furlongs, selling -Oppressor, Hamlltou, US; Kingd. n, 100; Vera inllvi. rior.-n..- B., Piona (filly), tingara, 05; Maggie Da?] Buy , Grasa, 105: Ulli.? It. , loi; Arnold, Buciaa, 1 >o ; '?..niela oottK Hyacinthe, 98; Gondolier, 108; nieapraanlmant. H)7. AT LATONIA. LaTOWIt, Kv., June \i. -Track heavy. BhC**. bornee came ta lu three r.-u?s -SuB Hot?., a H) to 1 catch, winning tbe third; Irr. Nave,.?, to ... against Proctor Kntt, a 10 u> 8 bone, fen Um foorth, and Loulae. a 0 to i maiden, in the fifth. Th.- mit. n between Paocaor Kaott and Dr. Nave most excitana even! of the day. ?I rut rice one mil., and twenty \ irdJ?Coti afaruee won; Llederfcrana second, Tenor third. 'I une, 1:5114. I race 000 mile?Dlck>T-on wen; oti Naht aeoond, Mabetle third. linn, 1:S0*4 Third race one mile 4taURoan won; shibbo? leth see.1. ??i ickner third. Tim", 1:484. K.iurtii race?-tbe Uerehanta stakes, ot..- and on. . Ightb-mfl :-' 't--. and Ed. llo?i?..r ?ere withdrawn, leaving but iTTfiaUrt era,rroetor Knotl and Dr. Wave Dr. Mure won by Hv? go.*! length* Time, 2-0014. ruth race mm and ? half furlongs -Louise won; I 111 tillla second, .lean Uiird. Time, 1:01. KNT.ims rim to-pay. First race-selling, one mile and seventy yards?Bir riMiet. U't ; Aunt Kale, 103; Avalen, 100; W.Hx'val?, Palmetto, 107: Alphonae. los; loiemiis, ni; Camilla, Caanler, 119; Boyal Garter, lia. 1 race?eelltea, one n l?'' and twenty Metha, B5; Ma . '?; kii, 100; Gl?ckner, 110. Fourth raen- aenaatlon ?take*, ml furlongs? . odd 108; Uni ni M... erly, 110; Two llttts, Morrlsacy, Tho Hero, li:i; Basbford, 111 ; [gnlte, 1 ' s ; Newton, 1 karmaa, 131. I-i!tb rao?H'-iiing, tivo-vo.-ir-oMs, live fur :?-..?- hh; D. V., 80; Little Mattie, bu; ?o ; Curt Cunn, 101 ; 1--I! tCart Annie Todd, l"4; w. UMunaou, lu?; Don-, 100; Bally Taylor, l ? j . - isa? Hall. [My telegraph to th? Dispatch.1 WAsmvoTos. D. c, Juno &V?Tbe following games wet* to-day postponed: At Catumbus bod) Waanltijrton-Criombws, rain; at Cincinnati (Associa? n) Athletic-Cincinnati, rain; at Loulsvllla (Assnctarltsi) Boston-Louie? vine, wet groua I-. At Hoslon il.eaguc) : K. B.lf. cipclnuatls.:i 0 I 0 4 n ?; 0 x?10 Itl ?.u :i i o ?: o i l o- h il u Batteries Radbourne and Clark*: BtaJsy, . - At HewTorfc(Leagu*): s. an g. HewTorks.1 l o 1 1 . urieo county, be* raised some very Une Straw? berries this season. _ C. tt. Keimt A llrother. Real Estate Agent?, Newport Ham*, Va. Norfolk and Western ttallro-4 Coaspany OntY Ldtb with TuBXJC TlUIXH TO liTbOUBCSO Daixi via Petersburg. All information at _ 838 Main street. C. B. Nelms A Hr..thrr, Real B?tate Agento, Newport News, Vs. BLAINE WAS DYING. THE ALARMING RUMOR THAT AGI? TATED PEOPLE IN THE HUB. The Secretary Recovers from Ills Prostra? tion and Take* a Drlv?? Sympa? thetic Offerlag*. (SperHl telegram to the Dtopab-h.) llotrrox. Mass., Jane 2.?An alarming rumor spread throughout Boston t?-day that Secretary Maine was dyin* at Young's Hotel. For Brvsgtl hours tho hotel Was thronged with anxious inquirer?, but ;t he rt>ix>rt proved to kt unfounded, having been, caused i>v ? slight rolapm? suffered by the ITatnatBlj of State. Mr. Maine popped her.? yesterday on his way homo ?nd intended proceeding on hi* journey t"-iliiy. but the fiitiette of the trip from rk was too much and he was almost nroetrated. It?. WB??TPHtV!*.?. To-day, well bundled up, he took advantage of the wenn spell aadWSBI driving f>r an hour. IP- had lo be the oaiitoaa. Be a deathly pats sad rtta *ii Ihe time botiUag ins he el on his hand, and Whsb) bravely 1,,-eilng up, -til cannoi refrain tr. m oooasional plaining of bis lnteni dn*. lie and Sir*. Blab?are overwh Ima. i ?it;. lowsr**ad ptofeastoosofaympatb] fromaUclasses of eitt eons. laiaaM and rots. I' Is mtMcoablc that atBSBg BBS BBBBsM at the sosal to taswlr*after htokoanb are large num t'ciM of prominent ctllsctit. all eoosplcw>us a few y.-ars sie.etor their hostiHt) to Mr. Blaine and hi* policy. AT ANNAPOLIS. Test? of What the Cadet? Have Learned in Seamanship, K'c. [Hy telegiaph to the in pegas | suraaaoUB, bfn., June ?.'. The crowd to? day was not tasa loan that ot r*st*rday, and this graduation weak gives promise of at* l a greater number .i people than any previous graduation week. tramme began with ?oiunan-h'p on tbe United States steamer Wyoming. Tt..s ?as a t?~i <>< ?hat ?he cadets had leaned In the department mansblp, naval ??.;.* ?'?.?tl.ii, and naval [he Javelin, Commander Cr*4g.and ifeePhtox, Mate M. 8. perry, accompanied ihe Wyoming, With the board an I anu-it ?r ofgttesto, '.l?"ird. Att.T ?samanahip cams Ihe steam drill to sbs eagtaeertog departtaent. The sBgbss was entirely disconnected ?ben tbe Boars of Visitors cam* tu. The cadet-, sett, and i! li.cTod tb* to ils, t.- in ses, vu?.-chest, and IhrtMt-bearing OSPi and DU! In ?team and bad the engt** running in tost attent?e. Aft? cadets cav* eablbttlona <>f their -kill with the lathe, to. the carpei.l.r-^i r>, and at the blacksmith-' f.rge. all the work b?iinr on a dou l.l.Dlpound eSST?M of - '\oiir"-1ve-liot*o power, which the oadeti '?re buUdbig. Hie Hoard of Visitors Mer. v. ry much ptoased ivltli the priw lic'.encv. f the cadets. The Board of Visitors to the Naval icademy i to-day by making Beoator w. a, r j i .-i lent and Ron. 11. A. Ilerbeft ****? president. It is anderstood that Dr. Oeorge W. Atherton, ).resident ot tbe Pennsylvania Sta'o I i. net. t.te, pa,, win as th* orator befara the . BU "-TUt" MKMRltir*. ?-?? six 'star * tneml..:? ot the class of 1891, with the following average: T..,7; lilllmor, ?104.0?; Btulth, H. G., ii.mi.!..'; Watt, t i n : ll .'? I!?- Bl?mer, ti tu.-*:?. The tirst nineteen nembets of the ciii!-s passed with ''dsrttoetion" reeord. Medal*. Gpddard ft Moat -. ?.weli.-r?. !r?n Main street, nre now prepared to rnrnieh schools, institutes, end colleges with an? descrip? tion of medals al rerj ibori aotiee and M the lowest ]incos. They have recently equipped finir shop with the latest ma? chinery und employ only the beet workmen. When you f... | ill run .town and worn out you should take \. B.C. Tonic, C. It. Nelms A Urottir. BB*atS Agent , .Newport New.', Va. Lexington. Va.?Tbe Alben, r sstttattont renowned for hoathfulnees; the centre of the phenome? nal mineral development in Hhenandi ab . the home ola highly refined ami cultivated society; the most delightful residence town in the South: within eaa) reach by rail i I the greet oeatres oi popu? lation. '1 lie i.oT.ifuHoii l>ev. lopnient Ciiinpany ro.w offers its Lots to fllO pUhlle nt low priesa and upon sag) terms. No auction sale, l.tit any lot OM b* selected und bought ut any tune. Bplendid iun?r-IWII ! What a clattering and a Shattering as the children answer tbe dinner-bell and ruahtntc the dining-room ! Ohl the gratification a good appeUte aflordaaeour ic-ai-day's imni l? sei before us. Hut tbtevaeani ehata, what doea M mean? "Oh, that Is I isle I hail ,' -? it ... ho ?loot feet like >stting, he's gut dyspep? sia, you know.'' Dyapepeial borr?n I DeMvet us from dyapepeial what's the tueof betag plague! with aoah an ailment anyway 1 What's th.- use having a lb luted and sore Urit even one MM "f food gives it distraes ' u by let le al Ue- aorWMM and allay the Irritation and atrengtben Its monenlai proceeaaa by natag Bit ante Blood Balm. WIU it coral Itci-rtaiuly WlB, Many, many a former dyspeptic owe? hu anloymenl of ttfa to B. B. H. Grre it a tnaL 8. J. Chandler. Richmond, Va., write-: "No one can afT-rd to be ritbOOt II il. B. who wishes M appetite. I could sesroely eat a single Ha uH for breakfast, bat sine? taking U. D.H. 1 clean the ?hole table, so to speak.1' For All Kinds ot ?sod.-Water Supplies, Mllk-ehakers, Milk-Shake Classes, le?. Shaven, Lline-Spicezors, and Fresh Limes go or write to Owens * Mino? BUsUg Comi'ahy, Opposite Poet-or.lce, Richmond, Va. Kor impuro r thin Blood. H.-.i Neuralgia, indigestion, and HdlousuebS lake BaowN * Ibon BiTTana?ttgivaaatrength, old peraaoa fe 1 young?and young persons strong; pleasant to take. .' ' ? ? ?' ?? i Remember-Don't Forget SPECIAL OFFERING OP FINE CLOTHING FOR MEN, BOYS, AND CHILDREN NOW LN PROGRESS FOR THE WEEK AT THE RELIABLE ?SE-PHIC?CL01El4BAmE, FOl'RTn ASD BRuAl) BTRKETB. MEN'S BUTTS that weretS now go ; MF.Vs CBBVIOT SUITS, pakh pockets, that were $10 now gB ; MEN'S FINBDUaSS SUITS that were $14 now ? 10; Our KNKB-PANTS SUITS?entire stock divided Into three prlcea?g'-'.?d, 83, an.183.UO. Motburv, now ta toot opportunity to aecnro bargains for the school esereiaos. ?THAW HATS?an eoormoua eaaorUneot tor meo and boy?. oi'TINO-SHIIfTH?thouMstda ?o select from. t****Cuaie and make your gueau W the organ. B, FLORSHEIM, TUX RELIABLE ONK-l'RICK t'LOTUlXR AJID w > ii.\ 11 i:r, 3*18 XA8T BROAD STREBT, JeLUWiif FOUKTU AND BROAD STBtETB. O NE ?Une?'t? sufficient. Ff w worda aron-'-l.l. In many wayg theaa atqajgitg 1 innos have norcr boon excelled. They 1h?ut on the, fall board the nam?> of Brvruu, well known through? out this country as the niakcr of high chvw j uno-fortes. Sit (Juan for a moment and try the ax. nuisit? tono of ono of these instrument?. Ton ?otic.? tt onpf t< no to de eiraiilc in a I Ipao which is to lx? naed much a? an acoinp^nimcnt to the voice?. Now examine for a moment : Th?? du? elan of tho case eeejU not ho more beau? tiful. Remember that you have a Roar aotea of excellence m the name. No ono ever yet ptirvhwe.l a BRIGG8 PIANO and was disupjioint? d in its iul>eeart, with the use of thu ilnoet materials and by tin? help of th" boat workmanship, Such ? piano will last a life-time and repay its e. NU 4 uii. Agents Briggs Pianos, RICHMOND. V.\, Imy y7AJe:i| iOWHtraSr' ???? ' ) PASTSS blFFE-R. Certainly they do. Kvou twin? don't thing alike. What gratines on.? msii may fall far abort of satisfying another. Ou. Il? suite ?III suit you m both sens?e of the w.>rd. 1*8*8* l???k ?11, wear .veil, an I all! b'-ar couipaiisotl with wti?t.i.-l- to il h- ihn in a ey el.iewb-re la no aaaaaalkf for mating *uy protenelon? lit-, ut them. I hey are honestly and they aro ofTered at an honest price. It may lie poMil Me t.. gapM it.- th- -n for the m ui.-y, but wo don't know how It .?n be done. If you are look? lag f.-r a tun gain we cm put one In your way. McAdams 4 Berry. Main and IVnth str.pK Light-Weight. units, Coats, Vesta, Trousers, Undgs? wear, und Hats. There is a gn^tt maud for such tin eo days, an?! we're aa abundance for thousands. A few ?lays and Old Sol will be cha?ing the mercury heavenward. Do not put off malting your pnr? buses till the choicest stylen are gone. Come select from our stock while the uaoortm? nt is throat. See the ?Suits in our Men's Clotfiug Department this week?Caatioaeree, Cheviots, Sorgos? and fancy Worste-da at 815-FUTtLlSi DOLLARS-815. The Boston. Opposite Post* Office. cm TAX8*. N1 Ornea or cou-acroa or crrr Taxas,) Crrr Maul, V Ricauonu, Va., Juuo i, laVl, ) OTICETOTAX-l'AYiU? I ata now ready to receive CITY TAXKB roR TUB TEAR 1881. If the wholeer one half I* uo? paM by U>? SOtn tuaient, a IHK t'Htr will iTi; au')Ki>, and the .ordinanceprovW?*i thai ?ntee? O.tK HALS It? PAID IS JUNK the wbole umouui with pe? ?!ly added ??due at ones, and If not paid uefoa bKITKMHFK 1st, the ? olleour W n^atred n Mvy. I???* t'Ur Ordlao?im, ehapter 14, tec th.u 1.) All males tweuty-one year* of age and all par acata (male ur female! who own perauu* property are aiafiMSd. and wlU phtaae cadi aw! aetuo. Favlng, Pipe, and g .iwer-ooaaactioe? Mile eat payutie In ?ha aonte aaanoer a? taawe, aaat ai th* ?iui. lime. uciee open until 8 P..1?. Je?-lio V. W. ?. I NN1N0HAH, ilia^H 'CoUev'tortftCtty'