OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, August 11, 1895, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1895-08-11/ed-1/seq-13/

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dead situ; b_ sun?:.
raro uhm.ut ? oi i i??, ku.i.i-.p ?\
??, ? \>-\ n.u ?G*? %? ?< ???>G.\?.
,.,..! I i.?1?*r On?? ot the (?m After
Il ll-i'l ll.rn H.-tu.i t?-.l 1 lint ? In??
v* ???-?? aafc?Tiala PaafcaMy r..r
,.?.? \\ . . il??*?l.
VA ? ' ?
? : . n U?
? railway ? I ?
W(N f ? \\? ??
.1 h ?"G
m f'.- Re*.
? '
ai, Ar
I wo boy?
: ? find their two
: party
. :
? '*?.?, with
tli.ir a
1er, Miit
'"?I in.
' -It, ns
? :
Viri ? Mill
? ?
ir, ii
. ? v- ry
g Mur?
; ? ? f tbe boy?
. ? ?
- | ?
? ?
? ?? ,
? ??>? a keg of
Mill? 111 \ ?..?? ron.
\ Haafcaat Pel?.*?i; HI? xxite te?
rn???! ?if III?- < .I...?*.
??.:.?:. \ ?
Ding r??
? . ? ? ? to
? ton L
? by 1
him ?
? iii. an ?
? fi
. \?. ill. ?.
nd thl
I that
'? I?'
? ?
; tient w ia
of 111?
r Mra
' ?
? . : Smith
. tt un 1er
? Vi ' y
' ir sui ?Il
? '
? ? . ? ?
r- have
? ? ?
? l. m by ll
. ? ?
? : thai
? ? . ?
t h? ?.
not rub
it, and
: ? . : ni
u to ch, n >t
? . ? .
? ?
ERi ?US ASS \: l.T.
? bo) ?.,
? ?
' ,? I
Into a
I with bio . ? ?if? a
of ? 1
, ? ? ????!?. .
? Bla
layoi ? ? : ' ?
,???? required
. boati of IM to k? ? ?? tbe 11.?.?>?,
penalllaa th? ? ul| ? II ??< ? beim
?, ? .11. ??l.T tw jail
ti.i; af?en
***??- ;?*?.?.<_?_ ol J?- lea Part?? vu ?
, ?, ?, ,. neatly eojot-eo, ???? h? sra?
ni* ios lo fonenl hi. vi.it
,.,, ,.? re toag, Thi? te |oiSnla.d tono
,lM ? ?for? be starts for
.? , ,r psBOlB bod ??ver heard
?id they wiri? eom
. . ,,,., l.y him.
UM ?hild of Mr. ?, M
' | ,,,..,? dty, .lle.f at Mr?. Mlnir's.
lot niKhl. a-oii! 11 0-CtOCB,
era infantimi She bad been boog?
.... ufe ?nd daatb for a vaos
. Hni V||| be burled thi? after
-. : ? :,,: Carnet ry.
boi called Klnir? Lsttdeay was
..t., ,. . ? Ml Idle Oaks'* a day
r t?,. ai ? ? '' enge ling In a ri"t at
faeton He era? taken.
? ?.? ,viiM- by Constable .1 Broer?*
fing IM ?JOet. of aJTOBt,
.... 1
, i rrar leti thi? niornln? for
? | du, after a feat day??*
' ?:?? , I ? te.
, neis ?, ? tVSOSIC 11 41.1..
14 111 I??* Hedleril.-d ?l???rl 11 ? Thr
, . tile?l?-d i:i?-?"lM?ll?I'rr.'ilinl,
?. ?, v.s . August ??* |Speetal ) -
T? tu pi- boa been enm
?? . Blu? Lodge ?" ? ? Ite Srai
? ball Thuraday Bight. The
? , v. ? by th?? thr??? Maaoflle
?. . ?-. ?? rnplar, Royal Areh
: Blue LodgO. it ??hi be
? AUgUSI .."??, at Which time
? p, arden ft T, W. Muk??. of
He, will make an address,
, l.iniuet ?rIS be
? ? < building, which La on? of
ttra ".'.'? m our town, l? tv. '
. : ' li bai ?? store rocen un?
, ;?:, t.hall OB the first ?!""G. and a
large liall nnd ant'-ruem? OB M?e fOCOnd
: ? tower la a larpe circolar
of ? ? : ?ls ?, on in'hlrh are
?i.i ionie ????'?p??.
iri the tont? t< !? lection eaM far tho
? ? ? Bberlfl iii tin?. (Nottoway) couaty.
irt decided in fairer er
? m Ion? .1 .? p ?? ral I, an appeal
? ' tak? ? by Mr. H ti. Dyeon, Iba
? t.', lo th.? ?'Irrult
which m??!'? i-i Beptember
? ? of euminer, which
iny vleltora i" our towa .?p ?
:?wn partire, aad ha?
ial?s ar?? tti?? ?? !? r of the liv. "G.
literally _?" aklng, ?.nlet <>t th?
\ ? any "f young people went
'.? ? hay-ride Thurada) nlgbl t?> "The
? a ? of Mr lt. W, TiigKl?-.
near Ilia tot ?. where tbej wert ? ? ?
anil ? ani '
Mr. ?. L. W.lv hi?*- bMfl elr-rte*, a
member or our Towa Council, to nu th<*
' 1 t? rm o? Captata ?'. B. AnnPi.,
Mr. and Mi t. h tara? : o. luvt???, af
le. timond, who ar?? ataylng at "Raven?
tha - :ui home ?if Mrp l?. J.
will m i. f? w daya leave for a
? '
- MiMi" Lea nn'J Kn-e Drewry,
f Mai ? ? ? Itlag Mie-? Nellio
e, at 'The Orova "
Mary Meade Bernard ?ni Mi?a>
liHl.tta Mann, ol Pettrabun, ar?? th?
of ???. W, il. Mann, at Notto
\S . I V < ' . '
Mr ani Mr?. Robert Thornton, ?af
nd, ?h'? iii,? at Ravenewood,
>:!! leave the e^riy part nf nest week
for ? '._ :' ' ' ' ' fort
I . .-.??] Mia? Mar?
?. \ :.- ??- ? Miai Emm ? I
toi ? i]".iii? Hatter, or L/ynchburg, who
? ? ?? , ?? ? - l. ft
to trlatl her m " ? I - ? ir Not
Mr. ari Mr?. 1'? t? r**on *lno Hvyn. of
?. who have bara oa ?
hilt to ti lai.?, Charlea V,
la vn. have return? J horn*
Dr, John Kuyk, of Ilichmonl. ?rbo t**
vtattlna hia brother, l:v r. R Kuyk,
of BlaOketoi . m towa laai ??.
Linda ? mini ?? P?irti mouth,
,.?. ? ?, ?- ? ? n \- ?? u .? her alati r. lira
?: iv Oayle, bai left Gt Lunenburg to
vl-Mt her friona, Mra W. E '<?
Mr. Thoroaa L. Morton, of ??-?.rinvine.
ling a f*w daya with bla daugh
i.r. Mi? Samuel Nid ol
Hiram BurkhoMer hai retume?!
from ? -.lay wltb frlenda in Radford.
Mr. Joe Noraworthy, of Norfolk, Is
V. .: h US.
Charle? F. Cblller, of Peterabnrg,
who basi b<*en on a VtMl to Mtaa Kmina
?, 1 is r t?.n.'l home. ,
Ir ?. ilk G???????? ?li.nith? UimI? to
?!?.?'G.?:'.'??-?G!:'"??. VA, Attctnrl ?
(Special.) id ink Phillips, who Bionda
li ? ?.? the charge ? f forgery, sviiirh
ed 1 I nrred al I three
,.? and siili? s\ M an? fltod In
Hartford, CTano., last Moaaday, arris ?
: ro I -day, In ? !? u ge ol I iflli er Robin?
son, svf ? sient to Hartford Thursday.
Phillipe, in an Interview with your ??t?
?? m tills ?\? ni;?;. I tat! 1 Ih? I Ins
.?. from this ? Ity ?.?. ? due to hi?
Bfl 1
?? ii.;? tent h" nn t? f r?. . ? ?
?? mom ? borrow? l. ? m on. m ti
? I. , ?-un,-? ??. liave paid |???? In?
ri, ?' even ? i.. : t-- . , . . ? anoth?
? ?' a ? ? am ?uni M", per annum ? >n a
lid m the rai- of BB
per month. This and his expenaey were
than hi a ? ? making,
?der to | Interest h??
It ft. His Intention, however, lie sal,).
? y all I obi '?ti ns bi -? ? is
? !.. the money He sold 1
? ? he had ?.! !
? ? up to M i? Bving,
! ch iracter, and for ?ever?]
y???irs )i . earrli i the mails to aad from
? ? line,
Mr. .?.?! ? t s' ;. ,.f Ute c mnty,
? to the city to- lay a dagui rro
type of a man and ?roman, which ???
?, . ntly near hi : Th??
spot whi tv found ? ? ? camp
ind . f a numb? r ?? Mississippi
? ? dui nu* the war, aad
tl. ; ture I Buppoaed to have been ? at
? ..f ihe ? impani* ?
II la \nM! preserved, and represent? the
- fittiti? side by Bide,
l'MMS' \.\M.
, : ?"'??? u,,u, ?, r Jam? s P. CorWn and
Mr. A, M. Boots, of Miis elty, svili attead
the ?? 'nl ? ini.m?? of KttlghtB Templar??,
which rneetfl In Boston
James M Thompeon will leas'e Monday
to attead tin? State Dental Aaeeciation,
which roeeta at tin? Wntte sulphur
"Till: ???????? COBBITTBB.*?
It? l nun ??????? Attempi In H?!?l ll
Sie,?liuu, Ve.terriav.
ROANOKE, v.-s, Antpntt 10?iSpe
, |al ??".? d laasM A. Walker an 1
ss. m sitili - ? canne Aeri la lay te bm el
? Ruab Miii'i and Jt?tt1a? Bnford, to bood
, l, . . ?:? ; of "Mi?? Bt? .MllK ''? ????? t tee,"
nted ai ti:e Pe4ereburg coefereece
The lus! ti .imi 1 fidoin-u ?lid not ap?
ri ?. ? m. * ? -? wee bol ! Qone
? ,? Walker la hh Interview ?aid Miat the
of Mi?? BBeetlng was ?. orgeats?
?iiiiiitie.? an?! .iis,ii-> Mi.? prellmln
?,..'. f the cai pelgn.
?Velkl ' I Sii.ipt'dl look
? the ? ; a ?rtunlty to do boom
"mlsslqnan ' work, ?nd tm?-?? rooraa al
the hotel wen erowded with the rejpee?
? ? various element.? In this
Walker, In dts rusalag the l*aBnoBl?oloe>
?? rement, Bald that they were aat
Bghtlng the Det?MesotA and ihat bo Pern
.tilll.it?? who would I'l??'!?;?* hlm
-ilf t.. ni U thi !'??!? rslnirtr Idi! BrOttM
? 1 i'V Ihiin
?.??????? unti ?,??? Fat.
S' ? ?hall d? troth, ? ?? ? If yon uri? a
led, pallid, ?roe .begone dyapepths,
. reinforce digestion. Insure the con?
u ol r"i"i Into rich ?nd nourishing
bl.I. and recover appetiti? and ?lee-?
by the sj temaUe use ,,t n,?? meat roe>o
vatoi nt health, strength, and Beak, H ?.?
letter's Stomach Bitters, which aUo rem
malarlal bldney, aad rtMutnatlc
; trouble, rn ivouMjis?!, cjiistipatton, and
i ?..'...,,?,,..??.
Monday, August 12, 1895.
No House in Virginia Has Ever Before Stepped
wave the Hag of a ?success that would have been gambol a few years ago. It has made
TECIG __?_E__0__PI__i_E_*S STO_R,-___
with power and facilities to ?serve all its thousands and thousands of patrons as no
other house ever could. Its marvellous attainments have proven a STRIKE FOR
LIBERTY to all its public, who are full partners in every gain that the advantage of
this, one of the most forward houses in America, has procured.
In the face of the most astonishing prices only such articles are sold as have been
attested the most superior by science and judgment of the best talent known to the
Monday beffine ANOTHER SALE that will .rive the true laurel of merit where
_ O I_J
it rightfully belongs.
Read the juices. Each and every article is backed by full or greater worth than
this advertisement calls lor.
Importers shall laugh, manufacturers shall regret, merchants mav weep, but the
faith of the PEOPLE'S STORE IS POR THE PEOPLE. For most goods to be
sold Monday manufacturers would be willing and anxious to pay these and higher prices.
THE CARPET SALE.?The mystery that has created the salo of so many pack?
ages of other goods now falls upon Carpets and other Housefurnishing Goods.
THE J. W. DIMIGK COMPANY AUCTION SAU., by order of the estate, brings
to tlie people of Richmond an opportunity to buy thousands of yards of the most supe?
rior Carpets known to the trade at fabulous prices. Ready Monday. The entire stock
at one-half value and
We measure for any ?Carpet,
make, and hold them until wanted.
Wilton Valour, ui u_l ? eat ? rica, i- ?.
! r ll ?'..
i' ? ? u llton's, ui ? a beet, ??'!?" U'??>.
ir ,?"
A ?.?:..? lei ? ; ??? 11.60 for li.
Axmlnster M? qi U, ter ?Oc.
: -, .? frame, ueu il II. I",
for Ite.
V.".iv 1 - . usual H for ?M
Tapestry J
Tap? try Hi
iti. ) ru . . ' . : ?
Ki i'i? i-minuti r S-pl), usuai 1
??-?. 37
j: ?.;r-i .* ; ? ? ? ? usuai '?:?? .
? :;?? il ;?",:'
Ingrain ? t ?Sc.
Royal Wilton Velvet Rui . usual it.".
! ? 11.60
Wilton Vatouv Velv?t Km,?, usual *?"
)? ? m Wilton Kuck, usual $_""., for
Velvet Door Run, fringed all around,
usual '?' ? ? for S
: .;<:? r ? ?
Japan. .-" 11 ?? l-M.i.l? , I . : ?? ?t m ?
Room ? ? ?? - ? is, usu ?. *_?, ror
1 ? eee, u?ual VX tor tlo.
Japanese Han^-Made Rugs, usual 12.60,
f'?r II.
Black Japanese Oat Ru**? (fur), usual
U'.k?, foi .*! '.?.
6o pieces of Fancy Matting
bou_ht in the lot will be ?old choice
<?t any tur 12)_?C. Some wer_
wholesaled by Dimick a- high a.
30c. a yard.
92 pieces of Floor Oil-Cloth and
Linoleum bought at thi-. auction
sale will be sold during tlie week
as soon a:; can be gotten re-dy.
We sell at one halt price our
own ?-teck as well as other mer?
chant-*' in order to close. Monday
at 9 o'clock will be placed on sah
six thousand three hundred yards
of Printed Scotch Lawns, Printed
India Linens, and Printed Japan
Checks. The minimum value ut
these has been ?sl*c., choice ot
an) for a^c?only at ret iii,
lOe c ? ? ? ? inneli tot ."? ? yasA.
_i.?. White Bhaker Plann*!, il ?uh?s
w.!??, ? . ? ?
1.' !-_?? *- ?. . f'.r i .1 ?c.
Wool ] laanel for H Ufa a
Ti inda of yarda of W? h _ >di -
1 ? ; I < . ? '.O. I : . li
Hateen?, fine ? 11 neh < '???.-??,.??.?.
' ?,i ? /'.? , I ? : . ?.-. ' .
All and , \ ? ? ?. yard was ?
fot '.-' 1-2, ll - " 19, ana .Ic.?choice ot
? ???, a ) .. I.
Be itlful ? ? neh Flaue?, w.-re 16 _?"...?.,
ai ?? ? ?? eli ? I for 6 1
? .?!''??"?.? ?? '.? ?'?'?. al?o LlKbt
?. ;-, In iti ip d ' Iti ' '. li ?
to do ?
ISO yai Tart Wide 19 l?tc i'? real? s
for ?'"?. ? vai ?.
? ?a.' ka, In all colors, for
. yard.
;.v? Bl? ? bed Sheets, closing for *0c.
? ? . ;' Bl " h? ? s?.? ? u tot
BOxM I'tlca Bb< el '
n more Plllow-Casei for to-ic.
Boltd Colored fellow Organdie, v._.
II !-"'?., closing i"i ? ? .
From io to 11 o'clock.
1,500 yards s1 *c. Brown Cotont
i for se ? yard.
It may sound strange to say that
j you are saving one half the cost on
j buying these in August. Maybe
! the difference will be mure. Only
the be.t sold here.
? l-i-viiii-wi'i- Pineal Mfe Wktp Taf?
feta, wortb H -?'? a rard, for Oc.
Vi.m, and Klgur. I Mohair-, lowest usual
i y??.yanl-wide Prleetli y ?tanatL Wlde
W'ali s rae, ?i 10 (i ? ?? . ???? i ? ?
?0-lncii Hi'.ri? Btrlp?d Armure?, ?Se.
arad?? for Or , ,
An >?rif--ti? ? Berge? that were mark ?
up to Be ? me lea? than ? M yards
...,?, ?_ bo ?!"?*' ? at -?'?
ntctaMt ?xrad? of Lubina Henrietta, ?M
taches wide. ?*-??? ??-all? Mr UM,
,,,, ;:? a \.u 1.
, When Cohen's say " cheap,"
! though the prices may be cranky,
the qualities are always right
?.??G? S1M.( IVI.TIKS.
,. ,,.,,.( Saiin ?'.iiiia-k m tehai TnMe
Damask, besi *i grade known, for ?te.
., >.?? ? rmi II Inch? s ? ? actual m??..
K_retr. en t.
7", an.? *??- Bleeeaat, I-M? Llar???,
?_?0G Silver-Bleached <>innn TaM?
Linen from '.' t?> ;?? 9'clock. It
<?n,* tabi? -?'.otri l-*n*th io any one
to.??iVi?nstu!r lJhen, fancy bcr_?red. for
?e ,? rard.
r.M. yards Krown l>r?-<s Linen.??, were
?? ??-, and ?te., choice ? ? .'?? a ?ard.
to Aoaee H'i.vy Bllver?Bl ? ?>, a Dinner
Napkins i??*ver sold for !.?*<- than IL?
_ ganan, f'?r 11. One ?Wn ??? .? ii:-.'."
Be Ri il Turkey-R. I TBbta Unen 1er
? .? ? Cloths, Do .' ??? ? ' un?
ask, 60c. oa? - for M
UM Dolili - for T'Jc. a
White Damasb Buffet S. irf?. with
. ???? rd centr?e, Ie, for ? ??
1 ". . ? ? aond. Hi m?
?j ed or sa tii tl
.1 -;. che! e of . ?' ??/?-n for
All Linen Hemmed Hu k Towels, U l-2e,
M -t ? I ll ? . B0 ? .' ? -
White Goods at one half value.
The proof is the comparison with
: fr< m other hou
The Urei tinj?? tn tb? history of ?ay
? ? ? r ? ? . ? ... . illty India
?..?? ??* for I- M.'i u y ir ?
Whiti r lia LU ?
that wir- up m !J MM. value -! :
a ?
? Pan ? stM?i ! Dotted Muslin for
; ficb-wl ??? .Si ron !? is ?-.. ? l ! ali <.vr
tonsil for 20 a : to be lOc. a ?
Embroidered Dotted Swiss, was 112-3
I tv.r ??.?.
All t1 ?? 2-yard-wldt French Organdie
?>..,? n?. aa ' . ?Mr Be.
.- ? . Dlmltlee, ?:l Mie qualities that
v. re ?p "?? tie. ? > bi Bold for ? ?
?t i. tail.
White ."tench Piquea, Ul?] and l?'. 2-?,c.
??. ?? Ike i-li? ?. ? ? '
White Ducb Suiting, limn finish. 12 1-2
? . ?:?, v,?a the ? ri ??. tor 8 3-k?. a
y ant,
Another sale of ego dozen La?
dies' Muslin and Cambric UNDER?
WEAR. It'smsstei buying to lay
them down for one half cost.
Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, anJ Cor?
set Covers that cost up to 51.25,
', Mondsy fot 55c. choice.
From 10 tu u o'clock: Perfect
Fitting Well-Made Good-Material
Corset Covers for 8c. each?limited
350 Etest-QuAllty Fu!l-Size $1
Crochet Quilts for 6gc. each?lim.
-t ? -? ?. ni -- U ? '."d?t?, for BB
1 limit? 1 .1 . iitity.
27.", piece? SS'hlt.. Monfjulto Net, I 1-2
yai r I l?tc. ? yard.
Have o\vr 200 dozen Ladies'
.Thread Vests, huh? t
for 4 mm, Monday for 15c,?4
t?! each cu-tomer.
Ladli ' B ? Rlbl ? l ite. V?ala s t?t
loi lin II ?f three
Ladles' All Swiss Ribbed Bilk Ve?t_ that
. vi . r . ? .
Lacea t<? Jose, as they have
never been sold before.
Wl n??. Butter ai ? B< Ig? Latta that
?.*.. ? ?- __ ? -_. to Ac., for
l *..t l.
Tord a L Moat of u ? m han l
entire t for le. a
ll .? ? \I ?? T??r? ruai Laot, U l-J to 1
! G '?, , v.ifl.
Han il ru Net Yol In -, 7a ? jrai I, fi im
n m a an ?
Point ?. prit ??? 1 Plain Me, V* ? ?
Ni t for '"? ?? jrard.
White Mutine Bilk Willnsr. double
width, -'". grade, far iv. a jrard.
Who ever dreamed that these
finest Embroideries would be sold
for less than one half the cost of
produ?tn_; ? The Cohens are liable
to do these things.
Neweet mi HnuAeeanaai __mbr_lderle?
?rere ?\ tt, a ret ?V??*.?ail In tho
lot f? ? .'.?. a >?r 1
Embroider??? that wer? up to 3Ca f?>r
12 l-_ ana 1? Mc.
Embroideries that were up to 12 l-2e.
for '". ?? irard.
Embroideries tl? it were up to 8c. for 2c.
_ jafl
on the drop here. Closing prices :
M?-n's All-Pure Lin>n Tape-Hordere.l
fur Ic.. fn m 1- l-ll
Men'? H ?i-Mt'ii'l l*iirt? Linen, White
<?r neatly printed border*** Be. grade?
for 12 i?-'??
? ?: ?'? A.1 Mnen l'In?- H-nd-Kni-rni I ?
. red Initial, ? I-Se. ?rade, for ll
Men'? Pa.? *a On I?* of White Pilk
Handkercblefa tOki ap to **c., for Be
?.,. ?.
Lradle?' 2Sc. Hml?r ot 1?re?! Handker
cblefa for l- '?-?'? ?? b
Ladles' Colored-!) rdered or White
Hemstttrhi I, were un ?? Me., for le,
Ladite' Fin"?t Il?u.'l-Emi>rold<*r?? 1 Ml
?? ... I.in? p. ?aloe a;? i" Me- far 2">e.
j ujiea" White Hamatltcbad I_iwn la
n ikercblefs fer .??. each.
Closing Hosiery means the most
rell ible at under value.
I.ill.?.' Boat Kr-llsh Hos*. 35c. qua'ltv,
In Rusaete, Tan Moie?, anil IVru,
f_HC) .h ? Ititi?., ??t Ite. u pair.
] , | ( .? Best l'ali Hegular tax Fast
Black ? -?? *''r '??'??'
l.ad't-s and Children? Fa*)t-Piaok Uose
, ..,. .? r?atr.
Latita' Fancy Drop-Stlt,*h In Tan.
Black, an? ?????'??????, best ??, Ho?-,
??>r ?."' ?? fair.
From o to ro o'clock, Ladies'
FaStoBiack Hose, French feet, for
3C a pair.
I adieb' French Lisle 59c. Hose
snd Ladles' Tan Silk Dropstitch
Hose, either for 33c, a pair.
Children's Fast-Black Derby
PibheJ Hose, all sizes, value 25c,
fur 12] -c. a pafr.
I .MI'l.l'I.r.AS.
pidies' English Gloria, 26-inch
with imported Dresden H nuiles,
paragon Marnes, worth $i each, for
Men's Umbrellas, Etaglish gloria,
straight or crooked inn tics, tor 4?ic.
Ladies' $1.75, $1.50. and up to
$2.25 Umbrellas for 90c
Ladi ' Paras I , White, Black,
or Colored, svere up to $6, for iM.50
Men's All-Silk Taffeta Close
Roll Silk Cover an?! Tassels, (41,50
quality for ?".2.50.
We furnish Men, as we do the
ladies, with the best at the aston?
ishing losv prices*.
Men's and Boya1 Negligee fhii-ts for
IS ? . ti un 11 50.
Urn's ,s? tin?. ?? Shirtfl in neat patterns,
all pt ? ?? Ct fitting, !?? St lil.iK? . '
wi re ti.
in, all
Bises i'? be cios? d out at ?? '
?v. doi 111 ... Stie?
le, a pur.
Miil..iir.d. r.-d Shirt In
thla city, and it ? an be ni tt? bed here
. ?* for -".
Closing Silks for less than the
cost ot making.
.- ? ? :. All s:ik Wblo-Ooi I BOran,
w.irtli |1 ll
6 i"is of Siik ? that wi r- up to Be
remi I : for ?! ? yard
Prim - ?3illi, all that were up to
, ? ? :
iffeta Silks that wer?? up to
11.19 for ?'?'.. a ?
Ail the Black China Bilk, water-proof
and otbi r, that were ui? to MV., ? t
IM ?.- ? la Black Armure Mourning Bilk,
? ?. Limited
?, lani to ' mer.
Relieved a merchant that needed
money. 980 pairs of Chen.lie,
Damask, and Madras Curt
You'll want them soon at full
prit e. These for about one half,
all new and desirable styles.
Silk Murtiin?, Madrae, for fl 9t? a pair.
Stik M : ?. Curl iln for i 7',, value
for ' "?> ? pair, va!u?
Chenille Pori ? ;? ? a pair,
Pol ? for 11.94 a
Chenil ? I ?lue G. 25.
Porti? LB?value price,
only one out of a dozon
Ready-Made Ladies' Dresses?
this is the way we shall dispose of
Whiti Duck Botta to atnl for ?i.'A in
I Suits to Bell for 1? tnit^ad of
Colored Duck Suit? all UM, H and ft
oi n?for I
r,., itea' Worsted Suiti-110 an 1 >!_' ?
? ?of all for 17.';:<.
, . Jackets, BBd Skirts for half
prl and lese
Another lot o. Ribbons to be dis?
posed Ot. You know our price for
late-season buying.
lie Wide Black All-Silk Satin Ribbon
for - ?. a sard.
Stock lliltb'jnn-l.'? pie.es-ehoi.-e of any
(been i" and lite.) for -'??. ? ? ir ?
Fancy btllilBery Ribnbon, sold for 65c.
Bret "f the season, for ISn a sard.
.s; silk No. ? Ribbon, ait ahadoa, for
?, ? <
All-Silk, No. ?'?? nitihon. beat quality
grain, worth l"??. for a.?, u yard.
From 10:30 to 11:30, 500 yards
All-Silk Black Best-Quality 50c
Belting for ioc. a yard?limit.
An mit'Of-season Millinery rush.
Straw Hi'-. I?la?"!?. White, or Colors,
aa ids!? ae B-elrioWe l5o
Straw Hate, sell Bfl IdiSri as il-50, for
"',,? each,
Altteog the BToral Wraths sold as htgk
Trimmed Hat? none more than half
cost m iflAof tnt-m one q : irtor pelea,
Datei? -. ?.?. ? ? n? ':"??'??";- ,.
Buttercups, aere ? . ' r ..,.?
Wild i Ion r?. were 1 . etc.
II ht the ??-??'??' verdict thai ?air Notton
Departmei ? le In Itaelf completion
The following ertici?*? and price? will
verifj the ilntement;
Inn ?mi.I?? Hair-Pine, le. ? paper.
Real En?ll?h Pin? contafnittg 400 pins
I,, tin' paper, f?.r 3c,
fjaod ??????? TertUed Tape for le. a
Combination Hair l'In gMttttS, eon
tainlag l"' sssorted Hatr-PlBe, for 3o.
. ?,), ipe. lai.
G?"? I ? IO l- ? (*l-"('?
? ani m. l?.-adinr f??r :!??. a bunch.
i,,?. Whalebon?e for ?te. a do?ea
(,,?.,,,; ; , f l.a-tlti:,? I otton f.ir
te'iii'"^.:.^* 'mli oclock
Ufl ' Stockinet Shields for 7c.
4 mid? ?' ''ft? ?? Skirt Brill for 6c.
SPECIAL l'a m 1:20 t toe... A
1?2-|. .i.i f"U" of imi p I G
Boap ind a ? irklsh Wash Rag I
? boti of Virgin Olyc rlne f ?
value Lie
r ten .- ??'???_? Cream, value Be., for
IC a l?t>X.
A Larga bottle . f Witch Has? I for !
A Wc Bottle . f El? ? trio Blcy. le ? HI for
Prom i" >' ? . ' ? \ of P.-r
?'???a*. l Tal im Powdei foi le.
SPECIAL: Queen of th? G ' ?. ? perfect
an ? banni -*? fa? - to tlon, cun * tan
.'i BOft
an?l I??. nint'il, !? r ',??. ? botti??. (Ri al
A l?e. Betti? ? f M ; hin?* (Ml for le.
Mot ? I bottlea ? I to any
? mer.
? a??? Brtstl? Il i;r Bl urti? ? Por 17?.
Floating (Tastile Boap. ? cakes f"r to
Bwansdown Powdei Puffs 10c each,
h-hi-t? ?i.Ivear Rubber Dressing Comb?
Si Bath r _T,<\
:?"? F ? . .-'?, .ii_??*? for ?'"?.
A We, pie.f Ch imols-8k?? for to,
A Me. P"x of Bora? for le.
" It is the verdict of the people th_it
the Book-Store of the People s Store
is the Book-Store of the town. It
is complot?.- to the minutest detail.
Always a full assortment of stan?
dard B_oks, in rich as well as In the
cheaper bindings. It is the empo?
rium for cheat* books.
Fach new book as issued Is found
here at prices that are always lower
than anywhere else.
To-day's are :
Th.. y IM ? ''?"[?, bv Ills? Winnie
i ?vi?, P< .?? ?eh library.?* wnd In ?
? : .?n, ..? ? gokl, Ii - price.
Tie. _
The Honor of th.* Plag, by <M?n< Rue
sell, Autonym I ? rtu? : oat
pr ? ? ?''? ., ,
Chap flltian ?if h Okg that ar.? ?Widely
Ines-Maearla, bv Aannsta J :
? ? nil itant al bin ling, well printed,
:<?. value ? ur pttott
? ,., ... ; ? 1:. n ? ?: oks on hand.
the stock :
Bla<*_ Books bj tl
*s? i',,r.. ?? \?*??: r, Read. ?
? ?? Calne, en ? Conan ? ? ? ? -
' : ' y, to each.
? ? Mystery ..' t?oomber and Strange
?. . . r nil. ??. I'??
100 e . . : ""? . foe
to lav ?C, ? ?.'li- ,, _ , _
?. boxet freem-Lal 1 Paper an ! en
? .? . . ice v.i le; Mondajrs ;
1 '?' I v ....
10c ?Writing Paper; Monday s
Drtee, 1 boi for ?
... L ind? C mn relal n m Paper, ?a
pound. _ ._.
s to ? .'ah. 1 ?wckage? ? ?
? 500 !>? Is v?? k-heeu?. ?"'- ? ?
I dosen Unen v. nnn?; Pads. In commer?
cial, ? ??? '. ?<? 1 letter, -"?,. tai? . ? r
Art Embroidery ns taught ani
known with all its accoutrements
gives our Art Department the ex?
cellent reputation for which it has
striven. New designs, new sha,'.
ings ??nd new ideas can always be
found here.
Our price? are such as only the
People's Store could have.
,< imped Ll?*?**" ???G?*?|? Mtusta, knott?"i
frli ?:- '''?'?- *''' V?.tu??, for
?Tinted Buffet Bcarf?, ItarTS, 4!*\ value,
f.ir r??'.
4 Tinted Tut.I?? Oovr?, C5 and Ut, valu*,
Htinii"'! J.tn^n SflasrHrs. 13 l-ic. value.
f.,r ."??' saehi
Si..in[?"1 and Fringed and Stamped and
Hemstitched Splasher.., -0 and Mi
value, for 25*?.
st.uni'?*! Fringed Doglie?, I? ?v* ?-h.
Bi ?mi'? ? Centre Pieces. Ile. vaino. De
Tinted lAundry Baa?, ??><?" value, for He
179 Skeins Vfaab Embroidery Bilk, KN
'.:.??*? a vai';?*. ?V. donen t ?-day.
The universal patronage of thj
Corset Department of the People's
Store has made it what it is.
Cornets to fit all figures at phe?
nomenal prices.
?? ??? StO Ui Thomson's Cove-Fitting.
WntiiHt??'! Coreet, fi rolo?, tot I
v une t? ?ur ?*"r?-n<-h Cuutill?? ??'?r?ot. a
marvel of ??? rfectlon, tw
.a,?, ? ??", '.??" Be ? ?ia?? for
From ??? fi ?? o'eloek: Fr? n< h Coutil!?
CorMt, Venu? haek. ?hr??.? std?>-bones
, ??? . ! ng Wahrt, ."Ik Hamburg trim?
med, Ii value ?' "" _???
Berne hour: Il J H C?wat for ??
? 75 p D?. In White aad Oray. for MM,
t ; r ii C r?et, ot Frrnoh 'Olitili?..
corded buet, two ?__? bona?, ?t..? |e?g
? ,.,., for II 26.
Bias-Cut C '?: Cor*, t in White and
Bla? ?? *'- '" '?' '*?'? roluo, f? ? ?
IO ,?,. and Wc Etoubl? va Watota, for
children and mini???*, for if*.
Our Candy Department will sell
from io to 12 o'clock ^<?> pourtds
Mixed French Candy, 25c. value,
tor 6c.
100 pounds of 40 and 50c. Mis?
tures for 16c. pound.
ALL Kit iniONI) ???.?
Pi'vrine Spaottfl, A ??"rt sia?. 1."
Idnrh Plain Pie Pial ?, b< ?vy ?tamped
tin, 2 for ?><?.
t-Tte Carpet Mroom? (rr-Kularly sold for
I. Ufe
Cuspadores, paint.??! in all colors, te.
Blzby's Shoe Polish, Ie. houle.
Round Bteel-Bouttd Asbento? Stove Mats,
Nicely M'-orated and lagaanoi Wat'r
Carrters snd si- ? Palls, lie,
txi" and 10x13 Black Sh ?t-Iton Hoastln?
l?srgi -Sise Willow Cloth?-. Il.imp.?r?. */.?c.
Mine Tissue rollet Mi;.r. 7?) .?hens,
? Ac ? .'
? ?.? s, ir ? bottom. II?".
Rea ? Ulrd Ca?< .?. il -'4.
? im? ,?? ? Knives and Forki finely
?, v, .' ?? larae?
Solid S-..-1 |>rylng Pana tor 8c.
M feet Pure Jute Clothes Une? (will not
1) Ie,
.?? 1 Sal t.? S.-ourlnir S rip. for
. '? lutnic ??n 1 | Ollshln? ? v? rn thin??. I
.?quart Mottled ?1. .in'?? ?"off..? Pot?. -'?.
? iti ?Viotti, ? Granit? Tea or ?,.?????.
Pot, : ?
e , . n? M ? M ik Pans. ?o.
All our $t\$t ?>,'?, and $$$ ?Baby?
Carria^es, upholstered in hand?
somest Blush and Silk Tapestry,
with patent hubs and hrakes, for
Our $15 and $20 Carriages for
Our $10 aed $12.98 Carriages for
Bnglleh ?tone China To? f*ona ani ?Ba?
cer?, exquisite decorattoBS, worth Wr.,
Enali'h l'."fte China Fruit or l? ?
Saucers, odd shapes, worth ? Bef
dos il, we.
n\v\ TABLES.
50 Real Oold-Plated Onyjt-T<jp Tablee,
selected ?labeol onyx. Tou'll say they
m? cheap when you see them K"iti?* ut
ti If.
is Carlsbad D?nner?Sets jut
opined?a new decoration ? ? i<s
pi ves with soup tureen?regular
?J25.511?for ..14.45.
?; I Obi ? ? ?uh Nozzle end
Ri el, all 1 tor ? i: at,
Bcrern 1 toora, 1 1 * lin h thick, Clinton
ss u e , ?,. th, ali
Strong Spring Hm..? ? lor r?bov? do.-rs,
1 ? I \'.\. \\i FREEZERS, IMPROVED
? na l'd?*: ?
?-? r .' 1 ? I . ?? -,??? ???? . .it ' ?
JC8T ss ll ? ?' S"i? WANT: ? I
? ? . tal ss .it? r H 1 111?, slx-tray, ta 1
s\ tiiin tumhlen value Ito, -?-t, for
!.. .
_)o dozen White Carlsbad China
Cups and Saucers?a ...anutactii?
rer's loss?VOUf gain? nt'ver MM
for les?* than $2 dozen?while they
last, 98 cents,
o??? ti. ' l) ? ? l Cryatal Butter ?? '?
Crystal Berrj ? I ? Fruii Bau?
? ? 111
25 ut those $2 Two-Burner Gas*
Stavi s, nickle?plated trimmingi, 98
?;ai ?. -i let?, l ?., lac.
Your la**t chance to Kiy Refrige?
rators. You all know what we sell,
the only perfect Refrigerato! maule,
solid oak, ice saving, galvanized
lining?only eleven ?clt.
Our MS 1 now li?.
.?ur p_ Refr?a
? lui rator now ?? ?.
< 'or ?? ?? ti. ? v>.
Two*?Gallon Galvanized? Lined
Water-Cooler, ?1.50 quality, lor
80 cents.
100 Japanned Br_ad*Boxe$J 2?>1d
lettered, **troii;^ and heavy, value
?.?, 69, and ;.> cents, ?twice 24
ONLY *1.7I>.
100 M.dt-s..? ? p Tollet I bt an?
sorti d !? cor ttl - Th? te ar-? flrst
class good -. ? r fi ?I
Heavy aad su.,m- Sprinklers, beat ??II
liu' ? '
SJO Imitation Cut-Olai ? Wa1 H ittlea,
ir and brilliant, a regular 7?'?. at
, fori
? ? . s\ ,- ? ss ili BasketA a?fl rt- ?
no. worth ? . -it : ?.
? un," ?. ? ? ni?.-?, s? ith Be* 19c.
PARLOB itot Kl'rl?s,
Very Unely detailed, Ib oak, Saie "ilk
bed real t line ? I * ?Je.
N w ?' ?) ?; ? ttottnn*. fn
est fii ; ? ? ? Il ' r - . ? great
bargain t
PEATUEB 1Usti:i.s.
? ?? Quality, i: guiar l-'-ill-S:/..? Turkey
i". Ml.- r Dusters, \*. ii l ng 11, uiy
ha mili -. e ? ' ?
SIT' i SM SAI.I! ? TO 1 'i'l.' ""?: tot
. ?, ,it si n-:;,? ? ? ?? ? rega
i u- value *'??- . for ic.
SI'i.'.'l si. BALE ll TO 11 O'ctMrK t?
: ti 11.1 ??' k. SV'Il Finished, AU?
. .i Be. article,
11 /.? ?? SS' ?? , . ? ii?? r 11 -.
? crystal, et p h up t Jl ?? ?
SI ?'? ??!, BALE | TO I O'CLOCK; SB
? Whll ? lain .*: ap Plsb -,
; -? ? edge, ? due ?. ? .?. a, for I : .
_ ami lEMESTS. _
ACADEMY or m *ic.
Th* Oreat Fai leal ? .
?*? ? ? ? a 11111 : n s ?:?.????:.??:?.??
Produ? ? by tVivls ? K JollM
ALL IRISH <"\??:"1\ns. .8
?<?'?\ ? KA DDES 111.. I;l ?? ? ? KINO.'*
ha V?C
?*_?G???<??>???, PIC-NICS, Ac.
list v.\i ? it>to\ or thi: BBASO*,
fi < ?l_l? POINT, tv th" lall-? . f.
Btreel Baptlat church, THURSDAY
MORNINO. ??????? 0d. 'l'r.nu leave?
Chesapeake end ??,"? depot ai *? r? ?. M.
Leav?? oli Potai after drees parade lu
th? fort. Round-trip, only H ', . ' r
?le by eomnUttee ana ai trata
_ a . U.i;. ? :- ?*:i__
M with thu OI4B now BICVE?.
Train leave? h. a ? ol Broad >?rr???t
at n M P M an 11. turning ?? ??? s w_<i.
in<ten at n ?? Monday night l'dt? tor
round-trip, >-?
; accommodation for whit? p">ile.
Ticket? for ??.???? nt tra?a und by N r
iii m Jacob? at Union depot. auS?tt
p???:?????:?? KXCl Mioa TO old
by the Richmond ?. . ; V tUtn't I'hri*1
llan Temperance Union f"r the tn'iterit
of the '-ot fun ? 011 Dominion 11 ?pit ?,
THURSDAY. Auxuat IS, UK Whole
tickets, fl; hulf tlcxeta, Cx*. Ti.iln '
Cheaapeake sod ? 'in > <;???..t at I :?? A M :
returning. teavM ??id Point si ?? P. M
Tlck.*t_ f?.r Ml.? by J. A M??rrl*. US r. t
[ Hroad stre.t; ? W. Chelf, Third ?nt
] M??in streets; Park-Place Pharmacy, Bel.
: vider?? *??? Main urt-, .?>, Si-ho'-n's
Eleventh an?l M itn str????. and at ir_ln.
su . : n.n.u ',t
t? aiAQAJU \>n ronotTo.
Excursion ander th?? auspica? >>f the
ladles ?f the Retreat for tit? Blck. l.e_v
in_ ?????f???? Al'Gl'-T .1*1. Sto?,*, at
stanatoti. Watklri's Qlen. ani Ruck *?
Poto, inclu?linjf boa id und drive?,
I?. Apply at the R*tr?_t
LY BX_rUT_D AT Til- l'lM'\t ta

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