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TRE RICH.MOttD DISPATCH. sT THE DISPATCH OOMFANY. ?rh. rvAtt.T DISPATCH I? delivered to Week t?a>?M? t0 ,h? c*rrl'' S? U.tiV at ? ?" anaum; O for ala ?tenth?: fi? for thro, month?; ?Oc *?' %;SkKLT DISPATCH at H ??? 1tTsi'ndat dispatch .1 H? P*r ?unum, or Ite. for ala ??*"? . flubt.oripi.onB In all eases Pn>*bJ?,'" ? ?.ace. and so p?r?.r continued aftcr MB ?pirstlon of MM t m. g* ?? ' *?J ?o.t-offloe m*n- order, cheek ?' "??, ??red letter CWrtOSSy ?em by n?" *'" ??t he ?sK of t,..? andrr. ??*** ? their r*st office *????< ?? ,iv? thrlroli M W.I1 ? ABB new po.t ?lue?. 8-niple cvpl?? STSB ADVmTISlNO RATTO UM ? ?? !l OB l?8? id I time.!!!$ 1 W ? timp*. ibi t time* .\. 170 ? t'me* ._ S Jf> (1 tim ? .*_io of? 1 m .nth. ..... *? 00 tha . M f? piis'ne*?- want? ??? v;? "?^?'nr Ye???^. * , Ata runsinf ?????????* .?., m r ?Un* matter type. - Ri ?n nonpar. U NBSBS, - tM f.r mer* .pace furnished en application. m if??..,?? ?ni ifl^-rams mu?t be ad l?UrEwS DISPATCH W-PAKJ. nmusloaUeBa will not be re lurned,_ tt town oancm ?s cast broad BTv^7.Nn r.rrirn. G???-PLACK M>\"\1\<*V D?brider? ?and Mala ?tr.eta. ? on ram um B?i* ??'???\.DEc?mb?b~23, Wl ?eliiflou? Secular Dalllea. ,n ,.. ? BTterlSB, ilited In , .. ,. ? . R v. W. X ltlcl...rd*>n. 1>. I?., who ss?" u l.-tt.r in Tuesdays We ?.. , ,.i ti.?? rsUowtse ????t???: .. of our ! ??*?? ore ttan men who |r,. r, ; ,!i.v with ChrUUan ?? ? ? >:<. and aho are certainly , deal Jual aa fairly with all re ? ?*** " tho? ?rf with leticai BBSBttos? ond ?ocular ?ITai? S Hut whether a BMM h BOT? ? ??! b? BB? W of the .? ? pre?? In the cause of evan : ? ? rlstianlty Is certainly worthy of I Barrii eoestdarstlos The , . log ninth seglectei thi?? , y, hesitating, fa is?!?*?, p> r haaS, <?r usina It for her great wotk." If our memory Is n"t at fault, the Ksw fort World was vtartad as a reli glou? dally. Aiti t --. ? BsttBSJ Biadi ? upon It. the owner? ? una t'> the tonc?u aion that Ib? ' ' had l" ' " ,l fl1'' ? a ? 11 th? pap? r. ?\Ve last '-? ?? woeM "fall from ? IS It had lOBg BSSB i \ ? . ? read Ut? --I made iv ? rallaiou? arsa? I aj.-r Boati result from hartas ? loae daily . Bag all the queatloaa which an : lb? acculai Al |.r..-?:;: w? hat face WBS . ? ? ' 1 i ; who would dlacoaa all e , la th? ? .ni. ? ? ? ! Ily, sat Into all Forts tf difficolti , ra thus quai ?? is and ? i Boon los? ?hould BTt r Mcur? any. Th? hypoctitl G.. ? N m ib*j - m ? k.-r ? ? I Um ??t : ?? Ml op ? ? Uy. Who It? to decide v.!. i' ; ? llglous is BBtltlcd : : ? . ,..ju:? OOaUBU l.ity.' If th':?' . ' ' ? : t ? ili? ir ? muai dja< uaa whal ? ? . irlly have t ? ?. ra laaportant ., ? aasMly, . ? larlUea. f'o there ? - dalllt ?, G? I ?:.;.., ? ? - .1 tlU< .. J apttBt IS ? t Bplaforsal rallglosa aSI ? -. Lathsrss relistoua dallla?, and bo t?n to t:.<- ? r. ? of t!n> chapter. If w.? uas ti..? wot l "''hurch" aad ti.u, na *.f Carla? tians tin? . tabllahmenl of daily papera tiy IBS "Chui ? ? ?? . . ? work. I'htiMii aaa BcsMcfd another mighty hi., my?to-wit, the? bar. If rsll? ?tose ? ssssrs ? aghi to bt? inelsesd I ' the "BUBhty nRonclrV of the Chnrch, it aa>rn? to n.?? tasi the lawyers BhouM not ha orertookoA 'J'i. y nre, aa ? rui? itimi apaatais Ihss tilei syaaas >?? ? .?? Uetea to them for ten? er thr..? hoot? nt ,t tltn?> who cannot ha i : t . licir with BBttSBBS a one-hour ?? rstoa. Thr<? l< BOlhlBS, we think, that can ?sperato? tho Choren, aa It Is. There l* Bothtas that caa ha ssbstltstsd for it, juin aa \\f ii. ? it. Injoymeiit of Chriatmaa. This is oot u puritanical community. rtl* f* ' I Wleh is that ev?ry man. w. bss, ai I nay < ? joy Chrlstmaa ?- ha or Bhc ?1? -ir ?, no long as the ' Of other? are not ulth. ' 0 publie sentimi nt WBlcJ ?? t.. taterft ra with lll': ' ' ; Im ? l S .iule horns er : "M t!:?? sidewalks ? l arlatmaa tv* or Christmas-day. aro? N ' ITS BB St ry sick person? In !v Wot tl. ? two ? pig are wlll 1 : ' '? ?r ?manees to be re? lax??! in fatrer ti the Juvenile members - eosusualty; bul th.-re 13 little dis ulous or riot ?tii eosdsct on the jtrt of tiny one, nor 1 ? 1 , , 1 IB their worship, or lire "cannon t ?? MWBBB1 or 1 I hlswBBJ mon 1,1 ' " ? nders. as a rule, *' . 'ant with ? ' kUj arht i.? it m atrtSeal that th > ttre ? Ily (llMturblnK the pea.?. 1 of ?.?.?. rs. But nevtr again ? 't and respectable citizens h a? we had mtt ISilli, our CkrtSt ' hSTS been very BMeh "? il.n. The Improvement ' ?B tSOSdy, BoUOBBbaij and gratify have our peo|>ie fc"" to r..ak<. the ot ?, rvance of thia year ?wet u,..,, vv, r u ivtc ?-^fy tity in the country ha* been *?:l*d to tho atmoyaueee of which we ?>*ve ?pajlilBU h the paat. and aome l,.' sary to pro tmn at an tim.s. absolutely and en th? u?, of tlre-erackera. torpedoes. J?"? '?n hMBS M the publlo thoroueh ",w We have not gotten to that '? ??tremlty. and we hope we BSMr may. We feel .ure that If parenu *'?! out .id the police authorltlea In pre ??rvlng or.ier ana deourum we ahall never >> ?nisjuim t0 ?tutiY9 oup younK ?JBB of lh# llU.rty w||lch tnpy have tiltil 'T>?J hv'*? ,lut ther? *r? ??G.?W.k haVe ?*"?????? to the 2^- %bli* lh?^ owa children were t. own y?' ,,0ry: Every cro? thln?? sa? own >yui|l whu#< ?.?^^G? .'?" P"W*r of IBBBBl to do P^en^.iX-'--^. ''?""^?'?^^vin.onthe.tLu but Utey are loth to ln?rfcre wlth ch?. *m ?um me, miw lw>4 rtM0M tor this. The p*p?l*r atan?? caricature of a ?-foe* policeman marching down th. street with a t-foot hoy under arrest has mlrte a never-fading impreaslon upon th?? mind* of th? public. Hie police In? eluded, rio the policeman who arr?ela a little boy Is apt ta become an object of ridicule Then, Mo, perenta are nearly always ready to naht when a policeman even eo much a?? warn? boy thet be la dolne; wrong. B? it *oea The thlna for parents to do la to look after their own t.<?ys. We do not enjoin perenta to |anfll "HfUT th. Ir own bad boys," be eaua. n.*arly every parent would then assume Unit hi? etri boys were excluded from the category of thou*, who should be watched. r Um? rule? which public opinion establishes here, there la latitud, enough for uh uil to have a Jolly, fine Christ? mas. It l? not asked that the boys be tied 10 their mothers' apron-strings, but that they should remember that they are entitled to use the public etreeta only m long a? they do not Interfere with the rlfntl of othera. This Is a principle in which our youth cannot bo grounded iy. It anea to the root of personal I . it touches the conscience of every honest and thoughtful person. The Negro Problem. The trust? e? of the Bieter fund h.tvo published ar. interesting pamphlet entitled . t ina Negrees of the United The Slater fund waa left by a ra man to t?e expended In the in ? of the negroes. The pamphlet la by Henry (?annett. of the United Unten Qeoloaleal Survey. The Post, of that city. ?ft) II "ih. object of the publication, as stated by the trustees of the Slater fund, is to furnish authoritative data to correct the varied aad often erroneous statements : f prese, pulpit, and in general con \ ilon. The faeta aad figures eat ferta hare been aoaaalttai to Hen. Carroll D. Wright, ?superintendent of the Census, and have r? 01 ?ved hi* approval." The final summing- up of Mr. Cannette study is stated in the propositions Ms lowing?to wit: 'The negroes, while Increasing rapidly In country, are diminishing In num? bers relative to the whites. "Tiny are moving southward from the State.?* lino those of the South Atlantic and the liulf. "They prefer rural life rather than ur? ban Ufa. "The proportion of criminals among the ? roes Is much greater than among the Whit! s, and that of pauper* is at leant as ? "In the mutter of education, the number of ?.? ,-r ? attendaste at school is far be* hind the Bomber of whltea, but is gaining rapidly upon that race." The Brat conclusion has no value that we can Bee. it ?? a B0lf?erMeat proposi? ti, ? that in a country hnvin; pay ?sixty BillHoa Whlti s and not on?? seventh ns ? any eegToea the latter, however rapidly they anay lacrease, must diminish In itlvely to the whiles. The secoad eonclualea is no doubt true. might bare born expected to ithwardly. We donM that the negroes prefer rural life to city life. They accept that life which is kept opea to them by the whlti a The fourth conclusion Is true. The fifth conclusion is not tn -. but is true us it sraa meant to ? tod. The total number of each race at each ? lai enumerati m Is ahorro In the following table: ? Census Year. White. Negro. . ?,?t?,?? ?t,? . 1906.4M ? ino. :??? _'."T:t i,377,80j UM. 7.?2.1? 1.771,656 ? ? . 1<< 537,! li UN .11196,1 ? . 19 ??: 168 UM . BB.B22.Ga7 1441,830 :?.-? .B3.5S9.377 ? II ? . ?3,402.970 ? 7,170,010 From this, says Mr. Qannett, it appean that th" aiutai have laereaaed in a cen? tury from a little over 3.000.?U0 to i. udy U.O0O, OB, nnd the negroeH from three fourth:?? of a million to about seven and alf millions. The WhltOB were In iidy ? ighteen times as numerous as in 1790, the negroee nearly ten times us numerous. The following table shows the rates of ?? of the negroes duri:!:,- each Of tho ten-year periods for the last century, nnd placed In Juxtaposition therewith for coaiparison are the ratea of increase of the whites of the entire country: Percentage of Increase. I' cada. White. Negro. 1790 to i- i.H.H . .?. : ,v" to 11 0.G.6.12 1710 ino to UB).3-1.12 tuo UBO t. UM. M I : :i u ? ? um.itTi Ut? to UM.37.71 M.6J ?? IBM. I7.M H.07 ; l UN. H.7I I.M UN ??! IBM.M : ?? ' to UM. H . ?::.;,? In the State of Virginia the negroes constituted In ?7G? not less than 41 ?? r cent, of the Inhabitants, and their pro? portion Increased slightly for twenty reaohlnc a. maximum' In 1810 of over a per c it. Sin??.? that time It has diminished steadily and in MM constituted bttt fi 1-2 per cent., taking the Bt Virginia and West Virginia tocether. We further loara fr-?m Mr. Qaanett thai in the Cotton BtBtea th?? proportion of the negro clement tuts in'nearly all cases 1 until a very recent time, lt. dead, in two or three of them it has ln i up to the tune >?; the lasl census, while In most of them the only diminution ?? tho proportion has occurred during the last ten rears, "?11 thin Indicates in th? tunistakabla terrai a annera] south? ward migration of this race. As com pari ? with the whltea, the border stai? s ! ire Mal la proportion of negroes for the past half century, while the cotton Stai? s have continued to gain until very re? cently." A Subsidized Preaa. On?} of our exchJiiges has made a dis? covery. Read: "The BaatrOpoUtaa press of the country seems to ho tnaTSltd In an effort to secure the repeal of the feature of ? tariff law. and to that end U endeavoring; to work up a Bsntlment aaalBBt its enforcement, (if course, the which are making this cruaade I this most Juftt and e<iual lyatem of laralhBi havo aith r aantnaoas in? comes of their arm, which th y .?? BOI vM?.ti to see taxed, or else they have been ? by the great moneyed Interest of the country." our contemporary Is mistaken. If th^ "m ?m y ? MjUfnat" of the country be? gins tho work of buying up the presi, ihre aal aaaetatatota ?? newspapers rea<iy to s II out will be discovered to be numerous, and will not find It difficult to lay their hands upon ?a lut pretend to bo Jourual Ista Hut nliieiy-nino papera out of a tinnirci ar<? ui purchasable. There la no more possibility of subsidising the paper? than of subsidizing the lawyers; and the-e la no danger whatever that either tho presa or tho bar will be found where our contemporury thinks they may be seen?namely, dancing attendance upon men with MMJ pumea Financial Schemes. To our Missouri correspondent who sends to ua a currency-and-banklng aeheme, we would say that the questions he diBCUBsee, and the suggestions he makes will receive due attention In Washington very soon. Th. people do not desire enlightenment on abstract questions, but to get the benefit of the bist possible financial Boheme; and amongst the congressmen are not a few very able financiers. 8a we ask to be excused from publishing the Missouri let? ter mentioned above. Alt southerners will be glad to hear that tbe charges against District-Attorney .lohn It. Fellows bave been dlsmtascd by Oovernor Flower, after ? thorough exami? nation? ' Tho ChrUtma? Turkey. Happy the turkey that haa outlived Thanks)gl?1ng-Dar and will etseap* the Chriatmaa ?acrtflce. No ?tatlstlclnn that we know of haa yet computed the num? ber of these birds (they ar? blnla, not fowls) that la annually aerred on the tablee of the American people, but It must be very large Indeed. Other people? enjoy turkey?, too, but non? uae them ao lavishly a? w? do. In foreign lands the goose ?till hold? the conspicuous place on the Chrlstma* table? of many famille?. Hut the turkey is known and highly esteemed the world over. The turkey and tobacco are two of the distinctive product?, of America which all natlona have been ready to adopt and use. It Is not known whence the turkey was Introduced to Europe, but It I? thought that he was carried there by the Span? iards who had occcupled Mexico. Prom Bpaln, probably, he waa carrl<-d to Tur? key and thrived mightily In the conge? nial atmosphere of that polygamous em? pire. In England ho made hi? appear? ance aI>out the sixteenth century and "turkey" waa his name. Our domestic turkeys, we dare say, have come to u? from Mexico via Spain, Turkey, and England, and this, notwlth ?tanding the fact that there never ha? been a time when a "gang" of turkey? could not he "started up" within ten or twelve miles of Richmond. Indeed, but recently a daring but misguided gobbler Invad.'d the suburb? of the city, coming as near Richmond as the fields Immedi? ately wWSl of the Exposition grounds. Whether his purpose was to present him? self at the grounds for exhibition or he was In search of missing member? of his fuinily we know not. but he fell a victim to a sportsman and furnished forth a feast, where, we doubt not, that old question was discussed?whether the wild or the domesticated turkey is the better. Certain It Is that more of pheas? ant-like flavor Is discoverable in the wild turkeys than In domesticated ones. Epi? cures prefer the wild turkey when it has had proper foraging ground. Rut what was once true of the excellence of the wild turkey may not be so true now. lie hasn't the ?ame "range" that lie had In colonial day?. Times have altered, both for the turkey and for the Indian. The Indian Is now hemmed In by the fast tightening belt of civilization. Tho turkey that values his life must hide in our swamps and new pine lands. He can no longer strut over the whole State as he used to do, using his wings to suppl?ment the power to his long legs. So the old-time wild tur? key, ObUbtloa?, made ? better dish than the domesticated turkey did; but slneo then It may be that the former has been deteriorating while the latter has been Improving. Virginia and tho Carolina? wer?? 1 with wild turkey? |n abundan???-. In the early day?? of English settlement. Then the farmer had no need to raise turkeys. All that be hid to do was to build a Mini, imitate a turkey hen's cry, and BOOB he would have a whole cang within the range of his gun. Sometimes tb? turkey would be cooked on a spit near a lire of oak or hickory coals; or. if not on a spit, then in an oven, to which hard-wood ooclfl were applied top and bottom. Beyond the Rocky Mountains the turkey Was never known in his aboriginal BtstS. His habitai was east of that sterile and forbidding range. Eong as are his strides, he never voluntarily ventured to eros? tb? Rockies. When the day of domesticated turkeys cam.? In Virginia they were raised?as they are now?in great numbers In tb? country. It was formerly the custom to collect them in droves in the Interior and drive th?m to Richmond. Drove? of turkey? numi? ting 600 or 600 have come hire from counties as distant aa Patrick and Henry. Turkeys are a? obedient to the drover as cows, sheep, or hogs, and are ex? cellent walk.'rs, but they will ?top at night-fall. When instinct tells them that it Is time to go to roost, go they will if trees and fences ar? at hand. Thu? on one occasion a drover who was hurrying his turkeys through this city, hoping to get them to BSOOB'I Quarter branch be. fore dusk, got along well enough until he turned from Governor ?troit Into Capitol street, when the turkey-, seeing the it.?ta and fences of the Capitol BqOSIS, ? a altogether uantanagssblB "Here we rest" s? what their action ?aid, and from the Bquar? they could not be Btlrred until next morning, when the cheerful "gobbi.?, gobble" of the leader gave notice that they were ready to ?tart, more e. pi uully as thu tlrover, who was their guide and friend, dropped many grains of corn a:, be led tho way toward? brook UV- BUS Whether we Americans would have bet? ter ? lopt? 1 the turkey instead of the (in. I BSd lapa .ous <aale as our national bird we cannot say, but certainly the tsrkey ?s? a gracious girt of Providence. It 1ms come to be suggestive of gaod ChsST, of festivity, and of the happy fam? ily circle. But w? have to remember that there are many families in this land t day that will have no Cariatane? turkey, unless kind friends provide it. There ?re families, indeed, that would b? glad enough to go Without the turkey if they could but be provided with bread ani bacon. W? OOaUBOad all such to the ebsrlty Of tho?? who are ble?* 1 With abundance. What we have ?M I writt*? on the subject of Christmas tur? keys for tho poor has. we know, d SI good. We know of many penons who bar? already opened their pockets to provide tuikeys or <>th?v food for poor families, and WS fot 1 sure that hundreds of others, having been reminded of their duty, h?ve qrletly HOUlT<d to look out for :?i.d relieve the wants or their poor neighbor* We fhall etjoy our own Christmas turkey and tho cheor of our own tabi? ar. 1 tireslde in proportion as ore have oostrlbsted to tho comfort and Lappine?? of lesi fortunate per?:? ia Japan and Peace. The new? that China has BBS? for peace is confirmed, yet it does not tot] >w that there will be a ?peedy actual conclusion of ?????. Nor, considering tho Port Ar? thur Saturnalia of butchery, doe? It fol? low that there will be a cessation of hos? tilities pending negotiation?. Japan is very apt to hold the turrltory ?lie 1ms overrun as s curity for any Indemnity she may demand, and it Is not unlikely that, while U e peace commissioner? are dickering over terms, ahe will continue lier march upon l'tklng Again: Ever since the war begin It has beeu generally conce led thai the final adjustment of the relations of China and Japan to Korea, to each olV-, and to the European powtr?, would Involve the settlement of many ekle lssuos,; and It must now be recognized that Japan, by throwing off the guise of civilization, ha? further compllcat.-d tha problem. Immediately afte?, the firet Japanese victories It was given out that Japan would be willing to settle the trouble on the bases of Chinese recognition of the indtpendence of Korea, the erection of Manchuria Into a buffer State, and the payment by Chira of a reasonable war Indi mnlty. The Island Empire undertook to be the light that would lead Korea out of the night of Ignorance and degradation Into which Chinese Influence hid plunged the Hermit Kingdom. The Japanese jKiaed as the would-be deliverers of the Koreans from Chinese oppression. In? trigue, and rapacity, making the commer? cial relations with Korea they had at stake a secondary consideration. Ily this mean? they secured the sympathy of the rosase?, If not of the diplomats of the civili? ?>1 powers. But how sadly ha? Japan fallen from grace. How soon has succ?s? ?tripped her of tb? veneer under cover of which she entered upon the struagl?. The Port Arthur massacre has demonstrate that to aeratoti a nineteenth eentury Japanese la to discover a fifteenth century bar? barian. It haa also demons!rated, It may be remarked In passing, that the civilise?. power? were entirely too premature In tne movement for the rellnqulshment of extra? territorial Jurisdiction In Japan. Aa has oeen frequently said, the In? tervention of Krgland and Russia In the treaty of peace between China and Japan would aeem almost a necessity. The lat? est phase of Japanese warfare emphaslsea thla conclusi?n. Theclvlllxed world, when confronted with the picture of the Port Arthur atrocities, will be slow to accept japan as sponsor for tbe olvillsatlon, en? lightenment, and advancement of Korea. What the? will be done with the Hermit Kingdom? The logic of the sltut\.lca would seem to point that England and Russia must finally decid, that Issue, an well as several others growing out of the war, and before th? decision la reached we may aspect that an interesting game of diplomacy between landon and Bt. Peters? burg will have been played. Whs?, la a National Bank Kote G The Haltlmore Sun give? the follow? ing answer to this question. We quote: "The national bank note la not a legal tender for debt, but for practical pur? posea la Just as good. It la the promls aory note of a banking corporation, pny ablo In legal-tender currency upon d?? mand. and thla payment la guaranteed by the government, which ha? bond? owned by the tnnk? on <*hsr>oslt with the Comptroller of the Currency to hold the government harmless from loss by reason of Its suretyship." According to the New Tork Tribune the honorary title "Father of the House" was first bestowed upon Lewla Williams, of North Carolina, who served In four? teen consecutive congresses, from De? cember 1 1811. to February 10, 1842. His succeisors were Dixon H. Lewis, of Maryland; John Qulncy Adsms, of Mas? sachusetts; Joshua R- ''?'? Mings, of Ohio; John 8. Phelps, of Missouri; Ellhu 15. ?G??????????. of Illinois; Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, and W. S. Holman, of Indiana, the present bearer of the title. David 11. Culbereon, of Texas, will ba the Father of the next House. We think Mr. eickles, of New Tork, made a sensible, as well as amusing re? mark when he ?ail in the House of Rep? resentatives on Friday that whilst aot approving many of the provlsiona of the Carlisle bill, nor concurring In the reasons given for Its passage, and reserving to himself the right to vote as he pleased, he was nevertheless in favor of the BOL Bunty * Co. Twas Just before Chrlitmoi; the down of its wing Already dropped softly o'er peasant and. king; And the winds seemed to throb, aa they eddied and swirled, With an anthem of Joy frem the heart of the world, Tbe nu?fa were all fleece, and each pott, you'd have said, Had a spotless-white comforter tied 'round it? head; While windows of cottages blinked 'neath Uh ir wraps. Like drowsy eyes under some grand? mothers' caps. The cote.?, where the plump pigeons nestled; the coops. Where the one-legged chlckena wer? posing in groups, The the Is and the faheltere that shielded the she<?>, Seemed pillowed with plumes from the pinions of sleep. Rut out in the age-wrinkled barn, tho' ita crown Was quilted with elumberland's mantle of down. Thro' the wide-open door gleam?d the wlde-a-wakc eyes Of Tomrni?? and Teddy and Tot; you'd eur inlb'e, Ae th'-y enuggled there, deep In their burrows of hay, Looking out at the flakes as they flur? ried away, They were talking 'bout Christmas; but Tummle and Ted Were the spokesmen, and they'd other thoughts In their head. They were chatting of what sort of busi? ness-places They'd till when from school they Jumped Into the traces; And all the world's callings they'd studied throughout, Till Tom waa a soldier, and Teddy a BMUta Then tender-eyed Tot, who had heard all they said, Tho' her glances seemed fixed on the flakes as they 11. i, 'Fore the doorway, looked 'round, gave her head a wee jerk. And said: "I'm u-go'nter be Santy Claus' clerk!" "Ho, ho!" BhoutiOl Tommle. "Ha, ha!" ahout. d Ted; "What put that queer trick In your bonnle, brown head?" "Neblmr mia'," answered Tot, with a cute little wink; "It's fun to be makln' fokes happy, I fink. "M; ! Wouldn't I like eb'ry Chrls'maa to g> Wid .Santy, to fib to de poor fokes, you know; An' I'd laugh till I guess I'd be mos? outer breff. At de way dem poor eouli'd be tickled to deff." "Hurrah!" came from Teddy. "Hurrah!" shouted Tom, While a kiss found th. llp3 that the words flitted from; "You've got the Idea, little Tot; It's ? e?. We'll Join you, and make the firm Santy & Co." Ah! dear little friends, the' you may not havo known That the tendrils of Christmaa your hearts had o'ergrown. Sweet charity bloomud at your lips but to aay, You had breathed of the breath ef the hallowing day! The day when good-will all Its banner? unfurled. The day that gave God'a only Son to the world. Whose birth gave to hope a release from Its thrall Whose dying gave llf. everlasting; to all WADE WHIPPLE. ??--as?-? Bo They Bay I Custom, bo the legend aaya, Makea the recompensa a kiss If beneath the mistletoe You do chance to find a misa Now. where'er the custom holds. Fired by mischievous spark Where they hang? the mistletoe There the miss'll tot? the mark. With Oa. Accord. Christmas come, but once a year, Verified by fact and rhyme. And ne'er comes the hallowing time, To this sublunary sphere, But recalling; how deficient Is our purse when speede the day? We lo unison do say? "Once a yesr Is quite suffieleat,'? ?- aa -. N? Ooeht About th. Aetl.n. . Lawyer: Well, sir! What can I do? for you? Client: I want to commence suit against Mr. Harshmau. 1 called on hie daughter laat evening, and ha Monad me out of the house. Lawyer: Do? you think you havo good cause for action ? Clienti Well, I certainly felt so at thy time. _ ThO ???? Of Spendthrift?. "Funny about Noggin?. He Kimi to have plenty of money, end yet I never hear of his spending any of It In town." "None to ?peak of." "Where do you think be spenda most of it?In Europe? "No; la revelry. a? Pat'? Preference. "Well. Pat, do you intend hanging up your atocklng to-n!ght7" "Mebbe. aorl" "And if you do, you hope to get it full, 1 suppoae?" "Indade, sor, an' o'ld rather have the manes of gettin' full myself." lllght In HI? M ne. Doodleman: ?Somehow or other I can't grasp this story about Santy Claua and this chimney business. Rasher; That'a funny. You ought to bave Just tbe head for that, for I asiure you there'a nothing in It. Witty Willie. Teacher: You have read something about pearls, haven't you, Willie? Willie: Ye?, sir! Teaoher: Where ere they found? Willie: In divers' countries. Is ?? Right? The ?keptlo poet, much we fear, The sacredness of fable mocking, Thinks 'tis the yarn of Santa Claus We use to darn the Christmas stocking. At this season the average bowler feels that he has made a strike If he's given a chance at the wassail-bowl. -^ The girl who pretends to wear a No. 2 gaiter rarely hangs up her stocking for fear she'll "put her foot In It." Will-power Is a great promoter of wealth, but It depends much on who makes the will. Music may bo the food of love, but the average lover's appetite seems to run to vocal music. -?as? Quit, proper?driving a dead-beat In a ekeleton-wagon. Literary Note?. Speaking of General Rradley T. John eon'? "General Washington," and General Fltzhugh Lie's "General Lee," the Now York Critic rays they are "biographl?-s of Virginia's two greatest soldiers. Roth booke are entertaining and Instructive, giving, as they do, an Insight Into the characters of two of the purent men and ablest soldiers whose names adorn Assert? can history," "Th>; character of Washing? ton," says the Critic, "as portray. I by III.?* biographer, Is one to chalk Bgl the admiration of every reader." "The Look," It says, "is especially well written In easily flowing language, which can . along In a pleasant way." Some minor defects are pointed out. of Gem ral ?.? 'a book the Critlo eays: "It is impossible even for tho love and pride of a BOBT rela? tive and trusted euborllnato to place Robert E. Leo on a hJgbi r pedestal than that to which h? U entitled by his genius and valor. Like Washington, Lee was one of the purest ani noblest characters of modern times." As a literary work, the Critic thinks "it is not up to the Stan lard," but adds, very Justly, that "perha'.j it li not fair to expect high . incolli ace from the Bea of a bollkr." The Critic la tho leading lite? rary paper Of thla country, and is inferior to (? \v, If any, foreign Journals of its kind. "The Ri li rioni of Japan" Is the title of a volume In the Seribncr press, which Is said to b?i the first work wholly devoted to the subject. It Is by Dr. William Elliot Oriffls. Th? adeaace ardere for Mrs. Burnett'? "1'lcelno" numbered lo.^n). Tlioso for F. Marion Crawford's "The Halstons," which nil] be pubUlhed in January, already number Sj.iaa). "The Story of Ung," by Rudyard Kip? ling. Is published by D. Afpletun ?v- ' . . ? Moore's new book, "C?libat, s." will be published in this country by Mac? millan ft Co. "The Veiled Doctor" Is the title of a BOral which has Just been completed by Miss "V. Inule" l'ivis. U t. ils the story Of an over-sensitive man, whose married life with a BOt v.-ry sensitive young woman was a braga ? ? ? ? both of them. "It is a strange story," says the New York Critic, "and one likely to attract attention, as it is yult.? out of the IBM which is so popular at tim present time." The Prince Ue Joinvill-'s ".Souvenirs" are published by Macmillan Ac Co. The Prince wat the third sou of Louis Phil? ipp?;, ar.'l was born in 1?13. Re served during the lata war under Qenernl Ito? CieUaa la too Peninsular campaign, and later In the Franco-Prus.d.m arar. HM book corara the period from his birth to I??, and includes ? most Interesting pttoa of tin? bringing of Napoleon's body front 8t. Helena to Paris, a duty allott.d to him by his father, the King. The fourth volume of lohn Been Mo? Master's "History of the People of the United State?" will be ready for publica? tion by D. Apploton ft Co. early In the BOW year. Zola has again been defeated for mem? bership In the French Academy, receiving Mine not a BtngM vote. The Queen of Italy gave au andiene?? to him on De r 4?? at Home, and. as? he dotila red later, proved herself perfectly conversant with his works. Brrl Hart?? will have a new ballad In the February Bcrfbaer. It is called "? a of Privilege Reported by Truth? ful Jarnos." and tells of the doleful fate tant 1 > fi II a man who stuttered. It Is Bald to be in his earliest manner. The January Scrlbn-r will contain a poem by ?. Gonna Doyle, entitled "A Forgotten ? ' ?? The Publishers' Circular prints an Base? dot.? of a gentleman who went Into a book? shop at a well-known seaside town in England and asked for "The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table," and was told that they had It not, the vender being quite sure, as all tho cookery books were kept together! Harp, r ?- Brothers announce "The Bor derland of Czar and Kaiser," a new book by Poultney Bigelow. Macmillan A Co. are arranging to pub? lish, in two volume?, a new edition of the poetical works of Scott, selected and edited by Andrew Lang. The Century will publish during the coming year a series of live short novels, . ?? !i eeflsaaate la a Magda number. The first will appear In the January number, and hi e ill l ? Lady of New York." it Is by Rot?ert Stewart, an entirely new writer. Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes asks that ???? person having lettera of his father will Kind them to Houghton, Mlfllln ft Co., Bananas, with refer nee to their use by .T. T. Morse. Jr., In "Life and Letters of Dr. Holmes." These letters will be care? fully returned to their owners after copies have been made of such as are found to be available. "The Presidents of the T'nlted States" Is the title of an elaborately Illustrate? volume by John Flske, fari Schurz, Wil? liam ?. Russell, D. C. Oilman. John Hay, and others, to be published immediately by D. Appleton ft Co. "Social Evolution" Is the title of a book by Benjamin Kldd, of which It Is ?aid that it has gone through so many ?editions that the original plates are worn out. A new edition has been printed from new type, and Issued in more ?convenient shape. The author waa practically un? known In England before his book ap? peared. _ Postal Table to Old Point. FORT MONROE, VA.. December B ? (Spedai.)?Mr. Fuller, of New York, wa? here yesterduy laying; a new cable acro?? tbe Roads to SewU'a Point for the PoBtal Telegraph Company. This will be used so connect with their lines at Norfolk when the new hotel opens for business. ?Governor Woodfin secured the services of Grau's Opera Company for two per? formances at the Soldiers' Home Theatre, which waa very highly appreciated by his friends. On Thursday they presented "Paul Jonee" and "Tar and Tartar" Fri? day night to large and fashionable au? diences. . Mine Resale Waller, who Is attending the Boston Conservatory of muslo, ar? rived home this morning; for the holiday vacation. BEDFORD'S ENTERTAINMENTS Fe? Benevolent ChriatU* Parp?se?? renouai. BEDFORD OTT, VA., December tt? (Special.)?Coming event? cast their sha? dow? before them. The festivities of Chriatmaa have had their prelude in va? rimi? entertainment?*, mainly for benevo? lent puipoeea. The Willing Workers, a ?ociety of the Baptist church, rendered the cantata of "Santa Claus * Co." at tlie Opera-house on Tuesday evening In tine style and with beautiful effect. They realised about $40 from the entertainment. The young ladles of Delmont Institute gave a concert In the hall of the school on Thursday evening, In which the musi?: reflected much credit on I'rofeesor Haas and his pupils. There were aeverul reci? tations by Mis? Mary Hill, tho instructor in elocution. By the by, this young lady will spend the holiday in Richmond. All o? the t?unduy bchool? Will give en? tertainments in honor of Uio Joyous Christmas-tide. I'lftuen couple? this week have entered Into the holy estate of matrimony, all of thum in tbe country, while there baa not been one in the town. ??8 FRlKNlJd CONVINCED. Mr. Updike, who shot a man named Buffalow at Tocahontaa a few days ago, was reared here, and much eeteemed. His friends are convinced that he would ii..t have taken such a step except In self-defence. R?v. w. II. Christian took possession of the house he has rented on Bedford ave? nue on Tuesday. That evening the mera? ber? of hi? congregation called to extond welcome and good wishes, and left many substantial tokens of regard, consisting of household articles and supplies of va? rious kinds. On Sunday last Rev. T. W. JOSSS, Of St. John's church, took occasion to re? turn very hearty thanks for valuable gifts that had been sent him In v.? ? ? ? th.?. coming Christmas II?? said that h?i also wished to express his appreciation ot tha action of the Carl Club in aban? doning the habit of playing for prlz -, Is (?ef. renee to his request made tho Sunday previous. A musical club has been BffBlSSj for Improvement and pleasure, to me.t twtOB a month. It Is styled the Recital club, and will be conducive of much enjoyment, as there are quite a number of musica] people, both ladles and gentlem-n, in tha town. Mr. J. M. Berry h.i<? returned from an extensive southern trip. Mn?. T. D. Kerry, Rosalie Smith, and Mr. ?, ?. lt?rry returned to-day from a visit to New York. Charley < ?'liara, of Bethel Academy, Is at home for the holiday. Mrs. Aguets numi; has returned from a visit to Richmond. I Virginia Aaapscb and Bell" Bu ford went to Lexington to attend the mar of Prof? ssor Samuel O. Anspach on Wednesday. SALE OF THE PROPERTY ORDERED. A Revival That Result? lu Conversions? Turner-Koborts ftnptlal?. LOVINGSTON, va., December 23. (Speclal.)?The Judge of the Circuit Court, In vacation, heard this week the cbSaV cery cause of Osgood vs. The. Buffalo River Boapeton? Compaay, aa ? I '? dears a decree confirming tbe report of the master commlsetoaer, aad directing a tale of the company*? property to pay th?^ d?lits, a.?? ro? orti I. ?? mtereetlag revival-meeting which has b'- n conducted at i: I III ally two weeks waa closed oa v.. night. It had large t . aad much Interest wad mani rough* Out. Th?? ? BUK Bt BSrmona I :?' tl ducting mini.-ti rs wer? very effective, sad the BM BtlBg resulted in a nu;:.lj'-r of cvn versloas A vi ry pretty weddlag took place thi? week at the beautiful coustry reald? ; Mr. an 1 Mrs. John S. i: r Pop lare, when their youagi it d ? r, Mia? Cinthia I.Roberta, uni Mr, Henry Tur? ner were united in the I ? ?if t:. le triti ;iy |.y the RBV, V. . B. QwatklB, of Charlottesvllle. Rov. Mr. Klankenshlp, tb? BOW Metho? dist preacher for the n? leoo ? ircuit, preached hla first ?atmon at Oei v la-t Sunday. Be v.-as greeted by a large MBSTSgsttOBi who were greatly ? with his able nn 1 instructive sermon. il??!?*? Mili.? la very much ? Bdb 4 o? t tb? ? ntest for tha pou-oilio? at that place, which Is on.? yf ti?u remunera? tive In the county. Tho contest Will be decided by an election after Christmas, lilil? TKRRXBIB Xllt?rORTLTNE. Little Sauona Me><-rs, the "year-old daughter Of Mr. Lenji' M'-yers, of thia place, i* again in Baltimore tur treatment of a tumor upon ber eye. "The toner m id?! its appesisse? some Urns sine??, ami about a month ago It was removed by BB operation by a BaJtimoro physician, wIij. however, in?! litti* hope of affording pi r tiianent relief. The tumur imm?jdiat?'ly be gan to roappear, and the little girl WBB taken to RichaiOBd for treatmeat No hopa was aatertaiaed of the eblld'? re? covery, but recently the phystelaa? have como to the OOBdnalos that there Is Some ? of aavtag bor luv. The little gui la a remarkably lntere? child. Tho many friend i of Capti,? .S. A Pas! Will loara with regret that he was paratyaed Ibi? week at nia rwsdeaee? near Lodel .r. Mr. D. A. Hughes an 1 Miss Myrtle Eve? nti Brere married yeaterday (Friday) at the residence o? the bride's ? liber, near Mamie's Mills. Mr. J. G. Carter, of M.i.-'sie's Mills, left on Thursday for ?? guai >. wat re be wss married yesterday to Mlas ktaupea. SPREAD OF THE MARRIAGE FEVER. A Wuodeo Wedding Celebrate?! au?l Anoth er About to I >:.. l'lace. btotsylvania, va., December B. (Speclal.)?The near approach of the Christmas holidays Beema to have pro? voked the marriage-fever am pie. On Wednesday Mr. A. U. Cunning? ham and Mini Dora CsrBohSSI were mar? ried, and the same Bight Mr. Ito. D. Wilson and Miss Alice M. Wilson also took upon themaelvea the Bscred \^ws which BIS made at li>men's aitar. Invitations have been out fur some days trum Mr. aad Mis. Charlea lt. An? drew? to friends and acquaintances to cel?brete with them their wooden wed? ding at their elegant home, "K-nmere," In this county. Eoiig before twllleht had gone, the resounding of horses' hoofs and humming vehicles told that the numerous friends of these two happy peo? ple were going to Join them la the plea? sures of the eveniag, ani by 7 o'clock the house was crowded with merry, happy hearts, whose ringing laugh and voices told of the enjoyment that w is In reserve for each and every one present At ?MM o'clock the company whs invited to an elegant supper, beneath whleh the tables groaned, ??nd after which dancing was resumed till 1 o'clock, when the company broke, after many good wishes and congratulations from all to Mr. ani Mrs. Andrew? for a long and prosperous life. The presents were many aDd BBS ! some, and the occasion one long to be remetnb' red, I'KEVIOUS COVENANT. Mr. fesSBB Rlttle, formerly of this place, but now of New York, is on a AIL OVER THE GLOBE ?Dr. Pierce'? Pleasant Pel? let? ara known. They ar? far more effective in arousing the liver to action than tbe old fash? ioned cathartic pills, calo? mel or otter pr?parations. 1 ara purely vegetable and ectly barmlesa In any con? dition of the system. No car? b required while using them. They cure biliousness, sick headache, oca tiveneca, ?our ?tornatili, windy belching?, " heart-burn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangement? of tie liver, ttoiuac-h and bowels. MbSJbbbjSJSJj Ora ? Qt Co- JV. Y. T>n. Ptsscb: ???? mr? I ?uffered untold misery with bleeding pile?. I cculd get no relief night or day, until 1 commenced using your "P)*asant Pellets," and now for two d' are or more, I have not befn troubled with ie piles: If my bowels get in a constipated condition, I take a dose of Ur. Pierces Pleas? ant Pellets, and tbe trouble ia ail dispetti ay next day. Is It There is no time better than the present (or using Patne's Celery Compound. Qec strong and veil by NOW ! using It now. We recommend IV OWBMS A MINOR ORLO CO., 1007 east Main street. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING NEAT LT gXK.cC 1Kb AT TUB UUi'STC? PKINTINQ-UOUSS. vtstt here, and rumor has a) then When he returns to New York the happy con? summation of a prearranged covenant will mum him to take Mrs. Blttle with him. Mr. Blttle la a native of Vir? ginia, and Is a moat estimable gentleman. Mr. Charles M. Chewning, of this coun? ty. Is the veteran school teacher of thla entire section. He has taught school every year, without exception, since ISSi, eave the four years of th. war, when he served aa a volunteer In the Confede? rate army. If. In th. cour*, of events, this class of persons should ever be p.?n sl< m-1. Mr. Chewning would rank first sround here. The Courtland Uterary Association of the county will give an oyster supper in the historic hotel hero on New-YCar'a night. The Board of Supervisors of the retinty held their last m.?etlng for th.? vear on tho tfth Instant. They made the ievv for BW,, and It Is due to them to state that the finances of the county are In better condition n> w than nt any tlm>? preceding tills since the war. THE DISPATCH AS A MEDIUM. Another Virginia Couple from ?iawlddle Made Happy at Wel.lon. WSLDON, N. C ? ! ?'? r ? lSn"? Clal.)?And ?till another runaway Virginia couple were made man and Bftfa Bl ? : .?, ??? v. ?, K. Btalabacfe, of course, tying the knot. Th? hippy pair arrlv'-l her?, last Bight from Dlnwiddle county, Va.- Mr. W, I I Miss Susie L Bid il??. Teaterday m ruing a : ? \v.i?< ?ir.cure I, and ! home han ' ?' Mr. BtambacS married his it two years ago. The fact was mentioned in this eoi I Bi a tl it ? me all tho rui- I I Inquire f r him, an I th?? reeuh hai beaa he has had a won? derful experience alnee that Unto In hitch? ing thos?.? who come her?? arlth iii-itrim ? - nial int. r.ti : : that 1 patch is a great ailieillalag nsediiun, aad that the ? ? opta r? ad it * FOUT ?tores were tr ?k ? open n? night by burglar??. Two of them BS r?? entered, and gOOdB wore missing this morning. The other twi were ? ns the Dilerea mual bare Been f . off b? fore they could enter aft> r braak Ing the wir Ul ? ii m Available. Many good remedies are unavailable because they need the direction of a physician. Allcock's Porous Plaster can be used by anybody, and it is alwavs effective for sprains, strains, wra'.c back and soreness in the chest or muscles. Do Not Be Duped inn uklrgin Iniitttion. upon hiring Ih? gtnutae "AlUM I " AH- ock't Corn Shields, Ailcock'o Uunlon Shields, H?it no e%aal ?? * i?ii?f ani ture far eorni and buBioni. BrandretiYs Pills renovate the ays'.em by purifying; the blood. They do not weaken, [Su.Tu.ThAw)_ To-day the clergy of the Episcopal and Roman Catholic churches will complete the official census of those religious bodies. The Episcopalians have 4,323 clergymen, 4,870 parishes, and 580,507 communicants, besides 44,3^5 Sunday school teachers and 400,566 scholars. The Catholic church has 6,307 cler? gymen, 5,911 parishes, and 7,963. coo communicants, or io,oco,ooo, counting all children and la members. Come to-morrow ond help tni.o an? other census of our bargains in CHEAP, DURABLE, AMD SENSIBLE XMAS - PRESENTS. DRESS SUITS, OVERCOATS, SMOKING J A4 KETS, BATH-ROBES, COLLARS AND GUFFS, DRESS SHIRTS? CUFF-BUTTONS. SCARF-PUfS. and everything necessary for a man's or boy's coaiiurt ami wear. McADAlS ? BERRY. Have You w Ready-lilade Lc?s? If job have, ready-made pants arc plenty good enough. But if your legs wen mad* for you, have your pants made for you, too. Then they'll fit. When you can get Pants $7 roa \^> Mata to leisure. all-wool, full of style and wear, why put up with ready-mades that pinch here and bag there? We make a whole suit for $ 13.25 and a fine Melton over? coat for 5102$. OVL : -,??t?? h H euiTS COMPANY. 30N0RTHMN?iiMnl.hi. _t'l'tt.Th.'MANu] _ COAL. for the iBBjaaB BM price ot Uui St'PERlOB OK AT? iT?, THE CLOYER-HII.L? COAL, Will be: LU M f. ?.V?; II ?? ?.. ?? ? ? ?t too. ?A*CM. li. Col 1KKI.L, 80I?, AiifOt lyj- Uk limon.1. ?a Y.r,i.? iharrWou eed Br?.?vt.'rtiowe 177. I??1? ?No. BIO ??*! liiecKl, ? huue ?j* BO i7-t? "?"*/?? ion Gtai WHrxoitir,.p.,,Vil,lvr MAI.AI>V | , That Cri,. aoSB 1 ! Oeaersj s??? ? o\. r t Ltabe; s... the n.?* ? ? at som ? ? : ? .? fr. ? m tbe f. . ?-rit. The .?<: ? syet?in u.. run_.? ' eats it ? ? I "77." I? snd ? THR ?in.I ! that "?? ? s 0- . your ? ?eat aa if price 1 HI Ml ' ELECTRIC CO! Main I | foot of S rSBtb i'i. :. Citv ji.?. lion, > > n i rivmon, sad 1 - USI Aro BB l II ! I ?? ?? r St I I lectrto-Li ?: t Wii l'.trt.. s dsatrio ? ? Power i'V d mail M ' by a teprsseatatit imli ' ' ? ? | VI b ? ? : > ???G. DIRI ? l'LKM? Bl COMPANY" ? ?p: - \ ?? KlCHMt ? . ? > . J) IM I ?i.Ml NOT!? ? I 0f 1 ' I M\ ? ? .?.M. ? ?Ja 2 Ilo. Il RicnyriM). \ ?.. ; rpHE DIBI ' X PAKT ha <i--i I p :.?? ? of : tax;, ? . . ? ? rpHE DIKJ J. MUM? l'?i.l'tl IL BKMl iNNUAl, L?IV1 PUR CKNT ait? r J d?2l-!Ct OfflCI 1 Rlii.'Mi HO, Vi., li I) IVIDCNU. The din - o? i'i'.'u cus FioeUholdor? on W U. I MB, I .? rpHK llOAKD U X ti ?? ? tUn .]e.jr .j??'. ? ! ? ? . til ?took "t t ? JANl ?... ". IBB5. D IV1DLM) -Nui COMPANY have ' cempany, paya ? rd ?? aft?r whleh d it? t? ? wtii b> olon . until J . ? Jail I) IVI?ENDNOIH'I?. B?RO KAILKi ?: pan y, ? ? or JAN I tRI ? . ? Jail IVIULNU NOTI . D ANO V ? ? AM? A HALF ? ? ? ffa R \ll ROSO MM - o. A-? La? CEABUAHO AU?-l.lM? iCH?DULE IN I CLIMI. ? y a L l,v. it!? hm :? ? . A ?? Ar. W? W u . A r. 1 i _ ; Ar. 1 ' .: Ar. l.v. Ar. Ar. ? ? U . . II .. Ar. Monroe . Ar. Chester . Ar. fiint.ii . \r. <ir eii?\o l .??? '- ? IM ?G. ".Vu. . I Ar. ' Athen? ... ? ? ' S'? ; Ruffel ai.d st S charge on "Ve?tlb il juva bici No. I Limited .. . , liaily. b\.r lick? ??" ? apply to H. I ' ' ? ? Street xtiti.-ii peny. pauy's Offlc?. IM der.. ?? ? ? H. n, ?? \ . ' ? ;??> PB* fctt east Mali? strvet. . 1