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NO RADICAL CHANGES Methods of Instruction at the College to Ii ?filia-ai1 Gradually. si ROOE HI llllll.U VI. 1 ??G.?? \Tt tu:. ??? ii. u.??> Glaaa Wank Tkal Mai Lami t.? ?*????1? nil ?.?Mill?n ?G.?p>.???.?? of ??..? raaaltj arlth Rletarea ??f Ike Sew Miaihi ? a. ? R : arly in Jul r Pi .1 I. : ' ' ' ? ' ' ? t ' 1 , ? . I ? : Borne of theaa : ? ? to enter I . ? larg? I illy tw.? ' I ? ; u ??!? Into - ? I I ? feature ol ? ItilATWr.Ti-.MT. ent ol ? . ? ? ? ild 1 : ? ? inlty to S LECTURES . will ?- i'? r I by th?? Hon. J. I,. : of the Board ' ? rnllOK?? I Ur. H. M. i I ? i Wl'.l ?? ? ? I ? u i will add : 1 life .it ? IN VACATI? ' ' : G I ?'.,.... . ? ta, new ? ,, ? -? ili en? ? irchwa? but through a ? tn wing ol ii- will ?- nahen I Into ? r I-li.? . to tbe I??; in oak, rill add irreal mfort <.f th?? t1 prest ? ' ici the Rail ? ? ? r- H11 M .il I ?? k? It latlon ? ntr.moa the ' ?-!>;. h ? Itlon. it a ? ,i lights ?. ..ii m or a 1 : f r l I M n'a : ? ? ? - ? . .? I: raro, und Will !>? In ?? they ? \ Tin: CAMPI ? known that " ? ? o?' Hit? aill end ; ? i a tl ? gjrtanaalain, ? , ? m '?? .?: 1er. : . ? ? : Bta? ' . ' : R R C. MITCIIKLI* Mint mor? ? rr uttdlog? tene ? and ? ? . nt coi llally ?? ? ?. m "f athli ? ?, , io and b a itlful pAy . Beaded taeUlty for VM M OF TIIK FACULTY. , of th?. raatg ?*??????>? of the ,, ?,,, .... :,t Ibt-t'fiolll Of ..,, an | BB081 dlstln ! ? ,?. ?ors, tbe publie ??ill ba In? . ,,..... ,,.it ? .if th" per ? m? ? irta of inairu'U.r? for tba . legai and la see ubM sori tog mea ina aewly ebcaai inatruct ere. The matter Ibat l.dlow? and - ? pi inn lerearftb presenied will sup ply in b genei il a i) the infartnatkin ?; ilred oa thaaa pelata? 1 ; ifeesor ? liti!.?? 11. Wliiiti-in. who fill? j :? ? ' ?? ralea, la tha nwdor mean? ii ?.- ..i".. hai iiar l" -n .???. ted . ? ? ?? ?? ? p? |? ait ..f - . ? ' .-W.I ? Ir.nuis?, nf tti?? ? ? f Phil :'????. wh ? ???? ch ana In : BL Prof? seer ,i"hn ? ?Hard ? ia ? ; ??, ti..? Chair of Ragtlah in .inn?*. ' ar ? v. 1'? ? ; ?rieht, '. nan teach? . ?? In Hi* fill of um, ? . r .? '. .? ? ? -\ . ?? placed in ! ! a 11 ??, and l'ru ? >: ?: ?int"?? of Hi- Chair af Ma? ? ? in B? pternber of th? ?;?-?-?<? ? M ?' m..?i. 1 l: liai!? r ? ' ? ?.. inlstry, .,. i ? - i. of Latin, ?:?... Dr. ? ....... ha I ??.?.- In,; ift - ' ' ' ? ai y. PRESIDENT fPOATR ?:!?;i?T. ? ? ri? k William i: il ?? ? 1 ' Impresi ?n wherever h ? .? ?,, is a > mg mai of Sa? I ? ? .?. %p ?,;? .. t_? G':? ?'?? IOR ? |f. CARROLL? wl la Inflo? ? ? and rare gil hip and ei ; Va . sp? ..? ??? hood at Marioi 1 and wbei ? ? ? " ? ? to en? ? ? man Of It.. .? apt In ..... ? :n ? I? ? t Mr. f train in, and ' II be able to al ?> to 111 naturally lei man, th? ?., . ,? After grad ? .? ? ?. r of X\ ta, - ? . ... I out bla 1 With a pror? ' ' . . I ? he ti inslat? d f: an . which Irculatton. ? ? ? ? od by tbe I Tru ? ? a ?. ? k unusual hia 1 I and effective ? ;i k ? ;????? ? ?,'. tl - n ui t? ea his un ? ? li vs.?? ma i" at l'r. ii< Ii ... and afterwat prof oi of m . | , ? ? I. I ?.?. ? ? v. .,, ? w bose ?? part in th* ? ? | . ? pi , ir m bla later ? p to blm th? ,.? tbei rnlng aa ?? ? He n.? been offi ? hip In In tl ... | ?? in a Bute t.. tha -????.. - Invita? . With Ms I ' mie lov ?. THK new propesi . -h. like , Ihe pTeeHent, quite young, ?re ? bun in that th y have nal an ? : ? ? ed the e Mism?*?.. ? of , Home of 1 . ?? of this day ' 'eli, of tb? ?'hair of Lit.n. ..- ,? ? her ?.f successful ex ? ? 11 , pi, m. ? in m 1 '1 "t Baptl : ? ??:? :-.!.-. ? ? ? ?. ? Bisei life until hin 17ih, Wbl u Ii?? ? id. :?? t , : ? g | p/fl ?' ?? ? ? Itltlg 111 M*-S tv ith the ?!? ?? ? "' ?. ?., ? .... lau ??? ? ? prat iratory Gn ? k ? -? ran of hi? t-iiiv. As President D?*diey wan PROFESSOR J. M. IK'NTM.l'. Sir. Miti !.? 11 I taught hla claeaea In mental and moral . ?, !. TIM ?? ?? NUI VI !" ? lessor of Or? eh ? nd History In M : h? svai ?? tin m ?? orge? ' toa Bl ? ? \ ear'.- bave of al - ? ?. ??. ??lin u was passed .it ti a Uel? ?,. m ? ! the ? ?.nme > a m ?? l ilaed t . tba ? ? ministry. i'r if? -, or .s. M. Carroll, who will ? .. la but R years old. Me is g vir , gli ? boy, fl M. A. of Ml limon.1 ? 1 a Pli. D ?f Johl H< ; klni ITnivei . baa ??!?? ? gradua! a Berlin an l ?.? : .,. ', rmany, under Brugman? and ! ("rutili??, and I ifl I id ? ?] ? rlettCC I ' ? lnr. He is e nmn ed Bne mannen and ? ment, an 1 lias mad?- a Spleo lid Im Ing the brief lima apeot here ? , 11 Pr. J ?-? ? n R itua Hunter, of tt,?? Chcm ! irtry Ch in-, :?? ?fl S || ?if Wake 1 ? It ,-, and a Ph D. of Jol : - Hopl Ina ' G?!?,?.!-". Ha ana at Johna-Hopkina I Univi ralt) foi r :? ara, an ? held aa . irahip tba ? ntlre ttase, ? He baa tanghi thr..- yean one nt Waka ? ?? : and m ? at <?M:k"-h Mniv | 1 SS ta, M- Ll a man O? fuie : ' ? , btful maim? ? 1- - ???. Della iStcvptu. <?f Poxton. Ma?? arito*: 1 bav?? always eilt!. r<? from ?,-.? hereditary Sci?fula, f??r winch I tried __. vari'.iw romcdiei. miri irv.ny reliable _.?"( |.Iit.i.*??m?, lau non? r?:u ????.Ime. After! "Fj taking .1 li>!?, l.-iof _J 1 uni tiow well. 1 ?\.l sui v.rv grateful v y ?" you, a? ? ????? : i that it ? ?ved me from a lif>? of un? told agony, and ?diali taWi.'|?lea.ure In ejwaku.g only nord ? of praise for ili?? wonderful m?>d , a ^ eli??, and in rocom?ii??n<iliia It to all. Treatise on II -.1 and .**?m ??;-???..- ? ,j; " I tre: io any ad? aveaa SWIFT SPeaPIC CO , AUanU.. Qs. ? ? THETHONEANDFAtt Talking All Over tbe Connty < Angosta. At l7\(ll\\Ui: I*i ?TAl'tTOt. AH thr l.lnr? lo Ile < ?innected? A Vi-ry Merry ?4 'tir? Two Rival \? ?oelnltona sin ?. ??? ??????? Wurm? I'e? .I, I Coll,'.. BTATJrfTON, va . Attgtatt ii-fRp-Mai > IB tl?,?? past six month? A ??"ur.ty ha? been rami'i'-d with I", ,1 telephone Unen, bo that w??lLnlgh every | ? -??toads If ci:?.? ? !? 1 by v. ,?? ariti Si n * ??, and Um ' Untl?n*?u? bulattoa of the bells" rincs wuh Miaoal from Rocltlagbam to Mo, abridge, fr? m the Blue Rldga on the ? ? ? ? an tora tba aim . Ailegl ???ta?. Thai ; not 1" en b-iilt for pub? lic pr.tit, but m rely for the aoavealenoa of tb?? ?a?(,.--. They are mutual ? ;? rnUve et*?mpnalea. They bas.? proved to ? ? ? f im limable hem Bt to city and ?..?:?.? day Iba l?rmen lucen .-???? called up by Stnaaton, and tb?? day'?, pel ruling in the dty ? rketa ?!?? detall I to nil Who muy 1"? ? ! ? be fare ? r ? in m. ? ? t , brim,* to town hla products w hen ' ? ? ? ? ? mm t favorable to him, and ? heat, wbu.. ? ? tbe I of communi, iti m \? Ith l it adirasi id' in ? np b m il ir ? lo h ot fana 11 ? duet-?. ??.???. ti.? ? ?rari ,. ? ? ma, tnough running to Stana ton, hi !? p? rident of und dia? ti ! with ? ICh 'ther. ? i.:? ? tlttg of the valions let? real .. aa ? ? ? ton ??? rfected, by Which all tb" county lines will run entrai each isga la at ? mtoa, which ?s p ?i ,f?y faclillala buaim ? ? ? gag, thi: SEVER si, minks. Th" ||nea tbui tmnnected ar.? tba Swoon? e, 11 'phonea; the Plab envllle-B irt? rbrook line, SJ 'pbofl a; Sub ? ? rdi va, und ? w?, ?? ! line, :??'? 'phoni . t? ?? ?? w ???? e and Crii ion Une, the R Une, .? ? ? ,?. ? t? li ph .n.- Ubo, piercing Auguri ?, and sei ? Han ? burg Ni a Mark? t. ? i ' . ?. wtth 11 - ?OQ 'pboBi - M la though! ' ?, tl i Iba Bl lunton end Mob? t? rey lin , ??, milee \? ng, can be li ? s' f Engt md, a daughter ot ' the Que n'a chap! lini at XV ? si aoa'fl n ? ' ? - " Ethel / ni !.. of Mm . ire in Aliga ? ? ta ;> g enti ri lim ? by ? ' ?, ?? ir Hebron. Blas Ab ?? \. II ? .turn to the old country In a few daya. The ': ?? m I MC Jett, of Bmmaauel ! ? il church, is rujo; log hla meni at Clifton . ? v. ?. Hutchl ?eon, A. Tny II) r and Prank ? ?? Pari md bava meri from a ti ob the ? ',.!,, ??? hi? canoe, ? m l ,rk? I t Du III '?' l Mill '. ei?' mil?-? fr?m od ' hei "? via Port Re pi bile had ? thrilling? 1 me In ? th? rai fi lade ih rivi r, Th* Bl Rivi rt'.n, ;.? ? ? ? rt boa \. > tir?. ? . . 'i ? ? r??', a p? 1 I : ? aiti ba , , . ? tl Rev, v>'. I !'? 'V.'uMti. D. li. of ' n c, who was yean ; | ?pastor of this a Birri latioa, /? ? being hi lirai ? ?thi r mini ? ire ? ?? eted to be ? . ^, ? is In tl ? Intereetlng ;-, exercise? a big dinner a III i?. aervi ! during the day, nadar tba ?. .} ,- d.? of tha g? ?ve. ??.-? Lottie and Palsy MuuMm, rt rrarkf'it, Kv, danghl rs Of Mr. nnd Horatio ? Maaoa, ar?? being eater tain d by their aunt, Mra, John Blackley. Mr. ?u. ? Mra. Gill eri ?J. ?Child b tve aa , . t Miai n t klna, a M bile ? ? Ile, ?? Al ? ? ?? ? ?:.f Ck tri 'ti.?. %? c?, la liera vtettlag big father, Dr, ? Miai Ellen Onlgoa, ef Wchmond, i*. spendine n..? aumtn? r In Btnantoa with ber relative, Mr?. Cheel? y Klna? y. Mr. Prank V. Whittle, of Richmond, ?:? - *m . k with hia chil? ar n. who ?!, it the home of their grand? .?. Mr?. Lewis w : A MERRT WAR. ? la a m rry war going on h ?re be? tween the Baldwin Dlatrt? ? Fair ' ?. and tha Viri ? Live Stock ? tlon. two ' rganlaatloni ara fi-ro?? ri I I ? to reven th.. phll m < I turai 1 iw thai "two bo lb s e inno! ?.??.?ni y tii?? *-?.??? ?? t the Bama tlm??." The Baldwin Pair Aae? latlon, whtcb t*? an inrrtltut?rn, .?"ni?? yeast sold Its grounda and bulldinga t.? ti?,?* city, with certain provi earing .?? ; u au dly bold ita eshl? ? v a rivai organisation wis chartered Ihe Live Stock Aaaodatlon. ? ' * ? ' a i- .tii?* tini- ... . ired the dt] to > t?aed it?? dat?e u.? s? ? . to Uth, both Inclusive. At the City ? tini thla \* ? k, nel William ?. Craig, aa oonna ; toi th.* Baldwin people, addreaaed tha Coun? cil, ? nvelghlng ag ? ? I by the Uva stock crowd, as prejudicial to hia elk bi ?' lnt< ri ta, ? Idlng 'lait ?. bel I at th?? time pi ?: ? M I vi ni 1 ???n.n? tha cream." aad Rave the ? r ! mtlb t . th?? older organisation. . Mr. R. B. Key appeared for ti.?? Btock AeaodaUoa. The Council .lid nuin I ing eoncluatva at thla meeting, Lati r la tha week Mr. J. lahaa l'rait, secr?-tary of the Baldwin Dlatrlct Pair , Aaao?ation, addreaeed a letter to Mr. Heber Ker, the live stock secretary, in l forming him that the Baldwin Aaaoclatl ? : ?... I thai . the d itea claim ? bj Mr. Ker"i itea. And ! ' OH to-day. \\ ? it tha outcome will he is dltecnlt to '? d? termine. PARR s. ?i.D. Mr Charlea ? Dlereea, of itlchmond. to at th?? administrator's valuable farm of the lata i? D Coyner, situ?t ? araae iw ? at ? ? from Wayneaboro'? I? the richest farmi'. : : Aug i*t ?? Th? **HHckory uri" property iva.? tn ,?' ? ? in the ? ????. aad tne price paM arae ????? _ _ l?r H. M Atkinson was at th?* Qreen briar White Sulphur Bprtaga thu a ak, bavins ?"''' ?-*?*? ? ?? ?"*" a P????*?* ?hare. Un ('"lu? Balle, .ir. of ? ? who haa haea the gaeat of her moth? la law, Urt. Columbia Halle, of Wast End, t )eft'wednesdaj foravi It ta the Oaaadlaa summer renorta lira Henry l>wight r?ck, of **Mont aomery Hall.?* left W?rdneeday to visit frlenda in Boatoa, Pra*/Meace, and Hart Mr William Offcaea and family, of Richmond, are vtoHlag Mr. T. s. Baga head at stri!.im? Bprtaga Mr CharRa D. Dealt, editor of the Sa? ltili Tliaea-Resleter, was on uur i?tret-ts Wedn? Mr Jr,hn S. Peck, of the Westlnghoune Electric ?Company, of Pittaburg, after a m ntb'a vi'.ition. apant with his i?.?r ? ta ,vr and Mra Baa** Darlght Parar, ha.? r.'tnrn.'.l to the "Minaky City." Mr mid M? Charlea ?-?. Teaa? of Ciiaiiottaavi i-, have been apeadlas several alth r.latlv.s ta M, George P. WUeoa ?ntertalned a .elect number ol friends at h?t home ?Puesdiy evculng. the occaak*. b-lng In of ber guest. MRa Bewea, of "AaT'evenlna a taMMM d.nelna Bertr?n- given by Mr aad Mr.. Rl?haro Catlett at thedr himds?me home ou Mail ???'? lidi in compliment to their cusin. All?g Er*klne, of Hunt', Ala. DI.ACKSHI RO. 1 An Enlertnlnln? I.nine of noil? lat?an Temala ?????p?????. mi.ackhi'.mim;, \a.. Anajraal i??.?ispe , ,. , LAtataa ini ???ana t. Knbrht. Mnit-'i State? ititiy, near stationed in nifhmtnl la ??1 srenfM a ??. rest of ?r. ?1? ? in?!? r Ubi ?. ot our town, haviiu? nrrfved bb Ital ai to) toat, Ha ? on a vl-it to his family, svi." are .pending the ? ?luir. .- bere. Be ? ?jri lami the an other "... ?n drilgbtfttl .'iitra-t to that < x p rienc? ? in Bh i : m, ?,? ? ? ? liag ? very entcr lainlng ?.nu?' ? f hall ti , ? etwcea ti,H ? . Bliig ben d irittg II a , . ? t-iim. corono?? ? of viali ? . H imi n "f re? hide?, gayly I ,?? '?"?"' '" yellow, came 0? r from ll ? ??prhssa q '???>? ? irly, Tba . ?..? arbl ii ntni la t ? -? ' tal an ordinary ? ouatry s. ? ? niti pretty piri-. I**r ? ertolo tba air re l with T'Ho**" Sulphur ch-? r? and yeito. MASVN TENNIS ASSOCIATION. A toara Itmala ? waa or ganlz' i m Bla asbur? ? ? ? K ird ,?. ? ?-> ? Hl 1 ' fanil i!*? of th? fa? ulty and o ne of tl ,;. ?t. of tii.ii? ge. Had, r it? au ,t ,, ; .. | t tarnameat haa b n arn f I ! ? , riatloB la i"? ? !. aa a lo ?? n n io play ? ! ' Professor XV, n. Barton paid ?.ut ? ara IVe, k. ma fi!? 1, .- HI ti,.. ',. 1 pl< ?ed al I e, but regi . iry lo rem ?h ri Mi. Ernst, of New T?vh city, ls vtett? i,,,. r loi ? m. f. Shank . ,.? Klee, of CI iriOtt? ?ville, ? . ? ? r M c. ni,?.?, of th? -?. vvid spi ? 1 a month ? . ? ? ? .? ? r and Bi ? Palmer, a d hter ol H. F r, arh il imlly are at pi ? ' ' ' ' hr.r.?, i. ft for the ???? Bbrt r Whll w eh ? ! D, C Shankfl BBd party leave , .?, m od iy fi r M< untala Lake for, ? brief ?my, after whi b they ?in go to th..? m ? ini I ? ?? ? SUI] I .r for the ? ? main 1er of the inuner. Mr. Jam s Ri II. ??? Mrir firmer anil ? ,.f- pal. ki, baa bei ? on a ?isti ?, M.?- Dr, ?? ??! ' ' - s'.'.'it? r M Pli ? ". Tu ' , . unty Court, had Intendi I to at? tond tii?? rm etlng of the Vlrglnl I - , it n, bul a enavoidably d< from doing .-?>. MM ss.s S INSANE. rjbaatabla Altieri deliver? I to the Jailer oa th?? uh a lunatic, named Henry .????. ? : i. who s ? ma ? ? be elol ni aane Be i? briglnnll fi .??? Pranklln county, bul two killed a darky In Salen? it ? ma after this t.. hai - '' BM) a wai ? ? ! ' D ?'' ' a -f th?* earth, aad recently weal to Mr? Milliard'?, the wife ? ;' Judge Bli 11,11?. 1 .d m ? I), of ? oriol ?? rummer home near Sha Ws vil le, \'. a Biting for an I :t up there, and Mia. Billiard was ver? I t. him A iny or two alt ? ? ? . thlblt? ? ????in?? r latola, an ! comn ? ? In a reel : ? ? : ' can ?? alai bm I ai 1 for th? The latici ?? I? r? d i. m t ? :. n\.. the ? I ? ?. l threatened t.. kill th?? officer. Be a reati ? and pi ed in the county Jail Sii I . ? ? he haa I a ver) I th-it ? ' ? Fine?? ? for auch un? forttmatea than Impi ? in oui ? un ty Jailr. ' ' ' . -hnrsr. who his been visiting In tha county ritic? th?? early ? tri of June, taf| r?? cently for Wythevllte where ???* wail -. ' ? . family ol r. a. a. ? , ?? n. Prof error aad Mr? Campfa il ai I are abeenl from the college on a bri * V?it to ? I frten nx xx > laertlle Ratertalaiunita. WTTBBVILLB, va.. Augnat k?(Spe? cial ' Rm -i n. Ewald ? ? a delta ?? fui ree ?al?n t . ber dau tei Cinta aad Ella Ewald . ? i.t?.??. at th?-!r prati ' I ? ?un . , .i!.d coni don SII? ? up tha ? ? The s . ?:-. ? . : le cntei talnmenl of thl ? week waa tta ? i in last < nUig b) ?? -? ?. ? ' Brown, In ? ta hei gueet Uiaa Bornaby, ol ??? ? vine, Coi th? pa ?pta muet he tu? ? f daaetag, Mra Brown tied ? ? 'k? -w ilk" ta tha dlver? ilon of tha hour. 1 ? ? aa di ?a for tl.-lr ? BO rt 1, an 1 th B, Bla ' I at ? tini-, promenadi ? around tti- pretty, cake, ? lei n< I with bl ? almond?, wblcl enthroned in the middle of it. ? ? rler ti *er. m -? j?ir\ a, ol PeUroharR **took the . ?.?." while m..? r ?;> rga it. i1 mn ?? a t?,,. i? ?bj pria ? '-? ?? ? ? ? larg? ; gintfcii'i? ? l hot M? rrj coat raatlon land d?-i!?'i'?ns refreahmente, beaatifully ! served, follow? ! thli bevel amua ? RSTCEFTION. Onu- Bf M. ? in t d lu?ht ful and ta SUtl fui eetertalnmenta ei r given la Wythe? villa a 's tbe r- pH ?b on Tl ? tune green by Br aa ? Hi* J ueea Smart w.-.i.i to tbelt a and Mr. Edith Van ? f. ? t '?'? a H imi .s <-i? ?r, f'di ? ? ? ? ' ' ir-Uka Lncand? scent II bl < hung ?m mg th? , ???., d ti parie pretty I i?rrn, v.l.: b waa 1 ' ' r ,l" ? ? in.iiv g?? iti Bra, tVar I aad r calva m ? nt. n ikiBg a prett) ti Comforu ?"en acati I il Bea waa atn ? .-,:... ??] :., by ?? ? r: ?beri c ? te M 1 Mrs. ta K. M- \vM. ?" I fo II , i bande I the deUci ua suppei II was truly aa Ideal fully pn H tad over by th.- gn - , aa ? i.?, Mu n.u,". frit raj aa ? bar alati r. it.,? Gertnaa Club had their a dance Wednesday ereiltes of this b h at Hotel Boyd. Mina Puntu? Harr!son, Bf Maiinton, ssho ? ? been oae of 1 eaoon't rea for her ? ?.?.,. tau, ,. ,? , , , Harri A niueh t.? the re? ar? t of Bumerou? frii ? ?? s Dai.-v Dew, ? tiiust lov.'.y young ? .,? r l?ly bl at her home, on Ch ,i b su? ? t. Mi William Dear. "' OooraSa, is tl ,t lns his parents h'C Le? It? El???? Perennal?. LFXINMTON. VS., August R-iSpe d ,?., <;. ? ? ral Scott Salan is at the : ?*? ''''"? .- . , ... mi - i: eren of New ?ork. is th? eu?"?* of Mm Itola R Mr Krank Neloott, of < hattanoona. Tttm,, is si.-itir.i ?? to, tPnfaaaor . ai.d Mrs. A. U N'tM'd,. Mr and Mrs M C H< sward, of Wh'fe Hall, S. ('., are tarn ftttt of Mrs. ?. M Campbell _, _ , ,, Mr and Mrs. W. T. S?iU-Ms are at the , while Sulphur Sprlnia M -s Nettie Ca?d?'? ta ln I."'inoke Misa Jennie Bacon is the gm at of the Mil I EBtlll. ne ir Wa vuMb ir.V. m,., Joel a ?dahy. ? I ?Jobito. Aia., is Visiting li-r mother, Mrs .1. .!. S\ hlte. Co'.?and Mr? .1 M II. Ro-s baver? turned from the Orecebrler VVI Mis- ? Car:'? and Minnie Ph-i-on ar? ?risitlng at Button, XV. Va. Mr John Oilmen Of lUMmond. I? th gaoat of hi* pnrtmia, Mr. and Mrs. 8. I-' Miases Lucy an I Mattia Varm r are v> Itiaa ut Houston. Halifax county. Mrs .1. u. Dorasen is the gw*t ot n? r ?Ister Mis. A. M. Pauten. MMs.? Agne? and Kluabeth lln?? ar?? visiting at the oountry home o? Colonel A S liuford. on Jam-3 river. ' Ms M.rrell ar.d Hies CbrletT. Bf Wa?h Instan city, are th?? irne?!? of Ktaa Mardge Paxton. of Washington. D. C Mr an.l Mrs ?. M Madiden are vlslt ??'? the Ml*?e? Pemil? on. at the "/iBea." Mr ? M. Varner. of StaUBtOB, Is veil? ing his brother. J. A. R. Varner. \WiB & SONS' AUGUST SALE. Our last biff sale cleared out cvcrv line of the Mg purchases we m:u!e the first part of June ot _____ nr.nuf'.cturcrs who came to us for relief?who were eager enough to sell St ?ur own ligure* ?^T-We?? acknowledged we a?k bi?? purchases than we could sell in the regt,? uX?TSmo-th., bat /MrF.MAiV^CrL^-S'COSrnie.uit selling ,t wholesale price Wc .lit! it in our Grand Inventory Sale.?We'll do it ?again with tins second vast purchase the later part of lune. This annual August Sale will witness such slaughterings that the peo i^a th merchants will again stand agape ami talk about the thousands we re l.,,,,g. Huta ?dhion confronts us?we are overstocked?we must have the room tor lie lall ,?i.?ds. so co ?c long with vour purse in vour hand ; you'll he greeted with prices so low they I look strange ; ?0,1 the goods are all right. But TOO have our guarantee on that pomi. Our maxim, ??,-?, ced J admt*ed,?i? far too well known to let doubt be more than ? beting shadow. ??,? unsatisfactorv purchase l.v mail bj our oufof-town patrons may be returned at our ex? Dense. A house full of Travelling Hags at cost. LUCES. If wc took the Laces in this store, strung them ont, end to end, it'd be enough to girdle the earth. Colossal quantities?in? finitesimal amounts '. Vfl '????. '' ra, and Better-Color Lacee, ta? ci u Un,- n? t ? ? i, up !.. ? j. inchea wl le, will be '? for Sc. ? u I. tti u jrou will acknowledge yo? oft ? pe?1 Se. for. ? t da V* ? -, Trou Tree, ?? top!?. up to '.a in? ?-.? ? ?vi if. t.a ba ? ii ? for Be. yard, aome ol which aoM for ? . t .-?"?? und? r 1 c irai ?. Vojuiyba ani Ball r Collar affecta .ind ? atilda that aoM fbr G, . li and 51 tf jrour ? All-Over Trou-Trou BwIm Embroidery. >.- b.-!. r, will ? I '? : yard. ' -' ? ? All-Over Kmbrnld arj ?will ba aol ? tor Be, rant Ubi" Embroidery on Navy-Bine and m ick nain - k in ? carni : le grotti . patterns f.t te. yard; 8, 1?), U ? te. pati ; ? for le. rar? Since Inventory aa ha ? Ived np r Swlaa BmbroMerlea, fi an I lo '-'" ? ? rard. SHUIK SILKS that rustic with a feminine de? light?-that's made many a heart beat with tumultuous joy. "XutT sed "?the prices make possession easy. Bl ???'-. Ih, w?irrnntp.l pur^-?tlk, ? ? ; ret rea ni ich ThS ? ' t'K'in-s. etc., warranted pure silk?entire ,???. Black ? ? ? 1 ? Ih, Un il otr?,r . .??., {i Una, toe.; UM UMBRELUS. ? few to give you a glimpse of a store full at prices that know no competition. ita acock, r. "? Twiii bearlns the famoua bran I "Utoi la Serge," made with ? ftm?, el Ik-crochet rlnj-H, ,?\;? ,-i bi il 'i roda-Jtl for lidi?-.?-' hai II? men'a, lacs1 i;?.? : . .' :t ; ? -? . ',{ of Lidi'?*.' M-urn in?, ? ml -? na.-. Rngllah gloria, aa ? to ban 11? HANDY FOR MEN. The Men's Funiishin?*; Coun? ter? and such prices! They make the si ?called Men's Fur? nishing Store quake svith fear. Von know the " regular price" of all these?i.imvrn th.e"McYer's Price." Th? men's furrlshlne; counter ??ems to gi w m m n'? ?? Ing a it ?? ? il? ..? Men's Full-Slae ss he ? H. s. Handker? chief?. 6e. Fully KO M? n'a C? ' ? ! B rderi ! H. s. .- all thu ne iti -t i" and 12c. 1 ? I, for .???. eai h, I ?! ? ?., - Bl ?? 8 mini r Suspei many different olon ? ich pair warrant? ed ?- ; ?-, t 10c. ? u h. i" doten pairs ?ten'e Mlaed Beamleae s ?-, . pair s ou m iy Bol ta H va it, bul they ara s? ami? 100 dosen Men'i M e, Hermsdorf-dyA perfect ? ? ? pair M. n'a Sllk-FMnleri, Thln, Pine Tan Socke, ? Or their Bocka should ae? these at 12 l-lc Men'? ?-- '' G? mg Leather-Belt?*, ex? tra wide, rim st >? ??, reale Shirts, stirr boaom?, two arpante ? ??? , nd eep ira"? ? ach .m : rvery p?lr, without any re? : ta to ? ; ml lly, f? r Ile. each. SUMMER UNDERWEAR, when yon need it. And this great l-'se. sale will close out many lots at the Summer Under? wear Coonter. II Lie, ? ,.-k'-t ii-'-iiidea i.'i.*-? niaek -, m 'i 1.1.1 Iggan Mams ? ? S ? ts that wei . . ?. Mel ? . thlt v M.?., for U l _? . ?' ?.- AND ?.II. ? ? ', ?Z V'arsi ? I did , .v.o - ? ?-. ... for ?t? . ,/.. n to HOUSEHOLD WANTS. Savings fot thrills? house? wives?How much? Get out pencil and paper?von know what they ordinarilj cost. m ratta of our ?? i-l ?. Reversible ?'hi: a .Slatting will iiL? ? ? : , ? ?-:? ?? our Pull-Site Be Mar? ti, lili Q ??.?- ? , be ? Id ? ?r He, aeh A bale of 1 ? .-.? us bv a ? . ? earlier than .. ? m be clot d out : ir In. ec? co .m , ? : ? ? ? sqt ?? ?. fr * t l< ? ili pnttU r Mian any . >. ? . rat saw. BOYS' KNEE PANTS. Closing out BOTS1 Knee G.-it.ts Suits?light Pattern? are mark? ed down first. M of eat Or.iv and ????-k and Hl?*l< ; ?AM .--.lit?, alara ? lo U yo?", la I M 1 "ut fr 11 ?'?? ? >t r-ult. ? lur reearve st...-k .'f Oalataa Cloth Saltov Blonee-Sutte fur boya, 3 t.? ? y.??, t? be pi....? .?n sii.? t?i:?i W'-fk. Thaaa na perfectly fr?*?h. ?t???? ?.? aa wtaaami ? ail Maaoa. and rani .?-a.?? af ?a . ? ? rar) ia k a eoa b ? gotten for Tic. ? ?: c. .?. m. n ???? b ?y in m Her aaat paar. M paira Boye* Ce* ? ??">? Paata alaM 4 t ' 1 for C9e. etieh i.?? paira "f th?? Un. -t Imported W'.r-t rl l'.nt*. f.*r l.'ss, l t?? Il >? ?r*. thit \"ii caaaot match nadar 11.25. I'??". an?i t? tu 1.?? aoU Coff :".?. - i.'h. o?.) pain II?Il and Timida n ivi ? Penta, half-wool <__ imi, all w '1, I 0. ? ur NAVY-BLUE DRESS GOODS stocked up here at prices that show no profit-thinking; no thoughts about cost. I ; ?? -, ? u h '?iff? real pat?? rai of all? Jet H! t? k Figur? ? Bllh-ttnloh i ?? ai? ri, -tu. oar Wc, atylee, la hi .? tat ???;. ? raid. i , fairly f>l.i V 1.100 SOI ?inti J ?? ? AU tl tot lo. ??? th- le. aad ? ? ite, UM ll nn ? . ' a ?'j?.'. ?II I ? ? it-Silk Qauae . ? a ria.? taaa, lue. or Blach - ?. l'ai.?, pala* l. Il l :e. Bl h S c ? im.. ? ? k Patta, ?M a u u ta c t u re r s ' samples? made to sell at wholesale at prices bigger than these: a i.?t of ? *er_ ? imple i>.iirn nt ' art .in.*., M ? I iir of a J il t rn from nJI to ??,. ? aia toa treat ? ? ? *'.? ft tlm pan Ala ?, ami ifa unplea o? .?.ihx??? II tripe (t 1-2 rae) of Lane ?'nr i iting ?: ? an l Ils tor M the TJ ?- .'trip? nnd ?1 iarda) of i'nr tatna ??roctlng ti t?> tfr i^r ?? . the stria, A Square Shoe Deal! Fourth Week, Commencing OUR August 12th. ANNUAL CLEARING SAIwB! August 12th, Beginning 9 o'Clcck, THF. FOURTH WEEK OF OL'? 4TH Annual Clearing Sale. WK will admit that many Shoe? have walked away troni our shi-lv.-s sine?? the beginning ol this tale. Still wiA ao large a stock ir takes time to close them all out WK DO NOT proniiee ai many ; lizea and widths in every cats as you found on previous ?lavs of this-alt?. "Shoes don't grow.' BUTv,,u wi-1 lil1'1 umn-v ,,:irKains :in(l tter 1'ilIo:illls if your feet will lit. Small Lots of Fine Shoes Carried to the Butcher 50c. 1 lot Cbtllrnus Biaoi aad rea?trai?e. HO .OC. ?:,,.? ?r-t ?earth a .1. llar. Mii???. Btrai Hin I'l-r?. Sen ? Ooze 1, Ii.f ?utV lau Uil'uO. TOC? 1 lot lilies' Tan 11"*. w ?Ih 11.50 ?m.t mai 1 tiillren'e l m -?'???? linei But? tili aa 1 M.u.-u??? La Bie?? aad Si.?.<??'Whit? s licori.. 1 li?e -h er? boye i*i? suoe?. 98c. H,vV Tan. Cal'. Berta? heel aad h-: ?., ?.? ??? i a Bl We ?ardi 11.'?'?? 1 m ;. t ?,' Tea ?a ' ' ' , n'i Kl?ok Twin Strap Opera?. $1.25. I |al t???*? Vici ?? |?,: 1- 111 ?.|uaie a?.?! I tors, recuiar rala? a.'? Lesea au ? Can? "t?---. I.i!-?' Tan I ????> Bboaa? $1.49* 1 ruck of La jies' Fine Ox fords ar.d Sam? ole Shuts. $175? ah ?estai of a.'."<o Ha'id-aale Ties re? duced to ??.15. (io <1 etO-E of ?Me? ?fid a.dttiso?? tial. $1.98. Men? Tan ini 1'? tent L?a:h'.-r. Lr. im?, BJ .--a? e?. Mea ? ?:? Shoes, all r-? ??' ?? t?. II.UM $2.48 11 I 13 f'tt a pi?! of I I ? 1 ?? Positiv? 1 arga u? lu Sum I -t?.-. i' have |deaty u ime to ?rir tti?ni. rut w?* ?? . ??' ???" ? eat aear? ie isaael ? r ?n'-urfo .1?. (wo? i'l M ILLY adding mall loti as our stock liae? are .? k. w out' Bargain Tallies and BsA*eti in a ?-7 '. . ..I I . _. r. ~...n ...?? ?.? thi, con ; 1 ??.'. for oho?.' ehoppeii generally. ** t: SHOE HOUSE, 3" east Broad street. 18 18 O 8 ? o o o o ? o o DCOOOOOCOOCO If You Know tt all about Tooth-1? w- V/ tiers?in short are an ex? O pert??a chemist, why it'-? Q sate enough buying tooth- si powders from an\bud ? (\ ?and everybody. Vv BUT if you're not ;t tooth-pow? der expert?better go to sorfle reliable pharmacy that backs up their tooth power with a reputation. We have a tooth-powder that is in everv respect as good a powder as Cat** bolized Myrrh is a mouth wash. ? plain, inexpensive wooden bov costs LOc, ; a glass, screw-top bottle, 2?5c T. A. ?.?-LER, ? ??? A?\D BROAD. 8 8 CarboIl/eJ Myrrh Is the purest Mouth W_h. A 2??. bottle lasts two months. OCCOOCCOCCXCC (?.Uli?-:. SSI DBJTleTB. IMPOHTAN G Nt/TICE. I'ntll 0.'??????:? I, l"%. me __TJ work at th? following 11 .HO .5???. F ill Sfts L'itper and l.'?w-r.. Is to 110 I :? lr_-ti..n "t ! <??!1? Crow ne, <:?? ? ai ? l'a eialn G?p i*e Werk a it very Ion? prie? ? w,? guarantee tr.?? aaaae ??ir?? and tho? rougfineae ?*?? n.?\?? ..Iwa?* Iren giving, hi? ? ?murant ..'1 our ?work ? ? Vi ? DA VISON, ? ? ?? Jy IN-F.Sii&Wlni? ???-? e?M Main ?met. MULE MILLINERS I J. H. D1CK?RS0H 4 CO., 140-? east M uhi atri-ot, ?.an! FAfTiKaitH or poni nsiwHi saieae^ hriumb**. AMI ? UU.AH*?. WhulMaU an-1 Serta* _ J* H-W.rasa BOOK AND JOB I'KINTINO NEAT? LT SXRCtTB I ?Jk ll-?-UOl-l